16 Pages Price 20,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13259 Tuesday NOVEMBER 20, 2018 Aban 29, 1397 Rabi’ Al awwal 12, 1440 has made due European banking Iran football in “The Ugly Duckling”, “Les decisions to return to mechanism not chaotic situation Misérables” coming to

pre-JCPOA status 2 progressing well 2 15 Hamedan theater festival 16 Rouhani: Iran won’t yield Hunt meets Zarif amid to economic war POLITICS TEHRAN — President He noted that the enemies have started deskHassan Rouhani said economic and psychological war against Iran. See page 2 on Monday that Iranians will not surrender “They think we will surrender under Trump spat to those who have started economic war the pressure. Our great people should on the country. know that we have been committed to “We will not raise our hands [for our obligations under the agreements. We surrender] to those who have imposed have been committed based on the Islamic economic war on us. We will fulfil our culture. We did not initiate the econom- national duty and continue our path,” he ic war. They have done this [economic told thousands of well-wishers in Khoy, war] because of defeats in the region,” West Azerbaijan Province. the president remarked. 2

Iran, EU joint conference on agro- food co-op running in Tehran ECONOMY TEHRAN — A Joint trade, the two-day conference is focusing deskconference on the de- on developing standards for agricultural velopment of agricultural cooperation, and food products, removing barriers in standards and agro-food trade between the way of exports and strengthening trade Iran and the European Union kicked off relations between the two sides. in Tehran on Monday, IRNA reported. Speaking in the event, the Director Gen- Attended by over 300 officials from both eral of the Office of International Affairs at the European Union and Iranian minis- Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture, Houman Fathi, tries of agriculture; health and medical mentioned the country’s potentials and ca- education; as well as industry, mines and pabilities in agro-food sector saying, 4

Europeans still unable to announce SPV, diplomat laments POLITICS TEHRAN — Iranian Dep- “The U.S. exerts pressure to prevent

Majid Haghdoust deskuty Foreign Minister Abbas formation of the SPV and to cut coopera- Araqchi said on Monday that the Europeans are tion between Iran and Europe,” the senior not still able to announce the so-called special diplomat said during a speech at Allameh purpose vehicle (SPV) because of the U.S. pressure. Tabataba’i University. SPV is a European Union’s initiative He noted that no European country

