STAR LEGAL NOTICES PERSONAL THE EVENING (CONTINUED) (CONTINUtO) Washington, D. C. B-11I*s* SEPTEMBER M. your TUESDAY HHK.OK U. BIMHCH. «**•»», PIANOH—Wc «tor« tnd tell Knox Dies; Avenue N.W.. If lnt«r,»tfd in tbD rnnv Mrs. Frank 1601 Connecticut oltno Washington 6. 0. C. plan, writ, P 0 »«3 Etlv«r ! STAR CLASSIFIED LEADS SDrly ,Md _ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold- NEAL VALIANT DANCE CLUB. ** ing 05 yr Mtmbcrihip limited. Wkly. or- the ether Washington papers by • Probate Court.—No. <26. Secretary Administration—Tbii Is to Oive chestra. record dtnce oartlen; In- PAY LESS Widow of oi . Notice: That the subscribers. Klruc etc. Per info. ME. the of New York and the deilre, healthy Statu Columbia, reipectlveb ELDERLY WIDOW MIAMI. Fla., Sept. 23 <AP'. District oi white lady under 7(1, or marrlrd have obtained from the Probat# couple Flor- GET MORE! —Mrs. Annie Reid Knox. 82. MILLIONS LINES Court of the District of Columbia, to «hare her home In OF. ida Room and in re- | on estate board free letter* teitamentary the companlomhlp rea- widow of former Secretary of of AONEB THERESA MARTIN, turn lor and j Frank Knox, died ¦ late of the District of Columbia, eonabie service» around houee. | Always the Navy deceased All person* having Call DAUOHTER. OL. 5-740 U, [ ust • home in sub- against deceased are alter «p m. yesterday at her claim* the _ ~ hereby warned to exhibit t)»u »unje, urban Coral Gables. tk- with the vouchers thereof, leaelly ENVELOPES ADDRESSED Fat authenticated, to the subscribers Real iate,. JA ' Mr. Knox had been ill since on or before the 18th day of Feb- STAR suffering coronary attack ruary. A.D 1959; otherwise they a may by law be excluded from all HELP MEN April. benefit of said estate Given under last day Sep- our hand* this sth of Act TS. RKHPRH., ofllce m,ri. of- CLASSIFIED She will be buried beside her STAR /TS tember 1958. VICTOR A. BTEIN- fice credit mirß,, •aleßmen. *,o- [ post Sedgwick Avenue. opening in Arlington Cemetery ) STAR, METZ. 2440 *111(1 wk. up all kind* husband I New Vork 68 New Yorkt BRIGGS Excel future! vult tod»y »ee 1 G SIMPICH. 1001 Connecticut 4!| vn at Washington. No services I TIMES / / D C. Min Bell at BOYD'r Em . \ Avenue N W Washington 6. corj'Jtn anrt O na K-iLMO call will be held here. herald I / (Seal.) Attest: FRANK J. ' ,4g V MEWS BURKART. Deputy Register of TO Mrs. Knox, of Alma, Will* for the District of Columbia. ACCT. $7,800 a native Super Market Experience Clerk of the Probate Court. Larne 97,000 up ST. 3-5000 Mich., met her husband when seß. 16.23 ' Acct„ while meats exp. m. Act t., ole mtr . While, eip fH.MNi both were students at Alma •A, TAYLOR A WALDRON. Attorney*. Acct. aun flpgi 000 F Street N.W. akltpr.. conitr : 8(1 Spi College. They were married Trt Washlngtan 4. D. jS C. Accti. ovble . NCR .1011(1 after Col. Knox returned from UNITED STATES DIBTRICi COURT Accti, rec,. Monroe calc. *,5-*KuJJh-JJfi for the District of Columbia. Hold- Bkkpr.. yn« : vie. Liurcl Open service with Theodore Roose- ing Probate Court. —No 96255, Stor Classified led the Star Classified led to OTHER POSITIONS velt's Rough Riders in the Adminlitratlon —This Is Oive *" Notice: That the subscriber of Math statistician P 0 Post-Times Herald by The News by State Maryland has ob- Draftsmen, exper advertisements .Spanish American War. the of *«•* ftfien aniwermv tained Electronics, maint vng. Sia’ do Nit, from the Probate Court of exper up uddriasea to Ouxet They lived for several years the District of (\i.umbia. letter* Cashier, auto $65 enclose onutnat references vdo- 6,724,856 of min on the of C •oprupfis <>> In Grand Rapids, Mich., then 1,725,999 LINES LINES ad tetratlon estate THURSDAYS or otnet materials MRS. FRANK KNOX ROBERT G. CARPENTER late of OPEN°TO VPM personal taiue l upus serve the moved to Sault Ste. Marie. the District of Columbia, de- Atlas Agcy.. RE 7-5767 purpose Originals mav gel ios- ceased All oeraons having claim* Roc Mich., where Col. Knox and a Advertising Linage Service figures for 1957 provide an excellent against the drreaned are hereby 14M N. Y Ave N.W WO warned to exhibit the same, with ANIMAL CARE MEN. reietrch llbo- partner, bought Washington s (hereof week, HELP MEN John Muehling, basis of comparison between Star Classified and the oucheri legally au- rato y: 40-hour medical, va- Evening News thenticated, to the subscriber, cation and other benefit. HA7.EL- (CONTINUED! th» terstate Commerce Commission other papers. The conclusion is obvious: whenever you want to on or the 10th day 7 at before of TON LABORATORIES. Route Va Later the Knoxes moved to district supervisor in Birming- March. A.D. 1059: otherwise thev Andrew Chapel near Vienna. CARPENTER, exper , tor extcr and sell, rent, trade, hire or be hired—use Star Classified for may N, H., Col. huy, bv law be excluded from all Apply 0-5 Mon.