ARC-LEAP User Instructions Appalachian Regional Commission Local Economic Assessment Package prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission prepared by Economic Development Research Group, Inc. Glen Weisbrod Teresa Lynch Margaret Collins January, 2004 ARC-LEAP User Instructions Appalachian Regional Commission Local Economic Assessment Package prepared for the Appalachian Regional Commission prepared by Economic Development Research Group, Inc. 2 Oliver Street, 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02109 Telephone 617.338.6775 Fax 617.338.1174 e-mail
[email protected] Website January, 2004 ARC-LEAP User Instructions PREFACE LEAP is a software tool that was designed and developed by Economic Development Research Group, Inc. ( to assist practitioners in evaluating local economic development needs and opportunities. ARC-LEAP is a version of this tool developed specifically for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and it’s Local Development Districts (LDDs). Development of this user guide was funded by ARC as a companion to the ARC-LEAP analysis system. This document presents user instructions and technical documentation for ARC-LEAP. It is organized into three parts: I. overview of the ARC-LEAP tool II. instructions for users to obtain input information and run the analysis model III. interpretation of output tables . A separate Handbook document provides more detailed discussion of the economic development assessment process, including analysis of local economic performance, diagnosis of local strengths and weaknesses, and application of business opportunity information for developing an economic development strategy. Economic Development Research Group i ARC-LEAP User Instructions I. OVERVIEW The ARC-LEAP model serves to three related purposes, each aimed at helping practitioners identify target industries for economic development.