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Odlandk ^ L L W I R :e i M O H i . w A M fAGT TWENTY FRIDAY, JULY 1, 196« AvKage Daily Net Press R m , For the Week Ended About Town Program in Center Park 16 Apartments Planned dune 18, 1968 Preston R. Sage of 21 Court- land St. feoently was elected On Site of Foulds Home 14,608 vwerable master of the Con­ Union School ^Bell NOTICE r*-- ■ ' ^ ' ^ ‘ J^a^/ie«tcr— City 'bf Village Charm necticut Masonic Veteran’s Aa- X 16-unit apartment complex, has not disclosed his plans for’ Boclation at a meeting in Bethel. in two buildingti of eight units the site. A change to Business MANCHESTER, CX)NN.» SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1966 h . He is pa.st master of Washing­ W ill Ring Monday each, will be constructed at 436 i n would permit the construc­ The office of tho Wanchostor Waior VOL. LXXXV, NO. 232 ^TWELVE V^GES—TV SECTION), ton Lodge, Cromwell. The as­ N. Main St., if the Town Plsm- tion of a shopping center.. sociation has for membership Jarvis, three times in 1950 ■ The ringing of the old Union School Bell in Center nang Commission (TIPC) on July j ' ' any Mason wlio; has been in the Park will irnjrk the “Bells on Independense Day” pro­ 11. approv^p a request for a and’ fence in 1951, was denied Company WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, Masonic Ordef 25 years or niore. gram on Monday. The prog'ram will begin at 1 p.m., and special permi-t, submitted by requests.,for a chapgk to Busi- . No Herald Atiy. Eugene T. Kelly, trustee. nese Zone n for the property. the bell will sound for four minutes, starting at 2 p.m. ' J U L Y i ^"Airman Robert t). ^vn es, son All Manchester Churches have ^ ‘ The apartments would be con- Three Tor Monday of Mrs. Catherine L; Byrnes of •struoted on -the site of •an 18- •been invited to join .;the bell master Of Colonial ISQ'i Center St., has been as^ Williamsburg. room house, formerly the Wil­ Public Records ^ There will be fto edi­ signed to Homestead AFB, Fla., ringing in a national ob.sdityanceobsdityan Dean I.a>we wHl speak liam Foulds . .homesleald. The tion of The Herald Mon­ after completing basic training. to' coincide witb the ringii^-ofringing;,. ••What Docs Independence Mean building was ^ tte d in a spec­ Warrantee Deeds day, Independence Day. He is.a 19<15 graduate of Man- tacular fire on March 17, 1964. BEGINS AT the bells at Inrl.ependence HitU I’ohav and the ringing of the Joseph R, Martel and Lillian Have a safe and pleas­ chesttHt'*High ScImOl and will be in Philadelphia. A special permit is needed for” lanes belts will follow. L. Martel to Robert Wade ant holiday. trained as an air traffic spe­ The ubsctA iiiu e at Independ­ *rhc program will end with en- ■ the Residence Zone B property Jones and Pauline F. Jones, PERO’S cialist with the Strategic Air ,;b6cauSe the lot is 3,000 squgre ence Hall wa.s'originated by the tortalnmCnt by ■ folk singer lau'hiK nh'ito property at 16 Oliver Rd. have increased our forces and The 1964 attack led Congress Command. feet shy of the required 48,000 SAIGON, Soutjv' ’iet late Pre.-iidcnl Kennedy. (ieorgeann Minder of Manches- Irene A. Shea to John b ! military power, and we have to give Johnson a mandate ’• to square feet regulations require LOOK—NATIVE! , The Union School Bell will be ter, who Will al.so lead a coin- Engaged Farley'Jr. and . Elizabeth D.' Nam (AP)— Firiri«r bombs gained, in effectiveness'. take all necessary measures in 3,000 square feet per apart­ Hot Weather Lt. Kevin P. Toomey, son of brought to Center I’^ k foi' the niiinity sing, ,M'Ss Minder i.a a i^^rley, property at 25 Benton and rockets, ^.U^S. Navy "W e have a long way to go support of freedom, and in de­ \,The engagement of Miss Lor- ment, The request is one of five ;.Peas, Asparagus, Spinach, BMt Green's, Green, Yellow Mr. and Mrs. C. Francis Toomey prograhi fn im ’The Lirtz^.Tuhrbr .S'crtibr^ at Boston Univer.sity St. Squash; Swiss Chard, Green Beans, Salad Bowl, Straw- planes sanlfc/'three North but, without question, the ene- tense of peace, in Southeast r.s\ne Blotni.ski of Rockville to lo be considered on that n-ight, of 23 Lyndale St., is .spending a Museum and officials of the mii-^ Schtxil of> Music,, where she ma- • Robert O, Gould and Helen M. berries, Boston and Rumaine Lettuce. Vietnanmse torpedo boats my is taking bitter losses and Asia.” 'This became*' known as Adds to Ji»m Hic)lard Robert Behling of all up for public hearings. few days at home while cni’oiite .seum are in charge. .Mrs. Made- jors in musical education. She is Gould to Stanley Johnson Jr., whic^.