
Be Invested it! U . S. Is M isle d on , D e n ve r C ou p le Find.“L®clf/,!beriChamberlain on Jan. 21 + + The -Very Rev. Moniignor week’* ‘‘Denver Catholic Regis­ A prominent Denver couple who spent six months and Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation William J. Kelly will be vetted ter.” They are the Rt. Rev. Mon- traveled 8,000 miles in Spain returned home with an en­ George E. Cranmers Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1950—Permission to Reproduce, Except on with the robet of a Private signors John P. Moran, Leo M. tirely different estimate of that nation and its government Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Cbemberlain to Hit Holinett, Flynn, and John Judnic. than is usually conveyed by the press of the U. ,S. Mr. and Viewed Spain Pint XII, in ceremoniet in St- Mery’t church, Colorado Springt, Mrs, George E. Cranmer found Spain the most favored spot With Open Minds on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 4 p.m. Holyoke Girl in today, and have high Archbithop Urban J. Vehr will Enters Novitiate praise for the people and condi­ music in Dresden, Germany, de­ officiate in the ceremoniet. tions there. clares that “it is tragic that we Montignor Kelly, who it tuperin- Mr. Cranmer, former director have been fed such false propa­ tendent of tchoolt in St. Mary't of parks and improvements in ganda about Spain. . . Why have parith, wat one of a group of Denver, and his wife went to we senf aid to Salazar, to Tito, DENVERCATHaiC four priettt in the archdiocete Spain last March as tourists in ­ and to Peron, and have refused whote reception of Papal honort tending to stay but a short time. even to admit Spain into the wat announced Dec. 7. He ended up by staying there six United Nations? Can it be that it months, and Mrs. Cranmer, three is because Spain is the only coun­ Denver Rites Jon, 28 and one-half months. Trips to try that has defeated the -Com­ Invettitnre of the three Do-' England and France convinced munists?” mettic Prelatet whote honort them that Spain was the best place (The complete text of an REGISTER were annonnced at that time will' in Europe. article by Mrs. Jean C. Cran­ take piece in the Denver Ca­ The couple, both non-Catholics, mer on what the diicovered in thedral Sunday, Jan. 28, at 4 went to Catholic Spain with open Spain ii printed on page 2 of VOL. XLVI. No. 19. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 DENVER, COLORADO p.m., with Archbithop Vehr of- minds. Their tour of Spain was thi( edition.) Mr. Cranmer Mra. Cranmer iciating, at announced in latt entirely independent—they went ------, ---- where they pleased, and saw ev­ erything. They were accompanied on two months of their tour of Spain by Miss Bemardine Kirchhof of Den­ ver, who also has the highest f words of praise for the Spanish Littleton Parish to Open Grade School people and the country. ‘'Spain is building,” says Mr. Cranmer. Its cities are putting up Pupils' Tribute to Archbishop more buildings, public and private, W ill Begin Classes Next Fall than all the rest of Europe to­ gether. The Spanish people are our Dorothy Ortner, daughter friends. They were the first to of John Ortner and the late fight Communism. They look well- In Parish Hall Finished in May Mary Ortner of St. Patrick’s par­ fed and well-dressed. I was im­ ish, Holyoke, Colo., was received pressed with their cleanliness and into the novitiate of the Sisters of with the large number of children, The Rev. Frederick McCallin, pastor of St. Mary’s church, Littleton, an­ Loretto at the Foot of the Cross showing vigor, vitality, and moral­ nounced at the Christmas Midnight that he plans' to open a parochial at Nerinx, Ky., on Dec. 8. Miss ity. When you see, a county Ortner speift a year at Loretto out children, it is a sure sign it is school in September, 1951, in the parish hall that was completed in May of Height* college, Denver^ before on its way down. We did not see this year. The plans have been approved by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. entering the religious life. Her children elsewhere, especially in name in is Sister Mary France. The hall, built at a cost of $62,000, was designed by A rchitect Roland Dolorose. “I believe the common people Linder for-simple conversion to use as a school. It has a full garden- of Spain love Franco. They and level basement and a top story. Its over-all measurements are 40 by the people of Portugal seepi to be the most satisfied in Europe. 100 feet. Our Century Most Inhuman Spain can put a great army in the The basement has a room capableipac field—possibly 2,000,000 men of seating 300 people, in adaition and our military is interested All Saints" Parish to a fully equipped kitchen, rest deeply in th a t” In History Because, World Mrs. Crajmer, whose education rooms, and a meeting room. Two included two years* of study of First Masses Are large meeting rooms and a large hall with a temporary stage are on Forgot Babe of Bethlehem the top floor. Attended by 450 The cradle of peace and the brotherly song of the In­ 3 Lecture Series Father McCallin said that spe­ fant Savior have been turned into hate and war b«ause man, The first Masses for All cific information as to teaching in hia egoism, has built up new gods of despotic, tyrannical Saints’ parish, Denver, offered sisters and the number of class­ Sunday, Dec. 24, in the -auditor­ state, and personal ambitions. Archbishop Urban J. 'Vehr At Cathedral in ium of Loretto Heights college, rooms, and pupils cannot be given r at this time. declared in his Christmas sermon at the Midnight Mass of­ were attended by more than 450 fered in the Denver Cathedral persons. Plans for the hall were begun Dec. 25. “The Christmas God,” His Excel-, Selec^ii'to make ^he presentation on behalf of the CHILDREN OF SCHOOLS of the Den­ Masses are being celebrated during the pastorate of the now “It seems dronical,” the Arch­ lency stressed, “is not officially Year Convert 139 pupils the archdiocese were David Sullivan, of wanted in any of those countries ver archdiocese presented a spiritual bou­ every Sunday in the auditorium Most Rev. Hubert M. Newell, declared, “that, with the As a result of the informa­ quet to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Friday, Dec. 22. the se^venth grade, and Mary Ann Bogaez, of the at 8 and 10 o’clock by the Rev. rightly boasted educational and behind the Iron Curtain, nor is the tion classes at the Cathedral, 'Three days of prayer, work, and play were offered eighth nade, both from St. Joseph’s school in Globe- Edward Leyden, supervisor of Coadjutor of Cheyenne, Wyo., scientific development of this age, song of peace of the Infant Savior, Denver, some 189 converts by each pupil as a Christmas gift to His Excellency. viTle.— (Reptafer photo by Smyth) the parish, and the Rev. Walter when land opposite the church was our century cannot remove the nor are the principles of Christian Jaeger, his assistant. Confes­ donated by the W. R. Heckethorh stain on history’s pages as the living taught by the Christmas Re­ were received into the Church deemer of the world.” sions are heard Saturday eve­ family. When Bishop Newell was most bloody and inhuman in all in the year I960. This number nings from 7 :30 until 9 o’clock. recorded memory. Pointing out that the religion of is second only to the record of 147 The number at the Masses on named to the Episcopacy in 1947, “ The reason is apparent. Wicked the Christmas God is based on established in the year 1947. For InstituteI of Cultural Leisure Christtnas was evidently cut Father McQllin became pastor, and diabolic men have arrogated faith,’hope, and charity, the Arch­ more than a decade there have down by attendance at Mid­ after having served on the staff to themselves the place and stature bishop emphasized that all des­ been more than 100 converts re­ night Mass in other parishes, at the Cathedral since his ordina of God. Human rights, liberties, perately need the Christmas God of ceived every year following at­ and came to some 260. peace and brot[jerly love. “Make tion in 1942. Besides the construe- and life itself have no being or tendance at one of the three series At Regis Offerjs£harni Course! Construction is goingIf aaecittahead .• / s.l l ii ^ ivtujuureason uiof existence where wucrc the uic vruuGod your own homes,” he said, “more t of lectures given annually. The L- on,_ u t is not recognized or is Cbristlike in love and devotion to 1949 fii^re was 1D2. . - one another; make your own per­ I , appealingm e A L f J i r t'lf ie tree, Ttv^s^^Tkiiow n Denver i profitaSfe hbtby, wi ii^ iT ta u ^ t church *^uilding Duitaii^ at Harvara ave- "Sb directed the complete redecora- jtoued. When the state becomes a < ^1 There were 54 converts received businessman, the housewife, and professional photographer whose by Herbert P. Zahn on Tues­ nue and S. Federal boulevard. tion and refurnishing of St. Mary’s god and becomes omnipotent in the sonal lives more God-like and your relations with your fellowman more following the- winter series of the average citizen will be new work both in black and white days from 7:30 to 9:20 o’clock. The Men’s club of the parish is church, making its interior one of lives of citizens tyranny and, in­ classes, and 45 after the spring special .interest courses to be and in color has attracted ad­ * • * planning a ceremony at the time justices inevitably must prevail. A in conformity with the Savior's law the most beautiful in the archdio of Christian charity and love.” series, both conducted by the Rev. offered in the Institute of Cul­ miring attention. The class will A DENVER MEDICAL MAN, of laying of the cornerstone. state as a god knows no mercy, Duane Theobald, who is now pas­ tural Leisure when the second meet Wednesdays from 7:30 to Details will be announced later. cese. kindness, or Christian love.” The Cathedral was packed with John Anthony Pollice, A.B., worshipers at the Midnight Mass, tor of the Divine Redeemer parish, semester of the Regis college 9 :20 o’clock. M.D., will join the Regis eve­ Colorado Springs. Although the evening classes gets under way which was celebrated by Arch­ Home nursing, to be taught ning staff to conduct a course bishop Vehr. People were standing individual instructions given each Jan. 29 on the Denver campus. by Mrs. Grace T. Pollice, R.N., on "Protecting Your Health,” Governor Welcomes 200,000th DP in the aisles and even outside the i! candidate after attending the The Institute of Cultural each Tuesday from 8:30 to 9:20 classes have not yet been com­ will especially appeal to those church. The services and sermon Leisure, to be conducted by pro­ who wish to be of definite as­ o’clock. were broadcast'li^ KOA. pleted, some 40 persons have sig­ fessionals, is the latest develop­ sistance in times oJ illness. nified their intention of becoming ment in , evening courses and Basic design in art will be ‘The carols and music added to Catholics after the most recent Class time i? from 7:30 to 8:20 taught by William F. Joseph, the beauty of the Midnight Mass. will be an integral part of adult each Tuesday. B.F.A., M.A., each Wednesday The Cathedral men and boys* choir series. The lectures are'now con­ education at Regis. ducted by the Rev. John N. Haley. Dressmaking and home deco­ night fronT7:30 to 9 :20 o’clock. sang at the Mass under the direc­ The next lecture series at the The courses, carefully se­ rating, a course that wiU have Mr. Joseph will also teach a tion of Father Richard Hiester, Cathedral will begin Thursday, lected and planned by the Rev. a wide appeal among the fair course on the appreciation of who was substituting for the Rt. Jan. 11. The lectures are given in Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., director sex, will b« taught by Mrs. Mary art on Friday nights from 8:30 Rev. Joseph. Bosetti, who is conva­ the St. Paul chapel in the basement «of the evening school, have been O’Connor Casey on Fridays to 9:20 o’clock. lescing from an operation though i i of the Cathedral on Tuesday and chosen to answer the need of from 8:30 to 9:20 o’clock. The story of flowers for now out of the hospital. / Thursday evenings for a period of both men and women of any Of especial interest to women flower lovers will be taught by (Full text of Sermon on Page 3)- ten weeks. The sessions begin age for a leisure-time interest of all ages will be the course in J. L. Reed Edgar, each Thurs­ promptly at 8 o’clock, and last for on an intellectual plane. The general grooming and charm to day night from 8:30 to 9:20 an hour, including a question list of courses and the instruc­ be taught by Cesare Morganti o'clock. period. Catholics are invited to at­ tors follow: > and staflF, each Wednesday from Reviews of the best recent * * « Serrans. Make tend to learn more about their re­ 8:30 to 9:20 o’clock. books and articles will be given ligion, and to bring a non-Catholic AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY, Decorative leatherwork, in it­ each Monday night from 7 :30 to friend. to be taught by Walter Roun- self a fascinating and sometimes 8:20 o’clock by the Rev. Charles F. Kruger, S.J., Regris librarian Gift of $100 to and well-known book reviewer. • * * Father Glentzer New Pastor REGISTRATION for any or all of these classes will be held Seminary Burse from 6 to 10 o’clock on the The first donation from the Fr. Zabolitsky of Louisville Resigns Regis campus on the evenings Denver Serra club to the Lit­ of Jan. 22 to 26 with classes The Rev. Thomas Zabolitsky, The modernization of the school starting on Monday, Jan. 29. tle Flo'wer burse No'. 2 was O.S.B., has been forced by ill IS the climax of a remarkable ‘Ubiquitous’ made in Christmas week and health to resign as pastor of St. record of achievement in the past Louis’ parish, Louisville. His place decade. A beautiful new church helped to raise the burse’s to­ is being taken by the Rev. Harold was erected in 1940 and dedicated High School Staffs tal to $1,245. The Serrans are busi­ Glentzer, O.S.B., according to an by Archbishop Vehr in 1942. The ness and professional men organ­ announcement Dec. 27 by Arch­ dedication was delayed until all ized <0 foster religious vocations. bishop Urban J. Vehr. The ap­ inte'rior furnishings and' decora­ To Meet at Heights Their first gift amounted to $100. pointment is effective Jan. 1. tions were complete. Six other gifts totaling $105 Father Zabolitsky has been pas­ The new pastor of St. Louis’, “Guidance on the High School were received from the following: tor in Louisville since the spring Father Glentzer, comes to the Level” will be the topic discussed Romana Bausselaire, Englewood, of 1947. He succeeded the late parish ffom Holy Cross abbey iti at an informal meeting of high $5; Anonymous, Ouray, $25; Sgt. Rev. Benedict Jngenito, O.S.B. Un­ Canon City, where he has been school faculties of the Archdiocese Joseph Ludwig, Fort Warren, der his direction the parish build­ teaching since the conclusion of of Denver at Loretto Heights col­ Wyo., $25; Anonymous, Denver, $25; M. L., Denver, $5; and s ing program begun by Father In- his service a.

PAGE TW O Office, 938 B ann ock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone4205 Thuridoy, Dec. 28, 1950

.. - Spain Making Great Comeback Without Heip ^ I Restaurant

17tli Streat Why Is U. S. Misinformed,? Denverite Asks Between By Mbs. J ean C. Cranmer daily , lasting far into lished a series of walled forts geneous group made up of all coU n^, owing to her Catholic be- may practice hit own religion Welton and It was with rather a feeling of the night, sometimes until dawn. along the sea coast, with safe har classes of , defending ing. The very term “catholic” has anywhere In Spain with com­ California misgiving that I agreed to go t,o Each parish has its own "paso" or hors, which were centers for their mode of life, their freedom. the connotation of generous, plete freedom. There are 22 Spain, when we planned our trip two, its own group of penitents, spreading the high civilization their county in its greatest hour broadminded. The traditional mon­ Protettant churchet in , For That Special to Europe last spring. I had spent their costumes dating back to the then existing in Greece and the of peril. This was an impoverished archy was based on a spirit of a Jewith tynagogue, and a Mot- several weeks in Spain in 1928 15th century, each church having Near East. and penniless force, but with a honor, of respect for the individ­ lem motqua. The Church i* and was shocked and depressed by different color or color combi­ CorHioge and Rome great will to save Spain. A Na­ ual, deeply rooted in Spanish life. teparate from the State. [The the poverty of the people at that nation. There were 86 processions Fought Over Spoin tional Defense Council was or­ The individualism of the Spaniard Church It officially recognized Tlstw ystUiL time. The children were pitifully in all. Paso is the word for step, ganized, which provisionally as­ is sc^trong that it would be im­ and there arc interworking* be­ thin, the poor were in rags, and and these processions depict the Carthage and Rome fought their sumed command, but the arrival possible to have a totalitarian tween State and Chnreh, but tha there were beggars everywhere. I steps of the Way of the Cross, the most decisive battles on Spanish of the internationckl brigades and state, and the control of private linet of dittinction between the (Dcuf, (Dimsh. felt then, as I had felt in Russia Passion of Our Lord; The pasos soil, and, when Rome emerged as the mass of ■frar materiel from life by a political police such as two are not blurred, at they arc in 1910, that the country was ripe are floats and are carried on the mistress of the^ world, Spain be­ Russia made it apparent that the the Gestaim or the OGPU would in the cate of the Swedith State for a revolution. The world revo­ .shoulders of 60 or 80 men, for came a Roman province, and the great need was to win 'a war be unthinkable. and tha L utheran Church.—-Ed. lution had already started in they are very heavy, being bor­ building of roads, aqueducts, against Communism. Franco Began Rebuilding note.] dered by a foot or two of gold 'or towns, and forts brought about And 80 the council dissolved it­ Europe. In country after country, Scarred Madrid In 1921 a group of young men, Roast T urkey monarchies were falling and Spain silver metal, and carrying massive the geographical unity of Spain, self on Sept. 29, after turning all headed by Jose Antonio Primo'de was to be part of that pattern. candelabra at the four comers. which .learned the language, law, military and political powers to At the conclusion of the war. with all the Trimmings The first is, of course, the entry and civilization of the Romans. Franco was given full power to re­ Rivera, formed the Fatange Es- In the p«*t few yemri we had the youthful general, Francisco panola and drafted a 27-point heard a great daal about the of Christ into Jerusalem. They Many of the Roman structures re­ Franco, hero of the North Africa store order and to put Spain again Children’s portion 95c continue through the week and main today, notably the famous war and, at the same time, a man upon a solid foundation. He took program showing, the needs of poverty of Spain. Whenevar Spain. This program was based on Other New Year's Dinners Complete from S 1 .3 3 newipaperi wrota of Spain, culminate with the Crucifixion. aqueducts of Ronda, Merida; and of political experience since ne‘ over a country with a completely 'There are many Madonnas, life Segovia. Merida has splendidly had been chiq/ of the general empty treasury, a Spain full of social aims. It called for national­ Breakfast Served from 7i00 A.M. which was seldom, it was to ization of public services and deplore the destitution of that size and magnificently dressed; preserved ruins of a Roman the­ staff of the republic until he was rubble and destruction, a people their capes, hanging from their ater, an amphitheater, baths, etc., banished by the stronger radical exhausted by war. So many build­ banking, the right to work, social Organ Music For • Reservations Call country. I had seen it before and security, a great agrarian reform, I dreaded seeing it again. And shoulders, are heavily embroid­ and, of course, Roman names per­ faction to the . He ings in Madrid were burned or shot Louise Moore ered with gold and silver thread, sist everywhere, somewhat took his post the following day, to pieces that it is hard to believe a large scheme of public works, CH. 3611 or KE. 9413 so we were wholly unprepared that the beautiful'city of today, agricultural credits, and refores­ for what we found. and sometimes are eight or nine changed into Spanish. Just out­ and two and a half years later the at the Console feet in length, almost touching the side Sevilla are the ruins of Ital- war was at an end. But it had been with so few visible scars, had been tation. So humane and beneficial a <0B SEATS—NO LIQUOR. We left the ship at Lisbon and Oause was doomed to failure at spent five delightful days motor­ ground. Before and after the ica, the birthplace of three Roman a terrible war. More than a mil­ through a war. The University processions the pasos are- in their Emperors, Trajan, Hadrian, and lion people had been killed, City, which had been "completely that time and Jose Antonio and ing about Portugal, charmed by his followers were murdered by its cleanliness, its color, and the respective churches and are visited Theodosius. The nearby town of hundred thousand in Madrid destroyed, has been almost com­ by throngs of reverent people. Triana was once called Trajan, alone. , pletely rebuilt and is stunning. the Marxists in the early days of friendliness of its people. But the the war. little towns through which we But the nights are the most and farther north Saragossa was Much hat been written about A great deal of building I* go­ Tear 19S1 passed seemed curiously empty impressive. Two nights I shall al named for Augustus Caesar and it and the world hat condemned ing on all over Spain. Roadi are Franco welded together those and the country itself, when we ways remember: One, waiting at Pampalona for Pompey, to name Franco for accepting help from being built and rebuilt; there who were left of the Falangists compared it later with Spain, midnight in a narrow street to see only a few. Hitler and Muttolini. But what are extoniive canal huge con­ with others of like mind into a Catholic Calendar seemed very static. the paso return to iti church; Thfen, in the fifth century, the the world doet not know it that crete affairs; and 200 dams, group now called the Falange E.s- We crossed the border at Bad» watching the long line of peni­ Goths conquered the Romans and every ounce of material tent all more than 100 feat high, for panola Tradicionalista. A Consti­ is ready ... joz, an old walled town of Moorish tents winding along the street, the whole peninsula became a from Germany wat paid for in irrigation and electric power tution was drafted and it was de­ origin, in the Province of Estra- their lighted tapers wavering in Gothic' monarchy with Toledo as advance. And later when, at the purposes. There are many new clared that the 27 points would be madura, whence Cortez came to the faint breeze, a full moon shin­ ita capital. The religious unifica­ beginning of World war 11, Hit­ industries being developed. the fundamental program of the the New World. We spent the ing down upon the hushed mass of tion was achieved under King Rec- ler atked permittion to crott There are a new ball-bearing new state. The of the You ran get it at night there and, in walking about people, the haunting saeta sung cared, who had been converted to through Spain to Gibraltar, it factory on the outskirts of Ma­ (Turn to Page 5 — Column 5) ■ if your Church Rec­ the, town that afternoon and eve­ before the church, and then the Catholicism. Thus lasted two cen­ wat refuted. drid, a new automobile factory, ning and the next morning, we quiet dispersal of the crowd; the turies, then nearly all Spain was Spoilt Gove Sanctuary and many cement plants. Franco other night, crossing the bridge tory, or at the were immediately impress^ by conquered by the who were To 60,000 has rebuilt and revised the rug The Denver Catholic the vigor and well-being of the to Triana at midnight to see the there 800 years and who left the and tapestry works, destroyed people. We walked up to the Ca­ last of the processions. The peqi' impress of their culture in many The Jews have been loud in in the Civil war, and has added Register thedral, built upon the ruins of a tents that night were dressed in ways. They brought Spain to what their protests against Spain. Some factories of glass, porcalains, of their rancor has come down Published Weekly by the r, I Roman temple, and wandered deep purple velvet robes. We in some respects was the highest and ceramics. Catholic Press Society, Inc. about taking pictures. Not once waited again in the street, hearing state of culture existing in Europe through the ages, for the Jews, Seven years ago Franco -bought with the Moors, were expelled 938 Bannock Street, Denver. were we approached by a beggar. again the Arabic music that one of that day. for Spain the lines of the Inter­ Colo. After all we had heard and read, hears nowhere else in the world Cordova was a city of 1,000,000 from Spain in 1492 by Isabella. national Telephone and Telegraph . Boulevard Mortuary we thought this strange. We It is all profound and moving and people, famous for its university, And this is undoubtedly one rea­ company, an American company, Subscription; $1.60 Per Yeai thought Badajoz might be an ex­ very beautiful. to which scholars came from all son why Spain has been refused at a cost of ¥86,000,000. Fifty sold in combination with the 3020 Federal Boulevard ception, but that was the con­ Sevilla Discloses over Europe. It seems probable Marshall plan aid and admission to million of this sum was in govern­ Register, National Eldition, in dition we found throughout Spain. that the beautiful patios with their the UN. Yet Spain gave sanctuary ment bonds, and all but ¥11>000,- Archdiocese of Denver. 'listory of Ages tiled fountains stem from that to 60,000 Jews who fled across her 000 has been paid off. *alaces Converted ^ Sevilla is, perhaps, the most Entered as Second Class These Colendors were produced under the super­ time. And many of the character­ border to escape from Hitler. I Two years ago Spain borrowed Matter at the Post Office, nto Modern 'Porodor' fascinating city in Spain, for it is istics of the Spanish life of today want to quote from a speech from $20,000,000 from the Chase Bank vision of St. Thomas' Seminary. All of the Catholic here that one reads so clearly the Denver. Colo. Information and data was collected and compiled by We drove from there to Merida are a heritage from this highly de­ the Congressional Record given to purchase wheat, and last year and spent two days and nights in history of the ages. Across the veloped Arabic culture: 'The sep­ before the House of Representa­ she borrowed $25,000,000 from the the Priests and Seminarians at the Seminary. oujy fir.*>t parador. These are old Guqdalquivir, a few miles'out, are aration of the sexes, the pride of tives Jan. 24, 1950, This was a National City Bank. Both these the ruins of an old Roman town Dr. G. J. Attractive lithographic pictures of the buildings and monasteries and palaces con- the Spaniard, that fierce pride speech given by the Hon. Abraham loans have been secured with a erted into small hotels by the Sevilla itself is full of beautiful which is perhaps his strongest J. Multer of New York. like amount of gold, which has al­ grounds of the Seminary make this Calendar very Spanish Tourist bureau, beauti­ Arabic architecture; The Alcazar, characteristic, his great courtesy, “There is no discrimination most stripped the treasury. Schaeuble set in a garden that is a dream; interesting, as well as useful . . . fully run, with excellent food, and and the hospitality shown the against the Jew in business or New Middle Class the exquisite Giralda Tower, once stranger within his gates, these all very inexpensive. This parador in employment in Spain. The Proud of SfMin's Progress Optometrist It is being sent to you with our compliments, and we at Merida was formerly a small a minaret: and, on the river's are all part of the Arabic heritage. Jewish employe and the Jewish bank, the Tower of Gold, built by There is a new broad middle want every Catholic family in Denver to have one. monastery and is now a most Spain Traditionally employer have the same privi­ Specialist lovely and quiet inn. Here we en­ the but used by the Span class of businessmen and builders, Monarchical Country leges and the same rights as any For Visual countered for the first time the iards to store the treasure from Spaniard. No one asks him his architects, and engineers, all so delightful practice of all small the New World. Spain is traditionally a mon­ religion. It is tha only piece in proud of what their country is Eye Care hotels, that of never having a bill The great Gothic Cathedral, said archical country. On the ruins of the Eastern hemisphere, outside doing, and doing, they always add, to be one of the largest in the the Roman empire the without outside help. Every incen­ 638 Empire Bldg. KE. !i840 ' 1 ^ presented until one is ready to of Israel, where I observed Jews eave. One may order a or world, is a part of the Middle founded on the peninsula the old­ proudly wearing in their lapels tive is given to private capital. tea, served in the patio or garden. Agesj. And then one can follow est of the European monarchies. the gold Mogan David, the For example: Though the govetn One is served as though one were through the purely Spanish and 'When this state collapsed before shield of David . . . referred to ment is building the dams, the A.B.C. DOLL SHOP BOULEVARD at home. No bill presented, only the European classic architecture the Moorish invasion, individual power plants will all be built and Hr. and Mn. John A. UcCoart as the Jewish star. They live the room number is asked, that to the modem of today. But it is monarchies or kingdoms arose all wherever they can afford to run by private capital. There is DOLLS and TOYS the atmosphere that holds one over Spain and these were finally work for everyone who wants to is all. rent or buy a home. There is no Doll Hoipital The drive from Merida to Se­ The balconies overflowing with united under the Catholic mon- ghetto. They make nd attempt work, and far more freedom for Hiontuanxi carnations, the streets filled with archs, Ferdinand and Isabella. ReUrioai Stalaca Repairtd villa is a beautiful one, over plains to hide their . ... It was the worker than we have in this the fragrance of orange blossoms, They, having abolished feudalism, ISIS Arapaho* HA. 7117 3020 FEDERAL BQULEVARD GR. 1626 and mountains, every inch of the in that I first learned country. land under cultivation, olive trees the singing and dancing that are set up a strong and healthy mon­ of the thousands of Jews who We traveled all over Spain and planted up to the tops of the part of ml Andgjucia, all this archy. The king governed and ad­ were rescued with the aid of saw no destitution. There are poor mountains. It is not surprising makes one want to linger and to ministered, but was advised by Spain from the Nazis. That was in every country, but I have seen Dr. M. L. Perito that Spain produces one half of return. councils and ministers, and that told me by a Jew who had been poorer looking people since our Optometrist all the olives in the world. Acres Madrid is a day’s ride from is practically the government of interned in a concentration return to this country than we saw Gluit* that Satiafy of wheat, emerald green at that Sevilla and if was here that we Spain today. anywhere in Spain. Ero Ei.rcJm far camp and who was not only res­ Problaai CaMa time, grapes, barley, and sugar saw the first evidence of the Civil With the gold of the New cued by Franco’s men but was It hat been taid that there it beets; and peacefully grazing on war and that I learned a great deal World pouring Into Spain, the no freedom of . (as Hininz Exchanga given the very job he holds to­ BMz. the higher slopes were sheep, the about it—a tale that has never began har ri*e and tha begin­ day by one of them.” Tbit it not true. Though Spain it beautiful Merino sheep, source of been told in this country. ning of tho 16th century law Spain is essentially a liberal ..predominantly Catholic, one TAbor 2682' the Spanish wool that is of such My first information cam* her the moat powerful country excellent quality. And, dotting from Mr. Caldwell, head of the in Europe. But thii easy wealth this lovely landscape were the International Telegraph and had aUo weakened her. And picturesque little white towns, Telephone company, who told there began a long period of with their Cathedral spires pierc me that, during the three year* wars with low countries, with ing a sky as blue as o u r, own the Reds were in control of Ma­ England, with France. She be­ Colorado sky. drid, all his dealings In tha came progressively weaker and The first thing that struck us operation of his company warn was finally ruined by her war as we drove through the little with Russians. They held all tha of Independence against Napo­ towns was their cleanliness. We key positions of that city. leon, She lost the bulk of her JOE ONOFRIO never saw a scrap of pa paper or Russians Mode American empire at the begin­ ning of the century and the re­ trash of anv kind. Everything was Civil W ar Horrible spotless. I have even seen women mains of it in the war with the on their hands and knees scrub A civil war is the most terrible United States in 1898. bine the sidewalks in front of of wars. But this was not just a The monarchy in . Spain la.sted their houses. This cleanliness, all war of brother against brother until 1931. The wars that had so, over Spain, is the more remark­ but of brother against brother and greatly weakened her, the last one ‘ Tboihiruj^ £ ju L DENVER INDUSTRIAL BANK able because in all the small towns Russian, They were there in force. in North Africa, plus the changing i the only water supply is the foun There were ten' thousand in Barce­ social condition all over Europe,: ------CEORCi r. ROCK. P ntU M t I— — — ^ 7 lona alone. I heard many tragic >i5i«c.ia«ni.st.\r^ . . J Z l , . . . . . r' « » » < tain in the center of the town, the brought the downfall of the mon­ social center as well, for the girls tales from our friends in Madrid. archy. Alfonso XIII tried to i and women who go there to fill My friend Pepita and her three bolster his tottering government j Jh jLjin s L& t their jars. sisters were imprisoned for eight by gpving over the control in 1923 j Nowhere, not even in the months because they were Royal­ to Primo de Rivera, who imposed! tmallett towns, did we see any­ ists. “Though we never even spoke upon Spain a benevolent dictator-1 ^ Morgan, one who looked hungry. Both against the republic,” she said. ship. He was a great statesman. H e, men and women were alwiys There were 6,000 in that prison brought an end to the North Afri-j JO E, JR. JOE comfortably dressed, and tha on the outskirts of Madrid. The can war, restored order there and I Leibman . swarms of children, whom we women slept sardine fashion on in Spain, and, with a body of able, saw everywhere, were always the stone floor with one blanket administrators, began a big pro- ; rosy cheeked and healthy look to cover them. And Madrid is very gram of public works, improved and Hickey j ing', and always dressed with cold in the ufinter. These gentle­ communications, and did much to care. women were forced to do all the improve the living conditions of H Gat and Electric Bldg. Phone TAbor 1395 We stopped at Sevilla for lunch menial work of the prison and the people. But the depression of that day and then went on to Cor­ often went two or three days with­ 1929 had had disastrous repercus­ The Iron, dial women are dova, where we spent four days out food. And when the food wa.s sions in Spain and all that Rivera roaming through the fascinating given them it was very bad, she could do could not stem the social old streets, peering through the said. Many died as a r^ u lt of the unrest. All Europe was seething 'iron gprills into th e beautiful prison treatment. Pepite’s sister with this same social upheaval. tiling dieir hiends ahout patios for which Cordova is fa was one of those who died. And the army, which had put him n TRADE-IN mous and, of course, visiting There were daily executions in power, became infuriated with more than once the wonderfu. under the command of a Russian some of his reforms and threw him mosque, now the Cathedral. officer and the dead were laid out. He fled to Paris where he I h e M w Use Your Old Battery as One of the many charming en under the windows for the others died, an exile. counters with the people took to see. “We never dared look out," A weak emergency govern­ place there. We had parked the she said, “for fear we would see a ment was set up. In 1931 eleC- Down Payment on n New Powerful ear in the street by the mosque relative or a friend.” It was the tioni were held end the republic and had gone our separate ways Russians who made up the lists we* proclaimed. Alfonio XIII taking pictures. I had not been of those to be liquidated. I heard left Spain. A constitution was Thermo - Electro out of sight of the car and, as stories of sons and daughters be­ drafted by the Cortes but was went back to it, the usual swum ing taken from their families and ignored, and thara followed five of small boys rushed up, asking never heard of again. It is thought bitter years of rioting and law­ bNl m M hr aar ignd w IMl REED to guard the car—the little racket they were sent to labor camps in lessness, bordering on anarchy. one accepts as a rule because Russia. Husbands and sons were shot down in front of their homes. Reds Sought Spain You work less . . . the iron works harder. these youngsters are as attractive At For Bock as 1868 BAHERY as they are enterprising. But at Houses were looted and burned. No cool spots at tip, sides or heel. The this time I said we were about to Valuables that h^d been sent to As far back as 1868 Karl Marx so slid andfast.^ new Hoover heat unit gives ftH O leave and, while winding up the banks for safekeeping were all sent Farinelli to Spain to organize That eutlotts any stolen. More than 3,000 churches a Spanish branch of the First In­ fast, even heat in every inch of film, told them how much we liked so w ell balanced ironing surface. frici Battery on the Rood. Spain and the Spanish people and were destroyed. There were cries ternational. Later the very radical meintsM of "Viva Russia" on the streets of Socialist party was formed. Most Water 3 timet a yeor how happy we were to be there in d ie h a n d Then my husband appeared, and Madrid and the lovely phrase of its forces went over later to "adios" was forbidden to be the Communist party, cleverly Seat koor boMcworM Japtsrlmsal today! 36 Months' as we were about to drive off, another lad appeared holding out spoken. handled by the Comintern. By Alede fcy * • eolws e# Ae famews Hdovw Cfcwwl Guarantee his hand and saying that he had Perhaps this ii a good placo 1931 the Reds were firmly-en­ been watching the car. One of the for a thumbnail sketch of Span­ trenched in Spain. They were es­ other boys struck his hand down ish history, for it is impossibla tablished in Madrid, doing the bid­ Recharging - Rental Batteries -* Service saying "No, son lo$ amigos," and to understand Spain without ding of Moscow. The national they all called "adios" and> “a good even a scant knowladga of its treasury was in their hand;, most A Few Dollars a Week Pstys the Balanea journey” after us. One has only to past. of it soon to be ^ent to Russia for — GEIVERAX TIRES— praise Spain and one becomes Sijain occupies four-fifths of the arms, the rest stolen by those who friend. and, next to Rus. fled to Mexico, France, and Eng­ JOE ONOFRIO MUSIC CO. sia, is the largest country in Eu­ land at the end of the Civil war. Holy Week rope. The Iberian peninsula fint One of Spain’s most able states­ Home of Television” Joe Kavanaugh, Inc. Wonderful Experience became known when it was dis­ men, Calvo Sotelo, tried to bring Holy Week, the Semana Santa, covered by Greek and Phoenician order out of the chaos that ex­ ^ 28 Years Same Location isted, but in 1936 he was assasi- 1805 Broadway ' Locally Owned and Operated in Sevilla was a unique and won sailors, who found it inhabited by derful experience. It is a week many different tribes who lived nated and two days later civil war 7th at Lincoln TA. 1261 of complete enchantment, of liv by hunting and farming. The broke out. ing again in the Middle Ages; of Greeks and Phoenicians esub* Opposing the Reds was a hetero­ I J v ,

