Rumanian Slavia As the Frontier of Orthodoxy the Case of the Slavo-Rumanian Tetraevangelion of Sibiu
Studia Ceranea 9, 2019, p. 59–87 ISSN: 2084-140X DOI: 10.18778/2084-140X.09.04 e-ISSN: 2449-8378 Giuseppe Stabile (Napoli) Rumanian Slavia as the Frontier of Orthodoxy The Case of the Slavo-Rumanian Tetraevangelion of Sibiu the Tetraevangelion also known as the Slavo-Rumanian Evangeliarion of In Sibiu1, the slow sunset of the Slavonism seems to face the dawn of the Rumanian literary tradition. Not only is it the earliest extant text in Slavonic and Rumanian languages, but it is also the earliest provided with parallel bilingual transcription, and the only version of the Gospels printed in such a form, at least in the 16th century2. Regardless whether it originally contained all four – or just three – Synoptic Gospels, only two fragments of the SRT are preserved today, both from the Gospel of Matthew: 1. the more extensive one (ff. 1r–117v, Mt 3, 17 – 27, 55), in the Saltykov-Ščedrin Library in Saint Petersburg3; 2. the shorter one (ff. 36v–37r, Mt 12, 12–28), in the Orthodox Church of Oiejdea (Alba Iulia), where it was discovered in the 1970s4. 1 Evangheliarul slavo-român de la Sibiu (1551–1553), ed. E. Petrovici, L. Demény, Bucureşti 1971 (cetera: SRT). 2 Cf. G. Mihăilă, Textele bilingve slavo-române şi unele aspecte ale studiului calcului lingvistic, [in:] Contribuţii la istoria culturii şi literaturii române vechi, Bucureşti 1972, p. 236–244, esp. 241. For a critical up-to-date overview on the SRT, cf. I. Gheţie, A. Mareş, Originile scrisului In limba română, Bucureşti 1985, p.
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