A. Page4 Page Anchovy ...... 65. 410 Abadejo ...... e flshing ...... 888 Aberdeen ...... 18 Anderson. Capt. James L ...... 404. 438 Abbott. Leon ...... 18 Andrewe. E. A ...... 87 Acanthocybium solandri ...... 1 Anemometer ...... 149 Acanthlirus chirurgus ...... I Angelfischorei ...... 284 omruleus ...... 7 Angel flsh ...... 178. 380 tractus ...... 7 An.cermanu Rivnr ...... -:...... 327 Acerinn ...... 4 Angling. cited ...... 272 Acclimntizntion of flsh in Australia ...... 3 Anguilla ...... 111 Aclnnclla mornoni ...... 23 nucklandii ...... 55 Acroperus loucocephalus ...... 44 australia ...... 65 Actinoplirys ...... 43 cuhana ...... 111 Acushnet River ...... 31 rostrata ...... 111 Addison Contor, sohoouer ...... 24! Anguillidm ...... 208 A. F. Gifford, schooner ...... 171 Annin, jr.s James ...... 85 Agnssiz. Prof. A ...... 31 Anolophus . v . grreoum ...... 178 Prof. L ...... 293.20, Anthins riohardsoni ...... 54 Agonostoma forsteri ...... 5! Appetite of tho muskrat ...... 297 Ahlborn, Forester ...... 11: Applegate Crook ...... 217 Aiken, Cap t . John P ...... 431 Aqoaria, artificial sen-water for ...... 405 Alnska Commeroinl Company ...... 134 Aquia Creek ...... 190 Territory, salmon of ...... I34 Artificial propRgntion of sdmon ...... 201 AlbatrOE.4, olectric lighting ...... 15: sea-water ...... 465 enginca ...... 145 Arcachou ...... 100 steamer ...... 151 Bay ...... 98, 100 Albiooro ...... 77 Portuguese oyster in ...... 100 Albnla vulpes ...... 75 Archibald, Xr ...... 418 Alden, Nr...... 404 Arcliiteuthis harveyi ...... 403 Alewives ...... 7, 203 Arotocephalus cinereus ...... 53 catching of ...... 256 Arena. C ...... 120 Alp, habitat of ...... 24 Briiue felis ...... 79 Algeria, flsherios of ...... 418 hmstrong, George W ...... 83 Algiers, flsh irnpoitad ...... 303 w ...... 233 quantity of flsh imported ...... 392 brripis eelar ...... 64 Alice M . Williams, schooner ...... 440, 404 4rrow.head ...... 160 Allman, Pro$eossor ...... 193 brthur, Chester A ...... 859 Alpene. Yich ...... 113 lsia ...... 127 Altenfjord ...... 388 lstroscopus ...... 880 Amagansott, N.9...... 177, 386 anolophus ...... 178 Amber jack ...... 77 ltherina stipes ...... 79 Amerjoan Angler, cited ...... 311 ltkins, Charles Q ...... 115,17G,341, 383 Bield, cited ...... 290 Ltlantic Halibut Company ...... 260 Fish-cultural Asaociatiou ...... 408 itwator,W. 0 ...... M3,238 5sh In English waters ...... 80 Lude, River ...... 138 flsh oxported ...... 303 inray River ...... 103 lotus ...... 169. 160

nebulosus ...... 292 Austrnlia ...... 126, 190 Ammotrotis gnntherl ...... 65 Avooa, N. C ...... 162 Anoher, Emet ...... 107 Ayrshire ...... 183 472 INDEX .

B. Page. Page . Blnckforcl. E. G ....16.112.17G.219.315.338.33?. 301 Babson. Capt. F. J ...... 405.406.435.437. 464 Black grouper ...... 77. 78.240. 251 Bacalao ...... 80 River ...... 140. 243 Bacho. R . M ...... 373. 374 Black. L. H ...... 184 BackT. nke ...... 470 Blackmills ...... 7 Eacon. Sir Francis ...... 14 Bladder.mort ...... 160. 257.281. 458 Bwie. Captain ...... 118 Bland. John ...... 350 Raird disl illing apparatns ...... 149 Blank forms. list of ...... 397 G. W ...... 145. 153 Blatchford. Capt. Beqjamin 1." ...... 175 Prof . S. F ... . 379 Blanfclchom (Corcgonus) ...... 121 Balao ...... 79 Blear-eyed hcrring ...... 61 Balads ...... 79 Bloclr I~laud...... 240. 251 B.ildwiu. CharlesR ...... 352 flshing grounds ...... 49 Balivtes carolinensis...... 78 B1ue.back mullet ...... 79 vetula. occurrence of ...... 13 Bluefish ...... 444 Ballahoo ...... 79 Blue flag ...... 100 Bnllantrae ...... 193.197 perch ...... 37 Baltimore. Md...... 310 Boer-fish ...... 54 Banmcpr. i\l ...... 52 Bodiauns rufus ...... 78 Banqnereau ...... 237 Bonnci ...... 71 Barber. C . H ...... 87 Bone.flsh ...... 79 Barden. John E ...... 328 Bonito ...... 7. 77 Barmen. at ...... 119 Booth & Sono. A ...... 303 Barnegat City. N .J ...... 177. 386 Booth Bay lobstcr fl0hery ...... 434 BarneH. E ...... 140. 243 Borthwick. Christopher...... GO Barracouta of New Zealnnd ...... 54 Bornc. Xax ran dem .... . Barracuda of Florida ...... 77 300.370.384 Baxtct. Mr ...... 281 Boston Bay flshcrics ...... 131 Bortio Pierce. schooner ...... 438 Daily Advcrtiscr cited ...... 252 Bart1ett.J .R ...... 315 Bothnia. Gulf of ...... 3% Bass ...... 338 Bottomanno. C. J ...... 109.170. &56 bipmouthcd ...... 7 Bottlomm dolphin ...... 431 black ...... 7 whale ...... 178. 388 size of ...... 305 Bouchon.Brandcly ...... 17. 101 Batrachns tau ...... 79 Bomer. Seymour ...... 113 Battery Station ...... 520 Bragenia ...... 171 Bcan. Dr. Tarlcton H .. .la. Brakclcy. John JI ...... 159 387. mi B1.nnchiobdollaastaci ...... 301 Beard~leo.L . A ...... 288 parasite ...... 301 Bear Lake ...... 61 Brandely .M ...... 27. 28 Becharde Brothors ...... 170 Bwodt. Martin ...... 305.39G Bohr. vou ...... 275.383. 420 Urnsolin peltata ...... 169 Belginm. fish imported ...... 393 Brazil. flsh for ...... 309 oystcr yield ...... 468 Bream ...... 78. 80 Bclone acus ...... 388 Bronner. Cnpt . Ivar ...... 324 vulgaris ...... 40 Bretapno. Frunco ...... 185 Uenecko. Professor ...... 122.324.384 Brinnd. Captain ...... 219 Berlin Intcrnational Fishery Exposition . 349 Brigs. E. A...... 441 Bcrneuchen. Germany ...... 122. 219 Brill ...... 55 Bibelhausen. brooks stockcd ...... 119 British Colnmbia ...... 120. 318 Birge. Professor ...... 440 Nortb America. fish exported ..... 127. 892 Birkbeclr . Edward ...... Bro:id River. obstructions to 5sh ...... 232 Birkenfiold. brooks stockcd ...... 119 Brow1 shad ...... 79 Uiscugne Bay ...... 203 Brocchi. Dr . P ...... 97 Bishop. C. R ...... 142 Brooks. W. K ...... 17.27.354.355.350 Bit.terne ...... 80 ......,273.27G.277.279. Blnck. Angel ...... 78 280.293. 420 bnsa ...... 32. GO. cultnre ...... 119 baeshl England ...... 106 from Cristine Lake ...... 293 scnt from America to Ger- Monadnock Lake ...... 293 many ...... 384 weight of ...... 311 small.mouthed, caught ...... 470 Broqnot. M ...... 111 spawning in Germany ...... 219 Brownell. Charles H ...... 83 eel ...... 55 Brown. J. E ...... 179 Blackfish. hatching of ...... 415 Brnmme . Dr ...... 329 INDEX. 473 Page. Page. Briisaow. Oekonomierath ...... 117.118.121. 21 Carp confused with hybddi ...... 806 Buccphalus ...... 4 cooking of.,...... 139 cuoulus ...... 41 cdtum ...... 122 Buckland. Frank ...... 73, 12 distribution ...... 807,308,800 Buclcsport Salmon Shtion ...... 169, 17 edible qditiea...... 124,176, 205 Bnghends ...... enemiee of ...... Rs, 308 Bumham . Cape. Adoniram J ...... 4! foodfor ...... 152,310,440, 455 Burns & Co., J. J ...... 44 vdneof ...... 306 Btwreed ...... la for sale ...... 456 Butcher, E . 2 ...... 201 fried ...... 130 Butler, M . C ...... 231 growth ...... 308 Butter-fish ...... 5: how to catch ...... 124, 268 Buzzard's Bay ...... 201 cook ...... 151 Byron Hines, schooner ...... 441 hybrids ...... 267 in alkaline water, reared C ...... 426 . England ...... 14 Cadet. schooner...... 401 James River ...... 112 Caillotet. Mr ...... 43! Lake Erie ...... 306 Calamus ...... 7: Suequohanun River ...... 806 arctifmns ...... 71 introduced about 1830 ...... 260 bnjonado ...... 71 ponds, conatrnction of ...... aa, 35 calamus ...... 71 Jn Texan ...... 280 pcnna ...... 71 planta for ...... 150 ponnatula ...... 71 sites for ...... 38 California salmon . 411 price-list of ...... 3M in James Ricer ...... 29( price of ...... 368 reared in Wisconsin ... 431 protecting the eggs of ...... 221 trout ...... 311 reared by U. S. Flsh Commission... 307 in South Caroline ...... W regeneration of the nodes...... 345 planting ...... 28t shipment ...... 310 Callifaver mullet ...... 7C size of ...... 14, 15 Callietoge. schooner ...... 184 soup ...... 130 Cnllitricho hctorophylla ...... 161 spawning of ...... 222 Canada. breeding of salmon ...... 302 shew ...... 130 oyster yicld ...... 40f trade ...... 308 relations with ...... 427. 436 vitality ...... 16, 170,183,305 Canadinn cod fl~hery...... 460 Sarpentcr, Charles ...... 295 fisheries...... 467 Cam, T. F. Robertson ...... 80,64,Zl3,431 value of ...... 45s Cardo E. Parsons, schooner ...... 240, 261 froah-water flsboriee ...... 462 Carrie S. Dayle, schooner ...... 409 Groat Lakc flsheriea ...... 463 Carroll. Captain ...... 80 herring flahory ...... 461 Cartagona, State of ...... 412 lobsters ...... 462 Cary, H .H ...... 390 mackercl flshery ...... 401 Cnsella, Louis P ...... 415 oysters ...... 358 Caeella-Miller thermometer, treatment of . 415 salmon Bsheries decline ...... 363 Caspari, lfr...... 122 Cape Ann Bulletin cited ...... 142 Castelin, M ...... 111 Cap~Codlobakcrflshory ...... 423 Catawba River ...... 163 May porpoise oil and flahingcom- Catesby, Mark ...... 70 pauy ...... 431 Cat5eh ...... 7,32,70,800 Cmanx ...... 77 propagation of ...... 292 crinitus ...... 78 speckled ...... 821 geo rgianus ...... 54 transferring of ...... 212 Caraaaiua ...... 40 Cat-tail 6ag ...... 160 Caroharias brevirostria ...... 79 Canchon, Hon. Mr ...... 302 lamia ...... 79 Cavia ...... f .... 78 pnnctatne ...... 79 Caviare ...... a47 Cardinal flower ...... 160 Cedar Koys ...... 136 CarlisJe, J . 0...... 306 Centrnl America ...... 127 Carnnxchrysos ...... 73 Paoi5c Railmad ...... 126 1,ippo.q ...... 78 Contropomns nudecimalis ...... 78 latus ...... 78 Centropristls atrarius ...... 415 Carnivorous plant ...... 259 Cerstophyllum demersnm ...... 180 Carp ...... 7,31,72,74,110,123,261,309 Cercsria ...... 39, 40 osnght with 0 hook ...... 880 Certoa, A ...... 438 474 fNDg%.

