The functional English language course for the Republic of

Teacher's Book 1

República del Ecuador Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Proyecto CRADLE

Tercera edición: 2005

Rita Ponce, Marlene Rivera, Irene Rosero

Consultant: Kari Miller Dirección: República del Ecuador. Ministerio de Educación y Cultura Subsecretaría de Educación Dirección Nacional de Currículo Dirección Nacional de Planeamiento de la Educación DINAMEP

The British Council

Producción: Proyecto CRADLE - División Nacional de Idiomas Extranjeros

Tercera Edición: Rita Ponce, Marlene Rivera, Irene Rosero

Consultora: Kari Miller

Diseñador: Hugo Duque

Diagramación: Javier Cañas B., Amelia Molina

Fotos: Edimpres, Photodisc

Ilustraciones: Marcelo Zambrano, Pablo Ortega, Luis Ochoa

Agradecimientos: Proyecto Pasochoa de la Fundación Natura foto p. 94

Edición Revisada (1999): Rita Ponce, Marlene Rivera, Irene Rosero, Les Embleton

Consultor: Damien Tunnacliffe

Edición Experimental (1993): Guadalupe Carpio, Marcia Vargas, Rita Ponce, Irene Rosero, Paul Barry

Consultor: Paul Barry

Copyright©: Proyecto CRADLE 1993, 1999 y 2005

ISBN Código

Impresión: Edimpres, , julio de 2005

Introduction to Teachers


The CRADLE project is one of the projects that the Ministry of Education and Culture has designed to improve the quality of . The textbook series, Our World Through English (OWTE), is part of a process of curriculum change in the teaching of English. Teachers, curriculum experts, teach- er trainers, authors, designers, inspectors, advisors and other experts work together to make this pro- cess work effectively. The third edition of OWTE that you are going to use is part of this national English language curriculum development process.

Please enjoy the process and play your full part in it.

• Take advantage of the opportunities for professional development that are offered to you. • Use your Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC). • Use these teaching and learning materials carefully. • Follow the teaching notes as much as you can. Keep a record of what happens. • Give the Foreign Languages Division (DIEX) of the Ministry of Education and Culture feedback through your Provincial Coordinator for Development of the English Language Curriculum (PCDO). • Attend feedback meetings that you are invited to.

Producing a high quality textbook is a complex process. The third edition has taken note of feedback from teachers and national and international experts. The aim has been to produce a new edition of Our World Through English that is lively, imaginative and enjoyable for teacher and students. We hope that you and your classes will find the new edition motivating.

The New Revised Teacher’s Book is different from the previous edition in that:

• there are eight Language Reference pages in Appendix 1 for your own reference and to help you clarify your students’ questions. • at the end of each unit, there is a list of teaching tips including language points based on many years of experience of the difficulties and confusions that both teachers and students experience with English in Ecuador. • there are monthly tests to be given after every three units as well as three term tests. • there are the grammar practice exercise answer keys.

As in the previous edition, there is a vocabulary list in Appendix 2. The tapescripts are included within the teaching steps in the Teacher’s Book.

Support your project for your benefit and for the benefit of English language learning and teaching and education in Ecuador.


1 The Course Components

Our World Through English is a six-year English course for Ecuadorian secondary school students. The materials for each year of the course are:

• Student’s Book

• Teacher’s Book and cassette/CD

The Teacher’s Book is distributed free of charge to teachers attending orientation courses organized by DIEX and held in all provinces of the country.

The cassette/CD is available to you in your provincial TRC. Remember that tapescripts are to be found in the appropriate pages of the teacher’s notes. If you have problems obtaining a cassette player to use in class you should still do the listening activities as an integral and important part of the course. Read the tapescript aloud for a listening task using the Read, look up and say technique. Teach a song as a rhyme without music. DIEX strongly recommends that you listen to the cassette/CD before a class to minimize errors of pronunciation, stress and intonation.

2 Planning the use of the materials

Each Student’s Book in the OWTE series is designed for one school year of study. The third edition of Book 1 is divided into 15 core units and a grammar practice section.

The core units consist of five lessons each, divided into a number of tasks. Each task has a number of teaching steps in the teaching notes. Each unit has four lessons of one page and one lesson of two pages, providing for some variation and flexibility in course structure.

Each core unit is designed to be covered in one to one and a half weeks with five class periods per week, providing time for review and evaluation as appropriate, ideally 5 (3 terms = 15 units) being covered per term. We hope this will be motivating to both teachers and students, giving them a feeling of significant progress each term. The amount of time that a class group takes will depend on many factors, including previous exposure to English at primary level, general educational level, class size and length of class periods. DIEX recommends that all students study the core units.

Due to the fact that many teachers have expressed an interest in extra grammar exercises that they could use to supplement their lessons, a grammar exercise section has been added to this edition of the Our World Through English Series. This section can be used as in-class reinforcement of certain grammatical structures, or as exercises that can be sent as homework. The grammar exercises are intended to help learners prepare for exams, as well as give them self-study activities that they can do outside of class in order to practice the structures covered in each unit. Teachers may also like to use these grammar pages as review before exams.

The grammar exercises presented are meant to be a means to an end, not an end in themselves. They are all given in context, and are meant to motivate the learner through authentic and meaningful language use through controlled activities, giving the learners a sense of accomplishment through successful performance on the exercises.


The information in the boxes before exercises presents the grammar with a short explanation and/or rule, and then goes on to provide a couple of examples of the structure to be seen. Because each grammar point is marked beforehand, it is easy to focus only on those structures which each learner needs additional practice in. In some cases the grammar is meant to be learned as a lexical unit, or chunk, and therefore the learners are not given a clear rule, but instead asked to simply notice the English structure. Some students will rely more on these grammar explanations and exercises than others. They are meant to supplement the communicative exercises in the book, and not replace them.

The Teacher’s Book also includes tests to be given after the completion of each three core units and at the end of each school term.

The units of the Teacher’s Book have teaching steps for each task. Notice that the teacher’s language for a step is often given in bold type. For the students, listening to this language is part of the course. Please use these instructions and similar instructions when you are teaching. Use Spanish as little as possible in class. Remember that students learn best by using English, in this case by listening to and following instructions. Repetition of instructions in Spanish, instead of providing visual support through gestures, etc, destroys this possibility and also takes time away from exposure to English.

The notes contain production models. These are the teacher’s guide for students’ speaking and/or writing.

3 The philosophy of Our World Through English (OWTE)

a The view of language

- Communication and purpose

OWTE is based on the view that we use language for communication. In other words, we use it to give and receive "messages" of different kinds. There are different purposes in communication, but the purpose of asking for and giving information is the central one in this course. Many Ecuadorian students want to use English in their higher level education and in their work. For them, the ability to give and receive information in English will be extremely important.

Additionally, most learners of a language want to manage the socializing function of language. Expressing likes and dislikes, wants and needs, has been given greater importance in this new edition.

- Syllabus organization

Information can be divided into three types:

• descriptive

• narrative

• instructive


The syllabus is based principally around the development of the necessary receptive and productive language skills to manage these types of information as they are used in a wide variety of spoken and written contexts. b The view of learners and teachers

OWTE has been written and produced in Ecuador for use in Ecuador’s education system. It is written by with a clear view of learners’ and teachers’ situations in the classroom, school and wider socio-economic and cultural contexts of the country. It has been written to help teachers and learners make the best use of the limited time available. The course aims to enable students to enter adult life with a firm basis of essential English and language learning skills.

OWTE tries to support the learning process in school by using content from other school subjects and by encouraging the learners to use their knowledge of the world or stimulate them to want to find out about the world around them. The course also helps develop learning skills through the medium of English. These learning skills are transferable to a wide variety of other learning situations.

In using OWTE, students are encouraged to look afresh and critically at their own world in a spirit of learning to appreciate all that is good, while not ignoring things that are less good. Nevertheless, the accent is always on the positive. There is much to celebrate in Ecuador and for young people it is important to point them towards the good things and not dwell too much on what is not so good. This approach is typical of books 1-3. In the second part of the course (books 4-6) students learn to organize knowledge in different ways. They use English to think and learn about new things, how to weigh up alternatives and reach mature, informed decisions. c Topics and motivation

The topics and the way they have been treated have been chosen to interest, surprise and amuse the learner, starting with their own world in Ecuador in all its diversity and gradually reaching out to the world beyond. The writing team has tried very hard to find something to interest everyone and to represent the different peoples of Ecuador equally. d Success and motivation

Nothing succeeds better in motivating students at school than success itself. Success here means being able to follow the material, complete the tasks and want to learn more. It includes coming to understand the texts, as well as the procedures, to follow in doing the tasks. It means knowing what you are trying to learn to do, doing it and understanding the reason for doing it.

Above all the teacher's job is to encourage and support the learners' efforts. A positive attitude on your part is vital. e Teachers and learners

The teacher’s aim is to help students to reach the goal of being confident and motivated in using English. The teaching steps in this book guide you in:


• encouraging students to prepare themselves for the topic areas to be introduced • organizing tasks for students so that they can do them without unnecessary difficulty • helping students while they are working • encouraging students to review their work • using appropriate ways to get feedback on completed work.

The materials are designed for teachers who:

• are interested in professional development • want to understand the reasons for the design of the syllabus and materials • want to do the best possible job but often do not have enough time to do it • want to organize classroom activities effectively so that students take a central, active role in learning • want to help learners to be more independent in their learning • want to connect learning English with other learning experiences both inside and outside school • want their students to learn how to obtain and give information in English, and consider that learning how to obtain information is more important than the "right answer" • want to encourage students to think for themselves.

4 The skills cycle

a Language skills in life

When we examine the way that we use different language skills in life we notice two things. Firstly, a person normally uses language for a purpose. Secondly, there are links between one language skill and another.

b Purpose

In life, people listen, read or ask questions to find out something. They speak or write to communicate something.

c Links between skills

The language skills are linked. For example, when you answer the telephone, you listen, speak, and often write a note. After the telephone conversation you may use the note (read it) to remind yourself or somebody else to do something. In the same way, when you study, you may listen, make notes, maybe ask questions, perhaps discuss the ideas in the notes, read something more about the notes, organize your notes, write an essay on the subject. Language skills are linked in these and many other ways in life.

The language skills cycle in the revised OWTE is based on the way we use them in life. The cycle often begins with a receptive experience – either listening or reading, followed by a productive experience, either speaking or writing. In each part of the cycle students have a purpose for using their language skills. To develop the speaking skill in this revised edition there are interaction patterns to follow. Questions are introduced to enable students to ask their teacher and their classmates for information

VIII INTRODUCTION in English. Questions, of course, are also an important way to obtain and ask for clarification of information in real life.

The skills approach, then, is based on skills used in real life. It is also based on the way that people learn, firstly by having a purpose for using the language and secondly by experiencing the language in both written and spoken forms. This complementary experience helps in remembering. Throughout the course students are given tasks while they are listening or reading to focus their attention on the main information and to give them a purpose for listening or reading. In many cases they are asked to do tasks to activate their general knowledge of a topic. Before reading for more detailed information, students are asked to read to form a general idea of the text. This enables students to anticipate the context of the text before they read it in detail. They are given an idea of the information they have to find. They do not have to understand every single word to achieve this. They make notes to be able to access information for a further purpose. Tables or charts are used for noting down information in an organized way. In addition to making information easily accessible, these tables help students to learn how to organize information from listening or reading.

5 Grammar and vocabulary

The six-year course is based on a core of grammar which the learner needs for giving, asking for and receiving descriptive, narrative and instructive information. Students experience this grammar in situation- al and linguistic contexts at the same time as they explore information about a wide variety of topics.

Learning the grammar of the appropriate verb forms for the above purposes is a central element of the grammatical syllabus. Through the six-year course, students have repeated experience of giving, asking for and receiving messages using core verb forms and core sentence structures.

The grammar of the noun phrase progresses from simple to complex as students become familiar with different kinds of sentence pattern. Great emphasis is given to positive statements in texts.

In the books 1 and 2 grammar is introduced implicitly without presenting grammatical rules. Students learn phrases and questions as lexical ‘chunks’, or formulas. In later books grammar is made more explicit, and students’ awareness of grammatical structure is developed to enable them to expand their linguistic repertoire in English.

Students also experience new vocabulary in a situational and linguistic context. We recommend that you do not explain new vocabulary before it is met. Instead, you should encourage students to work out meaning independently using all available resources (including other people). This, of course, includes the possibility for students to ask you or each other in English for help. Training students to solve their own vocabulary problems is an essential part of helping them become active, independent learners.

The design of the course introduces and recycles core vocabulary throughout the book. Students should, then, get enough experience of these items to assimilate them. It also includes vocabulary which is not core or frequent but is important in a topic. Many of these items are illustrated. It is not necessary for students to learn this vocabulary for productive use. Core vocabulary is listed in the unit objectives and in alphabetical order by word class in Appendix 2. Students should be able to use the core vocabulary in speaking and writing. They are not expected to remember or ‘learn completely’ all the words introduced in each unit.


The classroom language included in many units in earlier books should be learnt as vocabulary or lexical ‘chunks’ for communicative purposes in the classroom and should not be analyzed grammati- cally in these levels. Students should be encouraged to use this classroom language as much as pos- sible as a genuine means of communication in a variety of common classroom situations and as an essential part of the core syllabus.

6 Examinations

Prepared sample tests are provided for your use at mid-term and end of term points.


If you have comments about any aspect of the books, please contact DIEX. We will be delighted to hear from you. Happy teaching and learning!

The Cradle Project División de Idiomas Extranjeros, Telefax: 02-541512 Ministerio de Educación y Cultura


A Adverbial (adverb phrase or prepositional phrase, q.v.) Adj. Adjective, e.g. good AdjP. Adjective phrase, e.g (very) good Adv Adverb, e.g. carefully AdvP Adverb phrase, e.g. (very) carefully C Complement Conj Conjunction Det. Determiner, e.g. the, a, an N Noun, e.g. table, door NP Noun phrase, e.g. he, a book, a small town O Object PP Prepositional phrase, e.g. in the city, on Saturday, by car QP Question phrase, e.g. How long ...? S Subject V Verb, e.g. look VP Verb phrase, e.g. goes, can change, should put, stand up (C) Countable, e.g. book (U) Uncountable e.g. rice

X General Teaching Tips

1 English in the classroom

While a student receiving five hours of English per week cannot hope to absorb the amount of language a native speaking child learns, the amount of English that a student will learn depends directly on the amount of exposure to the language. Students need a lot of listening experiences to become familiar with English before they can produce significant amounts of language. As their teacher you are their main experience of the foreign language. Do not waste time exposing them to Spanish unless it is absolutely necessary. Use simple English and avoid translation as much as possible by using mime, gestures, demonstration and other visual support to get meaning across.

Start giving simple instructions in English from the first class. Soon you can conduct the whole lesson in English.

Using English in the classroom shows students that English is used for real communication and makes them use English for this purpose. It also challenges students to understand the meaning for them- selves. For example, when you go into the classroom and say: “Good morning, everybody,” students can understand that you are greeting them.

It is important in the tasks to check that students understand class instructions. There are different ways of doing this:

- Demonstrate the task with an example. - Ask students to demonstrate the task with examples. - Watch students carefully when they begin working on a task (i.e. monitor their work) and help them individually or as a group, if you see a problem. - Invite a student to explain the task to the class.

2 Pronunciation and Intonation

In some units in book 1, there is a box indicating basic stress and intonation. Unstressed vowels are often pronounced using the schwa sound / e /. For example, in ‘a banana’, the letters in italics are all pronounced with a schwa, so /b nane /. e

Spanish speakers tend to pronounce the sound /s/ with an additional /e/ before the /s/, for example, ‘estop’ for ‘stop’, and in other words starting with an /s/ sound followed by a consonant sound. It is common to hear students say ‘an estudent’ instead of ‘a student’ as a result of this problem. You should be particularly careful in your own speech to avoid this and to correct students when they make this mistake.

In a series of connected descriptive statements, for example a description of a person, there is a sustained level of intonation at the end of each statement and a falling intonation at the end of the last statement of the description. The sustained intonation shows that the speaker has more to say. The falling intonation shows that the speaker has finished.

A rising intonation is used in yes/no questions or to obtain confirmation of a statement. It is common to hear students using a rising intonation to get confirmation from the teacher of a correct answer. This can distort appropriate intonation, and even cause confusion.

XI General Teaching Tips

3 A word on ‘English’

The idea of ‘correct’ English still exists, but like many things it is a more relative term than in the past. There is an obvious need to use a standardized form of English in a textbook series. OWTE uses standard British English, appropriate to its global use at the beginning of the 21st century. The grammatical analysis follows The Oxford English Grammar (Greenbaum, 1996). British English vocabulary is used in the main, so ‘shop’, ‘railway’, ‘trousers’, etc are to be found, but words of American origin that are becoming part of British and international English, for example 'cool', 'cookie' etc, are used in preference to the more traditional British words.

British English spelling is used partly because these are the forms used throughout the English-speaking world (except the United States) and in Europe, Africa and Asia where English is very widely used. For example, ‘colour’, 'travelled', 'centre' etc. Spelling conforms to that in the Collins Cobuild Dictionary. There are cases where British English spelling is changing, so that these forms have been used, for example, ‘organize’ instead of ‘organise’, 'learned' instead of 'learnt'.

4 Grouping

Students can be grouped in different ways according to the size of the class and the physical conditions in each classroom. For example, students can work in threes in a row, or they can turn round and form groups with students in the next row, etc. Practise the selected grouping procedure as much as necessary in order to set up routines for future lessons, so that students will get used to forming groups quickly and quietly.

5 Songs, rhymes and chants

Follow these steps for songs, rhymes and chants: • Invite students to predict the song by looking at the pictures • Say ‘Listen to the song (rhyme or chant) and follow the song in your books’. • Play the tape (or sing the song) at least twice. • Guide the student to sing each line of the song with you. • Ask them to sing the song alone in groups and as a whole.


UNIT 1 Formulas • Good morning, afternoon, evening. Description • How are you?

Grammar Instructions a) Verb forms: Grammar • Verb: be — am (’m), is (’s), are • Verb (base form): go, live a) Verb (base form), e.g.: open b) Other forms: b) Other forms: determiner: the • Determiner: a • Possessive determiners: my, your, his, her c) Sentence patterns: • Subject pronouns: I, you • VP, e.g.: Stand up. • NP = Determiner + N, e.g.: the window c) Sentence patterns: • V + O = VP + NP, e.g.: Open the window. • NP, e.g: Juan, I, you • V + A = VP + PP, e.g.: Go to the board. • NP = Determiner + N, e.g: a student, your • VP + NP + PP, e.g.: Write your name on the name board. • S + V + C = NP + VP + NP, e.g.: I’m Carlos. I’m 12. Vocabulary • A = PP, e.g.: In Quito. • Verbs: close, go, go back, sit down, stand up, • S + V + A = NP + VP + PP, e.g.: I live in write . I go to Diez de Agosto School. • Nouns: board, window, door, seat • Prepositions: to Vocabulary • Verbs: be (am, is, are), go, live Formulas • Nouns: afternoon, class, evening, ID number, • Stand up. morning, name, number, school, student • Sit down. • Prepositions: in, to • How do you spell ...? • Other: numbers 1-15 • Pardon? • Excuse me? Formulas • How old are you? Language and Study Skills • What’s your name/ID number/school/class? • Reading for general information • Please. Thank you. • Inferring the meaning of words from a situation Socializing • Listening and making notes • Following written instructions Grammar UNIT 2 Sentence patterns: as above plus: • S + V + C = NP + VP + NP, e.g.: I’m Carlos. Description This is María. Grammar Vocabulary • Nouns: teacher a) Verb forms: Verb: be — is (‘s)


b) Other forms: Vocabulary Subject pronoun: it • Verbs: have (has) Link word: and • Nouns: brother, daughter, family, father, grandfather, grandmother, husband, mother, c) Sentence patterns: sister, son, wife • NP, e.g.: it • NP = Determiner + N, e.g.: the time Formulas • NP + VP, e.g.: It’s ... • Who’s this/(name)? • Let me/Let’s see now. Vocabulary • Look! • Cardinal numbers 16—100 • Tell me/us about ... • Times (to nearest five minutes) • Other: oh (0), o’clock Socializing: as above

Formulas Language and Study Skills • What’s the time? It’s ... • Listening and making notes • That’s right. • Reading for specific information • That’s wrong. • Reading and making notes • Try again. • Speaking from notes • Writing from notes Language and Study Skills • Listening for specific information UNIT 4 • Reading for specific information Description UNIT 3 Grammar Description a) Verb forms: Grammar • verb: be — There is (‘s)/there are … • contrast: There is (‘s) with It is (‘s) … a) Verb forms: • Is it …? • Present simple: be — he/she is (‘s); lives, • Auxiliary verb does in formulas, e.g.: What has time does school finish?

b) Other forms: b) Sentence patterns: • Possessive determiners: my, your, his, her, • NP = N + PP, e.g.: the number of subjects their • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: It’s on the wall. • Anglo-Saxon genitive: (Diego’s) • NP + VP +AdjP, e.g.: It’s big. It’s yellow. • Plural form with ‘s’. • Subject pronouns: he, she Vocabulary • Verbs: start, finish c) Sentence patterns: • Nouns: bin, book, break, ceiling, chair, chalk, • NP, e.g.: Susana’s mother cupboard, English, eraser, flag, Friday, • NP + VP + NP, e.g.: He’s Hortensia’s History, light, lunch, map, Mathematics, husband. Maths, minute, Monday, Music, notebook, • NP+VP +NP, e.g.: She has two brothers. pen, pencil, pencil case, Physical Education, • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: He lives in Manta. poster, Practical Options, ruler, Saturday, school bag, Science, Social Studies, Spanish,


subject, Sunday, table, textbook, Thursday, • Others: outside timetable, Tuesday, wall, Wednesday. Formulas • Adjectives: black, blue, brown, green, pink, • At home red, yellow, white • What does he/she do? • Prepositions: at, in, on, near, under • Where does he/she work? • What about you? Formulas • Where is (‘s)/are ...? Language and Study Skills • What colour is it? • Inferring the meaning of words from a situa- • What time does school start/finish? tion • How long …? • Reading for specific information • How many …? • Listening and making notes • Guess ... • Speaking from notes

Language and Study Skills UNIT 6 • Listening for specific information • Reading for specific information Description • Speaking from notes • Writing from notes Grammar

UNIT 5 a) Verb forms: • Present simple: all affirmative forms Description b) Other forms: subject pronouns: we Grammar c) Sentence patterns: a) Verb forms: • NP - - > Det + Adj + N, e.g.: a red hat, green • Present Simple: 3rd person ‘s’ hats, some ice cream, some sweets • AdjP - - - > Intensifier + adj, e.g.: very popular b) Other forms: • Determiner: a(n) for occupations Vocabulary • Prepositions: at (home, company/organization) • Verbs: bring, buy, celebrate, decorate, give, invite, make, prepare c) Sentence patterns: • Nouns: April, August, balloon, birthday, cake, • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: He works in a factory. carol, Christmas, Christmas tree, church, cookie, cracker, December, decorations, She works at home. February, food, friend, game, hat, house, January, July, June, love, March, May, Vocabulary midnight, nativity scene, November, October, • Verbs: work party, present, September, St Valentine’s • Nouns: accountant, architect, artist, bank, Day, sweets beauty salon, economist, electrician, • Prepositions: on (day, date) electricity, engineer, factory, farmer, • Other: Ordinal numbers fisherman, fishing boat, garage, hairdresser, • Link word: also home, hospital, hotel, housewife, mechanic, nurse, newsreader, office, policeman, Formulas restaurant, secretary, TV station, waiter, • When’s your birthday? waitress, weaver


Socializing: as above UNIT 8 Instructions Description Grammar Grammar a) Sentence patterns • VP+ (NP)+PP (+PP), e.g.: Cover the tube with a) Verb forms: coloured paper. • -ing form for activities, e.g.: She likes dancing.

Language and Study Skills b) Other forms: Adjectives in attributive and • Inferring the meaning of words from a situa- predicative positions, e.g.: long, dark, straight. tion • Reading and making notes c) Sentence patterns: • Speaking and making notes • NP = AdjP + NP, e.g.: long wavy hair • Following written instructions • NP + VP + AdjP, e.g.: This is Ricky Martin. His hair is short. UNIT 7 • NP + VP + NP, e.g.: She has brown eyes.

Description Vocabulary • Verbs: dance, like, listen to, play, read, Grammar swim, watch • Nouns: actor, athlete, boxer, eye(s), a) Quantifiers: a few, a lot of, some … footballer, guitar, hair, hobby, Literature, movie star, music, politician, tennis player, b) Sentence patterns: TV star, writer • NP + VP + C, NP + VP + NP + P • Adjectives: curly, dark, light, long, short, • NP + modal VP (can) + BV, e.g.: I can see … straight, tall, wavy • NP – (Det) + adj + noun, e.g.: a big party • Prepositions: from

Vocabulary Formulas • Verbs: elect, sing, take part • Who’s this? • Nouns: celebration, contest, court, football, • How old is he/she? gym, pitch, playground, prize, queen, sports, • Where’s he/she from? stadium, volleyball • Do you agree? Yes. I agree. • What about …? Formulas • Let me see now. • How many… are there? Language and Study Skills Language and Study Skills • Speaking from visual cues • Listening for specific information • Listening and making notes • Reading for specific information • Reading and making notes • Speaking from notes • Writing from notes • Writing from notes


a) Verb forms: • It’s- it is / it has/ there’s - there is / b) Sentence patterns: UNIT 9 • NP = Determiner + (Adj) + N, e.g.: a small town, the river Description • NP = Det + N + N, e.g.: the health centre, a police station, the Amazon Region Grammar • PP, e.g.: opposite the church • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: The police station is a) Verb forms: opposite the market. It’s in the Amazon Region. • Present simple: I, s/he ...s • Two word verb combinations: get up, get Vocabulary dressed, leave/get home • Nouns: bus station, centre, city, health centre, Highland, market, neighbourhood, b) Sentence patterns: park, police station, region, river, sports cen- • A = PP, e.g.: on Saturdays, on Saturday tre, morning, in the afternoon, at 7 o’clock square, town • S + V + A +A = NP + VP + PP + PP, e.g.: • Prepositions: opposite, next to, behind She goes to school by bus. • S + V + A +A = NP + VP + PP, e.g.: He goes to Formulas school by car. She gets to school at 7 o’clock. • Where’s the…? • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: He gets up at 6 o’clock. Language and Study Skills Vocabulary • Listening for specific information • Verbs: clean, cook, get up, get (dressed), • Reading for specific information get (home), get (back), go shopping, leave, • Making notes. visit, walk • Speaking from notes • Nouns: bike, bread, ( ), breakfast, bus, • Writing from notes canoe, car, dad, face, hand (s), homework, horse, housework, mum, room, Saturday, UNIT 11 Sunday, taxi, TV programme • Adjectives: favourite Description • Prepositions: by Grammar Formulas • What time do you ...? a) Verb forms: • Let’s try again. Once more. That’s enough. b) Noun forms: Singular/plural forms, e.g.: dress Language and Study Skills — dresses, person — people • Listening for specific information • Countable nouns, e.g.: potato, drum • Reading for specific information • Uncountable nouns, e.g.: rice, corn • Nouns used in plural only: e.g.: shorts, UNIT 10 sunglasses

Description b) Other forms: subject pronoun: they

Grammar c) Sentence patterns: • PP, e.g.: from the Coastal Region, from the riv-


ers • AdjP = Adv (modifier)+ Adj, e.g.: really good, c) Sentence patterns: very nice • NP + VP + NP, e.g.: I love potatoes. He doesn’t • AdvP, e.g.: a lot, very much like milk. • NP + VP + (NP) + AdvP, e.g.: They talk a lot. Vocabulary They like music very much. • Verbs: love, hate Vocabulary • Nouns: apple, avocado, butter (U), carrot, • Verbs: talk, wear cereal, cheese (U), chicken, coffee, dessert, • Nouns: banana, bathing suit, blouse, dinner, egg, fruit (U), herbal tea, juice (U), bongos, coat, coconut, corn (U), dress(es), lemon, meal, meat, onion, papaya, pineapple, drums, fish, flute, glove(s), island, marimba, soup, tomato(es), tuna fish, vegetable, water musician, orange, plantain, poncho, pork (U), melon, wheat (U), yogurt (U) potato, raincoat, rice (U), sandal(s), scarf • Prepositions: for (scarves), seafood, shorts, sweater, suit, dress(es), sunglasses, T-shirt, visitor, yucca Formulas • Adjectives: Coastal, friendly, helpful, lively, • It’s OK. patient, quiet, special • Adverbs: really, very Instructions

Language and Study Skills Grammar • Listening for specific information • Reading for gist a) Verb forms: imperative form, e.g.: Add some • Reading for specific information sugar. • Inferring meaning from background • knowledge, cognates and context b) Other forms: determiner: some • Making notes • Listening and making notes c) Sentence patterns: • Speaking from notes • VP + NP, e.g.: Make some orange juice. • Reading and making notes • VP + NP + PP, e.g.: Put the fruit in a bowl. • Writing from notes Add the fruit to the juice. • VP + NP + AdvP, e.g.: Wash the fruit carefully. UNIT 12 Vocabulary Description • Verbs: add, cut, put • Nouns: sugar (U), orange juice (U), bowl, Grammar piece • Prepositions: into a) Verb forms: • Adverbs: carefully • Present simple affirmative 1st, 3rd person singular forms , e.g.: I like ... She likes ... Formulas • Present simple negative 1st, 3rd person • It’s your (my) turn. Don’t cheat. I have a 6. singular forms, e.g.: I don’t like bananas. He doesn’t like rice. Language and Study Skills • Listening for specific information b) Other forms: • Reading for gist • Object pronouns: It, them • Reading for specific information • Zero determiner, e.g.: I like milk. I hate orang- • Inferring meaning from background es. • knowledge, cognates and context


• Making notes • Link words: before, after, or • Listening and making notes • Speaking from notes Language and Study Skills • Reading and making notes • Reading and making notes • Writing from notes • Listening and making notes • Following written instructions • Listening for gist

UNIT 13 • Listening for specific information • Writing from notes Description UNIT 14 Grammar Description Sentence patterns: • NP + AdvP + VP + NP, e.g.: She never brushes Grammar her teeth. Question formation: present simple Adjective position, eg. Highland region Vocabulary Articles: the /a • Verbs: brush, drink Word order with adverbs, e,g. it rains a lot • Nouns: bed, beer, carbohydrate, cholera, fat, Modals: can+verb (possibility) hamburger, mineral, protein, vitamin should+verb (mild obligation) • Adjectives: clean Negative forms: can’t / shouldn’t • Adverbs: always, never Position of modal verbs • Other - Determiner: every ... b) Sentence patterns: - Quantifier: lots of ... • NP = (Determiner) + N + N. e.g.: the Highland Region Formulas • NP= Adjectives + N, e,g.: beautiful beaches, In bed. high mountains Whose turn is it? It’s Lupe’s turn. What do • NP+VP (be) + Ad, e.g.: It is hot. It is cloudy. I/we have to do? • PP, e.g.: to the north of… • NP + VP + PP, e.g.: Fifty thousand people live Instructions in Salinas. • NP + VP + Adv. P, e.g: It rains a lot. Grammar • NV+VP + Adj.+Pp, e.g.: It is cool in the mornings. Sentence patterns: • NP+ VP (Modal) + NP+PP, e.g.: We should put • VP + NP, e.g.: Don’t eat lots of fatty food. our rubbish in bins. • VP + NP, e.g.: Wash your hands. Get lots of exercise. Vocabulary • VP + NP + PP, e.g.: Put your rubbish in a bin. • Nouns: dolphin, marine iguana, pelican, • VP + NP + CJ + VP, e.g.: Wash your hands penguin, reptile, sea lion, species, tortoise, before you eat. bird, mammal, blue-footed booby, town, Vocabulary beaches, highlands, rubbish, rivers, lakes • Verbs: boil, peel, smoke, take care • Adjectives: active, beautiful, cloudy, cold, • Nouns: exercise, latrine, rubbish (U), street, cool, dry, high, hot, humid, tropical, unique, toilet, tooth (teeth) warm, sunny, wonderful, giant


• Prepositions: during Sentence pattern • Other: hundred, thousand, million • VP+NP,e.g.: Move forward three spaces. Miss a turn.

Formulas Vocabulary • Where is it? • Verbs: have, miss, stop, stuck, break down • Nouns: tyre, road, petrol, pick-up, policeman, turn, landslide Language and Study Skills • Reading and making notes • Adjectives: empty, flat, straight • Listening and making notes • Prepositions: behind, forward • Writing from notes • Speaking from notes Language and Study Skills • Listening for specific information Instructions • Reading and making notes Grammar • Speaking from notes Sentence pattern • Writing from notes • VP +NP, e.g: Put the poster on the classroom


Vocabulary • Verbs: move, miss, break, down, stock • Nouns: tyre, road, policeman, turn, landslide • Adjectives: empty, flat, straight • Prepositions: behind, forward



Grammar a) Verb forms Simple past

Sentence patterns • PP, e.g.: , On Saturday morning, in the evening • NP+ VP + NP, e.g.: They helped a fisherman with his canoe + (PP) They picked up their rubbish. • NP+ VP + PP,e.g.: They went by bus. They walked to a mountain. • NP+ VP+ Adj., e.g.: Planes are fast. The train is slow.




Lesson objectives • to give students an opportunity to get to • to provide speaking practice know one another • to develop intensive listening skills

Task 1 Listening and greeting 1 Ask students for their ideas about the picture and N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intona- the thing they are going to make (a name card). tion with the tape before teaching. Say: “Look at the picture. Tell me your ideas.” Make sure students have the materials they will need to do Task 4. 2 Say: “Let’s make a name card. Look at me. Listen and follow the instructions.” Play the tapE/CD or read 1 Introduce yourself. Say: “Good morning, class. I’m Tapescript 2. Perform each action as you speak. (your name).” Write your name on the board. Prompt Stop after each instruction. students to answer “Good morning, teacher, or Good morning, (your name).” 3 Walk around the classroom. Check that all students have finished the name card. Tapescript 1 Good morning Tapescript 2 How to Make a Name Card Listen and greet your teacher. Listen and follow your teacher’s instructions to make Good morning, class. I’m Martha. a name card. Good morning, teacher. 1 Take some paper. Task 2 Introducing yourself to a classmate 2 Fold the paper in four parts, like this ... 3 Fold the paper like this ... 1 Invite a student to the front. Demonstrate what they 4 Write your name on it. have to do with the example. Say: “Hello. I’m (your 5 Put it on your desk. name). What’s your name?” Encourage the student to greet you and say his/her name. Task 5 Singing a song

2 Invite a pair of students to follow the same 1 Invite students to predict what they are going to do. procedure. Say: “Tell me your ideas about this task.”

3 Put all the students into pairs to introduce 2 Encourage students to listen to the song. Say: “Lis- themselves. Use your hands to show this grouping ten to the song and follow the words of the song in technique. your books.”

