Local politicians predict primary outcome AAcGovern will win in close race By TIM YOUNKMAN paign here earlier and then withdrew some ^Democratic leaders have in­ he does is like night and day," Mc­ Editor from the race, dicated would take place would not Neely added. He said the central com­ Clinton County voters will "have First in a series be good for the party, according to mittee will "put together some in­ ST. JOHNS—Stopping Gov. George to travel to Lansing to catch a Kurncz. "It would polarize the Wal­ formational material" to start off C. Wallace and the renegade Re­ glimpse of the Democratic candi­ titude about endorsing any of the no competition in the Republican lace people and would give Wallace the anti-Wallace campaign. Little of publican vote seems uppermost in. dates, who will trek from the air­ candidates, Andrews, said. "There race there would be a large cross­ a greater appeal. That would mean that material has been available in port to downtown locations. Only Clinton County and may never get the r minds of many regular-party will be no endorsing of candidates over. the little guys would shy away from Democrats, And Clinton County is McGovern and Wallace have, es­ and most of the delegates will be How large? Kurncz said the vote the Democratic party." here, Wallace appears strongest in no exception. tablished campaign headquarters in running uncommitted,'' He added that in Clinton County could reach as Kurncz added that he felt it would the larger industrial areas of Der State and local politicians, in spe­ Lansing. there are more young people in the high as 50 per cent Democratic. be tough for Wallace to win the Demo­ troit, Pontiac and Lansing. cial interviews with the Clinton Coun­ Republican cross-over votes, the party and others interested in joining "A good deal of the cross-over vote cratic nod in Michigan. Richard Conlin, who heads up the ty News, indicated last weekthatthey politicans said, would be heavy. But, it locally. "McGovern would tend to will go to.McGovern, Some feel he James McNeely, chairman of the tCitizens for McGovern campaign expect a large GOP cross-over vote many question whether it will be attract that young vote." is easy to beat and others see him Michigan Democratic State Central 'headquarters at 1420 E. Michigan to the Democrats in the May 16 enough to create a Wallace victory, Clinton County's new Democratic as a good candidate." Committee, said part of the $1 mil­ Ave., Lansing, said the South Dakota Michigan presidential primary. Roy P, (Jack) Andrews, the lone Party chairman, Kenneth Kurncz of But Kurncz disagreed with Andrews lion the party plans to raise in this Senator will be in the state for six The Michigan primary, one of 24 Democrat on the Clinton County Board St. Johns said Friday he agrees'with on the results, 'Wallace is leading election year will be used to attempt days of campaigning. He said Mc­ across the nation, has attracted seven of Commissioners, said Thursday Andrews' idea that the young are now, but there is strong support for to half the George Wallace campaign. Govern would be in the Lansing area Democrats including New York Con- he doubted that Wallace will top the gravitating toward McGovern. McGovern. Of course, labor sup­ "We will invest money and fight at-least one of those days. gresswoman. Shirley Chisholm, In­ - regular party front-runners, "There are a lot of young people ports Humphrey even though the for­ with the issues," he said. "Right now, we are doing extremely diana Sen, Vance Hartke, Minnesota . He said Wallace could get as. much attracted to McGovern, but there mal labor vote is for Muskie," Kurncz McNeely said issues such as ed­ continued on page 3 A Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, Washing­ as 25 per cent of the Democratic vote, are a lot of people whose second said he doubted if Muskie will get ucation and the tax structure have ton Sen. Henry M. Jackson, South but expects Humphrey and McGovern choice after Wallace is McGovern. much of the labor vote at all. been significant in the Wallace cam­ Dakota Sen. George S. McGovern, to land between 33 and 35 per cent. The They have the same points of view He declined to say that Wallace paign elsewhere, including Wisconsin Maine Sen. Edmund S. Muskie and DeWitt commissioner added that the in some areas. Both have had strong would win outright in the county, where the Alabama governor cap­ B^itfrBath Gov. Wallace of Alabama. normal Democratic share of the over­ grass roots campaigns," but guessed that all three top con­ tured about 22 per cent of the vote. all vote is usually 30 per cent and President Richard M, Nixon, who Kurncz said he found many tenders (Wallace, Humphrey and In Michigan, busing and education, cross-overs in May should raise that similarities between Michigan's vote McGovern) would end up with be­ t£xes and agriculture problems have News has had little opposition, is on the figure to about 40 per cent. GOP ballot with California Congress­ and that of Wisconsin. "The states tween 25-30 per cent of the Demo­ become issues in the primary race. Clinton County Democrats are are similar and they have the same cratic vote. man Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. Mc- "But what the man says and what Page 3A Closkey indicated he would not cam­ taking an official wait-and-see at- type of primary," He noted that with The anti-Wallace campaign that Clinton County News Ssowmq+tivL CtiniotL(than.SinaL 1856 116th Year No. 51 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN April 19,1972 15 cents Krebel Commission reveals budget win run to be split among county, schools and of each month. The finance committee By LINDA KERNER Gerald Lankford presented the pro­ will audit them the last Friday of the News Special Writer townships. ST, JOHNS- Wlllard Krebel, a This budget totals $2,236,790 for 1973 posed Clinton County Budget. It was month, with the commissioners taking lifelong Clinton County resident, who and is 3.65 mills over the final budget adopted with little discussion by the action the next Tuesday. is completing his first term as Reg­ ST. JOHNS — Clinton County offi­ of 1972. This budget will be presented commissioners. Also at this commission meeting of ister of Deeds of Clinton County, is cials Jiave prepared a tentative budget to the allocation board at its April 18 Although the budget seems high it is April 11, It was voted to Increase the seeking a second term for the office asking 9.5 mills of the total 15 mills meeting. not unusual for tentative budgets. The present county road fund to $750,000 as a candidate on the Republican allocation board will usually alot them for road Improvement, ticket. less than the proposed figures. It was approved that the corner of He was supervisor of Riley Town­ Board picks administrator Social Services will move from its Turner Street and State Road be changed ship for 11 years and an Investi­ present location in the Annex to the from a Bl commercial zone allowing gator for the State of Michigan before ST. JOHNS — Clinton Memorial he received special training in Two-Brothers Grocery building on East only small proprietorships toaB2gen- being elected County' Register of Hospital's board of directors last government administration and fi­ M21. The Annex will then be used for eral so that a tavern could open. Deeds. During his tenure as super­ week unanimously approved the ap­ nance. the Drain Commissioners office. visor he served as chairman of the pointment of Paul E, McNamara as His personnel management ac­ The plans for a vault for the Drain County Board'of Supervisors. hospital administrator. tivities include labor relations, plus Commissioners new location werepre- Bike licenses Krebel has had 16 years exper­ WILLARD KREBEL McNamara,, in business and hos­ development and Implementation of sented and bids will be submitted to the ience dealing with property descrip­ pital management since 1966, has corporate personnel policies. Since commissioners later this month. now on sale tions and documents of ownership. Officers Association, been employed by Memorial Hos-_ July, 1970, he has served Memorial The commissioners also voted a As' 'an-inyes'tiiator for the State of Married with one-daughter, Krebel pltal- -in Owosso -for- the past-two Hospital -as- director-otVper-sonnel. change iirtheit1 methbdof paying month- " ST. JOHNS-Everett Glazier, -St; Michigan lie traveled the entire State resides at 4363 W. Price Road, St. years. "• where he has been ihStrumehtal in ly bills. The state auditor recentlytold Johns Chief of Police announced that of Michigan validating descriptions Johns. He is a member of the Board He has participated in many com­ the development and implementation them that their old method was incor­ all children or adults who wish to ride and ownership of property. of Trustees of Clinton Memorial Hos­ munity activities, serving currently of policies and procedures aimed rect. bicycles in the streets of St, Johns He is active in the Michigan Reg­ pital, the. Board of Directors • of the as a member of the board of directors at improving communication through­ From how on the bills will be listed must purchase a license for their ister of Deeds Association, and during Mid-Michigan Chapter of. the Amer­ of the Shiawassee County Planned out the organization and within the and be available for public and com­ bike. community. his first term was appointed chair­ ican Red Cross, .the West Pilgrim Parenthood Commission; member of missioner inspection at the first Tues­ Licenses are now on sale anytime man of the Legislative Committee of United Methodist Church, the St, Johns the board of directors of the Shi­ McNamara, his wife, Karen, and day meeting of each month. The com­ at the police station, located on this association. He also takes an Exchange Club and a member of the awassee County American Cancer two sons plan to move to St, Johns missioners -will later approve payment. Spring Street and Walker Street, St. Johns Lodge 105 F and AM. Society; the United Fund appeal; in the near future, according to active part in the United County Under this new plan all bills must be Deadline is set at May 1 and cost Owosso Rotary International and with hospital officials. given to the county clerk by the 20th church affiliated groups. of each license is 25 cents. McNamara received a bachelor of """ <*r .i % arts degree in accounting from St. .-, -j Industrial sales Ambrose College in Davenport, Iowa and served in the U.S. Army where manager d ies ST. JOHNS—Funeral services were 45, Saladin Temple Shrine of Grand held Saturday, April 15, for CharlesC. Rapids, Lansing Industrial Executive Dickinson of 510 South Mead Street, Club andSt. Johns Industrial Executives who died suddenly at his home on Wed­ Club, serving as a past secretary. He nesday. He was 69. was alsoamemberoftheCllntonCounty Services were conducted at the First Country Club and Aircraft Owners and Congregational Church in St. Johns at Pilots Association. 1 p.m. with Rev. Averill Carson offic­ Surviving besides his wife is a iating. Burial was In Mt. Rest Ceme­ brother, Fred Dickinson of Taylor. tery. Mr. Dickinson was born in Pittsburg, Penn. on Dec. 19, 1902, the son of. Byrnes Thomas and Dora Strickland Dickinson and had been a resident of St. Johns since 1934 when he moved here from Owosso. resigns He married the former Elsie Spousta in River Rouge on Jan. 1, 1930 and was By MARKHOLOWEIKO sales, manager for Burton Mixer and News Special Writer Manufacturing Company in St. Johns. Mr. Dickinson was a member of the OVID — Ovid village trustees St. Johns Masonic Lodge No. 105, St. agreed Monday night to accept the Johns Commandery No. 24, RAM No. resignation of Trustee Hugh Byrnes, during a regular session of the vil­ lage council. CHARLES C. DICKINSON Auction notice Byrnes, the village street com­ missioner, served one year of a "On Friday, April 21, Bruce Irish two-year term before resigning "be­ will hold an auction at the location cause of other commitments," on Group forms 4 miles east of- St. Johns on M-21 April 15. to Watson Rd., 1 mile south at corner The vacancy left by Byrnes will be of Watson and Townsend Rds, Sale filled by appointment after consul­ to fight drugs starts at 12:30 p.m. Al Galloway, tation with the St. Johns law of­ auctioneer. List includes farm fices of Green and Maples. The vil­ machinery. lage charter must be interpreted as ST. JOHNS—Several area citizens, Saturday, April 22, Lester Hughson to the technicalities of such an ap­ concerned with the rising abuse of will hold an auction at the location pointment before the council acts. drugs and alcohol, have helped to form 2 miles west of Ovid, 3/4 mile north The council renewed last year's a new organization called Clinton on Shepardsville Rd. Sale starts at agreement with the Three J's con­ County Common Ground. 12:30 p.m. Al Galloway, auctioneer. struction company to lay sidewalk Aligned with the Drug Information Clinton County News Photo by Annette White List includes farm machinery. at a cost of 59 cent's per square foot. Group, Common Groundlsattemptlng On, Thursday, April 27, Mr. and Half the cost of construction is to to set up a telephone crisis call-line St. Johns Lions Club will sponsor its annual White Cane Sales next Mrs. Ervin Stowsand will hold an be paid by the village, and half and a walk-In counseling office. The week in downtown St. Johns, Southgate Shopping Center and at Andy's IGA auction located 5 miles south of by the property owner. whole program is sponsored through Scottville; Mich, on Scottville Rd,, The council announced that ap* the Community Mental Health Center Store* Dates and times are April 26 from 3 to 9 p.m., April 28 from 5 3 miles east on Hawley.Rd. Sale plications for sidewalks are how in Lansing, which serves the tri- to 9 p.m. and April 29 from 10 to 4 p.m. Pictured with Gayle Desprez, starts at 10:00 a.m. Al Galloway, being accepted on a first come, county area. auctioneer. List Includes 70 head of first serve basis. "Incidents of drug abuse are up Lions' Club president, center, are Brian Madar and Judy Sohwark and cattle, farm machinery, milking and Trustees also finalized the Ovid 500 per cent over last year and al­ their dogs which they are training for the Leader Dog program, a project dairy equipment, silos and feed equip­ police wage schedule of 1972, The cohol offenses average nearly 800 ment. (Continued on page 7A) (Continued on page 13A) Which is supported by the Lions. FREE DIAMONDS AT 2A ;. ; " . - , - April 19,1972 DEW ITT - Clinton County News BATH Serving Bath, DeWitt, and Watertown Townships PAGE 3-A April 19,1972 edition DeWitt will get Oderkirk appointed new commissioner sanitarian ST. JOHNS-It's official. DeWitt, 5 with a combined population count combined population count of 4,674, Beaufore, secretary and county Township residents will vote for an of 4,695. 11. District No. 11—Comprising ST. JOHNS-A 31-year-old De- additional commissioner in the 10. District No. 10-Comprising treasurer; Jon Newman, prosecuting Witt Township man has been ap­ Bath Township with a population count attorney; James Palmiter, Repub­ August and November elections. Precinct 3 and the remainder of of 4,832. pointed sanitarian for the Clinton lican Party county chairman; and County branch of the Mid-Michi­ Clinton County Clerk Ernest Car­ Precinct 1, east of US-27, Round Members of the county apportion­ ter said Friday that the new formula Lake Road, City of DeWitt, Turner Robert Niblock, Democratic Party gan Health Department. ment committee who.worked out the former county chairman. They ok'd for county re-apportionment has been St. and North of Clark Road with a plan are Carter, chairman; Velma Donald Edward Oderkirk, 302 Brit­ approved by the state and will go into the plan Feb. 24 by a 4-1 vote. tany Drive "in King Arthur's Court, effect Jan. 1, 1973, after the general was named to the post, headquartered elections are held. in St. Johns. DeWitt, which currently has twc Oderkirk will be responsible for commissioners on the board, has E. City won't need factor inspection of sewage disposal sys­ population of almost 12,000, which tems, food service sanitation, sub­ will require one more representative division control, well water and pri­ By LINDA KERNER The Election Committee salary was Financial Assistance under the Dis­ on the county governing body. vate water supplies, the nuisance and DOROTHY MOORE raised from $2.00 to $2.25 per hour. aster Relief Act. The new district added to the board abatement program, and trailer park- News Special Writers Beginning the first Saturday of May, Elliot will try to collect $1200 to is the north and eastern part of De- DONALD ODERKIRK campground sanitation. DeWitt will have Air Raid siren alerts help relieve the cost of damages in­ Witt Township. Since the 11-man His office is the inspection arm of DeWITT—The City of DeWitt has at 1:00 p.m. This alert will take place curred during, the recent ice storm. board will remain the same in num­ the municipal and local government collected an additionalfl$609,000 in on the first Saturday of every month. —The Planning Commission will Cane week bers, the northern part of Clinton updated tax revenues, so the state units and acts as a liaison between Councilmen are investing the pos­ meet with the Fedewa Building Com­ local and state agencies. will lose one representative. tax board will not require the city sibility of Federal funding for the in­ DeWITT - Mayor Law­ pany of Fowler to discuss the de­ He is a 1960 graduate from high Here's how the new board will to use a tax factor, it was reported stallation of a second siren system in rence Keck proclaimed April velopment of their DeWitt property. school in Victor, N.Y. and earned be distributed: Monday night during a regular city the Lake Geneva area. 23-29 officially White Cane council session. The Fedewa Company owns 49 Week in DeWitt, during the his bachelor of arts degree in 1. District No. 1—Comprising Du- —Police Chief Charles Anderson acres in the northern portion of zoology at Olivet College in 1964. plain and Greenbush Townships with a A tax factor, if used, would in­ has been invited to participate in city council meeting Monday DeWitt and hopes to begin construc­ night. Oderkirk has had five years com­ combined population count of 3,847. crease taxes by giving a set mul­ the National Pistol Championship in tion soon. tiplier to the base value. The person displaying a missioned service in the U.S. Navy, 2. District No. 2—Comprising Es­ Fort Benning, Georgia. The meeting will be held on Thurs­ Tax assessments were discussed white cane is either par­ half as a department head on a sex, Lebanon and Dallas Townships This is the first time a city police day, April 27. also at the county equalization com­ tially or totally blind and the destroyer in Southeast Asia and half with a combined population count of officer has been asked to join the state —The Annual DeWitt Spring Trash mittee meeting April 18, according Lions Clubs of Michigan have • as an instructor at the Naval OCS, 4,290. police in competition, Anderson Clean-up will be held on Monday, Newport, R.I. to Daniel Elliot, city administrative ranked second in recent state com­ traditionally used this white 3. District No. 3—Comprising May 8, the council reported. He earned a master of arts degree director, who represents DeWitt on petition, missing first place by only cane as a symbol of their Bengal, Riley and Westphalia Town­ in biological science, fresh-water the committee. one point. The city council voted to work for the blind. ships with a combined population ecology, from Michigan State Uni­ Outside of the report, no formal pay his expenses. Anyone wishing to secure a count of 4,366. Blaze versity in 1971. 4. District No. 4—Comprising action by the board was requested. —A proposed change in the Fiscal white cane may do so through In other action, the council: He and his wife, Patricia, have one Bingham Township andallofthatpor- year calendar will appear on the the local Lions Club. daughter, Sara, 3. tion of the City of St. Johns lying —Said petitions will be available November ballot. The present fiscal west of Clinton Avenue which con­ in the city clerk's office for several year is from January 1 to December destroys sists of Precinct No. 3 and a por­ city council posts. Those listed on 31. tion of Precinct No. 2, with a com­ the ballot this year will be the bined count of 4,245., mayor (two-year term), three coun­ The proposed year would be from trailer Rn+h nt'c cil seats (four-year terms), and an­ July 1 to June 30 and would make DeWITT TWP. - A mobile home 5. District No, 5—Comprising all other council seat (two-year term). for a more workable budget. TT TWP. - A mobile home Lj ^1 III ^J l\ W in the City of St. Johns, that portion owned by Alan S. Garner, 112 Brit­ Petitions need at least 15 sig­ The budget for the first quarter of the city lying eastofCllntonAvenue tany Drive, King Arthur's Court, was natures, but not more than 20. showed that the city has spent only comprised of Precinct No. 1 and 4 destroyed by fire Monday night, caus­ —The Election Committee for the $20,000. The councilmen reported ing an estimated $4,000 damage to ^ and a portion of Precinct No. 2 with that they are holding back on major a combined population count of 3,985. May 16 primary was also appointed the trailer and $2,000 to the contents. at the meeting. Members are: Ester expenditures until the tax revenue rubbish system is collected. , Police said Garner and his wife 6. District No. 6— Comprising both Klaver, Dorothy Keck, Thelma had left the trailer at about 8:30 By PAULA HOLMES Ovid and Victor Townships with a Church, Jessie Armstrong, Ida Smith, —The City Council appointed El­ Lee Reasoner, township clerk, said p.m. and the fire was reported to News Special Writer combined population count of 4,539. and Grace Crum. liot as the city's agent for Federal township firemen at 9:07 p.m. that the election will cost $120 more 7. District No. 7—Comprising all than the money alloted by the state. ( ,*BATH TOWNSHIP-Allied Disposal! r , rof, Olive, Township and that portion * ^Roy^Van' Sickle a nd(L »rfSReasoner^ Company of Bath has agreed to com­ of DeWitt Township 'lying west of were appointed as Bath Township, bine forced with Bath Charter Town­ 1 US-27 and'north of'Round Lake Road, delegates to the Capitol Area Conn-.* AAcGovern win ship in an effort-to keep trash off cil of Government (CAPACOG). John West of Turner Road and North of of township roads, Bath Township Clark Road and including the City continued from page I Snider was appointed alternate. per cent and anything above that gan, Edmund Muskie is still receiving Supervisor Roy Van Sickle said Mon­ of DeWitt, with a combined population well," Conlin said. 'Muskie is not would be great." the backing of Sen. Phillip Hart. day night, at the mid-monthly meet­ CAPACOG is a council of the count of 4,276. compaigning here and the people are Conlin pointed out that McGovern, Hart's press secretary, Jerry ing. governments of Lansing, East Lan­ tired of Humphrey." Conlin said Wal­ Kabel, told the News Thursday that sing and the nine surrounding town­ who won the Wisconsin primary with Allied Disposal agreed to park a 8. District No. 8—Comprising lace might do well providing he main­ Hart is backing Muskie because they ships. The council would also like to about 30 per cent of the vote, must rubbish truck on the township hall Watertown and Eagle Townships with tains his base of popularity in the De­ are "old personal friends." He added include the Tri-County governments, spend more time in his New York and lot two Saturdays a month for four a combined population count of 4,742. troit area. "We will win the plu­ that Muskie is a centrist candidate but only Ingham County has joined. California campaigns. Thosetwopri- hours, in order to offer rubbish 9. District No, 9—Comprising the rality. We are hoping for about 33 who has the best chance of beating maries will send 550 delegates to the collection service to Bath Town­ The board also signed an agree­ -SW 1/4 of DeWitt Township, also Nixon. national convention. ship residents. ment with the Clinton County Road section 34, 35, 36 and the SW 1/4 Commission. Bath Township has Despite waning support in Michi­ "It is tough to make a large show­ The township has agreed to pay of section 27 or Precincts 4, 2 and agreed to put a seal coating on Park It's official ing in a primary," Kabel said. "There the company $22.50 per hour. The Lake Road from State Road to Nichols is such a wide spectrum of candi­ township will charge $1 per car­ Road. The township will not put the dates. Naturally, he hopes he will load, $2 per trailer, $3 per pick­ seal on if the sewers are going to be make a good showing in Michigan." up and $1 per yard measurement built this summer. Kabel agreed that Michigan's vote- beyond the specified amounts. might be similar to Wisconsin's re­ All rubbish must be in containers. The board also discussed the type sults. "The Republicans will cross Rocks, cement and other items that of insurance coverage of the police over to the Democrats and this is might damage the packing unit of cars. Board members decided to in­ understandable. It's something you the truck will not be accepted. vestigate the matter further. They have to live with in this primary. The board also discussed the cost wondered if they needed collision in­ You could register by party, but of holding the presidential primary surance on the recently purchased that has some undesirable aspects." in Bath Township. The state is pay­ used police car. Dora Dlgby, who heads up the ing Bath Township $150 for each of Citizens for Wallace campaign in. its two precincts. Supr. Roy VanSickle read two let­ the Lansing area at 601 S. Grand This money will send election of­ ters from the Zoning Board. The Ave., sa*id predicting the cross-over ficials to a state required school of board cited George Lambert, Wat­ vote would be difficult. instruction about election operations. son Road; and Frank Wilbur, Cul­ "There is so much grass roots The money will also pay for election ver Drive; for having junk cars on sentiment for Gov. Wallace," she day work. their property. said. "We have people here every day, many from Clinton County, who „are voting for him." She noted there has been a "stigma" against being a Wallace supporter so people won't Three in hospital come out and say they are voting for him. "So the polls aren't valid. You after US-27 crash can't predict what people will do. But there are a lot of middle class DeWITT TWP. - Three people striking the Jaskiewlcz auto. The people, blue-collar workers, who are remain in St. Lawrence Hospital in Jaskiewlcz auto had just passed a car just fed up with things." Lansing, on intensive care, fol­ driven by Earnest David DeGeer, "Mrs. Digby also claimed to have lowing a three-car crash Friday on 26, 11147 N. DeWitt Road, DeWitt. some black support, especially on the newly-constructed strip" of US-27 Police said DeGeer could not avoid busing. "They know that what he north of Clark Road. hitting the other two autos. Another passenger in the Thelen (Wallace) says, he means. The Daniel Eugene Thelen, 19, 5650 W, auto, Richard J. Ferguson, 19, 211 colored people don't want kids bused Howe Road, DeWitt remains in the E. Jefferson, DeWitt, was treated any more than we do." intensive care wing of the hospital and released from St. Lawrence Hos­ She added that, if campaign do­ and one of his passengers, Keith Lyn pital. nations are any indication, the Wal­ Merrill, 18,12669 HollyLane.DeWitt lace bandwagon is rolling. "We have remains a patient at the hospital. DeWitt Township Police Chief so much money coming in from do­ Driver of another car, Anita Bruce Angell said there have been nations. It's great. We have more than Jaskiewlcz, 24, 1007 E.Geneva Drive, five accidents at that same spot enough to pay our bills." DeWitt, was also reported still in the during the heavy rains last weekend. Reaction from Republicans on the Lansing hospital. He added that no tickets were Issued in the three-car wreck pending further cross-over possibility ranged from DeWitt Township police said the investigation. mild distaste for the idea to no Thelen auto was traveling south on alarm at all. US-27 and crossed the center line' Fine arts State Rep. Richard Allen (R-Ithaca) near the by-pass curve, built as a DeWITT-DeWitt High School has said he didn't vote for the primary temporary road during the freeway announced plans for the Second Annual concept but didn't see anythingwrong construction of 1-69. Fine Arts Festival to be presented (Continued on page 15A) Police said Thelen lost control of Friday from 7-9 p.m. in the DeWitt the car and crossed the center lane High School building'. gjgsiaasjBB-jg'.^z^: THE FIRST NIGHTERS of BREATH of SPRING ST. JOHNS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRESENT RODNEY B. WILSON JR. HIGH AUDITORIUM APRIL 21-22 8 P.M. ,BTOB 'JBLX -4A' CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 Engaged CLINTON COUNTY NEWS PAGE BANNlSTER-rMr. and an exciting new way this ** Mrs. Frank Hoshield of year. Multl-celebrations 11989 Roosevelt Rd., Ban­ will be held in homes all nister, announce the engage­ over the world as small ment of their daughter, Dar- groups of women explore lene Marie, to FTG/3 Dennis the theme "Behold the for Women Woman.* From a Christian -Michael Darling, son of Mr. K K K /••X'X'M'W'X'X'K'K'W'K'M'IOX't'W'X'X'I'tV K fti?SK x$K^ a:K$ and Mrs. Oliver Darling of perspective they will seek ways to develop the poten­ eral months in Florida. 121 N. Second St., Elsie. Dennis is a 1968 grad­ tial of women to be full par­ Dale Crawford and Howard ticipants in society. As they SPECK-A boy, Matthew St Johns Woodbury spent a few days uate of Ovid-Elsie High. He is serving a four-year tour try to deepen their compre­ David, was born to Mr, and Mrs. Henry Jury of Jack­ last week fishing on the Mus­ hension of their faith as Mrs, John Speck of 602 W. Kristin Livingston of kegon River. in the U.S. Navy. Currently son was in St. Johns several Orchard Lake, is visiting; stationed at San Diego, Den­ Christians and of themselves State April 14, at Clinton days last week to visit her her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Finch was in St. KAREN SUE ASHER as women, their discussions Memorial Hospital. He Joseph Sunday; April 9, for nis has served two years mother, Mrs. Lee DeWitt, Mrs. Alden Livingston. aboard the USS Chevalier will also focus upon the weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. who is a patient at Clinton the confirmation of her broader problem of recog­ The baby has one sister. Mr. and Mrs. George grandson, Matthew Dale DD 805 with the Pacific Memorial Hospital. Octrnrvd ava hnma frnm P«« fleet. nizing and developing the un­ Grandparents are Mr. and Finch, son of Mr. and Mrs. zvtyayect tapped human resources of Mrs. John L. Speck of Flint Darlene is a senior at Fielding Finch, ST. JOHNS-Mr. and Mrs. all people. and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martis Ovid-Elsie High and is em­ M e tcalf e of P hlladelphla. William Asher of 1223 South ployed at the Elsie Public Jr. were In Bancroft, Wis, DeWltt Rd., announce the Since the first May Fel­ The mother is the former 'cTtoee ion ^wo over the weekend to attend Library. lowship Day observances in Sharon Metcalfe. engagement of their daugh­ The couple is planning the silver wedding celebra­ ter, Karen Sue to Tom Louis 1933, church women have tion of Mrs. Martis' Broth­ a June 17 wedding. used the first week in May Mizer. He is the son of Mr. REV. SAM WOOLCOCK EBERT-A girl, Shannon er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Mizer, 323 to emphasize the creative her bridal ring, and Mrs. Max Haviland. They The full time Crusade Con­ and healing relations that are Kathleen, was born to Mr. Center Street, St. Louis. Celebrate and Mrs. Robert Ebert -Jr. wedding rings for were accompanied by their The bride-elect is a 1971 sultant and Associate Evan­ possible among people in parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb gelist to Dr. Jack Van Impe every community. of Tustin, Calif. April 14 the two of you... graduate of St.'Johns High at Chapman General Hos­ Baker. School and is attending anniversary will be speakingSunday eve­ WACOUSTA (c) An Open The small celebrations pital. She weighed 7 pounds, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Craig's State College of ning, April 23 in the First permeating the community Brilliant Precision- house will be held Sunday, Baptist Church both in the 10 ounces. Grandparents are Knight drove to Harrisville Beauty. on May Fellowship Day this Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur Day Gem-Cut diamond, set on Tuesday, April 4 to at­ The prospective groom is April 23 at the Wacousta Youth Hour at 6:15 p.m. and Masonic Temple in honor of year represent the diversity of Tustin, Calif, and Mr. and high on fascinating bark tend the funeral service of a 1970 graduate of St. Louis the evening serviceat7p.m. that is to be found In Church Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Fuday The message of Rev. Sam Mrs. Robert Ebert Sr. The finish in extra-precious Mrs. Florence Holmes, High School, and recently Women United. Thev will be mother is the former Leslie daughter of Rev. and Mrs. completed a tour of duty in who are celebrating their -Woolcock will be, "Why 18K gold. The Trio, $117.95 40th wedding anniversary. microcosms of the plural­ Day. W. S. Phillips. Rev, Phillips the Army, serving in Viet­ Evangelize?" and accom­ ism in the community and the was a former minister in nam. He is employed in con­ The event will be held from panying him will be his wife world. Since thewomenfrom the Bengal Community 1 to 5 p.m. and will be hosted and four children who; will PECK—A girl, Rebecca struction. varied racial, economic and Naomi, was born to Mr. and See Our Complete around 1924. An Oct. 7 wedding date has by their children, Mrs. Jean be supplying the special educational backgrounds will Beagle of rural Traverse music for both services. . Mrs. Larry Peck of R-6, St. Selection of Stylish been set by the couple. represent such adiversityof Johns March 30 .at Carson Diamond Sets. City, Mrs. Jerl Byam of Rev. Woolcock has been resources and experiences, enlarged to show detail Celebrate rural Eagle and James Fu­ a member of the Van Impe City Hospital. She^ weighed the sessions will be charac­ 9 pounds, 10 ounces. The Complete day of rural Grand Ledge. Team for over the past two terized by discovery and the Mr. Fuday is a retired and one half years and has baby has one brother and In time for anniversary exchange of new ideas. This two sisters. Grandparents employee of Oldsmobile in organized over sixty large is valuable today when LANSING -- Mr. and Mrs. practice Lansing and Mrs. Fuday is area wide crusades for the are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graduation Dennis Irrer,formerlyofthe women are discovering that Trombley of Durango, Calif. employed bytheGrand Ledge Van Impe organization which what they thought were per­ rural St. Johns area, now of School system. has its international head­ The mother is the former sonal problems are corpor­ Joanne Trombley. Lansing, will be guests of teaching Friends and relatives of quarters in Royal Oak, honor at an open house in cel­ ate ones — problems that Western Michigan Univer­ the couple are invited to He is presently working many women have in common ebration of their 25th wed­ attend. Bulova ding anniversary. sity students who plan to be­ with over fifty other cities because of societal struc­ in setting up campaigns Their children, Robert, come classroom teachers tures, myths, and unreal­ Married Graduation is the start of throughout our nation as well istic expectations. | something new. Make it serving in the U.S. Navy, Will end their directed teach­ ing assignments in schools as in foreign countries. The GRAND LEDGE -- Cyn­ a good start with the gift Mary, Barbara and Steven of Van Impe Team will be in that counts ... a beautiful Lansing, cordially invite throughout the state this BEAGLE — A boy, Jeffrey "Behold the Woman" dis­ thia Kay Suboski became the new Bulova watch. See month. Earl, was born to Sp/4 and Lansing conducting an eight cussions will lead to action, bride of Michael Thomas friends and relatives to the day crusade this summer in all the new styles in our Plumbers Union Hall, 5405 A total of 1,273 WMU ed­ Mrs. LeRoy Beagle of Alex­ e'ach group and community Brown, Saturday, April 1, in Graduation Watch ucation majors complete andria Virginia, April 9 at July with sponsorship of determing the kind and a double ring ceremonyper- South Logan Lansing, Sunday many churches. Collection ... from §40. April 30, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. their practical experience in Alexandria Hospital. He direction. Task forces may formed in the Wacousta Unit­ classrooms with the close weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Rev. Travis, pastor ofthe be formed to make some of ed Methodist Church. lift I St. Johns Baptist Church, is the "dreams" of the women SEA KING "Ctt" 17 jewels. Calendar. Clinton County of the winter semester at the Grandparents are Mr. and Rev. Edward Otto 'per­ Stainless steel. $55. serving in this campaign as concrete. university. They have been Mrs. Earl Beagle of Wacous­ formed the 3 p.m. service. hers: News working throughout the ta and Mrs. Betty Mock of chairman of the ushering RHAPSODY "tt" 17 jewels. Silver •period under-skilled super­ Eaton Rapids and great committee and congre­ The local program will dial. Tapered link bracelet. ?55. Robert MacDonald...Gen. Mgr. The bride is the daughter visors In the various schools. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. gations within a fifty mile start with a tea and luncheon Timothy Younkman . . . Editor of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Su­ Of the total, 699 are en­ Charles Rose of Wacousta. radius of Lansing will be speaker will be Michael Annette White....Assoc. Editor participating in this en­ O'Connor, principal of Cen­ boski of 7275 East St, Joseph See our new styles featuring colored dials. Michael Preville . , Adv. Mgr. rolled in secondary educa­ The mother is the former- Highway, Grand Ledge and Harold Schmaltz..Asst Adv Mgr tion, 462 in elementary Bonny Mock. deavor. tral ftohnnl in St. Johns. His Rev. Woolcock is a native talk will be on Clinton the groom is the son of Mr. Second class postage paid at St education and 112 are train­ and Mrs. Thomas Brown of Johns, Mich. 46879. ing in special education. of Lansing and he and the County's Mygrant Education •"Vt ^"Ijltshed Wednesdays sit 120 E,. Each year thousands of items during the summer months. 8902 Herbison Road, Eagle. Hair's lewelry $f&WM*er Street; St.* JohnVbyScilntojl i Students listed from this on new and unproven methods family now reside there and t£fSCounly-News, Inc.***- P* * " " of cancer treatments are added their t travels have taken ill J..J -. > i iWtZ area are: Cheryl Lee Lemke Maid of honor'was Jo Dean ^,( Subscription price by'mall; Iqiilch- ^ to the American Cancer Socie­ them into nearly half of our 29 Years Selling Diamonds' In The Clin ton'A re a " iBanJ S5 lor one year, $9 fortwoyeara, of Elsie, Brenda Jean Upton Ouellett of Newberry and v»*,t3.75'^forjisU-months, J2- lor three ty's files. It's one way the So­ states singing and minister­ The Leon Smith Family of Maple Rapids and Lyn ciety tries to protect the public assisting as bridesmaids 114 N.Clinton " ' Ph?224- months; outside Michigan, $6 for one Susan LeBlond of St. Johns. ing. He produced and ap­ will perform in sacred con­ yar. from quacks. peared on the weekly tele­ cert at the Church of the were Mrs. Gayle Craun of vision series, "Life At Its Nazarene during the 11 a.m. Wacousta and Vera Brum of Best" for nearly two years worship service Sunday, Grand Ledge. '< which was viewed in our April 23. Serving as best man was area. Smith was formerly asso­ Dave Brown of Waqoustaand r^"f The public is invited to ciated with two well-known groomsmen were^Alanl Wal- Is A Complete Record attend. groups, Harbor Light Quar­ dron and Wayne1 Flavens, tet and the Skylight Trio. both of Wacousta. ^ ST. JOHNS — Church Also engaged in the Sun­ A reception was held at the of the Prescriptions You Obtain Women United in the~area day performance will be church following the cere­ will celebrate May Fellow­ Smith's two teenage daugh­ mony and another celebra­ ship Day on May 5, at 1:30 ters. tion was held In theihome of From Us VALUABLE? p.m. at the Maple Rapids The public is Invited to the bride's parents \later in United Methodist Church, in attend. the evening. ^ *

at We Think It Is! Emonuf She Sim

We think it is very important . . . and for that reason we keep and accurate record of every medication you get from Parr's. We can, in that way, help your doctor. We can spot contra-indications among medications We can spot wrong dosages or thfe; taking of to much of a drug. We can help you with your insurance Bare your claims and income tax. For this and foot to the breezes and * other reasons we keep a record of all discover year- round excitement your Prescriptions. In this trans-seasonal sandal. With bold, slde- buckJed strap prettily perched on a high squared off heel. An open-and-shut Does Your Present Drug Store Do This? case for the finesMn bare fashion. BLACK, BONE, WHITE CRINKLE PATENT.

arr'SRexan Pharmacy ECONOMY Also Owosso, ST. JOHNS SHOE STORE Durand, and 121 N.Clinton f irtt tn'FM* NtHint with FtmMt tmi »m Strand's Shoes, 201 N. Clinton St. Johns Phone 224-2213 Ionia ,,,1 Ph. 224-2837 XB April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 5A Marriage Couple speak vows Shafley - Bullard Licenses - Mark Barnum Bennett, 21, 21*0 Church St., St, Johns and wedding rite read Linda Carol Gllroy, 21, 2117 in Bannister Church ST, JOHNS -- The First yokes, extending over the East Townsend Road, St. and carnations dyed to match Congregational Church was arms In pastel shades of Johns. the bridesmaids gowns of the setting for the 7 p.m. agua, peach, lavender, yel­ Mark E, Ray, 20, 720 E. mint green, lavender, light service uniting in marriage low and blue. Their head­ Colmon Rd,, Lansing and blue and pink. Gall Lorraine Shafley and pieces were fashioned of Alice E, Cogswell, 24, 720 Maid of honor was Elaine Thomas Ray Bullard on Sat­ matching daisies with at- E. Coleman Rd,, Lansing. Chapko, Big Rapids and urday, April 1. , tached shoulder-length veils. Edwin H, Lamb, 25, R-5, bridesmaids w^ere Jamie Ho- They wore short white gloves St. Johns and Gertrude Ann rak, Owosso, CathyBeeman, Dr. Eugene Frlesen per­ formed the double-ring cer­ a*nd carried white wicker Wirth, 22, 504 1/2 Church Lalngsburg and Peggy baskets filled with daisies, St., St. Johns. Gromek, Mt. Clemens, emony before an altar decor­ ated with white mums and mums, roses and baby's The attendants wore gowns breath dyed in shades to fashioned of dotted swiss Easter Lilies. match their dresses. The with empire waist. Each car­ Church organist, Mrs, dresses and headpieces were WALL & WEBB ried a bouquet of daisies and Francis Dlebert accompan­ all designed and made by the poms. ied soloist Tom Fowler for bride's mother. Wally Gromek was best- the ceremony. Serving as best man was man with Joseph Ladiski, The bride Is the daughter Kenneth Frayer, Deleware, Frank Ladiski and James of Mr, and Mrs. Keith Shaf­ O., and groomsmen were Spalding as groomsmen. ley, 310 E, Sturgls,St. Johns Joe Klelen, Donald Randolph Ushees were Mitch Gromek and the groom Is the son of and Thomas Harper,all ofSt. and Edward Ladiski. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bull­ Johns. Ushers were Ben Special guest was Mrs. ard, R#4, St. Johns, Mills, Larry Blizzard, Jack Marie Horak, grandmother The bride was given in Woodhams and Brent Ballin- of the bride. marriage by her father and ger. The ring bearer was Following a reception at chose a white floor-length Craig Santrucek, of Elsie, ZCBJ Hall, Bannister the A-line gown designed by Al­ A reception was held at the newlyweds left on a trip to fred Angelo of polyester or­ VFW following the ceremony the Smokey Mts,, Knoxville, ganza with high cut-a-way for 450 guests. Tenn, The new Mrs. Gromek neckline and full sleeves and Special guests were Mr. chose a lavender one piece trimmed with chantllly lace •and Mrs, Herschel Wood- dress for travel. and seed pearls. Her full- hams and Mr. and Mrs. Har­ The bride Is a 1969 grad­ length chapel veil edged with old Shafley, grandparents of uate of Ovid-Elsie and prev­ matching chant illy lace was the bride and Mrs, Belva iously employed at USF and G held In place by a band of Sullivan, grandmother of the Insurance Co., Lansing. The lace and pearls and she car­ groom. groom is a 1971 graduate of ried a bouquet of white roses, lily of the valley and ivy. The bride chose a polyes­ Michigan State University ter print of cream, blue and and is employed by Tennes­ Maid of honor was Krlstine MR. AND MRS. THOMAS RAY BULLARD purple with a blue cape for see Valley Authority, Knox- Shafley, St, Johns, while travel. vllle, Tenn. serving as bridesmaids were Following a trip to the They are now at home at Kathy Naritz, Lansing, Smokey Mountains the new ++++++ 6001 Clinton Highway, Knox- Open ho Charlene Walders, Hudson- Mr. and Mrs. Bullard will be MR. AND MRS. KRYSTYN HENRYK GROMEK vllle, Tenn. vllle and Cheryl Roth, Grand residing at 505 W, Hlgham, Anniversary open house articles accompanied by a Ledge, Flower girl was Cin­ St. Johns. Sharon Stoy ELSIE — Joanne Marie accompanied by Mrs. Earl I photo must be in the News office no later than 5 dy Armbrustmacher, St, p.m. on Friday to insure coverage in the next edition The bride Is a senior at Lynn Smith Ladiski and Krystyn Henryk Slagh and Greg Johns. Announcement Johns. The attendants wore June 24 Gromek exchanged wedding of the paper. Butterworth Hospital School Given in marriage by her floor-length A-line gowns of Nursing in Grand Rapids vows before an altar dec­ father the bride chose a gown A Bishop H Sewing Course 1 Articles brought In later than Friday will be used will be offered at St. Johns as time and space allow. styled with empire waistline. and the groom is a 1967 orated with yellow mums, fashioned by her aunt, Mrs. % The gowns were sleeveless daisies and poms, at St, Cy­ High School beginning April 8 graduate of Rodney B. Wil­ Paul Ladiski, of light yellow P/y/ss/teXtmy/ffl^^ with wide matching lace son High School. WX/VVVVW rix's catholic Church in Ban­ dotted swiss designed in 18 and ending on May 30. nister April 7 at 6 p.m. scallops, over silk organza. The Claris will meet on Rev. Fr, Thomas Kowal- The bodice was styled in yel­ Tuesday nights from 7 p.m. cyzk performed the double- low dotted swiss with puffy to 10 p.m. in Room 148 of ring ceremony for the daugh­ sleeves and the entire dress the high school. ter of Mr, and Mrs. Frank trimmed with daisies. Her Fee for the 18 hour course Ladiski, R-l, Watson Rd„ floor-length veil was se­ Is $20 and Interested per­ Elsie and the son of Mr. and cured by a headpiece de­ sons should enroll at the Mrs. Aleksander Gromek, signed In yellow velvet and Vocational Office. 135 Grand Ave., Mt,,Clem­ yellow roses, the bottom of the veil was trimmed with Cigarette smoking can rob ens. you of years of life. Nobody The bride's brother Rob­ daisies. She carried a bou­ Ifkcs a quitter, but we do says ert Ladiski was soloist and quet of daisies, yellow poms the American Cancer Society.

this little piggy SAVES Regularly

The Symphonettes, musical ambassadors from Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music, will appear in Smart people save concert at the Grove Bible Church on April 23 at 11 a.m. The 12-voice ladies' ensemble will -present a program regularly. of sacred music including anthems, hymn arrangements, gospel songs and spirituals. An instrumentalist is featured Saving for the in each section of the program. The public is invited to attend. future is mighty

DeWitt important. Stop by Band Boosters "Hootenanny" soon and we'll show Present A A Local Talent Variety Show you how easy it is Sunday to become a regular April 23 smart saver. Get the savings habit. 3:00 p-m-h

