MARCUS AARON1 Pittsburgh DR. CYRUS ADLER3 Philadelphia PHILIP AMRAM3 Philadelphia EDWARD BAKER1 Cleveland HART BLUMENTHAL2 Philadelphia BERNARD L. FRANKEL2 Philadelphia LIONEL FRIEDMANNJ Philadelphia JOSEPH HAGEDORN1 Philadelphia REV. DR. NATHAN KRASS1 S. CHAS. LAMPORT1 New York City Louis E. LEVINTHALS Philadelphia FELIX H. LEVY2 New York City HOWARD S. LEVY' Philadelphia HON. WM. M. LEWIS3 Philadelphia REV. DR. LOUIS L. MANN1 Chicago SIMON MILLER2 Philadelphia

1. Terms expire in 1933. 2. Terms expire in 193-1. 3. Terms expire in 1935. 347 348 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ADOLPH S. OCHS2 New York City PHILIP B. PERLMAN2 Baltimore CARL H. PFORZHEIMER1 New York City DR. A. S. W. ROSENBACH2 New York City DR. FRANK I. SCHECHTER1 New York City ABBA HILLEL SILVER2 Cleveland JACOB SOLIS-COHEN, JR.3 Elkins Park MEIER STEINBRINK1 Brooklyn HON. HORACE STERN2 Philadelphia LUDWIG VOGELSTEIN1 New York City A. LEO WEIL3 Pittsburgh EDWIN WOLF3 Philadelphia HOWARD A. WOLF1 Philadelphia MORRIS WOLF3 Philadelphia RALPH WOLF2 New York City



1. Terms expire in 1933. 2. Terms expire in 1934. 3. Terms expire in 1935. JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 349




Assets Current Assets: Cash $ 1,485.16 Notes Receivable 232.07 Accounts Receivable 21,903.08 Pledges Receivable 200.00 Inventories .* 15,725.89 Total Current Assets $39,546.20 Investments 34,917.51 Plant, Equipment, Dies, Plates and Furniture... 2.00 Prepaid Insurance 34.86 $74,500.57 Liabilities Accounts Payable '. $ 4,504.46 Fund Accounts 56,314.39 Surplus 13,681.72 74,500.57 INCOME STATEMENT 1931 Revenues: Dues $29,659.96 Sales—Hebrew Press 23,158.32 Sales—Jewish Publication Society 23,749.38 Donations ; 1,219.72 Interest 393.05 $78,180.43 Expenses: Administrative Expenses $15,525.95 Cost of Publications—Jewish Publication Society 29,402.31 Manufacturing Expenses—Hebrew Press 30,848.10 Net Income 2,404.07 $78,180.43 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA The Forty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Jewish Publica- tion Society was held at Dropsie College, Broad and York Streets, Philadelphia, on Tuesday, March 29, 1932, at 8.30 p. M. The addresses were delivered by Mr. Marvin Lowenthal and Mr. Bernard L. Frankel. The address of Mr. Marvin Lowenthal follows herewith: It is a bold man who will come to Philadelphia, with its wealth of Jewish history and associations, and its rich legacy of antiquities—its ivy-clad Mikveh Israel and Rodeph Shalom, and its moss-bound, I mean laurel-crowned, Jewish Publication Society—and dare to speak on the few and fragmentary Jewish landmarks of a heathen city such as . Where is a Rabbi Yehiel in the ranks of Jewish learn- ing, by the side of your own Rabbi Isaac Leeser? For the dozens of good folk who have never heard of Yehiel, there are, I suppose, thousands who have never heard of Leeser. Although Jews have lived in Paris after their fashion, that is, off and on, following the winds of tolerance, since Roman times, the city has never become famous in Jewish chronicle or legend. No light of glory has descended upon it as upon Cordova or Toledo, and no halo of martyrdom as upon Worms or Troyes. Great men in Israel were not born there, great books were seldom written there, and spirited deeds usually managed to happen elsewhere. Yet the unsuspecting visitor will be happily mistaken if he imagines that having heard little of Paris in Jewish history, he will find little there to recall its long adventurous course. Probably no city is richer in Jewish relics, except for architectural monuments, and certainly no city possesses relics evoking a longer span of our singular history. Benja- min of Tudela, who had traveled far and seen much, was right in calling Paris, as that older traveler Jonah once called Nineveh, "ha-ir hagdola"—Paris that great city! 351 352 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

I shall say little this evening of its museum collections; the Babylonian, Assyrian and Jewish rooms of the retelling in stone the ancient saga of our people, or the Cluny collection which has caught in silver, silk and gold the symbols and ritual of our faith, or the Bibliotheque Nationale which guards carefully from view—it takes a letter from the American ambassador, two photographs, and the learning of a Schechter to see its treasures—a hoard of illuminated Hebrew manuscripts and literary booty. Instead, let us saunter through the streets, as only a Parisian flaneur can, and seek to elicit memories of our people in the squares and gardens, the courtyards, churches and cemeteries of the city. The emblem of Paris is, as you know, a ship—a ship that has set its prow down the Seine these two thousand years; ransacking its hold we may be sure to stumble upon Jewish treasure-trove. We may begin our casual search in that favorite tourist haunt, the Church of St. Julien le Pauvre, twice starred in Baedeker for being the oldest surviving church in Paris. It lies almost directly across the river from Notre Dame, and its pretty square has recently been fitted up with benches for the comfort of mursemaids and impecunious lovers. Although Baedeker says nothing about it, the church and its square should recall to us the name of Priscus, the first Parisian Jew known to history. Jews were in Gaul during Roman days, and they likely found their way to Paris long before the Franks. But we do not hear of them until the barbarian invaders, with their fresh Christian zeal, bring them to our attention. Priscus was a commission agent who purchased articles de luxe—perhaps the latest model of bullock-carts—for king Chilperic in the balmy days of the sixth century; a fitting occupation for our first Jew in a locality that is still known as "the city of ten per cent." Gregory of Tours tells us how the king zealously converted a number of his court Jews, holding some of them over the font with his own hands, but somehow failed to convince Priscus. Then, on a Sabbath, one of the newly converted Jews, Phatir by name, waylaid Priscus up an alley, and as a last argument slew him on the spot. Phatir fled for refuge in our Church JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 353 of St. Julien le Pauvre, and eventually made good his escape, while his retainer was slain by an angry mob in the little garden that still smiles beneath the old belfry. The ex-Jew Phatir was, I might add, killed in the end by relatives of the Jew Priscus. Little is heard of the Parisian Jews for the next five hundred years. Israel, we know, found favor in the sight of Charlemagne and his sons. The great Charles despatched his Jewish physician, Isaac of Narbonne, to the court of Harun al-Rashid, who, by way of appreciation, is said to have returned Isaac together with a unicorn's horn. Charle- magne, Harun and Isaac have become legends, while the horn of the unicorn, which never existed, is still to be seen in Cluny museum. Through the Middle Ages the Jews lived in varied and changing quarters on both the Right and Left Banks, as well as on the island between. Save for crabbed markings in mouldy real estate deeds and tax lists, all traces of their living on the Left Bank or in the He de la Cite have vanished. But, if living, our medieval Jews moved without a vestige through the centuries, once dead they at least left tomb- stones behind them. Fastened to the walls of the Thermes adjoining Cluny museum are a dozen of these thirteenth century slabs. They cling to the bricking of the old Roman baths like strange lichens, one dead world rooted to another. The cemetery, whence they and fifty like them came, is appropriately enough for the people of the book, buried today beneath the foundations of the great publishing house, Hachette. One of these thirteenth century stones, now in the Carnavalet museum, bears the name of the wife of a Rabbi Yehiel. We may hope, for the sake of a good story, it was no other than the great Yehiel, the Sire Vives, who in the days when Dante visited the Rue du Fouarre, the Street of the Straw, and when scholars of twenty "nations" sat in the cold university halls behind St. Julien le Pauvre, was himself master of three hundred students. Yehiel likewise passed for a master of magic, and among other magic he made a lamp which would burn without oil. Now king Louis IX, as a pious king should, hated the Jews; 354 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK but his curiosity over magic lamps got the better of his piety, and he paid Yehiel a visit. The knocker on Yehiel's door possessed the power of rooting to the spot whoever touched it, and king Louis found himself motionless on the rabbi's threshold. When Yehiel learned the identity of his visitor he courteously released him and explained the virtue of his lamp "which in the place of oil was fed by a substance unknown at the time." Overcome by the demonstration, the king loaded Yehiel with honors and was about to depart when his courtiers pointed out that Yehiel, for all his politeness, refused to drink a cup of wine the king had touched. Yehiel said "It is indeed forbidden me to drink of the wine which you or any Gentile has touched, but let the king order a basin of water to be brought and let him wash his hands in it." The king did so and Yehiel instantly drank the water. "It is not your touch I fear," he said, "it is the Law." Later on king Louis burned all the in Paris and became a saint, and Yehiel went to Palestine and died. So much for the Left Bank in medieval days. On our way to the Right Bank let us halt for a moment in the island heart of Paris, and glance at the facade of Notre Dame. On either side of the central portal stand two large female figures representing one the Church Triumphant and the other—the Synagogue Defeated. The Synagogue, as you see it, is clothed with every attribute the medieval mind could devise for a fallen power. A snake coiled above her dropping head and blindfolding her eyes, a broken lance at her side, and the two tablets of the law falling from her nerveless grasp to join the crown tumbled at her feet, she is the petrified image of dismay and defeat. It is worth while contrasting the attitude of the Church and her imagists toward the symbolic figures from the Old Testament, which likewise appear on the facade of this and nearly every other medieval cathedral, and their atti- tude toward the Synagogue. Moses, Aaron, David and the Prophets are always set in a glory; for they and all the Biblical exponents of the Old Faith were felt to be safely canonized, dead, and forever assimilated into the New Faith. JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 355

But not so the Synagogue. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, when these cathedrals were building, the Syna- gogue was very much alive—and altogether the enemy. Stiff-necked and stubborn, the Synagogue in every medieval city pressed upon the flanks of the Church; and within their humble ghetto walls the Jews, like Priscus, remained the unyielding critic, the alter ego, the spoil-sport, and, in the Joban sense, the Adversary of Christian claims and Chris- tian power. That carven image on the facade of Notre Dame, like the sculptured Jewish devil up in the belfry tower, remains a witness of the uneasiness and fear of the Church. North of the and east of the Tour St. Jacques, a narrow network of streets preserves the damp and gloom of one of the many ghettos that used to lie on the Right Bank. The Rue de Venise, formerly called Usurer's Lane, the narrowest street in Paris, still retains, says Baedeker, "its cut-throat aspect of the fourteenth century." "Cut-throat" it undoubtedly was, if we think of the fate of its Jews. A few blocks farther east (No. 24 ) stands an eighteenth century church, now given over to the Protestant cult. It, too, is a landmark in the Jewish annals of Paris. Here, in the year 1290, stood the house of a Jew named Jonathas. A Christian woman, so the story goes, pawned her best clothes with Jonathas, and when it came Easter and time to wear them, she lacked the money to redeem them. So, instead of cash, she brought Jonathas a wafer of the Host. He tried hacking, burning and boiling, but failed to destroy it. Meanwhile, his little son standing at the doorway of the house noticed passersby on their way to Easter service, and called out to them, "It is no use going to pray to your God—my father has killed him." And that, as you may suppose, shortly brought about the end of Jonathas. As the fire was lighted beneath the pyre, he exclaimed, "Ah, if I only had by me a certain book I have in my house, the flames could not harm me." The bishop of Paris, who presided at his execution, was a reason- able man, ever seeking the truth where he could find it, and he ordered the book to be brought and given to Jonathas. As a manifest proof, however, that his punishment was 356 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK agreeable to heaven, the Jew was consumed forthwith, book and all. "The house where God was boiled," as Queen Clemence called it, was shortly after rebuilt into a chapel, and later into a monastery, and finally into a church. Until the Protestants took it over (in 1812) it still preserved the knife which Jonathas was accused of plunging into the Host. A step farther east is the Rue des Rosiers, where the Jews must have lived before their expulsion, much as they do today. Two corners along this modern "ghetto" lies the Rue Duval, which at least as early as the fifteenth century was called the Rue des Juifs. Israel has clung tenaciously to this little street throughout the centuries; the kosher restaurants which flank it today are the lineal descendants of the "secret" Jewish inns of the eighteenth century; and so persistently have Jews been associated with it, tradition now points to a house which has harbored the race since medieval times. If so, the traditional cookery has vanished, unless we are to suppose that in the reign of St. Louis the French Jews ate gefuelte fish. Before we part from these medieval Jews it may tickle a perverted sense of pride for us to know that preceding their "final" expulsion from Paris and in 1394, they left, perforce, several valuable memorials to the city. Out of the exactions and fines extorted from them was erected the chapel in the chateau of Vincennes, the was repaired, and the Petit Pont rebuilt. One may still admire the Petit Pont. After more than three centuries of enforced absence, the return of the Jews to Paris in the reign of Louis XV was one of the signs of the times. Bayle and Voltaire were turning the mind of France from faith to reason. People began to think twice before they burned a Jew. And, mean- while, Mississippi Bubbles and Casanovan lotteries began turning the pockets of France toward gambling. Where- upon, the need for cash brought the Jews a furtive welcome. All in all, they returned to Paris under the safe-conduct of Tolerance and Speculation. Ashkenazic Jews from Alsace-Lorraine, Germany and Poland drifted back to the former quarters of their race near the Rue des Rosiers. Jews from the Papal territory JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 357 around Avignon, who had never been expelled from France, settled in the little street, now vanished, around the church of St. Germain-des-Pres. However, the visitor to the Paris of today will be more interested in the Sephardic Jews, up from Bayonne in the south and down from Holland in the north, who occupied the present Rue Suger—just off the Place St. Michel. For the Rue Suger, even to the wrought-iron grillings and the very knockers on the doors, retains its eighteenth century aspect. We can almost see our Saul Cremieux, Isaac Oliviera, Salvador, and Moise Carcassone slink- ing, for all their lace and ruffles, up the stairway of the house now labelled number 3, where their little synagogue lay tucked away. For Jews still had to slink. Their lot was never better described than in the words of one Sire de Heusse des Cotes, an eighteenth century grandee: "Jews," he said, "deserve no consideration; they are not citizens of the State." "They are not citizens," here lay the terms of Jewish woe since the days of Theodosius II, and here was to lie their pro- gramme and hope for the future. Although the Rights of Man and the Sanhedrin were more than a generation away, nevertheless Sephardic youths were already flashing swords and rowing with the police on the Place St. Michel— impatient, these young bloods, to have it said, they are not citizens. We may visit these Sephardim in their final resting-place, the old Jewish cemetery, at 44, rue de Flandre in La Villette. The oldest stone still to be seen commemorates Solomon Perpignan, a founder of the Royal Free School of Design "under," says the inscription, "the glorious reign of Louis XV." The next grave of interest commemorates perhaps the most important turning-point in Jewish history since the exile. It is the tombstone of one Patto of Bayonne, and it speaks no longer of the glorious reign of Louis XV or of any other Louis. "Oh, immortal ," it reads, "seek to live free or follow me, like a good republican. Here is the resting place of the blessed Samuel Fernandes Patto de Bayonne, died the 28th of Prairial of the Year II of the French Republic, One and Indivisible." These few words 358 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK echo more than merely the lung-power of a revolutionary orator; they echo the fact of an Abbe Gregoire, and with young Patto is buried forever the reproach, "they are not citizens." The fruits of emancipation were made secure by Napoleon in a characteristic gesture—he suddenly brought to ephem- eral life the Sanhedrin, after its two thousand years of sleep. And in the Hotel de Ville of Paris (the present building is a replica of the old one) this ghostly body sanctified the new principles of Jewish freedom. Crossing the battlefield of Marengo, a score of years later, the young Heine praised Emancipation as the greatest work of the age. But it proved a work which in its very success often wounded to death its beneficiaries. And no one was to learn this in greater pain than Heine. In the Passage des Panoramas we may follow and perhaps recall Heine the Pagan; for here it was he met the lovely girls whom he engaged as French teachers and repaid with immortality in his "Neue Gedichte." Heine the Revolu- tionary, the soldier "in the liberation war of humanity," paraded the Palais Royal. But if we wish to follow the "shuffling" footsteps of Heine the Jew, the century's exemplar of that new-old disease "Judenschmerz," we must climb to the third floor back of 50, rue d'Amsterdam. Here lay the "mattress grave" where he wrote his "Hebrew Melodies" and his last judgment on Emancipation: "I am no longer the freest German after Goethe; I am only a poor, sick Jew, an unhappy man." Of his many dying days he spent the few last on the fifth floor of 3, avenue Matignon, and from its balcony envied the poodle-dogs free to walk in the sun of the Champs Elysees. There he died, February 19, 1856. Keine Messe wird man singen Keinen Kadosch wird man sagen, Nichts gesagt und nichts gesungen Wird an meinem Sterbetagen. (No mass will be sung No kadosh will be said, Nothing said and nothing sung Around my dying bed.) So he opened his little poem to Mathilde, bidding her visit him in the cemetery of Montmartre. JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 359

We have no trouble in finding the grave—to the left on the Avenue de la Cloche. Strangely enough, the monument, erected by the Free Thinkers of Vienna, is flanked by a neighboring shaft marked with the name—of all names— "Paradise"—a challenge to Heine's neatest wit. Although Heine died without benefit of mass or "kadosh," I discov- ered on my last visit to his tomb a few pebbles placed upon the monument—the traditional homage of a pious Jew at the grave of a martyr or a saint. The nineteenth century closes, for the flaneur in Paris, on two significant notes. We may see, on the parade ground of the military prison in the Rue Cherche-Midi, the spot where one Captain Dreyfus, emancipated Jew, was freed from his uniform and degraded with full military dishonors. And we may follow in the gardens of the Tuileries another Jew, sick of emancipation, dreaming a different freedom for his people. We may pursue his bearded figure to the Hotel de Castille in the Rue Cambon—just behind the Ritz bar— and watch Theodore Herzl sit on the edge of his bed and write another chapter of The Jewish State.



ALABAMA Andalusia Mobile Berman, S. M. LIFE MEMBERS Brown, Leo M., Box 953 Bessemer Kahn, S., 250 Church Erlick, Sam, 1701 Clarendon Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Kohn, M., 55 S. Bayou Birmingham Shaaray Shomayim Cong., 19 S. Water Adler, Ike, 116K N. 21st Bengis, Rabbi A., 1301 S. 22nd Montgomery Beth-El Sunday School, Highland Ave- LIFE MEMBER and Beech Emanu El Congr. S. S. 2100 Highland Av. Sehloss, Mrs. B., 128 Sayre Newfield, Rabbi M., 2100 Highland Av. Shevinsky, F., 210 N. 18th ANNUAL MEMBERS Y. M. H. Ass'n., 700 N. 18th Kahl, Montgomery Mount, Dr. B., Bell Bldg. Gadsden Frank, Ferd, 802 Chestnut Selma Hecht, Hugo H. Cong. Mishkan Israel


Douglas Phoenix Kline, M., P. O. Box 1079 Berger, B., 602 N. 5th Av. Levy, B., 1100 10th Sitkin, Dr. F. L., 302 W. Moreland Glendale Leff, Dr. M I., 55 N. 2nd Av. Tucson Nogales Bergman, Rabbi M., 1640 N. Campbell Bracker, Chas. J. Av.


Fayetteville Hot Springs Menorah Society Univ. of Arkansas Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital Ass'n, Nat'l Park Fort Smith Cohen, Louis, 923 N. 6th Little Rock Marks, M. H., 1217 N. 13th Lasker, Mrs. H., 2200 Arch Teitelbaum, Rabbi S., United Heb. Cong, Saflerstone, I. L., 2205 Arch 362 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [California

CALIFORNIA Berkeley Blumenthal, M. I., 1660 N. Western Av. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 2600 Brown, C, 432 S. McCadden PI. Bancroft Way Cahn, Henry S., 629 S. Norton Av. Kay, Joseph, 2301 Rose Ter. Cohen, H. K., 110 N. Alexandria Av. Popper, Dr. Wm., 529 The Alameda Deutsch, Jacob, 1040 S. Los Angeles Dubin, Rabbi M. H., 636 S. Hobart Blvd. Edelmen, Dr. D. W., 636 S. Hobart Blvd. Beverly Hills Epstein A., 5165 Denker Frankenberg, B., 613 N. Sierra Dr. Farbstein, J., 949 Date Laemmle, C, 1051 Benedict Canyon Rd. Fisch, A., 2040 N. Berendo Magnin, Rabbi E. F., 615 Walden Dr. Fox, S. E., 136 N. Vista Meltzer, S., 300 S. Linden Dr. Frankel, J., 801 S. Manhattan PI. Friedman, G., 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Folsom Gerecht, E. F., 418 Fay Bldg. Glasband, L., 918 N. Kenmore Av. Wahrhaftig, P. S. Route 1, Box 28 Goldman, B. M., 916 Garfield Blvd. Gumbiner, H. L., B'way & 8th Hollywood Haber, P. R., 1742 Westmoreland Blvd. LIBRARY MEMBERS Hackel, Aaron Wm., 203 S. Citrus Av. Covalerchek, M., 6345 Fountain Av. Harris, F. E., 675 S. Westmoreland Av. Hollzer, Judge H. A., 245 S. Norton Av. Kress, S., 2218 N. New Hampshire Kahn, P. M., 502a S. Hobart Blvd. ANNUAL MEMBERS Karl, P., 207 S. Main Louis, A. L., 606 N. Spaulding Av. Kavinoky, Dr. N., Wilshire Medical Bldg. Naumoff, I., 2054 N. New Hampshire Kohn, Rabbi J., 624 S. Berendo Rosenberg, Rev. A., 5637 De Longpre Av. Levi, B., 1248 Wholesale Levine, H., 140 S. Rio Strasburg, M., 6730 Hollywood Blvd. Lieberman, J. J., 916 Garfield Bldg. Lince, J. B., 421 Ass'ii. Realty Bldg. Huntingdon Park Lindenbaum, Morris, 1922 W. 22nd Levin, B., 6515 S. Miles Av. Lipman, S., 843 S. Los Angeles Mathews, F. D., 7122 Marconi Lipsitch, I. I., 742 S. Hill Shapiro, H., 6409 Pacific Blvd. Lissauer, Rabbi H., 747 S. Hill Los Angeles Public Library Long Beach Lyon, Dr. L. O., 1824 W. 38th PI. Maharam, Mrs. L., 2618 Edgehill Dr. Taback, L., 1550 E. Anaheim Mark, M. E., 620 Lincoln Bldg. Temple Israel Rel. Schl., 439 W. Anaheim Meltz, J. J., 900 N. Hazard Av. Nordlinger, L. S., 515 S. Lorraine Blvd. Potter, D. M., 511 Chapman Bldg. Los Angeles Prell, J. I., 675 S. Crenshaw Blvd. PATRON Religious Sch. B'nai B'rith, 636 S. Schulberg, B. P., 525 Lorraine Blvd. Hobart Blvd. Riche, Aaron, 823 Ridgely Dr. LIBRARY MEMBERS Rittenberg, Mrs. Lena. 515 S. Cumminga Cummings, O. P., 305 Bk. of Hollywood RosanofT, Dr. A. J., 2007 Wilshire Blvd. Bldg. Rosenblum, A., 314 S. Alexandria Friedman, P., 619 Municipal Water & Rosenthal, A. B., 669 S. Union Av. Power Bldg. Rubin, I. R., 1620 4th Av. Jewish Inst. of Los Angeles, 208 Beaux Sadler, S., 108 N. Sycamore Arts Bldg. Savetnick, D., 210 N. Berendo Lazard, Mrs. E. M., 547 S. Kingsley Dr. Saylin, Dr. G. J., 2202 Brooklyn Av. Los Angeles Lodge 487,1.0. B. B. Schapiro, J. G., 704 Lincoln Bldg. Newmark, M. R., 977 Arapahoe Scheinman, Judge B. J., Municipal Court Robinson, A., 3250 Waverly Dr. Schireson, L., 2907 Hillcrest Dr. Salinger, N., 3045 W. 8th Schwartzman, T. I., 1907 W. 6th Temple Emanuel, 631 S. Manhattan PI. Segall, Dr. G.. 6411 Melrose Av. Shapiro, J., 609 S. Gramercy PI. ANNUAL MEMBERS Shapiro, N., 214 S. Spring Arnold, J. K., 152 S. Sycamore Av. Shapiro, P., 628 Hellman Bldg. Baff, W. E., 1711 Crenshaw Blvd Shapiro & Shapiro, 1307 EdgeclifTe Dr. Baiter, H. G., 4649 Beverly Blvd. Silverman, Rev. A., 319 S. Berendo Behrstock, I., 803 Metropolitan Bldg. Silverman, Wm., 2030 N. Edgemont Benjamin, I. B., 712 Union Bk. Bldg. Sohmer, Theo., 237 S. Los Angeles Bennett, S., 644 S. Citrus Tyre, Ben, P. O. Box 1170 Arcade Station Bernstein, D. B., 723 Chapman Bldg. Wolpe, A. S., 408 S. Spring Colorado JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 363

Oakland Herzberg, S. A., 1119 Fillmore Hyman, Mrs. Jos., Fairmont Hotel LIBRARY MEMBER Jacobi, J. J., Hotel Mark Hopkins Jewish Community Center Jewish Com, Personal Ser., 447 Sutter Kahn ,Wm., 1707-35 Howard ANNUAL MEMBERS Levey, E. C, 2940 Lake Coffee, Rabbi R. I., 28th & Webster Levison, J. B., 2420 Pacific Jostyn, M. A., 537 Foothill Blvd. Levy, M. H., 1600 Scott Samuels, Dr. H. J., 1319 Central Bk. Newman, Juda, 110 Market Bldg. Reichert, Rabbi I. F., Temple Emanuel Sapper, H. J., 732 14th Roeder, S. M., 1302 Humboldt Bk. Bldg. Silverstein, B., Tribune Tower Samuelson, S., 30 Cornwall Savannah, M., 1830 Clay Schmulowitz, N., 625 Market Sacramento Sloss, Mrs. M. C, 1830 Jackson, Apt. F Davis, H., 830 45th Temple Eman. E. Rel. School, Lake & Arguella Blvd. San Diego Wolff, Harry K., 408 Balfour Bldg. ANNUAL MEMBERS Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., 121 Haight Fox, S. I., 1004 24th Hillkowitz, S., Box 223 San Wolf, Hyman S., 524 "F" Shohan, A., 203 East Live Oak San Francisco Santa Monica LIFE MEMBERS Feldstein, M., 1415 Ocean Av. Ehrman, M., 2618 Jackson Lippman, J., 142 Adelaide Dr. Gross, D., Hotel El Cortez Levi, J.. Jr., c/o H. Levi Co. Santa Rosa Neustadter, Mrs. J. H.. Hotel St. Francis Rosenberg, Max, 511 B P.osenthal, I. L., 177 Post Weil, L. P.. c/o Buckingham & Hecht Stockton LIBRARY MEMBERS Stein, I. F., 33 S. Eldorado B'nai B'rith Library, 149 Eddy Cerf, Dr. Alvin E., 1080 Flood Bldg. Torrance Kahn, Helen L., 1100 Sacramento Redllck, Henry, 98 Jordan Av. Isenstein, P., 2067 Carson Spector, D. S., Rialto Bldg. Watsonville ANNUAL MEMBERS Bender, Albert M., 1369 Post LIBRARY MEMBER Bernstein, Wm., 1165 Devidadiro Curiel, H., P. O. Box Q Camp, H., 49 4th Cohn, Miss Pauline, 1732 Geary Yolo Goldman, Heim, Russ Bldg. Borach, B.,

COLORADO Colorado Springs Dveirin, Dr. H. E., 650 Corona Newman, A., 1221 N. Cascade Av. Friedman Rabbi W. S., 733 E. 8th Av. Schaefer, Dr. S. W., 1029 N. Nevada Av. Frumess, H. H., 605 16th Goldberg, S. M., Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Goldberg, W. H., 1030 University Bldg. Denver Heller. Simon J., 515 E. & C. Bldg. PATRON Hillkowitz, Dr. P., 236 Metropolitan Bldg. Bernheim. I. W., 825 York Kauvar, Rabbi C. H., 1567 York Levy, Dr. M., 709 Republic Bldg. ANNUAL MEMBERS Miller, Dr. E. A., 798 Josephine B. M. H. Religious School, 16th & Miller, Dr. L. I., Metropolitan Bldg. Gaylord Morris, Ernest, 815 Symes Bldg. Boscowitz, S., 2744 W. Colfax Av. Morris, Dr. J. M., 724 Republic Bldg. Bronfin, Dr. I. D., 3800 E: Colfax Av. Nat. Jew. Hosp. for Consumptives, 3800 Cowen, A. B., 620 Security Bldg. E. Colfax Av. 364 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Connecticut

Neusteter, Meyer, 1243 Filmore Schwartz, H. J., 1255 Humboldt Priess, S., 645 Madison Shubart, B., 2241 Clermont Radetaky, M. S., 768 Gilpin Strauss, M. J., 1300 Lafayette Radinsky, A. D., 3025 W. 21st Av. The Expatients Tubercular Home Samuels, I., 1795 Grape Wolff, J. L., 2020 Albion Schayer, M. S., Empire Bldg. Schlesinger, M. H., 181 Race Pueblo Schockett, H., 1573 Osceola Zigmond, Rabbi M.t Temple Emanuel

CONNECTICUT Ansonia Hoffenberb, Jos. A., 31 Seyms Luria, K., 120 S. Cliff Hoffman, Abraham, 35 Brook Katz, Louis H., 20 Lorraine Bridgeport Kellin, S.. 84 Plainfield Kopplemann, H. P., 83 Canton Brody, Sam'l., 138 Parrott Av. Levine, H., 10 Hebron Cohen, H. L., 945 Main Levine, H., 128 Greenfield Covitt, P., 1286 Laurel Av. Levine, Dr. Sinclair S. 54 Church Elson, Irving, 1401 Fairfield Av. Liftig. Dr. M. D., 524 Albany Av. Engelman, S., 945 Main Mellamed, Miss M. E., 119 Capitol Av. Finkelstone, L. S., Liberty Bldg. Mosesson V., 208 Cornwall Goldstein, H. A., 945 Main Neiditz, M. J.. 86 Colebrook Hirsch, Marcus, 288 State Older. M., 56 Highland Hoffman, M., 209 Knowlton Radin, R. J., 25 Brettan Rd. Kotler, I. L., 1586 North Av. Rosenthal, S., 408 Farmington Av. Lifshiz, Ely, 1629 North Av. Rulnick, S. D., 81 Love Lane Martin, Rabbi A. L., 12 Beechwood Av. Schwalsky, J., 983 Main Mellitz, Sam'l., 2681 Fairfield Av. Scoler, E.. 119 Magnolia Resnick, M. E., 97 Wentworth Shapiro, A., 336 Trumbull Schine, I. E., 420 Brooklawn Av. Silverman, Rabbi M., 195 Ridgefield Shapiro. J. G., 945 Main Solomon, M., 62 Putnam Tenple Lib'y, Fund, 420 Brooklawn Av. Taylor, M. M., 53 Beverly Rd. Weiss, A. B.. 1115 Main Taylor, R., 650 Main Vershbow, Dr. N., 28 Sisson Av. Bristol Wernick. Dr. B., 6 Deerfield Av. Appell, D. A., 107 N. Main Y. M. & Y. W. H. Ass'n, 320 Ann Fairfield Merlden Schnee, S. N. Lipman, I. A., c/o Acme Sterling Corp. Rosenberg, Dr. H. S., 60 Pleasant Hartford LIFE MEMBER New Britain Herrup, Sol. R., 435 Farmington Av. Clark. B. F.. 50 Robert Davis, L. E., 24 Vance ANNUAL MEMBERS Levinthal, A. J., 290 Hart Albrecht, A. S., 983 Main Le Witt, G., 85 Russell Baum, D., 533 Park Milcowitz, H., Vance Block, A., 32 S. Quaker Lane Mohill, L., 297 Main Cantarow, Dr. J. I., 63 Campfield Av. Nair, D. L., 81 Columbia Av. Clavan, A. M., 21 Darien Nair, I., 13 Vine Dolgin, Mrs. J., 31 Westbourne Pkwy. Rosenberg, L., 769 Arch Epstein, H. I., 750 Main Saxe, M. D., 74 Hart Feldman, Rabbi A. J., 145 Ballard Dr. Shurberg, S., 45 Columbia Gaberman, Dr. D., 35 Chatham Sokol, D., 760 Arch Gendler, A. I., 313 Wethersfield Av. Sokol, M.. 80 Grove Hill Glatzer, J., 76 Plainfield Winkle, F., 338 Main Goldberg, Dr. A., 13 Keney Ter. Goldenthal, M. L., 79 Maplewood Av. New Haven Goldenthal, M., 181 Westbourne Pkwy Baker, M. L., 331 East Hartman, E. M., 160 N. Oxford B'nai, Jacob S. School, 347 George Herrschaft, Miss E. L., 320 Ann Bogin, N., 98 Anita Herchman, S., 27 Colebrook Bolton, C, 158 Goffe Ter. Heyman, Dr. J., 74 Brettan Rd. Botwinik, Mrs. F., 216 Goffe Ter. Delaware) JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 365

Botwinik, Hyman, 450 Norton Yale University Library Botwinik, S., 545 Ellsworth Av. Canter. J. G., 129 Bishop Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., 304 Crown Caplan, Jacob, 115 Westwood Rd. Chapnick, B. M., 433 Wash. Av. New London Chapnick, J. M., 53 W. Rock Av. Horowitz, Col. N., Post Office Bldg. Drazen, Mrs. D. 10 Norton Spitz, E., 410 Bank Drazen, H.. 364 Central Av. Estra, S., 145 Coungress Av. Free Public Library Stamford Friedman, A. M., 786 Orange Adler, Noah, 54 Park Row Gans, Dr. L. R., 124 Everit Altman, L. M., 110 Washington Av. Goldman, W. H., 173 McKinley Av. Gordon, Israel, 152 Temple Dimenstein, G., 53 Prospect Greenberg, Rabbi L.. 1606 Chapel Naves, H., 181 Strawberry Hill Hoffman, Bernard E., 70 College Nemoiten, Dr. J., 96 Main Isenberg, M., 29J4 B'way Presman, B., 578 Atlantic Jacobs, A., 7 Waverly PI. Siegelbaum, A., 302 Summer Kleiner. Isaac L., 188 Livongston Temple Beth El Study Circle Kraft, Herman, 87 Norton Wilk, M. M., 69 Lafayette Lesnow, S., 577 Ellsworth Av. Winograd, Rabbi S., 8 Florence Pk. Lesnow, W., 5 Collis Levine, E., 192 Goffe Ter. Linderman, L., 154 Orange Waterbury Lipofsky, I.. 275 Winthrop Av. Birenbaum, H., 781 Pine Lowenthal, H., 208 McKinley Av. Greenblatt, Mrs. C, 33 Columbia Blvd. Mishkan Israel Temple, Box 1672 Greenblatt, Mrs. I. F., 30 Kaytonne Av. Orchowsky, Miss A., 329 Whally Av. Jennes, J. K., 18 Crescent Rubin, A., 320 Central Av. Schwartz, Rabbi H. E., 733 Cooke Sachs, M., 84 Oak Shimkopf, Rabbi M. D., 24 Woodlawn Schwartzman, A., 1867 Chapel Ter. Schwartzman, E., 83 Meadow Solomon, Mrs. A., 34 Farmlngton Av. Schwartzman, L., 1563 Boulevard Stoll, I., 134 E. Main Shrebnik, J. I., 152 Temple Walzer, Chas., 252 Hillside Silverman, S., 144 Gilbert Av. Siskin, Rabbi E. E., Orange and Audobon Ullman, A. S., 185 Church Watervllle Ullman, Jos. A., 115 Linden Weinberg, S., 1565 Boulevard Kramer, S., 45 Wheeler Weinstein, D. G., 133 Vista Ter. Weller H., 425 George West Haven Wolfe, Isaac, 42 Church Jacobs. Jacob. 29 Martin Unger, Mrs. F., 797 Savin Av.

DELAWARE Dover Cong. Beth. Emeth. School. 911 Washington Shindler, B., P. O. Box 85 Finger, Aaron, 2305 Harrison Finger, M., 805 W. 23rd Seaford Finkelstein, I. B., 1618 Franklin Ginns, O., 424 McCabe Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Ginsburg, A., P. O. Box 33 Van Leer, Chas. Keil, Max, 2103 Boulevard Lange, L., 706 Tatnall Levy, Morris, 708 N. Rodney Wilmington Miller, N., 703 N. Broome LIBRARY MEMBER Orlick, J., 636 W. Fourth Himber, J., 517 W. 3d Rich, B. O., 2420 Madison Rosenblatt, Jacob, 312 W. 14th ANNUAL MEMBERS Rosenblatt, Louis, 2206 Jefferson Barsky, Nathan, 904 West Sayer, A., 18th & Market Bell, R., 1521 W. 6th Schagrin, C. W., 903 Shipley Breuer, Chas. K., 915 Market Topkis, Harry, 413 W. 21st Breuer, Max ,2601 N Franklin Wilmington Institute Free Library Cannon, E. S., 510 Citizens Bk. Bldg. Wolters. Mrs. R. W., 600 N. Broome 366 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Georgia

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington Heilprin, G. F., 1329 F, N. W. Hershfield, I., 1115 Connecticut Av., PATRON N. W. Friedenwald, Dr. H., 2128 Bancroft PI. Herzmark D., 705 Florida Av. Kaufman, E. I., 1415 H, N. W. N. W. Landes, N. T., 902 Emerson, N. W. LIBRARY MEMBERS Loeb, Rabbi J. T., 222 Eye, N. W. Brandeis, Justice Louis D., Florence Matz, Ji,3610 "S", N. W. Court West Mintz, I., 938 F, N. W. Gichner, F. S.. 1214 D. St., N. W. .•Jewhouse, Dr. Benj., 4213 16th, N. W. Hecht, Alex., 515 7th, N. W. Philips, J. J., 5029 7th, N. W. Lyon, Simon, 2029 Conn. Av. Rhoade, Max, 205 Union Trust Bldg. Rosenberg, M. D., 7th & E. Rudolph, S., 3712 Military Rd. Sachs, W. M., 1513 Webster, N. W. Selis, A. C, 1410 Taylor, N. W. ANNUAL MEMBERS Shalowitz, A. L., 130 Webster, N. W. Behrend, R. B., 1315 F., N. W. Simon, Rev. A., 3722 Harrison Berg, John, 1022 Nat'l Press Bldg. Stein, J. M., 523 13th Berman, Miss Sonia, 1007 "E", N. W. Tepper, J. L., 3733 Northampton Bornet, D., 3627 Ordway N. W. The Jewish Welfare Federation, 711 "G", deFord, A. V., 1673 Columbia Rd., N. W. N. W. Fishman, I., 3134 19th, N. W. Tobrlner, Leon, 932 Southern Bldg. Freedman, j., 1630 Webster, N. W. Wallack, N. N., 3933 Military Rd., N. W. Gilbert, F. C, Takoma Pk. Washington Heb. Cong., 816 8th, N. W. Goldman, H., 208 Rhode Island Av., Wilner, J. A., 2603 Conn. Av., N. W. N. W. Wolpe, J. H., 3302 14th, N. W. Gottlieb ,L. S., 2814 Conn. Av., N. W. Zarchin, Dr. M. M., 3435 Brown, N. W.

