MOD MOF Mochazo, Sm
MOD MOF Mochazo, sm. Blow with fe but-end of a Moderno, na, a. Late, recent, modern, new, of musket. the present time, novel, latter. Mocheta, sf. End of a column and cornice Modernos, sm. pl. Moderas, those who have whence an arch is sprung, corner-stone. Uved lately : opposed to the ancients. Mochil, sm. Farmer" s boy. Modestamente, ad. Modestly, comeUly, meekly. Mochila, sf. LA kind of caparison or cover for maidenly, honestly. a horse. 2. Knapsack, a bag in which soldiers Modestia, sf. Modesty, deceney, chastity, carry their Unen and provisions. Hacer mo meekness, maidenliness; coyness ; humility. chila, To provide provisions for a journey. Modesto, ta, a. Modest, decent, puré, chaste, Mochilero, Mochillér, sm. One who carries the maidenly or maidenlike. luggage or baggage of soldiers. Modificac.ón, sf. Modification, the act of modi- Mochín, sm. Young shoot of a tree. V. Verdugo. fying any thing and giving it a new acci Mocho, cha, a. 1. Dishorned, having the horns dental form, limitation. cut off. 2. Cropped, shorn. 3, Lopped, having Modificador, ra, s. Modifier. the branches cut off: applied to trees. 4. Modificar, ra. To modify, to reduce to a certain Maimed, mutilated. state, to modifícate, to modérate. Mochuelo, sm. (Orn.) Red owl. Strix asió, L. Modificativo, va, a. Modificatire, that which Tocar él mochuelo, To get always the worst modifies. part of a thing. Modíllo, sm. Manner, mien; the diminutive of Moción, sf. Motion, movement.—sm.V.Monzón. Modo. Mocito, ta, a. dim. Juvenile, youthful.—s. A verModillóny , sm. (Areh.) Modillón. young person. Módio, sm. Román dry measure.
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