Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1998 No. 9 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 11, 1998, at 3:00 p.m. Senate TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1998 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was into Your hands I commit My spirit.’’ now occur Wednesday morning at 10 called to order by the President pro Amen. a.m. I thank my colleagues for their tempore (Mr. THURMOND). attention to this and I urge they pay f particular attention to this cloning PRAYER RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY issue. The Senate needs to make a deci- LEADER sion on whether or not we want to The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John allow human cloning to go forward. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: There is a lot of concern about that. able majority leader, Senator LOTT of Gracious God, You have shown us the The President has indicated he is op- Mississippi, is recognized. power of an unreserved commitment. posed to it and we need to take this We prayerfully personalize the promise f issue up. of the psalmist, ‘‘We commit our way I urge the Senate to at least vote to to You, Lord. We also trust in You, and SCHEDULE go to debate on the substance of the You will bring Your plans to pass. We Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, this morn- bill itself. The cloture motion is on the rest in Your word, and wait patiently ing, under a previous consent, the Sen- motion to proceed. I think we ought to for You’’ (Psalm 37:5,7). In all the chal- ate will debate the motion to invoke have a beginning of a full discussion lenges of life, we’ve discovered that cloture on the nomination of David about this, see where there are dis- Solomon was right, ‘‘Commit your Satcher to be Surgeon General until 11 agreements and where maybe we can works to the Lord and your thoughts a.m. At 11 the Senate will vote on the come to agreements. If we do not do will be established’’ (Proverbs 16:3). motion to invoke cloture on the nomi- that, this process will be allowed and Over and over again, You have re- nation. Under the agreement that we there are going to be serious, I think, sponded to our commitment to solve reached last week, if cloture is in- scientific, medical, ethical and moral problems by providing us with clarity voked, a second vote will occur imme- questions that are going to be left dan- of thought and ingenious solutions. diately on the nomination itself. gling in the wind. If Senators have ad- You have revealed that commitment Therefore, Senators should be aware ditional ideas that they would like to is the key to opening the floodgate for that there may be two consecutive roll- offer in the form of amendments to this the inflow of Your Spirit. It is as if You call votes beginning at 11 a.m. human cloning issue, that is the way set all of the angels in heaven, all the As under the order, from 12:30, then, we should proceed. people who serve You on Earth, and the to 2:15, the Senate will recess for the I urge the Senate to begin to pay confluence of circumstances to help us. weekly policy luncheons to meet. Fol- close attention to this issue. The alter- Unexpected blessings happen; coinci- lowing the luncheons, the Senate may native is, perhaps, to do nothing, and I dent events occur; people respond; and begin consideration of the nomination think that would be a very dangerous the tangled mess of details is untan- of Judge Massiah-Jackson to be U.S. thing in this very important issue. gled. Amazed, we look back to the mo- District Judge for the Eastern District Mr. President, I see a Senator seeks ment when we gave up and You took of Pennsylvania. Therefore, further recognition. I yield the floor. over; when we let go and You took votes can be expected to occur fol- f hold; when we rested in You and You lowing the one or two votes at 11 replenished our strength. Lord, help us o’clock. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME to commit ourselves, our problems, and Also, I want to give Senators a re- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. our hopes and dreams to You. In the minder that a cloture vote on the mo- ASHCROFT). Under the previous order, name of Jesus who prayed, ‘‘Father, tion to proceed to the cloning bill will the leadership time is reserved. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S531 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 00:39 Oct 31, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\1998SENATE\S10FE8.REC S10FE8 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S532 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 1998 EXECUTIVE SESSION again, I can simply say I disagree with tion his character or his veracity or his the President’s position on that issue. commitment to his profession. We have However I have discussed this issue a policy issue here. We need to address NOMINATION OF DAVID SATCHER, with Dr. Satcher and I have read what whether or not the fact that he sup- OF TENNESSEE, TO BE AN AS- he has written in response to questions ports the President, as all the Presi- SISTANT SECRETARY OF on this issue. I am satisfied he does not dent’s nominees for any position that HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, intend to use the position of Surgeon comes up are going to do—whether or MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF THE General to advocate or promote abor- not his support for the President in PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, AND tion in any way. In fact, he said: this case is sufficient to disqualify him SURGEON GENERAL OF THE Let me state unequivocally that I have no for this position. I think the answer to PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE intention of using the positions of Assistant that is no. I think he will be a good The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Secretary for Health and Surgeon General to Surgeon General. promote issues related to abortion. I share He does happen to be a Tennessean. the previous order, there will now be no one’s political agenda, and I want to use an hour debate, equally divided be- That does not disqualify him either, in the power of these positions to focus on my estimation. And therefore I re- tween the Senator from Vermont and issues that unite Americans and not divide the Senator from Missouri or their des- them. spectfully submit this gentleman ignees, prior to the cloture vote on the should be confirmed. He went on to say: I thank the Chair for the opportunity nomination of Dr. David Satcher of If I am confirmed by the Senate I will Tennessee to be Assistant Secretary of to speak this morning. I yield the floor. strongly promote a message of abstinence The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Health and Human Services and to be and responsibility to our youth which I be- GREGG). Who seeks time? The Senator Surgeon General. lieve can help to reduce the number of abor- tions in our country. from Missouri. The Senate resumed consideration of Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I the nomination. This is the commitment that he has made. Many of us have been concerned suggest the absence of a quorum and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who ask unanimous consent the time be al- yields time? The Senator from Ten- in times past that this particular posi- tion of Surgeon General would be used lotted equally to both sides. nessee is recognized. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without as a bully pulpit by individuals to pro- Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. The clerk mote policies that are contrary to the yield myself 10 minutes. will call the roll. best interests of this country. I think The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The legislative clerk proceeded to it has been done in the past. I do not ator from Tennessee. call the roll. Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. President, I feel that Dr. Satcher will do this. I Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I ask rise in support of the nomination of Dr. think he has a good concept of the good unanimous consent that the order for David Satcher of Tennessee. I have lis- that can be done in this job. I think he the quorum call be rescinded. tened to the debate. I have talked to understands the terrible problems that The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Dr. Satcher about the issues involved. I our young people have. I think he sees HUTCHINSON). Without objection, it is am convinced that this is an out- an opportunity to do some good for so ordered. standing appointment that the Presi- these young people. Everything in his Mr. ASHCROFT. Mr. President, I rise dent has made. Whether you look at history indicates that that would be to speak against the confirmation of Dr. Satcher’s history in terms of his his attitude in approaching this posi- Dr. David Satcher, and I allocate my- commitment to his family, whether tion, and I believe him when he says self so much time as I may consume, you look in terms of his commitment that and I respect his position on that.