SANRAL: Road Maintenance Standards
Road Maintenance Standards Portfolio Committee on Transport 1515th MarchMarch 20201111 LL KannemeyerKannemeyer Main Road Categories in South Africa National Roads Secondary Roads Tertiary Roads South African Road Network Authority Paved Gravel Total SANRAL 16,170 0 16,170 Provinces - 9 48,176 136,640 184,816 Metros - 9 51,682 14,461 66,143 Municipalities 37,691 302,158 339,849 Total 153,719 453,259 606,978 Un-Proclaimed (Estimate) 140,000 140,000 Estimated Total 153,719 593,259 746,978 Un-Proclaimed Roads = Public roads not formally maintained by any Authority Houghton Eish !!! How Did This Happen ? Sunninghill PavedPaved –– ProvincialProvincial ++ SANRALSANRAL Type Year V-Good Good Fair Poor V-Poor Length 2004-08 5,303 24,220 21,570 8,399 3,766 % 2004-08 8.38% 38.29% 34.10% 13.28% 5.95% GravelGravel –– ProvincialProvincial Type Year V-Good Good Fair Poor V-Poor Length 2004-08 1,981 13,863 35,344 33,219 19,327 % 2004-08 1.91% 13.36% 34.07% 32.02% 18.63% CONDITIONCONDITION SUMMARYSUMMARY Municipalities - Gravel Metros - Gravel Provinces - Gravel Very Poor (km) Poor (km) Municipalities - Paved Fair (km) Good (km) Authority Metros - Paved Very Good (km) Provinces - Paved SANRAL - Paved 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percentage of Network As they say in the movies – “Houston we have a problem” Estimated Backlog (Strengthening / Regravel) Strengthening/Regravel Backlog: Roads in Poor to Very Poor Condition Paved Gravel Total Authority % Length Cost % Length Cost Length Cost SANRAL 11.86% 1,932 R 15,456,000,000 0.00% 0 R 0 1,932
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