After Jihad: a Biographical Approach to Passionate Politics in Indonesia

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After Jihad: a Biographical Approach to Passionate Politics in Indonesia UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) After jihad: A biographical approach to passionate politics in Indonesia Azca, M.N. Publication date 2011 Document Version Final published version Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Azca, M. N. (2011). After jihad: A biographical approach to passionate politics in Indonesia. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library:, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam ( Download date:02 Oct 2021 i AFTER JIHAD A Biographical Approach to Passionate Politics in Indonesia ii This research was funded by the Netherlands Foundation for the Advance- ment of Tropical Research (NWO/WOTRO) Cover design: Syarafuddin Layout: Aye Z. Wafa © 2011 Muhammad Najib Azca. All rights reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing from the proprietor. iii AFTER JIHAD A Biographical Approach to Passionate Politics in Indonesia ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnifi cus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel op vrijdag l3 mei 2011, te 10:00 uur door Muhammad Najib Azca geboren te Pekalongan iv Promotiecommissie Promotor: Prof. dr. H.G.C. Schulte Nordholt Co-promotores: Dr. G.A. van Klinken Dr. O.G.A.Verkaaik Overige leden: Prof. dr. H.W. van Schendel Prof. dr. A.C.A.E. Moors Prof. dr. M.M. van Bruinessen Dr. R.A. Rutten Prof. dr. R.W. Hefner Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen Acknowledgements v a Acknowledgements Doing research on Islamist movements in Indonesia was like con- ducting a pilgrimage into my own history: revisiting places from my past as an Islamist activist, meeting old Islamist activist friends, listening to their, sometimes shared, stories, and then viewing their narratives through my present lens of thinking and feeling. What a pilgrimage! This dissertation is the result of this long journey, supported greatly by the assistance of so many people, some of whom, unfor- tunately, need to remain anonymous. Even for those whom it is pos- sible to mention here, the space and words available are inadequate to express their invaluable signifi cance to this project. Nevertheless, despite the limited space and words available to me, there are some names I would like to mention below. I must express my greatest appreciation to Henk Schulte Nor- dholt, my professor and doctorate promoter. Pak Henk, as I call him familiarly, is a seasoned and warm-hearted scholar who has support- ed this project from its very beginning and, especially, during that turbulent period when I felt lost in the forest with the narratives and theoretical framework veering in opposite directions. His constant support and tireless encouragement meant a lot to me during the trajectory of this dissertation. Gerry van Klinken and Oskar Verkaaik, the co-promoters, played different roles in different ways during this period with a sim- vi Acknowledgements ilar outcome, namely my critical engagement with some conceptual and theoretical issues which shaped the theoretical framework and sharpened the analytical tools of this work. I would like to express my deep gratitude to them both for their invaluable contribution to the writing of this thesis. I would also like to thank profoundly Irwan Abdullah, a brilliant professor and my senior at UGM, who fully en- dorsed this project in its initial phase and enriched it with his insight- ful comments and advice during its later trajectory. For her efforts in the fi nal completion stage of the dissertation I would like to thank Suzan Piper, a superb editor, who worked carefully in reading, cor- recting and refi ning the manuscript and has saved me from countless errors and wayward sentences and expressions. My next greatest thanks goes to the life history informants of this research, both those who chose to remain anonymous and those willing to disclose their identities, namely, Ali Imron, Dr. Fauzi, Awod Umar, Abu Ayyash and Surahman. Without their willingness to be interviewed and share their life stories in this project, there is no doubt I would have gone nowhere and ended in a cul de sac. Thus, this project owes an unlimited debt to their generous willing- ness to share their subtle and, often, very personal narratives with a wider audience, either openly or without revealing their true names and identities. In following the