FLORIDA Arcadia Kaplan, Rev. Dr. J. H., 2*9 N. E. 17th Rosin, S. Ter. Mandell, K., 3012 Southwest 8th Jacksonville Pensacola Kaplan, Rabbi Israel L., Laura & Ashley Friedmann, Rev. Dr. M., Temple Beth El Klepper, S. J., 2317 College Peiser, I., 2142 Pearl St. Petersburg Wiesel, Rabbi A. S., Silver and W. Third Young, J. L., 611 Central Av. Tampa Miami Maas, Ernest, 835 S. Edison Av. Apte, D. J., 1725 N. W. 7th Av., Steinberg, C. S., 3705 Tenth Cohen, I.. 811 Biscoyne Bk. Bldg. Zielonka, Rabbi D. L., Bayshore Colonial Feibelman.H. U., Box 2750 Hotel

GEORGIA Albany Goldstein, M. F., 37 Park Lane Haas, Herbert J., 616 Ponce de Leon Av. Landau, Rev. E. A., 511 Commerce Heyman, Arthur, 507 Conally Bldg. Athens Hirsch, Harold, 70 Waverly Way Jacobs, H. S., 1116 Piedmont Av., N. E. Michael, M. G., Box 22 Jewish Educational Alliance, 318 Capitol Morris, Lee, 190 Univ. Dr. Av., S. E. Levitas, Louis J., 25 Poplar Atlanta Marx, Rev. D., 1017 St. Charles Av., Alexander. H. A., 723 Piedmont Av., N.E. N. E. Goettinger, B., 160-64 Trinity Av., S. W. Schiffer, S., 161 Spring St. Bldg.. N. W. Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 367

Augusta La Grange Leiser, Rabbi J., 2251 Central Av. Goldstein, Mrs. Pauline Columbus Savannah LIBRARY MEMBER Hirsch, Miss Addie, 1124 Fourth Av. Jewish Edu. Alliance, 328 Barnard Solomon, Rabbi G., 19 E. 46th ANNUAL MEMBER Rosen thai, Rabbi F. L.. 1528 4th Av. West Point Elberton Hagedorn, Mrs. Philip, 701 Heyman Pati, S., College Av. Heyman, Miss Bertha, Box 129

ILLINOIS Alton ANNUAL MEMBERS Olian, Leo S., 710 E. B'way Abram, Harry, 3930 Lexington Alpha Zeta Gamma Dental Fraternity, Aurora 3154 Diversey Av. Joseph, I., 240 Oak Av. Andalman, Mrs. S. J., 527 W. 62d Swimmer, J., 1202 Galena Blvd. Arkin, M., 160 N. La Salle Zidell, J., 364 Grand Av. Arkin, Dr. M. L., 5045 N. Ridgeway Av. Barnett, S. B., 155 N. Clark Bauer, Lester L., 188 W. Randolph Calumet City Becker, A., 5038 N. St. Louis Av. Diamondstein, Dr. J., 796 State Line Benjamin, Dr. S., 7359 Chappel Bensinger, B. E., 623 S. Wabash Av. Berkman, Mrs. H., 5480 Blackstone Champaign Bernstein, A. L., 6730 Merrill Av. Hillel Foundation, 625 E. Green Bernstein, Fred, 7025 Cregier Av. Kuhn, Isaac Bernstein, G., 5910 S. Carpenter Bernstein & Gordon, 77 W. Washington Chicago Bernstein, H. H., 5316 Greenwood Av. Bernstein, M. A., 500 S. Wells LIFE MEMBERS Birnbaum, Rev. Dr. B. H., 3036 Palmer Lidov, Mrs. S. J., 41 S. Central Pk. Av. Sq. Blatt, M., 139 N. Clark PATRON Block, M. N., 134 N. La Salle De Lee, Dr. J. B., 5028 Ellis Av. Bloom, D. A., 3933 Pine Grove Av. Blumenthal, Dr. A. R., 4721 Ellis Av. Bonnheim, A. B., 8116 Essex LIBRARY MEMBERS Bronstein, Rabbi D., 8142 Drexel Av. Ascher, F., 3229 S. Ashland Av. Buchner, Miss R., 1346 Springfield Av. Becker, J. H., 100 S. La Salle Burr, Maurice, 111 W. Monroe Frankenstein, W. B., 840 N. Michigan Callner, Jos. M., 3258 Graves Ct. Av. Cohen, A. E., 176 W. Adams Glick, L. G., 835 S. Hermitage Av. Cohen, Archie H., 3842 W. Jackson Grossman, M. M., 32 W. Randolph Blvd. Jaffe, E. M., 1020 W. 36th Cohen, L., 115 S. Dearborn Kaplan, N. D.. 1520 Westminster Bldg. Cohen, Louis A., 4859 Broadway Kline, S., 310 S. Michigan Av. Cohn, A. A., 5032 Woodlawn Av. Levine, Wm., 105 W. Madison Cohn, Carl, 6841 Clyde Av. Loeb, A. F., 6738 Ridgeland Av. Colen, J. A., 7723 Essex Lurie, Max, 3539 W. 26th Comroe, Dr. Jos. I., 25 E. Wash. Newberger, Dr. Chas., 310 S. Mich. Av. Cowen Mrs. Israel, 5125 Drexel Blvd. Platt, S. P., 320 W. Jackson Blvd. D'Ancona, A. E., Windermere Hotel, E. Rigot, M., 225 N. Wabash Av. D'Ancona, E. N., 1038 Stock Ex. Romberg, Mrs. E., 5490 S. Shore Dr. Bldg. Rubovits, T., 4439 Drexel Blvd. David, J. B., 839 County Bldg. Schur, Mrs. Herman, 5125 Ellis Av. Davidsohn, Dr. I., 23 S. Central Pk. Av. Smidt, J., 6339 N. Sacramento Davis, Dr. H. I., 4752 Ellis Av. Sultan, Wm., 120 E. Pearson Davis, Jas., 1400 Milwaukee Av. Turner, Rabbi J., 4167 Ogden Av. Davis. Meyer, 1003 Milwaukee Av Weinfeld, Chas., 6746 Bennett Av. Delson, Louis J., 32 W. Randolph 368 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Illinois

Diamond, Jacob, 11 S. La Salle Jewish Peoples Institute, 3500 Douglas Dulsky, Louis, 29 S. La Salle Blvd. Dushkin, Dr. A. M. 1800 Selden Kahn, Dr. M., 4631 S. Ashland Av. Ehrlich, A. M.. 64 W. Randdolph Kaplan, J., 4759 Drexel Blvd. Einstein, D. G., 1419 Conway Bldg. Kaplan, Dr. M. I., 3837 W. Roosevelt Eisenstein, S., 1347 Greenleaf Av. Blvd. Elenbogen, H., 3222 Lawrence Av. Kaplan, Dr. S., 3508 W. Roosevelt Rd. Elfenbaum, Dr. A., 3460 Lawrence Av. Karpen, A., 810 S. Wabash Elkan, H.. 833 Haines Katz, H., 134 N. La Salle Emanuel Sab. Sch., 701 Buckingham PI. Katz, Samuel, 1244 W. Division Enelow, B. F., 110 S. Dearborn Katz, S., 8122 S. Morgan Feigen, A. P., 536 Brompton Av. Katz, W. M., 1244 W. Division Feingold, I. T.. 5050 Drexel Blvd. Klaff, B., 6648 N. Glenwood Av. Feldman, M. J., 2430 E. 74th Klein, J., 745 N. Clark Felsenthal, Eli B., 69 W. Wash. Klein, Morris, 747 N. Clark Felton, O. G., 130 W. Wells Koenig, H. D., 726 Conway Bldg. Fisher, H .H., 5412 Ingelside Av. Koenigsberg ,S., 134 N. La Salle Fisher, J., 140 N. Dearborn Kohn, A. R., 1225 Chase Av. Fisher, Dr. M., 3300 Douglas Blvd. Komaiko, S. B., 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Fishman, S. Y., 1063 Columbia Av. Konecky, M., 6327 S. Talman Av. Fleischman, M., 3347 W. Monroe Korach, H., 900 Van Buren Fox, Rabbi G., 7215 Jeffrey Av. Kreeger, M., 213 W. 63rd Frank, B., 548 Marquette Bldg. Krown, C, 23 S. Franklin Franklin, Miss P., 5427 Greenwood Av. Kurtzon, M., 14th & Talman Frazin, A. L., 9036 Commercial Av. Lachmann, N., 208 S. La Salle Freed, I. B., 4300 N. Lake Shore LackritE, P. N., 29 E. Madison Freedman, Dr. I. V., 5816 Kenmore Av. Landfield, H. S., 139 N. Clark Freehof, Rabbi S. B.. 54th & Cornell Av. Lappen, M., 932 Ainslie Fridus, Dr. S. L., 1809 W. 47th Laser, M. T., 641 Orleans Gerngross, L., 1219 Madison Pk. Lasker, I., 33 N. La Salle Goldberg, B., 1326 Blue Island Av. Lassen, Rabbi A. L., 6642 N. Ashland Av. Goldberg, H., 542 Brampton PI. Lassers, I. A., 1828 Euclid Av. Goldberg, Max, 9009 Commercial Av. Lazar, S., 6644 Newgard Av. Golden, Dr. I. J. K., 2238 W. North Lazarus, A., 175 W. Jackson Blvd Av. Lebensohn, Dr. M. H., 7 W. Madison Goldfine, Dr. A. H. C, 3844 W. Jack- Lehrfeld, Rabbi H., 1414 N. Washtenaw son Blvd. Av. Goldman, S., 155 N. Clark Lehrfeld, Rabbi L. J., 5540 Congress Goldman, Rabbi S., 692 Irving Pk. Blvd. Levin, I. A., 188 W. Randolph Goldstein, A. W., 2415 N. Kedzie Blvd. Levin, J., 33 N. La Salle Gollin, Dr. I. S., 27S6 W. Division Levin, Louis, 1340 Carroll Av. Gordon, H., 1321 S. Tripp Av. Levinson, Dr. A., 3245 Douglas Blvd. Greenberg, I. L., 105 W. Madison Levinson, Miss L., Windermere East Greenhut, J. M., 3502 W. Jackson Blvd. Hotel Grossman, B. J., 426 Briar PI. Levinson, M. K., 11 S. La Salle Gunther, Mrs. S. L., 4752 Virginia Levinson, Dr. Y. N., 2136 Lincoln Pk. W. Av. Levy, Rabbi F. A., 445 Melroa Halperin, A. Z., 4642 Maiden Lib'y of Logan Sq. Cong., 3135 Fuller- Harrison, Miss M., 3639 Pine Grove Av. ton Av. Harrison, Sol., 134 N. La Salle Lib'y of Moody Bible Inst., 153 Inst. Hartman, Mrs. G. L., Hotel Windermere PI. Hatowsky, M. J., 5 S. Wabash Av. Lieberman, I. K., 180 N. Michigan Av. Hershenson, H. G.. 100 N. La Salle Lifschutz, Dr. J., 125 N. Mayfield Av. Herst, F., 332 S. Michigan Av. Lipsky, H. A., 308 City Hall Hevesh, Dr. Jos., 3507 Lawrence Av. Livingston, S., 160 N. La Salle Himmel, I. I., 6421 Harvard Av. Loeb, I. A., 155 N. Clark, R. 322 Hodes, B., 7025 Chappel Av. Loeb, J. M., 175 W. Jackson Blvd. Hollander, H., 4960 N. Spaulding Av. Loewenberg, M. L., 1317 S. Avers Av. Hollender, Dr. S. S., 415 Aldine Av. Lund, I. A., 5470 Everett Av. Honor, Dr. L. L., 5755 Dorchester Av. Mack, Hon J. W., 4140 Drexel Blvd. Horner, Hon. H., 647 County Bldg. Mann, Rabbi L. L., 4622 Grand Blvd. Hornstein, H. G., 1507 Wicker Pk. Av. Margolis, H., 697 Milwaukee Av. Horwich, B., 2455 Archer Av. Margolis, J., 543 W. Division' Jacobs, H. A., A1105 Ins. Exch. Bldg. Marwick, P., 3530 Sheridan Rd. Jacobs, I., 105 S. La Salle Mayer, C. F., 7625 Yates Av. Jewish Daily Forward, 1256 S. Kedzie Melcher & Landow, Merchandise Mach. Av. Mendelsohn, S., 6510 S. Green Illinois] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 369

Mendelsohn, Rabbi S. F., 5140 N. Central Steinberg, S. E., 3757 Giddings Pk. Av. Steindler, A., 11 N. Green Mendelsohn, Wm., 1213 W. Van Buren Stern, C. H., 3258 Douglas Blvd. Meyer, M., 3932 Pine Grove Av. Stern, M., 5022 Woodland Av. Miller, M., 8842 Commercial Av. Stolz, Rev. Dr. J., 5010 Drexel Blvd. Morrison, T. S., 3800 Sheridan Rd. Strausa, S., 1335 W. 47th Myerson, H. J., 1020 Ardmore Av. Strouse, Dr. S., 104 S. Michigan Nemiro, Dr. A. F., 631 S. Ashland Blvd. Sulzberger, Mrs. F. L., 1015 Hyde Pk. Nickelson & Berger, 8501 Balto. Av. Blvd. Nierman, E. A., 4537 Drexel Blvd. Tabin, A., 7354 N. Seeley Av. Osherman, Miss M. E., 116 S. Michigan Teller, Rabbi M., 547 E. 60th Av. The Temple Rel. Schl., 5035 Greenwood Ovson, M., 110 N. Franklin Av. Pearlman, Dr. S. J., 180 N. Michigan Thorek, Dr. M., American Hospital Av. Tint. Dr. L. J., 185 N. Wabash Av. Pennish, L. E.t 110 S. Dearborn Trotzkey, E., 1550 S. Albany Av. Perlovitch & Vinik, 1053 W. 61st Tumpeer, Dr. I. H., 310 S. Michigan Av. Phillipson, S., 828 W. Roosevelt Rd. Van Gelder, M., 5747 Sheridan Rd. Pincus, Sam'l, Z.. 105 W. Adams Vinik. H., 6631 S. Green Piser, S. S., 3125-27 W. Roosevelt Rd. Wald. Benedict, 5455 University Av. Platt, B. N., 840 La Fayette Pkway. Warhaftig, Miss F., 6044 S. Aberdeen Quasser, J. H., 517 Harris Trust Bldg. Wash. Blvd. Temple, 25 N. Karlov Av. Remington, Dr. S., 710 Buena Weiner, Dr. S. I., 1106 Independence Rhode, A. M., 223 W. Madison Blvd. Rosenbaum, Rabbi D., 1227 Indepen- Weinfield, Dr. H., 2758 W. Van Buren dence Blvd. Av. Rosenberg, A. H., 2052 Pierce Av. Weinger, Sol., 918 Maxwell Rosenberg, J., 2634 Logan Blvd. Wexler, Dr. M., 218 S. Wabash Rosenblatt, S. J., 3500 Sheridan Rd. White, E. H., 701 Junior Ter. Rosenfeld, Mrs. M., "The Drake" Winsberg, Geo., 941 Winona Av. Rosenheim, Mrs. D., 5038 Drezel Blvd. Wittelle, Dr. F. M., 10534 Ewing Rosenstein, L., 6716 Clyde Av. Woldenberg, M., 159 W. Kinzie Rosenzweig, L, 14 E. Jackson Blvd. Wolf, H. M., 830 Oakwood Blvd. Salomon, S. N., 454 Melrose Wolf, J. D., 5119 W. Chicago Av. Saltzman, H. S., 6503 S. Racine Wolfsohn, J. D., 3509 W. Jackson Blvd. Salzman, Dr. H.'A., 3508 W. Roose- Wolfson, C. J., 307 W. Van Buren velt Rd. Yalowitz, Dr. M., 9036 Commercial Av. Samuels, B., 57 E. 21st Yanofsky, Dr. H., 3711 W. Roosevelt Samuels, J. L., 1321 Fargo Av. Rd. Schanfarber, Rev. T., 5042 Drexel Zucker, S., 231 S. La Salle Blvd. Scheftel, Ben., 1812 S. Clifton Pk. Av. Schloesinger, H. J., Standard Club Christopher Schloss, Max, 1418 Elmdale Av. Sawyer & Rubin Schwartz, H., 1209 Heyworth Bldg. Schwartz, Dr. J. J., 5011 N. Troy Av. Cicero Schwartz, S. D., 4622 Grand Blvd. Seelig, Leo, 443 S. Halsted Shinglman, Dr. J., 4930 W. 13th Sentinel Publishing Co., 511 S. Sangamon Shankman, M. E., 11 S. La Salle Danville Shulman, M., 5718 Kenmore Av. Shure, Nathan, 206 W. Adams Bregstone, H. H., 816 E. Seminary Siegel, C, 7026 S. Peoria Silver, L. H., 10 N. Clark Simon, Mrs. A. B., 3923 Jackson Blvd. Decatur Sinai Kosher Sausage Factory, 1010 LIBRARY MEMBER Maxwell Tick, H., 103 Woodlawn Av. Singer. Rabbi J., 6932 N. Ashland Blvd. Smith, L. C, 7256 Luella Av. Soble, Aaron, 1903 Humboldt Blvd. Evanston Soborofl, Sam'l, 1500 N. Ogden Av. Salzman, A. L., 2640 Lincolnwood Dr. Solomon, Mrs. H. G., 951 Hyde Pk. Blvd. Sonnenschein, Dr. R., 180 N. Michigan Galesburg Av. Sopkin, B., 4601 Wentworth Av. Nirdlinger, S. Spira, S., 922 Winona Av. Staller, N., 100 S. Menard Av. Geneseo Stein, M., 8361 Burley Av. Waterman, Henry, 222 W. 2nd 370 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Indiana

Glencoe Braude, Rabbi W. G., 944 N. Main LIBRARY MEMBER Shanhouse, Chas., 1035 Haskell Av. Davis, General A., 600 Sheridan Rd. Rock Island ANNUAL MEMBER Graubart, Rabbi D., 2709-7th Av. North Shore Congregation Katz, J. L., 2525-22K Simon, W., 248 Hawethorn Sabath, A., 859-17th Stein, Mrs. B. L., 235 Hawthorne Lane Wieeman, L., 2301-3rd Av. Granite City Tri-City Hebrew S. School, P. O. Box 27 Jackson, E. J. Springfield Highland Park Snyder, Rabbi H. E., 2115 S. 4th Mandel, Mrs. E., 130 Roger Williams Av Spring Valley Hubbards Woods Zand, H. J. Frankel, H. D., 1138 Scott Av. Gottlieb, H. N., 1137 Laurell Av. Urbana Koller, Prof. A. H., 207 E. Washington La Salle Litman, Prof. Simon, 603 W. Green Hirsh, Dr. S., 521 First University of Illinois Library Moline Waukegan Sklovsky, Max, 624 10th Jacobs, C, 311 Julian Morrison, Chas., 226 Gillette Av. Oak Park Rubin, A. M., 238 Gilette Av. Jacobi, H. S., 639 N. East Av. Rubin, M. H., 318 Ridgeland Av. Moment, H., 421 S. Grove Av. Neymark, Dr. D. C, 540 S. Ridgeland Wilmette Av. Schneider.B. B., 929 Linden Av. Peorla Suekoff, Mrs. L. A. Bloom, Mrs. H. T., 936 N. Glen Oak Av. Frankel, H.. 631 S. Adams Winnetka Friedman, D. S., 1518 N. Monroe Harris, Rabbi M., Temple Anshai Emeth LIBRARY MEMBERS Heller, R. A., 216 N. Elmwood Av. Faroll, Mrs. B., 741 Prospect Av. Horwitz, Dr. S., 928 Hamilton Blvd. Hartman, Mrs. H., 755 Lincoln Av. Klein. D. S., 222 S. Adams Levitin, Dr. E. Z., 200 Rebecca PI. ANNUAL MEMBERS Szold, Jacob, 515 George Ullman, C. A., 203 Bradley Av. Sager, L. B., 206 Wimetka Av. Woolner, Adolph, Jr., 439 Moss Av. Schuman Mrs. I., 890 Greenwood Av. Rockford Wood River Goldman, J., 149 Morgan Cohen, S., 25 E. Ferguson Av. Horwitz, A., 1829 Melrose Goldberg, Mrs. P., 41 E. Ferguson Av.

INDIANA Bedford Evansville Jacobs, Abe S. Bernstein, D. S., 1311 S. E. 2nd Ehrich, Dr. Wm. S., Citizens' Bk. Bldg. Crawfordsville Fine, I. J., 1309 Powell Av. Pearlman, Co., The George Grusin, S. H., 928 Lodge Av. Gumberts, F. A., 114 Main Horn, Elias, 901 E. Mulberry Ct. East Chicago Levy, Henry, 916 Powell Av. Given, Albert, 4621 Magoun Av. Minna Ravdin Memorial Judaica Central Lewin, A. B., 702 Chicago Av. Lib'y. Seifer, L. H., 4237 Magoun Av. Ravdin, Dr. M., 431 Ravenswood Dr. Iowa] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 371

Skirball, Rabbi J. H., Wash. Av. Indianapolis Hebrew Cong., 401 Meyer Temple Kiser Bk. Bldg. Skora, I., 217 Mulberry Ind. State Library, 47 State House Weil, E., 800 E. Powell Av. Jewish Federation, 1137 Meyer-Kiser Bldg. Fort Wayne Lyman, B., 2028 Central Av. Mantel, Emil, 3935 N. Meridian LIBRARY MEMBER Medias, C, 721 N. Delaware Lichtenberg, Lt. Col. C, 4616 S. Wayne Simon, M. N., 121 Penway Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Achduth Vesholom Cong. Kokomo Hurwitz, Rev. M., 747 E. Wayne Levi. J. S., 1215 W. Sycamore Markowitz, Rabbi S. H.. 4424 Tacoma Av. Lafayette Gary Messing, A. L., 516 Columbia LIBRARY MEMBER Michigan City Koltinsky, M., 610 W. 8th Av. Moritz, M., 602 Spring ANNUAL MEMBERS Bassin, Dr. B. M., 1412 Broadway Mishawaka Given, H., 650 Washington Gilburt, S. Z., 514 Lincoln Way, E. Kan, Dr. Alex. M., 3853 Broadway Lieberman, Morris, 2200 Broadway Richmond Milgram, Samuel H., 1336 Broadway LIBRARY MEMBER Greencastle Harsh, A., 100 S. 3rd Sudranski, Sol. L. Shelbyville Hammond Goodman, A., Public Square Krohngold, Rabbi J. B., Temple Beth .El Rothbardt, Mrs. C, 79th & Indiana South Bend Dekelbaum, Z., 648 Associate Bldg. Huntington Rosenfeld, B., 435 S. Mich. Av. Brenn J., Washington Stern, Rabbi W. M., 209 Wakewa Av. Bronstein, I. L., 1333 Cherry Bronstein, P., 1060 N. Byron Terre Haute Indianapolis LIBRARY MEMBER Borinstein, L. J., 4137 Meridan, N. Blumberg, Ben., 315 Star Bldg. Davis, Lawrence B., 860 B'way Efroymson, G. A., 2036 N. Delaware ANNUAL MEMBERS Efroymson, Meyer, 3627 N. Penna. Plost, Mrs. P., 609 S. 5th Feuerlicht, Rabbi M. M., 3034 Wash. Stern, Sara M., 919 S. 5th Blvd. Temple Israel School, 909 S. 5th

IOWA Cedar Falls LIBRARY MEMBER Diamond, Paul Betty Adler Waterman, Memorial Diamond, Sam Library Cedar Rapids ANNUAL MEMBER Schoen, C., 356 Forest Drive Lefkowitz, Rabbi A. H., 522 Union Bk Council Bluffs Bldg. Bondarin, H., 1102 5th Av. Des Molnes Davenport Adelman, J. D., 405 37th Adelman, L. J., 315 Franklin Av. PATRON Blank, A. H., 5206 Waterbury Rd. Adler, E. P., 2104 Main Brody, Jos. I.. 930 W. 29th 372 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Kentucky

Fleischman, Dr. A. G., 5900 N. Marshalltown Waterbury Frankel, Mrs. Belle G., 219 37th Dorosin, H. L., 120 E. Main Ginsberg, H., 508 56th Kahn, M. O., 718 18th Sioux City Mannheimer ,Rabbi E., 427 W. 51st Baron, B., 1810 Grandview Blvd. Nollen.H. S..402 29th Galinsky, A. L., 1524 Summit Av. Oransky, L.. 505 Walnut Herzoff, F., 609 Centre Wilshinski, N. M., 1117 44th Kutcher, L. J., 1114 McDonald Mt. Sinai Library, 14th & Nebraska Rabinowitz, Rabbi H. R., 2219 Jones Iowa City Felsenthal, Miss E., Univ. of la. Lib'y Waterloo Jung, Dr. M., University of Iowa Kanofsky, J., 124 E. 5th

KANSAS Concordia Leaven worth Brahinsky, Nathan B'nai Jeshurun Lib'y Sarasohn, Rabbi I. T., Planters Apts. El Dorado Abels. D., P. O. Box 110 Levinson, H. Topeka Galitzski, Mrs. S., 1185 College Av. Hutchinson Gottlieb, I., 212 A. East Wichita Kamen, S., 433 Quentin Kansas City Richmond, Rabbi H., 320 N. Clifton Av Deutsch, A. B., 508 Minnesota Av. Walienstein, H., 129 S. Belmont Av.

KENTUCKY Ashland Morris, C. W., M. E. Taylor Bldg. Rauch, Rabbi J., Temple Adath Israel Josselson, A., 2916 E. Bath Av. Rosenthal, L. A., 1211 S. 2d Shenson, S., 108 Hughes Ct. Lexington Simon, J., 715 S. Preston Simon, M. H., 411 E. Chestnut Levy, M. L., 720 Bullock PI. Simons, L. L., 1317 Highland Av. Simons, M. L., 1427 S. 2d Strull, Chas., 2100 Murray Av. Louisville Switow, M., 408 4th Adath Israel Cong., 834 3d Waldman, M., 110 W. Hill Bazell. Rabbi S. N., 2nd and College Av. Washer, B. T., 1335 2d Brith Sholom Relig. School, 1525 3rd Y. M. H. A., 729 S. 2d Diamond, Miss G., 433 E. Gray Ehrman, Hilmar, 1230 S. 3d Ellenstein, Mrs. S., 106 Hughes Ct. Newport Essig, Dr. J. I., 413 Heyburn Bldg. Feitelson, P., 2732 W. Chestnut Jacobs, Herman, 807 Monmouth Isaacs, Mrs. L., 2130 Maryland Av. Lang, J., 515 E. Market Paducah Levy, Sol., 209 E. Jefferson Linker, Barnet, HOW. Ormsby Marks, M., B'way Louisville Free Public Library Simon, Moses, 335X N. 7th Meyer, Herman, 1525 3rd Temple Israel Cong., B'way Maryland] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 373

LOUISIANA New Orleans Robbins, Isidore, 2207 Baronne Sabludowsky, J.. 1129 Loyola LIFE MEMBER Schwarz, Ralph, Canal Bk. Bldg. D. G. Lodge, I. O. B. B., 212 Whitney Singer, E., 4600 Freret Central Bldg. Stern, P., Interstate Electric Co. T .Sinai Sisterhood, 3309 St. Chas. Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Y. M. H. A., 1205 St. Charles Av. Zemurray, Sam'l., P. O. Box 736 Binstock, Rabbi L., 2107 Calhoun Brener, P., 2231 Marengo Cahn, Mrs. M. S., 1930 Napoleon Av. Shreveport Cohen, J., 221 Chartres SUSTAINING MEMBER Cohn, D. L., 800 Canal Feldman, Wm., 2504 Chestnut Herold, S. L., P. O. Box 1467 Godchaux, Mrs. P. L., 1237 Jackson Av Goldberg, Rabbi M. H., 1763 Jackson Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Heller, I. H., 333 Audubon Blvd. Bernstein, Ernest R., 1239 Park PI. Jewish Children's Home, St. Charles & Blumberg, B., 935 E. College Peters Av. Bodenheimer, Dr. J. M., 815 Delaware Kaiser, H. W., 614 Maritime Bldg. Brill, Rabbi Abr., 2120 Highland Av. Leipziger, Rev. Dr. E. W., 7624 St. Freyer, A. B., 249 Gladstone Blvd. Charles Av. Goldstein, E., 818 Unadilla Lemann, M. M., Whitney Bldg. Murov, N., 864 Texas Av. N. Orleans Pub. Lib., 1001 St. Chas. Av. Ober, J., 4710 Line Av.

MAINE Bangor Portland Friedman, A. B., 74 Jefferson Bernstein, Israel, 97 Exchange Rosen, Maurice E., 178 Middle

MARYLAND Baltimore Brenner, Sol. M., c/o M. S. Levy & Sons Caplan, H. L., 2230 Mondawin Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Cavalier, L. A., 3413 Fairview Av. Berney,Albert, 6 E. Esplanade Apt. Chizuk Emunah Con., Eutaw PI. & Dalsheimer, S., Esplanade Apts. Chauncey Av. Fleischer, M., 2401 Eutaw PI. Clarke, Emile, 2349 Eutaw PI. Hanline, A. M., Marlborough Apt. 6 D Coblenz, Rabbi A., Eutaw PI. at Hendler, L. M., 1710 Eutaw PI. Chauncey Av. Hochschild, M., Emersonian Apt. Cohen, B., 1709 Linden Levy, Lester, Paca & Lombard Cohen, Mrs. B. M., 3415 Gwyms Falls Ottenheimer, B. M., Esplanade Apts. Pkway, Walbrook Potts. I., 511 N. Kenwood Av. Cohen, Miss E. S., The Latrobe Sonneborn, S. B., 2420 Eutaw PI. Cohen, L. J., 3820 Penhurst Av. Cohne, M. J., 1600 W. Wash. Coonin, L., 222H W. Baltimore ANNUAL MEMBERS Cordish, I., 3212 Vickers Rd. Abramowitz, S. M., 4137 Dalrymple Av. Crockin, Emil, Bancroft Rd. & Pk. Allen, J.. 427 Munsey Bldg. Heights Av. Applestein, B. S., 4007 Springdale Av. Danker, Dr. I., 750 W. North Av. Asso. Jewish Charities, 205 W. Lombard Davidson, D., 4209 Groveland Av. Balto. Hebrew College, 1201 Eutaw Av. Davidson, I. W-, 34 S. Eutaw Bank, S. M., 802 Chauncey Av. Dobres, M. A., 2917 Norfolk Av. Baumgarten, J. W., 3607 Forest Pk. Av. Donner, M., 3631 Liberty Heights Av. Berenholtz, S. C, 1815 E. Baltimore Dornberg, L., 1012 Cathedral Berman, J., 1320 N. Charles Edelman, J. J., 2304 Mondawmin Av. Blondheim, Prof. D. S.. 808 Reservoir Ehudin, M. M., 3311 Forest Park Av. Breitstein, Dr. M. L., 2405 Rogers Av., Eisenberg, A.. 6317 Park Heights Av. Mt. Wash. Ellison, D., 3424 Auchentoroly Ter. 374 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Maryland

Engel, Jacob, Mt. Washington Keiser, S. J., 4512 Penhurst Av. Ephraim, R. L., 2228 Linden Av. Kellman, H. T., 12 Montgomery Rd. Epstein, Jacob, 2532 Eutaw PI. Kohn, Mrs. Benno, 200 N. Howard Erkes, Charles, 734 W. North Av. Kolker, Ben., 821 Lake Dr. Esterson, S. I., 2635 Park Hghts. Ter. Kramer, L., Cordova Apts. B-I, Lake Dr. Fader, A., 210 E. Baltimore Lampe, David, 6203 Biltmore Av. Farbman, H., 1123 E. Baltimore Lauchheimer, S. H., Ill N. Charles Fax, J., 818 Brooks Lane Lazaron, Rabbi M. S., 1914 Madison Av. Filtzer, Mrs. E. J., 2216 Park Av. Lebovitz, N., 813 Lake Dr. Fine, Louis, 4103 Liberty Hghts, Av. Leopold, Dr. E. I., 200 W. Lafayette Av Flom, Carl J., 1828 E. Baltimore Levenson, R. H., 3306 Springdale Av. Folick, I., 2442 Eutaw PI. Levin, Ellis, 138 Aisquith Fox, Michael J., 4006 Springdale Av. Levin, Harry O., 822 Brooks Lane Fox, Wm. L., 2402 Liberty Hghts. Av. Levin, Mrs. L. H., 2104 Chelsea Ter. Frank, Eli, North & 4th Avs., Mt. Levinson, M. A., 224 Equitable Bldg. Washington Libowitz, Mrs. B., 2930 Oakley Av. Franklin, Dr. David, 122 W. Lee Lutzky, Louis, 3812 Strathmore Av. Freedom, Dr. A. G., Edmondson & 14th Makover, B., 3112 Auchentoroly Ter. Fried, L. C, 723 Calvert Bldg. Mandelberg, A. H., 407 Equitable Bldg. Friedenwald, Dr. Edgar B., 1616 Linden Marcus, Abr., 3303 Fairview Av. Friedenwald, Dr. Harry, 1212 Eutaw PI. Mazer ,S. H., 4002 Dalrymple Av. Friedenwald, Dr. J., 1013 N. Charles Mervis, A. I., 4001 Barrington Rd. Fuld, Manes E., The Arlington Pk. Apts. Meyer, I., 2905 Ulman Av. Gamse, Herman, 2811 Allendale Rd. Meyerhoff, J., 3213 Pinkney Rd. Garonzik, R., 2909 Allendale Rd. Michelson, Dr. R. A., 2230 Eutaw PI. Gershenson, M., 3501 Walbrook Av. Miller, H. D., 423 E. Baltimore Gluckstern, Dr. M., 2623 Shirley Av. Miller, Estate of Max, 3511 Sprindgale Golden, Mrs. S., Temple Gardens Apt. Av. ' Goldfoos, Max, 949 N. Gay Mintz, Julius, 722 Equitable Bldg. Goldheim, L. W., 601 Whitlock Moses, D. J., 754 Pratt. W. Goldheim, Mrs. L. A., 2218 Callow Av. Moses, H. L., 3607 Menlo Dr. Goldsmith, J. S., 2335 Eutaw PI. Moses, J. G., 1736 Ruxton Av. Goodhart, W. A., 517 Title Bldg. Moses, Leslie Wm., 6701 Park Hghts. Av. Goodman, A., 110 E. Lexington Moss, G. I., 110 E. Lexington Gordon, Irving, 2022 Brookfield Av. INeistadt, Dr. C. S., 1730 Linden Av. Gordon, P., 2236 Mondawmin Av. Newhouse, D. H., 3723 Park Hghts. Av. Gottlieb, H., 1718 E. Balto. Nyburg, S. L., 2414 Linden Av. Greenbaum, L. E., 1614 Eutaw PI. Oheb Shalom Congr. Rel. School Greenbaum, M. D., 1007 Fidelity Bldg. Oppenheimer, H., 2708 Lawina Rd. Greenberg, Isaac, 212 Dolphin Oppenheimer, Wm., 3819 Clifton Av. Greenberg, L., 3528 Reisterstown Rd. Palmbaum, G., 3612 Springdale Av. Halle, Isaac, 1904 Eutaw PI. Passen, A., 547 S. Fulton Av. Hamburger, Mrs. H. I., Esplanade Apt, Pels, Dr. I. R., 4207 Linkwood Rd. 6E Perlman, P. B., 1023 Munsey Bldg. Hamburger, Dr. L. P., 1207 Eutaw PI. Perman, M., 9 S. Chester Harris, S. A., 2753 W. North Av. Phoenix Club, 1505 Eutaw PI. Har Sinai Congregation Rand, Mrs. J., 2233 Eutaw PI. Hartogensis, B. H., Marlboro Apts. Rifman, A. K., 2260 Brookfield Av. Heb. Cong. Lil'y, 1914 Madison Av. Robinson, Maurice, 2216 Eutaw PI. Hecht, Mrs. J. F., 5604 Greenspring, Rogers, S., 925 Brooks Lane Mt. Wash. Roman, I., 1316 Munsey Bldg. Himmel, L., 909 Lake Dr. Rombro, Mrs. M.. 2524 Brookfield Av. Hollander, Dr. J. H., 1802 Eutaw PI. Rosenau, Rev. Dr. W., Esplanade Apts. Hollander, L., 2237 Linden Av. Rosenblatt, Dr. S., 3507 Springdale Av. Horwitz, E. H., 1110 Munsey Bldg. Rosenbloom, S., 12-14 N. Paca Hurwitz, A., 900 E. Lombard Rosenburg, L. S., The Marlborough Hutzler, Mrs. D., 1801 Eutaw PI. Rosenfeld, M. W., Temple Garden Apts. Hutzler, E., 212 N. Howard Rosenthal, I. C, 2154 Mt. Royal Av. Hyman, H., 3808 Towanda Av. Rothholz, S., 3304 Springdale Av. Ind. Order Brith Sholom, 1012 E. Balto. Sauber, N., 3003 Garrison Blvd. Israel, Rabbi E. L.. Har Sinai Temple Saye, H., 5806 Narcissus Av. Jewish Daily Forward, 1021 E. Baltimore Schimmel, I. W., 815 Lake Drive Kaplan, Dr. L. L., 1201 Eutaw PI. Schloss, Meyer, 2446 Eutaw PI. Katz, Chas., 126 W. Fayette Schloss, M. M., 2752 Glen Av. Katz, Jos., 16 E. Mt. Vernon PI. Schloss, Toney, 2414 Eutaw PI. Katz, Meier, 2214 Linden Av. Schuman, Rev. I., 3408 Woodbrook Av. Kaufman, F. J., Sylcrest Apt., Park Av. Schwartzman, L., 2027 Ashton & Whitelock Sen*, Robert 509 Aisquith Massachusetts] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 375

