1. Mihir Pandya(366) 2. Chintan Patel(331)

Guided by: Prof. Hari Mohan Pandey AGENDA .Why is it required .Why go GREEN .What is Green Computing . .Power Consumption .Reducing energy consumption .Facts .Solutions . Ratings . .Conclusion .References Why?

. Today, the main problem of the world is Global warming.

. The atmosphere is becoming hot & is causing many problems to living organisms.

. Computers also play a major role in polluting the world. Why go Green?

. Climate Change: First and foremost, conclusive research shows that CO2 and other emissions are causing global climate and environmental damage. Preserving the planet is a valid goal because it aims to preserve life. Planets like ours, that supports life, are very rare. None of the planets in our solar system, or in nearby star systems have m-class planets as we know them. . Savings: Green computing can lead to serious cost savings over time. Reductions in energy costs from servers, cooling, and lighting are generating serious savings for many corporations. . Reliability of Power: As energy demands in the world go up, energy supply is declining or flat. Energy efficient systems helps ensure healthy power systems. Also, more companies are generating more of their own electricity, which further motivates them to keep power consumption low. . Computing: Computing Power Consumption has Reached a Critical Point: Data centers have run out of usable power and cooling due to high densities. What is Green Computing?

. Green computing or green IT, refers to environmentally sustainable computing or IT. It is "the study and practice of designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems—such as monitors, printers, storage devices, and networking and communications systems—efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. Green Computing

. In order to achieve sustainable computing, we need to rethink from a “Green Computing” perspective.

. GreenComputing:

 Maximize energy efficiency  Reduce of the use of hazardous materials such as lead  Maximize recyclability of both a defunct product and of any factory waste. . “Green Computing” in view of energy efficiency at the nanometer scale - design low power consumption integrated circuits at 180nm and below. A Perfect “Green Computing” Example . A super low-power “processor”:  800x faster  1000x more memory  3000x less power Green Computing . Why  computer energy is often wasteful  leaving the computer on when not in use (CPU and fan consume power, screen savers consume power)  printing is often wasteful  how many of you print out your emails or meeting agendas  printing out partial drafts  for a “paperless” society, we tend to use more paper today than before computer-prevalence   manufacturing techniques  packaging  disposal of computers and components  toxicity  as we will see, there are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of computers and components which can enter the food chain and water! Integrated Circuits are Everywhere

Climate Control Lighting

Dashboard Display

Door Modules

Engine Control Fuel Injection Entertainment Chassis Electronics Safety Control Integrated Circuit Market

. Six billion microcontroller units were shipped in 2004, predicted to be increasing by 10% each year from 2004-2009 (Instate Inc. market research)

. Semiconductor annual revenue of 2004 is estimated at US $211.4 billion. Power Consumption(1)

. Desktop consumption has reached 100 watts

. Total Personal Computer(400 million) energy usage in 2000 = 26 nuclear power plants

. Power is the bottleneck of improving the system performance

. Power consumption is causing serious problems because of excessive heat.

Water Cooled Computer ( Power Consumption(2)

. As circuit speed increases, power consumption grows

. Designing low power circuits has been the most important issue

. Mobile applications demand long battery life

. Low power consumption is listed as the second greatest challenge for the industry Power Consumption(3)

. U.S consumes 25% of world’s energy -Computer infrastructure accounts for 1.5% and growing. -E-Waste is becoming a major problem . Political, ethical and financial imperative for schools -Set an example for students and the community Power Consumption & Data Centers Internet  Where are the web pages you browse? Client . Data Center . One single room in Datacenter contains 100 Racks

. 1 Rack = 5 to 20 kW

. Contributed to the 2000/2001 California Energy Crisis

Racks Data Center


• What can we do about power?

. Understand all levels of the computer

. Understand where power is dissipated

. Think about ways to reduce power usage at all levels

Apr. 01, 2008 15 Components that consume power . . A fast GPU may be the largest power consumer in a computer. . Energy efficient display options include: . No video card - use a shared terminal, shared , or desktop sharing software if display required. . Use motherboard video output - typically low 3D performance and low power. . Select a GPU based on average wattage or . . Display . LCD monitors typically use a cold-cathode fluorescent bulb to provide light for the display. Some newer displays use an array of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in place of the fluorescent bulb, which reduces the amount of electricity used by the display Cont.

