The Official Organ of Theb.B.C
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Radio Times, November 13th, 1925. ger NEW SCHEMES FOR RADIO HUMOUR. pe eresARfeOEEN nei | beagoow “oveiamLAy) ne Sires_ I — LEEDS-apanroRg = BULL cyeyre RELA pein AW i ur _alv ancheste osneFEELO orTG hat I erowrcueraent LAT (ncLaAw) 4 o SPAIN GAM } Lonoon Oe—_ ee TH Py WAR maithPHDttn y wet™cay i 7 OD viltie THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.B.C _Vol. 9. No. 112. [aiatirrd.s. = EVERY FRIDAY. Two‘Pence@, Pen OFFICIAL The World“On One Valve! PROGRAMMES for the week beginning By P. P. ECKERSLEY. | READ so much of sets. which can give his. wireless set. It is a crystal set. In time, SUNDAY, November 15th. very loud signals; or can stil hear he reads of valve sets; his imagination very distant or weak stations. I read, in depicts him inviting his neighbours in to PROGRAMMES1 INDEX.» fact, so much of sensitivity that [ sometimes hear Rome, Brussels, Aberdeen, London. or feel I read little sense. “Why 1s it that all some remote station. He is everywhere LONDON..... 347, 948, 350 must be praising sets in terms of quantity encouraged to beheve that, with a single rather than quality? Why are sets which valve set, he can hear the world. The very BELFAST i ae “hearAmerica on the fewest of valves hoardings shout at him, “All the World BIRMINGHAM seuss $49, 350 held up to our admiring eyes 3 on one valve!” Hé, in a moment of pro- BOURNEMOUTH os 354, 352 t a * i sperity—lI say this in no spirit of scorn ; we CARDIFF ...... ....«: sa 953, 354 I would, if I were a despot, forbid the use all. knowwhatit is to payfor this new gadget of a set which had not a sufficient factor of and: that—buys or makes this one-valve set. MANCHESTER . ven 955, 356 safety. I would forbid the set, not becanse His local station he finds is stronger and, ME WOCASTEE. ccciicsiciacs vacstrcssiovrvicn SSB, 9 [- wish to stop anyone doing anything he to that point, his purchase has been a wise ABERDEEN 3.03 coiecicivesees woe O00, del liked, but because of the interests of the one. The robustness of the single valve set GLASGOW boo .. 362, 363 majority. It does not become anyone to is in its favour and, with dull emitters, the interfere with other people's hbertv: we low and high tension batteries should present BIGH-PO WER. ....... ..0060 a0 yee OO should all be. allowed to do exactly no drawback. But what of “ AH the World DUNDEE ... : 1 8 what we like, so long as we don't interfere on one Valve-"? He has one valye— EDINBURGH ........... it with the liberty of others: We drive % in é # on one side of the read only out of con- I- draw a veil.. Alas! thats Lic h a ver of HULL.. = Tetaec mee sideration for others: if we were alone on silence cannot be drawn over Mr. Everyman’: LEEDS-GRADPORDsciisicicdecccveccccsanscin 390 the read, it would be a foolish rule that aerial: Oh! Mr. Everyman, don’t do at! PPVMOONE ao dis iesksncas ek Eaa isT made us take one side or the other, Liberty jease don't! You render such a. disservice NOTTINGHAM............. i 3ee should be. the only thing worth having. to broadcasting, you annoy your neighbours, Liberty, however, can only be secured by you irritate the family. This last point need PEYMOUTH cies oa service. And the greatest disservice you not matter, it 1 your famuly and they ‘can SHEFFIELD ....... ieee tate eee Ee can do your neighbour, the cause of. braad- deal with you or you can deal with them, easting and yourself, is to think that you It is your poor unfortunate neighbours out- SWANSEA... GE altetye ee have thelil erty to use any Set you Itke. side, a i * * a a Es BA EVENTS OF THEeeaie Of what is oscillation you can read here- STOP PRESS NEWS....:. ae BEI [ avrite naturally to appeal to al) to refrain from making their sets oscillate. I after by writing to us for our pamphlet. [f an — eee ee _—— a have been depicted every now and again I can persuade you that, unless it be in the IMPORTANT TO READERS, with lethal weapons searching with a livid hands of the very skilled, the single valve set 1s not useful except to listen.on phones The addvess of “The Redio Ties in ll, Soothampion face for oscillators; My friends malign me. Srect, Strand, Lemden, W.C.Z. I have the utmost sympathy with the to. your local station (up to thirty or forty The addvess of the British Broadcasting Company, Lob, i miles), then I have not written in vain. 2. Savoy Hill, Strand, Londen, WC.2 oscillator, I can quite understand that he RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION to “Ths RadioTheos” Ga- feels his situation. Look at it this way. Mr. The pure common-sense technical bedrock Shoatincludiog (Bcitish), #Iie. €2.wo Adon bohm F p Teele Everyman(having bought his furniture} buys (Continued overleaf in column 3, ) i ae RADIO TIMES — [ NoveaumEn Sv, ne hones immortal Lave Story. ‘The. World ‘On One Valve ! {Continued from the previous page.) a OF tb all ie that. as in all engineering, we . Gounod’s “ Rinse end Juliet.” met have a proper factor of safety. 