i j

PAGE THREE s f Thursday, Dee. 28, 1950 Office, 938 Bonnoek Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 Solemn Moment in Cathedral Midnight Mass 11 Sullivans Prefer Visit to Grandma to Presents

By Lois H eher ceived his M.A. from SL Louis uni­ THE THIRD MEMBER of the sician who is under contract to FILLING STATION OPERA­ versity, and his doctorate from Sullivan family to migrate to Cali­ 20th Century-Fox studios. TORS from California to Colo­ Yale, After teaching af SL Louis fornia is Ann Sullivan Reher, a The Joseph Sullivans will return rado are still scratching their U, for 10 years, he moved to Cali­ well-known Denver musician when to California after the first of the heads in amazement when they fornia to a9cept the position at she attended Loretto Heights. She year for the beginning of the chil­ ponder over a recent tourist car Loyola. is mafrried to Sven Reher, a m'u- dren’s school term. they serviced. For as the doors of + + + + the car opened and the occupants + + + jumped out to undo the kinks in their legs, there were Mr. and Almost 'Cheaper by the Dozen' Mrs. Joseph Sullivan and their nine— count ’em—nine, children. The Sullivans left their Santa Monica home to spend Christmas in Denver with their relatives and friends.. They are staying with Mrs. Sullivan’s mother, Mrs. F. X. Krabacher. •

MR. AND MRS. SULLIVAN are both former Denverites, havr ing been bom, reared, and edu cated here. Mr. Sullivan attended Cathedral grade and high schools and was graduated in 1932, fol­ lowing which he attended Regis college. He is remembered as an All-Parochial fallback at C.H.S. Mrs. Sullivan, the former Dorothy Krabacher, was also graduated from Cathedral and attended Lo retto Heights college. They have spent the past 10 years of their 17 years of marriage in Cali­ fornia, where Mr. Sullivan is a fireman and a real estate broker. The nine children and their ages are: Mary Louise, 16; Frank, 15; Denise, 14; Dorothy Ann, 12; Teddy, 11; Bernard,. 9; Paul, 7; Teresa, 6; and Margaret, 4.

THE MAGNIFICENT PAGEANTRY of the Solemn i Mass, is at the altar. The time is shortly before the Consecration THE 165-A-WEEK GROCERY Pontifical Midnight Mass in the Cathedral, Denver, is The beautiful Gothic Cathedral was crowded beyond capacity for the bill and the 56 or more quarts of captured in this photo. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, celebrant of the I services, which were broadcast by station KO A.— (Photo by Smyth) milk consumed weekly by his fam­ ily do not lessen Mr. Sullivan’s enthusiasm for large families. “ If people only knew what won derful times we have and how World Still Needs Christmas Savior * happy we all are, there would be more large families today,” said Mr. Sullivan. Archbishop's Sermon Stresses Necessity of Prayer “There have been a few trouble­ some times, but we all have a The complete text of the ser­ God is infinite. Lord of heaven and rights only in as far as we of ruin and disaster. It seems strong- faith in the providence of mon delivered by Archbishop and earth. recognize and honor the God who ironical that, with the rightly God, and something always hap­ Urban J. Vehr at the Christmas The heaven-sent angelic mes­ gave them to him. boasted educational and scientific pens, sometimes seemingly on the Midnight Mass in the Cathedral, sage of the first Christmas is, With a peculiar, modern neo­ development of this age, our cen­ verge of the miraculous, to see us Denver, is given he»e. The sermon “Glory to the great God above, pagan emphasis on tury cannot remove the stain on through.” was broadcast by station KOA, our Creator and Lord, and peace and secularism and a denial of history’s pages as the most bloody ' * * • and inhuman in all recorded Denver. on earth to men of good will.” spiritual things, we need a ti'ain- THE. TRIP TO DENVER and “There has been born to you Every year, through the past cen­ ing of the soul that will guide un­ memory. The reason is apparent y^icked and diabolic men have new outfits for each member of today in the town of David a turies, that story of peace has failingly the true Christian char­ the family were substitutes for Savior, who is Christ the Lord” been repeated; yet, in every cen­ acter in the paths and laws of a arrogated to themselves the place an actual visit from Santa Claus (Luke ii, 11). tury there have been wars and moral code of an Infallible God. and stature of God. Human rights and liberties and life itself have this year. “We all talked it over,” We celebrate again, in loving rumors of wars, because there A Religion of Hope said Mr. Sullivan, “and the chil and anxious thought, the coming were lacking men of good will. no being or reason of existence dren were happy to forego a few of the Christ Child, the Emmanuel, But all of us yearn for and love The religion of the Christmas where the God of heaven is not gifts for a peek at Boulder Dam, God with us. The passing of cen­ to hear repeated that ever-appeal­ God is a religion of hope. His recognized or is denied. When th,e Grand Canyon, and all the many turies has not dimmed the luster ing message of peace from the promises are more firmly fixed State becomes a god and becomes other wonderful sights we have of the first Christmas star that Christmas Babe, who alone can than the stars in the — omnipotent in the lives of citizens, seen on our trip. The only thing led the early humble believers to show the way of God to man and “Heaven and earth shall pass tyranny and injustice inevitably needed now to make the trip a that cheerless crib in the caves of without whom there is and can be away, but my word shall not pass must prevail. A State as a god 100-per-cent success for the chil­ sleepy little Bethlehem. It was the no salvation. ) away” (Mark xiii, 31). In the knows no mercy, kindness, or dren is a big snow fall.” Christian love. holiest night in all history. That Renewal of Faith, Hope, Love vicissitude of life, in the anxious Joseph Sullivan’s brother, first Christmas gave us a Savior cares of human existence, the I need not repeat to you, as a THE JOSEPH SULLIVAN FAMILY, Dorothy Ann, Mary Louise, Teddy, Frank, and The birthday of the Infant Frank, is a well-known professor and a Redeemer. There will never Christian soul cries out, “Though Christian audience, what is self- of English at Loyola university in visiting Denver relatives and friends on a Denise; second row, Paul, Mrs. Sullivan, Mr, Sulli­ be another. If a thousand worlds Savior is for all believers in God I walk in the midst of the shadow a renewal of faith, of hope, and of evident and apparent, that athe­ California. Professor Sullivan was trip from their home in Santa Monica, Calif., are van, and Bernard; and the first row, Margaret like our own would be created, of death, I shall fear no evil, for graduated from Regis college, re­ shown above. From left to right in the top row are and Terese.— (Register photo by Jerome) love in our Heavenly Father and Thou art with me” (Ps. xxii, 4). istic Communism in Russia, and every rational creaturt would seek all of its satellites without excep­ salvation through that one Re­ the Son whom He sent into the A childlike confidence in God and world. His religion is a religion of His promises brings a feeling of tion, is anti-God and anti-Christ. Consultors at Meeting deemer, the Infant Christ,. the It is the same in every Ix)rd. , faith, hope, and love. consolation and repose of soul, It is a relirion of faith in God. even in the natural order of country dominated by the Krem­ That first Christmas gave us lin and the State-god theory. The Holy Year Rules Hear of New Parishes our Redeemer. There can never After thfe most profound human things, that cannot be understood thinking, there are still truths by the unbelieving heart. “In thee, Catholic Church has preached this be another. Even though millions doctrine for 20 years past and The annual dinner of the con­ of human souls for whom He be­ that cannot be solved in human 0 Lord, have I hoped, let me never existence and human destiny. be confounded” (Ps. xxx, 1), is more; every recent development sultors of the Denver archdiocesa came man will not recognize Him, only accentuates the stark truUi For Extension to or voluntarily reject and despise Faith teaches the reasonableness the confident jubilation of the at the home of Archbishop Urban and the fact of a revelation by human heart, even in the depths of of that judgment. The Christmas J. Vehr was held Dec. 27, with a Him, He is Christ the King. In the God is not officially wanted in any humble trappings of the Bethle­ God. Faith teaches us the truth seeming defeat and crushing mis­ business meeting following. No fortune. of those countries behind the Iron hem stable. He is the Lord of of .Christ’s message in the light detailed announcement was made of which the spiritual nature, the Curtain, nor is the song of peace World Are Given heaven and earth. The religion of Christ is essen­ of the Infant Savior, nor are the intrinsic dignity, and the eternal tially a religion of charity—love about the business up for discus­ Teacher and Exemplar destiny of men are made clear to principles of Christian living Vatican City.—Pius XII has ex­ in other ages, spiritual and moral throughout the diocese may be re­ sion, but plans for the opening of of God first and foremort, and an taught by the Christmas Redeemer That first Christmas night gave all who do not refuse to see. abiding and persuading love of tended the Holy Year to the whole welfare of families, and unity of quired to visit the Cathedral more parishes as soon as possible us our teacher and our exemplar. of the world. Undoubtedly, more world, exclusive of Rome, from all in justice and fraternal char- church if the Ordinary judges this We cannot talk of the Father­ our fellow man as a child of God. destitute, undefended, hopeless, in the growing Denver district There will never be another. His hood of God unless we recognize To this love of our fellow man Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 1951, arity, and the triumph of the can be done without serious incon­ rules of conduct and His maxims the Supreme Being and Father to and helpless Christian men, through an Apostolic Constitution, Church.” . « venience. were announced, and there was a there are no limits of time, or women, and children have been of life were made in heaven, fash­ whom we all owe allegiance. We color, or origin. Per Annum Sacrum, published in Prayers must be vocal, not There is no prescribed order for review of the gigantic work of ioned in the infinite mind of the led to martyrdom or to a martyr’s Osaervatore Romano. cannot convincingly speak of or It remains for a contemporary merely mental. If for unforeseen performing works. Confession and transferring bodies from old ML Godhead. They are applicable to live the spiritual brotherhood of slow death in slave 1 abor and Conditions for gaining the Holy paganism to emphasize the per­ degradation by this modern reason church doors remain closed Communion may precede, follow, Calvary to Mt. Olivet cemetery, every age and every country. man without the Living Christ, the Year indulgence throughout the when the faithful arrive, prayers or come in between the visits. nicious errors of excessive nation­ Moloch of iniquity in our own world are similar, but .not identi­ completed weeks ago. When the Every other human leader is Christmas Christ, the God-Man, as alism, the godship of the State, may be said at church doors with The final work of those pre­ stamped with the limitations of the center and core and founda­ time, than in the combined cen­ cal, to those which obtained for the same result. scribed for the indulgence must be question arose of finding the in­ and the superiority of race and turies of persecution of the early gaining the Holy Year indulgence corrupt body of a Leadville woman finite smallness. 'The Christmas tion. Man has dignity, character. blood, with its frightful human Church. In suburban areas and through­ performed while in the state of in Rome during 1950. out the diocese the parochial grace because of the general prin­ who was- buried in Mt. Calvary holocaust. Pope Pius XII recently many years ago, the theory was remarked: “Dissensions and the We Need God of Peace To gain the indulgence during church may be designated for Vis­ ciple that one cannot gain indul­ the extension a person must visit its, and where there are not four gences if not in the state of grace. advanced that the body had prob­ breakdown of order come, not only In this dark hour of human Conditions for “impeded” per­ ably been frozen in Leadville,' from the surge of rebellious pas­ history and destiny, when anti-God four churches designated by the churches. Ordinaries may desig­ Ordinary and must recite five nate a lesser number of churches sons, such as the sick or sailors buried six feet deep while still DOROTHY K. CARTER sions, but also from a deep spirit­ and anti-Christ Communism seeks at sea, are coming in another in­ frozen, and thus naturally pre­ ual crisis which has overthrown the domination of the world, we times the Our Father, Hail Mary, where four visits can be made. If and Glory Be to the Father, plus only one church is In a place, all struction of the Sacred Peniten­ served. There has been no indica­ the sound principles of private and desperately need our Christmas one Our Father, Hail Mary, and tiary.— (NCWC Radio) tion of the miraculous in the case. public morality.” God of peace and brotherly love— four visits may be made at that has opened a new home for the care of the Glory Be to the Father for the in­ one church, a person leaving the Cradle Song of Peace to inspire our daily lives, to en- tention of the Pope. In addition, kindle our faith, and'to sustain church after each visit and re-en­ aged and the sick; for men and women. The cradle song of the Infant the Creed must be recited. Then tering it again to make a new visit. TKAVEL our hope. Make your homes more three additional Hail Marys must Savior is peace and brotherly love, Christlike in love and devotion to The indulgence may be gained to the M ARD I GRAS....8 days....$191 Twenty-four hour nurse care. not war and hate. Because man, in be recited, together with the .invo- several times for the person mak­ one another; make your own per­ caUon “Queen of Peace, pray for to M EXICO — 10 days — all his egoism, has built up new gods sonal lives more God-like, and ing the visits and is successively expenses...... $210 of despotic, tyrannical States and US,’’ and finally one “Salve Re­ applicable to the dead. ~ GR. 3533 2881 North Speer Blvd. your relations with your fellow- gina." These prayers are obliga­ to HAWAII-*-round trip steam­ personal ambitions; because some man more in conformity with the All prescribed works must be have become anti-God and anti- tory. The directive also urged that ship fare .... $276 Savior’s law of Christian charity the prayer for the Holy Year com-^ completed before a second attempt Christ, civilization is on the brink and love. posed by the Pope be recited. is made to gain the indulgence. to NASSAU, KINGSTON, HAITI i ; Pray earnestly and sincere! Ordinaries of the various dior Confession and Communion must — all expense 10-doy Carib­ be included before ^starting again that a provident, just God wil. ceses of the world are empowered bean cruise...... $198 guide the., councils of our own re­ to desi^ate four churchw or to gain the indulgence. Confession For rooomtioni public and the governments of the sanctuaries which the faithful must be different from the mini­ All OTOr tho world to EUROPE and ROME for Holy freedom-loving peoples of the must visit for gainting the Holy mum of one annual Confession Call MA. 1211 Week— 33 days...... $822 world, to meet effectively this Year indulg;ence, according to an prescribed by Church law, and NO SERVICE CHARGE JOE ONOFRIO Communion must be different 413 Chamber of threat to international peaces explanatory article appearing in Commerce Bldr. Peace, the Christmas peace, is an 088.ervatore. Ordinaries also were from the prescribed Easter. Com­ mary ann fisher - TRAVEL 1726 Champa St. absolute essential to moral living ur^d to instruct' the faithful munion. in the individual life, in family through extraordinary preaching, Persons living in suburbs and (Member of Cathedral Parish) life, and in the life of nations. missions, and retreats to take ad­ £ j u L Peace of conscience is the indis' vantage of such great benefits. pensable happiness of the human Ordinaries are invited to urge the soul. ’True family life is only pos­ faithful to pray “according to the sible in peace, concord, and fra­ intentions of the Holy Father, Particularly charming... ternal charity. Nations waste their particularly to implore for univer­ JJv L J ’insL&t substance and the precious lives of sal peace, courage in those who their citizens unless all men are suffer persecution as did martyrs Remarkably simple yet ii has conscientiously willing to live as JOE, JR JOE peaceful brothers in the great fam picturesque, story-book quality. ily of international relations. Starting at the Mandarin style Pray Mary's Rosary First Newspaper May I ask my seen and Catho­ neck are 8 double leaf sprays PRE-INVENTORY SALE — 10 to 30% off on Demonstrator lic radio audience fo say fervently and Floor Models. Pianos, Radios, Phono-Combinations, Gas each day Mary’s Rosary, for the Of Regis Alumni done in a combination safety of our country and the and Electric Ranges, Washing Machines, and Refrigerators, freedom-loving world. It was she tiny beads and pearls. This who, in the providence of God, Small Appliances gave all of us our Christmas Baby Due January 12 heavy satin iown has rich Savior. It was she whp, in the magnificent nobility of sinless The first edition of a Regis elegance and fullness with motherhood,^ nurtured and cared college Alumni association news­ SPECIAL for His liuman needs. It wt^ she paper will be published Jan. 12 a sweeping train in who stood, heroically and lovingly, under the coeditorship of Her­ yet with a crushed and broken man Faulhaber, membership Several Used Washers 15.00 up heart, to witness His dying gasp on ixhairman, and Chenia Abegg. the redeeming' cross on Calvary’s The monthly paper will be called Used Ranges $35.00 up heights. There can be no Christ­ The Roundup. mas without the new-born Christ, Newt, Comment and there could be no Christ with­ Used Refrigerators $39.95 up..... out His august Mother Mary. Let News of Regis alitmni, stories us pray sincerely that our suppli­ supporting the Rangers’ basket­ cations, offered at the throne of ball squad, and editorials and the Most High, through her pure comments on local and world hands, will again bring glory to affairs will be featured in the JOE ONOFRIO MUSIC CO. God in the highest and peace on paper. earth to men of good will. May the The paper will be published **Hoine o f Television*’ Christmas Savior bless each one with the co-operation of the 1805 BROADWAY of you, your homes, your loved Abegg-Fellows Printing com­ MA. 8585 ones, our country, and the world pany. It is the first printed, offi­ with His peace and His abiding cial paper of the alumni associa­ protection! tion in the hiatory of the college. fAGE FOUR Offic«, 938 B an n ock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Talephone, K E yitent4205 Thursday, Dec. 28, 1950 Two Junior Parochial Gridders Win Ail-American Honors + + + + + + + H" + : All-Americans Hubert Anderson,Annunciation, Parish Hoop League Begins Ploy Jon. 14

