WEATHER Us a A% as.; TI13ES +Water Condtion * igESh Charlie Ill 2:18 Sorag Ashor 1:44 fpum.04$ 13.0 9:04 a.m. First daily paper ever to win the CHINFO Merit Award Million Gallons 7:44 p.m. U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA

Phone 9-5247 Friday Date Apr1l 19, 1968 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Kennedy's First Test, Johnson Says Peace Talk Site May 7 Indiana Primary WASHINGTON (AP/AFNB) In- creasing anti-Robert Kennedy Must Consider All Governments' sentiment is reported across SAN ANTONIO, TEX. (AP/AFNB) President Johnson said yester- the nation as the New York day preliminary talks with North Vietnam must be at a site Senator prepares to meet his where all governments involved in the Vietnam War can have first critical popularity test representation, which seemd to rule out Warsaw. North Viet- in the May 7 Indiana Primary. nam has suggested as possible sites Phnom Penh, capital of After President Johnson's Cambodia, and Communist Pol- shock decision not to seek re- and's capital city, Warsaw. election, it was immediately ident team summarized the &i6- Johnson, flying back to his assumed that Kennedy would be uation by saying, "They may Texas ranch after policy talks the unquestioned front-runner have loved John F. Kennedy butt in Honolulu, told a small in the democratic race. This they don't love his brother." group of newsmen aboard his assumption is now open to ser- David Broder, the Washington plane that there were "four ious question, however. Post's political editor, put things you have to have" at * For instance, a poll of 80 the problem this way: any location for public don- newspaper editors at a confer- "Robert Kennedy.has a knack tacts with Hanoi. These in- ence this week found a majori- for evoking active, intense, clude adequate, and presumably ty predicting that Vice Pres- personal and sometimes almost secure communications facili- ident Hubert Humphrey would be irrational dislike. Like his ties, representation of all the choice of the democratic brother, he has his passionate parties concerned (the two convention. Mr. Humphrey, who supporters; but unlike his principal U.S.- allies in Viet- has yet to declare for the brother, he has a way of real- nam, South Vietnam and South Presidency, was given a margin ly inflaming the opposition. Korea, are not recognized dip- of more than 2-1 over Kennedy And it is a fact today that lomatically by Poland and have by the editors, who reflect his opposition embraces many no envoys in its Capital); ac- attitudes in many parts of the of those who in the past have cess for newsmen wishing to nation. decided democratic nomina- cover the talks; and the neu- In the key state of Califor- tions."ctr teftheksite neu- trality of the site, so nei- nia, Mr. Kennedy'si boosters Mr. Kennedy's problem is their side would have a psych- are admitting there is a con- that, while he attracts huge siderable "animus" against and adoring crowds, he offends. stage. their man. One Californian powerful interest groups. Con- The later point has been the leader ofthe Kennedy-For-Pres- servatives (Con't on Page 2) cheS . chief U.S. objectiono in totosWarsaw Warsaw as Polandohasbeenan active West Germany Riots Result in Second Death supporter of (Con't on Page 2) BERLIN (AP/AFNB) The second death from Germany's wild Eas- ter weekend of student disturbances brought an appeal for calm yesterday from West German Foreign Minister Willi Brandt whose L 19-year-old son was among 600 protesters arrested during the wave of violence. Brandt, participating in the Badem-Wuertemberg election cam- paign, said the deaths underscored the necessity for modera- tion and self-discipline. The unrest was touched off a week ago when an assassin ser- * iously wounded leftist student leader Rudi Dutschke. Dutschke was still on the critical list yesterday. He is 28 years old. Most of the rioting is aimed at the Axel Springer Press, which has been especially critical of the leftist movement. Ger Schreck, 21, a student who told police he "just wanted to see for once what a demonstration was like(Con t on Page 2) AXEL SPRINGER 19 Page 2 Gitmo Gazette Friday, April

