
LATEOT .IKHN. r NOTIONS, ETC. A 7 l ! clM at New York. jet;nlar, at 1 46. Stock i Immense The rvj'U'.ttkn of St. I'aul. .Minnrvd j, FHE INDIANAPOLI BAIJL MEIRAJLB Th'" lailj ree. ipt cf tb Internal Kevetiut at litre fallen rff half a million Jf-lla- VOLUME 1. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY MOKXIN.G, NOVEMBER '2'2, 1SG5. Orneral nrtm lTril hi t-- - NUMBER IS. Urdaj, but it wm iK-- t aa j t.J. BALDWIN & CO.'S, e wf-r- fn-t- ; Memorial th abl : He l- - Howard int H'l r. printed hal the füll t upiiort from XHe Moriu. M.hroJ t the -t-I exe iv.nnt. rf. it CttTnl nd. to ..n make- a Li rolU-niCM- . rrei.l Xnalnalln utel vt ! hi Strtirly f,f Friend. In relation t nimiV an't with tb remark on lt New York, NorenibrSI.fr Iar Tnutiiay Hail j in ein ulati.-n- . It ran. hovrever, ea.'ilv FURS. DRY GOODS. report r.f Southern tour. x.licy, he trut-- l le frml rrnt in n lati n to tanj ranee mitt that th? country wmjM IloBinan .rjiiyor.anu inon tlie original by theroh-r- - VtiolrAle rL'ht; a!o r, n-i- .b f;.-Ion- allow andntlall I CMi-man- time to rr r the I (t-m-ra- l A1- - rour they for Corporation 'tineil. j an. the M'.T.aturt' 1 ! notorious, a r-- l onht Hubbard II. Cionnan of Spinner. J? U JX I JLV Earliest and Largest Judr and th r r.f the ".b!iT f law; w hi' h - O U O to arul to-mpi- u- n r.uru. he fhouM ati hr the nrinH- - J iT. i tx-r- ocat? the Wlrz ha rclirns,!. . pW- - If jrale continue wun rain. i :ai t. nivin omit tel. The - tf ('onimiif'i), wer f to rinrnitt-- of Iii Ufr. The fioTemnient - i - ha- ff rrl apj'r"jriatr lenel it The Meamer Italtic. for ApinwaM, Mi retary - .l ti a!tr the crneral atrear- - ; - , h- - Ii-- ! to eon-u- lt Ten aym, th- I'iijrili-t- l A bill, prof e more fffertually the ;r;l"y th wUhe of the people, i means i t iue preMi.im ir.v nev, AltltlVAl, or bl; tin? dti. U- - ' fr .ew inu.inu "' iueoi nonai currt Gront an.J t r Vnriolv Store, for to ; or,l.-- f d! - rrliametit eon.ler .an Juan are anehored at iuamnt'ne, II d ld to make it - lung lo- - ! unilorin. and to i'n- vra. zen of iD'jiana from by fire, wa orler- i,ow ju-tic- e. fAf ti ir were Imu.J on i fr.-i- couub-rf.-itci- l tttr w.he He it Ix inir thp I Of-LTa- in future l rereption at w York mj to li on th table an-- thanke.l tlie American war waa ' f.ranf nl that orer, The pil.t U.at Hamet N ahore on Hty All new iMt w ill ! of th cireu- - . JDJEZTST (i , srcntack Tit It Mon-Ia- f.-- - anu Kepub-.lc- GOODS. j nlht wat a brilliant affair. A bill, in relation to the iu ari"iuj he tnite.j the now rmd from hlan.l, full of wafer. An unknown r ; utioji. j the in of laery, would jro on and proper for I dairtas-- e fie-nrra- l wa to - ashore on H rt ' l.liml. No other a baa lnliit-.- l rourt, r fTTe! the (ouimilln on Juli- rr.x-vi.vaxi- rlmr Un ,j t nturi to come. heard of to hippin?. TUK ,MT",: TO Tiir o. vi. Bxauljury st Loulunb?, for cntMnt; Mavri to riary. The I'.iilr .Wir tar: The receptir.n of f-- t r Karl Hu II .va -- KNOW MOST lrav Kentucky. A bill, protbUn? tin appointtn-n- of a at the banquet apractleal re. A Disgraceful Scene In Court. Mr. Aßliox. Novembtr 21. After iitinz VU. OJZ FACT. IlTpomD ATD FAI1CY BAZAAR. lr to the detraction til. h tat ly th niin-- . Gol kl M.adllr tlTtu-M- l fnr a.r.rt h'x.I hal pumuJ co.il party ! Matamora paper Commlh.nfr, wn to the rw 1 ORK, ovemtcr 21. In the mii n..r tin returnevl her and Uoolh aixl by Ur( early porch complain bitterly f the the fiovernment. KueH' lanruajje could i were STOCK OF FURS, or km. ar C r MTenadd. made a j Ued, wlU oüer Committee on Kduoation. Court hamU-- thi morning, Mr. Wbittaker, , , aed oar cosip'.et ttock of Imj.e-ri- al only I1 by feel j.Ie of Texa, who opmlj lnult thf ued mm who the lmjortant rilli:,tt io--h- a'ludin to the creat value of e till iii.-aur- - Jr., and John Meire?or were aproint The ktationry juHition, npain bf'iii'bt exp- t.il .f them, and their wlllin-n-- M I. i f f!a;j. ri ftat-me- nt .a' 'n lM"aro rar. tmv. Kam y. - . counel In a cae. A waBjale l.v up an-- imputation aitt u on tht- Ulm run x to encourage Ix.p-- innn Cameron. ajor JteMiehael, of Far owytalat la qqality aa4 variety ta bo FANCY AND STAPLE ! We., t'h. LxtTiMve claim fraud involving Laif a . - The . The fffwt of the h wa tn.yao, fae,n at nif-m'r- My: a A in r-- n-n- t the jee '" lVn.al r.,U. rluti'.n r:ith an re- Wni ,V,:(I million nipi-.- ! r eneourai; inent to the caue of SVrM,WSSÄ madr spvch . dollari hare Wn in th bud by matt r va lai J upn th nent at once from the Mom and prooeeled to tabl. form. S-n- Fre-mb.- wh.-- Micrm.in thiseveninjr. Auditor A resolution in relation t th lie of It i reM.rte that Miluer had admtnWter iufiriliti punihnient th iMl r serTiadHl IfcY G New Dresa Trimminsa, ntn Iur-in- OODS, iitn bn Court directinl Mr. Whittaker to make fonnal Iurin the course of hi ijswli he said: ? 111 I - off red the of the Kirit Lord 12 - .p.s---h I opi-itio- of the AlmU It n railroa-- r nafini- n tatl that Colfax' in r aft r a proper examination apjli.-atio- t punih Mei'irejror contempt. the war. the liovrninent wa com polled j lc fl'fT&at variety, tie Urgent aa4 Cnett Uflt ta th - ralty, and that the Duke of Smer-c- would fr li tbaa any who ai.J parrb.Mr. Wo I) ft t le to IIITE, Lor Utr to the President poliey. We hall x.n a romptnt roiuoiitt- wan aloptil. re.rt to the utuxot limit of taxation ; but, aa a fc. n.i j h of War. 1 Mal, tbo Urjrt itxk f am to C'on-irre- s, ?. A memorial rwoinnini'!in the repeal ( f the I In Iloatou. h.ijpv ar. that the buine of It underttoMi that the etern I nion Tel. The Storm w i in 1,', after tsecurin? pf-ae- upon .Vo. 2 Vt$t Washington rrft-rr- - eirraiph 21, 2 p. m. A the St cor. yfnvlian. H, -- I It!ak I.a w, vi to th omuiitt.