Anatomy and Physiology Male Reproductive System References
DEWI PUSPITA ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM REFERENCES . Tortora and Derrickson, 2006, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 11th edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Medical Embryology Langeman, pdf. Moore and Persaud, The Developing Human (clinically oriented Embryologi), 8th edition, Saunders, Elsevier, . Van de Graff, Human anatomy, 6th ed, Mcgraw Hill, 2001,pdf . Van de Graff& Rhees,Shaum_s outline of human anatomy and physiology, Mcgraw Hill, 2001, pdf. WHAT IS REPRODUCTION SYSTEM? . Unlike other body systems, the reproductive system is not essential for the survival of the individual; it is, however, required for the survival of the species. The RS does not become functional until it is “turned on” at puberty by the actions of sex hormones sets the reproductive system apart. The male and female reproductive systems complement each other in their common purpose of producing offspring. THE TOPIC : . 1. Gamet Formation . 2. Primary and Secondary sex organ . 3. Male Reproductive system . 4. Female Reproductive system . 5. Female Hormonal Cycle GAMET FORMATION . Gamet or sex cells are the functional reproductive cells . Contain of haploid (23 chromosomes-single) . Fertilizationdiploid (23 paired chromosomes) . One out of the 23 pairs chromosomes is the determine sex sex chromosome X or Y . XXfemale, XYmale Gametogenesis Oocytes Gameto Spermatozoa genesis XY XX XX/XY MALE OR FEMALE....? Male Reproductive system . Introduction to the Male Reproductive System . Scrotum . Testes . Spermatic Ducts, Accessory Reproductive Glands,and the Urethra . Penis . Mechanisms of Erection, Emission, and Ejaculation The urogenital system . Functionally the urogenital system can be divided into two entirely different components: the urinary system and the genital system.
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