4 Walk around the class monitoring students’ work. 3 Play the tape/CD or sing the song at least twice.

N.B. Explain to students the formal use of Good 4 Invite students to sing each line of the song with you. morning and the informal use of Hello and Hi. 5 Invite them to sing alone. Task 3 Introducing yourself to other classmates N.B. Get students to sing this song every day or 1 Tell students to turn round and to introduce whenever you think it is appropriate. themselves to two other classmates. Walk around and monitor. Tapescript 3 Good Morning, Teacher

Good morning, Teacher. Task 4 Listening and following instructions Good morning, Teacher. How are you? N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intona- How are you? tion Very well, thank you with the tape before teaching. Very well, thank you How are you?

6 UNIT one Meeting Some People Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop reading skills • to present and practise vocabulary related to • to provide practice on syllable and sentence occupations stress • to develop intensive listening skills

Task 1 Listening and completing information 6 Tell students to check the information in pairs. Say: “Check the information with your partner, 1 Say: “Let’s read the instructions for Task 1”. Read please.” Mime as you speak. Allow students the instructions. Students listen and follow some time to check. the instructions in their books. 7 Ask a student to come to the board to com- 2 Encourage students to look at the photo and plete the table. the text in the speech bubble and predict what they have to do. Say: “Tell me what you Key have to do in Task 1.” 1 Daniel Rivera / a student / San Carlos 2 Sofía Pérez / a teacher / Cuenca 3 Copy the text in the speech bubble on the 3 Juan Robles / an engineer / board. Explain the task to students. Say: “Lis- 4 Laura Recalde / an architect / Guayaquil ten and fill in the blanks”. Use gestures and point to the empty spaces on the board as N.B. Refer to the intonation box in the stu- you speak. dents’ book to check stress and intonation. Explain 4 Say to the students: “Hello, I’m ...” (say your the use of a - an using the texts. name). “I’m your teacher. I live in ...” (say the place where you live). Task 3 Speaking practice

5 Say your information again to help students to 1 Read the task instructions. fill in the blanks. 2 Demonstrate the task. Copy these cues on 6 Check the information. Say: “Tell me the Hello. I’m ... I’m a ... I live in ... answers, please.” the board: Introduce yourself to the class. Point to the cues as you speak. 7 Ask a student to fill in the information on the board. Say: “(name), come to the board and fill in the blanks, please.” 3 Invite a student to the front to introduce him/ herself to the group using the cues on the Task 2 Reading and completing information board. Help him/her if needed.

1 Read the task instructions. Ask a student to 4 Get students into groups of four to do the read the instructions, too. task. Use your hands to show this grouping technique. Say: “Get into groups of four. 2 Copy the table on the board. Explain the Introduce yourselves to your partners.” meaning of name, occupation and place with your own information. 5 Walk around the class checking if that all students are doing the task. Help students 3 Demonstrate the task with the examples in with stress and intonation if necessary. the table. Point to the pictures and the texts. Read about Daniel. Encourage students to say 6 Take note of the common mistakes of stu- his occupation and where he lives (place). dents and correct them afterwards. Do not interrupt students while they are speaking. 4 Say: “Now do the task, please.” Allow stu- dents enough time to read the texts silently 7 Ask one or two students to introduce and complete the table. themselves in front of the class. 5 Ask Finished? to check if students have fin- A possible production model ished the task. Encourage them to say: “Not Hello. I’m ... I’m a student. I live in ... yet” if they haven’t finished or “Nearly” if they are about to finish.

7 Lesson 3 Following Instructions UNIT one

Lesson objectives • to practise following instructions • to provide practice on syllable and sentence • to raise awareness of syllable and word stress stress • to develop intensive listening skills

Task 1 Listening and counting Listen and number the pictures. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intona- 1 Mario, open the window, please. tion 2 Close the window, please, Cecilia. with the tape before teaching. 3 Rosa, open the door, please. 4 Close the door, please, Juan. 1 Familiarize students with the task. Read the 5 Pedro, stand up, please. instructions for Task 1. 6 Sit down, please, Marco. 7 Go back to your seat, please. 2 Tell students to listen to the numbers. Play 8 Write your name, please. Tapescript 4 or say the numbers aloud two or three 9 Roberto, go to the board, please. times. Key 3 Tell the students to count from 1–15 two or three 3 / 4 / 1 times. 2 / 5 / 6 9 / 8 / 7 4 Ask a group of students to count. Say: “This group (point at a group), count, please.” Task 3 Following instructions

5 Do the same with other groups and with individual N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intona- students. tion with the tape before teaching. Tapescript 4 Numbers from 1 to 15 1 Say: “Now follow my instructions, please.” Listen. Say the numbers. 2 Invite a student to follow your instructions. Give one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, him/her two or three of the instructions below. ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen. Help him/her if necessary.

Task 2 Listening and numbering instructions 3 Repeat the procedure with other students.

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and Instructions intonation with the tape before teaching. Open the window, please. Close the window, please. 1 Say: “Let’s read the instructions for Task 2.” Open the door, please. Close the door, please. 2 Tell students to look at the pictures and tell you Stand up, please. their ideas. Say: “Look at the pictures.” (Point to the Sit down, please. pictures.) Tell me your ideas. Go to the board, please. Write your name, please. 3 Draw nine squares on the board. Demonstrate the Go back to your seat, please. task with the example. Say: “1 Mario, open the win- dow, please.” Point to the instruction in the book Task 4 Giving and following instructions and write number 1 on the third square. 1 Put students into pairs. Use your hands to show 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 5. Stop after the grouping. Say: “Get into pairs. Give your partner each instruction to give students time to identify the instructions.” picture. 2 Tell students to take turns to give each other 5 Check students’ work orally. Say: “Number 2 is ...?” instructions. Encourage them to use the classroom and encourage students to respond simply with language in the box to ask you for any words. “Close the window, please, Cecilia.” 3 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work. Tapescript 5 Instructions Help them if needed.

8 UNIT one Identity Card Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to practise Wh-questions • to develop speaking practice

Task 1 Reading and completing information I live in ... I go to ... I’m in class ... 2 Demonstrate the activity with a student. 1 Read the instructions for Task 1. Say: “(name), come here, please.” Encourage the student to talk to the class using his/her 2 Copy the student card on the board. Invite a notes and the cues on the board. student to give his/her personal information. Say: “Tell me your name ... etc.” Write his/her 2 Focus students’ attention on the correct information on the student card. Using the pronunciation of the initial /s/. identity card, encourage students to guess the meaning of name, age, town/city, class, signa- 3 Follow the same procedure with one or two ture. more students. 2 Invite students to do the task. Say: “Look at 4 Get students into groups. Say: “Get into the picture and the text. Complete the infor- groups of four.” mation.” Point to the text in the bubble as you speak. 5 Walk around the class and monitor. 3 Walk around checking students’ work 6 Ask one or two students to talk about individually. Help students if needed. themselves. 4 Tell students to compare their information in A possible production model pairs. Hello. I’m (Pedro). I’m (twelve). I live in 5 Invite a student to complete the information (Cuenca). I go to (Simón Bolívar School). I’m in on the board. class (one). Key Task 4 Asking and answering questions Name: Patricia Paredes Age: 13 1 Read the task instructions. Town/city: Quito Class: 1 2 Copy the questions and the information to be completed on the board. Task 2 Writing 3 Invite a student to come to the front. Ask the 1 Say: “Let’s read the instructions for Task 2.” Tell student the questions. Point to them as you students to listen to and read the instruc- speak. Encourage him/her to answer the tions silently. questions. Point to the information to be completed as you speak. Write the answers 2 Copy the card on the board. Invite a student on the board. to complete it. Say: “(name), come to the board, please. Write your information.” 4 Follow the same procedure with another student. 3 Tell students to work individually to complete their student card. 5 Ask students to work in pairs taking turns. 4 Monitor the task. Help students if needed. 6 Walk around and monitor. Help students if necessary. A possible production model Julio Cortázar School 7 Ask a pair of students to ask and answer the ID no. 1234 questions in front of the class. Name: Darío Castro Age: 13 A possible production model Town/city: Tumbaco His/her name: Augusto Díaz Class: 1 His/her age: 12 His/her town or city: Ibarra Task 3 Talking about yourself N.B. Explain the use of his/her with the 1 Write these cues on the board: I’m ... I’m ... example on the board.

9 Lesson 5 The Alphabet UNIT one

Lesson objectives • to present and practise the alphabet • to introduce variety by means of a song, a • to develop intensive listening skills game and puzzle solving • to practise spelling

Task 1 Listening and practising the alphabet Key TV OK ID LG CD VHS DHL SOS CNN N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and TGIF intonation with the tape before teaching. Task 3 Spelling practice 1 Invite students to look at the picture of the balloons and predict what they have to do. 1 Write your name on the board. Say: “My name is (your name).” Spell it. Point to each letter as 2 Read the alphabet aloud A B C D E F G H I J you speak. K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2 Invite some students to spell their names. 3 Play Tapescript 6 or say the letters two or Say: “(name), spell your name, please.” Write the three times. Point to the letters as you speak. name on the board as each student spells his/her name. 4 Play the tape/CD again and invite students to point to the letters. Say: “Let’s say the letters Task 4 Asking for spellings together.” 1 Demonstrate the task with the example. Write Tapescript 6 The Alphabet two names on the board. Invite a student to come to the front. Say: “How do you spell Listen and say. Jorge?” Encourage the student to spell it. AHJK N.B. Refer also to the intonation box. BCDEGPTU O 2 Ask another student to come to the front and IY do the same with the other name. R FLMNSXZ 3 Get students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs. QUW Write four names. Take turns.” Task 2 Listening and identifying letters 4 Monitor the task. Help students if needed. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Task 5 Singing a song intonation with the tape before teaching. Refer to the procedure to teach songs. 1 Read the task instructions. Ask a student to read the instructions too. Tapescript 8 The Alphabet Song

2 Demonstrate the task with the example. Write A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P USA on the board. Say the letter “A” and underline it. Q R S T U V W X Y Z

3 Play or say Tapescript 7 two or three times. Now I know my ABC, won’t you sing along with me. 4 Ask students to check their answers in pairs. 5 Check the task on the board. Tapescript 7 Listen. Underline the letters that you hear.


10 UNIT one Lesson 5

Task 6 Listening and writing words 3 Invite students to play Hangman. 4 Walk around checking that all students are N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and participating. Help students if needed. intonation with the tape before teaching. 1 Read the task instructions. 2 Demonstrate the task. Invite a student to the front. Say: “(name), come to the board, please.” Spell a word (for example, school) and tell the student to write the word on the board. Encourage the student to use the classroom language suggested if needed. 3 Play Tapescript 9 or say the words letter by Task 9 Completing a crossword letter. Pause after each word. Allow students 1 Copy the crossword on the board. Draw two enough time to write the words. arrows: across ( ) and down ( ) to show 4 Tell students to compare their work. Say: their meaning. “Check your work with your partner, please.” 2 Point to number one (across) on the board. Prompt students to guess the word. Say: 5 Check the words orally. Say: “Number 1 is “Number one is ...” Write the word in the blank school”. Write the correct word on the board. space. Tapescript 9 Some Words 3 Tell students to work individually. Listen and write the words. 4 Walk around checking that all students are doing the task. Help if necessary. 1 school 2 name 5 Tell students to check the crossword in pairs. 3 job 4 place 6 Invite a student to the board to complete the 5 engineer crossword. Say: “(name), come to the board, 6 teacher please. Complete the crossword.” Key Key See Tapescript 9 Across 1 where Task 7 Playing a game 2 stand 3 write 1 Draw a vertical line on the board. 4 how 2 Think of a word. For example, teacher. Show Down the number of letters of the word with 1 what hyphens. (______). Say: “Give me a let- 2 spell ter.” Write the letter in the correct position if a 3 window student says a letter in the word. If a letter 4 hangman occurs more than once, write it more than once. 3 If the letter is not in the word, add a horizontal line to the vertical line as in the drawing. TEACHING TIPS

4 Ask for another letter. Draw something for Don’t expect perfect pronunciation. You every wrong letter, in this order: the rope, the head, the body, the arms and the legs. should ensure that students can differentiate the letters ‘ b’, ‘ v ’, ‘ p’ , and also ‘m’ and ‘n’, 5 Continue asking for letters until you either and of sounds ‘the’, ‘d’. You should also complete the word or the man is hung. make sure that students stress the correct 6 Do the same with two or three words. For syllable in a word. example: architect, alphabet, morning. Note the question ‘How old are you?’ not Task 8 Playing a game in groups ‘How old have you?’. If this question is learned as a chunk, then interference is less 1 Get students into groups. 2 Tell a member of each group to note down two likely. Also, ‘I’m eleven (years old)’, not ‘I or three words. have 11 years’.


Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills • to introduce variety by means of a song • to reinforce and practise numbers • to practise saying and writing the time

Task 1 Listening and identifying numbers time for clock 2, please.” Tapescript 11 Time N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. Listen and mark the time on the clocks.

1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to read It’s nine o’clock. the instructions. It’s twelve o’clock. It’s ten o’clock. 2 Draw students’ attention to the pictures. Say: It’s six o’clock. “Look at these pictures. Tell me what you see.” It’s three o’clock.

3 Draw a circle with numbers from 1 to 12 on the Key board. 9 o’clock / 12 o’clock / 10 o’clock / 6 o’clock / 3 o’clock 4 Invite students to recognize the numbers. Point at them as you say the numbers. Task 3 Writing 5 Play the tape or read Tapescript 10 two or three 1 Read the instructions. Demonstrate the task with times. the example. Tapescript 10 Time 2 Tell students to write down any time they want. Give them enough time. Listen to the numbers and point at the time. A possible production model Point at number one on the clock. It’s one o’clock. 1. 9.00 2. 12.00 3. 11.00 4. 6.00 5. 8.00 Point at number 4. It’s four o’ clock. Point at number 11. It’s 11 o’clock. Task 4 Speaking Point at number 6. It’s 6 o’clock. Point at number 8. It’s 8 o’clock. 1 Read the task instructions. Point at number 11. It’s 11 o’clock. Point at number 12. It’s 12 o’clock. 2 Give a speaking model. Bring one student to the front. Say: “(name), what time is it, please?” Task 2 Listening and marking the time Encourage the student to answer using the first time he/she has written down in Task 3. Copy the N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and time on the board. intonation with the tape before teaching. 3 Invite a pair of students to speak. 1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to read the instructions. Say: “(name), read the instruc- 4 Put students into pairs. Use your hands to show tions for Task 2, please.” this grouping technique. 2 Draw the first clock on the board to demonstrate 5 Walk around the class. Listen to the students. Help what students have to do. if necessary. 3 Tell students to listen to the tape/CD. Say: “Listen A possible production model and mark the time.” Point at the numbers as you 1. 9.00 2. 12.00 3. 11.00 4. 6.00 5. 8.00 speak. Task 5 Singing a song 4 Play the tape or read Tapescript 11 two or three times or until most of the students have finished Refer to the procedure to teach songs. the task. Tapescript 12 The Number Song 5 Walk around the class and check students’ work. Listen and sing The Number Song. 6 Ask students to check the times in pairs. Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, 7 Check the times orally. Say: “(name), tell me the one. Time to go. Goodbye, everyone

12 UNIT two How to Make a Clock Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to provide students with a practical element • to practise following instructions to their course • to develop and practice vocabulary related to • to practise Yes/ No questions clocks and watches

N.B. Make sure students have the materials a clip, number 7 they will need to make the clock face. a red pen, number 8 Task 1 Reviewing numbers Key 1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 2, 4, 8 1 Read the instructions. Task 3 Listening and making a clock face 2 Demonstrate the task. Think of a number. Ask a student to the front. Say: “(name), guess my N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and number, please.” intonation with the tape/CD before teaching.

3 Copy the question (Is it ...?) on the board. 1 Tell students to look at the pictures. Encourage students to ask you the question. Answer as in the example. 2 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Tapescript 14 and draw a circle on the board. 4 Get students into pairs. Ask students to write the numbers and hide them. 3 Tell students to use the materials. Play the tape or read Tapescript 14. Say one 5 Walk around the class checking students’ instruction at a time. Give students enough work. Help if needed. time to follow the instructions. A possible production model 4 Check that all students are following the 7 - 6 - 3 -2 -1 instructions, and help them if necessary. Task 2 Listening and matching Tapescript 14 How to Make a Clock Face N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Listen and follow the instructions. intonation with the tape before teaching. 1 Draw a circle. 1 Read the task instructions. 2 Divide it into twelve parts. 3 Write the numbers one to twelve. 2 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of 4 Make a hole in the centre. Tapescript 13 and do the first one as an example. Task 4 Listening and completing instructions 3 Play the tape or read Tapescript 13 two or N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and three times or until most of students have intonation with the tape before teaching. completed the task. 1 Read the task instructions. Tapescript 13 Things you Need to Make a 2 Tell students to look at the pictures. Clock 3 Demonstrate the task with the example. 4 Tell students to work individually. Listen to the things you need to make a clock. 5 Play Tapescript 14 again to do the task. Match the pictures with the names of the things. 6 Ask students to check their answers in pairs. Say: “Get into pairs to check your answers, To make a clock you need: please.” a piece of card, number 1 7 Check the task on the board. Say: “(name), tell compasses, number 2 me the word for number 2, please.” some scissors, number 3 a black pen, number 4 Key a pencil, number 5 1 Draw 2 Divide 3 Write 4 Make a ruler, number 6

13 Lesson 2 UNIT two

Task 5 Following instructions give the answer, Eight o’clock. Then point at one of the watches and do the same. 1 Read the task instructions. Explain to students that they have to follow your 4 Put students in pairs. Student A asks about instructions. the clocks. Student B asks about the watches. 2 Say the instructions one by one. Say: “Look at me. Listen and follow the instructions.” Point at 5 Monitor students’ work. the instructions in the book as you read them. Give students enough time to do the task. Key Clocks 3 Check students’ work. Help them if necessary. 1 eight o’clock 2 nine o’clock Task 6 Listening and identifying times 3 two o’clock 4 eleven o’clock N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. Watches 1 seven o’clock 1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to 2 five o’clock read them. 3 twelve o’clock 4 three o’clock 2 Use one of the clocks made in Task 5. Invite a student to the front. Tell the student a time. N.B. Tell students to bring their clocks to the Encourage the student to show the time on next lesson. the clock.

3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 15. Stop after each time. Allow students enough time to do the task. Help them if necessary.

Tapescript 15 Times

Listen to the times and show them on your clock.

It’s two o’clock. It’s five o’clock. It’s seven o’clock. It’s nine o’clock. It’s eight o’clock.

Task 7 Asking and giving the time

1 Read the task instructions.

2 Tell students to look at the pictures to find out the difference between clocks and watches.

3 Now point at the grandfather clock and say: “Number one ...?” Encourage a student to

14 UNIT two Can You Tell Me the Time, Please? Lesson 3

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills • to practise marking the time • to introduce variety by means of a game

Task 1 Listening and marking times 5 Get students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs, please. Use your clocks”. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. 6 Walk around the class and monitor. Help if necessary. 1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to read them. N.B. Refer to the intonation box to show the stress and intonation of this question. 2 Draw a blank clock face on the board. Use one of the hand-made clocks. Say: “It’s five oh Task 3 Playing Bingo five”. Mark the time as you speak. Before class 3 Tell students to mark the time on the clocks in their books. Play the tape/CD or read Tape- Before this class prepare your own bingo card script 16. Stop after each sentence to give with times between 9 o’clock and 12 o’clock. time students to mark the time. Use this card to check the numbers that you call. 4 Tell students to compare the times in pairs. Say: “Check the times in pairs, please”. Prepare twenty times on twenty small squares of paper or card. Put them in a bag and take them 5 Invite a student to say the time and another out one by one, to pick the time at random. student to mark the time on the board. Make sure students have paper and scissors for the task. Tapescript 16 Marking the Time In class Listen and mark the times on the clocks. 1 Encourage students to predict what they are It’s five oh five. going to do. It’s five ten. It’s five fifteen. 2 Read the task instructions. It’s five twenty. It’s five twenty-five. 3 Tell students to read instructions 1 and 2. It’s five thirty. Show them what they have to do on the It’s five thirty-five. board. It’s five forty. It’s five forty-five. 4 Check that all students have completed the It’s five fifty. card and cut up the small pieces of paper. It’s five fifty-five. It’s six o’clock. 5 Demonstrate the game. Explain instructions 3 and 4. Perform each instruction as you Task 2 Speaking speak. Use gestures to demonstrate the verbs listen, cover and shout. 1 Invite a student to the front with his/her hand-made clock. Say: “(name), come to the 6 Tell students to listen and play the game. Say: front, please. Bring your clock”. “Now, let’s play. Are you ready?” 2 Ask the student the time. Say: “What time is it, 7 Take a piece of paper from the bag. Say the please?” time. Put the small squares over the times on the card as you call the times. In this way, you 3 Encourage the student to show the time on can easily check the times that you have called. his/her clock and answer. Carry on until someone shouts “Bingo.” 4 Invite another pair of students to ask the time 8 Check the winner’s card against your record and answer. card. Say: “(name), read the times on your card, please. Everyone, check your times”. If possible, offer a prize for the winner. This may be a

15 Lesson 4 More Numbers UNIT two

Lesson objectives • to develop more practice with numbers • to introduce variety by means of playing with • to develop intensive listening skills numbers

Task 1 Listening and writing numbers Tapescript 18 More Numbers

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Listen and circle the numbers you hear. intonation with the tape before teaching. twenty-four, ninety-nine, seventy-eight, forty, 1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to ninety, fifty-five, seventeen, sixty, one hundred, read them. Say: “(name), read the instruc- twelve. tions for Task 1, please.” Key 2 Demonstrate the task with the example. Invite 24 / 99 / 78 / 40 / 90 / 55 / 17 / 60 / 100 a student to the front. Say: “Write the / 12 number, please. Ready? Fifteen.” Task 3 Writing numbers 3 Play the tape or read Tapescript 17 two or three times or until the majority of students 1 Explain the task. Copy twenty on the board have completed the task. and the figure.

4 Check the task on the board. Say: “(name), 2 Tell students to do the task individually. Say: write the numbers on the board, please.” “Work individually, please.”

Tapescript 17 Numbers 3 Walk around checking students’ work. Help if needed. Listen and write the numbers you hear. 4 Tell students to check the answers in pairs. fifteen, thirteen, four, eighteen, twenty-three, seventeen, eleven, ten. Key twenty 20 / fifty 50 / sixty-two 62 / one Key hundred 100 / thirty-one 31 / seventy-six 76 / 15 / 13 / 4 / 18 / 23 / 17 / 11 / 10 ten 10 / forty-six 46 / seventy-eight 78 / eighty 80 / ninety-nine 99 / fifty-seven 57 Task 2 Listening and identifying numbers Task 4 Playing with numbers N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. 1 Read the task instructions.

1 Show students what they have to do. Dem- 2 Demonstrate the games with a few students. onstrate circle with the example. Explain the instructions one by one. Use gestures to explain Clap your hands. 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 18 two or three times. 3 Make sure everybody understands the rule of the game, i.e. the student who fails to clap is 3 Ask students to check their answers in pairs. out of the game.

4 Invite a student to circle the numbers on the board.

16 UNIT two Working with Numbers Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to practice adding • to develop speaking and writing skills • to introduce variety by means of a game

Task 1 Listening and completing sums Task 3 Playing with numbers

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 1 Read the task instructions. intonation with the tape before teaching. 2 Demonstrate the games with a few students. Explain the instructions one by one. Use 1 Read the task instructions. gestures to explain put your hands up and snap your fingers. 2 Copy the sum on the board (4 + 2 = 6) as you 3 Make sure everybody understands the main say: “four plus two equals six.” rule of the game, i.e. the student who fails to put hands up, snap fingers or say the num- 3 Tell students to listen and write the figures. bers is out of the game.

4 Play the tape/ CD or read Tapescript 19 two Task 4 Listening and completing a drawing or three times. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 5 Tell students to check the sums in pairs. Say: intonation with the tape before teaching. “Check the sums in pairs, please.” 1 Read the task instructions. Tapescript 19 Sums 2 Tell students to follow the order of numbers in Listen and complete the sums. the tapescript.

a) four plus two equals ... six 3 Play the tape or read Tapescript 20. Stop after b) five plus six equals ... eleven each number to give students time to find the c) twelve plus four equals ... sixteen number and join the dots. d) thirty-two plus five equals ... thirty-seven e) one plus forty-seven equals ... forty-eight Tapescript 20 A Bird f) twenty plus fifty equals ... seventy Listen and join the dots. Key One, twenty-seven, nineteen, thirty-four, ten, a) 4 + 2 = 6 thirty-five, twenty-eight, eleven, two, twenty, b) 5 + 6 = 11 thirty-six, twenty-nine, twelve, thirty-seven, nine, c) 12 + 4 = 16 twenty-one, three, thirteen, four, twenty-two, five, d) 32 + 5 = 37 sixteen, six, twenty-three, thirty, seven, e) 1 + 47= 48 thirty-eight, fifteen, twenty-four, thirty-one, f) 20 + 50 = 70 fourteen, thirty-nine, thirty-two, eight, forty, twenty-five, thirty-three, seventeen, twenty-six, Task 2 Writing sums eighteen, forty-one.

1 Invite a student to the front. Use the example TEACHING TIPS to explain what students have to do. Students should be aware of number structure 2 Explain to students the use of That’s right and and be able to deduce numbers to 99 not That’s wrong. presented. Students are only expected to be able to use this form of giving time at this stage. Time 3 Tell students to get into pairs and write five “Get into pairs. Student A: should be recycled as opportunities present sums each. Say: themselves, e.g. lateness, or you should create write five sums. Ask B. Student B: say the answer. opportunities, e.g. ask the students time at Take turns.” intervals.

17 Lesson 1 families UNIT three

Lesson objectives • to present and practise vocabulary related to • to develop writing skills families • to develop intensive listening skills

N.B. Tell students to bring some family photos information about Rosita’s family. for Tapescript 22 Rosita’s Family lesson five. Listen and complete the information about Rosita’s family. Task 1 Listening and identifying family members Hello. I’m Rosita Valencia. I’m 12 years old. Look. This N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation is my family. There are seven people in my family. with the tape before teaching. My father’s name is Ernesto. He’s 38 years old. My mother’s name is Mariana Cordero. She’s 35. My 1 Read the task instructions. sister’s name is Cecilia. She’s 5 years old. My broters’ 2 Introduce the words for family members orally. Say: names are Telmo and Julio. Telmo is 3 years old and “Listen”. Point to the words. Say the words in order. Julio is 14. My grandmother’s name is Miriam Lara. Use gestures as you speak. She’s 58. My grandfather’s name is Manuel Valencia. 3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of the He’s 56. I love my family. tapescript and point to the example. Say: “Father is number 1” Key 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 21 two or three Rosita Valencia/ 12 times. Ernesto / father / 38 5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Mariana Cordero / mother / 35 6 Check the task on the board. Cecilia / sister / 5 Telmo / brother / 3 Tapescript 21 Rosita’s Family Julio / brother / 14 Miriam Lara / grandmother / 58 Listen and identify the people. Manuel Valencia / grandfather / 56

Hello. I’m Rosita Valencia. I’m 12. Look. This is a Task 3 Making notes picture of my family. There are seven people in my family. My father is number 1 and my mother is number 1 Copy the words on the board and write down 4 in the picture. The girl next to my mother is my sister. information about your own family. She’s number 3 in the picture. The boys next to my 2 Tell the students to do the task individually. Say: mother are my brothers. They’re number 6. This woman “Work individually, please.” is my grandmother. She’s number 5 in the picture. 3 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed. Finally this man is my grandfather. He’s number 2 in the picture. A possible production model father Vicente 45 / mother Amada 42 / brother Luis 15 / Key Mario 17 / Sonia 8 1 father 4 mother 3 sister 6 brothers 2 grandfather 5 grandmother Task 4 Writing

Task 2 Listening and completing information 1 Explain that people add ’s to a name to indicate pos- session, as in father’s name. Give students some N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation examples. with the tape before teaching. 2 Tell students about your family using the information from the previous task. 1 Read the task instructions. 3 Tell the students to write about their families following 2 Copy the table on the board. Explain the meaning of the model. name, relationship and age with the example. 3 Read the first part of Tapescript 22 and write 12 in A possible production model the age column. I am Mario Torres. I am 12 years old. My father’s name 4 Play the tape or read Tapescript 22 two or three is (...). He is (...). My mother’s name is (...). She is (...). times. Say: “Listen and complete the information, My sisters’ names are (...) and (...). (...) is (...) and (...) please.” is (...). My grandmother’s name is (...). She is (...). My 5 Ask a student to come to the board to complete the grandfather’s name is (...). He is (...).

18 UNIT three A Family Tree Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop speaking skills • to learn how to complete a family tree

Task 1 Reading and completing information 2 Copy the question and answer on the board to demonstrate what students have to do. Point 1 Read the task instructions. Use gestures to to the pictures as you speak. explain the meaning of read and complete. 3 Write these cues on the board: He’s ... She’s ... 2 Tell students to look at the title of the text He lives in ... She lives in/near ... and the pictures. Encourage students to tell you what they have to do. Say: “Tell me what 4 Demonstrate the task. Bring a student to the you have to do in this task.” front. Say: “(name), come here, please.”

3 Demonstrate the task. Read the information 5 Point to a picture. Say: “Who’s this?” about Susana’s mother. Point to the picture Encourage the student to give a complete and the example as you speak. answer as in the production models below.

4 Encourage students to read the text silently. 6 Get students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs, Do not translate. Say: “Read about Susana’s please. Take turns to ask and answer.” family, please.” N.B. Explain the difference between the use 5 Walk around the class checking students’ of work. Allow students enough time to read. ‘s as a possessive and in contractions as in Who’s and She’s. 6 Tell students to check the information in pairs. A possible production model 7 Copy some squares on the board and write Who’s this? Elba, Susana’s mother. the names under the corresponding square. She’s 39. She lives in Calderón.

N.B. Her is used as the object of a verb or Who’s this? Carmen, Susana’s sister. preposition. You use her to refer to a woman, She’s 16. She lives in Quito. girl or female animal who has been already named. Who’s this? Juan, Susana’s brother. He’s 21. He lives in Quito. Key grandfather / Julio Who’s this? Laura, Susana’s grandmother. grandmother / Laura She’s 69. She lives in Manta. father / Francisco mother / Elba Who’s this? Francisco, Susana’s father. sister / Carmen He’s 47. He lives in Calderón. brother / Juan Who’s this? Julio, Susana’s grandfather. Task 2 Speaking He’s 65. He lives near Chone.

1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to read them.

19 Lesson 3 Pedro’s Family UNIT three

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop speaking skills • to know how to describe family relationships

Task 1 Reading and completing information 3 Demonstrate what students have to do. Say: “Who’s José?” Point to the information in the 1 Tell a student to read the instructions. table as you speak. Encourage the student to answer. 2 Tell students to look at the table and the text and predict what they have to do. 4 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer questions about Hortensia. Say: “Two 3 Copy the headings of the table on the board. volunteers, come here, please. Ask and answer Explain the meaning of relationship, married questions about Hortensia, please.” and single using the examples in the table. 5 Get students into pairs to do the task. 4 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part and complete all the information about José. Point 6 Allow students enough time to talk. Walk to the phrases in the text. around checking students’ work. Help them if needed. 5 Tell students to read the text silently. Say: “Read the text silently, please.” A possible production model Who’s José? He’s Hortensia’s husband. 6 Monitor the task. Walk around the class. Help Who’s Hortensia? She’s José’s wife. students if needed. Who’s Ma. Fernanda? She’s Hortensia’s daughter. 7 Tell students to get into pairs to check the Who’s Ximena? She’s José’s daughter. information in their tables. Who’s Pedro? He’s Hortensia’s son. Who’s Antonio? He’s Ma. Fernanda’s husband. 8 Check the answers on the board. Who’s Raúl? He’s José’s son. Who’s Cecilia? She’s Raúl’s wife. N.B. Explain the use of his.

Key José / ------/ married / Santa Elena Hortensia / his wife / married / Santa Elena María Fernanda / his daughter / married / Portoviejo Ximena / his daughter / single / Santa Elena Raúl / his son / married / Guayaquil Pedro / his son / single / Santa Elena

Task 2 Speaking

1 Copy the example on the board.

2 Invite a student to the front.

20 UNIT three Two Family Trees Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Speaking David’s mother. / María Augusta’s mother. Bolívar is Juan’s son. / Dolores’ son. / David’s 1 Get students into pairs, Student A and brother. / María Augusta’s brother. Student B. David is Juan’s son. / Dolores’ son. / Bolívar’s brother. / María Augusta’s brother. 2 Say: “Student A: look at the information about María Augusta is Juan’s daughter. / Dolores’ Marco’s family on the next page. Tell Student B daughter. / Bolívar’s sister. / David’s sister. about Marco’s family.” Point to Marco’s family tree. Say: “Student B: complete Marco’s fami- N.B. Tell students to bring some photos of ly tree.” Point to the family tree as you speak. their families to the next class. 3 Give students an example. Draw an outline family tree on the board. Invite a Student B to Task 2 Writing the front. Say: “Marco is Irma’s father.” Help Student B to fill in Marco and Irma on 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. the family tree. 2 Tell students to write individually. 3 Check the task on the board. 4 Tell students to do the task. Say: “Students A and B, do the task, please.” A possible production model Irma is Marco’s daughter. 5 Allow students enough time to do the task. Rocío is Marco’s husband and Irma’s mother Monitor students’ work. Help when necessary. Martha is Irma’s and Jaime’s sister. Jaime is Irma’s and Martha’s brother. 6 Say: “Now, Student B look at the information about Juan’s family, please. Tell Student A about Juan’s family.” Do the same as in steps 3, 4 and 5.

Production models Marco is Rocío’s husband. / Irma’s father. / Martha’s father. / Jaime’s father. Rocío is Marco’s wife. / Martha’s mother. / Irma’s mother. / Jaime’s mother. Irma is Marco’s daughter. / Rocío’s daughter. / Martha’s sister. / Jaime’s sister. Martha is Marco’s daughter. / Rocío’s daughter. / Irma’s sister. / Jaime’s sister. Jaime is Marco’s son. / Rocío’s son. / Irma’s brother. / Martha’s brother.

Juan is Dolores’ husband. / Bolívar’s father. / David’s father. / María Augusta’s father Dolores is Juan’s wife. / Bolívar’s mother. /

21 Lesson 4 UNIT three

N.B. These are the family trees for Student A and B in Task 1

22 UNIT three My Family Tree Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to exchange personal information about family relationships

Task 1 Family trees if they are wrong. If words are similar to Spanish (cognates), then it is probable that there will be a 1 Copy the family tree on the board. Complete different stressed syllable. Make sure that you the family tree with your own family members. know what the correct stress is. Be careful with words with prefixes or prefix-like first syllables, 2 Tell students to complete their family trees. e.g. between, about, below, etc. Syllable stress is more important than pronunciation of phonemes, Task 2 Speaking practice so that is where you should spend the time. Care with confusion between ‘your, his, her’, 1 Copy these cues on the board: Who’s this? where Spanish uses only ‘su’ for family’s mem- What’s his/her name? Who’s ...’s wife? He/ bers. she’s my ...