Tehran Times/ Tehran Times/ intended to protect trade with Iran against has so far accepted to host the SPV for newly reimposed U.S. sanctions. fear of U.S. punishment. 2 PERSPECTIVE Trump seems to have no concept of a multipolar world: Jahanpour ARTICLE Mahmood Monshipouri Syed Zafar Mehdi Francisco State University EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW way that he is trying to establish an imperial no concept of a multipolar world and he wishes Journalist and the University of By Javad Heirannia presidency at home.” to rule other countries like a global hegemon, from New Delhi California, Berkeley Following is the full text of the interview: in the same way that he is trying to establish an TEHRAN — Professor Farhang Jahanpour, The idea of forming a joint European imperial presidency at home. However, most A real European part-time tutor on Middle Eastern affairs in the army is not a new idea, but in recent days, with countries of the world are reacting to that arrogant Why no global Department of Continuing Education, University the comments of French President Emmanuel attitude and want to move towards a multipolar army: A naive or of Oxford, and a member of Kellogg College says Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel world based on the rule of law and respect for outcry over Saudi that The main reason for the idea of forming a and the reaction of Trump, it has assumed a new international treaties. prudent idea? joint European army “has been President Trump’s dimension. What are the reasons for the progress Trump has withdrawn the United States from war in Yemen? unilateral and ultra-nationalist approach that of this project by countries such as France and the landmark Paris Climate Accord that, in view new strategic debate has engulfed puts America first and, by implication, ignores the Germany? of the rapid pace of global warming, many coun- n Sunday, the U.S. intelligence not only the European continent interests of other countries and tries to impose A: The main reason for the European unease tries take very seriously. He withdrew the United agency confirmed that the brazen Abut also other great powers across his views on them.” about the latest developments has been President States from the nuclear agreement with Iran, Okilling of Saudi journalist Jamal the globe. The idea of an EU collective Former Senior Research Scholar at Harvard Trump’s unilateral and ultra-nationalist approach despite the fact that it was the result of two years Khashoggi was ordered by the Saudi defense, now dubbed as “an integrated adds that “He seems to have no concept of a that puts America first and, by implication, ig- of intense negotiations between seven countries, crown prince Mohammad Bin Salman, EU military” is not new—as it has in the multipolar world and he wishes to rule other nores the interests of other countries and tries and was unanimously approved by the EU and which must have finally given some com- past been briefly mentioned by Silvio countries like a global hegemon, in the same to impose his views on them. He seems to have the Security Council Resolution 2231. 7 fort to his restless soul. The truth was not Berlusconi when he was the Italian hidden from the world, as it was already prime minister, but more recently, by established by the Turkish authorities, Commission President Jean-Claude ‘Popular sentiment in Pakistan remains sympathetic to Tehran’ but now we have the word straight from Juncker. By Syed Zafar Mehdi kistan’s economic crisis, and Imran Khan-led Prime Minister Imran Khan constituted a set the horse’s mouth. Today, however, the idea of European Khashoggi’s killing led to unprece- TEHRAN — Imran Khan led government in Pakistan government’s foreign policy issues. of taskforces meant to fix the country’s ailing Army has been resurrected in response dented global outcry against the Saudi has been in talks with the International Monetary Following are the excerpts: economy. These taskforces include a taskforce to the Trump administration’s decision regime because of its wanton disre- Fund (IMF) to tide over an economic crisis. It has Imran Khan has inherited a flailing econ- on restructuring of civil service, one on austerity to double down on its criticism of the EU gard for human rights. It dominated also approached its allies China and for omy that needs to be revived with funds. Do you and restructuring of government, another on members that have failed to adequately newspaper headlines and primetime funds, which has however raised a few eyebrows at believe Khan will be able to tide through this telecommunication. As the country’s priority is fulfill their burden sharing obligations TV discussions for weeks as the mystery home. It remains to be seen whether Khan will be able economic crisis? macroeconomic stabilization this is a good call to insofar as their financial contributions to surrounding the dissident journalist’s to resuscitate the flailing economy without compro- A: Pakistan is no stranger to economic crises. cut wasteful expenditures. Once that is achieved NATO are concerned. Trump’s decision killing grew. mising on country’s independent foreign policy and We have endured many in the past and have government can look at long term measures. to withdraw from the Intermediate-range To their credit, Turkish government whether he will be able to strike a delicate balance in always survived them. This too will pass. But So far PM Khan’s cabinet choices, team building Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty has also authorities left no stone unturned to un- relations with Saudi Arabia and Iran. history is no excuse for the lack of progress on the and list of priorities gives me hope that he can provoked such a reaction from both ravel the murder mystery and expose the Farrukh K Pitafi is an Islamabad based sen- economic front. Two economic powerhouses that deliver on economy. France and Germany. masterminds of the most diabolical crime. ior journalist, political analyst and talk show sit next to Pakistan, China and India, achieved After his second visit to Riyadh since tak- Considering the old Franco-Ger- The whole world waited with bated breath host. With over 20 years of television and print their success in past few decades right before ing over as the PM, Khan said he was sad about man competition and the upcoming because suddenly something had stirred journalism, he is known for his distinct voice on our eyes. So the country has to take a serious the Jamal Khashoggi incident but Pakistan was European elections, it should come as people’s conscience. global and local policy issues. In an interview look at what ails its economy. ‘desperate’ for funds. How would you decode no surprise that this idea, considered Today everyone knows about to Tehran Times, Mr. Pitafi speaks about Pa- Immediately after assuming the office of these words? 6 “naïve” by some and “prudent” by oth- Khashoggi and everyone knows his ers, has defied a strong and persistent murderer. Everyone is talking about consensus among the EU members. it and tweeting about it. But, hold on, The lack of consensus springs from this is not the only crime his murderer differing threat perceptions (terror- has committed. His murderer has the ism, the refugee crisis, failed states, blood of thousands of Yemenis on his border security, a resurgent Russia, Presidential hands and he is directly responsible for etc.) among the EU member states. the starvation of millions of people in Yet, the timing of revisiting this idea advisor meets Yemen. Does the world know about it? has to do with the fact that the EU Does it care? political elite feel that Europe can no minority A much-anticipated UN Securi- longer count on the United States to ty Council resolution calling for a fulfill its mutual defense obligations. representatives cessation of Saudi-led war in Yemen The EU member states have often and for the humanitarian aid to be found themselves on the opposite side in Urmia allowed to reach millions of starving of the United States, China, and Russia people was reportedly “stalled” this on several issues. Most notably, the TEHRAN – , President Hassan week after British Foreign Secretary EU countries’ decision to support the Rouhani’s advisor on minority affairs, met Jeremy Hunt, who had moved the Iran nuclear deal pitted them against with the representatives of religious minor- resolution, met the Saudi crown the U.S. position to withdraw from it. ities in Urmia, West Azarbaijan province, prince in Riyadh. French President Emmanuel Macron has on Sunday evening. The prince, reports say, ‘threw a fit’ recently noted that Europe needed “a real Besides the majority Shias, West Azarbai- about the resolution. He didn’t like the European Army” to protect itself from jan is home to Sunni Muslims, Christians, idea of food reaching the starving Yemenis China, Russia and the United States amid Seyed Kazem Younesi Jews, and Zoroastrians. because he wishes to see them killed either growing dangers from cyber-hacking, Iran is internationally famous for peace- through bombardment or with starvation. meddling in various countries’ elector- ful coexistence of religious minorities, a Hunt surrendered tamely because U.K. al processes, and the U.S. decision to IRNA/ legacy dating back to ancient Iran. happens to have arms trade with the Saudi withdraw from a missile treaty. 7 regime. 6 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS NOVEMBER 20, 2018 MEDIA HIGHLIGHTS Nasirzadeh, European banking mechanism not Gheibparvar seek to boost progressing well, Tehran complains IRIAF-Basij ties By Mohammad Homaeefar as long as others remain committed, the process will continue.” POLITICS TEHRAN — Chief of the Islamic Republic TEHRAN — Tehran says the European Elsewhere, the spokesman defended deskof Iran Air Force (IRIAF) Aziz Nasirzadeh Union’s efforts to establish a banking chan- Iran against accusations of conducting met on Monday with commander of the Basij Organization nel with Iran is not progressing well, calling terrorist operations inside European coun- Qolamhossein Gheibparvar to boost cooperation between on the three European parties to the 2015 tries, saying, “Considering its negotiations the organizations under their leadership. nuclear agreement to honor their commit- and collaborations with the Europeans, Nasirzadeh lauded Basij for its role in defending the ments to salvage the Joint Comprehensive Iran would never do anything that would ideals and values of the Islamic Revolution, saying his Plan of Action (JCPOA). drive the Europeans away.” meeting was aimed to boost cooperation and establish “We hope Europe will deliver on what it Asked about the future of Iran’s eco- synergy between the two forces, Mehr reported. had promised. This is an internal issue of nomic relations with other countries, es- Gheibparvar, for his part, expressed satisfaction about Europe and we still hope these three Europe- pecially Russia, Qassemi said he “cannot the meeting, saying his forces are ready to achieve the an countries will show their true power and and must not” speak about the economic goals set by the two sides. find their rightful place,” Foreign Ministry deals Iran strikes with other countries, spokesman Bahram Qassemi said at a press because the U.S. is “dead set on disrupting conference on Monday. such process.” Tehran backs Qassemi said there are still ambiguities “We are in consultation with Russia, with regard to the implementation of the China and many other countries to ad- UN peace Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which has been vance and continue our economic ties with designed to conduct banking transactions efforts in them but we are not able to give further with Iran, but “none of the issues indicate details,” he added. Afghanistan that it won’t be achievable.” He also rejected rumors about Iran- “As the Leader of Islamic Revolution POLITICS TEHRAN — Foreign Minister Moham- U.S. talks in Oman, saying no talks have Ayatollah rightly put it, we deskmad Javad Zarif on Monday voiced Iran’s been held between experts of the two will negotiate with the Europeans, but we readiness to help the UN efforts to establish peace in countries in Oman. will not wait [long] for them, and we will Afghanistan, Fars reported. Rumors go around right after every pursue the economic issues of the country is not capable of establishing a financial Qassemi added. “The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate with visit to Oman because of the historical with proper domestic planning and rely- mechanism, we have our own instru- What is important, he continued, is the UN in all areas on Afghanistan and it strongly supports role of the country in these issues, Qa- ing on internal capacity,” he remarked. ments, but for the time being, we hope that “we proved to the world that we are peace initiatives in the country,” Zarif said in a meeting with ssemi added. “If we realize that the European side that the issue will be resolved soon,” committed to our obligations and that Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN special representative for Afghanistan, in Tehran on Monday afternoon. Tadamichi, for his part, appreciated Iran for its supports Iran has made due decisions to return to pre-JCPOA status: Shamkhani for peace and stability in Afghanistan, urging Iran to con- POLITICS TEHRAN — , the The remaining parties to the 2015 nuclear agree- tinue its constructive role by participating in the Geneva desk conference on Afghanistan. secretary of the Supreme National ment, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Security Council, announced on Monday Iran Plan of Action, are the three European Union trio has made due decisions to return to the pre- of Germany, Britain and France as well as Russia JCPOA status. and China. Pirouz Hanachi Shamkhani made the remarks in a meeting with Shamkhani said the nuclear talks that led to the named the visiting British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt JCPOA were hosted and facilitated by the European in Tehran. Union and now the violation of the deal means that caretaker Shamkhani said the decisions have been made in the U.S. has soiled the EU’s credibility, he said. response to the inactivity of the remaining parties The security chief also criticized the UK for hosting Tehran mayor to the nuclear deal after the U.S. withdrew from it. media organizations that recently supported terror- POLITICS TEHRAN — On Sunday, the Tehran “In view of the passiveness of the other parties ist groups that launched a bloody attack in , deskcity council named Pirouz Hanachi as in the face of the unseemly language and behavior the capital of southwestern . the caretaker mayor of Tehran, Mehr news agency reported. of the United States, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Shamkhani also expressed contempt for the The 21-member council elected Pirouz Hanachi as Tehran’s based on its own national interests and responsi- UK’s double-standard policy on the Middle East, new mayor on November 13, however, he can officially take bilities, has adopted necessary decisions to return Jeremy Hunt (L) meets Ali Shamkhani in Tehran specifically for arming Saudi Arabia and Bahrain office once the Interior Ministry approves his appointment. to the pre-agreement status,” Shamkhani asserted. (IRNA photo). with notorious records for violating human rights. Until the time comes he will serve as the acting mayor of Tehran. Hanachi replaced Mohammad Ali Afshani, who had to give up office as per a newly adopted law bans em- Hunt meets Zarif amid Trump spat ployment of the retired. POLITICS TEHRAN — In what trade as Trump has reimposed sanctions of increased U.S. pressure. bargain as long as Iran does.” deskappears to be the UK’s on Tehran in defiance of the 2015 deal, As Trump intensified his sanctions on According to IRNA, the chief Iranian turning a cold shoulder to U.S. President officially called the Joint Comprehensive Iran on November 4, the EU introduced and British diplomats also discussed the Official calls for Donald Trump, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Plan of Action (JCPOA). the payment system, known as the Spe- ongoing war in Yemen as well as a range Hunt on Monday traveled to Tehran for Secretary Hunt is the first Western cial Purpose Vehicle (SPV), to bypass the of other security issues in the Middle East. Iran-Turkey talks with his Iranian counterpart Mo- official of his rank to visit Iran since the sanctions and ensure Iran is compensated In the meantime, the Guardian report- co-op in combatting hammad Javad Zarif. United States — formerly a party to the for the U.S. withdrawal. ed that Hunt had an agenda to make a Last Friday, Trump lashed out at Prime Iran nuclear deal — unilaterally withdrew In a statement ahead of his visit to personal appeal for the release of the smuggling Minister Theresa May over the UK’s Iran from the agreement in May. Tehran, Hunt called the nuclear deal “a Iranian-British dual-national Naza- ties after she phoned him to congratulate The Trump administration had been vital component of stability in the Mid- nin Zaghari-Ratcliffe on humanitarian POLITICS TEHRAN — Deputy Interior Minister him on the Republican Party’s showing hoping to get the other parties to the deal dle East.” grounds. deskHossein Zolfaqari on Monday underlined in the midterm elections. with Iran to likewise scrap the deal. In- “It (the nuclear deal) needs 100 percent Zaghari-Ratcliffe is in custody in Iran the need for intelligence sharing between Iran and Turkey According to IRNA, Hunt and Zarif sat stead, they have stressed that not only compliance though to survive,” the British on espionage charges. She was arrested to combat smuggling and terrorism. down for talks on a special payment system will they stick to the agreement but that foreign secretary stressed, according to in April 2016 and found guilty of spying Zolfaqari made the remarks in a meeting with his devised by the EU to keep Iran paid for they will also work to sustain it in the face Reuters. “We will stick to our side of the and given a five-year jail sentence. Turkish counterpart Muhterem Ince, who arrived in Tehran earlier on Monday. “Iran and Turkey had very good achievements in fighting terrorism. The two countries have acted well in the face of security threats and a good regional progress has been made Rouhani: Iran won’t yield to economic war that if the trend continues, there will be more stability and 1 Rouhani was openly referring to Iran’s commitment in security and economy, has stood against the U.S. and peace in the region,” he said, IRNA reported. to the 2015 nuclear deal according to which Iran accepted condemned the White House. All our neighbors, except for to put limits on its nuclear activities in exchange for termi- one or two, have condemned the U.S. This is the first time in nation of economic and financial sanctions. the history of the U.S. that the whole world has stood against ‘Fighting The deal went into effect in January 2016. this country. This country is now isolated and alone,” he said. narcotics The International Atomic Energy Agency, which is tasked In May, U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally to monitor Iran’s adherence to the nuclear agreement, has withdrew Washington from the multilateral 2015 nuclear is a global issued 13 reports each time confirming Iran’s commitment deal and ordered sanctions on Iran. The first round of to the agreement. sanctions went into force on August 6 and the second responsibility’ Iran will sell its oil: Rouhani round, which targets Iran’s oil exports and banks, were POLITICS TEHRAN — Kazem Gharib Abadi, Iran’s Elsewhere, Rouhani said that Iran will sell its oil and announced on November 4. deskrepresentative to the Vienna-based inter- will also strengthen relations its neighbors. Writing an article in The Guardian on Friday, Richard national organizations, has expressed regret over the lack of “The U.S. is not able to weaken the Iranians’ relations Dalton, the former British ambassador to Tehran, said Trump’s international cooperation in fighting narcotics, saying the with and Turkey. We are all Muslims and stand beside “economic war on Iran is doomed to failure”. fight against drugs is a global responsibility. each other,” he added. He said, “With demand for Iranian oil holding firm and “The Islamic Republic of Iran has so far paid a heavy He also said that the whole world, except for two or against Iranians. no international support for sanctions, the U.S. harsh ap- financial and human price in this path, including the mar- three countries, are against the U.S. “cruel pressure” “Even the Europeans, who are dependent on the U.S. proach has no future.” tyrdom of more than 4,000 of its police forces,” Gharib Abadi, Mehr reported on Monday. He further said Iran is at the forefront of fighting nar- cotics, adding that the Islamic Republic will not tolerate Europeans still unable to announce SPV, diplomat laments moves by certain countries to undermine the international 1 “The Europeans negotiated with conventions on fighting narcotics. Austria for 20 days and the country did “The Europeans should keep the JCPOA and not accept. Luxembourgish heads have be ready to pay the price,” Araqchi says. said that they have not talked about the doing “legitimate” business with Tehran. is important for their sovereignty, they Despite Iran issue. Even if they talk, they will not accept The statement read that Europe will should be ready to pay the price.” the mechanisms and in this situation, also seek to “maintain financial chan- He noted that Europe will be dis- sanctions, China Europe is unable to announce the SPV,” nels operational with Iran and to ensure credited if it does not counter the U.S. he stated. stays loyal: the continuation of Iranian oil and gas unilateralism. ‘Six months have been enough exports”. “Europe should not forget that the Al Jazeera time for Europeans to prepare Araqchi said, “The European countries JCPOA is a security deal and not just an mechanism to trade with Iran’ POLITICS TEHRAN — Business might have and remaining members to the JCPOA [the economic one. Europe can give it a try if Araqchi went on to say that six months deskslowed in Iran due to the U.S.-imposed official name for the nuclear agreement] it thinks that West Asia is safer without have passed since the U.S. unilaterally “Nobody in Iran will raise hands [in sanctions, but many Chinese businesses are taking the have the consensus to keep the agreement, the JCPOA,” the top diplomat warned. withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agree- surrender] because of sanctions,” he long view and are determined to weather the storm, Al but the current situation cannot continue. ‘Iran will not give in to sanc- ment but since that time Europeans have asserted. Jazeera reported on Sunday. In this situation, the Europeans should tions’ not been able to find a practical way to The U.S. re-imposed the first round With commercial ties dating back to the ancient Silk keep the JCPOA and be ready to pay the Araqchi also said that Iran will not save the agreement. of sanctions on August 6 and the second Road, many Chinese companies have said that they will price. In fact, if they think that the JCPOA give in to the U.S. sanctions and pressure. However, he said, the Europeans round, which targets Iran’s oil exports still find a way to do business in Iran, despite the threat have adopted a good political position and banks, were snapped back on No- of U.S. punitive actions. “Europe should not forget that the JCPOA is in this regard. vember 4. According to the network, Chinese businesses still see France, Germany, Britain and the Eu- a security deal and not just an economic one. President also told a Iran as a resource-rich country with a large population. ropean Union issued a joint statement large group of people in West Azarbaijan Aggressive U.S. actions may actually be strengthening Europe can give it a try if it thinks that West on November 2 condemning the U.S. Province that Iran will not submit to Sino-Persian relations; the two ancient civilizations seem move in reimposing sanctions on Iran and Asia is safer without the JCPOA,” the top the United States’ economic and psy- set to endure the hardships together. vowed to protect European companies diplomat warns. chological pressure. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 20, 2018 INTERNATIONAL 17 years into Afghanistan War, U.S. Erdogan-Putin mark completion of offshore admits ‘Taliban not losing’ section of Turkish Stream Taliban say no pact struck with U.S. over deadline to end Afghan war The top U.S. military officer has admitted that the Taliban “are not losing” in Afghanistan and much more needs to be done to bring peace to the war-torn country 17 years into the longest war in American history. “They are not losing right now, I think that is fair to say,” General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said of the Taliban during a discussion at a security forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia, on Sunday. “We used the term stalemate a year ago and, relatively speaking, it has not changed much.” The top U.S. military officer said while there was no “military solution” to peace in Afghanistan, Washington and its allies in the NATO military alliance were trying to use all their military, political and economic potentials in a bid to convince the Taliban that it was time to come to the negotiation table. “Without going into detail here, we do Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian believe the Taliban know that at some point counterpart Vladimir Putin on Nov. 19 attended the comple- they do have to reconcile,” he said. “The key tion ceremony of the offshore section of the Turkish Stream to success is to combine all that pressure to to pave the way for peace talks ended with a peace deal with the group by April 20. any deadline because we are winning on all Project (TurkStream). incentivize the Taliban” to negotiate. no agreement, the militant group said a day That deadline coincides with the date set fronts,” he added. The Taliban “are not los- “For us, Russia is a friend we can have long term cooperation The commander said reconciliation was after the diplomat declared a deadline of April for presidential elections in Afghanistan. ing” in Afghanistan, Gen. Joseph Dunford, with and is an important natural gas supplier,” the president still too far-fetched, conceding that “we are 2019 to end a 17-year-long war. Two senior U.S. officials confirmed that the the top U.S. military officer, said last week. said, speaking at the ceremony. a long way” from that stage. Afghanistan’s security situation has wors- second round of peace talks ended last week “We used the term stalemate a year ago He identified that this project is one of the outcomes of a Despite Dunford’s claims that Washing- ened since NATO formally ended combat and the Taliban expected Khalilzad to visit and, relatively speaking, it has not changed “tested friendship” throughout many years and said Turkey has ton sees no military solution, U.S. President operations in 2014, as Taliban insurgents Qatar for a meeting before the end of 2018. much,” he told a security forum. never judged its relations with Russia over “impositions of other Donald Trump’s strategy for the long-running battle to reimpose strict Islamic law following “The second round of talks went on for The NATO-led Resolute Support mission countries.” war revolves around bringing more troops their overthrow in 2001 at the hands of U.S.- three days. This clearly proves that both sides involves 41 nations contributing more than “Countries’ decisions as to how to obtain natural gas in accord- and use them to force a political resolution to led troops. Leaders of the hardline Islamist are exercising patience and caution during 12,000 soldiers, equipment and training for ance with their own circumstances must be respected. Pressure, militant groups. The new strategy, unveiled group met U.S. special envoy Zalmay Khalilzad their diplomatic engagement,” a U.S. official Afghan forces. The Taliban have strength- which will violate states’ sovereign rights and prevent them from last year, announced an increase in U.S. troop at their political headquarters in Qatar last said on condition of anonymity. ened their grip over the past three years, serving their citizens, will benefit no one,” said Erdogan. levels, bringing the total number of foreign week for the second time in the past month, But Khalilzad’s public statement that the with the government in Kabul controlling “I believe our solidarity with Putin and the Russian people foot soldiers in the country to about 14,000. said spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid. Taliban believe they will “not win militarily” just 56 percent of the country, down from 72 will be foreshadowing of bigger projects,” the president said. The U.S. State Department has named “These were preliminary talks and no angered senior members of the group, who percent in 2015, a U.S. government report The project has many advantages not only for Turkey, but former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan agreement was reached on any issue,” he warned U.S. officials against mixed messages showed this month. also for the region and neighboring countries, he said. Zalmay Khalilzad as its special representa- said in a statement on Monday. that could muddle the peace process. Diplomats and political analysts in Kabul “Turkish Stream is a project of historic proportions for our tive for Afghanistan reconciliation process. Taliban leaders had not accepted any “We were astonished to see Khalilzad’s have labeled Khalilzad a man “in hurry” who bilateral relations and for energy geopolitics in our region, on Khalilzad has traveled to the region to deadline set by the U.S. to wrap up talks, statement in Kabul on Sunday. He wrongly must include Afghan politicians and officials which we have exerted great efforts with our Russian friends,” Er- meet national government officials and the three Taliban officials added. quoted us, saying that the Taliban admitted from neighboring countries such as Pakistan dogan said. Taliban to try and jump-start a dialogue. But The U.S embassy in Kabul declined to that militarily we would not succeed,” said and Iran before the third round of talks. Putin, for his part, said the Turkish president had offered to progress has proven elusive. comment. a senior Taliban member in Afghanistan. “Khalilzad’s hasty approach could lead name the pipeline “Turkish Stream” and added that the most No pact struck with U.S. over Khalilzad, an Afghan-born US diplomat Another senior member said Khalilzad’s to an epic disaster,” said a senior Western difficult part of the project had been completed. deadline to end Afghan war authorized by U.S. President Donald Trump’s strategy to declare a deadline showed how diplomat in Kabul. “The Taliban would trust Such an important project would not be realized unless parties A three-day meeting between the Taliban government to lead peace negotiations with desperate the U.S. was to withdraw foreign him only if he did not speak on their behalf.” had confidence, the Russian president said. He thanked Erdo- and the U.S. special envoy for Afghanistan the Taliban, on Sunday said he hoped to cut forces. “Taliban leaders have not agreed to (Source: agencies) gan for his “political will and courage” and the Turkish Parliament for immediate permission for Turkish Stream. TurkStream and the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant will be Germany bars 18 Saudis over Khashoggi murder symbols of the development of relations between Turkey and Russia, he said, noting that his country wants to reach a $100 Germany will bar 18 Saudis from entering its territory and gest customer, after India. Khashoggi, a columnist for The billion bilateral trade volume with Turkey. Europe’s passport-free Schengen zone over their alleged Washington Post who was critical of Saudi Crown Prince The TurkStream will deliver Russian natural gas across the links to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, Foreign Minister Mohammad bin Salman, was killed after going to the Saudi Black Sea to Turkey and then onto Europe. Heiko Maas said Monday. Consulate in Istanbul to retrieve documents necessary to Putin announced the plan to build Turkish Stream in Ankara Maas said the move was “coordinated very closely with” marry his Turkish fiancée. According to Turkish officials, in December 2014, as a replacement for the South Stream pipe- states France and Britain and the broader European Union an audio recording proves that Khashoggi was deliberately line that was to have been built in cooperation with European as they seek more information about Khashoggi’s death last killed and dismembered soon after entering the consulate. Union countries. month in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Saudi Arabia has offered shifting accounts of what hap- South Stream was scrapped after years of planning, with Pu- Berlin has “decided that Germany should impose an pened, initially saying Khashoggi left the embassy after tin angrily blaming Brussels for its failure. entry ban on 18 Saudi citizens who are presumed to be in receiving his documents and later that he was killed when Gazprom began construction of the offshore section of the connection with this deed, in the Schengen information an argument degenerated into a fistfight. Turkish Stream in May 2017. The Turkish Stream project envis- system,” Maas told reporters. “We are in close coordination In the latest version, the Saudi prosecutor said a 15-mem- ages the construction of two pipelines, each 939 kilometers long. on this issue within the European Union,” he said, speaking ber team went to Istanbul to bring Khashoggi back to the The first line will be designed for the Turkish market and on the sidelines of a meeting of EU ministers in Brussels. kingdom but killed him instead in a rogue operation. will meet 35 percent of Turkey’s natural gas consumption “Over the weekend, we stated that we expected further The prosecutor exonerated the crown prince, after in- alone. The second is for gas supply to countries in southern steps to be taken to clarify the situation. We will follow [up] System (SIS) for law enforcement purposes. dicting 11 Saudis and sacking five officials, including two and southeastern Europe. The capacity of each line is 15.75 on this closely and reserve further steps for ourselves.” Germany called last month for EU countries to follow its members of Prince Mohammad’s inner circle. billion cubic meters of gas per year. The first deliveries are The Schengen zone is composed of 22 EU nations and lead and suspend arms sales for the moment to Saudi Arabia, The United States, traditionally Riyadh’s closest ally, scheduled for the end of 2019. four non-EU countries. EU member Britain is not part of the prompting a dismissive response from French President has sanctioned 17 Saudis for the crime. The progress on the construction of the second line will de- zone but shares intelligence through Shengen Information Emmanuel Macron. France is the kingdom’s second-big- (Source: AFP) pend on from where Russian natural gas will enter Europe, the relevant natural gas agreements to be signed and the route. Two lines will have a total throughput capacity of 31.5 billion cubic Rain could hinder search for victims of California wildfire meters of gas per year.The first stream of gas is expected to flow through the pipeline in December 2019. The search for remains of victims of the devas- votive candle on the altar as a woman played Natural gas extracted from Novy Urengoy in the Yamalo-Ne- tating Northern California wildfire has taken piano and sang “Amazing Grace.” nets autonomous region in Russia’s Siberia will feed the Turk- on new urgency as rain in the forecast could Stavish, his wife and three dogs managed ish Stream pipeline. The field, operated by the Russian energy complicate those efforts while also bringing to escape the fire, but the house is gone. He giant Gazprom, sits on an estimated natural gas reserve of 12 relief to firefighters on the front lines. said he was thinking of the dead and also trillion cubic meters, the second largest in the world after Iran’s Up to 400 people fanned out Sunday to mourning the warm, tight-knit community. Southern Pars field. search the ash and rubble where homes once “This is not just a few houses getting Natural gas produced in the field is also transferred to Ger- stood before flames roared through the Sierra burned,” he said. “The whole town is gone.” many, Poland, Austria, Denmark, France, the United Kingdom foothills town of Paradise and surrounding Hundreds of search and recovery per- and the Netherlands. communities, killing at least 77 people in the sonnel are involved in the effort, going to A single gas field in Novy Urengoy, such as the 16th gas field, deadliest U.S. wildfire in a century. homes where they received tips that someone which employs 3,700 workers, can produce enough natural gas to Wearing white coveralls, hard hats and might have died. meet Turkish Stream’s annual 31.5 billion cubic meters of capacity. masks, teams of volunteers and search and But they are also doing a more comprehen- (Source: Hurriyet) rescue crews poked through the smoky debris sive, “door-to-door” and “car-to-car” search for fragments of bone before rains can wash of areas, said Joe Moses, a commander with them away or turn loose, dry ash into a thick the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office, who is paste. The so-called Camp Fire has destroyed helping oversee the search and rescue effort. more than 10,500 homes. The search area is huge, Moses said, with Kremlin says Putin told Pence A team of 10 volunteers, accompanied by many structures that need to be checked. a cadaver dog, went from house to house in The fire also burned many places to the Russia did not meddle in U.S. the charred landscape. They scrutinized the ground, creating a landscape unique to many rubble in five-minute sweeps, using sticks to search-and- rescue personnel, he said. election move aside debris and focused on vehicles, “Here we’re looking for very small parts bathtubs and what was left of mattresses. He also questioned whether the search for or got in touch to say they weren’t missing. and pieces, and so we have to be very diligent Russian President Vladimir Putin told U.S. Vice President Mike When no remains were found, they remains could be completed by midweek On Sunday afternoon, more than 50 peo- and systematic in how we do your searches,” Pence Russia had nothing to do with meddling in the 2016 U.S. spray-painted a large, orange “0’’ near the when rain is forecast. ple gathered at a memorial for the victims he said Friday. election, Interfax reported on Monday, during discussions about house and moved on. “As much as I wish that we could get at First Christian Church in Chico, where a The death count only grew by one Sunday an upcoming meeting between Putin and President Donald Trump. Robert Panak, a volunteer on a team from through all of this before the rains come, I banner on the altar read, “We will rise from and firefighters managed to expand contain- Putin and Pence spoke in Singapore last week about key issues Napa County, said he tried to picture the don’t know if that’s possible,” Honea said. the ashes.” ment to 65 percent of the 234 square mile that could be discussed at the meeting between the two leaders, house before it burned and think where people About 1,000 names remain on a list of People hugged and shed tears as Pastor (606 sq. kilometers) burn zone. expected to take place at the G-20 summit in Argentina in late might have hidden. His morning search was people unaccounted for more than a week Jesse Kearns recited a prayer for first fire- Rain was forecast for midweek in the November, a Kremlin spokesman said. fruitless, but he wasn’t deterred. after the fire began in Butte County about fighters, rescuers and search teams: “We ask Paradise area. The National Weather Ser- Pence raised the issue of external meddling in the U.S. election “I just think about the positives, bringing 140 miles (225 kilometers) north of San for continued strength as they are growing vice said the area could get 20 mph (32 kph) but Putin told him that “the Russian state had nothing to do ... relief to the families, closure,” Panak said. Francisco, authorities said. weary right now.” sustained winds and 40 mph (64 kph) gusts, and can not have anything to do with meddling” in any electoral Sheriff Kory Honea said it was within the Authorities don’t believe all those on the Paul Stavish, who retired three months which could make it hard for crews to keep processes, Interfax quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov “realm of possibility” that officials would never list are missing and the roster dropped by ago from a Silicon Valley computer job and making progress against the blaze. as saying. know the exact death toll from the blaze. 300 on Sunday as more people were located moved to Paradise, placed a battery-powered (Source: AP) (Source: Reuters) II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY 4 ADVERTISEMENTSECONOMY NOVEMBERNOVEMBER 20,20, 20182018