Selis ,Leon E.,3200 Verkins Rd. Shpritz, Dr. A. S., 21 W. Lexington Cumberland Shpritz, Dr. N. H., 2318 Eutaw PI. Goodman, Rabbi A. V., 107 Union Silberstein, Israel, 2401 Eutaw PI. Kaplan, S. W., 115 Baltimore Silverman, S., Alhambra Spts. Silverstein, Dr. S., 22 S. B'way Simons, Aaron J., Ill N. Charles Easton Sindler, Miss P., 2419 Eutaw PI. Singer, S. M., 4110 Ridgewood Av. Butler, K. L., Point Rd. Sinsky, Dr. H. L., 3510 Springdale Av Small, P., 1610 N. Appleton Frederick Sneider, M., 4200 Maine Av. Jacobson, Karl, 77 S. Market Sobelman, M., 4 W. Rogers Av. Lowenstein. Mrs. David, F. Scott Key Sobeloff, S., 1809 Eutaw PI. Sollod, Jos. A., 2142 W. North Av. Hotel Solomon, David, 311 W. 29th Rosenstock, J., Rose Haven Solorz S., 3602 Fairview Av. Weinberg, Leo, 22 W 2d Sondheim, W., c/o Hochschild, Kohn & Willner, Rev. Dr. W., 122 N. Court Co. Stein, M., Lake Drive Hagerstown Straus, A., 1 S. Howard Strauss, M., 2701 Whitney Av. Greenwald, M., 47 N. Potomac Suls, Maxwell, 225 New Amsterdam Bldg. Grossman, M. S., 1137 Oak Hill Av. Sykes. Philip L., 110 E. Lexington Kline, J. A., 1927 Virginia Av. Udoff, B., 25 N. Collington Av. Van Leer, M., 2218 Brookfield Av. Hyattsville Waxman, M. E., 224 Equitable Bldg. Edlavitch, Moses, J. Wernts, H. N., 2406Roslyn Av. Wolbarsht, N., 318 W. Baltimore Wolman, Dr. S., 2444 Eutaw PI. Pikes ville Wolpert, H. K., 2481 Shirley Av. Cahn, F. B., "Knollwood" Wyman, J. H., Marlborough Apt. Cone, Dr. S. M., Maple Lawn Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., Monument, bet. Hutzler, A. D., Pomona Howard and Eutaw Salisbury Bladensburg Benjamin, I. L., 223 Main Brown, Hyman Brunswick St. George Kaplon, Victor Levy, Paul, S. P. O. Reisterstown

MASSACHUSETTS Allston Caro, M., 18 Tremont Carver, J. A., 600 Washington Chase, Miss H., 7 Price Rd. Cavior, Jos., 70 Beach Charak, J., 38 Wareham Boston Cohen, A. K., 645 Beacon Cohen, C. 17 Hudson PATRON Cohen, H., 725 Tremont Kirstein, L. E., 426 Washington Cooper, H. D., 65 Chauncey Cooper, L. C, 81 Bedford LIBRARY MEMBERS Dana, Myer, 809 Pemberton Bldg. Agoos, S., 207 South Dvoretzky, S., 18 Oxford Agoos, S. L., 145 South Ehrenfried Dr. A., 21 Bay State Rd. Kaplan, J. J., 161 Devonshire EiBenberg. S. S., 11 Beacon Elkon, M., 373 Washington Endler, I., 27 School ANNUAL MEMBERS Entin, Z., 35 Kneeland Alberts, Mrs. A. I., 373 Washington Feldman, Dr., 56 Chambers Arkin, Dr. L., 471 Commonwealth Av. Finkelstein, Dr. H., 366 Commonwealth Berson, S., 121 Audubon Rd. Finkelstein, L., 600 Washington Biller ,M., 99 Green Freedman, Dr. L. M., 419 Boylston Bureau of Jewish Educ, 6 N. Russell Friedman, Dr. B., 35 Allen Burroughs, H. E., 18 Tremont Friedman, Lee M.. 206 Bay State Rd. 376 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Massachusetts

Ginzberg, A. A., 333 Washington Glunts, J. D., 31 Milk Brockton Goldberg, L., 167 State House Green, Jos., 201 Center Goldman, A. C, 164 South Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., 66 Green Goldman, M., 731 Old South Bldg. Goldwasser, D., 373 Wash. Brookline Green, M., 86 Leverett Guterman, H. N., 714 Tremont Bldg. LIBRARY MEMBER Hamlin, A., 262 Washington Hirshberg, A. S.. 74 Verndale Harris, R., 333 Washington Helpern, C. K., 24 Fuller ANNUAL MEMBERS Herman,. Mrs. M., J424 Marlborough Abrams, Rabbi S. J., 12 Fuller Hill, Harold H., 286 State Aronson, Mrs. H. I., 164 Coolidge Horblit, Mark M., 101 Milk Beckwith, L. I., 115 Sewall Av. Hurwich, L., 6 N. Russell Burack, A., 54 Lawton Kabatznick, M., 20 Pemberton Sq. Byer, L. E., 114 St. Paul Kaplan, Simon, 31 Milk Epstein, Rabbi L. M., 28 Littell Rd. Kaufman, H., 68 Charles Feidman, I., 42 St. Paul Ter. Krokyn, J. F.. 153 Chiswick Rd Gordon, M., 130 Longwood Av. Langenthal, J. M., 18 Tremont Kasanof, D. M., 84 Fuller Leavitt, M. J., 972 Massachusetts Av. Kirshen, M. S., 275 Dean Rd. Lebowich, Jacob, 27 School Lerner, Dr. P., 16 Strathmore Rd. Levenson. J. M., 1148-50 Old South Bldg. Levi, Rabbi Harry, 84 Salisbury Rd. Levy, M. M., 200 Summer Marcus, B. W., 30 Littell Rd. Lurie, R. L., 17 Milk Norman, Dr. H., 124 Longwood Av. Marks, E., 14 Harrison Av. Oscar, H., 124 Harvard Medalia, Dr. Leon S., 78 Bay State Rd. Penn, H., 41 Winslow Rd. Mendelsohn, P., 35 Lowell Rudman, E. G., 58 Verndale Miller, A. H., 75 Kneeland Sachs, A. S., 74 Browne Mintz, Dr. Anna, 471 Commonwealth Av Scheinfeldt, J. H., 15 Gibbs Morrison, H. I., 502 Pemberton Bldg. Shapiro, A., 88 Stearns Rd. Morrison, Dr. H., 33 Schuyler Shapiro, J. S., 162 Naples Rd. Morse, B., 157 Federal Shapiro, M.,1519 Beacon Nisson, S., 18 Tremont Wolkowich, E., 10 Greenway Ct. Pollack, B. F., 11 Beacon Price, L. H., 18 Tremont Cambridge Public Library Isaacs, Dr. N., 5 Walnut Av. Robinson, J., 99 Chauncey Kaplan, I., 91 Albany Rombach, H. M., 1857 Commonwealth Mendelsohn, M. H., 2362 Man Av. Rosenfield & Pransky, 75 Kneeland Raczus, A., 57 Gustin Rubenstein, Philip, 60 State Siegel, Miss F., 29 Wendell Rubin, Samuel, 11 Edinboro Wolfson, Prof. H. A., 95 Prescott Savitz, H., 471 Commonwealth Av. Schooner, Jos. Y., 40 Court Chelsea Shivek, B., 615 Albany Shocket, A., 186 Lincoln Abramovitz, S. J., 272 Broadway Siegel, E., 365 Washington Davidson, Dr. A., 155 Chestnut Silverman, J. J., 43 Tremont Gordon, G. E., 58 Eleanor Stern. S., 18 Tremont Langh, Rabbi P. A., Cong. Beth El Stone, H., 303 Cambridge Paul, H., 329 Broadway Stone, S., 343 Cambridge Pollack, Dr. J. T., 52 Wash. Av. Tobey ,M., 40 Court Rosemark. L., 121 Bloomingdale Tutun, J., I Beacon Sauvetz, G., 52 Wash. Av. Ulman, S., 90 Richmond Silberstein, E. I., 9 Crescent Av. Vershbow, H., 615 Albany Sterman, M., 312 Everett Av. Victorson, H. S., 6 Beacon Wasserman, J., 7 Alpha Rd. Dorchester Weinberg, Jos., Ill Milk Appell, M., 55 Johnston Rd. Weinrhe, A. L., 32 Doane Berman, S., 54 Bicknell Werby, A. B.. 88 Broad Blank, A.. 16 Canterbury Wiseman, J. L., Pemberton Bldg. Burack, C, 829 Blue Hill Av. Yoresh, B., 406 Harrison Av. Citrin, M.. 21 Queen Cline, Dr. S., 85 Stratton Cohen, M., 15 Greenock Brighton Entin, I., 15 Wales Feinstein, A., 48 Lome Fox, I., 60 Wallingford Rd. Finkelstein, H. J., 15 Wilcock Goldberg, H., 1661 Commonwealth Av. Massachusetts] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 377

Friedman, Dr. N. M., 1067 Blue Hill Av. Lynn Ginsburg, L., 947 Blue Hill Av. Goldman, A. K., 39 Esmond Horwitz, S., 65 Willow Goldstein, M., 12 Paxton Lansky, L. H., 37 Estes Landy, M.,44 Mascott Linde, I., 36 Cherry Lebow, S., 12 McLellan Levitt, M., 41 Supple Rd. Maiden Lourie, Myer L., 50 Bradshaw Boruchoff, Rabbi B., 211 Bryant Margoiis, J., 92 Lyndhurst Cohen, M., 421 Ferry Mindick, B., 115 Maxwell Fearer, A. M., 75 Porter Novick, I., 92 Evans Feurstein, V., 115 Walnut Polan, H., 12 McLellan Goldfarb, L., m Mt. Vernon Pollan, R., 12 McLellan Hoberman, Dr. S., 115 Salem Rosemark, S., 31 Abbot Isenman, M., 115 Fairmont Sher, S. S., 57 Lome Levine, Miss L., 92 Boylston Stone E. D., 93 Columbia Rd. Margoiis, Rev. Dr. J. H., 22 Clark Vershbow, A., 64 McLellan Neipris. A. T., 18 Porter Weinberg, Mrs. C. G., 64 Broadshaw Norman, S. P., 300 Ferry Patkin, L., 48 Stearns E. Cambridge Pavlo, Dr. S. G., 356 Ferry Sugarman, M., 78 Upham Katz, H., 309 Main Marshfield Everett Feinberg, B. M., Ocean Lack, S., 3 Maiden Mattapan Fall River Cantor, Miss L., 35 Clarkwood Goldberg, Rabbi M., Franklin Bldg. Daub, J., 24 Rexford Horwitz, S. 41 Chesworth Nigrosh, M., 1 Duke Jacobson, Miss Sarah, 85 Madison Paisner, C, 20 Ormond Lovit, I., 28 McClure PI. Priluk, J., 16 Goodale Rd. Radovsky, H. W., 130 S. Main Silverstein, S., 82 Wildwood Udis, T., 38 Chaverson Yamins, N., 1219 Highland Av. Yoken, Miss E., 828 Second Milton Ullman, A., 44 Windsor Rd. Holyoke New Bedford LIFE MEMBER Barowsky, J. H., 1552 Dwight LIBRARY MEMBER ANNUAL MEMBER Finger, S. B., 332 Hawthorn Hirsch, M., 1684 Northampton ANNUAL MEMBERS Barnet, S., 888 Purchase Lawrence Genensky, J., 5 Clinton PI. Levek, Dr. J. A., 32 Lawrence Goodman, G. B., 888 Purchase Siskind, Dr. A. L., 541 Haverhill Rosenberg, S., 465 Purchase Longmeadow Newton Goldstein, S., Somers Rd. Cibel, A. B., 63 Mandalay Rd. Jorey, Miss A. H., 253 Bliss Rd. Golden, E. I., 11 Merrill Rd. Naurison, Dr. J. Z., 91 Roseland Ter. Goodman, J., 199 Ward Quint, S. T., 177 Hopkins PI. Newton Centre Lowell Levine, E., 60 Cedar LIBRARY MEMBER Lourie, D. A., 54 Ellison Rd. Harrison, Sol. H- 166 Central Newtonville ANNUAL MEMBERS Baker, Sol., Sun Bldg. Lewis, A. S., 123 Norwood Av. Bernstein, Dr. B., 727 Westford Glazer, S., 234 Middlesex Plttsfleld Goldman, F., 404 Sun Bldg. Eisner, M. L., 69 Commonwealth Av. Silverblatt, Bennett, 803 Sun Bldg. England, Simon, 186 Wendell Av. Weinberg, M.. 121 Tanner Society Ansha Amonim 378 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Massachusetts

Qulncy Chereskin, Dr. J. L., 333 Bridge City Library Association Grossman, J. B., 19 Glendale Rd. Cohen, Julius A., 387 Main Grossman, R. A., 130 Granite Ehrlich, Harry M., 1387 Main Glickman, Dr. A. M., 1938 Main Gordon, L. J., 1597 Main Revere Kamberg, A., 441 Court Sq. Bldg. Adelson, D., 150 Campbell Av. Katz, Benj. H., 118 Longhill Price, M. J., 62 Highland Kingsberg, J. D., 36 Sumner Terrace Rosen, Dr. E., 164 Shirley Av. Lasker, R., 69 Washington Magil, Rabbi R. J., 407 Summer Av. Schwartz, S., 664 Boulevard Michelman, S., 153 Woodside Ter. Stone, M., 2* George Av. Nirenstein, N., 1618 Main Zuker, H., 45 Thornton Peyser, S. L., P. O. Box 1027 Price, Rev. S., 67 Fort Pleasant Av. Prowler, J.'E., 38 Warner Roxbury Radnor, V., 35 Trafton Rd. Alford, N.. 68 Cheney Sagolyn. R., P. O. Box 1094 Berman, N., 33 Wenonah Shaine, W., 62 Cherryvale Av. Bolonsky, L. W., 94 Crawford Slavin, A. H., 1634 Main Boston Y. M. H. A., 108 Seaver Brilliant, Frank, 40 Schuyler Cline, L., 47 Elmore Cohen, H. A., 67 Cheney Stoneham Cohen, M. W., 27 Brookledge Feins tone, Miss Laura, 53 Supple Rd Centz, Rev. H. B., 8 Grant Finkel, Dr. L., 305 Blue Hill Av. Ginsburg, Mrs. H., 19 Brookledge Gordon, A. O., 8 Nazing Ct. Grossman, Rev. B. L., 5 Howland Waban Hebrew Teachers College, 14 Crawford Ingall, S., 140 Seaver Kahan, E.. 1637 Beacon Kline, S. H., 320 Blue Hill Av. Konikow, Dr. M. J., 497 Warren Lefkovitz, M., 7 Walnut Pk. Rd. Levin, Mrs. C, 250 Seaver Waltham Library of Temple Mishkan Tefila Nemzoff, S., 28 Seaver Bayard, H., P. O. Box 164 Oshry, H. L., 72 Wayland Palais, Maurice, 139 Harold Phillips, F., 32 Dennison Pinanski, Nathan, 15 State Winthrop Pokroisky, L., 10 Sunderland Quint, Mrs. S., 32 Waveway Fleisher, S., 4 Woodside Pk. Solomont, S., 98 Elm Hill Av. Spevack, Miss R. R., 4 Nazing Ct. Taylor, Frank. 2 Maple Ct. Worcester Baker, P. W., 20 Strathmore Rd. Salem Epstein, L., 138 Elm Feiga, W. B., 390 Main Rd. Goldstein, H. P.. 193 Lafayette Gurwitz, S., 25 Foster Rabinowitz, I., 9 Holly Hillman, A. M., 390 Main Horowitz, Mrs. J., 55 Cedar Isenberg, A. G., 90 Coolidge Somerville Isenberg, David B., 38 Chamberlain Berlak, W., 72 Line Pkway Hillson, H. M., 169 Highland Av. Margolis, A., 62 Hadwen Rd. New England Cabinet Co., 37 Harris Newton, B. L., 26 Maplewood Rd. Waldfogel, B., 50 Cross Olan, Rabbi L. A., Ill Elm Poriss, Harry, 61 Sagamore Rd. Rome, Miss Edythe, 14 Woodford Rome, Nathan, 17 Hey wood Springfield Seder, Jos. S., 318 Slater Bldg. Adaskin, H., 44 Summer Av. Stone, E., 94 Houghton Auerbach, H. A., 26 CommonwealthAv. Talamo, J., 76 Longfellow Rd. Michigan] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 379

MICHIGAN Gordon, H., 284 Frederick Ann Arbor Greenberg, J. R., 2497 Taylor Av. Hillel Foundation, 615 E. University Av. Hersch, A. D., 645 Bethane Av., W. Isaacs. Dr. R., 1600 Shadford Rd. Hubar, D. I., 1117 Penobscot Bldg. Sharfman, I. Leo, 1108 Baldwin Av. Jacob, Wm., 302 E. Ferry Av. Jacobs, Harry, 2075 Phila., W. Jewish Centers Ass'n., 31 Melbourne Av Bay City Kaplan, Wolf, 1996 Calvert Av. Kasle, A., 2280 Atkinson Levy, Mrs. C. J., 703 Green Av. Kass, Dr. J. B., 8592 Jos. Campan Av. Keidan, Judge H. B.. The Whittier Krolik, J. H., 1555 Chicago Blvd. Detroit Landau, M., 2455 Blain Leemon, J. R., 314 E. Hancok Av. LIFE MEMBER Levin, A. J., First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Rosenberg, Louis J., 1450-53 Buhl Bldg. Levin, I., 1990 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Levin, S. R., 3620 Barium Tower Lichtig, Wm., 140 Glynn Ct. LIBRARY MEMBERS Lieberman, B. D., 2284 Chicago Blvd. Brown, H. Z., 262 E. Boston Blvd. Lieberman, M., 5232 2d Blvd. Butzel, L. M., 138 Pallister Av. Lightstone, Louis, 1472 Virginia Pk. Kahn, Albert, 62 Rowena Liss, Mrs. M. I., 2723 Sturtevant Av. Klein, A., 271 Eliot Lurya, I., 15000 Linwood Av. Marks, Herman, 107 Erskine Rosenzweig, S. D., 66 Connecticut Av. Markson, A. D., 3293 W. Euclid School of Religion, Temple Beth El Metzger, N. D., 2532 Pingree Av. Simons, D. W., 160 Pallister Av. Meyers, H., 2910 Calvert Av. Oxenhandler, Miss A., Temple Beth El ANNUAL MEMBERS Prentis, M. L., General Motors Corp. Alexander, M. M., 343 John R. Rosenman, Dr. J. D., 1015 Kresge Bldg. Bale, H. L.. 308 Mich. Theatre Bldg. Saulson, S., 12524 Broadstreet Av. Barnett, Dr. S. E., 25 Parsons Savage, L., 6629 Tireman Av. Baron, N., 1998 Lawrence Av. Sempliner, A.W.,1805 Dime Bk. Bldg. Bennett, H. S., 18934 &arkside Dr. Shaarey Zedek S. School, Chicago & Berman, Dr. H. S., 10 Peterboro Bernstein, Dr. A. E., 2400 Boston Blvd. Lawton Bloome. W. L., 3952 Chatsworth Av. Simons, Judge Chas. C, 24 Connecticut Blumberg, M. H., 1485 Chicago Blvd. Av. Brown, M. C, First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Singer, W. B., 956 Mich. Av. Buchhalter, Wm., 1666 Glynn Ct. Slavin, H., 2745 Cortland Burrows, J., 229 Gratiot Av. Slomovitz, Phil., 3272 Monterey Av. Butzel, F. M., 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Smilansky, L., 873 Boston Blvd., W. Butzel, Judge H. M., 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg Smilay. H. H., 511 Arden Pk. Caplan, A., 2752 W. Boston Blvd. Sobeloff, Dr. H., 2900 Hastings Cohn, I. I., 804 Hammond Bldg. Sosensky, H., 649 E. Boston Blvd. Davidson, Mrs. L., 1983 Edison Av. Steinberg, Miss J. M.. 1518 Edison Av. Dubnove, Dr. A., 8753 12th Stern, Dr. E. A., 9428 Oakland Av. Edwards, M., 1465 Calvert Av. Stern, Milford, 1656 Penobscot Bldg. Ehrlich, Mrs. J. H.. 5553 Second Blvd. Strauss, S., 3710 Burlingame Av. Ellman, Hon. Jas. I., 2454 W. Euclid Trunsky, Peter, 1001 Adelaide Fellman, A., 2649 Webb Av. United Jewish Charities, 51 W. Warren Finstenwald, Adolph, 67 Monroe Fishman, M., 2252 Gladstone c/o P. Houtz Fixel, R. W., 1002 Buhl Bldg. Weinberg, J. I., 7365 Hanover Fram, Rabbi L., 8801 Woodward Av. Weinstein, H. H., 3014 Tuxedo Av. Frank, Saml., 1940 Book Bldg. Weinstein, Mrs. H. N., 2033 Atkinson Av. Friedberg, J., 306 Erskine Wolkovich, D., 335 Westminster Friedman, W., 746 Collingwood Av. Zuieback, R., 3048 Webb Av. Frohlich, E., 269 Edmund PI. Garvett, M., 2643 Webb Av. Flint Gerson, Jos., 466 Kirby Av.. W. Gilbert, P. J., 2942 Glendale Av. Lebster, Louis S., 1701 W. Court Gittleman, S., 11551 2nd Blvd. Rubenstein, P., 421 W. 7th Av. Goldman. M.. 2956 Calvert Av. Wiener, Benj. F.. 301 S. Saginaw Goodfriend, E., 3205 Leslie Goodman, H., 2294 Tuxedo Grand Rapids Gordon, A. L., 2755 Blaine Av. Emdin, Rabbi B., 443 Lincoln Av. Wolf, G. A., Gd. Rapids Tr. Co. 380 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Mississippi

Jackson Saginaw Folkman, Rabbi J. D., 402 First Philippe, A. D., 1026 N. Michigan Av. Jackson Public Library, W. Mich. Av. Saginaw Lodge, No. 636, I. O. B. B. Manistique Washington Rosenthal, L., 223 Range Litvin, Ben, R. No. 2, Box 74 Ypsilanti Pontiac LIBRARY MEMBER Birnkraut, S. J., 75 Ottawa Dr. Mich. State Normal College Library

MINNESOTA Ouluth Rubin ,S. N.. 3712 Colfax Av.. S. Bergstein, A., 326 Central Av. Schanfeld, J. H., 527 2d Av., S. Covenant Lodge No. 569 Schwartz, L. F., 1234 Logan Av., N. Davis. H. W.. 409 First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Silberman, C. H., 117 N. 6th Hirschfield, Dr. M. S.. 830 E. 4th Sweet, II. & Co., 27 N. 4th Segal, J. E., 1012 E. 2nd Talmud Torah, Fremont & Eighth Av., Wessel, Rabbi H. E., 2426 E. 8th N. Temple Israel Rel. School Tremblatt, B., 1115 Vincent Av., N. Grand Rapids Weinberg, B. L., 2501 12th Av., N. Latz, Herman Woolpy, J. H., 3321 Emerson Av., S. Zieve, Rimal. 1128 Sheridan Av., N. Hibbing Hallock, C, 429 Sellers Av. St. Paul Blehert, M. B., 1062 Linwood PI. Minneapolis Calmenson J. B., 717 Pioneer Bldg. Aronson, Rabbi D., 1239 Queen Av., N. Cohen, Rabbi H. M., 799 Ashland Av. Baker, A., 2517 19th Ave. No. Ginsberg, Dr. Wm., 1108 W. 7th Barron. Dr. M., 2529 Thomas Av., S. Gordon, Louis, 186 S. Pascal Borushak, I. L., 315 Lumber Exchange Grodinsky, Miss H., Wilder Charity Bldg. Brin, A., 2566 Lake of Isles Blvd. Harris, W., 1458 Lincoln Av. Cohen, J. G., Essex Bldg. Hoffman, Dr. M. H., 1945 Lincoln Av. Cohen, Dr. N. N., 642 6th Av., N. Horwitz, H., 761 Hague Av. Cutts, Dr. Geo., 1128 Vincent Av., N. Levy, A. J., 2148 Stanford Av. Friedman, I. L., 1204 Knox Av., N. Levy, Miss E., 45 S. Lexington Av. Gelman, J. Z., 2517 19th Av., N. Loevinger, G., Court House Gordon, Dr. Geo. J., 1717 Portland Av. Margolis, Rabbi H. S., Holly & Avon Gordon, N., 1018 Oliver Av. N. Mogelson, A., 1770 Princeton Av. Greenberg, Mrs. J. R., 1715 Morgan Av. Orenstein, J., 406 Pioneer Bldg. N. Schwab ,Max, 888 Lincoln Av. Gross, Mrs. A. M., 3135 S. Dupont Av. Supornick, J., 954 Ashland Av. Gross, S., 86 S. 10th Temple Aaron Talmud Torah Lib'ry Josewich, Dr. A., 4517 Colfax Av., S. Kasowitz, J. B., 2233 Emerson Av. So,. South St. Paul Levitt, Chas. L., 1612 W. 25th Licht, B., 1003 Sheridan Av., N. Blumenfeld, D., 213 N. Concord Av. Lifson, B., Metropolitan Bk. Bldg. Minda, Rabbi A. G., 1919 Dupont Av., N. Winona Public Library, 10th & Hennepin Av. Shapero, Chas., 3rd and Wall

MISSISSIPPI Aberdeen Anguilla Bergman, Max Kline, Abe Lasky. M., P. O. Box 136 Kline, Henry Missouri] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 381

Greenville Laurel Goldstein, Nathan, 607 Main Matison, Dave A., 7 Av. Levitan, S., 207 N. Walnut Meridian Hattiesburg Jacsobon, G., P. O. Box 96 Dreyfus, M., 606 Court Natchez Hollandale Geisenberger, Ben. C, 906 Main Adelson, M. B. Pace Jackson Hyman, Mrs. Mose Dreyfus, I., 644 S. State Vicksburg Lehman, I., 730 Gillespie PI. Kory, Rabbi S. L., Box 356

MISSOURI Boonville St. Charles Zuzak, H. T. Hess, Rabbi J., 1037 Madison Kansas City St. Joseph PATRON MEMBER Hassenbush, S., 514 N. 10th Reefer, Miss Z., 638 W. 59th Ter. Joseph Lodge No. 73 I. O. B. B. Kaplan, A. J., 3007 Jule LIBRARY MEMBERS Kranitz, L., 424 Kirkpatrick Bldg. B'nai Jehudah Cong., Linwood and Flora Av. St. Louis Harzfeld, J. A., 604 Security Bldg. Bass, S. S., 502 Times Bldg. Keneseth Israel Beth Sholom Rel. Sch., Berger, H. I., 4715 McPherson Av. 34th & Paseo Bierman, I., 3618 Hall Bierman, S., 3618 Hall ANNUAL MEMBERS B'nai Zion Hebrew School, 301 Soulard Bowman, S., 516 Chemical Bldg. Berkowitz, W. J., 19th & Campbell Charak, David, 4605 Lindell Blvd. Braver, Rabbi J., 2732 Harrison Cohen, B., 5 Fraternal Bldg. Brown, J. S., 3611 Wyoming Cohn, M. M., 615 N. 9th Cinnamon, B., 4226 Benton Blvd. Engel, J., 764 Leland Av. Friedberg, H., 428 Lathrop Bldg. Extein, Edw., 929 Concordia Lane Ginsberg, Dr. A. M., 724 Argyle Bldg. Faier, Isadore, 5749 Easton Av. Horowitz, L., 3302 Agnes Av. Feigenbaum, J. M., 730 Eastgate Katz, I., 1635 Drury Lane Ferer, S., 2000 N. Main Katz, N., 4138 Benton Blvd. Fischlowitz, F., 71 Aberdeen PI. Kreger, J., 4330 Benton Blvd. Fisher, M. N., 5915 Cates Litwin, O., 1405 E. 76th Gallant, C. L., 5386 Pershing Av. Mayer, Rabbi H. H., 3512 Kenwood Av. Gillerman, Gus, 1629 N. Bway. Minkin, P., 1010 Gloyd Bldg. Goldstein, J., 5084 Cates Av. Mnookin, N. M., 5026 Brookside Blvd. Gordon, Rabbi J., 725 S. Skinker Blvd. Nathan, R. D., 4339 Gilham Rd. Grand, J. H., 737 Limit Olchofl, M., 103 Ward Pkway. Greensfelder, B., 705 Olive Public Library, 9th and Locust Grosberg, B., 6629 Waterman Av. Rieger, A., 1117 Walnut Halpern, Rabbi A. E., 5348 Cabanne Av Rubin, Heiman, 423 Lee Bldg. Hamburg, S., Jr., 1034 Arcade Bldg. Sheskin, H., 703 Commerce Bldg. Harris, G., Union & Enright Silverforb, M. H., 1017 Commerce Bldg. Hoffman, Dr. P., 3657 Delmar Blvd. Staenberg, H., 305 Gumble Bldg. Isserman, Rabbi F. M., Temple Israel Stern, Sigmund, 1013 Baltimore Av. Kalish, R., 5934 Enright Av. Webber, M. M., 3814 Bellefontaine Levinson, M. G., 506 Olive Wolf, Dr. I. J., 3710 Tracey Av. Levis, Edgar S., 503 N. 12th Y. M. H. A., 1600 Linwood Blvd. Levy, M., 1280 Hamilton Av. Lewin, I., 6246 North Drive Lipsitz, Mrs. S., 5740 Waterman Av. Littman, Mrs. M., 6233 NorthWoodAv Louisiana Mayer, Emil, 5539 Waterman Av. Michael, M., 118 S. 8th 382 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Nevada

Michael, E., 4383 Westminster PI. St. Louis Mercantile Library, 510 Locust Milder, A. S., 1388 Goodfellow Thurman, Rabbi S., United Heb. Temple Public Library, Olive. 13th & 14th Ullman, P., c/o Stix. Baer & Fuller Rosen, Wm., 2232 S. Broadway United Hebrew Congr. Sunday School Rovee, L., 6609 Clayton Rd. Vetsburg, K. M., 1530 Telephone Bldg. Rovics, S., 6340 Delmar Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., Union Blvd. at Rubenstein, T. H., 901 Lucas Av. Enright Sakowsky, D., 2668 Morgan Sale, Dr. S., 5115 Westminster PI. University City Salkey, J. S., 506 Olive Goldman, W. H., 746 Heman Av. Schiele, E., 1622 Pine Losos, S., 7320 Pershing Av. Sigolofl, M., 4027 Lafayette Av. Oxenhandler, L. L., 847 Westgate Singer, Dr. Jacob J., 418 Beaumont Bldg. Slonim, M., 310 Melville Av.

MONTANA Billings Butte Baron de Hirsch Lodge No. 420 Friedwald, M., 2501 Montana Av. Cohen, J. S., c/o Symons D. G. Co. Harron, L., Box 404 Meyer, Wm., 110 Perm Bldg. Helena Winestein, N., 5 Washington PI.

NEBRASKA Emerson Freeman, D. A., 2869 Davenport Goldstein, Rabbi D., 3331 Webster Daskovsky, M. Greenberg, Dr. A., 902 Medical Arts Bldg. Grodinsky, W., 2639 Davenport Holzman, W. L., Blackstone Hotel Grand Island Jewish Com. Center, 101 N. 20th Kaufman, D., 1521 W. Koenig Katleman, Carl C, 123 S. 34th Klutznick, P. M., 650 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Lincoln Korol, Dr. E., U. S. Veterans Bureau Kulakofsky, J. Harry, 811 S. 30th Finkelstein, L., Sec. Mutual Bldg. Kulakofsky, L.. 1608 Hainey Friend, M., 1845 E Margolin, Dr. M., 112 S. 38th Jolt, Rabbi H., 1802 "L" Monsky, Henry ,Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Mozer, C, 432 S. 11th Morganstern, I., 3106 Webster Ogel, Rabbi J. J., 20th & South Omaha Public Library Sabbath School, 1126 "P" Rubnitz, Dr. A. S., 5016 Burt Zelen, J., 2144 "N" Silverman, H., 954 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Omaha Stalmaster ,1. A., 4804 Dodge LIBRARY MEMBER Wolfson, J. L., 4421 Woolworth Av. Wolf, H. A., Blackstone Hotel Zinman, H. B., Brandeis Store ANNUAL MEMBERS Wayne Cohn, Rev. Fred'k, 5105 Webster Dansky, Dr. T., 218 S. 15th Jacques, R. H., 108 Main


Elko Sax, P.. 632 2d New Jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 383

NEW HAMPSHIRE Manchester ANNUAL MEMBERS Deitch, Dr. J., 967 Elm Saidel, L., Hotel Orrington LIBRARY MEMBER Nashua Chase, E. M., 90 Harrison Edelstein, M., 23 Factory

NEW JERSEY Arlington Schwartz, I., C 1 Iowa Apts. Shapiro, J., 327 Atlantic Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Shapiro, Rabbi M., 105 Columbia PI. Jaffe. M., 734 Kearny Av. Silberman, W., 817 Atlantic Av. Singer, D. G., 1000 Pacific Av. Slotoroff, S., 1331 Arctic Av. Asbury Park Soltz, J., 2517 Atlantic Av. Berger, D., 612 Cookman Av. Steinhauser, W., 919 Pacific Av. Klinghoffer, H., 515 Sunseth Av. Stern, L. F.,,Hotel Sterling Waldman, H., 2408 Pacific Av. Weilerstein, Rabbi B. R., 105 Oriental Atlantic City Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Weinberg, Dr. C. B., Ritz-Carlton Hotel Grundwerg, Mr. & Mrs. S., 128 S. Conn. Wolf, Mrs. F., 109 States Av. Av. Youtie, H., 1208 Atlantic Av. Kline, H. S., President Hotel Perskie, J. B., 5 N. Plaza PI. Bayonne Rubel, J., 1128 Atlantic Av. Brodsky, H., 70 W. 32d ANNUAL MEMBERS Kohn, Dr. Ben. H., 473 Broadway Agrons, I. N., 1307 Pacific Av. Levinson, H., 36 W. 32nd Barbash, Dr. S., 1902 Pacific Av. Marshak, Dr. M. I., 679 Av. C. Bloom, M., Guarantee Trust Bldg. Moskowitz, E. W., 319 Av. C. Cassman, H., Real Estate & Law Bldg. Nalitt, Dr. D. I., 28 W. 33d Civin, L. J., 11 N. Maryland Av. Nessanbaum, B., 473 Broadway Community Synagogue School Library The Library of Temple Emanuel Heb. Crane, Dr. B., 306 Pacific Av. Schl., Ave C. and 26th Dannenbaum, M., 109 S. Elberon Av. Fisher, Rabbi H., 205 Seaside Av. Friedman, Mrs. Wm., 117 Dewey P . Belleville Gardner, A., 4 N. St. Katherine Siegel, Miss R., 99 Little Gorson, M. M., 511-13 Schwehm Bldg. Green, S., 8 S. Windsor Av. Beverly Greenburg, Max A., 933 Atlantic Av. Grossman, J., Grossman's Hotel Katz, A. Jewish Library, Community Center Josephson, J., 1710 Atlantic Av. Brldgeton Kaas, A., Hotel Breakers Schwarzman, D., 20 N. Laurel Kline, Chas., President Hotel Kolmetsky, H., 1503 Pacific Av. Burlington Krassenstein, E., 21 N. Maryland Av. Mallin, L. M., Guarantee Trust Bldg. Soffer, Rabbi H., 212 High Miller, H., 31 Law Bldg. Miller, S. Law Bldg. Caldwell Paull, D., 510 Schwehm Bldg. Perskie, J. H., 23 N. Raleigh Av. Epstein, I., 350 Bloomfield Av. Poland, Dr. J., 1904 Pacific Av. Grossman, A. M., 19 Hillside Av. Riff, Joseph, Hotel Biltmore Halprin, Dr. H., 8 Washburn PI. Rodman, R., Delaware & Drexel Avs. Salper, J., 30 Thomas Roschovsky, Dr. J., 2618 Pacific Av. Stave, L., Knollwood Ter. Rosenblum, Dr. D., 2500 Pacific Av. Salin, I. P., 901 Atlantic Av. Camden SalUberg B. J., 1509 Pacific Av. Schlosser, A., 1834 Atlantic Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Schartz, A., 103 S. Elberon Av. Dale, H., Haddon Book Bindery 384 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New Jersey

ANNUAL MEMBERS Hackensack Arnoff, Rabbi N., 1655 Park Blvd. Brown, B. B., 1222 Langham Av. Harris, H. H., 406 Prospect Av. Fine, Florence, 520 Kaighn Av. Rosenberg, C, 187 W. Anderson Furer, Jacob L., 602 West Jersey Tr. Y. M. H. Ass'n., 211 Essex Bldg. Highland Park Goldstein, Dr. H. I., 1425 Broadway Heine, Saml., 910 Broadway Schwartzstein, J., 207 Adelaide Av. Jaspan, H., 631 Grant Kaplan, S., 804 Wilson Bldg. Hoboken Levy, W. H., 2554 Baird Blvd. Liberman, L., 300 Broadway Brand, I. H., 84 Washington Markowich, H. W., 1277 Kenwood Av. Markowich, S. N., 1221 Haddon Av. Irvington Markowitz, L. L., 808 Broadway Rothstein, H. R., 139 Carolina Av. Miller, S. N., 548 Federal Naden, Mrs. Mary, 773 Kaighn Av. Jersey City Newman, A., 1178 Haddon Av. Ostroff, Wm., 1196 Haddon Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Polivnick, Miss C, 1449 Ormond Av. Eichmann, M., 2158 Hudson Blvd. Rose, L. H., 908 Income Insurance Bldg. Rosenfeld, R. H., 3046 Federal ANNUAL MEMBERS Udell, W., 504 Kaighn Av. Alpert, Dr. E., 661 Jersey Av. Visor, D. L., 23 Broadway Alpert, H., 65 Wegman Pky. Weitzman, I., 1456 Haddon Av. Alters, S., 104 Newark Av. Yuschinsky, Miss D. E., 520 Liberty Appleton, W., 58 Highland Av. Barison, E. B., 591 Summit Av. Colllngswood Ben-Asher, Dr. S., 260 Bergen Av. Birnbaum, P. L., 2844 Boulevard Janor, M., 813 Haddon Av. Chazin, A., 30 Journal Sq. Katz. I.. 106 Pacific Av. Cohen, L., 479 Bergen Av. Eisenberg, I., 779 Montgomery Delair Falk, L. A., 21 Broadman Pkway Glass, M. S., 512 Velde Av. Feinberg, N., 200 Newark Av. Freedman, M. A., 546 Bergen Av. East Newark Gerstein, L., 284 Harrison Av. Kummel, Dr. M., 315 Central Av. Gluckman, H., 145 Belmont Av. Goldberg, C, 898 Bergen Av. East Orange Goldstein, A. J., 292 Stegman Pkway Greenstone, S., 49 Brinkerhoff Dessler, A. I., 116 Prospect Gross, Benj., 15 Exchange PI. Dimond, A. J., 67 S. Munn Av. Gross, Dr. Benj., 311 Grove Friend, H. M., 145 S. Arlington Av. Gross, I., 630 Bergen Av. Greenberg, M., 25 S. Munn Av. Gross, M., 2 Paulmier PI. Katzman, A., 2848 Hudson Blvd. Eatontown Kleinhaus, H. I., 100 Newark Av. Philips, M., Peach Blossom Farm Kriegel, L. J., 40 Journal Sq. Landau, J., 132 Essex Elizabeth Lane, Dr. M. J., 589 Summit Av. Blick, L. D.. 1139 E.Jersey Levitan, A., 591 Summit Av. Brailove, Dr. S. A., 72 Broad Natovitz, A., 921 Bergen Av. Cahn, W. L.. 190 Ralph Plotkin, Rabbi B., 35 Kensington Av. Chasm, Dr. H. M., 119 Broad Schimel, H., 15 Clifton PI. Cohen, P., 207 Broad Staloff, Miss J., 61 Warner Av. Forman, D. S., Broad & Jersey Avs. Tartalsky, S., 255 Woodlawn Av. Jacobson, B., 143 Westfield Ay. Weitz, E., 75 Montgomery Julius and Sabina Stein Memorial Library Kwalick, J., Martin Bldg. Keyport Merlis, M., 108 Broad Miller, A.. 210 Hillside Rd. Prager, Isidore, 23 Main Rosenthal, Dr. J. B., 129 Broad Simon, MisB R., 423 Elizabeth Av. Lakewood Stamler, Jno. J., 29 Broad Banner, E., 420 Princeton Av. Stein, Dr. Emil, 607 Park Av. Council of Jewish Juniors, 312 Clifton Av Freehold Lambertville Hochberg, Miss E. L., R. D. 5 Messenger, J., 5 Union New Jersey) JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 385

