Approaches to Egyptian Mythology

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Approaches to Egyptian Mythology Egyptian Mythological Manuals Mythological structures and interpretative techniques in the Tebtunis Mythological manual, the manual of the Delta and related texts Jørgensen, Jens Kristoffer Blach Publication date: 2014 Document version Early version, also known as pre-print Citation for published version (APA): Jørgensen, J. K. B. (2014). Egyptian Mythological Manuals: Mythological structures and interpretative techniques in the Tebtunis Mythological manual, the manual of the Delta and related texts. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet. Download date: 08. Apr. 2020 Egyptian Mythological Manuals Mythological structures and interpretative techniques in the Tebtunis Mythological manual, the Manual of the Delta and related texts Jens Blach Jørgensen December 2013 Abstract This thesis consists of an analysis of two ancient Egyptian mythological manual; the Tebtunis Mythological Manual and the Mythological Manual of the Delta. The analysis is focused on the different modes of structuring and interpreting mythology found in the manuals. The first chapter is a critical overview of the different Egyptological theories on Egyptian mythology, with special emphasis on aetiological myth and etymology. Structuralist theories are drawn upon to formulate two approaches to the mythological material found in the manual and utilized by the Egyptians themselves, viz. the paradigmatic and the syntagmatic. The manuals are found to use model mythological narratives or key myths built upon the myths of the Heliopolitan Ennead to structure the wealth of local mythological traditions. This creates a redundant structure in which the mythology of the individual district becomes an echo or actualization of basic mythic patterns. The Delta manual demonstrates the heuristic nature of this system by adding an extra deity to the Ennead in the form of the female Horus. This goddess is practically unknown outside of priestly manuals but was included to better interpret and associate myths of the Egyptian goddesses. Finally the techniques and structures found in the mythological manuals are compared to those found in the other priestly manuals found in archives, temple libraries or written on temple walls. I conclude that they share similar and compatible approaches which can also be applied to Egyptian ritual texts and narratives. Resume Denne afhandling består af en analyse af to oldægyptiske mytologiske håndbøger: den mytologiske håndbog fra Tebtunis og den mytologiske Delta håndbog. Analysen fokuserer på de forskellige måder hvorpå håndbøgerne strukturerer og tolker mytologi. Det første kapitel er et kritisk blik på egyptologiske teorier om egyptisk mytologi, med særlig fokus på ætiologiske myter og etymologi. Ud fra strukturalistiske teorier foreslås to tilgange til det mytologiske materiale i håndbøgerne som også blev brugt af egypterne selv: den paradigmatiske og den syntagmatiske. Det vises at håndbøgerne benytter sig af mytologiske model narrativer eller nøgle myter som bygger på myterne omkring nigudekredsen fra Heliopolis for at strukturere den store mængde af lokale mytiske traditioner. Dette skaber en redundant struktur i hvilken det enkelte distrikts mytologi bliver et ekko eller aktualisation af basale mytiske mønstre. Delta håndbogen demonstrer systemets grundlæggende heuristiske funktion ved at inkludere yderligere en guddom i nigudekredsen i form af den kvindelige Horus. Denne gudinde er næsten ikke attesteret i andet end præste håndbøgerne, men blev inkluderet for bedre at kunne tolke og forbinde de egyptiske gudinders myter. Til slut sammenligner jeg teknikkerne og strukturerne i de mytologiske håndbøger med dem som man finder i andre præstehåndbøger i arkiver, tempelbiblioteker og tempelmure. Jeg konkluderer at de deler lignende og kompatible tilgange som også kan benyttes på egyptiske ritualtekster og mytiske narrativer. 2 Contents Approaches to Egyptian mythology ..................................................................................... 9 Mythic time ......................................................................................................................... 19 Aetiological myths ............................................................................................................. 23 Method .................................................................................................................................... 37 Mythemes or ‘mythic episodes’? .................................................................................... 37 Paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches .................................................................. 39 The Tebtunis Mythological Manual .................................................................................... 43 Manuscripts ....................................................................................................................... 43 Language, Date and Sources ......................................................................................... 44 Title ..................................................................................................................................... 46 An origin legend? .............................................................................................................. 47 Contents and structure ..................................................................................................... 47 12 th Upper Egyptian nome: Atfet .................................................................................... 49 First myth: Horus decapitating his mother ................................................................ 50 Second myth: Nemty the ferryman ............................................................................ 53 The combined myth of Nemty-Horus and the 12 th U.E. nome ............................... 55 13 th Upper Egyptian nome: Atef-Khent .......................................................................... 58 Anubis-Upwawet eating the corpse of Osiris ............................................................ 59 The standard of Upwawet ............................................................................................ 60 14 th Upper Egyptian nome: Atef-Pehui .......................................................................... 68 First myth: Nephtys finds Osiris .................................................................................. 68 Second and third myths: Osiris is bandaged and Seth is cursed .......................... 70 15 th Upper Egyptian nome: Wenu .................................................................................. 72 First myth: The rape of the goddess .......................................................................... 73 Second myth: Thoth and Geb ..................................................................................... 83 Third Myth: The return of the Goddess ..................................................................... 87 Fourth Mythic complex: Cosmogonies ...................................................................... 91 Myths of Osiris ............................................................................................................... 95 Ritual schemes .............................................................................................................. 99 Questions of sources and transmission .................................................................. 111 Tebtunis manual – conclusions .................................................................................... 115 The Mythological Manual of the Delta ............................................................................. 119 3 Manuscript ....................................................................................................................... 119 Language, date and sources ........................................................................................ 120 Contents and structure ................................................................................................... 121 Horit .................................................................................................................................. 122 Horit in Heliopolis ........................................................................................................ 122 Horit and Bastet in Bubastis ...................................................................................... 124 The five births of Horit and the different aspects of Horus ................................... 132 The rape of Horit ......................................................................................................... 134 Horit in Sebennytos, Behbeit and Hermopolis ....................................................... 146 The status of Horit in the mythological manuals .................................................... 152 Generations of the Ennead ........................................................................................... 154 Connections between nomes: Gods departing and arriving .................................... 160 The Delta Manual: Conclusions .................................................................................... 163 The context of the mythological manuals: The contents of a temple library and practices within a temple ................................................................................................... 165 Manuals of priestly knowledge: Heliopolitan interpretation and mythic geography ..........................................................................................................................................
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