Gialja^Ainc^ Sues to Rev^Erse Oty Assessor's Dectsiofi Denying
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•jysnwTf, d«i ""^i"^"/. V? '-.=rt^-'^''^.^"' • •-•••'•-•• "••^-U"!J?.-Wv..,...'..,-iU'i. J.J ... iif •>- .^;:-'''-^'-' Kinmcut equates gays with tieo^iNazis Jack Kinnicui; host of a callan talk show on WHAM-AM (1180), Idd a Tmrnf-LMmcdksntts^fiiatvf^^ men and leshians ask for equsfity in sodety, ''it's no di&tenttfaan neoNar 2is demandtr^ equai i^ita*' Kinnkrt tcU Jim Otr (m Qrr^s Oct H'TljggEdln" oolumn) *atheob- jocts to "'^ homosexual movement betxiniK^ a polhkal ftjixr demandii^ equal J^cs for an alternative Kfestyle and a£oen:f>ttt^ to give it l^idmacy.'' Otr \vas quesooning Kim^^ the charges of higptzy and g^-bashing levekd at Kini^cut fix hts Rush- Limbai^ styk attacks on g^ on his show^ which aiiswcekciays fiom 10 ajTL to 12*45 psrt, and fiom 5 to 6 pjix The Rodiester Gay and Lesbian AIDSrtmtwgdwittttmmsess. Pc&tical Caucus and concerned indi Exh&AcfASDS^tetaiedatrtat viduab in the g^y oommunity have PjfttmutC^rtsCmlmrtht^ot^N^ 7. mounted a can^)a^^ to end what they Smp^e 9. Photo byEBmMahi^. fed is a one-sided pcesentatic»i of ste reotypes and hatEfiSed comments on gays and lesbians which ^viB encourage violenoe against us. Kinnicut has stated on the air diat heoETosexuaJs don't get ADOS, and has encouraged caliets who make anti-^^ GiaLjA^ainc^ sues to rev^erse Oty Assessor's statements, \(We cuttif^ off pto^^ caOets. Uke Limbaugh whose and-g^ dectsiofi denying propetty tax exemption pro-am is also htoaiast by WHAM, Kinrtkxit takes every opportunity to By Susan Jordan Hauser diai^pd that the GAGV coukl and g^ mea accuse gays ofbeing '^perverts," "chiU In a case whidi Gay Alliance ar&ocney not obtain a propeny tax exemption be Aocxiodii:^ to Eflen Yacknin, this ibtrn mdcstors," spreaders of ADDS, etc Ellen Yackxiin has chatacietized as one cause, unlike other exernpt oBg^tnizadons, of discnminadon is blatantly unoonsdtut- A g^y listener tokl tfie Empty Ooset, of statni^ide and national sigDtficanoe, the the infbaxiadon it provkies is not "obfec- ionaL" As distasteful as the Qty Assessor *Trhat Kinmcut can mention us in the G^ ABiance of Genesee VaBey (GAGV) dve" or "'neutcaL'* Instead, accocdir^ to m^ find the ideas es^nessed by the same bseath as neo-Nazis is incredible. has asked the Si^iieme Gsurt of Monroe her argument, the GAGV talks about GAGV, the Consdtudon does not permit Ihe g;ay mavcment is ix>t a hate groif}! County to reverse thc Rochester City "sodal choii^*'Ihe Boasd simply af him to treat die GAGV diffiaendy than In ^ctyg^ys and lesbians arc ootistani^ Assessor's dedsion to deny thc GAGV a firmed the Q^ Assessor's dedsion with he treats othet oig^nizaticMis because of bcir^ attacked and killed by neo-Nazi property tax exennpdon for its Comnnajr out any eiqijanation. those ideas," she sakl "Bven tfae oourts types^ adherents of ptedsciy the same nity Oaitcr at 179 Adantic Ave, in Roch Accoiding tD die GAGVs oourt p»^ that hsve been the rhost rductant to girve litra-conservativc views that Kinmcut ester. perS|» fikd on Oct 15^ the QQ^^ Asse^or kshans and gay fiienfufl equal paotcctton espouses. And Hitler and die