Page. Page. Chambers' Journal. cited ...... 139 CallectorR forrearing oyster spat...... 29 Chambrrs. W . Oldham ...... 73 Collins, D. E ...... 427 Chnmplain Lake. 5sh of ...... 287 tl .W :..15.49,58,60, 04, 81,175. 180, 182, 213, list of ...... 287 237,248, 202, .427, 435 Chapman, sr., Pearaon ...... 81 Colonn, Mr ...... 298 Char ...... 119, 121 Colorado River ...... 212 Charles C. Warren, schooner ...... 91. 92 Columbia River salmon ...... 804, 313 Charlotte Harbor ...... 138 Co1umbia.scbooner ...... 82 Chase. Oreu M ...... 83 Commodore Foote, schooner ...... 437 Chatham 5shoriea ...... 250, 255 Common rush ...... 160 Chatooga River ...... 105 Composition of food.5shes ...... 74 Chavcrt. M ...... 99 Concord, schooncr ...... 409, 446 Cherna arnericnna ...... 78 Coney ...... 78 Chesapeake Bay ...... 199, 233 Congaree River ...... 183,165, 232 lobster deposit ...... 18 Conger cel ...... 55 Chcralicr. Burdct ...... 119 Conger vulgaris ...... 55 Cliiramuxon Creek ...... 200 Congcr, Mr ...... 302 Chilodact.ylus macropterns ...... 54 Coneromurmna habensta .... .-...... 55 China ...... 128. 127 Connecticut shad work ...... 319 Cliincot~cagueBay ...... 43, 302 River ...... 339 Chinese 5sh.culture ...... '88 Constance, Lake of ...... 121 cootls ...... 128 Coral fishing ...... 419 Chitteuden. Ncwton E ...... 314 Corals, occurrence of ...... 237 Cl,lamytlococcus ...... 434 Corbel, Malachi ...... 178 pluvialis ...... 434 ...... 32 Chororua, schooner ...... 254 nlbus ...... 52,60,73,112,274, 420 Chogset ...... 37 marmna ...... 121 . Cholmondely.Pennel1...... 272 TVsrt.mnnni...... 121 Chriodorus ...... 79 Willinmsonii ...... 315 atherinoides ...... 77 Coriclodax pullus ...... 55 Chrietburg ...... 120 Coryphzna hippurue ...... 77 Cliristen~en~B ...... 282 Coste, M ...... 07, 108 Christinnia hcrring ...... 334 Cost of 5sh-food ...... 452 Chubs of .North Carolina ...... 7 Couchman. J . W ...... 309 Clagctt, J . C ...... 470 Counmlmau & Co., L . W ...... 303 Clams ...... 7,312, 357 Courier, bark ...... 134 long ...... 203 Courland haff ...... 167 round ...... 203 Courseulles ...... 100 trannportation of ...... 219 Cow-tiah ...... 79 Clark, A . Howard ...... 202. 401 Cox. L . N ...... 302 Clarke. H. R ...... 380 Core, Frank ...... 232 Clenr Waler mullct fisheries ...... 137 CrlIbS...... 7,203,258, 312 Clcrmont. Nr ...... 275 metliorl of mtcbing...... > . 48 Clifton Iier~ing5sheries ...... 199 Craig's Pond Brook ...... 170 Clinton. Gov. Lb \Vitt ...... 298 Crater Lake ...... 470 clllpea pcnsacolm ...... 79 Craw5sh ...... 7 aagax...... 55 discaso ...... 299 aprattus ...... 55 Crawford. S . Ed ...... 294.385 Cnalflsli ...... 78 Crayfish ...... 203 Cockchnfers ...... 451 Crest of tho Wave, schooner ...... 406 Cod . cvaporated ...... 404 Cmvnlle ...... 137 cxports of ...... 360 Cristiue ...... 294 5sherira ...... 37 Crittcnden, A . R ...... 255 gill-nnt fisheries ...... 58, 129, 191 Ctonkers ...... 7 imports of ...... 388 Croons ...... 7 preparing of...... 402 Crooker, L . B ...... 365 Codfish ....7,64. 82. 89, 90, 92,04 . 95, 98. 123,130. 131, Crosby Vnlvo Company ...... 151 Warren, I 89 ' 133, 184, 192.203. ?40,250.252, 255. 380, ...... 403.408,409,410,411,417,444,445, 450 Croes. W . B ...... 246 reddening of ...... 58 Ctunolnbrus adspersus ...... 37 return to Gloucestcr Hnrbor .... 57 Cubs, fish for ...... a08 voracity ...... 175 Culian eo1 :...... 111 Coilfialriug ...... 253 Cultivation of fish in France ...... 273 Cold Spriug Iiwhor. N . Y ...... 123,108. 358 the 8ea ...... a48 Cole, Cnpt . Stephen I3 ...... 438 Cunner, parasite on ...... a7 ikDEX. 475 Page Page. Curtis. J . E ...... 33 Drum ...... 7. 137 Cusk ...... 90, 92,252,254,2E Dry shrimps ...... 120 Cutting & Co ...... 13 Dubard. Mr ...... 278 Cybium mnculatum ...... 41 Dublin trout ...... 293 Cyolopterus lumpus ...... 17 Dubranins, Gosnar ...... 14 Crlinder food, contents of ...... 44 Janus ...... 14 Cyprinns ...... 4 Docks ...... e5 cnrpio ...... 20 Docretot, Mr ...... 433 vimba ...... 32 Duockor, Baron von ...... 120 Cyttns australis ...... 5 Duke. R . T. W ...... 10. 905 Cyolopterns lumpna ...... 38 Dukohart, J. P ...... 143 Dnnbnr herring fisheries ...... 104 D . Dum, Mntthias ...... 76 Dnglo, Capt . Charles ...... 40 Mr ...... 441 Dngo, Cnpt. John ...... 40 Dunning, Philo ...... 439 Dall, William H ...... 125, 29 Dutch nota ...... 317 Danube ...... 119, 12 Dynamite ...... 180 Darwin, Charles ...... 25, . Darid A . Story, schoonor ...... 94, 441 Jlr . Day, Dr. Francis ...... 12 Enrll. R . E ...... 7G. 292. 415 Dead Brook ...... 17: Enstorn Shore Oyster Company ...... 43 Dend flah ...... 30 Eckcrdt. Goorgo ...... 219 Deal's Island, N . c ...... IC; Eckorufocrde. Bay of ...... 11R Deop Point ...... 20, Economist ...... 169 Dalawnro Bny ...... 23 Edinburgh Scotsmnn. cited ...... 311 River ...... 337,341 Edjson Company ...... 154 roetooking of ...... 33' Edisto River ...... 101.163. 105 Dolia E . Norwood, schooner ...... 431 Edwnrd Everett. schooner ...... 401 De Montaug6, M ...... 10. Edwnrde. Joshua B ...... 177. 380 Dempaey, Cnpt. William ...... l! Edwerrls, Vinal N ...... 37. a14 Donmark, 5sh exported ...... 39: Edward Webster. schooner ...... 89 oyster yicld ...... 401 Eole ...... 312 Denncpvillo, Me ...... 3l! breeding of ...... 208 Fosmfda, habitat of ...... 26 oultureof ...... 122 DosprBs. Mr ...... 273,277,271 life of ...... 389 Destruction of fish ...... 33: migration of...... 390 5sh-food by Bladderwort . 44: Ecl (tuna) ...... G5 flab in the Gront Lakes ... 221 Eggs. modo of tnking ...... 113 Hmall fish ...... 181 trnnsportntion of ...... 103 Deutsahe Fischorei Zeitung ...... 829, 333,39. Egyptian lotus ...... 160 Dcutz, trout culture at...... 11% Eidor ...... 118 Devil-fish ...... 40: Elacate oauada ...... 78 Devil's Lako ...... 881 Elbe ...... 117. 120 Dexter, Newton ...... 3% Elcotrio Light. schooner ...... 249 D'Hnlloy, Leon ...... 115 Electric lighting ...... 163. 389 D'Homcryo, Louie C ...... 189, 314 Ellensburg. Oreg ...... 174 Dinmond-backs ...... 7 Elliott. Henry W ...... 200. 207 Dinphragm for oyster ponds ...... 17, 1C Ellzey. Mason Grnham ...... 207 Diatoms, hnbitat of ...... 24 Elope saiims ...... 78 Dick, !I!homas ...... 190 E. L . Rowo. schooner ...... 249 Diotrich, Prof . Dr ...... 451, 453 Elsio Smith. sohoonor ...... 240 Diplodus holbrooki ...... 80 Elanor. B ...... 118 probatocophalus ...... 78 Emry. T. L ...... 225 rhomboids ...... 78, 80 Endera. F. H ...... 308 unimnculntue ...... 78 England ...... GO. 1213. 127 Distoma cirrig0m.m ...... 300 flah for ...... 301 Dogfish ...... 248, 352 English trout ...... 31 Dog Snapper ...... 77 Inflnulis cncrnsfcholua ...... 65 Dolphin ...... 77, 380 Ephippus faber...... 416 Donaldson, B. J ...... 310 2yinephelus ...... 77 Donnclly, B. L ...... 910, 319 nsoonsionis ...... 78 Dowell, B . F ...... 64,217, 409 bonaci ...... 77. 78 Doylo, John ...... 48 guttntus ...... 78 Dresden conforonce...... 419 fnlcntua ...... 77. 80 Drdd Hill hatohing Boaae ...... 316 it&m...... 78 INDEX.