2 Invite a student to the front. Tell him/her to bring the photos of his/her family.

3 Tell the student to show you the photos and ask: “Who’s this?” Point to the cues as you ask. Encourage the student to answer.

4 Invite a pair of students to the front. Encourage them to ask and answer questions about their families using the cues on the board.

5 Get students into groups. Say: “Work in groups of four, please.” Use your hands to group the students.

6 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work. Help if needed.

TEACHING TIPS Make sure you follow the instructions carefully for the information gap exercise. Emphasize with examples that it is very common in English for stress to be on the first syllable of a word. If a student is in doubt, tell him or her to try putting stress on the first syllable, e.g. mother, grandmother (not grandmother), family, daughter, neighbour, listen. Note also English names used in Ecuador, e.g. Edgar, Freddy, Nelson, Wilson, Betty, Nancy, etc. have the same stress. You should correct students, of course,

23 Lesson 1 my classroom UNIT four

Lesson objectives • to practise and develop vocabulary related • to practise the use of prepositions of place to the classroom • to develop intensive listening skills

Lesson 1 objects with their positions.” Draw a matching line as you speak. Task 1 Listening and identifying objects 3 Tell students to listen and do the task. Say: “Listen and match, please.” N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 4 Play the tape or read Tapescript 24 two or three intonation with the tape before teaching. times or until most of students have finished the matching task. 1 Read the task instructions or ask a student to 5 Tell students to check the answers in pairs. Say: read them. Say: “(name), read the instructions for “Check the answers in pairs, please.” Task 1, please.” 6 Check the task on the board. Say: “(name), come 2 Introduce the words orally. Say: “Listen.” Point to to the board to do the matching task, please.” the objects in your classroom. Say the words in order. Tapescript 24 Ruth’s Classroom 3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Tapescript 23. Point to the example. Say: Listen and match the objects with their positions. “Number 1 is a bin.” 4 Tell students to number the objects as they Hello. I’m Ruth. I’m in class one. Look - this is a listen. Say: “Listen and write the number as you picture of my classroom. It’s very nice. There’s a listen.” bin. It’s near the window. There’s a chair. It’s near 5 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 23 two or the window, too. There’s also a map. It’s on the three times. wall. There’s a table. It’s near the chair. There’s a 6 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. board. It’s on the wall, too. There’s a cupboard. Then check the task on the board. It’s near the door.

Tapescript 23 Ruth’s Classroom Key a bin / near the window Listen and identify the objects in Ruth’s classroom. a chair / near the window a map / on the wall Hello. I’m Ruth. I’m in class one. Look, this is a a table / near the chair picture of my classroom. It’s very nice. There’s a a board / on the wall bin. It’s number 1. There’s also a board. It’s a cupboard / near the door number 2. There’s a map, too. It’s number 3. There’s also a table. It’s number 4. Oh! There’s a Task 3 Completing a text chair. It’s number 5. There’s also a window. It’s number 6. There’s also a door. It’s number 7. And 1 Read the task instructions. there’s a cupboard. It’s number 8. 2 Tell students to look at the picture. Point to the examples to demonstrate what students have to Key do. 2 a board 1 a bin 3 a map 5 a chair 4 a table 3 Tell students to do the task individually. 6 a window 7 a door 8 a cupboard 4 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed. 5 Check the task on the board. Task 2 Listening and identifying the position of objects Key 1 a board 2 a map 3 table 4 the window N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 5 chair 6 cupboard intonation with the tape before teaching.

1 Explain the words object and position using some objects in your classroom.

2 Copy the example on the board to demonstrate what students have to do. Say: “Match the

24 UNIT four Classroom Objects and Positions Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to provide more practice on the use of • to develop writing skills prepositions of place • to provide practice on the use of stress in • to develop speaking skills phrases

Task 1 Making notes board. Refer to the information in Task 1 on the board to complete the sentence. 1 Read the task instructions. 3 Ask students to complete the paragraph 2 Copy the table on the board. Say: “The teach- individually. er’s desk is ...” Point to the objects as you speak 4 Walk around the class checking grammar and and write the example on the board. spelling. Help if needed. 3 Invite a student to the front to write another 5 Invite a student to the front to write the example. Say: “(name), write about the door, description of your classroom on the board. please.” Correct mistakes when the student finishes 4 Tell students to do the task individually. writing. 5 Monitor students’ work. Allow students enough time to do the task. Help students A possible production model with pronunciation and intonation if necessary. This is my classroom. There is a board. It is on 6 Check the information on the board. Do not the wall. There is a bin. It is near the door. erase this information. There is also a table. It is near the board. There is a map. It’s near the window. There is a A possible production model cupboard. It is near the door. a bin / near the door a board / on the wall a table / near the window Task 4 Speaking a chair / near the table a cupboard / near the chair 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and predict what they have to do. Task 2 Speaking 2 Copy these phrases on the board: I think there’s a ... . Look. There’s a ... 1 Ask a student to read the instructions. Say: 3 Tell students to look at the pictures very “(name), read the instructions for Task 2, please.” carefully to spot the differences. Point to a 2 Copy these cues on the board: Where’s the ... picture and say: “Look, in this picture there’s a It’s ... map of Ecuador on the wall.” 3 Demonstrate the task. Invite a student to the 4 Ask students to do the task. Say: “Work front. Say: ”Where’s the teacher’s table?” individually, please.” Encourage the student to answer. Point at the 5 Monitor students’ work. Allow them enough information on the board. time to do the task. 4 Tell students to work in pairs. Say: “Get into 6 Ask students to compare the information. Say: pairs to ask and answer questions, please.” “In pairs, find the differences, please.” 5 Walk around the class checking students’ work. Help if necessary. Give students enough Key time to do the task. Picture 1: 6 Invite a pair of students to perform in front of There is a yellow bin. the class. The bin is near the board. There are nine chairs. A possible production model There is a map of Ecuador on the wall. Where’s the teacher’s table? It’s near the There is some chalk on the board. window. The flag in the shield is complete. Where’s the bin? It’s near the door. Where’s the board? It’s on the wall. Picture 2: Where’s the chair? It’s near the teacher’s table. There is a red bin. Where’s the cupboard? It’s near the chair. The bin is near the teacher’s table. There are eight chairs. Task 3 Writing There is a window near the board. There isn’t any rubbish near the bin. 1 Tell students to look at the information in Task The flag in the shield is incomplete. 1. Say: “Look at the information in Task 1, please.” 2 Write This is my classroom. There is a ... on the

25 Lesson 3 School Things UNIT four

Lesson objectives • to develop vocabulary related to school • to practise questions and answers things • to develop and practise colours

Task 1 Listening and labelling objects 6 Check the task orally. Say: “Tell me the colours you underlined, please.” N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. Key green, yellow, yellow, red, white, blue, brown, 1 Read the task instructions. blue, pink, green. 2 Tell students to look at the pictures and predict what they are going to do. Task 3 Making notes 3 Introduce the words in the box orally. Point to the pictures as you speak. 1 Write things and colours on the board. 4 Demonstrate the task. Draw eight squares on 2 Elicit some things students use at school. the board. Show students a pencil case and Say: “Tell me some things you use at write a pencil case in the second square as you school.” Write them on the board under speak. things. 5 Tell students to do the task individually. 3 Ask students for the colours of their things. 6 Play the tape or read Tapescript 25 two or Say: “What colour is this ruler?” Write the three times. colour under colours. 7 Check the answers on the board. 4 Tell students to do the task individually. 5 Give students enough time to do the task. Tapescript 25 My School Bag Help them if necessary. Listen and label the pictures with the words in A possible production model the box. a textbook / blue an eraser / red I use a lot of things at school every day. I have a pencil case / blue a school bag. It’s number 7. What’s in it? Let’s a ruler / yellow see ... I have a pencil case. It’s number 2 in the a notebook / black picture. There are some things in it. I have an a pencil / grey eraser. It’s number 1 in the picture. I also have a school bag / pink pen and a pencil. The pen is number 8 and the a pen / red pencil is number 6. I have a ruler. Yes, it’s number 3. Finally, I have a textbook and a Task 4 Speaking notebook. The textbook is number 4 and the notebook is number 5. I like all these things. 1 Read the task instructions. 2 Invite a student with some small things to the Key front. 1 an eraser 2 a pencil case 3 a ruler 3 Ask him/her to hide them. Use gestures to 4 a textbook 5 a notebook 6 a pencil show the meaning of hide. 7 a school bag 8 a pen 4 Encourage him/her to ask you the colour. Try to guess the colour. Say: “Is it green?” Task 2 Reading and identifying colours Encourage the student to answer Yes, that’s right or No, that’s wrong as in the example. 1 Show students some things they use at 5 Get students into pairs to do the task. Say: school. Say their colours: green, yellow, red, “Work in pairs, please.” white, blue, brown, pink, black. 6 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed. 2 Read the task instructions. 7 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer 3 Read the first part of the text and point to questions about the things they use at school. green. Ask students to underline it. 4 Tell students to do the task. Say: “Read the A possible production model text silently, please.” A: I have a school bag. What colour is it? 5 Walk around the class checking students’ B: Is it green? work. Help them if needed. A: Yes, that’s right. or No, that’s wrong.

26 UNIT four Timetables Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills in Ecuador and Great Britain • to raise students’ awareness of the • to develop speaking practice differences between school timetables • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Listening and completing information Thursday: Spanish, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, English, Music and Practical N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Options. intonation with the tape before teaching. Friday: Mathematics, Mathematics, Spanish, Science, English, Social Studies and Practical 1 Read the task instructions. Options. 2 Introduce the days of the week orally. Point to them as you call them out. Students point to Task 2 Listening and completing information the days as they listen to you. 3 Say the subjects in order. Point to them as N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and you speak. intonation with the tape before teaching. 4 Explain the word break, telling students what time they have it. Say: “Our break is at ...” 1 Read the task instructions. 5 Read the first part of Tapescript 26. Point to 2 Tell students to look at the subjects in the days, times and subjects to demonstrate Sophie’s school timetable. Say the subjects. what students have to do. Point to them as you speak. 6 Play the tape or read Tapescript 26 two or 3 Explain the word lunch to students. Use ges- three times. Tell students to focus their tures. attention on the subjects. 4 Tell students to complete the information as 7 Ask students to check the information in the they listen. Say: “Listen and complete the time- timetable in pairs. table, please.” 5 Play the tape or read Tapescript 27 two or Tapescript 26 An Ecuadorian School Timetable three times. 6 Check the task on the board. Listen and complete the information in this Ecuadorian school timetable. Tapescript 27 Sophie’s School Timetable This is an Ecuadorian school timetable. We have Listen and complete Sophie’s school timetable. nine subjects. On Monday we have Mathematics, Spanish, Music, Social Studies, English, This is Sophie’s school timetable. On Monday Science and Physical Education. On Tuesday we she has Science, Music, Humanities and have Spanish, Mathematics, Mathematics again, Mathematics. On Tuesday she has Design, Social Studies, English, Science and Physical Science, English and French. On Wednesday she Education. On Wednesday we have Mathematics, has Science, English, Mathematics and Spanish, Spanish again, Social Studies, English, Humanities. On Thursday she has Art, Science and Practical Options. On Thursday we Humanities, Mathematics and Design. On Friday have Spanish, Mathematics, Social Studies, she has English, French, Physical Education and Science, English, Music and Practical Options. Humanities. On Friday we have Mathematics, Mathematics, Spanish, Science, English, Social Studies and Key Practical Options. Monday: Science, Music, Humanities and Mathematics. Key Tuesday: Design, Science, English and French. Monday: Mathematics, Spanish, Music, Social Wednesday: Science, English, Mathematics and Studies, English, Science and Physical Humanities. Education. Thursday: Art, Humanities, Mathematics and Tuesday: Spanish, Mathematics, Mathematics, Design. Social Studies, English, Science and Physical Friday: English, French, Physical Education and Education. Humanities. Wednesday: Mathematics, Spanish, Spanish, Social Studies, English, Science and Practical Options.

27 Lesson 4 UNIT four

Task 3 Reading and completing information questions about the Ecuadorian and British school timetables using the questions in the 1 Read the task instructions. book.

2 Copy the table on the board. 4 Get students into pairs, Student A and Student B. Explain that Student A asks about 3 Explain the meaning of the phrases in the first the Ecuadorian timetable and Student B asks column. about Sophie’s timetable. Say: “Work in pairs, please.” 4 Demonstrate the task. Tell students to look at the information in Tasks 1 and 2. Point to the 5 Walk around the class and monitor as timetables as you speak. Complete the students practise. information about Sophie. 6 Ask some questions at random. 5 Tell students to do the task individually. Say: “Work individually, please.” N.B. Explain the use of How many and How long using this context. 6 Walk around the class checking students’ work. Help if needed. A possible production model What are Sophie’s school days? 7 Check the task on the board. Ask a student to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and go to the front and complete the table on the Friday. board. What time does school start? At 8.45. N.B. Do not erase the information for this What time does school finish? task. At 3.45. How long are the classes? Key Ninety minutes. Ecuadorian timetable How many classes are there? Schoo days: From Monday to Friday Four. Number of classes a day: 7 How many subjects are there? Number of subjects: 8 Nine. Duration of classes: 45 minutes Time school starts: 7.00 Task 5 Writing Time school finishes: 12.45 1 Tell students to look at the information in Sophie’s timetable Tasks 2 and 3. Say: “Look at the information in School days: From Monday to Friday Tasks 2 and 3, please.” Number of classes a day: 4 Number of subjects: 9 2 Copy the first two sentences on the board. Duration of classes: 90 minutes Look at Sophie’s timetable and complete Time school starts: 8.45 them. Time school finishes: 3.45 3 Tell students to do the task individually. Task 4 Speaking 4 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work 1 Read the task instructions. by looking at their books. Help students with spelling if necessary. 2 Invite a student to the front. Point to the question in the book and say: “What are the 5 Ask a student to the front to complete the school days in Ecuador?” Encourage the stu- paragraph. Make corrections if needed. dent to answer looking at the information from the previous task on the board. Key 1 8.45 2 four 3 are 4 lunch 5 3.45 3 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer 6 subjects

28 UNIT four Elisa’s Classroom Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to present and practise the difference • to build on students’ knowledge of between is and are classroom vocabulary • to reinforce the use of prepositions of place • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Listening and labelling objects 4 Tell students to do the task individually. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 5 Walk around the class checking students’ intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. work. Help if needed. 1 Read the task instructions. 6 Ask students to compare their work in pairs. 2 Ask students to tell you some things that are 7 Check the task orally. Say: “Tell me number 1.” in the classroom. Key 3 Say the words in the box two or three times. 1 is 2 are 3 are 4 is 5 are 6 is 7 are Point to them as you speak. Task 3 Speaking 4 Read the first part of Tapescript 28 to dem- onstrate what students have to do. 1 Read the task instructions. 5 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 28 two or 2 Write these cues on the board: Where are ... three times. Tell students to make notes as Where’s ... they listen. 3 Invite a student to the front. Point to the books 6 Check the task orally. and say: “Where are your books?” Encourage the student to answer as in the example. Tapescript 28 Elisa’s Classroom 4 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer Listen and label the objects. Use the words in questions about some objects in the class- the box. room. This is Elisa’s classroom. She goes to Pichincha 5 Get students into pairs. Tell students that the School in Quito. She is in class one. There are stress is on the last words in both questions 45 students in her class. The students have and answers. their books under their desks. There are two windows. There are also three posters on the A possible production model wall. One poster is near the board and the Where are your books? others are near the window. There is a Under my desk. noticeboard on the wall. There are two lights on Where’s the noticeboard? the ceiling. Near the door. Where are the posters? Key On the wall. 1 ceiling 2 lights 3 windows 4 posters Where are the lights? 5 desks 6 students 7 books On the ceiling. 8 noticeboard Task 2 Reading and completing information TEACHING TIPS

1 Read the task instructions. In English the use of possessive determiners is more common than in Spanish for possessions. Be This ... Elisa’s classroom 2 Write on the board. careful again with confusion between ‘your, his, 3 Encourage students to fill the space with is or her’, where Spanish uses only ‘su’. See Appendix 1 are. Write is in the space. Language reference page six for use of prepositions Explain that we use is when we talk about one of place. thing and that we use are when we talk about Note English always uses ‘a’ for a single more than one thing. possession, where Spanish omits the indefinite arti-

29 Lesson 1 OCCUPATIONS UNIT five

Lesson objectives • to present and practise vocabulary related to • to develop speaking skills occupations • to develop intensive reading skills

Lesson 1 work. Help if needed. 5 Check the information on the board. Task 1 Reading and completing information Key 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and tell 1 Juan Castro / a policeman you their ideas. Say: “Look at the pictures. Tell 2 Daniel Andrade / a carpenter me what you see.” 3 Sandra Rivera / a secretary 4 Carlos Páez / an artist 2 Copy sentence 1 on the board (Antonio lives in ...). Read the information about Antonio. Point Task 3 Speaking to the information as you speak. Say the answer. 1 Copy these cues on the board: What does ... 3 Tell students to read the descriptions silently do? He/she’s a ... and complete the sentences. 2 Invite a student to the front. Point to picture 3 4 Allow students enough time to do the task. and say: “What does Sandra do?” Encourage the Walk around the class checking students’ student to answer “She’s a secretary. What does work. Daniel do?. He is a carpenter.”

5 Ask some students to write the answers on 3 Invite another pair of students to come to the the board. Say: “(name), come to the board, front. Encourage them to demonstrate the please. Write the answers.” task. Point to the cues on the board as they speak. Key 1 Antonio lives in Quevedo. He is a farmer. 4 Get students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs, 2 Julio lives in Ibarra. He is a driver. please. Take turns to ask and answer ques- 3 Ana lives in Guayaquil. She is an architect. tions.” Tell students to ask and answer ques- tions about the pictures in Tasks 1 and 2. Task 2 Matching information 5 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ 1 Tell the students to look at the pictures. work.

2 Copy the names and the occupations on the A possible production model board. Point to Carlos Páez and say: “He’s a What does Antonio do? He’s a farmer. ...?” Encourage students to answer. Write 4 in What does Ana do? She’s an architect. the box next to a policeman. What does Julio do? He’s a driver. What does Juan do? He’s a policeman. 3 Tell students to look at the pictures, the What does Daniel do? He’s a carpenter. names and the occupations and do the task. What does Sandra do? She’s a secretary. What does Carlos do? He’s an artist. 4 Walk around the class checking students’

30 UNIT five More Occupations Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to practise Wh questions • to develop writing skills • to expand vocabulary related to occupations

Task 1 Speaking A possible production model 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and tell you their ideas about the task. Anita lives in Ambato. She is a teacher. 2 Write these cues on the board: This is ... He/ She works in a school. she lives in ... He/she’s a ... He/she works in a Víctor lives in Chone. He is a hairdresser. ... He works in a beauty salon. 3 Demonstrate the task with the example. Point Hugo lives in Quito. He is a newsreader. at picture 4 and the cues on the board and He works in a TV station. say the example. Rosa lives in Machala. She is a doctor. 4 Tell the students to work in pairs taking turns She works in a hospital. to speak. Say: “Work in pairs, please. Take Manuela lives in Saquisilí. She is a weaver. turns.” She works at home. 5 Walk around the class. Check students’ Esteban lives in Cuenca. He is a mechanic. intonation and pronunciation. He works in a garage.

A production model Task 3 More speaking practice

1 This is Anita. she lives in Ambato. She’s a 1 Write these cues on the board: teacher. She works in a school. What does ... do? 2 This is Víctor. He lives in Chone. He’s a ... is a ... hairdresser. He works in a beauty salon. Where does ... work? In a ... 3 This is Hugo. He lives in Quito. She’s a 2 Bring a student to the front. Point to a picture newsreader. He works in a TV station. and say: “What does Rosa do?” Encourage the 4 This is Rosa. She lives in Machala. She’s a student to answer by looking at the words doctor. She works in a hospital. under the picture. 5 This is Manuela. She lives in Saquisilí. She’s 3 Invite another pair of students to the front to a weaver. She works at home. demonstrate what they have to do. Encourage 6 This is Esteban. He lives in Cuenca. He’s a them to ask and answer using the cues on mechanic. He works in a garage. the board. 4 Put students into pairs. Task 2 Writing 5 Allow students enough time to speak in pairs. Walk around the class. Monitor students’ 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and the work. words in Task 1 again. 6 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer. 2 Demonstrate what students have to do. Point to picture 4 and write the example: Rosa lives A production model in Machala. She is a doctor. She works in a hos- What does Anita do? She’s a teacher. pital. Where does she work? In a school. 3 Tell students to choose three people and write What does Hugo do? He’s a newsreader. about them. Where does he work? In a TV station. 4 Monitor students’ work. Help when necessary. What does Rosa do? She’s a doctor. Where does she work? In a hospital. N.B. Make students aware of the difference What does Manuela do? She’s a weaver. between spoken and written texts, especially Where does she work? At home. in the use of contractions (speaking) and What does Víctor do? He’s a hairdresser. level Where does he work? In a beauty salon. of formality (speaking, less formal). What does Esteban do? He’s a mechanic.

31 Lesson 3 Work and Work Places UNIT five

Lesson objectives • to expand vocabulary related to occupations • to practise word and sentence stress • to develop intensive listening skills • to develop speaking practice

Task 1 Listening and completing information 1 Copy the table on the board.

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 29 and dem- intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. onstrate what students have to do. Use the example. 1 Copy the table on the board. 3 Tell students to focus their attention on the 2 Ask students to look at the picture and the names, occupations and places of work or table. study.

3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 29 two or Tapescript 29 and complete the information three times. about Patricia father’s. 5 Ask a student to do the matching task on the 4 Tell students to focus attention on the names, board. relationship to Patricia and ages. Key 5 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 29 as Ligia / nurse / hospital many times as necessary. Mauricio / economist / Central Bank Daniela / student / Galo Plaza School 6 Check the information on the board. Gonzalo / electrician / electricity company

Tapescript 29 Patricia’s Family N.B. Do not erase the information on the board. Listen and complete the table. Task 3 Guided speaking I’m Patricia Morales. I’m a teacher. I want to tell you about my family. My father is Gonzalo 1 Point to the information on the board and say: Morales. He’s 48. He’s an electrician. He works “Ligia is Patricia’s mother. She’s a nurse. She in an electricity company. Ligia Baca’s my works in a hospital.” mother. She’s 45. She’s a nurse. She works in a hospital. Mauricio’s my brother. He’s an 2 Bring a student to the front. Encourage the economist. He’s 23. He works at the Central student to talk about Mauricio. Bank. My sister is Daniela. She’s a student. She’s 17. She goes to Galo Plaza School. 3 Put students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs, please. Take turns to talk.” Key Gonzalo / father / 48 4 Walk around the class and monitor. Allow Ligia / mother / 45 students enough time to speak. Mauricio / brother / 23 Daniela / sister / 17 A possible production model Ligia is Patricia’s mother. She’s a nurse. Task 2 Listening and matching She works in a hospital. Gonzalo is her father. He’s an electrician. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and He works in an electricity company. intonation with the tape before teaching. Mauricio is her brother. He’s an economist. He works at the Central Bank. Daniela is her sister. She’s a student. She goes

32 UNIT five Where Do They Work? Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop speaking practice

Task 1 Listening and completing information work. Help if needed. 6 Check the task orally. Say: “(name), what does N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Marco do?” Do the same with Carlota. intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. Key 1 Ask students to look at the people in the waitress / electrician / housewife pictures and the table and to tell you their occupations. Say: “Look at José Vásquez. What Task 3 Speaking does he do?” 1 Copy these cues on the board: 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 30 to dem- What does ... do? ... is a ... onstrate what students have to do. Where does ... work? ... works ... 3 Play the tape or read Tapescript 30 as many 2 Bring a student to the front. Point to Carlota’s times as necessary. picture and say: “What does Carlota do?” Encourage the student to answer: “She’s a 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. housewife.” Ask “Where does she work? Then check the task on the board. (She works at home.)” Tapescript 30 Some people’s occupations 3 Get another pair of students to ask and answer questions about José Vásquez. Listen and complete the table. 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs to Francisco Ron is a cook. He lives in Manta. He do the task, please. Take turns to ask and answer works in a hotel. questions.” Edith González is an accountant. She lives in Loja. She works in an office. 5 Walk around the class and monitor. Help if José Vásquez is a fisherman. He lives in needed. Esmeraldas. He works on a fishing boat. A possible production model Key What does Carlota do? She’s a housewife. José Vásquez / Esmeraldas / a fisherman / on Where does she work? She works at home. a fishing boat Edith González / Loja / an accountant / in an What does Marco do? He’s an electrician. office Where does he work? He works outside. Francisco Ron / Manta / a cook / in a hotel What does Ana do? She’s a waitress. Task 2 Reading and underlining occupations Where does she work? She works in a restaurant. 1 Tell students to look at the pictures. Point at the pictures. Say the names and the What does José do? He’s a fisherman. occupations. Where does he work? He works on a fishing boat. 2 Copy the information about Ana on the board. Read it and underline waitress. What does Edith do? She’s an accountant. Where does she work? She works in an office. 3 Tell students to read the information silently and underline the occupations. What does Francisco do? He’s a cook. Where does he work? He works in a hotel. 4 Allow students enough time to do the task. 5 Walk around the class. Monitor students’

33 Lesson 5 What Does Your Father Do? UNIT five

Lesson objectives • to practice giving personal information • to add some variety by means of introducing • to encourage students’ social interaction a chant • to develop speaking and writing skills

Task 1 Making notes front. Ask the student some questions about the people in his/her family. Write the 1 Copy the headings of the table on the board. answers in the table as he/she speaks. Point to the questions and answers to prompt the 2 Tell students to complete the information student to answer. about four people in their family. Give students an example. 3 Ask a pair of students to come to the front of the class. Encourage them to speak and write 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. using the notes in their books. Help if needed. 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs, 4 Be ready to answer students’ questions about please. Take turns to ask and answer ques- unknown vocabulary. tions.”

5 Encourage students to ask questions in 5 Walk around the class checking students’ English (see Classroom language). work.

A possible production model A possible production model Luis / father /architec / building company Who’s Andrés? He’s my father. Sara / mother / nurse / hospital What does your father do? He’s a waiter. Pedro / brother / student / school Where does he work? In a restaurant. David / brother / student / school

Task 2 Making notes

1 Demonstrate the task. Say: “(name), tell me the names of the people in your table.” Write them in the first column.

2 Tell students to work in pairs. Say: “Get into pairs, please. Take turns to write the names.”

3 Monitor students’ work by looking at their books.

Task 3 Speaking and writing

1 Copy these cues on the board: Who’s ... ? ... is my ... What does ... do? ... is a ... Where does ... work? In a ... 2 Bring the same student as in Task 2 to the

34 UNIT five Lesson 5

Task 4 Freer writing TEACHING TIPS 1 Use the information on the board to explain what students have to do. Don’t forget that English always uses a(n) for occupations. 2 Tell students to look at the information in Task Lesson 1: What does Rosa do? is the normal 1 to do the task. Say: “Now write about your question when you ask about a person’s family.” occupation. Again, the question should be learnt as a formula, without being analyzed, 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. with names or pronouns he/she as different Monitor their work. options for the third word in the question. Lesson 4: Note at home 4 Ask students to exchange books for pair correction.

5 Invite a student to write about his/her family on the board.

A possible production model My father’s name is Andrés. He is a waiter. He works in a restaurant. My mother’s name is ...

Task 5 A chant

Refer to the procedure to teach songs.

Tapescript 31 Let’s Chant

My mum's a cashier. She works in a store. Your mum's name's Rosa, But tell me some more. Where does she work? She's a cashier but She works in a bank. What about you? What do you do? Me? I'm a student Just like you.

35 Lesson 1 celebrations UNIT six

Lesson objectives • to present and practise ordinal and cardinal • to develop speaking and writing skills numbers • to develop intensive listening skills

Task 1 Matching numbers Tapescript 32 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

1 Tell students to look at the pictures and predict Listen and say the ordinal numbers. what the lesson is about. Say: “Look at the pictures. Tell me your ideas.” 1 first / 2 second / 3 third / 4 fourth / 5 fifth / 2 Write this in two columns on the board: 6 sixth / 7 seventh / 8 eighth / 9 ninth / 13 thir- cardinal numbers ordinal numbers teenth/ one first 14 fourteenth / 15 fifteenth / 20 twentieth / two second 21 twenty-first / 22 twenty-second / 23 twenty-third / three third 24 twenty-fourth / 25 twenty-fifth / 30 thirtieth / four fourth 31 thirty-first

Explain the use of ordinal numbers. Use the picture Task 3 Practising with numbers and the task numbers (Task 1/First task). 3 Explain what students have to do. Use the example. 1 Bring a student to the front. Say: “(name), come 4 Put students in groups of four. Say: “Get into here, please.” groups of four, please. Do the task.” 2 Say: “one.” Encourage the student to say the 5 Walk around the class checking students’ work. ordinal number. 6 Invite a student to do the matching on the board. 3 Ask the same student to say “two” and you say “second.” Key 4 Invite a pair of students to the front to dem- one / first onstrate the task. two / second 5 Put students into pairs. Say: ”Get into pairs, three / third please. Do the task.” four / fourth 6 Walk around the class and monitor. Help if needed. five / fifth six / sixth Task 4 Quiz seven / seventh eight / eighth 1 Explain the word quiz to students. Tell them that it twenty / twentieth is like a very short test. twenty-one / twenty-first 2 Get students into groups of three. twenty-two / twenty-second 3 Tell students to read the questions carefully and twenty-three / twenty-third write the answers. twenty-four / twenty-fourth thirty / thirtieth Key thirty-one / thirty-first 1 Juan José Flores 2 Venus 3 red 4 Thursday 5 e Task 2 Listening and saying numbers

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching.

1 Tell students to listen and say the numbers in order. 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 32. Stop after each number to give students the opportunity to say the ordinal number. 3 Invite two or three students to say the correspond- ing ordinal numbers.

36 UNIT six Special Occasions Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to present and practise vocabulary related to • to develop writing skills dates • to develop speaking skills • to develop intensive reading skills

Task 1 Matching words and pictures Pablo and his father / decorate the house Pablo’s mother / makes a birthday cake, buys 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and tell some ice cream, sweets and cookies you their ideas. Margarita / makes some birthday hats Pablo’s friends / bring presents 2 Demonstrate what students have to do using the example. Say: “Match the words with the Task 3 Speaking pictures.” Point to the words and the pictures as you do the matching task. 1 Point to the information in the table and talk about Pablo’s birthday party. 3 Tell students to work individually. 2 Invite a student to the front to talk about Pab- 4 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ lo’s birthday party using the information on work. the board.

Key 3 Get students into pairs to do the task. 1 Halloween 2 Valentine’s Day 4 Monitor students’ work. Help them with 3 birthday intonation and pronunciation as appropriate. 4 Christmas Day 5 Battle of Pichincha A possible production model Pablo writes invitations. Task 2 Reading and completing information Pablo and his father decorate the house. Pablo’s mother makes a birthday cake and buys 1 Tell students to look at the picture and the some ice cream, some sweets and some table and predict what they have to do. cookies. Margarita makes some birthday hats. 2 Copy the table on the board. Read the first Pablo’s friends bring presents. part of the text and complete the information about Pablo. N.B. As a variation students could ask and answer questions with what and who, for 3 Tell students to do the task individually. example “What does Pablo do?” “He writes invitations.” “Who decorates the house?” 4 Walk around the class. Check students’ work. “Pablo and his father.”

5 Ask students to check the information in pairs.

6 Ask a student to complete the information on the board. Correct errors if needed.

Key Pablo / writes invitations

37 Lesson 3 Birthdays UNIT six

Lesson objectives • present and practise the months of the year • to introduce variety by means of a song • to talk about ages and birthdays • to develop speaking and writing skills

Task 1 Reading and sequencing A possible production model 1 Bring in a calendar and show it to the How old are you? I’m thirteen. students. Encourage them to tell you the When is your birthday? On April 1st. months of the year. Task 3 Guessing game 2 Copy the table on the board. Fill in January and February to demonstrate the task. 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- standing. 3 Tell students to do the task individually. 2 Copy the examples on the board. 4 Walk around the class checking students’ work. 3 Invite a student to the front. Tell him/her a name of a member of your family. Encourage 5 Ask a student to say the months. Say: the student to ask the date of his/her birth- “(name), tell us the months in order, please.” day. Point to the examples as you speak.

6 Ask other students to say the months. 4 Bring a pair of students to the front to dem- onstrate the task. Key January / February / March / April / May / June 5 Put students into pairs to do the task. July / August / September / October / November / December 6 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed.

Task 2 Finding out information N.B. Explain that we use IN with months and ON with dates. 1 Copy the table on the board. Write How old are you? I’m ... A possible production model When is your birthday? On ... Is it in April? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. Is it on the fifteenth? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 2 Bring a student to the front. Write the student’s name. Ask for his/her information. Task 4 Singing a song Say: “When is your birthday?” Encourage the student to answer. Help him/her by pointing Follow the same steps as in Unit 1, Lesson 1, at the cues on the board and the months. Task 5. Write this information on the board. Then ask for his/her age. Say: “How old are you?” Tapescript 33 Happy Birthday to You

3 Tell students to get into groups of five. Say: Happy birthday to you. “Work in groups of five and do the task, please.” Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Father. 4 Tell students to write their partners’ names Happy birthday to you. and then find each other’s information. 5 Walk around the class checking students’ work. Help if needed.

38 UNIT six Christmas Time Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to present and practise the difference • to develop writing skills between there is and there are • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Preparing for the reading stockings at the foot of their bed or near the fireplace, give presents, make special Christmas 1 Tell students to focus their attention on what cookies they can see in the pictures. Task 3 Speaking 2 Write some cues on the board to help stu- dents to speak. For example: There’s a ... 1 Tell students to think about Christmas There are some ... celebrations in their families.

3 Write some words on the board such as 2 Get students into pairs to do the task. presents, Christmas tree, stocking. Point to the things as you speak. A possible production model We go to church in the morning. We make a Task 2 Reading and making notes nativity scene. We also have a Christmas tree. Then we give presents. 1 Copy the headings of the notes on the board.

2 Read a section of the text and write go to church. Notice that it is not go to the church — here the text is referring to going to church in general, not to a specific church.

3 Tell students to read the text silently and make notes.

4 Walk around the class checking students’ work. Help when necessary.

5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Say: “Compare your information in pairs, please.”

6 Invite three students to the front to copy the information on the board. Correct errors when appropriate.

Key In Ecuador, people make nativity scenes, go to church

In Britain, people have a Christmas tree, put stockings at the foot of their bed or near the fireplace, give presents, eat turkey, pull crackers In the USA, people have a Christmas tree, put

39 Lesson 5 How to Make a Christmas Cracker UNIT six

Lesson objectives • to provide a practical element to the course • to provide practice on following instructions • to introduce variety by means of a song

Task 1 Identifying materials Task 3 Completing instructions

1 Demonstrate what students have to do. Say: 1 Copy the first sentence on the board. “Match the pictures with the names of the things.” Point to the example. 2 Tell students to look at the words in the box and the instructions below. Point to the words. 2 Say the names of the materials. Point to the pictures as you speak. 3 Tell students to complete the instructions individually. Say: “Work individually, please.” 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. 4 Walk around the class checking students’ 4 Check the information orally. work.

