r*," Be Invested it! U . S. Is M isle d on Spain, D e n ve r C ou p le Find.“L®clf/,!beriChamberlain on Jan. 21 + + The -Very Rev. Moniignor week’* ‘‘Denver Catholic Regis­ A prominent Denver couple who spent six months and Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation William J. Kelly will be vetted ter.” They are the Rt. Rev. Mon- traveled 8,000 miles in Spain returned home with an en­ George E. Cranmers Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1950—Permission to Reproduce, Except on with the robet of a Private signors John P. Moran, Leo M. tirely different estimate of that nation and its government Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Cbemberlain to Hit Holinett, Flynn, and John Judnic. than is usually conveyed by the press of the U. ,S. Mr. and Viewed Spain Pint XII, in ceremoniet in St- Mery’t church, Colorado Springt, Mrs, George E. Cranmer found Spain the most favored spot With Open Minds on Sunday, Jan. 21, at 4 p.m. Holyoke Girl in Europe today, and have high Archbithop Urban J. Vehr will Enters Novitiate praise for the people and condi­ music in Dresden, Germany, de­ officiate in the ceremoniet. tions there. clares that “it is tragic that we Montignor Kelly, who it tuperin- Mr. Cranmer, former director have been fed such false propa­ tendent of tchoolt in St. Mary't of parks and improvements in ganda about Spain. Why have parith, wat one of a group of Denver, and his wife went to we senf aid to Salazar, to Tito, DENVERCATHaiC four priettt in the archdiocete Spain last March as tourists in ­ and to Peron, and have refused whote reception of Papal honort tending to stay but a short time. even to admit Spain into the wat announced Dec. 7. He ended up by staying there six United Nations? Can it be that it months, and Mrs. Cranmer, three is because Spain is the only coun­ Denver Rites Jon, 28 and one-half months. Trips to try that has defeated the -Com­ Invettitnre of the three Do-' England and France convinced munists?” mettic Prelatet whote honort them that Spain was the best place (The complete text of an REG ISTER were annonnced at that time will' in Europe. article by Mrs. Jean C. Cran­ take piece in the Denver Ca­ The couple, both non-Catholics, mer on what the diicovered in thedral Sunday, Jan. 28, at 4 went to Catholic Spain with open Spain ii printed on page 2 of VOL. XLVI. No. 19. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1950 DENVER, COLORADO p.m., with Archbithop Vehr of- minds. Their tour of Spain was thi( edition.) Mr. Cranmer Mra. Cranmer iciating, at announced in latt entirely independent—they went --------------------------------------------, ---- where they pleased, and saw ev­ erything. They were accompanied on two months of their tour of Spain by Miss Bemardine Kirchhof of Den­ ver, who also has the highest f words of praise for the Spanish Littleton Parish to Open Grade School people and the country. ‘'Spain is building,” says Mr. Cranmer. Its cities are putting up Pupils' Tribute to Archbishop more buildings, public and private, W ill Begin Classes Next Fall than all the rest of Europe to­ gether. The Spanish people are our Dorothy Ortner, daughter friends. They were the first to of John Ortner and the late fight Communism. They look well- In Parish Hall Finished in May Mary Ortner of St. Patrick’s par­ fed and well-dressed. I was im­ ish, Holyoke, Colo., was received pressed with their cleanliness and into the novitiate of the Sisters of with the large number of children, The Rev. Frederick McCallin, pastor of St. Mary’s church, Littleton, an­ Loretto at the Foot of the Cross showing vigor, vitality, and moral­ nounced at the Christmas Midnight Mass that he plans' to open a parochial at Nerinx, Ky., on Dec. 8. Miss ity. When you see, a county Ortner speift a year at Loretto out children, it is a sure sign it is school in September, 1951, in the parish hall that was completed in May of Height* college, Denver^ before on its way down. We did not see this year. The plans have been approved by Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. entering the religious life. Her children elsewhere, especially in name in religion is Sister Mary France. The hall, built at a cost of $62,000, was designed by A rchitect Roland Dolorose. “I believe the common people Linder for-simple conversion to use as a school. It has a full garden- of Spain love Franco. They and level basement and a top story. Its over-all measurements are 40 by the people of Portugal seepi to be the most satisfied in Europe. 