1 am elie davie Hot aehoined in the least te repeat what DT hayve Ey Af othe lye forms of Roiseo and altel, Opera, Part, Kicehr pan: R omen, She wie whiten 80 often, becaose FT am told ropetition ta Connal’s ia the most popular, Before the then, throu the WetrMmen talits of thi Baryprees the soul of jourmatam, and the best journalnem Cam poser of dove,” ashe called himself, tiened to buctnie, who hac | reaurtit alu vit her marriages, the Hine kt He perio, the drm of the Capuleta, a had beon exploited Marquise de Caux; but-this union was not te last by my musieine, inclading Bellini He wrote-a hone. ane ot Was erident te. seni oF ble: mcm = a + work on the sulject in four acta: lat the third was nt the Opera that if it war dissolved, Nicolini would if you nest Jisten, in the present stage of the ao niealisiactory that one from Vaccaj's opera on the be that nobleman's successor, For the coupie were irt, to clistont stations, bwoor three high Treqenoy me theme wos subetituted for it, and for years acta lar ae Hvehin tove with cach ather an tho part valves are estential, D have lately made my father- Bellini wazcommonly credited with the whole of this they wer representing would ordinarily have im in-law ao belated present of a wireless «et. My CUTTS, Sra len, poked on them to simulate, father-in-law was born in that unremantic pga Sometimes it was no lesa remarkable for other One night a conscientious statistician kept CER LTE when a hansom cab, apart frpra the train, was rennike Berliog when in Florence, heard thot it Of the hisses they excharaed un the Taleo y Beet, the fastest of vehicles [in more scene than one), was to be presenters, He went to the theatre with and he: mache the niaimber dyenty-nine ! Wot He wee never an engines and his electrical know. an ardent desire to hear it, and was horrified be find Tery long attervardse Nieoling bees eins Tatts Srascirere Jeqhor ia conmhned be a know fev lees of how to awitoh that, whike the Juliet weasa hig «ne hate hushanal, on and off adight, He now tind himself in posers woman, the Romeo was apether actress, and one 4 sion of one of the most remarkable pieces of appara- tll and elim that she was dwarfed in the duets. tus in & world which daily prodaces more and Goonml'’s setiing, however, is now most ifavour more wonderful machinery. everywhere, and ia held in such esteem in France Bitmingham, Minster, or Brossela are hie for the thatitiseensidered anporior oven to fits, f‘uljietment. While-he, like a:censible man, mostly listens to London, he till haa the other possibility An Eleventh Hour Change. of roaming farther ateld; ‘And he never disturbs Composed on the shores of the Meliterrancan, those few neighbours hich on, the Chiltern Hille, fomeo avd Juflet underwent. many meadihedttions Phe reason and the only reason is that his set fo = before rh was pirodliead, (ing 1; made ab the properly fesioned and manntactired ach which te eleventh hour, At the early mhearaals the pro- all sensitive and yet never offends others, leue owas sone “of” with the ‘cortam down; t + = lait, «few fights later, somebody proposed that the Sa we eome to the fael that the fullest potent. curtain shold be mised, aod that all the artiste alibies Of wireless came be unselfishly realized shoul take the place of the chorus, As a reanlt, titlead we are prepared to pay moneyforthe pleasHIre, we Wa ve the: prolague in which the characters aie We have always etriven to stress the public servicer whorus. briefly outline the story, conception of our work, We have always trieid-to Vhie OPC. was produced at the Thisitre Lyrique, give yon the host in the means whercehy you receive Paria, on April 27th, 1867, and its anceess was never programmes and the programmes themeclves, Wo in dlowht, Parhiculwah: well received: wae the now have piven with both hands; T hope not stinting oe TCI Baktony fea EE Ceepite ihe any pscblancs the service for the benelit. of the few, but so rapidly to the soll mort famous Garden Scone im Fria.