The Portugese Air Force Facing Challenges Head-On Mass Migration and Financial War Air Power's Second Century

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The Portugese Air Force Facing Challenges Head-On Mass Migration and Financial War Air Power's Second Century Ruivo © Jorge COMPLETE COMBAT SEARCH & RESCUE MULTI-ROLE FLEXIBILITY Edition 15, Spring / Summer 2012 Large cabin to meet demanding requirements and long range - over 900 nm demonstrated PAGE PAGE PAGE New technology, superior performance and high safety levels 6 45 55 Cost-effective through-life support and training based on operational experience The Portugese Air Force Mass Migration Air Power’s Second Facing Challenges Head-On and Financial War Century: Interview with General José Pinheiro New Challenges Growing Dominance Chief of Sta , Portugese Air Force for Air Power? or Faded Glory? M-12-0055 NATO JAPCC AW101 journal advert.indd 1 10/02/2012 12:55:28 Joint Air & Space Power Conference ‘The Infl uence of Air Power upon History’ Walter Boyne is a retired U.S. Air Force Offi cer and Command pilot who has written 09th –11th 36 diff erent books on aviation. He was one of the fi rst directors of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum and founded the bestselling aviation magazine Air&Space. October This book, from 2003, starts from the very beginning of the quest for the air, study- ing the development of Air Power philosophy and its evolution from theory to practice, through innovative thinkers’ infl uence and technological improvements that impacted not only military, but also commercial aviation, until the translation to Air and Space Power. In this pattern it off ers a comprehensive outlook of the use of Air Power to infl uence politics, not only from the military perspective, but also 2012 covering the commercial and humanitarian viewpoint. The analysis covers from the early times of balloons through the exploitation of space, through the two World Wars, the Cold War, Middle East confl icts etc., lead- ing to some interesting, controversial conclusions, departing from the generally By Walter J.Boyne accepted scenarios of Air Power. Pelican Publishing Company Reviewed by: Warfare Col Bob Sardo, ITA AF, JAPCC in the 21st Century ‘Deterrence’ The history of deterrence is often dominated by reference to the Cold War and, Decline or Rise of Air Power? consequently, the policies of nuclear deterrence. In this work, from 2004, Lawrence Freedman attempts to redress the balance, taking a broader look at the concept in all its various guises from conventional to nuclear, from denial to punishment and from hard to soft power. Freedman is acutely aware of the importance of context, both in framing deterrence-based strategies and in assessing their performance, the latter task greatly complicated by the fact that any study of successful de- terrence is, by defi nition, a study of non-events. The sheer range of variables at play within the fi eld of International Relations (IR) makes the search for comparable ex- amples of deterrent strategies, which may then be compared and contrasted, an exceptionally diffi cult one. It is therefore unsurprising that Freedman returns to the origins of deterrence theory in criminology and law enforcement where studies have shown that increasing the probability of apprehension is usually more eff ec- tive than raising the level of punishment. Here he also explores the importance of ‘norms’ in setting societal limits on acceptable behaviour. The latter theme, in parti- cular, is subsequently re-framed from an IR perspective with Freedman postulating By Lawrence Freedman that military deterrence of the future may be driven more by the enforcement of Polity Press international ‘norms’ than the interests of individual states. This wide-ranging book Reviewed by: also touches upon the utility of pre-emptive and preventative strategies, conclu- Wg Cdr Tony Stansby, RAF, JAPCC ding that deterrence has its place even against those opponents that we conveni- Registration form available online ently label as ‘rogue’ or ‘irrational’. at Joint Air Power Competence Centre JAPCC | Journal Edition 15 | 2012 | Book Reviews 75 Conference_Poster_2012_A4.indd 1 27/02/2012 12:35:47 Editorial 2012 is an important and challenging year in context of a strategic direction. The speed at which which many countries have to deal with eco- NATO acted on the Libyan crisis is commended; nomic problems, budget cuts and overcome however, the willingness of all nations to contrib- them in order to avoid unprecedented crises ute in an equal manner is questioned. Once again that could spread to the rest of the world. In the it is proven that Air Power cannot operate alone, age of austerity, even the NATO Armed Forces especially with restrictive rules of engagement and will suffer significant budget cuts. A possible so- the lack of technology to distinguish friend or foe. lution is considered to be a ‘Smart Defense’ that could ensure greater security for less money, by Our article on Cyber Threats points out the impor- working together with more flexibility. tance of information flow and how its denial