Page Page. Epinepheloa mierolepia ...... 77. 7 Fish. sale of ...... 319 morio ...... 7 sinews ...... 120 nipritus ...... 240, 25 tank ...... 108 atrifktus ...... 7 transfer of ...... 359 venenosns ...... 7 from smacks ...... 350 Erie, Lake ...... 30 Fish-eating plant ...... 257 Ethel, schooner ...... 44 Fish.egg, obtained from Uuited Statos ... 410 Ethcl Maud, schooner ...... 249, 43 Fish-food .... .$ ...... 73,440,453 Eubalwna australis ...... 5 analysis of ...... 453 Euplotes charon ...... 43 VdUO of ...... 350 patella ...... 43 Fjsh Hawk, steamer ...... lG,190, 207,241, 242 Enthynnus allitoratus ...... 7 trawling record ...... 3137, 3G8 Evening Register cited ...... 13 Fish-hook 8 ...... 323 Eaart, Prof . Cossnr ...... 193,197,311, 31 history of ...... 282 Ewing & Co ...... 341 Fish.traps, location of ...... 400 Mr ...... 10 Fish-way for Willamctte River ...... 470 Excelsior, tug ...... 211 movable ...... 209 Excter, Mnrquis of ...... 61 Fish-ways...... 375 Eyemouth ...... 6' need of ...... 185 Fish-wings ...... 126 F. Fisher, Dr. A .K ...... 208 Fahnestock, Dr ...... 161 Mr ...... 318 Fannie Bolle, schooner ...... 9 TVm .J ...... 134 Fnntail mullct ...... 71 Fisheries, value of ...... 348 Barmington River ...... 01 Biehcrmen. namcs of ...... 224 Paunce, Conrnd ...... 341 Fishery products shipped ...... 127 Capt. Edward ...... 33! Fishes, effect of cold on ...... 369 Fenton, 1;Icnry J ...... 310, 31! mothod of dcstrogiug ...... 311 Fcrgusou, T . B ...... ?...... 227,220, 242 of Florida Koys ...... 77 Fedor. Charles ...... 211 Fishing Gazette citcd .. !...... 75,100, 267 Pilwr eibetbicua ...... 20( grounds of Gulf of Mexico ...... 280 Filter for oyster ponds ...... 1: products cxporteil ...... 125 Finback whale ...... 40: vessels ...... 167 Fiut5lg. Chari- I ...... 88, 174 l?istulnlia serrata ...... 178, 386 BinistQre...... 181 Fitehugh, D . H ...... 470 Finlnnd, Gulf of ...... 325 Flat-fish ...... 64 Finn. TV ...... 381 Flemish Cnp ...... 255 Firo Xslond, Nom Pork ...... 178, 381 Flint River ...... 321 Fish and flshcries. notcs upon ..... 305,359.456, 4GC Bloats for fattening oysters ...... 302 bones ...... 12( Flohlcrebse (cnistaccans) ...... 384 Brook ...... 11s Flounder ...... 7,63. 203 Bureau ...... 311 or Patiki ...... 65 culture ...... 05.60, 7C Flnte mouth ...... 178, 380 Chinese method ...... 88 Flying Cloud, schoonor ...... 81 in Prance...... 273 Focet. Mr ...... 278 results of ...... 115,261, 200 Foley, D . J ...... 315 depletion of ...... 61 Fontell. H . 0 ...... 324, 326 destruction of ...... 317,335, 353 Food for trout and carp ...... 449, 453 exported from France ...... 302 Food.flour, contents of ...... 440, 450 food for ...... 330 Forbes, James ...... 121 for New South Wdes ...... 365 R. B .....,...... 181 guano. nnalysis ...... 238 S . A ...... 443 imported iuto Daneig ...... 393 Forest and Stream cited ...... 239,305,301, 443 Hamburg ...... 393 ?ourth Lake ...... 439 Kauigsberp...... 033 Towle, Frank ...... 406 Memo1...... 303 Praiche, Felix ...... 374 Stettin ...... 303 Trnnce ...... TO, 112,120, 138 mortality ...... 378 fisheries of ...... 349, 417 notes upon ...... 359 fish cxportcd ...... 892, 393 nutritive value of ...... 203 fish imported ...... 302 of Devil's Lake...... 351 oyster yield ...... 408 oil ...... 120 ?rancis, Francis ...... 272 exports of, from Norway ...... 382 %Bar River ...... 314 ponds, destructive visitors ...... 86 Trciburg ...... 121 proserving of ...... a05 hilinghuyoen . Ron. F. T ...... 291 INDEX. 477 Pope Psge. French grunt ...... 7 Gloucoster. Mass ...... 180, 240 Fresh-wator flsh, small ...... Glgceria canadends ...... 1u0 organisms, offeot of high fluitans ...... 160 pressuros on ...... 43 obtusa ...... 160 rhizopods ...... 2! Glyptooopkdlus oynoglossoe ...... 318 Ffiq Prof . A ...... 11' Goat-5shes ...... 78 Fricdlaonder, Oscar 0 ...... 4 Qoebel, Fmns ...... :...... 110 I."rost5sh ...... & Golden Hind, schooner ...... 249 Frozen-horring trade ...... 8 Gold.5sh ...... 300 Fiichten ...... 121 care of ...... 381 Fuller, Thomas ...... 1, prioo-list of...... 307 G . Goldsmith ...... 88 Maid, sohooner ...... 240 Gadidm. number Of OggS ...... 7( Gouorhynchus greyi ...... 55 Gadus australis ...... 5: Goodc, G. Brown ...... 78,201, 488 lnacrocophalus ...... 7( Goodfellow...... 362 morrhuo ...... 5; Goodrich, S...... 295 pollachius ...... 7( Gooae Lako ...... 470 virens ...... 76, 334 6008, Louis ...... 463, 464 Gag ...... 77, 71 Gracio, boat ...... 120 Galaxias attonuatus ...... 5: Grand and Western Banks flahery ...... 01 fasciatus ...... 6: Bank...... 237, 411 GRlCS ...... 0: Lake Stream ...... 343 Giillatin Xivor ...... 33( Menan Bank ...... 404 Gammarus ...... 12: Graes Porgy ...... 78 Gur ...... 7,55,63, 7! Gray, Capk William P ...... 437 Gwrdo, Lnko ...... 27: Grayling ...... 55,110,121,330, 470 Gmunn, Prof . Samuel ...... 121 Gray snapper ...... 77 Garnier, Nr ...... 281 trout ...... 7 Gwrot, James ...... 24( Groat Britain and Iroland, flsh oxportod .. 392 Garlotnpo River ...... 144 imported .. 303 Gnapeio.iu, trapping of ...... 441 oyster Field ...... , ...... 488 Gnat 1 oat omum ...... 4t Lake fisheries, depletion of ...... 218 Gelb Brook ...... 115 Lakos ...... 65 Gt:lsnmi ...... 206 flshing in...... 2a3 Geuyptorus blaCOdC8 ...... 5E Wicomioo River ...... 199, 200 GomolipCr. I)r ...... 12: Grooce, quantity of flsh importod...... 382 Genera Lakc ...... 364 Greon Moray ...... 79 Goorgo C.urtis, stoamor ...... 01 Groenflela, Alfred ...... 100 George 11 . Bradlog, steamor ...... 40t Greenland lialibut5shory ...... L .. 01, 446 Georgo IIumphroy, stoamor ...... 41( shark ...... 64 Goorgo Penbody, schooner ...... 406 trip to ...... 408 George's Biuilc ...... Ql,250,251,252,255,404,411 Greenlow, Cnpt . Albert ...... 240. 251 004 5shory ...... 89, 01 Groen River ...... 232 Georgotown . S.c ...... 140, 101 Groon, Seth ...... 84,276,288, 318 Gorbcr, jr., C ...... 151 Greenstreet, Captain ...... 309 German Fishery Association ...... 866, 393 Greenmioh Bay ...... 838 trout, transportation of ...... 361 Groppy, Dr ...... 105 Germany. ash imported ...... 308 Grocnmood, Walter J ...... 293 ofator yiold ...... 468 Grosso, Urlah ...... 178 Gorres cinorous ...... 70 Griatos shoidea ...... 72 gula ...... 70 Gronpor...... 71, 263 Gostain, .%I...... 111 Grunt ...... 7,77,78,79, 80 Gibnoy, T. A ...... 130 Gryphaoa angnlata ...... 101 Gigantio jow fish ...... 78 Gryph6e tlngnlense ...... 101 Gib, W . S ...... a12 Grystos nipicans ...... 60, 72 Gill. Captain ...... 129 aalmoidoa ...... 60 5aherios ...... 120, 101 Guasa ...... 78 fishing in Groat Lakes ...... 223 Gurnard ...... 55 presermtivo ...... 50 Guesio Blaisdell ...... 401 Girvan ...... 197 Gyrodactylus ...... 30 Gislur, Nils ...... 327 Gitson, Alonzo ...... 246 H. Gloucestcr flaherics, notos on ..8D, 120,101,249,401, Haack, Dirootor ...... 122,875, 410 410.444 Baborsham, William Ney A ...... 