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1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 9251 EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED VIRGINIA The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate messages Ella A. Lambert, Amonate. from the President of the United States submitting a nomina Mary Sue Clark, Catawba Sanatorium. tion and a convention, which were referred to the appropriate WASHINGTON committees. Roy E. Carey, Hartline. <For nomination this day received, see the end of Senate proceedings.) WISCONSIN EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF A COMMITTEE Leo A. Eiden, Deer Park. Walter H. Sprangers, Waldo. Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, reported favorably the nominations of sundry postmasters. The VICE PRESIDENT. If there be no further reports of SENATE committees, the clerk will state the nominations on the MONDAY, JULY 8, 1940 calendar. Rev. Duncan Fraser, assistant rector, Church of the Epiph NOMINATIONS PASSED OVER any, Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: Mr. BARKLEY. Mr. President, under the agreement here tofore made, the first nominations on the calendar will go Almighty God, who hast brought us again to the beginning over until Monday. of a new week, and art always ready to bestow upon those The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection? The Chair who seek a new life in Thee: Grant, we beseech Thee, a new hears none, and it is so ordered. life to this Nation, that, setting aside every sin that doth so POSTMASTERS easily beset us, we may, with confidence, run the race that is set before us, united in our love of Thee, and in mutual serv The legislative clerk proceeded to read sundry nominations ice to one another. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. of postmasters. Mr. McKELLAR. I ask unanimous consent that the nomi THE JOURNAL nations of postmasters be confirmed en bloc. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, the The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the nomina reading of the Journal of the proceedings of Friday, July 5, tions of postmasters are confirmed en bloc. 1940, was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. That concludes the calendar. CALL OF THE ROLL ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY Mr. MINTON. I suggest the absence of a quorum. Mr. BARKLEY. As in legislative seS.sion, I move that the The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Senate adjourn unti112 o'clock noon on Monday next. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators The motion was agreed to; and (at 12 o'clock and 7 minutes answered to their names: p. m.) the Senate adjourned ·imtil Monday, July 8, 1940, at Adams Downey Lodge Schwellenbach Andrews Ellender Lucas Sheppard 12 o'clock meridian. Ashurst Frazier Lundeen Shipstead Austin George McCarran Slattery Bailey Gerry McKellar Smathers NOMINATION Barbour Gibson McNary Smith Barkley Gillette Maloney Taft Executive nomination received by the Senate July 5, 1940 Bilbo Green Mead Thomas, Idaho GOVERNOR OF THE PANAMA CANAL Bone Guffey Miller Thomas, Okla. Bridges Gurney Minton Thomas, Utah Col. Glen E. Edgerton, Corps of Engineers, United States Bulow Hale Murray Tobey Army, for appointment as Governor of the Panama Canal, Burke Harrison Neely Townsend Byrd Hatch Norris Tydings provided for by the Panama Canal Act, approved August 24, Byrnes Hayden Nye Vandenberg 1912, Vice Brig. Gen. Clarence S. Ridley, United States Army, Capper Herring O'Mahoney VanNuys Caraway Hill Overton Wagner resigned. Chandler Holman Pepper Walsh Chavez Holt Pittman Wheeler CONFIRMATIONS Clark, Idaho Hughes Radcliffe White Clark, Mo. Johnson, Cali!. Reed Wiley Executive nominations confirmed by the Senate July 5, 1940 Connally Johnson, Colo. Reynolds Danaher King Russell POSTMASTERS Davis La Follette Schwartz ARKANSAS Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Alabama Harry D. Landers, Harrisburg. [Mr. BANKHEAD], the Senator from Michigan [Mr. BROWN], Manila Mills, Lepanto. the Senator from Ohio [Mr. DoNAHEY], the Senator from Vir CONNECTICUT ginia [Mr. GLASS], the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. LEE], Wallace M. Hart, West Cornwall. the Senator from Tennessee [Mr. STEWART], and the Senator FLORIDA from Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN] are unavoidably detained from the Senate. Mildred A. Entwistle, Warrington. The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-nine Senators have an HAWAII swered to their names. A quorum is present. Solomon C. Burke, Honokaa. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE-ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT MARYLAND RESOLUTIONS SIGNED Leonard Wilson, Millington. A message from the House of Representatives. by Mr. Cal OKLAHOMA loway, one of its reading clerks, announced that the Speaker had affixed his signature to the following bills and joint reso Virgie W. Ramsey, Allen. lutions, and they were signed by the Vice President: PENNSYLVANIA S. 134. An act providing for continuing retirement pay, ChristianS. Lichliter, Salisbury. under certain conditions, of officers and former officers of the SOUTH CAROLINA Army, Navy, and Marine Corps of the United States, other than officers of the Regular Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, Wayne C. Johnson, Easley. who incurred physical disability while in the service of the TEXAS United States during the World War, and for other purposes; Raymond A. Stewart, Galveston. S.182. An act for the relief of Edward Hagenson; Daniel B. Wood, Olney. S. 993. An act for the relief of J. H. Wootton; 9252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE . JULY 8 S.1251. An act for the relief of certain settlers in the town and the establishment of the Interstate Commission on the site of Ketchum, Idaho; Potomac River Basin. S. 1531. An act for the relief of Edmund S. Dennis; PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS s. 1810. An act for the relief of the Citizens State Bank The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a telegram of Marianna, Fla.; in the nature of a petition from the Muscle Shoals Defense S. 2560. An act for the relief of Marjorie Buchek; League of America, signed by W. 0. Graham, president, and S. 2561. An act for the relief of Ina Jones; Harry J. Frahn, secretary, Sheffield, Ala., praying that the S. 2570. An act for the relief of Mary Boyd; principal offices and headquarters of the Tennessee Valley S. 2595. An act for the relief of Lloyd S. Harris; Authority be transferred from Knoxville, Tenn., to Shef s. 2799. An act for the relief of James George Mayfield; field, Ala., which was referred to the Committee on Agricul;. S. 2800. An act for the relief of Edward J. Ross, and the ture and Forestry. legal guardian of Betty Ross, a minor; He also laid before the Senate a resolution of the Eureka s. 2817. An act for the relief of J. H. Churchwell Whole Noe Valley Union Auxiliary Club, protesting against steps sale Co., of Jacksonville, Fla.; leading toward war and condemning any move which would S. 2988. An act for the relief of Bessie Sharrah; lead to the sacrifice of American men on foreign soil, which S. 3023. An act for the relief of Clarence E. Enders and was ordered to lie on the table. Gertrude Ray Enders; He also laid before the Senate a petition of sundry citizens S. 3039. An act for the relief of Twila Snyder; of Brooklyn, N.Y., praying that a day be set aside for prayer S. 3280. An act for the relief of Ina May Everett; and repentance, which was ordered to lie on the table. s. 3351. An act for the relief of I. M. Cook, J. J. Allen, and He also laid before the Senate a resolution of the National the Radiator Specialty Co.; Retail Credit Association, San Antonio, Tex., pledging alle S. 3401. An act for the relief of Charles N. Barber, former giance and support to the country and the flag, which was United States property and disbursing officer, Vermont Na ordered to lie on the table. tional Guard, and for other purposes; He also laid before the Senate the memorial of the Consti S. 3424. An act for the relief of George 0. Elliott and tutional Government League, of Seattle, Wash., signed by Winslow Farr Smith; E. H. Rettig, president, remonstrating against confirmation s. 3617. An act granting the consent and approval of Con gress to an interstate compact relating to control and reduc of the nominations of Henry L. Stimson, to be Secretary of tion of pollution in the Ohio River drainage basin; War, and Frank Knox, to be Secretary of the Navy, which S. 3749. An act to relieve certain employees of the Vet was ordered to lie on the table. erans' Administration from financial liability for certain over He also laid before the Senate a memorial of sundry citi payments and allow such credit therefor as is necessary in zens of Brooklyn, N. Y., remonstrating against confirmation the accounts of certain disbursing officers, and for other of the nominations of Henry L. Stimson to be Secretary of purposes; War, and Frank Knox to be Secretary of the Navy, which s. 3763. An act for the relief of Capt. David H. Passell and was ordered to lie on the table. First Lt. Paul E. LaMaster; He also laid before the Senate a resolution of the Lions s. 3794. An act for the relief of certain Navajo Indians, and Club, of Elkhart, Kans., favoring the adoption of an adequate for other purposes; national-defense program and the' suppression of all sub versive activities, which was ordered to lie on the table. s. 4032. An act to provide for the reimbursement of Philip Mr. LODGE presented memorials numerously signed by A. Penston, pharmacist's mate, first-class, United ~ates Coast sundry citizens of the State of Massachusetts, remonstrating Guard, for the value of personal and household effects lost against involvement of the United States in foreign wars, and destroyed during the hurricane of September 21, 1938, at which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.