STOCK MARKET CBI issues TEDPIX 175816.5 IFX 1910.86 instructions on Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir

CURRENCIES exports revenues USD 42,000 rials EUR 48,494 rials return GBP 55,053 rials ECONOMY TEHRAN — The Central foreign exchange amount allocated to them AED 11,379 rials deskBank of Iran (CBI) issued by the government at lower prices than the Source: iribnews.ir the instructions on return details of the hard free market. currency earned by exporters back to the “CBI is in charge of providing foreign domestic financial system, IRNA reported exchange merely for the imports of goods on Monday. and services by those exporters who have The instructions, which aim to lead the designated the method of re-injecting their million euros per year are required to offer of the received foreign exchange at NIMA. COMMODITIES export revenues from the non-oil exports export revenues to domestic financial system,” 50 percent of their received foreign exchange According to the estimations, some $47 WTI $56.60/b back into the country’s economy through the instructions said. from the government at NIMA. billion of hard currency will be injected back Brent $66.63b the domestic Forex Management Integrated Exporters with the total of one million Exporters with annual exports of three to domestic financial system via exports System (locally known as NIMA), mandate euros of exports per year, are exempted from to ten million euros are obliged to offer 70 by the end of the present Iranian calendar OPEC Basket $65.28/b all the exporters of goods and services to offering their income at NIMA. percent and those with exports of above 10 year (March 20, 2019), the governor of CBI guarantee bringing back to the country the Those with total exports of one to three million euros per annum must offer 90 percent announced on social media on November 17. Gold $1,221.10/oz Silver $14.42/oz Platinium $849.40/oz Montazer Torbati appointed new Bank loans to economic sector Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com managing director of NIGC rise 14% in 7 months on year ENERGY TEHRAN — Hassan ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran, EU joint conference deskMontazer Torbati was deskAccording to the appointed as the new managing director latest report released by the Central on agro-food co-op running of National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Bank of Iran (CBI), the granted IRNA reported. banking facilities to domestic economic in Tehran In a decree on Sunday, Iranian Oil Minister sectors witnessed 14 percent growth 1 “In the case of development of cooperation between Iran Bijan Namdar Zanganeh appointed Montazer during the first seven months of the and the European Union, the production of livestock, poultry, Torbati to the post, replacing Hamidreza Araqi. present Iranian calendar year (March fruits, vegetables and fisheries could double in the next 10 years.” Montazer Torbati was previously the 21-October 22) compared to the same Deputy Minister of managing director of Iranian Gas Engineering period of time in the past year, IRIB Agriculture for Commercial and Development Company. announced his resignation to the oil minister. reported. the said period, showing 445.2 trillion and Agricultural Industries Due to the implementation of the law Prohibition of the employment of retirees More than 3.581 quadrillion rials rials (about $10.6 billion) increase, Ali Akbar Mehrfard also banning employment of the retired officials, is part of the plan to employ the younger (about $85.261 billion) of loans were i.e. 14 percent growth, from the same pointed to Iran’s agriculture passed in mid-September by the Majlis, Araqi generation in top state jobs. paid to Iranian economic sectors in time span in the preceding year. and livestock production levels noting, “Annually, 122 tons of agricultural products are Privatization envisaged in budget law achieved by 60%: IPO head produced in Iran, including 15-16 tons of protein products, ECONOMY TEHRAN— Some 60 percent of the target due to the number of state-run companies which have been sate-run companies to the private sector. 22 million tons of fruits and deskfor divesting state-run shares to the private decided to be privatized, IRIB reported. The government envisioned a large privatization program vegetables, 2 million tons of sector envisaged in the budget law for the present Iranian In late May, IPO published the list of the enterprises that in the Fifth Five-Year National Development Plan (2010-2015), fisheries, and 82 million tons calendar year (began on March 21) has been already achieved, their shares are planned to be transferred to the private sector aiming to privatize about 20 percent of the state-owned firms of crops.” according to the head of Iranian Privatization Organization by the end of current Iranian calendar year (March 20, 2019). each year. Under the present interpretation of the Article Putting the Iran-EU trade in agro-food sector at $2.5-$3 billion, (IPO). As previously reported, in its planned budget for 1397, 44, some state-owned companies have been privatized to Mehrfard further called for expansion of trade ties between the In a TV program on Sunday night, Mir Ali Ashraf Abdollah the Iranian government expects to earn some 106 trillion reduce their financial burden on the country’s budget and two sides in this area. Pouri-Hosseini said that IPO still lags behind its set target rials (about $2.5 billion) of income from divesting shares of also increase their productivity.

Second Announcement IN THE NAME OF GOD ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 97/164-1/20 Tender Holder: Invitation to Tender ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB) Subject of Tender: Purchasing of Audio and Video Equipment in accordance with the technical specifications and other for offtake terms and conditions mentioned in the tender documents. Lordegan Urea Fertilizer Company intends to hold a Deadline and How to Receive the Tender Documents: tender for offtake of 300.000 MT of its urea fertilizer From Monday 19th Nov. 2018 (1397/08/28) by 8 a.m. on Wednesday 28th Nov. 2018 (1397/09/07) with presentation of introductory letter by company or its representative and the receipt of paying the documents fee. product. The reputable and interested companies Place of Receiving the Tender Documents: are invited to visit the website www.lordegan.co Interested participants may refer to purchasing (KALA) Dept., 4th Floor of IRIB Administration Complex, and download the tender documents to submit their Hotel Esteghlal St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran Iran. proposals till 28 Nov. 2018. The Fee of the Tender Documents and How to Deposit it: Submission of payment receipt for the amount of 1,000,000 Rials to Account No. 4101029171204273 (IBAN: IR310100004101029171204273) with CENTERAL BANK OF IRAN in the name of IRIB.

Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participation to Tender: The amount of deposit for participant in tender is AED 45,000 fixed or its equivalent in 1,700,000,000 .Rials which should be in the form of Bank Guarantee فراخوان شرکت در مزایده Time and Place of Delivering Priced Bid: The sealed A, B & C packages/envelopes should be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Saturday 29th Dec. .and at the address mentioned in the 4th clause (08/10/1397) 2018 پیش فروش محصول

:Time and Place of Opening Envelopes شرکت کود شیمیائی اوره لردگان در نظر دارد به مقدار 300 هزار تن The date of opening the envelopes A&B is on Sunday 30th Dec. 2018 (1397/10/09) at 3 p.m. in the office .of Financial Vice President and opening of envelope C will be after technical evaluation کود اوره محصول تولیدی خود را به صورت offtake پیش فروش

:For more information, please see نماید. لذا از شرکت های توانمند در این زمینه درخواست می گردد نسبت www.iriboffice.ir/tenders and http://iets.mporg.ir Tel: 00982122167463 به تهیه اسناد مزایده از سایت www.lordegan.co اقدام نموده و مطابق Purchasing (Kala) Dept. of IRIB آن نسبت به ارائه پیشنهاد مکتوب تا مورخ 07/09/1397اقدام نمایند. II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY NOVEMBERNOVEMBER 2020, , 20182018 ANALYSISENERGY & INTERVIEW 135

Oil rises for a fourth day, The oil price is now controlled by just three men

OPEC has lost what control of the oil market it ever had. The buoyed by OPEC supply plans actions (or tweets) of three men — Presidents Donald Trump Oil rose for a fourth session in a row on highs. and Vladimir Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Monday, buoyed by the prospect that top A U.S. decision to grant waivers to some of — will determine the course of oil prices in 2019 and beyond. exporter Saudi Arabia will push OPEC and Iran’s oil customers, who faced the prospect But of course they each want different things. maybe Russia to cut supply towards the end of a drop-off in supply from sanctions that While OPEC struggles to find common purpose, the U.S., of this year. came into force in early November, has also Russia and Saudi Arabia dominate global supply. Together they Brent crude futures were up 24 cents at helped soothe concern about availability of produce more oil than the 15 members of OPEC. All three are $67.00 a barrel by 1000 GMT, while U.S. crude. pumping at record rates and each could raise output again next futures rose 38 cents to $56.84. A trade dispute between the United States year, although they may not all choose to do so. “Oil prices continued to recover ... (as) and China is one reason investors are a lot Big beasts the market will be watching closely for the warier about the outlook for oil demand It was Saudi Arabia and Russia that led the push in June possible impact of a (supply) cut,” said Sukrit growth next year. for the OPEC+ group to relax output restraints that had been Vijayakar, director of Indian energy consul- Fund managers cut their bullish exposure in place since the start of 2017. Both subsequently jacked up tancy Trifecta. to crude futures and options to the lowest production to record, or near record, levels. U.S. output soared The Organization of the Petroleum Ex- since around mid-2017 this month. unexpectedly at the same time, as companies pumping from the porting Countries, led by Saudi Arabia, is Weekly exchange data shows money Permian Basin in Texas overcame pipeline bottlenecks to move pushing for the group and its partners to managers hold a combined net long position their oil to the Gulf coast. reduce output by 1 million to 1.4 million barrels equivalent to around 364 million barrels of These increases, alongside smaller downward revisions to per day to prevent a build-up of unused fuel. U.S. and Brent crude futures and options, demand growth forecasts and President Trump’s decision to “It appears that the market takes a pro- down from over 800 million barrels two grant sanctions waivers to buyers of Iranian oil, have flipped duction cut for granted. We’ll see if it is right months ago. market sentiment from fears of a supply shortage to concerns after the next OPEC meeting on December Novak said on Monday that Russia, which Despite Monday’s gains, Brent is almost “The main trend remains bearish as in- about a glut in the space of three months. Oil stockpiles in the 6. It is not unreasonable to anticipate sta- is not an OPEC member, planned to sign a 25 percent below early October’s 2018 peak vestors no longer believe in a risk of supply developed nations of the OECD, which had been falling since ble prices until then,” PVM Oil Associates partnership agreement with the group, and of $86.74, as evidence of slowing demand tightness for crude,” ActivTrades chief analyst early 2017, are rising again and are likely to exceed their five-year strategist Tamas Varga said. that details would be discussed at OPEC’s has materialized and output from the United Carlo Alberto De Casa said. average level when October data are finalized, according to the Russian Energy Minister Alexander Dec. 6 meeting in Vienna. States, Russia and Saudi Arabia hit historic (Source: Reuters) International Energy Agency. Heading south for winter As oil prices have headed south, Saudi Arabia said it would cut exports by 500,000 barrels a day next month and warned U.S. shale firms offer $100 million to aid Texas, New Mexico fellow producers that they needed to cut about 1 million barrels More than a dozen top U.S. energy companies former U.S. Secretary of Commerce who equipment into the oilfield, which is expected a day from October production levels. That drew a lukewarm have pledged $100 million toward easing lives in Midland, Texas, the epicenter of the to pump 3.7 million barrels of oil per day response from Putin and swift Twitter rebuke from Trump. stresses on health care, education and civic shale oil revolution. “We don’t have enough by December, four times its rate in 2010, Bin Salman needs oil revenue to fund his ambitious plans infrastructure from the shale oil and gas teachers. We don’t have enough doctors.” according to the U.S. Energy Information to transform Saudi Arabia, while avoiding unrest from those boom in West Texas and New Mexico, the The group aims to work with regional and Administration. hurt in the process. The International Monetary Fund forecasts group said on Sunday. federal officials, companies, nonprofit groups That boom has local employers, includ- that the kingdom will need an oil price of $73.3 a barrel next Chevron, EOG Resources, Exxon Mobil and educators in New Mexico and Texas, ing restaurants and school systems, under year to balance its fiscal budget. Brent crude is trading about and Royal Dutch Shell are among 17 com- said Evans, who started in the Permian and pressure from staff leaving for oilfield jobs. $5 below that, with Saudi Arabia’s exports trading at a discount panies backing the Permian Strategic Part- became CEO of producer Tom Brown Inc Midland’s unemployment rate was 2.1 per- to the North Sea benchmark. Prolonging output cuts for a nership, as the consortium is called, Don before joining the administration of former cent in October, compared to the nation’s third year is the only way he can realize the price he needs. Evans, a former U.S. government official President George W. Bush. 3.7 percent rate. He will face more challenges from Putin and Trump. The and energy executive helping launch the The group is assembling plans to hold The last decade’s shale boom also has also jumped 18 percent between 2016 and Russian president shows no great enthusiasm for restricting group, told Reuters on Saturday. meetings in communities across the region, led to school overcrowding, soaring traffic 2017 in Midland County, and 29 percent in his country’s production again. Moscow’s budget is much less The group seeks to address labor and so “everyone have a voice” in the undertak- fatalities, drug abuse and strains on the power nearby Ector County, according to Texas dependent on oil prices than it was when Russia agreed to join housing shortages, overtaxed healthcare and ing. There is no timetable or plan for how grid because of the activity. Department of Transportation data. OPEC-led efforts to re-balance the oil market in 2016 and the traffic congestion caused in part by compa- the initial contribution will be spent. The “Our roads are not designed to handle the “They all agree that scaling up infrastruc- country’s oil companies want to produce from the fields where nies descending on the Permian Basin, the group is recruiting staff and searching for amount of truck traffic we have,” said Jeff ture is going to be a huge challenge,” said Bob they have invested. nation’s largest oilfield, where they hope to office space, he said. Walker, transportation training coordinator Peterson, a partner at consultancy Arthur Putin may yet decide that maintaining his improved political pump billions of dollars’ worth of oil and In the last decade, the region’s many at New Mexico Junior College in Hobbs. D. Little who advises producers. “There’s relationship with MBS, as the Crown Prince is known, is worth gas in coming decades, experts said. pockets of oil and low production costs Drug charges in Midland more than doubled a common agreement that there’s a whole a small sacrifice. But it’s not a foregone conclusion that Russia “It’s a significant amount of money, but have led to gold rush-like conditions in the between 2012 and 2016, to 942 from 491, bundle of problems.” will agree to extend output cuts when producers gather in these are huge challenges,” said Evans, a Permian. Companies are pouring staff and according to police data. Traffic accidents (Source: CNBC) Vienna next month. Putin says oil prices of around $70 a barrel suit him “completely.” The opposition from Trump will — naturally — be much Nord Stream-2 project louder and comes at a time when he and MBS are trying to 2834 preserve their political relationship, while American senators Notification for All Suppliers advantageous for Europe: consider harsher sanctions on Saudi Arabia in response to the war in Yemen and the killing of dissident journalist Jamal Obligation to use special sales Invoice for travelers of foreign countries Kremlin spokesman Khashoggi. Shale surge In order to implementation VAT refunds, according to note Article 13 of the Value Added Tax Act, all Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has criticized a A bigger U.S. threat to Saudi plans than Trump’s tweets will suppliers are required to use special invoices for foreign travelers (at the time of supply of goods), effective statement by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki come from the Texas oil patch. American producers have added on Nord Stream-2, stressing that the project is ben- a volume equivalent to the entire output of OPEC’s Nigeria in the from August 23, 2018. eficial to Europe. past 12 months. Their production could reach 12 million barrels Iranian National Tax Administration “This is an unsuccessful statement. Nord Stream-2 a day by April, according to the Department of Energy. That’s six is a commercially viable and economically feasible months sooner than it was forecasting just a month ago and 1.2 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance project. Moreover, it is economically attractive not million barrels a day more than it foresaw in January. The Iranian National Tax Administration only for the supplier but also for the recipients of Saudi Arabia will have to risk Trump’s wrath, Putin’s indif- this gas in Europe, primarily in Germany,” Peskov ference and a booming U.S. shale industry if it hopes to balance the oil market in 2019. .told reporters فرم شماره 3 وزارت امـور اقـتصـادي و دارايي دارايي (Source: Sputnik) (Source: Bloomberg) فرم شماره 3 سـازمان امـور ماليـاتي كشـور

Second Announcement Sales invoice for foreign passenger travelling to Iran شماره سريال : ...... Serial Number

N.I.O.C National Iranian Drilling Company صورتحساب فروش كاال ويژه مسافران تبعه كشورهاي خارجي تاريخ : ...... Date 1397.4186 call for public tender (First/Second publish) call for public tender (First/Second publish) N.I.O.C Two-Stages (semi compressed) tender National Iranian Details of the seller SubjectTwo of-Stages Tender: (semi Hydraulic compressed) Hose tender ¼ Inch 50 Foot مشخصات فروشنده Tel: 1397.4186 Drilling Company

 Tender descriptions: 450 51 430 نام شخص حقيقي/حقوقي: ...... شماره اقتصادي: شماره ثبت/شماره ملي:  - Tender No. Estimated value Registration No. through national electronic tendering The Tender holder نشاني : استان: ...... هرستان:ش ...... شهر : ...... كد پستي 10 رقمي :  system /Indent No. (Rial/Euro) شماره 021 Tender No. :FP/09-97/041 آدرس : ...... شماره تلفن/نمابر: ...... گواهي ثبت نام : (National Iranian Drilling Company 3,181,242 3,500,000,000 (Rial تاريخ Indent No.:08-22-9645057 مشخصات مسافران تبعه كشورهاي خارجي )خريدار( (Details of the foreign passenger (buyer

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The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second Detail of the goods bought Tender Document Distribution by Company .advertisement and ended on the following tenth day thereof مشخصات كاال ي مورد معامله 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 After Unit price Advertising Dept Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Unit of Number / Details Code of Distribution Place Total price + VAT Total VAT discount discount Total price (I.R.I. NO Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN Tel: 061-34148601 measurement quantity of the goods the good price Rials)  Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of IMES 510,000 Iranian Rials under account number تعداد/ واحد مبلغ واحد مبلغ كل مبلغ مبلغ كل پس از جمع ماليات و جمع مبلغ كل بعالوه جمع ماليات و كد كاال شرح كاال شرح كاال T Shaba No. IR )4001114004020491 رديف