63 478 INDEX. Page. Page. Eaddock ...... Hemes. Dr ...... 465 252,254.408 Herndon, C . 0 ...... 412 H. A . Doucan. schooner ...... 408. 40;) Herons ...... 85 Boamulon ...... 77 Herring ... .74,00,92,03,94.06.07,197,203,249.250, auroliueatum ...... 78 251,312,340,366.401,402,403,410.417,459 flnvolincabum ...... 78 Herriug, brauoh ...... 62 gibbosum ...... 78 eggs, fertilization of ...... 193 - parroa ...... 78.80 'transfer of ...... 316 plumieri ...... 77. 78 exports of ...... 360 sciurua ...... 78 flsheries ...... la, 199,221. 371 taniatum ...... 78 freah-water ...... 7 Hake ...... 400. 444 glut ...... 62 Halibut .... .82.90. D2.93,94.05,06,203,240,250,251, habits of ...... 61 252,253.254,255,408,409,410,411,444,445 hatching ...... 409 cvaporateted ...... 404 imports of ...... 960 5shery ...... 00. Dl in inclosed waters ...... 333 near Iceland. abunclance of ...... 463 market ...... 392 size of ...... 815 Nova scotia ...... 7 Hnliotis ...... 126 eize of ...... 311 rufescens ...... 125 spawning of ...... 104 Hamburg aquarium ...... 467 Hessel. Rud ...... 166,176,294,297,308,311,'345, 470 Eamlcn. William ...... 206.241. 247 Heferanthera reniformis ...... 160 Eaploidonotua gmnnieus ...... 448 Hickory jack ...... 61 Eapuku ...... 54 Hind, Profcasor ...... 458 Hardhead ...... 77. 79 Hinkelmann, Herr ...... 380 Hardy. L . H ...... 317 Hirnda medicinan8 ...... 176 Harrcll. J. Dock ...... 448 oftlcinalis ...... 175 Harriet Miller. boat ...... 60 Histiophoroa ...... 77 Harris. Gwynn ...... 13. 221 History of the flshhook ...... 282 Hartz ...... 120 H . M . Rogers, echooner ...... 445 Earz. C . 0...... 800. 449.453. 454 Hoek, P. P . C ...... 11 Enaselblatt. Mr ...... 324 Hoffmmn, R .X ...... 270. 466 Eatchery. description of ...... 329 Hogflsh ...... 7, 71 on Edish River ...... 163 Holacanthue oillark ...... 71 natching-box ...... 316 Holdun, E .C ...... 304 shad cgge in spring water ..... 198 Holland, oyster yield ...... 4M Eavre de Grace. Md ...... 3l.D Holocentrum ...... 7C Republican cited ...... 341 Holosticha flava ...... 434 IIawaii ...... 126. 127 Hrmarns Americnnus ...... 421 nawaiian mullet ...... 141 Hone, George ...... 7: Hawks enemics to Ush ...... 377 Honne ...... 12( Eeaniargos borealis ...... 84 Honolulu ...... 14: Ecardcr. William ...... 143 Horner & Hyde's preservative ...... 51 neath. Neil ...... 869 Hooper, Mate R .A ...... 40f Ecctor. James...... 53 HopeOn. bark ...... M IIeinckc. Professor ...... 324 Hornwort ...... 16( Helen. steamer-...... 416 Borne-eye Jeok ...... 71 IIclix dsperaa ...... 1@8 Horne.maokere1 ...... 64 aapcrlla ...... 87 Horst, R ...... 1: nauticoides ...... 166 Hovey, H. 0 ...... 34( pomatia ...... 166 Hound-5sh ...... 71 Hemingway & Co., H. F ...... 303. 304 Howlnnd, Henry 5 ...... 17: Hemirhamphus balao ...... 70 Hoxie. Wnlter ...... 8( in term ediue ...... 55 Hoy, Philo R ...... 430, 44( unifanciatua ...... 79 Hubbard, Daniel 5 ...... 171 He~riN . Woods. schooner ...... 240 Hubrecht, Professor A .A . W ...... 17, 27( . Eenry Dennis. schooner...... 237.240. 250 Hudson, George A ...... 12: Friend. schooner ...... 410 Rivcr ...... 338, 361 Lake ...... :I35 Hughes, Smith E ...... 37' Benamau. John T ...... 166 Hume, R.D ...... 88, 17~ ll6rault River ...... 138 Hungary, flshway t! ...... 201 Rerbert M . Rogers. sohooner ...... 445 Husko, C . J ...... 161,164, 161 Bcrcwarcl. schooner ...... 49 Huxley, Profmeor ...... 18,103, 45! ~crmanBabson. schooner ...... 446 Hydrallmannie ...... 18 INDEX . 479 I. Page. Page. King. Cap- ...... 406 Ioeland halibut flshery ...... 446 Capt. Merrill I3 ...... 438 Ides ...... 309 William W ...... 436 Index to blanks ...... 400 salmon ...... 134 ‘Indian Creek ...... I74 King’s Ferry ...... 208 &ad ...... 200 Klamath Lake...... 470 Inspection of fish ...... 1 Kleiter. Mr...... 277 Invortebrate products shipped ...... 126 Klinger Lake ...... 836 Ipsnicli Bay ...... 130,131,132,133,250 ILlip.5eh ...... 372. 391 Iris vorsicolor ...... 160 market ...... 302 Iron King, tug ...... 214 Knowlee. Eerbort M ...... 178 Isaac Patch, vessel ...... 436 Kozia... coodei ...... 177.386 Italy, fishcrios of ...... 349 Rokopu ...... 55 oyster yield ...... 468 KSnig ...... 451 quantity of ash imported ...... 392 Konigsbruok ...... 120 Iwanowski, Alox ...... 217 Koons, B. B ...... 87 Krdings-veer salmon market ...... 116 J. Kruegor. A . C ...... 806 Jack ...... 77, 78 Kuddow, snlmon in the ...... 117 Jaokal, steamsldp ...... 194 Kumo River ...... 325 Jacobs, Capt. Solomon ...... 60, 429,430 Knnliol, Professor ...... 393 Jacobson, IIormnn ...... 282,322,329,333,348.356, Kurile Islands ...... 220 371,37b.384,389,502,393.395,433,449,453, 465 Kurren, vessel ...... 167 2W James River ...... 290 Kutzdorf ...... Kymmene River Japan, 5shorioe of ...... 352 ...... 322 J. E . Garlond. schooner ...... 240 L. Zennio Soavcrns. sohooner ...... 438 Jericho Creek ...... 140, 243 Labrichthy8 bothryooosmns ...... 65 Jerome, George I€ ...... 84 Lachnolmmus euillua ...... 78 Jerrcll. H . 1’...... 185,273,200 La Coats mullot fishery ...... 130 Jevonau ...... 118 La5in & Co ...... 223 Jew.5sh, ocourrenco of ...... 240 Lake Chmplain fish, list of ...... 287 J. J . Clark, schooner ...... 404 Monroe ...... 313 John Dory ...... 54 trout ...... 361 John S. Bray, sohoonor ...... 436 in Prance ...... 52 Johnson ...... 88 La Motto. Alfred V ...... 124 Jolt head Porgy ...... 78 Lamproy ...... 203 Joncas, L . Z ...... 457 Landlockod salmon ...... 32,76,87,114,276.841 . Jones, J. I? ...... 321 breeding of ...... 343. 388 Jordan. David S ...... 77,111,292 in Erio Canal ...... 268 Josaph Story, schooner ...... 405 si20 Of ...... 842 Juncus effuaus ...... 160 Landeoer. sohooner ...... 438 Land Snapper ...... 77 K. La Potito France ...... 186 Eabler, N .L ...... 366 La Tremblade...... 105 Eahawai ...... 54 LS Trinit6 River ...... 103 Kablo, Charles ...... 305 Latris ciliaris ...... 64 Kansas, 5sh propagation in ...... 812 hecaloia ...... 54 Earlen, hf . Chebot ...... 98 Laura Layward. sohooner ...... 408 Karluk Fishing Company ...... 154 Lauterborg trout oulturo ...... 120 Eoene, Capt. Charlos A ...... 15 Leather.jaokot ...... 55. 7D Eeitol. VOsSQl...... 167 Loather.Bsh ...... 70 Kelsoy, Eenry B ...... 187 Leech. oow ...... 175 Kemp, Bill, the carp flshermnn ...... 272 Leech oulture ...... 175 Kennedy, Mathow...... 360 Leorsia oryzoides ...... 160 Rennicott, Robort ...... 297 Lefcbrro. Alfrcd ...... 280 Kensington, E . T ...... 74 Le Havo Bank ...... 175 Kenworthy, C . J ...... 80 Lehmann. J ...... 452 Eoratoisie ornata ...... 237 Loidy. Joseph ...... 25 Key West ...... 77, 136 Lepidopus oandatns ...... 54 Kimball, J . II ...... 293 Loroy. A ...... 273. 240 S.1 ...... 386 Leslie. Charles C ...... 250 Eing-fish ...... 64,77. 70 Lonkart. Dr ...... 301 King.flshers...... 85, 370 LewiH. Capt. EbenF ...... 480 trapping of ...... 375 Lez River ...... 