We'll Show You How to Make Your Money Grow Donation Benefit: Band Uniforms Adults '1.50 CAPITOL SAVINGS & And Equipment Students 75* LOAN ASSOCIATION Fund. INCORPORATED 1S?0 • LANtlN*. MICHIGAN Mftin Officii 122 E. Alltfin, Luulnf, Mlehlftn R 222 N. CLINTON AVE. - ST. JOHNS J 6A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 Rotary Club award given to Rev. Manker St. Joe religious program expanded

membership In the club Rev. A total of 545 students time schedule, was accomp­ A 'native of Chicago, Sr. BENTON HARBOR-Rev. lished through the efforts of Wesley Manker, pastor of Manker introduced many participated In this year's Ryan -received her ,high new Ideas Into the organiza­ revised CCD program with Sr. Ryan who has been In­ school diploma from St., the Church of the Nazarene volved in some form of 'in St. Johns was presented tion among them, the weekly 245 being in grades one Phillip High lb Battle Creek, mystery Rotarlan project through six who attend St. teaching capacity for the past Ml. and a degree from Naz­ with a distinguished service nine years. "The dropping award here Friday, and the anniversary Joseph school. The remain- areth College at Kalamazoo luncheons held each month. •ing 155 students are in high of grades seven and eight In 1958. She received an MS He was one of six Rotary from our school last year members from the district Rev. Manker, who per­ school and met weekly on In 1968 from the University formed his ministerial Wednesday evening for the provided the 'impetus' we of Detroit, Since Joining the honored at the 23rd annual needed to step into a new Rotary conference of Dis­ duties in Traverse City for special classes. St. Joseph order, Sr. Ryan trict 636 which was held six years prior to moving has taught at a number of to St. Johns four years ago, In additlon^to routine re­ and enlarged CCD pro­ Catholic schools in cities at the Ramada Inn, Thepre- ligious Instruction and dis­ gram," Sr, Ryan comment­ sentatlon was' made by is married and the father of throughout southern Michi­ four children. cussion! the students ed. "It's been a successful Ronald E, Weger of Lan­ gan. i He and his wife, Kathryn, throughout the year partici­ year, I believe, but any de­ sing, outgoing , district pated in charitable and so­ gree of' success can be governor of the organization, reside at 609 North Lansing North Victor Street. cial activities in the com­ directly attributed to the District 636 Is composed By Mrs Elzle Exelby Also attending the con­ munity. The charitable ef­ parents and our staff of ex­ of 40 clubs Including the St, SISTER MARY ANN RYAN cellent instructors," ference representing the forts included some of direct 1St6ckman-Hortoni Grange Johns organization, benefit to families In the Thirty members of the local club were outgoing The first year of an ex­ will meet on Friday even­ Rev. Manker was the area as well as projects and parish - all of whom have unanimous choice of the St, president, Charles Coletta; panded program of religious ing April 14 with Mr. and two newly elected officers, activities which raised funds received professional relig­ Johns Rotary club's board instruction for students of ious teaching Instruction - Mrs, John Watlin near Bath. of 'directors for the award Virgil Zeeb, president and all levels through high school for school use. A potlbck supper will be Brandon C. White Jr., vice- served as teachers during which he gained for par­ was recently completed at The expanded CCD pro­ the past year. held before the business ticipation as the club's fel­ president, Harold Wellman, St. Joseph school and the gram, including the release meeting.^ lowship chairman. newly appointed director, cooperation of public and and Dr. James Schwelgert, During his year and a half parochial school' officials was felt to be an important factor in the program's suc­ Green Tee plans card party cess. ST. JOHNS - The annual Door prizes will be A major phase of the in­ spring dessert card party, awarded throughout the eve­ struction schedule involved which is sponsored annually ning with a special prize Junior high students attend­ REV. WESLEY MANKER by the Green Tee, will be of a full set of ladles'irons ing Confraternity of Chris­ held at the Clinton County to be presented to the lucky tian Doctrine classes during Country Club Monday eve­ winner, release time from their pub­ No job is too large or too smal ning, April 24 at 8 p.m. lic school schedules. Sr. for CAINS COMPUTE Mary Ryan) director of the it Blue Star Mather A CCD program at St. Joseph Reservations for mem­ School praised the schedule bers and their guests are BODY SHOP Past Presidents of Dis­ which allowed 145 seventh being taken by Nancy Wells, and eighth graders to re­ chairman of the event, 224- trict 3 Blue Star Mothers of America held their spring ceive regular religious in­ Any Make-Any Model 7750, Ricki Dean, 224-7508 struction as part of their and Enid White, 224-2948. meeting at Muskegon on Bumping-Painting -Reconditioning April 12, Those from the routine educational curricu­ the finest workmanship makes It look like new Other members serving on local chapter who attended lum'. the committee are Karen were Mary Masarik, Elolse CAINS InC. Pontine Hundley, Eunice LaBar, Pease, Ruth Barrett, Bertha 210Higham St. Johns 224-3231 Bette Munger and Jeneen Henning, and Mary Masarik, Students in the primary special room at East Needham. April 14 eight local mem­ Under the direction of Essex School enjoy breakfast together each morning through bers attended the 30th anni­ Walter Cole, agroupofelgth the efforts, of two local service organizations, the St. versary of chapter 12 in and ninth graders put on an Lansing at the Civic Center, instrumental music program Johns Exohange Club and the St, Johns Jaycee Auxiliary. The evening was started with for Clinton County Seniors on The menu, which includes juice, cereal, milk and cookies, a supper at 0:30. The enter­ April 11. tainment was a number of Two 8th graders played a has improved their performance in the classroom. Pic­ selections by the "Grannie flute duet and a woodwind tured left to right are, Jim George, Christopher Isaac, Band" of Lansing composed quintet of ninth graders of Senior Citizens. Detec­ played several numbers. Janet Sohmid, Michelle Low, Billy Rhynard and Teena tive March of the State Police They had flu to, oboe, clari­ Claybough. ' showed some'slides on drugs net, bassoon and French and gave a very Interesting horn. and Informative explanation * Mr. Cole, proud of these of experiences of the police students as they play class­ CAR and drug addicts. He con­ ical music, told the group ducted a question and answer that there are 450 students in TKdt* period at the close of his the band program, 100 in or­ talk. chestra and about 150 In the choir. They put on several ORDWAY — A girl, Nicole concerts _ during the year. Rene, was born to Mr, and Mrs, James F, Ordway of LOAN? The Fowler Monslgnoi Preparations are going '805, W. Walker, St. Johns, Esper Council 302J, will ^be forward forthe regional sen­ April B, at' Carson City Hos­ ): " 15557 North East St. holding ifs^nfialfrasfGrand " ior citizens meeting to be pital. She weighed 8 pounds, > held In SmltK'Hall on May 2 ounces. Grandparents are Lansing Ph. 482-6273' Thinking of buying a new car? Tell your dealer you want to finance It Knight banquet and "also its * 25th anniversary Sunday, 24. Mr, and Mrs, Aaron Ordway, PROFESSIONAL CAREERS through AB8J. Service Is prompt, confidential and monthly payments are The Rhythm Band is re­ and Mr. and Mrs, Richard April 23 at Holy Trinity IN THE BEAUTY FIELD, School Hall. The program hearsing for programs they E, Miller. The mother lsthe CLINIC arranged to fit your budget. AB8J's low bank-rate financing is have been invited to put on in former Judl Miller. New classes starting will begin at S o'clock, OPEN TO the first Tuesday of geared to help you drive home In style. -The main speaker will be other cities, MATICE — A boy, Joshua THE every month The next regular meeting Robert, was born to Mr. and PUBLIC Michigan Supreme Court For further Information, write or call Justice Thomas Kay_anaugh, will be held on April 25 Mrs. William Matice of 1013 Mrs. Sonnenberg, Manager. a program and dance will and all senior citizens are W, Shiawassee, Lansing, Ap­ MI-.MD1 K 01- All services rendered by supervised follow. cordially invited. ril 8 at Clinton Memorial NATIONAL senior students for a minmum charge. Hospital. He weighed 6-1/2 ASSOCIATION Ol BANK AND TRUST pounds. The baby has one FREE Wigs ti Hairpieces COHMI-TOLOCY PARKING Cleaned and "jlyh-il.. • • iCOMPANV. » * CAU 224 2361 brother. Grandparents are Use NEWS WANT ADS Mr. and Mrs, Ladd Barthol­ I MEMBER FDIC 1 omew and Mrs, Robert - NEWS WANT ADS CAN SELL ANYTHING ice, The mother Is the form­ BANK MODERN • BANK AMERICAN er Valerie Bartholomew, It Pays to Shop at North Victor By Mrs. Elzle Exelby'

AND BLOUSES Shurflni • 15 oz, , $p TO $498 RED KIDNEY DICK HAROLD 00 HAWKS GREEN BEANS 5fOr'l SLACK SETS 108BRU$H St. Johns, Phone 2247160 14 Convenient Lending Officei Serving Laming, SHORT SETS STATE FARM mil IAIM FRECHEN'S MARKET t, DoWltf, Eaton Rapids, Dlmandals, Meridian KNEE SOX INSURANCE COMPANIES Homi Officii! L JI FOWLER . SPORT SOX Bloomingtsn, lltlnali INIlHANf't Free Parking in Rear of Store April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 7A r Perry and Mrs. Jennie Gilll- i gan, both of Kalamazoo; and five brothers, John and Paul ValleyFarms Clinton area obituaries of Saginaw, Donald of New L J Mexico, Victor of Lake DeWitt Odessa and Vincent of Paw MRS. JULIA RICHARDS Florence I. and Wililam Scarbrough of the Korean war and a Paw. were married Dec. 24, 1904 member of St. Joseph's ~* Funeral services were DeWitt Bethel No. 46 of in Bannister and preceded Catholic Church, held at the St. Joseph patho- Job's Daughters will spon- Bennett her In June 1960. Survivors include his lic Church in St. Johns Tues­ * sor a spaghetti dinner at the ELSIE (c) — Funeral Surviving are four daugh­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. day. DeWitt Temple, Saturday, services were held for Mrs. ters, Ruth Scarbrough and Andrew Fox of Pewamo; two April 29, Serving from 6:30 Florence I, Bennett, 79, of Mrs. Mildred Conklin, both brothers, James Fox of ; Calendar Of < to 9:00 p.m. Tickets $1,25 241 E. Elm St., Elsie at the of Elsie, Mrs. Maxine Mc­ Gladwin and Leonard Fox for adults and $.75 for chil­ Carter Funeral Home Clelland of Ovid, Mrs. Sylvia of Portland; four sisters, dren, Tuesday with the Rev. Elson Jelinek of Bannister; one Mrs. Jeanette Perleberg of Coming Events; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rich­ Raymond officiating. Burial son, Guy Scarbrough of Chippewa Lake, Mrs. Joan was made in Riverside Cem­ APRIL 19 - The St. Johns ards attended th e 7 p.m. Clearwater, Florida; one Pline of Pewamo, Mrs. Woman's Club will hold Its wedding of their nephew Tom etery, brother, Frank Oberlin of Yvonne Robinson of Lyons Mrs. Bennett had been ill annual meeting at the United Howes of Ithaca and Deborah Bannister; 11 grandchildren and Mrs. Diane Stoakes of Methodist Church in St. Frisbie of Alma at Forest for many months and passed and 29 great grandchildren. Ionia. away Saturday at the Clinton Johns. Featured will be a Hill, Friday, April 7. The Memorial Hospital in St. potluck salad bar luncheon. bride is the daughter of Mr, Johns. She was born In Eden, Harlen Martina Installation of new officers and Mrs. William Frisbie Ontario, Feb. 19, 1893, the will take place along with a and the bridegroom' is the daughter of Presered and Dershem Ridenour White Elephant sale with son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gessie Beemer and nioved Mrs. Alan Dean as. auction­ Howes Sr. They will make from Elkton to Elsie six ST. JOHNS-Harlen Der­ LANSING - Martina eer. their home in Ithaca. years ago. She and Ohaon shem, 86, of 200 NorthLan- Ridenour, 70, of 3612 Macon APRIL 19-Fowler Chris­ Mr. and Mrs, Al Collins, Bennett were married Sept. sing Street, died Sunday, Ave., Lansing.died Tuesday, tian Mothers Society will Mr. and Mrs. Otis Stanley, 25, 1910 in Ashley. He died April 16 at the Clinton Me­ April 11 at St. Lawrence sponsor a Mother-Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stay in October 1968. She was a morial Hospital. Hospital. banquet at 6;3Q p.m. at the and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rich­ member of the; Nazarene Funeral services will be Funeral services were Fowler High School Gym. ards had dinner at Mayfleld's Church. j held Wednesday, April 19 held Saturday, April 15 at the Entertainment and door Restaurant In Wyman, last at the Osgood Funeral Home Abbott Chapel of the Osgood prizes. Tickets are on sale Saturday night, ( Surviving are:' one daugh­ in St. Johns with Rev. Harold ter, Margaret /Gladwell of Funeral Homes Inc., Maple at the Fowler Variety Store Mr. and Mrs. Leadley Homer officiating. Burial Rapids with Rev. Donald A. at $2 per person. The meal Elsie; one sister, Hope Kiser was in Mt. Rest Cemetery. Moots returned to their home of Sun City Center, Fla,; one Wenstrom officiating. Burial will feature chicken. last Tuesday after spending He was born in Gibson- was in Sowle Cemetery. grandson, arid two great burg, Ohio on March 15, four months in Arizona. grandchildren! She was born in Lebanon APRIL 19 - Marks the 1886, the son of George and opening of the 24th annual At the DeWitt past matrons Mary Ritchie Dershem and Township on Feb. 3* 1902, meeting last week heldatthe the daughter of Alf and Clara St. Johns Rotary Youth Ta­ Lael W Upton had been a resident of St. lent Show which will be open home of Mrs. Ken Richards, Johns for the past 28 years, B. Thomas WInans and had twelve members were pres­ been a resident of Lansing to the public from 7 to 9 ST. JOHNS-LaelW.Upton prior to that lived in Essex p.m. On Friday, April 21 ent. Euchre was at play and Township. He married the since 1972. She married prizes were won by Mrs. 69, of R-i; Essex Township Merle Ridenour on Dec, 30, the various winners will be died Tuesday, April 11 at former Myrtle Green in St. on hand to explain their exhi­ John McCrum, Mrs. Harry Louis on Nov. 23, 1910. His 1921 and he preceded her in Fletcher and Mrs. Leadley the Carson City Hospltalfol- death. She was a member of bits to the public. Over 40& lowlng a long illness. life work was farming and entries will be on display Moots. The May meetingwill he was a charter member of Pilgrim Congregational be. with Mrs. Raymond Funeral services were Church, Ingham Medical at the Municipal Building held Friday, April 14 at the the Clinton County Farm in downtown St. Johns. Locher. Bureau. Hospital Auxiliary and Wel­ Abbott Chapel of the Osgood come Travelers Club. Funeral Home with Rev. Survivors include his April 19 - Clinton wife; three sons, Harold and Survivors include two Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Robert Myers of the Congre­ daughters, Mrs. Mildred gational Christian Church Francis of St. Johns; Lester board will meet at 8 p.m. Opmj^tte^ of St. Louis; three daugh­ Slocum and Janet Ridenour, in the cafeteria of the hos­ officiating. Burial was in both of Lansing; three grand­ Sowles Cemetery. ters, • Mrs. Martha Klopp of pital. from VAN W. HOAG Lansing, Mrs. Marlorie children. APRIL 20 - Salad Smor­ He was born In Clinton gasbord luncheon, sponsored County on Sept. 23, 1902, the Fritzsche of Highland Park, It's official now. . .It's Rodney E. Wilson Junior 111., Mrs. Norma Jean at the United Methodist Dear friends, son of Elmer G. and Hattie Arnold F. Church in St. Johns will be High School. Members of the student council watch as Stead Upton and had been Jacob of Murfreesboro, Term.; a brother, Ervin held from 11 a.m, to 1 p.m. workmen from Payne-Rosso Company in Lansing erected It deserves emphasis that a lifelong resident of the Price is $1.50. Maple Rapids area. Dershem of Ceres, Calif.; Weiland the time, the place,,the char­ a sister, Mrs. Millie Let- a new sign changing the lettering on the. junior high from acter' of the funeral servlcec Survivors include three WESTPHALIA - Arnold i APRIL 20—YWCA Coffee the merchandise used, the sisters, Mrs. Elma Roberts, tick of St. Louis; 34 grand­ F. Weiland, 77, of Westphalia and Issues, 9:30 a.m. the building that formerly housed the high school. The cemetery selected - these are Mrs. Bernice Creaser, both children; 32 great-grand­ died Sunday, April 16 at the Speaker: Miss Wilma Jack- . students, with some aid from the school board, raised decisions of the family of the of St. Johns and Mrs. Edna children; two sons and a home of his daughter, Mrs. son from Owosso College. deceased. The funeral direc-" Rogers of Shelbyville, Tex.; daughter preceded him in Rita Miller, after an ex­ Topic: "The Changing funds by sponsoring outside school activities to pay for tor acts only as a representa­ v tive of the family. •a brother, Verne Upton of death. tended illness. Family." Rolls and coffee- the installation. Pictured are council members, Diane 25 cents. Babysitting by The clergyman should be R-l, St. Johns; six nieces Funeral services were Knight, Bob Ditmer, Janet Purtill, Greg Hazel, Wayne consulted In matters that con­ and five nephews. The neph­ Stephen T. held at St. Mary's Church reservation. cern him before any decisions ews served as pallbearers. In Westphalia Tuesday, April April 21 - Bingham Studer, Mark Pardee, Mark Wood and Keith Haske. are made. 18 with Rev. James Schmltt Grange will meet at the hall Gertrude Fox officiating. Burial was in the at 8 p.m. Business meeting Respectfully, PEWAMO—Stephen, T. church cemetery. t ^ and program will be followed Local club members i ' HeLwas'bornin^estphalia, Scarbrough ; ;;Fox, ,42, of:--329 North.State by lightrefreshments,. • - Street, Pewamo died Sun­ ' on Dec. 10,; 1894; the son of - Simon and Theresa Fedewa APRIL f22~peWltt Band prepare for meeting , ELSIE (c)—Funeral ser­ day, April 16 at Veteran's Boosters will sponsor tf , Saturday noon at a hospital April 25 •- The Highland said land, between,the Grand Trunk here. Hills Ladies Golf League Must fill out and mail in this coupon, Railrbad and West Front Street Joseph Mlchutka, 342 W. will have a "get acquainted* coffee at the clubhouse at {along with your check or money order.) bounded on the East by Mill Street. Williams St., Ovid, was a former village council and 9:30 a.m. Section 3. That the premises Ovid-Elsie school board 1 . J , (please print) j member. He was employed APRIL 26 - Lebanon Lad­ 1, Name.. I hereinafter described s|iall be re- as a milk hauler, since 1946 ies Aid Society will meet at zoned from RA-1 to B-2, general and held memberships Jin - the homeofWIIma Wright for I n_ •••' ! business. the Holy Family Catholic a potluck dinner held at noon. Church and the Ovid VFW • • / - Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, &, 6, 7* and 8 and American Legion. He . APRIL 27 - St. Jdhns fl of blo.ck 14 of the Plat of the Vil­ was a veteran of World W r Morning Muslcale members^ OSGOOD 1 State ,*...Zip Code. II. will meet at the First Con­ lage of Ovid. He Is survived by. his gregational Church In St. FUNEkAL HOMES - -y DALE CROSSLAN, wife, Elaine; three' daugh­ Johns for dinner at 6:30p.m. ST. JOHNS FOWLER Mail To: T :• Village Cleijk ters, Jan Patrice, Lea Ann Program will be presented Tfails-a-Way, Circulation Office and Amy Jo, all at home; by the sons and daughters of MAPLE RAPIDS v OVID ' 109 N. Lafayette St., Greenville, Michigan 48838 ..•'•-•.if'" two sisters, Mrs. Josephine the members. 1 x»oi 8A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,197 County Board of Commissioners tended at Chairman Shepard's request) which would nu,Tuesdayn~*n„ , JanuarT„„..«.-«y, A4,197 1QOO2 Mr sciencesQoknnac , relatinrokHnigr tfno recenrocanft boardactiohnarHi^HnnwaeroPolveriatirn was received anid i-tOpenlandennninnJnMr - iw«!•„,.*™>,Watertown„ Townshipm-„>n„i.fn.; riCatlln-Watern MI n_ Ufa !*».y A letter from "Robert J, RusselVState'Jailln'spector,' February 10, 1972 at 8:00 'p.'m." in -the matter of the" Clinton County Drain was read. No action was taken. Many think that this is informin[**this Board of the necessity of*anj,intercom annexation of the Capital City • Airport by the City of Commissioner a local problem, township or city. system in the cell blocks at the jail. This is required Lansing, was read. The committee will plan to attend. An invitation to Board Chairman Shepard to attend under Rule #791.102, Rule 2, section g. The chairman A request from Drain Commissioner, Dale Chapman, Mr. Chapman extended an Invitation to commission a one day seminar at Kellogg Center on February 29, turned this over to the Building and Grounds Committee. for permission for himself and Drain Engineer, Arden members to attend the Drain commission Annual Con­ 1972. The meeting is entitled Project *80 and 85." An Lankford then moved, supported by Montgomery, Plerson, to attend the State Association meeting to be vention to be held in Lansing February 2, 3 and 4, analysis of the long run prospects for rural Michigan to authorize the Building and Grounds Committee the held in Lansing February 2, 3 and 4, was read. Nobis Commissioner Lankford reported on a meeting of the with emphasis on "1985*, was read. authority to install an intercom system at the Jail. moved, supported by Hufnagel, to approve the request. Building Authority Committee. The Committee feels that The Board recessed at 10:15 a.m. Voted and carried. Voted and carried. additional, information Is needed before they can submit Upon again coming to order, Wlllard Krebel, pre­ A letter from the Citizens Research Council, lnform- Commissioner Gove reported that County Health a recommendation. sented the annual report of the Register of Deeds office. . ing this Board of the acceptance of their resolution Sanitarian, Darwin Root, has resigned effective February Nobis reported a meeting of the Civil Defense He answered questions arising from it. It was moved requesting a position classification for county employees 25, 1972. They are seeking a replacement. Committee and the Civil Defense Director to be held by Gove," supported by Hufnagel, to accept the report was read. The clerk was instructed to send a suitable The Board recessed for committee work at9:45a.m. at the Commissioner's Room on January 27, 1972 at and place on file. Voted and carried. reply. Upon again coming to order, Dale Chapman pre­ 9:00 a.m. A letter from William Goldberg, informingtheBoard sented the Drain Commissioners Annual Report. He The Board recessed at 11:00 a.m. ANNUAL REPORT REGISTER OF DEEDS ' of his qualifications in probational services was received briefly reviewed the report and answered questions Upon resuming session, Thomas Handyside of Jones Clinton County ' and placed on file. arising from it. Hufnagel moved, supported by Under­ and Henry Company, engineering firm of Toledo, Ohio, January 1 thru December 31,1971 Meeting recessed at 10:30 a.m. hill, to adopt the report as presented. Voted and carried, appeared and reviewed the services which his firm offered Upon resuming session, Commissioner Nobis, re­ on solid waste disposal. • TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: porting for the Government and Personnel Committee, ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DRAIN COMMISSIONER OF Commissioners expense accounts were read. It was I respectfully submit the following report covering presented a letter from, the Department of Natural THE COUNTY OF CLINTON, STATE OF MICHIGAN moved by Gove, supported by Hufnagel, to approve the recording and filing of real estate instruments, Resources regarding House Bill 4011, Snowmobile Act. To the Honorable Board of Commissioners of the commissioners expense accounts as read. Votetj and financing statements (chattel papers) and court documents. He moved, supported by Underhill, to recommend approval County of Clinton: carried. by this Board and to enter into the safety education In compliance with the provisions of Section 31 of The Board recessed for lunch at 11:55 a.m. RECEIPTS and law enforcement program offered by the State on a Chapter 2 of Act No. 40 of the Public Acts of 1956,1 P. M. SESSION i share basis of 25% county and 75% state funding. Voted have the honor of submitting my Annual Report, as Deeds Recorded 1,979 Fees $ 4,201.50 1 and carried. County Drain Commissioner of the County of Clinton, Commissioner Lankford, Chairman of the Finance Mortgages 2,208 Fees 6,361.00 Duane Chamberlain, Chairman of the Land Use covering . the period .from the first day of January, Committee, recommended the following transactions to Financing Statements 6,765 Fees 6,765.00 1 Committee, reported a meeting with the Zoning Appeals- 1971 to the first day of January, 1972, balance accounts for the fiscal year of 1971, He moved, Searches Fees 983.50 Board in regards to the new Zoning Ordinance. The supported by Gove, to approve the transfer from election Copies Fees Fees ' 783.30 consensus of opinion Is to allow house trailers under THE FOLLOWING NAMED DRAINS WERE LEFT account surplus balance to the end of fiscal year 1971 Liens and Misc.(inc. oil leases) Fees 6,685.35 unique conditions. This matter will go before the Zoning UNFINISHED JANUARY 1, 1971: to the General Fund the amount of $5,145,53. Voted and Michigan Real Estate Transfer C ommisslon for approval before coming before the Board. • Maple River (Inter-County) - Gratiot, Shiawassee carried unanimously. Tax Fees 20,616.55 The Health Committee reported the hiring of a doctor and Clinton Counties (P.L. 566 Project) Lankford moved, supported by Montgomery, to Services (Credit Bureau, Burton for Mid-Michigan Health Department. Dr. Aurang will Gross and Taylor - Westphalia Township transfer $5,145,53 from the General Fund to Contingency . & Transamerlca Title & begin his duties February 1, 1972. Lehman - Westphalia Township; Kramer - West­ Fund. Voted and carried unanimously. Abstract Cos.) Fees l',580.00 Commissioner Ditmer called the Board's attention phalia Township Lankford moved, supported by Shinabery, to transfer to the matter of AAA Ambulance service request to Mill Branch - Branch 101 and Bath Village Branch from Contingency Fund $13,618.53 to the several accounts meet with local units of government. ' of Mead - Bath Township listed to balance accounts for the fiscal year of 1971: Meeting adjourned for lunch. Assignment Clerk (102-023) $ 372.37 Grand Total $47,976.20 P.M. SESSION THE FOLLOWING NAMED DRAINS HAVE BEEN Jail (104-075) 399.41 COMPLETED DURING THE YEAR: Plat Board (103-108) 80.93 DISBURSEMENTS Chairman Shepard called the meeting to order at Gross and Taylor - Westphalia Township Probate Court (102-111) 94.52 1:30 p.m. Lehman - Westphalia Pension Fund (retire) (109-128) 2,186.48 Salaries - Supervisory & Clerical $23,101.88 • Arnold Minarik, Zoning Administrator, appeared. He Social Security (109-140) 1,182.35 Printing & Binding 1,033.48 presented cost figures on the New Zoning Ordinance and THE FOLLOWING NAMED DRAINS HAVE BEEN Sheriff (104-135) 7,328.55 Postage 241.04 requested the Board to set a price on them. Discussion STARTED AND NOT COMPLETED: Zoning Commission (103-176) 1,973.92 Travel 204.17 followed. Copies will be distributed to various units Maple River (Inter-County) - Gratiot, Shiawassee ^13,618.53 Membership & Subscriptions '25.00 of government. and Clinton Counties (P.L. 566 Project) Voted and carried unanimously. Office Equipment Repairs & Commissioner" Nobis moved, supported by Andrews, Kramer - Westphalia Township Maintenance & Rentals 598.08 Nobis moved, supported by Montgomery, to approve to set a price of $5.00 per copy for the New Zoning Mill Branch, Branch 101 and Bath Village Branch of Office Supplies 387.86 the request of the Register of Deeds and the County Ordinance and this to include any amendments to it for Mead - Bath Township Office Furniture & Fixtures 1,228.84 Clerk to attend the United County Officers Conference the next two years if the purchaser wishes it. Voted and .Other Supplies - Micro-film 1,254.64 at Lansing, January 17 and 18. Voted and carried. carried, THE FOLLOWING NAMED DRAINS HAVE BEEN Grand Total \ $28,074.99 Michigan Employment Security "Commission repre­ REPAIRED THIS YEAR: Lankford moved, supported by Shinabery, that the sentatives appeared, Mr. Don Bearndtlnformed the Board Jones Branch of Reynolds - (Inter-County) - Ingham Government and Personnel Committee be authorized to SUMMARY of their locating in Clinton County and the services and Clinton Counties; Snow - Essex and Bengal Townships approve county officers attending their annual confer­ they perform. They work closely with the Social Services Cooper and Branches - DeWitt Township; Snyder - ences. Voted and carried. Receipts $47,976.20 Department. Mr. Deer then enlargedupon the WIN Project Eagle Township As this was the appointed time to hold a public hear­ Disbursements 28,074.99 they are' starting in this area. Mr. Clifton Hack, WIN Feightllng - Essex, Bingham and Bengal Townships ing on a County Reapportionment Plan (2:30 p.m.), Balance to County General Fund 19,901.21 Project Supervisor for Ingham, Eaton and Clinton Counties Ellis and Youngs - Essex Township; Lester - Ovid Apportionment Committee Chairman, Lankford presented was also present and answered questions from Board Township the proposed plan. WILLARD KREBEL members. They would like to park a trailer, for office Peck til- - Riley and Olive Townships; KIssane - Present were Herman Openlander, Donna Syverson, Register of .Deeds space use only, at the Social Services parking lot.' Bingham Township Roy VanSickle, Thomas Hundley, Paul Freel of Tri This Board voiced no objection to their parking the " County Regional Planning Commission, Betty Mlnsky and' Lankford reported on a committee meeting with trailer, with the exception that when the-Social Services Bath Highway Tile -BathTownship;WaltzandSturgts Tim Younkman, newsreporters. Robert Russell, State Jail Inspector. He -stated that is expanded, they would have to remove the trailer. - Dallas Twp. The plan would perpetuate the 11 Commissioners any alteration to the present Jail will require his depart­ Chairman Shepard distributed copies of the com­ Porter Smith - Bath Township; Hammond - Olive Districts with some alterations. Lankford called for com­ ment's approval, t mittee assignments to the Board of Commissioners Township ments. Discussion followed. No one'voiced any objection Nobis feels that the Jail facilities may be the key for 1972. Ice Pond - Bingham Township; Smith and Sutton - to the proposed plan, Lankford moved, supported by to the entire building plans. Mr. Russell'will send Commissioner Nobis inquired as to the possibility Dallas and Bengal Townships Montgomery, that the committee continue to develop a an informal letter with some recommendations. of a postage meterfor the Court House, Chairman Shepard Derham Extension - Watertown and Riley Townships plan with eleven (11) County Commissioner Districts. Ditmer, reporting for the Property Management turned the matter over to the Property Management Beeman (Inter-County) - Shiawassee and Clinton Voted and carried unanimously. Committee, stated the committee approved the request Committee* Counties The Board recessed at 3:30 p.m. from* District Court for a desk at a cost of $119.00. Chairman declared a short recess at 2:45 p.m. Passmore and Branch - Olive Township Upon again coming to order, Almond Cressman re­ He stated further that they do not make a recommendation Upon resuming session, a communication from D.D, Fairfield, Elba and Duplain (Inter-County) - Gratiot, ported on a meeting held In Lansing on the proposed Harpstead* chairman of the Department of Crop and Soil Shiawassee and Clinton Counties Manpower Area Planning Council. (Mr. Cressman at­ (Continued on page 9) - April 19, 1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,- St. Johns, Michigan 9A Board of Commissioners Fulton kindergarten

(Continued from page 8) registration dates for the purchase of a postage meter machine at this time. benefits to statn and countv highways' and roads, also Voted and carried. MIDDLETON-Elementary the school can review regis­ for future land use development within the county and Chamberlain reported a requestby the Zoning Depart­ Commissioner Chamberlain reported that the State principal, Mr. Victor Grass- tration forms; check the birth ment for permission for the two building Inspectors now requires that a suitable building be provided, man, has announced the plans certificate; and to administer (Cox and'Delo) to attend a conference for inspectors WHEREAS there does exist statutory provisions under under the Animal Control Laws, for housing of dogs for the registration of kin­ vision, hearing, and readi­ at Gull Lake February 15, 16 and 17, 1972. It was Act #40 of the Public Acts of 1956, as amended (Drain and animals with'automatic heat for them. The committee dergarten students who plan ness tests, moved by Chamberlain, supported byHufnagel, toapprove Code) a proven, equitable and legal process for the con­ will study the matter. on starting school in Septem­ 3. The last step in the reg­ the request. Voted and carried. struction, operation and maintenance of county andlnter- Chairman Shepard reported a request from DeWitt ber, 1972. istration procedure will be to Chairman Shepard reported on a meeting with the county drains, both open and closed and Township for permission (easement) to erect a radio All children who will be have an open house later in State Boundary Commission on the proposed annexation antenna on county property (extreme NE corner of five years of age on or before May so the parents can meet of the Capital City Airport by the City of Lansing. The WHEREAS the drain code also provides for boards Department of Public Works property on Herbison Road December 1, 1972 are eligi­ with and ask questions of county and townships question the propriety of the. two of determination at public meetings, review of apportion­ west of Shavey), ble to enroll. Anyone who has their child's teacher and appointed members of the Boundary Commission, ment of cost, establishment of special assessment drain­ moved into the area since principal. age districts which are legal entities, and appeal Lankford moved, supported by Andrews, to approve The Board recessed for lunch at 11:55 a.m. the request subject to approval by F.A.A. Voted and the last school census was provisions to courts of record for. anyone feeling taken (September, 1971) aggrieved and also carried. P.M. SESSION Commissioners expense accounts were presented. should call the school (236- c4 Quide \1 Montgomery moved, supported by Hufnagel, to approve 7300) so that they may be to cigarette Upon again being called to order, Arnold Mlnarlk DRAINAGE maps, plans and specifications are pre­ commissioners expense accounts as presented. Voted mailed the registration materials. c4efe. i presented the annual report of the Zoning Department. pared for the drain office by competent engineers, or and carried. *reurf ifte small print/ * Montgomery moved, supported by Nobis, to approve land surveyors, who have access to the United States Lankford moved, supported by Shinabery, that the The procedure for kinder­ the report and to place on file. Voted and carried. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service proposed membership to CAPACOG be rejected. Voted garten enrollment in., the Nobis moved, supported byShlnabery, to recommend technology and experience in economics; consultants In and carried. Fulton Schools is: * to the Zoning Commission that the Zoning Ordinance be hydrology, biology and storm water design data; also Nobis moved, supported by Hufnagel, to adjourn at 1% Registration materials amended to read that* no building permit be Issued for all county drainage projects must be reviewed and this time and to 'meet again Tuesday, March 7,1972 wlll'be mailed to all students a new residence in any area which is zoned agricultural approved by the county road engineer, the state highway at 9:00 a.m. Voted and carried. for which the school knows unless 50% or more of the applicant's income is derived department and railroads if any are involved; the State Meeting adjourned. is eligible for enrollment. from the production of agricultural products. On a roll Department of Agriculture on inter-county drains and 2. On April 24-27 the par­ call vote, those voting aye were Shinabery, Nobis, the Michigan Municipal Finance Commission if bonds GERALD E. SHEPARD ents and children will be are sold or money borrowed to finance a proposed project Montgomery and Lankford. Nays were Gove, Chamber­ Chairman invited to the school so that lain, Underbill, Hufnagel, Andrews and Shepard. 4 ayes, and ERNEST E. CARTER 6 nays. Dltmer was absent. Motion declared lost. Clerk Commissioner Lankford presented there-apportion­ WHEREAS Clinton County is primarily a rural agri­ ment plan as proposed by the Apportionment Committee. cultural and urban area, the land being some 90% This plan would continue 11 commissioner districts. privately owned and Lankford moved, supported by Andrews, that the county Klerekoper named reapportionment plan be adopted as presented and for­ WHEREAS substitute for House Bill #4948 does warded through the proper channels. Voted and carried require a permit, an administrative fee of $25.00; a by a majority vote. surveillance fee not to exceed $1,000.00 and can delay personnel director Lankford moved, supported by Nobis, that the plan a drainage project for 90 days or reject the plan In its CARSON CITY — William as adopted be presented to the County Apportionment entirety, and not issue a permit or modify the plan in Klerekoper is the new Per­ Commission -as the official county apportionment plan. any manner they see 'justifiable in the interest of fish sonnel Director of Carson Voted and carried unanimously. and wildlife habitat, recreation, aesthetic values, et City Hospital. His duties will Commissioner Chamberlain, reporting for the Land cetera, thus making theprojecteconomicallyunjustiflable be to administer and coordi­ Use Committee, presented the following communication: without contributing any monies to the project for these nate the total personnel pro­ It is $he feeling of the D.P.W. Board that we have benefits and gram of the hospital, reached a time when the D.P.W. Board that we have Klerekoper Is a graduate the Road •Commission and Drain Commission. There WHEREAS under P.L. #566 the UnitedStatesDepart­ of Wayne State University should be a full time director and necessary help for a ment of Agriculture, through the Soil Conservation Serv­ and earned his B.S, degree separate office. ice, does provide technical and engineering services and in Business Administration. Therefore, a motion was made by Marvin Platte, does cost share on the construction costs of our larger Previous to coming to Car­ supported by Paul Nobis, and carried that the Board of county and lnter-county drainage projects and son City he was employed by THE FORD TEAM D.P.W. request that the Board of County Commissioners the J.L, Hudson Company In consider a full-time director and the Chairman of the WHEREAS there may be some good points in Substi­ Detroit for eleven years and D.P.W. send a letter to the proper committee for their tute House Bill #4948, such as the filling and dredging was Personnel Director at wants to play ball with you approval. of bottom lands, the part referring to ditches and agri­ the Southland Branch. DALE R. CHAPMAN, cultural drainage will create another hydra headed Klerekoper's wife and t Chairman Department of bureaucracy at the state level duplicating and superceding three children will move to Public Works the efforts of local government, the Carson City area from WILLIAM KLEREKOPER Egan Ford Sales, Inc. Detroit as soon as suitable ment of the hospital as it has The matter was referred to the Finance Committee NOW THEREFORE BE IT resolved by the Clinton housing can be found. for a recommendation. County Board of Commissioners that the substitute for been in the past. * 200 W. Higham ST. JOHNS Donald McKenna, Admin­ Klerekoper's office will be There being no further business to come before House Bill #4948, as it Is written in its present form, istrator of the hospital states the meeting, it was moved by Montgomery, supported be opposed. located in the front apart­ the Board of Directors of the ment of the hospital apart­ by Hufnagel, to adjourn at this time and to meet again hospital authorized this po­ Us* Your Scot Bftlttll Tuesday, February 15, 1972 at 9:00 a.m. Voted and The County Clerk's Annual report was presented. ments directly In front of the sition because with the hos­ hospital at 411E. Elm Street. carried. Gove moved, supported by Hufnagel, to table until the pital employing a total of 280 Meeting adjourned. next meeting. Voted and carried. full and part time employees The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 noon. It was necessary to central­ GERALD^, ,SH;EPARD, ize JEM personnel,functions Qhalrman *->* 4 M , '•• CLUB ROMA s P. M. SESSION under one \ department 'in- m ERNEST E, CARTER stead of having it, depart­ (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) Clerk Upon resuming session, Commissioner Lankford mentalized in each depart- "You all come!" reporting for the Finance Committee moved, supported ENJOY by Montgomery, to transfer from contingency fund CAAU alumni $98.73 to the account, Retirement and Social Security, BALLROOM DANCING A George Miller SATURDAY NIGHTS Bob Smith Tuesday, February 15, 1972 to balance the account for the fiscal year of 1971. Voted plan meeting CO OWNER and carried, Cover Charge With Live Music CO OWNER The Clinton County Board of Commissioners met Lankford moved, supported by Nobis, to notify the MT. PLEASANT — Cen­ Tuesday, February 15, 1972 at 9:00 a.m. Prayer was Department of Public Works that this Board of Commis­ tral Michigan University offered by Maurice Gove. A Pledge of Allegiance was sioners will concur with the request for a full time alumni and friends living OPEN TO SERVE YOU given to the flag. Roll was called and a quorum reported. director, secretary and necessary office facilities. Voted In the Lansing area are In­ 11 AM Till 2 AM Present were Derrill Shinabery, Walter Nobis, Maurice and carried. vited to attend an Alumni Open At 2 PM On Sunday Gove, Robert Dltmer, Duane Chamberlain, Claude Under­ William Morriss, District Director of Boy Scouts, Association spring dinner meeting in Lansing,Satur­ bill, William Hufnagel, Robert Montgomery, Gerald Lank­ appeared with 8 Boy Scouts whom he introduced to the William Gillette ford, Roy Andrews and Gerald Shepard. Board. Chairman Shepard welcomed the group and day evening, April 29. BARTENDER "• Minutes of the February 1, 1972 meeting were pre­ informed them that they are always welcome at meetings Sponsored by the Capitol sented. Corrections were made. It was moved by Nobis, of the Board. Area chapter of the CMU ASK ABOUT OUR CATERING SERVICE YE OLDE COUNTRY CATERING X supported by Hufnagel, to approve the minutes as cor­ Commissioner Nobis, reporting for the Government Alumni Association, the 'Dance To The Music Of ^ and Personnel Committee meeting, stated that a meeting meeting will be held at the CALL LEON AND VI AT 669 9747 rected. Voted and carried. ALL HOME COOKED FOOD The Music Makers ~ will be held here February 28, 1972 at 8:00 p.m. with Lansing Elks Club, 3535 FOR BANQUETS Communications were read. Friday, April 21 A Resolution from Sanilac County in opposition to the Road Commission, cities and villages Invited to Moores River Drive. Social RECEPTIONS House Bill 5622, which would amend the present county attend. The subject - possible emergency funds for snow hour begins at 6:30 p.m. LARGE PARTIES OF ANY KIND removal. , with dinner at 7 p.m. OR CALL US AT 6515308 Al Knoll reapportionment statute, was read. No action was taken, Saturday, April 22 A communication from MichlganDepartment of Public Commissioner Dltmer, reporting for the Property The dinner program will Health by Wayne McKenna, Chief of Emergency Medical Management Committee, presented a committee report: feature comments on base­ Services offering to appear before the Board to explain 1. Request from Extension Office to purchase a ball by former Detroit Tiger the licensing requirements and clarify other issues Gestetner Folding Machine at a cost of $278.50 with and New York Yankee star as they relate to State and Federal standards. The clerk trade in of present machine. ($328.50 less $50.00 trade Tom Tresh. was Instructed to draft a suitable reply to the letter. in) Committee approved this request. It is within the CMU students T. Mike A billing in the amount of $315.00 from Green and. departments budget. Carey of Mt. Pleasant, Rick Maples for legal services renderedin the DeWittTownship 2. Michigan Civil Air Patrol wishes to purchase Fitzgerald of Saginaw and tax cases (Airport) was on a motion by Lankford, supported the old radio transmitter In the tower. This would be Greg Darling of Jackson, by Montgomery, to pay the bill as presented. Voted relocated In Portland. Committee agreed to sell it at also will present a slide- and carried. a price of $75.00. To be removed under the supervision illustrated discussion on A resume' by Tom Green of the progress being made of R, G. Becher. campus activities. CHARMGL0W GAS GRILL in resolving the DeWitt Township tax cases, was read. 3. District Court request for amplifying system for Persons interested in at­ Mr. Green will keep the Board informed on future devel­ Courtroom. Estimated cost (from Robert Ott) $653.07, tending may make reserva­ opments In regards to these cases. $4600 has been material and labor included. Committee agreed to delay tions with John Gundry,7101 collected to date out of an approximate $50,000. ' a decision on this matter until action Is taken in regards W. St. Joseph, Lansing. A communication from the Department of Corrections to re-location of District Court. Voted and carried. The price of dinner res­ by State Jail Inspector, Robert J, Russell', setting 4. Social Services Department appeared: Keith ervations is $4.50 per per­ forth 16 separate items in which the present Jail, does Wright, Warren Coffman and Ray Osborn of Social Serv­ son. Deadline for reserva- not conform to present requirements, was read. He ices Board; also Roger Smites, Director. The problem tlons Is April 21. SALE also made some recommendaticns in regards to reloca­ of space at Social Services was discussed. He referred tion of the jail facilities. Discussion followed. to a letter from the State setting forth requirements Wacousta A communication from the StateDepartmentofSoclal in order to meet standards for reimbursement. 16 A Chormglow gas grill lets you en­ Services by William Thomas, Director stating that the employees at present, 3 additional have been approved Watertown Charter Town­ joy all the fun of cookouts with­ by the state ship Board has called a out the muss and fuss of an old- present space at theSocialServlcesBuildingisinadequate fashioned charcoal fire. You'll and does not meet Federal requirements for reimburse­ PROPOSAL I - Occupy the basement of the Social special meeting on roads still get the same barbecue flavor ment and accordingly such reimbursement will be dis­ Services In addition to present offices. Set two units to be held Saturday, April because flavor Is a result of the continued as of March 31, 1972 unless some change Is (12x34) by McFadden Company at the area of Smith 22 at 2 p.m. at the Wacousta smoke of meat juices dripping on Hall for the Extension Department. Approximate cost School. All Watertown res­ hot briquets. With Charmglow's forthcoming. long life "Charm-Roks" you en- Lynn Parker, representing the McFadden Corp­ (set-up with septic tanks and drain field) $28,000, These idents are asked to attend. Joy barbecuing perfection plus the oration of Lansing, who offer portable buildings for units total 1600 square feet (24x34) Includes carpeting, Mr. and Mrs, Rollin Noble .speed and dependability of mod­ purchase or on a lease basis, appeared. His firm can heating and air conditioning. Could be set up by April and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stev­ ern gasl deliver a standard building In approximately a two week . 1,1972. ens have returnedfromatrip notice. Minimum lease period would be three years with PROPOSAL II - Building addition to present south and west, a provision whereby leasee would acquire ownership Social Services Building. Cost-not proposed. , Bruce Harlow is a patient In a period of 6 years. Lankford moved, supported by Dltmer, rto grant the at St, Lawrence Hospital. The Board recessed at 10:30 a.m. i committee power to act In the sale of the radio trans­ Mrs, Harry Byan enter­ Upon again coming to order, copies of Act 189, mitter. Voted and carried. tained her bridge club Wed­ *P,A, 1971 were distributed. This bill further erodes Commissioner Gove, reporting for the Health Com­ nesday evening. Prizes were consumers power of the County Board of Commissioners and gives mittee, reported thatvthe Mid-Michigan Health Depart­ won by Mrs. Lester Garlock, it to the State Tax Commission. ment, does not have* a local sanitarian and they are Mrs. Vaughn Montgomery power Dale Chapman distributed copies of a resolution referring ideal calls to himself and Commissioner and Mrs. Paul Garlock. that the substitute for House Bill 4984 as It is now Andrews. He has asked the State for assistance In this Mrs. Llla Wllsonof Owos- written In Its present form be opposed. This resolution area but they have not received any assistance to date. so called on Mrs. Ed Kraft was adopted by the Michigan Association of County Drain He also reported that the Community Mental Health Thursday afternoon. Credit Term Applications Available Commissioners at their mid-winter meeting/ Budget share for Clinton County Is expected to be Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens Nobis .moved, supported by Gove, to adopt the following $28,299.00. Representatives of the Health Board will be and family spent last week in resolution. Voted and carried. coming to meet with the Finance Committee with details Florida. of the matter. Mrs. Richard Beagle and The Chairman declared a recess at 2:45 p.m. RESOLUTION x j children of Traverse City WHEREAS there does exist In Clinton, County a need Upon again doming to order, Dltmer moved, supported spent last week with her par­ by Andrews, to raise the price of meals furnished to ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. for storm water drainage to protect the public health, MG-334-22.5 welfare and convenience, also, for agricultural drainage, ^prisoners In the County Jail from 65"? to 80f per meal. Friday. 10A CLINTON COUKlTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,197: MAPLE Spring is here for St. Johns firemen RAPIDS

Mr, and Mrs. John Brown and children of Kalkaska was host and hostess for the called on Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arnica Club Las Vegas Party Call Sunday, April 9. Saturday evening April 8. A Mrs, Velma Bancroft at­ potluck supper was served tended the Past Masters and members' husbands meeting in Fowler on were guests for the occasion. Wednesday, April 5. "Play money" was passed out and twenty-one or black Margaret Doan, daughter Jack was played with Mrs- of Mr.andMrs.DaleShoolty, Muriel Abshagen winning the Mrs. Robert Miller Sr. and most *play money/" Mrs. Lyle Blemaster were all ad­ Margaret Harlow won the mitted to Carson City Hos­ door prize. There was pital last week. eighteen members and their Mr. and Mrsi Dean Ball husbands present. Ivan Har­ and sons were dinner guests low was also honored In cel­ Sunday, April 9 of Mr. and ebrating his birthday. Mrs. Carl Ball In Maple Mr. and Mrs. David Hall Rapids. :Rehmann's J the look of something different...

