The Future of Live Music in South Australia

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The Future of Live Music in South Australia The Future of Live Music in South Australia Live Music Thinker: Martin Elbourne THE DON DUNSTAN FOUNDATION ProjEcT partners The Don Dunstan Foundation Level 3, 230 North Terrace THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE SA 5005 © The Don Dunstan Foundation, 2013 Recommendation 13: Continue the 49 Contents 4 implementation of The National Indigenous Contemporary Music Action Plan within SA and about the residency 7 appraisal of its progress and outcomes. Recommendation 14: Invest in creative hubs that 50 about martin elbourne 9 provide artistic stimulation and rehearsal spaces for musicians, and support ‘cross fertilisation’ of the arts. overview 11 Recommendation 15: Develop a Government 51 Policy to reduce barriers to creative hubs. Context 15 Recommendation 16: Form a new creative hub 53 from an existing cluster of creative organisations. governance and leadership 29 Recommendation 1: Create the South Australian 30 development of industry Professions 55 Contemporary Music Advisory Council (SACMAC) to develop strategies for the economic development of Recommendation 17: Ensure a high quality 58 the local music industry and to champion it. website exists to profile contemporary musicians, and include quality film clips, statistics on their performance history, and other information that acts education and Creative development for artists 33 as criteria to indicate the current status of the artists. Recommendation 2: Implement the proposed 33 new national curriculum for the Arts to its fullest Recommendation 18: Establish a network of 58 in South Australia and maximise opportunities for accomplished professionals – Friends of SA. creative musical expression in children. Recommendation 19: Develop music industry 59 Recommendation 3: Better equip generalist 34 specific traineeships or internships. primary school teachers to deliver a quality music curriculum. Recommendation 20: Establish Creative 61 Entrepreneur Award – Contemporary Music. Recommendation 4: Make music education in 36 high schools more accessible and engaging. audience development 63 Recommendation 5: Integrate TAFE music courses 38 into Adelaide College of the Arts. Recommendation 21: Designate an existing area 63 within the City of Adelaide as the Central Cultural and Recommendation 6: Increase the visibility 39 Entertainment District (CCED) to enhance the city’s of existing educational opportunities through a profile and facilitate promotion of the area to increase prospectus of all available post-secondary music visitor numbers, and to attract business and activity. courses across South Australia. Recommendation 22: 64 Recommendation 7: Work in conjunction with 39 Develop a comprehensive gig guide. the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music (CASM) to increase opportunities and pathways for Indigenous Recommendation 23: 67 musicians via a ‘one stop shop’ website. Develop strategies for large scale contemporary music events. Recommendation 8: Establish a new international, 41 Recommendation 24: tertiary level institution in Adelaide for contemporary 69 Support and subsidise under-age shows in the city music education and development. and regional areas. Recommendation 9: Increase the funding to Arts 43 Recommendation 25: 69 SA’s Contemporary Music Fund to better support Create a one-off annual celebration of local music. artists, entrepreneurs and industry organisations. Recommendation 26: Support local and national 70 Recommendation 10: 45 Establish the ‘Music media to promote and represent South Australian Industry Development Initiative (MIDI)’, a music and artists. industry development office for local mid-career artists and entrepreneurs to raise their performance to Recommendation 27: Undertake targeted 72 national and international standards. research to better understand the market through identifying: Recommendation 11: 46 Make high-level training • Barriers to the consumption of live music (such as opportunities available to all career artists. gig times, transport issues, entry prices) • Live music interests of cultural and demographic Recommendation 12: 48 Provide artists with training groups currently not catered for (e.g. international in new online platforms to distribute their music. students) 4 | Creating and sustaining the musiC eCology of south australia trade and economic development 75 regulation 95 Recommendation 28: Develop a long term 75 Recommendation 38: Invest in research on 96 strategy and lay the foundations for a comprehensive problem behaviour, and the environments that reduce music industry. its incidence, to inform future pathways. Recommendation 29: Establish a universally 77 Recommendation 39: Create a framework 98 accepted set of performance metrics to assess the for collaboration and planning, having a common health of the music industry in South Australia across language as its foundation, for communication across time . the music industry, SAPOL, the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, local councils and residents. Recommendation 30: Development of music 79 related industries and creation of music industry Recommendation 40: State Government to take 100 clusters. the lead on clarification of roles and responsibilities held by regulatory and enforcement bodies. Recommendation 31: Venue owners to form an 83 association. Recommendation 41: A more flexible approach to 101 the Late Night Trading Code of Practice. Recommendation 32: Develop Adelaide’s export 84 potential and trade pathways based on market Recommendation 42: Encourage a culture of 102 research. early and late night activity, reducing the early morning issues of anti-social behaviour. sector growth in metropolitan and 87 regional areas Recommendation 43: Reduce barriers to live 103 music created by legislation meant for other purposes Recommendation 33: Develop Port Adelaide 87 and encourage dedicated live music venues. as a live music destination. Recommendation 44: Establish a ‘one stop shop’ 108 Recommendation 34: Develop a strategy to 88 for development and licensing applications. strengthen regional touring and create a touring circuit. Recommendation 45: Encourage shared 108 Recommendation 35: Build on large events as 90 responsibility in planning. part of a strategy to engage bands in regional centres. Recommendation 46: Create a set of regulations 109 Recommendation 36: Regional Development 91 and guidelines specific to noise management by live Australia Barossa to develop and pilot a regional music music venues and related building development. development strategy as part of their Events Strategy: • Establish a touring circuit of wineries Recommendation 47: Encourage local councils to 111 • Establish a permanent stage and other create their own live music plans in conjunction with infrastructure local development plans. • Local Council to employ a booker and publish a regional gig guide Recommendation 48: 113 • Develop a contemporary music festival/ Amend the Liquor Licensing Act. showcasing event • Incorporate live music in community and visitor Recommendation 49: Work with the Federal 117 venues through Government to achieve changes to the Building Code; - The revival of the Barossa International Music small to medium venues that come under class 9b. Festival - The celebration of the Barossa tradition of choirs and bands acknowledgements 120 - Including live music into other arts event such as the SALA Festival • Leverage Adelaide events such as the Fringe along with the positive attributes of the Barossa • Support the development of emerging local artists by the provision of i) a rehearsal studio space and ii) mobile audio systems for performances • Apply the small venue licence provisions to the Barossa and remove the needs test in the South Australian Liquor Licensing Act • Develop creative hubs, and music industry clusters, encouraging for example music instrument artisans • Establish a venue for arena size shows at a winery. Recommendation 37: Create an outreach of the 93 Northern Sound System and provide a rehearsal space in Gawler. Creating and sustaining the musiC eCology of south australia | 5 About the Residency The project has encompassed the work of the Thinker in Residence, Martin Elbourne, and was at the outset titled ‘Reverb’, a name denoting its topic and one of its major objectives which is to create movement and reverberation across the contemporary music community in Adelaide. Its intended outcome is to create collaboration and unified action for a healthy, more sustainable music scene. Over two periods of residency, Martin has worked and consulted with venue owners, training organisations, musicians, regulators, councils, government departments and Ministers, and organisations to devise strategies to strengthen the live music scene. The residency has been supported by its partners the Adelaide City Council, the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Arts SA, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Renewal SA, and Regional Development Australia Barossa. All partners contributed financially and the project would not have been possible without this. They also contributed their skills and knowledge. The thinker’s residency program was designed by the State Government to bring world experts into direct contact with South Australia’s decision makers. Leaders in their field commit to periods of residency in Adelaide in order to work with the community and government in developing ideas and approaches that can potentially be applied to the local context. Each ‘thinker’ is engaged to provide a set of
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