February 2, 1962 Let's Pay "Unpaid Debts" Coats and Ties for the Boys

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February 2, 1962 Let's Pay Madison CriXe??. ! •' •-•■ E«:' WE BREEZE t^C All The News That Fits We Print Vol. XXXVIII Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, February 2,1962 No. 13 Sound of Whistle NO EXCUSES GIVEN Means Trouble Professional excuses will not Frankel Dance Drama Company be given to students for the To "Jack" Derrer purpose of holding an interview •by Nancy Kersey concerning summer employment. To Be At Madison February 5 The smell of smoke filled the Students who need to have air in Converse Dorm. Where conferences with prospective The Frankel Dance Drama Com- there is smoke there must be fire! employers should arrange to pany will be presented in the third Girls rushed to the telephone to have such conferences during Madison College Lyceum Program call the fire department. At the week ends at home or during at Wilson Hall Monday, February 5 at 8:00 P. M. sight of the fire trucks a well- the Easter vacation period. known Madison figure hurried to Class cuts should be used for The Dance Drama Company, Converse. this purpose. which has recently completed a Mr. Franklin Pierce Derrer, bet- six weeks repertory session in ter known to his friends as Jack, New York, has appeared in more was once again at the scene of AAUW To Help than 600 American cities. trouble as he has been for eighteen Graduate Students The Madison College program years. Mr. Derrer in the capacity by the Company will include "Al- A program of graduate study as night watchman has answered ways Pierrot," a play within a many a whistle blown by a dorm through which mature college play, about the people in a travel- Hostess. This to him means trouble, women may qualify themselves for ling group of players; "Romeo and which can be anything: overflow- teaching, research, or administra- Juliet" featuring Tschaikowsky's tion in higher education was an- ing water pipes, no heat or too, "Overture Fantasia," which focuses nounced this month by the Ameri- much heat, blown fuses and even romantic themes on Shakespeare's an occasional rowdy visitor. Mr. can Association of University star-cros,sed lovers. Other themes Derrer also checks the buildings, Women Educational Foundation. in the act depict the forces of fate ever on the lookout for fire and Financed by a $225,000 grant from The Frankel Dance Drama Company performs. which moved Romeo and Juliet to prowlers, making Madison a safer the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, this their tragic end. The final part place for the students. Because of nationally significant program will of the Madison College appear- the multiplicity of his duties, Mr. be initiated over a three-year per- We Need "Uncommon Men" ance will be "Portrait of a Sum- Derrer is known tq some as "Jack iod in eleven southern states— -— merUMM Sunday,"vjumjoy, an impression in111 of all trades". Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Ken- moveme t - \^S^. Jltarex - xczz - '_a <4iidijsj«^ •l^diy,.I^^;iaai(-4£LMi8Sippiv North lOKer . " of. the Tennessee. Wil- **'■ hams" pfty "Summerana amow.' ;»■ then called State Teachers College, Carolina, South Carolina, Tennes- "America is living in a time of good enough, and by not expect- Emily Frankel, the featured twenty years ago. He spent two see, Texas, and Virginia. desperation because America has ing more of their students. dancer and director of the Com- years as a groundsman before as- Approximately fifty candidates, made a virtue of commonness," Dr. "The greatest need in America pany, has been acclaimed by dance suming his present duties as night thirty-five years of age or older, Victor S. Armbrister," dean of today is the need for the uncom- and theatre critics all over the watchman. who hold the bachelor's or mas- Emory and Henry College, warned mon man, the man who has the country. Her work in dance has Shy, but always helpful, cheerful ter's degree, will be selected each Madison College students and fac- capacity to think, the power of already become a part of American and courteous, «Mr. Derrer is the year for further education in one ulty in a convocation address here imagination, and the capacity for Dance History and is referred to father of seven and the grandfather of the cooperating graduate schools. on January 31. faith," he said. of eight. His hobby is farming The first group under the pro* in the encyclopedias, and in other Dr. Armbrister told the Madi- Dr. Armbrister, who was named which includes raising' cattle' and gram will enroll in September Dance History books. Miss Fran- son audience that American Edu- Dean of Emory and Henry in hogs. (Mr. Derrer owns a hog 1962. Applications should be made kel, along with Mark Ryder, start- cation, in spite of all its past 1940, received the M.A. and