-Prl Inter., tup wage* Call after 6pm Manchester. where ham. died Sunday night. He benefit of said estate. Given TU 2-9339 Muehling bought immediate results. under my hand this Bth dav of Knox and Mr. had been in Birmingham since September. APPLICATORS CARPENTER*, experienced: good 1958. FRANCIS K. stone men for permanent the Manchester Leader. The held CARPENTER. Pone's Creek. Mary- Lather*, scratch and wages work Report 1941. Previously he had (Seal wet application stone work. Com- Tayor Run parkway we&t l«nd i Attest: THEODORE Plenty wort. and Knoxes made their permanent Washington, CALL STERLING 3-5000 Register of pany benefits. of Dartmouth ave., Akx . Va TL 0- ICC positions in COORWELL Wills for BIERRA STONE CO AD 2-3400. 7017. CHAUNCEY HEIGHTS. INC. • home there. the District of Columbia Clerk of BM D. C., and Atlanta. Ga. the Probate Court. 5e16.23.30 or eves . 3-3881. _ CARPENTERS —Apply construction ‘ PAINTER, for four- trailer. 83rd ave . Col. Knox at one time was ROBERTSON ft ROUNDTREE. urogram leading to status aa Palmer Pk.. Md. Attorneys. year CARPENTERS, framing residential- general manager the Hearst iourneyman auto oainter, *uto- of J. Lynn SUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES 1808 11th Street N.W. type apt* ; steady work through Charles SPECIAL NOTICES pav increases at fi-month in and Chicago matic high winter; iob 3500 nlk Manor rd . papers owned the iCONtINUEDI h OWEN J, SON, UNITED BTATES DISTRICT COURT interval* voung man with Conn, Ind., Sept. THOS. for of Columbia. Hold- military com- between 8500 blk. ave and Daily appointed INDIANAPOLIS. ADAM A WFSCHI.F* A SON Auctioneer**, the District school and service Jones Bridge Chevy Md. News. He was Auctioneers ST. ing 96296. pleted. up to age preferred rd.. Chase. 23 (AP).—Charles J. Lynn. 84, Rf Norma very 1111 E N.W. Probate Court.—No. Oivg 25. Bee MR MR. - Secretary of the Navy by Pres- TTV. Jean ill. Need Administration.—This Is to a good opportunity to learn a MABTBROOK or you. come home. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE stating BURGDORP in vice president and member TRUBTEE S SALE OF VALUABLE SEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELL- Notice That the iubaertoer. of trade Send brief letter a any - ident Franklin D. Roosevelt FWILL NOT be responsible for THRBIE STORY-AND-BASEMENT INO BEING AS PREM- the District of Columbia, has ob- Qualifications including iob his- CASHIER-CLERK—Perm for wilU Lilly & Co., debts by anyone other KNOWN tained from the Probate tory. experience or in- ing 1940 and served until his death of the board of Eli Incurred ATTACHED BRICK STONE- ISES NUMBER 1201 CONSTITU- Co'irt of schooling and reliable man: previous last than myself HENRY A. JOHNSON, FACED DWELLING. NUMBER TION AVENUE NORTHWEST the District of Columbia letters terest in auto painting. Box 222-V. exper. not nec. Apply in person in 1944. died at his home here Jr., 02311 Clay st. n e 26* P BTREET NORTHWEST By a certain deed oi trust of administration on (he estate Star only to Mr. Keeling or Mr. 1747 re- virtue of of RICHARD- Mil- night He had suffered a heart I WILL NOT BE responsible lor any By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No 10960. FRANK DOUOLAS ASSISTANT BUYER. 96.000 to start, stead. YELLOW CAB CO.. 318 Three years after her hus- corded in Liber No 9971. Folio 273 seq . of the land rec- SON. late of the District of Co- 6 to $1 ex- Eye st. n.e. debtß incurred by anyone other Folio et leading variety ~ 200. et Req . one of the land lumbia. All persons store. attack Saturday. than mvself ALFONZO MAT- rec- ords of the District of Columbia, deceased. perience. wonderful opportunity band Mr.s Knox sold her P of the of Columbia, having claims against the de- large CHAINMAN-rouman. subdivision died. TIA 489? Oxbow id., Rockville, ords District and at the request of the party Capable of managing volume exper . salary ouen. Call JU. in the Manchester pa- Md 24* and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned ceased are herebv warned to ex- operation and assist, buver Call 5- interest secured thereby the undersigned sell, public auc- hibit the same, with the vouchers to 5. 9-9409. for trustees will at thereof, Mr, Howard. 12 LI. CLAIMS REPRESENTATIVE:, per and moved to Coral Gables. George H. Paskert substituted truatee will offer tion. in front of the premises, on legallv authenticated to young sale, by public \ auction in front DAY OF the subscriber, on before the man with car to handle all line*; AUCTION SALES FRIDAY.
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