Dairy Cattle In and Around Sebeta,

Hunderra Sori, DVM, MS1 Ademe Zerihun, DVM, MS, PhD2 Sintayehu Abdicho, DVM, MS3

1National Veterinary Institute Debrezeit, Ethiopia 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Debrezeit, Ethiopia 3National Animal Research Center Sebeta, Ethiopia

KEY WORDS: cattle, , mastitis, ing number of functional quarters). The Sebeta, Ethiopia rate showed statistically significant difference between the lactating quarters ABSTRACT and non-lactating quarters (P < 0.01). The A total of 180 local and crossbred dairy infection rate also varied significantly (P < cows were examined to determine the over- 0.05) between crossbred (56.29%) and local all prevalence of mastitis in and around zebu (34.48%). The prevalence of mastitis Sebeta using Californian Mastitis Test also significantly differed between animals (CMT), which revealed the overall mastitis with teat lesion, teat end shape, and status of prevalence in the area as 52.78% (16.11% ventilation (P < 0.01), udder conformation clinical and 36.67% sub-clinical cases). Of (P < 0.05), type of management (P < 0.01), 134 bacterial isolates identified from CMT- and frequency of barn cleaning (P < 0.01). positive samples sent to a laboratory for In 53.13% of animals sampled and 31.68% microbiological examination, the majority of CMT-positive quarters, mixed infection of isolates were per animal and per quarter was observed. (44.03%) followed by Staphylococcus epi- d e r m i d i s (14.93%) and M i c r o c o c c u s s p e c i e s INTRODUCTION (6.72%), and lowest isolation rate was for Mastitis has been known to cause a great and Pseudomonas aerugi- deal of loss or reduction of productivity, to nosa (0.75% each). Other species isolated influence the quality and quantity of include ( 3 . 7 3 % ) , yield, and to cause culling of animals at an Streptococcus dysagalactiae ( 4 . 4 8 % ) , unacceptable age.1 Most estimates have Streptococcus uberis and other species shown a 30% reduction in productivity per (2.99% each), Corynebacterium bovis a n d affected quarter and a 15% reduction in pro- Actinomyces pyogenes (5.97% each), duction per cow/lactation,2 , 3 making the dis- Corynebacterium ulcerans (2.24%), and ease one of the most costly and serious B a c i l l u s species (4.48%). Of 720 quarters problems affecting the dairy industry world- examined, 27 (3.75%) had blind teats; 212 w i d e . 4 The disease generally involves inter- quarters (30.93%) showed evidence of play between management practice and infection of mastitis (from 693, the remain- infectious agents. Among various infectious

