Written Directions to NTR plc

Address: Burton Court, Burton Hall Drive, , D18 Y2T8, . Phone: +353 1 206 3700 Location: 53.273116, -6.204744

From City Centre . Take R138 southbound (becomes N11). c.9km from city centre, turn right onto Brewery Road (N31) . Travel up Brewery Road (N31) towards the Road (R113). . Reach traffic lit junction (where crosses on bridge above junction) – turn right at this junction. . At next traffic lit junction (where LUAS tram crosses at road level), take an immediate left. . About 200 metres from junction, there is a small road on your right hand side, leading to a stone-clad 5-story building with a halo-like feature on the roof – this is Burton Court where NTR plc is located.

From M50 Northbound . Take Exit 13 (Sandyford/Dundrum). . On slip lane, keep left and take dedicated slip onto Kilgobbin Road. . At next traffic lit junction, turn left onto Old Leopardstown Road (R113). . At next traffic lit junction, turn left, crossing over M50 motorway. . At , take 3rd exit, onto N31. . Go through next traffic lit junction (Clayton Hotel is on your right). . At next traffic lit junction, take left onto Burton Hall Drive. . About 75 meters from junction, take hairpin left turn onto small road, leading to a stone-clad 5-story building with a halo-like feature on the roof – this is Burton Court where NTR plc is located.

From M50 Southbound . Take Exit 14 (Dun Laoghaire/). . At roundabout, take 2nd exit, onto N31. . Go through next traffic lit junction (Clayton Hotel is on your right). . At next traffic lit junction, take left onto Burton Hall Drive. . About 75 meters from junction, take hairpin left turn onto small road, leading to a stone-clad 5-story building with a halo-like feature on the roof – this is Burton Court where NTR plc is located.