The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition Th e International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2 (2008) 164-205 Iamblichus’ Egyptian Neoplatonic Th eology in De Mysteriis Dennis C. Clark 2133 Shy Bear Way NW, Issaquah, Washington 98027, USA
[email protected] Abstract In De Mysteriis VIII Iamblichus gives two orderings of first principles, one in purely Neoplatonic terms drawn from his own philosophical system, and the other in the form of several Egyptian gods, glossed with Neoplatonic language again taken from his own system. Th e first ordering or taxis includes the Simple One and the One Existent, two of the elements of Iamblichus’ realm of the One. Th e second taxis includes the Egyptian (H)eikton, which has now been identified with the god of magic, Heka, glossed as the One Existent. Th e Egyptian god Kmeph is also a member of this taxis, and is the Egyptian Kematef, a god of cre- ation associated with the solar Amun-Re. Iamblichus refers to this god also as the Hegemon of the celestial gods, which should be equated to Helios, specifically the noeric Helios as described by Julian in his Hymn to Helios. Iamblichus describes Kmeph as an “intellect knowing himself”, and so the noeric Kmeph/Helios should also be seen as the Paternal Demiurgic Zeus, explicitly described also by Proclus as an intellect knowing himself. Th is notion of a self-thinking intellect may offer a solution to the problematic formulation by Proclus in his Timaeus commentary of Iamblichus’ view of the Demiurgy encompassing all the noeric realm.