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SPR Spark-2015(7.5Mb).Pdf 9 1/43 I~c M;tns Win11er•s IO 1/43 Lc Mans Classic 6 IllS LeMaR~~~~~~~~~~~ 7 Ill s 1!18 Po•·schc Rucin~ & Rond Cau•s 35 1/43 42 1/43 Atltet•icatl & Ettt•OJlCan MG-Pagani Classics Po1•sche 36 l /43 45 1/43 Rn,llye & Hill Climb National rrhemes 4I l /43 47 Otu• Website Met•cedes F1 2015- New collection coming soon • Mercedes F1 WOS No.44 Winner Abu Dhabi GP 2014 Lewis Hamilton 53142 185159 Spark F1 Collection 2014 4 1/18th Le Mans 1/12th Porsche Bentley 3L No,8 Winner Le Mans 1924 J Oulf • F Clement 18LM24 Porsche 90416 No.32 Porsche 356 4th Le Mans 1965 Speedster black Alia Romeo 8C, No,9 H. Unge • P. Nocker 12$002 Winner Le Mans 1934 12$003 Porsche 911K, No.22 P. Etancelin -L. Chinet6 Wilner Le Mans 1971 Aston Martin DBR1 No.5 18LM34 H. Mal1<o • van Lennep Winner Le Mans 1959 G. 18LM71 R. Salvadiru ·C. Shelby 18LM59 1/18th Le Mans Winners Audl R18 E-tron quattro No.2 Audl R18 Tnl, No.1 Audl R18 TOI, No.2 AUOI R 15 +, No.9 A. McNtsh. T. Kristensen • L. Duval B. Treluyer . A.Lotterer . M.Fassler B. Treluyer. A Letterer . M Fassler R. Dumas . M. Rockenfeller • T Bemhard 18LM13 18LM12 18LM11 18LM10 Audl R10 Tnl, No.2 Audl R10 Tnl, No.1 Audl R10 TDI, No.8 Porsche 911 GT1 , No.26 A. McNtsh • R Capello • T. Kristensen F. Biela · E. Ptrro- M. Womer F. Stela • E Pirro • M Werner A McNish - l . Aiello· S. Ortelh 18LM07 18LM06 Porsch• 956, No.7 18LM08 18LM9<8 Winner Le Mant 1984 H. Pescarolo • K. Ludwig 18LM84 Joest wsc 95 Porsche Je<>st Racing, No.7 T.W.R. WSC Porscne FlatS, No.7 Oau•r 962 LM, No.36 Peuge-ot 905, No.3 M. Alborelo • S. Johansson • T. Krist•nsen D. Jones . M Reuler . A. Wurz M Baldi • Y. Dalmas • H Haywood E. H•laty . C. BouchU1 · G. Bmbham 18LM97 18LM96 18LM94 18LM93 Peugeot 905, No.1 Porscne 962 c, No.11 Porscne 962 c, No.1 Ronde-au M379 B, No.16 D. Warwick . Y. Dalma.s • M. Blundell D. Bel · A. Holbert • H. Sluck D. Bell · A. Holbert· H. Stuck J. Rondeau . J.p Jaussaud 18LM92 18LM87 18LM86 18LM&;O Mirage Gulf No.11 Matra Slmca MS 670 B, No.7 Matra Simca MS 670 B, No.11 Matra Slmca MS 670, No.15 Porsche 956, No.1 J, lckx. D Bell H Pescarolo- G. Larrousse H. Pescarolo. G Larrousse H. Pescarolo • G Htll W1nner Le Mans 1982 18LM75 18LM74 18LM73 18LMT2 J. lckx . D . Bell 18LM82 Audl R18 E-tron quattro, No.2 Winner Le Mall$ 2014 Ford GT 40, No.6 Ford GT 40. No.9 Bugattl 57 C, No.1 Bugattl 57 G. No.2 Alta Romeo BC, No.8 8. Tr&luyer -A. Lotterer - M. Fassler J. lckx . J. Oltver P Rodnguez • L Biancht J.P Wtmdle • P Veyron J.p Wim•lle • P Ben01st R. Sommer • L Chmetll 18LM14 18LM69 18LM68 18L.M39 18LM37 18LM3.2 5 1/18th Le Mans Alia Romeo 3312 No.39 4111 Lo114ans 11168 I Geunti • N Gloll 115129 Lane Ia LC 2-83, No.4. Le Mans 1983 M Albo<elo • T F abl · A Nan111n1 18$046 Porset-. 