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Men Hecldnger Co, of Allied Navies ADVERTISEMENT. To Join in Tribute A Complete Gas on Stomach Roliovod im S miaataa ar double jour moaaT bock To Knox Tomorrow — Who llcw Itocaacfl artrl iiihm mImImI While American and •"*«»»• •*» tteaaaefc and haartlwni^ioetort uwallr British men- praaertbe tka faatait-artlnx wadfartMakwalnfS of-war in every’ part of the globe •ynptoaatle raHaf-aadklnw ttka tkoaa (a kali-ana . Tablata No laxatlta. BaU-aaa krlaxa oowfMt in a dip their colors in to- 1 f mourning Jiffy ar doaMa your aaoaay back aMmdMk ot our 4 stores morrow, the Nation's wartime Sec- to ua^Ue at all drofUit.. retary of the Navy, Frank Knox will be buried on the high green hills of Arlington National Cem- etery among the soldiers and sailors he knew and loved well. MANURE But before the flag-draped caisson bearing the body of the warrior- (journalist moves with a guard ol honor over the Memorial Bridge and on up the slope overlooking the : Potomac, simple civilian services will be held for him at 2 p.m. at the Mount Pleasant Congregational Church. They will be conducted by Dr. Fred S. Buschmeyer, pastor and friend of Col. and Mrs. Knox for many years. Chaplain S. W. Salis- bury of the Navy will assist him. Meanwhile, plans have been made for special memorial services to be attended by the thousands of men and women, both civilian and uni- formed, who served under the late I Secretary in the Navy. This unadulterated, genuine Speculation on Successor. ccw manure is well-rotted and In the midst of national mourn- comes from one of for Col. who died at his Maryland'* ing Knox, A Complete Line of home here Friday as the result ol finest dairy farms. It is un- Architectural Woodwork one in a series of heart attacks excelled for flowers, vegeta- which started Sunday, the demands bles, lawns, shrubs and trees. of wartime administration naturally spurred speculation as to his suc- cessor. Large =■'■ TUB ^$195 On Capitol Hill many legislators 100-Lb. I expressed the hope that he might Sack ® Delivered B be followed by his first lieutenant, LAN6DON ^Undersecretary James V. Forrestal, Tthe 52-year-old former New York 5 Sacks at $1.85 each | investment banker. Other names MILLWORK 10 Sacks at $1.65 each prominently mentioned in political were those of Lt. Comdr. AMERICAN FLYERS BURIED WITH MILITARY IN quarters HONORS SWITZERLAND group of interned American aviators standing at left. In rear is Swiss rifle Harold E. Stassen, former Governor —Twelve coffins with the Stars and You draped Stripes pictured in a cemetery at platoon, with some Swiss civilian onlookers. This was taken one may secure all of your of Minnesota; Wendell Willkie, picture by Munsingen. Switzerland, burial 28 with full of Garden Needs at during April military honors of the American internees, Lt. Thomas Carver of Alameda, Calif. any of : Charles Edison. Col. Knox’s prede- Manufacturer American flyers killed in action or crashes. A dk Distributor Hechinger’s Four Stores. cessor in the Navy Department and theological student, Tracy of New Stock A Special MUtwork former New Jersey Governor; Chair- Strong, jr., York, stands in center to read invocation, with part of —A. P. Wirephoto via Radio. man Vinson of the House Naval Af- Phone Order* AT. 1400 | fairs Committee, and Representative tional Youth Administration. Pre- Johnson, Democrat, of Texas. Sarre Quits FWA Post Himmler s U. S. Pilots Berlin Defenders viously he had been superintendent Other political sources believed Troopers Say To Join of industrial relations for the New that in view of the fact that Col. Higgins Staff Orleans m fir/um/er ca/Ccur Mtmfot Public Service, Inc. Knox was a Republican. President Invited Suicide in Mad A. J. Sarre, director of employe Roosevelt might wait until after the Seen Plotting Rule Dives management for the Federal Works By the Associated Press. 1 national conventions to name his “They acted like crazy men. Agency since 1939. has resigned to tcSpeaaSQuirt A UNITED STATES FORTRESS Several of successor. Then, it was said, the them tried to ram bomb- become director of industrial rela- question of what men are available For Defeated Reich IN ENGLAND, April 29.—If there ers without firing guns. If they tions for Higgins Aircraft, Inc., at WecAinper^ ^ were * * not to ram the will be clarified. Lt. Comdr. Stas- are such as trying us, pilots! New Orleans, La., it was announced Storm Sash By EDWARD KENNEDY, things suicide-pilot Shelving son, for instance, is a presidential were dead.” yesterday. Associated Press War Correspondent. tactics, the Germans used them * Windows * Four Building Material Store? j possibility. While Capt. Reynolds escaped j Before joining FWA, Mr. Sarre Stairwork • Win IH. I. NAPLES. April 29.