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I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL NOVEMBER 20, 2018 NEWS IN BRIEF Pakistan does nothing for U.S., says Trump; India’s economy to be appeasement doesn’t work, Mazari hits back $10 trillion by INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — The no- from “perpetual historic amnesia”. 2035 deskholds-barred verbal show- Many Pakistani politicians and analysts INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — India’s economy is expected down between the American and Pakistani denounced the remarks of Trump. Former deskto quadruple to $10 trillion by 2035 rid- politicians continues with U.S. President Pakistani foreign minister Khawaja Asif also ing on business-friendly policies, structural reforms and Donald Trump and Pakistan’s Minister for took to Twitter to deride the Trump admin- transparency in governance, says India’s Minister for Com- Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari locking istration. “We continue to pay in blood for merce and Industry. horns in the latest round. what we did for U.S. from Beda Ber to fighting Speaking at the India International Trade Fair (IITF) A day after Trump claimed that Pakistan wars which weren’t ours. Reinvented our in New Delhi, Suresh Prabhu said India is growing at a fast “does not do anything for his country”; Dr. religion to suit US interests, destroyed our rate and will be a $5 trillion economy in another 7-8 years. Mazari took to Twitter to hit back at the mega- tolerant ethos, replaced it with bigotry and By 2035, he said, it will be a $10 trillion economy. lomaniac American president and remind intolerance. A relationship of betrayals & Even though many pressing issues continue to plague him of the losses incurred by Pakistan in the sanctions,” he tweeted. the Indian economy, it has grown significantly in recent ‘war against terror’ over the years. Relations between the United States and years, drawing comparisons with its bigger neighbor China. “The loss of Pakistani lives in U.S. war Pakistan, which had developed strains in Prabhu said no country can grow unless companies grow on terror, the free space for Raymond Davis recent years, hit a new low in January when and their growth is dependent on interactions with rest of the and other operatives, the illegal killings by Trump suspended $300 million U.S. aid to world. He said the business-friendly policies of the govern- drone attacks — the list is endless,” Mazari Islamabad on the pretext that Pakistan had ment saw India climb from 142 to 77 rank on Ease of Doing tweeted on Monday. “Once again history failed to take action against militant groups. Business in the last four years. shows appeasement does not work”. The Coalition Support Funds were part On the IITF, which sees the participation of business- On Sunday, while speaking to Fox News, of a broader suspension in aid announced men from across the world, he said it will showcase India’s Trump sought to justify his administration’s by Trump at the start of the year, when he capabilities. “This is an event where businesses meet, policy decision to withdraw “military aid” to Pakistan, accused Pakistan of rewarding past assistance makers meet to exchange ideas, to shape together a good which did irreparable damage to their bilateral with “nothing but lies and deceit.” Pakistani future for humanity and to make world a better place,” he said. relationship. “They [Pakistan] don’t do a damn Pakistan knew he was there,” he added. of his presence”. government and military establishment had thing for us,” the U.S. president said, raising He went on to say that the U.S. gave $1.3 Dr. Mazari called “Trump’s tirade against dismissed the charge as baseless. U.S. envoy the issue of Osama bin Laden being found in billion a year to Pakistan as military assis- Pakistan” a lesson for those Pakistani leaders Since then, the accusations and counter- Pakistan’s garrison city of Abbotabad in 2011. tance and ended it because “they don’t do “who kept appeasing the U.S. especially after accusations have been flying thick and fast. holds “You know, living — think of this — living anything for us.” 9/11!” “Whether China or Iran, U.S. policies Last month, U.S. Secretary of State Mike in Pakistan, beautifully in Pakistan in what Pertinently, the former U.S. president of containment and isolation do not coincide Pompeo drew angry reactions in Pakistan talks with I guess they considered a nice mansion,” Barack Obama, during whose time the raid with Pakistan’s strategic interests,” she added. when he remarked that Pakistan should “not Trump said. “But living in Pakistan right was carried out, said late last year that the In a reply to one tweet, the firebrand Pa- provide safe harbor to terrorists on their Taliban next to the military academy, everybody in U.S. had “no evidence that Pakistan was aware kistani minister said Trump was suffering western border”. INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — Less than a fortnight after deskparticipating in a peace dialogue in Mos- cow, which also saw participation of representatives from over dozen countries, Afghan Taliban held talks with a U.S. ‘Popular sentiment in Pakistan remains envoy in Qatar this week. Zalmay Khalilzad, the former American diplomat who was appointed by the Trump administration recently as a ‘peace envoy’ to Afghanistan, represented U.S. in the talks sympathetic to Tehran’ held in Doha where the insurgent group has a political office. Speaking to media persons in Kabul on Sunday, without 1 A: While Khashoggi incident shook the world, in gas pipeline will remain a pipedream till the time one of two specifically referring to the Taliban, Khalilzad said he is “talk- Pakistan it barely moved the needle. For reasons you have things do not materialize – ease of U.S. sanctions on Iran ing to all interested parties, all Afghan groups”, adding that to look at the 17 years of fighting terrorism and the loss it and Pakistan regaining economic autonomy. there was “an opportunity for reconciliation and peace.” incurred. Over eighty thousand dead, at least a few of whom Remember Pakistan is faced with mounting Indian The move to appoint Khalilzad as ‘peace envoy’ to facilitate were journalists. So, the entire country is desensitized to propaganda and while New Delhi uses its diplomatic mus- talks with the Taliban, experts believe, is eyewash to tell the such controversies. cle and mysterious influence on Trump and Washington world that the U.S. is interested in peace. Pakistan’s economic condition, as we have established elite, it unleashes its onslaught whenever Islamabad tries Taliban has demanded the lifting of sanctions against the earlier, is really dire. Hence the country had to look wher- to behave proactively. India exploited the name of the then group’s leaders, the release of prisoners and the recognition ever it could get help. When PM Khan chose to go to Saudi Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) pipeline to seek nuclear deal as of their office in Qatar. During Moscow talks, the group said Arabia for the second time participants were dropping out a concession from the U.S. and conveniently abandoned they want unconditional withdrawal of ‘foreign forces’ from of the Riyadh investment conference in solidarity with the the project. Nevertheless, in view of waiver given to eight Afghanistan. slain journalist. But that only meant more visible opening countries including India and China, Pakistan should use for Pakistan to highlight its economic cause. The country diplomacy to find a working solution on IP. The project is Rohingya availed the opportunity. of great economic significance to Pakistan. Relations between Pakistan and its new all-weather In the initial few weeks Khan had reaffirmed his repatriation ally China have improved considerably with CPEC, which commitment to open a new chapter of relations with India plan has however distanced Washington from Islamabad. How but the overtures didn’t last too long. What makes India- do you view these changing political dynamics? Pakistan relationship so complex? shelved A: Pakistan-China relationship has and will go from strength A: India is known for its great diplomatic skill, imagination to strength. But Washington is displaying a characteristic and economic might. Despite that influence sadly a baser INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — The plan to expatriate Roh- lack of imagination. This is not the age of cold wars. instinct has seized control of the policy making apparatus deskingya refugees from the crowded camps in If anything, Trump’s surprise victory should have con- in the country and stymied all imagination. Cox’s Bazar has been temporarily abandoned with Bangladesh vinced the Washington elite that the traditional paranoid Right now it is preparing for the next general elections now set to go to the polls on December 30, according to re- worldview has no place in the realities of our time. That the and it seems unlikely that it will be able to reciprocate any ports. The repatriation and relocation program for Rohingya world belongs to interdependence and collective security. overtures from Islamabad. Pakistan waits for the day when is likely to be revisited after year-end general elections in Ergo there is no zero sum game between China and the US. the election cycles are over. Bangladesh, a top Bangladeshi official was quoting saying in A hard-learnt lesson for Pakistan is that it should not but one thing cannot. The hearts of Pakistani citizens and As for the complexity of the relationship, many books the media. More than 900,000 Rohingya refugees are cur- build one relationship at the cost of another. The country Iranians are one. And I do not exaggerate. have been written on the matter and I will not be able to do rently living in Bangladesh under impoverished conditions has to take every relationship seriously and on merit. This As for intelligentsia, the question is of the paradigm every justice to it in this limited space. Two issues, however stand after being thrown out of their country following a brutal is a country that managed to defy the western and Arab individual uses to view the world. There are those who are out: cold war mentality and denial of each other’s identity. military crackdown in August 2017. pressures during Iran-Iraq war and maintained a healthy given to realpolitik. And those who think a better world is Do you see ‘Naya Pakistan’ (New Pakistan) taking On October 30, Bangladesh and Myanmar agreed to be- friendship with Tehran despite being heavily invested in possible. To the latter, every setback offers a new opportunity. shape under Imran Khan, the Pakistan envisioned by Mo- gin the repatriation process in mid-November but the UN West’s war in Afghanistan against Soviet occupation. After the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S., Iran can either hammad Ali Jinnah and Sir Mohammad Iqbal? refugee agency said conditions in Rakhine State were “not When it comes to two of its closest allies, China and the wait for the end of Trump’s presidency or renegotiate the A: Every century has its own dynamics. Pakistan is bound yet conducive for returns”. U.S., Pakistan can maintain a healthy balance between the deal. The second option might be useful as it may offer some to follow the path laid out by the founder of the nation, Mo- “I urge the governments of Bangladesh and Myanmar to two and can even function once again as a bridge between immediate relief to the beautiful people of Iran. But here is hammad Ali Jinnah. Sir Mohammad Iqbal being the coun- halt these rushed plans for repatriation,” Yanghee Lee, UN them if such a need arises. one fact of life that does not escape this scribe’s attention. try’s national poet has special place in people’s imagination. special rapporteur on human rights in Myanmar, said on U.S. unilateral withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal and A nation of such brilliance and full of competent people But as time passes, realities of life and of political world Tuesday, calling on Myanmar to grant the Rohingya their diktat to countries to bring Iranian oil imports to zero has cannot be kept back for long. That is a given. change. Many institutional concepts have changed or evolved right to citizenship, freedom of movement and access to drawn angry reactions across the world. What’s the popular According to reports, Pakistan-Iran gas pipeline since 1947. So the idea is to take the golden principles of public services. opinion in Pakistan’s intelligentsia circles regarding it and project that was shelved by Nawaz Sharif government in the country’s founding fathers and adapt them to present Lee said Myanmar “failed to provide guarantees they regarding Trump’s policies? 2015 apparently under Saudi pressure will be revived soon. times. Ergo, Naya (new) Pakistan. [the Rohingya] would not suffer the same persecution and A: Popular sentiment remains sympathetic to Tehran. How critical can it be in addressing Pakistan’s energy crisis? The present government has been in power for roughly horrific violence all over again.” Unity among Muslims and defiance of foreign inflicted suf- A: Pakistan is bound by international law and treaty obliga- three months. In this duration what to talk of rebuilding a fering in the Muslim countries are some of the ideas that tions. Its economic volatility weakens its hand diplomatically nation a new house is not finished. So we will have to wait India, find a lot of traction here. Policies of governments can change and makes it prone to the U.S. pressures. Activation of IP and see. I am very hopeful. China to hold border dispute Why no global outcry over Saudi war in Yemen? talks 1 Saudi-led war in Yemen has stretched lition have devastated the country, U.S. into its third year now, killing more than drones have also been flying in the air. A new INTERNATIONAL TEHRAN — The Special Representatives 10,000 people and leaving the country com- report by AP documenting civilian deaths desk(SRs) of India and China are expected to pletely devastated. The humanitarian situation in Yemen reveals that the U.S. drones have hold talks on the vexed boundary dispute later this month in the war-ravaged country has been termed contributed to several civilian killings this ahead of a much-anticipated meeting between Indian Prime ‘catastrophic’ by aid groups. And the world year, while pretending to be fighting Al- Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping has chosen to be a mute spectator. Qaeda’s local franchise. What Americans in Argentina on the sidelines of the G-20 summit. The blockade of the country means around did in Iraq and Afghanistan previously, India’s National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and Chi- 18 million people don’t have access to food, they are now doing that in Yemen, directly nese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi are the which could eventually and inevitably lead and indirectly. designated SRs for the border talks. The 21st round of talks to the worst famine in more than a century. Today millions of children in Yemen weigh between them is expected to take place in the Chinese city Already 2.2 million children are acutely less than an average American’s weekend of Dujiangyan, said a report in The Statesman. malnourished and fighting for their lives. lunch. One of them dies every ten minutes due The two SRs are expected to discuss many issues related The World Food Program warned this week to acute malnutrition and various diseases. to the border dispute which has affected ties between the that the country was “marching to the brink United Nations has already estimated that two neighboring countries. They will also discuss ways to of starvation”. 10 million people may starve to death, ma- promptly defuse tensions on the common border so that Why has the world chosen to be silent even jority of them children, due to the Saudi-led a situation like the tense Doklam stand-off witnessed last as warnings of famine have assumed alarming war and blockade. Yet, there is no anger, no summer does not recur, the report added. proportions? Akshaya Kumar, a senior Human outrage, no vigils, no street demonstrations, Relations between the two nations have improved consid- Rights Watch official, says it’s because of the no primetime TV debates, no editorials. It erably after last year’s Doklam face-off following an informal “sway” Saudi has over some members of the is a forgotten war. summit between Modi and Xi in Wuhan in April. Chinese UN Security Council, which has prevented Human rights have been reduced to a joke Ambassador to India Luo Zhaohui last week stated that the UN in naming and shaming the regime said in an interview. of bombers has compounded the misery by the Saudi-led coalition and its international Sino-Indian ties were at “one of the best periods in history”. in Riyadh. “At this point, vague appeals to The patronage of world powers like the of Yemenis. The two countries continue sponsors involved in Yemen war. The only The report said top defence officials of the two coun- ‘all parties’ to improve their behavior won’t United States and United Kingdom has to sell billions of dollars in arms to the way to end this war is to stop arms sale to the tries had met in China earlier this week and agreed on the work; Any resolution that doesn’t specifically ensured that Saudi rulers escape culpability Saudi regime, thus are directly complicit Saudi regime and to hold all parties – which importance of maintaining peace in the border areas while mention the Saudi-led coalition by name and for their war crimes in Yemen. Their support in the war crimes being committed against includes Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, implementing the consensus reached between PM Modi call it out for its role in the carnage in Yemen for the Saudi-led coalition in the form of the Yemenis. Qatar, Sudan, Egypt, Jordon, Morocco, U.S. and President Xi at Wuhan. won’t have the required effect in Riyadh,” he arms, training, intelligence, and refueling While bombings by the Saudi-led coa- and U.K. – accountable for their war crimes. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 20, 2018 ANALYSIS & INTERVIEW 7 Trump seems to have no concept Israel’s moral and political of a multipolar world: Jahanpour defeat By Hanif Ghaffari 1 In defiance of UN resolutions, Ursula von der Leyen, the German Trump moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel defense minister, recently said that the TEHRAN — The recent tensions raised between the Zionist re- to Jerusalem, despite the fact that various founding of the European Army and its fu- gime and Hamas have simultaneously targeted the political and international agreements have seen Jerusa- ture activities could not only increase the military foundations of the Israeli regime. According to different lem either as an international city, or as the security of European countries but also solve sources, Netanyahu is to introduce the elections’ date in the oc- capital of a future Palestinian state. international crises. If the joint European cupied territories on Sunday. Trump has withdrawn America from a army carried out missions outside Europe On the other hand, Netanyahu’s former secretary of defense number of other important international in addition to missions inside Europe, Is this Avigdor Lieberman, while stressing his decision (which led to agreements and organizations, including not a parallel with NATO? the dissolution of the coalition government in Tel Aviv), has ex- UNESCO, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the A: I don’t believe that most European pressed concern over the strength of resistance forces in the future. UN Human Rights Council, etc. However, his countries would like to dismantle NATO for Many analysts believe that even in case of an early election, the latest withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range the time being, but they simply wish to have next government in Tel Aviv will be a weak and vulnerable one; Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), which prohibited more say about their own defense and to be a government that will lose much of its regional and domestic the United States and Russia from possessing, able to act more independently. So, while they maneuver ability. producing or deploying medium-range ground- wish to strengthen their defense forces and Another important point is that Netanyahu and his wife, face based cruise missiles, has particularly alarmed also act more in harmony with the rest of the a new charge of corruption as well as the troubles caused by Lieb- the European countries that see it as a very EU members, they will stay within NATO. erman’s withdrawal from the coalition government. This issue dangerous and provocative move. But it can be said that in time a European can lead to the political death of one of the bloodiest politicians of Trump withdrew from that treaty with- force would act in parallel with NATO. history. There are some points about current changes going on in out any consultation either with the NATO Trump has opposed the plan and in the occupied territories that should be taken into consideration: allies or with Russia. “We’re going to ter- response to French President Macron’s Firstly, the United States, Britain and France, as supporters minate the agreement and we’re going to remarks called the formation of this army of the crimes of the Zionist regime, were once again prepared to pull out,” Trump told reporters on October offensive. Due to Trump’s reaction and his pave the way for the continuation of Israelis bloodshed and crimes 20 during a campaign stop in Nevada. This renewed appeal to Europeans to give more against the Palestinians. The failure of the UN Security Council on is not the way that a law-abiding country money to NATO, can these disputes threaten how to deal with the fresh wave of deadly Israeli attacks against should deal with international treaties or NATO’s future? the Palestinian territory, has once again proved that the United with its allies. Gorbachev who signed that A: As I said earlier, I believe that with the Nations Security Council has become a platform to support the agreement jointly with President Reagan collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Zionists’ crimes. told Russia’s Interfax News Agency: “Get- I believe that with the collapse of the Union, NATO is obsolete. Instead of spending On the other hand, with Donald Trump at top of the political ting rid of the treaty is a mistake… All the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, NATO is these insane amounts of money on warfare, and executive equations of the United States, Netanyahu had no agreements aimed at nuclear disarmament the time has come to look for more peaceful doubt about Washington’s support for Tel Aviv in the war against and limitation of nuclear arms must be obsolete. Instead of spending these insane means to ensure global security. Hamas. Indeed, what’s the reason behind the withdrawal and defeat preserved to save life on Earth.” amounts of money on warfare, the time has A recent study has shown that since 2001, of Israelis against the Islamic Resistance of Palestine? Meanwhile, German Foreign Minister come to look for more peaceful means to the United States alone has spent $5.9 trillion This question will be answered if we look through the existing Heiko Maas said Washington should con- on wars and that it has been in a state of realities in the occupied territories. The inability of the Zionist regime sider the consequences of pulling out of that ensure global security. constant wars, sometimes waged through to destroy Hamas missiles on the one hand, and rocket-attacks on international treaty, which he described as contractors. So, President Eisenhower’s pre- the lands and settlements of the Zionists by the Palestinian Islamic “an important pillar of our European security for the formation of a real European mil- bachev was promised by President George diction about a military-industrial complex Resistance (in response to Israel’s crimes) forced the Zionists to architecture.” itary to counter Russia’s threats and also H. W. Bush and his Secretary of State James has been almost completely fulfilled. The stop their invasions. Europe has been America’s loyal ally since independence from USA. In the interview, Baker that if he dismantled the Soviet Union continuation of the present insane course As Hamas official, Ismail Radwan, noted; “You will not commit the Second World War, but many Europeans the French president said: “We have to and agreed with the unification of Germa- will not only create a great deal of devastation a crime without being held accountable for it. The resistance’s have come to the conclusion that America, defend ourselves against Russia, China and ny, NATO would not encroach upon former and loss of life, it may even lead to a global missiles were launched from here and hit the Zionist depth. The especially under Trump, is not treating them even USA.” Why does France now name the Soviet territory. However, contrary to those conflagration, which might spell the end of message was clear: bombardment for bombardment, killing for as allies, but as vassals. They also don’t like United States alongside China and Russia promises, America has brought most of the human civilization. killing, blood for blood.” the unnecessary conflicts that Trump is in- as a threat? former Soviet Republics into NATO, and has Therefore, instead of forming a new mili- Netanyahu, on the other hand, knows well that Zionist settlers citing against Iran, Russia, China and others, A: Because the United States is making pushed its forces right up to the borders of tary force, the greatest contribution that the and even those residents of Tel Aviv and Haifa, after witnessing and his unilateral sanctions on a number of excessive demands on its allies, without taking Russia. Europeans can make is to wage a determined several Israeli military defeats against Hezbollah and Hamas (since countries, as well as putting pressure on U.S. into account their long-term interests. Dur- Not content with that, American gov- campaign to establish world peace through 2006), will no longer trust the Israeli regime in providing them allies to obey U.S. diktats and do the same. ing the Cold War, the United States formed ernments have called on NATO members dialog and negotiation. The ideals of the United with safety and security. It should not be forgotten that Netan- Recently, reacting to some of the arrogant a number of military alliances in different to spend 2% of their GDPs on NATO, and Nations were certainly very noble, but sadly yahu’s retreat against Hamas is not due to his peaceful nature! and interfering stances of the U.S. ambassador parts of the world to contain the former So- of course purchase American weapons in many of them have remained unfulfilled. Benjamin Netanyahu is the same criminal who is prepared to to Germany, the former German Chancellor viet Union. They included NATO in Europe, order to maintain the compatibility of all What we need now is a re-invigorated Unit- take any villainies against the resistance groups and the innocent Gerhard Schroeder told Die Welt: “When I CENTO in the Middle East and SEATO in their weapons. President Trump does not ed Nations, an end to militarism and a new Palestinians, and he aims at destroying these groups. look at the actions of the U.S. ambassador in South East Asia. Those alliances boosted realize that NATO’s main function has been Human Rights Charter for all the people of Even many Zionist politicians have repeatedly condemned Germany, I get the impression that he sees the status of the United States as the so- to bolster the US’s superpower status, and the world, not the privileged few. Netanyahu over his excessive risk-taking. But this time even Ne- himself more as an occupation officer than called “leader of the free world” and as the has complained that NATO members do not The conflict between Europe and Russia tanyahu has lost the risk power against the resistance groups. as an ambassador of the United States in a leading country in the capitalist camp. The pull their weight and has demanded that all has been artificially intensified in order Obviously, Avigdor Lieberman’s cries can’t reduce Netanyahu’s sovereign state.” He also criticized U.S. trade members of those alliances were required NATO members increase their contribution to sell more arms. Many Europeans see fear of Hamas. Of course, Lieberman himself clearly understood policy, saying that Germany “cannot put up to contribute to the cost of running those to 3% of their GDP. This has forced many Russia as a member of the European family the truth about Tel Aviv’s inability to face Hamas and the resistance with being treated like an occupied country”. organizations allegedly to guarantee their Europeans to question the role of NATO in of nations, and China and India as the two groups, but he still doesn’t dare to confess the truth. Trump may be unhappy with the decision collective security, but also to bolster the their security. This is why as the German rising powers are also more interested in of the European countries to form a European position of the United States as one of the Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking to MEPs trade and economic development than in Army but, above all, he should blame himself two superpowers. in Strasbourg on 13 November, said: “The war and conflict. Europe can play a his- for this state of affairs. With the collapse of the Soviet Union and time when we can rely on others has passed. toric role by dismantling NATO, putting Speaking to the “Europe 1” radio, the dismantlement of the Warsaw Pact, NATO We have to take our fate into our own hands an end to militarism and starting a new A real European army: French President Emmanuel Macron called should have been dismantled. In fact, Gor- if we want to defend our community.” world order. A naive or prudent idea?

