STAR LEGAL NOTICES PERSONAL THE EVENING (CONTINUED) (CONTINUtO) Washington, D. C. B-11I*s* SEPTEMBER M. your TUESDAY HHK.OK U. BIMHCH. «**•»», PIANOH—Wc «tor« tnd tell Knox Dies; Avenue N.W.. If lnt«r,»tfd in tbD rnnv Mrs. Frank 1601 Connecticut oltno Washington 6. 0. C. plan, writ, P 0 »«3 Etlv«r ! STAR CLASSIFIED LEADS SDrly ,Md _ DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold- NEAL VALIANT DANCE CLUB. ** ing 05 yr Mtmbcrihip limited. Wkly. or- the ether Washington papers by • Probate Court.—No. <26. Secretary Administration—Tbii Is to Oive chestra. record dtnce oartlen; In- PAY LESS Widow of oi . Notice: That the subscribers. Klruc etc. Per info. ME. the of New York and the deilre, healthy Statu Columbia, reipectlveb ELDERLY WIDOW MIAMI. Fla., Sept. 23