FOR. . .


•OOUBLEBREASTEDti St. Johns Fire" Department answered a call to An afternoon call the same day was, answered, EDWARDIAN STYLES the home of Gary Hyde, 3927 West Hyde Road, Wednes­ by the St. Johns Fire Department to a field located at * •COMPLETE ACCESSARIES & SHOES day, when papers from a burning barrel caused a fire Loomis and Park Koad owned by Albert Fruchtl. Trucks in back yard of the residence. Gusting winds hampered -SHIRTS IN were unable to gain easy access to the fire location SEVEN COLORS a quick dousing of the flames. due to soft ground. * 35 STYLES OF TUXEDOS TO Jazz Lab Band to perform here CHOOSE FROM Fulton names ST. JOHNS—The St. Johns mazoo, under the direction again this year, in an evening was organized over a decade * CHECK-OUR-LOW-PRICES Music Department is spon­ of Bobby Davidson. program so that the entire ago under the direction of soring a fantastic evening of The program will feature community could enjoy their Robert Davidson of the De­ the Big Band Sounds on some jazz and rock, as well partment of Music faculty. top students Rehmanns Tuesday evening, April 25, as the traditional big band fine sounds. In January of 1967 it was starting at 7:30 p.m. in Po- swing sound. Tickets are on sale at both officially added to the music TUXEDO cuis Auditorium at the high The group performed in the Jr. and Sr. high schools curriculum with 20 mem­ school. St. Johns last year In a at $1 for adults and 50 cents bers enrolled for university RENTAL Featured at the evening school assembly program for students. Tickets will' credit. Emphasis Is placed concert Is the 18plece West­ also be available atthedoor. ST. JOHNS, MICH. and did such a great job that on the performance of mod­ ern Michigan University the music department has The Western Michigan ern music and jazz. The Jazz Lab Band from Kala­ a«;)fpd rhpm to nerform here University Jazz Lab Band Jazz Lab Band programs are a mixture of standard charts, specially commis­ sioned arrangements and compositions and original student composition and ar­ rangements. We'll Build You A Home . . . The ensemble is in con­ stant demand both In Michi­ gan and surrounding states. Numerpus concerts and high On Your Lot^*^ O^wrs schooVassemblies are pre­ sented each year in addition to regular on-campus ap­ pearances. With Your Plans . . . Or Ours KAY SIEVERT JERISTASA The group annually per­ forms a concert in James M1DDLETON - Valedic­ Kay Lynn Sievert, salu- W. Miller Auditorium on torian for the Class of 1972 tatorian, is the daughter of Western's campus, which is at Fulton High School are Mr. and Mrs. Reo Sievert sponsored by the Department Jeri Stasa and Kay Sievert. of Music's Delta Iota chapter Jeri Ann Stasa, daughter, of rural Ashley and received of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stasa, a 3.833 grade average. professional music frater­ Sky Line Dr., Perrinton, Kay was ninth grade class nity for men. The Jazz Lab earned valedictorian honors secretary, a member of the Band also spends an entire with a 3.878 average. Ski Club and FHA for three years, a twirler for two week each spring on a con­ Jeri has been a cheer­ cert tour In Michigan and years, and a cheerleader leader, twirler, and mem­ and member of the band all surrounding states. In addi­ ber of the band all four years tion, the band performs on four years. She participated of high school. She was class in the annual staff, student other campus programs and president during her fresh­ presents several Individual council and the school play men year, acted in the school in her junior year, and was guest appearances of play last year and attended campus throughout the year. chosen a member of the,. Girl's State last summer. queen's court In her senior This year, Jeri was elected year. FHA student council repre­ Upon graduation from high ' sentative, band president, school, Kay will enroll at student council secretary, Michigan State University. A and a member of the home­ coming queen's court. The lcscaicheis me making,, FIGHT new imojcls constantly m ther* Jeri 'will enter Central battle lo cnnliol cancel. Help? CANCER Michigan University this suppoit then \voik. Give to thef American Cancer Society fall. Amencnn Oncer Society. Finkbeiner's Annual Spring Sale Starts April 20 $1.29 Redi Spray $1.09 Pepto Bismol 794 Sggjlfrf JMH iM5K Over 24 Homes Dry Deodorant 694 89(f Fastooth Ken Namel 634 3t $1.25 Rexall Hair Reg. $76$7 9 Under Construction Or Recently $1.09 Rexall Toothpaste 9.77 Gal. / SetJel 694 Reg., Floride, Brightener Beg. $259 694 3.07 Qt. 29c£ Nail Clippers 94 Completed ... Good thru April 29 U risen ted BriteSet mmmmm $1.09 Rexall Shave Bombs Hair Spray 5 Kinds 594 Limit 3 3 for $1.00 Featuring Aluminum Siding & Soffits $2.89 Rexall One Daily Fast Super Permanent Clocks Vitamins with Iron Poured Wall Construction 994 20% OFF $2.29 Good thru April 29 $2.49 Chocks • Some With $6.95 Vaporizer $3.88 .HnUOUi with Iron $1.49 Fireplaces And Family Rooms $1.29 Dristan Mist 7*94 $1.59 Jergens Lotion 994 $1.19 Liquiprin 884 Graduation ; 43ff Children's Aspirin Invitations & Thank You| Limit 2 27^ 69ti Giant Markers 494 Cards Watch For A Special Announcement 20% OFF $1.00 Elmer's Glue 694 $1.49 McKesson Athlete Coming Soon. , Good thru April 29 Foot Spray 894 $5.95 Heating pad $3.99 FINANCING AVAILABLE Finkbeiner's Pharmacy Your Family's Health Center Fowler Ph. 593-2606 April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 11A Egan Ford salesmen Q-E Opener ends in tie to receive awards By TIM YOUNKMAN error by O-E catcher Dan said he was "very pleased ST. JOHNS — William J. 500 Club was founded In Egbert. 1 Spanlolo and N, Koenlgs- 1950, OVID-ELSIE - The Ma­ The Marauders came right with the team. * He added that knecht, salesmen at Egan "Simply to attain true rauder baseball team's first back with three runs of their It was only the second time Ford* Sales, In St. Johns, sales success Is a difficult test of the season ended In a own in the bottom of the outdoors for the squad this have been named members task in itself," said J.C. 4-4 tie against Durand Mon­ second, after two were out. year because the weather of Ford Division's exclusive Sutherland, Ford Division's day (April 10), called after Third baseman Dan Hoshteld hasn't permitted any outside 300-500 Club, an organiza­ Lansing district sales man­ tight innings because of dark­ walked, catcher Frank Quine scrimmaging. tion of top Ford salesmen. ager. "To continue making ness. singled, and centerflelder He praised the hitting of' Membership in the club progress over 22 consecu­ Costly strike-outs in the Norm Smith walked. Bashore, Leslie and Shlvley ivas gained through individ­ tive years Is a most demand­ seventh and eighth innings Bashore, a freshman left an area that had been some­ ual sales success during the ing achievement," robbed O-E of their season fielder, stepped up and what of a question mark until 1971 calendar year. In addition to Top Hatter opening .victory after playing slammed a long double to Monday. The salesmen are among and 22-year awards, special catch up ball during the early left-center driving in all The Marauders outhit 220 Iri the Lansing sales dis­ Sales Awards will be pre­ part of the game. three teammates. Durand 6-4 and O-E pitchers trict who will receive sented to salesmen whose Trailing 4-3 in the seventh, Durand grabbed the lead chalked up 10 strike outs. awards, which will Include •achievements neared Top first baseman Russ Shlvley back in the fourth inning on "My objective was to play seven Top Hatters and three Hatter level, drove a double Into right- a single and double. That set most of the boys to see what 22 - Year Membership Sutherland said the pur­ center field allowing the tying the stage for O-E's come­ they can do," Nutter said, Awards. pose of the 300-500 Club is run to cross the plate. That back try. "Our hitters hit some shots to recognize outstanding left men on third and second, Durand threatened in the that were caught and that The presentations will be salesmen and to highlight but O-E's next two hitters fifth by getting men on sec­ makes me optimistic.'' made at a dir.nerron April 29 automotive sales positions went down on strikes to end ond and third with two away, Nutter used five pitchers at the Lansing Civic Center. as "valuable service to the the threat. but O-E's Pete Garcia picked in the contest, getting two The Top Hatter award is national economy and the The Marauders threatened Durand's player off third to inning performances from the division's highest sales­ local community," again In the eighth Inning end the inning. Pat Terrlll, Rod Love and man award. Approximately He said that 11,000 sales­ with a walk to Jack B ashore O-E tied the game when Groom and one Inning each This is the 1972 St. Johns Redwing baseball team. 525 of 27,000 Ford salesmen men In the club sold an aver­ after Tim Quine had filed sophomore shortstop Jim from Garcia and Leslie. They are, from le'ft, first row, Marv Pettit, Ed Jorae, In the United States were age of $750,000 worth of out to the third baseman. Warfle reached first on a Three of the earned runs named Top Hatters in 1971, automotive merchandise in Bashore went to second on a Durand error and Robbln were charged to Terrlll and Dennis Parker, Rick Longoria, Kevin Hayes and Greg The 22-year awards are 1971 to qualify for the na­ passed ball, but was stranded Leslie drew awalk.Shivley's the other was charged to Lundy. Second row, Bruce Irish, Dean Eberhard, Dave presented to Ford salesmen tional honor, and that Top there when both Gary Groom double scored Warfle, but Love. who have been a member Hatters averaged more than and Tim Glowney struck out. Leslie had to stop at third. Nutter said he was dis­ Rademacher, Jim Harte, „ Gary Mankey, and Walt every year since the 300- $1,500,000 in sales. That's when the game was There were stranded when appointed in the Marauder's Pytlowanyj, manager. Third row; Gil Baker, Kirk Nos- called because of darkness. Tom Kirlnovlc and Frank inability to get the baserun- Durand jumped off to a3-0 Quine struck out. ners across the plate. They trant, Jim Schumaker, Bob Elliott, Burnell Grieve, Chuck lead in the second Inning on O-E Coach Jack Nutter stranded 12 while Durand left CNB&T releases a walk, two singles and an six on the bases. Faivor and Doug Japinga, coach. ortgage volume 1ST. JOHNS — A total of haps this accounts for the Crystal raceway features country performers role we play in Clinton's 16 home mortgages were throughout the area. Ar­ Recorded in Clinton County growth," CRYSTAL-TWO Grand Ole "The show will not inter­ feature Tex Ritter, movie a special stage will be con- luring 1971 representing According to figures com­ Opry shows have been fere with our normal racing star and Grand Ole Opry s true ted and we'll have rangements have been made piled by the Credit Bureau of scheduled for the Crystal schedule. As a matter of favorite. Appearing with him beautiful stage lighting and to move the shows Indoors ^20,982,456 and of this total curtains." >'dollar volume, $4,119,956 or Clinton County, the total Raceway during the coming fact, they will compliment will be his famous back-up if poor weather threatens number of loans Issued by season, it was announced our racing program because group, The Boll Weevils. Tickets will be on sale and will be held at Carson "t 19.6 per cent was financed it Is well known that most at the raceway, through the { by Clinton National Bank and the fiye agencies other than last week by Duane La Also in that show will be City-Crystal High School CNB&T were: Capitol Sav­ Combe, owner and manager racing fans are country- Lonzo and Oscar plus 10- mall and at locations gym. J Trust Co, CNB&T also led western fans." j all other financing agencies ings and Loan, 191; Govern­ of the race facility. year-old recording artist ment Agencies, 95; Ameri­ The first show will be on Headlining the July 4 show Miss Helen Jean. Garland News / in total home mortgages with by Mrs. Pudge Doming / 210 or 22.2 per cent. can Bank and Trust Co., 57; Tuesday, July 4 and the will be Stonewall Jackson Also featured will be Arvll and his band, "The Minute Of 110 agencies or individ­ 'Michigan National Bank, 56 other is set for Sunday Sept. Kelly and The Helms Archie Moore, Sr. Johns, Mr. and Mrs, Marlon uals participating in home and Central National Bank of 3. Times for the shows will Men." On that same bill will Brothers, one of the finest arrived at his home here In be Strlngbean, regular on the Walling of St. JohnB, Mf, / financing in Clinton County St. Johns, 55. The remaining be 8 p.m. show bands in the country- Garland, Monday, from and Mrs.DonWoodofOwossov / during the year, CNB&T 282 mortgages during 1971 •We have felt for some Opry and star of television's western field, according to Florida where he spent most "Hee-Haw." Also featured and Mr, and Mrs. Dennis / topped the six major inves­ Were divided between 104 time that we'd like to bring La Combe, of the winter months. Wood and family of Corunna tors which also Included lenders. In some top country artists, will be Jesse and Kathy with *We are proud 6f the line­ The Country Caravan Tele­ A post Easter dinner was also attended, Capitol Savings and Loan Clinton National, with ROBIN LESLIE LaCombe said. "The race­ up for both shows," La held Sunday, with Mr, and Assn., Central National Bank way has excellent facilities vision Band plus Barbara Combe said. "We know main office in St, Johns, op­ Ann, a pretty and popular Mrs. Leo Doming, attending, Mrs. Clark Curtis, Mrs* of St. Johns, American Bank erates ten other locations for stage shows and the they'll be successful and we Mr, and Mrs, Tom Winkler vocalist from the Wheeling are going all -out to make Lucille Wood, and Mrs. and Trust, Michigan National throughout the Clinton programs have been and family of Ovid, Mr. and Marion Walling were all hon­ Bank and various govern­ scheduled for holidays when West Virginia Jamboree them Just that. A profes­ County - north Lansing USA. Mrs. Lew Walling of Elsie, ored at the dinner for their ment agencies involved In areas, there are many tourists in sional company has been Mr. and Mrs, Clark Curtis hired to promote the show, birthdays, and an afternoon of home financing, the area. The Sept, 3 show will of Elsie, Mr, and Mrs. Rich­ music and family singing fol­ CNB&T Administrative ard Mead and Brian of St. lowed. Vice President Brandon C, Moonlight White, Jr., In releasing the figures, expressed confi­ sale set. dence in continued growth patterns for home financing ST. JOHNS — St. Johns- In the Clinton area, "For a merchants have scheduled number of years now," he the first of two "Moonlight explained, "Clinton National Madness" sales for Wednes­ EGoodrich has held the top spot In home day, April 26. financing in this area and we merce sponsored sale will have seen the definite trend start at 7 p.m. at all par­ toward increased needs for ticipating businesses. Most residential financing. In the stores will maintain regular past eighteen months we've Wednesday hours, closlngat HURRY! LIMITED TIME ONLYI made some major changes In 5:30 p.m. and then re-open­ our mortgage department to ing at 7 p.m. meet the growingdemandsof No Blems - No Seconds - 1st Quality 0. E. Merchandise the mortgage field and these In past years this popular figures for 1971 suggest that sale was held only once our efforts are well directed. during the year but because "We have made It our of the large turnouts two business to anticipate the have been scheduled, the need for greater and more second in October. effective financing and per­ BELTED TIRES MOORE Bjauaaw/ OIL CO. BFGS1972 NEW CAR TIRE 909 L, STATE Zephyr; ST. JOHNS SILVERTOWN BELTED purchases to; f Designed for today's driving H0 m JACK BASHORE Tough and Dependable Prices y Ph. 224-4726 Federal Regular SALE Double-belted for strength Excise Trada-ln include Size Tax Price PRICE Mounting Wide "78" Profile KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIHBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY B78-14 S2.06 $30.90 $21.98 And g Kirby Center of St. Johns g C78-14 2.10 33.10 22.83 Balancing E78-14 2.34 34.30 24.55 AS LOW AS 2 1104 S. US-27 $ k4 F78-14 2.52 36.15 25.40 JUSED VACUUM CLEANERS, AND BAGS FOR ALL MAKES.£ G78-14 .2.69 39.55 27.26 tn I • KIRBY Phone 224-7222 H78-14 2.93 43.15 28.63 Authorized Salts "WB honor T.F.C. Sh F78-1B •2.68 37.15 26.98 98 and Service REDWING G78-15 "2.78 40.55 27.81 I Parte and Service Apr. 14 W L H78-16 44.15 WPA 73 47 3.01 29.18 Blackwoll NOW IS THE TIME J78-15 3.12 50.00 31.54 TO GET AT THAT Honeymooners Size B78-14 L78-15 3.28 62.00 36.26 SPRING CLEANING 69 51 Plus $2.06 EC -Hours- Whltewalts ONLY $2.60 MORE F.E.T. OPEN SIX DAYS A Jales 67-1/2 52-1/2 WEEK AND DURING Sandbaggers 67-1/2 52-1/2 > NOON HOURS FOR MP's 67 53 DC YOUR CONVENIENCE Nlte Hawks 64 56 S 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Fearsome 4 64 56 KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY-KIRBY Sunshine Group 53-1/2 66-1/2 Ten Pins 52-1/2 67-1/2 3,000 Belted Tires Must Be Don't Miss This Week's Viewpoint 4 Aces 51 69 Shannon-Davis 3:55 p.m.-WRBJ 46 74 Sold By April 30, 1972 King Pins 45 75 -Dealers Welcome- Wednesday, April 19 High Game Ind., 214-203 PLUS WE HONOR Betty Martin; High Three 3 WAYS TO PAY - BUDGET TERMS Games Ind., 613 Betty Mar­ Your I tin; High Games Team, 726 Springboard .MP's; High Three Games , -I- Team, 215JvlP s. 236 Sharon DaMaris(sub); HUB TIRE CENTER w To Family 209 Keith Wohlfert; 204 Ra­ Swim Fun chel Schumacher; 204 Mike Clinton County's Largost Radial Tiro Doalor I Hayes; 203 Bernie Waw- I sezyh; 201 Ann Wawsezyh; 201 Clyde Milton; 201 Ray 1411 North US-27 St. Johns Phono 224-3218 Paid For by the St. Johni Education Anoclatlon Urbanlah; 200 Bob Unglols. CLINTON COUNTY .^WS, St. Johns, Michigan 12A April 19,197: VSFACTION PMCKFD.

OUT-OF-TOWNERS call ENTERPRISE 8201 r LIVE IN HELP needed for FOR SALE: CB radio, tel- NORWOOD hay savers am] Help Wanted stroke patient. Call 337- Garage Farm spat 150, like new, 23 CLASSIFIED AD PAGES silage bunks, all stee 9391 or 349-4235 for further channels with monitor. Can Machinery welded with rolled edges tl information. 51-3p Sales WANTED -Experiencedtool be used base or mobile, 50 CASH RATE: Be per word. Minimum, $1.00 per h> r last a lifetime. See at oif room, form tool surface feet of Coax, whip antenna. aertion. YOUR AD RUNS 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE FOR SALE: Like newl John yard, 5 1/4 miles south WANTED woven wire fence OF 2. Second week will be refunded when your Item HUGE GARAGE SALE: April Deere tractor, 2020 gas grinder. Contact Personnel Call after 5:00 p.m. 834- sells the first week, 27, 28, 29 starting at 9:00 Fowler, Ph. 587-3811, F< and steel fence post. 5242. 51-3p-nc with No. 37 loader, 328 dewa Builders, Inc.S§i[22- Manager, Federal - Mogul Phone Ovid 834-5163. a.m. • North on US-27 to Corp. 224-3221, Equal SAVE a 25c service fee by paying for your charged hours. Phone Beldlng 616- " 49-3p-nc ad within 10 days of insertion. Livingston Rd., West of Pink 794-0257, 50-3p Opportunity Employer. 51-1 brick BEHLEN BAR MESH Fencl FOR SALE: 1949 Plymouth BOX NUMBERS In care of this office add $1,00 house, Everything ing, heavy steel rod dil from clothing, furniture to BOOMS RED AND WHITE SALES, Salary and commis­ Miscellaneous sedan. Antique wood bed toys. galvanized after welding] sion, lots of extras. Apply $35. Blue Water Motel, Ovid ALL CLASSIFIEDS VV1LL BE ACCEPTED 51-2p top silos: Newly designed For years of rust free serl Items stave now being .manufac - In person. Cains, Inc. 210 W. Mich. - 51-3p-nc UNTIL 5 P.M. MONDAYS vice. Economical and Ideal Higham, St. Johns. 36-tf FOR SALE: Parts for all Pets tued on our new stave ma­ for yardfencing. No stretch" chine giving us a stave with ing needed. See it atFedewa electric shavers, Levey's FOR SALE: Color TV, 1966 RATES are based strictly on Classified Style. WANTED WOMAN for full or Jewelry, Elsie. 1-tf extreme strength and dur­ Builders Inc., Ph. 587-3811} Cornado 23*, Walnut cab­ FOR SALE: 7 week old ability. Red and White 5 1/4 S. of Fowler|jjS||l7-tf part-time sales and allied inet, needs transformer, FOR FAST RESULTS —PHONE 224-2361 work in hardware. Apply in FOR SALE: Wood and steel Siamese kittens, seal colored metal roof now ------paid $550. Will sell for $100. or ENTERPRISE 8201 points. $10 each. Also for standard on all new silos. person. Dean's True Value portable cattle mangers. 2 miles west of Fowler, 3rd Hardware, St. Johns. 50-2 rent, an apartment, fur­ 43 yrs, of experience means FOR SALEJ John Deere 490, Simon's Planing Mill, Fow-, house south. 51-lp the best possible job for you. 4 row corn planter. $200, ler. Ph. 583-2000. 28-tf NOW IS THE TIME to ferti­ FOR SALE: Westtnghouse nished. Call Ovid 834-5612. lize your lawn with Farm 51-3p-nc We do the complete job In- ' Phone 682-4255. 51-3p MAN WANTED for full time FOR SALE: CB radio, tel- Mercury Vapor Lights only work In hardware. Excel­ ARLENE Lo'uNDS IS DAME Bureau lawn food. Spreaders eluding the foundation. Write spat 150, like new, 23 S39.95. Brooder canopy for or call today and get all the lent opportunity for man to BEATRICE-First Nighters available, too. St. Johns Co­ heat lamp $5.95. Gower's FOR SALE: A.K.C. REG­ play, "Breath of Spring", channels with monitor. Can op. 50-3 facts about the silo with the FOR SALE: International establish a selling career In to used bass or mobile, 50 ~ _ . . Hardware, _Eure _. _ 0-_6.„c ^ISTERE- ^ D Miniature Dach^- this Interesting - business. 8:00, April 21-22, R.B. Wil­ to 5 a heaviest and best Inside Super C tractor .with fast Apply In person only. Dean's son Auditorium. 49-3p feet of Coax, whip antenna. old, house broke. Good with finish. We probably put on hitch and cultivator. John Call' after 5:00 p.m. 834- KIRBY CENTER OF ST. FOR SALE: Boy's 3-speed twice as much material on Deere 4 bar mint rake, wagon True Value Hardware, 300 JOHNS has a 2 month old 20" Sting Ray $20; Steam- children and loves to be FORSALEiUsedcoppertub- 5242. w-dp-na the inside for a seal and re­ and flat rack with side boards N. Clinton, St. Johns. 50-2 commercIal Electrolux and set curler kit $10; Hi-stan­ loved. Papers and litter rec­ ing, assorted sizes and ords included. $40, See Frank member this is applied with 593-2252. 51-3p FOR SALE: Wooden Vlto also a model 1205 Electro- dard pistol Supermatic clta- a cement gun for better ad­ BEAUTICIAN—Male or fe­ lengths, one half price. lux. One week old Eureka Gazda, 9423 W. Hibbard Rd. Reso Tone clarinet with tion-22 cal., 11-Inchbarrel- hesion and this is the only Hogs & male. Full or part time. Gower's, Eureka. 40-12 upright with rewind cord, or phone 834-5905. 51-3p-nc case in excellent condition, muzzle brake weights and part of a silo that wears out, Kut and Kurl Beauty Salon. Dial-o-matlc Hoover and carrying case $75; 36* buck­ Silo-Matic and VanDale un- Sheep Phone 834-2291 Ovid. FOWLER RESIDENTS: Take Roy Beck, Maple Rapids, many many others to choose FOR SALE: Adorable AKC your ads to Finkbeiner's Phone 682-4385. 49-3p -— saw-like new $2; L.P.G. loaders and feeding equip­ FOR SALE: 6 pure bred 49~3p-nc We have a Little Gem burner head, with controls, registered West Highland Pharmacy for fast, conven------ment. Also dealers forHar- York boars, weight 200 floor polisher that's been for travel trailer furnace white Terriers. Wonderful ley field stone pickers. Some pounds. 4 miles west, 2 miles Miscellaneous lent servicel 50-dhtf «-_.„«, _. , used very little. Can be seen $5; Delco AM radio for Chev­ child's pet, j Looks like a choice areas opentodealers north of St. Johns. Ken Eld* - - _.__-»»_.»_._ GERT'S a gay girl - ready at 1104 S. US-27 In the Fed­ rolet-like new $15; 5-gallon white Scott'ie. Reasonably or salesmen. EARLY OR­ Wanted CHRISTINE BROWN IS for a whirl after cleaning ridge. Phone 224-2506. , ; eral Land Bank Building. wood barrel, stand and spigot priced. Phone 626-6135. DER DISCOUNT NOW IN 49-3p-nc HATTIE, See First Nighters carpets with Blue Lustre. Phone 224-7222. Remember, $10; pump that will pump 50-3p DIVORCED MAN. age 51, play, "Breath of Spring", EFFECT. Order now and Rent electric shampooer $1, Spring's here and now's the water, gas or oil with foot save $$$$, Booms Silo Co,, Protestant, wants to meet 8:00, April 21-22, R.B. Wil­ Dean V&S Hardware, down­ time to get at that house FOR SALE; Hamp & York valve $5. Call 224-2574 after Farm Inc„ Harbor Beach, Mich, boars. James Pung, 7 single ,lady, age 40-55 with son Auditorium.' 49-3p town St. Johns, 51-1 50-3p-nc 5 p.m. 50-dh-nc a farm. Objective , matri- mmmm„„m'mmmmm* cleaning! 48441, Ph. (517) 479-6654. miles south, 1 mile east of Produce 31-tf mony. Write to: Box P, c/o FRANCIS AVIATION, INC. LAWN MOWER SHARPEN­ FOR SALE: 400 bales of Fowler. Phone 587-6621, Clinton County News, St. Travel tbe safe way witn Jobs ING. All styles. Bring them PIANOS - ORGANS. New, second cutting alfalfa. - - mm-mmmmmmmmmwf 50-3p Johns, Mich. All correspon­ our charter service or learn in now for quick satisfactory used, repossessed. Big Wanted Call 593-3192 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: 494 A John Deere dence will be held confiden­ to fly with us. Vets approved, service. Dean's True Value savings with easy terms. 49-3p FOR SALE; J8 Ewes for tial. 51-3p Capitol City Airport - Ph: Hardware, phone 224-3271 Mobile showroom van will be WANT steady baby sitting 4 row corn planter, new sale withFebruaryUmbs, ...... ------3S fertilizer disc, new compac­ 'Must sell — make an offer. 484-1824, 23-tf St. Johns. 50-5 In your area soon. To see: Job and/or housekeeping FOR SALE: Hay and straw. WANTED FARM IN OVID, Write Marshall Music Co., all summer. Age 16. 224- tion runners, plate floors and 224-4609, 49-3p-nc George Schultz, DeWitt, knockers, $550. 18,4 - 34 Elsie school district. NOW IS THE TIME to ferti­ SUMP PUMPS, pedestal or Box 532, Lansing, Mich. 3603. 49-3p 10339 Lowell Rd. Phone 669- Write C, W, Holcomb, 2188 lize your lawn with Farm submersible from $38.88 48933. 51-2p - - duals snap-on, good tires, to $59.95. Dean's True Value 9789. 49-3p $360, 13.6 - 38 tires on Cattle Rolling Brook Lane, East Bureau lawn food. Spreaders AIR CONDITIONING and re­ available, too, St. Johns Co­ disk wheels, $120. 4.14 John Lansing, 48823 or call 351- Hardware, phone 224-3271 FOR SALE: 2 piece rose frigeration service. Call FOR SALE: Hark soybeans, FOR SALE! Registered 3475. 51-3p-nc op, *" 50-3 50-8 Deere No. 66 plow, $75, 4 - St, Johns. living room suite - two 224-3739 after 4. 50-3p-nc 1 year from certified. Call 16 John Deere No, 66 plow, Angus bulls and one grade end tables and lamps, one Mark Klein 587-6717, 51-3p .$125, 4 or 5 - 16 Mollne Angus bull. All ready fo* WANTED A WOMAN to live ALAN DAVIS IS OFFICER S HALLOW WELL JET PUMP service. Lawrence Phinney in with an elderly lady. coffee table, also buffet and Oliver trip bottoms, $200, PAPE - First Nighters systems for home or cot­ table, suitable for apartment Phone 224-3648. 50-3p-nc Room,' board and wages. play, "Breath of Spring", tage; assembled complete Notice Don Koeppen 682-4114, or cottage, very reasonable. Horses 51-lp-nc Please call 224-2805 after 8:00, April 21-22, R.B, Wil­ with tank. As low as $98,88, Call 593-3217. 51-dhtf-nc 0:00 p.m. 51-Op-nc son Auditorium. 49-3p Dean's True Value Hardware THE VILLAGE OF OVIDwill FOR SALE: Holstein heifer, phone 224-3271 St. Johns. accept bids until May 1, FOR SALE: Registered calfhood vaccinated, arti­ FOR SALE: Carpathian 1972' on' one cemented magic quarter horses, Palomino FOR ' SAL'E - IHC 4-14* ficially bred, TB tested, due- RIDERS WANTED, to down­ NOW IS THE TIME to fertt- 50-8 1 1 i*hi?«m " English Walnut trees, 2 to - square, "^For ! 'specifications mar'e, ^ years old withsbnny trailer plow, hyd, lift, all soon. Black Poland-China town " Lansing, Call contact Gerald Ross, Ovid, Pewamo 383-3139 after 6:00 Burealizeu youlawrn lafoodm .wit Spreaderh Farms i f . Th ^ Pine filly also yearling filly. new coulters. Telephone boar, about 300 pounds, walnut anBdW Shellbar k hickory Mich. 48866. The village 593-3679, 49-3p p.m. 51-3p available, too. St. Johns Co­ DIRTY FURNACE FILTERS ' 1 mile north of Perrlnton. Jerome E, Smith, 587-6853. rob you of fuel now as well trees. Harold Coffman, 5120 council reserves the right to 236-7712. 51-3p 51-lp op. 50-3 as in colder weather. Use TIMBER WANTED: logsand .- clean filters for lower fuel *' *arKS M* ^"^T "?<** or reject any or all 50-3-nc USED MACHINERY standing timber. Logs de­ BEAUTIFUL WEDDING In - bills. All sizes. Dean's True TH...... E ALOHA, a shop .o f bids. livered toouryard.DEVER- vltations and accessories. Value Hardware, St. Johns. Hawaiian specialties, FOR SALE: Purebred quar­ EAUX SAWMILL, INC., 2872 Speedy serviced Finkbeiners Phone 224-3271. 50-2 Oliver 1750 diesel. beautiful Hawaiian fabrics, ter horse, brood mare, no Oliver 1750 semi-mounted plow. N, Hubbardston Rd. Pewamo Fowler. Ph. 582-3121. 3>tf unusual jewelry and gifts. 303 CAR WASH, April 22, 9:00 papers, 11 years old. $150 Mich. Ph. 593-2424 and/or FOR SALE: Approximately a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Masar- M,F. No. 88, 5,16 semi-mounted plow. Abbott Rd., East Lansing, or best offer. Also small I.H. 14 ft. wheel disc. 593-2552, 40-tf LET US RECOMMEND A, 300 bushel crates. Phone 51-2p-nc ik's Shell Station, Senior Girl Shetland pony, $15. Erick STAMP collections wanted painter or paper hanger 224-3422. 50-3p Scouts. 51-lp Richards, 834-5006. 51-3p I.H. 504 Gas with Freeman loader, for you. Your Sherwln Wil­ I.H. 600 diesel. for cash, also old letters, ONLY, 1971 ZIG-ZAG VACATION at Camp Owosso postcards and coins. Contact liams Dealer. Finkbelners. Resort on Mllakokla Lake A.C. 3x16 inch plow. Ph. 582-3121 Fowler. 37-tf $36.50, Sew machine still Mr. Younkman at 224-2361 ™ ™~™ J -«- _-"_"_ in orlglnaf j^ - ™; in Michigan's beautiful Upper New Idea No, 17 ground driven spreader. 95 bushel, or 224-6084 or write to Mr. Peninsula. Modern house AL GALLOWAY Farmall M with new overhaul, good tires. FOR SALE: Fox 4 horse­ No attachments needed as all Younkman, c/o Clinton controls are built-in. Sew keeping cottages, safe swim­ J.D. 730 Diesel with wide front. County News, St, Johns, power, mini-bike with ming, fine fishing, scenic USED FARM EQUIPMENT chrome fenders, lights, good with one or two needles, Massey Ferg. No, 74 3 -14* plow Mich. 48879. 22-dhtf makes buttonholes, sews on trip. For information. Phone TRACTORS - COMBINES - CORNHEADS MP 3165 gas with - industrial 200 loader, self-level condition. Is licensable. $75. 517-743-4621. Write: Janet Larry Klein, 1 mile south, buttons, monograms. Full TILLAGE TOOLS - PLANTERS - PICKERS bucket. WANT TO RENT land south cash price $36.50 cash. We Flynn, 2237 E. Bennington' of St, Johns. Phone 224- 3/4 West of Pewamo. Phone Rd., Durand, Mich. 51-3p TRACTOR PARTS - REBUI LT HEADS N.I. Hay conditioner 593-2356. 51-lp handle our own accounts. 3648. 50-3p-nc Trade-ins accepted. Call Lansing collect 371-4563, 9 KIRBY CLEANER$31.50Up- GOOD SELECTION AT ALL TIMES a.m. to 9p.m.ElectroGrand. right cleaner available to Sattler & Son, Inc 51-1 responsible party for only Phone (517) 224-4713 or 224-4300 $31.50 cash or terms. Call Phone ?;i6-7?80 Micldlclon Lansing collect 371-4563, 9 FOR SALE: Maple Syrup, First Farm Norr h of St. Johns on 200 W. State St. • a.m. to 9 p.m. ElectroGrand US -27 Phone 224-2301 gallons, half gallons and 51-1 • quarts. Call 224-7466. ST. JOHNS, MICH. AUCTION CALENDAR 51-3p • FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 12:30 p.m. Bruce Irish, farm - Elsie Branch • ROTARY WATER WELL DRILLING machinery. Located 4 miles east of St. Johns on M-21 ALL WORK GUARANTEED to Watson Rd., 1 mile south at corner of Watson and Carter- Melvin Bldg. 1 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS SOLD & REPAIRED CUSTOM BUTCHERING Townsend Rd. Ph. 862-5391 T SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 12:30 p.m. Lester Hughson, GILBERT & INGALLS; Inc. and PROCESSING Farm Machinery including Case 830 D. J.D. 520 Gas, VERY NEAT for DeWitt-669-9636 or Dimondctle-646-2871 4B-tr| We Butcher On J.D. 95 square back combine w/corn and grain heads. • Mother's tastes - 4 bed- WHAT ARE YOU Wednesday & Fridays DOING ABOUT INFLA­ • Located 2 miles west of Ovid on M-21 to Shepardsville A rooms, 2 baths. Just Rd,, north 3/4 mile at 1404 North Shepardsville Rd. T newly remodeled, very TION?, - Real Estate Is • your best hedge against SPECIAL PRICE ON NEW All Meats BEEF-PORK • modern kitchen, attrac- MDA THURSDAY, APRIL 27 at 10:00 a.m. ,Mr. and A ttve rec. room, garage. It! 2 family income in nice EQUIPMENT! Hlvs. & Qtrs. •^>]*C Mrs.' Ervln Stoevsand -» 70 head Holstein dairy cattle, south location near • I nspecled Also 2 Harvestone Silos, 20x30-20x60, 20x60 cement stave t S. 3WEGLES - NEW 3 school. Has an extra lot J.D. mixer-grinder Retell Cuts 2 Brady tank type spreaders. silo. Complete line of milking parlor equipment, bulk bedroom ranch with fam- with property. tank, milkers, etc. Full line of good farm machinery. • USED TRACTORS. . ily room and fireplace, EMMONB.- Near the • Located 5 miles south of Scottvllle, Mich, on Scott- m $850 carpet allowance, park, 3 large bedrooms J.D. 4010 die sol. ville Rd., 3 miles east on Hawley Rd. • choose your own at the J.D. 50 gas. PENDELL'S MEAT all carpeted, plus $12 SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 29, 9:00 a.m. Sharp. •builders costs! Even carpet allowance In living • J.D. A Q under the family room is BUI Bowen, farm equipment including 1964 Massey room; full basement, 2 John Deere 3010 diesel. PROCESSING 65 gas and complete line of good farm equipment. basement areal West City Limits on Bussall Rd. Just oft M-57 car garage, John Deere 3020 Dsl. Located 2 miles south of Ithaca on US-27 Freeway • STATELY HOUSE on • John Deere 3020 gas (2) CARSON CITY Ph. S84-6640 -Jake Vaughn 2 Family on beauti­ to Pierce Rd, 1 mile west to Croswell Rd., 1 3/4 South Lansing withfenced John Deere 3010 gas In yard and beautiful pool ful lot on S, Oakland. north on east side, •t»fo r the family, 'Family Down stairs rented for Farmall 450 Dsl. with wide front & fast hitch SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 12:30 p.m. Joe Maxa, ^room with fireplace, 4 $150 per mo,, very clean Farmall 350 Dsl. farm equipment, 3 tractors including 1969 Oliver 1250 •A bedrooms, 2 baths. You and will rent. Mature Farmall M gas (2) D, with loader, also antiques and furniture. Located Treally ought to see it, shade trees. • OTHER EQUIPMENT 2 miles east of Junction US-27 and M 57 to Crapo Rd,, 2 miles south, • 140 ACRES on blacktop 103 S. SWEGLES^- 3 3 J.D. high clearance plows, 3-X6 inch • UKOht road - very modern home bedrooms, full basement 1 J.D. high clearance plow 4-16 inch SATURDAY, MAY 6, 11:00 a.m. Roger Vandervort, In excellent condition, 4 2 baths. Only $17,500, John Deere 494A planter 28* to 40* rows farm machinery, household items and Angus cattle. bedrooms, new 4' well, Will allow $500 for ex­ John Deere 694AN planter 30* rows (2) Located 6 miles north of St. Johns on US-27, 3 1/2 excellent, outbuildings. terior paint Job If you do John Deere 894A 30" rows, extra good condition HENRY E. DREPS, Inc. miles west 'on Maple Rapids Rd. Contract terms. it yourself. John Deere 186W 6-row precision planter w/No. 71 I1SM N. US-27 DEWITT. MI, y/s//////////^^^ planting units Complaf* Sarvlc* faellllUi CCC BIN SITE AUCTIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS OTHER TIMES PHONES Several John Deere discs 11 ft* to 12 1/2 ft. Motor Homes, Camp«r*,Cari A Trucks Kewanee Disc 12 1/2 ft. Thurs. May 25th, 12:30 p.m. Adrian, Mich, ' Gerald Pope 224-7476 PNOM 517-669-9996 Thurs. June 15,12:30 p.m. Caro, Mich. t Ralph Green 224-7047 Several real eood John Deere and New Idea spreaders TRANSMISSIONS AUTOMATIC T, STANDARD Bruce Lanterman 1 Innes 6 row bean windrower, extra good condition, Thurs, June 29,12:30 p.m. Breckenridge, Mich. 224-4746 Albert Galloway 224-4713 WHEEL * FRAME ALIGNMENT, TIRES * BRAKES D err 111 Shtnabery Roy F, Brlggs 224-2260 Ranny Briggs 224-6074 DON SHARKEY We Specialize In Farm Machinery and Dairy Cattle Auctions 224-3881 ' IF PLANNING A SALE SEE US Archie Moore John Deere'Sales & Service BUlHolley 224-7880 GOOD/VEAR „ GALLOWAY'S COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE or 862-5391 'DsWitt) 660-6645 1 1/2 Miles East of St. Louis 4 Phone 681-2440 AL GALLOWAY, AUCTIONEER Ph. 224-4713 St. Johns «>ril19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 13A

