Financing Sustainable Electric Transport in Ecuador - CTF Submission – Public version CTF Cover Page Page 1 of 15 Cover Page for CTF Project/Program Approval Request[a] Dedicated Private Sector Programs (DPSP-III) 1. Country/Region 2. CIF Ecuador XCTFEC772A Project ID# 3. Public or Private Public ✓ Private 4. Project/Program Title Financing Sustainable Electric Transport in Ecuador 5. Is this a private sector program Yes composed of sub-projects? No ✓ 6. Financial Products, Terms and Amounts Financial Product USD EUR (million) (million)[b] Grant 1.047 Fee on grant 0.053 MPIS (for private sector only) Public sector loan Harder terms Softer terms 23.0 Senior loan Senior loans in local currency hedged Subordinated debt / mezzanine instruments with income participation Second loss guarantees Equity Subordinated debt/mezzanine instruments with convertible features Convertible grants and contingent recovery grants Contingent recovery loans First loss guarantees Other (please specify) Total 24.1 7. Implementing MDB(s) Inter-American Development Bank 8. National Implementing Agency Ministry of Finance of Ecuador 9. MDB Focal Point Claudio Alatorre Frenk (
[email protected]) 10. Brief Description of Project/Program (including objectives and expected outcomes)[c] In Ecuador, the fossil fuel-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have increased in the past ten years, with a 30% increase in 2018 compared to 2009, with the transport sector accounting for 41.9% of the emissions in 2018.1 More significantly, the GHG emissions from the transport sector 1 Crippa, M., Oreggioni, G., Guizzardi, D., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., Lo Vullo, E., Solazzo, E., Monforti-Ferrario, F., Olivier, J.G.J., Vignati, E.