-- on ComitariT had otit raeti'.l u ilh ir Jsro.v, Novem!rr iobnt Ht-Xic- 'c-t- Th fvr iirn new by th farm-r China n north-cs- universal to relieve our-wlv- l nijfht I lietiiy, of North" Wool wich, for the laanufac- - ' t raiu rtorm prevail here, and it Is laisif lltrrtr, AOW Kull b ts.il 1m- - anJ Privilege. from t ixatiou no iiee.sary. In making hnKrtAnt. will f,und in the i o aevera on the The only eastern rteiimer lotvr FIXE SILKS, "io mioi oi uoinnrilir rauie coat. 5plend d t la O.Jt, Cryatal aasl tool The con-iderati- bill cone, lor thi we bnik to jte, f t folunin. of nate min? VtUrring MrajN an,, 5 m mj,eH of paIviinizeiJ In i the Kastern )ueen, from Bath. The naturalis tho.e eossnnwfl or IU. n articles, the hief cost of which I low. the writ of haU-- eorpu wn ailed up, and . t l"jTaph wire for land Meamer Daniel put back CO LaUr, 4'oii.Ulin;t of Another lanjrerou n- - line, Vlter I'.th. the fouudtition w ealth, i cunt. rfHt fönrr on ' The w i e The Kutahim, from Banjror for l'.os- - of an.l hould te a motion, the constitutional restriction, m u.'idie.l mail rteain n Mwmi "trainer from cheerful-lie- Dlil.SS IIITTTO'N. I v. arc-n- fnr burden as the air. The s MV bvkln Jr.teet! the ! : a,l llk( ton, put Into for harbor. There it Trfury de., ork Portland bn UM-n- pa-,- bv W) 1. ,,rV,1 j ,? ,t0 ru . . and to 'V'w with which all cl;tse i and occupation partrn--nt- ' 4 iaj t.t V aeriou marine disaster reported a y t. Fur Clonks, 3Toir Vul ipis-s- Se the Antrl.a Dura ouds Opal aadGa.net, oat. jf 9xrwxm Mantles, Jttt A.-tin- m.-- lxjre taxes during Fur That iH,rtl.m of the iovernor" u trafiic H twe-- n the war. make it doubly Kranee anl America. The h-s-- 1 Mr. Colb-jre- , the luty of Coiijres to and ejualize (at yard.) Charit Kuhn,.ite Mate Treasurer bjenblVh refer U an Agricultural j teameM, h the whi will le imila to the Jkotia. Danqnet to be (iirrn at Toronto. tax s. Uii Vi-oni- ! f on Monday from an in the Cly!e. one y Jiel uddnly wa ref. t a Committee of one from buiblin? The tirt wm Novetnlier 21. A rrand commer- I conflib-ntl- 1-- NEW rred each Toronto, 1, 1- UNDERWEAR h-- l 1 anticipate that. In a hört -1 t-- i 1aun c n the 4th. expe te.l 3.1. 1.3. 4'aMta. tihin ktronsr a los It that the cial banquet i thortly to be held la thi ity. ir-- d. ofoiIuin. r'oinrre.ional Ditrt t. , , time the duties on iniitortil a moder-- all jmaUlT, - ( n,.n w (0 una,,e r trtrj toi far La4l, lf , C FmHl hailf t IJia MUr9 A Inrp! numtx-- leidinjr men tWthe : .ai l of HEAVY I IJb-ra- huinei ate on ?n- - report-- ! v f I ineometav and taxc will REPPS, It tnat nt of the A kturtby lebate euued on a motion ta a II-- . A luxurie... to Htunhy nlzht, the 15ritil inerthajits Uniteil aro to ! present. The .11.u ... - Mate cxK'ctel aim-- nonorarny to an our Oblig- (In Colors, at 12 S3 ) uw- re in New York purchasing anm and refer a minority reeirt on the bill from the now nr. topic are reclpnx ity, enlargement tf carialu, ation. VICTORINES, muiu unit ion. Coiniultt on Kducation to the Committee on T,u ' omnii.-io- n f.r the trial of Feniau ami building the Huron A: Ontario Cmial. EUGENIES, GLOVES! GLOVES! GLOVES! ioji.n-.o- the Tth, at Duhhn. The Kenian.i rea-..- int Figured -- Tl- UAU of a Ciuk, Mo., V ay and Mean. The n iK.rt n . and Plain Silk., t mill la county. j had appli.-- to the court of Queen's Bem h, for No Klg SCO varieties. W II tnr Corn tlia all iker U n ii of the North America. COMMERCIAL. spbdol lat Satunlay and killed three nun legislation fur the tit of the hl.u k rare, criminal information a?aint the proprietor of Mi:.. 21. are Colluns IKcrthnos, Kvory dlr.M kad and qa2ity. tor combine.!. Kr.-em.-- Novemler Thcrt IU-for- e ., Iiktlam, anl wouii'h j .'Tfral other. the motion w a di-p- o d ff, ree-- i wan '''e Journal for publishing Arch-,,,- no ofth steamship North America, now sjfvr York nnrkrU. j bishop Cullen' publication in 1 , the bdnsr due at port, Kuropean , - art-- applica- until ochnk. ,ik,.,v'to pi.,ju,H;,. this with later new. Xrw Yi:K,XovnnUr 21. RIC?H MOURNING SILI-IS- lYctr Thr- about three thousand theK.nian at the abroach. i w Hrrakl'a! ShauN, The wind blowing a jrale, ith "now . b-v- f-- r the-rcxula-r w tion, th? vaeant lieutenanei In In the aft.moon atiM.tion was passed , , Cotton active, but prices ithout decided wsl..n ."i.V.j.V IS Kleaant and cheap, feo our rUk baod-- k Bitted atyie. arm v. tfouii j'ouot:ui, kou h me laie eininenr irin chaiiirc; sale at fr iniddlinir. antiquarian, had be-- committed for on Colorado Flection. Flour dull and about .V: lower; sales at trial v, I-- l; N'ov-ml)e- 2." Ilrnvy Lyout Hit tr. . trfisul at Marseille Informs the i oVbx k .n Wednesday a charire of treason. Hail wa nfus-l- . lie Pknvf.k, r 2"). Retunt com In h for extra State: s Hif) (0 for extra round I(ih II .ivy - hoop '.) T" NEW BONNET RIBBONS. i 1 he to - ,ia, ivlnsf lei tun to tli- on blowlr, but sutti ient to indicate the election Ohio, and IWI1 for trade brands, IS Lyon 4.ro fl.ntln; Mate that cholera ha entirely Ii, Sjaker retuniinjr thj unfinished bu '"" Fenian, j llrn Cou-trrv- s. the markt t i ln. . of (iilpin for (iovernor and Chilcott to closing dull. Lyon Ith-l- Look at ourtbefoTf) paying two prjooa. appearc.l from that city. of the moruinir. .bibb that the r port ; , llartillui: j r.iRix M. Dupn-r- I rcKrurcr (Seneral, die! anl the entire I'liion Administration Whisky dull and beau ; salN of w estern at f m 10 ine .x-- n. x-- ion w.-r- e not on $2 IlllF.lilSH It i. pr..,His.Hl in ssouth 'arolina to inau- - Button the mh. ticket. 4. RutMlan j projx-n- . ne. 1 Wheat very Ural Sh11. lln.loon liny r iioii-- i t.mp i. on and ltV--e lower: And ;urate i i riu-- imme.li.tt ly afl r the oTore the rr ant r.mjress a arts the dull sale at aa elegant auori aient fur Brer.ingand HrU.l wear. 3CNITTINQ "STARlsTS. trr lltll fur C:lllM:l!"-tl- $1 ho for Milwaukee So Hnble, Amcrlcnn Nable, ' club, and frl choice i Th" corpu bill brought up lor .,f iLi-uuir- e In m balsas wanain 1 aiiil-c- r Fifty abtilei, at Factory price. In Caihnere, ILaker im r uur sioii. . , , he Milwankre. un' Paris lours, the loth, wa firm: rent French Sable, and Kaatern. ' ' ' 4"h . Th'Ti I no nindatlon the statement ' bs'd at "f THE VERY LATEST, Itye quiet. COOD PLAIN BLACK SILKS, f ."'!- fr ' The .jMcial order wa taken up, it - IrALV.