1 German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, further bolstered Will Turkey attack the Kurds in eastern Euphrates? this idea by supporting President Macron’s call on the European Army, telling the EU Parliament that such an army would not By Ramin Hossein Abadian after the liberation of Idlib. weaken the US-led NATO alliance, but could complement it in The Syrian newspaper Al-Watan has quotes the Syrian many ways. TEHRAN — The eastern Euphrates, which is under the opposition as saying, “Turkey intends to attack the Syrian This idea has prompted a series of backlashes through control of the U.S. allies, has taken the attention of most Democratic Forces, SDF, in Tel Avia, located on the southern Europe and North America. UK Air Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, regional actors in Syria. border of Turkey, where these Kurds are supported by the U.S.” chairman of the NATO Military Committee, dubbed this idea “un- The region has the largest and most important oil fields, Turkey has told armed groups in Idlib, and in the western wise” while pointing to NATO’s strength as a unique command particularly al-Omar filed, which before 2011 produced around and northern Aleppo that they are ready to move to the and control network: “It’s not rhetoric based. It’s real planning 300 barrels of oil per day. east of Euphrates to confront the Kurdish forces who are in based on real data,” Peach noted. “And therefore, why would you Al-Raqqah, alone, has 70 percent of Syria’s water resourc- control of the area. Erdogan is seeking an invasion of Kobai wish to duplicate or replicate the strengths of an existing strong es, not to mention its fertile land for agricultural products. as a starting point for moving to other parts of eastern Eu- alliance.” The area accounts for one-third of Syria’s fertile land and phrates to dominate the border areas in the second phase. Likewise, the U.S. President Donald Trump, in a series of posted plays a big role in Syrian food and economy. In October, the Turkish army struck Kurdish positions tweets, reacted negatively to Macron’s comments, describing it as Al-Raqqah, also called Raqqa, is a city in Syria located in eastern Euphrates, coinciding with the statement made “very insulting.” A similar criticism came from NATO Secretary on the northeast bank of the Euphrates River, about 160 by Turkish President Erdogan on the determination of his General Jens Stoltenberg, who asserted that “It will be not a wise kilometres east of Aleppo. It is located 40 kilometres east country to overcome Kurdish forces in eastern Euphrates. decision by all those nations who are members of both NATO of the Tabqa Dam, Syria’s largest dam. This is while the U.S.-backed Kurdish forces, SDF, in and the European Union to start to have two sets of command The area also contains 90 percent of Syria’s gas and oil northern Syria also stepped in and patrol the area which structures, or duplicate what NATO is doing.” Similarly, Dutch revenue and over half of the country’s wheat and cotton. Deir invited Erdogan criticism, saying that that joint U.S.-Kurd- Prime Minister Mark Rutte has questioned the idea of an inte- ez-Zor province, in eastern Euphrates, is the second most takes responsibility for their own action. In a clearer sense, ish patrols just over the Turkish border with Syria were grated European Army, stating that the “continent’s safety could prominent Syrian province in terms of area (about 33,000 provokers must be put in a bottleneck and pushed aside. unacceptable and that he expected U.S. President Donald be guaranteed only through NATO.” square kilometers). Most of the Syrian oil production comes The U.S., the greatest supporter of terrorism, is the only Trump to stop them. Russian President Vladimir Putin, by contrast, has reacted from these areas, and it also is the richest source of Syria’s gas. actor that gets benefit from terrorist acts in Idlib, and there- Iran-Syria-Russia axis affirmatively to this proposal, describing it as a “positive” de- After the Syrian army defeated terrorists in various parts fore is seeking to defeat the military victories of the Syrian Meanwhile, Damascus considers the military presence velopment. So have, in a rather startling manner, conservative of the country, especially on the outskirts of Damascus and in army and the political achievements of Damascus.” of the U.S. and Turkey illegitimate in the country. The Syr- and Euro-skeptic ruling elites of the Europe—including Czech the south, and made advances in the depths of As-Suwayda, Syrian actors’ view of eastern Euphrates ian army has announced that the next step will be eastern President Milos Zeman and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor two regions are still not in the control of the Syrian govern- The other area, out of the Syrian army’s control, is the Euphrates after the liberation of Idlib. If the area east of Orban—whose support for European army has been predicted ment. One is the province of Idlib that based on Putin and eastern Euphrates that all actors of the Syrian affairs are the Euphrates were not given to the Syrian government, on entirely different considerations. Erdogan agreement it is kept a weapons-free area, despite keeping an eye on. This region has its own story. The other day, this will led to the confrontation between the Syrian army This support, by itself, should cause those in favor to pump the attacks carried out on the Syrian army’s positions there Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish President warned the U.S. and U.S.-backed. the breaks on any potential future arming of the subcontinent. by the terrorists. Some Syrian military experts, including and said “no one can turn Turkey into their own backyard.” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad warned U.S.-backed The goals of a secure Europe, one might argue, are not necessarily the Brigadier General Hamdan believe that the Syrian army Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, who was at- Kurdish forces. “We’re going to deal with it by two options: those of Orban or Zeman. To paraphrase a Latin phrase from the will soon embrace Idlib too. tending Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, the first one we started now opening doors for negotiations, classic the Aeneid, “I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts.” General Hamdan said, “Terrorist activities that resulted expressed indignation at photos showing U.S. troops dining because the majority of them [SDF] are Syrians. If not, we’re A reasonable dose of skepticism is required when avowed and in the deaths of 18 Syrian soldiers and the failure of other with Kurdish militants near the Turkish border in Syria going to resort ... to liberating those areas by force”, Assad said. militant nationalists support military armament. players to subside terrorism have put a halt to the ceasefire and said, “We expect U.S. to stop cooperation with the YPG Moscow, on the other hand, considers the U.S. actions Whether this idea is a turning point in European poli- in Idlib. Thus, the final operation by the Syrian army is terror group as promised.” in eastern Euphrates to be an attempt to create a region tics remains open to debate. It is worth noting that EU member approaching fast. “These photos have found wide coverage in our media separate from Syria, and considers it unacceptable. Rus- states are driven by different motives and incentives, making it Syrian army, as we have repeatedly said, continues on the and disturbed our people. They tarnished the image of the sia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Oct. 12, 2018: extremely difficult to build a broader consensus in the face of the path of self-restraint, but it seems the purpose of the moves U.S. and its army... for the Turkish public. It is unacceptable “In eastern Euphrates, the situation is such that there are unanimity rule within the EU common defense policy. The most is to bring all parties to war in Idlib, be it with a political for the U.S. to provide arms and ammunition by plane and inevitable actions. And the United States seeks to exploit practical obstacle to the idea of an integrated European Army is reason, for exploiting the military movements of the Syrian trucks to the YPG terrorist group even when Daesh has been this land through its Syrian allies, in particular the Kurds, the lingering issue of national sovereignty. army politically or with the aim of targeting more Syrian neutralized to a large extent. We will not allow the formation to create a region similar to that of the country.” Given the lack of political cohesion within the European Union, army personnel, militarily. of a terrorist corridor on our southern border,” Akar said. But Iran has consistently stated that the presence of the both the vision and the logistics of an authentic European integrated The goal of the Russian moves in the next few weeks It seems that north-east of Syria, where the U.S.-backed United States is in the eastern Euphrates as an occupation. army are likely to fail to present a realistic alternative to NATO before the coming New Year is to gain more international Kurds are present, will face new developments, as Ankara Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani during the Tehran summit and may invite further arming throughout Europe. Learning the support for the region in bringing an end to the daily activ- has threatened to intervene in the area, and Damascus has saw the post-Idlib phase against the Syrian army as the U.S. lessons that presaged the last two World Wars, one should view ities of terrorists. And that is only possible when everyone announced to send the Syrian forces to east of Euphrates forces in the east of Euphrates. with apprehension this move toward military expansion. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 ADVERTISEMENTS NOVEMBER 20, 2018