188 %e* Pnga Lhopital. M ...... lOO. 102. 111 MoLain. Capt . George ...... 437 Life-Saving Service ...... 177. 387 McLellm, Lieatenant ...... 202 aaaietance ...... 385 McMenamin C Co ...... 48 Station 6. North Carolina.... 386 McQuim. Capt . John S ...... 463 Light-Hoaee Board assistance...... 385 Mackerel ...... 7.54.89. DO. Lilies ...... 159 252.253,2&1.255.401.402.404.407.408. Lime kiUa flah ...... 188. 311 410.411.418.444.445.447. 459 Ling ...... 65. 64 abundance ...... 406 flsherim ...... 371 destruction of ...... 248 Liunmn Society...... 280 5shery ...... 91 Linatow. Dr.von ...... 300, 301 from Saint Lawrence Bay ...407.427. 435 Lihwln. Beqjamin ...... 314 the South Paci5o ...... 405 Lioatomaa philadelphiions ...... 137 in the Gulf of Maine ...... 480 Little-head Porgy ...... 78 movements of ...... 15. 00 Lictle.moath Porgy ...... 78 scarcity of ...... 427. 435 Lizzie Jone a. schooner ...... 2M search for ...... 40 Lobelia cardinalis ...... 180 Spanish ...... 7.266. 362 Lobstera ...... 7.76, 203. 312 Mwkrill. Alfred ...... 75 artiflcial propagation of ...... 426 Madison River ...... L ...... 380 decrease of ...... 421 Madson. Captain ...... 408 decrease in size of ...... 427 Madni Lake ...... 121 distribution of ...... 412 Magdalen Islands ...... 254 migrations of...... 122 Main. ealmon in the...... 116 protective laws ...... 423 Maine lobster fishery ...... 424 transplanting of ...... 16 Maitland. Sir Jamad Q ...... GO. 114 Loch Leven tront ...... 114 Mallorg. D. D ...... 303 Loffoden hcrring ...... 334 Mnlmgen. A . J...... 322 Lohmmn. Carl ...... 116 Mambrino Chief. schooner ...... 463 London Fisheries Exhibition ...... A75.277. 291 Manatee ...... 264 Loomis. Watts T ...... 288 Mangrove Snapper ...... 77 Lord. Henry W ...... 351 Manitee. schooner...... 134 Lorient oyster establishments ...... 107 Manley. J .5 ...... 00. 69 Loss of life in the flsheries ...... 181 Manna grass ...... 160 Gloacesterflsheriea .... 180 Marennes ...... 105 Lotdlo baachns ...... 55 Margate ish ...... 78 L0w.D . W ...... 181. 408 Margie Smith. schooner...... BB W.F ...... 820 Marine ...... 177 Lowdl. James Russell ...... 291 monoter ...... 55 Lower Cedar Point ...... 200 prodacts ...... 1 Lower Moael' ...... 119 Marion. schooner ...... 134 Lnciopcrca ...... 219 Markham. Va ...... 361 Lndwigia palaetris ...... 169. 180 Marsh hens ...... 308 Lulerc River ...... 327 Marston. R . B ...... 73. 121 Lumpflsh ...... 178. 3M Martha C., echoonor ...... 249 Lnndberg. Dr. Rndolf ...... 826 Martin. Capt. Charles ...... 410 Lutjanae ...... 77 E. L...... 341 anah ...... 77 Capt. George H ...... 400. 437 caballerote ...... TI S. J ..!249.406.410.430. 444 campeahianus ...... 78 Mary. schooner ...... 134 . caxis ...... TI Mary E.,sohooner ...... 408.40D.446 chrysnrus...... 77 Bernald. schooner...... 407 jood ...... 77 Maryland Academy of Sciences...... 61 synagris ...... 77 Maslieurat. Lagbnard. Dr ...... 144 Lydes vablii ...... 401 Matsnra, ahamship ...... 369 Lyman. Theodore ...... 266 Mather. Fred ...... 114.123,274.365. 366 Mathias Point ...... 109 ' ?tr. Mattawoman, Creek ...... 200 YcClain. Captain ...... 260 Mny.5ah ...... 285 McDonald, Capt. James ...... 438 Mayport ...... 245 M ... .,201,286, 416 Mazyck. W . St. J ...... 161 MwDongall. Hon . Wm ...... 362 kteama. Edgar A ...... 297 MoDowelI. C. M ...... 226. 229 Host Boor ...... 449 McEachern. Capt . Henry ...... 175 Mecklsnbnrg Rivers ...... 117 McFarlnnd. Capt . John T ...... 429 Meoklenburg-Sohwerin ...... 120 McKinley. David ...... 142 Medary. Charles s ...... 807 INDEX .

Paga Page. MeditolTanoan oyetom ...... 100 Mosel. salmon in tho ...... 110 Mcdomak Rivor ...... 256 Moseley. Prof .H . N ...... 257.259. 201 Mook, Seth E ...... 111 Mosello River ...... 280 Mngdlope ...... 80 Mosquito larvre ...... 310 atlanticun ...... 70 Point ...... zoo Megaptera ...... 53, 210 Moxhy Point ...... 340 hlnlanson, Capt . Dfdd ...... 405 M . S. Aror. sohoonor ...... 438 Mondon ...... 120 Muddy flavor in fish. cur0 of ...... 305 Mendoh, Luko ...... 361.439,442 tQ8tO Of Carp ...... 205 Menhdcn ...... 7,01,123,252,312,404,410 Mudplantain ...... 100 fishing ...... 47 shad ...... 7 food ...... 400 Mugil albuln, ...... 79 spawn ...... 400 brasiliensis ...... 70 Monona, Lako ...... 430 chaptalii ...... 142 Morohant. jr., Goorgo ...... 142 liza ...... 79 Ncrian, J . TV ...... 240 porusii ...... 55 Morriani, C. IIart ...... 287, 207 Mollot ...... 7,55.70.144. 450 Mcrvin, Mr...... 242 flshOrioS ...... 135.136. 137 &ICs11 of nets ...... 353 fishing ...... 137 Moxionn Fish Commission ...... 124 fresh.wnter ...... 7 Mesico, Gulf of ...... 144. 289 habits of ...... 130 N . 11 . Purkins. schoonor ...... 445 ooourrunoe of ...... 80 Micha. Osonr ...... 802 Munster. admon run at ...... 110 Michigan Fish Commissioners...... 83 Murmnoidos gunnellus ...... 123 Lako ...... 07 Murray cod ...... 31 slnnllnosa of mosh usod in. 803 Musk-rat ...... 86 Microgadus ...... 123 as a 5sh.eator ...... 207 Middlo Prong ...... 237 dostruotive to oarp ...... 200 Miotzol Rivor ...... 200 food Of ...... 205 MIgnzzr, Count William ...... 200 modo of destroying ...... 470 Miller, Hon . John B ...... 141 Mnssola ...... 76.203. 419 W.B...... 187 Mustolus antarotious ...... 55 Miller's Thumb ...... 70 Mulh. H . W . C ...... 307 Millot. Mr ...... 274 Mutton-5sh ...... 77 Mills & Son, wil1inm ...... 350 Myriophyllum ...... 100 Nilno.IIorno, David ...... 328 Mihks ...... 80 N. Minnow ...... 55 Nanjomoy Crook ...... 200 Minot, A . S ...... 450 Nantiooko River ...... 841 Missisqnoi Rivor ...... 288 Narragansett Bay ...... 338 MissiHsippi Rivor ...... 312 Nassau grouper ...... 77 Mist. schoonor ...... I .. 440 N~sturtiumofBcinale ...... 100 Mitcholl. ?Ion .Putor ...... 302. 457 National Muacnm ...... 175 Mr ...... 104. 320 Park fishes ...... 835 Mobiii8, Profussor ...... 850. 358 Fish-oulturo Association ...... 73 Mobjack Bay ...... 109, 200 Nature oitod ...... 317 Nodom Anglor oitod ...... 270 Nohcim, troot nom ...... 120 Practical Anglor cited ...... 272 Nobrkorn-Riddagrshaiisan ...... 122 Mohawk River ...... 288 Nolson Aoolimatizntion Sooioty ...... 190 Moki ...... 54 Wew Zcaland ...... 101 Monacnnthus convexirostris ...... 55 Nolumbium ...... 159 Irispidus ...... 70 luteum ...... 160, 100 ooiliatus ...... 70 spooiosum ...... 100 Monk.5flh, hatching of ...... 407, 408 Nono Rivor ...... 100 Monroe Lake ...... 246, 318 Noptonionua brama ...... 54 Montnbaur ...... 110 Netherlands, 5sh exported ...... 392, 303 ...... 78, 204 Nets in Lowor Chosapoako...... 200 Xooros, I. R ...... 818 Potomao ...... 200 . Mooao Rivor ...... 288 presorvntivos for ...... 68 Moray ...... 78 pric6a of ...... 359 Morbihan ...... 103 Nottlo, Richard ...... 302 Morrill Boy, echoonor ...... 130,133,102 Feuso River ...... 102 Morris, M. Coopor ...... 120 Nouatadt, Bay of ...... 118 Mortality of fishormon ...... 180 Nciv Jersny ...... 