Youhanna Nessim Youssef Melbourne, Australia
[email protected] THE SYNODICAL LETTER FROM SEVERUS TO JOHN OF ALEXANDRIA Introduction Le ers are one of the most important sources of the life of Severus of Antioch.1 Synodical Le ers are those wri en by a patriarch soon a er his consecration, conveying the news of his election by the Synod which presided over it. The purpose of these instruments of ecclesial communion was to prove the orthodoxy of the writers. They contain a profession of faith, a statement by the new Patriarch, etc.2 In his monu- mental study, J. M. Fiey highlights the importance of the Synodical Le ers between the Patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch especially starting at the time of Severus of Antioch.3 A er the election of Dioscorus II as new Patriarch, he wrote to Severus and received from him a reply (515–517).4 It seems that Timo- thy III5 (517–535) did not write a Synodical Le er to Severus, since Severus was hiding. However, according to the History of the Patriarchs6 and the Synaxarium7, he welcomed Severus while exiled and escaping (1) P. Allen and C. T. R. Hayward, Severus of Antioch (London―New York, 2004) 4. (2) P. Allen, Sophronius of Jerusalem and Seventh-Century Heresy. The Synodical Le er and Other Documents. Introduction, Texts, Translation and Com- mentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2009) (Oxford Early Christian Texts) 47–48. (3) J. M. Fiey, Coptes et Syriaques, contacts et échanges, Studia Orientalia Christiana Collectanea 15 (1972–1973) 295–366 and esp.