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How does social media use Declaration from the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba affect our body image? The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, com- mitted to the solidarity and humanist principles that have A new study reveals how social media use felt with their appearance, using a scale guided Cuba’s medical cooperation for 55 years, has been could affect the self-perceived body image ranging from “none” to “very much.” participating in Brazil’s “More Doctors” program since its of young women. “Participants rated how dissatisfied inception in August of 2013. Being active on social media may affect they felt about their overall appearance This initiative launched by Dilma Rousseff, who was at that how young women perceive their own and body by placing a vertical line on time the president of the Federal Republic of Brazil, pursued appearance. a 10-[centimeter] horizontal line,” the the noble purpose of guaran- Recently, the effects of social media use authors explain. The researchers scored teeing medical assistance to on our mental health and well-being have the responses “to the nearest millimeter,” the majority of the Brazilian been the topic of much debate. which created a 100-point scale. people, following the principle According to the social displacement Their results revealed that after of universal health coverage theory, for example, the more time we interacting with attractive peers, the promoted by the World Health spend socializing online, the less time women’s perceptions of their own Organization. we’re likely to spend socializing in the appearance changed, whereas interacting The program had planned offline world. with family members did not have any the inclusion of Brazilian and This could lead to a decrease in one’s bearing on their body image. foreign doctors who would work overall well-being. “Social media engagement with in poor and remote areas of However, recent studies have dispelled attractive peers increases negative state the country. this myth, with researchers arguing that body image,” explain the researchers. Cuba’s participation in this social media is “not bad in the way people Mills comments on the findings, program was arranged through think it is.” saying, “The results showed that these the Pan-American Health Or- Other studies have drawn links between young adult women felt more dissatisfied ganization with one distinctive social media use and loneliness, suggesting with their bodies.” feature: it was intended to fill that going on a social media “detox” lowers “They felt worse about their own the vacancies left by doctors from Brazil and other foreign feelings of depression and loneliness. appearance after looking at social media nations. Does social media have any effect on pages of someone that they perceived to During these five years of work, some 20,000 Cuban col- body confidence and how we perceive our be more attractive than them. Even if they laborators have assisted 113,359,000 patients in more than own appearance, however? felt bad about themselves before they came 3,600 municipalities. They were able to provide health cov- New research — led by Jennifer Mills, into the study, on average, they still felt erage to a vast 60 million Brazilians, when they accounted for an associate professor in the Department of worse after completing the task.” 80% of all the doctors who were taking part in the program. Psychology at York University in Toronto, Recently, the effects of social media use on “When we compare ourselves [with] More than 700 municipalities were able to have a doctor for Canada, and Jacqueline Hogue, a Ph.D. our mental health and well-being have been other people, that has the potential to the first time ever. student in the department’s Clinical affect the valuation of ourselves,” she adds. The work of Cuban doctors in areas of extreme poverty, in Program — examined the effects of social the topic of much debate. “We really need to educate young people the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Salvador de Bahia, media on the self-perceived body image into two groups. Those in the first group of their peers. In the control group, the on how social media use could be making and the 34 Special Indigenous Districts, particularly in Ama- of young women. logged into Facebook and Instagram for women logged into Facebook or Instagram them feel about themselves and how this zonia, was widely recognized by federal, state, and municipal Mills and Hogue published their findings 5 minutes or more and were asked to find for at least 5 minutes and left a comment could even be linked to stringent dieting, governments of that country and its population, 95% of which in the journal Body Image. one peer of roughly the same age whom on a post of a family member whom they eating disorders, or excessive exercise. expressed their acceptance, according to a survey carried out Studying social media use and they “explicitly considered more attractive” did not consider more attractive. There are people who may be triggered by the Federal University of Minas Gerais at the request of body image than themselves. Before and after these tasks, the by social media and who are especially the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Mills and Hogue divided 118 female Then, the researchers asked all of the participants filled in a questionnaire that vulnerable,” concludes Mills. On September 27, 2016, the Ministry of Public Health, in undergraduate students aged 18–27 participants to comment on the photos asked about how much dissatisfaction they (Source: Medical News Today) an official statement issued on a day close to the expiration date of the agreement and amidst the events associated to the legislative and judicial coup d’ etat against president Dilma Air pollution: Low emission zones not preventing What time of day do we burn the Rousseff, announced that Cuba “would continue to honor its agreement with the Pan-American Health Organization for the stunted lung growth in London children most calories? implementation of the Program More Doctors, provided that the guarantees offered by local authorities were maintained”, something that has been so far respected. Jair Bolsonaro, president elect of Brazil, who has made direct, contemptuous and threatening comments against the presence of our doctors, has declared and reiterated that he will modify the terms and conditions of the Program More Doctors, in full disregard of the Pan-American Health Or- ganization and the agreement reached by this organization with Cuba, since he has questioned the qualification of our doctors and has conditioned their permanence in the program to a process of validation of their titles and established that contracts will only be signed on an individual basis. The announced modifications impose conditions that are unacceptable and fail to ensure the guarantees that had been previously agreed upon since the beginning of the Program, which were ratified in 2016 with the re-negotiation of the Terms of Cooperation between The Pan-American Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of Brazil and the Cooperation Agreement between the Pan-American Health Organization and the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba. These Children in London are growing up with was «extremely worried” about what the A recent study shows that a person’s “The fact that doing the same thing unacceptable conditions make it impossible to maintain the smaller lungs and asthma due to toxic air city’s air was doing to her sons’ lungs. metabolism does not stay the same for at one time of day burned so many more presence of Cuban professionals in the Program. pollution, despite efforts to cut fumes from “The government cannot be allowed 24 hours — in fact, there are times of the calories than doing the same thing at a Consequently, in the light of this unfortunate reality, the the city’s traffic. to dismiss the evidence, air pollution is day where their body is chewing through different time of day surprised us,” says Ministry of Public Health of Cuba has decided to discontinue its A study of over 2,000 young people damaging our children›s health,” she said. a greater number of calories while they lead author Kirsi-Marja Zitting of the participation in the Program More Doctors and has informed living in the capital found that while low The researchers behind the study are just sitting there. Division of Sleep and Circadian Disor- so to the Director of the Pan-American Health Organization emission zones designed to keep high-pol- said their results showed the impor- According to a new study, a person’s ders at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the political leaders of Brazil who founded and defended luting cars away have slightly improved air tance of evidence-based decision mak- energy-burning ability fluctuates across and Harvard Medical School, both in this initiative. quality, deeper cuts are needed to improve ing, and provided further support for the day. Boston, MA. The decision to bring into question the dignity, profes- children’s health. the ultra-low emission zone that will The research, published in Current Constantly burning calories sionalism and altruism of Cuban cooperation workers who, Experts said the findings showed more see even tighter restrictions placed on Biology, shows that our body’s internal Humans burn calories no matter what with the support of their families, are currently offering their ambitious measures are needed to tackle vehicles entering the city. clock may have more to do with how we they do, whether they are sleeping in a services in 67 countries is unacceptable. During the last 55 Britain’s air pollution crisis. They added «This new study reveals the terrible process calories than previously thought. bed, walking around the block, or run- years, a total of 600 000 internationalist missions have been that the ultra-low emission zone launching legacy of successive governments› failure While sitting around in the late after- ning a marathon. accomplished in 164 nations, with the participation of 400 next year is a step in the right direction. to act over illegal levels of air pollution,” noon and early evening may not feel that People take in calories through food 000 health workers who, in quite a few cases, have fulfilled Outdoor air pollution from cars and said Andrea Lee, senior campaigner for much different from sitting around in and drink and use those calories up by this honorable task more than once. Their feats in the struggle other sources kills four million people ClientEarth, the environmental lawyers the morning, a person burns 10 percent breathing, digesting foods, and with against the Ebola virus in Africa, blindness in Latin America every year, and children are particularly who have successfully sued the govern- more calories later in the day. every movement they make. The more and the Caribbean and cholera in Haiti as well as the participa- susceptible to its effects. ment three times over the UK’s illegal Everyone burns calories no matter a person moves, the more calories they tion of 26 brigades of the International Contingent of Doctors «We are raising a generation of chil- air pollution. what they are doing, even while they burn. Specialized in Disaster Situations and Great Epidemics “Henry dren reaching adulthood with stunted lung “The ultra-low emission zone in London are taking a nap. People often turn to calorie-count- Reeve” in Pakistan, Indonesia, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile capacity,” said Professor Chris Griffiths will be welcome when it comes in next spring The human body needs calories and ing when they are hoping to lose some and Venezuela, among other countries, are worthy of praise. from Queen Mary University of London, but action is also needed at a national level.” uses them to supply the body with the weight because when a person burns In the overwhelming majority of the missions that have one of the study’s authors. Shirley Rodrigues, deputy London energy it requires to function properly. more calories than they take in, they been accomplished, all expenses have been covered by the He also blamed the car industry and mayor for environment and energy, said Isolation tend to lose weight. Cuban government. a government “which continues to fail to the report was “further evidence of how To find out a little more about our What does this mean for us? Likewise, 35,613 health professionals from 138 countries act decisively to ensure towns and cities pollution blights young Londoners’ lives”. internal calorie-burning capabilities, the Everyone has their own personal rest- have been trained in Cuba at absolutely no cost as an expression cut traffic”. She said besides low emissions zones, researchers carried out a study on seven ing metabolic rate, which is a measure of of our solidarity and internationalist vocation. Low emission zones restrict or penal- there was a need for the government to people. The participants stayed in an how quickly the body uses up energy. The All Cuban cooperation workers have preserved their posts ize vehicles driving into parts of the city implement a diesel scrappage scheme to isolated laboratory setting that had no study revealed that this rate fluctuates and their full salary in Cuba, together with all due labor and in an effort to discourage their use, and take the most polluting vehicles off the road. windows, clocks, phones, or Internet. throughout the day. social benefits, just as the rest of the workers of the National London introduced the world’s largest one London is not the only part of the UK This meant they had no clues as to what If our bodies burn calories a little Health System. a decade ago. with dangerous air pollution, with one 2017 time of day it was. faster in the afternoon to early evening, The experience of the Program More Doctors for Brazil The research, published in The Lancet report by the World Health Organization Each person was assigned a time to it might be a good idea to make lunch and Cuba’s participation in it show that it is indeed possible Public Health journal, is one of the first concluding over 40 British cities had air go to bed, and a time to wake up, and the biggest meal of the day instead of to structure a South-South Cooperation Program under the efforts to understand whether this strategy too dangerous to breathe. throughout the 3-week study, those times dinner. auspices of the Pan-American Health Organization in order has had any impact on Londoners’ health. Responding to the report, a spokesperson were adjusted 4 hours later each day. Jeanne Duffy, also in the Division to promote the achievement of its goals in our region. The Scientists enrolled eight and nine year- from the Department for Environment, Food Essentially, this was comparable with of Sleep and Circadian Disorders at United Nations Development Program and the World Health olds from Tower Hamlets, Hackney, Green- and Rural Affairs said: “While air quality “circling the globe every week.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital, says: Organization have described it as the main example of good wich and the City of London, all of which in the UK has improved significantly since Since their bodies were not able to “It is not only what we eat, but when practices in triangular cooperation and the implementation are failing to meet current European Union 2010, we understand the risk it continues settle into a rhythm because they were we eat — and rest — that impacts how of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. nitrogen dioxide pollution limits. to pose to human health, and realize more sleeping and waking at different times much energy we burn or store as fat. The peoples from Our America and from all over the world They monitored the children’s health needs to be done. For that reason, we have every day, they developed their own Regularity of habits, such as eating and know that they will always be able to count on the solidarity over the five years, covering the period when introduced a £3.5bn plan to reduce harm- patterns. The researchers measured sleeping, is very important to overall and humanistic vocation of our professionals. the low emission zone was introduced, and ful emissions and an ambitious Clean Air their metabolic rate at different times health.” The Brazilian people, who turned the Program More Doctors found that those exposed to air pollution Strategy which has been welcomed by the of the day to determine how their bod- This team plans to study how appetite into a social achievement and, from the very beginning, has lost about 5 per cent of their lung capacity. World Health Organization. ies dealt with calorie consumption all and the body’s response to food differ trusted Cuban doctors, recognized their virtues and appreci- Even though nitrogen dioxide levels “We will soon be going even further with around the clock. depending on the time of day. They also ated the respect, sensitivity and professionalism with which fell thanks to the zones, there was no ac- new legislation to give local government They discovered that metabolic rate was want to investigate how sleep — how long they have assisted them, will understand who are to be held companying fall in lung conditions among new powers to take action in areas with a lowest late during their biological “night,” and how often a person sleeps — affects responsible for our doctors’ not being able to continue offering the children. pollution problem.” and highest around 12 hours later, in the their body’s response to food. their fraternal contribution in that country. London parent Alice De Ville said she (Source: The Independent) biological “afternoon and evening.” (Source: Medical News Today) (Source: Cuban Embassy) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM NOVEMBER 20, 2018 Intl. advertising, forex-based tariffs needed Iranian herdsman builds “underground city” to attract for Iran’s hospitality industry: hotelier travelers Homa Hotel Group to introduce absolute bargains at weekends TOURISM TEHRAN — The managing director of deskHoma Hotel Group believes that Iranian hotels should be authorized to charge foreign customers with forex-based tariffs as he attaches importance to have attractions advertised in major international media. Asghar Khayamian told the Tehran Times in a recent interview that “We do need a marketing campaign to have significant presence of international travelers in the country.” “Affiliated with the Social Security Organization, Homa Hotel Group is a chain of five-star hotels in Tehran, Shiraz, Bandar Abbas and Mashhad, some of which amongst pio- neering in the country.” Briefing the group, he added that the chain gains over 50 years of experience under its belt by the assistance of some 1000 employees. “Due to the growing numbers of tourists in Mashhad, a TOURISM TEHRAN — An Iranian herdsman has com- second was constructed to provide the guests with optimum desk pleted carving an “underground city” with the level of service.” hope of turning it into a tourist hub in the central Semnan prov- He noted that the Tehran Homa Hotel, in an innovative ince, Mehr reported on Monday. approach, aims to offer absolute bargains at weekends, which Bahram Nik-Eqbal, who is interested in geology, employed could attract many people. hundreds of workers to make the subterranean city within a year “We anticipate that families would highly welcome the in his paternal piece of land. scheme for a change… staying in five-star hotel would be To have his dream come true, Nik-Eqbal make a citadel on fun, moreover they can benefit from all its facilities and the surface and a residents in the depth of eight to ten meters programs that we provide in a bargain price.” underground. Dignified renovations The depth has been determined in such a way that assures Khayamian underlined that constant renovation has long adequate Oxygen will come through yet it lessens the danger of been on agenda in such a way that any of the hotels would crumpling. not be shut due to being renovated. The subterranean resident includes 15 rooms, each can ac- “We have made over each of our hotels in stages… they commodate 5 people. It also contains other chambers, air ducts, should be restored regularly due to the fact that both do- water pipes, storage spaces, and hallways. mestic and foreign guests are sensitive to even the smallest There are several underground cities across the country. Just negative points.” north of Kashan, in the small town of Nushabad, lies a sprawling To cite some examples, he said, “For instance, one of underground city which dates back to the Sasanian era (224- 651). our hotels in Mashhad commonly known as Hotel-e Ah- madabad, recently underwent a restoration project in order Asghar Khayamian, the managing director of Homa Hotel Group, speaks to the Tehran Times on November 12, 2018. to seem dignified to its customers… moreover, parts of our hotels in Tehran and Bandar Abbas have been renovated Ground broken for cultural in a situation that they weren’t closed yet didn’t pose any “We anticipate that families would highly welcome the problem for the guests.” scheme for a change… staying in five-star hotel would be fun, center in Khoy Elsewhere in his remarks, he said that “Of our grand strategies it to make hotels in several [touristic] cities in- moreover they can benefit from all its facilities and programs cluding Isfahan and Hamedan.” that we provide in a bargain price.” Occupancy rates soar in Mashhad hotels not others factor, the price factor cannot play a decisive role, however if looking for new markets, for instance, offering special ser- The official also referred to occupancy rates of the hotels there is a robust sense of security, one can discuss the issue vices to medical tourists to meet the growing demands of as he made a comparison between its figures in the first half of setting rates and pricing.” incoming patients.” of the current Iranian calendar year (started on March 21) The official explained that tourism and hospitality are “Iran is famous for wallet-friendly costs and high medical and that of the year earlier. widely considered as very sensitive industries, saying “In status in this regard.” “Dramatic changes in the value of rial [the Iranian cur- the current situation, many foreign tourists have a distorted The costs of medical treatment in Iran is almost ten times rency] have had a significant impact on the tourism sector… image of Iran in terms of security, recreation and accommo- cheaper for international medical travelers in comparison occupancy rates of our Mashhad hotels have seen rise par- dation as long as they haven’t set foot in the country…. on the with the U.S. and Europe, Mohammad-Hassan Bani-Asad, ticularly by Iraqi travelers but the situation in our other other hand, such miscalculation induces foreign investors the CEO of Tehran’s five-star Gandhi Hotel-Hospital, said hotels is quite different.” not to risk in our country.” in October. The holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), the eighth Shia Imam, He went on to stress that constructing hotels and the Data from the Health Ministry’s medical tourism depart- in the province’s capital city of Mashhad, attracts thousands of hospitality industry is considered as interesting yet trouble- ment shows that the country hosted more than 300,000 pilgrims each day. The city has also the highest concentration some business, saying that over the past couple of years, the patients in the 2017-2018 financial year, NewsAsia reported. of water parks in the country, and it also embraces variety country’s tourism sector has been faced with some uncertain The official data shows that foreign patients are drawn of cultural and historical sites which are generally crowded. prospects because at one time the number of passengers by affordable treatments and high quality of services. Most HERITAGE TEHRAN — Construction of a special cultural Worldwide advertising required sharply increases and later suffers somewhat a recession. of them come from neighboring Iraq, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, deskcenter began on Monday in the premises of the Managing director of the Homa Hotel Group believes that In search of new markets Turkmenistan, Pakistan and some come from as far away Shams-i Tabrizi mausoleum in the northwestern city of Khoy. Iran’s hospitality industry suffers from the lack of appropri- Khayamian also quoted some top travel agency managers as Eastern Europe. Dental procedures, organ transplants, A ground-breaking ceremony was conducted with attendance ate marketing in the global scene, saying “Unfortunately, who say international package tours have declined over the heart surgery and cancer treatments are among the most of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization a misconception is fueled [particularly by some Western past couple of months. requested services. Director Ali-Asghar Mounesan and several local officials, CHTO media outlets] there is less security in Iran. “In an attempt to change this status quo, Homa Hotel Health officials target a revenue of $2.5 billion by 2025 reported. “For a potential traveler, certainly, when there is no safety Group, on its own, is exploring new ideas… We are actively from $500 million that the country now receives. The center will be named after and dedicated to Shams-i Tabrizi who was a mentor of the famed Persian poet Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi. Born in the city of Tabriz, Shams lived together with Rumi in Economic troubles, Brexit and trade wars may affect Konya for several years, and has been immortalized in Rumi’s collection of poetry named the “Divan of Shams ad-Din of Tabriz”. travel companies, executives warn Mediterranean cruises and luxury spa treat- over the economy continue to rise. consumers will continue to spend a portion Priceline [now known as Booking Holdings] ments were not the major topics of conversa- “Often what happens is consumers are less of their discretionary income on trips. and Expedia actually accelerated in those ROUND THE GLOBE tion at the Phocuswright Travel conference willing to book that trip six months from now, “Look at the unemployment level in the cycles because hotels become more depend- in Los Angeles. twelve months from now. They’re thinking, U.S. It is booming right now. We see people, ent on them to distribute their products,” Komodo National Park Most pressing concern? Changing con- ‘Let’s wait and see how we’re doing.’ Second- when they have cash, they want to travel. So Gerstner said to CNBC. sumer trends amid economic jitters. ly, we do see more towards domestic travel, while there may be a pocket here and there Taking a step back and analyzing the A number of travel executives told CNBC away from international. Third is we do see that’s causing concern, in the long run, the recent stock market downturn, Gerstner Komodo National Park, located in the center of the Indonesian they are bullish on the short term but admitted often a trade down, people are spending less. trend for travel is going to be upward,” Fogel characterized it as a “healthy correction … archipelago, between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores, is that the longer-term picture is becoming more But in a real downturn, sometimes you get a said to CNBC. we’re seeing opportunities.” composed of three major islands (Rinca, Komodo, and Padar) uncertain given new industry dynamics and four-star hotel for a three-star price, and so Brad Gerstner, who manages $3 billion Gerstner said Altimeter continues to like and numerous smaller ones, all of them of volcanic origin. larger political headwinds, such as Brexit customers are getting better value,” Expedia hedge fund Altimeter Capital, said some of Facebook, pointing to its valuation, which Located at the juncture of two continental plates, this na- and trade wars. CEO Mark Okerstrom said to CNBC. his biggest positions are still in online travel he said is at a single-digit multiple. tional park constitutes the “shatter belt” within the Wallacea Kayak CEO Steve Hafner told CNBC Glenn Fogel, CEO of Booking Holdings, stocks such as Booking Holdings and Expedia. Looking to the IPO market, while a number Biogeographical Region, between the Australian and Sunda that bookings look soft to flat going into the largest travel operator in the world, ad- Gerstner, while cautious on the current of companies have delayed their listings due ecosystems. The property is identified as a global conservation the holidays. mitted there were some areas of uncertainty, market landscape, said history has shown to the recent bout of stock market volatility, priority area, comprising unparalleled terrestrial and marine Other online travel leaders expect con- pointing to Brexit and the ongoing trade war. that online travel operators tend to do well Gerstner still expects Uber to list in the first ecosystems and covers a total area of 219,322 ha. sumers to continue to travel, though the type However, he said the tight labor market sug- amid an economic downturn. half of 2019. of travel they book may change as concerns gests the economy is in a good position and “Ironically, if you look at 2008 and 2011, (Source: CNBC) 2018 “China-EU Tourism Year” Concludes in Xi’an XI’AN, China (PRNewswire) — The closing ceremony of the 2018 “China-EU Tourism Year” (CETY) was held in Xi’an, Northwestern China’s Shaanxi Province on November 17. Officials at all levels congratulated and expressed best wishes for the end of the year-long event. The ceremony was jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China (MCT) and Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs The dry climate has triggered specific evolutionary ad- of the European Commission (DG GROW). The Department aptation within the terrestrial flora that range from open of Culture and Tourism of Shaanxi Province co-sponsored it. grass-woodland savanna to tropical deciduous (monsoon) Yu Qun, committee member of MCT, Zhao Gang, Vice forest and quasi cloud forest. The rugged hillsides and dry Governor of Shaanxi Province, Lowri Evans, Director General vegetation highly contrast with the sandy beaches and the of DG GROW delivered speeches respectively. Diplomatic blue coral-rich waters. envoys and representatives of Chinese and European tourism The most remarkable inhabitant of Komodo National Park enterprises attended the event. is the Komodo Lizard, Varanus komodoensis. These giant In his speech, Yu said that the successful implementation lizards, existing no-where else in the world, are of great sci- of the 2018 CETY and the booming tourism in China and entific interest, especially for their evolutionary implications. Europe have once again confirmed the love for life among Zhao said the closing ceremony of the 2018 CETY provides implementation, and said she would continue to work with Most commonly known as ‘Komodo Dragons’, due to its the people in China and Europe, their enthusiasm for ex- the EU and the world with an opportunity to understand China to lift China-EU relations to a new level. appearance and aggressive behavior, the Komodo Lizard, ploring the world and their aspiration to understand each and cooperate with Shaanxi. In light of “Belt and Road In- On January 19, 2018, the 2018 CETY kicked off in Venice, is the largest living species of lizard, growing to an average other. China is willing to take the event as an opportunity itiative”, Shaanxi will continue to promote exchanges and Italy. In the past year, China and the EU have organized length of 2 to 3 meters. to deepen its cooperation in the field of tourism with the cooperation in tourism with EU countries. more than 100 promotional events in various forms under (Source: UNESCO) EU and its member states so as to inject new impetus into Evans spoke highly of the fruitful achievements of the 2018 the framework of the CETY and the events have aroused the development of China-EU relations. CETY, thanked China for its contribution to the successful extensive interest from all sectors in China and Europe. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 20, 2018 SCIENCE 11 Laser technology uncovers medieval secrets Lab-grown meat gets support, locked in Alpine ice core, new study finds say American authorities U.S. authorities on Friday agreed on how to regulate food products cultured from animal cells – paving the way to get so-called “lab A new study has found ground-breaking ga-eruption occurred on Iceland, with meat” on American plates. evidence from an ice core in the Swiss-Ital- major climate implications for northwest The Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Ad- ian Alps that proves the 7th century switch Europe especially. A unique atmospheric ministration (FDA) agreed to share regulation of cell-cultured from gold to silver currencies in western modelling program developed at CCI, Cli- food products, they said in a joint statement, following a public Europe actually occurred a quarter of a mate Re-analyzer, also provides a unique meeting in October. century earlier than previously thought. insight on wind directions and origins of While technical details have yet to be confirmed, the FDA would The findings, from the University of the lead pollution (the by-product of sil- oversee the collection and differentiation of cells – when stem Nottingham and which are published in ver-mining/smelting) that was deposited cells develop to specialized cells – while USDA would oversee the journal Antiquity, will have major im- in the Alps. production and labeling of food products. plications on the history of the European Professor Christopher Loveluck monetary system, and what we thought (lead-author of the Antiquity article), from we knew about trade and the economy the Department of Classics and Archaeology during this period. at the University of Nottingham, said: “We The long-standing dating of all events found huge lead pollution peaks in the ice, and archaeological remains linked to the but using new high-precision technologies, 72m-deep ice core from Colle Gnifetti in a by-product of large-scale silver mining old dating of the first silver coinage will also a team of climate scientists, volcanologists, the Swiss-Italian Alps, drilled in 2013. and bullion production in the mid-7th have to change in light of the new study. archaeologists and historians working on The laser-based chronology was further century, in AD 640 and 660. The existing During the second half of the 7th cen- the ‘Historical Ice Core Project’ (HICP), refined by linkage to markers of volcanic gold coinage started to be debased with tury AD the coin-using regions of North have pinpointed definitively that the switch eruptions, from tephra and other known silver in 640 and was replaced by a new West Europe switched from gold to silver actually happened in 660 AD. events. This included the tephra (volcanic silver coinage in 660, almost simultane- currency. This change was a significant The establishment of the chronology glass) from the 536 mega-eruption. ously in France and southeast England.” point in history and resulted in major so- was made possible using ultra-high res- Analysis of the 536 tephra in this study The team used the unique atmospheric cial and economic transformations which olution laser analysis of elements on the suggests, for the first time, that the me- modelling program, and weather data from saw increased long-distance trade and the NASA and the National Oceanographic and “This regulatory framework will leverage both the FDA’s ex- emergence of major ports and trading Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to perience regulating cell-culture technology and living biosystems centers, such as London and continen- The long-standing dating of all events and learn which direction the lead was carried and the USDA’s expertise in regulating livestock and poultry tal counterparts around the Channel and archaeological remains linked to the old from, with the evidence indicating the mines products for human consumption,” the statement said, adding southern North Sea coast. at Melle in western France, the largest known that the agencies see no need for legislation on the matter. High-precision technologies dating of the first silver coinage will also have silver source for Western Europe in the In fact, several niche “lab-meat” startups already exist, but Until now, experts have reported this to change in light of the new study. eighth and ninth centuries AD. production costs are very high and nobody has a product that switch to be between 675 AD and 680 AD – (Source: phys.org) is ready to sell yet. The backers of “lab meat” argue avoiding slaughtering animals will reduce both suffering and greenhouse emissions – and is a sustainable option to feed growing populations hungry for protein. Scientists challenging the next generation Researchers controlling organ “American consumers deserve a wide array of healthy, humane, and sustainable choices,” said Jessica Almy, policy director at to put together a new message for aliens growth with light The Good Food Institute. But they are locked in disagreement with farming organiza- tions about whether such products can indeed be called “meat.” The authorities have made no statement on that -- but the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association welcomed the news. “USDA is going to oversee labeling, which we are ecstatic about because the FDA does not require pre-market label approval … before the products hits the shelves,” said spokeswoman Lia Biondo. (Source: Firstpost)