-'made a high speed suffering both physically and the Gulf of Tonkin re.solution to a new a.ssighmcnt, Sinc;e line AIcAwley. imiMcum dii cctor, a ' summer organist at Center BoltoV has b^ n announced by The others are: ALSO: Uantaloiipes, Red, W'hite G,rapes. Nectarines, Mim- and still serves a? the mandate property at 30 Westfield St, goes, Peaches, Plums, .A'prloots, Watermelons, Pineapples,, riin "^at an American de- psychologically.” January he served with the 6th is chairman aiul Walter BchuH Congregational Church, hfr parents,an'd-Mrs. Leon 1. From the Town of Man- for John.son to conduct the war. On Highways Administrator’s Deed l.'gli Fruit and Navel 'Oranges; PLUS: A C.’mnplete Line gfroyer. the U.S. command A.sked if he would say “ we Battery. 62nd Artillery in As- theis. pre.sidcnt-nf the museum's In.tlie event of rain Monday., Blotniski of 93 Windsor Ave., ohe.sler, to ain ^ d the town's In the city of Da Nang, South Fred P. Keish, administrator of Vegetal)los! have now begun to win,’' ‘ We.st- chaffcnburgrtlermany. board of trustees, will be^master Manchester’s Independence Day Rockville. ' Comprehensive Plan of De­ announced toda.v,. Vietnamese Premier Nguyen' CHICAGC (AP) — Millions of df the estate of Harry c. Keish, P'purlcen aircraft from the moreland replied, "Y es.” He of ceremonies. Hr. Frederick ceremony will be, held—in the Hei; fiance is the son of Mr. velopment, in respect to a cir­ Cao Ky predicted that the peo-Y holiday motort'sta — spurred by . to Raymond F. Reilly and Car- For All Your Picnic Needs, we have: Briquets, IJghter aircraft carriers Hancock and declined to elaborate. , . Four Manchester st\idcnts Lowe, dean of Manchester Com- liigh school bym. and Mrs. Robci-t Behling of culation pattern adopted in ' The naval battle took place 60 ple...1= of North \?io.Viet Mow,Nam ,umwill nMow.over mogtiy gunny skies sind sizzling With itsTioughest teat al­ 1963. The amendment' would ol.vn’ M. Reilly, propierty at 634 Fluid, Franks, Cold Cuts, Dairy and Bakeiy Products. Con.stellation took part in the ready behind it, the Demo­ were on the dean’s list for the nninity College, will be guest Bell- ringing in' observance of D?iui Dr,, Bolton. miles outside the port of Hal- throw the Communist govern temperatures — clogged the 'add tlie proposed Oakland- N. Main St. two-houri engagement- .38 miles Becond semester at the Univer­ speaker. Independence Day has become. Mi.ss Blotniski is a graduate SEEDLESS GRAPES .................. .lb. phong in'.international waters. It ment there very soon. nation’s-highways today at the cratic State Convention Parker 'Sts. connector- road to from North Viet Nam’s coast sity of Connecticut’s School of The program will Tcgin with a national maimer through the of Rockville, High School. She is SANTA ROSA PLUMS ...................... .lb. began when Oommtmist patrol He made the statement in an- ^ jujy weekend headed toward adjourn­ the Comprehensive Plan. The Friday. Engineering. They are Paul J. drilling and Revolutionary W ar efforts of two Connecticut men employed at prdtt and 'Whitney, NECTARINES ................................................. Ib. 2 | f^ boats closed in at, high speeds swer to a newsman s question ment today . road would start at Mill and The planes returned fire after Kraucun'a's, 64- 'IVrnbull Rd.: peripd music by the Nathan --artist Eric Slonne and writer Division "of United , Aircraft KPSHER DILL PICKLES ......................... on U.S. ships patrolling the s^-id he does not have_ any As of 5 a in hityt • Although there were ciiaUeng- •sjiakland* Sts. and would exit Personal Notices imtiaircraft gniriners aboai'd the As of 6 a.ih. EDT 30 per^ns William R. Marks, 09 Green­ Hale Ancient Fife and Drums. Eric Hatch. It..was their interest Co.rp.. East Hartford. Mr. Beh­ area, Che Navy said. specific intelligence reports to had died in auto accidents. ers to the men the party.leader­ oh Parker St., opposite the en­ PREMIUM ICE CREAM ...... Communist craft opened fire. wood Dr.; Janies C. Prentice, This group of about -10 men will which prompted Sen. Abraham ling is majoring in busincs.s at The incident recalled the at- reinforce his predicUon. He also There were no -boating deaths ship favored as nominees for„ trance to the Green Manor Con­ Navy destroyers in the area .570 Center St., and Edward be directed by Chick Harlowe of Ribiooff and.Rep. Fi;dncis Wal- Morse College, Hartford. In Memoriam picked up 19 North Vietnamese tack by three torpedo boats on' declin^ to place a ^ime limit on and one reported drowning. some of the offices on the state struction Oo .
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