Ist-String End on Midget Team The Parish league basketball tournament will get under way Move over, Phil Callen of Regis, players weigh 105 pounds, and,iN.Y.; Baltimore, Md.; Pbiladel- Sunday evening, Jan. 14, in the Whizzer White of Colerado U., and wiUiout Hubert, the team average hia. Pa.; San Bruno, Calif.; Chi- National Guard Armory Dutch Clark of Colorado college is approximately 101 pounds. cago. 111.; Thorndale, Tex.; Omaha, Third and Logan streets. Four Other players from the national Neb.; Knoxville, Tenn.; Honolulu, ames will be scheduled each Sun- and make room for another All- midget team came from Jamaica,!T.H.; and New Orleans, La. fay through March 3 at 6, 7, 8, American football player from and 9 ^o’clock. Colorado— Hubert Anderson, Mid­ Rules for the tournament will get All-American from the An­ O n Mark Jan. 13 conform with the Denver Munici­ nunciation Junior Cardinals. Hu­ pal Basketball association, of ifii bert, who is 12 years old and which the league is a member. ill weighs 79 pounds, was selected as Straight time will be played for an end on the m^hical national Junior Parochial Cagers the. first three 10-minute quarters midget team ,by the Pop Warner and regular time will be plhyed foundation of Philadelphia this the last five minutes of each week. He is the son of Walter R. To Travel Trophy Trail game. Any player approved by the Anderson of 3947 W y n k o o p spiritual director of his team will street The Junior Parochial cage race Saersd Heart tssm v*. Csthsdrsl St. James', bre be eligible to play. Officials se­ Additional proof that the Jun­ will get Under way Saturday, Jan. January SO lected and approved by team man­ ior Parochial league, headed by 13, with 21 .teams in three divi­ Blesitd Sscrsmsnt tsara vs, S t agers will officiate at the games. sions—North, South, and East— CaJstan’s the idol of Denver youth. Father The entrance fee per team is Jim Moynihan, is strictly big-time competing for the Archbishop Sacred Heart team vi. Holy Bosary V^hr trophy. Games will be played taam $25 and must be paid to the was the awarding of. honorable Annuneiatlon team vs. St James’ league president, the Rev. James mention to Sam Ortega, quarter­ at Cathedral, St Joseph’s, and Cstbsdral, bye Regis gymnasiums. All games will January 27 Moynihan, by Wednesday, Jan. 3. back on St. Cajetan’s grade school Holy Bosary team vs. Blessed Sacra­ flig h ts. Ortega, the son of Sam­ be on ^turdays. Officials will be ment team . Official Basketball SchadnU uel Ortega of 1363 Santa Fe supplied by the Regis college ath­ St. CaJstan’s vs. Anno^cistton team Parish League letic committee. Cathedral vs. St. Jamei' Sunday, Jan. 14, Annunciation drive, is 11 years old and tips Eliribilitv rules declare that Sacred Heart team, bye the beam at a big fat 69 pounds. February 3 team vs. .Blessed Sacrament team, Neither boy played on a cham­ only bona fide students may play, St. Cajetan's vs. Cathedral St. Augustine’s team vs. Presenta­ no boy who has reached the age Annunciation team vs. Sacred Heart pionship team, S t . Catherine’s teem tion team, Mt. Carmel team vs. of 15 may play, and all ninth Holy Family team, St. Joseph’s capturing both lightweight and grade students, regardless of age, Holy Bosary team vs. St Jamei’ heavyweight divisions in t h e Blessed Sacrament teSm, bye team vs. Assumption team. league this year. Both boys played are barred from competing, ac­ February 10 cording to Father James Moyni­ Sacrad Heart team vs. St. Csjstan’s Sunday, Jan. 28, Blessed Sacra­ in the lightweight division; vrith han, league president. Cathedral vs. Annunciation teem ment vs. Mt. Carmel' team, St. Anderson “fudging a little” in or­ EAST DIVISION Blessed Sacrament team vs. S t James' Augustine’s vs. Holy Family team, der to play on the Junior Cardi­ Games to be played in Cathedral gym­ Holy Bosary team, bys Annunciation team vs. St. Joseph’s, nal’s heavyweight team as well. nasium at 9, 10, and 11 a.m. February 17 January 13 St Jamaa’ vi. St Cajetan's - Presentation team vs. Assumption H ibert at 79 pounds is the Annunciation team ts. Blessed Sacra­ Blessed Sacrament team vs. Saersd team. lightest player on the squad and ment team Hasrt team Sunday, Feb. 4, Holy Family S t Cajetan’s ts. Holy Bosary team Holy Bosary team vs. Cathedral, TWO JUNIOR PAROCHIAL League football stare, one of the youngest. Five of the Annunetstion team, bye team vs. Blessed Sacrament team, February 24 Mt. Carmel team vs. Annunciation Hubert Anderson of Annunciation grade school (left), St. James’ vs. Soared Heart team team, Presentation team vs. St, Cathedral vs. Blessed Saeram'ent team and Sam Ortega of St. Cajetan’e (above), were selected by the Regis Gagers Seeded No. 1 Annonciation team vs. Holy Bosary Joseph’s, St. Augustine’s vs. As­ Pop Warner foundation of Philadelphia on its All-American midget team sumption team. St Cajetan’s, bye ‘ Sunday, Feb. 11, Mt. Carmel football s^uad. Anderson '^ a s chosen end on the first team and March 3 For Tournament in Enid Division plar-olTi team vs. Presentation team, An­ Ortega received honorable mention as a quarterback. Under the SOUTH DIVISION nunciation team vs. St. Augus­ guidance of Father James Moynihan, the league has gained increased The Enid (Okla.) Intercollegi- The Rangers were given the top Games to be played in St Joseph’s tine’s, Holy Family team vs. S t stature in recent years until it has become recognized as one of the ate Basketball tournament opened berth in the bracket meeting the (ymnasium Saturday mornings at 9, 10, Joseph’s, Blessed Sacrament team East Central Teachers’ college of and 11 o'clock. top-flight midget leagues in the United States. Much of the credit last night, Dec. 27, with Regis col­ January 13 vs. Assumption team. goes to the coaches whose skill and patience have resulted in block­ lege of Denver seeded the No. 1 Ada, Okla., in the first match of Assumptloa team vs. St. Philomana’s Sunday, Feb. 18, St Augus­ ing and tackling that would put many a high school team to shame. spot by tournament officials. the night St Francis’ vs. S t Louis’, Englewood tine’s va. Mt. Carmel team, Pres­ Regis won its top billjng in the S t John’s VI. St Vincent de Piul's . ■ St Joseph's, bye e entation team vs. Annunciation tournament as a result of the "hot January 20 team, Blessed Sacrament team vs. ' 1 streak” it showed on a recent road St. Joseph’s vs, Assumption team S t Joseph's, Holy Family team vs. Year of Sports Marked by Close Competition trip through the Midwest, in which St Francis’ vs. St Fhilomens’s Assumption team. St John’s vs. St Louis' the Rangers knocked off five St Vincent de Paurs, bye Sunday, Feb. 25, S t Joseph’s straight opponents after an initial January 27 vs. Mt. Carmel team. Blessed Sac­ loss to the Peoria Diesels, a strong St. Louis’ vs. S t PbDomens’a rament team vs. St. Augustine’*, S t Francis' vs Aisumptioo team AAU team. S t Vincent de Paul's vs. St. Jetsph’s Holy Family team vs. Presentation In addition to the Regis-East S t John's, bye team. Annunciation team vs. As­ Parochial Teams Divide Honors Central opener, other first-round February 3 sumption team. tilts scheduled included Arkansas St .Francis’ vs. St Vincent de Panl’s Just one big happy family. That with two clear triumphs and one Stata Catholic championship team for tka crown. Denver Hogan, St. Francis’; and Turner Assumption team vs. St John's was the Denver Parochial league tie. play-off. Tho Mustangs sharod player* telected on tha All- and Schoepflin, St. Joseph’s. Tech vs. Northwest Missouri St Louis’ vs. St Joseph’s in 1950. After fighting like Kil- The only team to obtain the basketball crown with St. State (quad were Steinke, In the annual all-star high Teachers’, Washburn against S t Phtlomsnt's, by* Northwest Louisiana, and t h e February 10 kenny cats five schools shared claar titU ' to a ebampionahip Francis’, which went on to win Weber, and Boh McCarthy of school game between teams made 8 t John’s vs. St fVanels’ three major titles in an unperce- was tka Mnllen grid squad, the State Catholic toga. St, Franci*’, and Ronnis Him- up of players from throughout the Pittsburg Teachers’ vs. Phillips’ St Vincent de Psul’t vs. Assumption university. dented display of brotherly love, which want through an nnde- In baseball, Regis and Cathedral ■treet, Tom Lahoy, and Hag­ state. Bob Schnabel, Cathedral team. and, in competition with other faatod laagua season and then gerty of Regi*. back, and Bob Scavo, Regis line­ St. Phliomena’s vs, St. Joseph’s battled to. a stalemate. The Pa­ + + + S t Louis’, by* S i r . leagues, the Parochials came off tied Pueblo Catholic high in the rochial All-Star team turned in a On May 11 representatives of man, brought new honors to the » February 17 league. St Joseph’s vs. St Francis’ convincing 6-4 victory over its the Southern Colorado Catholic 99 for 9 St. Phllomens’s vi. St, John’s Denver Public high school rivals, league, the Denver Parochial Muitongi Mak« S t Louis’ vs. St Vincent de Panl’s and a team led by Kelly Kellogg, league, and Sterling Catholic high Assumption taam, by* All-Parochial Play Songs Fight Pay OH Ftbruary 24 | Regis coach, made up largely of school formed the Colorado Cath­ St. Joseph’s vs. St. John’s Parochial stars, fought its way olic High School Athletic associa­ In football a small but ragged St Vincent d* Paul’s vs. St Philo- to the American Legion regional tion, The Rev. Barry Wogan, busi­ team from Mullen high made light mens’* and fundamentals pay off as it Assumption team vs. St Louis’ Recorded; To Open Jan. 9 pl^-offs. ness manager of the Denver Pa­ St Frsneit,’ bye The year started off auspi­ rochial league, was named head of knocked off one t^ m after an­ March 3 Two new sonRB, with lyrics by Father Donald McMahon ciously for the locals when it was the new organization. other to gain undisputed posses­ Division play-offs and music by Miss Evelyn Caranci, are on a record being announced that Jim Dolan of Re­ In baceball a powor-Iadened sion of the grid championship. NORTH DIVISION Regis, starting slowly, gained pol­ AU games to be played in the Begli sold at Knight Campbell’s Music company, Denver, to herald gis high had been named on the Regi* Raider nine was tied by gymnashim on Saturday afternoon*. All-Catholic All-Parochial Scholas­ a fighting Cathedral squad. Bob ish with every game and finished January IS the presentation of Prom Time, the 1951 All-Parochial tic football team for 1949 by the Schnabel, Cathedral shortstop, with only a loss to Mullen to mar Presentation team vs. St. Ctthsrine’s. play, scheduled Jan. 9,10, and 11 in Phipps auditorium. The its record. Annunciation team, St Clara’s vs. 8t. VInetnt’s home. Brooklyn Tablet. led tho batter* with an averaga Holy Family team vs. Ut. Csrmel + + + plzy for this year features eight The balance that was to prevail of .524 and Gene Haggerty of with a hard-running backfield and team. other original songs written by the throughout all competition in the Regis with an earned-rnn avar- one of the best defensive teams in S t Dominic's, bye. the circuit, slipped into third place, Jsnua^ 20 Dance, Chorus Annunciation assistant and the year was presaged by one of the age of ,810 and Rennid Garra- St Dominic's vs, Fresentetion team. Denver musician. The east, of 70 tightest basketball races in league mone of Holy Family 'Eig'th with followed by a fighting Cathedral Holy Family team vs. St. Vincent's. Directors members, is taken from seven history. V In the end St. Francis’ 80 strikeouts were thi top team that gave the leaders many S t Catherins's vs, S t Clara’s. Denver Catholic high schools pitchers. an .^neasy moment H t Csrmel, by*>. led by Weber, Steinke, Neyer, Me Jeauary 27 I • The All-Parochial play project, Carthy, and Hogan won a half In the annual post-season gaiVie In what experts called one of St Vincent’s home vs. St Cathsrint’s. conceived by Father McMahon as share of the title, the other half between the Parochial and Public the best pUyM games staged ail St. Clara’s vs. Preseotstion taam. one means of bringing Catholic loing to Mullen, paced by Jaid high school all-star teams, the Pa­ year in tho Denver university H t Carmel vs. St. Dominie’s. students from the various schools nger, Olivas, Barone, and Brav- rochials, displaying excellent co­ stadium, Mullen and Pueblo Holy Family taam, bye. 1 : ^ February 3 together in a co-operative effort, dica. On the All-Parochial team ordination and team play, carved Catholic battled to a thrill-a- St Clara’s vs. Ht. Csrmel. is in its fifth year of operation. An­ were A1 Steinke and Bob Weber out a neat 6-4 victory. Schnabel minute 13-13 tie for stato hon­ Presentation team vs. Holy Family team. nually the Denver priest writes a of the Fransalians; Leroy Sandri led a second-inning effort that ors. S t Vincent’s home vs. S t Dominic s, play, inserting songs, along lines and* John Jaid in ^r of Mullen; netted five runs, and Garramone All-Parochial honors went to St. Cstherlne's, bye. that present a theme consonant Gene Haggerty of Regis; Bob Gra- turned in an almost perfect relief Norm and Angus Rfcger, Phil Quin Always a great defensive February 10 job for the Parochials. On the tana, and George Bravdica, Mul Holy Family team vs. St Clara’s. with Catholic high school life. boski of St. Joseph’s; and Joe man and dependable in the U t Camtel vs. Frsientation team. On the purely financial side, Greco of Cathedral. Parochial squad were Haggerty. len; Kevin Gleason, Jerry Bunu^ clutch for a few telling points, S t Catharine’s v*. St. Dominic's. tba All-Parochial play has done In ,tba Stat* Catholic tourna­ Bryson, Dolan, Himstreet, and and Dick Braun, Regis; Ed Horvat Dick Petry, Regis Ranger star S t Vincent’s home. bye. much to *well tho arehdiocetan ment, the Mnitanga wero upiat Braun, Regis; Schnabel and Di and Gil Castellene, Annunciation Februsiy 17 from Champaign, 111., is this year S t Dominic’s vs,. S t Clara’s. buriet that provide for the edu­ by tha Holy Trinity Tigar* of Paolo, Cathedral; Tanko and Rei- team; John Burke, * Cathedral; very much in the runing for top St Cetherins's vs. Holy Family team. ction of geminariang for the Trinidad, but St. Franeii’ cama del, Annunciation high; Capra Ivan Saindon, St Joseph’s; and scoring honors. With 99 points in S t Vincent’s home vs. U t Carmel. priaethood. Moraovar, tha idaa through to defeat the Ragit and Garramone, Holy Family high; Barry Tharp, St. Francis’. Presentation, bye. nine games for an 11-point February 24 of religious, vocations has fra- average, he is now in second place, S t Dominie's vs. Holy Family team. quently baen axemplified in tha close on the heels of Bobby Wal­ U t Csrmel vs. S t Csthcrins’s. productions thamsalvas. Presentation team vs. St Vincent’s lace, who has 108 points for home. Father McMahon, who wrote the 12-point average. S t Clara's, bpe. play, wUl^himself direct the action March S of Prom Time. Assisting will' be Division play-offs. the Rev. Robert V. Nevans of S t Ambassador Is Named Francis de Sales’ parish, business manager; Miss Lillian Covillo, di­ To Spain From U .S . ZIPPER REPAIRS recting choreography; Miss Wlni- fred Linsenmaier, conductor of the Pres* dispatch** Wednesday, ROY SYSTEM, INC. chorus; Miss Evelsm Cisranci, pi Dee. 27, told tha appointment Oa Alaiest A ar Genaeat *r Aiticl*, ano accompanist; and Robert Ca of Stanton Griffis a* American BBOB BRFAIB varr^ organ accompanist Ambassi^or to Spain, ending a U tnU w tj n . 4I« Tickets for the production, for five-year snub by the U. S. of which all seats are reserved, may the Franco government. Griffis, be obtained by calling CH. 3733 S3, is a native of Boston and during the day, or through the served previously as Ambsissa- N u n n B u s h Catholic high schools of the city. dor to Poland, Egypt, and Ar­ Miss Lillian Covillo (top' gentina. , is director of dances for the Tho new* ha* particular sig­ nificance in connection with the •t W50 All-Parochial play. Miss Co- estimate of Spain and Franco vulo, who operates her own studio Richards Shoe Stora given in thi* issue of The U ll B. COLFAX of the dance, has composed the Register by Mr. and Mrs- George choreography for the R t Rev. Monsig^nor Joseph Bosetti’s annual Uranmer of Denver. Boys’ & GirW grand opera for several years, Pelow is Miss Winnie Linsen Heights Brochure Tells maier, who will direct the chorus Story of College Growth BICYCLES of the musical. Well known for her vocal ability, Miss Linsenmaier has At the meeting of high school Columbia...... -...-38“, taken leads in several former All faculty members of the Archdio­ Parochial presentations. cese of Denver at lAiretto Heights Reconditioned...... 15**, college Dec. 29, a new brochure, Terms If Desired Denver Cowes to Loretto, will Bike Accessories be distributed. It portrays in graphic form the 15 per-cent in­ crease of Denver students at the A.L. Heights in the past 10 years and gives statistics on the marriage GLODT rate and vocational choice of grad­ 253 Broadway SPmea 6438 uates during the past five years. FOR THE Scdt IN SERVICE While''doing your Shopping why not drop in for a Completo Sarvica Job? WASHING — GREASING — OIL CHANGE B0UB8 FREE PABKINQ O 2 FOE BEBVICE WOBK " Ua* aor InSeor Ihoppara FbtU bs 11 ■la ta II konra BLOCKING THAT WOULD HAVE league, Hubert Anderson of Annunciation school gladdened the heart of Knute Rockne is and Sam Ortega of St. Cajetan's, were named on displayed by these Junior Parochial gridders. It the Warner Foundation’s Midget All-American DENVER GARAGE team, and tha league itself has received favorable is this type of football that haa won national 1437 California CHerry 1601 comment in newspiyiers throughout the country.— JIM BUTLER (St. Joaeph’s ParUh) ROY BUTLER recognition for the league. Two players from the {Rsgistsr photo by Smyth)

i / /

Thursday, Dtc. 28, 1950 Office, 938 Bann ock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE five

yillMmM»t»fStt**t**l«l...... as CHURCH FURNITURE AND PEW S HEARING DMltncd e Manofsctared Largest Attendance in History at Christmas Masses Reported The Behrens Fixture Co. AIDS Almost universal increases in number of persons who attended other Masses of the day. Approxi­ Sacred Heart parish had a slight near future the pari.shioners of SL 900 persons attended Mass there 4625 Colorado Bird. attendance were noted in churches Mass in •Holy Rosary church. Al­ mately 1,000 persons attended increase in attendance at all Mary’s will have a new parochial Christmas day, with approximately BUY DIRECT ^ school. The plans for this project DanTor, Colo. of Denver and vicinity on Christ­ though this is about tne same num­ services on the Feast of the Na­ Christmas Masses and an overflow 200 at Midnight Mass. The chnrch. ber that attended last year, the tivity. An unusual highlight of this at Midnight Mass, Collections, were announced on Christmas. $ A N D SAVE ^ mas this year. seats 160 persons. The Rev. Louis The Cathedral parish, Denver, collection was slightly more this Chrisimas season, he said, was however, reflected the decrease in 300 in Weshniniter TRY THE NEW report a heavy attendance at all year. The rectory now under con­ the Bethlehem scene enacted Dec. offerings reported earlier in the The attendance in St. Anne’s J. Mertz estimates that there were Masses on Christmas. The number struction in the parish is expected 23 in St. Joseph’s school by mem­ season. church, Arvada, was slightly about 800 more this year than lasL AUDIOTONE- B U R N S - W attending Midnight Mass was esti­ to be finished by March. bers of the parish and several In St Catherine’s, attendance higher than it was last year. The Seven hundred Communions were mated at 2,000, bringing the totol Mt Carmel parish reported a to­ DPs, an event that was well por­ at all Masses and reception of Rev. Forrest Allen, pastor, reports distributed, and the Christmas con­ ADVANCE OR TEARS to approximately 9,000 worship­ tal Mass attendance of 6,000 on trayed and well attended. The Communion was greater than in that 600 persons attendd the Mid­ tributions were about $100 better Eliminated by ers for the day. Christmas day. About the same Christmas collection’s total was past years. Christmas' offerings night Mass, and that 800 heard than last year. Christmas contribu­ Small, light, yat powarful French or Inweaving An estimated 4,600 persons at­ number was reported last year. about the same as that of the past were larger than usual. Mass on that day, more than 500 tions were not emphasized because Repairs lor all types aids. The new Mti Carmel high school is year. Masses on New Year’s day S4 Boar tierrlce—Reasooabl# PrIcRt tended the nine Masses in St. Fran­ St. James’ church was filled at receiving th^ Blessed SacramenL of the recent parish fund drive. Also batteries and cis de Sales’ church. Eight hun­ scheduled to be completed in May. will be at the same time as on all Masses and had an overflow In Holy Trinity church, Westmin­ Construction was started this HOSIERY MENDING dred fifty of these were present Attendance at Christmas Masses Sundays. congregation at Midnight Mass. ster, which also is under the ad­ year on the new parish church, and supplies. in Our Lady of Guadalupe church At SL Leo’s parish the at­ at the Midnight Mass. Christmas More than 2,000 persons received ministration of Father Allen, 800 it is expected that it will be in nse ACME offerings in St. Francis de Sales’ was about the same as last year, tendance was nearly 1,200, with Comrabnion, and offerings ex­ persons attended Mass, with about before next summer. The parish­ ( j J a a ia h n parish were 20 per cent higher with the church being filled at the Midnight Mass having the ceeded past years’. 160 at the Midnight Mass. Christ­ ioners have raised a good part of HEARING AID CO. than last year, amounting to al­ each Mass. A sharp increase was record number of persons present mas collections in both parishes the cost of the new church, and so 1621 Glenarm ALpIna 9171 Inweaving Co, Although the Christmas offering The usual large numbers at­ most $6,000. noted in the number receiving tended Mass on Christmas in were higher this year. Contribu­ a school will be started as soon as Denver 2, Colorado Phono KE.*4409 Annunciation parish had its Communion on the feast day. was slightly less than that of the tions were $200 higher at SL possible. 304 McClintock Bldf. past year. Father Leonard Gidl, Mother of God church. The out­ usual capacity attendance at the Christmas devotions are being held door crib, a project of the Men’s Anne’s and $100 higher at Holy » 1654 Calif. Christmas Masses. The item com­ every evening this week in Our pastor, is hopeful that this will Trinity. be compensated by the collection club, attracted much attention manding much attention in the Lady of Guad^alupe church. this year. SL Anne’s parish debt is re­ parish is the new high school, An increase in attendance at on New Year’s day. Masses on stricted to the rectory now, and which is very near completion. Christmas Masses was reported in Jan. 1 will be at the same time Increase of 200 so Father Allen will start a school ST. VINCENT DE PAUL'S PARISH Approximately 1,150 persona at­ Our Lady of Lourdes parish. Ap­ as the Masses on Sunday, and Masses in S t Louis’ church, En­ fund in 1951, with the hope that TJta tiA jo Jt tended Christmas Masses in Christ proximately 3,100 attended Mass Confessions will be heard also this glewood, Christmas day were at­ the parish school can be completed Patronise These Friendly Firms the King church. This is about 400 on Christmas day. Sunday evening from 7:30 until tended by approximately 1,600 as soon as possible. In Westmin­ Picture Frame Shop more than last year. The Christ­ Blessed Sacrament parish re­ 8:30. Traditional l^mns will be persons, according to the R t Rev ster, the parishioners have cleared sung at all the Masses on New \713 Grant St. MAin 4438/ mas collection in Christ the King ported an increase in both at­ Monsignor Joseph P. O’Heron, pas­ the debt on their church, a tempo­ IF rrs VARIETY you WANT - TRY parish also is reported as greater tendance and collection at the Voar^aYear’s fiavday; Mi«aMiss S. R Radyxa Hw Wwill ill bbe e tor. There was an estimated 400 rary structure, and so the con­ Fine Prints than that of last year. Christmas Masses. Approximate at the organ. in attendance at Midnight Mass. struction of a new church will be Custom Framing In Holy Family church a record 3,400 persons attended Masses in Monsignor Eugene A. O’Sulli­ The increase over last year was planned and undertaken as soon as VARSITY VARIETY Velvet end French Mati\ number of parishioners attended Blessed Sacrament church. The van, pastor of SL Vincent de about 200 persons. Well over 1,000 possible, building fund drive is continuing Paul’s parish, indicated , an at­ and and Oval' Frames Midnight Mass. Larger than capac­ Communions were distributed. In 700-800 in Wheatridge ity crowds also attended the other in the parish. tendance figure of nearly 2,000, line with the increased contribu­ Sc up . STORE 110c up Metal Photo Frames Masses. The Christmas collection Music From Tower which is a few hundred more than tions of other parishes, parishion­ The new Parish of Sts. Peter and Hwi/f PUntT of also increased over last year. Attendance at Christmas day the total for Christmas day of ers of St. Louis’ gave an additional Paul in Wheatridge had 700 to 2070 SO. UNIVERSITY RLVD. Parking Spat* In downtown Denver, Holy Masses in St. Joseph’s (Redemp- 1949. Parishioners were generous $200 this year in the Christmas 800 persons at Mass there on its Ghost parish also reported the torist) church attained the total in their Christmas offerings and collection, . first Christmas in its church. This Washington Pork M kt. usual large attendance on the of 2,000. The number at Midnight showed an appreciation for the is an increase of approximately 60 LEN’S Pharmacy In addition to reducing the par­ per cent over the attendance for Tbt firms listed here deserve to feast day. Mass, reports the Very Rev. Paul higher operational costs of the Red & White Food Store parish school and church. Masses ish debt in the coming year, the last year, but that is owing to the L. 0. PEHR, Prap. be ramembared when you ere dis> 2,000 at Holy Rosary Schwarz, C.SS.R., pastor, w a s parishioners will add one new U tiib tr S t Vlactal d* P .aJ’* Partafe BILL HUGHES. Prop. tributiDjp your M tronafe to the dif­ more than 600, and the increased on New Year’s day will be at the fact that Mass was said in closely Hava Your D.oetor Phone ferent lints of business. Two thousand is the estimated same time as on Sundays. _ Aside classroom to the old school. Plans confined temporary quarters prior number receiving Holy Commun­ bad been made to erect a new U* Your Preacription Complete Food Service ion was patricularly gratifying, from house parties by parishion­ to the erection of the new parish 2707 E. L^iuisiana RA. 3739 598 South Cllpin even more in number than on the ers, all parocnial meetings for the rectory, but the sudden increase in church. Although the receipts of building costs has Relayed any fur­ At LooUtuu *ad Soetb Clartae -It’* Saiart I* B« Tfcrifty" DENVER'S OLDEST CHEVROLET DEALER occasion in the past year. current week have been canceled. the Christmas collection have not For the first time, this year St. Philomena’s parish also re­ ther move in that'direction. been tallied yeL it is expected that y y there is a Nativity scene outside ports an increased attendance at ,St. M a^’s church in Littleton they will be well in excess of last the church that is lighted up at all Masses on Christmas day. At had the lugest Christmas attend­ year’s. Ye«. ISSI will be • safer and ance in its history this year. Mid­ Garrett Quinlan Hawes Food Store A a happier New Year for na night for the convenience of all eight Masses approximately 2,600 Needless to say, the debt on the (St. VIncmt d* Paal'* P*ri*h) all—if rtmtiaber that night Mass was attended by more Booker Bav**—Oajl. Hmirw visitors. The new chimes in the persons were in attendance, and infant parish’s new church is Invites foitr Patronago I I coartcsf. caution and care cupola of the church pealed forth about 1,200 persons received Holy than 500 persons, and the total for such that all the organizations An IGA Store SAP! art the three most important the day was 1,100. The pastor, the th in n roa must hate as a gloriously Christmas eve over the Communion. The pastor. Monsi­ there will work to eliminate it as Univeraity Park driTt^ Tht most important loudspeaking system. T h e hi^h gnor W. H. Higgins, acknowledges Rev, Frederick D. McCallin, esti­ soon as possible. Althought the Quality Itleats - thinf roar car must hate for mated that 1,000 persons received AND H H aafcr. happlar motorina la a school choir recorded a special the generosity of parishioners and parish n e ^ s a school, this project Pharm acy Grocerie§ rtctilar tafetr chcck-np at Christmas musical program that their understanding of the higher Holy Communion on that day. An will be set aside till a future date. 2343 E. Evan* RA. 4781 VINER'S. Stop In for jonrs is played each evening at 7 o’clock increase in the size of the parish Fresh & Frozen Finite w todart Remember— costs of church and school main Over 900 in Aurora HAPPY during the holidays through the tenance and operation. is credited with the contribution and Vegetables EE loud-speaker in the cupola of the of an additional $400 in the Christ­ Although St. Therese’s church Wesley Pharmacy Louisiana and Qayton SAFETY IS NO The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Achille mas collection ^is year. In the in Aurora is very small, more than 2390 So. Downing PE. 9638 NEW YEAR church building. Sommaruga, pastor of SL Pat­ SP .5717 f"* ACCIDENT! . Crib Scene by DPi rick’s parish, noted the largest at­ Prescriptions — Drugs RR At St. Joseph’s (Polish) church, Open 7 to 7 Week Day* tendance ever at Christmas serv School Suppliu CIo*ed Sunday* the Rev. John Guzinski reporte a ices. The number of parishioners Denverites Find Spain capacity attendance at Midnight has increased considerably in the YINER YINER Mass and large crowds at all the past year, and accordingly this fact was reflected by an increased FINER CLEANING The firms listed here de- attendance. Parish activities dur­ M akes Great Comeback 4 5 5 BROADWAY - TELEPHONE PEarl 4641 ing the present week have been /'serve to be rem em bered DP Family Comes cancdled. Masses on New Year’s (Continued From Page t ) senora." The kindness of these when you are distributing lovely people Is unending. ll.U.[LEANER$ day will be at the same times as monarchy is provided for at such your patronage in the dif­ on Sunday. The generosity of the time as seems propitious and this The road from Malaga to Mo- parishioners in the Christmas col­ question was already being spoken tril, carved out of the rocky cliffs ferent lines of business. HEATING PROBLEM? to Fori Morgan above the sea, is one of the most 2060 $0.UNIVERSITY ?(i.PE4517 lection is appreciated and gratify­ of in the papers at the time we ing. beautiful and spectacular we have were in Spain this summer. This ever driven. But we had to take CALL FOLEY TA. 5107 1.500 at Midnight Mats program is being carried out as it slowly and it upset our schedule i l From Poland fast as possible. Already there is An estimated 1,500 persons at­ completely. We arrived at the ; -^5 ALL TYPES OF HEATING-HOT AIR A DP FAMILY CAME HOME as much, if not more, social se­ charming town of Almeria at B o n n i e r r a e i ii tended Midnight Mass in St. Ca- curity in Spain than in this or .4 on Christmas day. It was a home jetan’s church, where attendance about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, : STEAM-HOT WATER-GAS-OIL-COAL they had never seen before, but it any other country. , having had no lunch,^ Their lunch J" at all the Masses was higher than : I AUTOMATIC CONTROLS-HOT WA­ was the first real home they have in other years. A larger number Cortes in Effect was over, bat the hotel manager Shopping District had since the Nazis invaded of communicants also was noted Since 1064 said that would make no differ­ TER-DRAFT & CHIMNEY TROUBLES Poland in 1939. The family was in SL Cajetan’s, and Christmas of­ ence, as he would order lunch for us that of Walter Klok, and ar­ The Cortes, or parliament, has ferings were abundanL been in effect in Spain since 1064. at once. Knowing it meant the rived in New York Dec. 21 on the usual long four-course affair, we Bonnie Brae Preisser's Red & Whito 1120 BROADWAY steamship Ballou. The family is Attendance a t the Masses and The balance between authority and representation is traditional. The asked for oread and cheese, an om­ "FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS” being sponsored by Leroy Amen reception of iCommunion was large elette perhaps, and wine. We spent BABBWABE Grocery ond Market 1920 1950 in SL Anne’s, SL Anthony’s, and Cortes has been in operation con­ of Ft. Morgan. With Mr. Klok the night there and left early the rANOY HEATS. VnEGETABLES. AMO were his wife, Julia, 19; and their St. Befnardette’s churches. tinuously save for the three years next morning. Breakfast was Komac Colorizer Paints QUAUTY GROCERIES AT In SL Dominic’s, more than of the Civil war. It is composed of REASONABLE PRICES 8-month old son, Romuald. served us before the dining room Honaeware* • Toy* Sport Good* Fourteen other DPs destined 1.500 persons attended Midnight representatives of all the 60 prov­ was open, and the young waiter Free Delivery SPmee 4447 ■ p for homes in Colorado arrived in Mass. There^ was a notable in­ inces of Spain, chosen in those who hdd served us the night be­ ZS*4 E. Expoiitlon 8P. (tw !U 1 C Ohio Ava (So. Univ. u id Ohio) the United States on Dec. 27. crease in the^ number of communi­ provinces by popular vote, the fore came running in with a paper ; U f . J . COMPANY They docked in New Orleans on cants, and Christmas offerings term of office being three years. bag of fresh rolls he'had gone out CONOCO PRODUCTS SCARRY & In addition to the Cortes there are the steamship Langfitt. These 17 were larger than last year’s to get for us. This hotel was off Lnbrication, Car Waahlng, BaUerlae — SUPER SPEED-O-LITE “ displaced persons will bring to More thai^ 2,000 persons were the ministers of state, such a^iur the beaten track, but this was just A own cabineL and these —4116 Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing Morphy's ^ n » ZIP-A-SHINE KEM-O-SOL 397 the total of persons brought present at the four Masses in St. another example of the kindneu to Colorado to live through the Elizabeth’s, and about 1,300 re­ Cortes, the ministers, witl* Franco of everyone, experiences we had RONNIEv WRAE ^ I r efforts of the Denver archdioc­ ceived Communion. Offerings were —govern Spain. It is, in effect, over and over again. AMERICANS LEADING esan resettlement office. larger than usual a monarchy without the king. We drove through b^urcia and CONOCO SERVICE ^ Meats NAMES OF SEVERAL of the Eleven hundred communicants What ha* bean aceompluhad down to Alicante the next day and 724 So. Univenity PE. 9909 723 Sa. University I h MANUFACTURERS . families which arrived on the —the entire congregation—at­ In 10 jraar* *aem*, to an oh- then up to Valencia for the night, RA. 1984 #• . A COMPLETE LINE OF MAINTENANCE Langfitt were not included in the tended the Midnight Mass in the letter, little *hart of miracn- past hundreds of acres of rice BONNIE BRAE 5 telegrams received at the local SL Igna^us Loyola church. An ad­ lon*. But it *how* w hat a good paddies. Near Malaga there had 1620 MARKET ST. DENVER 2, COLO. resettlement office, but one of ditional 1,000 persons received admini*tration, plu* a will to been sugar cane. We were con­ Quality & Service the groups is a Czecho-Slovakian Communion in the other Christmas work, and a government that stantly amazed at the variety of Plumliing & Heating Order Your Holiday family, which includes a man, 35; Masses. Total offerings were givee encouragement to private food that Spain produces. From C*ri Cannlnzh*** B M .P h.D B . TMl TURKEY NOW Trar ConnlDzhaai Ba*. Pb. PE. 1171 his wife, 30; a boy, 10; and a slightly lower than they have been indu*try, can do. Spain i* *till Valencia we drove up to Barce­ girl, 8. This family is being in other years. A program of spe­ poor. She need* a great deal: lona, flew over to Majorca and G. E. APPLIANCES Fresh Fish & Oysters Daily Sales & sponsored by William Center of cial New Year’s eve services will Heavy machinery, raw mate­ back, and then, in a few hours, to 1076 So. Gaylord RA. 4607 DeSoto-Plymouth Denver. Another family, Ukrain­ be announced Sunday at the par­ rial*, oil, airplane*, and ha* little France. Service ians whose names are also un­ ish Masses. money with which to Auv from People Are Gay, known, will be met when they ar­ Midnight Mass in St. John the other countrie*. But *he i* mak­ , V All Late Model Used Cars rive in Denver this week end by Evangelist’s church was attended ing progre**. A* an example, in Always Well Mannered their benefactor, John Dorffler of by an unusually large congrega­ June, 1929, her import* were . After a month ip France we