180 Florida flslios ...... 203 flahing prohibition ...... 187, 18D Bull . U. S. l? . O., 84-31 INDEX. Page. Paga New South Wales. flsh for ...... 365 )ySk 88 8R article Of food ...... 356 New Pork ...... 126,127 beds. artifloid ...... 418 Tribune cited ...... 360 breeders. difficnlties ...... 332 Now Zealand ...... 114, 126 culture ...... 43 fisheries ...... 53 at Saint Jerome Creek ..... 235 fishes fonnd in market ...... 54 brmchce oe ...... 98 hTiokerson, Seth ...... 184 condition of ...... 100 Nioklna. Carl ...... 453 dangers threatening ...... 109 Nigbt.herons ...... 303 in France ...... 97 Night seining for mackerel ...... 142 origin of ...... M Nissequoguo River ...... 198 cnlturists, ndvioe to ...... 110 Noordock.Hogt, Mr ...... 276 diaphragm ...... 17 North Cnrolina, Monthly Bulletin ...... 33 edible qualities of ...... 358 Northern Eagle, schooner...... 409 enemies of ...... 138 North German Lloyd Steamship Com- experiments, notes upon ...... 354 pany ...... 301 fattening of ...... 302 Norway, ash cxportod ...... 392,303 flshcrics, yield of ...... 488 fisheries of ...... 349 fishery near Anray ...... 103 oyster yield ...... 468 flavor of ...... 29 Notos upon 5sh and fidieries ...... 305,350,456, 469 food of ...... 29 Nova Scotia, mackorel from ...... 252 for New South Wales ...... 365 Nowicki, Dr. Y ...... 209 in Amorica ...... 357 Nuphar ...... 171 indnstry, condition of ...... 233 advena ...... 150,160 needs of ...... 233 Nutritive value of flsh ...... 203 of the world ...... 468 Nye, jr., Willard ...... 220, 312 planting ...... 30 Nymphrea ...... 171 ponds, construction of ...... 23 flavs ...... 160 filter8 for ...... 17. 20 odorata ...... 159, 160 scdimont in ...... 25 temperatures of ...... 29 0. proparing ...... 358 Obstruction to ash...... 232 raising centers ...... 105 Occoqnnu Creek ...... 200 spawning period of the American . 20 Occulus indicns ...... 136 spat, apparatus for collecting ..... 973 Oceeuica ...... 127 transportation of ...... 215 Octopus obesus ...... 403 Odcr Iliver ...... 117,120,299,396 P. Odvards. J.N ...... a00 Page. George Shepherd ...... 311 Ogeochee Rivcr ...... 123 Pagrns nnicolor ...... 64 Ohio ~~iver...... 143 Palmer, B. D ...... 124 Ohlert, Miller A ...... 124 122 Palomete ...... 78 Oldwife ...... 78 Pampa ...... 78 Olga, schooner...... 134 Panguitcli Lake ...... 61 Oligorns gigas ...... E4 Pnnama ...... 126 macquarientis ...... 31 Parngorgia ...... 237 Oligoplitos saurus ...... 79. arbores ...... 401 Omblo-Chevnlier ...... 280 Paramecium colpoda ...... 434 O'Meara. Mr ...... 266 Parasites on ash ...... 37. 40 Onward. echooner ...... 130 Paris, France ...... 76 0pen.month grunt ...... 78 Pargo, Colorndo ...... 80 Oregon ...... 174, 217 Parrot-flshos ...... 70 fish-cultnre in ...... 460 Pnrsons, Cap t. Theodore...... 82 OsiDee, schooner ...... 410 Edwin E" ...... 67 Ostracinm trioorne ...... 79 Padsen, Paul Goorge ...... am Ostrea canadensis ...... 358 Pearl eholl ...... 128 cochlear ...... 108 Pearls, 'export of ...... 365 cyrnusii ...... 108 from Mexico ...... 365 ednlis ...... 17,40,101,108,358 Pedee River ...... 140, 243 sbntina ...... 108 Peirce. Milton P ...... 133, a05 virginica ...... 40, 356 Poixotto, Benjemtn F ...... 417 Ourthe River ...... 160 Poltorhamphns novmzednndim ...... 65 Owen, Professor ...... 272 Penobscot River salmon station ...... 169,170,178 ow...... 85 Perch ...... 31. 63 Oyster ...... 7,75,203, 312 mortality ...... 861, 439,440,443 Wf&lCi~YI'4&4 ...... 365 white ...... ,, 7 INDEX .

Pege. Page . Perch. yclloW ...... 7. 203 Portugal. oyater yield ...... 468 Porcis colias ...... 64 PoQmogoton ...... 150. 171 Pcrkins. Colonel ...... 56 Potomilc flshorice ...... 351 Permit (Pampa) ...... 78 River ...... 61.85.143. 199. 221. 339 Perti. enpoila to ...... 126 . bass in ...... 470 phalaroprs ...... 50 Potsdam carp culture ...... 122 Phnnurm . schoonor ...... 410 Pott. Mr ...... 451 Phillips. Barnet ...... 135. 144 Pawcll's Crook ...... 200 PhocEnil commnnis ...... 432 Prosumpscot River ...... 342 Phmuix. schooner ...... 401 Primnoe reseda ...... 237 Phoxinns ...... 40 Prime. salmon in the ...... 115 Pickerel ...... 7. 203 Prince Edwnrd Island ...... 357 Pickerel.weed ...... 160 Proceedings of the Society of Acclimati- Pierce. H .D ...... 263 zation ...... 112 H . H ...... 17.4 9.332 Proctor . Richard A ...... 55 Pierson. Mr ...... 244 Prohibition of flshing by steam vessels Pig& L. H ...... 456 with puma seines ...... 187, 180 Pigmcnt cells ...... 41 Prototroctee oxyrhynchus ...... 55 Pigmy sperm whale ...... 177. 386 Prussia, fish exported ...... 303 Pike ...... 7, 224 Pscudophjcis breviuscnlns ...... 55 destroy trout ...... 305 Psoudotriacis microdon ...... 177, 386 perch ...... 203 Pseudorhombus scaphus ...... 55 yellow ...... 7 Publications of Fib Commission...... 307 Pilchard or sardine ...... 55. 70 Puddingwife ...... 78 Pintadilla ...... 78 Pufflng-pig ...... 400. 432 Pintsch. Anton ...... 200 Pnmpa of Alhatrose ...... 150 Pisciculture ...... 60 PnnQ Raasa ...... 136,137, 144 Planting of Irish shells ...... 67 Pusey &Jones Company ...... 151 platyglossus bivittatus ...... 70 rndiatus ...... 78 Q . Pluuronectes ...... 123 Qnattlobaum, Panl...... 380 plunronema marina ...... 434 Qnihbron Bay ...... 103 Pocomcke Sound ...... 100 Quinnat salmon ...... 804 p6 Creek ...... 103 podlioraky. H ...... 117 R. poey. Prof . F61ipe ...... 79. 80 pogy ...... 90 Rarlmann 6c Son, ...... a27 Point Judith. R .I ...... 178, 386 Ragged Point shad flshery ...... p00 Poison berries ...... 186 ...... 217, 420 Poisonous water ...... 265 artiflcially hatohed ...... 860 Polo. flounder . edible analities of ...... 317 gmwth of ...... 860 Pollock ...... Raisin River, carp near ...... 806 254.255.401.409... RnJs, naautn ...... 65 Pornacanthus arouatus ...... 178. 386 Raleigh, N . C ...... 162 Dureus ...... '78 Rantran, Count ...... 117 Pomndasya chryaoptcrns ...... 78, 80 Ranuncnlns nqnatilis ...... 160 Pomadrasys virginicus ...... 78 Rasoh, H. 6I ...... 26 Pornatornus swltatrix ...... 78 Rathbun, Richard ...... 421 Pompano ...... 7,78,2O4,290,315 Ratbelot, Mr ...... 273, 276 Pond culture ...... 829 Rnttlesnako graas ...... 160 Pond-lily...... 150 Ranb. Jerry ...... 840 Pond-weed ...... 15D Ravallia ...... 78 PontoderIa cordate ...... 160 Rat end, W. DeC ...... 235 pope's Creek ...... 200 Raveret-Wattel C ...... 76,138,273,274,277, poppe, Robert ...... 267 279,299, 312 Poprad River ...... 209 Rays ...... 79 Poquasin river ...... 199 Respor, schooner ...... 96 Porgies ...... 7,77,78, 416 Xedding, B. B ...... 202 pork.fl8h ...... 78 Joseph D ...... 266 Porpoise ...... 264 Red cod ...... 55 COllOCtblg Of ...... 885 fish ...... 137, 142 flshing at Cape May ...... 431, 482 grouper ...... 77, 78 Portland, Me ...... 310 salmon ...... 134 Oreg ...... 84 snapper ...... 54,78,80,290 Porternonth ...... m,182, 188 Regen ...... 110 484 INDEX.

