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BIOEKOLOGI NGENGAT PARASITOID (LEPIDOPTERA: EPIPYROPIDAE) PADA WERENG PUCUK METE, Sanurus spp. (HEMIPTERA: FLATIDAE) DI PERTANAMAN JAMBU METE PULAU LOMBOK BAMBANG SUPENO SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR BOGOR 2011 PERNYATAAN MENGENAI DISERTASI DAN SUMBER INFORMASI Dengan ini saya nyatakan bahwa disertasi Bioekologi Ngengat Parasitoid (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) pada Wereng Pucuk Mete, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae) di Pertanaman Jambu Mete Pulau Lombok adalah karya saya sendiri dan belum pernah diajukan dalam bentuk apapun kepada perguruan tinggi manapun. Sumber informasi yang berasal atau dikutip dari karya yang diterbitkan maupun tidak diterbitkan dari penulis lain telah disebutkan dalam teks dan dicantumkan dalam daftar pustaka di bagian akhir disertasi ini. Bogor, Maret 2011 Bambang Supeno NIM A461050021 ABSTRACT BAMBANG SUPENO. Bioecology of Parasitic Moth (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) on cashew shoothoppers, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae) in Lombok island cashew plantation. Under supervision of DAMAYANTI BUCHORI, UTOMO KARTOSUWONDO, PUDJIANTO, AND CHRISTIAN H. SCHULZE. A species of parasitic moth has been found in cashew plantations in Lombok. Island. The moth belongs to the family Epipyropidae, order Lepidoptera, and the larvae live as ectoparasitoids of cashew shoothoppers, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae). Information on this rare parasitoid so far is very limited. The objectives of the research were: 1) to identify the parasitic moth and its host; 2) to study the biological characteristics of the parasitic moth including the morphological characteristics, lifecycle, behavior, and the host and habitat preferences; and 3) to study the ecology of the parasitic moth including the distribution, abundance, and population dynamics. The research was carried out for two seasons, i.e. dry season (May- October 2007) and rainy season (November 2007-April 2008). Four different topics were studied in this research. They were: 1) identification and characterization of the parasitic moth and their hosts; 2) study on the biology of the parasitic moth; 3) study on the host and habitat preferences of the parasitic moth; and 4) study on the population fluctuation of the parasitic moth and its host. Identification of the parasitic moth and its hosts was conducted in the Agronomy Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Mataram University and Laboratory of Entomology, Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences. Samples of the parasitic moth and its host were collected from cashew orchards in Sambiq Bangkol village, Gangga sub-district; Kayangan villege, Kayangan sub-district; and Sambiq Elen village, Bayan sub-district (all are in the Lombok Barat district, West Nusa Tenggara province). Studies on the biological characteristics and the host and habitat preferences of parasitic moth were conducted in the Laboratory of Agronomy, Agricultural Faculty, the University of Mataram. Study on the population fluctuation of the parasitic moth and its host was conducted in three villiges as mentioned above. One species of parasitic moth was found attacking cashew shoot- hoppers in Lombok Island. The moth was identified as genus Epieurybrachys, sub-family Epipyropinae and family Epipyropidae. Study on the morphological characteristics of the adults suggested that the parasitoid might be a new species (nsp) of the genus Epieurybrachys. The hosts of this parasitic moth were two species of cashew shoothoppers i.e. cashew white shoothoppers, Sanurus indecora Jacobi, and cashew green shoothoppers, Sanurus flavovenosus Bierman. The study on the biological characteristics of Epieurybrachys nsp. suggested that the larvae develop through five instars. The morphological characteristics of the first instar was different from the older instars. The larval type of the first instar was semi-triungulin, while the older instar were eruciform. Life cycle of the moth was 29.6-40.7 days. The development of the egg, first instar, second instar, third instar, fourth instar, fifth instar, prepupal and pupal stadia were 6-10 days, 3-4 days, 4-5 days, 3-4 days, 4-5 days, 2-3 days, less than one days (0.6-0.7 days), and 7-9 days, repectively. Fecundity of the parasitic moth was 162-526 eggs/female (averages 261.2±75.0 egg/ female). The larvae of Epieurybrachys nsp. attacked both females and males species of the cashew shoothopper, S. indecora and S. flavovenosus. Generally, more than one larva found per host especially for the first and second instars. The older instar larvae lived as solitairy parasitoids. Pupa is formed in cocoon. Epieurybrachys 4 referred to attacked females of Sanurus spp. (83.7% parasitized hosts were females) than the