fl ow of the jihad movement actors through conducting this research, I was helped by many kind people in differ- ent towns and cities. In Yogyakarta, where I spent most of my fi eld- work period, these people greatly helped me: Eko Prasetyo, Arifah Rahmawati, M. Syarafuddin, Jadul Maula, M. Yahya “Koyek”, Eric Hiariej, Mirra Noor Milla, and some colleagues of mine at CSPS and the Department of Sociology UGM. In Solo, the heart of radical Islamist movements in Java, those who gave me valuable assistance during my fi eldwork, included Heri Varia, Ali Usman, Sultan Nasir, Chairul Rus Suparjo, Abdul Halim and some activists from the PBH Supremasi and Brigade Hizbullah-PBB Solo, especially Udin and Muslih. In my hometown Pekalongan, Aris Kurniawan and Fauzi ‘Raja Murah’ helped me by providing some contact persons and Acknowledgements vii background stories. In the capital city of Jakarta, I received some good help from Brigjen Suryadarma (Densus 88), Mahendradatta (TPM), Badrus Sholeh (UIN Jakarta), Nurul Amin (SCTV), Sidney Jones (ICG), Noor Huda Ismail (Prasasti Perdamaian), Thamrin Ely, Nasir Abbas and Pepen. Eros Djarot, A.S. Laksana, and Nasrullah also provided me a warm haven at times when I visited the capital. Far from my home base in Java, people who helped me to collect stories and data on non-local mujahidin who had stayed on in Ambon, included Gani Fabanyo, Muzakkir Assagaf, Ustadz Azis Arbi, Pak Erwin, Ustadz Wahab Lumaelan, Haji Nurdin Fata, Amir Kotarumalos, Hans Holle, Abidin Wakano, Bachtiar Payapo, Has- bullah Toisuta, and M. Arief Budiyanto. In tracing some mujahidin pendatang in Palu and Poso, those who kindly lent their hand in- cluded Iwan Lapasere, Tahmidi Lasahido, Ochan Sangaji, some AJI Palu activists as well as Ustadz Adnan Arsal, Ustadz Abu Ibrahim, Iskandar Lamuka, Rafi k, Moja, Pak Jufri, Chalis, and some LPSM Poso staff. I would also like to deeply thank the research assistants who helped me in my fi eldwork in various places, namely Ghozali Wul- akada (Solo), M. Zamroni (Yogya), Darlis Muhammad (Palu), Budi- man Maliki (Poso), Ongen Sangadji, Yusuf Madubun and other Pat- timura University (Unpatti) colleagues, especially Juanda Umasugi and Fadly Silawane (Ambon). In Amsterdam, I was fortunate to have many friends and col- leagues who provided me with constant spirit and inspiration such as Ward Barenschot, Mihai Varga, Justus Uitermarkt, Scott Dalby, Tham Ngo, Michiel Baas, Sanneke Klopenburg, Roanne van Voorst, Nynke Wiekenkamp, Silke Heumann, Irfan Ahmad, Jaap Timmer, Gerben Noteboom, Rosanne Rutten, Thomas Blom Hansen, Gerd Baumann, Mario Rutten, and Willem van Schendel. I also owe thanks to Jeff Goodwin (New York University) and John Bowen (Washing- ton University in St. Louis) who gave me some valuable comments and suggestions when they were visiting UvA. Some lovely people at the AISSR secretariat also provided me with very helpful facilities and pleasant space to work: Jose Komen, Anneke Dammers, Miriam viii Acknowledgements May, Hermance Mettrop, Teun Bijvoet, Roos de Jager, Yomi van der Veen, Emilie van Tol, and Danny van der Poel. The ‘Indonesian circle’ at AISSR, included Linda Savirani, Deasy Simanjuntak, Irwan Hidayana, Wenty Minza, Deby Debora and others friends, who transformed as the ‘Koestraat gang’, were a continuous source of fun, excitement and spirit especially at times of boredom, numbness and fatigue. Athi Sivan and Malini Sur, my very kind neighbors at different times and places in Amsterdam, were most helpful in their own special ways. Tine Ruiter and Paul Husner kindly provided me with a cozy apartment in the ‘legendary Koes- traat’ in my fi rst year in Amsterdam. Living far away from my home country for a quite long period of time sometimes led to feelings of loneliness. The warm presence of the Indonesian communities living in the Netherlands, especial- ly in Amsterdam, really helped me feel at home in my new ‘kam- pung halaman’ especially when I was missing my home country. My thanks for the brotherhood/sisterhood of “orang rantau” go to the Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia (PPI) and Jaringan Kerja Indo- nesia (JKI), and especially M. Amin, Michael Putrawenas, Siswa Santosa and Dini Setyowati. I would like to pay special thanks to Alpha Amirachman for his generous help, especially in the last stage of completion of this dissertation by circulating this manuscript to the members of the doctorate board in the Netherlands while I was in Indonesia.
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