. issues

. has been heavily criticised for producing operating systems that, out of the box, are not energy efficient. Due to Microsoft's dominance of the huge desktop operating system market this may have resulted in more energy waste than any other initiative by other vendors. Microsoft claim to have improved this in Vista, though the claim is disputed. This problem has been compounded because Windows versions before Vista did not allow features to be configured centrally by a system administrator. This has meant that most organisations have been unable to improve this situation. . 200 M tons of CO2= CO2 produced by 40 million cars Cooling the Data Center

. Current coolants: CFCs and HCFCs = Ozone Depletion

. The other alternative coolant: HFC = increase in green house emission 1300 times Siberia ( ourses/cs771/lectures/CS771- 22.ppt)

. Moving Datacenters to exotic locations(Microsoft -> Cold Siberia, Sun -> underground) Underground Japan Manufacturing – Fossil Fuels

. Average with monitor requires 10 times its weight in chemicals and fossil fuels to produce .

. 240 kg of fossil fuel for CRT monitor (United Nations University).

. 266 kg of fossil fuel for LCD monitor (Williams, 2003). Manufacturing – Monitors

. CRT – lead and zinc leachate mean monitors are hazardous waste (Lee et al., 2004)  Lead: bioavailable in soil - can attack proteins and DNA, as well as interfere with nervous system function (Bechara, 2004; Needleman, 2004)

. LCD – 4-12 mg mercury /unit (Williams, 2003)

. Liquid crystals – polycyclic or halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, 588 different compounds  4% have potential for acute toxicity, but show no mutagenic effects in bacteria tests (Williams, 2003) E-waste Impacts

Photos Courtesy of Basel Action Network Energy Use of PCs . CPU uses 120 Watts . CRT uses 150 Watts  8 hours of usage, 5 days a week = 562 KWatts  if the computer is left on all the time without proper power saver modes, this can lead to 1,600 KWatts  for a large institution, say a university of 40,000 students and faculty, the power bill for just computers can come to $2 million / year . Energy use comes from  electrical current to run the CPU, motherboard, memory  running the fan and spinning the disk(s)  monitor (CRTs consume more power than any other computer component)  printers Reducing Energy Consumption

. Turn off the computer when not in use, even if just for an hour . Turn off the monitor when not in use (as opposed to running a screen saver) . Use power saver mode  in power saver mode, the top item is not necessary, but screen savers use as much electricity as any normal processing, and the screen saver is not necessary on a flat panel display . Use hardware/software with the label  Energy Star is a “seal of approval” by the Energy Star organization of the government (the EPA) . Don’t print unless necessary and you are ready . Use LCDs instead of CRTs as they are more power efficient Google Facts

. According to a research done by the Harvard University, two search requests done on the search engine Google, produce as much carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle of water. Every time you do a search requests on Google, it produces 7 grams of CO2. A recent research, done by the research firm Gartner, claimed that IT causes 2 percent of global emissions nowadays. In total there are 200 million search requests done on Google every day, that's 1,400,000 kg of carbon dioxide every day. Google replied to this research by claiming that every search request would just produce 0,2 gram of carbon dioxide. And, if you do the maths, that's just 40,000 kg of carbon dioxide every day.

. Previously, it has been calculated that worldwide 8.3 megawatt hours could be saved, if the home page of Google would be black instead of white. Blackle(1) . Blackle is a website powered by Google Custom Search, which aims to save energy by displaying a black background and using greyish-white font color for search results. . The concept behind Blackle is that computer monitors can be made to consume less energy by displaying much darker colors. Blackle is based on a study which tested a variety of CRT and LCD monitors. There is dispute over whether there really are any energy saving effects. . This concept was first brought to the attention of Heap Media by a blog post, which estimated that Google could save 750.0 megawatt-hours a year by utilizing it for CRT screens. The homepage of Blackle provides a count of the number of megawatt-hours that have been saved by enabling this concept. Blackle(2)

-How Blackle looks: Reducing Paper Waste

. Print as little as possible. Review and modify documents on the screen and use print preview.

. Recycle waste paper. Buy and use recycled paper in your printers and copiers.