FOR RENT - Air hammer IN OVID large Mobile Home special friends and neighbors FOR SALE: 19G6 Mustang, p lots 80 ft. x 150 ft. for NEWER 4 BEDROOM who called. Many thanks. Cattle cylinder, excellent condi­ for breaking up cement, rent. AH city facilities. Call everything you want in a Hazel Pearson. 51-lp WANTED tion. New Tires, radio. Phone etc. We have two available. 834-2288. 1-tf house on large lot. Priced A person in the St. Johns area to learn advertising 682-4272; after 6:00 p.m. Randolph's Ready-Mix Plant sales, copy-writing and layout The CLINTON |FOR SALE: Purebred Angus w », »* o« u~™?™7« to sell. CaU Jerry Henning EVELYN—Many thanks to 224-2562. •* '50-3p COUNTY NEWS is seeking a' person for its bull, 2 years old. 224-2640 North US 27, ph. 224-3766. -- -- 2?, p„„q qiMnw PTTAT the neighbors, relatives and 224 2779 or SIM01 advertising staff. The position will be open 51-lp 40-tf NEA"—„","",R TH E HIG""'""""-*'"H SCHOOL», ESTAT" E 224-6736*. REA51-nL c friends for their kindness immediately. Experience is'not necessary. Your new 3 bedroom home, 11/2 to me durIng my recent m_ Motorcycles baths, dining area, built-in work will be interesting and will-have much FOR RENT: Furnished FOR SALE: 4 bedroom, al- ness; All was deeply appre- variety. You will call on advertising clients In your FOR SALE; Purebred Here­ kitchen, full basement, 2 car apartment for single uminum sided home, 2 car elated.—(Mrs.) Ellen Evelyn area, help them with their advertising programs, ford bulls. Phone 224- garage, aluminum siding, write copy for their advertising and plan the person. Available May 1. Call garage. Call JohnSchumaker 1005. 49-3p FOR SALE: Harley Davison almost completed. Phone 51-lp-nc layout of their ads. It will help if you have some after 3:00. Phone 224-4465. 224-7371 or SIMON REAL '59. $700. R-l, Fowler, 224-3811 or Sam Parks kind of sales experience, or experience in some Colony Rd. First house left 50-tf ----- ESTATE 224-6736. 51-nc field in contacting the public, but this is not 'OR SALE; Several regis­ 224-4557. 50-3p-nc SHARICK-I wish to ex­ off Wright Rd. 49-3p tfuiiaer necessary. Our organization has depended largely tered Holsteln bulls, press my thanks to the many on persons who learned their jobs with us. Many [eady for service. Green DeWITT-NORWOOD APART FARM FOR SALE, 79 acres friends, relatives, Rev. Cal­ of these were women whose children had entered leadow Farms, Elsie. Trailers & MENTS. Just a short dis- WE, OURSELVES, will buy on North US-27, 8 room vin Kauffman andRev.Egers school and who wished * to re-enter the labor Ihone 862-4389. 49-3p tance from Capitol or St. your land contract. For house, 30x60 barn, new gas for their visits and prayers. market and find some enjoyable and profitable Campers sideline. Johns. Private grade level prompt, courteous action, furnace and basement, $7200 The beautiful flowers from CAMPERS -PICKUPCovers entrances,' partially furn- call Ford S. LaNoble, La- down, balance on land con­ the employees of the court Applicants should apply to fOR SALE: 10 Holstein feed­ ished, carpeted, 2 bedroom, Noble Realty, 1516 E. Mich- -Travel Trailers & Equip­ tract. Owner might take 2 house, and the District Court ers, average weight 350 storage area, no pets. $150 igan, Lansing, Ph. 517-482- ment - Rentals, Sales & bedroom home between St. office, Mrs. Cheeneyandour CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, pounds. 2 miles east, 3 1/2 per month, security deposit 1637. Evenings 517 - 337- Service-Wing Mfg. & Sales, Johns and Owosso. Clinton- children. Cards from so St. Johns, Michigan. lorth of Fowler onWacousta required. Phone 669-9879 or 1276. 37-tf 5349 Wisner Rd., 1/2 mile Gratiot Realty, MelvinSmith, many friends. Dr. Garape- td. 51-lp after 4:00 p.m. 669-9815. Broker 224-3801. 51-tf tian and nurses for their west and 1 3/4 miles north Kwl 50-tf Board to rule on '' of Ashley. Ph. 847-3171. YOU CAN build a new home .._..__ - - wonderful care. God bless ANNETTE WHITE Automotive 46-tf and finance it at 7 1/4% FOR SALE: 1/2 lot Middle- youu all.—Franall.-Prank Sharick. Associate Editor RIVERVIEW APARTMENTS interest with low monthly bury cemetery. Reduced 51-lp FOR SALE: 1962 and 1964. PICKUP COVERS, cab high in Portland, brand new 2 payments and very smaU price< call 224-2211, Mrs ST. JOHNS—The St. Johns Board j VW Floor pans. Available $138.00, 26 inch all alu­ bedroom units. Rustic Villa closing costs if you qualify. Wayne cook. 51-3p-nc THELEN-I wish to thank of Education will make a decision long or' short. Phone Ovid minum with windows Apartments in Westphalia, 2 Under this plan you can build Dr. Jordan andSmith, nurses Wednesday night at a special meeting 834-5216. 49-3p-nc $178.00, 26inchbubble glass or 3 bedroom units. All fea­ a 3 or 4 bedroom home. FOR SALE: L shaped parcel and staff at Carson City Hos- whether the words "hell and damn" $199.00. B & L Distributing, ture built - in appliances, If you can't qualify for this of land in Fowler. 75 feet pital for their excellent care should be stricken from a school FOR SALE: 1964 Volks- Lansing 882-7902. 49-tf private entrance, carpeting. financing program, we have frontage on Highway 21, 305 also Fr. SchmittandBeahan, play. wagon, good shape. Phone From $125 month. Security other financing programs feet deep. Inquire or call relatives and friends cards The controversy began when Dar- 693-2665, Fowler. 49-3p deposit. No pets. Phone 587- available which can be and visits during my stay rell Pope asked the drama depart­ FOR SALE: 1969 Little Fowler Gas & Oil 593-2155. 3811 or 669-9879 or after 4 adapted to your budget. For 51-3p at the hospital.—Ben Thelen ment to strike the words from the Champ Camper, 10 1/2 FOR SALE: 1968 Plymouth unamp ««..£»*•, - *j- p>m. 669_9815, Egn 51.tf more information, call 51-lp upcoming production of "Wildcat" and foot. Sleeps 6. Phone DeWitt * _ _ ESI . -' Satellite, maroon, black Fedewa BuIlders mc 587- also from all further school pro­ 669-9290. 50-3p-nc ' HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL! In vinyl top, V-8, only 36,000 oou-»-sw. ^ ___„___ FARM LAND FOR RENT. 3811 or stop in at our of­ Ovid, 3 bedrooms, large ductions. Pope's daughter, Paula,had fniles, radio, best offer. " " T 7,™ f«™1 ™ ~r* "~~I Located 4 miles northeast fice located 5 1/4 miles living room. A few repairs HOUSEMAN-I would like given up her leading role in the 1969 STARCRAFT Camper, Phone 723-6615 after 5p.m, of St. Johns, corner of Wil­ south of Fowler on Wright and you'll have a nice fam­ to thank Dr.Steigerwald,Dr. play because she objected to using' sleeps six, lots of extras, n 49-3p-nc liams and Colony Rds. Suit­ Rd. Ewf 27-tf ily home. Priced right at Brown, the Carson City Hos­ the language even though it related excellent condition, $1,200. able for corn, oats, barley only $9,200 on terms. Call pital nursing staff and aides to the character in the play. Call after 6 p.m. 224-4377. FOR SALE: 1969 Nova, 2 or soybeans. Will give 2/3 Groves Realty, Owosso 723- for the care given my hus­ About 100 persons attended the 50-dhtf door, 353 speed, silver of crop. Elmer Jennison, NEW LISTING, large fine 6080. 51-3pTnc band's recent stay there. meeting which heard discussion from with black vinyl top, rally 1614 High St., Lansing, Mich. home, excellent location. " _ _ 1 '_ _ Also thanks to Rev. Van- both sides on the issue. wheels', new tires and paint, FOR SALE: 1966 Active Phone 372-3230 51-lp Can have income. CallJerry FOR SALE—Texaco service Lente, friends and relatives •Parents don't like to hear their many extras. Phone 587- " Trailer, 12x60 on trailer Henning 224-2779 or SIMON station available in Lan­ for the flowers and _cards children use profanity," stated Pope 6731. 49-3p lot for more information call Resort Property REAL ESTATE 224-6736. sing. Call Pat Larlck 372- and words of condolence and added that parents have sat back 224-3155. 51-3p 51-1-nc 6099 days, 372-3583 eve- given me during the recent and allowed this to happen gradually. FOR SALE: 1967 Camaro For Sale nings. 49-tf death of my husband.—Mrs. "Now is the time to stand up and be SS,-350-325 H.P.,4speed, Lvle 51-lp counted and stop this," he said, FOR SALE: Cab High Shell. FOR SALE: Now taking bids RAINBOW LAKE AND ' Houseman. Hurst competition plus A,P. Good shape, best offer. on 2 yearround cottages, BIRCH LAKE LOTS. _,.__. rw „ „ L _, R. G. Koger, drama department ^Headers. Good condition, 224-3155. 51-lp 100 foot frontage on Thun- 3 bedroom ranch with 2 car FOR SALE: House, L shaped head defended the use of the words •31,800 invested. $1,000 or derbay, Alpena, Mich. Coho garage, many extras. Call ranch, 2 bedrooms (room In productions by stating "these are •best offer, 224-2609 anytime Audrey or Jerome Witgen the words of the playwright and FOR SALE - TRAVEL and Bass fishing, beautiful for third), full basement, 2 after 4p.m. 49-3p-nc ***>*• *nw — >.^^.-^^ ai.u ua.» ^.«..b, „, 224-2206 or SIMON REAL fireplaces, large living room not a stigma of a student's moral TRAILER - 1968 Starcraft ^beach. Contact John Mack, ESTATE 224-6736. philosophies." - 17 ft. Toilet, shower, water Attny, Mack Bldg., Alpena, and dining room. 1 acre with FOR SALE: 1957Ford truck, 5-1-nc large shade trees. Call 224- 1 heater, oven, exhaust fan. Mich. 49766. 51-3p 3/4 ton, good body, 2 new HOv, 12v, and gas lights - 4258. 51-3p 'tires, motor no good, $60. MOBILE HOME on lot, like Group forms to fight drugs combination gas and electric continued from page I • Phone 661-2546. 49-3p-nc refrigerator - furnace - FOR SALE: Reasonable. new, complete with dish­ Card of Thanks Sleeps 6. St. Johns 224-3623. Furnished cottage at washer, air conditioner and per year," commented District Court she said she hopes to open the walk- FOR S^LE: 1970 Ambas- 51-3-nc Crystal Lake. Phone 224- all the extras. Available Judge Rolland Duguay, a member in counseling office soon. The Com­ 51-3p-nc immediately. Call Esther sador,£SST, factory air, 3521. WOODBURY - We would of the board of Common'Ground. mon Ground headquarters is located Hendershot 224-3563 or power 'brakes, power steer- like to thank our children, He added that his figures are at 201 1/2 N. Clinton Ave. Mobile SIMON REAL ESTATE 224- She said boredom aqd availability Ing, radio. Reasonably grandchildren, neighbors and based only on arrests, which are 6736. 51-1-nc of drugs contributes to the abuse, 'priced. 862-5698. 51-lp-nc Homes Real Estate friends for the cards, gifts, a small percentage of all offenders. and flowers on our 50th anni­ He said it serves to alert the com­ but the problem goes deeper. "Drug MOBILE HOME OWNERS - 200 ACRE farm with 13 room versary. — Mr. and Mrs, munity on the issue. abuse is not a new phenomena to so­ FOR SALE: 1970 Olds Delta FOR SALE BY OWNER, 3 1 Skirting and roof coating. house, very sharp, 3 1/2 Charley Woodbury, 51-lp The group has begun research to ciety," she said. "Ever since ancient 88, 4 door, power steering bedroom ranch, 2 car Service and repair all makes miles from 1-96. Also 28 determine needs and solutions to the .man learned to ferment berries, "and brakes, hydramatic, garage, formal living room and models. Free estimates. acres, 5 room ranch with 2 problem in Clinton County. there have been those who have abused ,23,000 miles $2,150. Call and dining L with fireplace, MONROE—I wish to express Robert's Mobile Service, small barns and pond, 1/2 Although alcohol arrests are the the escape alcohol provided to avoid 224-7109. 51-lp den, family room with bar, my thanks to everyone who *4.8 4533,62, Lansing^ Mich. mile from Long Lake, dealing with life problems.;.v/ ^ t _ .' *** *I * , , i.xJii k L sp kindly^remembjjred, me , most prevalent in the' county there a very "spedial kitchen with $22,500. Call Rey Hanses s and J*-. _-.___- -,- — is evidence of increasing marijuana "DruErs to'dav. both' lega^ **" eating area and all built- " with cards,'flowersand'visits 587-3422 or SIMON REAL use also, Duguay said. Glue sniffing, legal, are more powerful apd more .FOR SALE: 1966 Olds ins, 2 1/2 baths, screened while I was in* the hospital. I ' "- " ESTATE 224-6736. 51-1-now-nuc truly appreciated them. Sue hallucinogens and unknown street numerous and available than ever „. Dynamic, 4 door sedan, in patio, large For Rent landscaped Monroe. 51-lp drugs are also in circulation among before. The pressure and tension (power steering, power lot, central air, carpeting FOR SALE: House on 13/4 a significant number of citizens. Up­ of our complex lives has made drugs .brakes* One owner car. and drapes and many others FOR RENT: One bedroom acres on edge of town with coming research will provide con­ seem a quick, appealing release if jphone' 593-2531 Fowler. are included in the price. PEARSON—Many thanks to 51-3p furnished apartment, pri- 3 bedroom apartment. Call crete statistics, he added. other methods are unavailable. Financing available. Call for Dr. Grost, the nurses and . vate entrance and carport. John Schumaker 224-7371 or •When we talk about drug abuse, appointment 224-2802 staff of Clinton Memorial An important concern here is the SIMON REAL ESTATE 224- we are talking of a problem that No children or pets. Deposit mornings before 9:30 and Hospital for their wonderful reason drug use has gained popular­ FOR SALE: 1969 Ford Mus- and references. Phone 224- 6736. 51-1-nc crosses lines of age, sex and social- 7:00. 49-3p care and many kindnesses ity. Dan Chisholm, juvenileprogation j tang in good condition. Call 6019. 51-lp evenings after during my recent stay there, officer and member of the Common economic status. Solutions need to be 662-5061. 51-3p-nc SHARP 4 BEDROOM, brick to the W.S.C.S. of Pilgrim Ground board, said part of the reason humane. Alternatives for the need TWO COUNTRY LOTS avail- home with garage and car­ is Clinton's close proximity to Metro­ manifested in the drug experience I FOR RENT — Formal wear U.M. Church for their greet­ 5.968 CHEVROLET CAPRICE able between St. Johns and port. Call John Schumaker politan Lansing, where drug abuse need to be discussed and tried," for the upcoming Ovid- ing and gift. To Rev. Sheen I 60,000 miles, 2-DHT, vinyl Lansing. Will build on these 224-7371 or SIMON REAL has reached "near epidemic propor-. Miss Riddle will start a weekly Elsie Junior-Senior Prom. for his words of comfort. ,^oof, bucket seats, 327 CID, using your plans or oursu«». . ESTAT»MI-E 224-6736HK-WW.. 51-n01-ncc wonderful family and tions." series of articles beginning next The very latest styling. Vel­ B To my , JJTurbo-hydromatic trans­ Financing available. Call ____ ' J week in the Clinton County News, dis­ vets in 6 colors, ruffled Chris Riddle has also joined the mission, economy rear end, cussing the problems as they relate shirts in 9 colors. Flare and Fedewa Builders. Inc. 587- BI-LEVEL, large lot near Common Ground staff as a represen­ •power steering, radio, rear 3811. 50-tf to St. Johns and Clinton County. regular trousers. Priced school with all the extras. tative of the Mental Health Center and ppeaker, tinted glass and two from $13.95, Orders should John Schumaker 224-7371 or mew studded snow tires on be placed by April 29. Ban­ SIMON REAL ESTATE 224- jfrims. $1,200. See: Frank croft's Clothing, Ovid. Phone 6736. 5l_nc fcazda, 9423 W. HibbardRd., 834-2267. 51-1-nc BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY jbvid, fer phone 834-5905. SIMON'S FOR SALE: 60 acres, nearly % . , 51-3p-nc PLANING MILL new 3 bedroom home. Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firms Natural gas heat, 26x40 barn. Black top road. Contact AUCTIONEER FLORISTS JEWELRY Manufacturers of: George Leavitt, English Real BARBERS Estate Service 875-4272. Al Galloway, Auctioneer. Used Levey's Jewelry, Orange Blos­ CARL S. OBERLITNER Truck, pick-up, hay and Beaufore's Barber Shop, 1002 l/2Watt ,F^orif*', Fl0^frs *™,~U Evenings 224-4304. 51-lp Farm Machinery & Parts. St. occasions. 121 E. Pine. Elsie— som diamond rings, BuIova&Ac- grain racks, forage Johns, 224-4713. State. Open Tues. thru Sat. also 862-5257. cutron Watches. Elsie, 862,4300. boxes, bunk feeders, * * Wed. & Fri, evenings. Water Well Drilling portable cattle ma.igers 4" and larger and accessories. Custom Garnett Case, 14358 Watson Rd., woodworking. Bath, Michigan 48808. Phone CLEANERS Jay it with Quality Flowers from (517) 641-6438. PARTY SUPPLIES Ford Tractors Woodbury's Flower Shop, 321 N. Reda Submergible Pumps] Clinton, St. Johns, 2.J4-3216. ANTES DRY CLEANERS, pickup and Implements AUTOMOTIVE D&B Party Shoppe, Package 268 S. Henderson and delivery. 108 w. Walker, FOODS Wholesale Retai phone 224-4529. Liquor—9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Mon. - Fowler, Michigan New and Used Machinery Bill Fowler Ford. New & Used Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m. - Parts and Accessories Cars & Pick-ups. N. US-27, De- Gene's IGA Foodliner, Elsie 9-6 11 p.m., 224 N. Clinton. Witt, 669-2725. Mon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-9 Thurs. Phone 463-4364 Phone (Area 517) DRUGS & Frl. 862-4220. GARLAND SALES 593-2000 E.O.W. PLUMBING Alma 36-EEW-tf and SERVICE Cain - Bulck - Pontlac, New & .Used Cars, 210 W. Higham, Com­ Parr's Rexall Drugs, Open daily Andy's IGA, St, Johns, Home Phone Owosso, SA 3-32?7 plete Body & Service, 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Sunday8:30- Baked Bread, Pies, Cookies, Dunkel Plumbing Si Hpatlng, Choice Meats, Carry-out ser- Licensed Master Plumber, Ph. Ford * + 12:30 & 5 to 7 p.m. Carland, Michigan vice. 224-3372, 807 E. State St. * (r FARM and INDUSTRIAL 24-til tieart warn\er TRACTORS and Egan Ford Sales, Inc.,'200 W. K FURNITURE REAL ESTATE It EQUIPMENT Higham, phone 224-2285, Pinto, ELECTRICIANS New and Used CONCRETE Ford -Maver ick-Tor ino-Mustang Large selection sewing ma­ Burton Abstract and Title Co, Abstract and Title Services, 119 Simplicity Maintenance Elect, Service Res­ chines, parts, accessories, Mill­ N. Clinton. Ph. 224-3294. ' LAWN and GARDEN WALLS Hub Tire Center, B. F. Goodrich idential, Commercial, Industrial er Furniture 224-7265,St. Johns, EQUIPMENT Tires, Ph. 224-3218, Front End Ph. 224-7966, 507 E. Higham A new home is a lifetime Alignment. HENGFSBACH FORD Investment. Let us help you + * RESTAURANT secure this investment with GIFTS TRACTOR SALES the best basement wall Schmltt Electric Co,, Residen­ WHO SMD they're not building ^rniUketheyused" to? We are. possible —a poured concrete tial - Commercial - Industrial, DALEY'S FINE FOOD, Dining* Phone 647-6356 wall. We are equipped to do Bob's Auto Body, Complete Col­ The Treasure Chest, 220 N. Cocktails, Ph. 224-3072, S.' U.S. You can afford the finest materials in your new home with lision Service, 224-2921, 800 N. 224-4277, 807 1/2 E. State St. PORTLAND, MICH. 51-tt ttio complete job or any part Clinton, Hallmark Cards—Russ­ 27-1/2 mile S. M 21. Permabllt components. Ask us how. of it. Brine your prints over Lansing. ell Stover Candy t * * Over 40 designs to choose from — rancher, bi-level, or or call for an appointment * * trl-level. 587-3811, * Built only with top grade, quality materials. HARDWARE WESTERN * Flexible designs — to accommodate your own ideas and READY-MIX CONCRETE FERTILIZERS plans. Delhir Chevrolet Co. New &Used For All Your Needs *• Cars. Elsle-862-41800. You can't Tom's Western Store, 1 Till. W. * Speedy construction—move in about 6 weeks after QUALITY - SERVICE Zeeb Fertilizers, Everything for Dalman Hardware, Ph. 669-6785, Ovid, 0 - 5:30 Mon. - Sat., Fri. DAY, WEEK, MONTH or" do better anywhere. DeWitt, Whirlpool Appliances, building begins. the soil, St. Johns, 224-3234, til 9* Anytime by Apfit., 834-5440. * Help in selecting your site, obtaining financing, and LONG TERM LEASE Ashley, 847-3571. Zenith-TV, Plumbing and Heating other services. CAINS, Inc. WITH SO MUCH GOING FOR YOU, HOW CAN YOU RESIST FEDEWA m Moore Oil Co., If it's tires, CALL MILLIE and place your A PERMABILT HOME? , BUICK-PONT1AC see us, 909 E. State, Ph. 224- INSURANCE FINANCIAL advertisement in this 4726, MARSHALL, OPEL-GMC BUILDERS, Inc. DIRECTORY MICHIGAN Jim McKenzle Insurance AH mOSSm 48-4 210 W. Higham St. Johns 0218 Wright Road, 3 lines for 30? Each Capitol Savings & Loan Assoc, Line of Ins. 224-2479 Ionia-527- 5 1/4 Miles South of Fowler. Hettler's Motor Sales, 24 hr. 2480, additional line 20?. Six Phone 224-3231 Service, Good Used 222 N. Clinton, 224-2304, Safety week minimum running^ BOB WILKINS/ Ph."(517) 484-5315 53-tf Wrecker 2 Trucks. for Savings since 1890. 14A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19, 1972 Village of Fowler Industrial competition winners announced Council Meeting FOWLER, MIpfflGAN.

VILLAGE OF FOWLER for President Pro-Tern, Council Meeting supported by Smith. Motion Fowler, Michigan by Koenlgsknecht to close nominations, supported by April 10, 1972 Braun. Motion carried. Mc­ Kean elected President Pro- The regular meeting was Tern. called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Pettit. President Pettit appointed Roll Call ~ Present -- the following Village Council Rademachef, McKean, Committees for 1972-73. Smith, Koenlgsknecht, The­ ORDINANCES: John C. len, and Braun. Absent- Rademacher - chairman None. Clem Thelen, Carl Koenlg­ Motion by Rademacher to sknecht. WATER & SEWER: approve the minutes as read. Roy Smith-chairman, Dud Supported by Smith. Motion McKean, Bill Braun. PARKS Carried. & RECREATION: John C The correspondence was Rademacher- chairman, read. The clerk was author­ Carl Koenlgsknecht, Dud ized to write a letter to H. McKean. STREETS & SIDE­ Ball of the Fowler Wash WALK: Leonard Thelen- King regarding the sand chairman, Bill Braun, Roy MIKE BOND AND BJLL REMER Smith. FINANCE; Dud Mc­ problem at the Wash King. tive Servicing. Kean - chairman, John C,i Students from St. Johns Those taking honors in the Motion by Rademacher to Rademacher, Carl Koenlg­ High School traveled to Cen­ State Competitions were: Students from all over the pay all current bills. Sup­ state were Involved, ranging sknecht, BUILDING & tral Michigan University Larry Spitler ahd Mark ported by Braun. Motion GROUNDS; Roy Smith- Saturday, April 8, to com­ Young, who placed 2nd In from Sault Ste. Marie to the Carried. Detroit area. The contest chairman, Clem Thelen, Dud pete in the State Finals of Advanced Electronics; Mike Carl Koenlgsknecht gave McKean. POLICE ADMIN­ the Student Industrial Com- Bond and 'Bill Remer, 3rd was jointly sponsored by Central Michigan University a report for the Fowler Area ISTRATION: Leonard The- -petitlons. The students who place in Radio Servicing; Recreation Committee on the len-chairman, Bill Braun; were competing were all and Neil Puetz and Randy and the Michigan Industrial Education Society. proposed plans for the Vil­ Clem Thelen. HEALTH OF­ first place regional winners. Craig, 3rd place in Automo- lage Park. FICER: Dr. William Jordan. Saturday marked the sec­ MARK YOUNG AND LARRY SPITLER Motion by McKean to send VILLAGE ATTORNEY: Tim­ ond straight year that the a letter and a check specify­ othy Green. VILLAGE ENG­ St. Johns students won state ing check no. for $700.00 to INEER: Flshbeck-Thompson honors in the performance Dallas Twp. for Township & Carr. contests. Annual Rotary youth Hall rental, Reciprlcal Fire agreement with the nearby Water & Sewer hook-up villages and cities, and the for the old General Tele­ ROZEN & stand-by International truck. phone building was discuss­ talent show planned Supported by Rademacher. ed. Roll Call vote—Rademach­ Motion by Smith, support­ WOODARD er—yes, McKean-yes, Koe- ed by Koenlgsknecht to pur­ nigsknecht-yes, Braun-yes, chase typewriter. Motion ; T h e 1 e n - yes, Smith-yes, carried. INC. ^ Motion carried. President Pettit appointed Motion by Smith to pay LICENSED CONTRACT CARPENTERS Rademacher chairman, and • HOMES • BUSINESSES Reatha Winans for serving Leonard Thelen co-chair­ as Street Administrator for BUILDING and REMODELING man for Mayor Exchange 1971-72. Supported by Rade­ FREE ESTIMATES and PLANNING Day. macher, Motion carried. Roy Smith was authorized Motion by Smith to have Phone Phone Phone to check with John Spicer St. Johns 224-2597 Street Administrators fee Elsie 862-4495 Grand Ledge 626-6905 and Tim Green for more remain the same in the fut­ information on the Slaughter ure. Supported by Braun, House sewage problem. Motion carried. A FUELforALL The Clerk was asked to John Rademacher was GAS write to Greenlee Tank Serv­ asked to- check on purchas­ SEASONS ice to inquire as to how soon ing a blanket Bond for the ; the tank exterior and interior village officials. ' : could be painted under the provisions of the proposed Leonard Thelen was to < contract, and as to the size contact the Clinton County of our tank on their records. Road Com. about sweeping Motion by McKean, sup­ Main Street. ported by Smith to accept The Sidewalk Committee, the Walter Hufnagel Build­ is to check the sidewalks at ing permit as suggested and Holy Trinity Church grounds. approved by, the, zoning Leonard Thelen'was auth­ Boara ' ^^ 'r>iUu orized to have police see that ,; Mdtiori^by' Kbehigsknecht:, all cars without 1972 Li­ NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NEEDS- supported by McKean to pay cense tags are removed from estimate #7 to Smith Exca­ village property and streets. LP GAS WILL DO THE JOB! vators on the New Lagoon Motion by Rademacher to ROTARY YOUTH TALENT SHOW System. adjourn the meeting* Sup­ Roy Smith was asked to ported by Koenlgsknecht. Prompt Delivery 6560S. BegoleRd. NEIL PUETZ check with Tim Green on a Motion carried. PERRJNTON Vicki Ryan-of Perrin-Palmer School, submits her prospective well site. Catherine Rademacher, I/2N-2W -1/2N project for exhibition in the Rotary Youth Talent Show to Thelen nominated McKean Clerk WHITE'S From Pompeii __--_---—-—_ Robert Ba^ibeau, chairman of the event. Over 40.0 proj- PHONE POMPEII fi'H'/Afl'i/lTi'lFJfll ects will be on display in the auditorium of the muni­ GAS 838-2201 cipal Building this week. REMEMBER ST. JOHNS-Robert Bar- ibeau, chairman of the 24th annual Rotary Youth Talent Simpticiiti There's More Than Block At Karber's and Hobby Show announced this week that plans are completed for the event. April Showers bring May Flowers— Th show is open to the And also bring the Grass. Water Based public from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 19 through Flowers bloom, then fade away— EP0XY COATINGS 009 - HLB - 009 Friday, April 21 and also They're not supposed to last. Saturday, April 22 from 1 GRASS is quite another thing— EPOXY COATIN6 p.m. to 3 p.m. Ideal For Milking Parlors The exhibits number over We think it's here to stay.

a MUlNO INltKUCllONI H 400 and are on display at Jo keep it looking at its best- All the advantages of an EPOXY ••''Zt^"^: ""*"••'"'• «' *'"" '"**J the Municipal Building audi­ """O 1IMI, * >. I. k,„, 4,,-' Cut it the "SIMPLICITY WAY"! PLUS Latex Benefits t torium to downtown St. Johns.

("J'CMION, |,l,„, k..,h „ ,,«.- Winners Night will be held WE WILL OFFER YOU A GOOD DEAL • • U f.rr. Hit* _|ih „„i. T <• Friday evening with the four • No offensive fumes "*• »M >.<•. u|, ,(„, •,.•'•-•' • Use in damp areas age groups and two grand • No fire hazards """ * Wn. „ , M. h..'— ** prize winners on hand to • Easy Clean up to ^'""" - —i demonstrate and discuss their exhibits. G & L SALES L One boy and one girl, Cliff Loesch, Owner i Apply at lower temperatures o Won't lift substrates judged best of the show, will U.S. 27 at Dill Road DaWitt Ph. 669-3107 be awarded a $50 savings "Where Service Is A Habit" certificate with $25 savings certificates being given to Zonolile the four age-group winners. The show, open to the .mruREFEiuni V-shaped openThgiBaSesi public -free of charge, fea­ '•:> poUrlrig;.No rodding.brd tures exhibits in science, '.;= .'tamping required.':'••:,:(;$ Zonolite Dxfoam I art, and manual skills. L MASONRY Flit Other members serving Cuts Heat Loss Super Board on the committee with Bar- I up to 50% ibeau are Richard Anderson, Rev. Wesley Manker, Dr. • EASILY INSTALLED — Moisture Proof Insulation Henry Burkhardt, Dr. James flows freely into cores or that controols sound as well Schweigert, Keith Mishler cavities. as heat. Won't rot, won't shrink.' and Van Hoag. DOUBLES WALL INSULATION VALUE - Light but strong and easy to work Winners will be hosted at cuts heating and cooling costs substantially. with. the Tuesday Rotary noon luncheon held at the Colonial WATER-REPELLENT —sheds water. Restaurant. ECONOMICAI the lowest cost means of insulating masonry walls. North Victor FILLS SOLIDLY —won't settle. No bridging. —Available At— By Mrs Elzle Exelby PERMANENT — all mineral — inorganic, The Victor Club will meet rot-proof, vermin-proof, fire resistant. on Saturday evening of April 22 for a ham supper and party following at the home of Mr. THE FORD TEAM and Mrs. Elmo Glffels; Mr, and Mrs. Aldon Bal- wants to play ball with you Karber com and children of Rockford BASEMENT-DR1 3 year spent Saturday and Sunday GUARANTEED Guarantee here with their parents, Mr. • and Mrs, Rupert Tmple arid Egan Ford Sales, Inc. 5 Decorator :PWMiKYr-ni«g Mr. and Mrs. Merrlel Bal- WATERPROOFING PAINT com. , Colors 200 W. Hlgham • STiJOHNS i t4li>lwPpr,..E\iiTi"r t 812 Church St. Johns Mr..and Mrs. Arthur Cur­ Se.ils out dampness caused by "r /'^All MiMi]irv.Siir(i«* '0 ' Ph. 224-2327 tis have returned home af­ moisture and water seepage ter spending three months in Us* Your S*at l*lti1l kefps basemonls snug and dry Florida. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan ^pril 19, 1972 15A AAcGovern Teen center closes;adults blamed (Continued from page 3A) As of Tuesday, April 11, ginning, we have pleaded of Lansing offered us their to keep a place like this but open to any teenager un­ the St. Johns Youth Center One of our main pur­ through all channels, to the financial assistance in pay­ open. der the age of 21. A lot of poses in opening the cen­ with the cross-over idea. "I don't known as "Our House" was city, the churches, the news ing the insurance premiums From the first, we had teenagers, being busy with officially closed by mem­ ter was to have a place where think the cross-over vote is that media, and service organi­ on the building. Our local many enthusiastic fol­ school activities, sports, the young people could go and much of a disaster. It tends to keep bers of the board of sations for any adult help In O.E.O, office furnished us lowers, but when it came to music, and etc., did not feel directors at the request of to keep them off the streets the candidates more toward the cen­ keeping it open and to make with a paid adult supervisor the actual laboring and the need for the center. and out of trouble. ter. There are Republicans who have a majority of the member­ it a place everyone could be for four months. giving of their time, these ship. But there are always those a candidate they like a lot." proud of. At the end of that period, people just faded away. This teenagers, who do not par­ The members themselves We as members of the It won't be an all-Wallace cross­ We drew a complete blank, his position was terminated seems to be the way of ticipate in any of these ac­ board of directors regret the over either, Allen said. "There are felt, that without adequate not one. person thought it im­ according to the rules of many causes nowdays. tivities or are not joiners adult supervision, they could closing of the center and young McGovern fans. He seems to portant enough to come for­ Operation Mainstream. A good many people said of organizations, who need hope that in no way we as have the support of the youth. There no longer keep it open by ward and offer their ser­ During his supervision, the that the caliber of the mem­ help and a place to go to themselves. Financially, it individuals will be con­ are some Democrats who are so vices. But most were quick center was run efficiently bership was undesirable and meet with others like them. demned for our efforts. upset with the party that they might has maintained itself to criticize the teenagers and without cause for crit­ wanted no connection in any through the snack bar and Mrs. Devereaux and my­ vote Republican,'' and the center. icism. way with the center. self believe that the com­ It has been decided that other money making proj­ It was kept neat and the They were quick to con­ Allen said it was just as well ects. munity and parents of St, any money left after ex­ that McCloskey dropped from the We did have cooperation conduct of the teenagers was demn,, but slow in trying to Johns have let these teen­ penses will be donated to GOP race, "It seems to be the best The center has been run­ from some individuals and above reproach. understand the need of the agers down in their effort some worthy cause. choice in an election to have an in­ ning about a year and a half, business places in donations Everyone has agreed that teenagers for a center such to make a meeting place cumbent running on his record. It mainly through the efforts of money and merchandise the center was'a good idea, as this. where they can gather to­ is natural for the Republicans to stick of myself and Mrs. Joan to help financially. but it takes more than two The center was not or­ gether without constant cri­ Mrs. Maridell Nelson with Nixon rather than to have two Devereaux. From the be- The office of the O.E.O. adults and a paid supervisor ganized for any select group, ticism. Mrs. Joan Devereaux people running on promises." State Sen. William S. Ballenger Witt districts could become involved ' (R-Ovid_ said cross-overs are built in the Lansing busing dispute. into the primary. As it stands, four weeks before the MSU student Dem. chairman "It is just one of the dangers that actual balloting takes place, it's a you have. In other primaries here, toss-up among Wallace, Humphrey and McGovern, with a slight edge, ac­ ST. JOHNS-Ken Kurncz, years at Alma College. He join the party. Kurncz, his wife, Carla as in 1966, you know there were 21, was elected chairman those crossing over to vote for cording to the political observers, is currently a senior at "I think we are more open and son Andy, 2, reside at to McGovern. of the Clinton County Demo­ Michigan State University than the Republican Party. 800. 1/2 W. State St., St. Cavanaugh because he would be easy cratic Party Tuesday night for Sen. Griffin to beat. This year, One thing is certain about this majoring in political We have opened up com­ Johns. primary. Each candidate drawing at a regular meeting of the science. pletely, I guess I am the Nixon is unopposed and there is ex-* party members at the Cen­ cite mt in the Democratic race. votes will end up with a percentage He said he plans on at­ example to show that young of the state delegates committed to tral National community tending law school after people can get Involved in But It could work the other way room here. around next time." him in the national convention for graduating from MSU. the party." at least two ballots. That means, Fight Cancer State Rep, R, Douglas Trezise Kurncz said his goal is to He said any qualified per­ Gov. Wallace will almost certainly Kurncz, a lifelong resident son can run for office, and with a checkup (R-Owosso) said he didn't like the *}& get qualified candidates to and a Check win delegate strength here, unlike &/2 of St. Johns is employed as run for office to "start two- it is not just a youth slate. idea of cross-overs, and that it his second place finish in Wisconsin a machineoperatoratSealed party competition." He He urged those interested . could hurt both parties. "This is where he didn't win even one dele­ Power Corp. He is a 1968 ? AMERICAN equally significant for us because added that he would like to to attend the party meeting SCANCER gate. graduate of St. Johns High get young people registered May 9 at the bank's com­ there is a need for Republicans to School and attended two SOCIETY stay in the party. We need good Next week; The primary election to vote in Clinton County and munity room beginning at people when selecting delegates, and how well will It work? KEN KURNCZ said all were "welcome to 7:30 p.m. Delegates won't represent a cross- section view. It would mean people will run the Republican Party with­ out really being chosen,1' Trezise said he would judge the cross-over vote to be as low as 10 per cent. He said the people are concerned in Clinton County, especially on the issue of busing, since Bath and De- Spend 15 minutes Elaine Cincala (Ed. note—Elaine Cincala, opinion pages In section B). with the Ford Team. area home economist with the extension office in St, On April 1,1 began my ap­ Johns introduces herself pointment with the Coopera­ this week to Clinton County tive Extension as Area Home •News readers. She will- be Economist for Shiawassee, writing a weekly column, We've got more new Gratiot and Clinton counties, starting next week, which based in ClintonatSt.Johns. will appear on the editorial- It will be my pleasure to write to you weekly in this models, special column. '!'since' 1965 the county has been.served by Mrs. £[eleri Meach and Miss Lorraine models and sale Sprague who are based in Shiawassee and Gratiot counties respectively. Now, even though we are all as­ models than anybody. signed to the area each will be concentrating on her own county for the' largest part Red, white and blue Sprints of the program. Special-edition Pintos, Mavericks and Mustangs. My education has been in Tutone hood, accent str'pes, dual racing mirrors, the Home Economics Edu­ a USA emblem, other sporty extras inside cation and Human Develop­ and out. Modestly priced! ment and Family Relations areas, with a B.S. degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and an M.S. from the University of Ken­ tucky. Specially equipped Ford Galaxie 500 We moved to the area in Free vinyl roof when you buy it with special paint, power brakes, September when my husband deluxe wheel covers, and other appearance options. began work at the graduate Free vinyl roof and free power front disc brakes level at Michigan State Uni­ if you also include air conditioning, versity in the urban planning tinted glass, deluxe seat belts, ELAINE department. We've both en­ joyed living in Clinton Coun­ intermittent wipers and bumper ty and hope to spend some guards. Beautiful R. E. BENSON happy years here. The peace and serenity "is quite a PLUMBING change from city life. Some events to mark on & your calendar: April 19, New Pinto Wagon and Sunroof "Mend to Wear Tips*- St, Our new Pinto Wagons pack a 2000-cc. HEATING Johns Central Bank-1:30- engine and more than 60 cubic feet of 3:30 p.m.-Lorraine Sprague, Ibadspace. What's more, they're Pinto- 106 N. Clinton Extension Home Economist priced for easy buying. Our new Pinto in Gratiot County will give ST. JOHNS a lesson on mending those Sunroof is solid steel (not fabric), Phone 224-7033 difficult tears. Admission slides easily by hand and is available is free. Bring a friend and with a vinyl top, too. Test-drive one. exchange some ideas with They're funl 3 MASTER the others. May 3—Fly Your County Ford Explorer Special Pickups Ecology Air Tour, Reser­ PLUMBERS vations will be taken until NoW's the time to buy a new Ford Pickup. April 27 at the County Ex­ They're sale priced! You get special discounts tension Office (See page B by choosing your F-100 or F-250 Explorer in this week's Clinton Coun­ Special with one of the four option packages American-Standard ty News). offered. Get full details Plumbing, Hot Water May 9-«Plant Don't Pol­ at your Ford Dealer's. Heating lute Program* Smith Hall See your nearest Ford Team (fairgrounds) Dr. Carlson, Lennox Wqirn Air_ Specialist at Michigan State Heating and Air University will speak on Conditioning . ways to beautify your home FORD and garden for spring. Come CUSTOM SHEET either at 10-11:30 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. or both. Stay for METAL SHOP the luncheon $1.75 - Reser­ i vations available at Ex­ .ntooi'ir.

47 Years Same Address tension Office. '••OURHSU"1'



BUSINESS _ a mtmbtr of J| AUTO _ ihsAmerica Group EGAN FORD SALES, INC ^ LANTERMAN INSURANCE 200 WEST Higham Street, St. Johns 200 W. State, 'St, Johns, PHONE 224-7614 BRUCE LANTERMAN 16A CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19, 19 St. Johns scientist describes sun-water energy system BOSTON — Clean, efflc- For the purposes of his and novel about the system willing to pay for to clean­ lent energy from the sun and study, Mr. Eschar chose a Is the notion of ocean-basing Finally, since Hellos- up our environment. the sea is promised by a location in the South Pacific the solar collector/convert­ Poseldon will be tantamount What is now needed, he large-scale future system near the Marquesas Islands er equipment," Escher to an open-ocean port, It of­ added, Is the sponsorship of described by a technologist because of its favorable stated. He added that lo­ fers significant advantages a thorough feasibility study In a talk given at the Ameri- clear skies and good location cating such a large system for worldwide shipping op­ of Helios-Poseidon, and oth­ can Chemical Society's nat- with respect to solar-energy on the sea has a number of erations. er solar-energy schemes. ional meeting held at the t described the technical advantages outside Preliminary cost esti­ "We have just begun to lnpu 4 He mates indicate that the cost scratch the surface of the Sheraton-Boston here on solar-energy collectors as a the Immense availability of Thursday. area for collecting sunlight. of energy to the, consumer tremendous source of clean series of 1 kilometer (six- will be significantly higher energy represented by our William J.D. Escher, a tenths of a mile) square The water taken from the founding associate of Escher ocean is a source of hydro­ from Helios-Poseidon, than sun," he concluded. modules supportedbyamim- from today's "conventional Technology Associates, a ber of large spar-buoy flo­ gen and oxygen, as well as minerals and chemical sources which are based on technological consulting tation units. "Oceanographic Maple Rapids ±r~r£*ir,W-f •»l^^—V*.*- firm located in St, Johns, products. fossil-fuels, Escher said. researchers have demon­ Further study must be car­ ADVISORY OFFICEBS described a conceptual strated the stable nature of Further, he noted, the ocean-based plant for col­ ocean provides adequate ried out to see If this cost Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Ban­ this type of unit in actual can be reduced by system croft called on Mrs. Sybil New officers were picked Thursday night for lecting the sun's energy and open-seas tests," he stated. cooling capability with little converting it to a storable if any negative environment­ design optimization, apply­ Braman in Saginaw Sunday, the Clinton County Advisory Council in St. Johns. Forty-eight such modules ing advanced technologies, April 16. and transportable form. would produce one-thousand al consequence. Also, Es­ From left, front, are Helen Hempsted, treasurer, cher indicated, a floating and developing salable co- Mrs. Velma Bancroft at­ Still in the conceptual Megawatts of hydrogen - products, he noted. stage, this new approach for system intrinsically has tended a baby shower for her St. Johns; Hedy Fields, chairman, St. Johns; Loretta energy continuously, enough granddaughter, Michelle solving our national energy to operate a fairly large freedom to rotate and trans­ However, Escher empha­ Wilson, vice-chairman, Ovid; and Edith Hill, secretary, and environmental problems late for such functions as sizes, the environmental Marie Bancroft in Eureka city's electrical system, he Sunday, April 9. Hostess was St. Johns. Standing are Connie Abent,. director of com­ has been named "Helios- indicated. sun-tracking and seeking benefits accompanying his Poseidon" by Escher. Thus zones of minimum cloud- scheme — though difficult to Mrs. Ralph Zamarron, Mrs, munity organization and Robert Williams, executive This would occupy about a assess financially, must Fran Abbott, aunts of citing both the sun and the 6-mile square, allowing for cover. director of the community action center (OEO), both sea as essential resources have a real value to the av­ Michelle's mother and Mrs. spacing topermit sun-track­ erage citizen, one he maybe Leona Andrews. for operation of the scheme, ing within the checkerboard Former of Lansing. he has performed a prelim­ array of floating modules. inary engineering assess­ Such a system would pro­ resident ment of its principal char­ duce about 5500 metric tons acteristics. He has had of the cryogenic energy form significant assistance from per day (about 6000 short named specialists in government, tons). Large ocean-borne LEXINGTON, MASS.—Dr. industry and in Hie univer­ "Cryotanker" ships are en­ sities in preparing a report Herold C. Hunt is serving visioned as carrying the liq­ as a special consultant In describing the Helios-Pos­ uid hydrogen and oxygen to eidon "macro system." .educational relations to the worldwide ports for recon­ advisory board of World Escher pointed out that the version to useful work and Book Encyclopedia. key to producing useful water "exhaust." World Book Is published energy by this approach is Similar ships are current­ by the Field Enterprises the breakdown of water into ly carrying cryogenic lique­ Educational Corporation in its two basic elements: hy­ fied natural gas (LNG) Chicago, 111. drogen and oxygen. Further, across the ocean presently, Dr. Hunt is a former su­ to provide transportability he pointed out. perintendent of the St. Johns to move this energy to the There is a good possibility school system and is a Char­ eventual point of use, such that such an "energy depot" les W. Eliot professor of For Your Convenience. . as electrical power genera­ in mid-ocean might produce Education, Emeritus of Har­ tion and transportation units, other products using solar vard University. the hydrogen and oxygen are energy and the ocean re­ Dr. and Mrs, Hunt lived converted to super-cold or source. An example Is sea­ in St. Johns from 1927 to "cryogenic" liquids. food through the use of ma­ 1933. He later became su­ The needed technologies rine-farming technology. perintendent of schools in have been well-developed by Escher indicated that the Kalamazoo, Kansas City, the Space Program, he point- waste-heat from the Hellos- Chicago, HI., and New Ro- ed out. "Cryogenic hydro- Poseidon system might aid chelle, New York. gen and oxygen provided In this by maintaining nu- Later he served as the much of the energy to get trient-ladened water from assistant head of Health Edu­ our astronauts to the moon," the ocean depths near the cation and Welfare for the Escher noted. surface — through heating United States Government The products of reaction in this otherwise very cold, headquartered In Washing­ engines and in fuel cells is dense water — as a source ton, D.C., leaving to be­ always the same, he noted: of "ocean fertilizer." come a professor at Har­ pure wate*. "Thus we hava chhicals and minerals may vard University in Cam­ an approach for cleaning up 0f "ocean fertilizer." bridge where he retired. our air in distressed urban chemicals and minerals may The couple have a married areas which necessarily be economically extracted son, Douglas, who makes his consume enormous quanti- aiS0( ne sa^, home In Washington. ties of energy," he con- "The one thing that is new eluded.