Key 5 Check the task on the board. some glue — 1 some scissors — 4 Key a piece of card — 2 1 Cut 2 Cover 3 Stick 4 Tie 5 Put a piece of coloured paper — 6 some sweets — 8 some string — 7 a ruler — 5 a pencil — 3

Task 2 Reading and numbering pictures

1 Demonstrate the task. Read the first instruction and point to the picture numbered 1.

2 Tell students to do the task individually.

3 Walk around the class checking students’ work.

4 Check the task orally.

Key 2 / 3 / 1 4 / 5 7 / 6 / 8

40 UNIT six Lesson 5

Task 4 Singing a carol

Refer to the procedure to teach song.

Tapescript 34 The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my best friend sent to me a really fabulous cassette.

On the second day of Christmas my best friend sent to me two bags of sweets.

On the third day of Christmas my best friend sent to me three blue pens, two bags of sweets and a fabulous cassette.

On the fourth day of Christmas my best friend sent to me four yellow pencils, three blue pens, two bags of sweets and a fabulous cassette.

On the fifth day of Christmas my best friend sent to me five plastic rings, four yellow pencils, three blue pens, two bags of sweets and a fabulous cassette.

On the sixth day of Christmas my best friend sent to me six orange ribbons, five plastic rings, four yellow pencils, three blue pens, two bags of sweets and a fabulous cassette.


You should ensure that a student writes the day and date on the board every day, or ask a student to give the date, spelling the day and month for you to write. Make a big fuss of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 15th, 21st 22nd, 23rd, 31st of each month, where possible. Pay special attention to Tuesday, Thursday confusion. Keep a list of birthdays (or delegate this to a student). Make a special announcement and get students to sing happy birthday. Note that ‘cumpleaños’ is birthday, not Happy Birthday Notice people celebrate, not the persons. We use the people for a specific group of people, e.g. the people of Ecuador. Double check that students put adjectives before nouns.

41 Lesson 1 My school UNIT seven

Lesson objectives • to review vocabulary related to school places • to develop speaking skills • to develop intensive listening skills • to develop intensive reading skills

Lesson 1 3 Tell students to compare the information with their partner. Task 1 Listening and identifying places 4 Check the task on the board.

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and Key intonation with the tape before teaching. 1 Abdón Calderón School is in Calderón. 2 There are twelve classrooms. 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and predict 3 There are three offices. what they have to do. 4 There is a playground. 2 Say the words as you point to them. Say the words 5 There is also a football pitch. again and tell students to point to the words in their books. Say: Listen. Point to the words. Task 3 Reading and completing information 3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Tapescript 35. Point to the example as you speak. 1 Tell students to look at the table and tell you their 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 35 as many ideas. Say: “Look at the table. Tell me what you have times as necessary. to do.” 2 Copy the table on the board. Tapescript 35 Abdón Calderón School 3 Read the first part of the text and complete the name. Listen. Identify the places. 4 Tell students to read the text silently. Say: “Read ‘Our School’ silently, please.” We go to Abdón Calderón School. It is in Calderon. 5 Go round checking that everyone is making notes. Our school is small. There are twelve classrooms 6 Check the task on the board. and three offices. The classrooms are number 1 in the picture. The offices are number 5. There are Key gardens. They are beautiful. The gardens are number 1 Camilo Ponce School 4 in the picture. There is a playground. It is big. The 2 Quevedo playground is number 2 in the picture. There is also 3 twelve a basketball court. The basketball court is number 6 4 two in the picture. There is a football pitch too. The 5 There is a big playground and a garden. football pitch is number 3 in the picture. Task 4 Speaking Key 3 the football pitch 1 Copy these cues on the board: How many ... are 4 the gardens there? There are ... 2 the playground 2 Bring a student to the front. Ask the student 1 the classrooms questions about one of the schools. Point to the 6 the basketball court cues as you speak. 5 the offices 3 Ask a pair of students to ask and answer questions about one of the schools. Task 2 Listening and selecting correct 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “In pairs, ask and information answer the questions, please.” 5 Monitor the task. Walk around the class checking N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and pronunciation and intonation. intonation with the tape before teaching. A possible production model 1 Copy the sentences on the board. Read the first What’s the school’s name? Abdón Calderón. part of Tapescript 35 and tick the correct Where is it? In Calderón. information for question 1. How many classrooms are there? Twelve. 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 35 two or How many offices are there? Three. three times.

42 UNIT seven School Subjects Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills • to practise vocabulary related to school • to develop intensive reading skills subjects • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Listening and completing information 3 Tell students to read the text silently. Say: “Work individually. Read the text silently, please.” N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 4 Monitor students’ work. Walk around the intonation with the tape before teaching. class. Help students if needed. 5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 1 Copy the table on the board. 6 Ask a student to complete the information on 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 36 and the board. Say: “(name), come to the board, complete the information as in the example. please. Complete the information.” 3 Tell students to focus their attention on the days of the week and the subjects. Key 4 Play the tape or read Tapescript 36 as many 1.15 — 2.00 — Social Studies times as necessary. 2.00 — 2.45 — Mathematics 5 Check the task orally. 2.45 — 3.30 — English 3.30 — 4.15 — Science Tapescript 36 Our School Timetable 4.15 — 5.00 — Music 5.00 — 5.45 — Physical Education Listen and complete the table. Task 4 Making notes I’m Teresa. I like Social Studies. I have Social Studies on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 1 Copy the table on the board. I’m Renata. I like Maths. I have Maths on 2 Tell students to choose one school day and Monday, Wednesday and Friday. write the subjects for that day in the table. 3 Walk around the class and monitor students’ Key work. Teresa: Social Studies / Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Task 5 Speaking and writing Renata: Maths / Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 Complete the table. Copy the example on the Task 2 Speaking board. 2 Talk about the timetable on the board. Point 1 Copy these cues on the board: ... likes ... She to the example as you speak. has ... on ... 3 Bring a student to the front. Encourage the 2 Talk about Renata’s timetable. Point to the student to talk about the timetable. cues as you speak. 4 Put students into pairs. Explain that one 3 Bring a student to the front. Encourage the student speaks and the other makes notes. student to talk using the cues on the board. 5 Check understanding. Ask a student to explain 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs, what they have to do. please. Take turns to talk.” 6 Tell students to do the task. Say: “Talk about 5 Walk around the class checking students’ your timetable and write about your partner’s pronunciation and intonation. timetable.” 7 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work. A possible production model Renata likes Maths. She has Maths on Monday, A possible production model Wednesday and Friday. We have six classes a day. On Monday, we have Task 3 Reading and completing information English, Science, Social Studies, Music, Maths and Physical Education. English is at 8.00. Science is at 8.45. Social Studies is at 9.30. 1 Copy the table on the board. Music is at 10.45. Maths is at 11.30. Physical 2 Read the first part of the text and complete Education is at 12.15. the information as in the example.

43 Lesson 3 School Staff UNIT seven

Lesson objectives skills • to identify school staff and their responsibilities • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop extensive and intensive listening

Task 1 Listening and identifying people 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 37 again and N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and complete the information about the head- intonation with the tape before teaching. teacher.

1 Copy the words on the board. Tell students to 3 Tell students to focus their attention on listen to you. Say the words two or three numbers. times. Point to the people as you speak. Then ask students to say the words. 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 37 again as many times as necessary. 2 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of Tapescript 37 and write D next to headteach- 5 Check the task orally. er. Key 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 37 as secretary — 1 many times as necessary. headteacher — 1 teachers — 12 4 Check the task orally. inspectors — 2 students — 100 Tapescript 37 People in My School Task 3 Reading and matching information Listen and identify the people. 1 Tell students to look at the information and There are many people in my school. The the text and predict what they have to do. headteacher is Mr Ruiz. He is letter D. There are two inspectors. They are letter A. There is also 2 Demonstrate the task with the example. a secretary. She is letter C. There are 100 students. They are letter B. There are 12 teachers. 3 Tell students to read the text silently. They are letter E. 4 Monitor students’ work. Key C secretary 5 Tell students to compare their answers. A inspectors B students 6 Ask a student to say the sentences. E teacher D headteacher Key The headteacher / administers the school. Task 2 Listening and completing information The secretary / helps everybody. The inspectors / are responsible for discipline. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and The teachers / teach in the classrooms. intonation with the tape before teaching. The students / study with their teachers.

1 Copy the table on the board.

44 UNIT seven Our School Day Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to introduce a practical element by means of • to develop intensive reading skills drawing • to develop writing skills • to introduce variety by means of a chant

Task 1 Preparing to read

1 Copy these cues on the board: I can see ... There is ... There are ... Ask students to look at the picture and tell you their ideas. Point to the cues as you encourage students to speak.

A possible production model There is a party. I can see some teachers. There are some students. I can see the headteacher. There is a band.

Task 2 Reading and selecting information

1 Demonstrate what students have to do with the example.

2 Tell students to read the text silently.

3 Walk around and monitor students’ work.

4 Check the task orally. Correct the false information.

Key May 24th is the date of the School Day. (4) The students elect a king. (x — The students elect a queen.) The students take part in sports competitions. (4) Everybody takes part in the celebrations — the students, the teachers and the parents. (4) There are a few prizes. (x — There are a lot of prizes.) There is a party at the end of celebrations. (4)

45 Lesson 4 UNIT seven

Task 3 Writing She has English class every day at noon. She has English class every day at noon. 1 Tell students to think about their School Day. English class, English class, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 2 Ask them about the date and some of their English class, English class, Thursday, Friday, activities. Write them on the board. Say: too. “When is our School Day? What do we do?”

3 Write these cues on the board: organize, take part, elect, there are, there is ...

4 Tell students to write about their School Day.

5 Walk around the class checking that students are writing. Help if necessary.

A possible production model Our School Day is on April 13th. The students elect a queen. They take part in school competitions — sports, science, art, music, etc. Everybody takes part in the celebrations — the students, the teachers and the parents. There are a few prizes. Finally, there is a party at the end of the celebrations.

Task 4 Drawing

1 Tell students to draw a picture of their School Day individually.

2 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed.

3 Invite a student to the front to talk about his/ her picture. Help him/her, pointing at the cues from Task 3 as necessary.

4 Put students into pairs to talk about their pictures.

5 Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary.

Task 5 A chant

Refer to the procedure to teach chants.

Tapescript 38 A chant

Lets Chant

46 UNIT seven A Letter Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop speaking skills • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge 1 Copy the information on the board. 1 Copy these cues: It’s a ... It’s about ... 2 Do the first one as an example. 2 Ask students to look at the letter and tell you their ideas. Point to the example to encourage 3 Tell students to complete the task. students to speak. Accept students’ responses in English or Spanish. 4 Check by bringing students up to the board to complete the information. A possible production model It is a letter from Ecuadorian students to A possible production model Sophie, a schoolgirl in Britain. It is about their School name: Andrés Bello school. Number of student’s 750 Favourit subjects: Social Studies (N.B. You may accept England for Britain, Town or city: Quito although England is only part of Britain. Inglaterra is usually used in Spanish to mean N.B. Ask students to bring photos of famous Britain.) people to the next class and bring in some photos of your own. Task 2 Reading and selecting information

1 Copy the first four sentences on the board. TEACHING TIPS

2 Read the first part of the letter and tick the Note capital letters for school subjects, e.g. fourth sentence. Mathematics. Notice ‘on’ for days / dates, ‘at’ for times 3 Tell students to read the letter silently to do and ‘in’ for months and years. the task.

4 Monitor students’ work. Walk around the class. Help if needed.

Key Juan Montalvo School has twelve hundred students. (x — It has eleven hundred students.) There are fifty students in class one. (4) There are thirty-five girls and fifteen boys. (x — There are thirty-five boys and fifteen girls.) Geography and History are the class’s favourite subjects. (4) They have their School Day on May 1st. (x — It is on April 13th.) They want to learn about Sophie’s school. (4) Task 3 Making notes

47 Lesson 1 people UNIT eight

Lesson objectives • to practise Wh questions • to build on students’ knowledge of famous • to develop more vocabulary related to people occupations • to develop intensive listening • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge picture of a famous person. 2 Tell a student to show the picture he/she brought to 1 Tell students to read the instructions for the task their group. Encourage him/her to ask the questions individually. in the book one by one. 2 Ask students the names of the people they know. 3 Encourage the group to answer the questions. 3 Tell students to do the task. 4 Change roles. Another student asks and the rest of 4 Check the task on the board. the students answer.

Key A possible production model 1 Whymper Who is this? Martin Palermo. 2 Bolívar Where’s he from? He’s from Argentina. 3 Sucre What does he do? He’s a footballer. 4 Che Guevara 5 Charles Darwin Task 4 Speaking

Task 2 Listening and identifying people 1 Draw students’ attention to the photos in Task 2. 2 Give a good speaking model. Say: “This is Ricky Mar- N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intona- tin. He’s from Puero Rico. He’s a pop star.” Point at the tion photo as you speak. with the tape/CD before teaching. 3 Put students in groups. Encourage one student to talk about one of the photos in Task 2. 1 Read the instructions. 4 Encourage another student to talk about the famous 2 Copy the table on the board. Say: “Match the names of person he/she brought from home. the famous people with their countries and occupa- 5 Bring some students to the front of the class. tions.” Point to the photos and the headings as you Encourage them to talk about the famous people. speak. 3 Demonstrate the task with an example. Play the first A possible production model part of the tape/CD or read Tapescript 39 and This is Shakira. She’s from Colombia. She’s a pop star. complete the information. This is Nicolás Lapentti. He’s from Ecuador. 4 Play the tape/CD or read the Tapescript 39 two or He’s a tennis player. three times. This is Martin Palermo. He’s from Argentina. 5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Then He’s a footballer. check the task on the board. This is Antonio Banderas. He’s from Spain. He’s an actor. Tapescript 39 Famous People This is Ricky Martin. He’s from Puerto Rico. He’s a pop star. Listen and match the names of the famous people with their countries and occupations. Task 5 Speaking

This is Ricky Martin. He’s from Puerto Rico. He’s a pop 1 Tell students to read the instructions silently. star. 2 Demonstrate the meaning of face down. Say: “Let’s This is Shakira. She’s from Colombia. She’s a pop star. put these pictures face down.” Demonstrate as This is Ronaldo. He’s from Brazil. He’s a footballer. you speak. 3 Encourage one student to pick up a picture and to Key ask the group about it using the questions in the Ricky Martin / Puerto Rico / a pop star book. Shakira/ Colombia / a pop star 4 Encourage the other students to answer the Ronaldo / Brazil / a footballer questions. 5 Invite students to take turns. Task 3 Speaking A possible production model 1 Put students in groups. Make sure everyone has a Who’s this? Oscar de la Hoya. Where’s he from? Puerto Rico.

48 UNIT eight Physical Description Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to present and practise vocabulary related • to develop writing skills to physical appearance • to develop speaking skills • to practise describing physical appearance

Task 1 Reading and matching information Edison: short, dark, straight Betty: long, light, wavy 1 Tell students to read the instructions for the Juan: short, dark, curly task and check understanding. Task 4 Speaking 2 Demonstrate the task with an example. Point at the first sentence and match it with picture 1 Put students in groups. Tell one student to number 2. describe a person from the group. He/she uses the descriptions from Tasks 1 and 2 as Key a model. 1 Doris 2 Edison 3 Juan 4 Betty 2 Another student has to guess who the student Task 2 Reading and identifying people is. Draw students’ attention to the examples provided in the book. 1 Read the instructions for the task. Check understanding. 3 Take turns. Try to encourage all students to participate. 2 Demonstrate the task with an example. Say: “Read the first description, please.” Allow stu- A possible production model dents enough time to read. Then say: “Who’s the student?” They might say the right answer Student A: She has short hair and blue eyes. (Juan). Student B: Is it María? Student A: Yes, it is. 3 Give students enough time to do the task.

4 Check the answers in pairs and then on the board.

Key 3 Edison 4 Betty 3 Juan 2 Doris

Task 3 Writing notes

1 Tell students to write notes about the students’ hair. Draw students’ attention to the example.

2 Give students enough time to do the task.

3 Check the task orally.

Key Doris: long, dark, straight

49 Lesson 3 Some Famous People UNIT eight

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills sportsperson • to develop intensive listening skills • to practise agreeing and disagreeing • to know about a famous Ecuadorian • to practise note taking

Task 1 Reading for information green eyes. She’s short. She has short, dark, straight hair. She likes writing poems. 1 Read the instructions. Check understanding. Eduardo Flores is a politician. He’s from Colombia but he lives in Cuba. He has black 2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task eyes. He’s very tall. He has short light curly with an example. hair. He likes playing the guitar. Eulalia Ponce is a famous Italian athlete. She 3 Give students enough time to do the task. lives in Rome. She has brown eyes. She’s tall. She has long, dark wavy hair. She likes 4 Check the answers in pairs and then on the swimming very much. board. Key Key Martha Calero / green / short Nicolás Lapentti / tennis player / Guayaquil / Eduardo Flores / black / tall August 13th, 1976 / Guayaquil / dark, short, Eulalia Ponce / brown / tall straight / brown / Nicolás Lapentti / Spanish, English and French / listening to music

Task 2 Listening and completing information

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching.

1 Read the instructions. Copy the table on the board.

2 Clarify the task. Tell students that they have to listen for specific information and tick it.

3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 40 as many times as needed.

4 Put students into pairs to check their answers.

5 Check the task on the board.

Tapescript 40 Three Famous People

Listen and tick the correct information.

Martha Calero is a famous Ecuadorian writer. She’s from Quito. She lives in Quito. She has

50 UNIT eight Lesson 3

Task 3 Listening and completing information Task 5 Speaking

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. intonation with the tape before teaching. Check understanding. Clarify the task: one student describes one of the people in the 1 Read the task instructions. Copy the table on picture, and his/her partner agrees or dis- the board. agrees.

2 Clarify the task. Tell students that they have 2 Give a speaking model. Say: “Look at the first to listen for specific information and tick it. photo. Antonio Banderas has blue eyes. Do you agree?” Encourage students to answer. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 40 as many times as needed. 3 Put students into pairs. Encourage them to use the sentences in the book and to use the 4 Put students into pairs to check their verb forms correctly. They take turns. Point answers. out the useful expressions in the Classroom language box. 5 Check the task on the board. A possible production model Key Paulina Rubio has brown eyes. Do you agree? Martha Calero / short / straight / dark Carlos Ponce has green eyes. Do you agree? Eduardo Flores / short / curly / light Shakira has black eyes. Do you agree? Eulalia Ponce / long / wavy / dark

Task 4 Listening and completing information

N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching.

1 Read the task instructions. Copy the table on the board.

2 Clarify the task. Tell students that they have to listen for specific information and tick it.

3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 40 as many times as needed.

4 Put students into pairs to check their answers.

5 Check the task on the board.

Key Martha Calero / Quito / writer / writing poems Eduardo Flores / Cuba / politician / playing the guitar Eulalia Ponce / Rome / athlete / swimming

51 Lesson 4 My Favourite Person UNIT eight

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to develop writing skills • to practise intonation within the phrase

Task 1 Speaking and making notes

1 Read the instructions. Clarify them.

2 Put students into pairs. Point at one of the students and say: “Ask about your part- ner’s favourite person and take notes.” Point at the other one and say: “Answer questions about your favourite person, please.” Point out the stress and intonation pattern in the questions at the bottom of the page. In addition to the questions in the book they can also ask about appearance and hob- bies.

3 Tell them to take turns.

4 Monitor the task.

5 Bring two students to the front to perform the task.

A possible production model Who’s your favourite person? Julio Hernández. Where’s he from? He’s from Spain. What does he do? He’s a pop star. Where does he live? New York. What else do you know about him? Well, he likes reading.

Task 2 Writing

1 From the notes taken in Task 1, students write about their partner’s favourite person.

A possible production model Ronaldhino is from Brazil. He is a footballer. He was born in Porto Alegre. His hair is black and curly. He has black eyes. He likes playing football a lot. At present he lives in Spain.

52 UNIT eight My Friend Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills different activities i.e. swimming • to develop speaking and writing skills • to develop intensive reading skills • to present and practise vocabulary related to • to practise Wh questions

Task 1 Reading for information 2 Put students into pairs. Point at one of the students and say: “Ask about your partner’s 1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding. friend and take notes in the second column in the table above.” Point at the second column 2 Copy the table on the board. as you speak. Point at the other one and say: “Answer your partner’s questions, please.” 3 Give students enough time to do the task. 3 Tell them to take turns. 4 Check the task in pairs and then on the board. 4 Monitor the task.

Key 5 Bring two students to the front to perform the Name: Andrés Moreno task. Place of birth: Chone Where he/she lives: Quito A possible production model Hair: short, dark and curly What’s your friend’s name? Marlene. Eye colour: green How old is she? She’s twelve. Favourite subjects: Physical Education and Is she short or tall? She’s short. Music What colour are her eyes? Green. Hobbies: pop music and dancing What about her hair? She has short dark hair. What are her favourite subjects? Literature and Task 2 Making notes English. What are her hobbies? She likes reading and 1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding. dancing.

2 Copy the table on the board. TEACHING TIPS 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. Note that English generally uses possessive determiners for descriptions including parts of 4 Monitor the task. the body, e.g. ‘Her eyes are brown.’ Note that in book 1 ‘He was born in Guayaquil…’ A possible production model is for receptive purposes only. name: Luis Gallardo Students use ‘Where’s … from?’ ‘He/she’s age: 13 from...’ height: tall Notice and point out difference in pronunciation eye colour: black of ‘live’ /li:v/ and ‘like’ /laik/. hair: dark, straight Notice the use of the ‘’ form for activities, favourite subjects: Science, Mathematics especially in British English, e.g. I like dancing. hobbies: listening to music, playing the guitar

Task 3 Exchanging information

1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding.

53 Lesson 1 my day UNIT nine

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive and extensive listening • to develop reading skills skills • to present and practise prepositions of time • to talk about means of transport

Task 1 Listening for detailed information Key 1 Margarita 2 Nancy 3 Gladys N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. Task 3 Speaking

1 Tell students to look at the pictures and the 1 Point to the times on the board and say: “Mar- sentences and predict what they have to do. garita gets up at six forty-five. She goes to school 2 Focus students’ attention on the example. by bus.” Say: “Look at the example. Margarita gets up at 2 Tell a student to talk about Margarita. Say: 6.45.” “Tell me about Margarita”. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 41. Stop 3 Get students into pairs to talk about Nancy after each sentence. and Gladys. Say: “Work in pairs. Take turns to 4 Check the answers orally. Say: “What time talk.” does Margarita get up?” Copy the times on the 4 Walk around the class and monitor. board. A possible production model Tapescript 41 Three Girls Margarita gets up at six forty-five. She goes to school by bus. Listen and write the times. Nancy gets up at 6 o’clock. She walks to school. Hello. I’m Margarita. I get up at six forty-five. Gladys gets up at six thirty. She goes to school I go to school by bus. by car. Hello. I’m Nancy. I get up at six o’clock. I walk to school. Task 4 Labelling Hello. I’m Gladys. I get up at six thirty. I go to school by car. 1 Copy the phrases on the board. Say them one by one. Ask students to say the phrases. Key 2 Demonstrate the task with the example. Margarita gets up at 6.45. 3 Tell students to do the task individually. Nancy gets up at 6 o’clock. 4 Monitor students’ work. Help if needed. Gladys gets up at 6.30. 5 Ask students to check their answers in pairs. Say: “Compare your answers with your part- Task 2 Listening and matching information ner.” 6 Ask a student to write the numbers next to N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and the phrases on the board. intonation with the tape before teaching. Key 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and guess 1 by car 2 on a horse 3 by bike 4 by bus the means of transport. 5 by canoe 6 by taxi 2 Demonstrate the task with an example. Read the first part of Tapescript 41 again and point to the line. Say: “Write the student’s name.” 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 41 two or three times. 4 Check the task orally. Point to the pictures and say: “Tell me her name.”

54 UNIT nine A School Day Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to present and practise present simple • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Reading and completing information 6 Walk around. Monitor students’ work. Help if needed. 1 Ask students to read the task instructions and look at the pictures. A possible production model What time do you get up? 2 Ask the students the times on the clocks. At 6.00 / quarter to six / 6.45. Say: “Tell me the time on the clocks, please.” What time do you leave home? At 6.30 / At 6.45 / 6.00. 3 Demonstrate the task. Read the first part of How do you go to school? the text and point to gets up. Say: “Raúl gets By bus / By car / I walk. up at six o’clock.” What time do you start school? At 7.00 / At 7.15 / At 1.00 / At 1.15 4 Tell students to read the text silently. What time do you get home? At 1.30 / At 6.45 / At 7.00. 5 Walk around the class checking that students are doing the task. Task 3 More speaking practice

Key 1 Talk about the student’s school day using the Raúl gets up at six o’clock. notes on the board from Task 1. He starts school at seven fifteen. He finishes school at twelve forty-five. 2 Bring a student to the front. Encourage the student to talk about his/her partner’s school Task 2 Speaking day using the notes in his/her book. Pro- nounce the third person -s clearly. Make sure 1 Ask students to think about their daily students notice the difference between the activities. Say: “Think about your day.” verb form in this task and in the previous task (first person). 2 Write these cues on the board: get up, leave home, go to school, start school, get home. 3 Tell students to turn round and talk to a new partner. Use gestures to explain what they 3 Bring a student to the front. Ask the student have to do. some questions as in the book. Point to the cues on the board as you ask. Encourage the 4 Tell students to do the task. Say: “Everybody, student to answer the questions. Write his/ do the task, please.” her answers on the board. (Do not rub out this information.) 5 Walk around and monitor.

4 Bring a pair of students to the front. A possible production model Encourage them to demonstrate the task. Manuel gets up at seven o’clock. He leaves home at seven thirty. He walks to school. He 5 Put students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs, starts school at seven forty-five. He gets home please. Take turns to ask and answer ques- at two thirty. tions. Make notes.”

55 Lesson 3 A Daily Routine UNIT nine

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive and intensive listening • to reinforce knowledge of the use of present skills simple • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Listening and sequencing pictures 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 42 again two or three times. N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 4 Ask a student to write the verbs on the board. 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and tell Key you their ideas about them and the task. gets back / gets up / starts / washes has / finishes / gets dressed / leaves 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 42 to dem- onstrate what students have to do. Task 3 Reading and matching phrases

3 Tell students to focus their attention on the 1 Copy the phrases on the board. Demonstrate sequence of activities. what students have to do using the example. 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 42 as 2 Tell students to do the task individually. Say: many times as necessary. “Work individually, please.” 5 Check the task on the board. 3 Ask students to compare the answers with their partners. Say: “In pairs, compare your Tapescript 42 Luisa’s School Day answers, please.”

Listen to Luisa’s mother talking about Luisa’s 4 Ask a student to do the matching on the day. board. I’m Luisa’s mother. Every day Luisa is in a rush Key because school starts very early. She gets up at Luisa gets up / at six o’clock. six o’clock and washes her face and her hands She washes her face and hands / at six ten. at ten past six. Luisa gets dressed at six fifteen. She gets dressed / at six fifteen. She has breakfast at six twenty. She has a cup She has breakfast / at six twenty. of coffee and some bread for breakfast. Luisa She leaves home / at six thirty. goes to school by bus. She leaves home at six She starts school / at seven o’clock. thirty. The trip to school takes more or less She finishes school /at twelve thirty. thirty minutes. She starts school at seven. She She gets back home / at one o’clock. finishes at twelve thirty. She gets back home at one o’clock. She’s very tired. I’m happy to see Task 4 Writing Luisa after school every day. 1 Bring a student to the front. Ask the student Key about his/her school day as in Lesson 2, Task 8 / 1 / 6 / 2 2. Make notes. 4 / 7 / 3 / 5 2 Write about the student’s school day. Task 2 Listening and identifying actions 3 Say: “Now do the task in pairs.” N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape before teaching. A possible production model Ruth gets up at six o’clock. She washes her 1 Say the verbs in the box. Ask students to say face and her hands at six ten. Ruth gets the verbs in the same order. dressed at six fifteen. She has breakfast at six twenty. Ruth walks to school. She leaves home 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 42 and dem- at six forty. She starts school at seven. She onstrate what students have to do. Write the finishes at twelve thirty. She gets back home at example on the board. twelve fifty.

56 UNIT nine The Weekend Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to develop writing skills • to present and practise ways for describing weekend activities

Task 1 Reading and making notes

1 Tell students to look at the picture, the text and the table and predict what they have to do.

2 Copy the table on the board. Focus students’ attention on weekend days.

3 Read the first part of the text and write the example on the board.

4 Put students into pairs. Tell students to read the text silently and make notes.

5 Walk around and monitor.

6 Bring a student to the front to complete the table. Correct errors if needed.

Key Saturdays: gets up at 9.30 / has breakfast / goes shopping with her mother / has lunch with her family at 1.30 / plays with her friends in the afternoon / watches TV in the evening Sundays: gets up at 10 / has lunch with her family at 1.00 / goes to the movies or visits friends in the afternoon

57 Lesson 4 UNIT nine

Task 2 Making notes and asking for Task 3 Writing information 1 Point to the information on the board and 1 Ask students about their activities at the write one or two sentences as in the example. weekend (in English or Spanish). Copy the activities on the board in English. 2 Tell students to do the task individually.

2 Tell students that there are some ideas in the 3 Walk around the class and monitor. book. Point to them. Say the phrases and ask students to say them as well. 4 Ask students to exchange books and correct each other’s paragraphs. 3 Tell students to make notes in the first table. Say: “Make notes here, please.” Point to the 5 Help students to correct the task. table as you speak. A possible production model 4 Monitor students’ work. Allow students On Saturdays, Julia gets up at 9 o’clock. She enough time to do the task. plays basketball in the morning. In the afternoon she cleans her room. 5 Copy these questions on the board: What do On Sundays, she goes to church at 10 o’clock. you do on ...? What time do you ...? She also helps her mum to cook. In the after noon, she watches TV. 6 Copy the table on the board. Bring a student to the front. Ask the student the questions and make notes.

7 Put students into pairs to do the task. Tell students to take turns to ask and answer questions.

8 Walk around the class checking students’ work. Help if needed.

9 Bring a student to the board to complete the notes about his/her partner.

A possible production model On Saturdays, Miriam: gets up / at 9 o’clock has breakfast / at 10 10 o’clock plays basketball / in the morning cleans her room / in the afternoon On Sundays, Miriam: goes to church / at 10 o’clock helps her mum to cook / at 11 o’clock watches TV / in the afternoon

58 UNIT nine Let’s Sing a Song Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to introduce variety and reinforcement by means of a song

Task 1 Singing a song TEACHING TIPS

Refer to the procedure to teach songs. Notice ‘get home’ (not ‘to my house’). Also the difference between ‘go home’ (start my N.B. Use the classroom language in the box. journey) and ‘get home’ (finish my journey). Notice ‘have breakfast’. You can also use Tapescript 43 This Is the Way ... ‘eat breakfast’. This is the way I wash my hands, wash my Note use of ‘in’ with ‘the morning, afternoon, hands, wash my hands. This is the way I wash evening’, but ‘on Saturday morning’, etc. See my hands, at six o'clock in the morning. also note in unit 7. We have avoided the use of ‘at night’ at this stage. This is the way I brush my hair at six o'clock in Make sure students pronounce ‘finishes’, the morning. ‘washes’ correctly with the /iz/ sound.

This is the way I drink my milk at seven o'clock in the morning.

This is the way I eat my bread at seven o'clock in the morning.

This is the way I brush my teeth at seven o'clock in the morning.

This is the way I go to school at seven o'clock in the morning.

This is the way I greet my friends at eight o'clock in the morning.

This is the way I play with my friends at eleven o'clock in the morning.

59 Lesson 1 my town UNIT ten

Lesson objectives • to develop awareness of the place the curriculum, i.e. social studies students live in • to develop intensive listening skills • to provide links with other areas of the • to introduce prepositions of place

Task 1 Activating general knowledge 1 Say the words in the box and ask students to say the words. Point to the places in the 1 Copy the cities and towns on the board. picture as you speak.

2 Ask students to tell you which are cities and 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 44 to dem- which are towns. onstrate what students have to do.

3 Tell students to do the task individually. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 44 as many times as necessary. 4 Ask a student to say the cities and the towns. 4 Tell students to compare their answers. Key Cities: Quito, Cuenca, Guayaquil 5 Check the task on the board. Towns: Patuca, Archidona Tapescript 44 My town Task 2 Making a list Listen and identify the places. 1 To demonstrate the task, divide the board into two columns. Write Cities and Towns. This is a small town in the Amazon Region. It has a big square in the centre of the town. It’s 2 Put students in groups to do the task. Tell number 1 in the picture. It has a church. It’s big them to use their notebooks to write the list. and beautiful. It’s number 2 in the picture. There are some schools in this town. There is 3 Walk around the class checking students’ one behind the church. It’s number 3 in the work. picture. There is also a bank opposite the church. It’s number 4 in the picture. There is 4 Ask students for some cities and towns. Say: also a market near the square. It’s number 5 in “Tell me the names of some cities, please.” the picture. There is a health centre next to the bank. It’s number 6 in the picture. There is a A possible production model river near the school. It’s number 7 in the Cities Towns picture. There is also a police station opposite Manta Crucita the market. It’s number 8 in the picture. Ibarra Cotacachi Milagro Daule Key Azogues La Troncal 1 a square Loja Vilcabamba 2 a church etc. 3 a school 4 a bank Task 3 Listening and identifying places 5 a market 6 a health centre N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and 7 a river intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 8 a police station

60 UNIT ten Lesson 1

Task 4 Listening and matching information It’s in the square. Where’s the school? N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and It’s behind the church. intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. Where’s the bank? It’s opposite the church. 1 Copy the table on the board. Where’s the market? It’s near the square. 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 44 and dem- Where’s the health centre? onstrate the task with the example. It’s next to the bank.

3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 44 two or Task 6 Identifying places three times. 1 Explain the code to students. 4 Check the task on the board. 2 Explain to students that they have to write the Key places. Point to the example. the square / in the centre of the town the school / behind the church 3 Tell students to do the task individually. the church / in the square the police station / opposite the market 4 Walk around the class checking students’ the bank / opposite the church work. the market / near the square the health centre / next to the bank 5 Ask students to compare their answers. Then the river / near the school check the task orally. Say: “(name), what is the first one?” Task 5 Speaking Key 1 Copy these cues on the board: Where’s ...? In school market the ... / Near ... restaurant car park bank hospital 2 Bring a student to the front of the classroom. Ask the student two questions. Encourage the student to answer by looking and pointing to the places in the picture.

3 Invite a pair of students to demonstrate the task.

4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Get into pairs, please. Take turns to ask and answer ques- tions.”

5 Allow students enough time to do the task. Walk around. Monitor students’ work.

A possible production model Where’s the square? It’s in the centre of the town. Where’s the church?