KENNEDY POPULARITY WANING (Con t from Page 1) and segregationists don't trust his liberalism; businessmen regard him asan enemy of business; some labor leaders hate him because, as At- ComNavBase RADM E.R. Crawford torney General, he sent James Hoffa, Teamster Public Affairs Officer LT Paul E. Lamey Union boss, to prison. constituency is sup- J03 Tom Meyers The Senator's natural EDITOR be among the liberals and the youth, J03 Lonnie Sexton posed to 'LAYOUT there CT1 Frank Rogers and he has strong support there. Yet SPORTS are many liberal intellectuals, some of them The GITMO GAZETTE is published according to the rules on the campuses, who regard Kennedy as a dyn- and regulations for ship and station newspapers as out- ical. late-comer, who is trying to push Eugene lined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of the McCarthy out of the White House race after Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed four lacking the guts to challenge LBJ when the go- expense on government equip- days a week at government ing was so rough; or statements in news itmas that ment. The opinions Kennedy's greatest disability appear herein are not to be construed as official or as Perhaps Robert His reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Navy Dept. is his reputation for being "ruthless." Ads and notices will be accepted between the hours of enemies are adroitly claiming--unjustly--that 8 a.m. and 3' p.m. MON thru FRI only and will be publish- he tried to buy up all available television ed in either Monday's, Tuesday's or Thursday's GAZETTE. time in Indiana to deprive McCarthy of a No ads or notices--except command notices--will be pub- chance to present his case to the voters. Ken- will they be run in lished more than once a week nor nedy's enemies are also gloating over the fact Friday's paper. that at least 16 members of his Senate staff PRESIDENT DISCUSSES PEACE (Con't from Page 1) are working on his presidential campaign staff payroll. Sen. North Vietnam in the conflict. while remaining on the public While objecting to the two sites suggested McCarthy's office, by contrast, stresses that of McCarthy has moved into so far by Hanoi, Washington has advanced half no Senate employee a dozen potential sites it would find accepta- his campaign operation. is not unduly con- ble. Curiously, Mr. Kennedy Like his Yesterday Secretary of State Dean Rusk added cerned about all these problems. "under- to this list, making a total of 15 U.S. pro- brother, he is expert at playing the posed peace talk sites, including several more dog." in Asia. "The world is waiting," he said in a hastily BRANDT PLEAS FOR CALM (Con't from Page 1) prepared news conference. became the riots' second fatality Wddiesddy "The American people have the right to ex- night, when he died of a skull fracture. photographer covering pect a prompt, serious and responsive reply Klaus Frings, a- staff from Hanoi." the riots for , died earlier The newly announced countries where the U.S. Wednesday of a head injury he received in the would be prepared to meet North Vietnamese Munich disturbances in which Schreck was fat- representatives included Ceylon, Japan,fghan- ally injured. istan, Pakistan, Nepal or in Asi. "Two lives are enough," Brandt's Social Demo- Rusk said if the other side wants a European cratic Party said in a statement. "Too much setting for the talks the United Sttes would blood has already flowed." be prepared to meet in Italy, Belgium, Finland or Austria. NEW YORK (AP/AFNB) The