Linden Eisner, M., 24 Branford PI. Elin, N., 52 Hedden Ter. Lind, Miss Lena, 22 E. 18th Erlich, Nathan, 1057 Hunterdon Fast. Louis A., 59 Baldwin Av. Long Branch Fenning, Herman H., 424 Parker Heimlich, S. M., 339 B'way Fine, Dr. M. J., 175 Clinton Av. Fischel, Jacob, 60 Park PI. Manasquan Flachs, Dr. A., 347 Lafayette Fleischman, Dr. M., 5 Belmont Av. Paperth, E., Main Forman, E. I., 28 William Foster, Rabbi S., 90 Treacy Av. Maplewood Fox, Mrs. M. A., 486 Clifton Av. Hahn. Henry, 5 Rutgers Freedman, Rabbi J., Elks Club Freeman, L. N., 17 Academy Margate City Freiman, N., 130 Goldsmith Av. Friedman, L., 425 Springfield Av. Friedlander, I., 25 E. Drive Furst, Geo., 24 Johnson Av. Gallop, M. M., 199 Pacific Merchantviile Gersten, E., 212 Ridgewood Av. Schurr, M., 2615 Homer Av. Goldberg, I., 32 Mercer Goldstein, G. L., 972 Broad Metuchen Green, B. C, 11 Hill Gross, Rudolph, 34 Leslie Wernik, A. P., 412 Main Grubstein, Chas., New & Nuttman Hecht, J. H..2O7 Market MUlville Herman, L. F., 133 Hillside Av. Shoulson Rabbi M., 3rd & Oak Herman, Samuel, 7 Nelson PI. Hoffman, Rabbi C. 1., 624 High Mont Clair Hollander, Sam M., Cham, of Com. Bldg. Hood, C 11 Pomona Av. Whitfield, N-, 493 Bloomfield Av. Hood. Louis, 402 Mt. Prospect Av. Hurwitz, M., Academy Moorestown Isserman, A., 443 Broad Jedell, Helen, 34a Kearney Manner, A., 107 W. Main Kanengieser, A. Sigmund, 88 Newton Kantor, B., 73 Market Mount Holly Kaplan, J. I., 164 Market Krupnick, H., 40 Main Katchen, I. J., 786 Broad Levy, L., 70 Main Katz, C, 64 Huntington Ter. Kenarik, H., 438 Springfield Av. Newark Kessler, Dr. H. H., 9 Franklin Kessler, N. T.. 50 Bloomfield Av. PATRON Khin, J., 69 Springfield Av. Bamberger, Louis, 135 Market King, Nathaniel, 348 Clinton Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Kohn, Richard E., 31 Clinton Cohn, M., 24 Pomona Av. Kohn, Sylvan H., 790 Broad Hollander, Ben. W., 143 East Kinney Konwitz. Rabbi J., 345 Belmont Av. Kraemer, Jos., 164 Market Kussy, Mrs. M., 30 Nairn PI. Krasner, Nathan G., 800 Broad Miller, S., 31 E. Kinney Kristeller, L. P., 810 Broad Kussy, Herman, 59 Treacy Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Kussy, Nathan, 790 Broad Adelman, M., 208 Renner Av. Larkey, A., 95 Shanley Av. Albach, M. M.. Military Pk. Bldg. Leber, Sam'l F., 60 Park PI. Alenick, M. G., 24 Branford PI. Leeds, H., Pomona & Elizabeth Av. Alper, J., 207 Market Levey, S. B., 40 Huntington Ter. Apter & Son P., 100 Morton Lief, H., 106 Orchard Avidan & Avidan, 192 Osborne Ter. Lowenstein, E., 21 Hedden Ter. Berla. Sol., 232 Mulberry Lowenstein, Isaac, 12 Baldwin Av. Bernstein, D. E., 786 Broad Lubetkin, Jacob, 60 Park PI. B'nai Jeshurum Liby., High & Waverly Macy, B., 15 Leo PI. Brotman, Dr. M. M., 90 Avon Av. Manhofl, Chas., 714 S. 10th Buchler, Dr. H., 566 High Manshel, C., 103 Vassar Av. Cohen, J. H., 1 Mapes Av. Marx, Meier, 49 Avon PI. Cohn, Jos. E., 25 Girard PI. Mayer, C, 39 Rose Ter. Cohn, S.. 25 Milford Av. Muehlfelder, A., 65 Tracy Av. Cone, Dr. Arthur S., 61 West Munson, W., 27 Clinton Cowen, Rev. M., 1048 Broad Neiwirth, H. S., Military Pk. Bldg. Danzis, Dr. M., 608 High Echikson, E.. 670 Ridge 386 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New Jersey

Newman, B., 69 Girard PI. Newman, Jacob L., 810 Broad Nutley Norton, W. M., 17 Academy Weintraub, S., 437 Kingsland Rd. Oheb Shalom Library, 45 Elizabeth A Olsan, Carl, Federal Trust Bldg. Oaklyn Osterweil, T., 116 Market O3terweil, W., Fireman's Bldg. Blank, J. M., 112 E. Bettlewood Av. Pearson, H., 127 Montclair Av. Perkoff, H., 28 William Orange Plant Memorial School, 225 Prince Green, Harry, 182 Heywood Av. Poleshuck, S., 164 Market Pinsky, Dr. John, 301 Main Pollak, S., 972 Broad Posner, H., 47 W. Kinney Palmyra Radin, Dr. H. R.. 107 Clinton Av. Ravitz, Dr. S. F., 1113 Broad Freeman, Samuel Reich, Dr. J., 130 Court Schwartz. D. L., 19 E. Broad Rich. Leopold, 22 Ingraham PI. Roessler, Saml., 9 Clinton Passaic Rosenstein, G. H., 830 Broad Rosenstein, I., 575 Broad LIBRARY MEMBER Ruback, M. E., 60 Park PI. Stein, H., 201 Lexington Av. Rutkin, M., 64 Millington Av. Sandusky, I., 260 Meeker Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Saslow, Dr. M., 116 Market Rosenberg, J., 161 Hamilton Av. Schiffmann, Dr. S., 107 Spruce SlafT, Samuel, 110 High Schlesinger, Louis, 31 Clinton Av. Steiner, I. M., 118 Lexington Av. Schlesinger, M. S., Broad St. Theatre Weinberger, H. H., Service Trust Co. Schotland, Phil J., 9 Clinton Bldg. Segal, Miss D. E., 305 Osborne Ter. Zucker, Rabbi Max, Temple Emanuel Shalit, I., 108 Fleming Av. Shapiro, Miss L. R., 207 Market Sichel, Moses, 69 Shanley Av. Paterson Silberfeld, Rev. J., 32 Ingraham PI. Skwirsky, Dr. Jos., 170 Hathorne Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Soman, Nathan, 31 2d Av. Bloom, Ed., 550 Park Av. Sonnabend, J. M., 3 Belmont Av. Dimond, P., 284 E. 32d Spellman, W., 825 S. 10th Fabian, J., 150 Fair Spielman, M., 106 Lyons Av. Fabian, Simon H.. 92 E. 37th Spitalnik, H.. 266 Meeker Av. Stavitsky, M. A., 60 Park PI. ANNUAL MEMBERS Stein, Le Roy, 395 Chadwick Av. Steiner, Herman, 60 Park PI. B'nai Jesh. Rel. Sch., Bwy. & Straight Steiner, J., 790 Broad Cohen, J., 273 Hamilton Av. Sternick, B., 1189 Broad Cohn, Bertha S., 49 13th Av. Straus, D., 853 S. 13th Cohn, David, 112 Ellison Sturm. Wm., 317 Leslie Gold, G., 396 E. 41st Sussman, I. H., 51 Grumman Av. Goldhill, A., 458 E. 32nd Tepper, Jules E., 1060 Broad Joelson, Dr. M. S., 87 Fair Turkenkopf, A. R., 20 Shanley Av. Kitay, Mrs. H. B., 376 Broadway Weinberg, B., 738 Broad Platt, Jos., 409 E. 35th Weiss, L., 164 Market Pollock, S., 247 18th Av. Weiss, Dr. L., 849 S. 11th Rosenstein, F. L., 125 Ellison Wiener, B., 60 Sprinpfield Av. Simon, Dr. A. L., 18 Temple PI. Wortzel, S. J., 9 Clinton Simon, I., 470 Boulevard Yaruss, M., 790 Broad Surnamer, Dr. I., 345 Broadway Yawitz, B., 239 Springfield Av. Urdang, L., 4 Pope Rd. Yanoff, W., 281 19th Av. New Brunswick Pennsgrove Adler, S. M., 45 Peterson Lipman, J. G., Experiment Station Poland, Mrs. J. E., cor. Main and Broad Rudensky. M., R. F. D. No. 6 Zebooker, M. A., Box 416 Shapiro, Chief Rabbi A., Lee Av. & Redmond Perth Amboy LIBRARY MEMBERS N. Bergen Dobbs, David, 86 Jefferson Jacobs, S., 3789 Hudson Blvd. Wurtzel, Max, 142 Gordon New Jersey] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 387

ANNUAL MEMBERS Summit Alpern, I., 147 Smith Cohen, S. S., 210 Smith Mantel, J. R., 12 Maple Davidson, Rabbi M. D., 118 State Trenton Miller, Geo. J., 176 Smith Bellin, A. I., 72 Laurel Av. Silk, Dr. C. I., 189 Rector Budson, Alex., 85 Jackson Sosin, L. Y., 130 Smith Cohen, H., 118 E. Front Fishberg, J., 475 Hamilton Av. Pine Brook Forman, P., 112 N. Montgomery Fish, Nathaniel Goitein, L., 703 S. Broad Grad, Mrs. F., 132 S. Broad Pitts town Isaacs, J., Broad & Academy Lyons, Emamiel Julian, Dr. W., 23 Atterbury Av Kasser, A., 910 S. Broad Plalnfield Konwitz, Mrs. F. R., 984 S. Broad LIBRARY MEMBER Koplin, Dr. N. H., 142 W. State Newcorn, Wm., Queen City Hotel Kramer, N., 69 Maple Av. Lavine, Dr. B. D., 630 N. Clinton Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Lavine, S., 125 N. Broad Berman, Dr. A., 141 E. Front Leopold, S., Broad St. Bk. Bldg. Bernstein, M., 928 W. 8th Millner, F., 19 Atterbury Av. Bird, G. W., 130 North Av. Rosen, S. T., 701 Brunswick Av. Bloom, N., 622 W. Front Shipper, L. E., 9 Beechwood Av. Boorstein, H., 734 Park Av. Siegel, M. H., 1201 S. Broad Feinsilver, C, 614 Huntington Av. Silverstein, H., 206 S. Broad Glass, Dr. B., 609 Watchung Av. Wineberg, S., 903 S. Broad Kanter, A., 535 W. 8th Y. M. H. A., 18 S. Stockton Kurtzman, C, 146 E. Front Perlmutter, M., 436 Watchung Av. Union City Rosenbaum H., 701 E. Front Urevitz, Dr. Abr., 495 New York Av. Rothberg. H.. 928 W. Front Sachar, E., 1038 Myrtle Av. Ventnor Senger, C. P., 539 W. Front Bloom, L., 6414 Ventnor Av. Shiff, L., 324 W. Front Lichtenstein, J., 5414 Ventnor Av. Sobel, M., 331 Watchung Av. Schultz, H., 9 S. Wash. Av. Tepper, A., 669 W. 7th Segal, W., 6418 Ventnor Av. Tepper, M., 933 W. 7th Vineland Wolfson, Dr. H., 341 Watchung Av. Yood, Dr. R., 401 Grant Av. Bardfeld, L. M., 211 South East Av. Greenblatt, M. J., 311 North East Av Princeton Kellman, Rabbi H. B., 624 Grape Rosenthal, D., 919 Pear Kreeley, K., 22 Witherapoon Stern, A., 538 Landis Av. Redbank Waxman, J., 920 New Pear Kridel, Mrs. J., 190 E. Front Weehauken Lieberman, W., 4 Grauert PI. Riverside Sorokin, M. O., 59 Eldorado PI. Cohen, J. J., 3 Scott Kaplan, H., 119 Pavilion Av. West Hoboken Milavsky, H., 213 Pavilion Av. Umanaky, M., 212 Clinton Av. Schneidman, I. K., 11 Lafayette Schrieber, M. Westmont Rutherford Wolf. A., 154 Haddon Av. Danzinger, S., 3 Ayer PI. West New York Diska, Dr. L. A., 307 16th Secaucus Westville Pollak, Dr. B. S. Schatz, B., 1S4 Broadway South Orange Westwood Abelson, J. J., 257 Warwick Av. Berla, A., 574 Sinclair Ter. Goldberg, Dr. David, 7 Bogert PI. Harris, A., 575 Cameron Rd. Lack, Philip, 30 Bryant PI. Herzberg, M. J., 135 Mercer PI. Klein. P., 139 Mercer PI. Wildwood Lichtman, H.. 60 S. Kingman Rd. Hammer. Rabbi L., 2701 Pacific Av 388 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Bloom, Rabbi H. I., 819 Forrester Av.

NEW YORK Albany Brighton Beach LIFE MEMBER Berger, Mrs. D., 76 Southern Pkway. Chale, M., 3057 Lakeland PI. Rosendale, Hon. S. W., 57 State Gingold, A. M., 3035 E. 2nd Gold, L. J.. 3034 Ocean View Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Herman, A., 9 Oak Court Illch, Julius, 78 State Hittler, M. N., 2991 Ripple Mann, Isaac, 114 Ryckman Av. Waxman, H.. 6 Mayo Weise, M., 3036^ E. 6th ANNUAL MEMBERS Aronowitz, S. E., 536 Madison Av. Brooklyn Aufsesser, M. F., 1002 Madison Av. LIFE MEMBERS Ball, Dr. A., 351 State Bamberger, Rev. Dr. B. J., 206 State Rel. Schl. Cong. Beth Elohim; Garfield Baum, Rabbi S. Z., 90 Morton Av. &8th Bellin, Dr. M., 202 Central Av. Straus, H. Grant; 422 Fulton Bennett, E., 818 Myrtle Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Beth Emeth Religious School Bernstein, A. A., 1690 Ditmas Av. Bookheim, L. W., 133 S. Lake Av. Brightman, S. D., 1517 47th Caplan Bros.. 232 S. Pearl Cott, L., 2149 62d Fenster, P. W.. 6 S. Pearl Duberstein, S. C, 26 Court Greenberg, J., 82 State Edelman, Dr. M., 861 Fresh Pond Rd. Hershberg, J., 306 Madison Av. Friedman, J. P., 658 Montgomery Hessberg, Mrs. A., 352 State Gordon, Dr. M. B., 4803 14th Av. Hirschfield, H., 30 Chestnut Heller, Dr. J., 225 Eastern Pkway. Katzenelson, B., 93 Elm Kaufman, M., 914* E. 27th Livingston, Dr. P., 35 N. Pearl Margoshes, J., 188 S. Third Muhlfelder, J., 1002 Madison Av. Matz. I., 1522 Albemarle Rd. Naumoff, M. S., 69 Euclid Av. Meislin, Mrs. Rose, 1450 President Phillips, H., 131 Madison Av. Rabbin, M. M., 805 St. Marks Av. Poskanzer, R. C, 78 State Rottenberg, S., 1377 President Safron, M., 190 S. Pearl Rubenstein, E. I., 819 Prospect PI. Sporborg, Mrs. H. J., Hotel Ten Eyck School, A., 353 Ocean Av. Stern, C. M., 121 S. Lake Av. Schwartz, Dr. L. S., 849 Park PI. Suchoff, J., 15 Clinton Av. Walkof, N., 175 Eastern Pkway. The Jewish Com. Center, 111 Wash. A Wilner, Morris, 1657 50th Yaras, Coplin, 752 Myrtle Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Amsterdam Aaron, A., 26 Court Gray, Max, 70 Grove Aaron, Rabbi I. A., 255 Eastern Pkway Abels, Rabbi M. J., S. 14th Av. & 49th Lurie, A. D., 195 Guy Park Av. Abrahams, E. L., 231 Ocean Av. Abrahamson, Dr. E. M., 284 E. Pkway. Arverne Ackerman, M. E., 286 Johnson Av. Benderly, Dr. S., 705 Beach 69th Altrowitz, I., 1130 E. 22nd Emanuel, B., Beach 69th Anchel, W., 6723 10th Av. Arens, M.. 532 8th Aronson, D.. 51 Amherst Belle Harbor Ausubel. Dr. H., 1 De Kalb Av. Burger, E. H., 100 Beach 131st Babbit, L. H., 602 Montgomery Bacharach, C. G., 215 Mantague Barbash, Dr. H., 8603 Bay Pkway. Binghamton Barnett, B. A., 1117 E. 27th Bloom, Dr. M. S., 110 Oak Barnett, H. I., 1320 48th Public Library Baskin, David, 1156 57th Rosenthal, S. C, 119 Murray Becker, M., 1378 E. 8th New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 389

Benjamin, B. L., 139 E. 96th Fuchs, Sig. H., 1221 Remson Av. Berkowitz, Dr. B. B., 225 E. Pkway. Furst. M., 130 Clinton Berman, L. H., 2220 Ocean Av. Gabriel, B., 318 Brooklyn Av. Bernhardt, Mrs. J., 250 Dover Ganopolsky, S., 733 Miller Av. Bernstein. A. N., Ralph Av. & Pacific Gelfand, S., 1710 Carroll Bernstein, M., 2003 Av. "J" Gelles, I. D., 477 Miller Av. Bildersee, Miss A., 115 Willow Germain, L., 470 8th Av. Blau, Miss L. B., 77 Linden Blvd. Getz, D. B.. 26 Court Blumberg, Meyer, 805 Ocean Av. Ginsburg, H., 814 Hopkinson Av. Boochever, G., 272 E. 16th Gittelson, Dr. M., 1921 Bergen Bosniak, Rabbi J., 490 Ocean Pkway. Gittelson, M., 2301 Av. G Boudin, J. B., 26 Court Gladstone, S., 1120 E. 22nd Brecher, Dr. V., 723 Sutter Av. Glauboch, Dr. C. L., 6659 Colonial Rd. Bresler, H. S., 62 Marlborough Rd. Gluckman, J., 545 Gates Av. Brightman, Jos. W., 1S37 49th Goffen, Dr. A. M.. 518 Monroe Burstein, Rabbi A., 339 62nd Goldberg, L., 850 50th Celler, E., 32 Court Goldberg, L. P., 2111 Myra Ct. Cherin, P., 2100 Cropsey Av. Goldberg, S., 1679 Pitkin Av. Chertoff, Rabbi P., 5000 15th Av. Goldfarb, Rabbi I., 360 Clinton Cohen, A. S., 217 S. 4th Goldin, S. J., 1140 E. Parkway Cohen, Dr. D. H., 6601 Bay Pkway. Goldman, B., 2059 80th Cohen, Miss E. G., 1738 Union Goldman, L. A., 640 Montgomery Cohen, Rev. S. R., 17 Eastern Pkway Goldstein, J., 1564 52nd Cohn, J. H., 27 Throop Av. Goldstein, S., 26 Court Cohn, Dr. M. A., 1457 Eastern Pkway. Goodman, A. M., 1237 48th Coler, Samuel G.. 160 5th Av. Goorland, M., 843 Sutter Av. Coles, J. I., 951 Carroll Gottlieb, J. W., 16 Court Commanday, Victor, 946 E. 12th Grayer, H., 44 Court Cong. Ahavath Achim Grayzel, Mrs. S. M., 825 Linden Blvd. Danlin, I. A., 2224 Av. P Green, S. E., 1220 54th Dargo, N.t 947 Montgomery Greenberg, J., 1526 47th Dauber, J., 1464 52nd Greenblatt, H., 102 Richwood Av. Davidson, Dr. B., 1457 Union Greene, I. F., 44 Court Davidson, G., 353 Ocean Av. Greenstone. M. S., 21 Smith Davis, Dr. F., 8 Bay 35th Greenwald, Dr. H. M., 499 Ocean Av. Davison, S., 229 E. 18th Groden, Morris, 693 Montgomery De Walton", Dr. D. B., 7714 Ridge Blvd. Gross, Rabbi L. D., 570 Pacific Dinin S., 1059 Newport Gutkin, E. P., 104 E. 59th Doft, Max, 1460 55th Haft, M. W., 1336 President Dorin, Miss N. D., 1249 45th Halbfinger, C, 122 Liberty Av. Dressner, C. L., 224 S. 9th Halperin, A., 26 Court Droshnicop. S., 788 E. Parkway Hamburger, S. L., 1929 62nd Dumay, Dr. C, 241 Penn Harrison, H. A., 1208 Carroll Edelson. H. L., 219 E 95th Hartstein, J., 1041 Bushwick Av. Ehrlich, A. L., 778 Lexington Av. Haskel & Sons, Inc., S., 100 Harrison PI. Eisenberg, Dr. A. D., 586 Leonard Heckelman, I., 1462 57th Ellenbogen, M., 531 Bedford Av. Heller, Rabbi A. M., 335 E. 5th Ellman, A., 1444 58th Heller, M. G., 1580 E. 28th Englander, Rabbi D., 1668 Carroll Heller, M., 1552 54th Epstein, M. C, 66 Court Hershman, W., 225 Quincy Esrig, Dr. N., 326 7th Herzfeld. Max, 773 Willoughby Av. Farber. Mrs. S. W., 44 Marlborough Rd. Hitlin, Dr. A., 685 Willoughby Av. Feinson. J., 1239 Carroll Hoffman, Dr. M., 99 Marcy Av. Feit, Abr., 26 Court Horowitz, B., 225 E. Parkway Feld, Dr. H., 542 Willoughby Av. Horowitz, J., 865 Montgomery Fine, Isidore, 881 Wash. Av. Horwitz, L., 1470 E. 22nd Finkelstein, A. A., 1465 54th Hurwitz, B. L., 436 85th Finkelstein, Dr. R., 576 E. Parkway Itkin, Miss M., 8753 26th Av. Fleiss, H., 370 Tompkins Av. Jablons, J. M., 451 Kingston Av. Forman, H., 401 Vermont Jacobus, L., 2137 E 23rd Franks, H. S., 44 Midwood Jaffe, A. L., 1129 E. 22nd Freedman, Isaac, 340 Pulaski Jaffe, B., 947 E. 24th Freiberger, D., 2149 80th Jones, Mrs. Rose, 1038 E. 7th Friedman, Dr. J. H.. 236 S. 2nd Kahane, Rabbi C, 2141 E. 8th Friedman, Rebecca, 515 Alabama Av. Kahn, H., 1461 E. 4th Fromberg, H. G., 945 E. 10th Kamerman, D., 878 E. 24th Fruchtbaum. Dr. L. M., 370 S. 2d Kaplan, Miss L., 1620 Union 390 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Karalunsky, B., 61 Meserole Mormar, J., 369 Crown Karash, S., 1569 President Moses, Miss S. R., 1571 46th Kasnowitz, S., 1762 Union Moskowitz, H. W., 1644 48th Kaufman, Dr. M., 170 Leonard Moss, L. J., 319 St. Johns PI. Kayfetz, I., 1528 Pitkin Av. Musken, W., 145 Lincoln Rd. Kimmel, Dr. M., 48 Ashford Newman, Rabbi J. J., 1761 E. 7th Klein, I., 133 Heyward Newman, Dr. S. L., 500 Bedford Ar. Kleinman, M., 675 Georgia Av. Okun, I. E., 1616 Carroll Klinger, S., 743 Alabama Av. Paymer, Rabbi J. H., 725 Crown Kornbluth, S., 313 Montgomery Pearlman, S., 105 Court Koven, Dr. B., 1129 E. Parkway Penziner, C. H., 26 Court Kraditor, A., 3806 Clarendon Rd. Perlmutter, M., 1270 E. 19th Kraushaar, M., 32 Court Porlstein, Dr. I., 591 Montgomery Krimsky, Dr. J., 302 Empire Blvd. Phillips, A. M., 399 Ocean Pkway. Krotinger.B. A., 1615 47th Pickoff, S. A., 311 Graf ton Kruger, H. B., 946 E. 18th Piesen, H. H., 160 Marlborough Rd. Krumbein, A., 1712 43d Pines, Dr. L., 745 Franklin Av. Ladin, I., 68 Schenck Av. Pion. B., 1139 E. 22nd Landesman, Rabbi A. F., 1663 President Posner, H., 546 Montgomery Landman, Rev. I., 70 Prospect Pk., W. Posner, Dr. N. A., 136 S. 2nd Lane, J. M., 16 E. 10th Prashker, L., 96 Schermerhorn Largeman, Morris, 12 Graham Av. Price, A., 61 Whipple Latner, M. H., 350 Fulton Prokesch, Dr. S. Z., 901 Av. N. Lazansky, Judge E., Borough Hall Queen, Rae, 4623 15th Av. Lebenkoff, Miss J. R., 143 E. 94th Rabinowitz, Dr. H. M., 276 Buffalo Av. Leeger, L. L., 1072 E. 18th Rand, J. H., 1456 55th Lender, S. .1464 St. Johns PI. Reichler, Rabbi M., 84 Bay 25th Levine, M. H., 1707 President Reis, Miss D. C, 133 Chester Av. Levinson, Rabbi S. J., 83 Marlborough Resnikoff, L. A., 59 S. 10th Rd. Robbinovitz, Dr. S., 71-A Sumner Av. Levinthal, Rev. Dr. I. H., 576 E. Pkway. Robbins, H. G., 32 Court Levitt, Dr. J. M., 975 E. 14th Rock, W., 141 Ross Levy, Dr. A. M., 110 Graham Av. Rokeach, Dr. A., 959 Park PI. Levy, Arthur, 768 Bushwick Av. Rose, Jos. H., 16 Court Levy, H., 235 West End Ave. Roseman, I., 374 S. 5th Levy, Dr. Max, 261 S. 9th Rosen, S., 155 Seigel Lewis, Aaron, 1482 Carroll Rosenberg, E., 82 Pulaski Lieberman, Nathan, 190 Westminster Rd. Rosenberg, Dr. H. D., 2754 Pitkin Av. Linde, B., 1639 President Rosenberg, H. L., 1526 55th Lipman. Miss N., 945 45th Rosenberg, J. M., 1324 47th Lipper, A., 230 Stratford Rd. Rosenblum, P., 519 Eastern Pkway. Liss, C, 715 Riverdale Av. Rosenfeld, H. T., 565 5th London, Dr. E., 1877 Ocean Av. Rosenfeld, M., 135 Eastern Pkway Lubell, J. E., 262 Sullivan Rosenfeld, Dr. R., 1208 E. Parkway Lyons, Rev. A., 225 Lincoln PI. Rosenfeld, Dr. W., 351 Penna Av. Machzikei Talmud Torah, 1315 43d Rosenheck, I., 170 Westminster Rd. Mand, Dr. J. H., 502 39th Rosen thai, Miss F., 79 Grand Mandel, A., 274 Hewes Rosenthal, Miss I. B., 3111 Hubbard Mandel, S., 205 E. 95th Rosenthal, Rabbi M., 1324 Brooklyn Av. Marcus, Dr. L., 61 E. Parkway Rosenzweig, A., 2058 Union Markel, A. J., 56 Court Ross, Dr. M., 1821 St. Johns PI. Marrow, I. L., 1328 49th Rothschild, S. F., 422 Fulton May, Judge M., 441 Ocean Av. Rottenberg, M. L., 194 E. 95th Maze, J. M., 1046 E. 14th Rubenstein, Rabbi J., 2106 Dean Meller, John, 237 Coleridge Rubin, S., 1371 Carroll Meltsner, O., 1639 44th Rudovsky, J. I., 350 Stone Av. Mendelsohn, Col. M. J., 2240 E. 22nd Sacks, I., 125 Av. J Mersel, Alex., 1658 52d Sacks, Rabbi M. L., 1230 E. 12th Meyerowitz, Rabbi A. N., 403 Barrett Sakin, Dr. B. M., 1206 Eastern Pkway Michton, M., 180 Winthrop Salpeter, Mrs. M. W., 10 Ocean Pkway Milberg, S.. 1934 E. 19th Salwen, Dr. E., 455 Ocean Av. Miller, Rabbi J., 443 Linden Blvd. Salwen, S. J., 1622 43d Miller, M., 1543 President Satlow. I. D., 52 Thatford Av. Miller, S., 1344 E. 19th Sawitzky Mrs. Jennie, 3585 Bedford Av Mintz, B., 26 Court Scharfstein, Z., 2647 Kenmore PI. Moelis, R., 649 Watkins Scher, Dr. M., 899 Montgomery Moinester, E. A., 2027 Pacific New York) JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 391

Schildkraut, M., 2328 Myrtle Av. Darlich, S. B., 10 Colonial Av. Schlesinger, E., 1610 48th Dautch, Chas., 131 Richmond Av. Schoenholtz, S., 1224 Schenectady Av. Desbecker, L. E., Buffalo Club Schrag, C. I., 3379 Bedford Av. Diamond, D., 738 Prudential Bldg. Schreiber, Dr. M., 105 Penna. Av. Dickman, I., 461 Humboldt Pkway. Schulkind, D. W., 1249 E. 23rd Fink, Rabbi J. L., 748 Auburn Av. Schwartz, Dr. A. S., 1268 46th Fleischman, Mrs. B. K., 1290 Delaware Schwartz, D., 107 6th Av. Av. Schwartz, Dr. Jac. R., 1 Henson PI. Fybush, A., Mutual Life Bldg. Schwartz, Mrs. S., 602 Ralph Av. Seidelman, N., 2059 61st Gilden, Dr. J. H., 268 E. Ferry Seiderman, S., 750 E. Parkway Grossman, H. J., 298 Middlesex Rd. Seif, J. B., 41 Chester Av. Grossman, S., 137 Dorchester Rd. Selgle, C. H., 956 E. 7th Harris, Hon. S. J., 198 Woodbridge Av. Selig, Mrs. H. L.. 1450 49th Kauffman, Dr. Lesser, 584 W. Ferry Shankroff, Dr. L., 142 Joralemon Keiser, August, 675 Delaware Av. Sherman, H., 1319 51st Liebeskind, S.. 1035 Broadway Signer, Rabbi I., 28 Beaumont Maisel, L., 703 Filmore Silberman, J., 8023 19th Av. Miller, L. H., 190 Cleveland Av. Silberman, Dr. M., 266 Brooklyn Av. Nathan, A., 1955 Hertel Av. Silverman, Dr. E. G., 4712 14th Av. Nathan, Mrs. H., 223 Depew Av. Silverstein, L. B., 1341 40th Rivo, M., 47 Fordham Dr. Simon, A. H., 493 Delamere PI Saperston, W. W., 130 Dorchester Rd. Socolof, Miss L., 2306 Douglass Sapowitch, J. A., 40 Manchester PI. SokolofT, A., 8403 20th Av. Schwartz, E., Prudential Bldg. Sovatkin, E. J., 1264 Carroll Wile, H., Ellicott & Carroll Spector, M., 295 Ocean Pkway Yellen, J. S., 237 Linwood Av. Spevack, M., 50 Court Yellen, M. M., 16 E. Mohawk Starr, Dr. I. P., 98 Lincoln Rd. Statsinger, M., 1324 Carroll Steigman, Dr. H., 1039 Myrtle Av. Beacon Steinbrink, M., 185 Montague Gottesman, Mrs. H., 17 North Av. Stoll, 1Dr. V., 24 Revere PI. Stolon , Dr. B., 1137 E. Parkway Catskill Strully, Dr. J. M., 617 Av. K Stulman, Jos., 1326 Uuion Margolius, Mrs. I. M., 352 Main Sweedler, N., 194 Crown Teitelbaum, Rabbi A., 1621-65th Cedarhurst' L. I. Teitelbaum, Dr. H., 30 Throop Av. Tunick, S., 7610 Colonial Rd. Kohn, Mrs. M., P. O. Box 1117 Turberg, Ph., 1274 46th Kommel, J., 73 Prospect Av. Uchitelle B., 26 Court Union Temple. 17 E. Pkway. Cobbleskill Vladeck, Baruch Charney, 125 E. Pkway. Wald, W., 8301 Bay Pkway. Weitzman, H., 39 Main Wechsler, M.. 154 Ocean Pkway. Weinberg, Dr. H. M., 5218 12th Av. Coney Island Weinstein, A. A., 1475 Carroll Reiss, Miss Leah, ft Stem Walk Weinstock, L., 135 E. Parkway Weinzimmer, A., 6420 19th Av. Weitzman, Dr. I., 1543 71st Cornwall Wiener, George, 350 Stone Av. Siegler, Mrs. E. M. Wiener, N., 437 Kingston Av. Wilhelm, M., 1125 E. 22nd Wilson, Dr. S. J., 208 New York Av. Corona Wolodarsky, A., 255 E. Parkway Perlo, Samuel, 108-21 Ditmars Av. Wolodarsky, Dr. A. Z.. 676 E. Pkway. Young Israel Synagogue, 1363 50th Croton on Hudson Zimmerman, Mrs. C., 2059 61st LIBRARY MEMBER Rosen, Joseph A., Box 39

Buffalo Ellenville Bernstone, M., 430 Bramson Bldg. Levine, H. J., 36 Center Beth El Library, 151 Richmond Av. Brickman. Mrs. S., 182 Landon Buffalo Public Library Elrahurst Bushinsky, J. M., 48 Traymore Av Kramer, V. A., 15 Dewey Cantor, D. I., 131 Butler Av, Startz, Dr. I. S., 24 Gleane 392 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Elmira Herkimer Goldstein, H., 106 Dewitt Av. Schermer, Benj., 328 N. Wash. Radin, H. J., 113 Grove Hudson Elmsford Grossman, R. H., 711 Warren Morey, S. M., Hartsdale Rd. Kline, Samuel, 438 E. Allen Far Rockaway Huntlngton' L. I. LIBRARY MEMBER Hardt, Miss M., c/o Huntington Hospita Eiseman, E., 1065 Dickens-Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Ithaca Baum, Dr. J., 2270 Mott Ay. Benjamin, A., 5 New Broadway LIFE MEMBER Bloch, H., 1499 Edgmont PI. Hurwitz, W. A., 610 E. Buffalo Cong. Shaarey Tefilah, 295 Central Blvd. Denenholz, Mrs. J. H., Neilson Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Doniger, S., 2535 Ocean Av. B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation Goldberg, A., 800 Harding Hoffman, Rabbi I. B., 223 Eddy Levy, J., 820 Central Av. Miller, Rabbi I., 701 Bolton Rd. Jackson Heights Rosenzweig, L., 2391 Mott Av. Salit. N., 1152 New Goodman, M., 73-16 Roosevelt Av. Schwartz, J. L., 34 McNeil Av. Steiner, S. J., 60 Gibson Place Jamaica LIBRARY MEMBER Flushing Miller, S., 159-2 Jamaica Av. Rosenberg, H. D., P. O. Sta. A-4012 171st Zeamans, Mrs. H. R., 146-53 Delaware ANNUAL MEMBERS Buxbaum, Dr. E. J., 8711 150th Cutler, Rabbi A. I., 88-14 Sutphin Blvd. Forest Hills Felberbaum, N., 161-10 Jamaica Av. Cohen, A. H., 7131 Manse Gross, A., 160-16 Jamaica Av. Jafle, H., 93-12 Baldwin Av. Gross. G., 86-06 178th Landman, Rabbi S., 6807 Clyde Hebrew Academy, 90-29 Parsons Blvd. Seidman, N. H., 72-26 Juno Jafle, I., 160-16 Jamaica Av. Malev, Rabbi W., 8924 164th Freeport Moss, J., 181-04 Grand Central Pkway. Rose, A. J., 150-91 87th Rd. Mikol, M., 214 Penna. Av. Sirkin, H., 8401 Midland Pkway. Glendale Weinstein, Rabbi A., Whitman Hotel Waldman, H. A., 2 Epsilon PI. Jamestown Gloversville Davis, S., 35 Barrett Av. Jewish Community Center, 28 E. Fulton Karen, M., 77 Division Minsker, M. M., 151 Foote Av. Kew Gardens Goshen Metzger, H. J., 57 Beverly Rd. Jonas, Harold J. Nalven, J.. 126 Audley Great Neck Kingston Crystal. H. S., Ridge Drive, E. Ewig, A. B., 12 East Strand Harrison London, O. B., John Radin, Rabbi J., 42 Abeil Kugel, Harry J. Stern, Dr. A. A., Presidents PI. Havers traw Larchmont Adler, Henry, 15 Broadway Davidson, P., 70 N. Chatsworth Av. Ebb, Coleman Horowitz, A., 10 Carleon Av. Miller, Rabbi S., 35 Clover Pollock, M., 45 Stuyvesant Av Hawthorne Rabinowitz, Rev. Dr. E. N., P. O. Box Laurel ton 245 Strisik, P. R., 231-14 137th Av. New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 393

