Chapter 13 Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds
Chapter 13 Curvature in Riemannian Manifolds 13.1 The Curvature Tensor If (M, , )isaRiemannianmanifoldand is a connection on M (that is, a connection on TM−), we− saw in Section 11.2 (Proposition 11.8)∇ that the curvature induced by is given by ∇ R(X, Y )= , ∇X ◦∇Y −∇Y ◦∇X −∇[X,Y ] for all X, Y X(M), with R(X, Y ) Γ( om(TM,TM)) = Hom (Γ(TM), Γ(TM)). ∈ ∈ H ∼ C∞(M) Since sections of the tangent bundle are vector fields (Γ(TM)=X(M)), R defines a map R: X(M) X(M) X(M) X(M), × × −→ and, as we observed just after stating Proposition 11.8, R(X, Y )Z is C∞(M)-linear in X, Y, Z and skew-symmetric in X and Y .ItfollowsthatR defines a (1, 3)-tensor, also denoted R, with R : T M T M T M T M. p p × p × p −→ p Experience shows that it is useful to consider the (0, 4)-tensor, also denoted R,givenby R (x, y, z, w)= R (x, y)z,w p p p as well as the expression R(x, y, y, x), which, for an orthonormal pair, of vectors (x, y), is known as the sectional curvature, K(x, y). This last expression brings up a dilemma regarding the choice for the sign of R. With our present choice, the sectional curvature, K(x, y), is given by K(x, y)=R(x, y, y, x)but many authors define K as K(x, y)=R(x, y, x, y). Since R(x, y)isskew-symmetricinx, y, the latter choice corresponds to using R(x, y)insteadofR(x, y), that is, to define R(X, Y ) by − R(X, Y )= + .
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