Ph.D. ranch.) Occasionally he finds time not later than April IS, 1962. In- ed the company in 1959, and since glories, is not today the answer to degrees in English from Vander- that time the company has per- to hunt birds, squirrels, rabbits quiries should be addressed to Dr. bilt University. and deer. Mr. Derrer has bagged Eleanor F. Dolan, AAUW Educa- creeping conformity because Amer- formed in legitimate theatres, Uni- ican Education is geared to the He is a member of the Modern several of the latter in years past, tional Foundation, 2401 Virginia versity, Civic, Mutual, and Com- Language Association and Blue but none this year. "I didn't have Avenue, N.W., Washington 7, D. cult of mediocrity. munity Concerts, with symphony ey Tau Kappa A1 ha time," Mr. Derrer grinned. C. We are victims of the aver- ^ ' P - Kappa orchestras on TV. age," he said. Educators have ™ Kappa' Slgma Mu- Pi Gamma Mu> and Alpha Psi mega honor The Dancers are headed by sinned by passive acceptance of ° - Oldyna Dynowska, formerly a tests and materials that seemed ar£ soc!f tie?L , -=^^_i^_^___^^___^___ Ur. (j. Tyler Miller, Madison soloist with the National Ballet of College president, presided over Canada; Terence Miller, Miss CI Surveys Finds the convocation service, which of- Frankel's partner and leading male ficially marked the beginning of dancer of the Company for four Drinking Is Not the second semester at the college. seasons; Naomi Marritt, of the The Rev. Robert L Sherfy, Metropolitan Opera Ballet; Ralph Campus Problem minister of the Harrisonburg Hoffman, actor-dancer who has most recently been a part of the Church of the Brethren, gave the College students are not prime invocation and benediction. New York City Central Park contenders for Alcoholics Anony- Special music for the service was American Shakespeare Festival; mous. This is the finding of Cam- furnished by the Madison College Jean Duguid, who has been with pus Illustrated, the only national Concert Choir. the National Ballet of Canada and magazine for the college commun- most recently was a soloist with ity, in its survey and report on the Radio City Music Hall Bal- student drinking. CI states that AAUW To Develop let in New York City; Dale Much- campus drinking is no more wide- more, has worked with the Bolshoi spread, no more frequent or exces- Locator Service Ballet in Japan; and Phillip Rice, sive, than drinking elsewhere. In A locator service which will as- who has Broadway and Television fact, CI reports that college stu- sist colleges and universities to find credits. dents drink no more than their trained, able professional personnel The Musicians in the Company non-college contemporaries and will be developed by The AAUW are Jim Conway, who has recently drink less than their predecessors. Educational Foundation, according fo^ plist^tectot wi& the The CI survey reveals that most to an announcement by Dr. Anna "Fantastiks" company, and Eddie collegians—80% of the men and L. Rose Hawks, President. Allen, jazz drummer, most recent- 65% of the women—started prink- A $20,000 grant from the Fund ly appeared with Tony Pastor. ing before they entered college. for the Advancement of Education Todd Bolender, whose "Romeo Furthermore, the survey shows that is making possible a two-year ex- and Juliet" is featured in the pro- collegians' attitudes and customs pansion and development program gram, is one of the major chore- in regard to drinking were well for the Association's Roster of ographers for George Balanchine's determined before they came to Women Holding Earned Doctor- New York City Ballet Company. college by the practice, attitudes ates. Dr. H. George Anderson Mr. Bolender is currently choreog-. and customs of their families, their Over 12,000 women holding raphing the 1961 "New Faces" social groups and their communi- earned doctorates will receive ques- for Broadway. H. George Anderson To Speak ties. tionnaires this month asking if A surprising fact uncovered by they are available for college fac- The program is open to the pub- For Religious Emphasis Week CI's comprehensive survey is that ulty positions. The list of women lic and tickets for the Dance less drinking takes place in co- was compiled with the cooperation Drama Company may be purchased Dr. H. George Anderson, Direc- and evening services in Wilson educational schools than at col- of the National Research Council at the Madison College Business tor of Graduate Studies and Pro- Auditorium, informal question and leges restricted to one sex only. of the National Academy of Sci- Office. o fessor of Church History at the answer sessions in the dormitories, Statistics show that the big drink- ences and over 130 doctorate and personal counseling with the ing schools are the private men's Lutheran Theological Southern granting institutions in the United speaker.
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