United States and Notably missing was France. U.N. Secretary- North Vietnam may come together on a site for General U Thant, acting as a third party, has preliminary peace talks, but the tone of Com- been reportedly proposing Paris as' a site. munist comment around the world casts a black The President flew in to March Air Force shadow over the possibility. They and their Base in Calif. at 2:35 a.m. and slept until press are saying they are convinced that the dawn. Former President Eisenhower arrived at United States already is defeated in Vietnam, the base at 7:17 a.m. for what was billed as and that Washington has no choice except to a talk about war and peace in the Pacific. Two make peace overtures. hours and ten minutes later, the two emerged The general impression left by Communist from the plane. Johnson walked with Eisenhower comment is that North Vietnam holds the win- to a waiting helicopter and saw -him off, ning hand now, and thus has no need to make then returned to his plane. It left at 10 any concessions in a quest for peace. If North of this, peace a.m. for Randolph Air Force Base in Texas. Vietnam itself is convinced A podium and microphones set up at planeside bargaining can be deadlocked, before it even were removed without explanation after the starts. breakfast. ages Missing or Unavailable Friday, April 19, 1968 Gitmo Gazette Page7

Gitmo SP RTS And Elsewhere Baseball Local LEAGUE ROUNDUP The Naval Station Indians kept their hold on NATIONAL night by defeating the VC-10 For the second night in a row the Cincinnati second place last Cardinals 4-3 in Tom Holt, who came on in relief, Reds defeated the St. Louis nine 5-3. Pete Rose, whose eighth-inning picked up the win. 12 innings. homer tied the game, doubled in a run in the Bob Lee his second straight relief BOX SCORE: 12th,giving R H E victory over the Cardinals. homers as the Atlanta 110 100 0 -- 3 5 3 Felipe Alou hit two VC-10 Chicago Cubs 5-3. His 111 x -- 5 9 Braves defeated the Nay Sta 110 gave Claude Ray- GI ITMO LEAGUE STANDINGS three run homer in the ninth Lost Pct. GB mond his first victory of the season. Team Won with Willie Mays SECRU The Giants, 7 1 .875 batting in three runs, defeated the New York NAVSTA only other National League FMF 7 2 .778 I Mets 5-3 in the MARBKS 6 3 .667 2 game played yesterday. 2 AMERICAN LEAGUE ROUNDUP NAS 6 3 .667 Chicago HOSPIITA L 4 5 .444 4 The Boston Red Sox again shut-outthe 4 6 .400 41- White Sox yesterday 3-0. Jose Santiago went , VC-10 up only two hits for his PWC 3 6 .333 5 all the way and gave 2 7 .222 6 first decision of the campaign. COMMSTA homers and the shut-out FTG/NSD 2 7 .222 6 Three Detroit Tiger Dick Sparma bested the Cleveland HIGH SCHOOL 0 8 .000 71 pitching of Indians 5-0. Dick McAuliffe, Willie Horton for the Tigers. CRICKET STANDINGS and Al Kaline hit the homers in the fifth inning was Team Won Lost Tied A six-run outburst 0 0 all the Washington Senators needed- as they PWC Trans 2 Twins 7-6. It Point 1 0 0 went on to edge the Minnesota Leeward the '68 season for the Navy Exchange 2 0 was the first loss of PWC Elec & Car7ot I 0 Twing. 0 Mickey Mantle hit his519th homer as the Yan- NSD Angels 6-1. Repair DE pt. 1 0 kees defeated the California Ship Oakland game is unknown. PWC Grounds Di v. 1 0 The Baltimore at es 0 2 1 Speical Servic LEAGUE Commissary Stc re 0 2 0 NATIONAL Team Won Lost Pct GB AMER ICAN LEAGUE Houston 5 2 .71 -- Team Won Lost Pct. GB- Pittsburgh 4 2 .667 St. Louis 5 3 .625 Minnesota .571 1 Detroit 6 .857 San Francisco 4 3 2 .600 2 Cincinnati 4 3 .571 1 Baltimore * 3 .500 Boston 4 3 .571 2 Atlanta 4 4 4 .429 2 Oakland * 3 3 .500 2 New York 3 4 .429 3 Los Angeles 3 4 .429 2 Cleveland 3 3 Washington 3 4 .429 3 Chicago 2 5 .286 New York 3 4 .429 3 Philadelphia 2 6 .250 31 California 2 5 .256 4. Chicago 0 6 .000 5 1 Rugged John Ferguson and * = Late game---not included MONTREAL (AP/AFNB) Ivan Cournoyer each fired home two goals last (AP/AFNB) The St. Louis Blues night and the swift Montreal Canadiens bombed PHILADELPHIA win the first Philadelphia Flyers last night 3-1, the Chicago Blackhawks 9-2, to beat the Hockey League to win the Western Division National Hockey game of a best-of-7 National League semifinal playoffs four games to three. playoff series. Page 8 Gitmo Gazette Friday, April 19, 1968 MOVIE SCHEDULE (cont'd from page 3) Anglers Awarded $$$ for Fish 0 15. BOTANY BAY: James Mason, Alan Ladd. In 1790 British government sets outtD colonize Australia with convicts from its overcrowded nrisons. A cruel captain (James Mason) is com- manded to take the prisoners to Botany Bay by shin. Story revolves around the hardships these oeonle endured on their trip. Adventure drama, color, 99 minutes. 16. THE TIGER AND THE PUSSYCAT: Ann Margret. Vittorio Gassman. Middle-aged man has pangs of life slipping away from him. He persues girlfriend of his son, thinking he can relive his youth. However he ends up jeapordizing his business and marriage. Command Notice Recently children have been observed fishing in the industrial and dock areas and have been asked to leave. Using these areas for rec- reation is a very dangerous practice. Parents are urged to instruct their children to keep out of these areas for their own FOR THE ONES THAT DIDN'T GET AWAY--It was no safety. fish story Thursday afternoon when LCdr. J.H. Strawn, right, presented prizes for the recent fishing contest sponsored by Special Services. Club Activity Schedule Receiving the first prize of $100 is Gy.Sgt. CPO MOVIE SCHEDULE- April 20-26 William Sutton, center, attached to the Marine Tank Platoon. Second place finisher was AC2 Sat. NOBODY'S PERFECT- Doug McClure Bill McCarty, who works at Leeward Point con- Dance, 9-1, music by the Group trol tower. He received $75. Other winners Sun. NAVAJO JOE- Burt Reynolds were: Nestor Avila, $50; CSC Jack M. Ballard, Mon. THE TIGER MAKES OUT- Eli Wallach $25; Calvin Rodney, $15; and also $35 for Tue. THE COLLECTOR- Terrance Stamp largest fish; David Turowski, $10, and Raloh Wed. ENTER LAUGHING- Jose Ferrer Sraca, $5. The contest ran from March 15 to Thu. GAME NIGHT April 15. BULLETIN Fri. THE NIGHT OF THE GRIZZLY- Clint'Walker BIRMINGHAM (AP/AFNB) FBI agents believed ACEY DUCEY MOVIE SCHEDULE- April 20-26 at one point Wednesday that they had tracked down Eric Starvo Galt, the alleged assassin of Sat. ENTER LAUGHING- Shelley Winters Dr.Martin LutherKing, somewhere in California. A VERY SPECIAL FAVOR- Rock Hudson The tip reportedly came from the "alleged Sun. THE TIGER MAKES OUT- Anne Jackson brother" or some other co-conspirator in the Mon. THE CORRUPT ONES- Robert Stack killing. Tue. WHAT DID YOU DO IN THE WAR DADDY?- It apparently was because of the expected James Coburn impending rarrest that authorities obtained a Wed. CARTOONS first-degree murder-warrant against Galt, and NOBODY'S PERFECT- Nancy Kwan also a federal warrant charging him with con- Thu. NAVAJO JOE- Aldo Sambrell spiracy. Fri. GAME NIGHT- The Valley Boys The exact location where authorities expected to make the arrest was not disclosed, but Galt NCO MOVIE SCHEDULE- April 20-26 is known to have spent time in the Los Angeles area. Sat. WHO'S MINDING THE MINT?- Dorothy Provine COMO CLUB MOVIE SCHEDULE- April 20-26 Sun. THE WICKED DREAMS OF PAULA SCHULTZ- Sat. STRANGER ON .THE RUN- Henry Fonda Sun. ENTER LAUGHING- Jose' Ferrer Mon. ENTER LAUGHING- Shelley Winters CARTOONS Tue. NAVAJO JOE- Aldo Sambrell Mon. DUPLICATE BRIDGE Wed. THE TIGER MAKES OUT- Anne Jackson Tue. THE TIGER MAKES OUT- Eli Wallach Thu. NOBODY'S PERFECT- Nancy Kwan Wed. NAVAJO JOE- Burt Reynolds Fri. THE OSCAR- Stephen Boyd Thu. No-movie- patio reserved Fri. NOBODY'S PERFECT- Doug McClure CARTOONS