LATEOT .IKHN. r NOTIONS, ETC. A 7 l ! clM at New York. jet;nlar, at 1 46. Stock i Immense The rvj'U'.ttkn of St. I'aul. .Minnrvd j, FHE INDIANAPOLI BAIJL MEIRAJLB Th'" lailj ree. ipt cf tb Internal Kevetiut at litre fallen rff half a million Jf-lla- VOLUME 1. INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY MOKXIN.G, NOVEMBER '2'2, 1SG5. Orneral nrtm lTril hi t-- - NUMBER IS. Urdaj, but it wm iK-- t aa j t.J. BALDWIN & CO.'S, e wf-r- fn-t- ; Memorial th abl : He l- - Howard int H'l r. printed hal the füll t upiiort from XHe Moriu. M.hroJ t the -t-I exe iv.nnt. rf. it CttTnl nd. to ..n make- a Li rolU-niCM- . rrei.l Xnalnalln utel vt ! hi Strtirly f,f Friend. In relation t nimiV an't with tb remark on lt New York, NorenibrSI.fr Iar Tnutiiay Hail j in ein ulati.-n- . It ran. hovrever, ea.'ilv FURS. DRY GOODS. report r.f Southern tour. x.licy, he trut-- l le frml rrnt in n lati n to tanj ranee mitt that th? country wmjM IloBinan .rjiiyor.anu inon tlie original by theroh-r- - VtiolrAle rL'ht; a!o r, n-i- .b f;.-Ion- allow andntlall I CMi-man- time to rr r the I (t-m-ra- l A1- - rour they for Corporation 'tineil. j an. the M'.T.aturt' 1 ! notorious, a r-- l onht Hubbard II. Cionnan of Spinner. J? U JX I JLV Earliest and Largest Judr and th r r.f the ".b!iT f law; w hi' h - O U O to arul to-mpi- u- n r.uru. he fhouM ati hr the nrinH- - J iT. i tx-r- ocat? the Wlrz ha rclirns,!. pW- - If jrale continue wun rain. i :ai t. nivin omit tel. The - tf ('onimiif'i), wer f to rinrnitt-- of Iii Ufr. The fioTemnient - i - ha- ff rrl apj'r"jriatr lenel it The Meamer Italtic. for ApinwaM, Mi retary - .l ti a!tr the crneral atrear- - ; - , h- - Ii-- ! to eon-u- lt Ten aym, th- I'iijrili-t- l A bill, prof e more fffertually the ;r;l"y th wUhe of the people, i means i t iue preMi.im ir.v nev, AltltlVAl, or bl; tin? dti. U- - ' fr .ew inu.inu "' iueoi nonai currt Gront an.J t r Vnriolv Store, for to ; or,l.-- f d! - rrliametit eon.ler .an Juan are anehored at iuamnt'ne, II d ld to make it - lung lo- - ! unilorin. and to i'n- vra. zen of iD'jiana from by fire, wa orler- i,ow ju-tic- e. fAf ti ir were Imu.J on i fr.-i- couub-rf.-itci- l tttr w.he He it Ix inir thp I Of-LTa- in future l rereption at w York mj to li on th table an-- thanke.l tlie American war waa ' f.ranf nl that orer, The pil.t U.at Hamet N ahore on Hty All new iMt w ill ! of th cireu- - . JDJEZTST (i , srcntack Tit It Mon-Ia- f.-- - anu Kepub-.lc- GOODS. j nlht wat a brilliant affair. A bill, in relation to the iu ari"iuj he tnite.j the now rmd from hlan.l, full of wafer. An unknown r ; utioji. j the in of laery, would jro on and proper for I dairtas-- e fie-nrra- l wa to - ashore on H rt ' l.liml. No other a baa lnliit-.- l rourt, r fTTe! the (ouimilln on Juli- rr.x-vi.vaxi- rlmr Un ,j t nturi to come. heard of to hippin?. TUK ,MT",: TO Tiir o. vi. Bxauljury st Loulunb?, for cntMnt; Mavri to riary. The I'.iilr .Wir tar: The receptir.n of f-- t r Karl Hu II .va -- KNOW MOST lrav Kentucky. A bill, protbUn? tin appointtn-n- of a at the banquet apractleal re. A Disgraceful Scene In Court. Mr. Aßliox. Novembtr 21. After iitinz VU. OJZ FACT. IlTpomD ATD FAI1CY BAZAAR. lr to the detraction til. h tat ly th niin-- . Gol kl M.adllr tlTtu-M- l fnr a.r.rt h'x.I hal pumuJ co.il party ! Matamora paper Commlh.nfr, wn to the rw 1 ORK, ovemtcr 21. In the mii n..r tin returnevl her and Uoolh aixl by Ur( early porch complain bitterly f the the fiovernment. KueH' lanruajje could i were STOCK OF FURS, or km. ar C r MTenadd. made a j Ued, wlU oüer Committee on Kduoation. Court hamU-- thi morning, Mr. Wbittaker, , , aed oar cosip'.et ttock of Imj.e-ri- al only I1 by feel j.Ie of Texa, who opmlj lnult thf ued mm who the lmjortant rilli:,tt io--h- a'ludin to the creat value of e till iii.