100 feet. Our Century Most Inhuman Spain can put a great army in the The basement has a room capableipac field—possibly 2,000,000 men of seating 300 people, in adaition and our military is interested All Saints" Parish to a fully equipped kitchen, rest deeply in th a t” In History Because, World Mrs. Crajmer, whose education rooms, and a meeting room. Two included two years* of study of First Masses Are large meeting rooms and a large hall with a temporary stage are on Forgot Babe of Bethlehem the top floor. Attended by 450 The cradle of peace and the brotherly song of the In­ 3 Lecture Series Father McCallin said that spe­ fant Savior have been turned into hate and war b«ause man, The first Masses for All cific information as to teaching in hia egoism, has built up new gods of despotic, tyrannical Saints’ parish, Denver, offered sisters and the number of class­ Sunday, Dec. 24, in the -auditor­ state, and personal ambitions. Archbishop Urban J. 'Vehr At Cathedral in ium of Loretto Heights college, rooms, and pupils cannot be given r at this time. declared in his Christmas sermon at the Midnight Mass of­ were attended by more than 450 fered in the Denver Cathedral persons. Plans for the hall were begun Dec. 25. “The Christmas God,” His Excel-, Selec^ii'to make ^he presentation on behalf of the CHILDREN OF SCHOOLS of the Den­ Masses are being celebrated during the pastorate of the now “It seems dronical,” the Arch­ lency stressed, “is not officially Year Convert 139 pupils the archdiocese were David Sullivan, of wanted in any of those countries ver archdiocese presented a spiritual bou­ every Sunday in the auditorium Most Rev. Hubert M. Newell, bishop declared, “that, with the As a result of the informa­ quet to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr Friday, Dec. 22. the se^venth grade, and Mary Ann Bogaez, of the at 8 and 10 o’clock by the Rev. rightly boasted educational and behind the Iron Curtain, nor is the tion classes at the Cathedral, 'Three days of prayer, work, and play were offered eighth nade, both from St. Joseph’s school in Globe- Edward Leyden, supervisor of Coadjutor of Cheyenne, Wyo., scientific development of this age, song of peace of the Infant Savior, Denver, some 189 converts by each pupil as a Christmas gift to His Excellency. viTle.— (Reptafer photo by Smyth) the parish, and the Rev. Walter when land opposite the church was our century cannot remove the nor are the principles of Christian Jaeger, his assistant. Confes­ donated by the W. R. Heckethorh stain on history’s pages as the living taught by the Christmas Re­ were received into the Church deemer of the world.” sions are heard Saturday eve­ family. When Bishop Newell was most bloody and inhuman in all in the year I960. This number nings from 7 :30 until 9 o’clock. recorded memory. Pointing out that the religion of is second only to the record of 147 The number at the Masses on named to the Episcopacy in 1947, “ The reason is apparent. Wicked the Christmas God is based on established in the year 1947. For InstituteI of Cultural Leisure Christtnas was evidently cut Father McQllin became pastor, and diabolic men have arrogated faith,’hope, and charity, the Arch­ more than a decade there have down by attendance at Mid­ after having served on the staff to themselves the place and stature bishop emphasized that all des­ been more than 100 converts re­ night Mass in other parishes, at the Cathedral since his ordina of God. Human rights, liberties, perately need the Christmas God of ceived every year following at­ and came to some 260. peace and brot[jerly love. “Make tion in 1942. Besides the construe- and life itself have no being or tendance at one of the three series At Regis Offerjs£harni Course! Construction is goingIf aaecittahead .• / s.l l ii ^ ivtujuureason uiof existence wherewucrc theuic vruuGod your own homes,” he said, “more t of lectures given annually. The L- on,_ u t heaven is not recognized or is Cbristlike in love and devotion to 1949 fii^re was 1D2. - one another; make your own per­ I , appealingm e A L f J i r t'lf ie tree, Ttv^s^^Tkiiow n Denver i profitaSfe hbtby, wi ii^ iT ta u ^ t church *^uildingDuitaii^ at Harvara ave- "Sb directed the complete redecora- jtoued. When the state becomes a < ^1 There were 54 converts received businessman, the housewife, and professional photographer whose by Herbert P. Zahn on Tues­ nue and S. Federal boulevard. tion and refurnishing of St. Mary’s god and becomes omnipotent in the sonal lives more God-like and your relations with your fellowman more following the- winter series of the average citizen will be new work both in black and white days from 7:30 to 9:20 o’clock.
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