61 Lesson 2 A Neighbourhood Map UNIT ten

Lesson objectives • to review places in a town and their location • to describe the places in a town

Task 1 Making notes 5 Bring a student to the front to talk about his/ her town. Say: “(name), come here. Talk about 1 Ask students to look at the chart and tell you your town/city, please.” their ideas. Say: “Look at the chart. Tell me what you have to do.” Point to the chart to dem- 6 Put students into pairs to do the task. onstrate the instructions. 7 Walk around the class checking students’ 2 Copy the chart on the board. Explain the use work. of a, two, three, a few, a lot of. Give a few examples: a lot of churches / a few schools / Possible production models two markets, etc. We live in Limoncocha. It’s a small town in the Amazon Region. In our neighbourhood there are 3 Tell students to do the task. three schools. There’s a market and there’s also a church. 4 Walk around the class checking that students are making notes. We live in Esmeraldas. It’s a city in the Coastal Region. In our neighbourhood, there are three 5 Check the task on the board. Ask one student schools. There are also two churches. There’s a to write the places on the board. Say: “(name), river near my school. come here. Write some places in your town/city.” Do not erase this information.

A possible production model a square a few markets a lot of schools two banks three restaurants a church

Task 2 Drawing a map

1 Tell students to draw a map of their town or neighbourhood.

2 Allow students enough time to do the task.

3 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work.

4 Write these cues on the board: It’s ... There’s a ... There are ... Talk about the town on the board using your notes in Task 1. Point to the notes and the cues as you speak.

62 UNIT ten My Home Town Lesson 3

Lesson objectives • to develop writing skills • to provide students some fun through a song

Task 1 Writing 2 Near the square we have our school. 1 Tell students to look at the information in Near the river there's a swimming pool. Lesson 2, Tasks 1 and 2. There's a place for volleyball. There's something here for us all. 2 Ask students for some places in their town. Write them on the board. Chorus We have lots of things to do, 3 Copy these cues on the board: It has ... There Lots of things to do, lots of things to do. is ... There are ... We all have lots of things to see, Lots of things to do, lots of things to do. 4 Tell students to write about their town fol- lowing the example.

5 Walk around the class checking that students are writing. Help if needed.

A possible production model We live in Otavalo. Otavalo is a small town in the Highland Region. It has a big market on Saturdays. Otavalo has a big square in the centre. There are a few churches. There are also a few schools. There is a health centre. There is also a police station.

Task 2 Singing a song

Refer to the procedure to teach songs.

Tapescript 45 In the Town That I Come From

1 In the town that I come from We have lots to see and do Let's see now, just for a start We have a zoo-that's really smart.

Chorus We have lots of things to see, Lots of things to see, lots of things to see. We all have lots of things to see, Lots of things to see, lots of things to see.

63 Lesson 4 A Postcard UNIT ten

Lesson objectives • to review vocabulary related to the places in skills a town • to develop writing skills • to develop extensive and intensive reading

Task 1 Reading and completing information the market / near the hotel the school / near the river 1 Ask students to look at the picture and tell the bank / next to the church you what they have to do. the health centre / opposite the school the square / in the centre of the town 2 Say the words in the box. Tell students to say the words two or three times. Point to the Task 3 Writing places in the picture as you speak. 1 Copy the postcard format on the board. 3 Tell students to do the task individually. 2 Write these cues on the board: This is ... It is ... 4 Walk around the class and monitor. There is ...

5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 3 Say: “Now do the task individually.” Say: “Compare your answers in pairs, please.” A possible production model 6 Ask a student to write the words on the board. Dear ......

Key This is a picture of Sangolquí. There is a market 1 small near a hotel. There are a few schools in 2 square Sangolquí. My school is near the river. Sangolquí 3 church also has some banks. There is a bank next to 4 sports centre the church. There is a health centre opposite 5 football pitch the school. There is a square in the centre of 6 market the town. There is a big church. 7 river Best wishes, Task 2 Making notes ......

1 Copy the table on the board.

2 Ask students for some places in the town and their location. Write them on the board.

3 Tell students to think of their town and complete the places and their location.

4 Walk around the class and monitor.

5 Bring a student to the front to complete the table on the board.

A possible production model

64 UNIT ten Finding Places Lesson 5

Lesson objectives

• to recognize the places of a town in a plan • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Listening and locating places 2 Bring a student to the board. Ask the student some questions. Encourage the student to N.B. Check your pronunciation, stress and answer. Point to the places as you speak. intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 3 Invite a pair of students to ask and answer 1 Tell students to look at the words. Say the about the town. words two or three times. Ask students to say them. 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs, please. Take turns to ask and answer ques- 2 Read the first part of Tapescript 46 (up to tions.” There’s a church in the square) to demon- strate what students have to do. Point out that A possible production model in English, in the square can refer to the build- Where’s the square? It’s in the centre of the ings surrounding the square as well as the town. central part of the square. Where’s the church? It’s in the square. Where’s the school? It’s opposite the church. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 46 as Where’s the market? It’s opposite the bus many times as necessary. station. Where’s the health centre? It’s near the river. 4 Check the task on the board. Where’s the police station ? It’s next to the square. Tapescript 46 A Town Where’s the bus station? It’s opposite the market. Listen and locate the places. TEACHING TIPS This is a small town in the Highland Region. There’s a square in the centre of the town. Be careful with the prepositions: ‘Next to’ but There’s a church in the square. There’s a school ‘opposite’, behind’ and ‘near’ are not followed in the square. It’s opposite the church. There’s by an additional preposition, so ‘behind of’, etc a bus station near the church. There’s a market opposite the bus station. There’s a police station next to the square. It’s next to the river, too. There’s a health centre near the river. 4 Key 5 7 3 6 2 1 Task 2 Speaking

1 Copy these cues on the board: Where’s the ...? It’s near / opposite / behind the ...

65 Lesson 1 people of ecuador UNIT elev-

Lesson objectives • to raise awareness of the different types of skills people in Ecuador • to present vocabulary related to describing • to develop extensive and intensive reading people

Task 1 Activating general knowledge note down the main characteristics of Ecua- dorian people. 1 Tell students to talk about the picture. They have to discuss who the people are, where 4 Tell students to compare their answers with they are from, what they do, etc. their partners. Then check the task on the board. 2 Invite students to share their ideas with the rest of the class. Key Coastal: very lively, play a lot of music Possible answers Highland: quiet They are people from Ecuador. Some people are Amazon: quiet from the Coastal Region. Some people are from Galapagos: patient the Highland Region. Some people are from the Amazon Region. Task 4 Speaking

Task 2 Reading and matching information 1 Tell students to use the notes they made in Tasks 2 and 3. 1 Explain characteristics and meaning to the students. Say: “Characteristic is a quality 2 Give a speaking model using the information or feature that is typical of someone or in Tasks 2 and 3. Point at the notes in the something. The meaning of a word or table as you speak. expression is the thing that it refers to or expresses.” 3 Select some students and encourage them, one by one, to follow the notes and talk about 2 Use examples. Point to the pictures as you the main characteristics of Ecuadorian people. speak. 4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to practise 3 Give students enough time to do the task. talking about the main characteristics of the people. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 5 Monitor students’ pronunciation and intonation as they work on the task. Do not 5 Check the task on the board. stop students to correct them. Make the corrections after they speak. Key friendly / They like people. 6 Bring individual students to the front of the helpful / They help visitors. class to talk about the main characteristics of quiet / They do not talk very much. Ecuadorian people.

Task 3 Reading and making notes A possible production model People from the Galapagos Islands are friendly 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- and patient. standing. People from the Coastal Region are very lively. They play a lot of music. 2 Copy the table on the board. Do the first one People from the Highland Region are friendly as an example. and quiet. People from the Amazon Region are friendly and 3 Give students enough time to read silently and quiet.

66 UNIT elev- Regional Clothes Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to build on students’ existing knowledge of • to develop speaking skills vocabulary related to clothes • to develop extensive listening skills

Task 1 Labelling pictures Key blouse / T-shirt / sweater / shorts / sandals / 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. dress / skirt / sunglasses / bathing suit / poncho / Check understanding. suit 2 Draw students’ attention to the pictures. Talk about them. Task 3 Listening and completing information 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. 4 Tell students to compare their answers in pairs. N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress Then check the task on the board. and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. Key Picture 1: A; Picture 2: H; Picture 3: C; Picture 4: G 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding. Task 2 Listening and identifying clothes 2 Copy the table on the board. Focus students’ attention on the examples provided. Say: “Please N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress listen to the tape and complete the table.” and 3 Play the tape/CD or read the Tapescript 47 two intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. or three times or until most students have com- pleted the task. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Check understanding. 5 Check the task on the board. 2 Focus students’ attention on the drawings and the boxes near them. Say: “Please listen to the Key tape and tick the clothes the students mention.” Christian: shorts, sandals 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 47 two or Mayra: suits, dresses, sweaters, ponchos three times or until most of the students have Hugo: bathing suits, sunglasses completed the task. Lisa: T-shirts, blouses, skirts 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 5 Check the task on the board. Task 4 Speaking

Tapescript 47 Our Clothes 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding. Listen and tick the clothes they mention. 2 Put students into pairs. Point at Student A and say: “Choose one of the regions. Point at Student B Hi! I’m Christian. I live in Coca. It’s in the Amazon and say: Ask about what people wear in that Region. In this region, people wear shorts and region. Look at the example in your book.” sandals. 3 Tell them to take turns. 4 Monitor students’ work. Hello! I’m Mayra. I live in Tulcán. It’s in the 5 Bring two students to the front of the classroom Highland Region. In this region, people wear suits, to perform the task. dresses and sweaters. When the nights are very cold, people like to wear ponchos. A possible production model In the Amazon Region, what do people wear? Hello! I’m Hugo. I live in Atacames. It’s in the They wear shorts and sandals. Coastal Region. In Atacames, people wear bathing In the Highland Region, what do people wear? suits and sunglasses. They wear suits, dresses, sweaters and ponchos. In the Coastal Region, what do people wear? Hi! I’m Lisa. I live on Isabela Island. It’s in the They wear bathing suits and sunglasses. Galapagos Islands. In the Islands, people wear In the Galapagos Islands, what do people wear? T-shirts, blouses and skirts. They wear T-shirts, blouses and skirts.

67 Lesson 3 What Do They Do? UNIT elev-

Lesson objectives • to introduce vocabulary related to the family • to develop speaking skills • to develop extensive and intensive reading skills

Task 1 Guessing information Mónica and her family.

1 Read the task instructions. Check 4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to practise understanding. talking about the people.

2 Give students enough time to guess the 5 Monitor students’ pronunciation and information about the people and make notes intonation as they work on the task. Do not in the spaces provided. stop students to correct them. Make the corrections after they speak. 3 Do not confirm students’ answers. 6 Bring individual students to the front of the Task 2 Reading and completing information class to talk.

1 Read the task instructions. Check under- A possible production model standing. Who’s Galo? He’s Mónica’s father. What does he do? He’s a fisherman. 2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task Where does he live? He lives in Manta. with the example provided. What does Mónica do? She’s an engineer. Where does she live? She lives in Manta. 3 Give students enough time to read silently and complete the table.

4 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner. Then check the task on the board.

Key Mónica / — / Manta / engineer Galo Tinoco / her father / Manta / fisherman Hilda Zambrano / her mother / Manta / teacher Rosa / her sister / Manta / accountant Jaime / her brother / Chone / musician Oswaldo / her brother / Manta / student

Task 3 Speaking

1 Tell students to use the notes they made in Task 2.

2 Give a speaking model using the information in Task 2. Point at the notes in the table as you speak.

3 Select some students and encourage them, one by one, to follow the notes and talk about

68 UNIT elev- Regional Customs Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to present present simple verb forms to • to develop intensive reading skills describe general customs and facts • to provide students some fun and variety • to review vocabulary related to music and food through a song

Task 1 Labelling pictures Highland Musical instruments: guitar, flute 1 Draw students’ attention to the first set of Food: potatoes, corn, pork pictures. Tell them to look at the pictures and to guess the names of the instruments in Amazon English. Musical instruments: drums, flute Food: yucca, plantain, fish 2 Encourage them to label the pictures with the words from the box. Galapagos Musical instruments: guitar 3 Check the answers in pairs. Then check on Food: fish, rice, oranges the board.

4 Follow steps 1—3 for the second set of drawings (food).

Key Musical instruments: guitar, bongos, flute, marimba, drums Food: rice, potatoes, coconuts, oranges, pork, yucca, corn, fish, plantains

Task 2 Reading and completing a chart

1 Read the task instructions. Check under- standing.

2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task with the examples provided.

3 Give students enough time to read silently and complete the table.

4 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner. Then check the task on the board.

Key Coastal Musical instruments: marimba, bongos Food: rice, fish, seafood, coconuts, bananas

69 Lesson 4 UNIT elev-

Task 3 Speaking their beauty fills my eyes. Maybe it's because I'm Ecuadorian 1 Tell students to use the notes they made in that I want things to be right. Task 2. Maybe it's because I'm Ecuadorian that I think tomorrow can be bright. 2 Give a speaking model using the information I get a lovely feeling inside of me in Task 2. Point at the notes in the table as to see our beaches, sea and isles you speak. how lucky to be Ecuadorian let's show everyone our smiles. 3 Select some students and encourage them, one by one, to follow the notes and talk about N.B. Tell students to bring the materials Ecuadorian music and food. required for Lesson 5. Make sure you have some large sheets of paper for the posters. 4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to practise talking about Ecuadorian music and food.

5 Monitor students’ pronunciation and intonation as they work on the task. Do not stop students to correct them. Make the corrections after they speak.

6 Bring individual students to the front of the class to talk.

A possible production model In the Coastal Region, people play the marimba and bongos. They eat rice, fish, seafood, coconuts and bananas. In the Highland Region people play the guitar and the flute. They eat potatoes, corn and pork. In the Amazon Region people play the drums and the flute. They eat yucca, plantain and fish. In the Galapagos Islands people play the guitar. They eat fish, rice and oranges.

Task 4 Singing a song

Refer to the procedure to teach songs.

Tapescript 48 Maybe It’s Because I’m Ecuadorian

Maybe it's because I'm Ecuadorian, that I love my country so. Maybe it's because I'm Ecuadorian, that I think of her wherever I go. I get a funny feeling inside of me to see our rivers, lakes and skies, Mountains and tropical forests,

70 UNIT eleven How to Make a Poster Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive reading skills • to provide students with a practical element • to review language related to Ecuador to their course

Task 1 Reading and making a poster

1 Ask questions about the poster on the right of the page. Tell students they will make a poster like the one in the book and write about the pictures.

2 Tell students to read the instructions to make a poster.

3 Answer any questions.

4 Put students in groups. Ensure they have a clear idea of what to do.

5 Allow them enough time to work.

6 Monitor students’ work and help with vocabulary.


The correct word for ‘usar ropa /vestirse’ is ‘wear’; the word ‘use’ has a much more general meaning. Be careful with the pronunciation of ‘dresses’ /iz/.

71 Lesson 1 food UNIT twelve

Lesson objectives • to review vocabulary related to food • to talk about likes and dislikes • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Listening and matching Key 3 cheese N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 2 potatoes and intonation with the tape/CD before 1 tomatoes teaching. 10 pineapples 8 chicken 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 12 pork Check understanding. 5 rice 4 tuna fish 2 Focus students’ attention on the pictures and 11 milk the words on the left. Say: “Please listen to the 7 butter tape and write the corresponding number in the 9 corn box.” 6 oranges Task 2 Identifying likes and dislikes 3 Demonstrate the task with an example. Play the tape/CD or read the first part of 1 Read the task instructions and check Tapescript 49. Point at number 3 in their understanding. books. 2 Allow students enough time to work on the 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 49 two or task individually. three times or until most of the students have completed the task. 3 Bring one or two students to the front to do the task on the board. 5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Task 3 Speaking 6 Put the correct answers to the task on the board. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions and check understanding. Tapescript 49 Food 2 Put students into pairs. Tell them to ask and Listen and match the pictures with the names of answer questions following the examples in the food. their books. Tell them to make notes of their partners’ likes and dislikes. Food is important for life. There are different types of food. In this picture we can see some 3 Monitor students’ pronunciation and cheese, number 3; some potatoes, number 2; intonation as they work on the task. some tomatoes, number 1; some pineapples, number 10; a chicken, number 8; some pork, 4 Bring individual students to the front of the number 12; some rice, number 5; some tuna class to perform the task. fish, number 4; some milk, number 11; some butter, number 7; some corn, number 9; and A possible production model some oranges, number 6. Enrique likes potatoes, cheese and chicken. He doesn’t like milk and tomatoes.

72 UNIT twelve Three Meals a Day Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive reading skills • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge Task 4 Speaking

1 Tell students to look at the clocks in the 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. pictures. Check understanding.

2 Ask them the times of the meals. 2 Put students into pairs. Point at Student A and say: “Tell student B the food you have for Key breakfast, lunch and dinner.” Point at Student B six thirty / one o’clock / seven o’clock and say: “Make notes about your partner’s meals. Look at the example in your book.” Task 2 Reading for general information 3 Tell them to take turns. 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- standing. 4 Monitor students’ work. Correct pronunciation and intonation. 2 Tell students to skim the text silently and to label the pictures with the names of the 5 Bring two students to the front to perform the meals. task.

3 Tell students to compare their answers with a A possible production model partner. Then check the task orally. Anita has milk and bread for breakfast. She has rice, meat and salad for lunch. Key She has soup and coffee for dinner. breakfast / lunch / dinner

Task 3 Reading for detailed information

1 Read the task instructions. Check under- standing.

2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task with the examples provided.

3 Give students enough time to complete the information in the table.

4 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner. Then check the task on the board.

A possible production model breakfast: bread, milk lunch: soup, potatoes, salad, meat dinner: soup, bread, herbal tea

73 Lesson 3 Different Places - Different Food UNIT twelve

Lesson objectives • to provide links with other areas of the • to review vocabulary related to food curriculum, i.e. social studies • to develop intensive and extensive listening • to talk about likes and dislikes skills • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge Key 1 carrots 2 rice 3 watermelon 4 lemons 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 5 onions 6 avocado 7 apples 8 wheat Check understanding. 9 bananas 10 yucca 11 papaya

2 Say: “Look at the pictures and tell me the names Task 3 Listening and completing information of the products you know.” N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 3 Encourage students to label the products they and intonation with the tape/CD before know. teaching.

Do not check the task at this stage. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding. Task 2 Listening and labelling 2 Copy the table on the board. Say: “Please N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress listen to the tape and complete the table.” and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 51 two or three times or until most students have 1 Focus students’ attention on the drawings and completed the task. the lines under them. Say: “Please listen to the tape and label the other products.” 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs.

2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 50 two or 5 Check the task on the board. three times or until most of the students have completed the task. Tapescript 51 Products of Different Regions

3 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. Listen to some people talking about traditional products from the regions in Ecuador. Complete 4 Check the task on the board. the table.

Tapescript 50 Some Ecuadorian Products Ecuador has lots of natural products. Food varies all over the country. For instance, in the Listen and label the products. Galapagos there is tuna fish and lots of oranges; in the Amazon Region we find On this page there are some Ecuadorian plantains, oranges, yucca and bananas. In the products. You can see bananas, lemons, a Coastal Region there are fish, oranges, papaya, wheat, an avocado, a watermelon, rice, plantains, bananas, papayas, pineapples and yucca, apples, carrots and onions. The carrots rice. In the Highland Region there are apples, are next to the rice; the rice is next to the corn, potatoes, lemons and wheat ... watermelon; the watermelon is next to the lemons; the onions are under the carrots; the Key avocado is next to the apples; the apples are Coastal Region: fish, oranges, plantains, under the watermelon; the wheat is under the bananas, papayas, pineapples, rice lemons; the bananas are under the onions; the Highland Region: apples, corn, potatoes, yucca is next to the papaya, the papaya is under lemons, wheat the apples ... Amazon Region: plantains, oranges, yucca, banan- as

74 UNIT twelve Lesson 3

Task 4 Making notes 4 Tell students to do the same.

1 Read the task instructions and check 5 Monitor the task. understanding. A possible production model 2 Allow students enough time to make notes in I like rice but María hates it. I love papayas but the spaces provided. María doesn’t like them.

3 Monitor the students’ work.

A possible production model I like oranges, bananas and apples. I love yucca and avocados. I don’t like tuna fish. I hate tomatoes and corn.

Task 5 Speaking

1 Read the task instructions and check understanding.

2 Put students into pairs. Point at Student A and say: “Tell your partner what you like and what you don’t like.” Point at Student B and say: “Make notes of your partner’s likes and dis- likes. Look at the example in your book. Take turns.”

A possible production model Cecilia likes apples and cheese. She loves tuna fish. She doesn’t like pineapples. She hates milk.

Task 6 Writing

1 Read the task instructions and check understanding.

2 Say: “Look at your notes in Task 4. Look at your partner’s notes in Task 5. Find four differences.”

3 Bring one student to the board to write about the differences he/she found.Tell them to use the word but to separate an affirmative sentence from a negative one.

75 Lesson 4 How to Make a Fruit Salad UNIT twelve

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive reading skills related to food • to develop extensive listening skills • to provide the students with a practical • to build on students’ knowledge of vocabulary element to their course

Task 1 Labelling pictures 3 Play or read Tapescript 52 two or three times or until most students have completed the 1 Draw students’ attention to the pictures. Tell task. them to label the pictures. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 2 Allow students enough time to do the task. 5 Check the task on the board. Key 1 orange(s) Tapescript 52 How to Make a Fruit Salad 2 papaya(s) 3 sugar Listen and complete the instructions. 4 bananas 5 pineapple To make a fruit salad, follow these instructions: 6 grapes 1 Wash the fruit carefully. 7 apple(s) 2 Cut the fruit into small pieces. 3 Make some orange juice. Task 2 Reading and sequencing pictures 4 Put the fruit in a bowl. 5 Add the juice to the fruit. 1 Read the task instructions. Check understanding. 6 Add some sugar.

2 Copy the sentences on the board. Clarify the Key task with the example provided. 1 Wash 2 Cut 3 Give students enough time to read and match 3 Make the instructions with the pictures. 4 Put 5 Add 4 Tell students to compare their answers with a 6 Add partner. Then check the task on the board. Task 4 Speaking Key 6 Add some sugar. 1 Tell students to look at the pictures. 5 Add the juice to the fruit. 4 Put the fruit in a bowl. 2 Give a speaking model pointing at the 2 Cut the fruit into small pieces. pictures. 3 Make some orange juice. 1 Wash the fruit carefully 3 Select some students and encourage them to say the instructions to make fruit salad one Task 3 Listening and completing instructions by one.

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to practise and intonation with the tape/CD before telling each other the instructions. teaching. A possible production model 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. The same as Tapescript 52. Check understanding. N.B. Ask students to bring a dice, some paper 2 Copy the instructions on the board with the and a pair of scissors for tomorrow’s lesson. missing spaces. Say: “Please listen to the tape/ CD and complete the instructions.”

76 UNIT twelve Food Game Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to practise vocabulary related to food • to provide variety in the form of a game

N.B. Students will need one dice per group of Meat group: chicken, tuna fish, fish, pork three or four for the game, plus paper/scis- Task 2 Following instructions sors. 1 Tell students to read the instructions. Task 1 Listening and classifying 2 Tell them to follow the instructions. Dem- N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress onstrate what to do. and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. Task 3 Reading instructions

1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 1 Divide the class into small groups. Make sure Check understanding. each group has a dice. 2 Copy the table on the board. Demonstrate the 2 Tell students to read the instructions. task. Read the first part of the tapescript until the example is described. Point at the word 3 Clarify the instructions. Say: “A student has to tomatoes under the heading fruit and vege- throw the dice and move his/her name square tables. the same number of spaces as the number on the dice. Then he or she has to identify the pic- 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 53 two or ture and say the name of the food and food three times or until most students have group in English. If not, he/she misses one turn.” completed the task. The first student to finish the game is the win- ner. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 4 Demonstrate the game with one student. 5 Check the task on the board. Show them what they have to do when they find the monsters. Draw their attention to the Tapescript 53 The Importance of Food useful expressions in the classroom language box. Listen and classify the food in four groups. 5 Tell students to play the game in class. Food is important for life. There are four groups: TEACHING TIPS one, the fruit and vegetable group; two, the cereals group; three, the milk group, and four, Lesson 1: Technically, a tomato is a fruit. the meat and fish group. In normal English, ‘fruit’ is both the singular and plural form. ‘Fruits’ is more technical, In the fruit and vegetables group we have for example in agriculture. tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, pineapples, apples, bananas, yucca, plantains, oranges and Lesson 2: ‘Sometimes’ occurs in the text, avocados. but students are not expected to learn it at In the cereals group we have rice, wheat and this stage. Notice also ‘People have …’ . corn. We have used the American ‘corn’ here as In the milk group we have cheese, milk, butter the international word rather than ‘maize’, and yogurt. In the meat and fish group we have chicken, which is used in a more technical sense tuna fish, fish and pork. nowadays. Make sure students use ‘it’ and ‘them’ Key appropriately. Countable and uncountable Fruit and vegetables group: tomatoes, carrots, nouns are introduced here, but these are potatoes, pineapples, apples, bananas, yucca, plantains, oranges, avocados the same in Spanish. Cereals group: rice, wheat, corn Milk group: cheese, milk, butter, yogurt

77 Lesson 1 health UNIT thirteen

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive and intensive reading skills • to raise awareness on eating healthy food. • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge 3 Select some students and tell them to talk about their favourite food, one by one. 1 Tell students to talk about good food. 4 Put students in groups. Tell one of them to 2 Accept students’ responses. practise talking about the food he/she likes. Tell the others to make notes about the food A possible production model he/she likes as he/she speaks. Apples are good for you. Carrots are good for you. 5 Monitor students’ pronunciation and Milk is good for you. intonation as they work on the task. Do not stop students to correct them. Make the Task 2 Reading and completing a table corrections after they speak.

1 Read the task instructions. Check 6 Bring individual students to the front of the understanding. class to talk.

2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task A possible production model with the examples provided. I like milk. There is protein in it and there are vitamins and minerals. I like potatoes. There are 3 Give students enough time to read silently and carbohydrates in them. I like cheese. There is complete the table. protein in it. There is fat in it. I like fish. There are vitamins and protein in it. 4 Monitor students’ work. Help if necessary. Task 4 Writing 5 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner. Then check the task on the board. 1 Tell students to look at the notes they made in Task 2. Key Protein: milk, cheese, meat, fish 2 Invite one student to go to the front of the Carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, bread, sugar class to write about one of the students in Fat: meat, butter, cheese, oil his/her group. Minerals: vegetables, fruit, eggs, meat, milk, cereals 3 Tell students to complete the writing. Vitamins: fish, milk, fruit, vegetables A possible production model Task 3 Speaking Pablo likes potatoes. There are carbohydrates in them. He also likes meat. There is protein in it. 1 Tell students to talk about the food they like María likes apples. There are vitamins and using the notes they made in Task 2. minerals in them. She also likes fish. There is protein in it. 2 Give a speaking model using the information in Task 2.

78 UNIT thirteen Daily Eating Routine Lesson 2

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive and extensive listening skills • to use present simple verb forms to describe daily routines

Task 1 Activating general knowledge Key 5 / 2 / 6 1 Tell students to look at the pictures and talk 3 / 1 / 4 about them. Task 3 Listening and completing information 2 Help as necessary. Point out the correct stress and intonation of hamburger and 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. cigarette in the box at the bottom of the page. Check understanding.

Task 2 Listening and sequencing pictures 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 54 two or three times or until most students have N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress completed the task. and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 3 Tell students to check their answers in pairs.

1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 4 Check the task on the board. Check understanding. Key 2 Clarify the task. Play the first part of the tape watches / drinks / smokes and point at the example. eats / gets up / does

3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 54 two or Task 4 Completing information three times or until most students have com- pleted the task. 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- standing. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 2 Copy the incomplete sentences on the board. 5 Check the task on the board. Clarify the task. Give them an example. Make them aware of the third person verb form. Tapescript 54 Ricardo’s Daily Routine 3 Give students enough time to complete the Listen to Ricardo’s mother talking about his information about Ricardo. daily routine. Put the pictures in the correct order. 4 Tell students to compare their answers with their partner. Then check the task on the Ricardo is my son. It’s very sad for me to tell board. you about my son’s bad habits. He gets up at ten o’clock. He always gets up at ten o’clock. Key He’s very lazy. Then he drinks beer. He doesn’t 1 gets up drink juice or water. He always drinks beer. He 2 beer eats a lot of hamburgers. He always eats 3 eats hamburgers. He never does any sport. He 4 does watches television all evening. He also smokes. 5 watches TV He always smokes. Every night he smokes in 6 smokes bed. Don’t follow Ricardo’s bad habits, please!

79 Lesson 3 Healthy Habits UNIT thirteen

Lesson objectives • to build awareness about the importance of healthy habits • to use the words never and always • to develop writing skills

Task 1 Singing beer. Jenny never eats fruit but she always drinks 1 Encourage students to sing This Is the Way. water. (Page 59/Tapescript 43.) Task 4 Listening and sequencing pictures Task 2 Activating general knowledge N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. and intonation with the tape/CD before Check understanding. teaching. 2 Encourage them to talk about their good and bad habits. Give an example for the word 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. always. Say: “Would you like to hear about Check understanding. my habits: Well, I get up at six o’clock 2 Focus students’ attention on the drawings and every day. the boxes near them. Say: “Please listen to the I always get up at six. (Emphasize the word tape and number the pictures.” always.) I have some bread and some milk 3 Play or read Tapescript 55 two or three times for breakfast every day. I always have or until most of the students have completed some bread and some milk for breakfast. the task. I brush my teeth after breakfast every 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. day. I always brush my teeth after break- 5 Check the task on the board. fast.” Use gestures as you speak. 3 Ask students to tell you about their habits. Tapescript 55 Advice to Stay Healthy Tell them to use the word always. 4 Say: “Well, maybe you want to know more about Listen to some advice to stay healthy. my habits. Listen: I never smoke. I never drink much coffee.” Use gestures as you speak. To stay healthy, please follow this advice: 5 Encourage students to talk about their habits 1 Brush your teeth after you eat. using the word never. 2 Don’t smoke. 6 Put students into pairs. Encourage them to 3 Wash your hands before you eat. talk about their good and bad habits. 4 Don’t eat a lot of sweets. 5 Get lots of exercise. A possible production model 6 Don’t eat lots of fatty food. I always brush my teeth in the morning. I never eat fatty food. Key I never eat vegetables. 4 / 1 / 2 5 / 6 / 3 Task 3 Writing Task 5 Writing 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding. 1 Tell students to read the advice in Task 5 2 Clarify the task. Draw students’ attention to silently. the example provided. Write another example 2 Say: “Write the advice under the pictures.” on the board. Tell students to write down their 3 Give students enough time to do the task. partner’s good and bad habits. 4 Check the task on the board. 3 Invite some students to write their partner’s good and bad habits on the board. Key Don’t eat a lot of sweets. A possible production model Brush your teeth after you eat. María never brushes her teeth but she always Don’t smoke. washes her hands. Get lots of exercise. José never eats fatty food but he always drinks Don’t eat lots of fatty food.

80 UNIT thirteen Cholera Lesson 4

Lesson objectives • to build awareness about the importance of • to develop intensive and extensive listening stopping cholera • to provide a fun element to the course • to provide links with other areas of the curriculum, i.e. Health Education

Task 1 Activating general knowledge the tape and match the advice with the pictures.”

1 Tell students to read the instructions. Check 3 Play or read the Tapescript 56 two or three understanding. times or until most of the students have completed the task. 2 Give students enough time to do the task. 4 Do not check the task. 3 Do not check the task at this stage. Tapescript 56 Advice to Stop Cholera Key Mosquitoes cause cholera. (x) Listen to the advice to stop cholera. Match the Germs cause cholera. (4) advice with the pictures. Smoking causes cholera. (x) Dirty hands cause cholera. (4) 1 Take care with food from the street. 2 Put your rubbish in a bin. Task 2 Activating general knowledge 3 Use a latrine or toilet. 4 Wash your hands before you eat. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 5 Always boil water before you drink it. 6 Wash and peel your fruit before you eat it. 2 Encourage students to talk about the pictures. 7 Always cook seafood. Tell them to look at the advice in Lesson 3, 8 Always wash your hands after you use a Task 4. latrine or toilet.

A possible production model Boil water before you drink it. Use a latrine or toilet. Wash your hands after you use the toilet. Wash and peel fruit before you eat it. Put rubbish in a bin. Cook seafood. Take care with food from the street.

Task 3 Listening and matching information

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching.

1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding.

2 Focus students’ attention on the drawings and the boxes next to them. Say: “Please listen to

81 Lesson 4 UNIT thirteen

Task 4 Listening and checking answers Task 6 Writing

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. 2 Bring a student to the board. Tell him/her to write one piece of advice to prevent cholera. 1 Tell students to listen again or read Tapescript 56 and check the answers in Task 3. 3 Allow students enough time to write and to compare their work. 2 Check the task on the board. 4 Check the task on the board. Key 5 / 3 / 8 A possible production model 4 / 2 / 7 The same as in Task 5. 1 / 6 Task 7 Completing a crossword Task 5 Speaking 1 Copy the crossword on the board. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check understanding. 2 Point to number one (across). Prompt students to guess the word. Say: “Number one 2 Tell students to turn back to Task 2 and to is ... (toilet).” Write the word in the given space. give their partner four pieces of advice to prevent cholera. They should not look at the 3 Tell students to work individually. advice in Task 4. 4 Monitor student’s work. 3 Give a speaking model using the pictures in Task 2. Point at the pictures as you speak. 5 Check the crossword on the board.

4 Select some students and tell them, one by Key one, to give some advice to prevent cholera. Across: 1 another word for latrine 5 Put students into pairs. Tell them to practise 2 protein talking about how to prevent cholera. 3 smoke 4 seafood 6 Monitor students’ pronunciation and intonation as they work on the task. Do not Down: stop students to correct them. Make the 1 teeth corrections after they speak. 2 peel 3 vitamins 7 Bring individual students to the front of the 4 hands class to talk. N.B. Tell students to bring a dice to the next A possible production model lesson. Follow this advice to prevent cholera: 1 Use a latrine or toilet. 2 Wash your hands before you eat. 3 Always boil water before you drink it. 4 Wash and peel your fruit before you eat it.

82 UNIT thirteen Healthy Habits Game Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to provide variety in the form of a game • to practise vocabulary related to healthy food

N.B. Check students have dice and paper/ scissors.

Task 1 Following instructions

1 Tell students to read the task.

2 Help them to follow the instructions. Use gestures.

Task 2 Playing a game

1 Divide the class in groups of four. Make sure each group has a dice.

2 Tell students to read the instructions.

3 Clarify the instructions pointing to the game. Say: “Take turns to throw the dice and move your name square the same number of spaces as the number on the dice. Then you have to give the advice related to the picture in English. If not, you miss one turn. The first student to finish the game is the winner.”

4 Demonstrate the game with one student.

5 Tell students to play the game in groups.

N.B. Use the classroom language box.


We have used the singular form of ‘protein’ and ‘fat’ as more informal. The plural forms ‘proteins’ and ‘fats’ are used in more technical circumstances.

Make sure students don’t omit the subject pronoun ‘it’ when they are referring to an uncountable noun like ‘milk’. Check also that they are not confusing ‘it has’ with ‘there is’.