WESTERKAMrS Society at St. Dominic's Loretto Heights Christmas Party KE. 9043 5106 Wash. CVPtYTHINQ A GOOD GROCERY IT’S SBOUU) HAVE . Sets 1st Meeting of Year BEST FOODS AT LOWEST PRICES — WE DELIVER - , (St. Dominie’a Pariah, Denver) church. Mrs. Bernard Pilz, prior­ The Rosary Altar society will ess, will preside and will make a TRANSFER TIME Frank AntaaclU W.U (8pt«d) Hiectr hold its first meeting of the report on the sale of Christmas new year Jan. 2 in the church cards and on the shipment of p a r­ Order Now for at 12:30, where the Rosary will be ages to Europe. recited and Benediction given. Many compliments have been Drawer Style Yonr Holiday Afterwards a luncheon will be received on the appearance of served in the church auditorium the crib designed by Mitt Mary by Mrs. Jennie Wilson and her Frazzini and on the exterior Metal Reinforced WINES & LIQUEURS selected committee. decoration of the church and DomeiUc and Imported At the business meeting that front yard placed bjr Phil Zan- will follow the luncheon Mrs. Levi gari. Metal Front Saindon, newly elected president, The Masses on New Year’s day will preside and announce her com­ will be on the same schedule as i J jw Gl mittee selections for the new the Sunday Masses, at 6:30, 7:30, Snap Down Styles 3504 E. Colfax FR. 8881 year. Plans will be discussed for 9, 10, 11, and 12 noon. The 10 ALL SIZES FREE DELIVERY a membership drive and arrange­ o’clock Mass will be a High Mass. ments made to provide additional Benediction will be given after the altar linens. A social hour will be children’s Mass at 9 o’clock. enjoyed after the meeting by those The Cana club will meet Tues­ members who wish to remain. day evening, Jan. 2, in the rectory Comuierdai Products Co. The Holy Hour will be con­ reading room, with the Very Rev. ducted on Friday evening, Dec. Peter O’Brien, O.P., as moderator. Office Furniture and Supplies 29, from 7:30 to 8:30. The custom­ 1707 Lawrence St. TA. 2990 ary novena prayers will be said and veneration of the relic of St. Dominic will follow the Benedic­ Election Is Held tion. Confessions will be heard after the Holy Hour. Sunday, Dec. 31, will be Com­ munion day for the PTA and the By Altar Society “Why Pay More?” Blessed Martin club in the 7:30 Club Mass. (Trademark) LIME RICKEY The Third Order will hold its In Wheatridge Cliquot Club Bottling Co. monthly meeting Sunday after­ S02S Lawrtnc* SL ACoflU 2508 noon, Dec. 31, at 4 o’clock in the (Sta. Peter and Paul’a Pariah, Wm. W. MYER DRUG STORES Denver) COMPANY At the monthly meeting of the Altar and Rosary society in the Colorado Oumed Stores assembly haH Dec. 20, the follow­ Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dr. joHnson ing officers were elected for the 30 South Broadway 15th and California coming year: President, Marian 3933 W. Colfax Cnrtu St 15th St. 17th St Tremont STORAGE K ITIOUinC CO. Epson; vice president, Nellie Voll- mer; recording secretary, Connie £ . 0 0 « £ d k M.OieiC t)l3W A iei€E Farin; corresponding secretary, Barbara Hedstrom; and treasurer, Lucille Weakland. ;m :o v i i v o The members voted not to hold a bake sale in January, but to : ^ For the Sofety of Your Goods hold one in Weakland’s store Feb. 3, with Elizabeth Ruote and Use Johnson Service on Every Move Ruth Hensgen as cochairmen. The members also decided to AGENTS FOR UNITED VAN UNES, INC hold a money shower at the next “MOVING WITH CARE EVERYWHERE” meeting on Jan. 17 in order to STORAGE - PACKIIVG - SHIPPING furnish the kitchen. Mrs. Salvadore Spano donated Phone PE 2433 Denver 221 Broadway eight yards of linen to the society to be used in any way it sees fit. Workers to clean the church Saturday, Dec. 30, are Mmes. Flo SPECIALS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Healey and Marion Epson, and THESE PICTURES demonstrate to ad­ pinata and shower all the spectators with gifts f' Phil Mahoney and Ed Zoellner. vantage two of the reasons for the tre­ and candy. This unique feature of the party was l(th Art., at 9th at Downing The Men’s club will meet in the mendous success of the Loretto Heights alumnae inspired by the custom followed in Spain and HnmboMt assembly hall Thursday, Jan. 4, first annual Family Christmas party given Dec. Mexico prior to Christmas, of celebrating the po- .Colfax a t Gaylord at 8 p.m. 17 in Pancratia hall on the college campus. aadaa at which the pinata is broken, after many PURITY The top picture shows some of the “small fry” attempts of the participants, and there are gifts ISO Ettt Colftz with a few of the mothers, gathered around the and treats for all. Jeon Shea to Wed Christmas tree, moments before Santa arrived with There were more than 200 fathers and mothers CREAMERIES his well-filled pack to distribute, red and green and children, ranging from babes in arms to young­ Bernard M . Murray socks filled with tops, candy, and nuts. sters 15 years old. It was a gay, howling, laughing DAIRY SPECIAUSTS In the lower picture one of the older children success, and everyone seems sure that another Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shea of is seen in action attempting to hit and break the tradition has been established at the Heights. ilfi/A and Ice Cream 315 Vine street, Denver, announce At Their Best the engagement of their daughter, 281 8a. Downing Your Patrotiage Invited Jean, to Bernard M. Murray, son Service Unit Needs Volunteers 88th ft LowtU of Mr. and Mrs. M. Thomas Mur­ 148 Broadway 812 SanU Fa ray of 1985 .Hudson. Archbishop's Guild Marks 9th Jubilee Miss Shea, who is a graduate of St. Mary’s academy and at­ Freshly Blended to Perfection tended Loretto Heights college, (Arcbbi.bop’i Guild, Denver) tion of Miss Marie Ansberry, Mrs. George Wagoner, a for­ has set no date for the wedding, The volunteer service commit­ chairman, and Miss Marjorie Bar­ mer. member of the circle who re­ ■fhe bridegroom-to-be is a grad­ tee of the Archbishop’s guild was rett, cochairman, with Miss Mary cently moved to New Mexico to An ideal holiday treat to entertain school- uate of Regis high school and at­ organized in 1941 under the direc­ Nadorff as adviser. % iliake her home, returned to Den­ agers and grown-ups at home . . . Let us de­ tended Regis college. < tion of Miss Mary Nadorff. ver for a visit the past week. The choir singing for the first Our Lady of Fatima Circle liver this delicious tasting egg nog to* your Midnight Mass in Fitzsimons’ hos- Miss Mary Louise Hood is Meeting Date Changed jital was comprised of guild mem- spending the New Year’s holiday door—or come in and pick up a quart or more. jers. For the past nine years mem­ with friends in St. Louis, Mo. By Regis Women's Club bers of the organization have vol­ St, Gerard’* Circle Special Bulk Prices to Large Groups, Parties and The Beer That unteered theif services the fourth Mrs. Marion McCormack plans Because of the New Year holi­ Wednesday of each month, and at Organizations Made Milwaukee Famous ^ a t- time have Visited with Fitz­ to entertain the members of the day, the meeting of the Regis simons patients in wards assigned circle in her home, 408 S. Down­ MURRAY BROS. DISTRIBUTING CO. Woman’s club, planned for Jan. to them8by the Red Cross. ing street, in January. 2, has been postponed to Jan. 9, it During the holidays, Christmas Queen of Heaven Circle Miss Betty Gribble entertained ;Robert M. — Paul V. — M. T. Murray; was announced this week by Mrs. trees are decorated and parties and various forms of entertain­ the members of the circle in her Lito Gallegos, president. The ment are provided for the pa­ home Dec. 27. Gifts were ex­ WHEATRroGE speaker and a program fot the" tients by memb^s of the guild. changed. INTERMOUNTAIN ELEVATORS meeting will be announced next At present the volunteer serv- St. Anthony’* Circle DENVER week. ice committee is under the diiyc- The January meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Sophia Fort Morgan Flour Mills 'Merlin the Magician' Leiker. F A R M D A IR Y Ready Cooked Food St. Fyance* Cabrini’* Circle FORT MORGAN Makes Debut January 6 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Celia an­ BRANCHES AT— for your nounce the birth of a boy in S t Pride the West Joseph’s hospital Dec. 13. o’ LONGMONT . . . YUMA Merlin, the magician, the almost Holiday Parties ■mythical figure in King Arthur’s Myttical Role Circle ARV. 220 HUDSON . . . HILL ROSE court, will be seen in a play of the Mrs. Regina Farness visited 8000 W. 44th Ave. Phones: GL. T719 with her family in Mintern Christ­ same name in Phipps auditorium, Miss Marie Ansberry MILLERS AND HANDLERS HUMMEL^S Denver, on Saturday, Jan. 6, in mas. OF FLOUR, WHEAT, CORN, two performances, at 2 and 4 p.m. Chairman of the Volunteer Service DtnT.r’i Lm ^Iik CaUrari BARLEY, OATS, AND MILL ■nd Dcllcataten This is the fourth play in a series Committee of the Archbishop’s for children to be presented by guild. FEEDS 311 E. Seventh A re. KE. 1986 Junior Entertainment, Inc., of Denver. Merlin the Magician, pro­ The obtaining of volunteer Country Shlpperg! Op«n Sundejn mnd Wi«kd.yi TIU TtSO Workers for the Infant of Prag^ue CLOSED MONDAYS duced by the National Youth the­ Consign Your Shipment To Vs ater of New York city, includes nursery the second and third Sun­ historical sets and costumes and a days of the month is also under a s t of intriguing characters the direction of this committee. drawn from the countless legends Members volunteering their serV' surrounding King Arthur and his ices assist in feeding and general END YOUR MONEY WORRIES in 1951 Round Table. care of the infants. Guild mem­ Tickets for Merlin may be se­ bers who are unable to assist with cured in advance at Junior Enter­ the work on'the appointed Sun­ tainment headquarters, the Schleier days visit the home during the gallery, 1342 Acoma street, or at week. ?' * the box office in Phipps auditor Volunteers are needed at pres­ i ■ ' 5100 ium at the time of tne perform­ ent, and members desirous of as­ Ulin« o» sisting with this work may obtain ance. The box office opens at 1:30. further information by calling First Frlee Miss Ansberry, 2290; or Miss Bar­ Orphanage Aid Leader rett, FR. 1406. St. Patrick’* Circle A m erica's Mrs. Therese Wieck extended .00 Announces Card Party the hospitality of her new home ^510 2nd Prize to circle members Dec. 13. Gifts For Wednesdoy, Jan. 3 were exchanged. Mr*. A. C. Carroll, pra.ident 151 Other Prizes— of thtf Ladie*’ aid of St. Clara's Amendment Added orphanaga, Denver, has an­ 25 G E Automatic Toasters nounced a card party for the 25 G E Electric Mixers members and friends in the or­ To Society Bylaws phanage Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 101 G E Electric Kitchen Clocks 1 o'clock. hostesses will The Queen of Heaven Aid so­ be Mmes. Castellon, Grimm, ciety, Denver, met in the" orphan­ Horne, and Lambers. A short age Dec. 19 with Mrsv Irene Ko- Here’s the opportunity for you, for every­ business maeting will precede ser, president, presiding and 19 one in your family, to end them for 1951, the card games and is schedulsd members present. A for 12i30. An amendment was added to Winning this big prize means loads of cash. The officers and the sisters the society’s bylaws establishing Money for everything for everyone. It’s will extend formal thanks to the a nominating committee for the easy, Rosary-Altar society of St. election of officers. The commit­ BREWED WITH PURE r Dominic’s parish for the abun­ tee members for this year are ' Go to S^eway; get the entry blank. Or, dant gifts of toys and dolla Mmes. Hilda Chiolero, G. J. ROCKY MOUNTAIN buy the January Family Circle, read the instructions on page 51. Bake made through Mrs. Carroll ba- O’Byrne, and Angie McCormick. fore Christmas. New members enrolled in the this dish. Name it. Send the name in. society are Misses Nellie and Joan SPRING WATER McMahon, and Mmes. John Keuhn, You could be the winner! And, in any event you’ll like the new apple Irish Social Club Sets Anna Kreller, Josephine Giaicco, dish, and you’ll find a friend in Kitchefn Craft Flour, the flour milled and Thomas Kreller. The prize specially for home cooking and sold, at your Safeway Store. New Year's Eve Party donated by the sewing circle was A BEVERAGE OF MODERATION won by Mrs. Thomas Kreller. Tha Irish Social Club of Colo­ The St. Gertrude sewing circle rado is sponsoring a New Year'e will have the first meeting o f the eve.dance in St. Joseph’s parish new year in the home of Mrs. Otto hall. Sixth and Galapago street, Buehler, 2931 W. 43rd avenue, at Denver. 1 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8. All mem Many types of dancing and bers should attend this meeting WAV and each should bring a prospec good mnsio will bo psu't of tho program. tlv« member. Thursdoy, Dsc. 28, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 PAGE SEVEN / ONiSTOKEONlT New Year's Masses New Play Equipment First Solemn Mass Offered in Christ, King Church (Chribt tbe King Pariib, Denver) her home, 1160 Ivy street, on Miss Judy Seep, daughter of Mr. Bob Harrington, and Fred Kot- In The first Solemn Mass in Christ Wednesday, Jan. 3. and Mrs. Herman A. Seep, enter­ tenstette at a Christmas party in St. John's Charch the home of his parents, Dr. and "cutA je/tSi. the King church since its dedica­ Mary Immaculate circle enjoyed tained her St Mary’s academy tion was offered at midnight on a Christmas party with exchange Mrs. J. Raymond Plank, on Same as Sundays Christmas. The Rpy, John W. Scan- of gifts in the home of Mrs. Claude classmates at dinner and a Christ­ Dec. 21. nell, pas^r, was celebrant; the Yeager Dec. 20. Mmes. Robert mas party in the home of her par­ Under the sponsorship of the ents Dec. 21. (St. Jobn'e Parieb, Deneery Rev. Kenneth Funk, assistant pas­ Spalding and Jean J. Jacobucci PTA all the school children, Optometrist tor, deacon; and the .Rev. Raymond were T e c i p i e n t s of the bridge Leonard Plank entertained each grade in its own room, were Masses in St. John’s church on awards. Patricia Fallon, Marian Sgherer, entertained at a Christmas party and Optician New Year's day, Monday, Jan. 1, Ruiz, C.M., subdeacon. The Mass of Notre Dame was rendered by New Members Welcomed Mary Jo Grady, Pat Miller, Pa­ Dec. 20. After games and the Helen Walsh will be the sime as on Sundays, on the adult choir under the direction tricia Hebert Mary Jean Drake, singing of Christmas carols, re­ the hour every hour from 6 o’clock A Christmas party with ex­ John Blake, AI Steinkc, Fred Zook, freshments were served. A nociite of Mrs. F. N, Collett change of gifts featured the De­ W. R. JOSEPH until noon. The last Mass will be at 12 o’clock. Mrs. John J. Torpey will enter­ cember meeting of St. Thomas EYES EXAMINED tain St Margaret Mary’s circle in More’s circle in the VFW Lotus Phont TAbat lU* Married in St. John’s church DR. JAMES P. Z18-ll» UaitrUc Bldt. Tuesday evening, Dec. 26, were her home, .789 Forest street at a room. Mrs. William Krichbaum was Hugh Hinterreiter and Barbara bridge-luncheon on Wednesday, welcomed as a new member. She GRAY Dr. D. C. H'erthman Joyce Bax. John Hinterreiter and Jan. 3, at 12:30 o’clock. also was recipient of the canasta award. and Associate Norma E. Davis were best man and St. Anthony’s circle will enjoy Optometrist maid of honor. The Rt. Rev. Mon­ the hospitality of Mrs. William Mra. Edwin A. Williams, leader D entists signor John P. Moran officiated. Thompson at a bridge-luncheon on of Girl Scout troop 449, took her VISVAL CARE PLATES Miss Virginia Starr, daughter Thursday* Jan. 4, in her home, 666 troop on a visit to the Santa Claus EYES EXAMINED Elm street. 606 IStb Street 1206 IStb Street of Mrs. Ellis Starr, is home for shop on Friday. On their return FISCAL TRAINING Our LadP of the Snows circle they were the guests of Mrs. Wil­ KEyttone 8721 TAbor 5761 the holidays. Miss Catherine Hennessey is ill will accept the hospitality of Mrs. liams at a Christmas party, at OptometHst Th« firm, lUt.d here deeerve to Clifford Garden at a bridge-lunch­ which they played different gamjjp in St. Anthony’s hospital. 212-13 Colo. Bldg., 1615 Calif, S t be remembered when you ere die- Mrs. Bruce Bigelow is ill in a eon in her home, 1330 Glencoe and sang Christmas carols. Prizes trtbutlnf your petronafe to the dif­ were awarded to Mary Jo Bradley ferent line* of buainesi. local hospital. • - street, on Wednesday, Jan. 3. Phone .for Appointment Mrs. Patrick Cronin will enter­ and Suzy Hawes. Refreshments TA. 8883 tain St. Frances Cabrini’s circle in were served by Mrs. Williams, t

