SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ MAY 17, 2020 Saint Anne Catholic Church 817 So. Lincoln Road, Escanaba, MI 49829 Since 1888 Parish Office Hours: Mon.- Fri. 9:00 am-12:00 pm & 1:00-4:00 pm • Phone: 906.786.1421 Email:
[email protected] ~ From the Pastor’s Desk Today’s Gospel is a continuation of JESUS SAID: “IF YOU LOVE ME, last week’s Gospel when Jesus was speaking to His disciples at the Last YOU WILL KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS.” Supper. In today’s reading Jesus offers ~ John 14:15 encouragement to His disciples, who will soon see Him crucified. He reassures them that even though He will leave them, He will not abandon them. Instead He will send them THE TEN COMMANDMENTS the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, through whom the disciples will continue to live in union with Jesus. The Holy Spirit will be with them I. I am the LORD your God: to help them know the truth about God and to you shall not have strange gods before me. keep His commands. Jesus uses the term Advocate to describe the II. You shall not take the name of the LORD Holy Spirit, whom the disciples will receive. your God in vain. Another word used to describe the Holy Spirit is Paraclete, a legal term meaning “one who offers defense for another.” Note that Jesus III. Remember to keep holy the LORD’S day. said He will send “another Advocate.” Jesus himself is the first advocate, interceding for IV. Honor your father and your mother.