-T- he Italian Parliament had lni n IT Barley heavy; s.ile of l'ouobuslul of State - ...... thn (aVt 1 53 ) II . per yard ill- ku" 1 l S IU41 11' .T 1JI prorogued until the 1Mb at112UWl 1.1 ins; 'onsti- - - the Joint It solution to in:nd th : - ...... int. . . . REAL FRENCH CORSETS. of the will put a new l l. t ' - s i , i Barl yifiialt Royal Tr aury forward loan. i.iti...w.r tl.. i... .,111.,., ,. I... ti.i,. . Koue io .api,-s- uieciioiera dull. Ermine and Mink, n. hiin un ras.l. THRKK ()(.' LOCK A. M. Cirn Ye lower and at the decline; de- 'Hie IC I client SKm-- or Tb ool perfect fcp and good Altieg artlclo - .... o 1...1.,, an i k...... ,k... is.uru 'ruer t.enth Arti.b th reof.and .Mr. T.Uskirk, inop-- mand lari lv speculative; sales at (.(?. i;-fo- r r fusing r - - rurth. almiltane Into the Mate le- ,Kiti,ii, proil d to the IIoum- at souiul, and !'lj.:le for unsound mixed. For Ladle, Mi anJ ChilJroa. partrn. nt, by .litor-, . From Washington. iirun r: sales at 4T(,r.VU! for un. KMTTEI) reiH.rb rs, te. P ciu-luaio- t'atsarualc DRESS j At the .f bit n mark the M. U KI AT TIIK MslfWAL TUK O0033S fiOODS. nth. fr souml, and t2(H.V for sound. In Irish, French and Fne;liia TopUn. (Tla'd and 4ietK-r.i- l f Nfqjro Ilaln.) MltUna, Lrggtni, Sleoeee, Son tag . r. ink and IIn. Henry .1. Kay- - further eoiisideratioii of the bill w a MstiotK il Suffravp In the DUtrlrt of Co. X. V. 11K.AI.TH t.tiMMlMiIONKRS CHee puict. 5uli, - y , luiHblaA IDefeiiats of r niond ha- notified Mr. Colfax that th.-- will , until Thursday at 10 Yhx-k- A. M. llakrr. Nkw Yokk, Novcmln-- 21. Stan Sugar quiet; sabs at 4 u for NovemtH-- r 141 Cuba XlofT-- WAuii; 21. The Ilo:r.l ,,r Miis-rtvalo- , A .llnniiiiolla ! ! l rv. ton ha t leirraph-- to M.avor (Junther that the an.l for ol not andidatt for Speakership. The tirand Jury Hill wa refem-t- to the pas-e.- löLVie Bieo. tie Ald. rm. ii have 1 the from the steamer Illim.i snail placed at the liüposal Molasses puict. lrto White I Gent's - le Shirts. insiru.-tion- . . -- ; iary Cominitt.- w Council, in - , Th t. aiiKT lllin'l ha b en j.l.v. d at the Judi. ithout that the event 'f anv bill leiii ' in of th- Health Commission t-- e e IVtroleum and firm: sales of crude ALSO- ,- Baoou' French Toko lM-k-- mo- trHlu.-- inioCoii; r ss for the admission col- stf-ra- ratral be.t Fk'rt asad. lisi.ns.il of the Hcalt of New I l Bill coming up, a - of The pass n r of the Atlanta will nt and In lx.nd .2V'iti4c, and MEIUNOES, i Coinmiiner m 2nj - ored n of the cltv to the at-o- Xvers- to lav on wa w rlirht of siiffra?.', bo put on Iwiard of her a a practicable. do., for December, at buyers' bad and quality, aa low at 8?,c per yard. V'fk bv the i tion it the table lost; aft. r hich .Mayor 1m- - i option, at t2(3 tiovcmr nt. the hereby r . and authorized to call a numU-- of cabin passenger ti.'!-- the House M.ijoUriled. the Council It is ruinore! I! turns from In.lie.-it-e together within two days notice, have up this evening. Fine Hoop 4'olora.l the - - onie l'ork heavy and lower; sales at Jf.1l for tin- purMis.- of taking into consideration 87(32 Fur Collars and Gloves, Skirtc. hib-ott.- i n; 20 for mess, closing oo, of' iilpin, (iovernor, and C 'otitrress-ma- holding' tsTEAMKK MOfXT'S s KN ! KKs. at f:!2 and t27 00(j27 .0 Real We are r'oalng our for jn- r. out tneasiin a ial election to ob- for prime mess. Also, .Vn) Aberdine Wincy at roet to jult tb trad. t barrels of mess, at both Bla k Kvpuhlican. tain the entim-n- of the im-ph- - on publish- - passen-pe- the subject. The Ht rald a list of fifty r sellers option, for all the year, at $31 75, All color, the latest in t mol p.pti!ar It may le st.ite.1 in thi onn- tion bv the teamer D. II. Mount, and Broalaar tvle. Washington Chronicle ha uu.lr-ta- k TvKLEGltAPIIIC that from New 1.7.V barrel of new mos, for '' Ilo-icr- y. many of the prop rtv hobb-- r of Washington York for Jaeksoinille, Fla., on the 2öth January and la OlUr, Beaver and Seal, Gant, at wholesale and I,n tli ICillcMl 1 fr n f, use (i Manton'-ma- n February, at wllers' option, at i'SO .VI. the of n. Bäk r, are anxiou that the coriK.ration charter shall tob r, believed to W, bst in the October gale. Retail. Im- - . Beef market quirt; sales at for plain Fine it and Urged ftock la town, for Lallet aal VI of all oik. ivioiix itKioirj slirr-n.b-r'l- and the i,rn..,.;iv ll(lb' Ahls wool i)i:laim:s, to. pla.-ii- l A KM MEXICAN LIHK.ISAI.--s- . mess, and 14 17e for extra in th b in.! of a Hoard .f Commis. j KH ms. AH The BI.u k K' u!.lican nnjority in M nne-sot- a, Bet f ham Heady at ?41 &HtAi tf). colore, 45c. p r jard. 14 pMiinei oy ine I"r'M.etit or the Tf. HernbVt Washington special says: It i at the t tb- - tion, was ainnit 1, Kh .STOKH VAST. rcjHirb'd Cut meat quiet t l".,aHJie for shoulders, j SHAKER KNIT SOCKS. Tili: I'nited States, the early history of their object that (ieu. Carava.il, Col. Iarrato'a '( y b inir to juiet .imitation Hobt. are New pur- itiiu o(. mr nains. ur bin lii's nioritv was n arlv the if the surt'rajre and Du'hesner in York, Bacon dull and nominal. A Completes I.In of The plar to get tb best for at on aid Boy. iu stion, a well n to s- - iire f.n.imy und chasing arm and ammunition for the .Mexican l Lard heavy at I4C(U,Jo. 01J PTRS relJued, repaired and greater in the expemliture of Lilx-ra- army. A Broadway firm has re- tnaJ over la any ! inonev 12c CS a few 1 -- ( - s do-livr- Butter quiet; sale at';;; for Ohio, and itjloln hoart. The in. inimti has oinmenee! fiEX. GliANT'S MOVEMENTS- from pr-- cti i veil an order lo.ooo be ei o tiazittt' tin ni bv the nt for uniform to - C srstcm of JjT.Vh- for Mal. slicing Clot hs, - j in the present Toys! Toys! Toys! pu'.IishUi? the .peeeh b liiere! her- taxation. month. Order for . v To-la- s M ri ii In Jims a y' Daily ( rilb-- and ammunition have be-- sent to New l'hf Chlnchill, Velour, Ftltaiid olLer de.lrat.le rtjle. I i- -t Friday evening. The f it wa hrnicU contain an article wh! to in iMec-tiveoft- oftieiieral L. C. Baker, Chi f he Kngland, to be Üllel In the shortest possible MOXKY AND STOCK?. iiiu.h f a lose one lays issue. INTERNAL K a . i fr REVENl RECEIPTS. War Department, saving that, time. Money easy at 7 r c nt. r a:cy (.oodn. (ien. Majrruder is now a ih M Tlu re wa a severe .torin in the Fast yes- the terrible outcry against him, Mexican subject. sterling qiiiet