or^jinal Tlie GAGV nnaintains that the Qty*s of New Yoric Gty gcanted the Lesbian lights under law have fbroefliQy oon- Na2is wiped our thc Gemian g^ denial ofa property tax exempdon fer its and Giy Ccmmucity Centxa: of N.Y.C demned gDveniinentat cSsczoninadcn movement axKi kiDod thousands of Cencer oonsdtutes a viciadon of its ooft- a piopcrty tax eaempdon for its Com- lAX condnued on ]M|p: 12 g^ in ooncentiaiion camps. To equate sdtutional Best Amendment og^ to mundy C^ter under tfae same law dvK g^ and neo-Nazis in any oontExr is fire speedi and i&eedom of assoctaaon. dtie Rodiester Qgr AsesBor insists does doqjy ofiensivc." A headr^ has been sdieduled befoce noc pemdt Aie GAGV «> obtwi a prop Gay activists have met widi stadon Andiaew Sicaa»e in dhe Hd of^uBike oo erty tax csempdon. nnan^cr Jeff Howkrd; who said that EaDchaqep Blvd on No^. 19at 10am In addsdoa, the pifwa point out thac he wiil g^ Kinnacut any infbcnwion Ite GAGV% iMBuk OK^nsoed in theOtyAoBegKcIwanstend^ the g^ cximmun^ wishes to {»ovkk January 1991 ^vi«»iiiwGAGV;ai«k- tJM:ygy«gca«3aptton>^iPOtfattc^ opgmariicdqg Kinflicut^s acrta iwHs skotMASy&WesdmKttsi^^ cafc -fof m I rtiihi ilipits agidpofatt ofinew. ise suc^ iflfoinnflon is udhnovRi fbrena9i^^VoQqgWamca'k -SoiaaemSosasatkxitxjtstfenOa:, VtxsaAMoa Cable abow on fr*^ > t I I ^M •M^ V 1: 11 n •i.v. :*..^ i^ttamwaaOMttittL ttkietfMhkVdll^ <gaiiiwMriJtich|i»opNbr,2 ' ^Dw&^Mt UUHQw^B' ^t^^ik^^M |».8 peopaqr GUSV^miadSStapmaaaBtmioE, 10 Local new* coodDtted on p. 3 Mditi *•« ^ .-.. ^ wv.'AjH.'iMWlWWlBSW.*'- 2 HkeBmpfstCtmses Novcnriicr 1M2 November 1992 71W En^ejt Cteeee 3 Li: ITI KS ,^ k^.i-- -ni^ A letter to WHAM vctsity is jusdfiattoa for nrnxdo? You cannot adesiKpywtt^wo*^ fasive fialod and ^pe wco% komr tltoutt - You mqr bdieve uiyiemmkstp bar- igrifyouaregci^gtopraniott hatted and di^cqpiakis, deron tfaelystrncdorovcdydDnifltic; maoioMcett dieRocfaeattraHxxcuaiqr. 'tas- oommucdftoinp. 1 ^KOikAriaieei, iSBvefftmastHoxf being ^'MoceofTC^ some American and Btit- butlecme asKve you tfiqr ane not Hie lGdyggttd«ywst»aiaoc»nochBve aga Aie Uame ooaedi^.'^K^iB itaity at tuieipanddbattidooQ mOOie. ifae m0UB^» ainvicikn. and judjgpaeot to jatkPitmo die kamiag dat an imnate had been jaded , woBtsxxfticBBdfx faom^ and tfaen put into a camp for bomo WHAMIUdb CiffirTwlm mfltoaodtfaepailiwij^igpaitdocsn't sesflnqf; QK inqon^ CA tncse cccDni^ sexuat acdvidcs^nicdtha^jtdkiafy, a 207MklKHPnnBa pctacanati^adidandptyOTlaBwaittdiaD DIM i MUl Booccilltthel^nBddOxiitiAi- Roches)Bi;NY14604 flDyoohernanaa^. Afier conducupgoicr lobert & Ovvois, Jr., FhJ>. quesdon the €081? I ^oun flu^ Aie bbme t^Cemet; 1985BattdBd ki t^ifidd, endflit^ipip oouudFifwfinn famps aitd did . camp dkl iiQt oinsdtnte a pdson, had 400 hours of inttvinvs with rd^ous lies soBoe^rfisstbe^Meti dbe siifipiier and fiom7iD8{^it&Ar9onewfabwo^ notaucvive: qietttfivcof dieto in jailand three in a DearMr.Bdviao^ Be fair to Reagan tfae{uadMitg>^gKiii^lhntwffili^pDeskient to aoend tfae isi{xiiigaiiciidd ffiiM H i»l»» •••4.';ti»-'i «.: campl, he sdS had to finish dicse years in vicdms; die audior of die adolesoenc novd To^eeBdksx: Bar Bl loaqf Aache wiiid dstr^ his pjm. )d afo lixaadocL In