CLINTON Lutheran ITHEATR Central National Drive Up Banking Central National Offers Complete Bank­ Church Windows Are Open at 8:30 a.m. Daily ing Services Saturday. Offices are Open ST. JOHNS. MICH. and 9 a.m. Saturdays. From 9 a.m. to Noon and Loan Officers are on Hand. Wed. thru Tues. April 19 thru 25 activities Editor: Banking Hours Now In Effect At Central National In writing this letter I have a three-fold purpose in "IT IS A JOY!" mind for as an elder in —Judith Crist, New York Magazine the St. Johns Lutheran Southgate Ovid Pewamo Paramount Pictures Presents Church I have an assignment, Day Main Office Drive Up . with the help of a com­ mittee to bring to the at­ HAROLD and MAUDE tention of our members and *2S5[GP] Color by Technicolor* A Paramount Picture { the public certain facts and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. events of the church which MONDAY might be of interest to all. I know that many people In our area listen to the 9 to 4 8:30 to 5 9 to 4 9 to 4 9 to 4 Lutheran Hour with Dr. TUESDAY Hoffman on our local radio station and en]oy the pro­ 9 to 4 9 to 4 gram very much so lam now WEDNESDAY 9 to 4 8:30 to 5 9 to 4 extending an invitation to the entire community to lis­ ten to the strong and dy­ 9 to 4 9 to 4 9 to Noon namic voice of Dr. Hoff­ THURSDAY 9 to 4 8:30 to 5 ST. JOHNS , MICHIGAN man in person on May 7, at 3:30 p.m. in the Calvin College Field House-Barton 9 to 6 8:30 to 8 9 to 6 9 to 6 9 to 6 FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY and East Belt Line, Grand FRIDAY Rapids. Our church feels APRIL 21-22-23 that If any wish to go to 9 to Noon hear Dr. Hoffman that SATURDAY 9 tol 9 to Noon 9 to Noon transportation can be ar­ ranged, if anyone desires transportation please call my home phone 4-2294 and I will make sure transpor­ ALBERT T. VIOLA'S tation is available. CENTRAL I wish to extend a cordial PREACHERMAN invitation to our Book Dis­ cussion Club which meets NATIONAL A0T\M HESSE MARIAN BROWN-ESTY F.DAVIS, JRW HENRY SMITH llENEKRISTEN the third Tuesday of each AMOS HUXLEYtiTHEPREACHERMAN SwSWwi AIKATT «u^wtrw KUMKK month at the Lutheran Par­ MMWH MMMkalll sonage located on South Mead Street— we have visitors attending from ~ BANK FIFU IN THE HAYSTACK Lansing and really welcome book lovers to a friendly at­ mosphere and discussion of good books. The hours are from 8 DAU"" p.m. to 10p.m. with refresh­ ments served. The invitation DIRT POOR. / is extended also to you and NEEDS MONEY! J your staff. Morton Halsey 404 E. McConnell St. PEWAMO ST. JOHNS OVID COLOR i St, Johns, Mich. * «£ Clinton ecology i Area ot Concerned Residents air tour May 3 ST. JOHNS — The Cooperative Ex­ she said. tension service of offering an oppor­ "Everyone knows that the nation as tunity to see both the negative and posi­ a whole needs cleaning up, but see tive aspects of land use in Clinton Coun­ what needs we have here. ty according to Elain Cincala, exten­ "This is an inexpensive opportunity sion home economist. to see recent land development, to see The $5 cost includes a 30 minute how Lansing is moving north, to see slide briefing and 45 minutes in the air. the growing changes in the community," The tour includes such points as: Sleepy she concluded. Hollow State Park, Lake Victoria, Wil­ liam Brook dairy farm, Chandlers Fly kite, but safely Graria River This is another aerial view of Watertown Township near I 96, looking Marsh, trailer parks, expressway con­ LANSING-«Go fly a kite" rules which will help kite fly­ struction north of Lansing, garvel pits, says C, F. Brown, Consum­ ers avoid trouble: north. The outlined area shows a land fill operation and another is marked where ers Power Company's Lan­ —Use dry string - not citizens in the area reside who opposed the project. sanitary landfill, farm ponds, sodded sing division manager, "but wire or anything metallic. and wooded hills, and examples of zon­ do It safely!" —Use wood and paper in " ' **" -'**•'•"-"•••••••'•••'•'•'•'•••*•*.•.•...J Brown is urging parents your kite - notwire or metal. ing. and school officials to warn —Fly your kite on days Two join association "Flights take off from Dickenson air­ youngsters of the dangers of when there Is no rain. BRATTLEBOROR, VT. — eligible for junior member­ Clinton County port (located 3 miles west of 27 on flying kites near electric —Avoid busv streets and Amy E. striz, St. Johns and ship, providing they own in lines and poles, highways while flying your Steve Conklln of DeWitt have their name, at least one Parks Rd.) from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.," "Each year, accidents hap­ kite.1 joined the junior member­ Registered Holstein. News Miss Cincala said. Call the Coopera­ pen when kites become tan­ —Fly your kite far from TV ship ranks of Holstein - gled in trees and wires. Chil­ and radio aerials. Friesian Assoc, of America, Junior members of the na­ tive Extension Office for reservations dren are injured trying to —Keep away from electric Over 13,60b youngsters are tional Holstein Assoc, are ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN 48879 3 at 224-3288. Reservations will be taken free them, Accidents also lines. now actively enrolled in the entitled to all privileges of occur when a kite flyer uses —If an electric line falls, breed organization's pro - adult members except vot­ I until the' 28th of April. SECTION metallic or wet string which stay away from It. gram. ing. They may register and % "The air tour is an excellent oppor­ can conduct current if it —Call your power company Any young person, under transfer their animals at April 19,1972 tunity to see how ecology campaigns crosses an electric line," If your kite gets snagged In a 21 years of age, who is member rates and receive n Brown said. * line—do not pull the string or has been a member of a regular reports ofbreedand B relate to you and your community, Brown listed these basic or climb the pole. 4-H club or FFA chapter is organization progress. WHEN IT COMES TO during 1971 BUILDING MONEY . . . COME TO THE TOP Clinton

This view shows the wildlife area National and farm pond filled with bass and blue gills on the Alfred Spitzley farm,R-2V Fowler. Bank and Trust

financed during 1971 . . .

210 real There were 946 real estate mortgages in Clin­ of all real estate mortgages recorded, repre­ ton County, handled by 110 leading agen­ senting $4,119,956. As in recently past N. cies. This total included the five major lend­ years, CNB&T continues to recognize the ing firms, a nu'mber of government agencies needs of Clinton County residents and estate mortgages and private individuals. Of this entire group­ moves to make financing a home an easy A complete tile spacing on Blount ing, CNB&T financed 210 or 22.2 per cent undertaking* loam soil appears in this aerial view of the Harold Benson farm, R-3, St. in Clinton Johns. during 1971 . . . County. .. 569 real estate mortgages were made by the county's five The wide-awake bank major lending agencies . . .

AGENCY NUMBER PCT. AMOUNT PCT. Clinton National Bank 210 36.9 $4,119,956 37.6 continues to be Capitol Savings 191 33.5 3,746,950 34.2 American Bank & Trust 57 11.0 1,216,157 • 11.1 Michigan National Bank 56 9.6 1,139,412 10.4 This view of contour strip cropping Central National Bank 55 9.0 741,417 6.7 appears on the Owen Wesseler farm, R-l, DeWitt. the county's during 1972 . . . This is | We pledge to continue - and even expand - every way possible to secure the housing Wayne Beaufore | our activities in the home mortgage field they desire. During 1972, when you want and to assist Clinton County residents in the best in home financing, come to the TOP. Week ( top home ' A few months back, the St. Johns Area Chamber |: "Information compiled of Commerce honored Wayne for his many years of % from Credit Bureau of work with the young men of our community and we •:':: Clinton County statistics. have added to this recognition by naming htm as our '*& Citizen of the Week. 4 Wayne is numbered among those effective citizens jg who recognize a need and move to meet the challenge $ financing and there are many young men who have benefited # =T$$ by his concern. Through the sport of boxing - in both g 1 local and state Golden Gloves competition - Wayne § has shared his ability and knowledge, bringing indi- •£ The wide-awake bank makes itajhoet^ vidual and team successes with regularity. « For his constant effort and his concern for help- § ing others we are pleased to recognize Wayne |j agency CLINTON NATIONAL BANK and TRUST CO. Beaufore as Citizen of the Week. » I Serving The Clinton Area From Eleven Locations CLINTON NATIONAL 1 Member FDIC BANK & TRUST CO. &&HWK4£D£tf&^ ^ 2B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 Clinton County News Back Through Re-escalation Editorial Page the Years By TIM YOUNKMAN A From the Clinton After President Nixon be­ of the North. We have jeop- is true, as far as it goes. County News files ordized foreign sentiment of 1971,1962,1947 gan his Vietnamizatlon pro­ But we shouldn't forget Something for gram and assured the nation once again by managing to that we have been training that the war was winding pick off part of Soviet ship in the South Vietnamese for ONE YEAR AGO made by county and township down and we are withdraw­ Haiphong, plus the bombings more than 10 years to oper­ April 21, 1971 officials to cut down on the* ing, Americans 'breathed a have slaughtered hundreds of ate that equipment. They also everybody excess of grass fires which sigh of relief that it was civilians. have 1.5 million men under Voters in southern Clinton are plaguing the county these finally coming' to an end. Perhaps it is time we re­ arms and could produce at In some ways the discerning voter is the winner in the County Bath township soundly days, with little apparent All of the demonstrations examine the Administra­ least another 500,000 who, defeated two zoning and success. and peace rally programs tion's sincerity in endingthe thus far, have refused to nearly two dozen presidential primaries. The television building code proposals by a The Clinton County Tax al­ were thwarted and the War war. defend their own country. screen is helping his victory, too, by exposing fakery. 2-1 margin and approved a location "board is in session became a second-rate issue It angers Americans to A major escalation at this recall question by a narrow­ this week to determine how in national politics behind hear the state­ time by American air forces For one thing the growing notion that politics is nothing but er margin, turning Super­ the county's 15 mills will be busing and the economy. ments from the North Viet­ could prove to open up the visor Duane Smith from of­ divided in fiscal 1963. namese officials who have war as a major campaign a big swindle is growing. Perhaps via the primaries people fice. That promise, while sub­ Five inland lakes were re­ stantiated' by the number of called Nixon a barbarian for issue again and could help to will pay more attention-to the candidates and their apparent William Coffey has re­ cently planted with 1,250 troops returning home, has unleashing the^terror of the defeat the Incumbent in Nov­ qualifications. Regrettably, this desire to vote for good signed effective May 1 as adult northern pike under the not produced the definite re­ American Air "Force on the ember. Clinton County Zoning Ad­ Conservation Department's sults for which the Adminis­ North. They say that as As for those in Congress people doesn't go all the way through government. ministrator to take a man­ continuing program to revit­ tration has hoped. though the Americans were who have called for all-out Hubert Humphrey, the fellow with more solutions than there agement position with a hous­ alize fishing in waters where Instead, this week, in the acting unilaterally as the war against war, even to the ing manufacturing firm. problems have developed. face of a North Vietnamese only aggressors. point of a declaration of war, are problems, isn't doing so hot. As the 1968 presidential Clinton County will not be offensive that had been-ex­ Of course, we claim to be we can only hope their con­ candidate and the titular head of the Democratic party, he losing its local draft board, pected for almost two years, bombing only in retaliation stituents have heard their despite earlier plans to com­ 25 YEARS AGO we have resumed massive for the ground offensive remarks and vote according­ should be knocking them dead. He isn't. bine Local 19 with the Ing­ April 24, 1947 air raid scattered bombings against the South. That part ly in November. Under the heading, Promises, Promises, the Wall Street ham County selective service office. Members of the St. Johns Journal points out that Hubert has something for everyone. DeWitt High School will fire department, along with "If It Fltz • • • present its first annual Fine local merchants will sponsor Says the Journal of his Wisconsin effort: "In the dairy Arts Festival, featuring stu­ a July 4 celebration here this dents' works, displays, pres­ year for the first time since lands, he proposes higher milk price supports; in labor entations, productions and the war. - halls, he promises more jobs. performances. Strawberries are grown by I have a dream. . . but Richard Hallabrin, first- more home gardeners in "Before blacks in Milwaukee, he backs off the anti-busing year high school English Michigan than any of the other stand he took in the Florida primary a few weeks earlier teacher believes thebestway small fruits, specialists in (television aired this and one network pointed out the dis­ to teach English is to teach horticulture at Michigan Editor, Lfcpeer County Pren students to express them­ State college say. II By Jim Fitzgerald crepancy); everywhere an array of bigspendingplans comes selves by communicating Prof. Guy Hill of Michigan tumbling forth. ideas through all media. State College was the fea­ I know this man who has a terrible prob­ he loves his fellow man? tured speaker at a Ladies' lem. John and his friends can make a convinc­ "Mr. Humphrey tells business audiences that tax reforms Night program sponsored by John, a charming middle-aged fellow, ing case. They never bought any slaves. and bank-type financing schemes will pay for it all without TEN YEARS AGO the St. Johns Rotary Club. was bragging mildly to his friends at the They never gassed any Jews. They are not April 19, 1962 Nearly 100 persons, includ­ golf club. He'd found a perfect winter home responsible for what some fanatics did 50 to higher taxes; he offers hope that newfederalaid will permit ing Rotarians, their wives In the southwest. *1 like it for 3 reasons," 100 years ago. They always joke with the reductions in local property taxes." A fifth patrolman was and guests, were in attend­ he explained, "there are no Negroes, no lockerroom attendant, they think Ella Fitz­ added to the St. Johns Police ance. Jews and no old people." gerald is the greatest singer in the world, . In short, the Journal says, Humphrey is promising some­ Department with the hiring Ninety-five per cent of the Further conversation revealed that the and they do business every day with minor­ thing for everyone to a degree unmatched by any other candi­ of Edward A. Teachout, who county tax assessed for 1946 last 2 reasons could almost be rolled into ity races ("some of them are the nicest. has been employed with the has been collected by town­ one. He had been bugged by all the elderly people you could ever hope to meet.") date. city street department for the ship treasurers,accordlngto folks "bent over and shuffling" along Collins But John doesn't want to live near them. •Wisconsin didn't buy it as Humphrey finished third. past 10 months. an announcement by County Ave. In Miami. "And they're all Jews," he He doesn't want them belonging to his The conclusion is that people are sick of politics as usual The boulevard islands on Treasurer Lee Bissell. added. club ("One or two is OK, But you let one the east and west sides of Dedicated to the right of The age bit must bug John the most. He in and the next thing you know they've and of politicians who seem to represent the same old the Clinton County Court­ every little child to health knows there is no way he is going to turn taken over"). And he gets positively ill at system. house were doomed to obliv­ and happiness, Child Health black or Jewish. But the only alternative the suggestion that some day a black man ion by the St. Johns City Day will be observed In Mich­ to growing old is rather unpleasant. The might climb into bed with his'daughter -D.S. Commission. igan this year, for the 23rd day may come when he will not want to live ("But man, that Lena Home is some dish!"). Efforts are still being consecutive year onMayDay. next door to himself. It's a free country, Isn't It? Are you I've never heard anyone accuse John of trying to tell John he can't live where he being a bigot. No one has ever pointed a wants to, and choose his own friends, finger at him and said: "White racists like and belong to Rotary Instead oftheNAACP? you, through, the .years, have.created, the WJ Npt,m,e» ,-iuibw .« ,,x., " 'v. ,«»-. ., JJ^H BW^I™ 1* '• . > ' i » , *,*i .race problem, thaj Is tearing AjnerJca apart, c t View from Vl-^^l •••IM! ' ill , - 'i U ' ' <- > *f»** i!,-know*,Johnr.iSfwrong. I cringeiwhen.he^ T I today. Maybe the worst thing you have creat­ " unknowingly advertises his stupldprejudice.^! IN *j| t ed is black .racists"" ,, ., * ...^ „, ,-**,— I feel sick andlos&hope.whenlsee him teach j In the country club set, no one questions his children the same brand of polite hate. the Senate John's right to be "choosy." After all, he I ache to holler out and tell John that I have * worked hard to get where he Is. H he can a dream ... Rep. Douglas Trezise afford a lily white tower, why shouldn't he •^^^MMiW 1 87th District But I don't. By. SEN. WILLIAM S. BALLENGER live in It? What do you want him to do - I know this man who has a terrible prob­ stroll through Harlem at midnight to prove lem. It's not John. It's me. When Michigan's cigaret packs of illegal cigarets, some mention of another In­ What should a legislator servation District projects tax was raised to 11 cents two vending machines and crease in Michigan's cigaret done under federal law 566 a package two years ago, do when he is faced with two vehicles since July 1 of tax to pay off a Vietnam proposed legislation which was defeated. It was obvious From the there were warnings that last year. bonus, if such a bonus is ap­ any improvements in agri­ there might be an increase is opposed by a large num­ proved. Legislation has been ber of people in his district culture's position would state house in bootlegging from states MOST of this traffic comes proposed to issue bonds to have to be accomplished with with much lower taxes. but which apparently has from North Carolina, where pay for such a bonus, with support enough for passage the support of the bill's That warning appears to the tax is only two cents per another cigaret tax increase either with or without his sponsor. By DICK ALLEN be coming true. pack. This is nine cents a as a possible source of pay­ vote? 68th District Representative David Parker, director of pack less than Michigan's ing off the bonds. With that in mind, a few the Cigaret Tax Division of tax. I think he has several of us who represent rural Every legislator has a my family of four alive on This is only in the talk project or two that he be­ opinion is that cheaters and the State Treasury Depart­ Bootleggers bring from 40 stage but in the light of the options. areas of the state held the higher of these figures, several meetings with the lieves strongly in and that frauds are a significant fac­ ment, estimates that the to 50casesofCarolina-taxed reported increase in boot­ The first, of course, is to I will fully admit I'don't tor in this increase. And the state may have lost about cigarets into Michigan in conservation-oriented mem­ could be fully funded for a want to try. legging, legislators are ex­ speak out against the relatively small number of truth is we don't know If this $2.5 million in cigaret sales their panel trucks and sell pected to take a good look at bers who were promoting A second misconception measure In the hope of con­ the bill and were able to de­ dollars, say a million or so. Is a misconception or nott taxes last year because of them at a profit of almost 50 any proposal to increase the vincing others of the merits is that increased costs are The only way to find out would bootlegging. percent. _ , tax again. velop our case and get their We all enter the budget due to large increases in of his view and defeating it. support for several amend­ 1 be to hire more people for The Treasury Department This report comes at a season hopeful that this will the size of payments. Act­ Investigations. The numbers On another front, Michi­ If unsuccessful, he can re­ ments. be the year for our project. has seized more than 38,000 time when there has been gan's State Police and, indi- port to his electorate that ually the highly debated "up­ of people working just to Then along comes the Social dates" that may be included handle the increasing case­ 'rectly, the Civil ServiceDe- he tried to defeat the bill These amendments ex­ Services Bill, the money dis­ partment, have won round but failed. empted private agricultural in the budget amount to five loads has been increasing appears in huge hunks and all' cents per person per day on so rapidly no one has dared one in their battle with the Another approach is to drains regardless of their our projects go by the board Where to contact Civil Rights Commission outlets and involved thelocal July 1st and four cents more risk the cost of more in­ try amending the bill during for lack of money. on January 1st. vestigators. We don't know if over State Police hiring debate on the floor with Soil Conservation Districts practices. in the permit process along We all gasped when the The total costs of these enough would be saved to pay amendments which might Governor's budget proposed increases in payments would their salaries. your representatives weaken It completely in the with other local govern­ mental units concerned. a $75 million increase In the be around $16 million for the THE CIVIL Rights Com­ hope of attracting some "no" State Social Services budget. I get letters from people mission ordered the State Most important, weprovided year. While this is a lot of saying they know a lot of votes. This technique is used Then the House Appropria­ money It Is only a small In Washington . . . Police to stop hiring recruits quite often and usually ends for exemptions of minor people who are cheating. But' construction and mainte­ tions Committee tacked on fraction of the total increase. until the Commission's up with the proponent of the another $15 million. Now we they never mention names. charges of racial discrimi­ nance work and that the De­ The MAJOR cause of in­ U.S. SEN. ROBERT P. GRIFFIN amendments voting against hear that the ADC caseload So here's mypledge.Ifyou nation are decided. the bill in spite of his ef­ partments of Agriculture creased costs has been and know or even suspect some­ 353 Old Senate Office Bldg. and State Highways par­ has been badly underesti­ continues to be increased The State Police, backed forts to "perfect" it. mated and we need another one of cheating on welfare, Washington, D.C. 20510 by the Civil Service Depart­ ticipate with the Natural-Re­ families on assistance. The (202) 225-6221 $22 million. send me their name. I will ment which says It has an A third alternative is to sources people in defining number of families served thoroughly investigate each U.S. REP. CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN "exclusive grant" and "ab­ work with the sponsors of the what exemptions will be Not only do all our human­ has been increasing for the case. We will see if the pub­ (Sixth Congressional District) solute** power to hire civil proposed legislation in an made under this provision. itarian projects from alco­ past year at a steady 3,000 lics attitude about welfare 2240 House Office Bldg. service employees, went to effort to modify and soften It is our hope* that under holism treatment to cleaner or more a month in Michi­ cheaters is backed by enough Washington, D.C. 20515 court and Ingham Circuit some of its offensive pro­ this provision almost all air fade over the horizon, but gan. determination to take a (202) 225-4872 Judge Marvin Salmon ruled visions. In this way, it Is work on the existing drain­ our pledges of a balanced A commonly held public stand. , often possible to make major age systems can be budget and no new taxes are U.S. REP. GARRY BROWN that the civil rights order •S-^S-K*:-^^ (Third Congressional District) was not an appropriate one. changes in the bill, with the exempted. In jeopardy. Keep in mind support of its backers. By Warren E. Dobson 404 Cannon House Office Bldg. "Such an order could ef­ To me, this is a reason­ that the enthusiastic sup­ Washington, D.C. 20515 A case in point is House able approach. It certainly porters of a Michigan lottery April 1972 fectually put the State Police Bill 4948. This bill, called Dreams (202)225-5011 out of business," said Judge is better than the complete or off-track betting estimate the "inland lakes and control by the Department Income of only around $40 ' , Flimsey webs of fabric U.S. SEN. PHILIP A. HART Salmon. streams act" would give to Born of fantasy, 253 Old Senate Office Bldg. He said he doubted that the of Natural Resources as million. the Department of Natural originally proposed.* Also compare the above From realms of never-never, Washington, D.C. 20510 Civil Rights Commission •In the world of yet-to-be. (202) 225-4822 Resources complete control I think, too, this is only increases with the TOTAL could issue any such re­ over the surface waters of straining order against the a temporary situation* A budget of the State Police, the state. It would require great deal of discussion is which is only $48 million. Little wisps of longing State Police unless It was that any agency, public or Fed by fickle flame, In Lansing . . . proven that that agency was going on these days about a It seems to me there Is private, which wanted to reorganization of our pro­ general agreement that the Hours and years of waiting guilty of something. perform any work on alake, Stalking bigger game. SEN. WILLIAM BALLENGER cedures involving environ­ welfare budget is a disaster, The basjc issue in the pond, impoundment, river, mental control. It is my but conflicting opinions on (30th District) whole wrangle is whether the stream orcreek which might Goals are all for winning, State Capitol feeling that when changes the cause. $ Civil Rights Commission affect water levels, sedi­ are made they must pro­ Dreams we still pursue, Lansing, Mich. 4B901 should have the right to de­ mentation or have other en­ There are some public Working, waiting, praying, 373-2420 vide for input of viewpoints termine the hiring practices vironmental control Is op­ frpm all areas—agriculture, misconceptions. For In­ For them' to come true. £ of the State Police and the posed by agriculture. The public health, highways and stance, legitimate welfare i REP. R. DOUGLAS TREZISE recipients are NOT living (87th District) g: Civil Service Commission. Drain Commissioners of the others—and not just the rec­ There's no set time table, state are adamant in their reation-oriented Depart­ in high style.Afamilyoffour ' No one road it must take, " .' State Capitol ;:•: in our area with no outside Lansing, Mich. 48901 £: STATE POLICE are dedi­ opposition as are the ment of Natural Resources. , The way Is often clouded numerous Soil Conservation Income draws a maximum of 373-0841 % cated to maintaining high But, House Bill 4948 Is a While waiting for a break. - standards for hiring officers Districts. better bill for our area than $350 a month. This includes REP. RICHARD. J. ALLEN l-ij food stamps but not medical (88th District) &: and are resisting demands Attempt's to exempt all it was when introduced. It The source is often secret that they lower their re­ projects performed under has not passed either House care which, of course, varies Box 119 ::•: Widely. The AVERAGE fam­ And, progress slow it seems, Lansing, Mich. 48901 :£ quirements in order to admit the Drain Code were de­ as yet and we are still But worlds are for the winning candidates unable to meet ily grant Is $243 per month. jg 373-1798 | feated decisively. Also, an working for further modi­ -To all who fulfill dreams. existing standards. attempt to exempt Soil Con­ fication. While I think I could keep i-lk:;:::^::^ April 19.1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 3B generation, which by nature for each other, can be re­ begins in the home. solved in a way that benefits Crusade It is a sign of social health­ both areas of controversy- iness that both sides speak it we care enough to try. out with intelligent concern Coming together, with '"*£*} Becoming Eastern for the values they care cool-headed responsibility, volunteers We should support about. Such controversy con­ and preserving the values of stitutes the living drama of both groups Is what Is needed. OVID TOWNSHIP-Volun- '•wmm^' w • By REV. HUGH BANNINGA The young people of St, Johns Dear Editor, cause they refused to delete community life from which teer Cancer Crusade work­ I would like to take this or change the script. worthwhile social values and need teachers an d parents ers have been named here Jesus said, "I am the good opportunity to apologize to You cannot believe that to art of classic value are who care enough to work to­ and will be making door-to- hireling — the man hired mine, and the result was to gether to make abetter com­ shepherd," to watch the sheep. As long remove the estrangement — the staff of the St, Johns High be so just because a small developed. door solicitations collecting In order fo fully under­ School communication arts group of enraged people have munity and prepare them for funds for the annual cam­ as things were peaceful and the distance betweenyouand In' a violently changing a better future. stand* this statement we have quiet, the hireling would do me and our Creator. and music departments on implied it; I deeply resent world, our values are at paign. behalf of the people of St, It is in small towns like to put ourselves In an his job. But as soon as dan­ There Is a legend about their lmpudlcity expressed once attacked by suffocating Covering the area are Mrs. riental or Eastern frame of ger threatened, the hireling Johns for not vehemently through a lack of factual .St. Johns that the strength a rich merchant who had banality on the one extreme and beauty of the future are Karl Smith, ponna Hettinger, ind. We have to Imagine would turn tail and save his come to his last illness. As and publicly supporting their knowledge of each of the and an unbridled profligacy position during the hearing bred—not in the emulations of Mrs, Albert Warren, Mrs. urselves on the hills of own skin; leaving ttie sheep he lay in bed one night, he accused educator's re­ on the other. With the threat C. R. Reese, Mrs. Robert alestine looking at a typical to fend for themselves. which I attended Wednesday ligious background, train­ the TV screen or In the rin.ky- dreamed that he had arrived of these extremes In the tlnk of a Broadway stage. Meredith, Mrs. FrankGadza, sheepfold. night, April 12. ing or witness. everyday world around us, Jesus would lay down his at the Last Judgment, Be­ Goethe said, "To take man Mrs. Max Miller, Mrs. Rich­ The walls are of stone and life for the sheep. One of fore his was a huge scale. It was obvious that the Only God knows the agony, It is understandable why each ard Hebeler, Mrs. Woodard they are high and strong. "fanatical* oppostlon had the indecision, the prayers, side of our local controversy as he Is, Is to make him the foremost dutines of a On one side the Devil was worse, to take him as he Dunkel, Mrs. Don Jorae, and Also, there is a good solid shepherd was to completely piling up all the things he worked extremely hard to that each of these individuals defends what It has struggled Mrs. Don Hettinger. door to keep the sheep in the pack the meeting, supposedly has experienced during this to achieve. As a people, we ought to be, is to help him sacrifice himself to the had done wrong in his life. to become it.* sheepfold. needs of the hungry, depen­ to demonstrate the "will of "petty crisis* in an attempt do not desire either of $hese Any person who is missed On the other side the Angels We owe it to. our young One other thing we have to dent and foolish animals that were placing the good things the people,* to make the right decision. damaghg excesses. or not at home when the vol­ see is the relationship be­ were put into his keeping. It is exactly this brand I have faith in each of these people to come together and' unteer makes her visit and he had done. The pile on the When people do not come resolve our differences for tween the Eastern shepherd The good shepherd would al­ Devil's side was pretty of fanaticism that usually people that they have decided forth and defend what they wishes to donate may contact and his flock. It is a re­ ways put himself between his creates more problems than what is "right* considering their benefit. By standing, Mrs. Carl Bowles at 834- heavy, but he had been a good value is' where social decay unbending, on one side, we lationship that is intimate, flock and any danger that man and there was a consid­ it solves, which partially the circumstances, and I can flourish. A good healthy 2855. personal and affectionate. threatened. The only way explains the reasons why so strongly support their final all lose; in sincere coopera­ erable pile on the Angels' examination of our differ­ tion, everybody gains! Donations may also be sent The shepherd and his flock harm could come to a side. many young people turn to decision because I respect ences of opinion, with respect to American Cancer Society, are bound closely together. the adult establishment with Sincerely, shepherd's flock would be There were his good their personal integrity and st Johns Mlch This kind of close and affec­ "over his dead body." If it deeds, his gifts to the church the questions—"Where is the devotion to their work. "LORETTA M. ESCHER ' - tionate relationship was in were necessary, the shep­ and to the poor, his acts of reality of life? Must we The last comment that I Zabel wins Jesus' mind when He said herd would die in order to Holy Communion and his always live in a storybook believe deserves an airing that H ewas "the good sheph­ save his flock. prayers. When everything world, a world of make be­ here, pertains to a voiced erd.' That is exactly what Jesus was placed nn the scale, the lieve where only the good remark at the April 12 meet­ promotion In making this claim Jesus Christ did for you and me. merchant saw, to his hor­ shows through? Shouldn't we ing regarding toe nature of NOTICE also said that "the good He died in order to save his ror, that the scale began to see the other side, no matter the books selectedfor class­ ST, JOHNS - Terry C. shepherd lays down his life flock. He laid down his life tip in the wrong direction. how bad it is? Can't we be room reading. One or more Zabel of Ashley has been taught by comparison as well for the sheep," Again, Jesus for his sheep. This is really In his dream he cried out, members of the opposing promoted to Machine Shop The regular meetings of the Clinton County was saying this about him­ what the doctrine of the as by example?* delegation raised objections "Lord, save met" Then there foreman at Sealed Power Plat Board will be held on the 2nd and 4th self. Then notice what He atonement is all about. The was a small metallic sound By no means am I con­ to some of the books used in Corporation's St. Johns divi­ said immediately following word "atonement" broken and he looked and saw a nail doning the constant and abu­ the classrooms. I would like sion, Ed Sulka, plant man­ Thursdays of the month instead of the 2nd this statement. He said, "he into its three syllables in the Angels' side of the sive use of what many people to remind the Board that if ager, said Thursday, and 4th Tuesdays, as at present. who is a hireling and not a really becomes its own def­ scale. This nail was followed consider "profane* lan­ you attempt to remove all shepherd, whose own the Zabel has worked at the inition. The first syllable is by a' second and a third. Then guage, however, I cannot, in texts which contain a "hell, Such change to become effective June 1, sheep are not, sees the wolf *AT". The second syllable the balance tipped over to the good faith, condone the damn, dang, heck, gee, gad, St, Johns plant since 1969 coming and leaves the sheep is "ONE". The third syllable other side. actions of this "minority God, Jesus,* or whatever on several machining and 1972. and flees; and the wolf is "MENT". So you get "AT- group* regarding the use of word you decide is im­ grinding operations. snatches them and scatters Jesus said, "I am the good ONE-MENT." shepherd. The good shep­ the words "hell* and "damn.* proper, that you will have Previously, he attended them. He flees because he Through the death of the' The expressions as used in started this school district school in the Ithaca and Ash­ is a hireling and cares noth­ herd lays down his life for signed: good shepherd Jesus Christ the sheep."_ the play are utilized care­ on the biggest witch-hunt ley systems and graduated ing for the sheep," and book-burning expedition we now can be AT-ONEwith Next week we'll takealook fully to establish the scene from Ashley High School In As you can see, Jesus God our Father. Jesus died and to correctly portray the since the Salem Witch Trials 1967. Ernest E, Carter, Clerk at the good shepherd who and Hitler's Nazi Germany, didn't care much for the on behalf of vour sins and has intimate knowledge of character's personality. He lives in Ashley with his his flock. The comment has been If we must guard our public wife, the former Sherry L, •made by the opposition that morals, let us not do it in Wang, and their two children, Clinton County Plat Board other words could and should such a pretentious way, but Michelle and Michael. STATE LAND SALE MAPLE have been utilized In place Instead try to see all points of the questionable words. of views, gather factual in­ REGULAR CLINTON COUNTY I submit that the words formation, and then base our RAPIDS ZONING COMMISSION MEETING Mlt.S. JIAL'I HL'MSn utilized would have been just judgments upon the needs of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That pursuant to the l-'T \U'il M.iinStiect an and would still the majority—not a select ,Une N 89 degrees 32*16" 403.65' provisions of Section 131 of Act 206, P.A. 1893, as Uu|tli li.lpi'ls. G82--1243 The next regular Clinton County represent the original in­ few. By no sense of the Zoning Commission Meeting will be to a pt. 456.5' W'ly of the NW'ly amended, state lands in Clinton County will be plac­ tended meaning. Obviously, Imagination do I desire the held on Tuesday, April 25, 1972 r-o-w line of Hwy M-78 as measured ed on the market by offering same for sate at public the words "heck, darn, gee, complainants (regardless of The Maple Rapids Hill­ at 8:00 p.m. In the Courthouse, St. alg sd. 1/4 line, th S 10 degrees auction, Friday, May 19,1972 at 10:00 A.M. E.S.T., billy's furnished the evening gad, or dog-gone* could have their motives) to act as my Jury Assembly Room, 4th Floor, New Saginaw been used — all usually procurator, nor do I believe Johns, Michigan. At that time the 22'16" E 411.17' to the survey c/1 entertainment and were in­ commission will act on the following County Court House, Saginaw, Michigan. vited by the president to en­ socially acceptable to most the vast-.majority of St. of W bound roadway of Hwy M-78, tertain at the annual Pil­ people. In fact, I've heard Johns' citizens consider applications: th alg sd c/1 S 49 degrees 17'56" , Deeds conveying lands so offered will reserve to the grimage at Big Star Lake on some of them used at a them to be their spokesmen. W 358.34', th // with sd N-S 1/4 ' State of Michigan, or waive, all rights to minerals, August 1^ and 13, This Is iP,T,A. meeting a few years In view of the complexities GREENBUSH T.OWNSHIP , llqe, N 0 degrees 32'24" W^ 236.21'. coal, oil, gas, etc.; rights^of ingress'ana" egress'to* ah'y° 1 (ago by one of the major com- 'th -perpendicular to sd N-S 1/4* a* camp for 'boys and gfrls 1 involved in attempting tcfaeg- watercourse or stream; all rights' to'abbi-igln'a'tahti- sponsored and maintained by -plaining parties (at that time islate or administer private Re-Zone B-l, Local Business to line S 89 degrees 27'36» W 200.0'j quities, mounds, and earthworks, as-iridicated in ad­ Odd Fellow-R'ebekah Michi­ an officer in the organiza­ moral attitudes upon tKegen- A-l, Agricultural on the following to the pob, subject to the r-o-w{ vertised sate lists and in certificate of sale. gan Lodges. tion). My dictionary defini­ eral public as a necessary described parcel of land: of Peacock Road and Hwy M-78 & Mrs. Karen Grubaugh won tions of these words disclose "public good," I respectfully any other right or easements of The right is reserved by the State of Michigan to re- the Certificate of Perfection them to be considered blas­ request that you very care­ Part of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4, Sec, record. ject any or all bids. In the unwritten work. Mrs. phemy in the same sense as fully examine your heart and 8,"T8N-R2W, com. 670' N of SE An amendment to amend the Grubaugh and Mrs. Beverly the other words in question, your personal motives be­ except they are considered cor. thereof, th. N to NE cor thereof, Clinton County Zoning Ordinance to Lists of property to be offered are available at the Baker were the delegates fore you decide this question. W to NW cor thereof S to SW cor County Treasurer's Office at St. Johns, Michigan, from the Maple Rapids by some to be just a milder allow town houses, row houBes, Your own integrity is in the thereof, E to a pt. 1135' W of SE garden apartments and similar types Natural Resources District Headquarters, Rose Lake, Lodge. form. balance before the entire East Lansing, Michigan, or Lands Division, Depart­ cor thereof, th N 37 degrees E of housing units with common prop­ Mrs, Lionel Frisbie is in Some dictionary defini­ community, not just before 836' to a pt. 635' W> of FOB, th E. ment of Natural Resources, Lansing, Michigan. 48926. Lansing General Hospital tions are in order: erty areas Inthe Planned Unit Devel­ this emotionally frustrated 635' to FOB. with a broken elbow 'from a Gee—A minced oath: Jesus and obviously constrained opment section of the ordinance fall in her home on March Gad—God: a-variant form group attempting to force being sections 8.16 through 8.21. BATH TOWNSHIP DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 28. used in oaths their particular form of • To allow a greater density In the Darn—To damn "right and wrong* upon planned unit development than Is Mr. and Mrs. Ron Holder Lands Division Heck—An exclamation: society. You people were Re-Zone A-l, Agricultural to M- allowed In the residential district vacationed in Northern Mich­ elected to represent us be­ 1, Limited Industrial on the follow­ that the planned unit development, igan during Easter week. used euphemistically for "hell* cause of your intelligence, ing described parcel of land: Is to be developed. Dog-gone—To condemn. fairness, and willingness to DeWITT TOWNSHIP Damn; darn; a mild oath. contribute part of your life North 15 acres of the S. 60 acres The use of any of these in service to your fellow of W 1/2 of SW 1/4, Sec. 35, Re-Zone from B-2, General Busi­ words is still grammatically man. T5N-R1W, Bath Township, Clinton ness to R-lC, One-Family Medium considered to be a profane Please do not betray our County, Michigan. Density residential and a Special interjection and should be 'trust. DeWITT TOWNSHIP Use Permit to allow a Planned Unit just as objectionable as the Development on the following de­ words "hell and damn." EDMUND J. TUCKER Re-Zone B-l, Local Business to scribed parcel of land: Therefore, the substitution \ St. Johns for these words would serve B-2, General Business on the follow­ no basic purpose as far as ing described parcel of land: The NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of WRBJ eliminating the basic objec­ Don't knock Section 28, T5N-R2W, Township of tions raised initially by the Beg. at a pt. in the cen, of DeWitt, Cty. of Clinton, State of protesting parties. Some Inters, of US-27 & Rd. 104, th. S. Mich., exc. a par. desc. as com. good advice to follow would other side 11 rds. 9 l/2», E 8 rds., N 19 rds. on the c/1 of Stoll Rd. 595,9' W of the Sec. cor., common to Sec. 21, Request Line be "Let those without sin be To the Editor, 7', SW'ly In the cen of Rd. 104, 22, 27 St 28, DeWitt Twp., th S the first to cast a stone.* Two important values are 11 rds. 15' to the pob, Sec. 3, My next objection that I at odds in the current St, T6N-R2W, DeWitt Twp., Clinton 311.14', th. W 140', th, N 311.14', would like to raise is the im­ Johns controversy concern­ County, Michigan and com 11 rds.. th E 140' to the pob; & also exc. plied accusation that the ing the High School drama 9 1/2' S and 8 rds E of the Inters, a par. desc, as com, at the NW cor 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. school administrators, the program: that of a good edu­ of US-27 and Gd. River Rd., th E of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of drama and music teachers cational drama program and 8 rds, th N 28.36 rds to cen of sd. Sec. 28, T5N-R2W, run. th. E 165', involved, are less "Chris­ that of a high standard of Grand River Road, th StV'ly alg sd.r th S 20 rds., th W 16S\ th N tian* 'than the others Just be­ moral training of the coming rd. 12 rds,, th S 19 rds, 7' to beg. 20 rds, to the pob. Also exc. a par. being part of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 3, deBC. aB com, on the c/l of Stoll T5N-R2W, DeWitt Twp, Clinton Rd. 415.9' W of the NE Bee. cor. County, subject to any and all ease­ of Sec, 28, th. W 180', th. S 150', ments and restrictions of record. th E 180', th, N 150' to the pob. NOTICE OF Sub], to easemcntB and restrictions of record. Call To Make PUBLIC HEARING BATH TOWNSHIP • Re-zone R-1A, One-Family Rural ' DeWITT TOWNSHIP Residential to M-l, Limited Indus­ Your Requests City of DeWitt trial on the following described An application , for Special Use parcel of land: Permit to .erect a radio antenna on the following described parcel of 224-4329 NE 1/4 of SW 1/4, See 25, T5N- land: A joint meeting of the DeWitt City Council and Plan­ R1W, Bath Twp., Clinton County, ning Commission will be held at: Michigan North of T.L. #78. NE cor. of the E 1/2 of NW l/4 8:00 p.m.. May 8,1972 Sec. 18, T6N-R2W, Clinton County, in the new City of DeWitt offices located at 414 East BATH TOWNSHIP Mich. Main Street {old DeWitt Township Hall). For the purpose of conducting a Public Hearing on Re-Zone R-1A, One-Family Rural The text of the Zoning Ordinance the proposed 1972 Zoning Ordinance for the City of Residential to M-l, Limited Indus­ as proposed to be amended and a map DeWitt. Copies of the Ordinance are available for re­ trial on the following described showing the Zoning Ordtnanoe as view in the City Clerk's office. parcel of land: proposed to be amended may be examined, at the office of the Clinton That part of the SE 1/4 of Sec. County Zoning Administrator at the 25, T5N-R1W, Bath Twp, Clinton Courthouse,,St. Johns, Michigan be­ WRBJ Dorothy Keck County Mich, beg on the N-S 1/4 tween the hours of 8:00 a.m.'to 12 line at a pt. N 0 degrees 32'24"W noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p*m. of 2237.19' from the S 1/4 cor, thereof, any day Monday through Friday* City Clark th continuing alg ed 1/4 line N 0 degrees 32»24rt W 400.57' tothecen. ARNOLD R. MINARIK, 15BO of sd. Sec. 25, th alg the E-W 1/4 Zoning Administrator 4B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 Business and Professional Announcements, Legal News Real Estate Transfers Apr. 10: DeGeer, Ernest said deceased are required Motion by Comm. Hannah ther, that the City Commis­ Courtroom In St, Johns, mltted by law on or before shall be made as provided (From records In office of David and Nancy J, to Theo­ to prove their claims. Cred­ supported by Mayor Wood to sion endorsed the manage­ Register of Deeds) Michigan a hearing be held June 20, 1972. Failure to by Statute and Court Rule. dore Martin and Susan M. itors must file sworn claims appoint Comm. Jeanne Rand ment of the pool and approved at which all claims against comply with this Order will TIMOTHY M, GREEN Apr. 5: Lake Geneva Land Decker property in Sec, 6, with the court and serve a as chairwoman for Mayor's the recommended distribu­ said Estate will be heard result in a Judgment by De­ Judge of Probate Company to Donald R, Du- DeWitt. copy on* Paul S, Eldrldge, Exchange Day and to have tion of last year's surplus and heirswlll be determined. fault against such Defendant Dated: March 27,1972 charme Lot 133 Geneva Sh. Apr, 11: Kimball, Mar­ Route 2, St. Johns, Mich­ Creditors must file sworn her report her plans, in the funds. Motion carried, No. 1. for the relief demanded in C.Bruce Kelley near future. Yea: Rand, garet to Fist Baptist Church igan 48679, prior to said claims with the Court and the Complaint filed in this Motion by Comm, Rand Apr, 5; Barner, 'Samual Attorney for the Estate Grost, Hannah, Wood, Nay: of DeWitt property In Sec, 6, hearing, serve a copy on the East Court. supported by Comm. Hannah Edgar and W, and F.j Barner, 610 S. Walnut St., Ebert. Motion carried. DeWitt, Publication and service Lansing State Bank, Admin­ IT IS FURTHER OR­ P.O. Box 1347 to issue a vote of thanks Harlan Robert and Edna B. The City Clerk presented Apr. 11: Smith, Ronald D. shall be made as provided istrator, prior to said hear­ DERED that the fees or costs Lansing, Michigan 49-3 for Dr. Herbert Oatley and to Gerald E. and Marilyn D. two bids for the addition to and Marjorie to Victor and by Statute and Court Rule, ing. of publication be paid by the citizens of St. Johns for DeLlne Lot 105 Rtverwood. the fire hall. Onalee Hathou property in TIMOTHY M, GREEN Publication and service CLINTON COUNTY, Final Account their work on the St, Johns Apr. 5: Juenker, Harriet Sec. 26, Victor Judge of Probate shall be made as provided Morris—April 26 Mid State Contracting, Swimming Pool Fund,Motion HONORABLE: E. to Dale Juenker, property Apr, 11: Harger, David E. Dated: April 5, 1972 by Statute and Court Rule. $12,548.53; Richard Corn- carried. LEO W. CORKIN STATE OF MICHIGAN - The In Sec. 16, Eagle, and Dione M. to William and Walker & Moore - TIMOTHY M. GREEN We 13, 84 Motlon b Circuit Judge Probate Court for the ^'5 l ^°' „ u y Comm. Ebert Apr. 6: Cook, Ralph E, Marjorie Eiseler property By James A. Moore Judge of Probate County of Clinton (Countersigned) Motion by Comm. Hannah supported byComm. Hannah and Joanne to Schroeder In Sec, 2, Bingham 115 E. Walker Street Dated: April 4,1972 supported by Comm. Rand to to refer lh/Subdlvlslon 0™ VIRGENE KREBEL Estate of Builders Inc. Lot 16B West­ St. Johns, Michigan 50-3 Ronald S. Griffith reject the bids inasmuch as Apr. 11: Brya, Victor F. Deputy Clerk HIRAM G, MORRIS, dinance to thePlanningCom- chester Hgts. and Ruby to Robert H. and - Attorney for Estate Deceased they were higher than our Apr. 5: McMaster^Ray- Date of Order: March 20, misslon for review and to Marilyn Dennis,^property in Claims Klein-July 5 301 M.A.C, Avenue It is Ordered that on estimate, Motion carried. ask for their recommenda­ mond and Arlene E. to Her­ 1972, 48-5 Sec, 11, Victor. STATE OF MICHIGAN - The East Lansing, Michigan 50-3 Wednesday, April 26, 1972, Motion by Comm. Grost tion by April 10, 1972. Mo­ bert E. Houghten property Probate Court for the supported by Comm. Rand Probate Court STATE OF MICHIGAN IN at 11:00 a.m,, in the Probate tion carried. In Sec. 2, Greenbush. County of Clinton Will Hengesbach—May 10 that a contract similar to the HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Courtroom In St. Johns, Apr. 6: Cook, James to Estate of STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Michigan a hearing be held contract with the YMCA of Judge of Probate THE COUNTY OF CLINTON, Motion by Comm. Hannah James and Minnie Cook CLARA KLEIN, Deceased Probate Court for the on the Final Account of 1971 be approved for the op­ • supported by Comm.Grostto HELENA M. BURK BEVERLY J, FREEMAN, Blk. N, Ovid. It Is Ordered that on County of Clinton. William H. Morris, Executor eration of theSt, Johns Swim­ adjourn at 8:10 p.m. Motion i Register of Probate Plaintiff Apr. 6: Knudsen, Glfford July 5, 1972, at 9:30 a.m., Estate of of the above named estate. ming Pool during 1972. Fur- carried. L, to Glfford L. and Sarah WEDNESDAY, Apr. 26,1972 in the Probate Courtroom in EDWARD C. HENGESBACH, vs Publication and service J. Knudsen property in Sec, St. Johns, Michigan a hear­ Deceased HERBERT W. FREEMAN, shall be made as provided 5, DeWttt. ing be held at which all It Is Ordered that on Defendant L, J, Brown, final account by statute and Court Rule. — Bits and Pieces— Apr. 8: St. Johns Cemetery creditors of said deceased Wednesday, May 10,1972, at On January 4, 1972, an Carolyn Gleason, probate TIMOTHY M. GREEN Assn. to MaynardandShirley are required to prove their 11:00 a.m., in the Probate action was filed by Plaintiff of will Judge of Probate It's a "spring" Barrett, Lot 3, 4, Blk 4 claims. Creditors must file Courtroom, In St. Johns, in this Court to obtain a Beatrice Fern Munro, pro­ Date: February 17,1972 Perrin's Add St. Johns. sworn claims with the Court Michigan, a hearing be held decree of absolute divorce, bate of will Glenn T. Cheney and serve a copy on Theo­ on the petition of Joseph IT IS HEREBY ORDERED happening Apr. 6: Geert, Maynard Hiram G, Morris, final Attorney for Executor dora Trierweiler, 981 Lyons Hengesbach for probate of a that the Defendant,' and Shirley to Geert D. Mul­ account 518 N. Washington Ave, By HAROLD SCHMALTZ Road, RR-2, Portland, Mich­ purported will, and for grant­ HERBERT W, FREEMAN, der and Sons Inc. Lot 3, 4, Lansing, Michigan 49-3 Blk. 4 Perrin's Add St. Johns igan • 48875 prior to said ing of administration to the shall answer or take such • LEGAL NOTICES other action in this' Court The curtains rise at the ACCORDING TO MY Apr. 6: Geert D. Mulder *^^——i —i i ••'• • ii—i^ hearing. executor named, or some as may be permitted by law Rodney B. Wilson Jr. High source of information, and Sons Inc. to Larry S. Publication and service other suitable person, andfor STATE OF MICHIGAN IN on or before June 30,1972, auditorium here in St. Johns Broadway's rendition of this and Annette M. Bowers Lot shall be made as provided by a determination of heirs. CITY THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Failure to comply with this April 21 and 22 for the same plot ran successfully 9, 10 Perrin's Add St. Johns Statute and Court Rule. Publication and service THE COUNTY OF CLINTON. Order will result in a Judg­ COMMISSION First Nighters' production for six months, closing out TIMOTHY M. GREEN shall be made as provided by Apr. 6; Conley, Richard LORETTA FASE, ment by Default againstsuch of "Breath of Spring*. Just this past January. So Judge of Probate statute and Court rule, MEETING Louis and Ruth Ann to Murray Plaintiff Defendant for the relief de­ Broadway recently ran a considering this, the play Dated: March 30, 1972 TIMOTHY M, GREEN K. and Joanne M, Langham vs manded in the Complaint takeoff of this colorful should be a real winner! property in Sec. 10, Eagle. Kemper, Wells & Lewis Judge of Probate MINUTES THOMAS FASE, filed in this Court. comedy with "70 Girls 70". You know, in evaluating By: F. M. Lewis Date: April 10, 1972 Apr. 6: Welter, Henry C. Defendant March 27, 1972 With this offering, the the time and effort this local Attorneys for the Estate Walter M. Marks IT IS FURTHER OR­ to Ronald S. and Cheryl L. On March 20, 1972, an players are proving it's theatrical group must be 103 East State Street Attorney for Estate DERED that the fees or costs Helbeck Lot 11, 12, Blk 64 action waB filed by Plaintiff, The regular meeting of the rather fun to be in the "tea- putting forth to bring this St. Johns, Michigan 49-3 Courthouse of publication be paid by A H Walker Plat St. Johns in this Court to obtain a City Commission was called time" of life. play to local residents, one Ionia, Michigan 48846 51-3 Clinton County. Apr. 6: SearlesjWillardD. decree of absolute divorce. to order at 7:30 p.m. by "Breath of Spring" re­ would really have to give and Lillian C. to Linda Her­ Will Munro-April26 HONORABLE IT'IS HEREBY ORDERED Final Account Mayor Wood. counts the hilarious goings- them credit. After all, how ring ton and Howard Kremer STATE OF MICHIGAN-The LEO W. CORKIN that the Defendant, THOMAS Allies—May 10 Comm, Present: Rand, on In the household of Dame many of you folks have tried Lot 11 Outlot Q St. Johns Probate Court for the (Countersigned) FASE, shall answer or take STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Ebert, Hannah, Wood, Grost, Beatrice Appleby, a woman mastering the script of a Apr. 6: Coffey, William County of Clinton. VIRGENE KREBEL such other action in this Probate Court for the Comm. Absent: None. Staff of tremendous vitality, an three-act play Just lately, M. and Pauline J. to Brian Estate of Deputy Clerk Court as may be permitted BEATRICE FERN MUNRO County of Clinton DATE OF ORDER: March Present: City Clerk, City abundance of eccentricity especially, in consideration H. and Mary J. Nowosackl by law on or before June 20, Deceased Estate of 27, 1972. Attorney. and as If that's not enough, of other obligations, respon­ property in Sec. 5, Bath. 1972, Failure to comply with It is Ordered that on WALTER WILLIAM AILLES GREATER LANSING LEGAL Motion by Comm, Rand changing moods that guaran­ sibilities, etc.? Apr. 6: Leininger, Jerrys, this Order will result in a Wednesday, April 26, 1972, Deceased supported by Comm. Ebert to tee to keep the audience In my estimation, it and Virginia to Joseph F. Judgment by Default against AID BUREAU at 10:00 a.m., in the Probate It is Ordered that on approve the minutes of March laughing. wouldn't be easy. So in this and Kathleen A. Zink Jr. Lot such Defendant for the relief John Schoonmaker Courtroom at St. Johns, Wednesday, May 10, 1972, 13, 1972. Motion carried. Surrounded by conniving light I'd surely like to see 193 Clinton Village No. 2. demanded in the Complaint 300 N. Washington Avenue Michigan a hearing be held at 10:00 a.m., in the Probate Motion by Comm. Grost counterparts and a maid the First Nighters get a Apr. 8: Langham, Murray filed in this Court. Lansing, Michigan 48910 on the Petition of Carol J, Courtroom at St. Johns, 49-5 supported by Comm. Ebert to that's "been around", the couple full houses for their K. and Joanne M. to Basil IT IS FURTHER OR­ Cornell for probate of a Michigan a hearing be held approve the warrants. Motion group becomes actively in­ efforts, It's pretty hard to L. and Joan B. Antenuccl DERED that the fees or costs purported will, that ad­ on the petition of Richard Heirs Ettlg—May 3 carried. volved as Intrigue romps beat a good play for a night Lot 15 Covert's Woodland of publication be paid by ministration be granted to C, Allies, Administrator, for STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Motion by Comm. Hannah about the stage. outl Acres. Clinton County, Carol J. Cornell and Keith the allowance of his final ac­ ^Probate Court for the supported by Comm. Rand to Apr. 6: Rowland, A, Earle Honorable: Cornell, and for determina­ count. County of Clinton approve the agenda. Motion to Shelby L. and Janice E. Estate of ",>.->M< il •irr ^ LEO W. CORKIN tion of heirs, ' Publication and service .^arrled^; t "{\ ' Reyburn Lot 18 Elmhurst HARVEY W. ETTIG; ' l (Countersigned) Publication and service shall be made as provided by ' ' The City Commission re- 'Est, No. 1. s Deceased ^ VIRGENE KREBEL shall be made as provided Statute and Court Rule. . MAt w^quested Jhat „the.J£ity.Man?i,. It Is Ordered that on May tUie *• Apr/erAttenberger, Niles Deputy Clerk by Statute and Court Rule. TIMOTHY M. GREEN ager be notified of the re­ 3, 1972, at 10:30 a.m., in J. and Diane L. to Ronald DATE OF ORDER: TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Judge of Probate quest for curb repair and the Probate Courtroom, St, G. and Anne Drumheller Lot March 20, 1972 50-5 Judge of Probate Dated: April 13, 1972 to ask him to look into the Johns, Michigan, a hearing MRS. NEVA KEYS 16, 17, 18, Blk. 7, Ovid. Dated; March 30, 1972 Ronald S. Griffith cost to repair or replace Will Raymond-May 10 to be held on the petition Ph. 862-4301 Apr, 7: Burns, Merle M, Daniel C. Matson Attorney for Estate the damaged curbs. Kross Walker to Emerson, STATE OF MICHIGAN-The of Glenn T. Cheney for an Motion by Comm. Hannah Attorney for said Estate Second Floor P-K Bldg. Also to be included Is the and Dolores Barrone Lot 13 Probate Court for the appointment of an adminis­ supported by Comm.Grostto Two women's service or­ 122 East Washington Street 301 M.A.C. Ave. name of the school to which McLouth Hills. County of Clinton. trator and for a determina­ grant permission to the Clin­ ganizations, the Crescent DeWitt, Michigan 48820 49-3 East Lansing, Michigan they have been accepted, Apr. 7: Barrone, Emerson Estate of tion of heirs. ton County 4-H Clubs and Club of Ovid and the Woman's 48823 51-3 their chosen subject area and and Dolores to James M. LUCILLE I. RAYMOND Final Account Publication and service other youth groups to use Literary Club of Elsie are vocational plans. The letters and Linda A. Kurncz Lot 13 a/k/a LUCILLE RAYMOND, Hannah—May 17 STATE OF MICHIGAN IN shall be made as provided the city's landfill facility to again Joining hands to pro­ of application should be left McLouth Hills. Deceased STATE OF MICHIGAN-The THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR by Statute and Court Rule. dispose of litter collected vide scholarships for the stu­ at the Guidance Office at the Apr. 7s Zell, Paul William It is Ordered that on Probate Court for the THE COUNTY OF CLINTON TIMOTHY M. GREEN along Clinton County high­ dents of the Ovid-Elsie High Ovid-Elsie High School and to Norman R. and Aberta Wednesday, May 19, 1972, County of Clinton DONNA MAE RUECKERT, Judge of Probate ways. Further, to Inform School. The Ovid Club offers must be in by April 17, 1972 G, Irrer property in Sec. at 10:00 a.m., in the Pro­ Estate of Plaintiff Dated: March 24, 1972 these groups that the City of one and the Elsie Club two to be considered, 27, Bengal. bate Courtroom at St. Johns, MARIE J. HANNAH vs Glenn T. Cheney St. Johns may have to deny scholarships this year. Deceased Apr. 7t Kobylarz, Joseph Michigan a hearing be held CLIFFORD WARD Attorney for future requests of this nature Any student who Is pres­ Members of the Scholar­ and Dorothy E. to Norman on the petition of ward w. It is Ordered that on RUECKERT County Public Administrator inasmuch as available land ently a senior and has been ship Committees of the two R, and AlbertaG. Irrer prop­ Kelley to establish and admit Wednesday, May 17, 1972, at Defendant 518 N. Washington Avenue is limited. Motion carried. accepted for further educa­ clubs are: Ovid Crescent 10:00 a.m., in the Probate Club, Mrs. Opal Fisher, Mrs. erty In Sec. 35 Greenbush to probate a purported lost On Nov. 22,1971, an action Lansing, Michigan 49-3 Motion by Comm, Rand tion In a college, business Courtroom in the Courthouse school, nursing school, trade Virginia Chamberlain and Apr. 7: Bartlett, John will of said deceased, andfor was filed by Plaintiff/ supported by Comm. Grost to in St. Johns, Michigan a school or apprenticeship Mrs. Jeanne Wllklns; and Spencer and Aletha Amanda granting of administration to Defendant, In this Court to Claims Bowers—June 21 approve the request of the hearing be held on the Peti­ program may make applica­ Elsie Woman's Literary to Harold A, and Brenda the executor named, or some obtain a decree of absolute STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Rotary Club to hang a sign tion of John W. Hannah, Ad­ tion for a scholarship which Club, Mrs. Jean Cobb, Mrs. Mead property in Sec. 12, other suitable * person, and divorce. Probate Court for the advertising the Youth Art ministrator, for allowance of will provide $150. Gerry Hawes and Mrs.Leota Ovid. for a determination of heirs, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED County of Clinton _, Craft and Hobby Show at the his Final Account. Kajdas. Apr, 7: Lake Victoria Land Publication and service that the Defendant, CLIF­ • Estate of Intersection of Clinton and Recent graduates are also Co, to Adelbert W. and Mary shall be made as provided Publication and service FORD WARD RUECKERT, CLARENCE H, BOWERS State and to give the re­ eligible to apply. Selection E. Carrier, Lot 11 Royal by Statute and Court Rule, shall be made as provided shall answer or take such Deceased quest to the Chief of Police of the scholarship winners Shores TIMOTHY M. GREEN, by Statute and Court Rule. other action in this Court It Is Ordered that on for scheduling. Motion car­ will be based on financial Wednesday, June 2l, 1972, at Wacousta Apr. 7: Gregory, Hazen and Judge of Probate TIMOTHY M, GREEN as may be permitted by law ried. need, service participation 11:00 a.m., in the Probate Llta to Aldon W.Bellon prop­ Dated: April 7, 1972 Judge of Probate on or before June 20, 1972. in school and community Mrs, Linda Crandall Dated: March 30, 1972 Courtroom at St. Johns, erty in Sec. 21, DeWitt Ward W. Kelley Failure to comply with this RESOLUTION activities and scholarship at­ Worthington was on the "To­ Robert H, Wood Michigan a hearing be held Attorney for Estate Order will result in a Judg­ Moved by Comm. Ebert tainment. day" TVProgram Wednesday Apr. 7: Searles, Willard Attorney for Estate at which all claims against 306 Hollister Bldg. ment by Default againstsuch supported by Comm. Grost Interested students may morning with Doug Picket and Lillian C. to L. Jack and 200 W. State said estate will be heard Lansing, Mich. 48933 50-3 Plaintiff/Defendant for the that the request from Robert make application through a and Mr. Karim, head of the Helen A. Bradley Lot 10, St. Johns, Michigan 49-3 and heirs will be determined. Outlot Q, St. Johns relief demanded in the Com­ L. Leonard, for transfer of letter addressed to the Schol­ Bangladesh Mission. Mrs. Final Account plaint filed in this Court. Creditors must file sworn arship Committee, Crescent Apr. 7: Atkinson, Lloyd classification ofpresentl971 Worthington is the daughter Wooley—May 10 IT IS FURTHER OR­ claims with the /Court and and Literary Clubs, stating J, and Mildred P. to David Final Account * Tavern License to a Class of Mrs. Hazen Crandall, STATE OF MICHIGAN - The DERED that the fees or costs serve a copy on Ruth G, that they feel are qualifica­ L. and Barbara A. Rehm Salters—May 10 •C License, be considered Mr, and Mrs. Ed Kraft Probate Court for the of publication be paid by Price, 2201 Rossiter Place, tions which make them property in Sec. 26, Bingham STATE OF MICHIGAN - The for approval. Yea: Rand, and daughter, Nancy Kraft County of Clinton Probate Court for the CLINTON COUNTY. Lansing. Michigan 48901 or rvfxoV Vannnh »K««I. U7««I worthy of receiving a schol­ of Grand Rapids returned Apr, 7: Geert D, Mulder v-iu-.„ & ii„«.,.. ooe A.. Grost, Hannah, Ebert, Wood arship. Letters should be Estate of County of Clinton HONORABLE: Kathryn E. Perry, 825 Au- MftVNay,: 'NoneWnnft . \^Absentean¥\ : NnNone„c . Wednesday after a three week and Sons Inc. to -Randall K. DONNA C, WOOLEY dubon Road, East Lansing, typed and in a sealed envel­ Estate of LEO W. CORKIN Motion carried. vacation in Florida. and Christine A. Blssonette Deceased Michigan 48823, Ancillary ope. Lot 8, 9 Perrin's 2nd add. ARTHUR J. SALTERS „ Circuit Judge It is Ordered that on Executrlces, prior to said' St. Johns Deceased (Countersigned) Wednesday, May 10, 1972, It is Ordered that on VIRGENE KREBEL hearing. Apr. 10i Eschtruth, Ray­ at 10:30 a.m. in the Probate Publication and service mond W. and Donna Beth to Wednesday, May 10, 1972, Deputy Clerk Courtroom in St. Johns, at 9:30 a.m. in the Probate Date of Order: March 20, shall be made as provided James M. and Susan R. Hag- Michigan a hearing be held Courtroom in the Courthouse 1972 by Statute and Court Rule. Business Directory erman, property In Sec. 8, on the petition of Robert TIMOTHY M, GREEN Bath. in St. Johns, Michigan a hear­ GREATER LANSING LEGAL Wooley, 'Executor, for the ing be held on the Petition Judge of Probate Apr. 10: Larry T.Schaefer AID BUREAU allowance of his final, of Stewart Salters, Executor, Dated: March 27, 1972 Inc., to John L. Blanchard By: /s/JohnR.Schoonmaker account. for Allowance of his Final Joe C, Foster, Jr. p'roperty in Sec. 36, Olive. 300 North Washington Ave. AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE Publication and service Account, Lansing, Mich. 48933 48-5 Attorney for Estate Apr. 10: Larson, Gall H. shall be made as provided Tenth Floor-Michigan For the BEST BUY In to Donald K, and Dorothy J. Publication and sen vice GOWER'S HARDWARE by Statute and Court Rule. shall be made as provided by National Tower New & Used Chevrolets Purina Feeds Pierce property in Sec. 4, TIMOTHY M. GREEN Lansing, Michigan 48933 Means $ $ $ In Your Pocket and Eagle Statute and Court Rule. STATE OF MICHIGAN IN See Judge of Probate 49-3 Apr. 10: Pierce, DonaldK. TIMOTHY M. GREEN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR r EDINGER & WEBER Mathews Elevator Co. GRAIN ELEVATOR Dated: April 4, 1972 Judge of Probate THE COUNTY OF CLINTON Grain—Feeds—Seeds and Dorothy J. to Pamer Fox & Fox Final Account FOWLER Phone 582-2401 BOTTLED GAS Dated: April 14, 1972 KATHERINE RUTH FOWLER Company property In Sec, 4, Attorney for Zischke-May 10 Cylinders or Bulk Eagle. Robert H. Wood HOWELL, STATE OF MICHIGAN - The 102 Hersee Bldg, Attorney for Estate Eureka Apr, 10: Gillett, Melvin Plaintiff Probate Court for the Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 50-3 200 W. State St., vs CREDIT BUREAU Phone 224-2695 William and Eleanor; Briggs, County of Clinton Be a Partner Phone 224-2983 Claims Eldrldge-July 12 St. Johns, Michigan 51-3 KENNETH M. HOWELL, NOT JUST A CUSTOMER Roy P, and Pauline Ahrj Estate of CLINTON COUNTY Pedewa, Robert E. Jr. and STATE OF,MICHIGAN-The Claims* Krauss—July 12 Defendant HENRY L. ZISCHKE, Buy the Co-op Way On Dec. 13,1071, an action 'Julia; and Fedewa, James R. Probate Court for the STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Deceased FARMERS' CO-OP CREDIT BUREAU INSURANCE and Mary Ann to Robert D. County of Clinton Probate Court for the was filed by Plaintiff/ It is Ordered that on FOWLER Phone SB2-2661 Phone 224-2391 1 Defendant, In this court to Complete Insurance Service and Maxine B. Smit, prop­ Estate of County of Clinton May 10, 1972, at 11 a.m., Credit Reports Collections erty In Sec. 28, Bingham ERFORD D. ELDRIDGE, Estate of obtain a decree of absolute in the Probate Courtroom in Since 1933 Apr. 10i Rathbun, Roscoe Deceased GEORGE FRANK KRAUSS, divorce. St. Johns, Michlgen a hearing FARM AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE It is Ordered that on and Ruth to Joseph T. Zalew- a/k/a G. FRANK KRAUSS IT IS HEREBY ORDERED be held on the Petition of DRAINAGE FOR YOUR LISTING IN THE FIRE INSURANCE skl property in Sec. 24, Essex Wednesday, July 12, 1972, and FRANK KRAUSS, that the Defendant, Victor A. Zlschke, Executor, GENERAL CASUAUTY Apr, 10: Zalewskl, Joseph at 9:30 a.m., in the Probate Deceased KENNETH M, HOWELL, for allowance of his Final JAMES BURNHAM Business Directory ' T., and Ruth A, to Donald M, Courtroom In St. Johns, It is Ordered that on shall answer or take Account and assignment of Phone St. Johm 224-4045 Allaby-Brewbaker, Inc., and Janice R. Wakefield Michigan a Hearing be held Wednesday, July 12, 1972, such other action in residue. R-S, St. Johns Phone 224-M61 Over Gamble Store • property in Sec, 24, Essex at which all creditors of at 10:00 a.m., In the Probate this Court as may be per- Publication and service St, Johns Phone 224-3W8 April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 5B Area Bowling Steady ag trends' a fantasy surveys, and objective yield measurements, plus mail B. Wawsczyk, 212; B. Haps, LANSING—Steady trends in agriculture are really FIRST NIGHTERS J. Thrush, 203, 211. S. Estes surveys. Additionally, to Increase the precision of the T. Reese, 204; R. Wood, 209; 204; H. Bauer, 202. a fantasy. Consider the sharp changes for planted acreage Apr. 10 W had a 616 series. estimates, SRS assembles lists of large producers and L D, Strouse, 234; R. Heath- and production of feed grains In the past couple of Citgo 41 15 makes sure they're contacted. man, 236; T. Schnider, 206; NITE OWLS years. Lewis Heating 39 17 CAPITOL L, C off man, 222. Apr. 6 W L Feed grains—corn, oats, barley and sorghum—were 38 18 Apr. 10 W L Probability sampling techniques permit rather ac­ Lanterman Ins. planted on about 119 million acres in" 1970. Last season 32 Co-op's 57 33 F. C. Mason 44 8 curate estimates from close study of small areas. For Simon Realty 24 THURSDAY MORNING acreage was over 128 million. C.A. Hines, Statistician in 29 Carling's Beer 521/2 371/2 St. Johns Co-op. 32 19 example, the land segments sampled for the June Pin Pickers 27 COFFEE CUP Charge of the MichiganCrop Reporting Service inLansing 271/2 281/2 Sprite 52 38 Cent. Mich. Lumber3l 21 Enumerative Survey total about six-tenths of 1 per Bruno's Mar. 30 W( L says indications for 1972 plantings point toward 118 261/2 291/2 Beaufore's 51 39 Beck & Hyde ' 30 22 cent of the U.S. land area. A typical Corn Belt State Andy's IGA Daley's 771/2 341/2 Kurt's 28 24 million acres. The acreage in Michigan may be 2,420,000 26 30 Central Nat. Bank will have about 350 segments; Southern States with a Homeliters Jay's 69 43 Rivard's 26 26 acres, compared with 2,735,000 last year. 22 501/2 391/2 larger variety of farm output will have about 425 Nick's , 22 34 Houghten's 641/2 471/2 Wheel Inn 24 28 D & B Party Shoppe21 35 Morlarity Lumb. 49 41 It's too soon to forecast this year's U.S. production segments; in Texas and California segments number O'Connor's 55 1/2 561/2 Gen. Tel. 23 29 Hub Motel 18 38 Bob's Bar 44 46 but in 1971 more than 205 million tons of feed grains about 1,000. In total, the enumeration includes about S & H Farms 55 57 Foobars 23 29 Rolling 5 16 40 Moorman's 44 46 were harvested, a gain of 29 per cent from 1970 and 17,000 land segments "which involves some land from Briggs 53 1/2 58 1/2 Schwan's 22 30 High game individual — Jerry's Coca Cola 43 47 nearly 18 per cent more than 1969. more than 50,000 farms. 52 60 Smith-Douglas 17 35 Sue Cook, 198 with a 521 Hettler's Capitol S &L 37 53 Feed grains were not alone in the 1971 production 52 60 Gutter Dusters 12 40 Additionally, 8,000 very large livestock operators series. High game team — Jems , Woodbury's 32 58 trend. Many crops last year jumped to new record highs. 51 61 High game individual — are contacted. Simon Realty, 873. High se­ Wing Trailer Fresca 30 60 This upsurge followed a 1970 season in which total crop 49 63 Marie Conley, 186, High se­ Statisticians expand the data collected in the inter­ ries team — Andy's IGA, Alley Dusters High game individual — production was at the lowest level fn 3 years. 48 64 ries individual — Rachael views to totals for a state, region and the nation. 2426. Splits - B. DeMarais Tastee Freez 45 67 Bud Schneeberger, 226 with a The principle for expanding the data works this way. Schumaker, 518. High game Gauging these fluctuations is USDA's Crop Reporting 5-6-10; J. Beebee, 5-7-9;.J. High game individual — 631 series. High game team Assume that the land in sample^segments In a state team - Kurt's, 850 with a Board. Here's how the Board tracked indications through Crowley, 5-7. Joyce Dush, 243. High se­ — Bob's Bar, 881 with a 2371 series. the season for a few major crops: is one-half of 1 per cent (l/200th) of all land In the ries individual — H. Pearson, 2470 series. 200 games — state. After interviewing farmers with land in these WEDNESDAY INDUSTRIAL B. Schneeberger, 215; L. 571. High game team — Jay's COMMERCIAL segments, enumerators find 10,000 acres of corn there. Apr. 5> W L Perlter, 203; N. Moinet,215. Service, 920 with a 2515 se­ APR. 11 W L August September October Final Statisticians multiply the 10,000 acres by 200, to ar­ Beef Jerkys 29 13 ries. Other high games — Schmitfs 60 33 Cornbu. 5.345 bll 5.266 bil 5.340 bil 5.540 bll rive at an estimated 2,000,000 acres of corn in the Sandbaggers 28 14 H, Pearson, 219; J. Hassel- KINGS & QUEENS Demmer's 58 35 Sorghum bu. 908 mil 881 mil 892 mil • 895 mil state. ' Whites 24 18 back 544 series; J. Dush Apr. £i W L Jim's 57 36 Soybeansbu. 1.235 bil 1.186 bil H7B bil 1.169 bll Will Tell 23 19 541 series. Splits converted- Levey's 76 48 It works for livestock. Suppose the number of cattle Daley's 521/2 40 1/2 Cotton bale 10.932 mil 10.952 mil 10.701 miljio.548 mil Speeders 21 21 H, Eldrldge, S. Sheldon, J. Karen's Krunchers 73 51 in the segments was found to be 7,000; this times Bruno's 51 42 All wheat bu. 1.601 bil 1.625 bll 1.628 bil > 1.640 oil 4 Aces 18 24 Smalldon, 2-7; R. Rewerts, Court Jesters 71 53 200 would provide an estimate of 1,400,000 head in Galloway's 51 42 "Estimates have always taken more than slide rules, Holy Rollers 18 24 N. Vinlng, D. Hopp, 5-10; Fighting Irish 70 54 the state. Enumeration of the large producers makes Rehmann's 50 43 tables and charts, trend lines, surveys and computers. Tri-Ami Outcasts 18 24 B, Greer, D. Houghten, 5- Sandbaggers 67 57 expanding the data more complicated than the examples Red-Wing Lanes491/2 431/2 They also take initiative and imagination," C.A, Hines Tool Room 17 25 6-10; D. Race, 3-10; B. Van- Four P's 65 59 imply, but the principle Is the same. McKenzie's 45 48 said. • Wild Ones 13 29 Fleet, 5-7; M. Nothrup, 4-5- Dush Const. 63 61 " The new procedures have two major advantages. First, Sprite 44 49 "For example, there was the ingenious USDA stat­ High game individual — 7. Pinsetters 63 61 the sample is drawn scientifically to represent a true Aloha 22 71 istician who, early in the century, toured the country­ Frank Costello, 224 with a Misfits 56 68 cross-section of all farms. Second, data collected by Stylemaster Homes 18 75 side in his flivver withabagofbeans and an empty box on personal interview assure virtually 100 per cent 603 series. High game team CITY CLASSIC Four Squares 491/2 74 1/2 the seat beside him. As he drove by a field, he'd take a — Beef Jerkys, 756 with a DePeal's 46 78 High game individual — response," Mr. Hines explained. Apr. 6. W L Tom Danley, 247 with a bean and place it in the corn, wheat, rye or what-have- 2195 series. 200 games — Lake's 62 25 Gutter Dusters 45 1/2 781/2 you compartment marked in the box. This provided an es­ In addition to being used for enumerative survey J. Tatroe, 210; M. Shlnabery, High game individual — 642 series. High game team Green's 601/2 261/2 — Demmer's , 947 with a timate of the number of fields devoted to each crop and work, the probability sampling technique is the basis 213, 200; D. Adair, 215; F. Jim's Ins, 60 27 Carol Tatroe, 220. High se­ thus a rough idea of acreage. All worked fine and dandy for the SRS objective yield survey of crops. Fact Barnes, 201; F. Costello, ries individual — Eileen 2784 series. 200 games — Federal Mogul 56 31 J. Lance, 231; T. Martin, until he ran into a tree—2 weeks work spilled to the collectors who work in the enumerative surveys also 221. Heathman's 50 37 Strickland, 509. High game floorboards," Hines said. will take measurements of crops in some of the fields team — Court Jesters, 674 202, 204; O. Tatroe, 202; Clinton Nat. Bank 50 37 An improvement on this system was the introduction they visit. They recheck the same plots monthly during with al930series.200 games O. Estes, 208; R. Myers, TWIN CITY Redwing Lanes 48 39 of the "crop meter" in the 1920's. The gadget was at­ the growing season, harvest the plots when the crop is - W. Dush, 205; L. Strick­ 230, 214; M. Durbin, 224; Apr. 5 W L Coca Cola 44 43 tached to the odometer of a statistician's car. The mature, and make a postharvest visit to determine har­ land, 205; B. Devers, 211; K. Barrett. 209; B. Upton, StrouseOil 281/2 131/2 Warren's Ins. 401/2 461/2 meter had two rows of buttons, one for each side of vesting loss. R. Masarik has a 533 series. 213"; Jt Lowe, 217; R. Dunkel, Cains 27 15 Budwelser 32 55 200; C. Haas, 209, 213; T. the road. The buttons were labeled for different crops. This work involves very close measurements of such Clinton Crop Serv. Marshall Music 12 75 At the end of a trip the frontage of each crop per mile REDWINGS Bullard, 204; J.Spousta,214; items as the number of plants in a given row, blooms 241/2 171/2 Curley's Laund.' 8 79 could be computed and -compared to similar data for per plant, and size and weight of fruit. Apr 7 A. Horning, 202; L. Chil- Coca Cola 241/2" 171/2 High game individual — D W L dres, 214. the previous year. Andy's IGA 24 18 Sonny Estes, 265. High series WPA 70 46 These are examples of early innovations but, In the The sample plots subjected to such scrutiny are quite small; for corn, two-row sections 15 feet long; for VFW#1 231/2 181/2 individual — Ed Conley, 623. Jales 661/2 491/2 main, USDA's statistical program has improved and Kurt's 21 21 Ligh game team — Lake's, Honeymooners 65 51 Garland News wheat, three drill rows 26 inches long; for soybeans, expanded because of better statistical methods. two-row sections 3 feet long; for cotton, a double-row Zeeb's 17 25 953, High series team — Sandbaggers 641/2 511/2 by Mrs. Pudge Doming For many years, crop and livestock estimates were Hazle's 17 Federal Mogul, 2769. 200 MP's 64 52 section 10 feet long. The information leads to yield 25 based mostly on voluntary returns of mail surveys to forecasts. VFW#2 16 26 games — S. Bunce, 202; E. Nite Hawks 63 53 Archie Moore, Sr. farmers. The system worked fine until the structure Sprite . 16 26 Conley, 201, 211, 211; E. Fearsome 4 63 53 arrived at his home here in of farming began changing rapidly some three decades The new methods of sampling and data collection are Bob's Auto Body 14 28 King, 229, 225 with a 611 se­ Sunshine Group 531/2 621/2 Carland, Monday, from ago. Specllization set in, farms got larger, changes came more costly than the traditional mail survey. But the ries; P. Heller, 203; P. Bish­ Ten Pins 491/2 661/2 Florida where he spent most too fast for censuses to keep estimates on the mark. results are worth it to those in farming. High game individual — op, 200, 208; D. Cornwell, Four Aces 49 67 of the winter months. "As an example, consider the egg Industry. At one Bill Janes* 255. High series 224; R, Allen, 223; R. Allen, King Pins 44 72 time most farmers produced and sold some eggs. Now individual — Roger Heath- 211; K. Penix, 203, 204; D. Shannon-Davis 44 72 . Mrs. Clark Curtis, Mrs. over half of the nation's laying flock is concentrated on COMPLETE BODY WORK man, 608. High game team— Urban, 201; Z. Bond, 208, High game individual — Lucille Wood, and Mrs. less than 1 per cent of all farms. If a sample of farms AND GLASS REPLACEMENT Strouse Oil, 915. High series 202; C. Haas, 224, 203; A. Bernie Wawsczyk, 234 with Marion Walling were all hon­ sent mall questionnaires failed to include the major team — Coca Cola, 2699. Dutcher, 200; C. Floate,204; a 634 series. High game team ored at the dinner for their producing farms, estimates could be misleading," Mr. 200 games — B. Nurenberg. R. Richards, 238; R. Vinlng, - WPA's, 702 with a 1948 birthdays, and an afternoon of Hines pointed out. music and family singingfol- BOB'S AUTO BODY 204, 202; R. Cook, 204; G. : series. 200 games -r R. U,£- A new program uses probability sampling, enumerative 211; R. Masarik,: 2i6p|;E. lowed*— 800 N. Lansing Phone, 224-2?2J Urban, 202; J, Scranton,231; Lance,"201; T'.Silv&M,234; baniah, 221: T, Martlnr213; SPRING SALE AT LEWIS SENTRY HARDWARE

