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Table of Contents APRIL 2012 • VOLUME 194 • NO. 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES Transcriptional and Posttranscriptional Events Control Copper- Corinna Rademacher, Roman Moser, 1849–1859 Responsive Expression of a Rhodobacter capsulatus Multicopper Jan-Wilm Lackmann, Birgit Klinkert, Oxidase Franz Narberhaus, and Bernd Masepohl Spontaneous Excision of the O-Polysaccharide wbkA Marcos Mancilla, Clara M. Marín, José 1860–1867 Glycosyltranferase Gene Is a Cause of Dissociation of Smooth to M. Blasco, Ana María Zárraga, Ignacio Rough Brucella Colonies López-Goñi, and Ignacio Moriyón Biochemical Characterization of the CDP-D-Arabinitol Quan Wang, Yanli Xu, Andrei V. 1868–1874 Biosynthetic Pathway in Streptococcus pneumoniae 17F Perepelov, Yuriy A. Knirel, Peter R. Reeves, Alexander S. Shashkov, Xi Guo, Peng Ding, and Lu Feng Role of a SpoVA Protein in Dipicolinic Acid Uptake into Yunfeng Li, Andrew Davis, George 1875–1884 Developing Spores of Bacillus subtilis Korza, Pengfei Zhang, Yong-qing Li, Barbara Setlow, Peter Setlow, and Bing Hao Escherichia coli Serotype O55:H7 Diversity Supports Parallel Jennifer L. Kyle, Craig A. Cummings, 1885–1896 Acquisition of Bacteriophage at Shiga Toxin Phage Insertion Craig T. Parker, Beatriz Quiñones, Sites during Evolution of the O157:H7 Lineage Paolo Vatta, Elizabeth Newton, Steven Huynh, Michelle Swimley, Lovorka Degoricija, Melissa Barker, Samar Fontanoz, Kimberly Nguyen, Ronak Patel, Rixun Fang, Robert Tebbs, Olga Petrauskene, Manohar Furtado, and Robert E. Mandrell The TonB3 System in the Human Pathogen Vibrio vulnificus Is Alejandro F. Alice and Jorge H. Crosa 1897–1911 under the Control of the Global Regulators Lrp and Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein The PduM Protein Is a Structural Component of the Sharmistha Sinha, Shouqiang Cheng, 1912–1918 Microcompartments Involved in Coenzyme B12-Dependent 1,2- Chenguang Fan, and Thomas A. Bobik Propanediol Degradation by Salmonella enterica Second-Site Suppression of RNase E Essentiality by Mutation of Masaru Tamura, Johan A. Kers, and 1919–1926 the deaD RNA Helicase in Escherichia coli Stanley N. Cohen Biological Roles of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Type Michael D. Carruthers, Erin N. Tracy, 1927–1933 IV Pilus Proteins Encoded by the pil and com Operons Amanda C. Dickson, Kara B. Ganser, Robert S. Munson, Jr., and Lauren O. Bakaletz Characterization of PomA Mutants Defective in the Functional Norihiro Takekawa, Na Li, Seiji 1934–1939 Assembly of the Na؉-Driven Flagellar Motor in Vibrio Kojima, and Michio Homma alginolyticus Identification of the cglC, cglD, cglE, and cglF Genes and Their Darshankumar T. Pathak and Daniel 1940–1949 Role in Cell Contact-Dependent Gliding Motility in Myxococcus Wall xanthus Novel Colicin FY of Yersinia frederiksenii Inhibits Pathogenic Juraj Bosák, Petra Laiblová, Jan 1950–1959 Yersinia Strains via YiuR-Mediated Reception, TonB Import, Šmarda, Daniela Deˇdicˇová, and David and Cell Membrane Pore Formation Šmajs Anaerobic p-Coumarate Degradation by Rhodopseudomonas Hidetada Hirakawa, Amy L. Schaefer, 1960–1967 palustris and Identification of CouR, a MarR Repressor Protein E. Peter Greenberg, and Caroline S. That Binds