at lOsctluDJg. (assimercs forMcn and Bo) far. - he still has the confidence A portion of the French squadron cruising Wloleia'e anJ Retail. terday. At New York ral of the t reel f the department (lold vvitlout decided change, riening at The attention of the Whole! TrJ 1 eepecially di- to which he i attached, adding that licnernl In the (iulf of Mexico, has jrone up the Bio rected to the following Good. : - 14'i and closing trtre Jooilel, and a larire pnntity f .mhJs in. A Baker do- lriv-i- mr DISGRACEFUL SCENE IN COURT. not fail, in all instances, to rejtort (rande, in order to use their marine in (iov rnment stockiitl;.a shade casi r. F,ntrf hi sup-rio- 1 anil jured. act to hi officer. Thi he the Liberal. Freight to LIverpo.l juiet steady. i:m1iroitIrrirN, know n to do, r.nl wo are and l- - sure the Wnr Th ha n , (IF.NEItAL nOWAUD'S RTTORT. Mocks strong; It. I., F. beat assortment. Unor Bertenati upon a which is b is-- W.,104'; 500 4.1 a?ril tt r ndi of nil the Mariposa pfd., II; N. Y.lo; Krie riir('iics Lärmst and Rest Stork tn the State umpire In the s. ttleno lit .f the diff. relief ! A facts than any of (iem ral The Tihifs' Washliurton special sav: Gui- - C. !Ni; i'lii; OOO 1 enpe, DEFENSE OF CEN. DAKER. Baker accus r Ih ading, 114Ji; N. W. pfd., ; 3. I'nr j cral How w ill soon a M.S..i'3; 02, Mat- - Can be. has Hot found to 1vn.11 ard make formal report 7.1.0 HOSIERY AND NOTIONS. tween theUnited and the lh publi.- & -- of a tü Cumb rlaml, 41?;; O. M.. oertilieatcs, 21. 1? FurCnpffsH AT THE him for nnv of those thimr which have Ix en i tno Nrn tar' f ur an tunt 0,10 Colombia. Iotive o's !.'?; ; 1 year 1- -t so maniti'! and distorted by a irtion of the result .f hl tnp w ill tc 1h; ontinuan : of the t7?8'. OOO Fur apc, WASHINGTON CITIZENS al-- an IteMOltlXTN 4'fTltSirii, It I under-too- d that Secretary McCulloeh INDIGNANT. pre. The Chronicle o iav tleneral Bi-- i Bureau for ind finite period. lOOO Victorlncs, I ki r h:i not cominitt a sinjrle h rson to Old i C will recommend to Congress to appropriate a f s2at - It Ks h; X ATIOX KXIKKK 1. Sru York attle Market. llOOColIans Cne Dollar leu than eUewle.e. Capitol Trison for more than two and i t 1...... 1. j . venr.i uSlclent sum money to pay 1.... 1... 1 Brigadier hi resigna-- New November 21. ISO A. ., of of the National " ...is in,. ... 11 10 so General Fisk tendered t Yokk. Ilertlinas, J. II. ll ll.mviX "j' niiiiiorizc.i uo sinci , iiATi:cs 1:1 wa on . Muslins, Irpr'i. lebt in thirty year. rito.Ti nion:. the latter part of lsüt. which not the ground The current pii;cs at all LUt? market for the 37S liifi:enirv, Flannrts, Llnrus, Tilnts, hot 13 dtmlftp that hi seriee in the Fre'dmen's Bureau Is veck an' U.i The 4io ernor of Vermont a(xiinti too valuublc to It dicns4sd with. Bff ':ttle 1st quality, per l. $17 oO iipp. 1 I""11; to 13 I 9000 pr. fTn Hon. Luke Poland, V. S. S nator, to fill the From New York. CAULfCllfRZ. fair good.if .VHil7t; Common,?! fr, THE PIRATE SHENANDOAH. t--! RESTAURANT. Col-lam- inferior, oOdHi . 100 doc. vacancy occasioned by the death of r. Fur IVIiiimefl flood. Judc The Itrported tn bp On. General Carl Schur will soon make hi r-I- ort Cows and Calves Kxtra, per head. flM)l2i; lrcidcnt i Vlrtvt-liilrrn- f his South.-ri- 300 Wool 13hmktK, pocI to ul tour. 1st piality, 'com- lU-slaunu- il liillnt'.llf-rctfi- -l ordinary, ?4.(ui: iS: lCf.ciiiic intf-rior- , -- (iov h lool in .rw AX I mon, ;V :t((j.io. AT THR KatinIIuuse. rnor llobbn appointed Dr. Wm. ADAMS-RUSSEL- L CORRESPONDENCE. .Tlofiiientj. t MPIIiK M TCTKI). !; AT l orktieii. GranC cal Calves 1st quality, p r pound, K.M2'ö Sloaiie State Treasurer of North Carolina. New No The joint ; lie Yokk. ember 21. The ItemhrM Cmmissioner from the I'liited lie; ordinary, 11(12-- in- s coniinon, VKdi He; w n def.-ntc- l 4'onvrre at the recent elec- aMiinjrton sfHcial Bay: Tin- - I'rcsjlilcnfa ' ,ae ami olotuloaii iovcriiiif-nt- h ive ferior 13 12 - , ons-ruth- ; i2 fr ex-p'a- tii.f'ic lii tiis rlare that k( r a.'re-- upon .rixnor Bcrtinatc a umpire. One i 1 I 1 sheep e . . . I I and Lamb Extra, head, oOQ ir tion. . . I I t...... ?7 iu:i:-iiivi- :. "Win. H?llciii i i I. -- . siH-eci- i i i h c ier TYLGK'M 2 Wist Washington THE oiia.v in opposition to ins poiicv, imimicu aim cuij nine cast are to r? tie SO:); pi-ini- s IMK.47 (Ml; ooy.., Street, cor. MiriJvin j TRIAL OF FENIANS. ci.l-l- . ordinrrr, rü ; A meeting of the member of Dr. T 111; an.l ass, rt Is ad- - j prim ipnlly grow out ri.-t- s I tliat the I'rcso lent in favor of in of on the common, 4 :Hr ; Inferior. if.J ). novll dim DOVl dt KAT WAITINOTOsf PTREfcT. OTITTRa to n- .' In 1 j mission Collen ss of the r pr s - lthmu in -C- orn-fed. nd (iao It. op at all ( burvh, New York, wa held last nonius, - Siuthern Swine swill-fe- d. 11 .sn, rre boar, ob ... -- w me lJwbli.c: Imrt l.ulce. Th l.ar a;x-ke.- l wit I. tb tht.lt! I l.aw taiMi itmuii test oath. ! and it w a resolved t lin- - ..!.... IV V THE X . ...a ..A f..nn ...a . 1 .... rebuild the hureh The laily receipt r II. rAINi ATI.I. M ill ('in.... - .ii. .. IHU ' M.J... UW. I I llll j the Internal eiuie "saddlery ' nieiliately. DEATH OF TOM SAYERS. haC fall. II olF about l f 1ni!li.,l .l.,n .ri. i An afVmoon paper sav: It is understood in JEWELRY. hardware. N-c- There are II.inni va.' i Washington. that the tarv the Treasury Chicugo The Tammany orvaui dion 'f the Ivtno- - j a about aoolieation for "f .1urkrl, - ' Av'" nd Congress, ' HALF MILLION DOLLARS WORTH TOBE DISPOSED cant Lieuti inntcb-s- in the Ibgular Army. in his fortheomimr ('HKi.vi.o, Xovr nilM-- 21. Saddlery Empire Restaurant, ' t Hardware rratic party last nuht iioniinate! John T. siiilici.-n- The unpleasant w her the 7th annual r jMirt. to appropriate a sum Flour dull. OF AT ONE DOLLAR EACH. llodtuan Mayor f New York, und i ti.r- - VERMONT U. S. SENATOR, JeL.-iinen- l paradinv as a of inoii.-- to pay oil the national t in about , . irm guard honor 2-- .o. J3 ortl llllnot NtrsSfrl. fr ' Wheat declined the mark t closing to Lieutenant (.t u r.d thtriy year. at Without reg.rd to value. 