genliy MHECOR- WWTE SPRAY PAMT tofhhhlhollwMa fumthita. Drill IPARTY GOODS AND CARDS doO-hM in win- HHAUI'IM *HALLMARK CARDS pill" In •*•»«•"• THE LOOK OF (466) *RUSSELL STOVER 230 N. Clinton 88* CANDY Ph»n« 224-2714 1 Men's IN FASHIONS Women immt H BECKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE FOWLER l^O^^iOgiBiBiBiBBSBl

Economically prktd wild many quality fiohHii. A 3 H.P. Sriggi 8. SlroMon main* makll II go. Thi lutbo-lift bind* 8B g!m a citan-cut ol ony of four FMIQMI *16 fron.Wfc.3- 1400 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS PRESEASON SPECIAL! 95 ORDER YOUR 77 A quoSily built 30" fan nl a itol twde.l ptk.1 AIR CONDITIONING Quiit motor ditifin a itwxHh, ifftclii. flow ol SentO:' «10 oiun* li liihirai o window nr thcvloliftg Ion. $63 Small, lilm itjUnn. (4(6) SPRING SEEDS NOW HEATING-PLUMBING 22 CUP AVOCADO *RCA Appliances PARTY PERCOLATOR VAl-U-LM Parf«l for bnwing tOtoIJcupi VWVLHOSE Anderson Fertilizer for lhat iwina Into tprinaiHirly. * Custom Kitchens Good coif** *VI(TI>IH*.14B7I 5 YIAR OUAHAMEt Bulk'and Bags UoWwi4tM and dorab**. M lit* * Floor Coverings haw w*. ft* (tow cBvplan. (434) -WE NEED OATS- BOB LEWIS Heating Plumbing Sales and Service MATHEWS FOW- ELEVATOR Maple Rapids Ph. 682-4272' Lewis Sentry Hardware Maple Rapids Ph. 682-4272 EVERYTHING SEE US FIRST FORi * L7VNDB7YNK FOR THE Test Drive A 72 .' //vex/#///•/// FARM LOANS SOIL Vega Today New Facilities? The excise tax [s gone....and 1104S. US-27 • Repairs? prices were Ph. 224-7127 never lower St. Johns, Mich. • Expansion? St. Johns Ashley Serving America's Farmers: 224-3234 847-3571 Providers of Plenty Modernization? VIRGIL ZEEB Jim Edinger Chevrolet" '^£7 ._' Fowler Your Friendly PLUMBING AND HEATING CD "E5JS?*_'sa _E£i. E= "5*?** MIN-A-MART VilRATifiNTRUIN G & * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL .GOT YOU BUGGED? [BALANCING •QUALITY WORK Our skilled tire truing and wheel Only OPEN DAILY balancing experts can take the edge off of tire Imperfections for a smooth]|PE R WHEEL DUNKEL vibration-free ride, 7 OJII.-ll .,pJB._ PLUMBING ft HEATING US-27 South at Sturgis St. Johns Hub Tire Center PtU 224-32r81 •N.US-^TJ ST.JOHKS