. On larger documents, use smaller font sizes (consistent with readability) to save paper. Disposal . Consider that the average computer lifespan is about 2 years (cell phones < 2 years)  10 years ago, the lifespan of a computer was 5 years  between 1997 and 2004, it is estimated that 315 million computers became obsolete (and were discarded, donated, or recycled) . 183 million computers were sold in 2004 (674 million cell phones!) . New users in (178 million by 2010) and India (80 million by 2010) will require the creation of new computers . Disposal of these devices constituted 20-50 million tons per year (about 5% of the total waste of the planet)  this waste is called e-waste  where are we going to put all of it? Land Fills

. Europe has outlawed using for computer components  the US and Europe export a lot of e-waste to Asian landfills (especially China even though China has outlawed the importing of e-waste)  in addition, incineration of computer components leads to air pollution and airborne toxins Other Solutions . Reuse: donate your computer components to people who may not have or have lesser quality computers  inner city schools, churches, libraries, third world countries  this however leads to the older computers being dumped but there is probably no way around this as eventually the older computers would be discarded anyway . Refurbish: rather than discarding your computer when the next generation is released, just get a new CPU and memory chips – upgrade rather than replace  while you will still be discarded some components, you will retain most of the computer system (e.g., monitor, the system unit housing, cables) . Are there adequate incentives to do either of the above? Do computer companies encourage refurbishing/upgrading? One More Solution: Recycling . If companies can recycle the plastics and other components, this can greatly reduce waste and toxins  however, the hazardous materials in e-waste can harm the recycle workers if they are not properly protected  in undeveloped countries, a lot of the recycling chores are left up to unprotected children! . Developed countries now have facilities for recycling e- waste  however, in Europe, the plastics are discarded instead of recycled because the flame retardant chemicals are too toxic to work with . To resolve these problems, the computer manufacturers must start using recyclable chemicals Recycling

. Recycling computing equipment can keep harmful materials such as lead, mercury, and hexavalent chromium out of landfills, but often computers gathered through recycling drives are shipped to developing countries where environmental standards are less strict than in North America and Europe. The Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition estimates that 80% of the post- consumer e-waste collected for recycling is shipped abroad to countries such as China, India, and . . Computing supplies, such as printer cartridges, paper, and batteries may be recycled as well. Greenpeace Ratings(1)

. 7.45 Nokia -- Scores top marks for leading competitors on toxic phase out. . 7.1 Samsung -- Holds second position for commitment to reduce absolute emissions. . 6.5 Sony Ericsson -- Up two places with better product energy efficiency reporting. . 5.7 LG Electronics -- Up two places but needs to eliminate hazardous chemicals from all products. . 5.5 Toshiba -- Moves up two places with an extra point for promising to cut GHGs. . 5.5 Motorola -- Scores higher and climbs two places because of use of . 5.3 Philips -- Falls from 4th to 7th position and needs to put its commitment to responsible recycling policies into practice. . 5.3 Sharp -- Rises from 9th to joint 7th place with its energy efficient products. . 4.9 Acer -- Put 16 new models of a monitor that are almost free of hazardous chemicals and climbed two places from 11 to 9 but still need to sort out the power cord . Greenpeace Ratings(2)

. 4.9 Panasonic -- Advance from 12th to 10th place for energy efficiency and pvc free product range but still bad on e waste. . 4.7 Apple -- Drop one position to 11th with no change in scores but get kudos for their green macbook . 4.5 Sony -- Plunges from 5th to 12th place for inadequate commitments on eliminating hazardous chemicals, e waste policy and cutting GHGs . 3.9 -- Stays at 13th place because of backtracking on toxics phase out . 3.5 HP -- Is at 14th position and has no products on the market free of toxic substances . 2.5 Microsoft -- Loses a point for a poor recycling policy but stays in 15th position . 2.5 Lenovo -- Down two places with no set timeline for toxics phase out on all products . 2.4 Fujitsu -- Debuts second from last with no products that are free of hazardous chemicals . 1 Nintendo -- Stays put in last position with a glimmer of hope with partially pvc free consoles Conclusion

. Green computing can lead to a lot of energy savings, reduction in emission of co2 & CFC’s which leads to environment protection.

. It also leads to serious cost savings over time. References

. Google. . Wikipedia. . Howstuffworks. Thank you.