The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019

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The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019 The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019 Contents Performance Report 3 The Director-General´s Report 4 In Brief 7 Results of the Operations 10 Transport Policy Objectives and Delivery Qualities 10 Operating Areas 24 Planning 26 Operation and Maintenance 30 Investments 41 Specialist Support and Exercise of Public Authority 54 Disbursement of Grants and Other Support 59 Research and Innovation 62 Contract Work 64 Additional Reporting Requirements 66 Competence Provision 72 Internal Governance and Control 76 Financial Report 78 Statement of Financial Performance 79 Balance Sheet 80 Appropriation Account, including Presentation of Authorisations 81 Cash Flow Analysis 85 Summary of Key Figures 86 Notes 87 Signing of the Annual Report 98 Auditor’s Report on the Swedish Transport Administration 2019 99 Board of Directors 102 Management Group 103 About the Annual Report: Unless otherwise stated, figures in parentheses refer to the equivalent figure for the previous financial year. As the annual report includes many monetary amounts, the abbreviations SEK thousand (thousand kronor), MSEK (million kronor) and BSEK (billion kronor) are used. 2 The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019 Performance Report Page header text PERFORMANCE REPORT The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019 3 Performance Report The Director-General´s Report The Director-General´s Report A number of positive results achieved during 2019 demonstrate that we are on the right track towards our vision – that everyone should arrive smoothly, the green and safe way – even if there are challenges ahead. The punctuality of railway services has improved, customer satisfaction with traffic information has increased while road fatalities have decreased. Collisions with members of the public, the climate impact of the transport network and the preservation of biodiversity are examples of major challenges where we have a great deal left to do. Improved takes many months – but that was open improve compliance with speed limits. to traffic in just over a week thanks to We conduct extensive research and accessibility intensive round-the-clock work. innovation activities and I would like to Over the course of the year, long-term I am still concerned by flaws in the underline the importance of translat- internal goals have been established for standard of our road network. Our needs ing research into concrete operational the Swedish Transport Administration. if we are to maintain functionality exceed results. These are based on national transport our financial means, something that A good example of this is provided by policy goals and the Sustainable Devel- applies not only to the less trafficked our Road Status Information project, in opment Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 parts of the road network by even our which data from connected vehicles is Agenda for Sustainable Development. major roads. combined with data from the Swedish Our internal goals take their point of Given the Swedish Transport Admin- Transport Administration’s weather departure as developing accessibility istration’s role as one of Sweden’s largest stations and weather forecasts. This has within the framework of sustainability, clients, I would like to emphasise the im- provided both us and our contractors one cornerstone of which is a reliable portance of our actions to the development with new and effective tools for winter railway network. of the supplier market. Because of this, our road maintenance. It is therefore gratifying to note that, focus is not solely on a project’s deliv- during 2019, the punctuality of passen- erables but also on making clear social Environmental and ger services has improved at the same demands regarding its implementation. time as the volume of railway traffic has The ultimate sanction is that we may safety issues in focus increased. We have focused our planning be forced to terminate an ongoing con- In order to save lives, we continue to on both handling the increased demand tract, as was the case with the contrac- adapt speed limits to the design of roads. and implementing the necessary mainte- tor engaged to build the rock tunnel on This requires speed limits to be reduced nance measures. A new model of locomo- Lovön as part of the Stockholm Bypass. on many stretches of road but also in- tive for towing all types of trains has been Despite warnings, in this case imple- creased where road conditions permit. In procured, with one locomotive already mentation has breached agreed health addition to improving safety, lower speed delivered and a further 11 entering and safety regulations, work environment limits also reduce noise, particulates and service during 2020, based at strategic conditions and work environment legis- carbon dioxide emissions. Together with locations around the country. lation. Unfortunately, this, together with eight of Sweden’s largest private-sector Another important area of develop- other exacerbating circumstances, means transport procurers, the Swedish Trans- ment is the provision of traffic infor- that the project will be both delayed and port Administration started the appeal mation to passengers. The Swedish more expensive. Collaboration for Speed Compliance in Transport Administration conducts I see enormous potential for ongoing Commercial Transport. The intention regular customer satisfaction surveys technological developments to strengthen is that both private and public-sector and this summer’s survey showed 72% of accessibility within the framework of stakeholders in providing or procuring customers are satisfied with the informa- sustainability. The Swedish Transport haulage should bear their share of the tion they receive regarding disruption to Administration’s contribution is vital and joint responsibility for tackling speeding services. This is the best result since this to this end we have developed a roadmap on our roads. metric was introduced seven years ago. for a connected, automated road transport In another measure to improve road A fire in a freight shed in Hässleholm network. This will lead to evolved knowl- safety, the first automated breathalyser caused extensive damage to the adjacent edge that increases the pace of practical is now operational at the Port of Gothen- railway and led to major disruption to digitisation in our transport network; burg. The number of fatalities on our railway traffic. In practice, it proved for example, traffic management for roads has diminished compared to 2018. necessary to construct a completely new improved navigation, automated freight The preliminary figure for 2019 is 223 railway yard – a process that normally transport between hubs and measures to deaths, the lowest total in modern times. 4 The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2019 Performance Report The Director-General´s Report Competence provision remains a critical issue, both for us and the trans- port sector in general. The Swedish Transport Administration works in various ways to meet this challenge. Our polycentric strategy offers guidance in the intensive phase of recruitment we currently find ourselves in; for example, we have recruited approximately 100 new employees to our regional office in Kristianstad and have thereby met the target set for us by the Government. Remaining an attractive employer is a prerequisite for the development of the Swedish Transport Administration. It is therefore extremely positive to find ourselves highly ranked among Sweden’s best employers. In order to develop an attractive civil engineering sector, we collaborate with the Swedish Construc- tion Federation and the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies in the National Construction Forum. We also work to increase interest and ensure an appropriate range of training within the framework of the Collabo- ration Forum for the Railway Industry (JBS). One important element of this work is our Training and Education Centre and during the year we have This year, the issue of safety on level key to this development and two new test started three new training courses, on crossings has once again been in the facilities are currently in the construc- signalling, overhead contact lines and news. On behalf of the Government, we tion phase. We are also preparing a pilot railway engineering. have drafted proposals for improving project as a possible first stage in a large- In order to reinforce our digital- safety at level crossings. Redesigning or scale electric road system. meetings culture we held Digiweek to removing level crossings requires com- Invasive species present an increasing focus on the use of digital aids. I consider plex and extensive work; we are therefore threat to biodiversity, something that this to be an important initiative that has proposing that physical measures be is evident on our roads and railways. the potential to provide savings in time, supplemented by temporary safety- We must therefore develop methods for money and the environment, while simul- enhancing measures such as reduced maintenance and handling excavated soil taneously providing us with improved train speeds. and rock. conditions for a sustainable working life. We have also initiated the development It is gratifying that opinion polls of digital solutions to warn drivers and demonstrate that public confidence in us pedestrians that a train is approaching; The Swedish Transport has strengthened, something that I take for example, using a phone app. The Administration is as confirmation that our deliveries
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