males. Larvae of Epipyropidae also 4referred to attack S. indecora (65.5%) than S. flavovenosus (34,5%). The occurrence of parasitization by Epieurybrachys larvae was high in the dry season, when the host population was also high. The peak population of Epieurybrachys larvae was found in August to September. Key words : Bioecology , parasitic moth, Epipyropidae, cashew shoothopper , Sanurus spp. RINGKASAN BAMBANG SUPENO. Bioekologi Ngengat Parasitoid (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) pada Wereng Pucuk Mete, Sanurus spp. (Hemiptera: Flatidae) di Pertanaman Jambu Mete Pulau Lombok. Dibimbing oleh, DAMAYANTI BUCHORI, UTOMO KARTOSUWONDO, PUDJIANTO, DAN CHRISTIAN H. SCHULZE. Ngengat parasitoid Epipyropidae merupakan salah satu famili dari ordo Lepidoptera yang memarasit hama dari ordo Homoptera superfamili Fulgoroidea. Ngengat parasitoid ini baru dilaporkan pertama kalinya menyerang WPM (Sanurus), sehingga informasi tentang biologi dan ekologi- nya sangat kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik morfologi dari ngengat parasitoid beserta inangnya, biologi (mencakup perkembangan, siklus hidup, perilaku, preferensi inang dan habitat), dan ekologi (mencakup distribusi, kelimpahan dan dinamika populasi) spesies ektoparasitoid famili Epipyropidae yang berasosiasi dengan hama WPM (Sanurus) yang ada di pertanaman jambu mete pulau Lombok. Penelitian ini terdiri dari empat tahapan penelitian yaitu : (1) identifikasi dan karakter ngengat parasitoid (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) dan wereng pucuk mete (Hemiptera: Flatidae); (2) biologi ngengat parasitoid (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) yang berasosiasi dengan wereng pucuk mete (Hemiptera: Flatidae) di pertanaman jambu mete pulau Lombok; (3) preferensi habitat dan inang; dan (4) fluktuasi populasi Epiuerybrachys nsp. yang berasosiasi dengan wereng pucuk mete di pertanaman jambu mete pulau Lombok. Penelitian ini dilakukan di pertanaman jambu mete milik rakyat yang berlokasi di Desa Sambiq Bangkol Kecamatan Gangga, Desa Kayangan Kecamatan Kayangan, dan Desa Sambiq Elen Kecamatan Bayan, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama dua musim, yaitu kemarau (Mei-Oktober 2007) dan hujan (Nopember 2007- April 2008) yang meliputi dua kegiatan utama yaitu laboratorium dan lapangan. Kegiatan laboratorium ditujukan untuk karakterisasi, identifikasi, dan biologi ngengat parasitoid serta perhitungan contoh serangga dari lapangan. Kegiatan lapangan ditujukan untuk pengamatan ekologi ngengat parasitoid yang meliputi distribusi, kelimpahan dan dinamika populasi, pengambilan contoh serangga dan pengamatan contoh tanaman jambu mete. Dari hasil penelitian ini, ditemukan satu spesies ngengat parasitoid yang berasosiasi dengan imago WPM di pertanaman jambu mete pulau Lombok yang diduga termasuk dalam genus Epieurybrachys, sub-famili Epipyropinae, famili Epipyropidae dan diduga kuat sebagai spesies baru (Epieurybrachys nsp.). Dua spesies WPM yang menjadi inang Epieurybrachys nsp., yaitu: Sanurus indecora Jacobi dan Sanurus flavovenosus Bierman. Secara global S. indecora dan S. flavovenosus merupakan new record sebagai inang Epieurybrachys nsp. Secara regional (Nasional, Indonesia) S. flavovenosus dan Epieurybrachys nsp. Merupakan new record penyebarannya di pulau Lombok. S. indecora dan S. flavovenosus merupakan inang ngengat parasitoid Epipyropidae yang pertama kali dilaporkan setelah 70 tahun belum diketahui adanya laporan tentang keberadaan inang Epipyropidae. Sifat-sifat biologis yang dimiliki oleh Epieurybrachys nsp. antara lain: (1) larva bersifat dimorfisme; (2) lima stadium perkembangan larva (instar); (3) siklus hidup ngengat parasitoid Epipyropidae berkisar antara 29,6-40,7 hari (dengan perincian stadium telur 6-10 hari, larva instar satu 3-4 hari, larva instar dua 4-5 hari, larva instar tiga 4-5 hari, larva instar empat 3-4 hari, larva individu ngengat betina sekitar 162-526 telur (rata-rata 261,15±75 telur); (5) umumnya lebih dari satu larva per inang pada saat pertumbuhan awal (gregarius); (6) pada akhir pertumbuhan larva bersifat soliter, dan (7) pupa berada dalam kokon. Larva ngengat parasitoid Epieurybrachys nsp. hanya menyerang S. indecora dan S. flavovenosus dewasa betina dan jantan, walaupun dalam satu relung (pucuk mete) terdapat lebih dari satu spesies wereng pucuk mete dengan berbagai stadium nimfa. Larva Epieurybrachys nsp. juga lebih menyukai S. indecora betina daripada jantan dengan jumlah perbandingan betina terparasit mencapai 83,7%. Demikian juga S. indecora lebih disukai oleh larva Epieurybrachys nsp. daripada S. flavovenosusu. Jumlah larva Epieurybrachys nsp. yang berasosiasi dengan S. indecora (66,6%) lebih banyak ditemukan daripada S. flavovenosus. Tingkat parasitisasi larva Epieurybrachys nsp. berkisar antara 10,8% sampai 20,1% atau secara keseluruhan mencapai sekitar 15,4%.