Lawrence Subotky, R., 11 S. 4th Av. Furman, L. D., 90 Wash. Av. Sussman, Dr. H., 36 Primrose Av. Schnell, H., Bway. & Marguerite Av. Teitelman, G. A., 316 McLellan Av. Sheldon, B. I., 20 Muriel Av. Weill, Max, 280 Rich Av. Welber, W., 19 Greendale Av. Liberty Workman, J. A., 156 Claremont Av. Y. M. H. A., 30 N. 10th Av. Rayevsky, Dr. Chas., 75 Chestnut Zimmerman, H. I., 109 Wallace Av. Singer, Dr. E., 244 N. Main Little Falls Neponsit Grieff, S., 93 Prospect Weinberg, M., 179 Beach 144th Long Beach Jacobs, Miss D., 65 E. Chester New Brighton Rivkin, Mrs. J., 200 Jersey Long Island City Strauss, F. A., 230 Hamilton Av. Herzog, Dr. Ed. A., 2520 Ditmars Blvd Leichter, L. H., 2815 45th Rabinowitz, Dr. C, 520 Jamaica Av. Newburgh Steiner, G., 483 7th Av. Bloom, Rabbi M. J., 176 Montgomery Wilson, G. I., 4917 39th Av. Eissner, Dr. M. T., 203 Liberty Joseph, A., 145 North Manhattan Beach Marcus, Rabbi R. S., 176 Montgomery Kempler, P. & A. L., 86 S. Water LIBRARY MEMBER Kreisele Furniture, 139 B'way Cooper, Leon, 206 Corbin PI. Segal, Rabbi H.. 333 Grand Reiter, S., 87 Water ANNUAL MEMBERS Stern, F., 193 Grand Baltuch, M., 60 Coleridge Marder, Leo, 245 Amherst New Rochelle LIBRARY MEMBERS Mamaroneck Amdur, N. W., 120 Broadview Av. Bruskin, Dr. H. C, 284 Mamaroneck Av. Brecher, Leo.. 110 Elk Av. Schoenfield, Rabbi E., 64 Halstead Av. Bronner, Mrs. H., 3 Albemarle Av. Monticello ANNUAL MEMBERS Rosenthal, Dr. J. M., 205 Broadway Cohen, I. B., 507 Main Grant, Adolph, 131 Lockwood Av. Mount Vernon Lott. S., 9 Alpha Place Potter, S. A., 70 Manor PI. LIBRARY MEMBERS Rosett, Mrs. F. S., 35 Brookdale Av. Cowen, A. Y., 270 Prospect Av. Schwefel, Rabbi L., 31 Union Feist, Milton, 37 Central Blvd. Slobodkin, Dr. S. H., 100 Storer Av. Sloman, M., 88 Broadview Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Temple Israel, 456 Webster Av. Aronowitz, Fannie J., 118 S. 13th Av. Breitbart, B., 4 Wallace Av. Caplin, H., 65 Winfield Av. New York City Durst, J., 136 Esplanade Essrig, Dr. J., 144 Urban LIFE MEMBERS Fineberg, Rabbi S. A., 669 N. Terrace Av. Buttonweiser, J. L., 200 5th Av. Finkelstein, C, 55 Penna. Av. Elkus, Abram I., 165 Broadway Free Synagogue of West Chester Fischel, Harry. 276 5th Av. Friedenberg, S., 160 Lawrence Goodhart, P. J., 550 Park Av. Gevirtz, Abr., 470 E. Lincoln Av. Kempner, I. H., 522 5th Av. Heymann, M., 141 Wallace Av. Kohut. Rev. G. A.. 220 W. 87th Kadis, I., 296 E. Fifth Lamport, A. M., 44 Pine Kaliski, Mrs. H., 16 Magnolia Av. Lamport, S. C, 1125 5th Av. Kitt. P., 72 S. 4th Av. Mosessohn, D. N., 255 W. 84th Maccoby, M., 284 S. Columbus Av. Mann, Leon, 32 Winfield Av. Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 965 - 5th Av Margolis, Rabbi E., 16 Glen Av. Warburg, Felix M.. 1109 5th Av. Mottsman, H., 41 Winfield Av. Warburg, Mrs. F. M., 1109 5th Av. Oleet, I., 406 N. Fulton Av. Wiesen, Max, 500 7th Av. Robison, I., 485 Prospect Av. SUSTAINING MEMBER Rosen, M., 147 Stevens Av. Ochs, A. S., 308 W. 75th 394 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

FRIENDS Horowitz, W., 512 7th Av. Ittleson, H., 1 Park Av. at 33rd Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H., 965 5th Av. Ind. Ord. Free Sons of Isrl., 257-259 W. Sulzberger, A. H., 229 W. 43rd 93rd Vogelstein, L., 270 Park Av. Jewish Center Library, 131 W. 86th Kahn, O. H., 54 William PATRONS Kaplan, Dr. I. I., 55 E. 86th Kastor, A., 14 W. 70th Baerwald, P., 120 Broadway Kohnstamm, E., 87 Park PI. Cowen, M., 262 Central Pk W. Kahnstamm, Mr. & Mrs. Jos., 23 W. 73d Goldman, Julius, 132 E. 70th Kramer and Kleinfeld, 122 E. 42nd Guggenheim, Sol. R., 120 Broadway Krinsky, H. J., 299 Broadway Guinzburg, Mrs. V., 21 W. 89th Kuhn, A. K., 14 E. 75th Katz, Eugene, 480 Park Av. Lachman. S., 290 West End Av. Laaker, E., 25 W. 45th Lamport, Mrs. A. M., 44 Pine Lehman, Hon. Irving, 36 W. 44th Lehman, A., 31 W. 56th Marshall, J., 50 Central Pk., W. Levy, W., 210 Riverside Dr. Pforzheimer, C. H., 25 Broad Lurie, I. J., 57 2d Av. Robinson, A., 171 W. 71st Mark, J., 285 Madison Av. Sadacca, H., 525 Broadway Markewich, S., 168 W. 86th Sadowsky, R., Bway. at 37th Mayer, B., 41 E. 72d Unterberg, Israel, 40 Worth Meltsner, C. N., 45 W. 81st Warburg, G. F., 101 E. 74th Merzbach, G., 44 Pine Meyer, E., 14 Wall LIBRARY MEMBERS Meyer, Max, 45 N. 81st Abraham, Dr. S., 20 E. 57th Meyer. Mrs. S., 720 West End Av. Arkush, R., 345 W. 88th Monfried, M., 334 W. 86th Barrasch, B., 928 Av. "R" Morgenthau, H., 1133 Fifth Av. Berliner, J. S., 10 W. 86th Morrisons, Inc., 1370 Broadway Block, P., 247 Park Av. Moskowitz, I., 778 First Av. Bob, H. D., 40 Leonard Munk. O., 575 Riverside Dr. Bondy, E. L., 276 5th Av. Mutterperl, S., 18 W. 18th Brill, Dr. A. A., 15 W. 70th Nevin, H., 203 W. 33rd Brown, D. A., 1790 Broadway Newman, A. L., 755 Park Av. Cong. Emanue! Rel. Schl., 1 E. 65th Pearlman, P., 1616 Webster Av. Dazian, Henry, 144 W. 44th Platzek, M. Warley, 65 Central Pk., W. Deiches, M., 44 Wall Polaik, I., 249 Pearl Edu. Alliance, E. Bway. & Jeflerson Posner, Louis S., 115 Broadway Elishewitz, J., 721 Broadway Rich, M. B., 225 Broadway Enelow, Rev. Dr. H. G., 1 E. 65th Robert, S., 906 Park Av. Fischman, Win., 5 Columbus Circle Robinson, Dr. M. R., 1125 Madison Av. Fox, Geo. I., 164 W. 25th Rocker, L. P., 15 Broad Frank, J. T., 173 Riverside Dr. Rosenberg, M. H., 501 W. 110th Frankel, M., 19 W. 44th Runsheim, J., 40 E. 54th Friedkin, Israel, 77 Bowery Samuels, S., 45 W. 81st Friedman, H. G., 345 W. 88th Sard, F. N., 230 W. 15th Friedman, J., Tr., 23 W. 73rd Satz, L., 170 Second Av. Gladstone, A. I., 405 Lexington Av. Saxe, Sig., Ill W. 78th Glass, A. G., 334 W. 86th Schakne, H., 1200 5th Av. Glass, M. L., 430 6th Av. Schamus, J. B., ISO E. 79th Glemby, Harry, 12 E. 22d Schweitzer, I. S.. 270 West End Av. Golden, S. H., 150 E. 72nd Segal, M. S., 206 Lexington Av. Goldstein, Rabbi I., 2178 Broadway Shapiro, S. ,11 E. 44th Goodfriend, Miss Carrie, 645 West End Siegel, J., 1384 Broadway Av. Simonds, L. B., Ill E. 56th Green, C, 233 Spring Slater, J. P., 905 West End Av. Greenwald, M., 1340 Rosedale Av. Solomon, A., 199 Wooster Guggenheim, Simon, 120 Broadway Solomon, Rev. E. L., 302 W. 87th Guggenheim, Win., 3 Riverside Dr. Straus, J. I., 399 Park Av. Hahn A., 25 E. 86th Strauss, Mrs. M., 401 West End Av. Heb. Orphan Asy., 1560 Amsterdam Av. Strauss, Samuel, 885 Park Av. Heb. Shel. & Im. Aid Soc, 425 Lafayette Strauss, S., 3 E. 44th Hendricks, H. S., 253 Broadway Stroock, S. M., 141 Broadway Herzog, S. A., 64 E. 86th Sugarman, M. H., 345 Madison Av. Hirschkorn, M., 233 Spring Sulzberger, Judge M., 240 E. 72d Hirsh, H., 100 Broadway Tekulsky, S., 285 Madison Av. Holstein, M. G., 165 Broadway Telsey, S. A., 70 Pine Horowitz, Dr. P., 57 W. 73rd New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 395

The N. Y. Times Reference Liby, Times Beier, S. K., 261 Broadway Annex Belais, H., 145 W. 36th Unger, Henry W., 1239 Madison Av. Ben Ami, Jacob, 620 W. 116th Unterberg, D. W., 11 W. 86th Bendheim, S., 233 Broadway Walter, Mrs. W. I., Hotel St. Regis Benedek, M. H., 363 7th Av. Wasservogel, Hon. I., 40 E. 83d Bennett, Jacob, Fisk Bldg. Wertheim, M., 57 William Bereano, Dr. P., 1316 Fulton Av. Wiener, J., 347 Fifth Av. Berg, Max, 949 Broadway Wiernik, P., 77 Bowery Berger, S., 321 W. 78th Wilner, Max, 46 White Berk, J. L., 543 Broadway Wimpfheimer, Chas. A., 450 4th Av. Berkelhammer, I., 1440 Broadway Winter, B., 250 Park Av. Berlinger, Dr. R., 320 Riverside Dr. Wise, E. E., 550 Park Av. Berman, H., 1630 Undercliff Av. Y. M. H. A., 148 E. 92d Berman, L. E., 189 Sherman Av. Zinke, A. U., 60 E. 42nd Bernays, E. L., 9 E. 46th Zipser, Dr. J. E., 122 E. 82d Bernhard, G., 1574 Crotona Pk., E. Bernhardt, Miss F., 418 E. 84th ANNUAL MEMBERS Bernheim, M., 347 Fifth Av. Abelson, Dr. P., 27 W. 96th Bernheimer, Dr. C. S., 98 Riverside Dr. Abert, B., 40 E. 83d Bernstein, B., 755 West End Av. Abraham, N., 135 W. 26th Bernstein, B., 299 B'way Abrahams, H., 856 Elsmere PI. Bernstein, D., 54 Howard Abrahams, Dr. R., 277 West End Av. Bernstein, Dr. I. I., 2021 Gd. Concourse Abrams, H., 3-5-7 W. 4th Bernstein, J. L., 299 Broadway Abramson, N. M., 180 Riverside Dr. Bernstein, Dr. S., Ill 5th Av. Abramson, W., 291 Broadway Bernstein, Saul, 400 West End Av. * Addelson, Dr. W. M., 672 Fort George Bers, Jos. L. 400 Washington Av. Beth Abraham Home for Incurables, 612 Adler, Dr. F., Soc. for Ethical Culture Allerton Av. Adlerblum, I. S., 535 W. 110th Bijur. Hon. Nathan, 160 W. 75th Adlerstein, H., 401 Broadway Bilgore, David, 261 Wash. Adlerstein, Miss I.. 480 E. 172nd Binder, Abr. W., 385 Central Pk. W. Ahrend, D. H., 52 Duane Birkhahn.R. C, 420 Lexington Av. Alexander, B., 1440 B'way Black, M. J., 1410 Broadway Alstat, Rabbi P. R.. 1749 Gd. Concourse Blankman, B., 108 Elwood Amer. Jewish Congress, 122 E. 42d Blechman, Simon, 502 B'way Antin, Senator B., 480 Concord Av. Blitz, L., 770 Faile Apfel, Chas., 475 5th Av. Bloch, M. E., 509 Broadway Arac, Benj., 328 E. 180th Bloch Publishing Co., 31 W. 31st Arial, H., 1133 Broadway Block, A. J., 1285 3d Av. Arnstein, A., 1050 Park Av. Block, A. S., 165-7 Henry Aronson, P. N., 270 West End Av. Block, J., 15 Maiden Lane Aronstein, A., 80 Maiden Lane Bloom, Dr. H., 180 Riverside Dr. Aronstein, Dr. Wm., 576 5th Av. Bloom, Rabbi H. I., 310 Riverside Dr. Asinof, M., 801 Broadway Bloom, Rev. I. M., 667 W. 161st Atlas, Harry, 329 Greenwich Bluestone, Dr. H., 520 Grand Atlas, S. A., 730 Riverside Dr. Blumberg, L., 95 Wall August, R., 27 E. 22nd Blumberg, S., 345 W. 88th Bach, J. J., 1390 Broadway Blumenstock, M., 825 West End Av. Bache, L., 225 B"way Blumenthal, M. B., 475 5th Av. Bachrach, H., 239 Central Pk., W. Bob, Maurice H., 425 Broadway Badman, T., 260 West End Av. Bogart, John, 1450 Broadway Bael, J., 10 W. 182d Bossak, J., 2001 University Av. Bakst, Dr. Jos., 1107 Hoe Av. Bossak, W., 2075 Gd. Concourse Barlaz, E., 56 Featherbed Av. - Brand, H., 55 W. 42d Barnett, I. M., 74 Gold Branower, Dr. Wm., 4725 Iselin Av. Barnett, S., 305 Riverside Dr. Braun, Dr. J., 270 West End Av. Baron, D., 545 West End Av. Braunstein, B., Rabbi, 395 Riverside Dr. Baron, H., 41 W. 86th Brawer, Miss R. R., 1826 Crotona Av. Baron de Hirsh Fund, 233 B'way Bregman, H., 285 Madison Av. Baron, Prof. S., 310 W. 75th Brenner, R. H., 460 W. 24th Baskin, D., 33 W. 60th Brentano, Mrs. L., 225 5th Av. Bauer, E,, 871 Kelly Bressler, D. M., 75 Maiden Lane Baumgart, I., 928 Broadway Bressler. Dr. J.. 391 E. 8th Becher, M. M., 245 Broadway Bril, Rabbi I. L., 564 W. 160th Beckhardt, M., 3411 Giles PI. Brodek, C. A., 354 West End Av. Beier, A., 261 B'way Brodman, Dr. H., 124 E. 39th 396 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Bronstein, Miss R., 1698 Vyse Av. Drucker ,M. A., 2084 Grand Av. Bronx House, 1637 Wash. Av. Eckert, Dr. M. M., 2021 Gd. Concourse Buchsbaum, J., 245 W. 29th Edelman, S., 600 W. 111th Buegeleisen, S., 590 West End Av. Edlin, W., 2523 Aqueduct Av. Bullowa, Dr. A. M., 64 E. 80th Edman, S., 45 W. 25th Burton, T. D., 10 Hanover iiiseman. Rev. A., 600 W. 111th Cahn, J. M., 165 Broadway Eisen, I. W., 463 7th Av. Caiman, Dr. M. S., 600 W. 181st Eisen, J. M., 463 7th Av. Caplow, S., 2 Lafayette Eisler, S. H., 311 E. 4th Cardoza, Hon. B. N., 16 W. 75th Eisner, Jerome, 401 B'way Carlinger, J., Dyckman St. & River Rd. Elster, Dr. H. B., 229 W. 78th Carton, D., 218 W. 40th Endel, Chas. W., 152 W. 42d Celler, E., 70 Pine Engleman, Morris, 35 Nathan Davis PI. Celniker. Dr. S. J., 128 Lewis Entmacher, C, 450 7th Av. Chalif, L. H., 163 W. 57th Ephraim, Miss M. R., 2305 Grand Av. Chalmers, T. M., 2654 Marion Av. Epstein, A., 325 Central Pk., W. Charnas, H., 49 W. 24th Epstein, E., 205 E. 42nd Chertoff, N., 530 Broadway Epstein, Ed., 46 W. 95th Chorosh, Wnf. H., Paramount Bldg. Epstein, H., 130 Post Av. Coblens, R., 291 Broadway Epstein, Dr. H., 1456 Wash. Av. Cohen, A., 60 E. 42nd Epstein, Dr. H. J., 1738 Crotona Pk., E. Cohen, Dr. A. B., 347 5th Av. Epstein, M. W., 314 W. 100th Cohen, Boaz, N. E. Cor. 122nd & B'way Epstein, N. B., 2100 Creston Av. Cohen, Chas., 507 B'way Epstein, Mrs. Rose, 549 Riverside Dr. Cohen, G., 217 Broadway Erdmann, A. J., 7 E. 76th Cohen, G. L., 10 E. 40th Ernst, I. L., 151 W. 86th Cohen, I., 136 E. 95th Eron, Jos. E., 853 Broadway Cohen, J. H., 60 John Eskolsky, Rabbi M. S., 256 E. B'way Cohen, J., 277 Broadway Faeder, S. J., 1672 Davidson Av. Cohen, Rabbi J. X., 40 W. 68th Falk, Dr. H. C, 1 W. 86th Cohen, L. L., 225 Broadway Falk, Saml., 310 W. 94th Cohen, M. K., 6 W. 77th Farber, Dr. I., 1 E. 115th Cohen, Moses, 51 Chambers Faust, Dr. I. S., 779 Prospect Av. Cohen, Rabbi S. M., N. E. Cor. 122nd & Feder, H., 514 W. 110th B'way Federman, M. J., 838 West End Av. Cohen, Samuel, 233 W. 25th Fcinberg, A. A., 655 W. 160th Cohen, S., 291 Broadway Feinberg, Benj. G., 515 W. 187th Cohn, Dr. A. E., 315 Central Pk.. W. Feinberg, Sol., 1440 B'way Cohn, Dr. I., 229 W. 97th Feld, M., 1469 Jesup Av. Cohn, Louis, 302 B'way Feldman, Miss C. S., 421 West Cohn, M., 2 Rector Feldman, Rev. S., 250 W. 94th Cong. Shearith Israel, Central Pk. W. & Fierst, Harry P.. 275 7th Av. 70th Fine, S., 610 W. 110th Conning, Rev. J. S., 156 5th Av. Finelite. A., 150 Nassau Danziger, Mrs. V., 910 Park Ay. Fink, R., 122 E. 42nd Davidson, Dr. Israel, 92 Morningside Av. Finkelstein, Rabbi L., 1700 Crotona Pk., Davis, A. M., 152 W. 118th E. Davis, Anna R., 1738 Clay Av. Finkelstein, Dr. M., 758 Dawson Davis, Morton I., 521 5th Av. Finkelstein. P. A., 91 Central Pk., W. Deitch, J., 2105 Ryer Av. Finkelstone, M., 1105 Jerome Av. Delman, J. D., 1476 B'way Fischer, Jos., 521 5th Av. Derow, Dr. David, 17 W. 9th Fishman, J., 77 Bowery Deutsch, B. S., 122 E. 42nd Flatow, Ida, 76 W. 113th Deutsch, J., 1776 Clay Av. Flatow, S., 38 Park Row Diamond, Dr. B., 1488 Wash. Av. • Flexner, Bernard, 40 Exchange PI. Diamond, Dr. J. S., 16 E. 83rd Fluegelman, N., 525 West End Av. Dickheiser, S. J., 11 W. 42nd Fortgang, A., 191 Duane Dickstein, Hon. S., 70 Pine Fox, R. J., 960 Gd. Concourse Dist. No. 1, I. O. B. B., 36 W. 69th Frackman, M., 51 Chambers Dix, Henry A., 135 Madison Av. Frankel, F., 28 W. 38th Dolowitz, A., 70 W. 40th Frankfurt, B., 1350 Broadway Dorfman, R., 51 Chambers Freedman, D. M., 261 Broadway Doskow. Dr. S., 562 5th Av. Freedman. R., 114 E. 168th Drachenberg, B., 38 Park Av. Freiman, L., 225 Broadway Dreyfus, Dr. W. E., Hotel Sussex Frenkel, Emil. 8 E. 81st Drob, Rev. M., 2331 Gd. Concourse Freund, M., 71 W. 47th Drosin, Dr. Louis, 302 W. 86th Frey, Dr. D. I., 2065 Gd. Concourse New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 397

Friedland, S., 291 Broadway Golub, L., 225 B'way Friedlander. M., 5 W. 75th Goodfried, Dr. I. L,, 28 W. 74th Friedman, C., 68 Lenox Av. Goodfriend, H. B., 542 5th Av. Friedman, Dr. E. D., 1192 Park Av. Goodman, A. & Son, 640 E. 17th Friedman, E. M., 165 Broadway Goodman, J., 271 W. 125th Friedman, I., 156 W. 86th Goodman, S. A., 473 West End Av. Friedman, Jacob H., 132 Nassau Gordon, Alfred, 17 John Friedman, L. M., 216 W. 89th Gordon, Bernard, Woolworth Bldg. Friedman, M., 38 Ft. Wash. Av. Gordon .Mrs. Freda .310 Riverside Dr. Friedman, M., 835 Walton Av. Gordon, Dr. N., 895 West End Av. Friedman, Saml. p., 628 B'way Gorfinkle, Rabbi J. I., 230 Central Pk., Frieze, A., 15 Maiden Lane W. Frost, S., 41 W. 14th Gottheil, Dr. R., 220 W. 98th Fuerst, W. F., 87 Nassau Gottlieb, H., 1878 Harrison Av. Furgatch, S. H., 915 Prospect Av. Gottlieb. Dr. J., 4103 Woolworth Bldg. Furman, Edw. I., 789 West End Av. Gottschall, S., 15 Claremont Av. Galef, Jos., 555 W. 151st Gralnick, B., 1225 Broadway Gansbefg, S., 37-39 Maiden Lane Grayzel, A. G., 277 Broadway Ganz, S. H., ISO Nassau Greenbaum, D., 299 Broadway Garbat, Dr. A. L., 113 E. 81st Greenbaum, L. S., 285 Madison Av. Garmesey, J. H., 51 Chambers Greenberg, H., 120 Wall Geiger, C, 340 Riverside Dr. Greenberg, M., 5 Columbus Circle Gelfand, S., 43 Delancey Greene, I. M., 276 Fifth Av. Geller, H. J., 46 Ft. Wash. Av. Greenebaum, S., 492 Broome Gellert, Dr. S., 170 E. 61st Greenhill, Jos., 160 Broadway General Israel Orphan Home, 250 E. Greenstein, M., 1450 Broadway B'way Greenwald, I., 242 E. 19th Gerber, Dr. J., 346 E. 10th Grill, J., 1834 Phelan Av. Gilbert, A. S., 85 Strong Grossman, M. H.. 521 5th Av. Gillenson, C, 421 7th Av. Grunauer, R., 216 W. 89th Ginzberg, Dr. L., 508 W. 114th Guelman, Dr. H., 2174 Bathgate Av. Gisnet, Morris, 1482 B'way Guggenheim, Murry, 120 Broadway Gitterman, J. L., 483 West End Av. Guinzburg, Mrs. H. A., 941 Park Av. Glickman, P. S., 1501 Broadway Gutman, Louis, 1185 Park Av. Glucksman, J., 729 7th Av. Haas, S. A., 9 E. 48th Gold, L., 340 Madison Av. Hafer, H. E., 490 West End Av. Goldberg, A., 123 William Halkin, A. S., 1152 Grant Av. Goldberg, E., 418 W. 25th Hand, Sol S., 223 W. 35th Goldberg, H. M., 451 West End Av. Hano. Philip, 40 Worth Goldberg, I., 80 Van Cortlandt Pk., S. Harris, Abraham, 261 Broadway Goldberg, Dr. M., 1070 Park Av. Harris, C. A., 312 W. 93d Goldberg, W., 151 W. 40th Harris. Mrs. Jacob M., 685 W. End Av. Goldberg, Dr. Win. H., 251 W. 95th Harris. Rev. Dr. M. H., 418 Central Pk., Goldberger, L. J., 395 4th Av. Golde, Louis, 270 West End Av. W. Golde, Morris, 325 West End Av. Hausdorff, D. M., 706 Riverside Dr. Goldfarb, L., 123 William Hayman, N., 15 Maiden Lane Goldfarb, P., 302 B'way Hecht, Chas., 292 Madison Av. Goldfinger, W., 110 W. 40th Hecht, Meyer, 8 Jacob Goldhirsch, J., 100 E. 15th Helfat, J. N., 233 Broadway Golding, L., 299 Riverside Dr. Heller, Saml., 15 W. 47th Goldsmith, M., 353 W. 85th Heller, S., 1440 Broadway Goldsmith, S. J., 151 Central Pk., W. Heller, Zachary, 507 Broadway Goldsmith, S. M., 25 Spruce Hemley, Fred'k, 521 5th Av. Goldstein, Dr. B., 500 West End Av. Hendler. M.. 576 Timpson PI. Goldstein, B., 12 W. 17th Hendricks, Mrs. C, 262 Central Pk., W. Goldstein, C, 15 Maiden Lane Herbert, Dr. L. M., 45 W. 110th Goldstein, C. J., 302 B'way Hershfield, L., 150 W. 79th Goldstein, D. I., 302 B'way Hertz, Emanuel, 149 Broadway Goldstein, Rabbi H. S., 1925 7th Av. Herzog, Mrs. Jos., 808 West End Av. Goldstein, J. D., 475 5th Av. Heymsfeld, N. A., 1477 WaBh. Av. Goldstein, J. J., 24 5th Av. Hillquit, M., 19 W. 44th Goldstein, Dr. P. R., 71 W. 47th Himmelstein, Dr. U., 10 E. 95th Goldstein, Dr. Wm., 2146 Hughes Av. Hirsch, Dr. D., 636 Greenwich Goldstone, Wm., 1530 Jesup Av. Hirsch, Dr. Sol., 574 E. 141st Goldwasser, J. E., 345 4th Av. Hirschstein, P., 1079 Kelly Goldwater, Dr. S. S.. 1212 Fifth Av. Hirsh, S., 545 5th Av. Hoffman, Dr. C, Jr., 419 4th Av 398 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Hofheimer, H., 61 Broadway Kaplan, S. M., 1175 Park Av. Hollander, M. L., 37 7th Kapp, I., 624 Hudson Honig, E., 377 Edgecombe Av. Karpf, M. J., 71 W. 47th Horowitz, Dr. A. D., 440 E. 6th Kastor, Sigmund, 1239 Broadway Horowitz, G..3W. 87th Katz, Dr. David, 650 West End Av. Horowitz, J. L., 440 E. 6th Katz, Dr. E., 1887 Madison Av. Horowitz, Jos., 597 E. 170th Katz, Rabbi J., 945 E. 163d Horowitz, J. L., 320 Grand Katz, Rev. Marcel, 325 W. 112th Horowitz, L., 369 E. 4th Kaufman, H. M., 970 Park Av. Horowitz, S. I., 369 E. 4th Kehlman, L., 229 W. 28th Hoschander, Dr. J., 201 W. 110th Keibel, Erich, 116 Broad Housman, M. C, 774 Mott Av. Keilson & Waxelbaum, 205 E. 42d Huhner, Leon, 320 Central Pk., W. Kempner, J.. 35 Greene Hyamson, Rev. Dr. M., 65 E. 96th Kessler, M., 603 Academy Hyman, Dr. A., 144 E. 36th Kiebel, A. L., 67 W. 44th Hyman, Jos. C, 210 W. 78th Kiev, I. E., 190 W. 170th Hyman, Mrs. Saml. I., 172 W. 79th Illoway, Dr. H., 1113 Madison Av. Kirschstein, B., 401 B'way Inselbuch, S., 1501 Broadway Kleban, L. E., 697 West End Av. Isaacs, J. I., 1368 Sheridan Av. Kleban, S., 697 West End Av. Isaacs, Lewis M., 475 5th Av. Klein, H, H., 1349 Lexington Av. Isaacs, Stanley M., 505 5th Av. Klein, Jacob, 272 W. 90th Isaacson, Jos. D., 8 W. 30th Klein, Dr. J. J., 19 W. 44th Issacson, R. I., 41 W. 96th Klein, K. K., 10 E. 40th Isakow, S., 20 Northern Av. Klein, M., 261 Broadway Ish Kishor, J., Order Sons of Zion Klein, Miss Rose, 1455 Fulton Av. Jablow, J. M., 1384 Gd. Concourse Klein, Dr. W., 2021 Gd. Concourse Jablow, M., 512 7th Av. Kling, Dr. Jehiel, 924 E. 181st Jacobs, C. B., 1350 Broadway Koenig, Hon. Saml. S., 80 Maiden Lane Jacobs, J. J., 15 W. 81st Koenigsberg, B., 400 E. Houston Jacobs, M. L., 115 Broadway Kohler, E. J., 20 E. 76th Jacobs, Ralph J., 37 W. 70th Kohler, Max J., 777 West End Av. Jacobson, M. L., 2690 Morris Av. Kohs, S. C, 71 W. 47th Jacobson, Samuel J., 51 Chambers Kommel, Alex., 315 Central Pk., W. Jacoby, Elias, 1806 Phelan PI. Kopelman, B. E., 225 Broadway Jacoby, Mrs. I. M., 380 Riverside Dr. Kopeloff, I., 6113 Spencer Av. Jaffe, Moses, 1170 Broadway Korn, Chas., 285 Madison Av. Jais, J. D., 290 West End Av. Korn, Dr. H., 924 West End Av. Jalien, John J., 333 Central Pk., W. Kornfeld, A. E.. 124 W. 79th Jalkut, Benj., 30 E. 23d Kossin, Dr. L.. 1181 Walton Av. Janko, Dr. N., 25 Marble Hill Av. Koven, M. N., 340 Madison Av. Janowsky, O. I., College of City of N. Y. Kramer, H., 16 E. 34th Jarcho, Dr. J., 303 W. 106th Kresh, Robt., 30-34 W. 26th Jarcho, M., 215 E. 37th Krulevitch, Harry, 415 Produce Ex. Jerskey, Dr. Abram. 27 W. 96th Krulwich, B., 505 West End Av. Jew., Agri. & Aid Soc, 301 E. 14th Krumbein. B. H., 53 Delancey Jewish Inst. of Rel. Lib., 40 W. 68th Kugel, S. H., 70 Pine Jewish Theological Sem., N. E. Cor. Lamberg, A., 241 Centre Landa, Dr. M. G., 281 E. Broadway B'way & 122nd Lande, L., 291 Broadway Joffe. J., 141 Broadway Lande, M. B-, 240 W. 98th Joffe. M. E., 258 E. 49th Landres, S., 3965 Sedgwick Av. Joffe, S. A., 526 W. 113th Landsberg, J., 325 Broadway Jonas, Ralph, 115 Broadway Landy, J. ,211 Ft. Wash. Av. Joseph ,L., 865 West End Av. Lasdon, S. D., 435 Riverside Dr. Jung, Rabbi L., 131 W. 86th Lasky, S. D., 280 B'way Jurist, Benj., 126 W. 32d Lazaroff, M., 45 W. 110th Jurist, Dr. D., 325 E. 80th Lebowitz, S. H., 1035 Boynton Av. Juster, Jos. A., 112 Tudor PI. Lederman, M., 153 W. 72d Kahn, H., 830 W. 177th Lefkow, Dr. S., 212 E. B'way Kahn, H. J., 1706 Selwyn Av. Lehr, I. A., 233 Broadway Kahn, J., 66 Broadway Leichter, A., 7 E. 44th Kahn, Mrs. J. M., 915 West End Av. Leichtman, Max, 11 W. 42d Kantrowitz, J., 791 Lexington Av. Lerman, Charles, 29 E. B'way Kaplan, E., 67 E. 77th Lerner, Milton, 261 Broadway Kaplan, M., 2478 Grand Av. Lesser, Henry, 2 Lafayette Kaplan, Rev. M. M., 1 W. 89th Levenson, Jos., 243 Canal Kaplan, Dr. P., 9 E. 96th Levi, A. J., 45 E. 85th New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 399

Levine, B. A., 345 W. 88th Lubell, Morris M., 806 Broadway Levine, Jos. M., 832 Manida Lubel l.S. L. .789 West End Av. Levine, Miss M., 915 Fox Lurie, Mrs. M., 68 E. 86th Levine, Rabbi M., 527 W. 157th Lyons, Mrs. M. S., 1230 Park Av. Levinson, A., 65 Ft. Wash. Av. Mack, Harry, 475 5th Av. Levinson, Chas., 20 W. 72nd Mack, Hugo S., 7 Beekman Levinthal, Miss Tillie, 53 E. 97th Mack, Hon. J. W., Woolworth Bldg. Levitt, C. H., 295 Madison Av. Manaccus, S., 200 Fifth Av. Levow, Benj., 1061 Tinton Av Mandel, Max, 495 Broadway Levowitz, Miss A., 831 Manida Mandel, M., 247 W. 38th Levy, A., 180 Riverside Dr. Manheimer, J. S., 151 W. 74th Levy, A. A., 25 W. 81st Manheimer, S. S., 304 E. Broadway Levy, A. M., 331 W. 84th Mann, Sam'l, 1121 Forest Av. Levy, Aaron Wm., 225 Broadway Mann, T., 1793 Riverside Dr. Levy, David N., 2156 Cruger Av. Manner. Miss Jane, 60 W. 68th Levy, E. B., 551 5th Av. Mansbach, M., 61 Broadway Levy, F. H.( 11 Broadway Marcus, N., 1 Park Av. Levy, H., 1460 Macombs Rd. Marcus, R., 684 Riverside Dr. Levy, H., 129 E. 80th Margolies, Rabbi M. S., 25 E. 86th Levy, I. H., 37 Wall Margolies, N., 148 E. Broadway Levy, J., 110 Riverside Dr. Margolis, S., 720 Hunts Point Levy, J., 256 Broadway Margolish, M. L., 627 B'way Levy, Mrs. L., Napoleon. 101 E. 74th Marmor, C. K., 3451 Giles Place Levy. Mrs. M., 600 W. 115th Marx, Dr. A., 100 Morningside Drive Levy, M., 910 Riverside Dr. Masliansky, P., 601 W. 160th Levy, Sam'l, 295 5th Av. Mayper, A. A., 1440 B'way Lewi, Isidor, 12 E. 86th Mehler, Aaron, 54 Harrison Lewine, F., 110 E. 78th Meinhard, M., 51 Madison Av. Lewinson, Benno, 2880 Broadway Meirowitz, Dr. Phil., 949 B'way Lewis, C. M., 31 E. 48th Mandelsohn, Rabbi J. I., 1801 Popham Lewis, Hon. D. C, 141 B'way Mendelsohn, Sig., 7 W. 81st Lewis, S.. Jr., 417 E. 85th Mendelson. Dr. H., 618 W. 164th Lewisohn, Adolph, 61 Broadway Mendes, Rev. Dr. H. P., 30 W. 70th LeWltter, Dr. Arnold, 1108 Timea Bldg. Mendoza, I., 15 Ann Lhowe, Harold R., 1 Madison Av. Messer, S., 209 W. 37th Library of Heb. Union Col. Sch. for Meyer .Louis, 220 B'way Teachers 1 E. 65th Meyerhoff. M. L., 200 5th Av. Lidz, Israel, 250 W. 36th Meyerowitz, A., 11 W. 42nd Lieberman, Dr. L., 741 West End Av. Meyers & Sons, A., 315 W. 39th Liebovitz, A., 75 Leonard Meyrich, Eli., 152 W. 25th Liebovltz, E. J., 75 Leonard Michaelson, Ben. S., 1 Madison Av. Liebowitz, H. H., 75 Leonard Miller, A., 74 Van Cortlandt Pk., S. Lief, Dr. J. F., 11 W. 42d Miller, M. L., 22 Fairview Av. US, Dr. J., 757 fieck Miller, N., 250 W. 39th Undheim, Mrs. N. R., 1 W. 67th Mindlin, H., 123 William Linfield, Dr. H. S., 171 Madison Av. Minkin, Rabbi J. S., 1795 Riverside Dr. Ltpman, H. J., 371 Ft. Washington Av. Mintz, M. L.. 1398 Gd. Concourse Llnman. H., 295 Ft. Washington Av. Mittelman, Dr. J. H., 116 Columbia Lipman, J., 7 W. 96th Molsseiff, Leon S., 215 W. 101st Lipman, S., 359 Ft. Wa6h. Av. Morals, Rev. H. S., Hotel Cecil Lippit, M., 512 B'way Morgenstern, D. A., 25 Comming Lissman, Rev. Dr. Ed., 417 Riverside Dr. Morris, G., 285 Madison Av. Lltt, Miss R., 585 West End Av. Morton, A. S., 1440 B'way Lfttauer, L. N., 64 W. 87th Moscow, D., 157 E. 32nd Liverman, H. 16 W. 40th Moses, Abr., 584 Union Av. Livingston, W., 468 W. Broadway Moseson, Rabbi C. E., 1734 Weeks Av. locks, L., 20 Northern Av. Mosessohn, M., 29 E. 32d Loeb, J. F., 40 Wall Moshkovitz, Dr. Z., 344 E. 17th Loebel, E., 299 B'wav Moss, N., 80 Maiden Lane London, H., 310 W. 99th Musher, N., 91 Central Pk., W. Looketeln, Rabbi J. H., 25 E. 86th Myerson, M., 771 Crotona Pk., N. Lorber, Dr. H., 77 Park Av. Nachimowsky, H., 260 Audubon Av. Lorsch, Miss Fannie, 885 West End Av. Nash, J., 52 Llspenard Lowenstein, S., 150 W. 79th Nathan, Mrs. F., 225 W. 86th Lowinson, Oscar, 208 5th Av. Nathan, S., 200 Dyckman Lubell. A. P., 1851 7th Av. Neaderland, H., 362 5th Av. ^ubell, J. J., 806 Broadway Necarsulmer, H., 120 Broadway 400 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Neivert, Dr. H., 2178 B'way Robinson, Dr. W., 322 W. 72d Neustadt, Mrs. S., 927 Sth Av. Robison, L., 280 Riverside Dr. Newburger, Alfred H., 40 Wall Rodef Sholom Religious School Newburger, S. M., 40 Wall Rogers, C. A., 152 W. 42d Newman, Rabbi L. I., 7 W. 83d Rogers, M. H., 1 Park Av. New York Public Library, 476 Sth Av. Rosgre, S. E., 375 Park Av. Noshpitz, I., 1310 Hoe Av. Roggen, H., 300 Central Pk., Av. Notess, M., 424 Madison Av. Roggen, L. A., 1372 Broadway Novogrodsky, Dr. S., 161 Clinton Rogovin, A., 2075 Walton Av. Nusbaum, Myer, 342 Madison Av. Rongy, Dr. A. J., 590 West End Av. Oshlag, Dr. J., 1060 Madison Av. Rosalsky, Hon. Otto A., 225 W. 86th Osserman, Simon E., 200 W. 90th Rose, L. S., 211 Central Pk., W. Paleg, Dr. B., 1210 Sheridan Av. Rosen, A. H., 91 Broome Paley, Louis J., 61 Broadway Rosen, A. W., 200 W. 90th Pantell, J. J., 857 Crotona Pk., W. Rosen, David J., 250 W. 57th Pasternack, M., Municipal Bldg. Rosen, Dr. I., 44 E. 51st Payson, H. H., 215 4th Av. Rosen, J. A., 130 W. 86th Pearlman, D. W., 289 Convent Av. Rosen, Dr. S., 1662 Vyse Av. Perkiss, M., 751 Walton Av. Rosenbaum, I. I., 845 West End Av. Perla, Morris, 215 W. 88th Rosenbaum, Dr. M., 61 W. 88th Perlman, S., 782 E. 175th Rosenbaum, S. G., 730 5th Av. Peyser, G. B., 969 2d Av. Rosenberg, Albert V., 97 Ft. Wash. Av. Pfaelzer, D., 158 W. 29th Rosenberg, J. N., 65 Broadway Pfeiffer, Alex., 15 E. 41st Rosenberg, L., 780 West End Av. Phillips. N., 50 E. 42d Rosenberg, Louis, 800 Riverside Dr. Phillips, Capt. N. T.. 114 W. 74th Rosenberg, L., 240 E. 19th Pick, M., 483 West End Av. Rosenberg, S., 1440 B'way Pinkus, Dr. J. B., 604 E. 170th Rosenberg, W., 302 E. 14th Pinski, D., 1950 Andrews Av. Rosenberger, Carl, Belnord Apts. Podell, D. L., 39 Broadway Rosenbloom, Rabbi B. L., 1612 Walton Podolsky. D., 38 Park Row Av. Pollack, J., 12 E. 22d Rosenblum, D., 36 W. 59th Pollak, S. B., 898 West End Av. Rosenblum, Rabbi W. F.. 210 W. 91at Pompan, M. A., 38 Park Av. Rosenfeld, Miss Jessie, 604 5 th Av. Pool, Rev. Dr. D. deSola, 99 Central Pk. Rosensohn, S. J., 8 W. 40th W. Rosensweig, C. S.t 80 Maiden Lane Prager, Wm., 2 Rector Rosenswelg, L., 105 E. 177th Prashker, R.. 615 W. 183d Rosenthal, E. J., 32 Franklin Preiser, Theo. H., 324 W. 85th Rosenthal, H. H., 25 E. 26th Preiss, Elias, 250 W. 104th Rosenthal, R., 386 Broadway Price, Dr. G. M. 31 Union Sq. Rosenzweig, Jos., 51 Chambers Propp, Morris, 211 Central Pk., W. Rosoff, Dr. M. L., 529 Cortlandt Av. Proskauer, J. M., 11 Broadway Ross, A. L., 160 Broadway Rabinovitch, M. A., 1226 Evergreen Av. Rosston, W. J., 527 W. 110th Rabinowitz, L. M., 175 Wooster Roten, J. F., 40 W. 77th Rabinowitz, S.t 225 Broadway Roth, Dr. Henry, 409 E. 140th Racoosin, T. R., 1440 Broadway Roth, Louis, HOW. 40th Rafalowsky, A., 136 Henry Rothenberg, Morris, 5 Beekman Raisler, S., 173 Riverside Dr. Rothschild, Miss M., 601 W. 180th Reader, Mrs. Fannie, 1081 Teller Av. Rothstein, A. E., 41 E. 11th Reich, Dr. H., 2021 Gd. Concourse Rothstein, Rabbi L. J., 310 Riverside Dr. Reich, L. R., 10 W. 96th Rubenowitz, Rev. H. H., 121 W. 72nd Reich, M., 42 Ave. "D" Rubin, H.H., 15 Moore Reichman, Rabbi S., 1738 Crotona Pk., E. Rubin, I. A., 34 Hubert Reit, H. J., 1441 Broadway Rubin, Dr. I. C, 911 Park Av. Religious School Cong. Shaaray Tefila, Rubins, Rabbi H. H., 901 E. 179th Rubinsky, S., 9 W. 3d 160 W. 82nd Ruda. M., 313 First Av. Resler, Dr. A. S., 1265 Lexington Av. Ruskay, Cecil B., 68 William Rettenberg, J. K., 545 W. 164th Ruttenberg, B., 286 Ft. Wash. Av. Reubens, R., 551 5th Ay. Sachs, G. M., 19 W. 44th Riegelman, H., 420 Lexington Av. Sachs, Louis, 960 Gd. Concourse Rifkind, S. H., 120 B'way Safran, M. H., 2515 University Av. Rippe, M. L., 152 W. 42d Saks, I., 2 E. 55th, "St. Regis" Ritter, Dr. I. L., 1050 Park Av. Solomon, S. W., 1701 University Av. Roberts, R., 551 5th Av. Salpeter, M., 220 Broadway Robins, J. H., 51 Chambers Saltzman, J. E., 69 St. Marks PI. Robinsohn. Dr. D., 25 E. 86th New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 401

