Confirmed & Invited Speakers:

Conference Chairman

Rear Admiral Terry Loughran CB FRAeS

Royal Navy, UK


Vice Admiral Sir Alan Massey KCB CBE

Chief Executive, Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), UK

Keynote Address

Andrew Winbow Assistant Secretary-General/Director, Maritime Safety Division, International Maritime Organisation,


Session 1 - The Future of SAR

Safety in the SAR Mission  Latest Developments relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) - particularly regulation III/17-1 - recovery of persons from the water  Amendments to International Aeronautical and Maritime (IAMSAR) Manual  Implementation of e-navigation  Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)updates  Latest Guidance on Cospas-Sarsat

What are the New SAR Challenges  AirAsia QZ8501 & Malaysian Airlines MH-370  SAR in Humanitarian & Disaster Response (HADR)  Human Migration impact on SAR in Mediterranean

Rear Admiral Cristiano Aliperta, Italian ,

UK SAR Outsourcing – Lessons Learned  Status of the new Search and Rescue bases  Helicopter response capability during the transition  Communication with partner stakeholders – RNLI & National Coastwatch Institution  How MCA ensures a resilient system with the capacity to share and redistribute work across the national SAR network  How to improve public awareness of the MCA’s activities

Richard Parkes

Director of Operations, Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), UK

Canada’s FWSAR Plus Project – Fixed SAR Tender  An explanation of the new FWSAR Plus programme – the procurement process for the FWSAR project and aircraft shortlist and sub-systems, will it be a mixed fleet?  Procurement latest - expected timelines, what is the budget for the FWSAR project?  Will the fixed-wing SAR aircraft replace all the existing aircraft?  Importance of minimizing costly changes to the system after delivery of the aircraft  Length of Contract

FWSAR PMO, Royal Canadian , (invited)

Security & Challenges of SAR in Hostile Environments: Oil Refinery Case Study

Algeria (invited)

Session 2 - Air Sea Rescue Operations

SAR Sea to Air Coordination & Collaboration of Local, National & International Agencies  The reasons for developing a civilian Coastguard and SAR operational capability  A description of the Malaysian Maritime Zone and the SAR challenges  Coordinating search and rescue operations in the Malaysian Maritime Zone  Training for SAR missions Supported by

 Aerial & Surface Fleet developments – Fixed/ Rotary Wing and Vessels plans

Captain Maritime Robert Teh Geok Chuan Senior Principal Assistant Director, Search & Rescue Section, Malaysian Maritime Enforcement

Agency (MMEA), Malaysia

Coordinating a Fixed & Rotary Winged SAR Response to a Major Disaster

International Collaboration of Aerial Assets in SAR Operations  C3 Command, Control & Communications Challenges in high profile SAR operations  Malaysian Airlines MH-370  Joint operations of State Actors – PLAAF, JASDF and others

Julian Mitchell Manager Search & Rescue Resources & Training, Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA),

Australia (invited)

Session 3 - SAR in Offshore Oil & Gas Scenarios

Search & Rescue Operations in Offshore Oil & Gas  What are the risks and challenges of working offshore and the logistical difficulties of rescuing and assisting O&G personnel  What are the worst-case scenarios in the oil and gas industries  The need for a robust SAR Plan provision - an essential safety net for oil and gas companies working in offshore marine environments  The need for rapid response to emergency situations  Night Vision – the need for 24-hour SAR capability  The Rear Crew mix – considering the best solution  Training - communications and winching skills; simulating SAR scenarios

CHC Helicopter Services, UK

Deepwater Horizon Case Study – Lessons Learned  Crisis Management Skills  Search & Rescue Optimal Planning Systems (SAROPS) was utilized in the response to the Deepwater Horizon explosion – explanation of the components

Jigsaw Project Replacement – a New Approach to SAR for Oil & Gas in the North Sea  With Jigsaw being shelved - how is the replacement project going to look and will it have a wider remit than the North Sea?  Drilling and exploration in Deepwater; increased risks for oil and gas extractors and increased flight times for SAR operators

Oil & Gas UK

Session 4 - Long-Range SAR

Long Distance SAR in Sub-Zero Conditions  High Altitude SAR rescue - Case Study of a dramatic operation in demanding conditions right on the edge of a helicopter’s performance envelope  A description of the missions decision-making process  The use of Night Vision in High Altitude operations  How to illuminate a rescue scene at high altitude

Rescue 902 – 19 Wing CFB Comox, Search & Rescue Team, Canada


Long Distance SAR into the Atlantic  Planning Long-Range SAR Operations  A description of the Portuguese SAR area of activity – the second largest in the world  A summary of FAP Aerial SAR capability- fleets and types  Civilian Air Sea Rescue & CSAR training  Low Level Flying & Flying OEI (One-Engine Inoperative) Profiles

Lt Colonel Joao Carita

Commander, 751 , Portuguese Air Force, (invited)

Long Range Helicopter Air to Air Refuelling

Supported by

AF-447 – Fixed Wing Search & Rescue Operations

Brazilian Air Force, (invited)

Supported by

Session 5 - Unmanned Search & Rescue Systems

Unmanned Aerial Search & Rescue  The use of Unmanned Assets in Non-MDA Missions- current and emerging USCG UAV platform and payload capabilities and limitations  Recent FireScout VTOL Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Flight Demonstration off the USCG National Security Cutter (NSC) - Executing flight deck certification, engineering and airspace processes  Robotic Aircraft for Maritime Public Safety (RAMPS) Project

Andrew Niccolai, Ph.D.

Research Scientist, Aviation Branch, R&D Center, Coast Guard, USA *

MOAS and the Role of Non-State Actors in SAR  A description of how MOAS assists vessels in distress in the central Mediterranean  How MOAS assist Rescue Coordination Centres (RCC) mitigate loss of life  Providing real-time intelligence with VTOL UAVs

Brigadier General Martin Xuereb

Director, Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) & Former Commander of the Maltese Armed Forces,


USAR UVs – Unmanned Robotic Systems in Urban Search & Rescue  Best Practice - Refining UAV flying skills in the urban search and rescue domain  Incident Commanders Role & Provisional Situational Awareness  Flight procedures and Disaster Scenarios  Wide-Area Search Patterns  Different Sensors – IR/TI, HAZMAT detection  Night Time operations of small UAVs

Brazilian Air Force, Brazil (invited)

Session 6 - New SAR Technologies & R&D

Amphibious SAR

SAR Coordination & C2 Systems

* Subject to confirmation

22nd January 2015

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