83 Lesson 1 My country UNIT fourteen

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive listening and reading • to identify the climate symbols. skills • to provide links with other areas of the • to present vocabulary related to description curriculum, i.e. Geography of places • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Labelling The Highland Region is to the east of the Coastal Region. There are high mountains and 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- active volcanoes. standing. 2 Tell students to look at the points of the The Amazon Region is to the east of the compass. highlands. There are wonderful tropical rain 3 Tell them to label the map. forests. There is also oil. 4 Check the task orally. The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean. Key They are 1,000 km to the west of the Ecuadorian 1 north coast. There are thirteen main islands. The 2 west Galápagos Islands are famous all over the world 3 east for their unique animals and plants. 4 south Key Task 2 Listening and completing information Coastal Region / to the west of the Highland Region / beaches and forests N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress Highland Region / to the east of the Coastal and intonation with the tape/CD before Region / high mountains and active volcanoes teaching. The Amazon Region / to the east of the highlands / rain forests and oil 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. The Galapagos Islands / 1,000 km to the west Check understanding. of the Ecuadorian Coast / unique animals and 2 Focus students’ attention on the map and the plants words in each region. Say: “Please listen to the tape/CD and complete the table.” Task 3 Interpreting symbols 3 Demonstrate the task with the examples in the book. Play or read the first part of the 1 Tell students to look at the map and the tapescript. weather key. Say the words out loud and 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 57 two or encourage students to say them, too. three times or until most of the students have completed the task. 2 Help students to deduce the meaning with the 5 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. help of the drawings. 6 Check the task on the board. 3 Put students in groups. Say: “Look at the map Tapescript 57 The Regions of Ecuador and the weather symbols. Answer the questions orally. Do not make notes.” Listen and complete the table. 4 Do not check the task. Ecuador has four natural regions: the Coastal Region, the Highland Region, the Amazon Region A possible production model and the Galapagos Islands. 1 In Puyo and Nueva Loja. 2 In Portoviejo, Guayaquil and Esmeraldas. The Coastal Region is to the west of the High 3 In Tulcán, Loja and Tena. land Region. There are beautiful beaches and 4 In Machala. forests. Bananas, pineapples, papayas and 5 In Quito, Ibarra and Azogues. many other fruits grow there. 6 In Gonzalo Orellana.

84 UNIT four- Regions and Climate Lesson 1

Task 4 Reading and completing information A possible production model Where are the Galapagos Islands? 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- In the Pacific Ocean. standing. Is the Coastal Region in the Pacific Ocean? No, it’s to the west of the Highland Region. 2 Tell students to scan the text silently and to What can you see in the Amazon Region? complete the information in the table. Wonderful tropical rain forests. What else is there in the Highland Region? 3 Allow students enough time to do the task. There are active volcanoes. Monitor students’ work.

4 Tell students to compare their answers with a partner. Then check the task orally.

Key Coastal: humid and hot / February, March and April rain / February, March and April cool / July, August and September

Highland: warm during the day / June, July, and August rain / from September to May cool / in the mornings and evenings

Amazon: hot and humid / rain / February, March and April

Galapagos: hot and humid; hot and dry / cool in June, July, August

Task 5 Speaking

1 Tell students to read the task instructions and check understanding.

2 Give students a model. Ask some questions. Encourage two or three students to answer them. Use the classroom language suggested.

3 Put students into pairs. Tell them to ask and answer questions following the examples in their books.

4 Monitor students’ pronunciation and intonation as they work on the task.

5 Bring individual students to the front of the class to perform the task.

85 Lesson 2 Galapagos Fauna UNIT fourteen

Lesson objectives • to develop extensive and intensive listening skills • to build on students’ existing knowledge of vocabulary related to Galapagos fauna

Task 1 Predicting 2 Play or read Tapescript 61 two or three times or until 1 Draw students’ attention to the picture. Give them most of the students have completed the task. enough time to talk about it. Accept students’ respons- es. Help them with the words they don’t know. 3 Tell students to check their answers in pairs.

Task 2 Listening and identifying 4 Check the task on the board.

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and Key intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. Reptiles: giant tortoises, marine iguanas Mammals: sea lions, dolphins 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check Birds: pelicans, blue-footed boobies, penguins understanding. Task 4 Listening and selecting information 2 Focus students’ attention on the drawings and the numbers next to them. Say: “Please listen to the tape 1 Tell students to listen to the tape again and to tick and identify the animals. Write the numbers in the the correct information. boxes.” 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 61 two or three 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 61 two or three times or until most of the students have completed times or until most of the students have completed the task. the task. 3 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. 4 Check the task on the board. 5 Check the task on the board. Key Tapescript 61 Fauna in the Galapagos 1 56 2 27 Listen and identify the animals. Then listen and classify 3 Some the animals in three groups. Task 5 Speaking There are a lot of varieties of species in the Galapagos. There are 56 species of birds. 27 of these species are 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. Check only found in the Galapagos. Some of them are found on understanding. just one island. There are reptiles, mammals and birds. In the group of reptiles we have giant tortoises (number 2 Give a speaking model. Point at the pictures and the 5) and marine iguanas (number 6). information in Task 3. Say: “There are a lot of species in In the group of mammals we have sea lions (number 3) the Galápagos Islands. We have reptiles like ...” and dolphins (number 2). In the group of birds we have pelicans (number 7), 3 Tell one student to complete the sentence above. blue-footed bobbies (number 1) and penguins (number 4). Tell another student to complete the next phrase. Continue doing this until students have used all the Key information in Task 3. (5) a giant tortoise (7) a pelican (4) a penguin (3) a sea lion (6) a marine iguana 4 Put students into pairs to do the task. (2) a dolphin (1) blue-footed boobies 5 Monitor students’ work. Task 3 Listening and classifying A possible production model N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and There are a lot of species in the Galapagos Islands. intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. There are reptiles like giant tortoises and marine iguanas. There are mammals like sea lions and dolphins. And there are birds like pelicans, blue-footed 1 Copy the table on the board. Tell students to listen to boobies and penguins. the tape again and to classify the animals in three groups. Ensure that students understand the headings of the table.

86 UNIT four- Important Cities Lesson 3

Lesson objectives

• to develop extensive reading skills • to provide links with other areas of the • to develop speaking skills curriculum, i.e. Geography

Task 1 Activating general knowledge A possible production model town/city: Otavalo 1 Tell students to look at the photos and guess location: in the province of Imbabura the names of the places. size: small population:about one hundred thousand 2 Accept students’ responses. inhabitants

Key Task 4 Speaking 1 Quito 2 Salinas 1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 3 Cuenca Check understanding.

Task 2 Reading and completing information 2 Put students into pairs. Point at Student A and say: “Ask student B for information about a 1 Read the task instructions. Check town or city and make notes in the second col- understanding. umn in Task 3. Use the questions in your book.”

2 Copy the table on the board. Clarify the task 3 Tell them to take turns. with the examples provided. 4 Monitor students’ work. Correct pronunciation 3 Give students enough time to read silently and and intonation. to complete the information in the table. 5 Bring two students to the front to perform the 4 Tell students to compare their answers with a task. partner. Then check the task on the board. N.B. Encourage students to use the class- Key room Salinas / fifty thousand / Guayas language as needed. Quito / two million / Pichincha Cuenca / five hundred thousand / Azuay A possible production model What’s the name of the place? Otavalo. Task 3 Making notes Where is it? In the north. What province is it in? In Imbabura. 1 Tell students to read the task instructions and What’s its population? About one hundred to get out the information they have found out thousand inhabitants. about a town or city.

2 Say: “Look at the table and make notes about a town or city in the first column.”

3 Give students enough time to complete the table.

87 Lesson 4 Our Natural World UNIT fourteen

Lesson objectives • to present and practise vocabulary related to curriculum, i.e. environmental science environment • to develop intensive reading • to provide links with other areas of the • to use should to give advice

Task 1 Predicting table as you speak.

1 Tell students to talk about the photos in 3 Select some students and tell them to talk groups. Give them enough freedom to talk. about the problems people cause with their rubbish. 2 Invite students to share their ideas with the rest of the class. Accept students’ ideas in 4 Put students into pairs. Tell them to do the English or in Spanish. task.

Task 2 Reading and completing information 5 Monitor students’ pronunciation and intonation as they work on the task. Do not 1 Explain the meaning of the headings in the stop students to correct them. Make the table. corrections after they speak.

2 Demonstrate the task with the examples 6 Bring individual students to the front of the provided. class to do the task.

3 Give students enough time to do the task. A possible production model They drop rubbish in the streets and in the 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. parks. They throw rubbish into the rivers and lakes. 5 Check the task on the board. They leave rubbish on the beaches.

Key People cause these problems: They drop rubbish in the streets and in the parks. They leave rubbish on the mountains. They throw rubbish into the rivers and lakes. They leave rubbish on the beaches. They leave rubbish on the Galapagos Islands.

How can we help? 1 We should put our rubbish in bins. 2 We should take our rubbish home. 3 We shouldn’t drop rubbish in our streets.

Task 3 Speaking

1 Tell students to use the information in Task 2.

2 Give a speaking model using the information in Tasks 2 and 3. Point to the notes in the

88 UNIT four- Make a Poster Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop intensive listening skills • to provide students with a practical element • to review vocabulary related to Galapagos to their course

Task 1 Reading and classifying 8 Put the poster on the classroom wall. Key 1 Read the task instructions. Check under- 8 Put the poster on the classroom wall. standing. 4 Check your information with your teacher. 3 Write some information for each picture neatly 2 Copy the phrases on the board. Tell students on separate pieces of paper. to read the text again and to classify the things. 5 Stick the pieces of paper next to the pictures. 1 Find some pictures of the Galapagos Islands. Key 6 Decorate the poster. Animals: jaguar, monkey, tapir 7 Show it to the class and describe it. Birds: toucan, condor, pelican 2 Stick your pictures on a large sheet of paper. Plants: flower, palm tree, liana Rubbish: empty bottle, empty carton, empty can Task 3 Making a poster

Task 2 Listening and ordering instructions 1 Put students into groups. Ensure that they to make a poster have a clear idea of what to do.

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress 2 Say: “Tell me what to do first.” and intonation with the tape/CD before teach- ing. 3 Continue checking. Say: “What to do next?”

1 Tell students to read the task instructions. 4 Allow them enough time to follow the Check understanding. instructions to make the poster.

2 Clarify the task. Tell students to put the 5 Monitor students’ work. instructions in the correct order. Play the first part of the tape and point at the example. 6 Ask each group to talk about their poster.

3 Play or read Tapescript 63 two or three times TEACHING TIPS or until most students have completed the task. ‘Climate’ is the general weather pattern in an area. 4 Tell students to check their answers in pairs. ‘Weather’ refers to the atmospheric conditions in an area at a particular time. Be careful with pronunciation of 'island' /ailend/, 5 Check the task on the board. live /liv/. Emphasize 'It's hot', not 'is hot'. Also 'It rains’. Tapescript 63 Following instructions 'Thousand' and 'million' never have an 's' when preceded by a number, e.g. two thousand, two Listen. Put the instructions in the correct order. million. Notice 'many', 'large' are more appropriate to 1 Find some pictures of the Galapagos Islands. formal texts. 'A lot of' and 'big' are more informal. 2 Stick your pictures on a large sheet of paper. Students should learn adjectives with their 3 Write some information for each picture neatly opposites, where possible, e.g. wide/narrow, short/long. Provide them with visual support on on separate pieces of paper. the board to clarify meaning. 4 Check your information with your teacher. Students can also learn using groups of 5 Stick the pieces of paper next to the pictures. adjectives of degree, e.g. hot/warm, cool/cold. 6 Decorate the poster. Make sure students don’t confuse possessive 7 Show it to the class and describe it. determiner ‘its’ with contraction ‘it’s = it is’.


Lesson objectives • to build on students’ knowledge of Ecuador. • to develop intensive listening skills • to present and practise the means of transport in • to develop intensive reading skills Ecuador • to develop speaking skills • to present and practise how, how long

Task 1 Listening and matching Tapescript 65 At the Travel Agent’s

N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and Listen to a travel agent talking with a tourist. Write intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. the place where the tourist wants to go. Then listen again and complete the table. 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and tell you what they see. Tourist: How can I get to Cuenca? 2 Say the words several times. Ask students to say Travel agent: Well, there are three possibilities. You the words as well. Point to the words as you can go by plane. It takes about 40 minutes. It’s very speak. expensive. You can rent a car. It takes eight hours by 3 Read the first part of the tape to demonstrate what car. That’s also expensive. You can go by bus, too. students have to do. It’s cheap but it takes a long time, about ten hours ... 4 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 64 as many times as necessary. Key 5 Check the task orally. Cuenca

Tapescript 64 Means of transport Task 3 Listening and completing information

Listen to a travel agent talking about the main N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and means of transport in Ecuador. Match the pictures intonation with the tape/CD before teaching. with the words. 1 Copy the table on the board. Explain the meaning The main means of transport in Ecuador are: number of the headings with examples. 1, the plane; number 2, the horse; number 3, the 2 Read the first lines of Tapescript 65. Demonstrate bus; number 4, the car; number 5, the canoe; what students have to do using the example. number 6, the truck; number 7, the boat; number 8, 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 65 again as the bike. many times as necessary. 4 Check the task. Ask a student to complete the Key table on the board. 4 car 5 canoe 3 bus 8 bike 7 boat 1 plane 6 truck 2 horse Key plane / an hour / expensive Task 2 Listening for general information car / 8 hours / expensive bus / 10 hours / cheap N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress and intonation with the tape/CD before teaching.

1 Read the task instructions. 2 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 65 until the students get the name of the place the tourist wants to go. 4 Check the task orally.

90 UNIT fifteen Transport in Ecuador Lesson 1

Task 4 Reading for general information 3 good 4 bad 1 Ask students to look at the pictures and the title of 5 fast the text and tell you their ideas. 6 is 7 slow 2 Tell students to read the text silently to find the 8 takes information. 9 get on 10 off 3 Walk around the class checking that students are 11 take reading the text. Task 7 Speaking 4 Ask a student to tell you the main means of transport in Ecuador 1 Copy these cues on the board: I want to go to ... How can I get there? By ... Key How long does it take? bus Is it expensive or cheap to go there? How are the roads? Task 5 Reading and matching 2 Bring a student to the front of the classroom. Ask the student some questions as in the example. 1 Copy the words on the board. 3 Tell a pair of students to ask and answer 2 Explain what students have to do. questions. 4 Put students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs. Take 3 Tell students to read the text silently and match turns to ask and answer questions.” the words and phrases. 5 Walk around monitoring students’ work. 4 Allow students enough time do the task. Walk round and monitor. A possible production model A: I want to go to Riobamba. How can I get there? B: By bus. 5 Check the task on the board. Say: “(name), come A: How long does it take? here, please. Match the words with their defini- B: About five hours. tions.” A: Is it expensive or cheap to go there? B: It’s cheap. A: How are the roads? Key B: They’re fine. fly / go by plane get on / opposite of ‘get off’ A: I want to go to Guayaquil. How can I get there? travel / go from one place to another B: By bus or by plane. A: How long does it take by bus? B: About ten hours. Task 6 Reading and completing information A: And by plane? B: Half an hour. 1 Read the first sentence. Encourage students to tell A: Is it expensive or cheap to go there? you the word. B: It’s cheap if you go by bus but it’s expensive if you go by plane. A: How are the roads? 2 Tell students to read the text again to complete the B: They’re not good. paragraph.

3 Walk around the class. Monitor students’ work. Help if needed.

4 Check the task on the board.

Key 1 are 2 between

91 Lesson 2 What Did They Do? UNIT fifteen

Lesson objectives

• to present and practise past tense to • to develop intensive reading skills describe past activities • to develop speaking skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge Key On Saturday morning / Jorge / talked with his father 1 Ask:”What did you do on your last weekend?” On Saturday afternoon/ Jorge’s mother / cooked a chicken and some potatoes 2 Accept students’ answers in English or in Spanish. On Sunday morning / they/ walked to a mountain Copy the verbs they use on the board. On Sunday afternoon / they / returned home

3 Make them notice the way regular verbs change to N.B. Do not erase the table from the board. express past tense. Task 4 Writing 4 Ask students to pronounce the verbs after you. 1 Tell students to look at the pictures in Task 1 Task 2 Reading and matching pictures again.

1 Ask students to look at the pictures and to 2 Point to the first picture and encourage the describe them one by one. students to say talked.

2 Tell students to read the sentences silently and 3 Tell students to look at the pictures and the match them with the pictures. phrases to do the task.

3 Walk around the class checking that students are 4 Walk around and monitor. reading and matching the information. 5 Ask students the verbs. Write them on the board. 4 Ask students to check the answers. Key 5 Check the task on the board. 1 talked 2 cooked 3 walked 4 returned Key 4 They returned home on Sunday afternoon. Task 5 Speaking 1 On Saturday morning Jorge talked with his father. 3 On Sunday morning they walked to a mountain. 1 Give students a speaking model. Point to the 2 Jorge’s mother cooked a chicken and some information in the table in Task 3 as you speak. potatoes on Saturday afternoon. 2 Invite a student to tell the story. Task 3 Reading and completing information 3 Put students into pairs. Say: “Work in pairs. Take 1 Copy the table on the board. turns to tell the story.”

2 Demonstrate what students have to do with the 4 Walk around the class checking students’ work. example. A production model 3 Tell students to do the task individually. On Saturday morning Jorge talked with his father. On Saturday afternoon Jorge’s mother cooked a chicken 4 Walk around the class and monitor. and some potatoes. On Sunday morning they walked to a mountain. On Sunday afternoon they returned 5 Check the task on the board. home.

92 UNIT fifteen School Trips Lesson 3

Lesson objectives • to practise past tense to describe past activities • to develop intensive listening skills

Task 1 Activating general knowledge 2 4 1 1 Ask students what they know about Atacames. 6 5 Students can talk in English or Spanish. 7 3 Accept their ideas. Task 3 Listening and completing information A production model It’s a nice beach in Esmeraldas. N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress There are a lot of restaurants. and intonation with the tape/CD before There is a big market. teaching.

Task 2 Listening and sequencing pictures 1 Copy the phrases on the board. Underline the verb went. Tell students that went is the N.B. Please check your pronunciation, stress irregular past tense of go. Use gestures to and intonation with the tape/CD before show the action. teaching. 2 Say the phrases two or three times. Point to 1 Tell students to describe the pictures and them as you speak. Tell students to say the predict the story. phrases too.

2 Demonstrate what students have to do using 3 Play the tape/CD or read the first part of the example. Use gestures. Tapescript 68. Write went to Atacames to dem- onstrate what students have to do. 3 Play the tape/CD or read Tapescript 68 as many times as necessary.Stop every time 4 Check the task on the board. there is new information to write. Key 4 Check the task on the board. 2 played ball on the beach 4 helped a fisherman with his canoe Tapescript 68 A trip to Atacames 1 went to Atacames 6 picked up their rubbish Listen to A Trip to Atacames. Put the pictures 5 cooked a fish for lunch in the correct order. Then listen again and label 7 went back to Santo Domingo the pictures with the phrases in the box. 3 talked with a fisherman

One day the Silva family went to Atacames. They went from Santo Domingo by bus. In Atacames, Rosita and Rafael played ball on the beach. They talked with a fisherman. They helped the fisherman with his canoe. Then they cooked a fish for lunch. After lunch, the Silva family picked up their rubbish. They went back to Santo Domingo in the evening.


93 Lesson 4 A Trip to Pasochoa UNIT fifteen

Lesson objectives • to practise past tense to describe past activities • to develop writing activities

Task 1 Reading and completing information Mojanda Lake. The lake is a few kilometres from Otavalo. We went to Mojanda Lake by 1 Tell students to look at the picture and to car. We arrived there at nine o’clock. We describe it. walked in the forest. We saw a lot of interesting plants and animals. We fished in 2 Copy the table on the board. Point to the the lake. At 12.30 we had a picnic in the letter. Tell them that it is a letter written by forest. We got back home in the evening and class one to Sophie, a British student. we had some hot chocolate.

3 Tell students to read the text silently and to Lots of love, write all the activities. Miriam

4 Walk around the class checking that students N.B. Students will need one dice per group to are reading and making notes. play the game in the next lesson, plus paper/scissors. 5 Bring a student to the front to complete the information on the board.

Key We went to Pasochoa National Park by bus. We talked and sang songs. We went for a walk. We saw lots of interesting animals and plants. We ran back to the bus.

Task 2 Writing

1 Ask students to read the task. Tell them that a penfriend is someone whom you write to regularly, although the two of you may never have met.

2 Ask students to think of a real or imaginary trip. Make notes of their ideas on the board.

3 Tell students to write the letter using the notes on the board.

A possible production model

Dear Lourdes, Last Saturday morning, my family and I went to

94 UNIT fifteen The School Trip Game Lesson 5

Lesson objectives • to develop speaking skills • to provide fun and motivating activity for the last class

Task 1 Playing a game TEACHING TIPS

1 Tell students to cut out a 1.5 cm square of Note, ‘How long ...?’ not ‘How time...? plus ‘… paper and to write their name on it. Use does it take?’ We often use ‘get to’ instead ‘arrive at/arrive in’. gestures as you explain the instructions. ‘Get to’ is more informal. ‘Get on/off’ generally for public transport. 2 Put students into groups of five. ‘Returned home’ not ‘to home’. Some irregular past forms are introduced here for 3 Tell students to take out the dice. communicative purposes. As in Spanish, many of the most common verbs are irregular. ‘Was/were’ 4 Clarify the instructions. Say: “A student has to are also briefly introduced for receptive purposes. throw the dice and move his/her name square The word ‘travel’ is generally used as a verb, the same number of spaces as the number on except where the meaning is general as in the dice. If he/she lands on a square with a pic- ‘travel agency/brochure’ where it is an ture on it, he/she must follow the instructions uncountable noun. ‘Trip’ is the countable on the left.” The first student to finish the equivalent, so a ‘trip’, not ‘a travel’. game is the winner. The productive use by students of prepositional phrases is optional, but they should 5 Demonstrate the game with one student. experience them receptively. ‘During’ defines an interval of time not the duration of time. 6 Tell students to play the game in class. We can say ‘during the day’, ‘during the weekend’ when we refer to events in these Task 2 Singing a song periods. We can’t say ‘during a/one day’, ‘during three hours’, etc. We use ‘for one day’, Refer to the procedure used to teach songs and ‘for three hours’ to indicate duration. chants. Ensure that students act where possible. ‘Where would you like to go?’ is introduced as a formula, which has the function of asking for a Tapescript 69 Goodbye, Teacher suggestion; the response can be ‘I’d like to ...’, or ‘Let’s ...’ The use of ‘would like’ is Goodbye, teacher. expanded in Book 2. ‘What would you like to Goodbye, teacher. do?’, ‘What would you like to take?’ Goodbye, teacher. It's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, dear friends. goodbye, dear friends. Goodbye, dear friends. It's time to say goodbye.

See you next year. See you next year, See you next year. It's time to say goodbye.


Exercise 1 Exercise 5

Key Key 1 Close 1 Where do you live? 2 Open 2 What’s his name? 3 Write 3 How old are you? 4 Sit 4 How are you? 5 Stand 5 How do you spell "class"? 6 Go 7 Go back

Exercise 2

Key 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 d 5 a

Exercise 3

Key 1 is 2 I’m 3 live 4 go 5 am

Exercise 4

Key 1 is 2 live 3 is 4 is 5 live 6 are 7 am 8 13 9 am 10 am 11 live 12 is 13 am 14 I’m 15 live


Exercise 1 Exercise 6

Key Key 1 My 1 b 2 your 2 d 3 My 3 f 4 you 4 c 5 I 5 h 6 your 6 j 7 My 7 e 8 I 8 g 9 you 9 i 10 I 10 a

Exercise 2

Key 1 What’s 2 I’m 3 It’s 4 I’m

Exercise 3

Key 1 What time is it? 2 How old are you? 3 What’s his name? 4 What’s your name? 5 Are you a student?

Exercise 4

Key 1 It’s twelve o’clock. 2 It’s seventy. 3 It’s one hundred. 4 It’s seventeen.

Exercise 5

Key 1 What time is it in London? In London it’s nine o’clock. 2 What time is it in Athens? In Athens it’s eleven o’clock. 3 What time is it in Quito? In Quito it’s four o’clock. 4 What time is it in Rio de Janeiro? In Rio de Janeiro it’s seven o’clock.

97 Grammar families UNIT three

Exercise 1 5 his job. Ana and Pablo have a son. He are four. (______)is Key 6 They live in Calderon. Ana family also 1 John’s (______)Ana’s 2 Martha’s 7 lives in Calderon. Ana has a big family. 3 Lupe’s (______)3 4 Ruth’s 8 There is eight people in her family. Pablo has 5 Julio’s (______)are 6 Miguel’s 9 a small family. He have a mother, father, and one (______)has Exercise 2 10 sister. Pablo is very happy. Ana is happy, too. (______)3 A possible production model 1 Alexandra is Nicolás’s wife. 2 Mateo is Alexandra’s son. 3 Cecilia is Mateo’s sister. 4 Inés is Mateo’s wife. 5 Nicolás is Karina’s grandfather.

Exercise 3

Key 1 has 2 His 3 has 4 Their 5 has 6 his 7 Their

Exercise 4

A possible production model 1 Angel is María’s son. 2 María is Lupe’s daughter. 3 Rosa is Angel’s sister. 4 Romel is Elena’s brother.

Exercise 5

Key 1 Ana work in a hospital. She is a nurse. (______) 2 She works eight hours every day. She loves her job. (______)3 3 Ana is married to Pablo. Pablo work in a school. (______) 4 He is a teacher. He loves children’s, and he loves (______)chil-

98 Grammar my classroom UNIT four

Exercise 1

Key 1 There are five pencils. 2 There are three textbooks. 3 There is an/one eraser. 4 There is a/one pencil case. 5 There are six pens. 6 There is a/one ruler. 7 There are two notebooks. 8 There are two folders.

Exercise 2

A possible production model. 1 Are there three textbooks in David’s bag? 2 How many pencil cases does David have? 3 Is there an eraser in his bag? 4 How many notebooks are there?

Exercise 3

Key 1 How many classes does Gladys have on Monday? 2 How long is Gladys’s Music class? 3 What time does she have English at? 4 How many breaks does she have? 5 How long is her break?

Exercise 4

Key 1 c 2 i 3 g 4 h 5 b 6 a 7 l 8 e 9 d 10 f 11 j 12 m 13 k

99 Grammar OCCUPATIONS UNIT five

Exercise 1 Exercise 5

Key A possible production model. 1 Where does Marco live? 1 Martín is a student./He is a student. What does he do? 2 Martín’s sister’s name is Pilar. Where does he work? 3 His father works in a garage. 2 Where does Francisco live? 4 His mother is a hairdresser. What does he do? 5 He lives in Ibarra. Where does he work? 6 Martín is 13. 3 Where does Nancy live? What does she do? Where does she work?

Exercise 2

Key 1 Where does she live? She lives in Calderon. 2 What does she do? She is a waitress. 3 Where does she work? She works in a restaurant.

Exercise 3

Key 1 is 2 does 3 is 4 work 5 works 6 is 7 do 8 does 9 works

Exercise 4

Key 1 an 2 a 3 an 4 a 5 a 6 an 7 an 8 an 9 a 10 a

100 Grammar celebrations UNIT six

Exercise 1 Exercise 5 Key 1 a Key 2 some 1 is / second (2nd) 3 some 2 is / fifth (5th) 4 some 3 is / sixth (6th) 5 some 4 are / first (1st) 6 an 5 are / fourth (4th) 7 a 6 are / third (3rd) 8 some 9 a 10 a

Exercise 2

A possible production model. 1 Marcelo’s birthday is on January 26th. 2 Juan’s birthday party is on January 19th. 3 Marcelo has Physical Education on January 23rd. 4 His mother’s birthday party is on January 21st. 5 Rosa’s birthday party is on January 16th. 6 There is no school on January 22nd. 7 He has Science class on January 18th.

Exercise 3

A possible production model: 1 My birthday is on May 16th. I am 13. 2 My mother’s birthday is on February 3rd. 3 Valentine’s Day is on February 14th. 4 My favourite celebration is Christmas. It is on December 25th.

Exercise 4

Key 1 have 2 decorates 3 makes 4 send 5 come 6 have

101 Grammar My school UNIT seven

Exercise 1

Key 1 live 2 are 3 go 4 our 5 have 6 our 7 our 8 our

Exercise 2

Key 1 in 2 on 3 on 4 on 5 at 6 at

Exercise 3

A possible production model 1 I start school at 8.00. 2 School finishes at 1.30. 3 I have Maths at 9.45. 4 I have English at 11.30. 5 I have Social Studies on Tuesdays. 6 My birthday is on August 9th. 7 My favourite holiday is in December. 8 The school year finishes in July.

Exercise 4

Key 1 many 2 many 3 students 4 things 5 teams 6 dances 7 balloons 8 games

102 Grammar people UNIT eight

Exercise 1

Key 1 Her / Her 2 His / His 3 my / my / my 4 Your / your

Exercise 2

Key 1 Paola likes reading and dancing. 2 Diego likes dancing, playing football, and listening to music. 3 Juanita likes dancing and playing football. 4 Gabriel likes reading.

Exercise 3

A possible production model. 1 I like writing poetry. 2 I like watching TV. 3 I like playing basketball. 4 I like reading.

Exercise 4

Key 1 does 2 does 3 do 4 go 5 Does 6 go 7 goes 8 goes 9 Does 10 goes

Exercise 5

Key 1 is / has / are 2 has / is 3 have / is / are 4 are / has / is

103 Grammar MY DAY UNIT nine

Exercise 1

A possible production model. 1 in / I have breakfast and then I wash my face. 2 in / I do my homework. 3 in / I watch TV. 4 on / I play with my friends. 5 on / She goes shopping. 6 in / He watches TV.

Exercise 2

A possible production model. 1 Victor washes his hair at 8.45. 2 Victor has breakfast at 9.00. 3 Victor gets up at 8.30. 4 Victor watches TV at 5.00. 5 Jaime washes his hair at 7.05 6 Jaime has breakfast at 7.20. 7 Jaime goes to school at 7.45. 8 Jaime brushes his teeth at 8.50. 9 Sabrina gets up at 6.15. 10 Sabrina does her homework at 2.40. 11 Sabrina watches TV at 3.00. 12 Sabrina goes to bed at 8.30.

Exercise 3

Key 1 Santiago goes to school by bus. 2 His mother goes to work by car. 3 His father goes to work by taxi. 4 His sister goes to school by bike. 5 His grandmother goes shopping by taxi. 6 Santiago and his friend go to the movies by bus. 7 He walks to school.

Exercise 4

A possible production model. 1 I go to school by bus. 2 My mother goes shopping by taxi. 3 He goes to work by car. 4 My friend goes to school by bike.

104 Grammar my town UNIT ten

Exercise 1

A possible production model I live in Calderon. In my town there is a small square. There is a church near the square. It is a beautiful church. There is a covered market next to the church. It is big. There is a good restaurant opposite the church. There is an inexpensive hotel near the square.

Exercise 2

Key 1 near 2 next to 3 next to 4 opposite 5 opposite 6 next to 7 near 8 next to

Exercise 3

A possible production model 1 The bank is opposite the church. 2 The church is next to the government offices. 3 The police station is near the market. 4 The school is near the park. 5 The lake is next to the health centre. 6 The health centre is opposite the government offices. 7 The hotel is next to the police station. 8 The market is behind the police station.

Exercise 4

Key 1 In Santa Catalina there is a church. 2 There are a few health centres. 3 There are two bus stations. 4 There are a lot of restaurants. 5 There is a police station. 6 There are two markets. 7 There are a lot of schools. 8 There are a few banks. 9 There is a square. 10 There are a lot of clothing shops.

105 Grammar people of ecuador UNIT elev-

Exercise 1

A possible production model 1 I’m a student. 2 He’s an accountant 3 She’s a teacher. 4 I live in Atuntaqui. 5 No I am single.

Exercise 2

Key 1 Is Oscar married? 2 Does Carolina have children? 3 Where does Carolina live? 4 Is Carolina married? 5 What does Carolina do? 6 What does Oscar do? 7 Where does he live? 8 Does he have children?

Exercise 3

Key 1 People from the Coastal Region are usually very lively. 2 People from the Amazon Region are generally quiet. 3 People from the Highlands are usually quiet. 4 People from the Galapagos Islands are gener- ally friendly and patient.

Exercise 4

A possible production model 1 In the Coastal Region people wear sunglasses. They play the marimba and bongos. They eat coconuts. 2 In the Galapagos Islands people wear san- dals. They eat fish and rice. They play the gui- tar. 3 In the Amazon Region people eat yucca. They play the drums and flute. They wear shorts. 4 In the Highland Region people play the flute. They eat corn and pork. They wear ponchos.

106 Grammar FOOD UNIT twelve

Exercise 1 3 Yes, he does. 4 No, I don’t, but I like chicken. A possible production model 5 Yes, he loves them. 1 Roberto doesn’t like tuna fish. 2 I don’t like rice. Exercise 6 3 María doesn’t like chicken. 4 Juan doesn’t like orange juice. A possible production model 5 Juan and Roberto don’t like milk. 1 I like tuna fish but I don’t like chicken. 6 María and Roberto don’t like tuna fish. 2 My mother doesn’t like rice but she likes pota- toes. Exercise 2 3 I don’t like papayas but I like pineapples. 4 My father doesn’t like pork but he likes tuna Key fish. 1 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 5 My friend likes corn but I don’t like it. 2 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 3 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 4 Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 5 Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 6 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Exercise 3

Key 1 Yes, she does. 2 No, he doesn’t. 3 Yes, he does. 4 No, she doesn’t. 5 No, he doesn’t. 6 Yes, he does. 7 No, she doesn’t. 8 Yes, she does.

Exercise 4

Key 1 them 2 it 3 them 4 them 5 it 6 it 7 it 8 them

Exercise 5

Key 1 Yes, I do I love it. 2 No, she doesn’t.

107 Grammar health UNIT thirteen

Exercise 1 Exercise 5

Key Key 1 causes 1 There is / There are 2 are 2 There are 3 is 3 There is 4 cause 4 It has 5 gives 5 They have 6 are 7 gives 8 helps

Exercise 2

Key 1 it 2 them 3 It 4 it 5 them 6 It 7 them

Exercise 3

Key 1 José always brushes his teeth at 6.00 in the morning. 2 Rosa never eats breakfast. 3 My mother never smokes. 4 I always play football after school. 5 Raul always gets up at 7.30. 6 I never eat sweets. 7 My father never drinks beer. 8 Schools always finishes at 1.30.

Exercise 4

A possible production model 1 Don’t smoke. 2 Always wash your hands before you eat. 3 Never throw rubbish in the street. 4 Don’t drink beer. 5 Always drink water. 6 Don’t eat lots of sweets. 7 Always get lots of exercise. 8 Don’t eat lots of fatty foods.

108 Grammar My country UNIT fourteen

Exercise 1

Key 1 It is warm during the months of June, July and August. 2 It is cool in the evenings. 3 It is cloudy. 4 It is raining in the Amazon Region, also. 5 It is hot and humid. 6 It is dry and hot.

