Hrltaln's Secret War the Indonesian Confrontation 1962-66 CONTENTS
Hrltaln's Secret War The Indonesian Confrontation 1962-66 CONTENTS THE POLITICAL BACKGROUND 3 • The Brunei remit. December 1962 CONFRONTATION 6 • The phases of0pcr.ltions - the baulclicld - the troops • General Walker's operational principles WILL FOWLER hn wortled • 'I leans and mil1d~' - 22 SAS -the Border ScOUlS In Jourmllllam and publishing • Summary of Commonwealth forces .Ince H112, reportIng for Europe.n, American, Aalan 'nd ArabIc magazlnea from INDONESIAN CROSS-BORDER ATTACKS, Europe, the USA, the Middle E..t, Chi", .nd SE Alia. 1963-64 11 Amongst hIs more than 30 • Longj< Scplt"mber/OclObcr 1963 - Kalabakan, publllhed books II the belt December 1963/Febmary 1964 - Long Miau and the MllIng MAA 133 Sattle for R~ang river,Janlialy 1964 -lhe BanH"kok talks the Fa/Illanth: Lsoo Force•. A TA Hldl., for 30 years, he • Track 6, "larch 19fi<!- British reinforccmcllts wa. cornml..loned from the ranks In 4th Bn Royal Green MAINLAND RAIDS, 1964-65 15 JlCk.~, .nd volunteered for Operatiofl 'Granby' In • Indonesian seaborne and airborne landings in Malaya the Qulf, 1HO-91. In 1993 • Australian and New Zealand commiunent, 1965-66 1M ,nteh,latad from the French Anny _ ,taff office,. THE CONFRONTATION IN THE AIR 18 cou..... at the Ecole Milltalre, Parla. WIll .. married and livea In RomMy, Hampshlra. TACTICS 19 • Jllngle forts: I GJ at Stass,July 1964 - 2 Pam al Pia man Mapu. April 1965 KEVIN LYLES Is an expert on the history of the Vietnam • Patrolling connie!., 'nd , talented • SAS tactics lIlustnltor of 20th century military subjects. He ha, 'CLARET' OPERATIONS 24 ll1~tratlld Mveral book' for OIpray, and has elso written • Taking lhe war to the enemy - rilles of engagement tlu.s on the US Army In • SAS Claret operalions Vietnam, a aubject In which • Australian SAS 1M h.s along-standing • New Zealand SAS klte...t.
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