332 Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 Table 1. study was based on the questionnaire survey, physical and clinical exami- Clinical Status nations of clinical cases, screening Infection Status Clinical Sub-Clinical Total tests using the Californian Mastitis Infected 29 (16.11%) 66 (36.67%) 95 (52.78%) test (CMT), aseptic meticulous sam- Non-infectedPrevalence of0 Clinical and85 Sub-Clinical85 pling, and microbiological investiga- Mastitis in and around Sebeta. Total 29 151 180 tion (culture, stain, and biochemical tests on the pure isolates). The Table 2. screening tests were prepared according to Schalm et al.5 T h e Mastitis Status microbiological techniques were pre- Breed Infected Non-Infected Total % pared according to Carter6 and Carter Local 10 19 29 34.48 and Chengappa.7 Animals were cate- Cross 85 66 151 56.29 Prevalence of Mastitis in Different Breeds of gorized on the basis of breed, physio- Cows.Total 95 85 180 52.78 logical state (lactating and χ2 = 4.65, df = 1, P < 0.05. non-lactating), and presence or Table 3. absence of risk factors (teat or udder lesions, herd size, the clinical state of Physiologic State of the Mammary Gland mammary gland, udder conforma- Infection Lactating Non-Lactating Total tion, milking routine, and manage- Mastitic 79 (48.77%) 16 (88.89%) 95 (52.78%) ment types). Non-mastiticMastitis83 Prevalence (51.23%) in2 Relation (11.11%) to 85 (47.22%) Data Analysis TotalPhysiological State162 of Mammary Gland.18 180 χ2 = 10.49, df = 1, P < 0.01 The prevalence of mastitis was cal- culated using percentage values, and agents, bacterial pathogens (the greatest the possible association of the dis- share of these organisms) have been known ease with different risk factors was analyzed 2 to be widely distributed in the environment by using chi-squared (χ ) test. of dairy cows, constituting a threat to the mammary gland.5 RESULTS In Ethiopia, even though the disease of Of the total 180 animals utilized for the mastitis has been known locally, it has not study purpose, the results showed preva- been studied systematically, making infor- lence of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis as mation available on the prevalence of dis- 16.11% and 36.67%, respectively (Table 1). ease and associated economic loss Results of Intrinsic Risk Factors inadequate. The objective of the present As shown in Tables 2 and 3, a significantly study is to assess the overall prevalence of higher infection rate was observed in cross- mastitis in local and crossbreed dairy cows, bred cows and in non-lactating cows. The to isolate and identify major mastitis infection rate in cows with pendulous udder pathogens, and to assess risk factors of mas- (77.78%) was significantly higher (χ2 = titis in and around Sebeta, which is found in 5.01, degree of freedom [df] = 1, P < the Oromiya Regional State of Ethiopia. 0.05) than the non-pendulous udder (50.00%). The results also showed signifi- MATERIAL AND METHODS 2 cantly higher infection rate (χ = 11.36, df Data were collected from 180 lactating and = 1, P < 0.01) in cows with udder (teat) non-lactating indigenous and crossbreed lesions (84%) than cows with normal udder cows, brought to the Alemgana wereda vet- or teats (47.74%). Cows with disk-shaped, erinary clinic for udder or teat treatment, inverted, pointed, and round-shaped teat another purpose, or via farm visits. The ends had 88.46%, 61.54%, 54.17%, and

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 333 Table 4. Clinical Status Clinical Sub-Clinical Pooled Species of Identified N % N % N % Staphylococcus aureus 16 34.04 43 49.43 59 44.03 StaphylococcusBacteria epidermidis Species Isolated from4 Bovine8.51 Clinical and16 Sub-Clinical18.39 Mastitis 20 14.93 Micrococcus spp 5 10.64 4 4.60 9 6.72 Streptococcus agalactiae 3 6.38 2 2.30 5 3.73 Streptococcus dysagalactiae 2 4.26 4 4.60 6 4.48 Streptococcus uberis 3 6.38 1 1.15 4 2.99 Other Streptococcus spp 2 4.26 2 2.30 4 2.99 Actinomyces pyogenes 3 6.38 5 5.75 8 5.97 Corynebacterium bovis 4 8.51 4 4.60 8 5.97 Corynebacterium ulcerans 1 2.13 2 2.30 3 2.24 Bacillus spp 2 4.26 4 4.60 6 4.48 Escherichia coli 1 2.13 0 0 1 0.75 1 2.13 0 0 1 0.75 Total 47 100.0 87 100.0 134 100.0