5ot to be paid fur until joa man for Corporation Colin I. ir.int to..av, a pro. '.1 ss .No. 1 I 1 (HJ , ?1 for an tfl(H for No. 2. know bat oo aro to rccilve. I.s.-- .'. j AND ' The Presidents instructions to Provisional orn st-al- ; Dale 1, 55c Colon l Gilbert, late of nn resiment, e at iö for No. and for thio (ieiural tirant isiud the Post Ollk-- thi Governor Ferry to continue to a t as state No. 2. - - Splendid of ! ha accepted an otll from the (iovernm nt f ami leave th.- itv ie- 1 Iiitt Article. Oysters and xvortn Carolina Stato Treasurer. "'minfr. without anv - executive caused some embarrassment. It at qui. t at 2!(ij JTJa'f for 1. all kinds of Game. C lutubia, to make a survey of NYw (ir nada, ! moiistration, this all riuxiii. propo-c- d that the (iovernor .lame L. N. All to be Sold forMi: DULLAH each! t 'I'l..-lirs- t l bt, I'rovi.ions dull. nillin-i- iil.ili,in Ih- - imm-diat-!- . iir...i .ri... at a f a car and j ns,-- irr, shall lnaiigurat'd aflT Ilighwine dull. 310 Maile Bote 20 to 130 each. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. talary J t.t paid. g f wall medal for military nurit will l made the ni.-etin- of Congress in n gular session. Freight linn. 130 do with Reil and Cal- - The pirate Shenandoah has In 11 hainbal thi euning, at the 22d"i: giment armory. Beceipt tlnet 900 to 300 do Choice Wines, Cigars and Liquors fAKOLINA -ix Flour, Wheat, ."H.sho; SOlTn LEGISLITI'RE. e in are 'Xpeclcl from (icneral IMKKMKW IT.TWF.KN MXKKTAHY M'Cfl,- - 500 Silver TetnoU and CflVe Crm. 20 to 10 do over to the Ani riean she IlooLr. l corn, authoritie, and may i I.M.-I- AX1 AX AOK.X T OK SOUTH CAKOt.INA. 4,oo; oats. ai do CbaQng IHt.be 30 to UK) do - Governor Fcnton, Asoinwall nn.l s oo.ISdif JAMES BA3ET. tl Ik- cxpe.te! at New r C'lonl hipni-nt- Flour. a,(s0; Wheat, rn, Ico 20 ,York. ll oflWr j :.. ,I'ni; do to W do other. Wasiiixi.ToX, N'ovf hiImt 21. W. Ii) Ilcber II. Trus. 2..' U; MJ i oat, V3 tto with Kal vers i'OtO to do to-da- f-- r 1,7'. iyrupt'up and crew unconditionally r lliirh tide prevailed v. Agi'iit Carolina, had an inter-- j hac Un ami the lower odt. South . - 30U0 do Goblet and Drinking I portions of the Ibx-dod- . .v crtb-- view to-la- y i .bli- - r recently PAYING OFF NATIONAL DEBT. city are ing with the Svrttary of tht Treasury Cup. 3 to 60 do CLOTHINC. Two were murdere.l In in w place hieh la rue piantitie of nur h tn-li- on subject contained in the follow ing b tte'r MKk .Mnrket. SOOO do Caatir IS to dO Jo m IIotn An.bron.lllc Iiitrit, South ('arolin.i, and) are stored, thereby aitsin much damage. a'blresso.l to the Fnitt )l Mat Tax Commi-- 1 WIO do Fruit, Card and Cak - Nkw Yokk, Novem!er2I. SO SO .viral an- charged U ing cn-ncetet- l Nearly all the cellar on Wa- siom In .f In- - Büket to do citu'it with West and Suth r that Mate by the Commissioner - - . Itevt-ini)-- : The follow ing bid on mining stock 000 Dozen Silver Te Spron 10 '.'0 tt r and Front street an- ov rib. vv-l- doing tirnal j were to dot. hiiif- witL the criuo. urunr.K to-o- Olot of siuahvais. rat'le to goods made in ltostoii toly : do do TabI Spoon aad icv Storo datiia'e there stored. WAsuiMiTox, Nov. I '.". Fork! SOto 40 do v. 2, Central. C. to-a- :ii; A i I Ih- - giv But few arrival Full. 2ly; Franklin, prand cuimer ban.ju t is to eti HancM-k- . 3; 350 Cent'. Oold C Gknti.k.mf.n : I am instructed bv the S.a n- - 12,; Ile Koyal, 1.1; (Juin.-- , öo. Hunilnf K. He CO., - E0. r 100 SHARK hortly at Toronto, to w hi, h larg- numU-- sV, Im- In- - Watcbei 30 to each. a of Ac V ., Ac - tary of the Treasury to say that - nb-- Tin- l.llinlt and llavi l ight. l. tmit. ly 5230 I.vdie' Culd and Enameled pr mill, tit biisines, tu. n of the Fluted M itt s Irlzr ostjioiiiiig the sale of lainls frlireet Hunting Cae Watibe 33 to 70 do AtlivNY. .November 21. Bv I o'.-bf- s tin- - - this t.ivt in iiisurre ti.'tiary ts, and W ill be iuv it. d. The topic to Ik- dicllss.-t- t are morning lilri. 300 Oent'i Iluntlog CaM S:vr Later from . a gi at roughs had as.em-ble- d ln retofore eonimuiiicate.l to you. w as int. tided New Advertisements. Watcbet 35 to 70 do 79 Wntliluulon Street, re. ipnn ity . u - at rv.l.f J. II. SMITH CO., nl in. nt anaN, etc. the Mls.ni. hann.'th K. K. b .t, to t ike to embrace all lands of whatever hara t r or 200 IMamnnd Rlors 30 to UtO do llt - Al-Hlii.lii- tirl the speoi.il f. r m S j.HNi 4 n Ictull of the litiui, train the ne of the anticipa- situated in th- li.tri ts. u (iolj Vmt and Nrck Cbalni.... to 3 do rinirs.liv at iru . light. LTii.-tt- - - 3oo0 Uval Band 4 S enuig, Mc'i.krs Cnr rcttpontleiice!.The e ted pil. b tween Pavis and but will thin f.re post on- in. I, linit Iv sab- WANTED. do llrareleU to do Wlole.al dealer In w.-r- j mir SINN) lt .t. r. t hi. ago, n f Mrs. mIjim I tin' on 1 bliM-W- Jot and (iuld KraceleU Cto 10 do .va II W1JST WASIIIXOTOX .ST, the I'irnlr Slirnaii. joli,' band in arire iiuiiiImts and of lots. and house in' tow n I riull'tic . the K A d tt I su)-r- K-a- T A S r D n ln:rlliZnit Boy wano-- office, 2000 L'batelalii Cbaln nd Guard t rv.ti's bn tit, that lady bliv rtd ab tigthy doah lirulli 'om the Fr id. nt f the sus.juehannah w ould .f S. C and ad ili . to tal.e place attbi. t (ci.r who lit. worked at the a hurt Co lim 3 to 80 do , j Nkw 21. io t b the chart n d g... n.-x- t bunes .ddress, in B,-- 1 YK. Novinlr The following train and the regular on the 7th of I'lfeml r 7000 Gol.l to . Mr. Lit lb hi', attack n time preferred.) ISook Appli-cau- U Solitaire and Broorhe.... 10 do I - - : to and Work. tto ..rei.-- n, , , l,av- U- n-- w s.-n- t , Jul Indlannpoli, Ind. n bv train as and no was I I VK.VN. K K A M V 1.1 t.-r- . .,taui.l train AITK .11 A I ITmerald . . upon a. tr.-..-- ' ivol I.I.K llsKI l"s. mut by Ad.tre.K, 6S Opal and Brooch... 4 to 8 do un.l ,i, The house n st :iin r f : out ii iiVI.k l h- - Ltrru. Hames. Chains, Whips, the hina until k. pi in. ipals witli I BALL A 600 Mo.a c, Jet. Lava and Florentine , The S. Colins at Marseilles r jM.rt to the HtTCHI!fsT, wd.tl. and the was enthusiastically j Hy t.lcgr.tph to iic. n from Loubu-(b-rryth- e some fii. reach. Fspalance, I. Kardrop 4 to ) r l.v ntow tiis hohane t.ite Ih pai tnient tlie hol. ra h:i ly 022 tt j Herald. do - that ntin . 