p-Coumaroyl Coenzyme A Harwood Continued on following page Continued from preceding page APRIL 2012 • VOLUME 194 • NUMBER 8 Transcriptional Organization and Physiological Contributions Jeong Nam Kim, Sang-Joon Ahn, Kinda 1968–1978 of the relQ Operon of Streptococcus mutans Seaton, Steven Garrett, and Robert A. Burne Genomic Rearrangements Leading to Overexpression of Aldo- Minsuk Kwon, Junghoon Lee, 1979–1988 Keto Reductase YafB of Escherichia coli Confer Resistance to Changhan Lee, and Chankyu Park Glyoxal The Early Divisome Protein FtsA Interacts Directly through Its Kimberly K. Busiek, Jesus M. Eraso, 1989–2000 1c Subdomain with the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Late Yipeng Wang, and William Margolin Divisome Protein FtsN Genome-Wide Definition of the SigF Regulon in Mycobacterium Ruben C. Hartkoorn, Claudia Sala, 2001–2009 tuberculosis Swapna Uplekar, Philippe Busso, Jacques Rougemont, and Stewart T. Cole The Branched-Chain Amino Acid Aminotransferase Encoded by Brendaliz Santiago, Matthew 2010–2019 ilvE Is Involved in Acid Tolerance in Streptococcus mutans MacGilvray, Roberta C. Faustoferri, and Robert G. Quivey, Jr. The Yersinia pestis Rcs Phosphorelay Inhibits Biofilm Yi-Cheng Sun, Xiao-Peng Guo, B. 2020–2026 Formation by Repressing Transcription of the Diguanylate Joseph Hinnebusch, and Creg Darby Cyclase Gene hmsT ExpR Is Not Required for Swarming but Promotes Sliding in Joaquina Nogales, Lydia Bernabéu- 2027–2035 Sinorhizobium meliloti Roda, Virginia Cuéllar, and María J. Soto Hfq Regulates Biofilm Gut Blockage That Facilitates Flea-Borne Katherine A. Rempe, Angela K. Hinz, 2036–2040 Transmission of Yersinia pestis and Viveka Vadyvaloo Novel, Highly Specific N-Demethylases Enable Bacteria To Live Ryan M. Summers, Tai Man Louie, 2041–2049 on Caffeine and Related Purine Alkaloids Chi-Li Yu, Lokesh Gakhar, Kailin C. Louie, and Mani Subramanian CovR Alleviates Transcriptional Silencing by a Nucleoid- Indranil Biswas and Saswat Sourav 2050–2061 Associated Histone-Like Protein in Streptococcus mutans Mohapatra Heterogeneity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Includes Kerry S. Williamson, Lee A. Richards, 2062–2073 Expression of Ribosome Hibernation Factors in the Antibiotic- Ailyn C. Perez-Osorio, Betsey Pitts, Tolerant Subpopulation and Hypoxia-Induced Stress Response Kathleen McInnerney, Philip S. in the Metabolically Active Population Stewart, and Michael J. Franklin Transcriptional Response of the Sulfur Chemolithoautotroph Kimberly P. Dobrinski, Steven A. 2074–2081 Thiomicrospira crunogena to Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Enkemann, Sean J. Yoder, Edward Limitation Haller, and Kathleen M. Scott Effect of Periodontal Pathogens on the Metatranscriptome of a Jorge Frias-Lopez and Ana 2082–2095 Healthy Multispecies Biofilm Model Duran-Pinedo GENOME ANNOUNCEMENTS Genome Sequence of Janthinobacterium sp. Strain PAMC 25724, Su Jin Kim, Seung Chul Shin, Soon Gyu 2096 Isolated from Alpine Glacier Cryoconite Hong, Yung Mi Lee, Hyoungseok Lee, Jungeun Lee, In-Geol Choi, and Hyun Park Genome Sequence of Extracellular-Protease-Producing Jaejoon Jung, Jongsik Chun, and 2097 Alishewanella jeotgali Isolated from Traditional Korean Woojun Park Fermented Seafood Continued on following page Continued from