Salzberg, M., 225 Varick Silverman, S. S., 1307 Boscobel Av. Satnpter, Morris, 322 W. 76th Silverstein, C, 249 W. 34th Samuel. J., 315 E. 88th Simmons, M., 25 W. 43d Samuels, S. N., 225 W. 86th Simons, M., 328 Bible House Samuels, Dr. S. S., 151 E. 83d Simonson, A., 37 Riverside Dr. Sanders, Leon, 280 Broadway Sindel, D.. 1170 Gerard Av. Sandier, Bernard H., 884 West End Av. Singer, Dr. D. A., 585 West End Av. Sandier, W .B., 160 Broadway Sinsheimer, J., 330 W. 102nd Sargent, I., 253 B'way Sirowich. Dr. W. I., 539 E. 6th Schaap, Michael, 12 5th Av. Smith, D. T., 277 Broadway Schafer, A. S., 120 Broadway Smith, G. W., 910 Riverside Dr. Schafran, B., 251 W. 89th Smith, L., 550 Greenwich Schallek, M. L., 7 W. 81st Sobel, H., 122 William Schechter, Dr. Frank, Lexington Av. at Sobel, Mrs. J., 522 West End Av. 43rd Soc. for Adv. of , 13-15 W. 86th Scheiber, I. B., 51 Chambers Solis, Elvira N. 441 West End Av. Scherer, L., 51 Chambers Solomon ,L. H., 51 Madison Av. Schiff, Jacob R., 270 Madison Av. Solomon, S. H., 1440 Broadway Schiff, T., 127 W. 33d Soltes, Dr. M., 71 W. 47th Schlansky, Dr. H. P., 83 Madison Some, Max, 2443 Gd. Concourse Schleimer, S., 5 Columbus Circle Sonderling, Rabbi Dr. J., 14 82nd Schlossberg, I., 15 Union Sq. Sonderling, S. J., 16 William Schmer, M., 11 W. 42nd Sondheim, P., 305 West End Av. Schmidt, Dr. I., 1275 Webster Av. Sonneborn, Dr. F., 88 Livingston Av. Schneider, M. J., 149 W. 179th Sossnitz, Dr. I., 17 W. 71st Schneiderman, H., 171 Madison Av. Spachner, L., 260 W. 72nd Schneyer, Dr. L., 235 Brook Av. Spector, Jos.. 37 Hamilton Terrace Schoenbaum, Dr. G. L., 850 Longwood Speiser, J.. 170 Broadway Av. Spiegel, E.. 1046 College Av. Schoenberg, N., 1440 Broadway Spiegel. Max, 34 W. 17th Schoenfeld, N., 13 E. 22d Spiegel, Mrs. S., 17 E. 89th Schotland. M., 498 West End Av. Spiegel, Dr. S., 170 W. 81st Schottenfels, Sara X., 601 W. 113th Spiegelberg, F., 25 E . 77th Schulman, Rev. Sam'l, 27 W. 72d Spiegelberg, W. I., Hotel Dorset, 30 W. Schumer, Dr. H., 770 Hewitt PI. 54th Schwartz. E., 122 E. 42d Spielberg, Mrs. H., 404 Riverside Dr. Schwartz, J., 1490 Jesup Av. Spinner, Dr. Jonas, 90 Riverside Dr. Schwartz, Dr. S.. 1925 University Av. Spinrad, L., 700 W. 178th Schwarz, J., 225 W. 86th Spira, Dr. Jos., 1700 Crotona Pk., E. Seckel, Harry W., 807 Riverside Dr. Spiro, A. I., 375 West End Av. Seelav, R., 250 W. 57th Spitz, L., 435 Wash. Av. Segal, H. R., 355 Riverside Dr. Spitzer, Oscar, 17 E. 89th Segal, L. H., 205 E. 42nd Sprayregen, J., 1450 Broadway Seidman, Mrs. D. E., 41 W. 96th Stackell, H., 849 Manida Seidman, J. A., 50 E. 42nd Stander, I. j., 840 Mott Av. Seinfel, S., 245 W. 107th Stavisky Bros., 222 4th Av. Selikowitz, S. D., 90 West Steckler, D., 25 W. 44th Semel, Bernard, 38-40 Green Steigman, Dr. P., 91 Orchard Sena, Harry, 225 Broadway Stein, Mrs. A. E., 19 W. 57th Seril, A., 467 Broadway Stein, Max Z., 9 Maiden Lane Shaftan, Dr. T., 2445 Walton Av. Stein, Morton, 251 W. 89th Shaine, M. L., 295 Madison Av. Stein, S. S., 11 Park PI. Shapiro, A. J., 1904 Crotona Av. Steinam, Ed. S., cor. Williams and Pine Shapiro, Miss A. E., 106 Clarmont Av. Steinman, N., 1715 Nelson Av. Sharlot, I. J., Woolworth Bldg. Stern, A., 2710 Morris Av. Sheitles, Dr. D., 250 W. 85th Stern, J. F., 93 Worth Sherman, H., 2007 Davidson Av. Stern, M., 521 5th Av. Sherwin, I. N., 875 West End Av. Stern, Rev. Dr. N., 201 W. 79th Shinensky, Hyman, 70 E. Broadway Stern, S. W., 61 Broadway Sidenberg, R.. 157 W. 57th Sternberg, Mrs. Helen, 176 Rivington Siegel, A. B., 118 W. 79th Stettiner, L., 838 West End Av. Siegel, F., 3318 Bainbridge Stacker. D. R., 310 W. 79th Siegel, I., 280 Broadway Stoll. H., 46 W. 96th Siegelstein, B. E., 99 Nassau Stone, J., 340 W. 86th Silverman, H., 34 W. 33d Stone, N. H., 255 W. 88th Silverman, H., 5 Beekman Strasbourger, Saml., 74 Broadwav Silverman, Nat., 498 7th Av. Strauss, Ben., 562 W. 113th 402 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [New York

Strauss, Louis, Jr., 52 William Yankauer, A., 680 West End Av. Strauss, N., 246 West End Av. Young Israel Synagogue. 229 E. B'way Stroock, J. E., 15 W. 75th Y. M. H. A., 975 St. Nicholas Av. Stroock, M. J., 88 Central Pk., W. Y. W. H. A.. 31 W. 110th Sultan, A. I.. 15 W. 24th Y. M. H. A. of the Bronx, 171st and Sundelson, Mrs. R. W., 25 E. 86th Fulton Sundheimer, W., Ambassador Hotel Zabronsky & Zabronsky, 1501 B'way Susman, Louis, 3208 3d Av. Zagor, H. I., 257 4th Av. Sverdlik, A., 186 Riverside Dr. Zaklow, B., 38 Park PL Sverdlik, S., 290 Broadway Zelickson, M., 275 Lenox Av. Szold, Henrietta, Hotel Alexandria Zimmer, I., 119 W. 71st Tannenbaum, Dr. J., 590 West End Av. Zucker, N.. 1348 Elder Av. Tannenbaum, S., 41 W. 82nd Zucker, S. A., 1006 Freeman Tannanbaum, Dr. S., 255 W. 84th Zuckerman, S., 110 W. 40th Tarlowe, J. D., 17 John Zukunft, The, 175 E. Broadway Teachers Inst. Jewish Theo. Sem., N. E. Zvirin, N., 250 W S7th Cor. B'way & 122nd Teitelbaum, Rabbi A., 260 5th Av. SUBSCRIBER The Jewish Club, 23 W. 73d Lewek, Rev. J. R. 1216 Wash. Av. The Training School for Jewish Social ( Work, 71 W. 47th Tischler, F. Wm., 412 E. 125th Niagara Falls Titelbaum, J. L., 350 Central Pk., W. Porath, Rabbi S. I., Box 633 Tofllowsky, S. A., N. E. Cor. 122nd & Silverberg Bros., 2118 Main B'way Tow, Isidor, 7 E. 44th Norwich Trachman, Morris, 1750 Montgomery Av. Selkowitz, S., 27 N. Broad Unger, J. L., 40 W. 68th United Heb. Com., 201 E. Broadway Nyack Uptown Talmud T. Ass'n, 132 E. 111th Bretschneider, S., 163 Main Vorhaus, Louis J., 521 5th Av. Goldberg, Dr. L-, 117 S. Broadway Voxman, W., 645 E. Tremont Av. Moss, B., 144 N. Broadway Wachman, J. M., 512 7th Av. Waldman, H., 2 Lafayette Waldman, I., 522 5th Av. Ogdensburg Walerstein, J., 210 W. 101st Dobisky, R. W., 404 Riverside Av. Wallerstein, Dr. L.. 1049 Gd. Concourse Fisher, H. S., 207 Ford Wechsler, Dr. I. S., 1112 Park Av. Frank, J., 117 Franklin Weckstein, I., 51 Chambers Weil. David L., 601 W. 115th Olean Weil, L., 772 St. Nicholas Av. Marcus, H. W., 131 S. Union Weinberg, Jacob, 145 W. 30th Weinberg, N., 225 Broadway Weinberger, Dr. B. W., 119 W. 57th Ossinlng Weinrib, E. C, 295 Madison Av. Goldman, Rabbi M., 64J-£ Spring Weinstein, M. H., 860 E. 161st Weinstein, S. J., 125 Produce Exch. Ozone Park Weisman, S. G., 179 E. 79th Weiss, Dr. Saml., 16 E. 96th Fishman, B. N., 11401 117th Weiss, Wm., 1440 Broadway Weit, Solon, 92 Liberty Peekskill Weitzner, Emil, 211 W. 106th Wels, Isidor, 233 Broadway Lowey, Dr. B. R., 1122 Main Wiley, Louis, 417 Park Av. Plattsburg Winer, H. L., 420 Lexington Av. Wise, Rev. Dr. J. B., 35 E. 62nd Goldman, S., 75 Montcalm Av. Wise, Mrs. L. H., 77 Park Av. Wise, Rev. Dr. S. S., 23 W. 90th Port Chester Wolbarst, Dr. A. L., 114 E. 61st Wolf, A. ,30 W. 70th Berl, Rabbi E. D., 24 Hillcrest Wolf, I. D., 122 E. 42d Gimbel, Mrs. I., Upper King Wolf, R., 24 Pine Schiffman, M., Jewish Center Wolf .Simson, 270 Madison Av. Wolff, Dr. Alex., 141 E. 34th Port Richmond Wolff, Mrs. J. R., 325 West End Av. Jacobson, I., 128 Richmond Av. Wolfson, Dr. A., 401 W. 59th Levy, M., 137 Heberton Av. Wollman, Henry, 20 Broad Millner, Rabbi I. A., 246 Decker Av. New York] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 403

Poughkeepsie Weinberg, Mrs. A. M., 245 Edgerton Graubart, Rabbi B., 177 Mansion Weinstein, Miss F., 21 Harper Pressman, S., 301 Church Weinstein, S. H., 176 Conkey Av. Rodin, H., 215 Main Rosenthal, R., 179 Mill Rockaway Beach Seley, L., 96 Main Fink, Max, 142-10 Newport Av. Sobel, Dr. Aaron, Circular Rd. Friedman, Dr. E. L., 92-13 Boulevard Rabinowitz, I., 162 B 129th Richmond HiU Rockaway Park Cahn, S., 8533 108th Cohen, S., 8807 104th Gordis, Dr. R., 142 Beach 119th Cong. Beth Israel, 102nd & 88th Av. School of Temple Beth El ' Enoch, H., 9421 134th Saranac Lake Rochester Edelberg, S., 13 Broadway Feustmann, Maurice M., 28 Catherine LIBRARY MEMBERS Matthews, S. D.. P. O. Box 349 Hart, A., 120 Portland Av. Jewish Y. M. Ass'n, Franklin Sq. Saratoga Springs Michaels, J., c/o Michaels, Stern & Co. LIBRARY MEMBER Stein, S. H., Stein-Bloch Co. Leibowitz, Rabbi J., Jew. Com. Center ANNUAL MEMBERS Scarsdale Adler, S. L.. 17 Argyle Trager, J. G., 26 Donellon Rd. Aiole, S., 44 Faraday Appelbaum, Dr. S. J., 188 Culver Rd. Schenectady Berger, I. W., 63 State Abrams, Rabbi A., 303 Hulett Berger, S., 1594 Culver Rd. Bernstein, Dan, 1319 E. Pkway. Beth El, Sunday School, Park Av. and Coplon, H. G., 307 State Meigs Feldman, E., 1301 State Blooni, Miss Celia, 940 Mercantile Bldg. Ferber, Abr., 434 State B'nai Zion Hebrew Library, 192 Ormond Cohen, M., 3 Granger PI. Fisher, S. A., 1114 Van Curler Av. Covner, S., 7 Gibbs Gold, H. J., 308 State Cramer, B. A., 92 W. Main Graubart, M. B., 30 James Davidson, Dr. S. C, 40 Westchester Av Grosberg, Jos. E., 636 Hamilton Fisher, L., 86 University Av. Jewish Com. Center, 724 Albany Frankel, C., 217 Barrington Lifset, A., 1059 Glenwood Blvd. Franke !.L., 30 Vick Pk., A. Lifset, Theo.. 29 Bedford Rd. Goldman, D., Elwood Bldg. Marcus, G. A., 330 Summit Av. Goldman, Mrs. J. E., 145 Harvard Rosen, Rabbi J., 24 Hampton Av. Greenhouse, S. H., 760 Harvard Scbaffer, H., 19 De Camp Av. Harris, H. Z., 121 Boardman Jewish Children's home, 27 Gorham Scotia Kahn, Mrs. N., 573 Monroe Av. Kahn, Saul, 12 Helena Dushmari, Dr. S., 21 Sunnyside Rd. Kirstein, H. E., 89 Westminster Rd. Klonick, H., 961 Harvard Sea Gate Kolko, H., 440 Ormond Shapiro, S., 4731 Beach 47th Kominz, Dr. J. S., 250 Canterbury Rd. Levin, Dr. L., 763 Harvard Marks, H. H., 13 Franklin Sq. South Fallsburg Moehlman, C. H., 149 Gregory Hill Rd. Resnick, Harry C. Natapow, N., 26 Av. "A" Pearlman, A. I., 930 Meigs Spring Valley Posner, M., 552 Humboldt Robfogel, B., 1186 Lake Av. Bruck, S., R. F. D. Box 168 Rose, B., 376 Harvard Goldfarb, Rabbi S. D., 133 N. Main Roth, T., 289 Hazelwood Ter. Rubenstein, N., 186 Canterbury Rd. Stapleton Rubinson, H., 793 S. Goodman Kutcher, H., 147 Cebra Av. Sher, Noah, 143 Palmerston Rd. Shulman. L., 79 Beverly Silverstein, J. E., 1619 St. Paul Suffern Stern, Chas., 130 East Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Goldburg, L., 30 First 404 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [North Carolina

ANNUAL MEMBERS Troy Greenstein, Sam'l, 115 Lafayette Av. Troy Public Library Rosenthal, Rabbi M., 20 Boulevard Utica Syracuse Abelson, L., 4 Avery PI. Dean, S., Hotel Majestic PATRON MEMBER Goldstein, D. J., 1st N. B. Bldg. Levy, Dr. I. H., 717 E. Genesee Kohn, Rabbi S. J., 2219 Sunset Av. Kowalsky, Dr. H. E., 223 Genesee LIBRARY MEMBERS Lichtman, Max, 221 Genesee Markson, S., 124 Thomas Holstein, A. E., 106 Circle Rd. Rosen, I., 1008 Miller Holstein, A. M., 748 Comstock Av. Rosen, M. S., 1634 Howard Av. Rosenbloom, I., 806 E. Genesee Sonneborn, Mrs. H., 18 Melrose Av. Stolz, Benj., 718 E. Jefferson Temple Beth El Lib'y. 1607 Genesee Winkelstein, W., 919 Euclid Av. Tumposky, J., 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. ANNUAL MEMBERS Belloff, I., 431 S. Warren Watertown Belloff, L. A., 431 S. Warren Berkman, L. J., 1208 Harrison Lebovsky, J., 231 Paddock Bienenfeld, Rabbi J., 914 Ackerman Av. Boff, Arthur, 160 Fellows Av. Burman, Dr. Aaron, 537 E. Genesee White Plains Friedman, Rabbi B., 115 Fellows Av. Gerber, W., 860 Livineston Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Gilbert, M., 732 Irving Av. Grinberg, P. I., Old Mamaroneck Rd. Given, B. B., 423 Euclid Av. Goldstein, E., 333 Bruce ANNUAL MEMBERS Harris, Dr. L. H., 533 Westmoreland Av. Jewish Community Center Hurwitz, M., 540 Tracy Liberman, S., 75 Prospect Jewish Communal Home, 222 Cedar Schwartz, Rabbi L., 33 Avondale Rd. Markson, A. S., 229 N. Salina Markson, I., 231 N. Salina Markson, N. W., 229 N. Salina Woodhaven Miller, J. H., 142 Cambridge Friedman, Miss A. V., 8041 88th Rd. Putziger, S., 2208 E. Genesee Neulander, Rabbi A. H., 8920 Park Lane Roth, Philip, 105 Crawford Av. S. Rudolph, Ben., 136 Fellows Av. Rudolph, Max H., £901 E. Genesee Shapiro, L., 316 Broad Woodmere Shopiro, S., 2100 E. Genesee LIBRARY MEMBERS Shulman, S. L., 324Union Bldg. Altheimer, B., Box 251 Silverman, Dr. A. C, 183 Renwick PI. Solomon, S. D., 942 Euclid Av. Leibowitz, J. L., 71 Burton Av. Wechsler, Rev. M. L., 862 Summer Av. Weinstein, A., 1409 E. Fayette ANNUAL MEMBERS Winkelstein, M., 324 Allen Frank, L. J., 132 Lafayette PI. Hollander, I. L., 325 Island Av.

TannersvUle Yonkers Jacobson, Inc., S., Fairmount Hotel Blaustein, J., 199 N. Broadway Levy, M. J., Crestwood Miller, Dr. S., 4 Getty Square Tompkinsville Rosenberg, Rabbi A., 6 Hawthorne Av. Marcus, S., Jew. Com. Center Steinmetz, Mrs. Dora, 31 Ravine Av. Sllber, D., Ill Victory Bldg. Wolkowitz, Leon, 39 Hamilton Av.

NORTH CAROLINA Asheville Belhaven Henry, Philip S., Zealandia Meyerowitz, J., Box 157 Ohio] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 405

Blowing Rock New Bern Cone, Mrs. Moses H. Lipman, Sam Charlotte Cohen, Hermann E. ' Wilmington Goldsboro Block, W.. 1618 Princess Kelson, Rabbi B., 1009 Market LIBRARY MEMBER Weil, Lionel Wilson ANNUAL MEMBERS Shrago, A. M. Oettinger, E. R., 219 W. Broad Henderson Hayes, Sam'l M. Wlnston-Salem Roth, Gus., Box 273 Simon, M.. 305 S. Hawthorn Rd.

NORTH DAKOTA Dickinson Grand Forks MackofT, H. A. Panovitz, M. Papermaster, I., 1015 Reeves Dr. Fargo Papermaster, S., 216 Fenton Av. Goldberg, Max, 615 13th, S. Perlman, Dr. J., University of N. Dakota Lashkowitz, Harry, 117 Broadway Paper, S., 202 1st Av., S. Manden Stern, Alexander Wilk. H., 1225 9th, S. Greengard, Nathan

OHIO Akron LIBRARY MEMBERS Alexander, Rabbi D., 944 Amelia Av. Berman, Oscar, 3d & Plum Bear, Max, 254 S. Main B'nai Jeshurm S. S. Lib'y. Wise Center Guren, S. B., 407 Merriman Rd. Bldg. Loeb. Louis, 20 Twin Oaks Apt. Brown, Dr. S 707 Race Mack, B., 276 Merriman Rd. Fechheimer, S. M., 4050 Rose Hill Av. Ostrov, L., 406 Woodland Av. Freiberg, Dr. A. H., 3577 Alaska Av. Schwartz, C. E., 319 Bowery Freiberg, M. J., 3576 Alaska Av. Tem. Israel Rel. Sch. Lib., 133 Merriman Kuppin, M., 3573 Wilson Av.

Bellevue ANNUAL ME'BERS Ange C H bt W n n C Ue Wolf, Jos. E., 250 W. Main k " | n H i° IT ? ?? ,, Appelbaum, S. B., Heb. Union College Banks, H. W., Heb. Union College Canton Bauman, M., Heb. Union College Late. Rabbi C. B., 1127 13th, N. W. Beckman, N. iL, Alms Hotel Luntz, S., 1645 Cleveland Av., N. W. Berkowitz S., Heb. Union College Berman, A., 315 E. Mitchell Av. Bilttman, A., 1st Nat'l Cincinnati Begray, A. T., Heb. Union College , „, Bing, Ben M., 739 N. Crescent Av. LIFE MEMBERS Blank, Dr. S. H., Heb. Union College Freiberg, J. Walter, 3583 Alaska Av. Blumenthal, R., Hebrew Union College Hebrew Union College Lib'y. Clifton Av. Brav, S. R., Heb. Union College Heinsheimer, E. L., 3584 Alaska Av. Brener, S. D., Heb. Union College Seasongood, M., 3661 Wash. Av. Bucove, M., Heb. Union College 406 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio

Cashdan, L., Heb. Union College Liebman, J. L., Heb. Union College Cohen, Alfred M., 3557 Reading Rd. Llttner, B. C, Heb. Union College Conn, M. J., Heb. Union College Livingston, H. S., 316 Race Cohon, Prof. S. S., Hebrew Union Col. Lubel, J., Heb. Union College Const. Grand Lodge I. O. B. B., Electric Lustberg, A. G., Heb. Union College Bldg. Mack, A., Court House Cook, Samuel, Heb. Union College Mack, Jacob W.. 984 Burton Av. Cook, Theo. H., Heb. Union College Manischevitz Co., The B., 2100 W. 8th Cronbach, Dr. A., Heb. Union College Marcus, Dr. J. R., Heb. Union Collese Danziger, M. M., 629 Forest Av. Marks, L. D., 3556 Alaska Av. Diesendruck, Dr. Z., 543 Glenwood Av. Marks, L. V., 4009 Beechwood Av. Doppelt, F. A., Heb. Union College Marks, Martin, 15 W. Pearl Dunn, Sarah L., 511 Hickory Maximon, S. B., Heb. Union College Egelson, Rabbi L. I., 2 Avon Apts. Meiss, Harry, 960 Lenox PI. Eichhqrn, D. M., Heb. Union College Meyer, Jos. L., 712 Cholsom Av. Einstein, S., Avon Apts. Meyers, M., 1032 Valley Lane Elsberg, L., Heb. Union College Mielziner, B., 945 Burton Av. Englander, Prof. H., 904 Lexington Av. Miran, B. B., Heb. Union College Epstein, E. L., 3447 Harvey Av. Morgenstern, J., 8 Burton Woods La. Feinberg, A. J., Heb. Union College Nelson, Dr. A. W., 3584 Bogart Av. Feinberg, Rabbi L., 3562 Lee PI. Nussbaum, P. E., Heb. Union College Fogel, Dr. E. I., 3623 Reading Rd. Oettinger, M., 4200 Rose Hill Av. Pastor, H., Heb. Union College Franzblau, A. N., Heb. Union College Perilman, N., Heb. Union College Freiberg, S., Hotel Alms Co. Philipson, Rev. Dr. D., 270 McGregor Av. Frledland, E., Heb. Union College Polatsek, J., Heb. Union College Friedman, A., 819 Lexington Av. Polish, D., Heb. Union College Friedman, N. J., Heb. Union College Polish, J., Heb. Union College Gamoran, Dr. E., Merchants Bldg. Pollack, H. I., Heb. Union College Gerstenfeld, N., Heb. Union College Present, M., Heb. Union College Glueck, N., 859 Hutchins Av. Pritz, C. E., 3536 Biddle Clifton Godfried, E., 3971 Parker PI. Pritz, S. E., 218 Dixie Terminal Golden, I. R., 604 Race Public Library Goldstein, A. S., Heb. Union College Reichert, Rabbi V. E., Rockdale Av. Goldstein, H. K., Heb. Union College Grad, Ben., 556 Prospect PI. Temple Graff, Rabbi M., Heb. Union College Richman, P., Heb. Union College Grafman, M. L., 3314 Perkins Av. Rosenberg, B. D., Heb. Union College Green, A. S., Heb. Union College Rosenthal, N., Heb. Union College Gumbiner, J. H., Heb. Union College Rothenberg, Saml., 22 W. 7th Guthman, H., Heb. Union College Ruskin, Moses, 4141 Rose Hill Av. Habas, R. A., Heb. Union College Ruslander, S., Heb. Union College Heller, Rabbi J. G., 3557 Alaska Av. Sachs, W. I., 546 Camden Av. Hirschfeld, Wm., 820 Mann PI. Sack, E., Heb. Union College Hoenig, S., 302 Rockdale Av., W. Samuels, J., 3823 Edgehill PI. Huttenbauer, E., 690 N. Crescent Av. Samuels, Julius R., 3970 Parker PI. Hyman, Jacob, 861 Hutchins Av. Samuels, M. E., 860 Blair Av. Isaac, Morris, 3984 Dickson Av. Schusterman, A., Heb. Union College Israel, C, 807 Schmidt Bldg. Segal, A., 727 Gholson Av. Jacobson D., Heb. Union College Seligson, D., Heb. Union College Johnson, Hon. S. M., 3427 Burch Av. Senior, Edw., 2220 Frances Lane Joseph, Leopold, 674 N. Crescent, Senior, Max, 3580 Washington Av. Avondale Share, N., Heb. Union College Josephson, L. A., Heb. Union College Shaw, A. D., Heb. Union College Klein, M., Hebrew Union College Shershevsky, D., Heb. Union College Kleinberg, M. S., Heb. Union College Shohl, Chas., 714 S. Crescent Av. Kline, A., Hebrew Union College Shor, D., Heb. Union College Krohn, I. M., 1144 Edwards Rd. Silver, H., 686 Gholson Av. Lauterbach, Rev. Dr. J. Z., Heb. U. Col. Solway, H., 3621 Eaton Lane Lefkowitz, S., Heb. Union College Stein, B., Heb. Union College Leshner Library of Avondale Synagogue Tash, E., 1047 Dana Av. Levenson, L., 629 Forest Av. Toner, J. P., Heb. Union College Levey, S. H., Heb. Union College Touff, H. E., 3569 Glenwood Av. Levi, Rabbi C. S., Cincinnati Club Trager, J. N., 944 Marion Av. Levine, Raphael, Heb. Union College Turitz, L. E., Heb. Union College Levinson, B. E., Heb. Union College United Jew. Social Agencies, 15th & Levy, H. M., 309 Traction Bldg. Central Pkway. Ohio) JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 407

Warm & Warm, Drs., 641 Doctors BIdg. Hausman, A. I., Central Police Station Weiland, F., 1006 Burton Av. Heimlich, Dr. D., 10510 Euclid Av. Weiland, L., 3161 Harvey Av. Hertz, D. R., 1755 E. 89th Weiss, Dr. H. B., 730 N. Crescent Jacobs, Dr. P. A., 1420 Medical Arts Weitz, M. M., Hebrew Union College BIdg. Wice, D. H., Heb. Union College Jaffa, Rabbi P. W., 3152 E. Derbyshire Wohl. Rabbi S., 501 Carplin PI. Rd. Zepin, Rabbi G., Merchants BIdg. Jewish Orphan Home, Box 3564 Zuckerman, A., Heb. Union College Jewish Social Service Bureau, 507 Huron Sixth BIdg. Cleveland Joseph, Emil, 1689 E. 115th Kahn, M., 3551 E. 153d LIFE MEMBERS Kaplan, H. L., 14246 Superior Rd. Mahler, Mr. & Mrs. B., 12417 Cedar Rd. Katz, L., 9000 Kempton Av. Peskind, Dr. A., 2414 E. 55th Kirtz, A., 506 Woodland Av. Klopper, N., 413 St. Clair Av., W. PATRONS Kohn, W. S., 105th & St. Clair Av. Kohrman, M. I., 410 B. of L. E. BIdg. Klein. G. J., 2480 E. 22d KoIIin, Abr., 945 Soc. for Sav. BIdg. Maschke, M., 2489 Gtoilford Rd. Kollin, H. L., 9722 Logan Ct. LIBRARY MEMBERS Laronge, Jos., 10714 Drexel Av. Lev, Abraham, 950 Parkwood Dr. Mellen, J. H., 908 Ulmer BIdg. Levenberg, Dr. B., 1496 E. 107th Salomon, S., The May Co. Lewin, M., 2295 S. Overlook Rd. ANNUAL MEMBERS Lichtig, I. W., 3398 Euclid Hghts. Blvd. Adams, S. A., 13514 Larchmere Blvd. Lindsey, Dr. P. R., 6810 Hough Av. Auerbach, Mrs. H., 15107 Shore Acre Dr. Loeser, N., 10214 Lake Shore Blvd. Baker, E. M., Union Trust BIdg. Markowitz, Miss M. B., 1610 E. 105th Ballenberg, F. A., 1149 E. 125th Milcoff, Dr. I., 10012 Euclid Av. Becker, Eli, 2944 Winthrop Rd. Milder, S., 11103 Asbury Av. Berick, M., 822 Leader BIdg. Miller, J. H., 3003 Litchfield Rd. Bernon, Judge M., Union Trust BIdg. Miller, S., 1822 Central Av. Bernstein, A. E., 1832 Wadena Av., E. Newman, A. L., 1706 Euclid Av. Blaugrund, H., 2669 Edgehill Rd. Nowak, Rabbi Abr., 1591 Compton Rd. Bloch, Judge J. C, Williamson BIdg. Oheb Zedek Cong. Parkwood Dr. & Blum, H., 1545 E. 23rd Morison Av. Botwin, N. M., Engineers BIdg. Orthodox Jewish Orphan Home, 879 Brickner, Rabbi B. R., 8206 Euclid Av. Parkwood Dr. Brilliant, N., 8206 Euclid Av. Ozer, M. M., Commodore Apts. Brown, R., 2828 Ludlow Papo, J. M., 10527 Churchill Buxbaum, L., Hotel Olmsted Robbens, Dr. S. M., 1284 E. 105th Cahen, A., 2864 E. Overlook Rd. Rocker, H. A., 717 Guardian BIdg. Cahn, Mrs. L., 2099 Lamberton Rd. Rocker, S., 1565 Glenmont Rd. Cleveland Heb. Sch. & Ins., 105th & Rosenthal, H., 2295 S. Overlook Rd. West Chester Ave. Schildhouse, J., 1135 Superior Av. Cooper, Dr. B. H., 10115 Superior Av. Schnitzer, A., 768 E. 90th Davidowitz, Rabbi H. S., 1017 E. Blvd. Schwartz, B. H., 11902 Fairport Av. Deutsch, A. S., 9301 Detroit Av. Schwartz, E. E., 10920 Madison Av. Efros, M., 1661 Bel-Mar Rd. Shapiro, Aaron, 2711 Woodland Av. Eisenberg, L., 1169 E. 79th Shier, R., 1410 B. F. Keith BIdg. Elder, E. A., 3820 Lakeside Av. Silbert, Judge S. H., 1454 Ansell Rd. Engelman, N. D., 1418 Keith BIdg. Silver, Rabbi A. H., The Temple Epstein, Dr. J. W., 10604 Drexel Av. Simon, D. I., 1067 E. 98th Fisher, I. H., 11213 Ashbury Av. Simon, H., Guarantee Title BIdg. Friedman, Max, 3264 Euclid Hghts. Blvd. Simon, M., 1303 W. 6th Fryer, J., 1383 East Blvd. Sobel, L. S., 2640 Euclid Blvd. Galvin, Dr. M. B., 1417 E. 85th Spira, H., 2207 Ontario Garber, Dr. M., 1098 E. 98th The Euclid Av. Temple, S. S. Library Gittelsohn, Dr. R., 10509 Euclid Av. The Jewish Cen. Liby., 1117 E. 105th Glick, Harry F., 11116 Ashbury Av. The Temple Cong., E. 105th & Ansell Good, S., 2872 W. 25th Ulmer, J. M., 710 Ulmer BIdg. Goodman, M. P., State Bk. BIdg. Weil, E. S., 4000 Orange Av. Grossman, A., 849 E. 93rd Weinberg, J. L., 10009 Yale Av. Grossman, L. J., 10519 Lake Shore Blvd. Weinstein, A. H., Soc. for Sav. BIdg. Grossman, M. J., 16950 S. Woodland Rd. Weitz, Sidney N., 95 Belmore Rd. Haber, M. W., 2692 Cochester Rd. Wiener, Miss Lillian, 896 Eddy Rd. Halle, S. P., 924 Hanna BIdg. Wolf, E. E., Engineers BIdg. 408 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Ohio

Wolfenstein, Dr. Leo, 1624 Compton Rd. Sandusky Wolpaw, Jacob, 2777 Edgehill Rd. Zimet, S., 12631 Irvington Av. Herman, H. L., 214 W. Market Zinner, O. J., 2940 Kingsley Rd. Isaacs, Harry Zwick, Dr. I., 7805 Superior Kaplan, Saml., 903 Central Av. Columbus Springfield Altschul, Mrs. S.. 519 E. Cassilly FRIEND Ebner, Jos., 370 E. Cassilly Lazarus, Fred, High Jaffa, S. J., 226 E. Cassilly Salzer, G. M., 215 Circle Dr. LIBRARY MEMBER Smoller, Rabbi P., 1327 N. Limestone Hersch, W. A., 950 E. Broad Tiffin ANNUAL MEMBERS Berson, M., 185 Sycamore B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 96 18th Av. Columbus Public Library Toledo Gumble, H., 781 Bryden Rd. LIBRARY MEMBER Levinger, Rabbi L. J., 2257 Indianola Av. Schanfarber, E. J.. 1424 Franklin Av. Kobacker, Mrs. M., 324 Summit Schiff, A., 32 W. Chestnut Schiff, S., 32 W. Chestnut ANNUAL MEMBERS Wasserstrom, N., 433 N. High Antin, Judge E., Spitzer Bldg. Applebaum, J., 2441 Warren Basch, S. L.. 2724 Collingwood Dayton Green, B. M., 2405 Putnam Hirsch, H., 362 Rockingham LIBRARY MEMBER Jewish Federation, Southward & Linwood Stern, M. C, Dayton-Biltmore Hotel Landman, Dr. Otto, Collingwood Av., Temple ANNUAL MEMBERS Sanger, Sig., 2614 Collingwood Av. Kusworm, Sidney G., Gibbons Hotel Shaw, E. E., 564 Spitzer Bldg. Schadel, Mrs. J., 1552 N. Euclid Shomer Emoonim Sabbath School Witt. Rabbi L., 1528 N. Euclid Av. Silverman, I., 2116 Glenwood Av. Smith, Oscar J., 940 Spitzer Bldg. Treuhoft, M. E., 2440 Warren East Liverpool Wiener, H., 2730 Scottwood Av. Bendheim, G., 108 E. 6th Zanville, H., 2479 Parkwood Av. Erlanger, Wm. Jr., 319 W. 5th Warren Hlllsboro Stitsky, Rabbi L., 231 First Free, S. R. Ironton Youngs town Brumberg, A. B. LIBRARY MEMBER Lima Klivans, I., 366 Crandall Av. Fishel, S. S., 813 W. Elm ANNUAL MEMBERS Bloch, L., 2220 Cordova Av. Middleton Bloch, Rev. S. J., 66 Halleck Schneider, Max, 3rd & Clinton Broida, M. H., 3405 Market Collins, M. A., 243 Norwood Av. Goldblatt, Dr. L. J., The Woodbine Mineral Ridge Kamenetzky, A., 1715 Ohio Av. Rosenblum, M. L. Library of Cong. Anshe Emeth, Park Av. and Elm Manello, Rabbi C, 422 Fairgreen Av. Norwalk Philo, Rabbi I. E., 1817 Selma Av. Regenstreich, Louis, 262 Fulton Preis, L. M., 204 W. Main Reinwasser, S., 1241 Wick Av. Rheuban, A. H., 507 Stambaugh Bldg. Rodef Sholem Sab. Sch., Elm & Woodbine Portsmouth Schneckinger, I., 17 E. Federal Atlas, Henry, 1401 Kinney's Lane Steiner, D., 1053 Marshall Pennsylvania! JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 409

OKLAHOMA Ardmore Engelman, A. D., 617 Perrlne Bldg. Gerstein, Rabbi I.. 1312 W. 9th Daube, Mrs. Saml. Hoffman, H. R., 22 N. Robinson Atoka Sapulpa Zweigel, A. Katz, A. J. Oklahoma City Tulsa Aaronson, V. S. D., 2414 S. Cinn. Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Boorstin, Saml. A., Mayo Bldg. Schonwald, D., 215 W. 19th Lewis, A. J., Box 1221 May, Max H., 2141 Norfolk Ter. ANNUAL MEMBERS Singer. M., 1001 N. Ellwood Blatt, Rabbi Jos., 901 W. 24th Slutzky, L., 2648 Admiral Ct.