40.86% rates of infection, respectively, quarters), 212 quarters (30.93%) showed and the difference was significant evidence of clinical and sub-clinical mastitis (χ2 = 19.035, df = 3, P < 0 . 0 1 ) . of which 112 quarters samples were sent to a laboratory for microbiological examination; Result of Extrinsic Risk Factors 101 (90.18%) were found bacteriologically Out of 48 intensively, 107 semi-intensively, positive. The infection was higher in left rear and 25 extensively managed cows studied, (34.3%) and right front (30.06%) quarters the highest infection rate was seen in inten- than in the remaining 2 quarters. The overall sively managed cows (66.67%) followed by difference was not statistically significant. the semi-intensive (52.34%), and the least for the extensively managed animals (28%). Results of Bacteriological Examination Infection rate of the mammary gland of From the 95 CMT-positive cows tested, 64 these groups was significantly influenced (χ2 cows (67.37%) were sampled for each of = 9.87, df = 1, P < 0.01). There was a their positive quarters (25 animal from clini- higher prevalence of mastitis in poorly venti- cal and 39 animals from sub-clinical cases) lated farms than in well-ventilated farms from which a total of 134 bacterial isolates with infection rates of 87.5% and 49.39%, were identified (47 isolates from clinical and respectively; the result was significantly dif- 87 isolates from sub-clinical mastitis cases). ferent (P < 0.05). The result showed no sig- The relative prevalence rates of various nificant difference in farms that had drainage bacterial species isolated from the clinical or in different group-sized herds, but there and sub-clinical cases are shown in Table 4. was a significant difference in farms that Staphylococci were the major pathogens out regularly cleaned their barn (P < 0 . 0 1 ) . of which Staphylococcus aureus c o n t r i b u t e d the major share (44.03%) accounting for Screening Test Result 34.04% and 49.43% from clinical and sub- Of 720 quarters examined, 20 animals clinical mastitis cases, respectively. (11.11%) had an overall incidence of 27 Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated (3.75%) blind teats. From the remaining from clinical and sub-clinical mastitis at the functional teats examined by CMT (693 rate of 8.51% and 18.39%, respectively.

334 Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E s c h e r i c h i a Streptococcus dysagalactiae was equally iso- c o l i were isolated from only clinical (masti- lated from both cases. The result also showed tis). The major streptococcal species were single and mixed udder by differ- Streptococcus agalactiae and S t r e p t o c o c c u s ent bacterial isolates (Table 5 and 6). u b e r i s from clinical cases while

Table 5.

Bacterial Species Number of Animals Relative Prevalence (%) Staphylococcus aureus 17 26.56 S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis 5 7.81 S. aureus and Streptococcus spp 5 7.81 Prevalence of Single and Mixed Udder Infections within Dairy Cows. Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium spp 7 10.94 Streptococcus spp 3 4.69 Corynebacterium spp 3 4.69 Bacillus spp 2 3.13 Micrococcus spp 3 4.69 Corynebacterium and Micrococcus spp 1 1.56 Staphylococcus and others (≥2) 15 23.44 S. epidermidis and Streptococcus spp 2 3.13 Other non-Streptococcus spp 1 1.56 Total 64 100.0 Table 6.

Relative No. Bacterial Isolates Quarters Prevalence 1 Micrococcus spp and Actinomyces pyogenes 1 3.13 2 Corynebacterium bovis and Staphylococcus aureus 3 9.38 Multiplicity of Infection per Individual Quarters from Both Clinical and Sub-Clinical Bovine3 Mastitis.Streptococcus agalactiae and S. aureus 1 3.13 4 S. aureus and Streptococcus dysagalactiae 2 6.25 5 S. aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis 2 6.25 6 S. aureus and A. pyogenes 5 15.63 7 S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and Corynebacterium ulcerans 1 3.13 8 A. pyogenes and S. epidermidis 1 3.13 9 C. ulcerans and S. aureus 1 3.13 10 Micrococcus spp and S. epidermidis 2 6.25 11 S. aureus and Streptococcus uberis 1 3.13 12 S. epidermidis and S. dysagalactiae 1 3.13 13 S. epidermidis and S. agalactiae 1 3.13 14 S. agalactiae and other Streptococcus spp 2 6.25 15 S. aureus and Micrococcus spp 1 3.13 16 S. aureus and Bacillus spp 2 6.25 17 S. epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 3.13 18 S. uberis and C. bovis 1 3.13 19 S. dysagalactiae and C. bovis 1 3.13 20 S. agalactiae and Micrococcus spp 1 3.13 21 S. dysagalactiae and Micrococcus spp 1 3.13 Total 32 100.0

Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 335 Of the total isolates, contagious quarters that were lactating, lactating but pathogens (S. aureus, S. agalactiae, and S . approached drying, or dry. The dry period dysagalactiae), environmental pathogens secretion has been reported to inhibit phago- (E. c o l i, S. uberis, and others), and dry cow cytic action of neutrophils in the udder and, pathogens (Actinomyces pyogene, during dry period, the capacity of the quar- M i c r o c o c c u s spp.) account for 51.47%, ters to provide phagocytic and bactericidal 6.62%, and 1.47%, respectively. The rest activities has been known to diminish, lead- (40.44%) corresponds to other unclassified ing to high infection rate.3 , 1 5 The higher p a t h o g e n s . prevalence of mastitis in cows with pendu- lous udder and those with teat and udder DISCUSSION lesions in this study could be explained by This study showed the overall prevalence of the fact that pendulous udder exposes teat mastitis in local and crossbreed cows in and and udder to injury, and the pathogens may around Sebeta to be 52.78%, which is in easily adhere to the latter, getting access to agreement with the reports on bovine masti- the gland tissue.5 , 1 6 tis reported by Tolossa8 (53.5%) and Haile9 The highest prevalence of mastitis in (53.35%). On the other hand, the report of cows with disk-shaped, inverted, and point- B i f f a 1 0 (33.0%) was lower than the present ed teat ends in this study may be explained findings, and the reports of Biru1 1 ( 6 3 . 4 % ) , by the presence of wider streak canals, T o l l a 1 2 (61.11%), and Zerihun1 3 ( 6 8 . 1 % ) which have been shown to allow more were higher than the present findings. The pathogen penetration1 7 in former cases and variability in the prevalence of bovine mas- by the fact that pointed teat ends have a nar- titis between reports could be attributed to rower streak canal, exposing the teat to difference in management of the farms, more milking periods and irritation.1 8 T h e breeds considered, or technical know-how more prevalence of infection in poorly ven- of the investigators. tilated barns (87.5%), in barns with bed- In this study the clinical mastitis dings (50.3%), and in barns without accounted for 16.11% where as the sub-clin- drainage (60.86%) indicates that these risk ical mastitis was 36.67% of the share. The factors contribute to mastitis in the herd, reports of Biffa1 0 (15.1%) and Radostits and and the quarter prevalence of 30.59% B l o o d 3 (10%) on clinical bovine mastitis obtained by this study indicates the econom- was the same and lower than the present ic significance of the disease.2 , 3 result. Sub-clinical mastitis has been report- The relative high prevalence of mastitis ed to be higher than clinical mastitis owing in left rear quarters (34.3%) and right front to the defense mechanism of the udder, quarter (30.06%) in this study agrees with which reduces the severity of the disease.1 4 the finding of others.4 , 1 9 This may be due to Higher-yielding cows have been found greater production capacity of hindquarters,5 more susceptible to mastitis3 owing to posi- the likelihood of fecal and environmental tion of teat and udder and anatomy of teat contamination of hindquarters, and ease of canal, making them prone to injury,3 a n d first grasping by milker’s hand in case of due to less efficacy of phagoacytic cells in right front quarters. higher yielding cows5 associated to dilution. This result showed S. aureus and S. epi- In line with this, it was found in this study d e r m i d i s as the major pathogens of mastitis that the prevalence of mastitis in crossbred in the area that might be due to lack of cows was statistically higher than that of effective udder washing and drying, post- local cattle (P < 0 . 0 5 ) . milking teat dip and drying, inter-cow hand- The rate of infection showed strong sig- washing, and disinfection in the milking nificant variation (P < 0.01) between lac- routine of the area. Contamination of milk- tating and non-locating cows, and between ers’ hands, wash clothes, and milking