In the annual Denver Cath­ olic Register baby contest, ST. PHILOMENA’S eighth grade students are shown many valuable prizes will be utilizing one of the six new basketball standards recently awarded to the proud father installed in the modernized school playgrround. Of tubular steel and mother of the first baby frame, the standards are regulation size for junior parochial contests. bom in the new year in one of + + + + + Denver’s Catholic hospitals. These hospitals are S t Joseph’s, S t An­ I. ;i-' thony’s, and Mercy. St Philomena 5 to Begin The following are the gifts and the merchants who are donating them; COMFORT and CO NVENIENCE 1. A Baby Set, including baby Doctrine Classes Jan. 29 and medal, and baby room cruci­ fix, from the A. P. Wagner Our modern establishment includes (St. Philomena’i Parish, Denver) nounced for the first time be­ Charch Goods company, 606 14th Another series of classes in tween William Raymond Myrick street. The first Baby in 1951 will every facility for the proper conduct of Catholic doctrine for Catholics and and Miss Kathleen Marie Hayes, 2. A pair of Mrs. Day’s Ideal non-Catholics will begin in St. both of St. Philomena’s; James J. baby shoes will be given by the receive the funeral and everything for the com­ Philoraena’s rectory Monday eve­ Doherty of Annunciation parish Fox Gift and Baby shop of 11 fort and convenience of the bereaved ning, Jan. 29, at 7:45 o’clock. The and Miss Helen Mae Cordova of Broadway. A BEAUTIFUL 5 Rev. Joseph M. O’Malley will con­ St Philomena’s; and Carl Walter 3. The Platex Nursery Pak, family. I duct the classes. Nelson and Miss Laverne Loretta containing baby oil, cream, and The course, which consists of 20 Mermis, both of St. Philomena’s. powder, will be given by the Brad- SLEEPING BAG Yet the cost of this better service is lectures, will be held each Monday Charles Lewis Flor, son of Mr. dick’s Variety and Gift shop, 1504 (Assorted Colors) and Wednesday evening thereafter and Mrs. WiHiam E. Flor of 1666 Colorado boulevard. reasonable and within the means of ^LL. from 7:45 to 8:30 p.m. The classes S. Ogden street, and Miss Marga­ 4. A beautiful sleeping bag, as­ Given by Mrs. Peter Jonke will end Wednesday, April 11, with ret Weathers, daughter of Mr. sorted colors, will be given by the a tour of St. Philomena’s church. and Mrs. Harry A.'^ Weathers of Lullaby Lane, 278 S. Downing Catholics are invited to attend ,£ u llab ji^ Jta m Official Extension Art Calendar for 1951 now 1174 Fillmore street, were mar­ street. and bring a non-Catholic friend. ried Wednesday evening, Dec. 27, 5. A kimono and receiving Available. Call at Our Office for Your Copy, No obligation js incurred by at­ in S t Philomena’s church. William blanket set will be given by the Everything for Infanta and Children tending, and the names of those Robert Flor was best man for his Peter-Ann Infants and Children’s 278 So. Downing RA 6060 present are not requested. Non- brother and Miss Shirley E. shop, 5724 E. Colfax avenue. Catholics who intend to marry Weathers was maid of honor for 6. A baby record book will be Catholics this spring or summer her sister. given to the mother of the first ity shoes given are especially invited to complete After a trip to the mountains baby by the Canterbury Book their pre-marriage instructions the couple will live in Denver. shop, 780 Birch street. ♦ well in advance of their marriage The Knights of Columbus will 7. A Baby Breck Gift package 9. A beautiful table c To the First Baby born in 1951 date. use the fj^hion show, which St. will be given by Nate’s Pharmacy, at any one of the Hospitals Horan & Son Chapels The lectures will be held in the Alameda avenue and South Penn­ 1 I Philomena's Men’s club previewed named in this contest, we will KEys+one 6297 KEystone 6298 basement conference room of St. three years ago, on Ladies’ night sylvania street. Goods company, 1633 t i J Philomena’s rectory, 2820 E. 14th in the K. of C. home, Tuesday, 8. Baby’s first pair of fine qual- place. give a pair of 1527 Cleveland Place avenue. Each lecture is followed Jan. 20. Several of the Men’s club Mrs. Day's Ideal Baby Shoes by an open forum period. A ques­ members will play their original tion box will be conveniently parts, with the addition of K. of placed in the conference room and C. members. Fox Gift & Baby Shop all questions will be answered aftor each class. The entertainipent committee of 11 Broadway The series of instruction classes the Men’s club is working hard for held Sept. 6-Nov. 13 had an aver­ the annual entertainment Feb. 1. The Finest of Everything for The first rehearsal will be Jan. 2, Your Baby at Reasonable Prices On Display Now age attendance of 32. Eleven and all members of the club are couples obtained their instructions requested to be present. for mixed marriage, three mar 1951 FORD TRUCKS riages were convalidated, and 12 The Men’s club held its annual persons were baptized. Christmas party on Dec. 20. A BONUS BUDLT The third series of lectures at large group participated. The eve­ S t Philomena’s will be delivered ning was spent with an exchange of gifts and singing of carols, and The First Baby Is Going to April 16 through June 20. refreshments were served. Additional information may be Get. a Pair of Fine Quality obtained by calling Father O’Mal­ Mrs. Ira Garnett has been ill (M £am Jidtor ley at FR. 5075. for the past week in her home. 195Vs First Baby will re­ 1.33.S Broadway 1314 Acoma The Rev. Thomas F. Singleton, Final arrangements have been ceive a BABY SHOES S.J., professor of matHematics at completed for the holiday ball to MAIN 3111 Regis college, preached at the Mid be given by the PTA and Men’s club on Thursday, Dec. 28, in the Baby Breck Gift I Childrtn’a Shoea exp.rtly fitted by night Mass on Christmas. X-Ray Mattel for the Featt of the school auditorium. Additional Circumcition, Jan. 1, will be at tickets may be purchased at the Package Containing **Foot comfort at low cost door. the utual Sunday bourt, 5:45, 7, Baby Breck Lavo and for the entire family" RABTOAY GENERAL TIRE CO. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12:45. Classes will be resumed in St. Banns of marriage were an- Philomena’s school on Wednesday, Dispenser, Baby Ointment The First Baby Is - -V . GENERAL TIRES Jan. 3. ond Castile Soop RUDOLPH'S Mrs. Frank Beagle, 2914 E. Col­ Going to Get \ General Batteries fax, will entertain St. Ann Marie’s Cominunion Day Canasta club Jan. 3. NATE'S PHARMAa SHOE STORE, Inc. The first Baby in 1951 will A Baby Mrs. Homer Dumont will be receive hostess to St. Philomena’s club on Alameda & Penn. RA 2203 804 15th TA. 9335 g e n e r a l ) Tuesday, Jan. 2, A Kimono and , Record Book SQUEEGEE J *^'^*^* Inspected Scheduled Jan. 14 Mr. and Mrs. John Tynan are moving this week into their Receiving Blanket Set from Used Tires home at 1991 Newport street. At Holy Rosary Mr. and Mrs. Dan Parks, for­ The First Baby Is Going to Get a from the G.T.A.C. Kasy Pay 1401 W. Colfax TA. 6604 merly of Boulder and members of CANTERBURY (Holy Rotary Parith, Denver) St. Margaret Mary’s Bridge club, PIATEX NURSERY The attention of men in the par­ have moved to Denver. PETER-ANN ish is called to the second Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Duggan PAK Infants’ and Children’s Shop BOOK SHOP in January. They are urged to re­ and family spent Christmas with Baby Oil, Cream, and Powder The D enver’s A nnual After C hristm as ceive Holy Communion on that his mother in Rapid City, S. Dak. Phone DE. 3028 * 780 Birch Street day in the 8 o’clock Mass and aft­ Harry, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. 5724 E. Colfax at Ivy erward to attend in the school the Harry Zook, returned Dec. 26 to f ro m Francii Creeker Moere DE. 1278 breakfast sponsored by the Holy Fort Riley, Kans., after having BRADDICK'S VARIETY Name society. spent four days with bis family The church looked beautiful on Jack and Fred Zook leave Monday, Christmas. It was tastefully deco­ Jan. 1, to resume their studies at AND GIFT SHOP rated by the sisters. The singing St. Benedict’s cojlege in Atchison, 1504 Colorado Blvd. DE. 0738 SHOE was greatly enjoyed. Thanks is Kans. due the adult choir for furnishing Repair work on the tile roof of music at the Midnight and 10 the rectory is nearing completion. o’clock High Masses and to the Damaged tiles are being replaced chifdren’s choir, under the direc­ and the roof made weatoerproof. CLEARANCE tion of Sister Mary Magdelena Parishioners are requested to Clarke Church for their singing at the 8 o’clock bring Catholic magazines and Mass. The director of the adult weekly editions of the Register to choir is James Tracy, the organist the table in the vestibule of the Maria Amdolchev. church for use by the L^ion of Goods is going to Regular 9.95 to 11.95 Red Cross Shoes. Masses on New Year's day will Mary. The members distribute be at 6, 8, and 10 o'clock. Con- them weekly to patients in hos­ fw ions will be heard Sunday aft­ pitals and convalescent homes. give me o' ernoon from 3 to 6 and in the eve­ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Lutz Now ning from 7 to 8:30. announce the birth of a son, Don The first Baby is going Father Victor M. Grabrian, aid Eugene, bom Dec. 19. O.S.M., is spending the Christmas Walter K. Arnold of the naval BABY CRUCIFIX to get hoHdt^s with his parents, Mr. and air corps, San Diego, will arrive Mrs. Peter Grabrian. Father Vic­ in Denver Saturday morning, Dec. a 7 .9 0 tor is teaching in St. Philip’s high 30, to spend 10 days with his par With My Boby Record school, Chicago, III. ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Arnold, Miss Mary Manning, Pasadena, Calif., and William Manning, Jr., Sterling Silver Medal and Chain These siloes were token from our regular stock and we Holy Ghost Altar Society of Chicago, 111., are spending the holidays with their parents, With Crucifix and Record Book hove mony styles, but not every size. Will Hold Party Dec. 28 Mr. and Mrs. James Koning had A COMPLETE SET as their holiday guest Mrs. Hon­ (Holy Ghost Pariib, Denvef) ing’s brother and wife, Mr. and •rhe December card party of the Mrs. Don Harrington, and sons of from Holy Ghost Altar and Rosary so­ Colorado Springs; also Mr. and ciety, Denver, will be held in the Mrs. H. Hammond of Omaha, Neb. Shoe Solon— Second Floor Holy Ghost parish hall, Thurs­ S t Rita’s evening bridge club Complete Lir.s of Rrliijious Articl-a for Church and Home day, Dec. 28. The hostesses are will meet Jan. 9 in the home of Mmes. C. B. Frantz and W. H. Mrs. Myron Mc(^nley, 1273 Race *^The We$r$ Largest Church Goods Supply House!'* Hall, and Miss Barbara Laske. A street. dessert-luncheon will be served at Our Lady’s club will meet Fri­ A. P. \Vai*ii4‘r 1 p.m. day, Dec. 29, in the home of Iilrs. 'The monthly hour of adoration Henry Cooper, 800 Steele street Established 190^ 1633 Tremont Place DtAVK Shops with KlfitBfl# Sill will take place in the Church of St Prances Xavier Cabrini’s ( III lU II (.OOllS ( 41. the Holy Ghost on Friday, Jan. club will meet Friday, Dec. 29, TAbor 3789 Denver 2, Cole. 6, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. All in the home of Mrs. Irene Koser, 606 14th St. Between Californio & Weiton T A 8331 members are urged to be present. 6426 £. 14th avenue. I ' 0 A, i- . aattb; . J Jim PAGE EIGHT Office, 938 Bonnock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyttone 4205 Thuridoy, Dec. 28, 1950

1743 Treaienl PL DENVER’S MOST May 1951 be a Happy, Healthy Saw Mother, Brother Killed by Redmen dll Nth 8 t St. Elizabeth's PROGRESSIVE and Prosperous New Year 436 E. 17lh Ava. for You and Yours Survivor of Indian Massacre Dead 304 B. IJth Am. Scene of Funeral 1347-43 Harhtt 8L 118 B. 14th Ava. Harry W. Swigert, Jr. By L e t t ie M orrow the oldest living» White woman covered wagon, managed to reach Stephen A. porden Golda E. Lilley She saw this Rocky Mountain native of Coloraao. \ Colorado, then part of the mam' TAber 1373 Dare O. ETang Lou Bach area grow from a vast wilderness Requiem Mass for the repose moth Territory of Kansas, by the Vernon Caton ' of her soul was celebrated in spring of 1860. For Mrs. Whyte —unpopulated save for Indians— Since the first gas lines were constructed, Killam into the great empire of states Los Angeles Dec, 27 and was at­ Five years later Henrietta was tended by her four children: born^ and her parents had her Requiem High Mass was cele Gas Burners have faithfully served homes, and cities that it is today; she saw bra ted Dec. 20 in St. Elizabeth’s SWIGERTHROS. Denver spring from a straggling George Weinman of Denver, Ed­ baptized in the old Cathedral on churches, schools, office buildings and industry. ward Weinman of Chico, Calif.; Stout street. church, Denver, for one of the par­ village into the Queen City Of the ish’s oldest members. She lyas 1550 California Optometrists KEyttone 7651 Plains; she saw the old Cathedral and Joseph Weinman and Mrs. At the time of the Indian up­ Ida Weinman Quinlan, both of rising of 1868—=-when Henrietta Bertha Whyte of 4114 W, 38th Better Fition Good Service on Stout street replaced by the avenue, for 78 years a member magnificent structure on Colfax Los Angeles. A sister, Mrs. Ida was only three years old—the g a s b u r n e r c o . for Every Age At Right Prieet Roesch of Denver, was unable to family were living on Comanche of St..Elizabeth’s par|sh and Tor Kiiiam avenue; and she witnessed the the same length of time ,a Denver MANUPACTURiltS ANQ HEATING INGINEERS kind of tragedy that broke the make the trip to Los Angeles be­ creek, about seven miles ^rom § GLASSES INDIV1DUALLT STYLED cause of poor health. Interment Kiowa, close to a fo rt It was resident Interment was in Mt. Ihearts of so many of those early Olivet. Natural Gas with Killam Burners means cheaper tM ikM UUdi pioneer families; She saw her was in the California city. there that Henrietta’s mother ^IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIHIIIIIIIItliWIIIIflllimilllUlllllllllliillflPlO mother and five-year-old brother But Henrietta Weinman’s story and brother, John, were slain by Came to Denver heating costs, ond automatic, carefree, clean killed by the Indians in the upris­ belongs to Colorado. She was bom the Indians. As Infant warmth continuously. Dependable guarantees for ing of 1868. near Castle Rock in 1865, the Immediately after the Indian 35 years. / D QjCLUJjL&aud massacre her father brought his Mrs. Whyte, who was bom in She was Henrietta Dietemann daughter of Mr. ands Mrs. A. Geryiany, one of the seven chil­ I THEODORE I Weinman, who, at the time of her Qietemann, who, leaving Leaven­ family to Denver, where he buried 260 BROADWAY Tbert'f « OuaraotetO R lllio Burner RACE 2871 his wife and sor in the old ceme­ dren of Mary and Mathias Scherer, for Bt«i7 Beatlof Nr«d death in Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. worth, Kans., in 1859, and, came to Denver at the age of six. 22e held the distinction of being traveling via oxen team and tery that is now Cheesman park. ANNA R. CANNON, 68. of 1845 U w - ’Their remains were late# moved Her father was a building con­ iHACKETHALl rence street. Requiem Mass is being to Calvary cemetery and then to tractor and settled in Denver’s ceiebrsted in Holy Ghost church at 10 westside. Many of the homes in o'clock Thursday, Dee. 28. Interment Mt. Sr. Morgaretha Gerlach, Mt Olivet ' I MORTUARY | Olivet. Ho;an St Son mortuary. Not long after the tragedy, that area were built by him. Bertha attended both the public ELNA F. La r k in , 44, of 247 Ban. however, Mr. Dietemann took his 1 Wtlliani O’Brien. Aaioclate g nock street Wife of Arthur G. Larkin; family back East to Milwaukee, and parochial schools here, and mother of Arthur G„ Jr., and Mary Elisa, In Order 64 Yeors, Dies was an alumna of S t Elizabeth’s. beth Larkin; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wis., and then to Minnesota. But § l449>Si Kalamaib Su s The funeral service for Sister Monsijaior Bernard J. Cullen, Henrietta returned to her native On March 26, 1883, she was H. E. Dressier of Winfield. Kans.; and married to John McDonald Whyte sister of Mrs. Marvin Jacobs of Ar. Margaretha Gerlach, a Sister of chaplain at Mother of.Grace hall. state and Denver in 1881, when I Phone MAin 4006 | kansas City. Kans.; Bruce Dressier of she was 16. in S t Elizabeth's church, with Rock Rapids, la.: Mrs. Cecil W. Sturgeon St. Francis Seraph, who died in He was assisted by the Rev. Rich­ Father Frederick Bender witness­ iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinaiuiimiiiHiuaiiiiuiiii^^ of Dodge City. Kans.: Mrs. Harold ard Hiester, chaplain at St Jo­ And it was in Denver four IlHni^worth of North Hollywood. Calif.: Mother of Grace hall, a home for seph’s convent, as deacon; the Rev. years later that she married Mr, ing the ceremony. To that union Mrs. Art Kretier of Gibsonia, Pa.; Ken> the aged sisters, Denver, was held J. C. Walsh, chaplain at S t An­ Weinman in old Sacred Heart was bora one son, Jack F. Whyte noth Dressier of Jackson, Mlch^: and of Denver, executive of the Moun­ HARTFORD-ALCORN Merle A. Dressier of Portland. Ore. Dec. 23 in St. Joseph’s convent. thony’s hospital, as subdeacon; and church on Larimer street One of their four children was baptized tain States Telephone and Tele­ Requiem Mass was celebrated in St. Celebrant of the Solemn Re­ Father Jerome Weinert, master of MORTUARY Joseph's church Dec. 27. Interment Mt. ceremonies. In the sanctuary were there; the other three were bap­ graph company. Olivet Horan & Son mortuiR’y. Her husband, who also came to Family Group Inturanea quiem Mass was the Very Rev. the Rev. William Molloy, chaplain tized in Annunciation church by ROCCO PISICCHIO, 36. of 4046 Father Robinson. Denver as a child with his parents, Harlan street. Husband of Theresa of Mt. Elizabeth Retreat, Morri­ was a native «of Scotland. Em­ RA. 0325 Pisicebio; father of Geraldine Pisiceblo: son; and the Rev. Berard Giblin, Because the doctor thought the Alameda at Logan brother of Nick. Rose, and Mary Pisic* O.F.M., of S t Elizabeth’s church. climate might benefit Mr. Wein­ ployed as a stationary engineer ebio. Mrs. Josephine Fiasco and Mrs. Lecture Series man's eyesight—he became blind for the City and County of Den­ Louise Briola of El ^ a so . Tex.; and Sister Margaretha (Elizabeth many years before his death— ver for approximately 35 years, he Mrs. Lucille Petroni of Los Angeles, Gerlach) of the Poor Sisters Calif.: and son-in-law of Mrs. Mary the family moved to California in preceded her in death in July, Monuments of S t Francis Seraph was born in 1935. We have erected many beauti­ Santangelo Requiem Mass was cele­ 1909, taking up residence in Los brated in St Catherine's church Dec. At Museum to Bruchhausen, Germany, July 2, Angeles where the family home Was Active ful monuments In Mt. Olivet 27. Horan ft Son mortuary. 1863. She entered the community was located at 227% E. 62nd Cemetery. ALMA SMID, 66, of 2037 S. Vallejo in Huesten, Germany, Aug. 24, street Church Worker street. Mother of Mrs. Hilda Flck; 1886, and in the following month mother-in-law of Mrs. Walter Horn; and But Henrietta, who returned to Always active and interested in A. T. THOMSON grandmother of Mrs. John Steenmeyar. Open on Jan. S came to America. On Feb. 22, 1897, Denver a number of times to visit, Church work, Mrs. Whyte was a SOOSherma^St^^^^TA^O^ Mrs. John BirkhoU, Joseph Baca. she was invested with the garb in always considered Colorado her member of the Queen of Heaven Thomas Duane, and Delores, John. A six-week series of free public St. Francis’ convent, La Fayette, Annette. James, Kenneth, and Freddie real home. Aid society, the St. Elizabeth and Horn, all of DenVer. Requiem High Mass lectures, sponsored by the Denver Ind. In the zealous performance of Mr. and Mrs. Weinman were the S t Francis de Sales Altar so­ was celebrated Dec. 24 in S t Anthony's Art museum and the University domestic duties, she served the privileged to celebrate the golden cieties, and the Tabernacle soci­ church, Westwood. Interment M t Olivet. community, especially in the JERRY BREEIV Boulevard mortuary. of Denver Community Institute, jubilee of their marriage in Los ety. In the latter organization she schools of the Western province, Angeles, however, on Oct 20, was most active. Recommenileil Firms RICHARD J. COLLINS, 75. of 2136 will be inaugurated Monday, Jan. California street. Brother of «Margaret for 64 years. It was her greatest 1935. It was a double wedding Besides her son, she is survived Florist Murphy of Washington. D. C.. and 8. Each of the six lectures will delight to make others happy by celebration for the Weinman fam­ by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Nahring, 1004 15th Si. Katie Adams of Arlington, V r; and deal with the “Arts of the Middle her many acts of kindness. In 1945, ily, for their son and his wife, member and active workhr in St. uncle of Lillie Ruth Simons and Edward Sister came to Mother of Grace Catherine’s parish, and Mrs. Anne for AUTO W. Collins. Jr. Requiem High Mass was Ages, Their Limitations and Mr. and Mrs. George Weinman MAin 2279 celebrated in Holy Ghost church Dee. 27. hall, and remained there until her of Denver, joined them in Los An­ Thompson, a member of S t Fran­ Olinger mortuary. Achievements.” Speakers on the death Dec. 21. geles to observe the silver’jubilee cis de Sales’ parish; two grand­ THERESA A. DOTY, 60. of 2611 W. progrram come from the museum The Day mortuary was in charge of their wedding. They had been children, Mrs. Ann Wagner and SERVICE Dunkeld place. Wife of Clarence L. Doty: sister of Mary Ellen Hicks and and the university’s departments of the services. Interment was in married just 25 years on Oct 18 J. F. Whyte, Jr.; and four great­ Call a James Moran, both of Denver, and of history, architecture, music, Mt. Olivet. of that same year. grandchildren. Thomas Moran of Kansas City. Mo.; theater, and English. The series and aunt of Nellie and Josephine Hicks, concludes Feb. 12. All of these Z O IV E E A R both of Denver, and Walter Hicks of £1 Monte. C-alif. Requiem High Mass lectures will take place at the First U. S. Procure at Cheyenne Wells Buckley Bros. Motors, Inc. MAin 7171 was celebrated in S t Dominic's^ church Schleier gallery on Monday eve­ Prompt, CeartooDo Sorrlco Dec. 27. Interment M t Olivet Olinger nings at 8 o’clock. Admission is STUDEBAK£R Sales & Service CHEAPER RATES mortuary. AUTO REPAIRING ON ALL MAKE CARS & TRUCKS 1-WAT RADIO FRANK L. WERNS^NG, 70. of 1521 by ticket only. Tickets may be se­ Young Swiss Order Saves Many Souls CLEAN NEW CABS Humboldt street. Father of Mrs. Lucille cured by calling or writing to the EXPERT BODY AND FENDER WORK - QUALITY PAINTING Cavanaugh' and Mrs. Margaret Renk, University of Denver Community STEAM CLEANING — WASHING — LUBRICATION SERVICE and grandmother of Dale Cavanaugh. The work of the society in China Requiem High Mass is being celebrated Institute, Civic Center, or Eng­ THROUGH THE GOOD graces Although the society sent out 660 S. Broadway — New Location — RA. 2H26 in the C sth^ra) at 9 o'clock Thursday. lish department. University Park, of the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, only 18 missioners this year, 10 is spread among 29 missioners, Dr. F. A. Smith Dec. 28. Interment Mt. Olivet Olinger or the museum, 1343 Acoma the Bethlehem Fathers of Immen- to Africa and eight to Japan, they seven of whom are in prison. In mortuary. see, Switzerland, were able to and their predecessors have done Peking their work progresses in JOHN CHAVEZ, 47. of 3S36*Franklin street. OPEN ’TIL. MIDNIGHT EVERY NIGHT street. Husband of Ivola Chaves; brother establish a procure in the Denver a nearly miraculous amount of comparative peace—school curric­ OptomelrUl of Jake Chaves and Mra. Fred Leal; Two New Exhibitions archdiocese this Holy Year of soul-saving. Their mission at Fort ula are being expanded, the lay .son-in-law of Mary Salas; and brother- 1950. The procure at Cheyenne Victoria in Africa has charge of apostolate is flourishing, and fam­ NARRn T E X A C O in-law of Mrs. Nash Chavez. Requiem Will Be Opened ily conversions are still quite com­ stnvia Mass was celebrated in Annunciation Wells ik the first American' estab­ 27,000 Christians and 6,100 cate­ BARRY FLEMING, Propriator Ford Optical Co. lishment of the Catholic Foreign chumens, of which number 3,100 mon. But in the Tsitsihar mission church Dec. 27. Interment Mt. Olivet The curtain will be raised on TEXACO M l FIRESTONE PRODUCTS SPEER BLVD. AT BANNOCK Capitol mortuary. the second annual Metropolitan Mission Society of Bethlehem. Its were baptized this year. The num­ the activities of the missionaries LEONARD MORENO, 86. of 1947 ber of Baptisms in 1950 was'tri­ have been curtailed to the extent LURRICATIOR aad WASHING TABOR 9 2 2 2 Larimer street. Requiem Mass was cele­ exhibition on Sunday, Jan. 7, purpose is to raise and administer Eyei Examined 6 Viiual Cara brated in Holy Ghost church Dec. 22. from 2 to 6 o’clock in the fourth funds for the society's foreign mis­ ple the number for 1948. But one that 13 and seven priests Indiridually Styled Glaiiea Interment Mt. Olivet. floor galleries. This competitive sions in Japan, Africa, and China. of the most assuring si|;ns of thi^have had to be withdrawn from VINCENTE ALVA, 29, of 3643 Mari­ exhibition drew 122 entrants this The move to the United States be­ entrenchment of the faith on the there because of inactivity. The posa' street. Requiem Mass was cele­ returned missioners say, however, 1538 Broadway brated in St. Cajetan's church Dec. 27. year and promises to be an excit­ came necessary after the displaced “Dark Continent” is that out of Joe Buckmoster Motors Interment Mt. Olivet Trevino mortuary. ing display representing many orders of Europe were taken into 301 marriages this year only one that th in p are not so black as (Mambcr S t l^ncent de Paul Pariah) TAbor 1295 VERA MARTINEZ, 21, of Monte artists from the metropolitan area Switzerland because they placed was a mixed marriage, a record they would seem, because if the Expert Ante Repairing Vista. Daughter of Helen L. Martines: of Denver. too great a financial burden on far better than that of Catholic persecutions of Christians ever sister of Alejandro Steven. Pfc. Bla« that country’s 2,000,000 Cath­ Americans. In the order’s mission let up the churches will be over­ MOTOR ANALYSIS AND TUNE-UP Martinez. Ruby M. Torres, and Miss Simultaneously, there will be crowded the next day. There_ are LUBRICATION — WASHING — SKELLY GAS AND OILS Lupe Martinez; and granddaughter of on display for the first time in olics. schools there, 10,660 students Mr. and Mrs. Andres Leyba. Services and The Procurator in Cheyenne were enrolled this year, better still seven areas being adminis­ East Bayaud and So. Madison FR. 8711 Piles-Hernia interment at Monte Vista Dec. 24. many years, a selection of paint­ than 3,000 more than the number tered by missionaries who earn Trevino mortuary. ings and drawings by one of the Wells is the Rev. Francis E. Brem, their living by doing the work of JAMES B. CUNNINGHAM, 82, of West’s best-known and most popu­ S.M.B., a native of Switzerland, taught last year. Heated by my proven method! 1427 S. Grant street. Father of Mrs. who was educated partially in this » * « peasants and laborers and employ National Auto Body & Radiator Co. No anesthetic. No surg;ery. No Marguerite Beck of Denver and Mrs. lar artists, the late Frank Mechau. their priestly functions whenever E. F. Daly of Long Island. N. Y. Serv­ Those familiar with his work look country. He attended Loras college IN JAPAN IS OF THE SO­ suffering. No danger. No hospital. in Dubuque, la., and received his the opportunity arises. FRANK J. NASTLKY, Member St. Francli de Salee Parish No loss of time .from work. ices and interment Dec. 27. forward to the strong, Western CIETY’S missioners care for 564 * * * RADIATORS, BODIES, HOODS AND FENDERS CHARLES J. LEICHNER, 72. of 3290 flavor of such an exhibition. doctorate in Sinology (the study Catholics and 300 catechumens out A PERSONAL ACCOUNT of / REPAIRED AND MANUFACTURED Dr. S. Corona street. Husband of Ellen of Chinese culture) from Columbia of a total population of 1,294,000 one of the Bethlehem Fathers in Repairing Wrecks a Specialty Quality Painting Allen B. Leichner. Member of Third Order of St. Vacation Is Over university. He is assisted by the in the area. Although the Catho­ Francis Secular. Requiem Maas was Rev. Peter Wildhaber, S.M.B., China tells the following story; 'Croessmann celebrated in St. Louis' church. Engle­ For Children lics are few in number, there “Mr. X was here the other day. Phone TA. 2918 ' 12 E. 8th Ave. wood. Dec. 26. Interment Mt. Olivet. also a native of Switzerland and are signs of an abundant harvest. He came to fetch the Blessed Sac­ Ph.C.. D.C. The Children’s museum, located a former missionary in China. The Catholic high school in Mor- 331 Kth Street MARY J. BLAIR • * * rament for his dying father. He Sait. 311 Requiem Mass was celebrated in St. in the fourth floor galleries at ioka has 865 .girls in attendance; IN AN OFFICIAL CHRISTMAS gave him Holy Communion him­ Roars 9 to 12 Joseph's (Redemptorist) church Dee. 27 City Hall, will resume its regular only 20 of them are baptized Chris­ self. Old Mr. X sometimes came 40 FOXY 1:30 to 5 for Mary J. Blair, for 50 years a member Saturday afternoon programs Jan. message to the friends and bene­ tians and 26 are catechumens, but SEE OUR ... snd hf appointment of that pariah and for 61 years a resi­ miles to fetch the Blessed Sacra­ dent of Denver. Interment was in Mt. 6, from 1 to 3 o’clock. For the factors of the order, the Very Rev. all attqpd religious instructions. ment to his village. When he would AComo 5070 Olivet. next month the afternoon ac­ Edward Blatter, Superior General, Three hundred girls took part in reach home, it would be placed CAPITAL FRemont 7250 Eighty-two years of age, Mrs. Blair tivity programs will be linked to acknowledged the generosity of the annual retreat this year, and died Dec. 23 following a long illness. Archbishop Vehr, and related a upon a fine table and the Chris­ 27 Years of Born Mary Johnson in St. John. New the Metropolitan exhibition of the most of them would gladly accept tians would elect him the most Snceessfui Practleo Brunsw’ick. Canada, May 10. 1868. she Denver Art museum. Every Satur­ few of the highlights of the or­ Baptism if it were not for the worthy of the villagers to dis­ BUYS came to Denver in 1889. She was mar­ day afternoon there will be some der’s progress. tribute Holy Communion.”______. ried here on May 31, 1900. to Charles Being a relatively new order, prejudice of their families.______DENVER’S BEST £. Blair, a retired railway conductor, sort of demonstration—sculpture, MOVING who lives at the family home, 233 S. painting, carving, and print-mak­ the Bethlehem Fathers sent out Franklin street, with their daughter, ing—for the young people at­ their first band of missioners in VIC HEBERT INC. Mrs. Karl Sedimayr, and two grandchil­ tending. In addition, there will be 1924, and since that time they have STORAGE dren, 'Dorothy and Barbara. Angelica CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING U^iiflD C A R S Buckley, a stepdaughter, lives in Pueblo. a new feature. “Penny Pictures” sent an additional 132 missioners will be introduced. This is a com­ into the foreign fields. 3660 Downing SHIPPING JEANETTE HOUCK ARNOLD pletely different project Pictures Sine. I9IS AAD TKUC KS i Requiem High Mast was celebrated In Classified Ads Holy Family church Dec. 22 for Jeanette will be made with pennies by the Conditioned Right and Local and i Houck Arnold. 4567 W. 88th avenue, children. After the program is Ex-GI Albert Trull, It will pay you to read ALL of tha following advertiuementa. Long Distance < who died in St. Joseph's hospital Dec. over, the accumulated peniues will The firms listed here de­ Ready for YOU! 19. Interment was in Mt. Olivet. Horan a. A A A A A A J tA A A Moving * ft Son mortuary. be used to acquire more art ob­ Convert, Is Victim serve to be rem em bered The daughter of the late George L. jects for the grrowing collection of APARTMENT WANTED Storage • Packing ] Roberts, who for many years was the Children’s museum. HELP WANTED—FEMALE when you are distributing Shipping ^ treasurer the Elitch Gardens company, PRICED Mrs Houck was bom 'in New York city Though the afternoon activities Female elerk-typiats. ideal workins condi- Register eaployae desperately needs three your patronage in the dif­ Of Fotol Accident or foar room apartmeat or hooat. Will pay All Types of Frame April 4, 1878. and came to Denver with start Jan. 6, the Saturday morn­ tiona, 40 hour week, group inaurance, her family as a child. She received her centra] location, permanent work, gradu- op to MO.OO per month. Call KEyRtom ferent lines of business. RIGHT Buildings Moved i ing specialty classes will not begin 4295. Extension 4 (roai 8:30 to 5:00. education at Sacred Heart convent. St again until Feb. 3. Albert Trull, ex-service man aten of Catholic high schoola preferred. Free Eitimatet ' Joseph. Mo., and Loretto Heights col­ 76c per hour to sta rt Apply buaineaa office and recent convert to the Church, 938 Bannock S t n iW E L S & LINEIN SUPPLY lege, Denver. The regular afternoon art was fatally injured in an auto­ Her first hu sh ed was Edwsrd Houcl^. classes for children from the third DUFFY STORAGE • brother of Msry Rlitch Long, founder mobile collision Dec. 22, three HOUNTAIN TOWEL * ‘ 8UPPLT CO ILETfmhkg of the Elitch Gardens company. He died grrade through thq 12th grade will miles west of Larkspur. Mr. Trull SITUATIONS WANTED Service famlahed far Offleta. Barben. in 1915. William Arnold, her •second reconvene Tuesday afternoon, Reataaranta. Steraa. and Banqaeu . & MOVING CO. • husband, also preceded ber in death in was en route to Dolores to_ spend Ehcpenenced Parochial higb-acbool girl will B W BECRITIS. Uanagti 1936. Jan. 2. They will meet, as usual, the Christmas week end with his care for children during Chriatmae vaca­ 1317 Cnrtia S t HA. TtfS 1521 20th St. Surviving )$ a sister. Miss M. Jo­ after school in the art. school parents, Mr. and Mrs. William tion or weekend!, Pref. East aide. EA. 8498. CNRYSLER-PtyMOUTK _ sephine Roberts of Denver. studios, Room 481, City Hall. DRUGGISTS Tel. KE. 6228 Dalargmel. ADDRESSING SERVICE u p m m MOTOR CO. , The free art classes for adults Mr.-Trull had served his coun­ W OABRQADW AY CH.5626I will resume on the same day, TOUR PREflCRIPTlONS Famed Sculptor Honored try during World war II, and had Envelopes, Circulara, cards hand addreated. Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 1:15. The Phone answering eerviee. PEarl 3610. Mrs. Madrid.—Don Aniceto Marinas, been stationed in Hawaii for two will be tllad eerractly at Monday evening classes, however, years. He had been active with the' Mae Fanner. famed 84-year-old sculptor whose will not meet again until Monday colossal monument of the SaerSd National Guard since his dis­ BRICK REPAIRS' WASHINGTON PARK PHARMACY tBOWl evening, Jan. 8,, at the regular charge and had bean ordered to I Dodge-Plymouth Owners Heart of Jesus erected at the turn hour, 7 o’clock. Ph. BP. 37U in a Bentb Gaylard 81 'iin sf of the century on top W ’s report to Buckley field for in­ BRICK REPAIRS I Speeialiaing In krlck COMPLETE OVERHAUL NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT duction upon his return to Den­ pointing and etpairing, aiao caulking snd Recondition your car or (ruck for many more montha of good hill was destroyed by Red soldiers painUng GR. 7443 WALTER EVANS AND DETERMINATION OP HEIRSHIP ver. He was 24 years old, un­ aervice. We have all the parta. in 1936, has been named president ESTATE OF DAVID A. MacDONALD, 3177 Benton S t Homes for Sale The things you note ehoote of the Spanish Royal Academy of DECEASED. NO. 89603. ' married, and an active member of together are the things you Fine Arta. In the exact geographi­ Notle« i* hcrabr xivcn that on tba SOtb the Holy Name society of St. PAINTING & DECORATING will always cherish most, cal center of Spain, the monu­ day of January. 1061. I will praaent to the Patrick’s parish, Denver, and of JAMES MOTOR CO. County Court of the City and County of the Knights of Columbus, council 1278 Lincoln KE 8221 ment depicted a group of towns­ Denver, Colorado, my aecounta for final WaUpapet banging, pahitlTig, cemodtlias JACQUES b r o t h e r s CaU KE 6793. St. Louis Pariah— Englewood Sine, n e t people paying homage to the Sa­ Mttlement of the adrolnlitration of aald 539. Mtsiaesb .1 Olillsctl.s cred Heart. It was 92 feet high, eatate, when and where all persona In The accident occurred at 8:40 FOR paperbanging and pninttng eall Anton 3 or 8 bedroom homec with or without lilt eft Brselvay interaat may appear and object to them, if p.m. Mr. Trull was rushed to Beringer, 163 Uadiaon. EA. 3286. e. 6tS An 104 feet wide, and 53 feet in depth. they io deaire. baaementa, in 4619 block south on On the top and center of the monu­ Notice la aiao hereby fiven that there Colorado General hospital, but WALLPAPER Hanging, Painting. Re­ Delaware and Chetokea; or will build ment was the Sacred Heart carved haa been filed in said estate a petition died at 2:30 a.m. without regain­ modeling. Call KE 6793. to suit yon. 28 E. 6th Are. asking for a judicial aacertainment and ing consciousness. He was given AL. 2010 out of 123 cubic feet of stone. determination of the heirs of such de­ ceased, and setting forth that the names, Extreme Unction conditionally by WANTED TO BUY FREE APPRAISALS addresses and relationship of all persons, a priest -from Christ the King Call ns fur gnlck action In sals el who are or claim to- be heirs of said da- parish. CATHOLIC Encyclopedia in complete acta. eeaaed, to far as known to the petitioner, The Rosary was held at the Box 1620, Dept E, The Register, Denver, YOUR praparty. Monuments & Markers are as follona, to-wlt: Johd A. Mac-' Colorado. Donald, Earl Gray, Saakatehawan. Canada, Olinger mortuary Dec. 27, with Listing with ss li TOOr aaanranca at brother. the Holy Name society attending prampt conrtaons handling ef YOUR We carry a complete line of grave blankets, crosses, Accordingly, notice is also hereby given in a body. The Requiem High Mass raal satata problaaa. wreaths, marble statues and vases. • that upon the date aforesaid, or the day to is being offered this morning, C i U l Y ’ S which the hearing may be continued, the When yon want to bay. wa hava. You will be surprised when you see our prices. Court will proceed to receive and bear Thursday, Dec. 28, in S t Pat­ ___ ISOO S. Broadway i proofs concerning the heirs of such de­ rick’s church, with members of the always. YOUR bast Intaraaln at haart. ceased, and, upon the proofs sobmitted, will BEST PLACE IN TOWN FOR §top •— Shop and Save enter a decree in said estate dstermining society as pallbearers. Because of |We Pay ra»hj Ws will and YOU what YOU want who are the heirs of such deceased person, his military service, his casket vl&s in aur wlds varlaty at listings. UNCOLN-MERCURY SERVICE Lettering end Cleaning Done at Cemetery at which hearing all persons claiming to flag-draped. * For Used Furniture ] Wi art "Uada-Mcrcry HcaAauttfn.' (hit ■Mhiairt, o la i labu-uvliif. (•clcrr- be heirs at law of such dsccaisd may Fred Deard, chairman of the atflnvd KBloawnt kMH ran cat latldv tnS Mt and an raidv to Mrvtcf It a.kUy appear and pisaent their proofs. Wilton & Wilton, Reolty aaJ lb.rM|hli. 8n m May and tvery thirty 4iyi . . lor caaipirtt ebarkap B.C. Hilliard, Jr. sick and vigil committee, was : and 4 Members of S t Louia Pariah aad aacfaaary maiatciiaiicf warlu Administrator, called upon by Milton Woods, AKvada N orm flll'S M Bm O nols ARvada First publication December 21, 1960 y Miseallaneooa Itoma ^ 3838 8s. Broadway 8U. 1-4I7] THE KUMPF MOTOR CAR CO. Last publication January 18, 1961 HNS president, to make all of the 12.31-J 7769 W. 44th on Way to Mt. .Olivet 123I-J ^ PE. 4014 RA.6423 < Open evaoinga till 3 IITB AND 4CO»U atpiaa aa>i This notice is issued pursuant to Sec. 227, funeral arrangements for Mr. t OPRN EVENINGS TILL 3 p.au i as amended, and Sac. 13, Oh. 176, '13 C.8.A. Trull. .C.A e. A , Thursday, Dec. 28, 1950 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOIIC REGISTER Telephone, KEytfene 4205 PAGE N IN E