OREGON Portland Greenstein, S. J., 482 Harrison Library Ass'n of Portland LIBRARY MEMBERS Lib. Ass'n of Portland, 10th & Yamhll! Selling, Estate of Ben., Mayer Bldg. Miller, Alex. E., 143 3rd Simon, Hon. J., 429 Vista Av. Neighborhood House, 2nd & Wood Nelson, R. C, 800 Pacific Bldg. Nudelman, E., 394 Washington ANNUAL MEMBERS Parzen, Rabbi H., 403 W. Park Berkowitz, Rabbi H. J., Temple Beth Reed College Shemanski, J., 400 Washington B'nai Brith Bldg. Ass'n., 13th & Mill Strauss, N., c/o Fleischer, Mayer & Co. Davis, H. B., 735 Irving Weinbaum, Edwin N., 908 E. 29th, N. Gevurtz, Louis, 244 Morrison Weinstein, S. B., 687 Multnomah

PENNSYLVANIA Allentown Barnesboro Baker, S., 327 S. 16th Erkes, H., 711 Linden LIBRARY MEMBER Heinz, M., 27 N. Fulton Luxenberg, Louis Hess Bros., 1244 Hamilton Kaplan, Dr. N., 625 Hamilton Beaver Falls Leonard, J., 339 N. Leh Markson, H. M., 1523 6th Av. Parmet, Dr. D. H., 426 N. 6th Riesberg, B., 190 Taylor Av. Rockmaker, H., 32 S. 18th Solomon, Mrs. Max, 1202 8th Av. Smith, S., 638 Ridge Tamarkin, D., 429 Linden Walkow, Dr. M. B., Sixth & Chew Belief on te Cohen, Walter, 19 N. Spring Altoona Landay, M. A., Markland Hotel Goldstein, A. D., 2808 Broad Av. Leopold, L. E., 204 Logan Av. Bethlehem Scheeline, I., 2005 Maple Av. Black, M., 215 Vineyard Scheinberg, Mrs. S., 307 Aldrich Av. Stone, F., 85 W. Broad Ambler Bloomsburg Lindenfeld, B., 439 Butler Av. Mayer, David, 38 W. 3rd Ambridge Bradford Friedberg, S., 503 Merchant Kreinson, L. J., 28 Bushnell Nadler, M. B., 639 Merchant Siff, Samuel, 75 Congress 410 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania

Elkins Park Butler Berman, M. A., 170 Oak LIFE MEMBER Horwitz, Wm., 239 E. Cunningham Teller, Est. of Mrs. Benj. F. PATRON Bywood Wolf, Louis Berman, M., 529 Larchwood Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Solis-Cohen, J., Jr., 709 Rambler Rd. Carbondale Kurlancheek, J., 39 Pike ANNUAL MEMBERS Bloch, Mrs. M. L., Elkins Ct. Apt. F. 2 Cherry, Geo.,7813 Park Av. Carlisle Gerstley, I., 421 Ashbourne Rd. Berg, Miss Selma, 55 S. College Labe, Mrs. Jacob, 709 Rambler Rd. Newburger, F. L., 534 Elkins Av. Centralia Lippman, P. Elwood City Feldman, Nathan, 522 Weyne Av. Chester Erie Baylin, O., 705 E. 21st Bloom, Saml., 212 W. 7th LIBRARY MEMBER Levy, M.. 15 W. 3d Sobel, Isador, 931 W. 9th Clifton Heights ANNUAL MEMBERS Ansche. Chesed Congr., 523 W. 9th Pleet, D. H. B'nai B'rith Home for Children Cohen, M., 16 Kenilworth Apt. Clymer Currick, Rabbi M. C, 523 W. 9th Levinson, H. Gale, I., 144 W. 5th Levin, A. K., 216 W. 18th Coatesvillc Levin, J. L., 649 Downing Ct. Levy, M. D., 4434 Cherry Apfelbaum, Louis, 116 E. Lincoln Ostrow, Mrs. S., 437 W. 7th Highway Rubin, H. H., 317 E. 23d Goldberg, I., 589 Chestnut Schaffner, M., 4606 Highview Blvd. Weiss, B., 246 E. Lincoln Highway Silin, N., 952 W. 8th i j Simon, Mrs. H. O., 316 W. 10th Collingdale Zacks, J. H., 1222 W. 10th Edelman, S., 23 Chester Pike Etna Corry Caplan, Harry, 8 Freeport Smith, Dr. A. L., 310 E. South Farrell Cynwyd May, Patrick, Box 581 Libros, E., 416 State Rd. Greensburg Donora Friedlander, H. M., Depot Kahanowitz, I., 112 Washington Hirsch, R., 517 Prospect Av. Shapiro, J., 816 W. Otterman

Easton Harrlsburg Creitz, Rev. S. A., 29 N. 3rd Bookstabor, Dr. P. D., 208 N. 3d Krohn, I., 6 S. 7th Burnstein, Rabbi A., Temple Beth El Mayer, Jacob, 115 N. 14th Caplan, P. H., 2965 N. 2nd Ralph, L. M., 137 N. 7th Claster, Jos., 925 N. 4th Trachtenberg, Rabbi J., 52 N. 3d Friedman, S., 1200 N. 3d Wolf, L., 1833 Fairview Hirschler. A., 803 N. 6th Lipsett, H., 2813 N. 2d East Stroudsburg Jacobs, I., c/o Bon Ton Store Hazleton Sommer, C., 286 N. Courtland Dessun, Dr. L. A., 145 N. Laurel Zacher, M., 75 Crystal Friedlander, M., 210 Markle Bk. Bldg. Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 411

Jenkintown LIBRARY MEMBER LIBRARY MEMBER Hirsh, H. B., 1213 Stratford Av. . Grodinsky, J., 100 Summit Av. ANNUAL MEMBER ANNUAL MEMBERS Langfeld, W. R., 1114 Stratford Av. Rosenthal, E., 121 Township Lane Ruberg, M., 504 Runnymede Av. Merion Johnstown LIBRARY MEMBER Publicker, H., Latches Lane Nathan, Mrs. M., 344 Tioga. Westmont ANNUAL MEMBER Kane Benoliel, S. D. Elson, C, 316 Chase Kingston New Brighton Friedman, A., 164 Dorrance Rosenberg, E., 903 Eighth Tomberg, I. Saul. Ellis I., 601 6th Lancaster New Castle Jacobs, J., 19 W. Chestnut Feuchtwanger, Mrs. M., 331 Laurel Blvd. Shaarai Shomayim Congr. Lib*y Kaplan. Dr. E.. 223 N. Mercer Stein, Dr. B. D., 230 N. Duke Kohn, L., 113 Moody Av. Latham Park The Agenda Club, 410K Lyndal Kerstine, H. E., 24 Parkway New Cumberland Lebanon Smarr, Jos. B., 12th & Bridge Levin, H., 11th & Locust Levitz, S., 218 S. 9th New Kensington Goldberger, Rabbi H. R., 539 Ridge Av. Lehlghton Herman, P., 1309 Leishman Av. Cohen, Wm., 159 N. First Rauscher, Emanuel, Box 218 Weiss, Wm., 143 N. 1st Norrlstown Bloch, S. E., 524 Haws Av. Lewistown Goldberg, R., 61 E. Main Siegel, H. L., 23 N. Grand Hessen, I. L., 1409 W. Main Horwitz, S., 139 W. Main Lock Haven Rosenman, Dr. H. M., 46 E. Main Claster, M. L., 46 N. Bald Eagle Weiss, H., 132 W. Main Luzerne North Wales Dattner, M., 540 Bennett Bernstein, Sigmund McKeesport Olyphant Auslander, Dr I. L., 618 Market Raker, Dave K. Friedman, Henry, 531 Shaw Av. Kaplan, F. R. S., 1500 Carnegie Av. Mendlowitz, Dr. P., 141 Fifth Av. Ottsvllle Pollak, Rabbi A., 211 Third Wolf, J. J., R. D. No. 2 Ruben, Jos. H., Ruben Bldg. Sunstein, Dr. Noah, 607 Shaw Av. Petrolia, Butler Co. Mahanoy City Breth, Dr. F. W., Daugherty Refining Co. Shanfield, S., 634 E. Center Philadelphia Mechanlcsburg LIFE MEMBERS Jacobson, A. S., Est. of, 14 W. Main Bloch, S. L., 12th & Market Levy, Joseph G. Eshner. Dr. A. A., 1019 Spruce Schechtman, M., 2459 N. 33d Melrose Park Snellenburg, N., 12th & Market PATRON SUBSCRIBER FOR LIFE Bernstein, R. M., 1100 Melrose Av. Peirce. Harold, 222 Drexel Bldg. 412 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania

SUSTAINING MEMBER Aaronson, A., 594 City Hall Abrahams, R. D., 1520 Spruce Wolf, Albert, 330-48 N. 12th Acron, Dr. Jno., 421 S. 8th Adler.A. J., 5506 N. 7th FRIEND Adler, Dr. Cyrus, 2041 N. Broad Fels, M., Garden Ct. Apt. Adler, Mrs. Cyrus, 2041 N. Broad Gerstley, Wm., Finance Bldg. Aisenstein, S., 5902 Walnut Alexander, L., 3832 N. 17th PATRONS Alexander, Mrs. M. R., 1530 Locust Bernstein, R. M., North American Bldg. Alkus, Wm., 1531 Nedro Av. Eichholz, A., 360 Bullitt Bldg. Allman, H. D., Warwick Hotel Fela, S. S., 39th & Walnut Allman, J. P., 1522 Chestnut Fleisher, Edwin A., 2220 Green Amram, D. W., 918 Packard Bldg. Friedmann, Lionel, School House & Amram, P. W., 1204 Packard Bldg. Gypsy Lanes Arnold, Albert K., The "Lenox" Gerstley, L., 701 Finance Bldg. Aron, Max, 804 Franklin Tr. Bldg. Gerstley, S. L., 250 S. 17th Arronson. H., 4923 Parkside Av. Miller, Simon, 16th & Reed Atchick, I., 1736 Orthodox Sickles, L., 3220 Diamond Axe, B., 1315 Cherry Wolf, Mrs. Ben., 250 S. 17th Bacharach, Mrs. S., Hotel Majestic Wolf, Clarence, 1521 N. 16th Bachman, F. H., 212 S. 15th Wolf, Edwin, 1517 N. 16th Balaban, J., 5306 Lebanon Av. Barol, H., 1025 Wingohocking LIBRARY MEMBERS Bass, C. P.. 1211 Chestnut Bauer, G., 1817 Venango Baum, N., Lenox Apts. Berkowitz, L. L., 1739 Berks Baylson, J. J., 0313 N. 13th Bernheimer, L. G., 233 W. Harvey Beck, Miss Victoria, 1000 N. 45th Blumenthal, Hart, Rittenhouse Plaza Becker, D., 2283 N. 51st Apts. Bedner, H. I., 2612 N. 9th Fernberger, Mrs. J. W., 1530 Locust Behrend, Max, 6672 Lincoln Dr. Fleisher, Arthur A., 2301 Green Behrend, Dr. M., 1738 Pine Golder, Ben, 2011 N. 33d Bellmore, J. B., 5206 Lebanon Av. Goldman, N. I. S., 1505 Nedro Av. Belmont, Leo, 2103 Green, Apt. D Hagedorn, J. H., Warwick Hotel Bendiner, Mrs. H., 469 Abbotsford Rd., Herzberg, M. H., 127 S. 13th Gtn. Isenberg Bros., S. E. Cor. Broad & Berg, D., 1715 Jefferson Spring Garden Berger, £>., 6654 Lincoln Dr. Keneseth Isr. Cong., Broad ab. Columbia Berger, D., 5226 Gainor Rd. Klein, Rabbi M. D., 2109 N. Broad Berger, H., 131 S. 5 th Kohn, H. E., Bankers Trust Bldg. Berkowitz, A., 2034 S. 6th Laver, H., 542 7 Woodcrest Av. Berkowitz, Mrs. F., 1821 Diamond Levinthat, L. E., Bankers Trust Bldg. Bernstein, B., 613 E. Allegheny Av. Lit. J. D., 1014 Packard Bldg. Beth-El Cong., 58th & Walnut Mercantile Club, 1422 N. Broad Biberman, J. M., 321 Carpenter Lane Miller, Chas., 1520 Spruce Biberman, Jos., 607 W. Upsal Pitkow, H. M., 5336 Lebanon Av. Biederman, L., 869 N. 5th Richter, Dr. W. B., 7101 York Rd. Biernbaum, M. H., Stephen Girard Bldg. Schamberg, Dr. J. F., 1402 Spruce BiUikopf, J., 235 S. 15th Schenck, Julius, 827 S. 58th Blank, J., 6165 Catharine Selzer, P.. 1549 Champlost Av. Blauner, H., 833 Market Snellenburg, J. N., Market & 12th Blieden, G. L., Bankers Trust Bldg. Steinbach, Mrs. L. W., 1511 Oxford Bloom, Louis, 5625 N. 12th Sterling, P., 2176 E. York Bloom, N., 5729 N. 17th Stern, Mrs. E., 135 S. 17th Bloomberg, L. M., 5925 Ellsworth Stern, Judge Horace, 1524 N. 16th Blum, Isidor, 3133 Dakota Strauss, B., Allegheny & Hancock Blumberg, A. A.. 2136 S. 7th Talimer, Mrs. B. M. O., Warwick Hotel Blumberg, Dr. N., 1922 Spruce Weber, David, 53d and Gainor Rd. Blumberg, N. M., 1610 S. 5th Weyl, J. S., 140 N. 6th Blumerfeld, J. B., 824 W. Somerset Weyl, M. N., 6506 Lincoln Dr. Brahin, C, 7092 N. 20th Wolf, H. A., 330 N. 12th Bram, Dr. Israel, 1633 Spruce Wolf. M.. Packard Bldg. Braslawsky, H., 905 N. Marshall Braude, H. W., 4900 Pine ANNUAL MEMBERS Brav, Dr. A., 2027 Spruce Aaron Berman Lib'y, 63rd & Market Brav, Victor, 1514 Lindley Av. Aaron, M. N., 2100 Walnut Brenner, H. N., 524 Pine Aarons, G. P., 1909 N. Park Av. Brenner, M., 5025 Walnut Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 413

Breskman, R., 1312 Wingohocking Elmaleh, Rev. L. H., 2322 N. Broad Brick, H. A., 1618 Conlyn Englander, J. B., 12S S. 63d Brooks, B., 11th & Diamond Englander, S., 4532 N. Broad Brown, F., 725 W. Wyoming Av. Epstein, J., 6012 N. 11th Brunswick, E., 3421 N. 19th •Faggan, Mrs. N., 1837 N. 33rd Brylawski, Mrs. E., 626 W. Cliveden Fastman, J. I., 5633 Gainor Rd. Burd, A. M., 112-20 N. 12th Faust, Ed., 1227 N. 6th Burd, L. A., 1009 W. Cliveden Av. Feigenbaum, B., 1207 Wyoming Av. Busch, Hyman, Amber & Westmoreland Fein, Nettie L., 3023 Euclid Av. Cahan, L. H., 19th & Locust Feinberg, C. S., 248 N. Delaware Av. Cantor, H. L.. 1727 W. 68th Av. Feinberg, F., 1216 Ridge Av. Caplan, Jos., 2340 N. Park Av. Feiner, Edward, 928 Arch Chabrow, D. P., 5434 Gainor Rd. Feinstein, Dr. A., 4818 N. 11th Chabrow, H., 6223 Washington Av. Feldman, Dr. D., 4101 W. Girard Av. Chaiken, Dr. J. B., 1330 N. Franklin Feldman, David, N., 617 S. 63rd Charen, M., 6031 Carpenter Feldman, H., 5433 Gainor Rd. Cherry, N., 2021 N. 33d Feldman, S. L., 4618 Conshohocken Av, Chomsky, Dr. W., Gratz College Fels, H., 311 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Clearfield, J., 2518 S. 10th Fernberger, H. W., Rittenhouse Plaza Cohan, I., 3982 Pennsgrove Fernberger, S. W., 6314 Wissahickon Av Cohen, Dr. A. J., 1630 Spruce Feustman, M., 4408 Walnut Cohen, Albert B., 5312 Arlington Fineman, Dr. H. E., 1324 S. 5th Cohen, Charity Solis, 1537 N. 8th Fineman, S. S., 618 Penna. Bldg. Cohen, D. H. Solis, City Line & Mountain Fineshriber, Rev. Dr. W. H., 1916 Av. Rittenhouse Sq. Cohen. E. J., 2311 Brown Fingles, Dr. A. A., 647 N. 22d Cohen, H. H., 1637 Wyoming Av. Fischer, J. J., 1242 Widener Bldg. Cohen, J. J., 6607 N. Gratz Fischman, H., 10th & Allegheny Av. Cohen, Rabbi M. J., 1602 Lindley Av. Flamm, S. A., 2520 N. Broad Cohen, Dr. Myer S., 2110 Spruce Fleisher, Mrs. A., 2030 Spring Garden Cohen, N., 1126 N. Orianna Fleisher, Louis, 1932 Arch Cohen, P., 2419 S. 5th Fleisher, Mrs. M., 2223 Green Cohen, R., 332 Reed Fleisher. W. A., City Line & Lakeside Cohen, Dr. S. Solis, 135 S. 17th Flink, S., 5522 Osage Av. Cohn, B. R., 3846 N. 17th Fogel, F., 5313 Lebanon Av. Cohn, L. I., 232 S. 2nd Folkman, S., 5647 Sansom Cohn, S., 6204 Carpenter Folz, S., Bankers Trust Bldg. Cooperberg, S., Fruit Trade Bldg. Fox, Chas. E., Bankers Trust Bldg, Cornfeld. Dr. M.. 1336 S- 4th Fox, T. L., 1844 N. Natrona Coyne, M. A., Widener Bldg. Frank, M., 1735 W. Montgomery Av. Creskoff, A. J., 2314 Fidelity Bldg. Frankel, B. L., 6800 Lawnton Av. Crown, M., jr., 1506 Callowhill Frankel. L., 717 Walnut Dalsimer, H., 1211-13-15 Chestnut Fredman, Rabbi S., 6046 Wash. Av. Dannenbaum, E. M., Alleg'y & Bd'not Freedman, A., 1522 Widener PI. Dannenbaum, H. M., 6315 Park Av. Freedman, N., 5936 Cobbs Creek Pky. DarofT, S., 11th & Arch Free Library, Logan Square Davis, E., 215 S. Broad Freides, Dr. R., 250 S. Broad Davis, H. L., 1504 N Mervine Friedman, J., 2929 Ridge Av. De Ford, Dr. F. A., 5629 N. 16th Friedman, S. G., 404 Sansom Dewolf, Mrs. E. L., 2237 N Broad Gamson, H., 1023 Filbert Dintenfass, Dr. Henry, 1305 Spruce Gekoski, L.. 5741 Virginian Rd. Dostrow, Dr. V. G., 143 E. Roosevelt Gershenfeld, Dr. L., 281 S. 63rd Blvd. Gerson, F. N., 3413 Race Dreifus, M., 1529 Diamond Gerstley, Mrs. H., Majestic Hotel Drill, A. F., 349 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Getson, Dr. P., Moya. Av. & Wharton Drob, M., Bankers Trust Bldg. Gettlin, A. A.. 5630 N. 5th Drucker, A. B., 5407 Pentridge GeUow, Dr. J. A., 251 Pine Eckert, S. P., 2437 S. 4th Gevov, E., 244 W. Girard Av. Edelman, J. J., 6230 Pine Gilgor, L. I., 4931 Gransback Eliel, Mrs. L. S., "Warwick," 17th & Gimbel, Mrs. B., 250 S. 17th Locust Gimbel, Chas., 250 S. 17th Bllendman, J., 816 W. Wyoming Av. Ginns, Dr. R. S., 30 Carpenter Lane Ellis, A. M., 2279 N. 51st Ginsberg, L., 5631 Lebanon Av. Ellis, John, 126 N. Delaware Av. Ginsburg, Dr. M., 1441 S. Broad Ellis, K., 2401 N. 54th Ginsburg, S. R., 1832 Spruce Ellis, M. J., 5404 Gainor Rd. Ginsburg, Wm., Bankers Trust Bldg. Ellis, M., 5328 Gainor Rd. Ginsburg, W. B., 7036 N. Broad 414 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania

Gittelson, Dr. S. J., 1017 Spruce Hillerson, David, 700 Sansom Glassman, A., 2615 W. Girard Av. Hillerson, Dr. M. S., 422 Green Goldbaum, Dr. Jacob S., 4234 Spruce Hirschberg, Miss A., 3124 Diamond Goldberg, Miss J. M., 1305 Stephen Hirschwald, R. M., N. American Bldg. Girard Bldg. Hochman, P., 3051 Frankford Av. Goldenberg, J. B., 4955 Pine Hoffman, J. B., 6607 N. 10th Goldin, A. J., 1415 Penn Bldg. Hoffman, J., 1622 S. 4th Goldner, E., 1627 N. 33rd Horvitz, H., 3605 Market Goldsmith, E. M., 18th and Courtland Hurshman, A. E., Bankers Tr. Bldg. Goldsmith, Katherine, 5251 N. 10th Htrsik, Dr. Isaac, 2100 Walnut Goldsmith, L., 6664 Lincoln Dr. Hyman, Mrs. C, 1220 S. 58th Goldstein, D., 5742 N. 17th Illoway, B. A., 215 S. Broad Goldstein, M. H., 5414 Gainor Rd. Ingber, D. A., 1901 Walnut Goldstein, R., Pine Vista Apts., 4800 Pine Ingber, I. W., 2251 N. 51st Goodblatt, Rabbi M. S., 5814 Hadfield Isaacs, J. L., 1632 Walnut Gorson, G., 250 N. Broad Jacobson, P. D., 335 W. Girard Av. Gottlieb, N. J., 728 Arch Jafre, Louis, 4112 Parkside Av. Goward, Geo., 4701 Wayne Av. Jastrow, Miss A. M., Greene & Johnson Grabosky, S., 1616 Walnut Jeitles, Sam'l C, 19th & Walnut Gradess, Dr. M., 2932 N. 6th Jewish Students' House, 3613 Locust Grand Uph. Furn. Co., 837 N. 3rd Josephs, M., 718 Chestnut Granofl, H., 4650 N. 10th Kahn, Dr. B. L., 2125 S. 4th Grass, Jacob, 1301 N. 54th Kalish, Dr. M. E.. 1420 W. Girard Av Gratz, College, Broad and York Karmel, S. H., 1230 Arch Grayzel, Rabbi S., Broad & York Katz, Simon, 131 S. 4th Green, E., 5706 Chestnut Kaufman, Dr. A. S., 1923 Spruce Green, Jacob, 5638 Woodcrest Av. Kaufman, E. M., 617 W. Hortter Green, Dr. Max, 2007 S. 4th Kaufman, Dr. I., 3508 N. 23rd Green, S. A., 1330 Pt. Breeze Av. Kaufman, M. A., Allegheny & Hancock Greenberg, J. J., 123 S. Broad Kaufman, Dr. N., 4400 N. 8th Greenberg, Rabbi S., 5635 Wyndale Av Kaufman, S., 254 S. 52nd Greenebaum, A., 58th and Market Kaufman, Wm., 1233 Arch Greenblatt, L., 1518 Walnut Kellner, B., 1806 Champlost Av. Greenfield, A. M., 310 W. Johnson Kempler, David M., 804 Passyunk Av Greenhouse, M. E., 1507 N. 16th Keneseth Israel Free Lib'y-. 1717 N. Greenstein, L. A., Real Est. Tr. Bldg. Greenstone, Dr. J. H., 1926 N. 13th Broad Gribbel, J., 1513 Race Klebanoff, D., 6122 Columbia Groskin, H., Land Title Bldg. Klein, Eugene, 44 N. 50th Gross, Harry, 331 S. 5th Koch, Mrs. A. M., Oak Lane Manor. Gross, Joseph, Market St. Bk. Bldg. Valley Rd. Grossman, Miss Bertha, 5758 Larchwood Kohn, Dr., Bernard, 1516 N. 15th Kohn, Geo., 5312 Gainor Rd. Av. Kohn, Dr. I. M., Mayfair House Grossman, Chas. S., 703 W. Girard Av. Kohn, Isadore, 1517 N. 16th Grossman, I., 1411 Pt. Breeze Av. Kohn, Israel, 1512 S. 5th Grossman, Martin, 6249 Walton Av. Kohn, Jos., 5416 Woodcrest Av. Grunfeld, C, 1210 N. 52nd Kohn, J. C, 406 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Gudis, M., 1029 Race Kolander, M. W., 15th & Locust Gusdorff, Mrs. A., 615 Market Kolodner, A., 726 Sansom Gutman, B., 26th & Reed Kolsky, H., 417 S. 46th Gutman, J. C, 1230 Arch Korfl, S. Z., 5486 Berks Hafler, M., 6137 Ellsworth Korn, Henry, 528 Ritner Halpert. N., 735 Samson Korn, M., 1211 Chestnut Hamberg, L., 319 Green Kraftsow, M.. 3915 Powelton Av. Hammerschlag, Mrs. P., 4626 N. Camac Krakovitz, A., 5360 Lebanon Av. Hande, W. R., 1715 Chestnut Krakovitz, S., 4th & Morris Har Zioa Library. 54th bel. Wynnefield Kratzok, S. E., 5427 Wynnefield Av. Av. Kraus, G. J., Bankers Trust Bldg. Hassler, I., 2004 Finance Bldg. Kraus, Meyer, 3532 N. 19th Heb. Sun. Sch. Soc, 10th & Carpenter Kraus, S. L., N. American Bldg. Heb. Sun. Sch. Soc, 1529 N. 7th Krause, P. G., 6037 N. Camac Heilveil, H., 2076 E. Venango Kremer, Dr. D. N., 5904 Spruce Helfand, David, 318 S. 2nd Krieger, Wm. 2255 N. Broad Herbach, Jos., 1819 Newkirk Krischer, Morris, 6203 Webster Herbach, L., 2134 N. 18th Kun, Judge J. L., Bankers Trust Bldg. Herman, M. E., 5750 N. 5th Kurtz, Rob't, 1840 N. 32nd Hess, Mrs. L. E.. Hotel Warwick Kushner, R.. 6744 N. Smedley Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 415

Kutikoff, Dr. J., 403 Ritner Markowitz, B. J., 1323 S. Sth Lam, A. M., 4613 N. 13th Marks, A. S., 35th & Powelton Av. Landau, H., 5253 Arlington Marx, S. J., 4910 Pulaski Av. Lang, A., 6109 Ridge Av. Masel, B. A., 305 E. Walnut Lane Lang, G. H., 218 W. Walnut Lane Masel, Isaac, 1108 Spruce Lax, A., 121 W. Wentz Matt, Rabbi C. D., 271 S. 63rd Lederer, Mrs. E., Hotel Pennsylvania Matusow, Harry, 3236 W. Norris Leebron, Dr. J. B., 6101 Wash. Av. Mayer, Alfred, 1851 N. 17th Leibowitz, A., 1002 N. 6th Mayer, C. O., Bankers Trust Bldg. Leopold, Mrs. I., 2025 Spruce Mayer, G. H., 728 Sansom Leventhal, M. B., 107 S. 2nd Mayor, Dr. Chas. A., 2223 S. Broad Levi, I. D., 1600 Walnut Mazer, Mrs. E. W., S. E. Cor. 13th & Levi, Julius C, N. American Bldg. Oak Lane Av. Levin, Aaron, 409 Olney Av. Meisach, S., 6301 N. 12th Le Vine, M., 1950 Godfrey Av. Melnicoff. Dr. J., 408 W. Girard Av. Levinthal, Rev. B. L., 4036 Parkside Av. Meltser, H., 45th & Pine Levy, Rabbi A. J., 324 E. Roosevelt Blvd. Meltzer, A., 28 N. 3rd Levy, A. B., 251 W. Hansberry Merz, Leon, 431 Chestnut Levy, A. S., Bankers Tr. Bldg. Meshberg, P., 904 N. Franklin Levy, Dr. Frank D., 1859 N. 8th Mesirow, H. S., Packard Bldg. Levy, Howard S., 220 W. Roberts Av. Mesirov, Isaac, 1015 Filbert Levy, I. K., Real Estate Tr. Bldg. Mickve Israel Congr. Sch., Broad & York Levy, L. F., Wayne Av. & Berkley Miller, A. E., 16th & Reed Levy, Louis, 2406 S. 9th Miller Community Center, 33rd & Levy, Martin O., 1014 Rockland Diamond Levy, Raphael, 2265 N. Park Av. Miller, Morris L., 5201 Overbrook Av. Lewin, M. S., 1524 Chestnut Millgram, Rabbi A. E., 3217 W. Diamond Lewine, Mrs. Rose, 1819 N. 33rd Mitosky, Jos., 110 S. 4th Lewis, Judge Wm. M., 1914 N. 32nd Monheit, Albert D., 5105 N. 15th Lichtenstein, M., 1001 Chestnut Mosco, Dr. S. F., 1733 N. Franklin Liebeman, Chas. N., 5653 Lebanon Av. Moskowitz, H., 5410 Gainor Rd. Lieberman, A. H., 5136 Wayne Av. Moss, Jos., Commonwealth Bldg. Lifter, Mrs. J. J., 6312 N. 13th Myberg, M., 103 W. Girard Av. Lindauer, Dr. E., 6451 N. Broad Nagler, M., 6365 Sherman Lipschitz, A. B., 1020 N. 45th Nathan, Rev. M., 3417 Ridge Av. Lipschitz, Rabbi M., 823 N. 6th Nemirow, M. A., Bankers Tr. Bldg. Ljsan, M. F., 6216 Woodland Av. Netsky, G. N., 2655 S. 10th Lisberger, L., Hotel Majestic Netzky, S., 6224 Webster Lischin, A. L., 718 W. Rockland Neuman, Rev. Dr. A. A., 2319 N. Park Litman, Mr. & Mrs. S., N. E. Cor. 45th & Av. Pine Newhouse, Florence, 1327 Spruce Loeb, Arthur, 1701 Locust Nusbaum, Harry, 1835 W. Tioga Loeb, David J., 4220 Pine Nusbaum, Lee, 141 W. Sharpnack Loeb, H. A., 320 Chestnut Nusbaum, S., 151 W. Sharpnack Loeb, Horace, 1701 Locust Obermayer, L. J., 509 Westview Av. Loeb, Dr. Ludwig, 1421 N. 15th Oliver, Dr. B. O., 246 S. 23rd Loeb, Oscar, 6704 N. 12th Orsher, and Auerbach Drs., 702 Snyder Loeb, Simon, 17th & Locust Av. Loewenberg, Dr. S. A., 1905 Spruce Ottenberg, J. H., 1002 66th Av. Lowenstein, Sidney, Land Title Bldg. Packman, H., 424 S. 57th Lorber, J., 1930 Germantown Av. Perilstein, H., 515 S. 6th Lowenburg, Dr. H., 325 S. 17th Perilstein, N., 4119 Leidy Av. Lowengrund, E., Land Title Bldg. Perlberg, N., 1720 Memorial Av. Lubarsky, J., 19th & Carpenter Peterzell, A., 513 N. American Bldg. Lyons, L. E., 1521 Nedro Av. Pfaelzer, Mrs. F. A., S. E. Cor. 70th Av. Magil, Myer, 20 N. 6th & City Line Maimed, A. T., 1616 Walnut Pincus, A. A., 6038 Christian Mann, David I., Front & Berks Pincus, N., 6449 N. Broad Marder, H. M., 1721 N. 31st Pinkus, M., Garden Ct. Apt. Margolis, Mrs. M., Valley Rd. & Oak Podolnick, L., 320 South Lane Station Pogost, Dr. S. B., 945 N. 40th Margulies, M. J., 121 N. Dewey Polisher, E. N., 4121 Leidy Av. Margulis, A., 219 S. Broad Popovsky, Z., 2038 N. 6th Markmann, M. J., 6511 N. 11th Portner, Wm., 5403 Woodcrest Av. Markowich, A. L., 5940 Chew Powell, Dr. L., N. E. Cor. 4th & Snyder Meltser, H., 45th & Pine Av. Markowich, Jack, 6546 Dicks Av. Prager, Jos., 5913 Walnut 416 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania

Prepsteln, A. V., 2323 Brown Schwartz, Mrs. R. M., 6804 N. 10th Publicker, P., Delaware & Mifflin Schwartz, S., 4842 Osage Av. Rabinovich, Bessie, 4926 Pine Schwartz, S. G., North American Bldg. Rabinovitz, J., 2912 Germantown Av. Schwarzman, I. C, 226 N. 63rd Racusin, M., 413 South Schwarzman, J., 4435 Frankford Av. Raditz, L., 150 N. 20th Seder, M. B., Swathmore Apt. Raker, D. M., 4815 N. Warnock Seldenberg, H. M., Bulletin Bldg. Refsen, A., 5402 Diamond Seidman, M. E., 1618 S. 4th Reibstein, Benj., 425 S. 6th Selig, B., 1701 Locust Reich, Prof. Dr. N. J., P. O. Box 337 Selig, E. K., Ritz-Carlton Hotel Reinhart, J., 521 S. Melville Selig, Emil, The Warwick Richman, Dr. M., 4137 Roosevelt Blvd. Selig, Sol., 6501 N. 11th Rieder, Dr. Joseph, 128 Market Seltzer, Dr. N., 2808 W. Lehigh Av. Riesman, Dr. David, 1520 Spruce Shander, B., 5305 Berks Rifkin, M., 600 Pine Shane, H., 1211 Chestnut Rittenberg, Dr. B. B., 5400 Arlington Av. Shapiro, H., 2601 S. Percy Rodeph Shalom Rel. Schl., 615 N. Broad Shapiro, Mrs. Morris. 1729 N. 7th Rodin, S. S., N. E. Cor. 11th & Spruce Shapiro, Dr. S. S., 1412 N. 4th Root, M. J., Lafayette Bldg. Sheerr, Philip L., 4321 Torresdale Av Rose, A. M., 5938 Pine Shenker, Morris, 519 S. 19th Rosen, Ben., 330 S. 9th Shmookler, Dr. H. B., 2201 N. 51st Rosen, E. L., 428 W. Roosevelt Blvd. Shtulboim, J. L., 1151 E. Stafford Rosenbach, Dr. A. S., 1320 Walnut Shuman, S., 5239 Berks Rosenbach. N. P., S008 Pine Sickles, A., Majestic Hotel Rosenbach, Philip H., 1320 Walnut Sickles. Edw., 900 Chestnut Rosenbaum, H., 4844 Pulaski Av. Sickles, Mr. & Mrs. Sol., 1218 Walnut Rosenbaum, O., 1422 Rockland Siegel, E., 4934 W. Gransback Rosenberg, Mrs. M., 2009 N. Broad Siegel, J., 6216 Ellsworth Rosenberger, H., 228 S. Melville Av. Sigmund, B. J., 3847 N. 17th Rosenbloom, F. L., 5211 Church Rd. Silverman, Chas.. N. W. Cor. 6th and Rosenblum, D., 6217 Pine South Rosenstein, A. A., 1201 Chestnut Silverman, I. H., Land Title Bldg. Rosenstein, Miss Hettie, 2227 N. 13th Simon, E. D., 1021 Melrose Av. Rosin, Sig. M., Penna. Bldg. Singer, J., 1218 Chestnut Rosskam, Wm. B., 2300 N. Broad Sirody, M., Bankers Tr. Bldg. Roth, A. M., 1636 Walnut Sklar, Dr. W., 1007 S. 3rd Rubenstone, Dr. A. I., 2006 Spruce Sklaroff & Sons, S., 714 S. 2nd Ruberg, Lewis, 4617 Newhall Slobodin, M., 902 N. American Bldg. Rubin, Isaac, 147 N. 10th Smolens, M., 6157 Columbia Av. Rubin, Jos. H., 1617 Walnut Snyderman, Dr. H. S., 1920 N. 7th Rubinsohn, B. L., 1829 N. 17th Sollott, H.. 1812 Widener PI. Rudofker & Son, S., 429 N. 13th Solms, A. M., Bourse Bldg. Saftlas, Joseph, 5406 Wyndale Av. Spector, A., 5528 Addison Sagorsky, I. S., 1015 Chestnut Speiser, M. J., 521 Tasker Salus, H. W., 614 S. 11th Steinberg, S. H., Camac & Lindley'Av. Sand, Louis, 5336 Arlington Steinberg, Wm., 5844 Chestnut Satinsky, Sol., 1813 N. 33rd Stern & Sons, I., 325 Chestnut Savitz, J., 5512 Walnut Sternthal, W. H., 269 N. 12th Savitz, Dr. Samuel A.. 2031 Pine Stone, Irvin L., 2221 N Park Av. Savrin, A., 8th & Master Streitfeld, S., 5614 Berks Schambelan, Mrs. F., 5436 Woodcrest Strickler, S., 2653 S. 11th Av. Strouse, A., St. James Annex Sundheim, H. G., St. James Hotel Schamberg, Jesse J., Packard Bldg. Sunstein, Leon C, 213 S. Broad Schimmel, Samuel, 616 Westview Av. Sutow, J., 1029 Race Schlesinger, L. T., 121 N. Broad Swaab, S. M., 1629 Diamond Schlesinger, S. D., 5918 N. 19th Taine, Dr. Louis N., 601 Parrish Schlisman, L. W., 5346 Lebanon Av. Teller, Dr. Wm. H., 1713 Green Schmerling, A., 854 N. 7th The Rebecca Gratz Club, 1912 N. 32d Schoenfeld, Morris, 5837 Chestnut Tierkel, David, 332 S. 5th Schorr, G. J., 1203 Packard Bldg. Tobin, L., 5316 Arlington Schorr, Henry W., Packard Bldg. Toll, William, 6412 N. 11th Schultz, D., 757 Passyunk Av. Toomey, F., 130 N. 3rd Schwab, Max B., 510 Colonial Bldg. Trachtenburg, H. S., 4142 Poplar Schwartz, Dr. B., 1020 Snyder Av. Trassoff, Dr. A., 5907 Walnut Schwartz, Benj. Z., 1911 N. 7th Trichon, M., 2550 N. 33rd Schwartz, Dr. M., 218 Ritner Vlachez, M., 933 Arch Pennsylvania] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 417