-aur- - Jr., and John Meire?or were aproint The ktationry juHition, npain bf'iii'bt exp- t.il .f them, and their wlllin-n-- M I. i f f!a;j. ri ftat-me- nt .a' 'n lM"aro rar. tmv. Kam y. - . counel In a cae. A waBjale l.v up an-- imputation aitt u on tht- Ulm run x to encourage Ix.p-- innn Cameron. ajor JteMiehael, of Far owytalat la qqality aa4 variety ta bo FANCY AND STAPLE ! We., t'h. LxtTiMve claim fraud involving Laif a . - The .star The fffwt of the h wa tn.yao, fae,n at nif-m'r- My: a A in r-- n-n- t the jee '" lVn.al r.,U. rluti'.n r:ith an re- Wni ,V,:(I million nipi-.- ! r eneourai; inent to the caue of SVrM,WSSÄ madr spvch . dollari hare Wn in th bud by matt r va lai J upn th nent at once from the Mom and prooeeled to tabl. form. S-n- Fre-mb.- wh.-- Micrm.in thiseveninjr. Auditor A resolution in relation t th lie of It i reM.rte that Miluer had admtnWter iufiriliti punihnient th iMl r serTiadHl IfcY G New Dresa Trimminsa, ntn Iur-in- OODS, iitn bn Court directinl Mr. Whittaker to make fonnal Iurin the course of hi ijswli he said: ? 111 I - off red the of the Kirit Lord 12 - .p.s---h I opi-itio- of the AlmU It n railroa-- r nafini- n tatl that Colfax' in r aft r a proper examination apjli.-atio- t punih Mei'irejror contempt. the war. the liovrninent wa com polled j lc fl'fT&at variety, tie Urgent aa4 Cnett Uflt ta th - ralty, and that the Duke of Smer-c- would fr li tbaa any who ai.J parrb.Mr. Wo I) ft t le to IIITE, Lor Utr to the President poliey. We hall x.n a romptnt roiuoiitt- wan aloptil. re.rt to the utuxot limit of taxation ; but, aa a fc. n.i j h of War. 1 Mal, tbo Urjrt itxk f am to C'on-irre- s, ?. A memorial rwoinnini'!in the repeal ( f the I In Iloatou. h.ijpv ar. that the buine of It underttoMi that the etern I nion Tel. The Storm w i in 1,', after tsecurin? pf-ae- upon .Vo. 2 Vt$t Washington rrft-rr- - eirraiph 21, 2 p. m. A the St cor. yfnvlian. H, -- I It!ak I.a w, vi to th omuiitt.-- on ComitariT had otit raeti'.l u ilh ir Jsro.v, Novem!rr iobnt Ht-Xic- 'c-t- Th fvr iirn new by th farm-r China n north-cs- universal to relieve our-wlv- l nijfht I lietiiy, of North" Wool wich, for the laanufac- - ' t raiu rtorm prevail here, and it Is laisif lltrrtr, AOW Kull b ts.il 1m- - anJ Privilege. from t ixatiou no iiee.sary. In making hnKrtAnt. will f,und in the i o aevera on the The only eastern rteiimer lotvr FIXE SILKS, "io mioi oi uoinnrilir rauie coat. 5plend d t la O.Jt, Cryatal aasl tool The con-iderati- bill cone, lor thi we bnik to jte, f t folunin. of nate min? VtUrring MrajN an,, 5 m mj,eH of paIviinizeiJ In i the Kastern )ueen, from Bath. The naturalis tho.e eossnnwfl or IU. n articles, the hief cost of which I low. the writ of haU-- eorpu wn ailed up, and . t l"jTaph wire for land Meamer Daniel put back CO LaUr, 4'oii.Ulin;t of Another lanjrerou n- - line, Vlter I'.th. the fouudtition w ealth, i cunt. rfHt fönrr on ' The w i e The Kutahim, from Banjror for l'.os- - of an.l hould te a motion, the constitutional restriction, m u.'idie.l mail rteain n Mwmi "trainer from cheerful-lie- Dlil.SS IIITTTO'N. I v. arc-n- fnr burden as the air. The s MV bvkln Jr.teet! the ! : a,l llk( ton, put Into for harbor. There it Trfury de., ork Portland bn UM-n- pa-,- bv W) 1. ,,rV,1 j ,? ,t0 ru . and to 'V'w with which all cl;tse i and occupation partrn--nt- ' 4 iaj t.t V aeriou marine disaster reported a y t. Fur Clonks, 3Toir Vul ipis-s- Se the Antrl.a Dura ouds Opal aadGa.net, oat. jf 9xrwxm Mantles, Jttt A.-tin- m.-- lxjre taxes during Fur That iH,rtl.m of the iovernor" u trafiic H twe-- n the war. make it doubly Kranee anl America. The h-s-- 1 Mr. Colb-jre- , the luty of Coiijres to and ejualize (at yard.) Charit Kuhn,.ite Mate Treasurer bjenblVh refer U an Agricultural j teameM, h the whi will le imila to the Jkotia.
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