12th. A th- - cv ning b li. tin- 7500 Coral, Opal and tuiert'.d Kr- - Tillen cd dealer la R'dy aftja apj'lau supplement of Loudon e'iuity. lat and some ve tight Fass.-uge- MFRCHAKT )iitaiiis is now L'oing although a lisapj.eand fr. in that citv. going tr.p. 4 to 6 do Lent' IuiMLii. Oooda, Iata,Cpa, 'r'ii.vffc further additional corrospoii-driic- e on, obl rain has Ih cn I j , are prepar. . Ih l east iroin Marseilles now have unobstructed 40) CaLfornl Diamond Mb 2 SO to 11 do UOKSi: 11LASKKTS, COLI.AKS, Tnii.. 'l tt ault e.ory cmetoeaer The iti us i t -- twi n Atams hikI ;us p lativc t falling for tioiirs.lt Is und. r.t.xi.l in Hrt I n f Washington are luudi passage with their baggage to Paris. CRICKET. 3N o!d Fori and Vent Witrb Ky J 60 to J do tb.t calls, .. and qaa'i'y. 1 the tlcparture of r f. r lite N circle that the fight ber n posfponiij C. AX, tl, tr. i at the attempt of Black publican cmi. nU from po,' hi 4i K) Fob and Vent kit.bon Mile. ... 3 to do j Kr. K'ihi'i mi'iiier, u prej,ra4 to cat lb l- l:iis,-l- l - i A A G AVI . . laivl not. r. the :.r.'iiin. nt and until Thursday, and will not fought in this IUI KI'I Kl. MATCH E OF CRICK KT WILL KK I'LATKD 30tO . Hlcev a'd (out. to urArt nn U'jrt notk-e- an I front th w.U tn. in'- - vs f . n.-r- s n-- ro sutTrai;-upo- . y I Solltalr Buttooa, tt f t.. tiinist no stat-- s Ih l 1 it betwern the mender, of ndianapoli etad-.et- d f mmmnttr supplies inorati'liinis showing that st, ps robin ri. have ii cmmitt.-- A bid fr furnishin? part-n- tbe c S to do CiirryComliMniid IIrn slips.. lol svrtmrtit of Cluahs. an Ve.ttL., w.-r- (rket Club, at ifroun.U we.t of tbo Oil to an c tli. and .f rty-hohh- taken to j r rve by the thieves and tnob. f Ihe 1 tlilr Fair .TooO Oo.d 4 nuke elrrant mit f Mh. in, tn uiv the prop neutrality. and the people of Ab nt Army with I, barrel No. 1 Thimble. I'encll, etc to do . liruumN. M;ket tel at I o'cl.Kk, precie!y. All iL.ti't fail to call l 'o. II we.t are The London V.-- that it i imp)is.iblc oanv ar stiinevv nut t'ourat?lo h, has b. n accepted: alo, 1,4"- - 1'nkiO Miniatur Locket 9 5 to do Wa.B'.iir0 atret. anxious that Charter shall ai.irml mniilM re reqicMrd tob (.resent. i A i.l f tb-u- OO0 qnalt.y ar cn hand Aimrii-a- .. :i, 1 r 1! g.".. do do Uarlc RprioR. 10 to do i:i"i'r (ir4 a.U. at4 at - for the rr.ni. nt t barrel No. at from to lo noT-.Jd- 1 Is- s,irr-nd- . . . - abandon the ?lo R.STKWAKT. vrry low Th. will protbptly and the g..v f tin- 1 ) Gold etc.. do , ci.'aoi'r wait4 rnuieiit claims f r the depr tioiis f the Alabama, I 11 Totbpick,Cr,st, St JSli'iiijj;-4- 1 rts. lt. bill nit of T) iik' hurrh I KW I0OU Plain t.old Ktr.-- r 4 AxIph, on an cannot b. au.td frern th Iber. p'.i.-- ! lr. vi:i" to do Yrly di. itv Up K f-- r r fiKAXTKi. d in in f a Board of t in but it is tpuit jxissible a Gov nt to ne t . p'aj-d- . Bovl4'tw-41j- . rtinu ne oi name) lOW ütona Set and glttiet . . 2.;oto i 1' -r- P.itg. do ,, I - y 11 nothing. t Ix thing, w - ,'"t are now ant.-.l. and lb. inissi r t.. app.-int.-- by th- Fr id. nt. ti. must prepare Nkw V..KK. Nov.ni!r 1. Tin- i w.h..ld-- . FOR SALE OR iH) Lbaed UoM Kin;. 4 to do - . s RENT. . Ih- I - Vtlorn v ..off.... Ih r.'!i.-v-- - - told that t!i. t nit' d Mutes. ill a !.ate no TsTIr. mi s ( l,ur.-- in. t last ni lit. :n.l bus ti in- California In amend Kin- 3 to do am 1 j.-- t - t I 1 1 w t ilv ( r.iTET , id - 73UU kmtieli:i)Li:tiii:k v i . if-bui- pressure pli. !.(!, n. to t s 1 s ft w ith an of its d man.!, :;nd ill rosrv- the right ) to tbe bun Ii on tin- .d nn..r.i vf the f aj ant Hete Lailea' Je w!rj Jet and COMM ISSION M ERCHANTS. nr.-r- . ing - Gold 13 ! of th. but tin- 1 M,s-sib- - Sto do arti. w l.i. h r. . N w in. still when temper site, with :is httle ov r , : le. it- VV I VV II ft' ITH Kit nr! tppt .tr. d in the - ex n.' f Is ASKING i - 'AltlX. 9000 Ladiet Jewelry Cameo, ' ftlie Hsq.c cnlmcd, when r Hi.- tK Au w auaroa-rca- , . 1 - ctnin. has .r'.in and l.s k will st about wo. aa. L. wa.r.waraow. i rk in r iti. u i tin- lull-- w - Tri'-unr- Pearl, Opal and other tone... . 4 to 13 do M.i.oin, had tint- ton-dee- th-tw- vv The ' .1. F.. the links whih bind i.ui.N.. Ali :id.litioii:i sV.".j..N re sibs, ribe.l sKial say. Iavis, 1)000 Oold Pena, Kilter Extension t ! - l:t-- . in it d Mr. i: in u t!i:t a n as nation tog. th- broth, r l'.btl Iavis, from Peta-t- i rtrati. th.r. when memories of in als.ut :n hour for tins i.urjs.sc, ami a eni- - inn bter HoMer and 4 to 10 do y. s. - 1 ii- - i .ri-- war fade int.. p w Ih- ,i.-po.itt- , - - Alabama, lias appln s. iry. r the f . ti n .lue a k otl to hi the ,.f, th. n ill littl. was point, to r.- iv- furth.-- eon tri made ation to OR SALE HXJ00 Gold Pen and Gold MennUd .i:i. ii:iii:voisi: to t- 11 . nun' 0H KKTT. TO A RKSP05SIBI.K lw u nia-l-l- e Tb.-wor- U-- for 1.1 Holder 6 10 i Is- .. . t -i im..rtiiuate. but und. bution .f r. buildin- in ül' l'rebleiit tarlon. and the restoration a to do 'old i. Mr. i:. s,, it.- . will - Moss, "cuidirt .Haiti.-.- nt inee, of his pr..M rtv. 1I- eoinplaiiis tliat at tli.- ad- - 1'". 300) Geld Pena and Oold Exten Tow, Curled Hairs, &c., &c. STORAGE, FObWAIstHXO AXD )! . ln t !v . t !on. I i 1 - v Ho 13 to 33 do and oil"! i; M.ihoiicv lie A ' '". "iiii.!i nt ly dismiss,., th,- A t b v ane d aire of four score vear be ml Iii fam den .u j.po.i. in' tin an f,.r tbe relief 3oO0 J, - i: I Gilt andjat Buckle.... 6 to 13 do ,( a- - .o. Saloon Ladle' publish) un I,. ! ss, .1 AI at. ,Ii- , . b.-l.- ily are :i and has ,.f the tin that the una claims a - Ib.- Uli. ri Mir 1..S.I.J,. f th.- nth w ill in destitute otidition. Illtllnnl Itooni. 3oiO - I, do do Hair Bare , ' r-- Cien'l lerehantg - 4 Order by r.ct .au..- ,f war the t w . at tin Vend) Musi,-- ve-- mall rill prmpt a'tentlon. Commission .i.'i- a r iiisjin t - tnv of l'.rMikIvn, v-- 3 10 emir of man tli f a nth ltwen countrh lliis l V In ote of the In l . .i. andBalU . .. to do ! Ml Hl'KK NilMFi:. bet kcatinni iha riir aa 13 i:t it w 1 v , .ii.-t- dot dim soin. thing ill t .l nin-- r. of from inin." trutthat A . an ,ie. fl.3ro to 2.000 per month. 