Pago. P ego. Regnard. Dr ...... 433. 435 Saint Jerome Creek ...... 24 Reid. Oscar. cited ...... 208 John's River ...... 241,244,339 Rrportcr. schooner ...... 406 Joscpb, Mi& ...... 223 Rctropinna richardeoni ...... 55 Mary's River ...... ?06,241, 244 RBunioo. quantity of flsh imported ...... 302 Philiborb Creek ...... 103 Reynolds. 5. J ...... 240 Piorro, flsh oxpor-tod ...... 302 Rhino. Tho ...... 115. 110 carpio ...... 277, 270 Rhizopods. habitat of ...... 24 criox ...... 328 Rhombosolea monopus ...... 65 fario ...... 31, 121, 301 Rice cutgrass ...... 100 fontinalis ... .GO,72,112,273,270,277,270.280, Rice. lleury J ...... 17. 28 281,311,420 Richards & Harrison ...... 219 gairdnori ...... 217 Richardson. Mr ...... 293 gloveri ...... 341 Ridgway. J. II ...... 177 irideus ...... 105, 420 Ringkjobing. Denmark ...... 896 namaycush ... .32,52,70,ll.!, 275,270,280,281, Roach ...... 450 312,313 Roanoke River ...... 230. 280 oquassa ...... $11 Robalo ...... 78 quinnat .... 138. 144,100,273,275,270,277,281, Rolb. Mr...... 100 304, 410 Robertson. Dugald ...... 311 salar ...... 70,322,328,341,420 Robinson. Capt . Henry ...... 200. 305 salar subsp. eohago...... 280 W. Russell ...... 290 ...... 52 Rock cod ...... 54 sebago ...... 341 ...... 7.78.225. 320 thymallus ...... 285 Ilorkhind ...... 77 Silmonidrc ...... (is Rockport ...... 130.131. 133 ...... 311 Rodents. trapping of ...... 375 ...... llorlgcrs. Frederick ...... 341 Salmon ... .74.134. 1G0, 201,203,251,252.2?5,280, 338 Roe market ...... 392 Canadian ...... 52 Roguc Rivcr ...... 174 brccding of...... 302 t.rout ...... 217 . canneries ...... 314 Romano Capo ...... 130 canning ...... 126. 313 llonco Amarilla ...... 78 capture of ...... 173, 300 Grandc ...... 77 caught in Qaebec,NowBrunawick, pricto ...... 78 and Nora Scotia ...... 363 Root. IIenry T ...... 338 confinemont of ...... 170 Roscnstilil. jr., William ...... 381 cnltnro ...... 08. 115 Rotliesay ...... 104 fishery ...... GS, 134,173. 185 Romd Pompano ...... 78 hatcbed in mcCIoud Rivcr ...... 201 Routlcdgo's Hmdbook of Fishing cited .. 208 hatching ...... 88,174,314 Roux. Dr ...... 435 hook ...... 62 Rowan. Stephen C ...... 387 migrations ...... 322 Rome. MY...... 355 occurrrnce of ...... 304 Rowley. Dr ...... 301 of Coluntbio River ...... 304 Rumpff. Carl ...... 350 penning of ...... 160 Runner ...... 78 production ...... 313 Rusk. Governor ...... 430. 442 statitdics ...... 116 Rum. East Prusaia ...... 108 trout ...... 7, 203 Russia. fish imported ...... 393 wcights of ...... 178 oyster yield ...... 408 ;ah, use of ...... 68 Rydor, John A ...... salt-water organisms, effect of high prcss- 373.375. 381 ures on ...... 433 S. 3aluda Rivor ...... 232 jampit River ...... 181 Saale ...... 117 5and.ccl ...... 65 Saarbnrg ...... 110 ;and-Osh ...... 78 Sachs. T. R ...... 120 4anderson, Profcssor Burdon ...... 250 Sac0 1ohst.erfishing ...... 425 Sandwich Islands, fish for ...... 308 Sacramento River ...... , 08.201.314. 341 jan(1.y Bar sbail fisherice ...... 100 salmon, annnal yield .. 201 jan Francisco Bay ...... 341 Sagittnria v'ariabilis ...... 100 CRl ...... 125,126,127,219 Saihling ...... (34 jangsnc rache ...... 175 Sailors' choice ...... 78. 80 janinibol Island muht5sberica ...... 137 Saint Andrew's ...... 412 hit.nry report on Old Providence Island . 412 Croix River ...... 342 ;anta Cntalina island ...... 412 INDEX .

Page. Page. Santoo River ...... 161 Shad flshing on the Edisto'Rivor ...... 165 Sarah Putnam, sohooner ...... ?- 446 food of ...... 61 Sardine fisheries...... 417 habits of ...... 61 Sardines...... 79 hatching ...... 206,310,319 Sara0 Raindo ...... 80 hickory ...... ,...... 7 Satilla River ...... 407 in California ...... 341 Seuccr.oye ...... 78 Oregon waters ...... 88 Saner, snlmon in the ...... 115 tho Potomso ...... 301 Savannah Rivcr ...... 163 notes on ...... 337 Sawanus margmollie ...... 352 planting of ...... 820 Sawara ...... a52 porgy ...... 78 Sc:illopa ...... 203 winter ...... 7 scamp ...... 77, 80 work in South Carolina ...... 161 Scarus emruleus ...... 70 Shark ...... 79,144,177,315,352,386 croioonnis...... 79 Sharks, oollooting of ...... 385 Sohrrzor, Dr . Karl von ...... 348 Sheatflsh ...... 72 Schloior Lake ...... 121 Shoepshead ...... 7,74144,448 Sohlcsmig-Holstein...... 118 abundance of ...... 311 Schlouso. salmon in the ...... 116 Sholl-fish...... 70 sc1Ioo(1ic salmon ...... 342 Shells...... 126 Schoolmaster ...... 77 Irish ...... 87 Schustor, C ...... 121,361, 419 Sholey, G . A ...... 353 Scombor suHtrnlnsicus ...... 64 Shepard, George T ...... 17, 43 Scomboromorus cavalla ...... 77 Shetland flsherioa ...... 372 rcgnlis ...... 78 Shiloh, schooner ...... 446 mnculatus ...... 78 Shore flaheries ...... 01 Scoqmna grandicornis ...... 79 Shrew-mice ...... 376 plumiori ...... 79 Shrimp ...... 123 stoarnai ...... 79 shells ...... 126 Scotch cod and ling flshorios ...... 371 Shultz, Q. R ...... 137 herrink fisheries...... 60, 431 Sibbsldius...... 63 fislioiles ...... 64 Siootto, Judge ...... 362 Scotland ...... 114 Sidera funeliria ...... 79 5sh exported ...... 393 Sidera moringra ...... 78 Scottish Fishcry Board ...... 193 Siec, trout in the ...... 115 Soudder,Charlo8 W ...... 179, 397 Sigsbeo sounding machine ...... 151 ~culpins...... 314 Silas Fish, bark ...... 405 scup ...... 7 Silk, W . T ...... 166 Sca.bass, noto on ...... 305 Silor, Andrew L ...... 51 Sca fish, Donning of ...... 377 Silurus glanie ...... 72 See fisholios of France and Algiers ...... 417 Silvor eel ...... 65 Soa.fiehing, us0 of light in ...... 387 flsh ...... 78 Seal, fur ...... 63 price list Of ...... 307 skins ...... 127 gar ...... 7 Scarus guacamnia ...... 79 Simmons. N ...... 366 Sea sorpont ...... 56, 128 Simme, jr., Q .E ...... 257, 259 trout ...... 185 Skate ...... 65,74,352 culture ...... 115 note on ...... 305 water, making of ...... 460 skidmore, James ...... 330 Sobago Lake ...... 342, 383 Skipjaok ...... 7 Soboc salmon ...... 342, 8$3 Slippery Diok ...... 79 Sodiment in oyster ponds ...... 25, 28 Smart ...... 88 SecIig, G ...... 117 &nelt ...... 7, 65,203 Seewoiso fish-brooding establishment .... 361 Smitbsonian Institution ...... 177, 387 . Selcno vomer ...... 78 Smooth-hound...... 65

SonnB.Dosjardlns, M ...... 106,107,111 Smith, Capt . Henry 0.... ~ ...... 81 Soriola dumbrili ...... -1 ...... 77 Joseph ...... 248 lalaudii ...... 64,77 Point ...... 200 Sorranus formoaua ...... 78 Smiloy, Cbaa. W .... .1,65,06,183,201,240,268,305, Seymour, Captain ...... 56 337,359,869,385,456,469 Shad ...... 7,32,70,:03,241,262,312, 340 Snails, oultnre of ...... 106 . oulture ...... 66 Snakes ...... 86 eggs, tranrrportation of ...... 161, 108 enemies to 5sh ...... 220, 230 flshorioa...... la, 68,140,100,221,318,319 snake River flshes ...... 335 flsherios of Charleston, S. C...... 244 snappers ...... 53,54,77,204 486 INDEX.

