Books online The Origins of Christianity by R.P.Oliver The Origins of Christianity by R.P.Oliver shortly to be published by HRP (160pp £10 inc p&p). Please order now via e-mail
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Chapter 1: RELIGION Chapter 2: THE TRIPLE FUNCTION Chapter 3: MONOTHEISM Chapter 4: THEODICY Chapter 5: RITUAL AND ARYAN WORSHIP Chapter 6: SHAMANS Chapter 7: LYING FOR THE LORD Chapter 8: THEOKTONY Chapter 9: ZOROASTER Chapter 10: ZOROASTER’S CREATION Chapter 11: THE GREAT ÜBERWERTUNG, PSYCHIC MAGIC, GOD’S HOUSE, BUDDHISM AND TAPAS Chapter 12: AHURA MAZDA Chapter 13: LATER ZOROASTRIANISM Back to books online Back to main-page Books online The Origins of Christianity by R.P.Oliver Introduction OF THE many problems that confront us today, none is more vexing than that of the relation of Christianity to Western Civilization. None, certainly, causes more acrimonious controversy and internecine hostility between the members of the race which created that civilization. None more thoroughly counteracts their common interest in its preservation and renders them impotent and helpless. And that is not remarkable: what is in question is the essential nature of our civilization, and if there is no agreement about that, there can be no effective agreement on other questions. Around 1910, Georges Matisse, in Les Ruines de l’Idée de Dieu,* predicted that by 1960, at the very latest, the only churches left in the civilized world would be the ones that were preserved as museum pieces for their architectural beauty or historical associations. The scientific and historical knowledge accumulated by our race had rendered belief in supernatural beings impossible for cultivated men, and universal education would speedily destroy the credulity of the masses.