REGISTER Were Annonnced at That Time Will' in Europe
r*," Be Invested it! U . S. Is M isle d on Spain, D e n ve r C ou p le Find.“L®clf/,!beriChamberlain on Jan. 21 + + The -Very Rev. Moniignor week’* ‘‘Denver Catholic Regis A prominent Denver couple who spent six months and Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation William J. Kelly will be vetted ter.” They are the Rt. Rev. Mon- traveled 8,000 miles in Spain returned home with an en George E. Cranmers Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1950—Permission to Reproduce, Except on with the robet of a Private signors John P. Moran, Leo M. tirely different estimate of that nation and its government Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Cbemberlain to Hit Holinett, Flynn, and John Judnic. than is usually conveyed by the press of the U. ,S. Mr. and Viewed Spain Pint XII, in ceremoniet in St- Mery’t church, Colorado Springt, Mrs, George E. Cranmer found Spain the most favored spot With Open Minds on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 4 p.m. Holyoke Girl in Europe today, and have high Archbithop Urban J. Vehr will Enters Novitiate praise for the people and condi music in Dresden, Germany, de officiate in the ceremoniet. tions there. clares that “it is tragic that we Montignor Kelly, who it tuperin- Mr. Cranmer, former director have been fed such false propa tendent of tchoolt in St. Mary't of parks and improvements in ganda about Spain. Why have parith, wat one of a group of Denver, and his wife went to we senf aid to Salazar, to Tito, DENVERCATHaiC four priettt in the archdiocete Spain last March as tourists in and to Peron, and have refused whote reception of Papal honort tending to stay but a short time.
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