preceding page APRIL 2012 • VOLUME 194 • NUMBER 8 Genome Sequence of the Human- and Animal-Pathogenic Strain Anthony Zoropogui, Petar Pujic, 2098–2099 Nocardia cyriacigeorgica GUH-2 Philippe Normand, Valérie Barbe, Blaine Beaman, LoVelle Beaman, Patrick Boiron, Céline Colinon, Amélie Deredjian, Arnault Graindorge, Sophie Mangenot, Sylvie Nazaret, Manuelle Neto, Stéphanie Petit, David Roche, David Vallenet, Veronica Rodríguez- Nava, Yves Richard, Benoit Cournoyer, and Didier Blaha Genome Sequence of the Halophilic Archaeon Halococcus Brendan P. Burns, Reema K. Gudhka, 2100–2101 hamelinensis and Brett A. Neilan Complete Genome Sequence of Lactococcus lactis IO-1, a Lactic Hiroaki Kato, Yuh Shiwa, Kenshiro 2102–2103 Acid Bacterium That Utilizes Xylose and Produces High Levels Oshima, Miki Machii, Tomoko Araya- of L-Lactic Acid Kojima, Takeshi Zendo, Mariko Shimizu-Kadota, Masahira Hattori, Kenji Sonomoto, and Hirofumi Yoshikawa Draft Genome Sequence of the Shrimp Pathogen Vibrio harveyi Iliana Espinoza-Valles, Sonia Soto- 2104 CAIM 1792 Rodríguez, Robert A. Edwards, Zheng Wang, Gary J. Vora, and Bruno Gómez-Gil Complete Genome Sequence of the African Dairy Isolate Christoph Jans, Rainer Follador, 2105–2106 Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius Strain CJ18 Christophe Lacroix, Leo Meile, and Marc J. A. Stevens Genome Sequence of Staphylococcus aureus VC40, a Peter Sass, Anne Berscheid, Andrea 2107–2108 Vancomycin- and Daptomycin-Resistant Strain, To Study the Jansen, Marion Oedenkoven, Genetics of Development of Resistance to Currently Applied Christiane Szekat, Axel Strittmatter, Last-Resort Antibiotics Gerhard Gottschalk, and Gabriele Bierbaum De Novo Genome Project of Cupriavidus basilensis OR16 Mátyás Cserháti, Balázs Kriszt, Sándor 2109–2110 Szoboszlay, Ákos Tóth, István Szabó, András Táncsics, István Nagy, Balázs Horváth, István Nagy, and József Kukolya Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus fructivorans KCTC 3543 Seong-Hyeuk Nam, Sang-Haeng Choi, 2111–2112 Aram Kang, Kang Seon Lee, Dong- Wook Kim, Ryong Nam Kim, Dae-Soo Kim, and Hong-Seog Park Complete Genome Sequence of Rahnella sp. Strain Y9602, a Robert J. Martinez, David Bruce, Chris 2113–2114 Gammaproteobacterium Isolate from Metal- and Radionuclide- Detter, Lynne A. Goodwin, James Han, Contaminated Soil Cliff S. Han, Brittany Held, Miriam L. Land, Natalia Mikhailova, Matt Nolan, Len Pennacchio, Sam Pitluck, Roxanne Tapia, Tanja Woyke, and Patricia A. Sobecky Complete Genome Sequence of Salmonella enterica subsp. Su Yean Ong, Chandra Bhan Pratap, 2115–2116 enterica Serovar Typhi P-stx-12 Xuehua Wan, Shaobin Hou, Ahmad Yamin Abdul Rahman, Jennifer A. Saito, Gopal Nath, and Maqsudul Alam Genome Sequence of Paenibacillus sp. Strain Aloe-11, an Neng-Zhang Li, Tian Xia, Ya-Li Xu, 2117–2118 Endophytic Bacterium with Broad Antimicrobial Activity and Rong-Rong Qiu, Heng Xiang, Dan He, Intestinal Colonization Ability and Yuan-Yi Peng Genome Sequence of “Candidatus Nitrosoarchaeum limnia” Annika C. Mosier, Eric E. Allen, Maria 2119–2120 BG20, a Low-Salinity Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaeon from the Kim, Steven Ferriera, and Christopher San Francisco Bay Estuary A. Francis Continued on following page
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