'*T. April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 6B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 7B Bannister Wocousla North Bengal Mrs Edward Kraft— 626-6944 Itj Mrs Win. Untht Egg legislation Forum topic MAPLE The Busy Green Clovers Mrs. Ida Schultz of St. MSPTA against lowering police qualifications 4-H Club from Bannister re­ The'WSCS oftheWacous- Johns passed away at the The new U.S, egg law, Commodity meetings will linger, Lake Odessa; Wayne Egg Producers, Subject of ceived special recognition ta United Methodist Church Carson City Hospital early LANSING-Michigan State Wood said, "but this is how reduce standards on those a Jockey-sized man trying haven't as yet become a rule Department who came in attempts to lower our stand­ sections of which go Into be held in eggs; dairy; fruits Schipper, Hamilton, and Ron his talk is U.S. egg pro­ RAPIDS also. Gloria Swanson was will have a noon luncheon Thursday morning, April 6. Police troopers have taken a Civil Service staffers have who seek to increase the head to do my Job." of hiring," Wood said. under the same standards and ards and qualifications just effect July 1, will be ex­ and vegetables; livestock and Leach, chief, Food Inspec­ motion enabling legislation. MHS. JOYCE RUMSEY chosen for the honor group at the Church Wednesday, She had been in ill health strong stand against the low­ been going about trying to count of men born to minor­ Wood noted that during the "We canjt help1 but believe qualifications as set for us. so someone can meetapolit- meats; grain; beans and farm 127 West Main Street April 17. Russell King who for some time. Funeral serv­ ering of requirements to lower our standards. ities on the 1,800 member past month Civil Service Ical commitment,* Wood plained Tuesday, April 25, at tion Division, Michigan De­ A reactor panel and audience Moplr Haplrls. CB2-4243 in the Senior Division of it's geared to minority re­ "In fact our Association's Michigan State University's supply. partment of Agriculture, will questions will follow his Clothing. Joe Wassa received has served the Board of Mis­ ices were held at the Hoag qualify young men for the "Can you imagine a woman force. staffers have badgered the cruitment," Wood added. own Executive Board votedin said. sions in Africa and India will Funeral Home at St. Johns trooper sevice, it was an­ "Again it's a case where first Food Marketing Forum. The egg session begins at discuss the new egg legis­ presentation. Twelve members of Trufh Odd Fellow-Rebekah World a rosette for his electrical Trooper pulling over a car­ Department over standards, "The pressures have been February to become involved *We feel the maintenance Other subjects at the forum 10 a.m. with a forecast by lation. Fleming also will discuss Rebekah Lodge sttended the exhibit. The Busy Green be the speaker. on Saturday afternoon, April nounced Wednesday by-the load of hoodlums who are you have bureaucrats and suggesting easing of height mounting to recruit minor­ in recruiting those born to of these standards has been Eye Bank and Visual Re­ 8. She spent her childhood in Michigan State Police Troop­ politicians who are detached include egg promotion in Carl Hoyt of the egg industry An explanation of the Mich­ the Egg Industry dinner, wine annual session of District 22 search Foundation, repre­ Clovers received 2nd place Mary Martha Circle will drunk or high on grass?" requirements as well as eye­ ities without regard to the' minorities," Wood said. "No a key reason why the Mich­ Michigan and the shape of the in 1985. The new U.S. egg igan egg promotion and reception and post-dinner Rebekah Association held award from Consumers meet Wednesday evening at this area and was an aunt ers Association (MSPTA). Wood said. "I'd hate to see from the rigors and perils of sight. Also regarding police individual's qualifications. one forced us an.d we felt igan State Police have be­ senting Clinton and Ionia of Leo C. Fox, her closest police work writing stand­ industry in 1985, Dr. Howard law will be discussed next development program by panel discussion moderated Tuesday, March 21. Maple Counties. She was appointed Power for electrical and the 7:30 p.m. with Lucille Jones "That's the sort of med­ what shape she's in after women that only a maximum "Are they saying there it was the right thing to do come one of the finest law Zindel, chairman, MSU De­ by Dale Shearer, area super­ David Little, Klager Hatch­ by Clarence Adamy. Rapids Lodge won the Trav­ Chippewa Chippers received In Grand Ledge. survivor. dling we're seeing now over they've finished with her. ards for those who have to age of 30 be set without a aren't enough good blacks, until the Michigan Civil enforcement agencies in our at the State session in Grand face the dangers. partment of Poultry Science, visor, USDA, Eggs and Egg eries, will close the morning Program details are avail­ eling Bee and the Attendance Rapids in October by Dr. the 3rd place award. Wacousta United Methodist j Mr. and Mrs. Edward the standards and qualifica­ "Yet Civil Service has been minimum and foregoing ed­ Mexican Americans or In­ Rights Commission began nation/ Wood went on, "and will chair the morning ses­ Products Division, Chicago. program. able from Edward Farmer, Cup. Martha Peyo, president -of The 4-H work recognizes Church WSCS will hold a Moritz and Mr. and Mrs. tions in becoming a trooper," telling our Department that "I've nothing personal ucational standards. dians who can become Troop­ complaining our standards If these qualifications are sion; Ken Yerrlck, president, Following Shearer's pres­ Opening the afternoon ses­ conference consultant, Kel­ Mrs. Viloa Austin was Rebekah Assembly of Mich­ all members that complete public smorgasbord supper,] Louis Moritz were Sunday Trooper James R. Wood, women should be put out on against a short man," Wood "Civil Service has pro­ ers under the very same con­ were too high to bring in changed drastically it can president of the MSPTA, said Michigan Allied Poultry In­ entation a panel composed sion at 1:30 p.m. will be logg Center, Michigan State elected district secretary igan. Mrs. Sillman was pre­ their projects as winners Friday night, April 21, start- ( afternoon, April 9 visitors road patrol like the men." continued, "But phycically posed these changes and It's ditions we did? I can't be­ the minorities and sought an mean the hiring of new dustries, will direct the of James.Hoban, Detroit; Pat James F. Fleming, Washing­ University, East Lansing, and Mrs. Vivian Sillman was sented a gift by the Palo because of the learning ex­ ing at 5 p.m. Tickets at the of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mor­ during a news conference, Wood said. I'm too big to be a Jockey only because our department lieve that," Wood said. "We order to change things. Troopers who are not afternoon meeting. Massey, St. Johns; FredGar- ton representative, United Mich. 48823. introduced as director of the members.' perience they receive. door. itz of Essex. "It's all pretty ridiculous," Wood blamed agitation to so why would someone want has resisted is why they have black officers on our "We mustresistanyandall psychologically or physically The day-long forum will suited to be police officers. bring together top represen­ "We feel the public is de­ tatives from all segments of ^^^ST'ir*^^ VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON manding more professiona­ the food industry. Program lism of police officers," participants include: Fred 100 150 200 Wood said, "and I doubt If Meijer, president, Meijer ' you* can reach this plateau Supermarkets; Bernard TOP VALUE TOP VALUE TOP VALUE If lesser men are permitted Weisberg, president, Chat­ to Join. ham Supermarkets; Dean F. STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS "This same public," Wood Thomas, corporate vice This coupon may be exchanged This coupon may be exchanged This coupon may be exchanged noted "has always held the president, The Pillsbury for 100 extra Top Value Stamps for 150 extra Top Value Stamps for 200 extra Top Value Stamps Michigan State Police in high Company; Richard Berg, with any purchase of $5.00 thru with any purchase of $10.00 with any purchase of $15.00 esteem and we think if the president, Hygrade Food $9.99 at Kroger {excluding items thru $14.99 at Kroger (excluding thru $19.99 at Kroger {excluding people are made aware of Products, and Lindley Finch, prohibited by law). items prohibited by law). items prohibited by law). this meddling with our stand­ vice president of agricultural Plus Get Up To One . Coupon good thru April 23,1972., odthru April 23,1972. ards they'll act accordingly. services, Continental Bank, nr "Already the Mlcigan Chicago. Prices & Coupons good thru Full Book of Legislature has before it a Wo Reserve The Right To Limit April 23,1972 in St. Johns This year's luncheon Quantities. Copyrlaht Tha Top Value Stamps With You Get 450 Extra Top Value Stamps When You resolution chiding those who speaker is Clarence G. Kroger Co. 1972 would lower our standards (Clancy) Adamy, president, Prices Effective Mon. Thru Sun. Coupons in This Ad. and qualifications," Wood as­ National Association of Food Redeem Coupons Above with Required Purchases. serted, "and if this tamper­ Chains, which represents 230 Hillcrest Lowest ing continues the result could food chains doing a total Lowest ring on a complete halt to annual volume of more than > Prii Price Price all recruiting In the Mich­ <^ Ovi Silver Platter Young $25 billion. This U.S. Gov t. Graded This igan State Police. Choice Boneless Year Year Quarter Pork Loin "The Legislature controls 17-Oz \2 the purse strings and pro­ City approves WtCan 26 Fruit Cocktail Shank Boston Pork Hen vides the money for our re­ cruit schools," Wood said. improvements Delicious Super Sanitary Napkins "Feeling as many of these Chops Representatives do we might V-8 Cocktail Juice ...£& 39' Kotex ...o??2 47' Half Ham Turkeys for parkinglots Roll Roast urge them to withhold anymore public funds if our Cut Green Assorted Scott 9 IU 3-1-U OI£C ST. JOHNS-A pair of 1,000 standards are lowered or parking lots in downtown St. •Freshlike Beans «& 23' Bath Tissue JKS2. 33' changed too much. * Johns will receive some "If the Civil Rights Com­ special attention in the 99 mission andifourCivilServ- coming weeks as a result of Regular Price S1.29 Lb M^mimm 69 ice Department are sincere recommendations of the Regular Price 794 Lt> Tender [CHOICE in bringing more men from Parking Lot Advisory minorities into our Depart- Board. 29 m ent they should avoid creat­ According to Bob Chicken Off The Sea ing conditions that could cost Thompson, chairman, the us further new men," Wood lots scheduled for improve­ 39 said. WtCan ment are the municipal lot Tuna "Certainly we need more at the corner of Higham and Oscar Mayer blacks, Mexican Americans Spring streets and the Spring Delicious g*mt Detergent 10-Lb Beef Buys Pork Values 120* net and Indians," Wood said, "but street lot between State and Bologna Silver Pl&tter Butt Country Sty I a Stuffed Veg All Wvfcat n Ax Tide •• WtPkg yAaO*7 Wt Pkg 33 Sea Foods Poultry Buys I doubt if they'll want to join Walker streets. Peschke Family Pak U.S. Gov't. Graded Choice Thick Cut Boneless Silver Platter Stuffed Pork Steak Lb 69* Sliced Bacon L, 59* Roasting Chickens Lb 39* us if conditions are tailored City manager Harvey Instant Liquid Si" 4.29 Sirloin Butt Steak u.'1.69 Pork Chops u.99* just for their benefit." Weatherwax advised the Bologna Eckrich F res-Shore Mrs, Pauls Family Pack Fryer Kroger All Beef 32-FI lAt 5 Wood, assigned to the Flint parking group last week that Carnation Milk Wgfft . 20' Clorox Bleach OzBtl 24< Eckrich Store Ground Quarter $ e 1 Smoked Sausage ,Lb 1.09 Fish Sticks 3JS., 99* Fish Sticks JS, 59* Drumsticks Lb 59* Wieners u.79* State Police Post, urged city commissioners had ap- Sliced Bologna Lb 1.09 Meat Loaf u,89 Sliced Ham u, 79 Michigan taxpayers to advise •inaPKoved their recommenda-* *H Farmer Peet Thick Cut Fresh-Shore Breaded Fres-Shore Family Pack Fresh Serve N Save h $ $ 1 the Civil Service Department tion and , improvements * Kelloggs Herrud * U.S: Gov't. Graded Chojce ' Lean Pork of their feelings,' • -" . would be„ made this spring. t. Ranch Bacon ?l 4.59 Shrimp Miniatures:..^ 1.19 Fish Portions £% 1.39 Fryer Thighs Lb49* Braunschweiger •-;;;«, ^iSfcB rt $ •Wood and the MSPTA's Weatherwax explained Party *fl09 Boneless J09 Spare Half Sliced Full Center Cut Ocoma Vice President, Trooper that new lights, landscaping 89 Herbert B. Ketzler of Muni- and appropriate signs are 18-Oz Fresh Butt Portion Ham Chicken In Serve N Save *f Assortment Lb Ranch Steak...,*I Ribs.. sing, met newsmen at the scheduled to be Installed WtPkg 39 1 79 2-Lb Corn Flakes Detroit Press Club. The at theHlghamStreetlocation Hani ib Slices A Basket.. .Pkg Franks 3." I Picnic 49 I MSPTA represents about 85 where meters will provide Kroger Drip Cider per cent of all troopers, de­ parking for two and four 16-Oz Discounts tectives and sergeants In the hour durations. Coffee . WtCan 85* Heinz Vinegar S& 41* Canned Foods All Purpose Michigan State Police. The Spring Street lot will Frozen Foods Health & Beauty Aids WE REDEEM Instant Detergent -^ Now! Made with Enriched Flour. Umlt one with thli coupon also receive attention in the instant *- —~ «D.H.a="» o*>t Hearts Delight Demi Loaf Johnsons All Purpose Boys Club wins form of grading and leveling Sanka Coffee Kr $1.75 Liquid Joy S& 33* 46-FI MM &Oz OC« Fresh Baked Foods Dairy Foods in preparation for future Apricot Nectar... Oi Can H3 Bread . 2 wt Lvi £3 Baby Shampoo SS 29* FEDERAL Gold Medal Flour surfacing. The latter im­ Royal Viking m**c f|» Kroger Chunk or Sliced Gold Medal donor trophy Aunt Nellies Country Club $1.35 Size • .Deodorant provement is being delayed $ 1 ( ) STAMPS! 5 Ice Cream fig. 66* Danish Pastry •juSS ' Colby Longhorn Cheese..^ 67 ST. JOHNS-The St. Johns while studies are being con­ Orange Drink 4 a, 1 Ultra Ban 5000 ,*£. '1.14 Lb Boys Club became the first ducted for obtaining ad­ Kroger Combination, Plain, and Kroger Flour Bag Hillcrest Ore Ida holder of the Bloodmobile ditional ground in the area. $1.16 Size c 38 C 16-Oi $1 Travel Trophy during the Tomatoes J WtCans 1 Sugared Donuts rA 29* Flaky Biscuits 2wft?,29 In other business, the Tater Tots JSS, 29* Halo Shampoo o'L 72* Save Up To 2I< recent blood donation drive Kroger Cracked, Whole, or Regular Kroger parking advisory board Hillcrest Combo 694 Size • Medium or Hard Mayonnaise 32-FI MM here, Barry Dean, Jaycee voted to invite guests to their 73 16-OiWt SI % Pears 4 Cant 1 G & W Pizza StS. '1.79Colgat e Tooth Brush ...3 ^ 79* Wheat Breads 3.S& 1 Half & Half Oi Ctn *TJ president said Wednesday. April 25 meeting to learn 5 He noted that the Boys Club Avondale methods of forming a Seedless Hillcrest Macaroni & Cheese $1.09 Size - Toothpaste Four Flavors Kroger Kroger $ 64-FI *Qt represented 45 per cent of the parking authority. Officials Garden Peas 6 Jfff™ 1 Angel Food Cakes SS 44* Buttermilk Oi Ctn 43 Clip this Handy Coupon I isl civic groups' turnout. Other Sunmaid Raisins i% 37* Catsup ££j 19' Banquet Dinners 6 Sfifail Ultra Brite ,....5KL 77» x from Alma and Grand Ledge 1 (Ml oi btl of Baby Oil, 9-f I ox b'tl of Baby Lotion, For .1 Bonus of Up to organizations involved in the will be invited to the ses­ Hillcrest Whole Kernel or Cypress Gardens or 14-ejt wtpkgof Kroger Sandwich or Kroger Yellow «»*»* Quarters s 80z jg. contest were the Jayceeswith sion to tell of their long­ Hot Dog Buns 4 Sf J l 38 42 per cent, Rotary Club with Duncan Hines Cake .. Jftff 39* Fleichman Oleo £& 45* Johnsons Yubi Yogurt wi'Pka 1050EXTRA time parking programs in Cream Orange 39 per cent and Exchange 20-Oz wt Buttercrust or 24-oz wt Kroger Refrigerated Dough Top Value Stamps each city. 12-0*1 i• Club with 29 per cent. Style Corn.. 7 1-yvJuic e Wt Pkg • • ABaby Powder. _ Over 2/3 Book Aside from Thompson and ^m i6-oi H 77 Sandwich Cinnamonon •• *fl F Kroger Frown "Although the •percentages Canned Meat 3 Weatherwax, other mem­ , mm WtCans WW ^^^ft 9K-0z H Orange aren't as high as they should bers of the parking board yBread • AROIIS WtPk ^v ***^H^F P H With 2 pfcgt oi Krogervrogi r be, we can point with a small are Edward Mankey, vice Hillcrest New For You Jello • 31 Cottage Cheese degree of pride to the fact VALUABLE COUPON M chairman, Edward Idzkow- 12-Oz s Fresh Fruits & Vegetables with two pkgt or 12 Polar Pah Fudge 0 that collectively, the clubs Catsup 3 SS. l Soft Swirl Pudding .... ffiS 29* Limit Two with Mils coupon ski, John Hannah, Donald WtCan ELOI|Q Ban, lea Milk or had 48 individuals respond to Roesner and Rollln Huard. Spam 57 All Varieties Except Ham & Beef Pert 200 One-Ply Sheets Twin Pops 0 the drive," Dean said. Bush - Bush : Limit two dozen with this coupon Sweet Ripe The parking board was Banquet Dinners Kroger Medium Napkins Pk9 25* FA with, a 32-oz wt pkg of Kroger ^^ The drive attracted 254 J 16-01 Jl California Red Ripe ,j" «»w Cheese Spread H]' formed last fall at the Krogo Vegetable Minute Maid Spaghetti 10 Jt&» l Kidney Beans 7 Wt Cans J. Cantaloupe 49* people who donated 227 pints direction of the St. Johns 48-0i 6 0* "Jilt Grade A Eggs Fruit & Puddings M (\t\ with *nv 3 P^O* of c°untry Oven __ of blood. It represents an in­ City Commission as an ad­ Shortening WtCen 83* Orange Juice WtCan 29* Vac Pac Bush Vine Ripe •IU.U Cookies fsj crease of 46 pints over the visory group. Hunts Snak Paks cK 47* Tomatoes lb. 39* with two 22-oz wt Jars o( Kroger Iclcte Stix 181 collected In December of Semf Sweet Polar Pak Strawberries Pickles jTjt., 64-FI Kroger 'fll9 Sliced 1971. ' OzCtn 25 Kroger Red Ripe with a 51 Durcheso of Soft Goods, Chocolate Morsels... m% 28* Ice Cream 69* i Doz flHai^^r Nearly 40 persons donated 32-Ot 14H-0z • c p p iaabyAccM,orlM Brickley Coffee WtCnn Potatoes Wt Cm • Save Up fo 19 C Cheriy Tomatoes Q.69* |50 --x r r ' blood for the first time at this 1 Save Up To 8 2% Lowlat 7 Couponflood thr u April 23, 1t7Z/|AAf „, „ , _ Hartz Mountain Supplies m drive, Dean said. "This is a 25131,1. coupon good thru April S3, 1972. IfJ 64-FI Jumbo White or Ruby Red A ... , . .„„ „ J ,\ „L significantly higher number named Oz Ctns 111 HI I.I t H 11111 t.t f 11»t m-. Milk 2 _ , ., I,,-,,.. _ «_ Rfl with a pkg of 10 Family PridaChromer—• 88 $ U than previous drive and since Grapefruit .....'HJSL. 5 For 1 g° Razor Blades (H BKKHMEllnll OM ftlfli ThM Cum limit On Wlrtl Thlt Cwpwmi VALUABLlimit On. mttEi ThtCOUPOl CDUPMN m most will continue to donate, ( R nr% with a S3 purchase of from Prod. y^Vv U.S. No. 1 Baking Dept. speaker Jubilee Jubilee Jubilee Clover Valley California Seedless U^y Garden Items 0, the benefits will continue for All Varieties Except Ham & Beef Kroger with any IZ-oxIarof Roidttde Farrns years," he said. Ugly Duckling From The Sunkist Growers with any 12- Lieutenant Governor Turtles Smart Chick M From Prod. Dept. |1P^ . Idaho Preserves "The interest and response James H. Brickley will ad­ Panty Host Panty «t Hoit Panty Hos* l_ with 2 heads of California dress members and guests of A demonstrated by the mem­ or Smart Chick Plui Potatoes Bag 50 Lettuce 0^J bers of our five organizations the Capital Chapter, Amer­ ••199 5 »|59 Banquet Medium Navel / with an 8-« pkg of Oscar Mayar ican Society for Public Ad­ 89 definitely contributed to 1.00 OFF JU ministration at ASPA's Pair Pair | Fine For Salads, Escarole, Romaine or • All Beef Bologna L!£i | these Increases, but by no means should we claim all monthly luncheon meeting on 1 Margarine ft '""CA with Z-lbs of ground —_ ^p| Smt M.00 Save 40' Grade A Eggs Oranges Endive 3 u the credit for the Increases , CHM* !••« thn Dinners April 26. Ct*Mfl I*** Ifiru r Chuck or Steak [H] f^ IfWSli'&'VAM.-ywm; ir'I'Wl.Wiim, mi. t. wI,tl 2 k of Serv In these figures," he noted. Mr. Brickley's topic will wmmmmm With Coupon Above * en P B* * N stva "These increases were due to be the report of the Gov­ Solid v^ Lettuce - jU Lunch Meats 0 VALUABLE COUPON the good job done by the ernor's special commission Limit one with Ihli coupon I Limit oni With ihli coupon J'6-Oz Save Up ^ with any 2 pkgs of Hickory Host bloodmobile committee and on local government. Mr, 8-01 wt Frankan Berry, Count Chocula, Jubilee 20' OFF or 9-oz wt eg PoiiMtor ? increases in donor response Brickley was chairman of WiPkg To 10' on the Purchase of Michigan JU Lucky Charm Cereal \ Lgcky Ewe Panty Hose rf Roasted Sausage *—* k from the teachers, local fac­ the committee, which pre­ ft ^^fc with 3-lht or mora Bonsteu r—• ^^^ oru *^™ * Regular Price; 1 T tories and 18-year-olds. pared its report after 11/2 4V|Bff« Save Up dU Peat ljH) Pork Roast [w Each * | s^z9 24 1 "Our congratulations to the years of study. ^# To10(L [JS&ICOCoupoU n good thru ApVn*23,' 1972*. lfji r Coupon good thru April 23,1972.) 25 Boys Club and thanks to the 10 I Coupon good thru April 23, It72, The Chapter's president, jujuxAUUUXXUJuxuJuuuuuuiXX Humus 79 OS WJSkxxxx 60-Lb ^V fJL^F presidents and their commit­ Prof. Kenneth VerBurg, of Bag Only kWw ^^mW tee chairmen for making the Michigan State University, March '72 Blood Drive one of served as a staff member of the most successful in the the commission. last 10 years. We plan to see A simple, quick breast self all of you at the August '72 check once a month is a wom­ Monday thru Saturday 9:00 - 9:00 Sunday 10:00 - 5:00 drive when our goal will be to an's best defense against breast South U.S.-27 Southgate Plaza - SL Johns top the previous best, July, cancer* Your American Cancer 1967, total of 243 pints," Society has a free leaflet on the ui Dean said. subject. m CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 LOWE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH DeWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH Lowe and North Lowe Road Pastor—Charles VanLente Sunday: Church Service 11-12. Next Sunday In Sunday School 11-12. Tuesday: Choral Actors 3-4:30. Wednesday: Bible Study 7:30-8:30*. Senior Choir 7:30-8:30. Clinton County Churches CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH All Churches in Clinton County are invited to send Maple Rapids, Michigan Rev Robert E. Myers, Pastor their weekly announcements to The Clinton County 10:Uu a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School News. They must reach us by 10 a.m. Monday to insure 7:00 p.m,—U.C.Y.M. meets on al­ publication in the current week's issue. ternate Sundays 6:45 p.m.—Thursday, Cherub and junior choir. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 8 p.m.—Thursday, Chapel choir. ST. THERESE CATHOLIC CHURCH 1:30 p.m.—Third Friday, Women's Rev. Harold E. Homer, Minister ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fathers Francis Murray, Joseph Fellowship, church basement. 9:30 a.m. Church School. 10:30 a.m. Corner of E. Walker and Mead Sts.' 8:3i) p.m.—bervice meeting Droste and Lawrence Delaney Fellowship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Wor­ Rev. Hugh E. Banninga, Pastor Rectory 224-2600 Office 224-2885 Rectory: 102 W. Randolph, Lansing ship. 12:30 p.m. Finger FoodLuncheon Phone 489-9051 In Nlles Hall for all families of the Every Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Com­ Mass Schedule— Saturday: 7 p.m. Marherton Area church. 7:00 p.m. Junior High M.Y.F. munion. 2nd and 4th Sundays, 10:45 Sunday: 6, 8, 10, 12; DeWitt, 9 a.m. party. a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. Holiday: 7, 8, 10 a.m.; 5:30, 7:30 p.m, , i Wednesday, April 19:4:00p.m.Carol Other Sundays, 10:45 a.m. prayer and MATIIERTON COMMUNITY Weekday Masses: 8 a.m., 7:30 p.m. CHURCH Choir rehearsal. 6:30 p.m. Chapel sermon. Confessions —Saturdav: 3:30 to 5 2:00 p.m.—Sunday School Choir rehearsal. 6:30 p.m. Prayer and 7;30 to 9; Eves of Holidays, 8 to 10:45 a.m. Church School and 0. 3:00 p.m.—Worship service Group In lounge. 7:30 p.m. Chancel Nursery. Baptism: Sunday at 1 p.m. Please Choir. Wed, during Lent—7 a.m. and 7:30 call in advance. Fulton Area Thursday, April 20: 11:00 to 1:00 p.m. Holy Communion. HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH FULTON FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Smorgasbord luncheon. 3:00 p.m. Girl Mon. 3 p.m. Brownies, 7:30 p.m. David B. Franzmeier, Pastor x Scouts. 380 W, Herbison Rd., DeWitt h mile east of Perrinton on M-57, Senior Citizens (1st and 3rd), Phone 669-9806 Va mile soulh Tuesday, April 25:1:30 p.m. Eliza­ Tues. Noon Senior Citizens (2nd Now using new house of worship. Rev. Fred Wing, Pastor beth Circle meets with Vlra Montague. Sunday morning schedule: Sunday 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School i and 4th), 7 p.m. Cadet Troop. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 1:30 p.m. Ruth Circle to meet with School, Teens for Christ and Adult Wed. 7:30 p.m. Choir practice, discussion—9:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Service Marie Ford. Divine Worship—10:30 a.m. 7;45 p.m.—-Evening Service Thurs. 8 p.m. AA and Alanon. 7:45 p.m,—Thursday, Prayer and FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH praise service WEST PILGRIM UNITED AverlU M. Carson, Minister VALLEY FARMS BAPTIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH 241 E. State Road Friday, Aprll21:8:30a.m.Rummage Corner of Parks and Grove Rd. Rev. LaVern Bretz, Pastor Eureka Area Sale In Wilcox Hall. 0:45-10:45 a.m.—Church School. Rev. Brian K. Sheen, Minister CONGREGATIONAL Saturday, April 22:12:30p.m. Junior There is a class for everyone from CHRISTIAN CHURCH 9:30 a.m. — Worship Service the youngest to the oldest. The Bible Choir rehearsal. 1:00 p.m. Children's 2619 E. Maple Rapids Road 10:45 a.m. — Church School is our textbook Rev Paul R. Jones, Pastor Choir rehearsal. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 11 a.m.-ia Noon—Morning Worship, Phone 224-7709 Sunday, April 23: 9:45 a.m. Church S. US-27 & E. Baldwin Junior Church for children through Cth 10 a.m.—Bible School for everyone. School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Joseph F. Eger, Jr., Pastor grade 11 a.m,—Morning Worship 5:30 p.m.—BYF for both Juniors and 7:30 p.m.—Adult Bible discussions. Monday, April 24: 6:45p.m,Congre- 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Seniors Nursery provided during services. gators, 6-30 p.m.—Youth Service 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service 6:30 p.m.—Youth Meetings 7:30 p.m.—Sunday Evening i 8:00 p.m.—Morning Choir practices 6:45 p.m.—Wednesday, Jr. Choir; Wednesday, April 26: 9:00 a.m. West Chancel Choir, 7:30 p.m. Central Association of Congregational 7 p.m.—Wednesday, second and Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. — Mid-week fourth, WMC Prayer Service; 8:00 p.m.—Morning Church Women atGreenvUle, Michigan 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday evening Choir practice Bath Area 6:45 p.m. Boy Scout Troop No. 81. service Saturday 10:00 a.m.—Jr. Choir prac­ 6:00 p.m. Senior Choir rehearsal. tice SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS 1st Thursday 7:30 p.m.—Woman's BATH UNITED METHODIST ™" 686 North Lansing Street Mission Society CHURCH. ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH Elder, E. F. Herzel, Pastor 2nd Saturday 2:00 p.m.—Ann Judson Rev. Clarence Keith Rev William G. Hankerd. Pastor Services held on Saturday Guild for Jr. HI. girls Telephone 641-668/ 9:15 a.m.—Church Service 3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m.—Men's Fel­ Rev. Raymond Goehrlng • lowship 11 a.m.—Worship Associate Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Sabbath School Service 10 a.m.—Church School JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Rectory—109 Linden St.—Ph. 224-3313 Kingdom Hall BATH BAPTIST CHURCH Convent—no S. Oakland—Ph. 224-37BSI SOUTH DeWITT CHURCH 1993 North Lansing St, Rev. Richard Cole, Pastor School—201 E. Cass—Ph. 224-2421 OP CHRIST 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Mass Schedule Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.—Congregation Temporarily Meeting at the Saturday Evening—7 p.m. Sunday— Book studies. Text studied; "The DeWitt High School 6:30 p.m, Youth Fellowship 7:30. 9, 10:30 and 12. Evangelist: Richard J. Wolfcale 7:30 p.m. Evening Service Holy Days—See bulletin. Nations Shall Know That I am Jehovah Telephone: 669-3395 Weekdays—7:30 and 8:30 a.m. and —How?" 8 a.m.—"Revival Fires," Channel Midweek service on Wednesday 7:30 7:15 p.m. 5 TV: "Revival Fires." 1110 radio. P.m, Sacrament of Penance—Saturdays, Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Theocratic 9:45 a.m.—Bible School Each Week The Clinton County News Will Publish One Of The Many Fine Churches 3:30 to 5 p.m.; after 7 p.m. Mass Ministry School—Texts Used: "Bible" 10:30 a.m.—Morning Worship. Serm­ REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS Located in Clinton County. untill 9 p.m. Weekday evenings—a and "Aid to Bible Understanding" 8:30 on: "The Mind of Christ." CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS few minutes before evening Mass. Weekly Communion. First Fridays—Sacrament of Pen­ p.m. Service Meeting. 6:30 p.m.—Youth groups for grades Corner Upton Rd. & Stoll Rd. ance, Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday, 9:30 a.m.—Public Lecture- 1 through freshman ui college. Elder - Earl Premoe and after the evening Mass until all Given by Qualified Representative of 6:30 p.m.—Evening Worship. Serm­ Sunday School—10 a.m. Preaching are heard. Mass and Prayers of on: "What the Church of Christ Stands Adoration at 7:15 p.m. Holy Com­ the Watchtower, Bible and tract For," Service—11 a.m. THESE CLINTON COUNTY FIRMS munion on Friday at 6 and 7:15 a.m. Society. 10:30 a.m.-Watchtower Study- Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Hour of Power, Choir Practice-Wed. 6:30 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Current Issue of the "Watchtower" 8 classes. Mid-Week Prayer Service—Wed. 8:30 p.m. on Thursday through 7 p.m. Thursday, 7 p.m.—Fishermen's Club on First Friday. magazine studied. 7:30 p.m. Devotions—Our Mother of Perpet­ PUBLIC INVITED Everyone welcome. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ual Help Novena— after 7:15 p.m. NO COLLECTION TAKEN MAKE THIS CHURCH PAGE POSSIBLE Mass each Tuesday. OF DeWITT Elsie Area Religious Instruction Classes—Adult FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Jay T. George, Pastor Inquiry Class, Tuesday at 8 p.m. High Rev. C.A. Stone, Pastor The First Baptist Church of DeWitt School CCD, Wednesday at 8 p.m. will begin conducting regular serv­ ELSIE METHODIST CHURCH Public Grade School CCD, Tuesdays 312 X. U.S. 27 ices in the Township Hall No. 1 lo­ Rev. David Litchfield, Minister from 4 until 5 p.m. Plione 224-2448 cated at 414 E. Main In DeWitt Sun- day, September 20. Baptisms—Each Sunday at 1:30 by 9:45 a.ni. — Church School 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship appointment. Other arrangements by Sunday School will begin at 10 a.m. 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School, Supt. appointment. 11:00 d.ni. —Worship Service- followed by Church Worship service ttgHH&H^^ 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship at 11 a.m. There will be an Evening Merle Baese- SHEPARDSVTLLE Service at 6:30 p.m. ST. JOHNS WEDNESDAY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH For more information concerning DUPLAIN METHODIST CHURCH 4:00 p.m. — Logos Club the First Baptist Church of DeWitt Dr. Darold Boyd, Pastor Rev. David Litchfield, Minister 8:00 p.m. —Famih Bible Study call 669-9763 in DeWitt or 224-4511 In 445 Division Street St. Johns. 10 a.m,—Sunday School, Supt. Ken­ Federal Land Bank1 ;*•«>-. jo East Lansing, 48821 CHURCH OF'THE NAZARENE c ' «•*, . - iff , neth Kiger l Central Natl Bank Federal-Mogul J9:30 a,m. Worship Service, 10:45 •T 515.North .Lansing Street -P ^ *VALLEY FARMS' UNITED 11 a.m.—Worship service. 1 Rev WesleyManker- **" ir» * PENTECOSTAL 'CHURCH ' Association OF ST. JOHNS A .CORPORATION atm. Church School. * *" ...ill _ jit > i)U, ,t, i 1 • Phone 224-7950 , . LU „ ., 155 E. Sate Rd. > St. Johns PUnt ^Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Choir practice. 10:0U a.m.—Suriday School , Rev. Nell Bollnger, Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH St. Johns—Ovid—Pewamo 8:00 p.m. Prayer service. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Phone 489-1705 P.O. Box 228 Ph. 224-7127 .Member FDIC 6:15 p.m.—Young People's Service 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. "* Rev. Charles Cowley Administrative Board first Monday 7-fP n m.—Evpnlng Worship 11:00 a.m.—Mornlnft Worship. in the month. Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. — Caravan. 10:00 a.rn.—Worship service 7:45 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer 7;30 p.m.—Sunday evening Evange­ 11:00 a.m.—Sunday School, Paul General meeting of WSCS third hour. listic. Brown, Supt. S & H Farm Sales St Johns Co op Thursday in January, April and Sep­ Wednesday 7:30 p.m.—Youth ser- 6 p.m.—Junior and Senior BYF vice. Egan Ford Sales, Inc. - " tember. FREE METHODIST CHURCH 7 p.m.—Evening Service 305 Church Street Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study. 3:30 p.m., Wednesday—Junior and & Service 200 W. HlgbJUi Phone 224-2285 N. Clinton Ph. 224-2381 Afternoon Circle meets second We cordially invite you to attend Senior Choir practice. Thursday at the homes of members. Phone 224-3349 any or all of these services. 7 p.m., Wednesday — Prayer and Robert Bentley, Minister Listen to our International broad- Bible Study. • Berean Circle meets third Thurs­ cast HARVEST1ME Sunday morning New Holland Machinery day evening in each month at the 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School at 10:30 a.m., WRBJ. 1580 on your Our Specialty homes of members. 11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship dial. DUPLAIN CHURCH OF CHRIST Phillips Implement 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship 3 miles west Ovid-Elsie High School 4 Mi. N. on US-27 to French Rd. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Prayer service as announced. 5565 E. Colony Road COMPANY South US-27 Justin Shepard, Minister Phone 224-4661 SALEM UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Fowler Area Paul A. Travis, Pastor Jack Schwark, S.S. Supt. 313 N. Lansing St, Ph. 224-2771 Parsonage and Office: US-27 MOST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 10 a.m.—Sunday School i 9:45 a.m. Bible School Rev. Fr. Albert J, Schmitt,Pastor 11 a.m.—Church 10:55 a.m. Worship Service and County Line Road 7 p.m.—Junior and Youth Fellow­ 11 a.m. Children's Churches Pastor—Charles VanLente ship Sunday Masses—6:30; 5:30 and 10:30 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service D & B Party Shoppe 6 p.m. IN-TIME and HI-TIME Phone 224-6166 a.m. •' 7 p.m., Wednesday—Prayer Meet­ Open Monday thro S*tnrflay Capitol Savings fUjmnEmfm 7 p.m. Evening Worship Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Worship. 10:30 ing Grain—Fe ed—Beans Weekdays—During school year, 7:30 Each Wed., 7 p.m. The Hour of a.m. Church School. Complete Party Suppllei AND LOAN ASSN. Phone 582-2551 % and 8:30 a.m. Power for the whole family. 8 p.m. Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Choir pracltce ST. CYRIL CATHOLIC CHURCH 224 N. Clinton Phone, 224*3335 222 N, Clinton Phone 224-2304 Holy Days—5^0; 7:30 a.m. and 7:00 Rev. Thomas M. Kowalczyk, Pastor Choir practice. 7:30 p.m. Mid-week Service. p.m. and 7:00 p.m. eve before. P.O. Box 97 517 E. Main St. First Sunday-Communion Service Thursday: 7:30 p.m. WSCS Third First Tuesday—Deacon's Meeting Sorrowful Mother Novena—Friday, Bannister, 48807 Phone: 862-5270 Thursday. Antes Cleaners Farmers Co-op Second Tuesday—Ladles' Missionary 7:30 p.m. Sunday Liturgies: Saturday-7:00 p.m. Wes' Gulf Service Circle. DeWitt Area Saturdays-7:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m, Sunday-(May 1 to Dec. 1) 8:00 and ELEVATOR 10:00 a.m, (Dec. 1 to May 1) 8:30 Pickup and Delivery Wayne Feeds and Grain Last Tuesday—Trustees' Meeting WAYSIDE CHAPEL ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH WE GIVE S&H STAMPS and 10:30 a.m. 108 W. Walker Ph. 224-4529 Phone 582-2681 Mon., Fri. "Moments of Medita­ A BIBLE CHURCH Fowler Holy Day Liturgies: 7:00 a.m. and Free Pick-up & Delivery tion." Radio WRBJ. 14337 Turner Road, DeWitt H.E. Rossow, Pastor 8:00 p.m. S. US-27 Ph. 224-2212 Rev. Douglas Beach, Pastor 9:30 a.m., Worship. 10:30 a.m. Sun­ Confessions: One half hour before Phone 489-9251 day School and Bible Class. PRICE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH all Sunday Liturgies. Rev. Darold D. Boyd 10 a.m. Sunday School Pair's Rexall Store 9:45 a,m.—Church School. 11 a.m. Worship Service Riley Township EAGLE UNITED METHODIST The Corner Drue Store Schafer Heating, \nt. 11:00 a,m.—Morning Worship 6 p.m. Young People CHURCH - Phone 22*2837 The F.C. Mason Co. 7 p.m. Evening Service Rev Ray McBratnie, Pastor Heating, Air Conditioning Women's Society meets the last Telephone 627-6533 or 489-3807 Swimming Pools Wednesday of each month, Dinner at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday - Bible Study ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship 200 E. Railroad, St. Johns and Prayer. MISSOURI SYNOD 10:30 a.m.—Church School Fowler, Ph. 587-3666 12:30. Meeting at 1:30. 4V> miles west of St. Johns on M-21 A friendly church with a message 7:30 p.m.—Wednesday, Bible Study Youth Fellowship meets the first 5'/» miles south on Francis road and prayer meeting. for today. 2 miles west on Church road Schmitt Electric and third Monday of each month at Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 7:30 p.m. Bible Loving — Bible Believing — 10:30 a.m.—Worship , , 807 1/2 E. State Jim McKenzie Agency Council of Church Ministries and Bible Preaching. 9:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible EAGLE FOURSQUARE CHURCH Classes. , „ . „ . , Rev. and Mrs Royal Burnett, Pastor St. Johns 212 N. Clinton, St. Johns Administrative Board meets the first DcWITT COMMUNITY CHURCH WESTPHALIA (Inter-denominational) Holy Communion first Sunday of 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School 214 W. Washington, Ionia Sunday of each month following a pot- Murl J. Eastman. Pastor the month at 8 a.m.. third Sunday 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship luck dinner at noon. Amy Mulford, Sunday School Supt. of the month at 10:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. — Wednesday Prayer meeting Youth choir meets each Wednesday' Marilyn Krol. Co-Supt. 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School at 7 p.m. • 11 a.m.—Church SOUTH RILEY BIBLE CHURCH Ovid Area Burton Abstract and Senior choir meets each Wednesday 7 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Willard Farrier. Pastor Located Va mile east of Francis A)laby-Brewboker,lnc. MaynardMlen at 7:30 p.m. REDEEMER UNITED STATE BANK Road on Chadwlck Road OVID FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Title Company . METHODIST CHURCH 10 a.m.—Sunday School 108 1/2 N. Clinton St. Main at Oak Street Portland—Sunfleld—WeitpbalU ST. JOHNS BAPTIST TEMPLE 105 N. Bridge St. 11 a.m.—Worship Service 400 E. State Street Rev. Earl C. Copelin, Pastor 119 N. Clinton, St. Johns St. Johns, Michigan Member F.D.I.C. Phone 587-3111 H. Forest Crum, Minister Rev Jerry Thomas, Pastor Norma Johnson, Church School Supt. Sunday School at 10 a.m., with Gunnisonville Area Mrs, Ida Beardslee, Organist , classes for all ages. Teaching from 9:30 a.m.—Worship, (nursery pro­ the Book of Revelation. GUNNISONV1LLE 9:45 a.m. - Church School, 11:00 10 a.m.—Morning Worship vided), 10:30 - U:00a.m.,CoffeeFel- Junior choir—Wed. at 4 o'clock. ' Holy Baptism—Sunday, 1 p.m. Morning worship at 11 a.m. UNITED METHODIST CHURCH a.m, - Morning Worship. Sacred Confession — Saturday, 3:30 11 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday? 6 p.m., study hour, with lowshlp, 11 a.m. Church School. Clark and Wood Roads Senior Choir—Wed. at 7 o'clock. < and 7:30 p.m. 0:30 p.m.—Senior and Junior Youth Wed., 7 p.m., Senior Choir Fellowship adult group, young peoples group Rev. Dan Miles, Minister OVID FREE METHODIST CHURCH Family Holy Hour for Peace—Satur* and Jet Cadets, group, ST." ANNE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH . Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer and Bible day, 7:15 p.m. Thursday, 3 p.m.—Children's Choir 9:30 a.m. Church Service 130 W. Williams St. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Senior Adult Sunday, 7 p.m., evangelistic mes- Comer .US-27 and Webb Road Study. Sunday RGV Glenn V Cathey, Jr. 10:45 a.m. Sunday School * Choir Sa 10 a.m.—Sunday School • UNTTED METHODIST CHURCH Wednesday at 7, prayer meeting Residence 669-3967 Church 669-9300 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 11 a.m.—Morning Worship Pewamo, Michigan and study hour. Rectory 224-2800 Office 224-2885 Ovid, Michigan 6:15 p.m,—Youth Service Official Board meeting at 8 p.m. on 2nd and 4th Sundays—9 a.m., Holy Mdple Rapids Area 7:30 p.m.—Evening Service Rev. Wayne Sparks, Pastor 4th Monday ot each month. Communion and sermon. Rev. Wayne Gassman, Pastor ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Tuesday 420 E, Bridge St., Lyons Methodist Men's Club Meetings — Other Sundays —9 a.m., morning TUB UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9:45 Eum.-Sunday School Potluck ot church at 0:30 p.m. on US-27 at Sturgis 10 a.m.—Women's Prayer Service 517/855-3878 prayer and sermon. Maple Rapids Area Parish 11 a.m.-Morning Worship Wednesday 1st Wednesdays ot Sept., Dec, Feb. Rev, Robert D. Koeppen, Pastor Church school every Sunday, 9:30 Pastor—Charles VanLente 10 B.m,—Men's Prayer Service Sunday - 10:00 Morning Worship. and April. Sunday morning breakfast Parsonage and Office: US-27 and 6 p.m.-Sunday evening singing for on 1st Sunday morning of Oct., Nov., 9:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible a.m. 7:30 p.m.—Mid-Week Service 7:00 p.m. United Methodist Youth CUnton-Gratfot County Line Road boys and girls, Also, Bible School, which Is inter* Jan,, March and May at 8 a.m. Discussions. COMMUNITY OF ST. JUDE Phone 244-6166 7 p.m.-Sunday evening services. denomlnaUoifal begins Monday, the Fellowship. 10:15 a.m. Divine Worship. Catholic Church 17th, and ends Friday, the 21st. The Wednesday evening prayer meeting WSCS meets third Thursday of the Holy Communion - 1st Sunday each Father Jerome Schmltt, Pastor final program will be held ion the MAPLE RAPIDS UNITED 23rd at 7:30 p.m. Vacation Bible month. 7p,m month at 2 p.m. 409 Wilson, DeWitt METHODIST CHURCH " CHURCH OF QUU School Is for children ranging from ST. MARY'S CHURCH Confirmation Instruction Wednes­ Ovid, Michigan Rev Fr Aloysiua H. Miller, Pastor Dally Mass: Mon. and Thurs. - 7:30 Pastor—Charles VanLente four years of age through the eighth Victor Township days after 3:15 p.m. Rev, L. Sanders. Pastor grade. Fr Martin Miller p,m. Tues., Wed. and Frl. 7:00 a.m. Sunday: 9:4G a.m. Church School. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School Assistant Pastor 7:30 p.m. 1st Tuesday each month -' Sunday Mass: 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship. 11:10 a.m.—Morning Worship GROVE BIBLE CHURCH Sunday Masses—6, 8 and 10 a.m. Ladles Gtiild-LWML. Services at Middle School, DeWitt. 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Rev. Robert Prange, Pastor Weekdays—During school year 7:00, Monday: 7:00 p.m. Scouts. HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH Price and Shepardsville roads 7:45 and 11:15 a.m. 7:30 p,m. Wednesdays - Adult In­ 7:00 p.m Evening Service Ovid, Michigan Tuesday: V:00 p.m. Senior Choir 7-30 p.m.—Wednesday, Bible study: 10:0o a.m.—Sunday school, Olasics Saturdays—6:45 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. formation Classes, beginningeachSep­ EAST DeWITT BIBLE CHURCH Fr Joseph Aumn for all ages (Non Denominational) practice. 1:30 p.m. W3CS first Tuesday 8:45 p.m.—Choir practice - 10:30 a.m.—Mass on Sunday Holy Days—5:30, 7:30, 9 a.m. and tember and February. Call 224-3544 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Round Lake Road V* mile each month. 7 p.m.—Evening Mass on Wednes* 0:30 p.m.—Young People *• 8 p.m. or 224-7400 for specific Information. East of US-27 _ UNITED CHURCH OF OVID /Jay. Evening Mass—Friday, 8:00 p.m. Glen J. Farnham, Pastor 7:30 p,m,—Evening Service Church Office Hours - 9:00 -12:00 141 West Front street Confessions 10 to 10:30 on Sunday 7:30 p.mi—Wednesday, prayer meet- 'Walter A. Kargus III, Minister morning. a.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School* Classes for "Ladles Missionary circle meets 4lh Lansing Friday. all ages. , „, ., GREENBUSH UNITED METHODIST Vera Tremblay, Church School Supt. T 11 a.m.—Morning Worship, CHURCH ,11:00-12:00—Morning Services. c55piM Club meets 4th Saturday In K1MBERLY CHURCH OF CHRIST 5:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. Senior, Pewamo Area CHURCH OF CHRIST OF ST. JOHNS Scott and Marshall Roads 11:00 - 12;00-Church School Classes. month 1007 Kimberly Drive 680 N. Lansing St. 14 and up; Jet Cadets, 10-13. Lahsing, Michigan 7 p.m.—Evening Service Pastor—Charles VanLente Board Meetings—2nd Tuesday ot each ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH • Seventh Day Adventist Building Wednesday— * John Halls Sunday: 9:43 a.m. Church School. month. Pewamo, Michigan ' 11 a.rn.—Morning Worship Mike Hargrava, Minister 7:30 p.m.—Bible Study and prayer. 11:00 a.m. Worship. Women's Fellowship General Meet- Rt Rev Msgr Thomas J. BolgerJ M.A., 10 a.m.—Bible Study , 8:30 a.m. Sunday.School Supervised nursery for babies and Pastor WACOUSTA COMMUNITY small children In all services. . , Thursday: WSCS 4th Thursday at lngs-2nd Wednesday. METHODIST CHURCH 6 p.m.—Evening Worship 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship . Sunday Masses—6 a.m., 8 a.m, and Midweek service 7:30 p.m. Wednes­ |M "An open door to an open book" 8:00 p.m. Circle Meetlngs-3rd Wednesday, 10 a.m i Rev Dale Spoor, Pastor day night. Wed. 7:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting. i . . A Bible preaching church with a Children's Choir-Wed. at 4 o'clock. Daily Mass—7:30 a,,m. " i- t , Phone 627*2316 Call 224-4293 for mdre Information. message for you . . . April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 9B Smith says: EXTENSION REPOftT frlotes about soybean and fertilization Some notes on soybeans nese if they are growing on does not Justify use of N- and fertilizers from Mich­ one of the many dark colored P-K foliar sprays, Increase yield igan State University soil soils found in old lake beds Farmers innocent scientists: or in depresslonal areas —Soybeans respond poorly Carlund News having gray sub-soils and by Mrs. Pudgt Dtmlng By GEORGE McQUEEN to fertilizers, even though with pH above 6.5, in price increase (This is the final of afour- mediately after thefirstcut- they are heavy feeders of —Soybeans often need ni­ Mrs, Edith Simpson has article series on Alfalfa tlng is removed. minerals. A 50-bushel crop trogen when they follow corn returned to her home here Elton R. Smith, president sumer price goes up! By control over their prices. Weevil and its threat to a At the present time, It consumes 250 pounds of ni­ or a grain crop on a field. after spending the past three of Michigan Farm Bureau, contrast, farmers' prices This is demonstrated by the major Michigan crop.) looks like alfalfa growers trogen, 50 pounds of phos­ —Soybeans need well months In Zephyr hills, Fla. said he welcomes the public move up and down fromday- fact the farmer price index Alfalfa weevil control is having low yields of two-, phate, 160 pounds of potash, aerated soils if nodules are and Sun City, Ariz, hearings on food prices the to - day, month - to - month, dropped two per cent during not enough, if alfalfa growers to-three tons per acre will 50 pounds of calcium and 20 to function. Soybean nodules She spent a week In Kan­ Price Commission will hold season-to-season and year- the month ending March 15. want to stay in business. not find it profitable to try pounds of magnesium, do not function when the soil sas City, Mo, where she at­ today. to-year. The primary contributing In order to make up for to save their fields from the —Soybean plants are not pH falls below 6.0 or when tended the wedding of her "I am sure the real cul­ factor was reduced livestock the added cost of alfalfa alfalfa weevil every year. likely to respond to phos­ soli temperatures fall below grandson, Lon Buchele, to prits causing the food price The supply of a food prod­ prices. weevil control, growers will But farmers who have phorus and potassium fer­ 60 degrees. Martha Gill, of that city. Lon increase will be exposed and uct and the demand for it "Someone is poketlngthe have to Increase their yield. highly productive soil and tilizers if soil tests exceed —Foliar feeding of soy­ is a former resident of Car- the farmer will no longer be determines what is offered increases In food costs and Yields of two and one- who use wise management 20 pounds P and 150 poundsK beans doesn'tpay.Exceptfor land, attending Ovid-Elsie used as the scapegoat,* to the farmer a't the market­ I am certain It Is not the half tons per acre are a min­ cannot only live with the per care. If the K spll test the mlcronutrlents man­ High School, and is now with Smith said. place. Farmers have little farmer/ Smith said. imum to pay for alfalfa wee­ weevil, but can get greater exceeds the soil Mg by a ganese and zinc, MSU scien­ the Armed Forces and He pointed out that out of vil control. Five tons is a alfalfa yields per acre than factor of 2 or 3, look for tists have never seen a re­ expecting to be stationed in the average food dollar spent sound yield on well-drained ever before. possible magnesium defic­ sponse of the plant to foliar Korea. He is the son of Mr, by the consumer, sixty-two 6 soil of(hlgh pH, using ade-' iency. feeding. And the cost of ap­ and (Mrs. Robert Buchele, cents ends up in the pockets quately fertilized, inoculated —Soybeans need manga­ plication of the material residents of Dade City, Fla. of middlemen. seed. North The facts show that during CTION In order to increase yield the past 20 years, farmers' A on Intensively utilized land, Bengal The citizens of Michigan prohibits a graduated income prices for food products have still have a chance for mean­ tax, Provision is made to we suggest three manage­ By Mrs. William Ernst AUCTION SALE gone up six per cent, while ingful tax reform. solve, as nearly as possible, ment keys. The firstis three Phone 5B2-5391 Saturday, April 22, 1972 consumer food prices, those With the recent decision the problem created by the cuttings annually and maybe paid at the check-out of the Michigan Supreme Supreme Court decision. four, the second is annual Maxine Ernst called at the counter, have gone up 43 Court on capital outlayproj- topdressing, especially with Edwin Mohnke home in South Having sold my farm I will sell at Public Auction, Located 2 miles west of Ovid per cent. Thefarmor's share ects, such as county and potassium. Bengal on Sunday afternoon, and 3/4 mile north on Shepardsville Road. of the consumer's food dollar township buildings, etc., the Too much These two go together. April 9. Mr. and Mrs. Clare has shrunk from 49 cents to "sky Is the limit* on the Three cuttings, with high Moritz and son, Randy of 12:30 Sharp! 38 cents. During that same amount of property tax that potassium fertilization, not rural Grand Ledge were din­ period, the nation's wage 1966 Caw 830 Dioiol Comfor King with Draft A-Mat{c John Deere 15 hoe Groin Drill, can be leveled to pay off only yields an extra ton per ner guests of her parents, wide front, radio and all extrai. rates increased an average meat? acre—but also extra quality Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mohnke. JohmDecro RG 430 Drag Tooth Cultivator, Rear indebtedness. The Supreme 520 John Deere 1000 actual liouri. Mounted, of more than six per cent forage, since young plants Phillip Tiedt left on Thurs­ Court even went one step You may be buyirg more 60 John Deere L.P. with tlirec point hitch. Heavy Duty Drill preu with icveral large drill* & tapi, each year, while the farmers further and indicated that meat than necessary, a Mich­ contain more protein and are day morning, April 8 for prices for food products only 1966 John Deere 95 Square Back, 4 row narrow row John Deere 494 A Corn and Bean Planter. Dlic Openen this can be done without a igan State University con­ more digestible. Monroe, N, Y, where he vis­ corn head, model 434 N 14ft. Grain table, with Increased slxpercentforthe vote of the people. sumer information specialist The third key to greater ited his brother and sister- John Deere cab, Ml.C, 3 lection Rotary hoe. total 20 years. Bale Box on Running Gear. As a result of the court reports. yields Is the use of proper in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 1968 Ford Pickup F 100 W ton. "The average annual food decision, the two tax reform Homemakers tend to serve varieties. The first choice Maurice Tiedt and family I96B Camaro Chevrolet, 327 Engine. l.ll.C. Flail Chopper. bill for an American family petition drives that were more than the suggested dally for two-to-four-year stands over the weekend. John Deere Model 45 loader. 18 ft, Steel Feeder rack on running gear, Increased $21 last year, but is Saranac, This is a new being conducted byGovernor allowance of protein (found Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nrw Idea 50 ft. ^levator P.T.O. with inoiil, (Good John Deere 10 ft. wheel din, the farmer only received one Milliken and the Democratic most commonly in meat), but wilt-resistant, early matur­ Schneider of Lincoln Park Condition). 1968 New Holland 268 Baler with thrower. (Excellent dollar of that increase. I Party were abandoned, in as fall short of recommended ing type that can often be spent the weekend of April 7 l.ll.C. 2 A Hay Conditioner Condition). cut first as early as May 20, think it is time Mr. and Mrs. much as a section of the daily amounts of calcium at their farm home. Buzz Saw 2 Hydraulic Cylinder! with hoioi, American Consumer be told insuring three and possibly Constitution ruled on by the Vitamin C and Vitamin A. On Thursday evening, New Idea No, 7 Corn Picker. Flat rack with gear. who is getting the rest and four cuttings. April 6 Mr. and Mrs, Louis court was also a part of says Sheila Morley. John Deere 12 ft. Drag. John Deere manure ipreader P.T.O, why food is higher," Smith each petition. A USDA survey showed that Early cutting has the added Moritz and family attended a Pari Kool 200 gallon bulk tank. said. Field Sprayer 4 row, The Michigan Education only half of all American advantage of lessening wee­ dinner at the home of Mr. Ateljlinc larch, gauge*, Umci and anvil. vil damage. If weevil damage and Mrs. Robert Witt of St. Oliver Model 566 4 x 16 trip bottom plow. Srmi After food products leave Association, supported by a households had "good" diets. mounted cushion colters the farm many costs such as coalition of groups, is now But protein was not one of Is not severe in mid-May, Johns. The occasion was a freight, packaging, precook- sponsoring two newpetitions the problem nutrients, even spraying of the first cutting surprise birthday celebra­ ing, premixing, prepeeling, in order to place meaningful In low-income households. may not be necessary. Butlf tion for their grandmother, TERMS' CASH. Anyone desiring credit should see your bank before a ale day. prefreezing and prepared weevils were present at all, Mrs. Clarence Damon of St. No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or stolen and lasting tax reform To cut your food budget items day of sale. ready-to-cook are tacked on. through a basic Constitu­ and balance your family's spraying should be done im- Johns. These costs are fixed, and tional change on the Novem­ diet Mrs. Morley suggests: when they go up, the con- ber 1972 ballot. 1) Serve only the recom­ Prop. LESTER HUGHSON It will take two petitions mended two three-ounce YAACA leagues to get the job done. One servings of meat per day and Ph. (313)-239-4068 supplement your menu with Middlebury will limit property tax to 26 Planning An Auction? Callt mills. The breakdown limits less-expensive meat alter­ to organize counties to not more than nates such as eggs, cheese, Auctioneer: AL GALLOWAY "The Grass is Getting dry peas or beans, peanut eight mills, townships to not News Ph. 224-4713 or 224-4300 N. U.S.-27, St. John., Mich. Greener*. Now is the time to more than one and one-half butter and fish. organize a "Softball Team to mills and vocational educa­ 2} Boost Vitamin C Intake play in the Y.M.C.A.'s Town tion, special education, com­ with tomatoes and citrus -The Woman's Society of Publicity — Loreta Warren. and Country Church Softball pensatory education and In­ fruits. Serve dark green and- Christian Service of the Chairmen are to ask for more League. ter mediate ^districts" to not' dtyellow vegetables for Vita­ Middlebury United Methodist help if they desire, Men to There will be age divisions more than four and one- min A, * Church met recently in the help with serving are'Clar­ for men and boys, women half mills. In addition, school 3) Serve daily such cal­ dinlnK room of thechurchfor ence Semans, Wayne Austin, the last cooperative dinner of Harold Gardner, Claud A FARMER'S TIME and girls. enrichment tax, with voter cium-rich dairy products as Any church sponsored approval, to not more than cottage cheese, American or the season with Mildred Spless and Oliver VanDyne. team within a 20 mile radius six mills, counties and town­ Cheddar cheese, fresh milk Brooklns, Virginia Mulder A sum of money was voted" of Lansing is invited to join ships extra voted mlllage to and Ice cream. and Florence Thornburg as to help pay for the new fold­ the League. not more than six mills, hostesses. Devotions were ing doors in the basement. For Dad conducted by Dorothy Jordan, The Society also voted to Interested persons may The other petition will Letha Furnish, program COULD BE WORTH contact Norman Hicks, A message for daddies from pay the usual amount toward place on the ballot the re­ the American Cancer Society: leader, introduced Mrs, Vera sending youth to camp. Anote League Secretary at the moval of the present Con­ have a checkup once a- year for Hartoog of Carleton who had Y.M.C.A., 489-6501, Ext. 55. was read from the orphan stitutional provision that your sake ana the family's. travelled to Greece and the in Brazil the society is help­ Holy Land, spending Christ­ ing support. A collection was mas there In 1969. She taken for the Sunshine fund. showed her slides which were accompanied by an Interest­ The Burton-Carland Farm 100 per hour! EL. ing narrative. Bureau group will meet Fawnn Bureau During the business ses­ Thursday evening April 13 sion conducted by the Presi­ at the Middlebury Church dent, Helen Hubbard, routine with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ORDER YOUR reports were given and com­ VanDyne, Mr. and Mrs, mittees were appointed for Ernest Dennison and Mr. and the Mother-Daughter banquet Mrs. Russell Potter as hosts. to be held on Saturday eve­ Potluck supper will precede • FERTILIZER & SEED Save on all j Car tires ning, April 15 at the church the business meeting. George at 7 p.m. as follows: Kitch­ Getman will show pictures en—Virginia Mulder, Thora for the program. Austin and Loreta Warren; Mother-Daughter banquet Dining Room—Ilien VanDyne at the Middlebury Church and Rita Whltmyer; Program Saturday evening, April 15 at —Helen Hubbard and Letha 7 p.m. Tickets are $1.50 for Furnish; Tickets-Elizabeth adults, up to 12 years, $1 Putnam and Esther Semans; and pre-schoolers free. TOP * DRESSING