Exercise 2

A possible production model 1 It is hot and sunny. 2 It is humid and cold. 3 It is warm and partly cloudy. 4 There are storms. It is raining.

Exercise 3

A possible production model 1 Where is it sunny? 2 Where are there storms? 3 Where is Imbabura? 4 What is the population of Quito? 5 Where is Colombia? 6 Where is it cloudy with showers?

Exercise 4

A possible production model 1 We should not drop rubbish in the streets. 2 We should not leave rubbish on the beaches. 3 We should put rubbish in a bin. 4 We should not throw rubbish in the parks. 5 We should take our rubbish with us.

Exercise 5

A possible production model 1 I can see mountains. 2 I can see the Pacific Ocean. 3 I can see monkeys and tapirs. 4 I can see vegetables and fruit. 5 I can read. 6 I can go to the movies.


Exercise 1 danced alfeñique. In the evening we dance for an hour Key 1 Darwin wants to go to Cotopaxi. sang and also sing karaoke. Then we went to bed 2 Joanna wants to go to a restaurant. We had an amazing and fun trip! 3 Víctor wants to go to Atacames. 4 Jorge wants to have a picnic. Exercise 5 5 Vanesa wants to visit the zoo. Key Exercise 2 1 She had lunch with María. 2 She played volleyball with Gaby. A possible production model 3 She talked to her grandmother. 1 I want to see the butterflies in Mindo. 4 She took a walk. 2 I want to go to the beach. 3 I want to visit my family in Ambato.

Exercise 3

Key 1 Can I take a car to Loja? e 2 How long does it take? c 3 Is it expensive to go by plane? a 4 How can I get to Coca? b 5 Where do you want to go? d

Exercise 4

Key Last week our class went to Baños. We went took go there by bus. It take many hours. We arrived in Baños at 1100 in the morning. went First we went to our hotel. Then we go swimming in the hot pools. It was fun! went had After that, we goes to lunch. We have fish and rice. It was delicious!

In the afternoon we went to the zoo. We saw see many animals there, like monkeys took and tapirs. After the zoo we take bikes to got the waterfall of Agoyan. Next we get on a bus to return to Baños because we were very tired. In Baños we had empanadas de viento and



The elements of this section are designed to test listening skills only. For this reason, the majority of the listening tests do not involve writing. In the tests where some writing is requiered, students should not be penalized for spelling mistakes.

Speaking and writing

These two sections are presented separetely. However, there are some Speaking and Writing tasks where students can use the same input to produce oral or written language.

Testing speaking is important since the course contains many oral tasks. However, adminis- trative and time constraints can make testing oral skills difficult.

This is a problem you should solve according to your school conditions. For example, you can give oral tests at the end of three units, at the end of the term, etc. In the same way you can organize speaking tests according to your classsroom conditions, e.g. individually, in pairs, in groups, etc.

If a formal oral test is not possible, you may mark the students' speaking competence on the basis of your classroom experience of the students' performance. Marking speaking and writing can be generally subjective. The grade should depend on the students' ability to communicate in oral and written modes. However, at this level the language used by students is largely guided, which minimizes subjectivity.

To mark speaking skills:

Use a system of bands, as follows: Band 5: The student can communicate clearly. His speech is grammatically and lexically accurate. Band 4: The student can communicate, but makes some errors in grammar, lexis and pronunciation. Band 3: The student can communicate in a limited way. He makes basic errors in grammar and lexis. Band 2: There is no real communication, just isolated words and phrases. Band 1: The student is not able to understand or speak at all.

To mark writing skills:

Use a system of bands, as follows: Band 5: The text is well written. There are no mistakes. Band 4: The text is well written. There are a few mistakes. Band 3: The idea is understood but there are some basic mistakes. Band 2: The idea is understood, but there are a lot of basic mistakes. Band 1: The ideas are not understood at all.



The book contains one test for each three units which could be applied after a month of normal work and a term test for use after five units have been studied. The tests have been designed to measure the student's performance and achievement in the areas of language skills, (listening, reading, writing and speaking) grammar and vocabulary. The purposes of the tests are: (a) To give students a focus for studying and revision. (b) To motivate students to develop fluency and accuracy. (c) To provide teachers with a system to assess the students' progress. (d) To standardise levels of students' performance and achievement.

There are five monthly tests. In addition a final term test is provided for each term. This orga- nization could be modified according to different school programmes, e.g. the schools which work dividing the school year into quimestres. The monthly tests are part of a formative evaluation, while the term test is summative.

The monthly tests include two listening exercises, two reading exercises, two speaking exer- cises, two writing exercises, two grammar exercises and two vocabulary exercises. It is not neces- sary for students to do both exercises in each section. You may select the most suitable one from each section.

There are also two versions of each term test (a and b). This is to enable teachers with large class- es or a lack of space to give different versions of the term test to different rows of students to ensure that the marks reflect the sutdents’ own ability.

The testing section is part of the Teacher's Book. You should select the items you are going to use in the test and photocopy them in the form of a proper test. It is important that no student should see the tests beforehand to ensure the tests' reliability and validity.

All tests contain six sections:

Listening 5 marks Reading 5 marks Speaking 5 marks Writing 5 marks Grammar 5 marks Vocabulary 5 marks Total 30 marks

N.B. Teachers have to transform this mark to a mark based on 20. e.g. 18/30 equals 18 x 20: 30 = 12/20

112 Test One

(Units 1, 2 and 3) Your name______Your Class ______


1 Listen to the people. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5 marks) a teacher a secretary an engineer a mechanic a student an achitect name job place Antonio Ramírez ______1 Esmeraldas Carla Beltrán ______2 La Troncal Rodrigo Castillo ______an architect 3 La Maná Catalina Avila ______4 Cuenca Rosario Castro ______5 Riobamba Raquel Parreño ______6 Quito

2 Listen to Susana Paredes talking about her family. Complete the information. Use the words in the box. (5 marks). mother grandmother sister father brother grandfather family names relationship with Susana Marco ______father 1 Silvia ______2 Rosita ______3 Lucila ______4 Darío ______5 Jorge ______6 Hello. Reading I'm Gladys Caicedo. I'm fourteen. I live in Azogues. 3 Read about a student. Complete the student's card. (5 I go to the Roberto Rodas school. card number: ______123478 1 I'm in Class One. My student's ______2 school name______3 age ______4 place of residence ______5 class______6

4 Read about Luis Gallardo and his family and complete the information. (5 marks) name relationship to Luis married/single city/town Juan Gallardo ______1 ______2 Tulcán Alicia Quiroz ______3 ______married Tulcán Lucía ______4 ______married Chone Enriqueta ______sister ______5 Guayaquil

113 Test One

Luis Gallardo is a student. He is 13. He is in Lucía, Enriqueta and Luis. Lucía is married. class one. His father’s name is Juan Gallardo. Her husband’s name is Enrique Ronquillo. He’s a driver. His mother’s name is Alicia They live in Chone. Enriqueta is single. Quiroz. They are married. They live in Tulcán. She is a secretary. She works in a factory. Juan and Alicia have three children: two She lives in Guayaquil. daughters and one son. Their names are Speaking

5 In pairs, exchange information about yourselves. Use these questions. (5 marks)

What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? What do you do? What's your school's name?

6 Think of your family. Write the names and the ages of the people in your family. Talk about them. (5

name age father: ______mother: ______brother (s): ______sister (s): ______grandfather (s): ______grandmother (s): ______


7 Write these times in words. (5 marks) a) 7.15 ______It's seven fifteen b) 2.45 ______c) 8.55 ______d) 5.30 ______e) 9.00 ______f) 4.25 ______

8 Write the names and the ages of the people in your family. Write about your family. (5 marks) name age father: ______mother: ______brother (s): ______sister (s): ______grandfather (s): ______grandmother (s): ______

114 Test One

Grammar 9 Complete the paragraph. Use the words in the box. (5 marks) in am go in am I Hello. ___ 1 am María José Salas. I ______2 fifteen. I live ______3 Quinindé. I ______4 to Quinindé school. I ______I 5 ______6 class one. 10 Answer the questions. (5 marks).

1 What is your name? My name ____c Ana. a) are b) am c) is d) be 2 What is your teacher’s name? ______Luisa. a) Is b) am c) are d) It’s 3 Where do you live? I ______in Guaranda. a) live b) go c) is d) are 4 How old are you? I ______12 years old. a) go b) be c) is d) am 5 Where do you go to school? I ______to 26 de Septiembre school. a) teacher b) student c) go ) am 6 What class are you in? I ______in class one. a) am b) is c) live d) are

Vocabulary 11 Complete the instructions. Use the correct words from the box. (5 marks).

Close Sit Go Write Open Go

______1 the window. ____Go 2 to the board. ______3 down, please.

______4 the door. ______5 your name, please. 12 Write these numbers. (5 marks) a) 17 ______seventeen b) 38 ______c) 93 ______d) 56 ______e) 40 ______f) 100 ______

115 Test Two

(Units 4, 5 and 6) Your name______Your Class ______


1 Listen and tick the correct information you hear. ( ) There is a bin near the clock. (5 marks). ( ) There is a clock on the wall. ( 4 ) There is a bin near the chair. ( ) There is a board on the map. ( ) There is a map near the window. ( ) There is a chair near the table. ( ) There is a cupboard near the door. ( ) There is a table near the window. ( ) There is a board near the map. ( ) There is a cupboard near the table.

2 Listen about three people. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5 marks) hairdresser TV station architect newsreader beauty salon City Council Jacobo Mena Elsa Salazar Paquita Cedrón town/city Latacunga Tres Postes Cuenca 1 3 occupation newsreader 2 4 5 place of work Reading

3 Read these texts. Match them with the corresponding drawings. (5 marks) 1

3 This is Simona Saguano. She 1 This is Patricio. He lives in 5 This is Milton Erazo. He lives in lives in Cotacachi. She is a weav- Muisne. He is a policeman. He El Carmen. He is a carpenter. He er. She works in a factory. works in a police station. works in a factory.

2 This is Claudia Pérez. She lives 4 This is Pamela. She lives in Rio- 6 This is Darío Romero. He lives in in Portovelo. She is a secretary. bamba. She is a teacher. She Piñas. He is a hairdresser. She works in an office. works in a school. He works in a beauty salon. Test Two

4 Read Olga’s birthday and complete the information. (5 marks)

the people their activities Olga writes invitations to her friends 1 Olga and her mother 2 Elena 3 Jacinto 4 Camilo and Edwin 5 Olga’s friends 6

Olga’s Birthday day cake. Olga’s father, Jacinto, buys Every year Olga has a birthday party. Her some sweets, some ice-cream and some birthday is on September 3rd. First, she cookies. Olga’s brothers, Camilo and writes the invitations to her friends: Edwin, make some birthday hats of dif- “Please come to my birthday party on ferent colours: blue, yellow, green and Saturday 5th at 10 a.m.” Then Olga and orange. Olga’s friends bring presents. her mother decorate the house with bal- Everybody has a good time. loons. Olga’s sister, Elena, makes a birth-


5 Write notes about five objects in your classroom. Describe your classroom to your teacher. (5 marks)

object position ______a chair ______near the table ______

6 Talk about Christmas Celebrations. Use the notes below. (5 marks)

In Ecuador, people In Britain, people In the U.S.A., people - go to church - make Christmas trees - make Christmas trees - make nativity scenes - give presents - give presents - decorate Christmas trees - eat turkey - make special Christmas cookies - give presents - pull crackers

117 Test Two

Writing 7 Write a description of your classroom. Use the notes in 5. (5 marks) ______8 Write about Christmas Celebrations. Use the notes in 6. (5 marks) ______Grammar 9 Read Lola and Sonia's timetable. Underline the correct verb forms. (5 marks) Lola and Sonia’s Timetable teen. Spanish starts at two o'clock. Lola and Sonia (have-has)1 seven It (finish-finishes)3 at two forty-five. classes a day. On Monday they have Social Studies starts at two forty-five. Mathematics, Spanish, Social Studies, There (is-are)4 two breaks. The first Science, English, Music and Physical one (is-are)5 at two forty-five and the Education. second one is at four forty-five. Class- Mathematics (start-starts)2 at one fif- es (last-lasts)6 forty-five minutes. 10 Look at Oswaldo’s school timetable for Friday. Write the questions. (5 marks) 7.30 Mathematics 8.15 Language 9.00 Social Studies 9.45 BREAK 10.00 Art 10.45 English 11.30 Physical Education 12.15 Science 1.00

1. ______?How many classes does Oswaldo have on Friday? Oswaldo has eight classes on Friday. 2. ______? His Language class is 45 minutes long. 3. ______? He has English at 10.45. 4. ______? He has one break. 5. ______? His break is 15 minutes long. 6. ______? He finishes classes at 1.00. Test Two


11 Look at the objects. Label them. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

pencil string ruler glue sweets scissors


1 some ______2 some ______glue 3 a ______

4 some ______5 some ______6 a ______

12 Look at the objects. Label them. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

a school bag a pencil case a pen an eraser a book a notebook

1 2 3

a pencil case 4 5 6

119 Test Three

(Units 7, 8 and 9) Your name______Your Class ______


1 Listen to Leonardo talking about his timetable. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5

Physical Education English Mathematics Practical Options Music Social Studies Spanish

times subjects 7.15 - 8.00 Mathematics 8.00 - 8.45 1 8.45 - 9.30 2 3 9.30 - 10.15 10.15 - 10.45 Break 4 10.45 - 11.30 11.30 - 12.15 Physical Education 5 12.15 - 13.00

2 Listen to Andrea’s mother talking about Andrea’s daily activities. Write the verbs in the box under the pictures. (5 marks)

gets up has breakfast leaves home washes her face and hands starts school gets home

1 2 3

4 5 6 Test Three


3 Read about two famous people. Complete the table. (5 marks) name occupation hair colour eyes colour height

Ronaldhino 1 black and curly 2 3 4 5 Enrique Iglesias singer brown

Ronaldhino was born on March 21st, Enrique Iglesias was born on May 8th, 1980, in Porto Alegre (Brazil). He is a foot- 1975, in Madrid, Spain. He is a singer. baller. He plays football with F. C. Barce- He is tall. He has straight black hair. lona. He is tall. His hair is black and curly. His eyes are brown. His eyes are black.

4 Read My School. Complete the information. (5 marks)

My School hundred and eighteen teachers. There I go to Otto Arosemena School. It is in are forty-five classrooms and eight offic- Milagro. The school is near a hospital. It is es. We have a big playground, a football a big school. We have one thousand six pitch and a stadium. We also have a gar- hundred and eighty students and one den with tropical flowers.

1 name of school: ______2 town/city: ______3 location: ______4 number of students: ______5 number of teachers: ______6 number of classrooms: ______45


5 Think of your favourite person. In pairs, talk about him/her. Use these questions. Take turns. (5 marks)

Who's your favourite person? Where's he/she from? What does he/she do? Where does he/she live? Test Three

6 In pairs, talk about your partner's friend. Use these questions. (5 marks)

What's your friend's name? How old is he/she? Is he/she short or tall? What colour are his/ her eyes? What about his/her hair? What are his/her favourite subjects?


7 Think of your favourite person. Write notes about him/her. Write a paragraph about him/ her. (5 marks) his/her name: ______his/her age: ______his/her country: ______his/her place of residence: ______his/her job: ______his/her hobbies: ______

8 Think of a friend. Make notes about him/her. Write about him/her. (5 marks) name: ______age: ______height: ______eye colour: ______hair: ______favourite subjects: ______

122 Test Three


9 Complete the blanks with the appropriate possessive adjective. (5 marks)

Mercedes has light brown hair. ______Her 1 hair is long and curly. ______2 eyes are blue. Her brother is Hugo. Hugo has beautiful eyes. ______3 eyes are green. ______4 hair is short and wavy. Every morning I go to school with Mercedes and Hugo. I brush ______5 teeth before I go to school. I wash ______6 face too.

10 Underline the correct verb forms to complete the letter below. (5 marks)

Babahoyo School Babahoyo, Ecuador Dear Joanna, October 21st

We (is-are1 School. We (want-wants) the students of class one of Babahoyo school. 2) to tell you about our Our school is very big. There (are-is dred students. Our classes are very big, too. We 3 (have-has4 ) twenty hun- an all-girls) school.about fortyOur favouritestudents insubjects our class. (is-are We are Physical Education and English. 5 Some students (like-likes ) some prefer to read books. We have our School Day 6) to play basketball but in November.

Please write to us soon and tell us about your school.

123 Test Three


11 Look at the drawings. Write the correct words under them. (5 marks)

1 ______2 ______3 ______

4 ______5 ______6 ______playing football

12 Look at this school. Identify the places. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

the classrooms the football pitch the basketball court the offices the gardens the playground

3 2 5 1 4


1 ______the offices 2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______Test Four

(Units 10, 11 and 12) Your name______Your Class ______


1 Listen to this description of a town. Match the places with the location. (5 marks) place location the square behind the church the church next to the church the bank in the centre of the town the school opposite the market the market in the square the bus station near the square

2 Listen to a nutritionist talking about meals. Tick (4) the food that you hear. (5 marks)

Breakfast: bread juice 4 milk eggs

Lunch: avocado rice apples fish

Dinner: soup potatoes carrots tea


3 Read Alfonso’s Town. Write the location next to the place. (5 marks)

place location 1 the square in______the centre of the town 2 the school ______3 the market ______4 the bus station ______5 the bank ______6 the health centre ______

Alfonso’s Town church. There is also a big market. It is This is Alfonso’s town. It is a small behind the church. This town has also town in the Amazon Region. It has a a bus station. It is near the square. There big square in the centre of the town. It is also a bank. It is in the bus station. also has a church. It is big. There are There is also a health centre. It is next to also some schools. One is opposite the the school. I like Alfonso’s town a lot.

125 Test Four

4 Read Likes and Dislikes. Complete the table below. (5 marks)

likes dislikes Juan ______,carrots ______,1 ______,3 ______, ______4 6 7 Maritza ______, ______, ______,9 ______, ______cheese

Likes and Dislikes also loves chicken, but she does not like Juan likes some fruit and vegetables. From milk, yogurt and cheese. They need to this group, he likes carrots, potatoes and have some food from the different food apples. He does not like rice, wheat and groups in any of their meals! corn. Maritza likes fish and meat a lot. She


5 Talk about the people from the four Ecuadorian regions and their main characteristics. Use the information in the table. (5 marks) region main characteristics Coastal very lively Highland quiet Amazon quiet Galapagos friendly and patient

6 In pairs, ask and answer questions about 5 places in the town in the picture. (5 marks)

2 3

6 1



Example: Where’s the health centre? It’s near the ...

126 Test Four


7 Write about people from the four Ecuadorian regions and their main characteristics. Use the information in the table above in 5. (5 marks)


8 Look at these pictures. Write the instructions to make fruit salad. (5 marks)

Add some sugar. 1 2 Add the juice to the fruit. Put the fruit in a bowl. Cut the fruit into small pieces. Make some orange juice. Wash the fruit carefully. Wash the fruit carefully.

3 4 5 6


9 Leonardo lives in Santa Elena. He has a list of the things in his town. Write sentences with this information. Use a, two, three, a few an a lot of. (5 marks)

a 1 health centre ______.In Santa Elena there is a health centre. b 3 churches ______.

c 2 bus stations ______. d 11 restaurants ______. e 1 police station ______. f 2 markets ______.

127 Test Four

10 Complete the sentences using the information in the table. (5 marks) name don’t/doesn’t like Camila tuna fish milk Marcelo chicken fruit Juana fruit milk

1 Camila______.doesn’t like tuna fish and milk. 2 Lourdes ______. 3 Marcelo ______.

4 Juana ______. 5 Juana and Camila ______. 6 Juana and Marcelo ______.


11 Put the food in the right column. (5 marks)

tomatoes fish chicken oranges pineapple wheat corn cheese rice bananas carrots

fruit and vegetables cereals milk group meat and fish group wheat

12 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

T- shirt blouse hat tie dress suit

1 ______blouse 2 ______3 ______5 ______4 ______6 ______

128 Test Five

(Units 13, 14 and 15) Your name______Your Class ______


1 Listen to a meteorologist talking about the climate of some places in Ecuador. Complete the climate of each town. Use the words in the box. (5 marks) hot warm cool hot humid cold

town climate months Salinas 1______2 ______February 3______cool July, August Loja 4______July, August 5______February, March Tena 6______March 2 Listen to a student talking about her trip to Otavalo. Match the information in the columns to make

we went lunch by the lake we stopped some cheese we bought in the market we walked to Otavalo by car we had in a cheap hotel we stayed in Cayambe


3 Read the text and complete the information below. (5 marks)

Means of Transport in Ecuador the means of transport in Ecuador are: The main means of transport in Ecuador is the buses bus. Bus travel is cheap. There are a lot of buses ______between cities and towns. There are also taxis ______in the cities and between towns. ______In some places in the Highland Region, the ______roads are good. But in other places they are ______bad. Some roads down the coast are bad but others are good. ______Another means of transport is the plane. There is a railway from Quito to Guayaquil, but Planes are expensive but fast. we can only travel to Riobamba. The train is The boat is another means of transport in slow, too. Ecuador. There is a boat service along the River Horses are also a very useful means of trans- Napo from Misahuallí to Coca. But the boat is port. Some people, especially in rural areas, use slow. It takes about ten hours. them frequently.

129 Test Five

4 Read the postcard from Lola. Write the problems and the solutions. (5 marks)

people cause these problems how can we help people drop rubbish on the beaches

Dear Alex, Hello. I am at the beach, now. There is a lot of rubbish here. People drop rubbish everywhere. It's very sad. Peo- ple leave rubbish on the beaches of our beautiful coast. They throw rubbish into the rivers and lakes. They leave rubbish in the streets, too. People should not drop rubbish on our beautiful beaches. People should not leave rubbish on the streets. They should put rubbish in bins. People should not throw rubbish into our rivers and lakes. They should take their rubbish home. We need to defend our natural world. I’m very sad, now. Love, Lola Speaking

5 Look at the pictures. Talk about the advice to stay healthy. (5 marks)

______Don’t eat ______Brush ______Don’t ______

______Get ______Don’t eat ______Wash your hands ______before you eat.

130 Test Five


6 Look at the pictures. Talk about A Trip to Atacames. (5 marks).

decided ______went ______played ______talked ______

helped ______cooked ______picked up ______


7 Write the advice under each picture in 5. (5 marks)

8 Look at the pictures in 6 above. Write about A Trip to Atacames. (5 marks) ______


9 Replace the underlined word with it or them. Write the correct word on the line. (5 marks)

1 Fruits are good for you. Eat lots of fruits. ______them 2 Sweets are bad for you. Don’t eat lots of sweets. ______3 Cheese is good for you. Cheese has lots of protein. ______4 Always cook seafood. Don’t eat seafood raw. ______5 Fatty foods are bad for you. Don’t eat lots of fatty foods. ______6 Meat has protein. Meat has minerals, too. ______

131 Test Five

10 Read My Trip to Playas. Complete the blanks with the correct verb form. (5 marks)

My Trip to Playas beach. They ______4 (talk) to the fisher- Last week my family and I ______went 1 (go) men. My brother and I ____5 (play) vol- to Playas. On Monday we ______2 (trav- leyball on the beach. On Wednesday we el) to the beach by car. In Playas my father ______6 (return) to our home in the and my mother ______3 (walk) on the evening.


11 Label some products from Ecuador. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

cheese apple avocado orange potatoes lettuce

1 an orange 2 an ______3 some ______4 some ______5 an ______6 some ______

12 Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

boat bike car plane truck bus

1 ______plane 2 ______3 ______

4 ______5 ______6 ______

132 Term one: test a

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen and mark the times on the clocks. (5 marks)

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Reading

Read these texts. Match them with the corresponding pictures. (5 marks)


1 This is Hugo Calero. 2 This is María Lara. 3 This is Jaime Ayala. He lives in Quito. She lives in Tulcán. He lives in Cuenca. He is a newsreader. She is a doctor. He is an artist. He works in a TV station. She works in a hospital. He works in an art studio.

4 This is Flavio Peña. 5 This is Luis Mena. 6 This is Lina Páez. He lives in La Troncal. He lives in Pacto. She lives in Piñas. He is a driver. He is a farmer. She is an economist He works for a transport He works on a farm. She works in the City Council. company.

3 Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

133 Term one: test a

4 Writing

Look at Fernando’s school timetable. Write about one day. Example: Fernando ... classes at seven o’clock. lessons a day. On Wednesday... (5 marks) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7.15 Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics English Mathematics 8.00 Spanish Science Science Social Studies English 8.45 English Music Science Spanish Science 9.30 Science English English Science Social Studies 10.15 10.45 Break Break Break Break Break 10.45 Physical Education Social Studies Music Science Science 11.30 Social Studies Spanish Practical Options Spanish Spanish 12.15 Practical Options Practical Options Social Studies Physical Education Physical Education


5 Grammar

1 ______your name? My name is Lola. ______e a It’s 2 How old ______you? I’m 13. ______b Her 3 What time is it? ______three o’clock. ______c are 4 I live in Otavalo. Where ______you live? ______d am 5 I ______a student. I am in class one. ______e What’s 6 What’s her name? ______name is Susana. ______f do 6 Vocabulary

Look at these classroom objects. Write the names correctly. (5 marks) ocmspases ______compasses 1 htlgi ______4 rbaod ______2 bokoonet ______5

3 6 rchia ______cirsssos ______

134 Term one: test b

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen and mark the times on the clocks. (5 marks)

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Reading

Read these texts. Match them with the corresponding pictures. (5 marks)


1 This is Alberto Heredia. 2 This is Angela Mera. 3 This is Pedro Rosero. He lives in Pujilí. She lives in Manta. He lives in El Angel. He is a carpenter. She is a housewife. He is an electrician. He works in a workshop. She works in a home. He works in a factory.

4 This is Elena Granda. 5 This is René Torres. 6 This is Sandra Lara. She lives in Azogues. He lives in Súa. She lives in Ambato. She is a engineer. He is a fisherman. She is a doctor. She works in a factory. He works for a fishing She works in a hospital. company.

3 Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

135 Term one: test b

4 Writing

Look at Lucía’s school timetable. Write about one day. Example: Lucía ....classes at seven o’clock. She... seven lesson a day. On Friday... (5 marks) ______

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 Spanish Mathematics English English English 7:45 Science Social Studies Science Science Science 8:30 English Practical Options Practical Options Mathematics Spanish 9:15 Mathematics English Mathematics Mathematics Social Studies 10:00 Break Break Break Break Break 10:30 Physical Education Science Music Art Science 11:15 Social Studies Art Mathematics Spanish English 12:00 Social Studies Music Science Physical Education Practical Options

5 Grammar

Complete the dialogue with in, at or on. (5 marks)

Elena: Sebastián, when is your birthday? Sebastián: It’s ______in 1 October. It’s ______2 October 15th. When is your birthday, Elena? Elena: My birthday is ______3 January 1st. Sebastián: That’s next week! Elena: Yes! My birthday party is ______4 Saturday ______5 6.30. Do you want to come? Sebastián: Sure! When does it finish? Elena: ______6 10.00. Sebastián: Great. I’ll be there.

6 Vocabulary

Look at these classroom objects. Write the names correctly. (5 marks) encpli ______pencil 1 letab ______4 klcco ______2 gba loosch ______5 brdcuopa ______3 esac licenp ______6

136 Term two: test a

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen to the information about some people. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5 marks) light short blue brown green

name eye colour hair height Manuel Valarezo black dark, curly 5 Linda Onofre 1 brown tall Mauricio Ayala 2 dark, straight tall Piedad Díaz brown 3 short Carla Robles black 4 short

2 Reading

Read Our School Day. Tick the correct information. (5 marks)

November 17th is the date of the School Day. ( ) The parents bring sandwiches. ( 4 ) The headteacher donates the prizes. ( ) There is a basketball competition. ( ) There is a Social Studies contest. ( ) There is a volleyball competition. ( ) There is a football competition. ( ) The inspectors help to organize our School Day. ( ) The students elect a queen. ( )

Our School Day the winners. The teachers and the inspec- Our school day is on November 3rd. There tors help to organize the celebration. The are contests in Science and Social Studies. parents always bring some sandwiches and There is a football competition, too. The fruit salad. headteacher of the school donates prizes for The students elect a queen.

3 Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

137 Term two: test a

4 Writing

Think of a town. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. Write a description of the town. (5

in next to opposite near behind ______place location ______church next to the park ______5 Grammar

Write the questions. (5 marks) 1 ______?Where is it sunny It is sunny in Guayaquil. 2 ______? There are storms in Macas. 3 ______? It’s to the north of Pichincha. 4 ______? Its population is two million. 5 ______? It’s to the north of Ecuador. 6 ______? It’s cloudy in Cuenca.

6 Vocabulary

Look at the illustrations. Label them. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

plantains fish tomatoes cheese eggs pineapple

1 ______eggs 3 ______5 ______2 ______4 ______6 ______

138 Term two: test b

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen to the information about some people. Complete the table. (5 marks)

name eye colour hair height 1 Sandra Alvear dark, curly tall 4 Iván Andrade green light straight 3 Carlos Jácome blue short 2 5 Julia Fuentes black

2 Reading

Read Our School Day. Tick the correct information. (5 marks)

December 4th is the date of the School Day. ( ) The parents bring sandwiches. ( ) The headteacher donates the prizes. ( ) There is a basketball competition. ( ) The parents donate prizes. ( 4 ) There is an English contest. ( ) There is a volleyball competition. ( ) There is a basketball competition. ( ) The inspectors help to organize our School Day. ( ) March 20th is the date of our School Day. ( ) There is a Practical Options contest. ( )

Our School Day Our school day is on March 20th. There tors help him. The parents donate the are contests in English and Practical prizes. The students participate in all Options. There is a basketball competi- the contests and competitions. Every tion, too. The headteacher organizes the year we elect our school queen. celebration. The teachers and the inspec-

3 Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

139 Term two: test b

4 Writing

Think of a town. Complete the table. Write a description of the town. Use the words in the box. (5

in next to opposite near behind ______place location ______school next to the health center ______

5 Grammar

Look at the phrases. Write advice for each one. Use don’t, always, and never. (5 marks)

1 Eat lots of sweets. ______Don’t

2 Get lots of exercise. ______

3 Smoke. ______

4 Wash your hands before you eat. ______

5 Throw rubbish in the street. ______

6 Drink water. ______

6 Vocabulary (5 marks).

Look at the illustrations. Label them. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

rice oranges corn avocados chicken potatoes

1 avocados______2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______

140 Term three: test a

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen to a sportsman talking about the food he usually eats. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

bread egg vitamins minerals protein

Food It has 1 protein milk vitamins A and D, protein 2 carbohydrates fruit juice 3 vegetables 4 carrots vitamin A meat 5

2 Reading

Read A trip to Machalilla. Match column a with column b. (5 marks)

a b went in the morning travelled to Machalilla at 11.00 got to Machalilla talked some birds walked in the forest watched about the plants and animals

A trip to Machalilla teacher talked about the plants and the Last Friday, my school friends and I went animals in the National Park. Then, we to Machalilla. It is on the beach. We trav- walked in the forest. We watched some elled in the morning by bus. At 11.00 we birds. In the evening we returned home got to Machalilla. In the afternoon, our by bus.

3 Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

141 Term three: test a

4 Writing

Look at the pictures. Write the correct advice to be healthy. (5 marks)

1 Wash your hands 2 Cook 3 Get

4 Put 5 Boil 6 Brush

5 Grammar

Today is April 19th. Look at Marco’s list of things to do for April 18th. He put a tick (3) next to the things he was able to finish. Write five sentences about what he did yesterday. (5 marks)

have lunch with Marcia 3 talk to my grandmother 3 go to the gym 3 take a walk 3 play volleyball with Germán 3 go to the movies with Carla 3 watch the sports TV programme swim in the swimming pool ______He had lunch with Marcia. ______

6 Vocabulary

Read the words and match them with the illustrations. (5 marks) canoe horse truck bike bus plane

1 ______bus 2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______

142 Term three: test b

Your name______Your Class ______

1 Listening

Listen to a sportswoman’s mother talking about the food her daughter usually eats. Complete the table. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

vegetables and fruit vitamin A rice carbohydrates fish

Food It has milk 1 plantain 2 yucca carbohydrates 3 carbohydrates 4 protein chicken protein 5 vitamins and mineral

2 Reading

Read A Trip to Cotopaxi. Match column a with column b. (5 marks) a b planned a trip on Sunday morning travelled on Sunday afternoon organized their camp on Saturday afternoon walked up the volcano in the evening picked up their rubbish to the Cotopaxi volcano got home in a bus

A Trip to Cotopaxi some fish and some potatoes. On Sun- On Thursday evening, Emilio and his day morning, they walked up the volca- family planned a trip to the Cotopaxi no. They looked at some plants and ani- volcano. They travelled in a bus on Satur- mals. On Sunday afternoon they picked day. On Saturday afternoon they orga- up their rubbish. They got home in the nized their camp. Then they cooked evening.

3. Speaking

Do the task(s) that your teacher gives you. (5 marks)

143 Term three: test b

4 Writing

Look at the pictures. Write the correct advice to be healthy. (5

1 Get enough exercise. 2 Brush 3 Wash

4 Put 5 Wash 6 Boil

5 Grammar

Read My School Holiday and complete the information. Use the verbs in the box in the past tense. (5 get off walk go tell see have

My School Holiday We______4 a lot of plants and birds. Our On my school holiday my friends and I guide ______5 us about the plants and _____went 1 to the Pasochoa National Park. We birds species. It was very interesting. We went from Quito in a bus and we ______6 dinner and breakfast there. We 2 at the Pasochoa camp. We left our bags returned to Quito next day. in the bus. We______3 for three hours.

6 Vocabulary

Label the pictures. Use the words in the box. (5 marks)

pelican sea lion penguins tortoise dolphin marine iguana

1 ______dolphin 2 ______3 ______4 ______5 ______6 ______


mother’s name is Lucía. She’s forty. My b) thirty-eight brother’s name is Fabián. He’s five. My sisters’ c) ninety-three names are Miriam and Ligia. Miriam is sixteen and d) fifty-six Ligia is twelve. My grandmother’s name is Conchi- e) forty ta. She’s seventy-three. My grandfather’s name is f) one hundred Segundo. He’s eighty. Test Two (Units 4, 5 and 6) Writing Listening 7 Key a) It’s seven fifteen b) It’s two forty-five c) It’s eight 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make fifty-five d) It’s five thirty e) It’s nine o’clock f) It’s sure all students are able to hear. four twenty-five. 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the 8 A possible production model task and focus their attention on the The same as 6. information they need to listen for.

Grammar 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. The first time students should listen, the second 9 Key time they should note down the information and 1 I the third time they should­ check their notes. 2 am 3 in Tapescript 72 Listening 1 4 go 5 am Look at the picture. Listen and tick the objects 6 in you hear.

