NIE – New International Encounter NORTH NORTH NORTH Education pack 1. Background to the production 2. Production synopsis 3. Press reviews 4. Key elements of NIE productions 5. Workshops 6. Educational tools – suggested activities 7. History 8. InFormation about NIE theatre company 9. Appendix For more details or Further information please contact NIE’s Producer Sarah Crompton: E:
[email protected] T: (01223) 403 343 W: 1. Background to the production Established in 2001, NIE is an award winning international and multilingual theatre company, gaining recognition and critical success for new work through tours in Europe and the UK. NIE has won festival prizes in Serbia, Norway, UK, Bosnia and the Czech Republic, and has toured to 29 countries spanning 3 continents. Using their trademark mix of physical theatre, storytelling, multiple languages, a European ensemble and live music, NIE will take you on a comic, tragic and absurd Journey up in the air and down onto the cold polar ice. Actors shout over the howling wind, transform the stage into an arctic wilderness, eat polar bear brains, and somebody gets very wet. Development oF the production North North North began development in 2011 with a visit to Svalbard, the Northernmost inhabited place in the world. The company twice visited this landscape, once during 24 hour sunlight, and once during 24 darkness. The show was then developed at Dikkemark in Norway, North Wall Arts Centre, Oxford, and The Key Theatre, Peterborough. It premiered at The Key Theatre in May 2013 and will be touring the UK in October 2013 and March 2014.