Holiday Displays Defy Secularism Annual Religion — Opportunity for By Paul H. Hallett the masses can never be induced to have an active hatred of A Dangerous Practice Catholic Authors THE NATIONALLY FA­ By Rev. J ohn B. Ebel MOUS Denver Civic Center religion, although they can be By Rbv. Robert E. Kekeisen paganized. Religious insensi­ IF ANYONE HAS A YEN for the pen, now Christmas display is more Chris­ tivity and ignorance have not MOST OF THE PRIESTS questioned con­ would seem to be the auspicious time to wrap tian this season -than ever be­ yet progressed so far in Amer­ cerning the crowds at Midnight Mass in their Wormwood, Clern, and the Christmas Creche up a few manuscripts and send them off to the fore. It may be interesting to parishes this Christmas agreed that the church speculate how many of those ica that many people could read By Eo Miller of Clem’s grasp'. "Oh, and have you tried the publishers. Judging by the review of the year's this part of the brief submitted was filled to overflowing from 45 minutes to an literar^ output as given in Time magazine, there who admire the_ gigantic Na­ (With apologies to C. S. Lewis) beer at Clancy’s Bucliet of Blood in Canarsie? to the Supreme Court by Mrs. hour before the services began. All admitted that Aaaaaah!” He rolled his eyes hellward. is an excellent opportunity for new writers to tivity scene, which dominates McCollum’s lawyers without a it was difficult to keep enough consecrated Hosts I AM NOT AT LIBERTY to tell you how I the rest of the decoration, have “Get out,”* said Clem, bis voice low and break into the field. Especially would it be a feeling of disgust; in the tabernacle to supply the throng that ap­ came by this knowledge, but the incident that throaty. good time for ^writers with a Christian back­ a belief in or knowledge and proached the Communion rail to receive the Lord I would like to relate to you occurred earlier appreciation of the dogma there “ONE OF SAID instructors “Now don’t be nugatory,” said Wormwood, ground and theme. At other times their work in religious education teaches a in His sacramental Presence. And the wearied this week in a church in Denver. placatingly, “You can't fight it, Mac, you might be refused just because it is Christian. illustrated, but are there any, looks on the priests’ faces told well the story of A little boy, name of Billy, walked into the even among professional athe­ doctrine that there is a super­ dreamer. It’s too big for you.” But at the present it would irresistihly rush in natural and divine being, per­ hours of Confessions heard in preparation for church one evening about 7 o’clock, blessed him­ “Get opt,” said Clem. v to fill the vacuum. ists, who resent the city’s spend­ self carefully with holy water, genuflected,, and ing of the common funds on son, or thing, called ‘God’; that the feast. “Aw go suck a tornado,” said Wormwood. “Through most of 1950,” reports Time, there is relationship between It is the same story' each year: Even the entered a rear pew to concern himself, for a few Clem’s ichor boiled. He started for Wormwood,- “sales bf fiction lagged behind non-fiction. It what, even to the religiously il­ minutes with thanking God, entabemacled at the literate, is so naturally a mani­ mankind and said alleged God, most renegade, the least fervent find inclina­ firm purpose in every stride. Wormwood took was a reversal of the usual order, but a look whereby all earthly persons are tion, time, and opportunity to hear Mass, and front of the church, for the gifts he had received to the air; so did Clem. Then followed what at the novels provided at least a partial explana­ festation of civic ’joy? Cer­ dependent upon and responsible at Christmas. tainly, if such there be, they approach the sacraments on the Birthday of the fighter pilots call a “rat race” (a dogfight), tion. The Costains and the Yerbys had their to said God. She also estab­ I^rd. It is a general homecoming for God’s With Billy had come his constant companion, which was interrupted by the entrance into the moments, but not the gaudy ones of old, and have been noticeably inarticu­ lishes in the minds of pupils a a personable guardian angel whom Billy had late. sheep, the black ones included, and many a stray church of a family of four. Wormwood broke Sven the Du Mauriers and the Cronins issued certain sectarian theory that has been retrieved by God’s hand at this time of named Clem. Now the first thing Clenf noticed off the engagement, peeled off, and sped to the invitations to boredom. British Critic V. S. All over the nation, schools said G(^ is of masculine gender was that a very red devil was perched atop a Pritchett feared that leisure had become so rare and civic corporations have year whom even the most eloquent missionary side of the father. Clem started to follow, but (by use of pronouns) and that preacher would fail to move to repentance. confessional, ostensibly asleep. Clem literally stopped. Now he could find oiit what the devil and expensive that creative writers no longer contributed iit some way to sup­ said God and a female person and figuratively saw red. this devil was up to. had a chance to do good work. But more than a port the dogma of the Incarna­ named ‘Mary’ (also known as BUT WAIT TILL next Saturday and Sunday. “Hey,’>he said, rather belligerently, “what The same sacrament of Penance is there to THE FAMILY STARTED UF the middle of lack of leisure was responsible for the famine: tion this Christmas, if only by the wife of Joseph) were the are you doing in here?” There was a lack of commanding talent among arranging the singing of a few heal the wounds of weakness. The same Christ the aisle, their eyes on the crib at the left-hand father and mother of a male “What’s it to you, Mac,” said the devil, com­ side altar. Wormwood was all over the place, the new writers, and a drop in performance carols. is there in the Eucharist to fill human souls with ing awake. child, called ‘Jesus Christ’; that divine sanctifying grace. The same church is whispering in one’s ear and then the other’s. among the old.” WE READ that a profes­ thereafter the parents (there­ ‘My name isn’t Mac; it’s Clem,” said the Clem sidled in a little closer to hear. IN COMMENTING on the situation in the after referred to as Joseph and there, the house of God in which prayer rises angel, “and you’d better get out of here . . . sional atheist, Arthur Crom­ heavenward. But where are those crowds that “Isn’t it beautiful? Look at the coloring of, non-fiction field, which admittedly fared better, well, the father of Mrs. Vashti Mary) fled with said child into fast.” the Madonna. IsfVt the infant lifelike? Notice than the fiction. Time notes that: “People look­ Egypt until after the death of stood in the aisles church-deep for Confession “CLEM,” SAID THE DEVIL, swinging . McCollum, who obtained the de­ the night before Christmas, the vast thronra the rapt expression on St. Joseph’* face.” ing for final answers in books found disappoint­ cision from the U. S. Supreme Herod; that said male child his feet back and forth above Clem’s head, “that’s And then it all came clear to Clem. The devil ingly few in the 1950 crop.” Perhaps that is a Court that banned the use of grew to manhood, and by rea­ that made the church walls buckle at midnight an odd name. But if you like it I suppose it’s Christmas? a clever fellow is Jie- He will use any device to key to the whole literary situation. public schools to teach religion, son of his relationship to and okay. My name is Wormwood. Maybe you’ve further his ends—even to the point of urging Father John S. Kennedy, syndicated Catholic" prote.sted the “bootlegging of favoritism on the part of said For some individuals religion is a sentimen­ read about me.” tal, annual affair—just that, and nothing more. precedence to veneration of images so that the critic, makes the observation in one o r his col­ religion into the schools under God, he was endowed with mi­ “That’s not the point,” said Clem. “What are faithful will forget HIM, really and totally pres­ umns: “Saying is nothing unless wed to seeing. | the guise of the Christmas raculous, personal proclivities, The church is as strange an atmosphere for them you doing in here, and when are you going to as is dry land for a fish. Others there are who, ent behind the silken veil of the tabernacle, and And it is the Catholic who sees, who probes; spirit,” but such protests must but was ultimately killed by leave?” He moved a little closer, hunching up his behind, as some one has said, “the wheaten veil” reality in its full dimensions.” It is up to Catho­ be few, scattered, and ineffec­ Jews, on Good Friday; that though constant in Sunday Mass attendance, shoulders. , seldom put themselves out to confess their sins of the consecrated bread. And this faithful fam­ lic writers, then, to develop the technique with, tive. Only the passage of the thereafter, on Easter Sunday, “Now don’t be stuffy, Mac,” said Wormwood. ily had forgotten: Wormwood had talked them which to express what they see. The future of: present state of secularism to life was revived in his body, and obtain forgiveness, seldom meet Jesus at “I was. just resting.” You know, old toad-in- the Communion rail. into forgetting to genuflect at the center of the American literature could well belong to Catholic'l one of* militant on the arid he met with some of >his the-hole, there’s a saying in Spanish that goes, altar rail as they passed to visit the creche. disciples, and he departed from writers. part of a ruling minority could NO PERSON WITH A HEART, understand­ '.Que kerinoso es no hacer nada y luego discancer’ Clem acted then. From his position above the Sister Mariella Gable, in the latest of her render them dangerous. them still living in -said post ing the love of God, could meet divine love with . . . ‘How beautiful it is to have nothing to do— group he dropped like a dive bomber. And he anthologies of Catholic short stories, Many- We say a “minority,” because mortem life.” such indifference. Perhaps it is lack of under­ and then to rest afterwards.’ Good, huh? I read caught Wormwood by the tail. My, what a beat­ Colored Fleece, gives it as her conviction that standing of spiritual things that prompts this that in Esquire." ing that poor devil took. there is a great future for Catholic fiction, the “Look, Chum,” said Clem, taking hold of The Denver Catholic Register lukewarmness. Or maybe it is a spirit of spiritual SO INTENT WAS CLEM on his work that he fiction, that is, of spiritual affirmatiori. Fic­ sloth that prefers a glass of oranfee juice to Wormwood’s ankles, “get down from there.” tion oh the merely natural level, as seems cor­ Wormwood wrenched free and jumped to his failed to see the priest come out on the altar, President...... Most Rev, Archbishop Urban J, Vehr, D.D. Communion. But whatever it is, a grave d&nger fumble for the key, and open the tabernacle, roborated by Time’s resume, has played itself Editor...... „...Rt. Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL.D., Jour.D. lies at the doorstep of the backslider;.his eter­ feet on top of the confessional. out, is ever more attenuated and exhausted, is Managing Director...... Monsignor John B. Cavanagh, M.A., Ph.D nal salvation is at stake. “DON’T GET SORE, MAC,” he said. “I’m genuflect, and take out a chalice. coming.” And with that he leaped lightly i^ the But 'he felt the sudden warmth all through perishing of inanition. Its techniques are per­ City Editor...... Rev. John B. Ebel, M.A., Litt.D It is an easily proved thesis in theology that him, saw the wonderful flashing light, and knew fected, but to what purpose? “They are delicate Associate Editors — Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A., Litt.D.; Linus no one can remain long in the state of grrace air, did a gpraceful Immelman toward t^e high vault of the ceiling) circled, came in fast at in the sudden thrill that rippled through him as an all-but-invisible needle—for doing ex­ Riordan, Ph.D.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A., Litt.D.; Rev. Robert without God’s help. And nothing in the vast that God was exposed for all to see. quisite embroidery on tissue paper, or devastat­ Kekeisen, M.A., Litt.M.; Paul H. Hallett, Litt.D.; Jack Heher. A.B.; world of God’s creation is as tfemendous a Clem) and then stretched out his vermilion ing as a sledgehammer — used for smashing cloak like a pilot would extend the flaps on his But Wormwood knew it too. There was the James Kelly, A.B.; Art Editor, Leo Canavan, M.F.A. ____ reservoir of God’s help as is devout and frequent most terrifying scream that Clem had ever heard gnats. reception of the Holy Eucharist. plane, and swept to a nice three-point landing Entered as second class matter at the postoffice at Denver, Colo. in front of Clem. The third point, which acted as Wormwood tore away from his grasp and “CATHOLIC FICTION will'be three-dimen­ Thit Piper Pripted Entirely By Union Libor as a tail skio, was, of course, his barbed tail. hurtled down the center aisle and out the door. sional, seeing man as he is in himself, as he is in “Now what are you doing here,” said Clem, No, it was not the most terrifying. Clem relation to his fellows, as he is in relation to God. Published Weekly by Editorial for Today thought back to the day the bad had been It is unlimited in its range and possibilities.” THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY, (Inc.) sticking an angelic finger in Wormwood’s chest. “I have just come from Washington, where thrown down from heaven. Those screams had But to .create it is a tremendous task, and there­ 938 Bannock Street, 1 Written 3,000 Years Ago I was on extended active duty in the State De­ been worse. fore it is plainly true that, as Sister Mariella Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 partment,” said Wormwood, modestly. “I did Clem knelt and adored while the priest put sAys, “the Catholic writer must be a greater WHAT MEANS THIS TURMOIL among the the Host in his pyx, replaced the chalice, closed artist than his secular confrere.” Further, if he nations? Why do the peoples cherish vain most of the spadework on the Far Eastern Subscription : policy. That term ‘Chinese agrarian reformers’ the tabernacle door, and left. And then he went is to make goodness live upon the page, if he is dreams? See how the kings of the earth stand back to his little Billy, whose eyes were closed to get the incomparable drama of grace into 75 cents per year in Archdiocese of Denver. in array, how its rulers make common cause was mine.” $1.25 per year Outside Archdiocese of Denver. “That’s beside the point. If you don’t tell in a kind of junior contemplation. And he awoke print, he must himself have made progress in against the Lord, and against the King He has Billy quietly and took him by the hand up to the spiritual life, be acclimatized to it and, in­ Canaaa, $2.00 a year per subscription. anointed, crying, “Let us break away from their me what you’re doing here. I’ll call S t Michael the Archangel.” A shadow of fear passed across the sanctuary rail where, before going over to deed, steeped in it. Foreign countries, including , $2.75 a year. bondage, let us throw off their yoke!” He who pray before the Christmas creche, they lingered Sister Mariella remarks that, although all dwells in heaven is laughing at their threats, the Wormwood’s eyes. “Now, just relax, Mac,” he said. “I’m just a little, adoring the Real Presence of God in the but one of the authors represented in her Thursday, December 28, 1950 Lord makes light of them; and at last, in His tabernacle. antholo^ are lay persons, the stories deal chieHy displeasure, He will speak out; His fierce anger here on orders. Screwtape sent me. I won’t be here long. It’s 7:15 now; at 12 o’clock I turn with priests and religious. She hopes that t?he will hurl them into confusion. Catholic vrriter will discover the Catholic lay­ OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER Prince^ take warning; learn the lesson, you into a pumpkin.” He went off into a big long The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. that rule the world. Tremble and serve the Lord, guffaw at his little joke, taking a turn about No Evil Is Good man, and particulirly the strong and ever-widen­ the church through the air, but carefully avoid By Rev. J ames B. Hamblin ing tide of heightened spirituality and integn*ell7 We confirm it as the official publication of the Archdiocese. What­ rejoicing in His presence, but with awe in your Christian living among the laity. “The layman ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or hearts. Kiss the rod; do not brave the Lord’s ing the sanctuary. He came in fast to land again, almost like an airline pilot comes in on DESPITE THE AMENDMENTS providing ought to write of himself. Here is the unex­ those of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. . anger, and go astray from the sure path. When for American supervision of and continuous pub­ plored area of experience. He ought to bridge We hope The Register will be read in every home of the the fire of His vengeance blazes out suddenly, the wheels. “I HAD THE BEST DINNER,” he said, “an licity concerning its distribution, we still find it the gap between his spiritual struggles and Archdiocese. happy are they who find their refuge in Him.— difficult to think easily of the $38,000,000 relief Catholic art.” (From Psalm ii, Knox translation) excellent pate, followed by a petite marmite." We urge pastors, parents, and teachers to cultivate a taste In bill for Yugoslavia that has cleared through Con­ CERTAINLY THE OPPORTUNITY for the children of the Archdiocese for the reading of The Register. He started to fly away again, but Clem caught him by the tail. gress. Although it is specified that the bill “is Catholic writers is now. Henry Morton Robin­ « URBAN J. VEHR Joyce Kilmer on Prayer “Look,” said Clem, trying to hold his temper. not to be interpreted as endorsing measures un­ son in his novel, The Cardinal, took partial ad-., Jan. 29, 1942 Archbishop of Denver. Pray that I may love God more. It seems to “Whaf right do you have in a church?” dertaken by the government of Yugoslavia which vantage of the situation. With sales of 600,000,11 me that if I can learn to love God more passion­ “Well, I’m an Albigensian myself. We be­ suppress or destroy >;ieligious, political, and eco­ the book was the most popular of the year. But” Forty Hours' Devotion ately, more constantly, without distractions, that lieve in two gods, you know—one good and one nomic liberty,” and even though it requires quar­ much more remains to be done. We eagerly absolutely nothing else can matter. I got faith, bad. It’s a free country, you know. You pays terly reports be submitted on whether the Tito await the publication of Left Hand of God, a ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER government has softened its attitude toward Week of Dec. 31, Sunday Within the Octave of the Nativity you know, by praying for it. I hope to get love your money and you takes your choice,” Worm­ novel by Denver’s famous author, William Bar­ the same way.— (Joyce Kilmer) wood replied, slipping his serpent-like tail out granting human rights, we still look in vain for rett. This work, which ran in abridged form in Denver, St. Anthony’i Hoipital any effective measure to insure that those human Greeley, St. Peter’* Church Redbook, will be published early in the new year. rights will be granted. Ih will be, judging from reports of those who And, therefore, we differ with those who have read the mansucript, a step nearer the CATHOLIC RADIO LOG praise “moral suasion to get nonaggressive Com­ great Catholic novel. munists to recognize tlie rights of individuals.” Station KOA ROSARY FOR PEACE—Sun- We differ with those who shy “we can get CATHOLIC HOUR — Sunday, day, 8:15 p.m. along and live in the ^ame world with Tito Triumph of Secularism whereas we must arm to the teeth and even use 12 noon. FAMILY THEATER—Wednea- By Rev. F rancis Syruney . day, 7:30 p.m. those arms against Stalin’s followers as the occa­ ASK AND LEARN—Sunday, Station KTLN sion demands.” Such thinking and writing, if it i* IF EVER THE WISDOM of the American not following perfectly the Party line, will do in their choice of a subject for their 10:45 p.m. FR. JOHN ORDINAS, C. R.— annual statement was strikingly confirmed it Sunday, 7-8:30 a.m. as a substitute. Station KFEL AS RECENTLY AS NOV. 16 the Yugoslav was at the recent White House Conference on , Station KLZ Red'dictator announced in no uncertain terms Children and Youth held in Washington. Less^., AVE MARIA HOUR—Sunday. CHURCH OF AIR—Sunday, that he has no intention of being wooed away than a month prior to this midcentury Conference, i s. 5:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. 8-8:30 a.m. from Communism. The Associated Press quoted the Hierarchy emphasized the fact that the child him as.follows: “We remain loyal to our prin­ finds his completion only in God in a magnificent ciples. We have not given any concessions and message entitled “The Child; Citizen of Two have not deviated in any way from the line of Worlds.” Marxism by requesting assistance from those we , A friend who formerly worked here at the believe would give it to us.” Furthermore, as Register attended the White House conference Rep. Rooney pointed out in the House debate and writes us: “This was the first time I saw the Hear concerning the measure, “to aid a Communist secularists really at work.” Another, the Rev. state is to aid a potential enemy who is vowed by Richard Kavanaugh of Indianapolis, who once principle to rise up and destroy all non-Commu- served for a couple of years as an assistant in nist nations when the moment is opportune. No­ St. Catherine’s parish, Denver, reports: “The ter­ where has Tito denounced Communism. If Tito rible truth dawned on me that all was far from A SK and LEARN has rejected Stalin, he has not rejected a founder secure in the good old U.S.A. Atheists (in various of Communism but only its major prophet.- The guises), secularists, and materialists were not Communism of Tito is the Communism of Marx onljr well entrenched in the field of welfare, edu­ and Lenin, the sworn enemies of Christian civili­ cation, and youth work; they controlled it. KOA zation and the Western way of life. There is no they intended to control the recommendations, such thing as good Communism as opposed to of the White House conference.” bad Communism, just as there is no such thing THE STORY OF HOW THE SECULARISTS 10:45 as good evil as opposed to bad evil. The national controlled the resolutions submitted by the com­ Your FIRST New Year Resolution .... Communism of Tito is founded on the doctrines mittees has already been reported by the NCWC EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT of Marx and Lenin and kept in power by ruth­ News Service, but it is shocking to get first-hand less control and untold murders. Tito regards accounts of the power of the secularists from ...bank The AMERICAN Way! himself as the Communist par excellence. The those who were at the conference. Questions on religion submitted by the radio national Communism of Tito is dynamic and, Particularly striking are Father Kavanaugh's' audience answered on the archdiocesan broadcast. being such, it must tend to spread and increase words quoting the CYO executive secretary from itself. This evil can increase itself only at the Detroit after the conference: “Father, I feel as Booklet on Catholic Church available free of cost The AMERICAN Way means a complete banl> cost of a portion of Christian civilization.” if I had lost a double overtime basketball game ing service 'for your every need— savings ac­ ILLUSTRATIVE of the questionable nature for the national championship. But this confer-- to all inquirers. of 'Tito’s supposed break with Stalin is the in­ ence has been better than a retreat for me. WRITE TO counts, checking accounts, safe deposit boxes, formation contained in a story printed in the Every day I will thank God for the wonderful all types of loans, estate planning and ad­ Dec. 23 issue of the Ensign, Canadian Catholic privilege of being a Catholic.” ASK AND LEARN, Station KOA paper. Tito, says the information, is Vooing ministration, It means convenient bank­ FATHER KAVANAUGH draws a conclusion Denver 2, Colorado Stalin again, now that the Yugroslav Reds have well worth considering from his experience at the' ing too. Resolve today to bank The decided that the Soviet military bloc is stronger Washington conference. “The conference left no than the Western bloc. Recent public afts con­ doubt about the struggle for control of the chil­ AMERICAN Way! firming the repott include: dren of America. Whether they are won £or God Marshal Tito himself told a group of Swiss or for secularism will depend upon the citizens NAin 5314 journalists that the conflict between Yugo­ of the United States being aware of the struggle slavia and the Cominform would be resolved. and how they will cope with the situation. Wo The Minister of Propaganda told friends Catholics must share some of the blame for the that Belgirade had informally offered Soviet secularustic approach so prevalent throughout F. J. KIRCHHOF FREE PARKING Russia an accord of conciliation. public educational, welfare, and youth agencies. The release of General Zujovis, arrested for We have not provided the rieadership in these Right Next Door to the Bonk Cominform sympathies, was arranged to pla­ fields. We have been so wrapped up in our owa^ cate the Kremlin. • Catholic affairs that we sometimes forget our Construction Co. Persecution of former Cominform adher­ responsibility to those outside the fold.” ents in Yugoslavia has been almost completely ■Yes, we Catholics can be justly proud of our stopped. “ magnificent school system, but as public tax­ payers we cannot afford to be apathetic in the BUILDERS HEAR "AMERICAN SERENADE" On Dec. 11, the government announced it would grant an amnesty to 177 other political face of the new “no-relijgion” of secularism that We Appreciate Your Patronage KLZ, 8:30 P.M. Every Wednesday prisoners in Bosnia and Herzegovina. has already gone so far in taking over our public; Yugoslav newspapers have been ordered schools. Our country has only lately awakened to 700 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. to tone down the bitterness of anti-Cominform the external menace of Communism that threat-- polemics. ens our national independence. For the most part LET EDITORIALISTS and commentators, it is" still asleep to the more insidious threat— eaTABUSUKD IHt therefore, stop deceiving the American people Communism’s ready weapon and ally—of secu­ about the aid bill. It is neither an investment in larism, which denies to God His rightful place in The AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK good will nor a demonstration that “we want the lives of all, especially our children. The American Fixture Co peace even with Communists.” Let them admit HiBsIsetarm ot of Denver it is only a case of America’s opening its coffers No Aid From Franco to feed the hungry—in this case, the hungry in a Before he was hanged at Nuremburg, General Church Pew* and Altar* land subjected to Communism, the hungry who Alfred Jodi, Hitler’s personal chief of staff, Church Furniture 17th at Lawrence Streets are living proof that Communism will not solve testified that Germany lost the war chiefly be­ economic or social ills. Representative Tackett cause of three fatalities: The victory of the Bank, Office, and Store Fuftures thebank of personalized B E R V I C C expressed it correctly when he said: “ This bill Royal air force in the Battle of Britain, the un­ MUlwork of All Kinds merely proposes to assist in the building within natural cold of the Russian winter of 1941-42, Europe of a Communist government at a time and, finally, the refusal of Generalissimo Fran­ MA. 0168 cisco Franco to allow the Wehrmaoht division* F. J. Kircbhof, Pros, Member, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation when we are telling the taxpayers of this coun­ 1236 Arapahoe Su try that we need to spend billions of dollars in to race from th^ Pyrenees to Gibraltar and C. F. Stahl, Pico Pres. Denrer. Colo. Europe to prevent the spread of Communism. i^th a vi£w to sealing the Mediterranean You cannot buy friendship.” effectively against Allied invasion.—(Avs Maria) PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatene4205 Thurtdoy, Dec. 26, 1950 Amusements-Dining Scout Troop Has Catholics Get Key Posts Papal Blessing Lakewood Parish Plans , Recreotion Holiday Party on Dec. 28 Seasonal Party In 1951 March of Dimes Given to Mother (St. Bernadette’s Parish, On Dec. 17 Father Doherty of­ Lakewood) ficiated at the wedding of John Many prominent Denver Catho­ out saying that we cannot aban­ The annual holiday season party lics will work in'the 1961 March don even one of these, if there is J. Palmer, son of Mrs. Ross Pal­ for all men and women of St. Ber­ mer, 21 S. Lamar, and Margaret At St. Vincent's of Dimes campaign to be held the slightest hope for improve­ Of (5od Parish nadette’s parish will be held this ment. Simpson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (St. Vincent de Pnul’i Pnrisli, Jan. 16-31, 1961. (Mother of God Parish, Denver) Thursday, Dec. 28, at 8 p.m. in “Ail have a stake in this all- Jefferson hall. Arrangements were Lester Simpson, 1306 Chase. The D enrer) Ned Laskey is the general cam­ out fund drive," Mr. Laskey said. A friend of the parish brought witnesses were Donald Palmer and Boy Scout troop 140 and Cub paign director, John M. O’Connor made jointly by the Men’s club and Mrs. Ralph Westervelt The couple “Our, stake is'to wipe out. polio. back from Rome the Apostolic the Altar and Rosary society, with Scout troop 39 of St Vincent de is thi the treasurer, and the Rev. Ed­ It is up to US to see to it that the plan to make their home in Lake- Paul’s school held & Christmas ward Leyden is a member of the Blessing to all the members of dancing, games, and refreshments wood. fight against polio goes on this promised for the enjoyment of all party in the school hall Dec. 21. executive board of the Denver year to raise as much money as Mother of God parish. A parch­ Two infants were baptized by t w They were entertained with a hill­ who attend. The liquid refresh­ is needed to care of polio victims.” ment scroll with Pope Pius’ picture ments will be supplied by the the pastor: Mary Frances, daugh­ billy band and other vaudeville has been hung in the vestibule of ter of Homer and Eleanor Off, acts. Men’s club; each woman is re­ A FINE KETTLE OF FISH the church. quested to bring two sandwiches. with Ray and Mary Murphy as Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bauer were 'M r., Mrs. Social' sponsors; and Elizabeth Spence, Lobster, shrimp, scallops. Rocky Moun­ double winners, one winning first Richard Allan Nicholas, son of Masses on the Feast of the Cir­ daughter of Eugene and Virginia prize, and the other second prize, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Nicholas, cumcision, Monday, Jan. 1 (holy tain rainbow trout . . . these and other day of obligation), will be offered Amoryv with Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ 1 awarded Dec. 16 by the Altar and Planned Jan. 2 By 926 E. Fourth avenue, was bap­ ard Kintzele as sponsors. fine fresh fish are ’ popular favprites Rosary society. at 7, 8, 9, and 10 o’clock, announced, tized Dec. 21 by the Rev. John the Rev. John J. Doherj^, pastor. COF€ with those who dine in Colorado's famed New Year’s day Masses will be the same as on Sundays, namely 7, St. Francis' Group Regan. Sponsors were Mr. and Meetings of two parish organ­ Holland House, in Golden. Drive out 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 o’clock. Mrs. Glenn Mills. izations are scheduled next week. On Wednesday, Jan. 3, at 8 p.m. OGUE tonight for your choice of the best in Our Lady of Victory circle of (St. Francis de Sales’ Parish, Mrs. Ben Slattery was baptized the PTA held a Christmas party by Father Regan Dec. 23. Spon­ in Jefferson hall the Men’s club ART CiKem o, r D enver) will elect officers to serve for the m ! poultry, fish or meat dishes. and potluck luncheon in the .home The Mr. and Mrs. party will be sors were Mr, and Mrs. Clifford 1465 S. PEARL SP. 2544 S of Mrs. John Mulqueen on Dec. Welch, coming year. The new officers of held Tuesday, Jan. 2, at 7130 in the Altar and Rosary society will The actor of the year I 20. the Democratic club. Members On Jan. 1, the Feast of the' ALEC GUINNESS The children enjoyed a fine be installed Thursday, Jan. 4, at in have been asked to contact Mrs. Circumcision, and a holy day of 1 p.m., also in Jefferson hall. Christmas pqpty, going first to the Earl Sulcer, SP. 8826, or Mrs. obligation, Masses will be a 6:30, " A RUN FOR YOUR T H E HOLLAND HOUSE Father Doherty wishes to re­ . . GOIDIN.COIORADO Park theater, then returning to James J. Lidinsky,. RA. 8006, for 7:30, 8:30, 9:30, 10:30, and MONEY" their rooms, where they had their reservations. If you have not been 11:30 o’clock. mind parents that catechism Every nirht, with matineea Christmas parties with exchange contacted, please call the above- classes for children in public grade SUNDAY AND MONDAY The Little Flower circle met at school will be resumed on Sunday, ji StadenU 60c, Others 80c w of gifts. mentioned officers. — the home of Mrs. Frank Campbell Bill Mahoney, son of Mr. and Brownie troop 36 had a gala Jan. 7, after the 8:35 Mass. Mrs. Bernard Mahoney, who is now Dec, 21. After luncheon and an Christmas party. Mothers were exchange of gifts, the afternoon working in Dallas, is at home for presented with corsages, made by was spent playing bridge. BOGGIO'S the holidays, and the Mahoneys the girl's, to wear for the holidays, YOUR BEST i.*!? had a complete family reuion this photo and the fathers received a book­ Christmas. Ned Latkey mark and a, handerchief. Popcorn Dads' Night Planned 1 *0 HOTEL VALUE fAMOVS rot fINI iwoYTHtwisrs balls and candy were distributed I W P B C l O f W rooo SItVIO IN A ★ MOST «lf»UHING chapter of the National Founda­ IN John M. Murphy Family tion of Infantile Paralysis. to the young ones, and coffee and ClACIOUSMANNCt COCKTAIl lOUNCE cakes were served to the adults. By Colo. Springs PTA TRIMONT AT IROADWAY Host to Holiday Guests “Right now we are faced with Norma Frances Colling and shirley- srvoy .M □ E N V E R a staggering polio-patient load," Irene Ryan received their Brownie Colorado Spring*. — Dadi* :CE. 9 6 1 8 » C H . 2 4 9 4 Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Poor of Mr. Laskey said. "No matter what pins, making them full numbers. night if planned at the St. Mary Fort Collins spent Christmas with the 1961 polio season many bring The girls received tiny wreaths PTA meeting to be held Wednes­ Recommended by Roland L. Hill the John M. Murphy family of in the way of epidemics, we know to wear for the holidays ahd a day evening, Jan. 3, at 8 o’clock. Annunciation parish, Denver. that we shall be responsible for the personal label book. Plant for tha pre-Lenten Finest American and Chinese Foods Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Murphy patients of 1960 and earlier years, Robert Hartley came in for a carnival will be an important and daughter, Katherine Marie, “Costs of caring for new cases surprise visit for the hoHdays. He subject for discussion. A coun­ in Denver at Most Reasonable Prices from Helena, Mont., are spending are high—we all know that—but is scheduled to leave lor over­ cil meeting will precede the the holidays in Denver with Mr. old cases usually are even more seas Monday, Jan. 16. session. Refbeshments will be LUNCHEONS--DINNERS Murphy’s parents, the John Mur expensive because they are the PTA Meeting Jan. 3 served. The C H A L E T Open 11:30 A.M. to 3 A.M. phys. They will return to Helena seriously affected long-term cases,” Jan. 2. Mr. Laskey added. “It goes with- The PTA will meet Wednesday evening, Jan. 3, at 8:15 in the high Henry Graf, Prop. school auditorium with the dads tn charge of the program. A You’ll enjoy our delicious food, our delightful dioru^ Jis)nq. State Dental Health Day record crowd would be apppre- atmosphere. Service is tops . • . prices right, ciated for this “Head of the Fam­ OPEN DAILY 1:11 AJL 320 E ast Colfax — N ear the Cathedral ily” night. The council will con­ SOUTH SEAS Speclsl Atttntloa To Be Observed on Feb. 5 vene in the library at 7:30; 815 Colorado Boulevard FR. 0432 t« Bridt* Psrtls* The Colorado State Dental as­ are now available for showing in Mrs. Earl Compton, health MUSICAL / ; sociation will observe national Colorado schools, chairman, will attend • a meeting II Children’s Dental Health day School children are now taking at Opportunity school Thursday, throughout the state of Colorado part in the dental health slog^an Jan. 4. Miss Gertrude Cromwell, Feb. 5. contest, which will close Jan. 1. supervisor of nurses of the public The dental health program has The winner will receive a U. S schools, will be the speaker. been gaining state-wide popular­ savings bond and his slogan will St. Francis de Sales’ will be one ity during the past three years and be used for Children’s Dental of the schools seated at the table brings to public attention the im­ Health day. of honor at the regular county & portance of proper dental care and Dentists are being urged to co luncheon meeting Tuesday, Jan. 2, the need for prompt examination operate in promoting this program I in the Shirldy-Sayoy hotel. Mmes. and treatment of children’s teeth. and they need the co-operation of C. Frede, J. Sullivan, and M. Be- The program is intended to par­ parents and children. ^ Ihan will attend. ticularly arouse the interest of specific groups including parents, & public school officials, dentists, RATIOHAI WESTIRH and the children themselves. In St. James' Mass Schedule many ways its effectiveness will depend upon whether or not the I t o c k s h o w interest of parents is aroused to ...... ; the need for more vigilant care of For New Year's Day Told DENVER • JANUARY lJ - 2 0 children’s teeth. (St. Jam**’ Parish, Denver) building on the first Friday, Jan. Observance of Children’s Dental The Masses on New Year’s day at 1- p.m Health day in Colorado will be will be at the same hours as on The Little Flower circle met in Tht West'i Most Useful Livastock Event beckons you to marked by special state-wide pro­ Sunday, 6, 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11, the home of Mrs. D. Bolger. Those Denver...with good choice of reserved seots still ovaiL EVERY FRIDAY—STARTING JANUARY 12 grams and local projects planned and 12:16. present were; Mmes. Oakes, Comp­ oble for four gala matinee performances of the Rodeo and carried out in the various com' The Altar and Rosary society ton, Forsythe, Seefeldt, Smith, d:00 o’clock munities. Movies on dental hygiene will meet at the Montclair Civic Nyatt, and Thorpe. Mrs. Douglas ond Horse Show! Malone was a guest. Prizes were You con order by moil for the