336 Intern J Appl Res Vet Med • Vol. 3, No. 4, 2005 machine cups by milk from infected quarter 11 (9.82%) were bacteriologically negative, has been reported to quickly lead to spread which is lower than the observation by of mastitis.3 Pearson and Mackie,2 2 A r e g a w , 2 3 and Biffa1 0 The cumulative incidence of streptococ- who reported proportions of 18%, 13.86%, cal mastitis during this survey (14.18%) and 15%, respectively. The failure to isolate was lower than the amount reported for the the bacteria from the CMT-positive samples same species by Kingwill et al.20 (80.95%), could be attributed to bactericidal properties Tolossa8 (53.55%), and Zerihun13 (27%) in of the inflammatory udder secretions, which dairy cows. The lower isolation rate in this have been known to destroy the infecting study might be associated with the wide- bacteria leaving milk with higher leukocyte spread use of penicillin in the area for treat- c o u n t s . 2 4 It might also be due to some cases ment of mastitis. It has been recognized of delayed healing of infections from which that mastitis caused by Streptococcus organisms may have disappeared or been species is susceptible to eradication via use reduced, while the infiltration of leukocytes of penicillin.3,5 continued until complete healing.5 The pres- The relative higher prevalence of ent study revealed the seriousness of masti- C o r y n e b a c t e r i u m mastitis in this study tis in the area and significance of its (14.18%) compared with reports of Biru1 1 contributors in the area. A practical mastitis (4.2%), Biffa1 0 (4.55%), Tolla1 2 (6.66%), and control strategy in the herd and national Z e r i h u n 1 3 (1.9%) is consistent with former approach is needed. reports by Schalm et al.5 and Radostis and B l o o d 3 that higher incidence of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Corynebacterium bovis is associated with We would like to thank National Animal lack of post-milking teat dip and that Health Research Center (NAHRC) and Actinomyces pyogenes follows teat or udder Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Addis injury as observed in the study area. Ababa University for allowing us to work in The low prevalence of P s e u d o m o n a s their facility. species (0.75%) in this study could be attributed to the intermittent shading nature REFERENCES of this organism from the udder to milk.3 1. Singh PJ, Sigh KB: A study on economic losses The low prevalence of E. coli could be due due to mastitis in India. J Dairy Sci to higher prevalence of other pathogens. 1994;47:265−271. 2. Bartlet P, Joust VW, Devid JW, Charles DG: Of all the isolates, contagious pathogens Temporal patterns of lost milk production fol- showed greater frequency than others (S . lowing clinical mastitis in a large Michigan a u r e u s was the most common). In 53.13% Holstein herd. J Dairy Sci 1991;74:1561−1572. of the cows and in 32 quarters sampled, 3. Radostits OM, Blood DC: Veterinary Medicine: mixed infection per animal and multiple A Textbook of the of Cattle, Sheep, infections per quarter were found. This Pigs, Goats and Horses. 8th edition. Baillerie Tindal: London; 1994:563−613. could be explained by poor milking and 4. Dodd FM, Westgarth DR, Neave FK, Kingwill management practices and hired milkers RG: Mastitisthe strategy of control. J Dairy who milk in more than one farm. Such Sci 1969;52:68. mixed infection per cow per quarter indi- 5. Schalm DW, Carroll EJ, Jain C: Bovine Mastitis. cates the economic significance of the dis- Lea and Febiger: Philadelphia; 1971:20−158. ease in the area. A cow with 1 quarter 6. Carter GR: Diagnostic Procedures in Veterinary harboring multiple infections has been Bacteriology and Mycology. 4th edition. U. S. A. known to have greater reduction in produc- Charles Thomas Publishers: Springfield, Ill; 1984. tion than a cow with a single pathogen.2 1 7. Carter GR, Chengappa MM: Essentials of From the 112 quarter samples sent to a Bacteriology and Mycology. 4th edition. Lea and laboratory for microbiological investigation, Febiger: Philadelphia, Pa; 1991:81−94.

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