af- fects kinetic and non-kinetic warfare. Modern During such a crucial time the JAPCC is increasing communications have become significant force its attention towards all Air and Space Power re- multipliers for commanders. These same tools are lated matters, expanding its liaison to internation- weapons of destruction for adversaries keen on al organizations, institutions and industries in- effecting our operations silently, without stepping volved in changes. The first visit of the Russian onto the battlefield. Federation to the JAPCC at the end of 2011 fits this view of future cooperation. Air Power’s Second Century is an article presented by Professor Sabin, a guest speaker at our Joint Air In the JAPCC Journal we are always keen on receiv- & Space Power Conference 2011. He takes a look ing input from outside sources. We are particular in at where Air Power stands as it enters its second finding relevant points of view from NATO and Na- century. Professor Sabin focuses on four aspects tional military leaders to present to our readers. For of military strategy to balance conflicting views of that I would like to thank General Pinheiro, Chief of whether the best days of Air Power are behind or Staff, Portuguese Air Force, and Lieutenant General in front of us. Kisner, Commander of NSHQ (NATO Special Opera- tion Head Quarters), for their interesting and unique Last but not least, your feedback is essential to perspective. In this edition of the Journal we further help us provide you with better products. Please, offer our analysis of counter-piracy operations and share your thoughts and ideas with us. Feel free to provide you with an update to this delicate issue. send us your articles and we strongly request your Our Maritime Air expert will present the key results 5 minutes in filling out our easy survey at of an experiment conducted in gaining insights into potential commitment levels of A&S ISR plat- forms in the Region off the Horn of Africa. The article on Libya gives insight and consider- ations on the performance of NATO in response to the most recent crisis. It looks at its success in the The Journal of the JAPCC welcomes unsolicited manuscripts. Please e-mail your manuscript as an electronic file to: [email protected] We encourage comments on the articles in order to promote discussion concerning Air and Space Power. All comments should be sent to: [email protected] Current and past JAPCC Journal issues can be downloaded from The Journal of the JAPCC Römerstraße 140 | D - 47546 Kalkar | Germany Alessio Cecchetti, Brigadier General, ITAF Assistant Director Capabilities 36 26 60 Table of Contents Transformation and Capabilities Viewpoints The Portugese Air Force – The Polish Air Force Academy (PAFA): 6 Facing Challenges Head-On 40 Then and Now An Interview with General José Pinheiro An Interview with General Jan Rajchel Piracy off the Horn of Africa – Mass Migration and Financial War 11 Bringing Air and Space Power to the Fight 45 New Challenges for Air Power? The VMAQ-4 Seahawks: A Fool too Late 16 Writing the Next Chapter 50 Recognising Space Dependency USMC Airborne Electronic Warfare Air Power’s Second Century: Growing Dominace or Faded Glory Indirect Fire – 55 Understanding the Threat (Part 2) 20 The Evolving Cyberspace Threat Special Air Warfare: A Coherent 62 24 Framework for NATO SOF Aviation Out of the Box AWACS Rising – Joint C2ISR One Swallow Maketh Not a Summer Force Multiplier for the 21st Century 30 67 What Success in Libya Means for NATO The European Ait Transport Fleet 35 Increasing the Airlift Provision within the European Union 4 JAPCC | Journal Edition 15 | 2012 | Table of Contents Imprint: Transforming Joint Air Power: The Journal of the JAPCC Director Joint Air Power Competence Centre Gen Mark Welsh III Executive Director Joint Air Power Competence Centre Lt Gen Dieter Naskrent Editor Brig Gen Alessio Cecchetti 46 Project Leader Col Roberto Sardo Deputy Editor Maj Ron Glovach Production Manager/ Promotions Manager Mr. Simon Ingram Sponsor Manager Cdr(N) Arndt Neumann Editorial Review Team Lt Col Mike Delorey Wg Cdr Anthony Stansby Wg Cdr Richard Wells Maj Phil Verroco Maj Roger Efraimsen Maj Jason Hunt Sgt1 Lilian Brandon Releasable to the Public 62 This Journal is the professional publi- cation of the JAPCC and aims to serve Copyrights as a forum for the presen ta tion and Left column top: © Airbus Military 2010 stimulation of inno vative thinking on Far left column bottom: © Danish Air Force Photo Section / Air Station Aalbolg Air and Space Power related issues Middle column bottom: © U.S. Air Force Right column top: © Fletcher6 such as doctrine, strategy, force structure Right column bottom: © Istockphoto, Felix Möckel and readiness. To find out more, access the JAPCC website at Inside the JAPCC Disclaimer A New Step in Cooperation! The views and opinions expressed or 72 NATO Russia Council Military implied in The Journal of the JAPCC are Representatives First Russian those of the authors and should not be Federation Delegation Visit to JAPCC construed as carrying the official sanc- tion of NATO.
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