Page . Page. Snook ...... 78, 137 I Susie Hooper, schooner ...... 427 Socibtb National0 d Acclimatation ...... 2; Sutton. Warnor P ...... 305 Socicty of Acclimatization ...... Swatlows. mortality of, in Wisconsin ...... 442 Soft-shell crabs, cultivation of ...... 2: Swau, J . B ...... 13 Soldin, Lake .. .., ...... 21 S. TV . Cmig. schoonor ...... 129 Sole ...... : Sweden. fish cx110rted...... 393 South Carolina, carp sent to ...... 31 Swellin~fish...... 7g Southern Pacific Railroad ...... I: Bword.5sh ...... 444 Spnin, oyatcr yield ...... 4( fishery ...... 446 quantitp of fish imported ...... 36 Synodus cubanus ...... 79 SpaniHh hogfish ...... 7 Syria, fisheries of ...... 456 mackercl ...... 78, 41 hatching of ...... 41 T. Spnrganiiim eurycarpum ...... 16 Talisman ...... 433 Sparrows. mortality of . in Wisconsin .... 44 Tnngior Sound ...... 199 SpecimcnR rcceived ...... 17 Tangipahoa Rimr ...... 448 Speckled catfish ...... 32 Tangs ...... 78 Sph-wcna picnda ...... 7 Tanlcsfor transferring fish ...... 168, 312 Sphyrna tiburo ...... 7 Tar ...... 352 Spike fi~h...... -: 7 Tarskihi ...... 64 Spinney, Mfi ...... 6 Tarpon ...... 204 Spofford's Pond ...... 17 Tarpum ...... i...... 79 Spot ...... food qualities of ...... 80 Spott.y ...... 5 Tarr & Bro .James Q ...... 447 Sprat...... 4 R.S ...... 67 Spratt .Joaeph ...... 23 Tsy River ...... 213 Springer, Captain ...... 25 Taylor ...... 61 Mr ...... 35 fresh-water...... 7 Spring Lake. N .J ...... 177, 38 sal~watar...... 7 Sprottan ...... 120, 12' William ...... 303 Squeteagoe ...... remperature of ...... 150 Squid ...... 89,90,254, 40 variations ...... 366 off Cape Breton ...... 40) rempcraturos ...... 172.200,230,2C4,367 size of ...... l! rench ...... 31. specimen of ...... 40: cooking of ...... 139 Squirrel ...... 71 Pcn-poundor ...... 78 S. R . Zano, schooner ...... 91 rotrodon nephelus ...... 79 SbndinEer. Dr ...... 421 Cerrapin ...... 7 Stanley. Mr ...... 311 salt.wat er ...... 7 Star.flsh ...... 131 soft-shell ...... 143 8tnr.gemr ...... 178,381 Chormometer, trcatment of ...... 415 Statpsman cited ...... 29f t'hird Lake. Wisconsin ...... 439 Statistics, oyster.cultura1...... lo( Chompson, Edward ...... 170 Staranger.Xorwag ...... 2( Edward H ...... 208 Steams, Robert E. C ...... 219.311 Chree Brothers, schooner ...... 134 Silas ...... 280 :hyrsitoR atun ...... w Sterling, C ...... 306 409 Dr.E ...... 21E !oad-fishes...... 79 Steven8, B. J ...... 440 !obaeco-boxes ...... 7 8tilwe11,E.M ...... 311 !om.cod ...... 123 St.inp.rsy...... 56 'om.tata ...... 78 Stolephoras browni ...... 79 !ode Lake ...... 470 Stone. Livingston ...... 119, 178,311, 362 'ownshend, Smith...... 1 Storm. reaulte of ...... 406 'rachurus trachurua ...... 64 St0ver.E. 8...... 426 bchg IlOtU8 CQrOhIIS...... 78 Striped bass ...... 7 glaucue ...... 78 propagation of ...... 225, 229 rhodopns ...... 78 grunt ...... 78 rhomboides ...... 78 Struthers, Professor...... 216 'ransactiom of American Fish-cultural Stnrdevant, E.D ...... 159 Association ...... 86 Stdrgeon ...... 7,63,312,338, 346 New Zealand Institute . 371 Sucker ...... 7 'ransporting egg8 on trays ...... 162 Sullivan, Mr ...... 245 'rapa natans ...... 160 Sumpter, Capt . J. W ...... 286 'raps, steel...... 296 Sun-flah...... 7, 78 'rrmn Brook, tront in...... 118 INDEX. 487 Page. Page. Trsvaillonr ...... 433 Village Bells. schooner...... -...... 447 Trematoda ...... 3Q Vineyard Sound ...... 314 Trematodes, development Of ...... 39 Vista. steamer ...... Dl Trevally ...... E4 Von Stemann ...... 118 Triohiurns lopturns ...... 78 Von Winterstein ...... 116 Trigla kumu ...... 55 Vorticelles ...... 434 Trinity River ...... 104 Tropidonatus sipidon ...... 239 W . Trout ...... 74,224,262,280,285,336. 388 breeding of ...... 302, 364 Waconmaw Rivor ...... 140.161. 243 Wagner. Mr 280 culture ...... 04,217 ...... Wahoo 77 oggs, transportation of ...... 361 ...... Wallbnum.. Mr 284 eneinios of ...... 375 ...... Wallom. Frodrik 382. 402 food for ...... 331, 440 M ...... Wallor. Mr ...... 109. 348 in German waters ...... 393 Withera 361 penning of ...... 377 ...... Walrus ivory 126 rainbow ...... 64 ...... oil 126 salmon ...... 7 ...... saltwater ...... 7 Walton. Iesak ...... 72 Thamos ...... 71 Warehou ...... 54 True, Frodorick W ...... 431 Warner & Sons. J ...... 286 Trumpeter ...... Fd Warner. J. S...... 220 Trut.ts carpi0 ...... 420 Warren. J . Crosby. aohooner ...... 01 Warron Rivor 333 Trygon thalassis ...... 65 ...... Waahingt.on, treatyof 3.7 Tunny ...... 456 ...... Tuppcr, Copt Joseph I ...... 438 Wassorapitzmllusen ...... 370 . Wastemays for ponds 87 Turbot ...... 55.78 ...... Wator.ohcstnut 160 Turlcoy ani1 Egypt, quantity of fish im- ...... ported ...... 392 cross ...... 160 Turkoy Gut, near Cape May, N .J ...... 388 lily, ...... 159 Tursiops subridons ...... 386 milfoil ...... 160 trunoatus ...... 178 Waterproofing for nets ...... 143 turaio ...... 431 Water-purslane ...... 159. 160 Turtle ...... ,...... 7 shield ...... 159 Gut. N .5 ...... 178 starwort ...... 160 Watt's Island 100 Tuscarora rioo ...... 169, 160 ...... Tweed River ...... 328 Way. D. L ...... 318 Tylosurus orassus ...... 78 Weak.Bsh ...... 7 notatus ...... 70 penning of ...... 377 Typha latifolia ...... 160 Wcoms's Boats ...... 302 Woiohsel ...... 120 U . Woight of fish ...... 891 Wein,Dr.E ...... 460. 455 mea, River 322 ...... Weir ...... 178 Union Rivor 342 ...... Woith. Professor ...... 3~ Unitell States, fish exported ...... 302 Ifdonhadon Oil and Guano Weldon. N . C ...... 225. 228 Woloh Rit.lid& Co 314 Association ...... 18b ...... Wollnnd Rivor 188 oystor yield ...... 468 ...... Wolsher. A 364 Uponous haltdostus ...... 78 W ...... maculatua ...... 78 Werao. snliuon in tho ...... 116 Woser. salmon in the ...... 117. 120 Upper Ruhr ...... 120 Weatern Bunks 255 Utah flshorios ...... 51 ...... m. Utricularia @hba ...... 160 West Indios. qunntity of fish importod ... 392 West . John ...... 248 vulgaxh ...... 257,259,261,443, 450 WhiLlo ...... 404. 407 V . oollooting of ...... 885 fiehories ...... 53 vacuum Oil Company ...... 157 Sn tho river Tay ...... 213 Valory-Mayot, Prof ...... 138 oil, vnlue of ...... 63 Vallotton, James L ...... 305 pmduots ...... 126 Van Mator, J . II ...... 18 sperm ...... 2e-1 voulling, m .I€ ...... 303 value of ...... 360 Vossels . list of ...... 40 Wliooler . L.T ...... 221 mowuonts of ...... 402 Whitchor. w. J? ...... 883 'Victor, schooner ...... 408 Whitcombo. W . P ...... 31 ViotoJa regia ...... 1ao White. Charlea A ...... 29'7 Page. Page. whitefish ... . Wittmack. Professr ...... 324 274.280.315. 420 W .J.Eing, sohooner ...... 402 distribution ...... 316 Wonson. Mr ...... 53 eggs. taking of ...... 113 Wood'a Eoll. Mass ...... 16 eggs. record of ...... 316 Wood. W .M ...... 243 habhing of ...... 190. 316 Worth. S. G ...... 33.162.225. 229 in bce...... 62 Wiirzbnrg. Germhny ...... 119. 361 propagation ...... 335 Y transportation ...... 190 . scarcity of ...... 353 Yellow angel ...... 78 White water-crowfoot ...... 160 grnnt ...... 78 water-lily ...... 160 pond-lily ...... 160 Whiting ...... 55.78. 80 tail ...... 77 Willamette River ...... 470 water-lily...... 1W w&~H. jOrbn.sohooner ...... 438 Yellowstone River ...... 330 ~illh,,, &. con.c. A ...... 360 Pork River ...... 19% 200 Wilmot. S ...... 60. 73. 121 Spit...... lQ9.200 Wilson. Mr ...... 197. 311 YsMlRiver ...... 276 Wilson & Co., H 0 ...... 224 Z. Windmill Point ...... 190. 200 TVindow. Capt . C . C ...... 252 Zealandi a, steamship ...... 190 Winslow. Lieutenant F ...... 17.233. 854 2enk.Dr.F...... 361 Winter shad ...... 63 Zen8 faber ...... 54 Winsah Bay ...... 140. 161 Ziphioids ...... 177 Winyaw Bar shad fisheries ...... 242 Zipbius oavirostria'...... 178. 386 Wiswnsin State Jod...... 442 Zisanie aquatitice ...... 159. 160 Withthen, o. B ...... 810 Zwataen, ohar planted at...... 1a1