10 Key Hello. I’m Jenny. I’m in class one. Listen, this is my 1 c classroom. It’s beautiful! There’s a bin. It’s near 2 d the chair. There’s a cupboard. It’s near the door. 3 a There’s a map. It’s near the window. There’s a 4 d board. It’s near the map. There’s a chair. It’s near 5 c the table. There’s also a clock. It’s on the wall. 6 a 1 Key Vocabulary There is a clock on the wall. 4 There is a bin near the chair. 4 11 Key There is a map near the window. 4 1 Open There is a chair near the table. 4 2 Go There is a cupboard near the door. 4 3 Sit There is a board near the map.4 4 Close 5 Write Tapescript 73 Listening 2 6 Go Listen to the information about some people. Complete the table. Jacobo Mena is an architect. He lives in 12 Key Latacunga. He works in the City Council. Elsa Sala- a) seventeen zar is a hairdresser. She lives in Tres Postes. She


Test One (Units 1, 2 and 3) 1 Listen to Susana Paredes talking about her family. Complete the information. (5 marks). Listening Hello. I’m Susana. I live in Babahoyo. I’m 13. There 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make are seven people in my family: me, my mother, my sure all students are able to hear. father, my brother, my little sister, my grandmother and my grandfather. My father’s name is Marco. 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the He’s a mechanic. My brother’s name is Darío. He’s task and focus their attention on the infor- a student. My little sister’s name is Rosita. She mation they need to listen for. goes to a nursery school. My mother’s name is Silvia. She’s a housewife. My grandmother’s name 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. is Lucila and my The first time students should listen, the second grandfather’s name is Jorge. I love my family very time they should note down the information and much. the third time they should check their notes. 2 Key Tapescript 70 Listening 1 1 father 2 mother 1 Listen to the people. Complete the table. 3 sister 4 grandmother Hello. I’m Rosario Castro. I’m 23. 5 brother I’m an engineer. I live in Riobamba. 6 grandfather

Hello. I’m Catalina Avila. I’m 15. I’m a student. I live in Cuenca. Reading

Hello. I’m Rodrigo Castillo. I’m 52. 3 Key I’m an architect. I live in La Maná. 1 123478 2 Roberto Rodas Hello. I’m Antonio Ramírez. I’m 48. 3 Gladys Caicedo I’m a mechanic. I live in Esmeraldas. 4 fourteen 5 Azogues Hello. I’m Carla Beltrán. I’m 23. I’m a secretary. I 6 One live in La Troncal. 4 Key Hello. I’m Raquel Parreño. I’m a teacher. 1 father I live in Quito. 2 married 3 mother 1 Key 4 sister 1 a mechanic 5 single 2 a secretary 3 an architect Speaking 4 a student 5 an engineer 5 A possible production model 6 a teacher I’m Lola Bastidas. I’m thirteen. I live in Pujilí. I’m a student. My school’s name is Colegio Nacional de Música. Tapescript 71 Test 1. Listening 2. 6 A possible production model My father’s name is Marcelo. He’s forty-five. My


of milk and some bread for breakfast. Andrea goes 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make to school by bus. She leaves home at six o’clock. sure all students are able to hear. The trip to school takes more or less an hour. She starts classes at seven 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the fifteen. She finishes classes at twelve forty-five. task and focus their attention on the She gets home at two o’clock. information they need to listen for. 2 Key 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. 1 starts school The first time students should listen, the second 2 gets home time they should note down the 3 has breakfast information and the third time they should check 4 gets up their notes. 5 leaves home 6 washes her face and hands Tapescript 74 Listening 1 Reading Listen to Leonardo talking about his timetable. Complete the table. 3 Key 1 footballer Hi. I’m Leonardo. Listen to my timetable for 2 black Friday. I have seven classes on Friday: 3 tall Mathematics, Spanish, English, Music, Practical 4 black Options, Physical Education and Social Studies. 5 tall Mathematics starts at 7.15. I like Mathematics a lot but I don’t like Social Studies at all. On 4 Key Friday, Social Studies starts at 12.15. Music starts 1 Otto Arosemena at 9.30. Spanish starts at 8 o’clock. 2 Milagro English starts at 8.45. There is a break from 10.15 to 10.45. Practical Options starts at 10.45. Physi- 3 near a hospital cal Education starts at 11.30. I’m very happy in 4 1680 my school. 5 118 6 45 1 Key 1 Spanish Speaking 2 English 3 Music 5 A possible production model 4 Practical Options Who’s your favourite person? Lorena Valencia 5 Social Studies Where’s she from? She’s from Manta. What does she do? She’s a secretary. Tapescript 75 Listening 2 Where does she live? In my house. What else do you know about her? She likes Listen to Andrea’s mother talking about listening to music. Andrea’s daily activities. Write the verbs in the box under the pictures. 6 A possible production model What’s your friend’s name? Rocío I’m Andrea’s mother. Every day she’s in a hurry How old is she? fourteen because her classes start very early and we live Is she short or tall? short very far from her school. She gets up at five What colour are her eyes? green thirty and washes her face and her hands at five What about her hair? black forty. She has breakfast at five fifty. She has a cup What are her favourite subjects? Music and Social


works in a beauty salon. Paquita Cedrón is a news- The same as 5. reader. She lives in Cuenca. She works in a TV sta- tion. 8 A production model The same as 6. 2 Key Grammar 1 an architect 2 City Council 9 Key 3 hairdresser 1 have 4 beauty salon 2 starts 5 TV station 3 finishes 4 are Reading 5 is 6 last 3 Key 1/ 6/ 2 10 Key 4/ 5/ 3 1 How many classes does Oswaldo have on Friday? 4 Key 2 How long is his Language class? 1 writes invitations to her friends 3 What time does he have English? 2 decorate the house 4 How many breaks does he have? 3 makes a birthday cake 5 How long is his break? 4 buys some sweets, ice-cream and some 6 What time do his classes finish? cookies 5 make some birthday hats Vocabulary 6 bring presents 11 Key Speaking 1 scissors 2 glue 5 A possible production model 3 pencil In my classroom, there is a chair near the table. 4 sweets There is a board. It’s on the wall. There is a map. 5 string It’s also on the wall. There is a bin. It’s near the 6 ruler door. 12 Key 6 A production model 1 an eraser In Ecuador, people go to church and make 2 a pencil case nativity scenes. They also decorate Christmas 3 a book trees and give presents. In Britain, people make 4 a notebook Christmas trees, give presents, eat turkey and pull 5 a school bag crackers. In the U.S.A. people also make Christ- 6 a pen mas trees, give presents and make special Christmas cookies.

Writing Test Three (Units 7, 8 and 9)

7 A possible production model Listening


Where’s the church? In the square. 2 Key Breakfast: bread/ milk Writing Lunch: rice/ fish Dinner: soup /tea. 7 A production model The same as 5. Reading 8 A production model 3 Key 1 Wash the fruit carefully. 1 in the centre of the town 2 Cut the fruit into small pieces. 2 opposite the church 3 Make some orange juice. 3 behind the church 4 Put the fruit in a bowl. 4 near the square 5 Add the juice to the fruit. 5 in the bus station 6 Add some sugar. 6 next to the school Grammar 4 Key Juan likes carrots, 9 Key 1 potatoes a In Santa Elena there is a health centre. 2 apples b In Santa Elena there are a few churches. 3 rice c In Santa Elena there are two bus stations. 4 wheat d In Santa Elena there are a lot of restaurants. 5 corn e In Santa Elena there is a police station. 6 meat b In Santa Elena there are two markets. 7 fish 8 chicken 10 Key 9 milk 1 Camila doesn’t like tuna fish and milk. 10 yogurt 2 Lourdes doesn’t like meat. 3 Marcelo doesn’t like chicken and fruit. N.B. Each answer is marked half a point. 4 Juana doesn’t like fruit and milk. 5 Juana and Camila don’t like milk. Speaking 6 Juana and Marcelo don’t like fruit.

5 A production model Vocabulary People from the Coastal Region are very lively. They play a lot of music. 11 Key People from the Highland Region are quiet. fruit and vegetables: tomatoes, oranges, People from the Amazon Region are also quiet. pineapple, bananas, carrots. People from the Galapagos Islands are friendly cereals: wheat, rice, corn. and patient. milk group: cheese. meat and fish group: fish, chicken. 6 A possible production model Where’s the health centre? Near the bank. N.B. Each answer is marked half a point. Where’s is the market? Opposite the police station. Where’s your school? Behind the church. 12 Key Where’s the bank? Near the health centre. 1 blouse Where’s the police station? Oppossite the 2 hat market. 3 T-shirt


Studies 6 the football pitch

Writing Test four (Units 10, 11 and 12)

7 A possible production model Listening My favourite person is Marco Revelo. He’s twenty-one. He’s from Ecuador. He lives in Pasaje. 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make He’s a tourist guide. He likes playing football. He sure all students are able to hear. also likes reading books. 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the 8 A possible production model task and focus their attention on the My friend is Eugenio Garzón. He’s 15. He’s tall. His information they need to listen for. eyes are green. His hair is black. His favourite sub- jects are Physical Education and English. 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. The first time students should listen, the second Grammar time they should note down the information and the third time they should check their notes. 9 Key 1 Her Tapescript 76 Listening 1 2 Her 3 His Listen and identify the places. 4 His 5 my This is a small town in the Coastal Region. It has a 6 my big square in the centre of the town. It has a church. It’s big and beautiful. It’s in the square. 10 Key There is also a bank. It’s behind the church. There 1 are is also a school. It’s next to the church. There is a 2 want big market. It is near the square. There is a bus 3 are station. It’s opposite the market. 4 have 5 are 1 Key 6 like the square/ in the centre of the town the church/ in the square Vocabulary the bank / behind the church the school / next to the church 11 Key the market / near the square 1 dancing the bus station / opposite the market 2 playing the guitar 3 reading Tapescript 77 Listening 2 4 swimming 5 listening to music Listen to a nutritionist talking about meals. 6 playing football Tick the food that you hear.

12 Key A person needs food to grow and stay healthy. 1 the offices I recommend you have a balanced diet for each 2 the gardens meal. You need to have at least bread and milk for 3 the classrooms breakfast. For lunch, you can have some rice and 4 the playground fish. In the evening, a light meal is better, for 5 the basketball court example, some soup and tea.


Don’t eat lots of sweets. 2 avocado Brush your teeth after you eat. 3 potatoes Don’t smoke. 4 lettuce Get lots of exercise. 5 apple Don’t eat lots of fatty food. 6 cheese Wash your hands before you eat. 12 Key 6 A production model 1 plane One day, the Silva family decided to go to 2 boat Atacames. They went from Santo Domingo by bus. 3 car In Atacames, Rosita and Rafael played 4 bus football on the beach. They talked with some 5 bike fishermen. They helped the fishermen with their 6 truck canoe. Then, they cooked some fish for lunch. After lunch, the Silva family picked up their rubbish. They returned to Santo Domingo in the evening.


7 A production model The same as 5.

8 A production model The same as 6.


9 Key 1 them 2 them 3 It 4 it 5 them 6 It

10 Key 1 went 2 travelled 3 walked 4 talked 5 played 6 returned

Vocabulary Term one: test a

11 Key 1 Listening 1 orange


4 suit 5 tie Last weekend my friends and I went to Otavalo by 6 dress car. On the way, we stopped in Cayambe. We bought some cheese. It was delicious. Then we Test five (Units 13, 14 and 15) arrived at Lake San Pablo. We stopped there to walk around. And we had lunch by the lake. It was Listening very nice. Then we went to the Indian market in Otavalo. We walked in the market for 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make about two hours. In the evening we stayed in a sure all students are able to hear. cheap hotel there. It was a very nice trip. We enjoyed it a lot. 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the task and focus their attention on the 2 Key information they need to listen for. we went / to Otavalo by car we stopped / in Cayambe 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. we bought / some cheese The first time students should listen, the second we walked / in the market time they should note down the we had / lunch by the lake information and the third time they should check we stayed / in a cheap hotel their notes. Reading Tapescript 78 Listening 1 3 Key Listen and complete the information. 1 buses 2 taxis Some places in Ecuador have different climates. 3 planes For example, Salinas, in the Coastal Region, is hot 4 boats and humid in February. But it is cool in July and 5 trains August. 6 horses Loja, in the Highland Region, is cold in July and August but it’s warm in February and March. 4 Key Tena, in the Amazon Region, is generally hot in people cause these problems: March. people drop rubbish on the beaches people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes 1 Key people leave rubbish in the streets 1 hot 2 humid how can we help: 3 cool people should not drop rubbish on the beaches 4 cold people should not throw rubbish into rivers and 5 warm lakes 6 hot people should put rubblish in bins

Tapescript 80 Listening 2 Speaking Listen and match the information to make sentences. 5 A production model To stay healthy, follow this advice:


Clock number one, it’s one o'clock. Clock Key number two, it's eleven o’clock. Clock number 1 pencil three, it’s four twenty. Clock number four, it's nine 2 clock forty-five. Clock number five, it’s three fifty. Finally, 3 cupboard clock number six, it's twelve thirty. 4 table 5 school bag Key 6 pencil case 1 1.00 2 11.00 Term two: test a 3 4.20 4 9.45 1 Listening 5 3.50 6 12.30 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make sure all students are able to hear. 2 Reading 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the Key task and focus their attention on the 6/ 1/ 5 information they need to listen for. 4/ 3/ 2 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. 3 Speaking The first time students should listen, the second time they should note down the You can select topics from Units 1 to 5. Use information and the third time they should check pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input. their notes.

4. Writing Tapescript 84 Listening. Test two (a)

A production model Listen to this information about some people. Lucía starts classes at seven o’clock. She Complete the table. has seven lessons a day. On Friday. English starts at seven o’clock. Science starts at seven forty- Manuel Valarezo is a football player. He lives in five. Spanish starts at eight thirty. Social Studies Chone. He is short. His eyes are black and he has starts at nine fifteen. There is a break at ten. dark, curly hair. There is another period for Science. It starts at ten thirty. English starts at eleven fifteen. Practi- Linda Onofre is an artist. She paints very well. She cal Options is the last class. It starts at twelve. lives in Baños. Her eyes are green. She is tall. She has brown hair. 5 Grammar Mauricio Ayala is a farmer. He lives in Puellaro. He Key is very tall. His eyes are blue. He has dark, straight 1 in hair. 2 on 3 on 4 on Piedad Díaz is a nurse. She works in a hospital. 5 at She is short. She has brown eyes and brown hair. 6 at She lives in Milagro. Carla Robles is a student. She lives in Guano. She 6 Vocabulary is in year one. She is short. She has black eyes.


finishes at one o'clock. On Wednesday he has 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make seven classes: Mathematics starts at seven sure all students are able to hear. fifteen. There is a two-hour class for Science. Eng- lish starts at nine thirty. There is a break from ten 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the fifteen to ten forty-five. Music starts at ten forty- task and focus their attention on the five. Practical Options is at eleven-thirty. Finally, information they need to listen for. Social Studies is the last class. It starts at twelve fifteen. 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. The first time students should listen, the second 5 Grammar time they should note down the information and the third time they should check Key their notes. 1 e 2 c Tapescript 82 Listening. Test one (a) 3 a 4 f Look at the clocks. Listen. Mark the times on 5 d the clocks. 6 b

Clock number one, it’s nine o'clock. Clock 6 Vocabulary number two, it's six o’clock. Clock number three, it’s four thirty. Clock number four, it's five forty-five. Key Clock number five it’s seven fifty. Finally, clock 1 compasses number six, it's ten oh eight. 2 board 3 chair Key 4 light 1 9.00 5 notebook 2 6.00 6 scissors 3 4.30 4 5.45 Term one: test b 5 7.50 6 10.08 1 Listening

2 Reading 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make sure all students are able to hear. Key 6/ 1/ 5 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the 3/ 4/ 2 task and focus their attention on the information they need to listen for. 3 Speaking 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. You can select topics from Units 1 to 5. Use The first time students should listen, the second pictures, charts, tables and diagrams as input. time they should note down the information and the third time they should check their notes. 4 Writing Tapescript 83 Listening. Test one (b)

A production model Look at the clocks. Listen. Mark the time on Fernando starts classes at seven fifteen. He the clocks.


2 rice Julia Fuentes is a secretary. She works in an 3 corn office. She lives in Machala. She is tall. Her eyes 4 oranges are green. Her hair is black. 5 potatoes 6 chicken Key Sandra Alvear/ brown/ dark, curly/tall Term three: test a Iván Andrade/ green/light, straight/ short Carlos Jácome/ blue/ straight black/ short 1 Listening Julia Fuentes/ green/ black/ tall 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make 2 Reading sure all students are able to hear.

Key 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the There is a basketball competition. (4) task and focus their attention on the The parents donate prizes. (4) information they need to listen for. There is an English contest. (4) The inspectors help to organize our School Day. (4) 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. March 20th is the date of our School Day. (4) The first time students should listen, the second There is a Practical Options contest. (4) time they should note down the information and the third time they should check 3 Speaking their notes.

You can select topics from Units 6 to 10. Use pic- Tapescript 86 Listening. Test three (a) tures, charts, tables and diagrams as input. Listen to a sportsman talking about the food 4 Writing he usually eats. Complete the table.

A production model Food is very important for my career. Every day I There is a school in my town. It is next to the drink lots of pure water. For breakfast I have an health centre. There is a police station. It is in the egg. It has protein. Protein gives me strength. I park. The health centre is opposite the bank. also have milk, cheese and bread. Milk has pro- There is a market. It is opposite the river. The river tein and vitamins A and D. Cheese is rich in vita- is behind the church. min B. Bread has carbohydrates. They give me energy. Of course, I always complement my meal 5 Grammar with some fruit juice. Fruit has a lot of vitamins. Key 1 Don’t eat lots of sweets. For lunch I have lots of vegetables. Vegetables are 2 Always get lots of exercise. rich in minerals. I prefer green vegetables but 3 Never smoke. other colours are good too, for example, 4 Always wash your hands before you eat. carrots. Carrots have vitamin A. Every day I have 5 Don’t throw rubbish in the street. meat for lunch. Meat gives me protein. 6 Always drink water. I only have a light meal for dinner. I don’t like to 6 Vocabulary eat a lot at night.

Key Key 1 avocados


Her hair is light. 5 tomatoes 6 fish Key Manuel Valarezo/ black/ dark, curly/ short Term two: test b Linda Onofre/ green/ brown/tall Mauricio Ayala/ blue/ dark, straight/ tall 1 Listening Piedad Díaz/ brown/ brown/ short Carla Robles/ black/ light/ short 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make sure all students are able to hear. 2 Reading 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the Key task and focus their attention on the The parents bring sandwiches. (4) information they need to listen for. The headteacher donates the prizes. (4) There is a Social Studies contest. (4) 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. There is a football competition. (4) The first time students should listen, the second The inspectors help to organize our School Day. (4) time they should note down the The students elect a queen. (4) information and the third time they should check their notes. 3 Speaking 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make You can select topics from Units 6 to 10. Use pic- sure all students are able to hear. tures, charts, tables and diagrams as input. 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the 4 Writing task and focus their attention on the information they need to listen for. A production model This is a small town. There is a church. It is next to 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. the park. There is a police station. It is opposite The first time students should listen, the second the health centre. There is a school. It is behind time they should note down the the bank. There is a market. It is near the river. information and the third time they should check their notes. 5 Grammar Tapescript 85 Listening. Test two (b) Key 1 Where is it sunny? Listen to this information about some people. 2 Where are there storms? Tick the correct information. 3 Where is Imbabura province? 4 What is its population? Sandra Alvear is a doctor. She lives in 5 Where is Colombia? Babahoyo. She is tall. Her hair is dark and curly. 6 Where is it cloudy? Her eyes are brown.

6 Vocabulary Iván Andrade is a waiter. He works in a restaurant. He is short. His eyes are green. His Key hair is light and straight. He lives in Guaranda. 1 eggs 2 cheese Carlos Jácome is an engineer. He works in a com- 3 pineapple pany. He lives in Guayaquil. He is short. His eyes 4 plantains are blue. He has straight black hair.


Key planned a trip/ to the Cotopaxi volcano travelled/ in a bus organized their camp/ on Saturday afternoon walked up the volcano/ on Sunday morning picked up their rubbish/ on Sunday afternoon got home/ in the evening

3 Speaking You can select topics from Units 11 to 15. Use pic- tures, charts, tables and diagrams as input.

4 Writing

Key 1 Get enough exercise. 2 Brush your teeth. 3 Wash your hands after you use the toilet. 4 Put your rubbish in bins. 5 Wash and peel your fruit before you eat it. 6 Boil water before you drink it.

5 Grammar

Key 1 went 2 got off 3 walked 4 saw 5 told 6 had

6 Vocabulary

Key 1 dolphin 2 pelikan 3 tortoise 4 marine iguana

5 sea lion 6 penguin


1 egg 6 truck 2 bread 3 vitamins Term three: test b 4 minerals 5 protein 1 Listening

2 Reading 1 Check the tape recorder or CD player and make sure all students are able to hear. Key went/ to Machalilla 2 Give the students a few minutes to look at the travelled/ in the morning task and focus their attention on the got/ to Machalilla at 11.00 information they need to listen for. talked/ about the plants and animals walked/ in the forest 3 Play or read each tapescript at least three times. watched/ some birds The first time students should listen, the second time they should note down the 3 Speaking information and the third time they should check their notes. You can select topics from Units 11 to 15. Use pic- tures, charts, tables and diagrams as input. Tapescript 87 Listening. Test three (b)

4 Writing Hello. I’m Margarita Pinargote. Esther is my daugh- ter. We live in Jaramijó. My daughter is very active. Key I give her simple and healthy food. 1 Wash your hands. 2 Cook seafood. For breakfast she has milk, plantain and yucca. 3 Get enough exercise. Milk has vitamin A. Plantains and yucca have car- 4 Put your rubbish in bins. bohydrates. They give her lots of energy. 5 Boil water before you drink it. 6 Brush your teeth. For lunch she usually has rice and fish or chicken. Rice has carbohydrates, fish and 5 Grammar chicken have protein. Protein helps her grow. She also has vegetables and fruit. Vegetables have Key vitamins and minerals. Fruit has a lot of vitamins, 1 He had lunch with Marcia. too. 2 He went to the gym. 3 He played volleyball with Germán. In the afternoon she usually has some coconut 4 He talked to his grandmother. juice. It is very healthy. 5 He took a walk. 6 He went to the movies with Carla.

6 Vocabulary Key 1 Vitamin A Key 2 Carbohydrates 1 bus 3 rice 2 canoe 4 fish 3 bike 5 fruit 4 plane 5 horse 2 Reading


APPENDIX 1 Language Reference Pages

One: Bits and Pieces

• a(n) consonant sound: vowel sound: note:

a student an estudent an architect another student a town an artist a house an engineer a university teacher an orange a uniform an island

Note: We say: I have a car/an eraser. He is a teacher/an engineer.

Don’t use ‘a(n)’ for plural. We often use ‘some’.

For example: I have some books. He eats hamburgers (general) books. He eats hamburgers.

• a(n) vs. one We use ‘one’ to be exact.

For example: I have a book. (general) It takes an hour. (general) I have one book. (not 2 or 3) It takes one hour. (60 mins)

• difficult plurals: man fi men woman fi women child childrenfi childrens

• other useful things another things

this book these books that book those books

this one these that one those

Which one? Which ones?

• These expressions are common: That’s right/wrong/interesting/good/great.

159 Language Reference Pages APPENDIX 1

Two: Adjectives, etc.

• Adjectives In English adjectives come before nouns. All adjectives are singular (no ‘s’).

For example: a red flower red flowers a flower red reds flowers a small town small towns a town small smalls towns

• Noun Combinations - They are very common in English an English book a book of English an exercise book a book of exercise a book exercise a bus driver a driver bus


I my book You you book note: touch your head He his book touch the head She her book

Pablo’s book the teacher’s book your neighbour’s book The book of Pablo the book of the teacher the book of your neighbour


Three: Present Forms of Verbs

160 APPENDIX 1 Language Reference Pages

• The verb ‘be’

I am ‘m

he she is There is a church. it ‘s ‘s river. one cinema. you are they ‘re There are a lot of rivers. 4 regions.

Note: I am 12 (years old). There are 5 people in my family. We are

• Other verbs

I eat chocolate but he does you like she has haves it goes he eats she likes it


Four: Question Forms

161 Language Reference Pages APPENDIX 1

• Students should know these question phrases by the end of the year.

What? Who? Which? When? Where? How? How old? How long?

• Question forms with ‘be’

He is a teacher. You are from Manta.

Is he a teacher? Are you from Manta? What is he? A teacher Where are you from?

• Question forms with other verbs

You like bananas. She lives in Quito.

Do you like bananas? Does she live in Quito?

What do you like? Where does she live?

• Useful Questions:

How do you say ‘ocho’? How do you spell it? How do you write it? How do you pronounce it? What does ‘healthy’ mean? What does he do? He’s a mechanic.


162 APPENDIX 1 Language Reference Pages

Five: Two-word Verbs

There are a lot of two-word verbs in English. Here are the verbs from Book 1.

Type 1 Type 2

listen to stand up

look at sit down

write down get up

pick up get dressed

put down (something)

take off

put on

get on/off/to

ask for

Remember: He gets up …… He get ups


163 Language Reference Pages APPENDIX 1

Six: Prepositions of Place


in behind under in front of

next to near between

from to The bus goes from Cuenca to Loja.

• Students should know these special expressions: at home in bed on a farm by the sea


164 APPENDIX 1 Language Reference Pages

Seven : Prepositions of Time

on in at

Monday(s) February 7.45 Monday morning 1998 Christmas the weekend (USA) the summer the weekend weekends (USA) the morning weekends 21st August the afternoon night


on tomorrow, on yesterday

before | during | after


165 Language Reference Pages APPENDIX 1

Eight: Past Forms of Verbs

• There are two kinds of past forms – regular and irregular.

Type 1 – regular verbs Type 2 – irregular verbs in Book 1 present past present past stay stayed is was stop stopped am/are were visit visited have had arrive arrived buy bought dance danced see saw get got go went

All persons (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) have the same form except the verb ‘be’. Note: He arrived he arriveds She went she wents

For two-word verbs: example: He got up at 9 o’clock on Sunday.

We usually use phrases to indicate the past. For example: on Sunday, last weekend, last month, last year, in 1998, in August.

past now future x


166 APPENDIX 2 Core Vocabulary List

item word class unit item word class unit item word class unit a(n) det 1 bird noun 14 chalk noun 4 accountant noun 5 birthday noun 6 cheap adj 15 active adj 14 black adj 4 cheese (U) noun 12 actor noun 8 blouse noun 11 chicken noun 12 add verb 12 blue adj 4 child(ren) noun 3 adminster verb 7 blue-footed booby noun 14 cholera noun 13 after conj 13 board noun 1 Christmas noun 6 after prep 13 boat noun 17 Christmas tree noun 6 afternoon noun 1 boil verb 13 church noun 6 also conj 6 bongos noun 11 city noun 10 always adv 13 book noun 4 class noun 1 and conj 2 bowl noun 12 classroom noun 7 animal noun 14 boxer noun 8 clean adj 13 apple noun 12 bread (U) noun 9 clean verb 9 April noun 6 break noun 4 climate noun 14 architect noun 5 breakfast noun 9 close verb 1 art noun 4 bring verb 6 cloudy adj 14 artist noun 5 brother noun 3 coast noun 14 at prep 4 brown adj 4 coastal adj 11 athlete noun 8 brush verb 13 coat noun 11 August noun 6 bus noun 9 coconut noun 11 avocado noun 12 bus station noun 10 coffee noun 12 bad adj 15 butter (U) noun 12 cold adj 14 balloon noun 6 buy verb 6 colour noun 6 banana noun 11 by prep 9 come verb 6 band noun 7 cake noun 6 company noun 5 bank noun 5 canoe noun 9 contest noun 7 bathing suit noun 11 capital noun 10 cook noun 5 be (am, is, are) verb 1 car noun 9 cook verb 9 beach noun 14 carbohydrate noun 13 cookie noun 6 beautiful adj 14 carefully adv 12 cool adj 14 beauty salon noun 5 carol noun 6 corn (U) noun 11 bed noun 13 carpenter noun 5 court noun 7 beer noun 13 carrot noun 12 cracker noun 6 before conj 13 ceiling noun 4 cupboard noun 4 before prep 13 celebrate verb 6 curly adj 8 behind prep 10 celebration noun 7 dad noun 9 between prep 14 Central Bank noun 5 dance verb 8 big adj 4 centre noun 10 dark adj 8 bike noun 9 cereal noun 12 daughter noun 3 bin noun 4 chair noun 4 December noun 6 decorate verb 6

167 Core Vocabulary List APPENDIX 2

item word class unit item word class unit item word class unit decorations noun 6 fish noun 11 have verb 3 Design noun 4 fisherman noun 5 health centre noun 10 desk noun 4 fishing boat noun 5 helpful adj 11 dessert noun 12 flag noun 4 her det 3 dinner noun 12 flute noun 11 herbal tea noun 12 doctor noun 5 food noun 6 high adj 14 dolphin noun 14 football noun 7 Highland noun 10 door noun 1 footballer noun 8 his det 3 dress(es) noun 11 for prep 12 History noun 4 drink verb 13 forest noun 14 hobby noun 8 driver noun 5 French noun 4 home noun 5 drop verb 15 Friday noun 4 home noun 9 drums noun 11 friend noun 6 homework noun 9 dry adj 14 friendly adj 11 horse noun 9 during prep 14 from prep 8 hospital noun 5 east noun 14 fruit (U) noun 12 hot adj 14 eat verb 11 game noun 6 hotel noun 5 economist noun 5 garage noun 5 house noun 6 egg noun 12 Geography noun 4 housewife noun 5 elect verb 7 get (back) verb 9 housework noun 9 electrician noun 5 get (dressed) verb 9 Humanities noun 4 electricity noun 5 get (home) verb 9 humid adj 14 empty adj 14 get up verb 9 husband noun 3 engineer noun 5 giant adj 14 ID number noun 1 English noun 4 give verb 6 iguana noun 14 eraser noun 4 glove(s) noun 11 in prep 1 evening noun 1 go verb 1 into prep 12 every det 13 go back verb 1 invitation noun 6 exercise noun 13 go shopping verb 9 invite verb 6 expensive adj 15 good adj 1 island noun 11 eye(s) noun 8 grandfather noun 3 face noun 9 grandmother noun 3 January noun 6 factory noun 5 green adj 4 juice noun 12 family noun 3 guitar noun 8 July noun 6 farmer noun 5 gym noun 7 June noun 6 fast adj 15 hair noun 8 lake noun 10 fat noun 13 hamburger noun 13 latrine noun 13 father noun 3 hand(s) noun 9 leave verb 9 favourite adj 8 happy noun 6 lemon noun 12 February noun 6 hat noun 6 light adj 8 finally conj 7 hairdresser noun 5 light noun 4 finish verb 4 hate verb 12 like verb 8 listen to verb 8

168 APPENDIX 2 Core Vocabulary List

item word class unit item word class unit item word class unit Literature noun 8 night noun 13 policeman noun 5 live verb 1 north noun 14 politician noun 8 lively adj 11 notebook noun 4 poncho noun 11 long adj 8 noticeboard noun 4 pop music noun 8 love noun 6 November noun 6 pop star noun 8 love verb 12 number noun 1 population noun 14 lunch noun 4 nurse noun 5 pork (U) noun 11 make verb 6 ocean noun 14 poster noun 4 mammal noun 14 o'clock other 2 potato noun 11 map noun 4 October noun 6 Practical Options noun 4 March noun 6 office noun 5 prepare verb 6 marimba noun 11 oil noun 14 present noun 6 marine iguana noun 14 on prep 4 prize noun 7 market noun 10 onion noun 12 protein noun 13 Mathematics noun 4 open verb 1 province noun 15 Maths noun 4 opposite prep 10 put verb 12 May noun 6 or conj 13 queen noun 7 meal noun 12 orange noun 11 quiet adj 11 meat noun 12 papaya noun 12 rain forest noun 14 mechanic noun 5 park noun 10 raincoat noun 11 midnight noun 6 party noun 6 read verb 8 mineral noun 13 patient adj 11 really adv 11 minute noun 4 peel verb 13 red adj 4 Monday noun 4 pelican noun 14 region noun 10 morning noun 1 pen noun 4 reptile noun 14 mother noun 3 pencil noun 4 restaurant noun 5 mountain noun 14 pencil case noun 4 return verb 17 movie star noun 8 penguin noun 14 rice (U) noun 11 mum noun 9 Physical Education noun 4 river noun 10 Music noun 4 pick up verb 15 road noun 17 music noun 8 piece noun 12 room noun 9 musician noun 11 pineapple noun 12 rubbish (U) noun 13 my det 1 pink adj 4 ruler noun 4 name noun 1 pitch noun 7 salad noun 12 nativity scene noun 6 place noun 14 sandal(s) noun 11 near prep 4 plane noun 15 Saturday noun 4 neighbourhood noun 10 plant noun 14 scarf (scarves) noun 11 never adv 13 plantain noun 11 school noun 1 New Year’s Eve noun 6 play verb 8 school bag noun 4 newsreader noun 5 playground noun 7 Science noun 4 next to prep 10 police station noun 10 sea lion noun 14

169 Core Vocabulary List APPENDIX 2

item word class unit item word class unit seafood (U) noun 11 s w e e t ( s ) n o u n 6 item word class unit seat noun 1 very adv 11 secretary noun 5 swim verb 8 visit verb 9 see verb 7 table noun 4 visitor noun 11 September noun 6 take verb 15 vitamin noun 13 short adj 8 take (home) verb 14 volcano noun 14 shorts noun 11 take care verb 13 volleyball noun 7 should verb 14 take part verb 7 waiter noun 5 sing verb 7 talk verb 11 waitress noun 5 sister noun 3 tall adj 8 walk verb 9 sit down verb 1 taxi noun 9 wall noun 4 skirt noun 11 teacher noun 1 warm adj 14 slow adj 15 teeth (tooth) noun 13 watch verb 8 small adj 10 tennis player noun 8 water melon noun 12 smoke verb 13 textbook noun 4 wavy adj 8 Social Studies noun 4 the det 1 wear verb 11 some det 6 their det 3 weaver noun 5 son noun 3 throw verb 14 Wednesday noun 4 soup noun 12 Thursday noun 4 west noun 14 south noun 14 timetable noun 4 wheat (U) noun 12 Spanish noun 4 to prep 1 white adj 4 special adj 14 toilet noun 13 wife noun 3 species noun 16 tomato(es) noun 12 window noun 1 spell verb 1 tortoise noun 14 winner noun 6 sports noun 7 tourist noun 10 work verb 5 sports centre noun 10 tourist guide noun 11 write verb 1 square noun 10 town noun 10 writer noun 8 St. Valentine’s Day noun 6 traditional noun 6 yellow adj 4 stadium noun 7 train noun 15 yogurt (U) noun 12 stand up verb 1 trip noun 15 your det 1 start verb 4 tropical adj 14 yucca (U) noun 11 straight adj 8 truck noun 15 street noun 13 T-shirt noun 11 student noun 1 Tuesday noun 4 study verb 7 tuna fish noun 12 subject noun 4 turkey noun 6 sugar (U) noun 12 TV programme noun 9 suit noun 11 TV star noun 8 Sunday noun 4 TV station noun 5 sunglasses noun 11 under prep 4 sweater noun 11 unique adj 14 vegetable noun 12