MARKV MARK III MARK IV 'DUAL STRIPE WHrTEWALL "71" SERIES TOPS IN QUALITY t PERFORMANCE 4 FULL PLIES POLYESTER CORD FOR ,TIRE POLYESTER CORD 10DT WITH 4 FULL PLIES OF TOUCH NYLON CORD. PILLOW SOFT RIDE. WIDE MULTI SIPED. FIIEK6USS IELTS IIVES THE ULTIMATE TREAD HUBS THE ROAD, STOPS .1 PERFORMANCE AND MMACE. SUPER SPECIAL QUICKLY. WHILE SUPPLY LASTS E7H»14 BLACKWAU $11.15 E7I«14 • $24.10 + F.E. TAX f 2.» RLACKWALL APPLICATION 4 150-13 113.95 + F.E.T. $1.75 + F.E.TAX $2.21 ' 20 F78-M $17.15 + F.E.T. $2.31 32 S7|xt4 SIB.S5 + F.E.T. $2.31 24 076x15 $1B.U + F.E.T. $2,13 2D H7B-1S JI1.B5 + F.E.T. $2.11 ^m NOW! THREE DAYS ONLY TEAM UP WITH The closest you'll get to guaranteed navy bean profit. Guaranteed profits are rare in farming. To survive and profit, it takes good management and top yields. FARM BUREAU FERTILIZERS Today, more "good managers are getting top navy bean yields with Michigan Certified Seed. Certified beaps demon­ strate varietal purity and freedom from bacterial blight so FOR-GREATER PROFITS 'yield losses associated with contaminated seed are avoided. and HERBICIDES With the 90% minimum germination requirement for Cert­ ified Seed, there is no need to over-plant to get the desired yield. Better your chances for a top profit. Invest in "Super Seed" while supplies last. See your Michigan Certified Seed dealer now. ST. JOHNS CO-OP St. Johns Co-op Headquarters For All Your Needs N. Clinton - St. Johns N. Clinton St. Johns Ph. 224-2381 Call 224-2381 10B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,197'2 Pewamo Fruit, vegetables Fowler News SCS outlines By Miss Cecilia Thelen Mrs. Irene Fox Ph. 593-3359 viewed at forum Mrs. Caroline Geller and Smith of Lansing,Saturday, conservation's April 8 which was held at the The pedrb club was enter­ feAST LANSING - The sumer program Is Dean Mrs. Frank Kobel attended ents are Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ the golden wedding anniver­ American Legion Hall In tained at the home of Mrs, seph George of W. Townsend changing food scene and Its Thomas, The Pillsbury Co. impact on the fruit and veg­ His topic is "Consumer's sary of JMr. and Mrs. Peter Portland. Cornelia Schater Tuesday Road, and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Mrs. Vernon Benjamin new framework afternoon, April 4. Arens, R-2, Fowler. Douglas etable industries will be con­ Consumerism." Thomas ST. JOHNS - A dynamic Quinn, Spartan Stores, will spent Monday with Mrs. Lula ticular problem. Joseph was christened sidered Tuesday, April 25, Specialist new framework plan for soil This conference, at Lan­ at Michigan State Univer­ chair the program. Boak. Douglas Joseph was born Wednesday evening, Monsi- Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Mil­ and water conservation in sing's Olds Plaza, wlllbrlng March 21 at St. Lawrence gnor Bolger officiating. God­ sity's first Pood Marketing Chester Hall, director of America will be presented to nearly 5000 man-years Management Forum. research, National Restau­ gives tips , ler and family of Lansing Hospital in Lansing, weigh­ parents are John Arens, God­ were Sunday evening visitors employees of the Soil Con­ experience in environmental ing 6 pounds and 3 ounces. father and Mrs. Joseph Registration for the day­ rant Association, will kick servation Service in Lan­ improvement together to off the food-away-from- on soybeans of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mil­ Parents are Mr. and Mrs. George, 'Godmother. The long program,which willfea- ler. sing, April 10-12. further learn, study and dis­ Bruce George of 595 S.Jones ture top speakers from the home market. His talk is christening took place at St. EAST LANSING - Stu Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thel­ The plan published in cuss resource management Rd., Pewamo. They have one Joseph's Catholic Church, food industry, is $7 includ­ titled "The Food Service In- and the changes in our dustry-$40 Billion Plus and Hlldebrand, Michigan State en , Mr. and Mrs. Clair October, 1971, represents daughter, Julia. Grandpar­ Pewamo. ing lunch. University crop speclillst, two years of work by a society which affect it. Among the program par­ Getting Bigger." Thelen and Mrs. Elizabeth gives these soybean growing Pedewa were Sunday visitors nnmber of experienced SCS John Swanson and Orvllle ticipants are: Bernard Weis- Three food service auth­ tips: personnel to look ahead to Beachler assisting Clinton berg, president, Chatham orities will then discuss how of Rev. Father Sylvester Seed at 70-pound per acre Fedewa of Redeemer Parish, the mission and future of County Soil Conservation Supermarkets; Fred Meijer, suppliers can better serve the soil and water conser­ District will be participa­ their operations. Panelists rate. MSU tests show the bot­ Flint. CARSON CITY president, Meijer Super­ tom pods will normally be vation program. ting in the meeting. markets; Thomas Quinn, vice are: Jack A. Laughery,pres­ Mrs. Lula Boak received a ident. Sandy's Systems, Inc., closer to the ground with a telephone call from Mr. and The plan and its imple­ president, Spartan Stores, 50-pound rate, and lodging mentation will be presented Inc.j Gus Bublltz, director Kewanee, 111,; Martin Kreg- Mrs. Calvin Boak of Tucson, FARM SERVICE will occur at the 90-pound Ariz. to the 243 Michigan Soil Wocousta of operations. Great Scott er, vice president, Machus Mrs Edward Kraft— 626-6944 Restaurants and Pastry rate. Mrs. Ola Ryan spent Conservation Service em­ Supermarkets and Dean ployees by Arthur Cratty^ Thomas,' corporate vice Shops, Birmingham, Mich., A better way of figuring Easter weekend with her seeding rate is toplantabout State Conservationist, and Mrs. Alfred Patterson re­ president, Pillsbury. Lunch­ and Ted L. Smith, assistant family in Lansing. turned last week after spend­ NEW & USED EQUIPMENT manager, dormitories and 10 to 11 seeds per foot of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Thelen Dr. Roy Gray, program an­ eon speaker is Clarence G. alyst of theSollConservatlon ing the winter at her home in (Clancy) Adamy, president, food service, MSU. row and get a stand of 8 Were Friday evening visitors or 10 plants per foot. Then Service Planning Division, Ruskin. National Association of Food of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Boak Wacousta OES No. 133 J.D. 60 J.D. 16A Chopper A food industry dinner and you don't have to consider and family. Washington, D.C. J.D. 3010 Gas Chains, which represents 250 Chapter will host the Clinton IH 504 Gas food chains doing a total an­ wine reception will be held at seed size, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith Others included in the pro­ J.D. 145-5-16 Plow , 6 p.m. Following the dinner gram are Lawrence Boger, County Vesper Service on IH 430 Baler nual volume of more than $25 "Generally, you need and daughter Evelyn were Sunday, April 30, at 4 p.m. IHC 3-14" Mtd. Plow Nl 4T Elevator billion. there will be a panel dis­ fewer seeds per foot of row Sunday afternoon visitors of dean, College of Agriculture cussion of "the food industry and Natural Resources, sharp. Rev. Don Dragoo of J.D. 3-14" Trailer J.D. 494 In an 18-lnch row spacing," Cecilia and Amelia Thelen. Perry will be the guest Taking a look at Michigan's today and tomorrow." Clar­ Hlldebrand noted. "In a solid Michigan State University; J.D. 43 Shelter J.D. 14'Disk fruit marketing system.dur­ Mrs. Robert Boak and son ence Adamy will chair the stand, you need to shift to a of St. Johns spent Thursday George Mclntyre, director, speaker. The public is invited J.D. 8' Field Cult. 2-J.D. 110 Forage v ing a special morning fruit to attend. Brillion 9' Packer v s ession in which Dean 100- to 120-pound seeding forenoon with Mrs. Lula Michigan Cooperative Ex­ Boxes w/running and vegetable session at 10 Tnomas,. Gus Bublltz, Fred tension Service; Dr. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beagle Oliver 4-Row Planter rate, per acre, depending on Boak. gear. a.m. will be ex-Michigander Meijer, Thomas Quinn and seed size," A. MacCullan, director, spent several days last week Kewannee IT 2" Disk Robert Button, general man­ Alice Harman and Mrs. T, in Alexandria, Va. with Mr. M.F. 82 S.P. Combine Bernard Welsberg will par­ Row width should be "the S. Flattery of Mount Morris Michigan Department of Na- N.H. Blower spike cyl. ager, Appalachian Division, ticipate. 'tural Resources; Nicholas and Mrs. LeRoy Beagle and Blue Goose Growers, Inc., narrowest you can plant and visited Mrs. Ola Ryan. new son, Jeffrey Earl. Kools Blower J.D. 95 S.P. Combine Program registration is still cultivate," Hlldebrand Smith and Dorn Diehl of the Hagerstpwn, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Boak Neighborhood Society will 4 Bottom Kasco Harrow w/234 corn head open to all large growers, said. "Some growers are of St. Johns spent Saturday Agricultural Stabilization J.D. 507 Rotary Cutter Keck-Gonnerman Speaking on what the food processors, packers, successful with solid plant­ and ConsevationService;B. meet Thursday AprI120,wlth changing food system will evening with Mrs. Lula Boak. Mrs. Kennard Clark. Potluck M.F. 202 w/loader Bean Combine wholesalers and retailers. ings (drilling) but most have Charlie Boak spent Friday Dale Ball, director, Mich­ mean to the fruit and vege­ Details are available from difficulty with weeds. Herbi­ igan Department of Agricul­ dinner at 12:30. White ele­ J.D. Model A Gehl Forage Box - table people will be Leon evening with Mrs. Lula Boak. phant sale. Edward Farmer, conference' cides have not given quite On Thursday, April 6 the ture; and Joseph Garman, Ford 3000 3 beater Garoian, University of Cali­ president, Michigan Soil J.D. 50 consultant, Kellogg Center, the desired season-lcng con­ St. Paul Lutheran Ladies Aid IHC 80 Bean Special fornia extension economist. Conservation Districts, Inc. PCA LOANS J.D. 3020 Diesel Michigan State University, trol." held their regular monthly Combine Final morning speaker is East Lansing, Mich. 48823. REDUCE IHC M Tractor John St, John, executive vice Tests In Michigan and meeting. The noon potluck The Soil Conservation M.F. 410w/4-row other northern areas show dinner was served by Mrs. Service, an agency of the INTEREST J.D. 46 Loader Corn Head president, Citrus Central, Orlando, Fla. He will discuss Bannister that solid plantings give the Herbert Pasch and Mrs. Rob­ United States Department of COSTS his firm's experience with highest yields if weeds are ert Eldridge. Pastor Rossow Agriculture, and an old By Mrs Robert Valentine had a devotional period prior friend to farmers and rural Ask aboui PCA's centralized marketing. controlled, and yields de­ unique money'Saving USED SPREADERS Phone 8624342 crease as row width in­ to the business meeting. Mrs. citizens, is planning for interest formula , , , and one- Following lunch, confer­ creases. Robert Boettger, the presi­ future developments in di­ application loan plan . . . Good ence goers may attend either The Gratiot County 4-H reasons why PCA is FIRST IN OLIVER P.T.O. J.D. 33 C lubs had their Spring Weed control is still the dent, conducted the meeting. verse land use planning and FARM CREDIT. a program on current con­ number one soybean Discussions were held con­ environmental quality in CASE P.T.O. M.F. 205 sumer Issues or one on the Achievement at Alma High School this past week. The problem. Hlldebrand recom­ cerning the purchase of an addition to its present objec­ food - away - from - home mends herbicides along with, electric stove for the parish tives and activities. market. two 4-H clubs from Bannis­ PRODUCTION CREDIT ter were well represented In rotary hoeing and, some­ hall. Consideration was given The plan and its imple- <${& 'ASSOCIATION Carson City Farm Service Revealed at the consumer times, cultivation. to the hanging of a new dossal •mentation is especially im­ issues program will be the the achievement. Sharon o Heinze, Cindy Moore, Linda *No one herbicide or com­ curtain. This was shelved portant to the citizens and JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE results of an MSU survey of until it could be discussed at the State of Michigan, where 1104S.US-27 St. Johns 5,000 Michigan consumers. Peck, and Brenda Panik of bination fits all situations," the Chippewa Chippers 4-H he said. "You must know the the voters meeting of the con­ land use changes are a par­ Phone 224-3662 CARSON CITY PHONE 584-3550 Also, Harold J. Rafson, vice gregation. president and director of Club were chosen for the honr kinds of weeds which mustbe or group for their sewing. controlled, the soil type and Th ladles were reminded perishables, sTopco Associ­ ates^ to^flSgpMej 111., will* Cindy:i Moore • received a the organic matter content of of the Congregational dinner The Buy of the Year! Try a c/dss/ife3 discuss his firm's" experi­ rosette, the highest county the soil to control weeds with scheduled for Sunday evening "** J? As. fr Vi ence wifh -'bperf-dating of honor. In the area of Handi­ herbicides without Injuring April 9. The dinner Is in hon-' foods. craft, Brian Valentine re­ the crop." or of the newly confirmed NEWS WANT ADS CAN SELL Final speaker on the con­ ceived a rosette for the book- Hlldebrand said herb­ and newly transferred mem­ ends that he made. icides give early weed con­ bers. Those on the dinner trol when it is difficult to committee are Mrs, Erwln get into the field to cul­ Tiedt, Mrs. Clarence Sill- tivate, and help you knock out man, Mrs, Roy Speldel and MORNING the weeds in the row. Mrs. Carl Nobis, while Mr. AUCTION SALE "But you must plan ahead and Mrs. Walter G, Nobis to control perennial .weeds and Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Thursday, April 27, 1972 such as quackgrass," he Bancroft are on for enter­ added, "because none of the tainment. BUTLER fcUlin/rteil BUILDING Due to the death of our son we will sell the following at Public Auction Located: herbicides used with soy­ The traveling basket beans are effective. should be completed by the OR YOUR NEEDS IN S miles South of Scottville, Michigan, on Scottville Road, then 3 miles East on "Where they can be used, May meeting so it can be GRAIN BINS AND KAN SUN Hawley Road. the rotary hoe and weeder determined which side will GRAIN DRYERS... are both excellent tools for furnish the dinner for the See Usl 10:00 A.M. controlling very small June meeting. weeds. They do not destroy In closing the ladies prayed WE ARE DEALERS FOR 70-HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE-70 Emco 5 Ton Gear. the present or future effects the Lord's prayer in unison. CLAY AND CARDINAL EQUIPMENT LINES 57 head of good Holstcin milk cows. 13 head of open of the herbicide. a bred holBtein hiefcra. Ail cows bangs and T B test­ John Dcerc 6 Ton Running Gear w/ New Holland "If pre-emergence herb­ ed & pregnancy checked. Detailed catolog available Forage Bo\, Kront'Unloading. North Bengal FRICKE FARM SERVICE sale day. icide fails to move into the John Deere 8 ft. Blade, 3 Point Hitch. By Mrs. William Ernst Located 2 % Miles North of Middleton on Ely Hwy. FARM MACHINERY soil within a week-or so after John Dcerc Quick Hitch. 'application due to lack.of MIDDLETON Phone 236-7358 1968 Case 930 Diesel, Comlort King, Wide Front, 60 ft. Auger Feeder Mr. and Mrs. Richard 184.34 Rears, Ser. No. 8348669. rainfall, use a rotary hoe to Badger Elevator 20 ft. with Motor. Rossow and baby, Justin of John Deere 2010 Gas W 36A Heavj Duty Loader with destroy the very young weeds Case 555 Haybinc, 3 years old. and gain time until it rains. Flint spent from Thursday, Cylinders on Ducket, dirt handling & manure buckets. April 6 until Sunday, April John Deere 50. All is Chalcmers 16 ft. Drag. "In addition, the rotary hoe or weeder may be used to 9 with his parents, Rev. and Fox Custom 90 Chopper w/ Recutter Screen. 1962 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup Mrs. H, E, Rossow and his 3 Point Hitch Cement Mixer. break a crust which Inter­ John Deere 45 Combine Hi Bin w/ 10 fl. Grain Table, feres with soybean emer­ grandmother, Mrs. Herman MCCULLOCH 210 Corn Head, New John Deere Engine, Power Wajnc Forced Air Fuel Oil Furnace. Rossow. Steering. MILKING & DAIRY EQUIP. gence." John Deere 14T Baler with Thrower. Dc Laval 500 gal. Bulk Milk Tank. MAC 10-10 John Deere F145 5/16" Semi Mounted Plow. Dc Laval Spccdwaj Wash Tank. John Deere 494A Planter. Double 6 Dc Laval Milking Parlor complete w/ feeders. with Automatic John Deere 15 Hole Grain Drill. Dc Liiv.il 6 Unit Parlor Milker complete with compressor New Holland Model 26 PTO Short Hopper Blower, K\- and lines. Bar & Chain Oiling eel lent Condition. 50 gal. Electric Dc Laval Hot Water Heater. KOOIB PTO Blower. Several Small Misc. Ilema, John Deere Chopper w/ Com & Hay Ifca'd. SILOS & FEED EQUIP. 25 Case Bale Conveyor with Electric Motor. 20 \ 60 Cement Slave Silo complete with roof & un- Rugged 3.3 5 Ton 1MCO Wagon Gear w/ Flat Rdck, louder, New Holland. cubic Inch Case 30 ft. Single Chain Convenor. 20 \ 60 Harvcslorc complete with New Golitb Un- engine cuts in 2 300 gal. Gas Tanks& Stands. loader pipe and goose neck.i "log Appx. 3 ton 33% Nitrogen, in 50 lb. bags. 20 x 30 Harvestore complete with unloader pipe and 6 2 Gas Pumps, goose neck. seconds! Roller Mill with Electric Motor. 3 Point Hitch 100 gal. Sprayer 6 row boom. Large quantity high moisture shelled corn In harvestore. John Deere 16 ft Field Cultivator w/ 3 Point Hitch, Appox. 150 Ton Haylage. New Holland Model 675, 275 hi. Spreader, Tandem TERMS. Wheels, 2 years old. John Dcerc 4 row Cultivator, Front Mount. SEVERAL MISC. ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS Delivers 25% more Case 17 ft. Wheel Disc w/ fold up wings, dual wheels. TO MENTION. power than some saws costing up to $25 more! 2 Kmco 8 ton Gears w/ K&stcn Self unloading Boxes. SALE ORDERi Small Items, Farm Machinery, The closest you'll get to guaranteed soybean profit. Harvcstorcs, Feed & Cattle, Guaranteed profits are rare in farming. To survive and profit, it takes good management and top yields. Now Only • Proven dependability! Over That's why it makes sense to plant soybean seed that's been 3/4 million Mac 10 Serlei ^*j^**^MM^**^MMMM*¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ tested and proven under Michigan growing conditions ... •awe built and soldi Michigan' Certified Seed. Nine different varieties let you TERMS: CASH. Anyone desiring credit should see your bank before sale day. • Rugged enough for all-day choose the seed best suited to your soil and geographic work on farm, ranch or No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or stolen location. home. 174" • The best combination of Invest in "Super Seed" while supplies last, See your Mich* Items day of sale. eomptata with 16" power, weight and price on Igan Certified Seed dealer now. bar and chain the market! *Lett cutting attachments Prop. MR. & MRS. ERVIN STOEVSAND SCOTTVILLE, MICH. GOWER'S SEE IT DEMONSTRATED AT Ph. (616)757-2714 HARDWARE AND GRAIN ELEVATOR AL GALLOWAY RED MERRITT FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Phillips Implement Co. Auctioneers: BOTTLED GAS — PLUMBING 6e HEATING Ph. 2244713 or 2244300 Ph. (616) 754-4148 313 M. Lansing Ph. 224-3777 E N. U.S.-27, St. Johns, Mich. Greenville, Mich. EUREKA T.L»„0H», £™ ; SJ££ MICHIGAN April 19,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 11B Barlow endorses P-W window Know the law on wells, request for back pay BIG CURRICULUM CHANGE advises environmentalist ST. JOHNS - If you're vide you with a copy of the has been improperly in­ water well record showing stalled, first contact the dril­ By MARK HOLOWEIKO teaching experience in the who live outside the Ovid- having a water well installed ByvAL HILL on your property, you should the complete history of the ler who did the job. If there News Special Writer special education field. A Elsie' School District and is still a problem,youshould are attending its school know the law, says Robert well and pump Installations, speech therapist, he has The driller must also file call the St. Johns branch of­ worked in the Waverly and without paying tuition. Pewamo-Westphalia High be held in the middle of May Barnes, Chief of Environ­ OVID-ELSIE - Donald School is offering this year with the addition of the 5th copies of the record with the fice of the Mid-Michfean Dis­ Barlow, president of the Garden City schools, as well Kenney promised to place mental Health of the Mid- a big change in curriculum and 6th grade bands. Michigan District Health local health department and trict Health Department. Ovid-Elsie Education As­ as in the Youth Corps. a procedure before the board the Michigan Geological Sur­ by the end of the year. for the coming school year of On Friday, April 7, the Department, * The local health depart­ sociation (OEEA) presented Asked whether there were 1972-1973. Offered are four vey, ment will require the driller enough emotionally" dis­ Yearbook Staff sponsored a Before you agree to have a letter to the regular April classes away from the P-W dance in the gym. Featured to correct any work done not 10 meeting oftheOvid-Elste turbed children in the dis­ someone drill your well', If you feel that your well facilities. These courses in­ were the FATDAD. Proceeds make sure the contractor is in accordance with state law. School Board supporting the trict to warrant the services clude: Building Trades, Cos­ of a special teacher, Kenny will go to help defray the cost registered with the state request of area teachers Lodge metology, Auto Mechanics', of completing the yearbook, for retroactive pay. replied: health department. The law Advanced Electricity and Treasured Memories. The request stems from requires that a decal bear­ "These children need Health Occupations. This next week are class ing the current year date and pay raises withheld from The Health Occupations tournaments. Only girls play the teachers during the close personal attention so the firm's registration num­ that they can be re-trained notes course is a one hour, one in these games. The senior ber appear on the company's Phase I wage-price freeze semester course that will be girls play the sophomore in the beginning of the school to develop self-discipline. vehicles. Other forms of discipline taught here by a registered girls , and the junior girls The registration provision year. Ovid Bethel No. 36 Inter­ nurs,e. play the freshman girls. The Board read the ed­ won't work." national Order of Job's also applies to water well Kenney said that classes Daughters opened in regular The .Building Trades class The winter session of pump installers, although in ucation association's letter will be a two to three hour without comment. for the emotionally dis­ form with Donna Goodrich Driver's Education was com­ most cases the same firm turbed are limited to ten honor Queen presiding. class where the students will pleted and the spring session may drill the well and in­ "The teachers feel that actually construct a house. If has now begun. Instructors they should get the money," children or less by law. Thirty-six guests were stall the pump. there are not enough P-W in the cars are Thomas Spen­ Barnes advises that you Supt. Donald Kenney said Dean McKay, director present from Durand, Owos­ students, the class will be cer and William Marks. Mr. later, "and we feel they of Ovid-Elsie adult ed­ so, Elsie and Bannister. make sure that the well cas­ ( combined with others from James Cotter is the class­ ing terminates at least 12 should not. That's all there ucation reported that en­ Guests were Cathy Sprague this area. room instructor. is to it." H.Q. from Durand No. 22, inches above ground level. rollment has increased from The Auto Mechanics class Sometimes things come out Kenny said that the matter 100 persons in ^vinter term Nancy Hehrer, Debbie Good­ This will protect the well will probably be offered just right, for some people. against any possible source has been referred to the In­ to 150 in spring, despite a rich, Sue Chamberlain, all somewhere In the St. Johns are Past H.Q. of Bethel No. On Wednesday, April 26, till of contamination, such as ternal Revenue Service for reduction in the number of area. The Advanced Electri­ Friday, April 28, girls in an opinion. classes from nine to seven. 36 of Ovid; Teri Sprague, flooding, and also make it city class will be held at St. FHA who have earned it, meet easy to locate it if there is In other action, the Board McKay also announced Senior Princess and Grand Johns High School. The Cos­ Bethel Musician from Durand at Western Michigan Univer­ any trouble. \ approved a motion to hire that the adult classes have metology course will be of­ sity for a 3 day state con­ Charles Hoi comb, M.A., as added their first senior No. 22; Michelle Allen, Prin­ Well pits are not permit­ fered at a beauty school. The vention. Kathy Savoie was ted unless approval is first special education instructor citizens, who are studying cess from Owosso No. 2; The hours collected for this Grand Rep. were as follows: planning to run for State obtained inwritingfrom local for the emotionally dis­ the upholstery craft. course will count towards el- Pianist, so she didn't keep turbed children of the Ovid- Classes are free to those Roberta Bolt to Mississippi health department sanitar­ iigibility to take the cosme­ adequate track of her work. ians . Only in special rare Elsie district. over 62 years of age. in Louisiana, Joan Gruesbe'ck tologists state board exam. to Indiana in Michigan; The She missed her application instances will such approval Plans are for Holcomb to The Board approved a These courses will also be deadline, so the FHA chap­ be hired immediately so that resolution which schedules Guardians that were present be granted. The problem with two to three hours. Those ter of P-W has decided as the use of pits, according the necessary organization the annual school election were Lois Kindred, Owosso students taking these courses No. 2; Joan Sprague, Durand a special honor to allow her to Barnes, is that they ac­ and testing for the special for 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on June would be required to take the to go. Congratulations Kathy. education classes can be 12. No. 22 also Past H.Q., Pa­ cumulate all kinds of debris required courses for half a All of the students of P-W and are susceptible to flood­ completed in time for the tricia Chamberlain, OvidNo, day and the other half of the The Board also asked 36, Associate Guardian Mer- would also like to congratu­ ing. A flooded pit is a ser­ opening of the school year Supt. Kenny to draw up a day traveling to and from the in September. vin Chamberlain, OvidNo. late Sam Smith and Marscha ious health hazard and in procedure for dealing with course location. Schavey on their marriage, Holcomb has six years of 36; Mrs. Leona Baker, W.M. addition causes economic Clinton County residents Elsie No.69andMrs.Thelma The P-W High School's March 28. Smith is a VS. losses due to burned out Goodrich, W.M.MorningStar Junior and Senior High History and eighth grade motors. No. 279. Bands presented a Pops science instructor. Mrs. State law also requires Thank you notes were read Concert in the P-W Gymna­ Smith is a shorthand and that a well must be located We'll custom apply AAtrex'for you. Call and let us sium. The members voted to math teacher. Both are cur­ at least 50 feet away from any handle your weed control program this year. We have from Elsie Chapter No. 69. give a Pops Concert instead rently employed at P-W and There will be a Friend's source of contamination, the equipment and experience to get the job done right. of going to District Compe­ reside in Westphalia. such as a septic tank, sub­ Nite at Flint April 26. Two titions. Another concert will choir members were asked to surface disposal field, dry take part. well, outhouse or barn yards. There were several invita­ The well driller mustpro- St. Johns Co-op tions read. Durand Bethel No. Either speak from exper­ 22 will have a dinner and "•^^.vfvv Ph. 224-2381 reception honoring Teri Pewamo ience, or from experience N. Clinton Sprague G. Bethel Musician don't speak. and Mrs. Joan Streeter G. Marshall GGC and Mr. Rex Sprague Committee on Mrs. Irene Fox Ph. 593-3359 Masonic Home at the Durand Masonic Temple Saturday Mr, and Mrs. James Frey Mr. and Mrs. Karry Blau­ JL 1 „ *i-titi ^ May 6. '' \ '\ , ; "of:Roseville returned to their wiekel and two children of %. h'ome Wednesday "after Aflig? Midland Bethel No. 29 will Grand Rapids. '' '''"** be honori'hgVLiz Schultz G. spending Easter vacation Betty O'Handusky of Grand Bethel Choir member and with their aunt, Ruth Swlndt. Rapids spent Sunday with her Mrs. Myrtle Hach G. Direc­ Mrs. Stanley Long of Mer- cousin, Arnold Hattis. In the A Pivninn <>( I ynrv; Prnrluris c<>. tor of Music with a recep­ ritt and daughter, Carole and afternoon they visited Frank tion and dinner at the North- Nancy of Lansing spent Fri­ Hattis at the Ionia Manor. '^^s^^ day evening with their aunt, wood Ints Saturday April 15. Spending a day in Lansing ^^^^^^ Ruth Swindt. visiting at the home of Mr. ^S-'S^*fiS5* Forget apartment or tract in- After spending a week with and Mrs. John DeRose, was convenience! Live where you Bannister want... at the price you can their mother, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Clara Caston. e 3 By Mrs Robert Valentine Cook, Mr. and Mrs. James need WMf aTe i * --•-^.Tr THE MORNING STAR afford—the Capp Homes way I rhone 862-4342 Mrs. Clara Caston was an :'

Having decided to change my farming operation, I wilt sell at Public Auction. Located: 4 miles East of St. Johns, Michigan, on M-21 to Watson Road, 1 mile South at comer of Watson & Townsend Road. ! 12:30 Sharp!

.1965 Allli Clialmert XT 190 w/cab, duals, dicucl. 2 Stalk Chopper* 0 John Deere F-I45 5 x 16 Plow. i Hog Feeder* 41 Waters INTERNATIONAL 400 CYCLO® PLANTER

John Deere 8 row narrow row pi ale less planter model John Deere Chuck Wagon mounted on two wheel No other planter plants so accurately... no other planter Is so simple 1200, used 3 Masons. Trailer. and convenient... because NO OTHER PLANTER PLANTS WITH John Deere 13W ft. wficct disc. Mode) A.W. ArlH-Way Mixer Grinder, Good. AIR POWER. Simple air-powered seed metering system (only 3 moving parts). John Deere 14 ft. Cultfpacker, Excellent. KilhrOR llydralic Auger, 12 ft. lets you precision plant at speeds up to 7 mph. John Deere 10 ft. Chisel Plow, F.xccllrnl. EziZrc Flow Lime Spreader. The closest you'll get to guaranteed soybean profit. Plant sized or unsized seed—corn, soybeans, sorghum, acld-dellnted Guaranteed profits are rare in farming. To survive and cotton, pelleted beets, popcorn, and a wide variety of edible beans Inrtea Bean Wind rower, 2 row. Approx. 2100 Un. of Ground Shelled Corn in profit, it takes good management and top yields. 12 x 40 Silo. -through the same metering system. * v- That's why it makes sense to plant soybean seed that's been One master hopper holds over 11 bushels of seed-enough to plant Altli Chalmen 6 Inn Running Gear. tested and proven under Michigan growing conditions ,.. NO SMALL ITEMS Michigan Certified Seed. Nine different var. tes let you half-a-day, non-stop. Mil Chalmcri 4 row front mounted Ciilllvulor lo lit choose the seed best suited to your soil ano geographic No seed plates. To change crops, simply change the seed drum. WD or WD 45. COME EARLY location.^-' . A three-minute Job. Dodge Truck 2 ton with 14 ft. rack (an lit. ^ Invest in "Super Seed" while supplies last. See your Mich­ 4 and 6-row wide models, 6 and 8-row narrow models. igan Certified Seed dealer, now. _ TERMS: CASH. Anyone desiring ertid|l should sco your bank before sale day. No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or stolen Items day of sale. GOWIR' Westphalia Milling Co, HARDWARE AND GRAIN ELEVATOR Prop. BRUCE IRISH FARM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Westphalia BOTTLED GAS - PLUMBING ft* HEATING Planning An Aiu-lionT Calii Call 587-4531 EUREKA HDWE. 324-2953 MICHIGAN Auctioneer: AL GALLOWAY TCLKPHDN?!ELEV.a24-a«»5 Ph. 224-4713 or 224-4300 N. U.5.-27, St. Johnt, Mich. 12B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan April 19,1972 t

WE COMPARED! Oft April 13th, we sent our checkers to our competitor's store to purchase 17 items we felt were most often purchased by the average housewife. We then purchased the identical items in our own store for comparison. We offer the results of the comparison baskets as proof that your dollar goes further at ANDY'S IGA.

Andy's IGA Stamp Store Item Price Price

NABISCO PREMIUM SALTINES lb. 41* 39* DELMONTE CATSUP 14 oz. 22* 24* CAMPBELLS MUSHROOM SOUP 10 oz. 17' 18' BETTY CROCKER YELLOW CAKE MIX 18-oz. pkgs. 31' 39* BETTY CROCKER WHITE CAKE MIX 18-oz. pkgs. 31' 39* BETTY CROCKER CHOC. CAKE MIX 18-oz. pkgs. 31' 39* HILLS BROS. COFFEE 2 lb. '1.44 •1.59 »2.29 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 25 lb. •1.99 34* Hl-C ORANGE PINEAPPLE 46 oz. 31' 53* KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 32 oz. 49' CLOROX BLEACH Gal. 52' 61* NORTHERN BATH TISSUE 4 Roll 38' 43* KELLOGG CORN FLAKES 9oz. 35' 41* BIRDSEYE COOL WHIP 18 oz. 55' 57* FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. 20' 23* GALA TOWELS 1 Roll 36' 37* KRAFT VELVEETA 2 lb. •1.19 •1.29

SUB TOTAL »9.51 * 10.64 TAX .39 .43 •9.90 »11.07

07 It's The Total That Counts *9 90 HI

Fight Inflation! Switch To

And Save i