won by Mmes. Seefeldt, Smith, following m a t i n e e s O N L Y BENEFICIAL GAMES PARTY and Oakes. The next meeting will New Year's Eve Dance Commuriion Sunday Slated be held in the home of Mrs. M. Sunday, Dec. 31 frtday, Jonuary Eridoy, Jonuary If IN THE Forsythe, 922 Pontiac street. New Gymnasium December 31 in St. Patrick's Barry Michael, infant son of Lakewood Grange Hall Thursday, Jonuory 18 Soturday, January 20 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knudsen, 1401 BRENTWOOD AT (St! Patrick’c Pariih, Denver) last year will find them in the bap' was baptized on Christmas eve Enclose Check or A4oney Order with Thomas C. and Marion E. Tickets will be moiled promptly ASSUMPTION CHURCH This Sunday, Dec. 31, will be tistry. Those who are not regis­ Door Prize* Favors for All Communion day for all those who tered are asked to call at the rec­ Epson as godparents. Motinee reserved seats $1.10 each Welby, Colorado have not received in the month of tory and do so in order that en­ Racently received into the Admisiion $1.00 General Admissiom Adults, 75c; Children under 12, 40c Church were Dennis R. Gilliam, December. velopes may be issued to them. Per Person (In oddit>orw#o reserved sect rw w WWW w WWW w ww w The novena to Our Lady of Those who did not pick up their with Patrick Rotranel at spon­ Plot Ttz Lourdes will be held on Wednes­ envelopes the past Sunday are sor, and Lela Pearl Gravina, Address: TICKETS — Notional Western Stock Show Gus Schw alb’s day evening at 7 :45. urged to do so this Sunday. with Gut and Emma Gravina at Dancing Until 2:00 A.M. Banns of marriage were an­ Fred Deard assisted at the an­ sponsors. 1325 East 46th Avenue —Denver nounced for the second time for nual Christntas party given for the A large crowd of parishioners Louis Colorosa of St. Patrick’s and orphans in St. Vincent’s Dec. 18 and friends attended the reception Chat & Chew Mary James of St. Joseph’s. distributing toys, candy, and as­ Dec. 19 for Father William V. The weekly envelopes, along sisting with the entertainment pro Powers on the occasion of the sil­ DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT with the church calendar, will be gram. ver jubilee of his ordination to the FAMED FOR EXCELLENT FOOD AND found in the baptistry of the James Carter left for Hot priesthood. FRIENDLY SERVICE f r church after all Masses next Sun­ Springs, S.Dak., to spend the holt The presidents of the various r % LUNCHEONS — DINNERS day. Those who are registered in days with friends. Mr. and Mm. parish organizations were in the SODA FOUNTAIN — SANDWICHES — SALADS the parish and used their envelopes Harland Austin entartained friends receiving line: Mrs. Lorren Grif­ FOOD TO TAK£ OUT for breakfast after Mass on Christ­ fin of the PTA, Mrs. W. P. Van mas day. Mrs. Betty Murphy has Dyke of the Altar and Rosary so­ 6000 Easl Colfax Avenue been seriously ill for the past two ciety, John Mizicko of the Men’s Phone DE. 4434 weeks. club; Joseph Casper of the SL Qpta 11:00 A.M. Till t;»8 A.M. y Ed Krasovich and Fred Deard Vincent de Paul society and Ush­ will attend the one-day retreat day ers’. club, Mrs. Robert Sailor of the Thurt., Fri., Sat., of recollection, to be held Sunday, Legion of Mary; and Mrs. Thomas for High Altitude i Dee. 28, 29, 30 Dec. 31, in Regis college. Dawson of the Mothers’ club. ! MR. MUSIC...H/MSEIF... If MacDonald Carey Maureen 0*Hara| Hostesses for the occasion were AND ALL YOUR FAVORITE STARS I f Technicolor Mrs. George J. Blish, Mrs. James ?"COMMANCHE TERRITORV’S Reid, Mrs. Doretta Church, Mrs. Tt>« (ln«, pawdary snaw at tha Rackiat It alutude and climate affect the brewing proc­ «Dennb Morgan Jane Wyman A Margaret O’Shea, Mrs. J. T. Ran­ f Eve Arden Prof at Regis Goes parfacH, candilienad by tha drynass at tha ess. Special attention must be given every som, Mrs. Anna Luehs, Mrs. process because of the dryness, air pressure, t “THE LADY TAKES A James Reddick, Mrs. V. J. Halpin, air. ■ • far skifmg ,,, brilliant sunshlna adds ta SAILOR” To Science Meeting Mrs. Dorothy Leydon, Mrs. Joseph and sunshine. TIVOLI OF DENVER'S h i^ tha plaatara af this spart an tha hi9h maun- altitude conditioning assures the perfect bever­ • ^ ^ ^ itimng Continuoai Show Sat. 1 P.M. Casper, Mrs. Joseph Constantine, Comedr-Cirtooa The Rev. James F. Walsh, S.J.; Mrs. A. Baumgartner, Mrs. L. H. tains af tha Rackiat. age for enjoyment in the West... for TIVOLI s BWGQ OSBY *M\NCy OLSON professor of sociology at Regis col­ Behrens, Mrs. Etienne Perenyi, is especially BRfWfO fOK WfSUM TASTiS. CHARI® OOBORN * RITO H C 5 SE 1 ’ Sunday, Dec. 31 lege, left Denver this week to at­ Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald, Mrs. W. W. Just as clinuce affects skiing conditions, high WILUAM HOLDEN tend the meeting of the American « mm smi-Em­ il imi IV tiiEUiiiiriii COLEEN GRAY MacGruder, and Miss Augustine Association for the Advancement GerardoL “FATHER IS A BACHELOR” of Science in Cleveland, 0. DENHAM Laarel k Hardy Father Walsh will take part in “MARCH OF THE WOODEN 18th at Calif. 2ND BIG WEEK the social science section, which SOLDIERS” will include "Social Psychology, Yocalional School Matinee 12:30 Cartoon Human Ecology, Anthropology, and Factors Determining City yM on., Tuea., ^Wed., Jan. 1, 2, 3] Growth.” . Registers Adults SEather Willlama Van Jofaiuonl There is still time during the Specializing in luncheon Sjohn Lund Taehnicolorl At the conclusion of the Cleve­ or dinner parties...buii- * “DUCHESS OF IDAHO" land meeting. Father Walsh will present school term for Denver neas or social. visit Loyola university, Chicago, adults to register for classes in Sciandetta Colbert Robert Yonngl the Evening Vocational high Private dinint rooms & Georse Brent 111., where the Catholic Sociolog­ sealing 8 to 60. You are ical convention is to be held. school, at W. 10th avenue and I “BRIDE FOR SALE” Elati street, and complete credits welcome lo jual drop in {OonUnuona Show New Xeare 12:30 F.M.J Father Walsh is well known in ... or you may make res- ! Cartoon Newal the field of sociology and his toward a high school diploma. The ervationa. g5< „ book Facing Your Social Situa­ accelerated program makes it pos­ OkiMf SI.50 up tion is a standard text in many sible for students to work at their colleges and universities. own speed and, through examina­ tion and certification, to complete the requirements for a high Chapel Is Decorated school diploma in a shorter total 1600 OGDEN • MA 0177 period of time. In All Saints' Parish It is possible also for adults to ‘HOST TO THE HOSTS OF DENVER” make up deficiencies and to com­ (All Saints’ Parish, Denver) plete requirements for college The chapel was decorated for entrance by taking accelerated the season by Mrs. Joseph Brov- work at Evening Vocational high sky and M^s. Frank Duac. school Courses are offered in The Holy Family high school mathematics, science, English,*mnd JtuL. JtoiuA. fioom. choir sang at the 10 o’clock Mass languages. (ManaftaitBt at Estktr aad Fraak Faao Christmas day. ^ Adults interested in general Generous Christmas baskets Festive Luxurious Dining Room Without Extrovogonce. self-improvement, and not neces­ were delivered to 12 families in sarily in high school or college Finest Chinese and American Foods. the parish by the men of the S t preparatory work, may enroll at COLBURN HOTEL Vincent de Paul society. The bas­ any time in these classes or in A Bcantitol Laattra Llatatad Omlae Boom la tb« Votarana of Foralsa W an kets included fresh fruits, vegeta­ millinery, art, and ceramics. Honw-Joba 8. Stewart Post No. t LUXURIOUS ROOMS bles, canned goods, candies, staple All Evening Vocation^ high Cocktail Lounge goods, and an oven-ready roasting nODUCT o r TIVOII-UNION co. OINVIR, COlOtAOO Open 11 a. m. to Midnight—Closed Tuesday school classes are held at W ^ New C!offee Shop duck. high school, and students may reg­ (Open to the Public) The Women’s club meeting ister there for classes between lOUi Avanaa at Graat scheduled for December has been 7:16 and 9:15 Monday through Ninth Avenna at Spear BIvcL KEystoae 7918 MAia 6291 a B. CESMB. Manager postponed until January owing to Thursday, after Jan. 2. Tuition is tha Christmas holidays. free to Denver rwidente. icomion 1130 itvou uimNO co., DtmtM, cou>, Thursday, Dec. 28, 1950 Office, 938 Bann ock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 »AGE ELEVEN

