The Struggle for the Church: Popular Anticlericalism and Religiosity In
The Struggle for the Church · 77 CHAPTER 4 retirement age, forms part of the constellation of small farming and cat tle-raising villages clustered near one another in the central vallevs of Leon (cf. Behar 1986). In these villages, ranging in size from fiftv to. four The Struggle for the Church: Popular hundred people, the land, traditionally fragmented into minute fields, Anticlericalism and Religiosity in Post-Franco has been owned and worked by peasant proprietors, communal institu tions of reciprocity and work exchange have been strong, and every com Spain munity has, until recently, been considered a parish with its own priest. Santa Maria is located in the most Catholic and rural region of Spain, Ruth Behar today known as the autonomous region of Castile-Leon, where anarchist ideas never took root, large landowners are scarce, and where, despite pious anticlericalism, there is the highest rate of church attendance in Spain. 1 Today in Spain only about 15 percent of the population still works IN THE summer of 1987 the priest of Santa Maria del Monte, a village in on the land, a significant drop from 1950, when nearly half the population the Cantabrian foothills of Spain, told me the following story: was employed in farm work (Tezanos 1986:52-53). 2 Thus in this paper I I remember I once scandalized a man, scared him. I was in charge of a village offer an analysis of the religious beliefs and practices of a very small mi in the mountains, very far from here. And there was a saint, the work of a nority of rural people, most of them "on their way to their tombs," as popular saint-carver, and it was very badly made; it was horrible.
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