911 R5R l .O No. ~. Slh Le Mans 1975 J F.Upatnc:lc -G von leonep • M Sd1UI1i Porsdlo 907 No.H 2rd Le Mans 1961 11516$ D. Spoeny • R. Steonornann 185120 Matra-51mca M5 630, No. 32, le Mens IG69 J Guiohel • N. Vaccarela 115086 Lotus XI No.32 leMans 1950 C Chapnan • H Mad<ay F,_ 115131 Blttarrlnl. No.3, 91h La Mans 1965 R F,__ · J de Morloman 115164 Lancia Btta No.52 Le Mans 1980 G Brancatelll- P Gh<nzanl • M Alen Porscho GT1 , No.25 2nd l e Mans 1998 18S1&2 B Wolleck • J. Muller- U. Alzen 115121 Lanela Boto No.Sl La Man.s 1980 C FaoenJ. M Flnono 185163 Lancia Beta . No.65Le Mans 1981 M Albo<oto • E Cheever· C Facet~~ 1151.0 6 1/18th F1 Classic ••• • WIAiams FW07B No 27 WOfld Cllampoon GP IG80Ailln Jones Williams FW11B No 6 115111 Wor1d Cllampoon 1887 ~- Piquet 185111 Ronaufl RS01 No. IS, Brhisll GP 1977 March Leyton House CG901 No .1&, 2nd Frenell GP 1990 March 711 N'o .17, 2nd Monaco GP 1971 Je.,.Poerre Jabo~>lle Ivan Capel~ Ronnoe Pocerson 145111 185112 185113 McLaren M7A No. I , Winner Canadian GP 1968 Matra M580 No.18, 4th Canadian G'P 1969 Denny Hulme Jean-Pierre Beltoise 185168 18$167 Brabham BT49 No.5, Winner Argentina GP 1981 Nelson Poquet 185166 1/18th Porsche Racing & Road Cars Porsche Macan TUrbo 185171 Porsch• 907 No. 54, Winner Daytona 24H 1968 Porsch~ 935, No.6, 2nd Daytona 24H 1984 V. Elford • J . Neerpasch . J . Siffert . H. HetTmann A. J Foyt ·B. Wollek • D. Bell 18DA68 185089 · '~ Porseho 918 5pyder Open Roof 185172 Aston Manln D84 coupe 185132 Porsene 962 No.14,Winnor Daytona 24H 1987 C Ro'blnson • 0 a.q . AI Unser Jr.· AI Holbert 18DA'87 Aston Manln D84 GT 185134 Porscho 918 5pyder 185169 A.ston Martin DB4 Porscne 956 Test Porsche 918 5pyder Convonlble 185125 We•ssaeh 185133 185170 8 Chenar & walker No.9 1/43rd Le Mans Winners Winner Le Man• 1923 A. Lagaehe- R. Leonard 43LM23 Porsche 936 No.20 Wmner Le mans 1976 van Lennep J.lclo<- G. ~ .... - ·. liP Alfa Romeo ec No.8 43LM76 Winner le Mans 1932 ~~ - -~~ ,., R. Sommer • L ChineW 43LM32 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL No.21 '~ --~1" Winner lo Mans 1952 '~ ~--~ H Lang • F. Roess Porsche 936 No.4 ~~- 43LM52 Winner Le Mans 1977 J. lckx • J . BarU-t . H. Haywood Delahay" 1355 No.,1 $ 43LM77 Le Mans winner 1938 E.Chaboud • J. Tremoulet 43LM38 Bugatti 57 C No.1 Winner Le Mans 1939 J-P Wimile • P. Veyron 43LM39 Porsche 936 No.11 Winner le Mans 1981 Jack lckx - Derek Bell Audl R18 E-tron quattro, No.2 43LM81 Winner le Mans 2014 8 , Trefuyer . A lolterer . M. Fassler 43LM14 ,.. Ford MK 2, No.2 Bugani 57 G No.2 Mclaren F1 No.19 Wmner Le Mans 1966 Winner Le Mans 1937 Aston Marti n DBR1 , No.5 Wrnner Le Mans 1995 8 Mclaren · C. Amon J.p WimiBe • R. BenOISt Winner Le Mans 1959 J.J Lelho • Y. Oalma• • M Sekiya 