—Himmler’s today to defend Berlin the Lt. Dale J. (. UN ftlNIl In. S. (. 1 No Indication From President. against being rammed, Hanks, was Louisiana director for the Na- * * •Iff Aea. M. Schutzstaffel—now- core | Frames ft. W. Fall* Ct«r»b. Virginia \ become the American bombing, according to 22. of Kane, Pa., reported that part! Mouldings From the President’s of Nazism—has detailed temporary elaborately Capt. William A. Reynolds, 24-year- of the tail assembly on his bomber! * * in the South came no to Doors Mantels headquarters plans go underground in the old Fortress pilot of Walters. Okla.. was knocked off by a fighter that indication of his event of SHALL WE decision. An As- German defeat, according who led one of the squadrons hard- rammed his plane. * Trim * DANCE? sociated Press to Panel Work dispatch indicated authoritative information here. est, hit in the battle over Berlin’s Capt. Reynolds said that when he MAGNOLIAS "I'm that it was mast that he * ready”—Says Mary unlikely The Schutzstaffel now has about suburbs. first saw the fighters approaching Storm Vestibules would return to in time Washington .20 divisions organized not only on "It was the first time I ever saw he thought they were another to attend Col. Knox’s funeral. di-! BLUE SPRUCE * a military basis, but in a pyramidal them attacking without any appar- vision of bombers "because there Kitchen Cabinets Admission to the | j SHALL church services cell so ent or in WE DANCE? | system, that in case the Army system plan mind—unless were so many flying in a tight * will be limited to the closest friends Store & Office Fixtures disintegrates, the SS can function it was mass power." said the bomber formation.” CRAPE MYRTLE "Of course”—Says Doris and associates of the late j secretary. as a secret body, according to this skipper, veteran of 14 missions, “They sat out there on the hori- Shrubs of Unusual * Admirals and Variety Screen Doors fir Windows bluejackets, geri- information. "I’ve never seen anything like it zon in a bunch for a 1 j while, then No Cost for erals and privates, diplomats and before Advice The cells consist of five members and I don’t see how we came turned into us, all of them diving SHALL WE businessmen will take in the DANCE? part with a leader. Three such cells com- jout. of it alive. at once,” he related. “The first ceremonies. MARYLAND NURSERY "Oh, let's”—Says Jane pose a squad with a leader, three | "They just swarmed through our time they knocked down five ships At the church, w-here a guard of formations like Turn right at Hyattsville viaduct, | squads forming a group. ; hornets, diving any out of our group, then they came honor will 1 be on duty until serv- could a go 14 mile. Himmler and other SS leaders, place they find hole. There right back for a second pass after 2303 ices start, the as Michigan SEE DON MARTINI bodybearers, active :it is said, are convinced Germany : was no system at all to their at- reforming quickly behind us.” EDMONSTON, MARYLAND pallbearers are knowm in military tack. were j will be defeated, but are hopeful the They barreling through Not a single ship from this base 2418 CIO services, will include four blue- so fast I WArfield Page ;SS can get control and return Ger- saw three or four of them returned without some exterior sign jackets, two marines and two 2150 St. many to ’’neo-Nazism” in the cha- actually dive between two Portresses of the battle. Many carried dead , Bryant N. E. Coast Guardsmen. at the LOST. otic period which they expect to same time. or wounded. After the services, the body- follow the war. BILLFOLD, leather, maroon, containing HEAR HOW TO BEACH MTt, SI5. keys and calling cards. Mrs. Wilbur bearers will carry the casket to a The plan involves abandonment From Seymour Davidson. 12,10 New Hampshire waiting hearse. Near the Soldier Found either Rhode blend Am HJL, n.w. • Navy- of Hitler Senator Phone National 3120. Ext. 710. and most other well- Canadian Ford Guilty ®r from Bladenibort Bd.. or from Department the coffin be Strike *ew York BLACK CATALOGUE, transparent, loose- wjll known leaders, placing the respon- Are. N.K.i Go to Men- leal binder, Fairfax a In Murder Case tuiB Are. and ring Village shopping transferred to horse-drawn cais- for eeatfnae to Brjaat center. Pa. ave. s.c after 4 p.m. Friday. sibility defeat on them. it. son which will bear it to 8t the Associated Press. N.B., thence to Mill. Finder please call NO. 7712 before 0 a m. Arlington. The SS expects support from the or write Box 210, 1445 Park rd. n.w.. City. The procession will include the Ends as Union Wins 29.