Large frozen planet found in star only 6 light-years away

A team of astronomers has presented definitive evidence that an exoplanet orbits Barnard’s star. The super-Earth is believed If you’re an alien far, far away inside the (picked because it is a semiprime number). In optogenetics, researchers use light to the scientists use optogenetics to stiffen to be located close to the star system’s snow line. globular star cluster M13, one day you It was aimed at the M13 cluster of stars control protein activity. This technique this surface, it becomes impossible for cells Astronomers have, for years, been peering at Barnard’s star, might receive a radio message from Earth a casual 25,000 light-years away from allows them to alter the shape of embryonic to bend inwards, stopping the whole in- one of closest star systems to Earth, looking for signs of an or- written in binary code. Earth. So it’ll be a little while before we tissue and to inhibit the development of vagination process. biting exoplanet. Decoding it would give you a beautiful know if it’s arrived or we end up with a abnormalities. Now, scientists in EMBL’s “If cells are not allowed to relax their However, for years, the search has come up empty. There 8-bit style picture of some basic human response. De Renzis group have enhanced the tech- bases, they cannot constrict their apices have been hints of a possible hidden world here and there, but information – including the structure of At the time, it was known as a bit of nique to stop organ-shaping processes in efficiently, and tissue invagination stops. nothing was considered conclusive. DNA, a graphic of our Solar System and a a publicity stunt to show off the 1,000 fruit fly embryos. Their results, published To stick with the balloon analogy, it’s like Barnard’s star, because of proximity to Earth, is one of the picture of a man (minus his head). foot (305 meter) diameter Arecibo dish, in The EMBO Journal, allow control over when you squeeze the top and the bottom most studied areas within the Milky Way Galaxy. It is a red dwarf 44 years after the Arecibo Observatory which was the largest and most powerful a crucial step in embryonic development. of a balloon simultaneously. located in the constellation called Ophiuchus, just below the in Puerto Rico broadcast that message, the at that time. For healthy development, tissue has to The new method Summer Triangle. It is only about six light-years away from Earth. team at Arecibo are hoping to inspire young That being said, it reportedly brought change its shape. For example, groups of The inner pressure becomes higher and However, it took more than two decades of observation before kids and young adults to create a New some people that were there to actual tears. cells alter their shape as part of the devel- the balloon can’t fold inwards anymore,” someone found definitive evidence that an exoplanet is in orbit Arecibo Message for the next generation. Symbolic event opment of organs. Stefano De Renzis and says De Renzis. With their new method, around Barnard’s star. In a recent investigation led by Ignasi “Our society and our technology have “It was strictly a symbolic event, to his team members at EMBL are interested it is not only possible to stop invagina- Ribas of the Institute of Space Sciences in Spain, the team used changed a lot since 1974,” says Francisco show that we could do it,” said Donald in the mechanisms behind these shape tion before it happens, but also to stop it new and archival data sourced from seven instruments across Cordova, the director of the NSF-funded Campbell, Cornell University professor of transitions and use optogenetics to steer mid-process. the world. The data included Barnard’s star’s radial velocity and Arecibo Observatory. astronomy, who was a research associate them with light. While scientists had speculated about relative speed toward and away from Earth. Updated messages from earthlings at the Arecibo Observatory at the time To form internal organs like kidneys, the importance of the tissue’s basal (inner) After looking at 20 years’ worth of data, the team detected “So, if we were assembling our message explained in a blog post on a recent Google groups of cells must move towards the surface before, experimental techniques a planet that circles the star every 233 days, a mass at least 3.2 today, what would it say? What would it Doodle commemorating the event. inside of an embryo. During this process, were not advanced enough to test this. times that of Earth, and an orbital distance similar to that of look like? What one would need to learn A team of researchers from Cornell called invagination, the surface of a group With their new method, the EMBL team Mercury to the Sun. Dubbed Barnard’s star b, the exoplanet is to be able to design the right updated University, with assistance from Carl Sagan of cells contracts and causes the tissue can modify protein activity without dam- situated close to its star system’s snow line, which suggests that message from the earthlings?” himself, crafted a message to show our to fold inwards. “Imagine the embryo as aging the cells, while still being able to water exists in its frozen form. “Those are the questions we are posing way of counting (decimal), the atomic a balloon and tissue invagination as the activate and deactivate the modifications The team used the method called radial velocity, which uses to young people around the world through numbers of the elements that make up deformation caused by fingers that push as necessary. Their results provide the first the Doppler shifts of a star’s light to measure the tug of a nearby the New Arecibo Message,” he added. DNA. the surface of the balloon inwards. proof for a long-standing theory that could planet. This is the first time that astronomers used radial velocity to The process won’t be a simple one It then goes on to explain the formulas The process abnormalities explain morphological abnormalities during detect an exoplanet of this size and this far away from its host star. though, the researchers explain; teams for the sugars and bases in DNA, as well The only difference is that cells are not embryonic development. (Source: Tech Times) of up to 10 students (from kindergarten as a graphic of the DNA helix structure, being subjected to an external force like Combined with their previous results, through to college) will have to decode the population of Earth at the time, and the fingers, but need to be able to generate the scientists are now able to control every clues and learn about space science in the average height of a man. forces to move inside by themselves,” says step of this important developmental pro- the process. We don’t know what this New Arecibo De Renzis, who led the project. Abnormal- cess in embryos. Although the experiments Scientists discover how After completing a series of projects, message will look like, or even if the ities in this process lead to problems in were done in fruit fly embryos, De Renzis electric fish got their big brains the winners will be announced during winning response will one day be sent tissue and organ development. expects the results and methods to be ap- Arecibo Observatory week in 2019. to the stars as well - but it sounds like De Renzis and his group inhibit the plicable in other organisms. Optogenetics Researchers have mapped the regions of the brain in mormyrid The history of the original Arecibo a great way to get the next generation naturally occurring invagination process could be used to create and shape artificial fish in extremely high detail. The new measurements can help message is pretty amazing. The radio excited about the wonderful Universe to understand its driving factors. A crucial tissues or to control tissue development illuminate longstanding questions in neuroanatomy. As brains message was approximately three minutes beyond our home planet. aspect is the flexibility of the part of the in regenerative medicine. get bigger, do all regions of the brain scale up in a predictable way? long and was exactly 1,679 binary digits (Source: sciencealert.com) tissue’s surface that folds inwards. When (Source: eurekalert.org) Or does natural selection act independently on separate regions of the brain -- such that certain parts of the brain become enlarged in animals that have extra reasons to use them? NASA image of merging galaxy clusters looks suspiciously like the USS enterprise Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis have mapped the regions of the brain in mormyrid fish in extremely Humanity’s current understanding of physics may suggest the left and right sides of the image. The radio emission high detail. faster-than-light travel is impossible, but researchers here is produced by electrons spiraling around magnetic field Helmet-heads of the freshwater fish world, African mormyrid on Earth can still observe happening in places much too lines, a process called synchrotron emission. fishes are known for having a brain-to-body size ratio that is sim- far away to ever actually visit (and generally only what The electrons in the jets are traveling at very close ilar to humans. they looked like in the distant past). One of them is a to the speed of light. As the galaxy and its black hole But there’s actually a great deal of variation in the size of mor- galactic collision that, at least from our planetary vantage moved toward the lower part of the image, the jet on the myrid brains. These differences provide an opportunity to look point, looks an awful lot like a craft going where no man right slowed down as it crashed into hot gas in the other at what’s behind the bulk. has ever gone before. galaxy cluster. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis have NASA released the above composite image of the NASA added that the radio emissions coming from mapped the regions of the brain in mormyrid fish in extremely galaxy cluster Abell 1033 some 1.62 billion light years the cluster would normally lose much of their energy as high detail. In a new study published in the Nov. 15 issue of Current away this week, showing wisps of gas that appear to be they radiate, becoming undetectable, though the “vastly Biology, they report that the part of the brain called the cerebel- arranged in the shape of Star Trek’s USS Enterprise. NASA extended radio emission observed in Abell 1033, extending lum is bigger in members of this fish family compared to related wrote that the image was captured by the Chandra X-ray over about 500,000 light years, implies that energetic fish -- and this may be associated with their use of weak electric Observatory, an X-ray telescope that detects superheated electrons are present in larger quantities and with higher discharges to locate prey and to communicate with one another. gases, as well as the Low-Frequency Array, which detects energies than previously thought”: The size finding in itself is not particularly surprising for those radio emissions. of slamming into each other, producing “turbulence and Other sources of radio emission in the image besides the who follow this fish, said Bruce Carlson, professor of biology in Arts The image might look calm, but it’s the outcome of a shock waves.” starship-shaped object are the shorter jets from another & Sciences. “It had almost become a truism,” he said. In mormyrids, cosmic phenomenon releasing incredible amounts of energy. The high-speed particles galaxy (labeled “short jets”) and a “radio phoenix” consisting at least, the thinking went, “big brains mean big cerebellums.” Galaxy clusters are collections of galaxies that are the In Abell 1033, the collision has interacted with another of a cloud of electrons that faded in radio emission but As brains get bigger, do all regions of the brain scale up in a largest known entities to be held together by gravitational energetic cosmic process — the production of jets of high- was then reenergized when shock waves compressed the predictable way? Or does natural selection act independently on forces, containing both the galaxies themselves and a speed particles by matter spiraling into a supermassive cloud. This caused the cloud to once again shine at radio separate regions of the brain -- such that certain parts of the brain much larger quantity of superheated gas. Per NASA, Abell black hole, in this case one located in a galaxy in one of frequencies, as we reported back in 2015. become enlarged in animals that have extra reasons to use them? 1033 is actually two galaxy clusters that are in the process the clusters. These jets are revealed by radio emission to (Source: gizmodo.com) (Source: Science Daily) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 WOMEN NOVEMBER 20, 2018

Democrats to change a $4.7m allocated to 6,500 181-year-old rule to allow hijab in the House