8at af.ctory Certifwte of tko Tarlon ar.klei ar Brut pat into bring the ii.put.- to an abb- .. I t'oluinbu. i:ivs I f.-- ami. Ml. m. tit. he exfirninition f II. t". h:ir-- f.. btr raon wl be r rll.t(j. ad,re P. O Box 219, ne'.ope, ap and mixed ; and when ordered, ar For th Pnrcaa and Sal of f- i . tnls-r-s rlen r it ne v hi. h .,v Ih- - ( - f the tniir.b r of two soldiers, nn of the or ed em in no ot!,. r .Ii w ith oinj.li. ity in the lion's,- ca.l at No. lJti ea'.h Llinoia treeL eo.21.' j taken oot wltkojt retard to choice, and nt by 'iistoni frauds. r .' dlw nail, s. .1 , t'. Maine V..unt-e- w ' Of I.Ci:islMlt p) It w. ubl U t. rtial li.gra. if h t n a.lj..urii. .1 until n. t Tuesday. . w tirt llnrinn nt. " tbn civina; all a fair cbano. Oa ron-tp-t of the cert .fl. Usls f I'rorrrd. in-t- in' t.ov MUSIC STORE. GRAIX, FLOUR, LARD. BAOO!, WUID Gov , - rnni nt prop rty at Frowns yoo wUl e what yoa ar to U FRUIT. IIS rum. tits should tli. ins. U . t. tbe :! ii) ' t't!n- oiiiis. I. Mt s.rs. i'.ra.lv A. Frry, for Snleor Kent. cate, ho. and then it at una!.!- - to tin. J ;mv a i.l-i,- t . j And) r)'ii About a dozen eitiz-- of ""OT HATIMi MY jroor option to aend tb DolUr and Uk tb article or A5D rEOOrCC GK5IRA.LLT, -- ! - - but ' titn't. RtNTID RESIDfCCK NO 105 SUD I ir.-- v. p- , r- i iit.-- nof e.n-ern-- l i N r tili, its p: . - - in North (i- tbua obtain a Oold Waicb, IHa th. ir di:b r. n. .; but i a jiuiui-n.- il the district wre the lnur'br. Meridian atreet, on qaar rrom'tno - x" rorcbara maf tti.n- st.it. of ' Music ib-tai- Indiana -- l or House. . 1 rnor'e nond Iiinf, et of Jewelrj on our list for st, . f. r i!.e r - t! t th) w f. t!u- - - js a e w hi. h The letter . viral outra.'fs. and .say. Cirri., en eeoint o' otne aiiun1ertanli9p aaj 0B r r lnm ny f the di.adv alltags Iistiiisiiithtd Vi.itur nt 1'ot now !. ille, - - "ill :i or 1 WLLaR. - th- th.- rent it. Abo, a Piir.ofur a.ie. No. l Touiwiana . . ; ! war. Th.- I spirit of bs .nt tit prevails St., Ii. f f f tin.Ii. s j s. i . t .. r t . t ! )f ofth)- Capt.iu and nnln. anions 5. slinil - . Ap;'7.V.. F. P. w ).f th.- nob-al- l l- -V . RUSH. K "J." r s.,. n . i. to be un ii- - i 1. Sf-n.t- nd Cent for Certincate. i ! :f. t'.-d- w w . ; - i. oii ' it r. I'l.. Novrmls r A.niy prcv h ri r. rr d ! tin- - uio.iu.i aieTaior, outli atreet. In a'.l by mail, we t'Ut Vnion .1 . tractactioaa cbarjf for tnl ti"ii d.t!i- Britis!itio rtir.i. ti! N ing.f opini. n .hnrI !i i r.i in. f ( !,i.' M-sr- t tFNTl T.I E1TI :n. hll Ojjit DfA, i ! and P.nid .r.i:iin.. . , . Certificate, pijlctt tb and do.ag miiiitl,. ii th.st t. that th. re n !. 1 poUr .. i: round on whi t!i. W.i! and n f ..lw ) 11. bu-tne- teih. of IVnnsv IvanU. N'ov.-in- l h.vrl-- s each, Di-- A. .TI. V " ! 21. tke cen'a watch I be ) t I'nit)-)- ! - r White and ti rnriueU CO., . (' vi. v . Iti:HA.TI Al.iltj provi!.- w.i- - oilld lin. tatrs K, tiu- t arriv-.- ! ll.n t Mn.isi, f.r tixin.' mti.liui tnniissiorit i, vv to-.l:- th Fl r. iv, wben wUl . i.l l t .. . .. V - - Mioha. I t'ollins re at- NOTICE. cmf3cte Centrale bo i ! . ll 1. 1. a o - f.r ii ! .1 : . - th-t.i.i- ..i iv arrtel. ihaa. in M:. v j sjH.i,. a- f r t. i diti,' in imrr i.an i.us u. hit.- t.r.l in.. ruin.: for the jiiirjH.s- ,.f Ufort?; 30for5; lUOfor $13. . .. h . n tempting to p.vs purious ne hundn-- dollar A LL I F.R.S0NS aentfrl; win. is publish.-1- In r.btV.i.-n- to .r. jit!ie middle o:il m are hereby warned cot to Lrlrf.r or w want agent In Reg In n... I10U)C aarta, s:tv: ii!in: lVm,.iii. - . Am-- tvery ment, an! UftlO it rtaannoa, ro f r r. iti.-- i" . . i w , .f bi!l n til.'l-.- llaiik f Frovid. n.-- tru-- t At.n M. lOrnfr luaiaiia POlP. runi i;ip tiu. as I. i I f .iind mv !f in the tb- . k und.-- the r th- - lÄ- -- th; Thev 1 C. Scott. r any Itter on me ever? town aad tountf In and An and ht.s aupi.v f Headiuz fn-t- 1 rr... thCantrr tkM .ir ' h New Y unt! a will pay no debt r. t v : i :.I t r f . rp-rati-- ; s, n nn v d l bi-- 1 hail rk. ; contracted In my nam. a euch will be a.lowed 10 cenu on or- - aUor a! u one far fr. in th rdmary ehan:i-- t oiupani . Id y p a. hod yiotnit ( ar-- . - Try eeruflceto i F1rt Bank, Indianapo'.la. It' a.ier ILl flate. S. T. r,Tt.AA ! btaiai . - ' 1 ä SllTT F.. B i.-- - f-- - f onnn, r e. in k- v ini-- htlb.m kir Mmiti.n. Alford Co, f r t!o l i f ..ni- - th- d. t. tion and lis, Hu- ne .f this aw -' tun.' n.vonij. d bv nuniN r f A MUU'KK. dr4 Wbol.. (tracer, IadUnap:ia. ..mj. - it cer-tiiea- , ii-i- -o, 1istiTv.-uih.-- On. Dollar. l!l col'ect 23 cenu for A A ii.-,- I w s . , .l . Areata e.ery .frd. Ta.M Co., r- ward rlr. must in nets n m" jthia .I.i)-k.-n- lHiarliii-h.-us- bote.ale lad sanaaolla . h - . .- 1- I t r t f ntl. in. fr. Fhil i, - 13 pt-Slain- p. I I Grerer. f t!.:. . u iid Me he lh- - ' ini.n a ke. j r. and rem t rent to a, eitber la o Croa. an 4 M re W boU-u-l. war until itsM. f j,,,,,.. N w -n. Ib-adi- - .i Cut an c., irrweara. f ...rk and At eurrv' pn viousjy announ d 1 bhj PKIA3 BROS. V CO., A Co , I s. p-- l bavins hi skull Musical Cni!y, Wii. tv-- Merchandise, P the siirt. bv t!,- - t an-- l I. r.itrs, .f the Iba. lin' l:.nr..-,.- ,. COMPOUND INTEREST. njvSl Um 3 Liberty Vtw Tork C. W.Mn-th,i.1,Ge- t.-- . t'rai turcd by some unknown ssas.in, tt., Clt. B Tb.-ltoit- t il n f T.-d- .iv !iol this Fre:(ltlretit,C.M.C.aL un.. t..u,i. ,.t th-ll- at - j th .blit. t!i rimi) und. r . made. the part v hav , n- -t to rti. i.t n vd in niornin.'. Two am n. Van n A. Inl!cjpo:ia. . voiU.-ries- . named F.ur itu-rio- w us ;,n. ü. u- - V ! ' ,irit n ts.thn; the Compound or i:vi:itv lAcStn BUla, Fiq , Cea. Freljht Agent, Bell, lt.J - Vr' !lrf and Twomblcy. who da. k Interest Aotes. tA.nu:. rabn,,!,v IrH rV"'.1 ! with n. ins . i tie- i I . l.ar.bd Inbaratx-li- .I. r e:ii.- n dUap'K-an-- d .o. I.irto-- .. t..1 !. - n- -d th.-.d.- f Au.'-i-t- . and iinimdiately aft r the mur-- d r n ,...tJ.- until fn-t- tb- - Frit..!, FOR SALE. M. at. Laodi. Aa-rt,- T A bark ' Freight . II. Umi. Vermont I . s. n am-sts- l rtlUF. ID!A5AP0L13 ERA5CH OP TBE BANK OF Ei).,0b. ft. v ,. imm.