VVachs, A., 5405 Woodcrest Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Wallerstein, David, Land Title Bldg. Walowitz, N., 206 N. 50th Aaron, Marcus, 5564 Aylesboro Av. Wasserman, 15. J., Rittenhouse Plaza Abrams, Israel A., 921 Adelaide Wasserman, Mrs. Jos., Wissa. & Hortter Adelman, L. F., 1105 Grant Bldg. Wax, Morris, 5224 Woodbine Av. Adler, J., 6370 Burchfield Av. Weber, Herman, 3852 Girard Av, Adler, L. J., 5846 Bartlett Weiner, D. M., 4809 N. Warnock Alpern, Lewis M., 529 Union Trust Bldg. Weiner, F., 1530 Locust Amshel, Louis, 1661 Beechwood Blvd. Weiner, J., 3326 W. Harold Arnfeld, M., 415 Winebiddle Av. Weiner, L., 4925 N. Hutchinson Aronson, I. L., 2000 Wendover Weinrott, Leo., 260 S. 15th Aronson, L. R., Box 4280, Carson Sta. Weinstein, J. I., Bankers Trust Bldg. Ashinsky, Rabbi A. M., 5743 Beacon Weinstein, Dr. M. A., 615 Pine Avner, M. L., 5847 Beacon Weinstein, M., 2631 S. 9th Bachrach, M. D., 2328 Tilbury Weintraub, Leo I., 4927 Pine Bart, L., 804 Heths Av., E. E. Weisbrodt, S. H., 229 S. 60th Bazell, Dr. D. L., 5880 Darlington Rd. Weiser, David, 744 Passyunk Av. Bernstein, I. A., 5501 Beverly PI. Weisfeld, H., 4718 N. 8th Bernstein, Dr. L. B., 5704 Darlington Rd. Weisfield, S., 10?l Wagner Av. Bloom, Rev. J., 5525 Avondale PI. Weiss, Chas. J., 1620 Lindley Av. Braunstein, E. L., 200 Smithfield Weiss, S., Bankers Trust Bldg. Braunstein, M., 1108 Winterton, E. E. Weissman, H., 506 Vandam Bldg. Bravin, D. B., 5809 Hays Wernick, A., 275 S. 63d Broide. A. J.. 5920 Beacon Werrin, M., 1104 N. 41st Caplan, Dr. Louis, 328 Frick Bldg. Whetstone, M. K., Stock Exchange Bldg. Caplan, M. L., 5525 Margaretta Whitehill, Mrs. E., 1509 N. 17th Carnegie Library of Schenley Pk. Wilf, E., 16 N. 52d Chaitken, Maurice, Bakewell Bldg. Wilf, L., 5246 Berks Cohen, Mrs. J., Hotel Schenley Willing, J. K., 1420 Walnut Cohen, J. H., 5615 Bartlett Wolf, David, 15 Bank Davis, Mrs. Barnet, 5421 Albermarle Wolsey, Rabbi L., Rodeph Sholom Cong. Dorfan, M. I., 6436 Nicholson Yarish, P., 5430 Arlington Edlis, Adolph, 1416 N. Euclid Av. Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., Broad & Pine Feldstein, B. H., 1122 Mellon Zeitlin, Prof. S., Dropsie College Finkelhor, R. K., 5721 Northumberland Frankel, Chas. W., 415 Bakewell Bldg. Pittsburgh Friedman, Rabbi S. B., 6360 Phillips Av. Fuss, S. L., 411 Union Trust Bldg. LIFE MEMBERS Glick, D., 1540 Shady Av. Lehman, A. C Blaw-Knox Co. Glick, Peter, 1204 Park Bldg. Lehman, L., 914 Penn Av. Gluck, S., 537 Mellon Neiman, B., 305 Smithfield Goldenson, Rev. S. H., 5th & Morewood Rauh, Mr. & Mrs. E., 5837 Bartlett Gordon, Miss A. T., 359 S. Atlantic Av. Rauh, Marcus, 5621 Northumberland Av. Greenberger, J., Jones Law Bldg. Rothschild, M., c/o Rosenbaum Co. Greenburg, I. S., 257 McKee PI. Weil, A. Leo., 5931 Howe Gresser, S. M., 2342 Centre Av. Hailperin, Rabbi H., 218 Craft Av. PATRON Hanauer, A. M., 5632 Aylesboro Av. Frank, R. J., 1336 Inverness Av. Heb. Inst. of Pittsburgh, Wylie Av. and Kaufmann, E. J., 5th & Smithfield LIBRARY MEMBERS Green Aronson, H. M., Aronson Bldg. Herman, J.. 92 Bradford Av., Crafton Busis, D., 804 N. Negley Av. Jackson, Dr. D. F., 3401 5th Av. Cohen, W. S., 5516 Northumberland Kahn, J., 5174 Liberty Av. Dreyfuss, Mrs. Barney, 5547 Bartlett Kann, B., 5528 Baywood Giffen, I. L., 5519 Black Kann. M., Arrott Bldg. Klee, Wm. B., 5307 Northumberland Lando, Wm., 331 4th Av. Lewis, A., 5714 Woodmont Leiter, Rabbi W., 1847 Centre Av. Mars, A. L.. 1206 Colwell Lencher, B., 965 Union Tr. Bldg. Mayer; Dr. E. E., Jenkins Arcade Bldg. Lencher, D. M., 915 Penn Av. Neaman, H. I., 7612 Bennett Levin, I. H., 425 Hastings Rodef Shalom Cong., 4905 Fifth Av. Levy. Mrs. J. L., 5745 Beacon Rosenbloom, Mrs. S., 1036 Beechwood Lichter, Rabbi B. A., 5436 Jackson Blvd. Lieberman, S., 501 Wilmot Sachs, C. H., 5541 Hays Luskin, Max, 5810 Black, E. E. Stadtfeld, Jos., Union Trust Bldg. McFadden, Rev. E. M., Box 97, U Zeligsohn, J. D., 816 Fifth Av. Sta. 418 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Pennsylvania

Mallin, S., 729 E. Ohio Reading Mervis, M., Bartlett Miller, S., 2306 Shady Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Nathanson, Dr. J. B., 5537 Beeler Liever, I., 1621 Mineral Spgs. Rd. Neaman, A. H., 303 Plaza Bldg. Luria, Max, Colonial Bldg. Neaman, Morris, 308 Roberts Schwartz, M., 312 S. 17th Obernauer, Harold, 1841 Centre Av. Olbum, A., 5653 Munhall Rd. ANNUAL MEMBERS Oseroff, A., Montifiore Hospital Brodstein, E., 25 S. 11th Osgood, Sam., 1135 Mellon Friedman, E. B., 2534 Cumberland Av. Palley, J. L., 1115 Fayette Greenberg, N. N., 1543 Perkiomen Av. Passamaneck. H., 315 Bellefield Greenfield, I., 925 N. 4th Pearlman, B., 5742 Darlington Rd. Knaublach, P., 1801 Hassion Pearlstein, Max, 6335 Bartlett Levin, P., Berks Trust Bldg. Pittsburgh Lodge No. 44, I. O. B. B. Levy, L. S., 1218 Eckert Av. Raphael, Benj., 6360 Alderson Lurio, S. R., 1400 Alsace Rd. Reich, Jos. H., 5510 Darlington Rd. Regner, Rabbi S. L., 109 Hollywood Av., Rice, N., 5919 Phillips Av. Mt. Penn. Rose, Rabbi G., 2110 Murray Av. Skaist, M. J., N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Rosen, Dr. S. J., 1208 Fifth Av. Sondheim, Dr. S. J., 119 S. 5th Ruben, Mrs. Maurice, 333 42nd Zable, B. D., 424 Penn Sachs, H., 2550 Beechwood Blvd. Sachs, I., 1522 Centre Av. Schein, Saul, 725 N. St. Clair Sayre Scheinman, I. L., 936 N. Negley Av. Weiss, Harry, 315 S. Elmer Av. Schulberg, A., 632 Penn Av. Schwartz, A., 5444 Stanton Av. Scran ton Seder. A., care of Frank & Seder Shapiro, H. J., 5813 Phillips Av. LIBRARY MEMBER Shapiro, I. L., 6029 Stanton Av. Oppenheim, I. E., 1121 Myrtle Shaw, Dr. H. A., 2223 Carson Simon, Dr. D. L., 202 Jenkins Bldg. ANNUAL MEMBERS Snitzer, Dr. H. M., Medical Bldg. Arzt, Rabbi Max, 809 Monroe Av. Spann, Max, 5731 Hobart Cantor, Dr. A. S., 540 Wyoming Av. Spear, Nathaniel, 915 Penn Av. Cohen, Harry A., 2138 Washington Av. Spitz, Chas. L., 5514 Woodmont Finkelstein, M. J., 1022 Poplar Steinberg, B. L., 718 Hastings Gerson, I., 309 Lack Av. Teplitz, A. C, Law & Finance Bldg. Goodman, M. L., 910 Clay Av. Thorpe, Dr. H. E., 6400 Forward Av. Horn, Rev. Wm. S., 1411 Pine Tolochko, M. L., Law & Finance Bldg. Jewish Federation, 440 Wyoming Av. Tolochko, Miss S., 3237 Ward Kaplan, Max, 914 Pine Weil, Henry, E., 401 Winton Krotosky, I., 801 N. Webster Av. Wein, A., 7110 Monticello Landau, David, 839 Taylor Av. White, Chas., 5711 Pocusset Levy, Dr. S., 620 N. Wash. Av. Wilkoff, D. L., 5606 Fair Oaks Madison Av. Temple Brotherhood, 523 Wolk, W., 5532 Darlington Rd. Madison Av. Y. M. & Y. W. H. A., Bellefield, 5th & Rosenberg, A. S., 619 N. Wash. Av. Forbes Silverstone, B. W., 613 E. Lacka. Av. Smith, B. J., 1 S. Webster Av. Pittston Wolf, Louis, 1002 Pine Y. M. H. A., 440 Wyoming Av. Fleisher, Miss Cecelia, 51 Church Katchen, H. W. Levin, I. A., 157 N. Main Sharon Rubinstein, Dr. Harry, 53 N. Main Moskowitz, Rabbi M., 211 Sterling Av. Weiss, J., New Rose Bldg. Shenandoah Potts town Levit, Max Erkes, J., 323 High Shippensburg Estreicher, J., 624 Walnut Fuerman, S., 323 High Kaplan, G., c/o Shirtcraft Co. . Hoffman, P., 1236 High Magitson, H., 619 N. Evans South Bethlehem Miller, Isaac, 308 Rosedale Dr. Hartman J., 1201 Delaware Av. Punxsutawney Sunbury Rosenthal, A. G., 206 Dinsmore Av. Kerman, Rabbi J., 249 Arch Rhode island] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 419

Towanda Groh, Isador, P. O. Box 88 Havedon, W., 336 S. Main Towanda Wholesale Co., 727 Main Hirshowitz, S. B., The Hub Clothing Isaacs, J. G., 133 Old River Rd. Upper Darby Kaufman, Dr. I., 123 S. Franklin Levitsky, Rabbi L. M., 95 W. Ross Brotsker, C. J., 306 Long Lane Long, Dr. Chas., 33 S. Washington Malen, J. B., 33 N. State Rd. Menkes, L., 316 Hazle Mesirov, A., 126 Chatham Rd. Platsky, N., 41 S. Hancock Rothman, J. K., 155 Marlborough Rd. Salzman, Rev. M., 94 W. Ross Shaffer, j., 390 S. Main Warren Shapiro, Henry, 524 S. Franklin Ball, Dr. M. V., 316 Hazel Silverblatt, J., 86 Academy Glassman, E. I., 3d Av. & Hickory Speizman, Mrs. A., 70 Terrace Stein, E. L., 209 Liberty Stein, E., 273 S. River Temple Israel Liby., 239 S. River Washington Tischler, Dr. M., 132 S. Franklin Tomberg, I., 205-07 S. Washington Goldfarb, Rev. J., 34 N. Franklin Union Supply Co., 93 E. Northampton Hanau, R., 59 S. Main Weiss, Mrs. F. K., 58 Terrace Weiner, D. H., Wash. Tr. Bldg. Weissman, C, 2 Terrace Weitzenkorn, J. K., S. Main West Chester Williams, J. L., 62 Park Av. Wolk, Rabbi S., 47 N. River LIBRARY MEMBER Benson, Samuel T., 109 W. Gay Wilkinsburg ANNUAL MEMBER Weiss, Morris, 508 S. Walnut LIBRARY MEMBER Biederman, L., 1342 Franklin Av. WHkes-Barre Bravman, B., 327 S. River ANNUAL MEMBER Bravman, J., 80 W. Ross Solomon, Rev. J., 1436 Franklin Av. Bravman, P., 261 Academy Cantor, M. S., Miners Bk. Bldg. WllHamsport Casper, Max, 61 Carey Av. Cohen, B., 86 Riverside Dr Bloom, M., 438 Park Av. Davidson, Rabbi I., 300 E. South Brumberg, J., 412 Rural Epstein, L., 43 S. Welles Heyman, H., 1004 Hepburn Epstine, S.. 162 Charles Sinclair, H., 710 Park Av. Feinberg, H., 372 S. Franklin Staiman, A., 716 Spruce Fierman, Mrs. A., 19 Mallery PI. Fierman, Mrs. H., 141 Charles York Frank, L., 313 S. River Biederman, S., 130 S. Newberry Freedman, M., 451 S. River Segel, Rabbi A., 713 S, Pershing Av. Goldman, J. A., 92 Riverside Dr. Zweifler, D., 837 Linden Av.

RHODE ISLAND Providence Katz Jewelry Co., 128 N. Main Magid, S. M., 102 Halsey LIFE MEMBER Markensohn, F., 490 E. Angell Misch, Mrs. C, 400 Westminster Mittleman, H., 161 Orms Paris, P. B., 31 Saunter ANNUAL MEMBERS Rabinowitz, Wm., 64 12th Alper, Benj. L., 120 Alney Robinson, I., 48 Pembroke Av. Backman, C. A., 151 Fifth Shore, W., 560 Wayland Av. Bellin, H. D., 907 Turks Head Bldg. Silverman, A., 210 Blackstone Blvd. Berger, Dr. I., 76 Dorrance Solomon, J. A., 168 Prospect Bliss, M. W., 46 Montague Temkin, N., 154 Prospect Coplan, J. L., 37 Mt. Hope Av. Temple Beth El Rel. School Frank, H., 27 Glen Rd. Ganzer, S., 206 Slater Av. Goldman, Rabbi L. M., 490 Angell Woonsocket Hassenfeld. Mrs. M. L., 142 Emeline Heller & Michaelson, P. O. Box 687 LIBRARY MEMBER Joslin, Philip C, 100 Hazard Av. Darman, A. I., 309 Prospect 420 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [Texas

SOUTH CAROLINA Alken Columbia Polier. M. S., 1020 Greenville Citron, M., 1421 Elmwood Av. Bennettsville Strauss, L. Darlington Charleston Lumiansky, M. S., 109 Park Av. Hornick, M. J., St. Johns Hotel Loeb, Mrs. L., 71 Broad Raisin, Rev. J. S., 207 Broad St. Matthews Rittenberg, Sam., 187 Rutledge Av. Solomons, Mrs. E. M., F. Marion Hotel LIBRARY MEMBER Wilensky. H. L., 88 Ashley Av. Pearlstine, Shep

SOUTH DAKOTA Sioux Falls Mekler, Rabbi J. H., Box 238

TENNESSEE Bristol Memphis Hecht. H.. P. O. Box 275 Blatt, J. T., 2901 Natchez Lane Bluthenthal, H., 1252 Peabody Av. Ettelson, Rev. Dr. H. W., 217 N. McLean Chattanooga Blvd. Marx, Mrs. M., 1556 Poplar Av. Adler, H. C, 415 W. 5th Padawer, S. B., 1775 Madison Av. Peres. H., 307 Wagner PI. Cleveland Taxon, Rabbi M. N., 1241 OvertonJPk., Av. Ard, N., 309 Inman Nashville Eskind. O., 1107-9 Jefferson Jackson Garfinkle, E., 705 Demumbreun Ghertner, S., 1702 Ashwood Av. Rosenbloom, J. L., 370 Highland Av. Loventhal, Lee J., 216 Union Mark. Rabbi J., Vine St. Temple Johnson City May, Jack, 3400 West End Av. Simon, Jos., 2002 Terrace PI. Cantor, M. E., 301 E. Eighth Av. Spitz, Dr. H., 319 Doctors Bldg. Silver. Wm.. 112 W. Unaka Av. Stern, H., 408 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Weinreb, J., Vanderbilt Medical School Knoxvllle Weinstein, I., 220 5th Av., N. Gourse, Geo., Gay Yampol, Rabbi S. B., 305 28th Av.. N. University of Tennessee Y. M. H.A., Polk & Union

TEXAS Amarlllo Greenberg, Dr. P. B., 1310 Broadway Abramaon, B., Box 349 Sharfstein, J., 2350 Calder Av. Austin Big Spring Baron, Rabbi S. H., 1712 Rio Grande De Vries, H., 700 Gregg Beaumont Dallas Aronson, B., Orleans Barish, Jos., 2028 Cadiz Blum, B., 381 College Bromberg, H. L., 2621 S. Blvd. Blum. B., 1122 Hazel Bromberg, Mrs. I. G., 2617 S. Blvd. Vermont] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 421

Dreyfus, G., c/o Dreyfus & Son Gonzales Hexter, J. K., 420 Linz Bldg. Kahn, L. S., 900 Elm Stalil, Jacob, P. O. Box 327 Kleinman, Louis, 2830 S. Ervay Kramer, A. L., c/o A. Harris & Co. Houston Lefkowitz, Rev. D., 2415 S. Blvd. Neuman, Dr. A., 910 Medical Arts Bldg. LIBRARY MEMBER Rosenthal, H., 2831 Forest Av. Lieberman, Rabbi H. B., 2406 Hamilton Siegel, L., 319 N. Willomet Smith, A. J., 2719 S. Ervay ANNUAL MEMBERS Tonkon, I. E., c/o Sanger Bros., Inc. Cohen, Moses D., 502 Drew Av. Finkelstein, M. B., P. O. Box 678 Fruhman, M., c/o Levy Bros. Co. Geller, A. L., 3001 Hamilton El Paso Geller, Rev. J., 1814 Franklin Av. B'nai Zion S. School & Talmud Torah, Harris, L. L., c/o Harris Hahlo Co. Mesa. Av. Cor. Cliff Hir6ch, Maurice, 1617 Rusk Av. Given, Charles, 215 El Paso Houston Public Library Goodman, J. H., 1300 N. El Paso Klein, A., 208 Emerson Rosenfield, L. A., 700 Cinn. Nathan, M. H., 2406 Hamilton Rosing, Wm., Rural Route No. 2 Radoff, H. V., 84 Stanley Roth, Rabbi J. M., 1216 Los Angeles Westheimer. M., 4018 Voakum Blvd. Schwartz, Maurice, Poplar Dry Goods Co. Lockhart Talpis, Ralph T., 630 Prospect Av. Weinstein, Reuben, 617 Cinn. Weinbaum, A. Weiss, I., 1700 N. Mesa Av. Zielonka, Rabbi M., Temple Mt. Sinai Port Arthur Zork, L., 1501 N. Mesa Av. Jacobs, J., P. O. Box 242 .

Fort Worth San Antonio Baer, L. A., 127 W. Evergreen Cong. Ahavath-Sholom, 109 W. Weath'd Carnegie Library Council of Jewish Women Cristol, Louis, 301 Alama Plaza Gernsbacher, H., 5th & Throckmorton Eldridge, S. C, 845 Erie Av. Merfeld, Rev. H. A., 1122 Penna. Av. Frisch, Rabbi E., 130 Luther Dr. Simon, U. M., 322 S. Adams Guttman, T., 112 W. Houston Karin, N. ,1014 Denver Blvd. Litwin, Mrs. B., 1409 W. Woodlawn Fredericksburg Oppenheimer, Jesse D., 309 Madison Washer, N. M., 1403 Main Av. Norman, Paul Wiederman, S., 210 Produce Row Texarkana Galveston Eldridge, S., 823 Pine Cohen, Rabbi H., 1920 Broadway Cohen, Robt. I., 1704 31st Tyler Cong. B'nai Israel Feigon, Rabbi L., 2123 26th Wadel, B., Mary Av. Swiff. J., 2606 Av. K Wunch, David, P. O. Box 142

UTAH Public Library Salt Lake City Rosenblatt. N., 870 S. 4th, W. Alexander, Daniel, Deseret Bank Bldg. Salt Lake Women's Aux. No. 48 B. B.

VERMONT Burlington Rutland Frank.Maior J., 45 Overlake Pk. Wolk, H. H., 23 Melrose Av. 422 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [West Virginia

VIRGINIA Berkley Steinbach, Rabbi A. A., 621 Princess Anne Rd. Kruger, A., 700 Liberty Portsmouth Bristol Crockin, M. M., 215 High Palkes, Mrs. M., Park & Euclid Av. Richmond Amity Club, Inc., 100 N. Boulevard Leesburg Beth Ahabah Remembrance Library Raflo, Joseph Calisch, Rev. E. N., 1643 Monument Av. Friedman, F., 2828 Monument Av. Lexington Harris, S. H., 202 W. Broad Marks, J. G., P. O. Box 1080 Hutzler, A. B., 1032 Mutual Bldg. Hutzler. H. S., 1107 E. Main Newport News Karp, Dr. L., 2001 W. Grace Levy, H., Brook & Marshall Rodef Sholom Remembrance Lib'y. Seldes, S. I., 306 W. Broad Straus, M. J., P. O. Box 1297 Norfolk Ullman, E., 211 E. Grace Aflachiner, Miss R. G., Juvenile Ct. Bldg. Crockin, H., 1101 Langley Rd. University Haskell, J., 720 Graydon Pk. University of Va. Library

WASHINGTON Centralia Grunbaum, O. S., 1513 6th Av. Kreielsheimer Bros., Artie Club Shanedling, Jacob Prottas, L. M., 913 23rd Av., N. Olympia Rickles, P. A., 2803 E. Marion Robbins, A., 1234 22d, N. Nash, S., 525 Columbia Seattle Public Library Shafer, J., 907 14th Av., N. Seattle Shemanski, A., 1332 2d Av. Stern, L. M., 930 16th Av., N. LIBRARY MEMBERS Eckstein, N.. 1000 14th Av., N. Spokane Lindenberger, R., 1104 21st Av., N. Fink, Rabbi A. H., 205 Culmstock Arms ANNUAL MEMBERS Cooper, I., 1104 Minor Av. & Spring Tacoma Glesin, N., 105 Wash. Feist, Theo. 705 North G.

WEST VIRGINIA Bluefield Huntingdon Schlossberg, G., 1310 Augusta Biern, Samuel, 1214 8th Wagner, B. J., 2108 Washington Gore, Sam., 1010 3d Av. Samson, S., 301 W. 11th Av. Charleston Goldman, Mrs. M. B., 2020 Kanawha Keyser Gordon, H., 1614 Virginia Kaplon, Miss E., 127 N. Main Polan, H., 1715 Virginia Webb, J., Box 742 Logan Elkins Rosen, Jack Goldberg, Mrs. George, Darby Apts. Martinsburg Katz, Mrs. George, Bowerleigh Apta Fairmont LIBRARY MEMBER Montgomery Goodman, Simon D., Box 491 Margolis, Mrs. M. A., 321 2d Av. Asia] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 423

Morgantown ANNUAL MEMBER B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 348 High Seligman, H., Box 365 Finn, S., 419 High Slaven, M. S., 160 Pleasants Wheeling Farer, I., Beech Glenn North Fork Levin, H S., 113 Wash. Av., Chantal Ct. Rosenbloom, B. L., Univ. Club LIBRARY MEMBER Shulman, Rabbi C. E., Box 238 Catzen, A., Box 335 Sonneborn, M., 14th & Market

WISCONSIN Green Bay Hirschberg, Rev. S., 2612 E. Kenwood Abrohams, B., 1411 Cedar Blvd. Sauber, Wm., 116 N. Roosevelt Horwitz, Hayim, 1836 51st Kamesar, S., 1153 Grant Blvd. Kleinman, Rabbi Ph., 1006 51st Kenosha Koltin, F., 2224 N. 17th Lepp, C. A., 5117 17th Av. Lelchuk, O. C, 5415 N. Wash. Blvd. Pious, Louis, 500 56th Levine, H., 556 Hartfort Rappaport, Rev. J., 516 60th Lewenauer, B., 530 Merion Lib'y of Temple Emanu-El Lubotzky, Mrs. E., 1232 N. 12th Madison Miller, Morris, 467 Webster PI. Nathan, Harry, 200 Muskego B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, 512 State Ottenstein, P., 2834 N. 50th Ellman, Ben L., 16 N. Hancock Padway, H. E., 973 Murray Av. Kneller, S., 203 King Padway, J. A., 814-16 Brumder Bldg. Levitan, S., 10 E. Gorham Rosenberg, A. P., 3d & North Av. Mack, Mrs. H., 2117 Regent Rotter, L. H., 1038 Grand Blvd. Perlman, Prof. S., 1805 Rowley Av. Saltzstein, A. L., 2701 N. Lake Dr. Simon, J., 901 E. Wash. Av. Saltzstein, B. F., Lake Drive Saxe, A., 730 16th Marinette Schlomovitz, Dr. B. H., 310 Empire Bldg. Stern, Morris, 1009 Hackett Av. Rubin, R., 1622 Elizabeth Av. Sure, Dr. J. H., 2015 E. Kenwood Blvd. Temple Beth El Library Weingrad, M., 2565 N. 24th Milwaukee Wolfsohn, Leo A., 302 15th Wollheim, H. S., 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIBRARY MEMBERS Yolles, P. E., 616 Stowell Av. Nickall, B. E., 130 Wisconsin Av. Stone, Estate of N., Boston Store ANNUAL MEMBERS Minocqua Ashley, C. D., 3041 N. Farwell Av. Ehrenreich, Rev. B. C. Bamett, I., 200 Muskego Av. Baron, Rabbi J. L., 2419 E. Kenwood Blvd. Racine Cohen, I., 721 Hi-Mount Blvd. Fechheimer, C. J., Shorecrest Hotel Goodman, J., 302 6th Free, J., 715 14th Waissman, M., 1258 Mound Av. Friend, Charles, 6185 Plankinton Bldg. Gendelman, H., 427 Farwell Av. Heller, Rudolph, 325 Wells Red Granite Hiken,M.,666-20th Robock, Sam

ASIA Mesopatamia, Basrah City Michael, R. S., Seef St. 424 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK ICanada

AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND Adelaide Kalgoorlle Matlson, Dr. E. A., North Terrace Council of Jewish Women

Auckland, New Zealand Kew, Victoria Nathan, David L. Benjamin, L., 1 Sir William

Stratford, New Zealand Malvern, Melbourne Manoy, Miss S., P. O. Box 12 Jona, Dr. J. Leon, 3 Huntingtower Rd.

Brisbane, Queensland Melbourne, Victoria Freedman, I., Brunswick, New Farm Brandt, H. A., c/o Bank of Australasia Goldman, H., Lower Bowen Ter. Brodie, Rabbi I., Synagogue Chambers, Hertzberg, Abraham Bourke Hertzberg, Marcus, Charlotte Mestel, Rabbi S., 94 Simpson, E. Ravdell, N., Boundary, care of Gen. Rothberg, S., Pasadena, High, Kew. Rubber Co. Schalit, Dr. M. A., 139 Wellington

Footscray, Victoria South Brisbane, Queensland Benjamin, Arthur, c/o Footscray Blumberg, D., 689 Stanley Tannery Eshensky, W., Church Av. Leiboff, M., Church Av. Geelong, West Victoria Stedman, D., Fleurs Rd., Woolongabba Council of Jewish Women Sydney, New So. Wales Hawthorn Selby, Mrs. H. B., Werona Av., Gordon Jona, Dr. J., 124 Glenferrie Rd. Council of Jewish Women

BELGIUM Antwerp Behr, A., 17 rue de la petite Ourse Jaffe, Capt. I., 4 Rue Floris Fischer, M., 20 Avenue Helene Vecht, J., PI. Constance Teichmann No. 4

BRITISH WEST INDIES Kingston, Jamaica de S. Pinto, C. S., 10 Port Royal Delgado, A., 19 Kingston Gds. Myers, Horace V., 188 Harbour

CANADA Calgary, Alberta Glace Bay Shumiatcher, A. I., 611 Grain Exch. Bldg. Gallay, A. J., Commercial Chipman, Alberta Halifax, N. S. Olyan, Harry, Vegreville Simon, J., 103 Upper Water Edmondton Alt a Hoffer, Sask. Lieberman, M. I., St. Georges Crescent Hoffer, I., Via Tribune Fort William, Ontario London, Ontario Tritt, S., 405 Victoria Av. Goldstick, Dr. I., 458 Oxford Canada] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 425

Montreal, Quebec Y. M. H. A., 265 Mount Royal Av., W. LIFE MEMBERS Zacks, J. C, 4043 Marlowe Av. Cohen, Lyon, 25 Rosemont Av. Ottawa, Ontario Jacobs, S. W., 83 Craig, W. Braverman, W., 85 Clarence LIBRARY MEMBERS Epstein, L., 181 Bank Franklin, J. M., 326 Waverly Cohen & Gameroff, 10 St. James, W. Freedman, J., 43-45 George Levin, J., c/o General Cigar Co. Freiman, A. J., 69 Rideau ANNUAL MEMBERS Glickman, A., 170 Holmwood Av. Abel, J., 736 Notre Dame, W. Goldfield, B., 360 Friel Abramowitz, Rev. Dr. H., 507 Argyle Av. Kollin, Rabbi N., 209 Wilbrod Adelstein, L., 526 St. Catherine, E. Alexander, A. J., 198 McGill Outremont Barsky, H., 945 Cote Horvitz, S., 1145 Lajoie Av. Bender, Rev. C. ,1443 Stanley Berger, Rabbi J., 3420 Grey Av. Bernard, H., 3547 Decarie Blvd. Regina, Sask. Bobrove, I. M., 4365 Esplanade Av. Regina Judaean Lib'y, 2030 St. John Brown, M. A., 1179 Bleury Rosenberg, L., Ste 12 Avalan Ct. Chait, C, 5814 Durocher Cheifetz, L., 5696 Esplanade Av. Toronto, Ontario Cohen, A., 4899 Sherbrooke, W. LIFE MEMBERS Cohen, A. Z., 40 Prince Crown, Myer, Box 321, Station B., Granatstein, J. S., 482 Wellington Av. Danish, E., 938 Jacobs Bldg. Kates, Dr. M., 16 Edgar Av. Dickstein, M.. 615 Bloomfleld Av. LIBRARY MEMBERS Fed. of Young Judea, 384 Sherbrooke W. Fitch, L., 83 Craig, W. Cohen, M. G., 93 Madison Av. Garber, M., 132 St. James Scheuer, E., 131 Yonge Glazer, L., 5266 St. Lawrence Blvd. ANNUAL MEMBERS Glickman, M. J., 242 St. Catherine, W. Arkush, S. F.. 20 Oriole Rd. Glickman, P., 207 St. Catherine, W. Cohen, A., 165 Lowther Av. Greenspon, Dr. E. A., Medical Arts Bldg. Goldstick, Ed., 356 Delaware Av. Haltbrecht, S. B., 258 St. Louis Sq. Goldstick, M., 358a Delaware Av. Heillig, L. E., 50 Drummond Apts. Herlick, C. M., 72 Queen, W. Herman, B., c/o Y. M. H. A. 265 Mt. Holy Blossom Lib'y, 115 Bond Royal Av., W. Pollack, Dr. M. A., 297 Rushton Rd. Illievitz, Dr. A. B., 1497 Bishop Rosenberg, H. S., 2a Sylvan Av. Jacoby, J. M., 1541 Crescent Silver, A., 652 Queen, W. Kaplansky, A. L., 3793 Giroward Av. The Jewish Standard, 210 Metropolitan Kellert, Sol., Ill St. Catherine, W. Bldg. Kleinberg, L., 5667 Park Av. Toronto Heb. Journal, 542 Dundas, W Konowitz, I. M., 65 Venddme Av. Vise, B., 372 Bay Meyer, Miss B., McGill University Yolles, L. S., 66 Roxborough Dr. Monteflore, Club. 1195 Guy Zeidman, M., 165 Elizabeth Naturman, B., 37 St. Catherine Rd. Ressler, h. R., 2091 Beaudry Vancouver, B. C. Robinson, Mrs. M., 192 De Carie Blvd. Rogg, H., 5725a Esplanade Av. Brotman, M. H., 4637 Marguerite Av. Rose, T. F., 1598-1606 Clarke Westmont Rosenbaum, Dr. J., 1396 St. Catherine, W. Levin, A., 478 Strathcona Av. Rubin, Dr. I., 453 Strathcona Av. Schechter, W., 5192 Durocher Windsor Schneyderman, S., 470 Villeneuve W. Lebendiger, Rabbi I., Casa Del Mara Sessenwein, H., 230 McGill Apts. Shalinsky, D., 584 Old Orchard Av. Meretsky & Gitlin, 101 Chatham, W. Solomon. Dr. A. S., 121 Bishop Sommer, A., 50 Westmount Av. Winnipeg, Manitoba Sperber. M. M., 132 St. James Stern, Rabbi H. J., 4128 Sherbrooke, W. LIBRARY MEMBER The Jewish Daily Eagle, 4075 St. Mahon, E. S., 100 Charles Lawrence Blvd. Wainer, I. J., 4531 Espanade Av. ANNUAL MEMBERS Weinfield, Henry, 132 St. James Cantor, A. E., 206 Curry Bldg. Workman. M., 1245 Sherbrooke, W. Cohen, A., 424 Grain Exchange 426 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK [England

Finkelstein, M. J.. 854 Palmerston Av. Shinbane, A. M., 8 Ellesmere Apts. Frank, Rabbi S., Royal Alexandra Hote Steinkopf, Max, Canada Bldg. Haid. M., Coca-Cola Bldg. Sternberg, J. N., 761 Grain Exchange Shaen, J., 204 Montgomery Bldg. Weidman Bros., 244 Jarvis Av.


CHINA Shanghai Shahmoon, E., 2a Kinkiang Rd. Abrahams, D. E. J., Ave, Foch

CUBA Havana Eppstein, Dr. L. J. V., Avenida de Wilson Calle H Weil, Wm. D., French Consul DENMARK Copenhagen Simonsen, Prof. D.. Skindergade 28

EGYPT Alexandria Cairo Dwek, Raphael, Box 71 Alexander, A., 2 Chareh El Kadi El Mustaki, W., P. O. Box 196 Fadel Nadler, Marco, B. P. 13-15 Mosseri, J., P. O. Box 988 Sicouri, L., P. O. Box 618 Nahum, E., P. O. Box 940 ENGLAND Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham Wand, Dr. S., 40 Bristol Rd. Cohen. Rev. Dr. A., 2 Highfield Rd. Rainbow, M. L., 241 Hagley Rd. Bradford Ludman, A., 8 Oak Mount Harrowgate Yorks _ ... Bodlender, L. M., 25 York Rd. Cambridge LIFE MEMBER Hendon Israel Abrahams Memorial Lib'y# Christ Cohen B Foscote Rd N W College ' " '" ANNUAL MEMBERS Herne Bay Goldstein, S St. John's College Hochbaum. M., Kent Coast College Loewe, H., 85 Milton Rd. Herts Cheltenham , ^ ^ . .. ~ . . ^ „ . Salaman, Dr. R. N.T , THomestall, Barley LipsonT , D . TL., Corinth House Chester Hove Fox. Dr. I. S., 10 Upper Northgate Asher, Mrs. S. N., 30 Westbourne Villas Clapton Hove Brighton Chissick, B., 204 Evering Rd. Rosenbloom, A., 34 Pembroke Crescent England] JEWISH PUBLICATION SOCIETY 427

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