43LM66 43LM37 R. Salvadori - C. Shelby 43LM95 43LM59 Alia Romeo 8C, No.16 Alia Romeo 8C, No.9 TalbOt Lago T26 GS, No.5 Jaguar D. No.6 Jaguar D, No.4 Jaguar D. No.3 Ford GT 40, No.9 Ford GT 40, No.6 Winner Le Mans 1931 Winner Le Man.s.1934 Winner Le Mans 1950 Winner Le Mans 1955 Winner Le Mans 1956 Winner L" Mans 19$7 Winner Le Mans 19&8 Winn"r L" Mans 1969 L. Howe • H. Sirkin P. Etancelin .. L Chinetti L Rosier • J.t Rosier M. Hawthorn - 1. Bueb N. Sanderson • R. Flockhart I. Bueb- R. Flockhart P. Rodriguez · L Bianchi J. lckx • J. Oliver 43LM31 43LM34 43LM50 43LM$$ 43LM56 43LM$7 43LM68 43LM69 Porsche 917 K , No.23 Porsche 917K, No.22 Porsch" 935 K3, No.41 Matra Slmca MS 670, No.15 Matra Slmca MS 670 B , No.11 Matra Slmca MS 670 B Gull-Mirage GR8. No.11 Renault-Alpine A422, No.1& Winn~r Le Mans 1970 Winner Le Mans.1971 Winner Le Mans 1979 Winner Le Mans 1972 Winner Le Mans 1973 No.7 Winner Le Mans1974 Winner Le Mans 1975 Winner Le Mans 1978 Attwood • Herrmann H. Marko • G. van Lennep K . Ludwig • B. Whittington H. Pescarolo • G. Hill H . Pescarolo • G . Larrousse H . Poscarolo . G. Larrousse J . lckx - 0. Bell D. Pironl - J.P Jaussaud 43LM70 43LM71 43LM72 43LM73 43LM74 43LM75 43LM7A D. Whittington 43LM79 Rondeau M379 B Porsche 956, No.1 Porsche 956, No.3 Porsehe 956, No.7 PoN;che 956, No.7 Porsche 962 C, No.1 Pors.che 962 C, No.1 Jaguar XJR12, No.3 No.16 Winner Le Mans Winner Le Mans-1982 Winner Le Mans 1983 winner Le Mans 1984 Winner Le Mans 1985 Winner L" Mans 1986 Winner Le Mans 1987 Winner Le Mans 1990 1980 J. Rondeau J. lckx - D. Bell A. Holben ·H. Haywood H . Pescarolo · K. ludwig K. Ludwig - P. Barrilla 0. Bell - A. Holben - H. Stuck D. Bell · A. Holbert M. Brundle • J. Nielsen J.P Jaussaud 43LM80 43LM82 V. Schuppan 43LM84 J. Winter 43LM86 H. Stuck P. Cobb 43LM83 43LM85 43LM87 43LM90 Mazda 787 B , No.55 Peugeot 905, No.1 Peugeot 905, No.3 Dauer 962 LM. No.3& T.W.R. WSC POI'$Che Flat6, No.7 Joost WSC 95 PoN;che Pors.che 911 Gt1, No.26 Audl RIO TDI, N0.2 Winner Le Mans 1991 Winner Le Mans. 1992 Winner Le Mans 1993 Winner Le Mans 1994 Winner Le Mans 1996 Joost Racing No.7 Winner Le Mans 1998 Winner Le Mans 2008 V. Weidler- J . Herbert D. Warwick - Y. Dalmas E. Helary -C. Bouchut M. Baldi - Y. Dalmas Jones · Reuter · Wurz Winner Le Mans 1997 A. McNish - L. Aiello - S. Oneill A. McNish - R. Capello B. Gachot M. Blundell G. Brabham H. Haywood 43LM96 AlbOreto - Johansson 43LM98 T. Kristen sen 43LM91 43LM92 43lM93 43LM94 Kristensen 43LM97 43LM08 Audi R15 + TDI, No.9 Audl R18 TDI, No.2 Audl R18 E·tron auattro, No.1 Audi R18 E-tron quattro No.2 Peugeot 908 HDI·FAP, No.9 Winner Le Mans 2010 Winner Le Mans 20'11 Winner Le Mans 2012 Winner Le Mans 2013 Winner Le Mans 200 T.
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