-tia- t. fr,-i- Senator. r. have Ut in Sew York on u R . mxt.tt Uln. ord. r :ul:i and lv t,-,:- i tb Stat will pay prem-ar- ln.1n.ap;. li.. i.! firth, r in.. n. Nov piciou. I tb. hlehet ra. on ail H. ! -- , t Iil CoBnpoood Note, tlay, K.i , Secretary, J.fJeraotiTin X. R - - M. ' .Meommuni. ,V with apis-inu-- ,1 la'ere.t beaniif daU AUo, best Wkoloeal. and Retail Aronta for Jff.r- "' - ' huhiu h tl.A"?,. ,T rate paid lsv. Or:T.. " :U"1l" Ir,ru 11 w irVMl'HKKY MVKSIULL IN W oaGwld aad Sileer. A' r...iv.-- tr.m th.- - A. tin - d-- nie IV urt II..,,. Luke V. Fol an I. f A! AMIINi.I t5dlw D. M. FARM FOR SALE. irl'oTeepoodenco oüeltod. w. i. TAT LOR, Cadt'r, : aosl dta .1lrl.T va.-.m.-- Knnlxp-A- i,.r .1 U'vsiiiNi.iKN, v Nteln fc Soh'bv, .u.-ri- -- t nil the 21. Humphn-- in r i..!i. u t s. 1 i t t hiisbury. in the Sti- NovinUr raj Co., I.Ii. r" National I ill litlv :'. r a i n. d- - iit in law F.. i nte, n d by the 'ol-- f- Marsh dl anioin; the aN ,.f thosV M - - death f ."senator t Utet arriv n ntl other 11 rat at irv r k'uidanr.- in ih.- i- h- - tin) :ri!:o tii .t tip re f the future r.tr t. - w nl--r,i..- I. .'.i.r t'ttiiu' nniia.'.- .'ud.'e I'ol.m.! i. ..ne t f the wrre iuot nt in the n. - t di-- p - abltst bvv. - ni.-n- I BILLIARDS. !. ii- and tm il .I .f th.- v.ss. I. . 1 a ti.'i. :u In is.in..- : f -- . nt found in aj-j- MERCHANT jii ". - rs the t.ite. an his TAILORS. n- - uth-riti.- - intmr nt inv.s NKW V'.P.K ne. iifiir the :ibl.- n.-ra- l CtLLl:tTnR,m. - bii! .1 :neti jr s .tisf.u ti. n. . jurisdi. tiui iu all r hit-- b-- - -- ! O un.b-- w b .i. GOOD FARM, IT S Itnm di lv s, ..Uet A containing 42s; A it. d Ib'ii. .b lin V Tbe apiK'ir.tniuit f t tor for the Fort f a. acre, within three P I Ch-- - I'i.rjs nt f r. I !.- i,.-- , rui-i- n . s. firt - caaioaaa. I r. . t- of on j Vili. of j p. l,i' and s,.ii-.- b r t;rs,- - ri,n. New York is n- t.. U-for- a.iiuiT. mile th city, th pike. A tmall New ry f r the i .tu has - t .Iiisli.-- e likely W made the lluiut. LXtu Billiard Hall. I l.rii aii- inbsl hi f f the ' . u aad Orchard on preauae. ! v r. - I :i I itlfie. II. .. . tnts-- C'.nn-s.- tbo Price tjfr4 pr r ti bv uoi ..s jusiin.si in 15-r- tinc of IV .TI. Oosv-thi- itd ji. ih. .lestroviii stud rttt. NIVIII.MIAKX A aero. rd V - Judce htilo,v. down, balaaco t accoomodatiog Ut Ageeu ill T.j t!ie I. u i;i 1 vi ' 1. 1 t p., v t'urt. tO Ua f tt f "i.i 1. v,i on bvve t.-- Lit r wm cuy proporry. ur's. v i Urn proin. It.LNr.ss or ;oY KKNi It II iLDKN". um. i.r iaqmr at 7 ship h 'Uid r. n-:t- ' p.. t. X. Tb.- i rt to Iii the i. v i ..ii Ball, of OOLD H in.-tlo- - .i:i t.i.vern. ti,.n. 4 JPEL5S. I n-.f- Tprac in '.'.Ii on ...... - -- i. . i . n wa i ;..v-ti.- f. n ii. e Inf. nnati. v. d that T Merchant TnilorK, Estey Co.'s Organs, i frr uuiii..ii- .iriNMi ii. learn appointed iiir.... - l.v .. 'iuui !ls Nr!l tilth Ju.li-- of the ld. tlav l r.turn.l ,. ju.ii. j.in ,oin. th. aul if without foundation, to iij t . si.tnt lb n.t f North Carolina, is ill at Kab i.'h. A5D DI ALIUS VU ALSO, . . .i!r. r.:iie urt. inn:. :. I . i 'I. mi'" n I. .r I- i- .,. r the Lip, witli and sip-p- an Ta boat Reed t&treant la a j! tliif br .trtrf. PECISIMN tF THE f f M R LLLK UK CI E- - a. the Ih. I. to the Unti-b- . t.. v I r Appointment by ;o . n GEMS A Tery valaabU Hoc, and Lot GEM 1ULLIAIU) K003I. Holden Krxtv. FlRMSimC GOODS, ca 3frU lölnot. atroet. TZTSW 1. ii h üsposdioa s l ) Tor th Suoot Baaroai Llaei paw our Stört it pr. N h tale or and ti. t w ihe'il ni jx. r. Ykk. NovemU r 2I. The Kab u-- lctang for a (od fana Mar ta city. , . It has Us?n tn-lle- r ota- - i &a . a . bv awUd"aa. !!-- - The was t . . . . l..l.i..l-traak0.i1.l(.- . - the CotntI t f Prtc 13,ouo. lui urrndns the l,!!! .Ifil all IIIII l.ot u : v. itrr-nc- 'o. 2i Koutb ferldlan n ' ' Street. ta. v . j.iuicu me I t Indi Anieri.-a- t .n t l.ajh. h sitiMY, ,n r . T i . .tnt- :.i k..,... - , A bid t.k f.mial lr. Wm. o, ..I. .sr.iir.TT k.. ' i napollt A now Boa between PennryWania and Delaware o. 9 Yrt WaohlBC' MtrtL. am. ,- Ind. li.l.tu' a.j to in. . n.and ,.!.. -. b-- r und. r w " V- ' bot --czva rj rat lt Opt. Fr.v. un r. and that be ill ,nb r Vor ein'ula, - i troet. Oa of u. tulit and mot HOTELS. Indi atiaj lis Irtsur.-o- s nan .bs:-tin- . .1, r't, ths, 7. . tin of Ut coaTint inj.arn . j nlacrtwcf Lis,.wn t.. ,f M. .t ii... i i." Nnat Roc In th city. Urg Lot, aad good Oat-a- .. i,v - !., - Ne-- 1 i, W v ot- . . Vr ' . 1 . . III De ."1 t ',. sl the sMD to " , ...... Tvz.r.: -s . s...uianon l.sUtHl uisjntUe- Pric a f acti'-iiaiiii- a,j0J. - ' l..rk Aii'aAT iLiit'iiasiainiiii-- ' biihiii tr .... .a. . WM. . Tolil r lb-die- DELL'B ftittJ-- iv. pulli-- Is j -- r -- V . thr t d. ad. cf He was f..rY, In iinl thVlr ril'or FOR ..in in r.uu .ii t . n?-n- the iuh t Tf ralrn' SALE. ,..t, w a as.-- I 1 ALSO, r a. hin.' Ii, -- -. ,n ...... , I i.r....i. l.i. tri... 4i t .1... I UMON ju.Ju-ar- t . ii.ii HALL, HUP TABLIS, rn to t:.r .. . . ti .1 ... nil lll.l BCSHIL of riaaterlLg fialr la Waaklnr-- o 11 Uiflf raelaaCoablaatu. rr.i Cominitt.-- . ... a s - - TI,K a!a. lau ivtstt, appotlu th Coart RcSfo, Coa-u- iiiiiuiiilu(. i. rii vor' liar.- j "SE"' fl fi fr ta euy. a prtirrin to vu- for a rvntltnait who had CulXTEKFrrr riFTV cfjct ill " - SIX TaH.a, tb boat U. a tw ".' )ju on .xott. mKhmm- PP'7 to ta A aaaabor of good Boaoea Lou, at arte Thf viiit, Jjoumrd k ttXtT t. nc in a epe a. he lletott 'it aai ranging Iadlanaiolla. lad. ly lecatrd, aad aaay of axs, awtag oa tao groa4 c! tj, wuic iv me memory i i l'alni-rsto- n froa Mttt to IU.no. If TO wast rood baraelaa aal THOIOCQHLT iiovn. , , .V" . cicviau, . vae cent LOUa F. LA3T5AT A CO, accoamodaCjig RX50TATT5a AS EJLARÖ-t&- t tooe. . tü tb. U.t r ..r.;t, Vr coiua titv rracnonal cumner ha Untw o uns, call BT y I otegaat Bar tiackoJ, whkh U rcpplloi .s.s..vu v. lu, vauiuet, ce , Ukvtj.atfD. tü oath. . aad of It, Doar taa Corporüa kern, am enabled to oSr aar gau a Aa tta ctlred at tü Trcaiury lparunt-nt- ccn-- 1 Wt Lla. oold Eomys. It u dlw BOT31 toavfvrubl hoava. Rau par day. ckitcaLio.a.raaadC'cara. ?pa dy aad aight. arrtl tti Ma. ? flaO. I'- -. m . Iara&a aVorSltUa Wa. AJaUX. rToprMtor. BO13tUf