ST. DOMINICS Uadville C D. of A. Hold Are You Sure You're Santa ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' PARISH Fatronl*0 The$* frU ndlj Firnu Initiation for Class of 20 Patronize These Friendly Firms D. S. GRIMES' SON Leadville.— (Annunciation Par­ McNulty, and the state extension iah)—On Dec. 14, Court St. chairman, Mrs. Charles King, were Alomeda Drug Store Frances Xavier Cabrini 1544, present. Miss McNulty presented FLORIST Catholic Daughters of America, the Leadville court with its char­ V. a PETEBSON, Prop. Phont GL. 4T1T M30 W. » nd Art. met in the sodality hall. Twenty- ter. The statue of Our Lady of Cot Bate Drags Flatten for AU Occaiiont one candidates were initiated. Fatima that was brought from Fonntain Service School Snppliet "St. Stephen’s parish, Glenwood Ph. 8P. 1666 The state regent, Miss Catherine Springs, by Miss McNulty, will be 163 So. Brotdi.17 Year Butinsu Appreciated kept in Leadville until Februasy. Alameda Bakery Alameda & So. Broadway Special devotions in honor of Our Lady will be held by members of ST. CATHERINE'S PARISH Annunciation and ,St. Joseph’s CONOCO PRODUaS Patronize Thete Friendly Firms parishes. NewMaaageoieat The state regent spoke briefly Lubriration - Delco Batteries on the work being carried on by J. H. Boltinger • Dick TremUtt Car Hashing the Catholic Daughters of Amer­ Egging Motor Service Complete Line ica. Father Ramon Blach, in the W. A (Dutch) THOMAS Domestic & Imported absence of Father George Spehar, SPECIALIZING IN FORDS the chaplain, gave a short talk on M i f e l t Alameda ft Logan PE. 9840 AND OTHER MAKES WINES the help that Catholic lay people Cleaners & Dyers caq give their Bishops and priests. OF CARS All Popular Brand, of Beer 328 Broadway Stll W. 4llh AVE. DENVER. COLO 'The special prize donated by Phones PE. 37.53 & 3754 Cold Beer at All Tima. Mrs. Mary Carter was won by It’s 1 thrill • FREE-DELIVERY • Mrs. James Murphy. Guestp were ti le reitikered JOHN .nd BERTHA McBRIDE Mrs. Catherine McNulty and Mrs. NORTH DENVER Fred Kroeling of Carbondale, and lit! YOUR LIQUOR STORE Mrs. Charles King of Grand Junc­ ROTOLO'S Frank Buckley tion. At the conclusion of the busi­ h CLEANERS Member St. Philomen.’. P.rl.h ness meeting, refreshments were 796 So. Broadway 4395 Peder.l Bird. C.ll GL. 4733 § ' RA. 1818 served to 60 members, The table ^ IX FREE DELIVERY] r.L«ndilt 850J J734 TEJON 8T. decorations were in keeping with Staadord Cos & Oils the Christmas season. Members You Will Be Proud Why Pay Carfare? who served on the refreshment They Came From committee Were Mrs. James FOBGET-IBE-IVOT Our Every Day Price. B3B & TED'S O’Neal, chairman; Mrs. James JACKSON'S Save You Money Red & While Grtxery H Market Stoner, Mrs. Joseph Weber, Mrs, FLOWER SHOP Preteriptioni Carefullj Filled FINK SELECTION Josephine Yakich, Miss Loretto Cut Rate-Drugs 288 SO. DOWNING HEATS FISH AND POULTRY Brown, Miss Marjorie Diemer, LOOKING AT SANTA CLAL’S (Mer- Presenting a gift to Joe Garcia is Mrs. Mervin PRES(aUPT10NS Guido Shumoke Drugs “Once Tried . . . Satufied” and Miss Catherine Murray. McCarthy as Archbishop Urban J. Vehr looks on. FOUNTAIN SERVICE vin McCarthy) skeptically is Josie Garcia The women’s group distributed toys, popcorn, candy, 2707 W. 38ih GR 2773 The following candidates were FREE PBOMP1 DELIVERY GR. 9934 38tb & Clay initiated; Mmes. Ray Bond, Jr.; (foreground) at the Christmas party for the Little and fruit to the youngsters at the center. Christ­ Can 8P 1441 Dawnina A AUaaea Delicious 7 0 r Charles Bost, M. Buckbee, Andrew Flower and Vail Community centers, conducted by mas baskets, provided by Catholic Charities, were Cassidy, James Connors, William the Denver Deanery of Catholic Women Dec. 23. also distributed by the women.— (McCarthy photo) EGGNOG ' r ST. JAMES' PARISH Gregory, Jr.; Jack Kendrick, Adolph Koroshetz, Donald Mc­ Please Patronize Thete Friendly Firms Carty, Elmer McGowan, George Temptation Ice Cream Mitchell, Clarence Motzer, James Mass Broadcast From Colorado Springs BUCHANAN’S Murphy, Ted Payne, Catherine Christian Bros. Wines Broadwoy, Creamery NIAGARA SERVICE WORSHAM WALL TILE Sayer, Harold Trevethan, Thur­ Colorado Springs.— (St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus was given John Metzler, representative of All Papalar BM n man Trevethan, William Wilson, Parish)—The Christmas Midnight Dec. 17 in the Carpenteris hall. the. Knoebel Mercantile Co. of Wa Dalirar B ov.rd Brown, Prop. AND FLOOR COVERING and Donald Youmans, and Misses The Christmas cantata was 66 So. Broadway SP. 2666 Florence McMahon and Francys Mass in St. Mary’s church was Denver, spent last week in Colorado PE. 1777 377 So. Bdwy. given Dec. 24 by the seniors of St. — X------GAS & OILS • Featuring Vikon Tile, Steel Stalcar. broadcast over KVOR. Monsignor Mary's school, directed by Monsi­ Springs on business and visiting Lubrication & Wa.binf and Aluminum All Type, of Floor Corerln* William Kelly was narrator, Mon- gnor Kelly. The cast members were his mother, Mrs. James M. Metz­ W. Call P » .nd O tllr.r Car. OUR WORK OUARANTEED signor William Kipp was celebrant, Mary, Margaret Galterer; Joseph, ler, 118 W. Fontanero street. 6700 E. COLFAX______FR. 9226 1458------Oneida ------EA. 3228 and Fathers Michael Kavahagh Larry Duran; Simeon, James No­ Mr. and Mri. John Barton MT. CARMEL PARISH Colorado Springs and Robert Freudenstein were land; and shepherds, Tom Lueb, will ob>erw their 35th wedding deacon and subdeacon. The Jesu and Mike Johnson; wise men, Ron­ anniversary Dec. 28 from Patronize These Friendly Firms * We Wish You a Happy and Healthful J Rex Pacis Mass by Derschmeier ald Spear, Jack Biava, and Charles 5 to 7 p.m. No invitations were was performed by the choir, di­ Dandrea; narrator, Bob Proffitt. issued. Their son-in-law and New Year Churches Have rected by Frank Hammer. ' A sodality project of St. Mary’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phone GRand 3257 I “ Y o u can always on our work.” | Nancy Regina, infant daughter high school students was the daily Farqghar of Chicago, were here 1846 W. 38th Ave. The firms listed here de­ of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hentzes, recitation of the Rosary for peace. for the occasion. Midnight Masses was baptized in St. Mary’s church La Velda Cleaners serve to be remembered Dec. 17. A Christmas party for “COMPLETE SERVICE” when you are distributing Colorado Springs. — ChristmM members of the Study club was -Club in Colorado Springs Dyeing - Altering your patronage in the dif­ Associated Cleaners! Midnight Mass was celebrated in held Dec. 17 iti the home of Mrs. Hata - Rngt • Houiehold I 6736 E. Colfax EA. 5462 J seven churches in this region. The Robert Gillespie. Assisting her Tommy Haiegawa ferent lines of business. Rt. Rev. Monsignor William Kipp were Mmes. Paul Woodbury and Readying for Open House Pick-up ft Delivery was celebrant of a Solemn Mass A. J. Jenkins. in St. Mary’s church, assisted by Mrs. Roland Darnell was hon­ Colorado Springs.— (S acred new Youth club headquarters, the Rev. Michael Kavanagh as dea­ ored at a de.ssert-shower Dec. 27 Heart Parish)—The directors, of­ 2026 W. Colorado avenue, be­ LONDON MARKH Glendale Pharmacy con and the Rev. Robert Freu- in the home of Miss Mary Sundean. ficers, and members of the OYC tween Christmas and the New Year. The headquarters is now be­ COMPLETE LINE OF denstein as subdeacon. The annual Christmas party for Youth club are now making plans AND GROCERY CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hour for an open house party in the ing repainted and redecorated and The Rev. Duane Theobald was children of members of the ter OSCAR TUNNELU Prop. Lay a way Plan celebrant of the Missa Recitata should be finished shortly after Christmas. Committees for the Quality Maata and Groceriea Wi nil D.il.S.. W.6.6. frtierlpllotu. in the Divine Redeemer church. PHONES I HA. 6236 TA. 3846 3660 TEJON GE 2523 DfRY CLEANING The Rev. John Nelson, O.M.I., party "were to be appointed last 1666 WALNUT was celebrMt of a Solemn MaSs Throngs Stop at Lourdes week by the Rev. Joseph Kane, T BERNARD C. FlNNERTY,_0wner in Sacred Heart church, assisted O.M.I., moderator. Mr. and Mrs. I B by the Rev. Alban .Sheehan, Ralph DeMasters and Mr. and Mrs **Quality and Service Has Built Our Business' O.M.I., and the Rev. Jo s^ h Tully, Creche Wins City Prize Joseph Lueb will be in charge of AAA Grocery & Market Farnitnre . . . Rugs . . . Draperies O.M.I., subdeacon. the hostesses of the party, who will 4058 Tejon Street Free Delivery Glendale 7753 The Rev. Joseph Kane, O.M.I., MORE THAN 1,000 VISITORS entered in the church division serve refreshments to the guests Wearing Apparei was celebrant of Mass in Our each night since Christmas eve of the contest. * * . * Mass Offered _ PItkap .nd Dell«ry Lady of Perpetual Help church, have visited the beautiful Nativity Wishing All Our Friends 1228 E. Colfax AC 6755 Manitou. The Rev. Anthony Elzi, THE ROCKS OF LOURDES In Cascade Chapel scene (pictured in last week’s celebrated Solemn Mass in Corpus CLUB will sponsor the first parish Mass was offered in the Cas­ Christi church with the Rev. Ed­ Denver Catholic Register) at Our dance of the new year on FViday, cade chapel, Cascade, at 9 o’clock and Patrons ward Vollmer, O.S.B., deacon; and Lady of Lourdes shrine. The count Jan. 5, at 8 p.m. in the parish hall. Christmas day. This gave the pa­ the Rev. Cornelius Flynn, suhdea- was made every evening by men Dave Neering and his orchestra rishioners of Cascade, Woodland con. of the Rocks of Lourdes club who will play for the dance, and a spec­ Park, Green Mountain Falls, and a Very Happy The Rev. Michael Harrington have been taking turns gt the ial entertainment by the Rocks Chipita Park an opportunity to i C olorado Sf>rings .^ celebrated Low Mass in the Pauline shrine from 7 until 11 p.m. The will be staged. A surprise act will attend Mass on Christmas day in chapel in Broadmoor. men say that the count included be put on by two members of the the beautiful chapel. The Christ­ The Rev. Anthony Barcelo, C.R., only those who actually walked up Rocks, John Peregoy and Edward mas crib in the chapel was deco­ New Year celebrated a High Mass in Our to the shrine and not the constant Rack. The Rocks sponsor the rated by Mrs. Malcolm Johnson Lady of Guadalupe church. flow of cars driving by the scene monthly dance as a parish get-to­ and the members of the Cusack on Logan street. The Nativity gether and not to raise money. family. Mrs. J. Chandler of Cas­ scene is illuminated every night The next meeting of the Rocks will cade assisted at the organ. ST. JOHN'S PARISH M AY REALTY during the holiday season from 6 be held on Jan. 9 in the parish hall. Tots Entertained until 11 p.m. Midnight Solemn Mass was cele­ Patronize These Friendly Firms Masses Jan. 1 brated in Sacred Heart church this REA LTO R The Chrittmai display at year. The Rev. John Nelson, By Wray Society Lourdes received a first prize Follow Sunday Slate O.M.I., was celebrant: the Rev. ( Permanent Waving in the city Christmas-lighting The Mass schedule for Our Lady Alban Sheehan, O.M.I., deacon; Conover's Food Store INSURANCE - LOANS Wray.— (St. Andrew’s Parish) contest. The Nativity scene was of Lourdes church Jan. 1, New and the Rev. Joseph Tully, O.M.I., a Specialty —St. Andrew’s Altar and Rosary Year’s day, will be the same as on subdeacon. The. Christmas milsic Featuring Quality Only society presented the annual New Year's Hoiy Hour Sunday, with Masses at 7, 8:30, was under the direction of Miss My Lady Edith EXCELLENT MEAT Ule Tlieater Bldg. Christmas party for the children 10, 11, and 12 o’clock. Confes­ Madeline Schaeffer and the Sa­ CHOICE GROCERIES of the parish after the second sions will be heard Saturday after­ cred Heart choir. Beauty Shoppe Colorado Springs, Coio. At Blessed Sacrament noon and evening. DAILY DELIVEKIES Mass Sunday, Dec. 24. A visit Midnight Mass was offered in H Inni. KMaaltr. Mcr. from Santa Claus climaxed the Members of the Altar and Ro­ 1718 E. 6th FR. 2787 MAIN 1898 There will be a Holy Hour in Oui» Lady of Perpetual Help 2804 E. 6th Ava. EA. 0788 party. sary society will, hold their first church, Manitou Springs, by Fa­ f : At the November meeting of the preparation for the New Year meeting'of the new year on Thurs­ ther Kane, Altar and Rosary society. Father in Blessed Sacrament church, day, Jan. 4. Members will receive Puckett's Need a New Joseph Kerb presented a lesson on Denver,* from 11 to 12 p.m. on Hoiy Communion in a group in the I) THE MURRAY DRUG CO. WILLIAM C. CRARON the Mass vessels and vestments. 8 :30 Mass next Sunday. The so­ CONOCO SERVICE This lesson will be continued at Dec. 31. The services will close ciety held its annual Christmas CYPC Holiday Fete ( Lease Mil. Sttn—116 I r.11—MAI. 144 Optometrist later meetings. Hostesses for the with Benediction of the Blessed party in the parish hall this week. Waahing • Greasing - Tire Service noftk SItra—833 I. (H..—MAI. 189 afternoon were Mrs. Mary Weaver, Sacrament. Gifts were exchanged. Bstteriea • IFe Pickup & Deliver On Life? Professional Pharmacy 126 North r.Jon St. Mrs. William Menlce, Mrs. Charles Is Well Atteaded PHONE MAIN 6662 For the Holi- Barkmeier, Mrs. William Smith, (Cathedral Young People’s Club) 6th & York EA9932 501 No. Tejon MAin 1088 COLORADO SPRINGS. COLO. and Mrs. Don McCauley. The Married in Englewood dayi Floyd’a Altar society has been working on The annual Christmas party Bu-Tomic _ a clothing drive for the Korean given by the club was held Dec. Wet-Wave, with ^ I'.et Bourns (of Denver) PETE BERONl 21 in the Cathedral school build­ 5TH AVE. DRUG the new Hi-Speed Neutralizing Candy and Ice Cream at civilians. FURNITURE SHOP Twin daughters were born in ing. Approximately 60 members W. A. Ek«r«n. Prop. technique, will do it! UPHOUSTEKING. November to Mr. and Mrs. Tom enjoyed dancing and refreshments Johnson-English RE-UPHOIATERING AND Have Your Doctor Phone Avenue Beauty Salon Schelley. They have been named and the traditional exchanging of REPAIRING gifts. The role of Santa Claus was Ua Your Preacription—We Deliver Drug Co. Slip Corrr. and Or.p*r

PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 Bann ock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyitone 4205 Thursday, Dec. 28, 1950 r I M elby Council, Knights of Columbus, Initiation Class I MMomemaker’s Parishioner Aids I I I Department In Constructing I Patronltm Th«M Reliable and Friendly Firm* I Welby Creche Welby.— (Assumption Parish)— J . A . Johnson & Son According to the tradition of the season, the beautiful outdoor crib Etlablithed 35 Yean was installed on the church grounds • Gutters ^ t*heet Metal by the pastor, the Rev. John Giambastiani. Every evening, as • Gas Furnaces in the past, carols are being heard * GaS'Conversion Burners in the vicinity. The new stable, 709 E. 6tb At«. KE. 4031 which is used in the outdoor scene of the Nativity, was erected by Mr. THE BEST IN LUGGAGB Grande fronr Derby. The interior Of AU Ktadi Colorado Terminix Co. of the church was decorated by the pastor and Joseph Spano. 1754 S. Broadwer, Denver SP. 4673 — Free Inspection On Christmas eve at 11:30 p.m., preceding the Midnight Mass, the TERMINIX-WORLD'S LARGEST high school choir sang Christmas IN TERMITE CONTROL carols, and there was a to the crib- by the pastor and the Knights of the A ltar., At the Midnight Mass, the Mass of the McGinness & Patrick Bacon & Schramm Holy Angels, by W. S. M »sh, was sung under the direction of Sister Floor Covering Speeialuls COMPOSITION ROOFING Mary Antonetto, with Miss Jo TWENTYlSEVEN NEW MEMBSRS >are included in the picture is shown in the first row, fifth from the right. To the left of Father Hildebrand in the • Linoleum * Aephelt Tile TILE ROOFING Ann Spano organist. above of the initiation class of the Welby council, KiTights of Colum­ picture are Dave- McKinney, grand knight of the Welby council; Edward Kelly, • RubberTile • Plaitic Well Tile ROOF REPAIRING Students Present state deputy; and Earl C. Bach, district deputy. Officers of the council and the FrM Eftimtto bus. The Rev; Hildebrand Brunetti, O.S.M., of Assumption parish, council chaplain. initiation team make up the others in the photo.— (Photo by Smyth) 494 So. Vine SP. 3239 4020 Briahton Bird. CH. 6563 Christmas Play The beautiful Christmas play The Nativity was presented by 11 Initiates Raise Altar Society Ranks Your Floors Are Our Business ii THE the high school on Dec. 12, with a large attendance. Miss Jo Ann Complete Floor Maintenance Service McVeigh Company Spano rendered Christmas carols Janitorial Supplies — Waxes — Soaps PAINTING AND FRED LUCCI on the organ, which\ was installed To 108 in Parish of St. Rose of Lima DECORATING through the courtesy of the Knight- Electric Polishers and Scrubbers CONTRACTORS Custom Upholstery Campbell music company. (St. Roie of Lima’s Parish, Schuster, Ronnie Silva, and Rob­ bers heard Father Wogan speak 1328 Inca KE. 0718 The Carrol sisters personality Denver) ert Linnet. on sacramentals. At iSTesent the DUMOXT SALES CO. and New Furniture school of dancing, together with In a report presented at the Al­ An accounting of their work to circle is planning a bazaar and : 11736-44 Blake St. TA.4146 Denver pupils from the Assumption school, tar and Rosary society reception increase membership in the so­ sewing for the Infant of Prague Made to Order gave a series of specialties of dif­ Dec. 14, Mrs. H. DeNicola revealed ciety was given by Mmes. P. Jack- nursery. The next meeting will be 108 N. 3rd, Grand jnnetion 356 No. Wolcott, Caiper, Wyo.4 ferent dances, accompanied on the son, E. Demers, E. Burton, and in the home of Mrs. L. J. Gillis. JUSSEL Beautiful Samples to Show that the addition of 11 new mem­ piano by Sister Mary Antohetta bers has swelled the ranks of the Clara Olsen. An elephant sale will be spon­ Electric Co. and a dancing teacher for the Card Sale Profitable sored and a doll will be given CUSTOM-BUILT FURMTURE Day or Evening Calls Carrol sisters. organizatyn to 108. ^ away by St. Ann’s circle. Proceeds 2611 W. 6th Arm. The 60 members of the group Mrs. F. W. Black’s outstanding MADE TO ORDER Electrical Contractors The Christmas novena is held success in the sale of greeting of the event will go toward the every evening at 7 o’clock, with present heard the Rev. Barry Wo- purchase of a set of white vest­ Furniture Re-Upholstered & Restyled Cell AL. 1743 for 2842 W. 44th GL. 1222 cards was brought to the atten­ A Guaranteed EUctidcal Job special prayers for peace followed gan, pastor, describe the benefits tion of members. Her committee ments. • Free Estimates by Benediction. and some of the activities of the sold $200 worth of cards; the net Mrs. J. Padilla became a mem­ The Christmas party .sponsored society for the newcomers. Each profit was $129. Mrs. Geierman ber of St. Jude’s circle at a Christ­ MAKE YOUR ROOF by the PTA was held on Tuesday member, he pointed out, is a mis­ alone sold $102 worth. mas party in the hhme of Mrs. DREAMREST MFG. CO. with a visit from Santa Claus. sionary in the parish, and to each Gifts of $100 for the church, $50 Pomponio. Father Wogan ’and the WINTER PROOF Recently Baptized comes special graces and blessings for flowers, and $10 for each of following members were present: J. Sjmder Sammy Rae Molinaro, son of Mr. not gained by membership in other the sisters who teach the children Mmes. Nick Bakarich, Henry De- 1124 18th (Catholic Prop.) CH. 7985 I and Mrs. Constance Molinaro. societies. He stressed the fact that were voted upon and approved. Nicola, Terry Donaldson, Mae Eck- I with Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ro- work in the society is a solid con­ Sixty hours of work for the Red hardt, Joseph Figlino, Paul Fer­ mm tello. tribution to the growth of tlje Cross in the past month brought guson, John Francone, Ed Hepp- Judith Ann LaRusso, d|ughter Church, the year's total to 2,912 hours, ac­ ting. Bob Kershaw, Mary McDon­ of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde LaRusso. New members of the group are cording to the statement of Mrs. ald, Alice Reichwein, L. Sengfen- V N \ \ Sponsors: Mr. and Mrs. Louis La Mmes. R. C. Bayer, Herman Eileen McCormick, who reported berger, Emma Treloar, and Mary •AW NINGS Bate. Birch, Claude Collins, Mary Lu also on the activities of the linen Dixon. CRANE­ Mr. and Mrs. Gene Jiuliano are Hogan, D, Knight, Leland Porter, committee for Mrs. E. Geierman. Mrs. J. McLachman entertained LINE *■ •PORCH ROOFS the parents of a boy. John Plut, Adeline Schmidt, Jack Sixteen surplices,” two albs, and the St. Ann circle Dec. 12 with •CANOPUS'^ _ one cincture were finished before the assistance of Mrs. Cora Olsen. BASMOR •DOORWAY COVERINGS Christmas by the committee. Mrs. Arline Figaro was received CoeMMof taMM. FHAflaoadng After the recitation of the Ro­ as a member. Present besides Fa­ BOILERS mYOURHOHE Santa's Little Helper ther Wogan were Mmes. Victor Choice o f beoeSM boVed eeoeeet sary in the meeting, Mrs. Cora 01 Atk for nut beeklek sen reported that the following Cresto, Mary Demmitt, Pauline will care for the altars in Janu­ Flora, Eugene Burton, Catherine ary: Mmes. J, Jackson, R. Mel- Guadagnoli, Phillip Jackson, Mar it KofllVENi' phy, E. Moore, and A. Lohr. jorie Lamb, Ralph Melphy, Mary 400 Ireodwoy SP. 4404 Those who helped prepare the Lu Hogan, William Poltera, and Specializing in Quality church for the Christmas devotions Andrew Ponzi. The next meeting Plumbing and Heating were Mmes. D. Knight, Paul Fer­ of the circle will be in the home of Repairs guson, Jask Treloar, Leo Reich- Mrs. Victor Cresto. RUG wein, G. Decker, Ed Moore, C. , The next meeting of the Altar Collings, G. Lambrecht, G. An­ and Rosary society will be held S IA H E R Y derson, R. Silva, C. Read, and T h u rsd ^ Jan.. 11, at 7:45 p.m. C. Olsen. Mrs. ^Eugene Burton requests CLEANING Circle Activitie* Told that any news items of interest & COM PANY St. Jude’s circle met in the home to the parish be reported to her FREE HOTB PROOFING of Mrs. G. Decker, wh#re mem­ by calling RA. 5125. ROOFING 2 Pc. Living 95 Plumbing and Heating Contractors * Dependable Room Suite JOBN J. CONNOB, Pruident ROBERT F. CONNOR. V tn PrMidtDt Thoroly Cleaned 10 Up * Economical Holy Family Church Plans 1726 Mark.t Street Phone MAin 7127 or 7128 * Long Lotting . Famous Rug & * Guaranteed Furniture Cleaning Co. New Year's Eve Holy Hour /*■ For Free Estimate TA. 6569 1532 Market (Holy Family Pariih, Denver) The infant daughter of Mr. and At Holy Family church Sun­ Mrs. Leo Beluscak, Cecilia Agnes, Your CHS retailer follows through Coll CHerry 6651 day, Ne-w Year's eve, there will was baptized Christmas day. Dan­ The firms listed here de­ he a Holy Hour from II o’clock iel and Rose Ellen Belfiore were to midnight. Prayers for peace sponsors. Western Elaterite serve to be remembered I I will he offered. The Rev. Her­ The members of the Altar and when you are distributing bert Banigan will deliver the Rosary society will meet in. th e. Roofing Co. lermon and the devotion* will church Thursday afternoon, dan.' your patronage in the dif­ close with Benediction. 4, at 1:15 o’clock to recite the ferent lines of business. The Rev. John Canjar received Rosary. This will be followed by Equitable Bldg., Denver into the Church William Wilson, the business meeting in the school whose sponsor was Paul Jussel, hall at 1:30 o’clock. Hostesses at and Wayne Midyett, who had this first meeting of the New Year Charles McCaffrey as sponsor. are Mmes. John Toohey, Alice Seven Converted Vitry, John Wild, C. B. Wilson, Mary Wilson, Mayme Wells, F. J. By Father Koontz Woertman, and Elizabeth Valette. The Rev. W. J. Koontz received the following members of the con­ Sacristy workers Friday, Dec. vert class into the Church Dec. 24: 29, will "be Mmes. Mary Alioto, William Frary, whose sponsor was Rose Karns, and Catherine Norlin. io u is Snapp; Norman Mitchell, Masses on New Year’s day will sponsor Leo Sullivan; Ai|jos Stock, be at 6, 7:30, 9, 10, 11:15, and ‘CHEER UP, Mr. Santa Claus,’ says little Tommy sponsor Walter Rountree; Howard 12:15 o’clock. Leiker, 22 months old, at the annual Christmas party for Taylor, sponsor Howard Ferrand; Holy Family grade and high Chatles Waits, sponsor Charles school will resume classes Thurs­ f children of members of Denver council 539, Knights of Columbus. day, Jan. 4. Your Plumber For Years V • DeBell; Joyce Gust, sponsor Mary Santa had a hard time keeping up with the dozens of tots who had In preparation for first Friday, Ed O'Connor, Jr. Germaine; and Georgia Seaman, Ed O'Connor, Sr. plenty on their minds to tell him at the party Dec. 20 in the K. of sponsors Roland Seaman and Jan. 5, Confessions will be heard 3U30 W. 44th Ave. — t — GL. 4323 C. hall, 16th and Grant streets. Tommy consoled the tired old gent Betty McEahern. Thursday afternoon from 3 :30 to YeSf your CHS coal merchant goes all the W ay by just asking for “lots of toys.’’ At the right one of Santa’s helpers The converts received their 5 o’clock and from 7 :30 to 9 in keeping your home comfortably heated.» Day and / sees that the old fellow stays awake for his long trip back to the First Communion in the Midnight o’clock in the evening. Masses Fri­ North Pole.— (Ph§to by Smyth) Mass Christmas, day, Jan. 5, will be offered at night, all year 'round he's at your service. Look to Electrical Contracting & Repairing 6, 7, and 8 o’clock. Masses on hftn for the best in coal, for the best in home-heating first Saturday, Jan. 6, will be at 6:15 and 8 o’clock. equipment, and for the best In service. Let him advise EARL J.STROHMINGER K. of C. Orphans' Party Success you on furnace condittening and _ IlGcfrlc Compaiy Kansas Pair Visitors the installation of automatic UccoMd and Bonded equipment. Member Nationel Electrical Contractora Asa'n* For Kin's Funeral Rite 1178 s t o a t S t . AC. 5 7 3 3 (St. Anthony’* Par1*h, We*twood) Rely on his counsel. He's an ex­ *he STEADIEST, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Brien of pert on modern home heating dt SAFEST. Plainville, Kans., stayed last week lowest cost, and his years of ex­ in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mi­ SUREST. chael O’Brien, 1066 S. Sheridan perience are yours for the asking. tA H lE O COc boulevard, Denver. They were most economical called here for the funeral of Mr. HEAT for the Hornet Linoleum— Asphalt, Rubber & Plastic Tile— Wall Covering (YBrien’s brother, John F. O’Brien / Estinfates Complimentary of Annunciation parish, who was Day and night, your CHS retailor is on • t i l . m l . , , , buried Dec. 18. call if you need service on your cool Pit. 2555 ^ 29th Ave. ______GR. 9535 Mr.'and Mrs. R. C. Knowles of heating equipment. Coll him— or 1063 S. Sheridan boulevard, left Dec. 18 for Knoxville, Tenn., to spend the Christmas holidays. K E . 1441 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Depew and Mr. and Mrs, Peterson of Supreme Cool Co., PE. 4679 United Fuel & Equipment Berkeley, Calif., spent last week Co., KE. 6391 end with Mrs. Michael O’Brien and Rio Grande Fuel Co., ZONOLITE b'.L...... *1 “ Mrs. Tom Hart, 1065 S. Sheridan TA. 2211 Thos. Williams & Sons, boulevard. G L 4715 Plotte River Coqi Go., ‘ 2" Rockwool Batts AL. 0479 Collbeck Cool Co., GL. 3419 PerSq...... Q W fOR m Elk Cool Co., MA. 5335 A. & A. Cool Co., GL. 4775 ?• Block Diamond Cool Co., Crow Bor Cool Co., So IS GR. 1641 TA. 2336 r WEATHER PROOFING I Easy to ^ I! Barnett Company, KE. 2323 Colorado & Utah Cool Co., COAl TA. 0231 Install NU'WAY Brass & Fell Q Q ^ * Weather Srip—Per Roll...... w O I T A 2 2 1 1 3 F r e e NU-WAY Brass Door Weather W Dutt-Pnif Stoker Coils Q COAL Estimates — * 9^29 19 Spick & Span DelWory Ea...... b THE LITTLE FELLOW on the ’arm of of Columbus, for Denver’s orphans. It was the 20th OF YOUR COMMUNITY Walt Coughlin, master of ceremonies, year they have played the roles. Attorney Jim I seems to have the inside track as the youngsters at Creamer served as entertainment chairman. The RIO GRANDER ECONOMY LUMBER & HARDWARE St. Clara’s orphanage try to catch the ear of Santa general chairman, Joe Dryer, who saw that every Claus (Ed Coughlin). The Coughlin brothers were child got a present, describes this year’s event “as FUli co.^ 350 So. Colorado Blvd. DE. 5495 mainstays of the annual holiday party presented one of the finest and most successful ever given by the Denver Fourth Degree sssembiy, Knighte by the K. of C.”—(Photo by Smyth) immsssa*