atkast one instatioe, Birth announcement One of tfae attifixjfies ofRodssicr that ThDiimm^^SifbsttJctiet^ oondudcsd BfflPntdanfs aiixnn,''Bttc:wdl vorfbr!temaiffae<3odc^lDE]plttstlQthe '*We wantakBge, sifspprttvegcpifi o£ on top of ihisi^ must add diose diot in a homosexud camp detainee was gh^en a adds to die qudtty of Mfe is tfae tofecam that attadoes ifxxi tfa^ victsns occur in GOP." in October's-Bfj^ Gbun fedswewoiidbebeaeroffnowifCancr g^inAie«idicnoe,'*Ifarfaaki*<5ayau" ifae aaxied fones for homosaaial of- stem lecture by an American ookmel, in- Robyn Freeh and Jennie Bowker attitude of moscatiaaens tuwaid drvcisity. an atmoqihere in ^xMdi tfaey are oon- seemed kss of agood-byc and more c^a and Mondale had beo> decCBd instead I dietioe rnetnbets won't be identified in foonir^ him that the Lbdfied Scnes abo arc proud to announce the birth of Tckcanoe is a ficag^ tfait^ and it has noc donod indirect]^ by tlie la^p: sodety as pkalbr abeokidon. I^dier fbi^veme for vay strong^ dis^g^ne^ bur tfaere is no point any way " I^bcf aak! diat audienoe mem- fore^ must have been sevetal tens of oortskksed ^idiat he had done cnrno^ify tfadr daugjhter; Hmjly Saiah Bowker- ahwq^ diaiarteriacd our oomncRmity. rqxesentod by the durdi and mass me- I have been a Repubikan! Bi^ to steal a in ffguing tfais as ^^ cantiot know how die bcxs w^hing to ask quesdons of pandiscs dxxsands." ofenswc." Ftcdi. Ehiily artived on Aug. 31, at Last week»I hadakngdiscusskxi with dia» such as yoir station. She furtfaer con Erie foam IW ftevcy, vdat about tfae pcesent wddd be diflEeccntif d^ past wete 1^ arrai^ Aiat wkh her before the tap Soon it woukl be almost sn^x?ssibiB to G^ and kstxans never received oom- 662 pjrt, we^^iirg e^t pounds, an okier Itdian-Amencan who idated duded tfaat tfaese insdtudons must share rest (^ tfae story? chafigod But tfaeze ace socne fects diat carv- ing and no one win be quesdoned unex- leave Geonariy. Bas^xxtts arid visas were pensadon fiom the Getman govemment four ounces^ and Villas 22 inches long. the prejudice he had encountered in some of the re^xxisUby fix the videnoe. RonaU Rea^ was nota peefectprear nocberefot&d tare, and those v(4io were aOowed to leave (as dkl other minonties), and their pU^t, Rodiester in his youth. HopcfuBy, wc Given die pocentiaDy violent rqjoxXB- dent and I agpDC dat socne his polides Dutir^ tfae Reagan preskkncy, die had to s^ over their petsooal wealth to for the most pan, has been omitted fixxn (2 ^ndudes li^t kmch). Pre-r^istzadon have aD leamed fiom sudi indkients tfae *Thc irr^aetus here is educatkjn," Harf skins of Mr. Kinniam^s attadcs, I ask that wcce misguided, but it is unfeir to totdfy HcKse of Rqptesentadves was oonttdkd sakl'It's not Gctakkx" thestate. htstock:!d dooirnentadoa In his oondud- by Nov. 12is required Ihe event is spon damage that attacks on dtvecse g^tx^js you exerdse some )uc%pientand control ^pore the pooiive a^3octs of his admin- by the Democtstfs. Ihe Senate was con- On M^ 6,1933, members of die Nazi irig wotdSyHant warns us diat this chn^ sored by Nutntional Resource Groif). can cause to the indivickial and to die The show wfll atr som&dme in No over pcogcanvnin^ I am not seeking istcatkxi.