David Luscombe: Publications
David Luscombe: Publications 1963 Review: David Knowles, Great Historical Enterprises. Problems in Monastic History (London, 1963), in The Cambridge Review, 85/2064, November 30, 169-71 Review: M. Wilks, The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages (Cambridge, 1963), in Theology 66, 341 1964 Review: Jean Décarreaux, Monks and Civilisation (London, 1964), in Theology 67, 464-6 1965 “Towards a new edition of Peter Abelard's Ethica or Scito te ipsum: an introduction to the manuscripts,” Vivarium 3, 115-27 Review: Donald Nicholl, Thurstan, Archbishop of York (1114-1140) (York, 1964), in New Blackfriars 46, 257-8 Review: G. Constable, Monastic Tithes from their Origins to the Twelfth Century (London, 1964), in New Blackfriars 46, 486 Review: Studies in Church History, 1, eds. C.W. Dugmore and C. Duggan (London, 1964) and The English Church and the Papacy in the Middle Ages, ed. C.H. Lawrence (London, 1965), in New Blackfriars 47, 48 1966 “Berengar, Defender of Peter Abelard,” Recherches de théologie ancienne et médiévale 33, 319-37 “Anselm of Laon,” Colliers Encyclopedia, 1 “Nature in the Thought of Peter Abelard,” La Filosofia della Natura nel Medioevo. Atti del Terzo Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia Medioevale (Milan), 314-19 Review: Dom Adrian Morey and C.N.L. Brooke, Gilbert Foliot and his Letters (Cambridge, 1965), in New Blackfriars 47, 612 Review: B. Pullan, Sources for the History of Medieval Europe from the Mid-Eighth to the Mid-Thirteenth Century (Oxford, 1966), in The Cambridge Review, 29 October 1966, 73 1967 “Bernard of Chartres,” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. P.
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