As they prepare to welcome two newly-elected Muslim women breadwinner women WOMENTEHRAN — An amount into the 116th Congress, Democrats have proposed a clarification desk to a 181-year-old rule banning representatives from wearing hats of 200 billion rials (around on the House floor. $4.7 million) has been allocated to 6,500 If approved, the new rules would allow lawmakers to wear breadwinner women, Soraya Shareqi, gen- religious headwear, like hijabs eral director for women’s and family affairs and kippahs, once Democrats department of Tehran Governorate said in a take control of the chamber in press conference here on Monday. January. Allocation of subsidies for female en- Representative-elect Ilhan trepreneurs applying for participation in Omar, one of the first two Mus- domestic exhibitions, training more than lim women to serve in Congress, 8,000 members of the NGOs and vulnera- wears a headscarf. She was born ble women are among the most important in Somalia and came to the Unit- measures made by women affairs department ed States as a refugee. of Tehran Governorate, Mehr news agency No one puts a scarf on my head quoted her as saying. but me. It’s my choice—one pro- Currently the presence of women in man- tected by the first amendment. agement level is impressive and a number of And this is not the last ban five general managers, two deputy general I’m going to work to lift. managers and two prefects are active in Teh- The proposed rule was co-authored by current House Minority ran Province, she announced. Leader Nancy Pelosi, ranking Democrat on the Rules Committee Women’s self-employed shopping centers, Rep. Jim McGovern and Omar. It comes as part of the Democrats’ in all of the cities of Tehran Province and new House rules proposal package. The drafted changes promise launching the website of hamibanoo.ir sup- to “ensure religious expression,” by “clarify[ing] in the rules that porting 800 entrepreneur women is among the religious headwear is permitted to be worn in the House chamber.” achievement of the governorate, Shareqi said. The current rules, which were implemented in 1837, decree Female prisoners and women who enjoy that “every member shall remain uncovered during the sessions supporting social services are among the users of the House.” Those rules could be interpreted to disallow Omar of hamibanoo.ir, she stated. from using the head covering she wears as part of her faith. Setting up women’s parks in all cities The rule change comes as part of Democrats’ broader promise of Tehran Province is another important to “restore inclusion and diversity” in the House. achievement in the women’s field Shareqi said. (Source: TIME) Women make up greater share of Website launched aiming to reduce RECIPE OF THE WEEK electronic health records divorce rate WOMENTEHRAN — Women WOMENTEHRAN — A new Beetroot pancakes deskhold a greater share than deskwebsite has been re- men of forming electronic health records cently launched by Tehran province’s “This is a simple and tasty variation on a South African des- (EHR), said the deputy health minister, welfare department general with the goal sert favorite, pancakes with cinnamon sugar. The beet adds Mohammad Shariati, here on Monday. of reducing divorce rate in the province. a delicious natural sweetness and flavor, and the resulting EHR is a record of medical and health Tasmim website helps spouses facing red color makes this a delight to present to the table.” information saved electronically, Shariati problems and disputes, receive counseling, Ingredients: said adding EHR is used in different parts through social workers, psychologists, 1 beet, cooked of medical and health system in order and family experts. 1 cup all-purpose flour, sifted to integrating the health information, The website addressed www.tasmim. 1 cup milk improve health services and develop there is a wrong belief in our society behzisti.net, aims at leading spouses year (beginning March 21), 8.5 percent 1 egg the management of the health system. that there exists less service for men in into compromise and prevent divorce has culminated in compromise, he added. 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Out of about 55 million and 300 thousand the health centers. before referring to the police or judi- The website is being run with the co- 1 teaspoon white vinegar Electronic Health Records registered in the The higher the level of people’s literacy ciary system, IRNA quoted Daryoush operation of the Welfare Organization (optional) health sector, 26 million and 500 thousand is, there would be more reference to health Bayatnejad, head of Tehran province’s and the judiciary system. 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon cases belong to men and 28 million and 800 centers and formation of electronic health welfare department, as saying. “Child abuse, spousal abuse, sexual 1/4 cup white sugar thousand cases refer to women. records, said the official. Out of the total number of 3,600 harassment abnormalities and addic- 2 oranges, quartered Emphasizing on availability of health A number of 700,000 people refer to counseling cases formed for control and tion are the result of insecure family life urban and rural health centers every day that we aim to minimize,” emphasized Directions: services both for men and women in reduction of divorce during the first 6 and their information is registered in EHR. the official. In a blender or food processor, health centers, Shariati reiterated that months of the current Iranian calendar pulse the cooked beet, flour, milk, egg, vegetable oil, and vinegar until smooth. Pour the Women on bikes have right of way in Pakistan, only if they are white batter into a bowl and set aside for 30 minutes. Combine I have been an avid cyclist for over three years and on my cycle, He continued to follow me for another kilometer, spewing and high-end racing cycles costing up to a million rupees. the cinnamon with the sugar and mix well. have explored areas of Lahore I would have never seen otherwise. filth in broad daylight in one of the most heavily monitored Given these limitations, women comprise between 10% Heat an oiled non-stick skillet over medium heat. Pour in Needless to say, it is one of my favorite pastimes and has areas of the city. to 20% of the already small cycling community in Pakistan. enough batter to cover half of the skillet. Tip and rotate the added a lot of positivity to my life. What I faced was actually nothing compared to what Yet, I can safely say that the number of women interested skillet until the batter covers the entire area. Cook until the I quickly realized that this feeling of liberation was some- happened to two other women cyclists I know. in the activity is growing and even the ones who have faced batter turns from wet to moist, and the edges begin to curl thing I wanted to share with other women and have since On separate occasions, the women were purposely rammed harassment have not let the experience stop them. away from the sides of the skillet. Turn the pancake over, and been advocating for the cause and have been managing a into by groups of men in their vehicles. Right of way for Westerners only continue cooking until lightly golden on the other side. Place group of female cyclists known as Girls on Bikes. The incidents occurred in the upscale Defense Housing Recently, a photo of Cynthia Ritchie, an American doc- the pancake onto a plate, and cover with a kitchen towel to Now, all of that sounds great and has received its fair Authority and, in both cases, the perpetrators walked away umentary director/producer based in Pakistan, riding a keep moist. Repeat with the remaining batter, lightly oiling share of media attention. But, the fact of the matter is that scot-free, leaving the cyclists injured and traumatized. cycle in Peshawar went viral, with captions appreciating the skillet as needed to keep the pancakes from sticking. pictures never portray the effort it takes for Pakistani women Street harassment in Pakistan is a serious concern. Wom- representation of the country in a positive light. Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar over the pancakes. Roll up to get on the road and the strength they need to stay on it. en are groped and catcalled regardless of age or clothing. Pakistani feminists and cyclists have multiple issues with the pancakes and serve with the orange quarters. Misogyny on wheels A female cyclist is the most vulnerable. While on a cycle, this portrayal by the white lady in question. In March 2017, I had my first terrifying brush with street all four limbs are engaged and do not easily allow for any Pakistanis have a tendency to bend over backwards in harassment while cycling. action like reaching for a cell phone and, due to slower speed, their attempts to facilitate Westerners, an effort that lies LEARN ENGLISH “Zara smile to karo na, meri taraf hi dekh lo”, he kept make it harder to flee the scene. somewhere between hospitality and a serious post-colonial insisting from behind as I pedaled, legs shaking, through the Harassment is the main factor preventing women from inferiority complex. residential streets in the posh Cavalry Ground area. stepping out and also the reason why families are unsup- Added to Cynthia’s privilege, the photo is performative Being Scared Petrified at the prospect of him intercepting me or ram- portive of girls taking up cycling. to the extent of being cringe-worthy. No pedestrian or by- ming his motorbike into my cycle, I decided to stay mum Harassment does not stop here; it transitions from streets stander is in sight as she pedals with ease. Shabby: Eddie, why are we at this scary looking mansion? and ignore him completely. to social media, where photos of Pakistani girls on cycles The photo is in no way representative of the concerns and It’s like, ultra spooky! Of course, this did not deter the slimy person in the least. receive torrential abuse from mostly men. struggles of Pakistani women’s attempts to reclaim public space. Eddie: I told you already Shabby, the owner of the house He continued: “Hum baat to kar sakte hain na, tum mute Moreover, the availability of cycles is also a problem; the To attack Cynthia for completely lacking selfawareness says there is a ghost hauntinghis house so we have to ho gaee ho, koi jawab to do”. old cycle market at Neela Gumbad sells low quality bikes about her privileges would be unfair on my part and, instead, go in and investigate. I turned towards Cantt., hoping he would disappear. for exorbitant prices. I choose to assume positive intent. Scruffy puffy poo: I don’t like this! Flustered, I told the army men at the check post that a man There is a niche market for buying and selling (often Her experience deserves depiction but the attempt to Wilma: Come on guys, stop being such cowards. It’s a on a motorbike was harassing me. smuggled) cycles online through Facebook groups. turn it into how liberated women in Pakistan are left me mystery and an adventure! It made no difference; the miscreant dodged the guards Nonetheless, finding a good cycle is difficult and quite scratching my head. Shabby: This place gives me the creeps! Seriously and went straight ahead. heavy on the pocket with basic models starting at Rs15,000 (Source: Dawn) guys, let’s get out of here! I’m getting goosebumps just being here! Scruffy: Shabby is a scaredy cat! ENGLISH IN USE Wilma: That laugh came from this room. Let’s go and check it out. LEARN NEWS TRANSLATION Eddie: Look! A ghost! Run! Key vocabulary scary looking: frightening in appearance افتتاح مرکز جامع بیماران تاالسمی و دیالیزی ,mansion: a very large house Specialized center for dialysis ultra: extremely thalassemia patients opens در سیرجان spooky: strange and a little frightening haunt: (a ghost) lives or visit a place A specialized medical center was inaugurated in Sirjan, southeastern province مرکــز جامــع بیمــاران خــاص بــرای بیمــاران تاالســمی و دیالیــزی در ســیرجان امــروز )دوشــنبه ( افتتــاح investigate: to try and get information about something of Kerman, on Monday for dialysis patients as well as patients with thalassemia. شــد و بــه بهــره بــرداری رســید. coward: someone who is too afraid to do what is right mystery: an event, situation etc. that people do not The center is stretching over 900 square meters land area, Sirjan Medical Sciences رئیــس دانشــکده علــوم پزشــکی ســیرجان در مراســم افتتــاح ایــن طــرح درمانــی گفــت : مرکــز یاد شــده understand or cannot explain because they do not know University chancellor has said, adding that 600 square meters of the center در 900 مترمربــع زیربنــا ســاخته شــده کــه 600 مترمربــع آن بــه بخــش دیالیــز و 300 مترمربــع دیگــر .enough about it is allocated to dialysis patients and the rest is for patients with thalassemia بــه بخــش تاالســمی اختصــاص یافتــه اســت . adventure: an exciting experience in which dangerous Construction and equipping the medical center cost 50 billion rials (nearly or unusual things happen $1.2 million), IRNA quoted Masoud Mohammadi as saying. به گفته مسعود محمدی ساخت و تجهیز این مرکز 50 میلیارد ریال هزینه در برداشته است . give somebody the creep: if a person or place gives The budget to build and equip the hospital was allotted by the government as وی افزود: این هزینه ها از محل کمک خیرین و اعتبارات دولتی تامین شده است. .you the creeps, they make you feel nervous and a little well as philanthropists, Mohammadi added frightened, especially because they are strange goosebumps: small bumps on your skin caused by fear, cold, etc. PREFIX/SUFFIX PHRASAL VERB IDIOM scaredy cat: someone who is always scared of things Supplementary vocabulary “-ard” Boil down Storm is brewing Supernatural: unable to be explained by science terrifying: extremely scary Meaning: a person who does an action Meaning: if a food or liquid boils down, or if you Explanation: there is going to be trouble or creepy: strange or scary (informal) For example: Ben’s a real wizard at chess. boil it down, it becomes less after it is cooked emotional upset chilling: very disturbing or frightening For example: Spinach tends to boil down a lot. For example: He looks angry. A storm is brewing. (Source: irlanguage.com) ساعت: 19:40 امضاء صفحه آرا: ساعت: امضاء مسئول صفحه: ساعت: امضاء ادیتور: ساعت: امضاء سردبیر:


May sticks to Brexit deal as Pakistan PM Imran Khan lashes out at Trump ‘tirade’

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday lashed out at opponents seek formal challenge U.S. President Donald Trump following his remarks that Pakistan doesn’t “do a damn thing” for the United States despite billions May’s rivals 6 letters short of no confidence vote of dollars in U.S. aid for the South Asian nation. British Prime Minister Theresa May vowed small Northern Irish party that props up on Monday to stick to her draft European her minority government, has threatened Union divorce deal as dissenting lawmakers to pull its support because the deal could in her own party tried to trigger a leadership end up treating Northern Ireland differently challenge. from the rest of the United Kingdom. Since striking a deal with the EU on Tues- Also speaking at the CBI conference, day, May has faced the most perilous crisis opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn of her premiership with several ministers was set to describe the deal as “a botched, resigning, including her Brexit minister. worst-of-all-worlds deal which is bad for May has pledged to fight on, warning Britain, leaving the country in an indefinite that toppling her risks delaying Britain’s halfway house without a real say”. exit from the EU or leaving without a deal, a Corbyn, who has said his party will op- step that could thrust the world’s fifth largest pose May’s deal in parliament, was due to economy into the unknown. say Labour’s plan for Brexit would include “We have in view a deal that will work a new, comprehensive and permanent cus- The friction threatens to further worsen already fragile rela- for the UK and, let no one be in any doubt, toms union, and a “strong single-market tions between Islamabad and Washington, on-off allies who have I am determined to deliver it,” May said relationship”. repeatedly clashed about the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s in a speech to Britain’s premier business “The government is trying to force a bad alleged support for extremist militants. lobby, the CBI, to loud applause. “We are deal that doesn’t meet our country’s needs Khan, who assumed power in August and is known for his not talking about political theory but the by threatening us all with the chaos and fiery anti-American rhetoric, said in a series of tweets that “record reality of people’s lives and livelihoods.” serious damage to our economy of a no deal needs to be put straight on Mr. Trump’s tirade against Pakistan” “While the world is changing fast, our outcome,” an advance text of his speech said. over the weekend. geography is not: Europe will always be Kingdom voted to leave the EU, it is still should listen to business. May’s rivals 6 letters short of Trump, during a Fox News TV interview aired on Sunday, our most proximate goods market, and unclear how, on what terms or even if it However, rebels in her own Conservative no confidence vote defended cutting aid to Islamabad and also suggested Pakistani ensuring we have free-flowing borders is will leave as planned on March 29, 2019. Party who say the deal will leave Britain Opponents of British Prime Minis- authorities knew Osama bin Laden’s location prior to his killing crucial,” May said, citing the importance Many business chiefs and investors fear in indefinite subjugation to the EU are at- ter Theresa May are six letters short by U.S. troops in a raid inside Pakistan in 2011. of the automotive industry. politics could scupper an agreement, thrusting tempting to trigger a vote of no confidence of the threshold to trigger a no con- Pakistan denies supporting Afghan Taliban insurgents waging The EU is due to hold a summit to discuss the economy into a no-deal Brexit that they in her leadership. fidence vote, The Sun newspaper war against U.S.-backed troops in Afghanistan and Islamabad the draft deal on Nov. 25. Some Brexit-sup- say would weaken the West, spook financial The chairman of the party’s “1922 Com- reported. has also always rejected claims officials aided former al-Qaeda porting ministers are reported to want to markets and silt up the arteries of trade. mittee”, Graham Brady, said on Sunday the The Sun said that 42 lawmakers in May’s leader bin Laden. rewrite parts of it, though Germany has CBI President John Allan said such a threshold of 48 letters from lawmakers had Conservative Party had given firm assuranc- “Instead of making Pakistan a scapegoat for their failures, ruled this out. Brexit would be a “wrecking ball” for Britain’s not yet been reached. He also said if there es that they had submitted no confidence the U.S. should do a serious assessment of why, despite 140000 The EU’s Brexit negotiator, Michel Barni- economy while CBI Director-General Caro- were a vote, May would win. letters, short of the 48 needed. NATO troops plus 250,000 Afghan troops & reportedly $1 trillion er, said the draft deal was “fair and balanced”. lyn Fairbairn said politicians were playing The Sun newspaper said the rebels were The Sun said 25 had publicly declared spent on war in Afghanistan, the Taliban today are stronger than May said she wanted any Brexit transition, a high-stakes game that could lead to an six letters short. they have submitted letters while a further before,” Khan tweeted. during which Britain will remain a member accidental ‘no-deal’ departure. One of them, Simon Clarke, told BBC 17 have privately said they have written to Trump, in a pre-recorded interview, said bin Laden had been in all but name, to have ended by the time “Surely, surely, we can do better than radio: “This day must be the point at which Graham Brady, who collects a list of names living in “a nice mansion” in Pakistan next to a military academy of the next national election, due in 2022. this,” she said. ... action is taken.” anonymously in his role as chairman of and “everybody in Pakistan knew he was there”. Brexit “wrecking ball” Asked about the unpopularity of her deal May’s biggest challenge will be getting the Tory 1922 committee. “And we give Pakistan $1.3 billion a year. ...(bin Laden) lived More than two years after the United among many in her party, May said voters the deal through parliament. The DUP, a (Source: agencies) in Pakistan, we’re supporting Pakistan, we’re giving them $1.3 billion a year - which we don’t give them anymore, by the way. I ended it because they don’t do anything for us, they don’t do a damn thing for us.” Israel PM snubs calls for early polls Khan said Pakistan had borne the brunt of the United States’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected told Israeli television that Lieberman had “collapsed the war on terror, which focused on militants that straddle the Af- calls for early elections as “irresponsible,” although pressure government.” “There is no more government and we are ghanistan-Pakistan tribal belt. from his coalition partners could bring down his government heading towards elections,” he said. “No Pakistani was involved in 9/11 but Pak decided to par- and make the polls inevitable. Also on Saturday, Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon said ticipate in U.S. War on Terror,” Khan said. “Pakistan suffered In a televised address from Tel Aviv on Sunday, he urged he did not think it was possible to continue with the ex- 75,000 casualties in this war & over $123 bn was lost to economy. his coalition partners to show “responsibility” at a time that isting coalition. U.S. “aid” was a minuscule $20 bn.” Tel Aviv was “facing security challenges.” Israel’s “security “If [Netanyahu] pulls a rabbit out of his hat, we’ll see,” Khan also pointed out that Pakistan continued to provide its is above political consideration,” he alleged. said Kahlon, whose center-right Kulanu party holds 10 roads and air space for the re-supply for more than 10,000 U.S. “We will defeat our enemies and I do not minimize the seats. “Meanwhile, I don’t see a rabbit or a hat,” he added. troops currently based in Afghanistan. challenges that are facing us,” the premier noted. Formal elections are not due until November 2019. “Can Mr. Trump name another ally that gave such sacrifices?” Earlier in the day, a meeting between Netanyahu and Netanyahu separately faces a credibility crisis among (Source: Reuters) Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon aimed at resolving a co- Israelis, who have been holding weekly protests for months alition crisis ended “without results” and they will meet on end, calling for his resignation over four high-profile again this week, Kahlon’s spokesman said. “The meeting cases of fraud. between the finance minister and the prime minister ended Research finds 70% of Israeli politicians’ French fuel depots targeted as without results,” the spokesman said in a statement. “The statements false; Netanyahu on top ments under the 2015 nuclear deal even as the United States ‘yellow vest’ protesters persist two agreed to meet later in the week.” A new study has revealed that more than 70 percent of reimposed sanctions against Tehran. Netanyahu’s crisis further deepened after the Pales- statements by senior Israeli politicians are false, putting Israel’s Interior Minister Arye Deri was in the second Protesters angry over high fuel prices blocked access to fuel de- tinian resistance movement Hamas, which rules the Tel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on top of the list of place in the list of the speakers of fake news. pots and stopped traffic on major roads on Monday after the Aviv-blockaded territory of the Gaza Strip, started to return those who uttered fake news. According to the report, the main problem with false government refused to back down on fuel taxes after a weekend the Israeli military’s back-to-back incursions with rocket The study carried out by Yifat Media Check Ltd. and news is that when it is broadcast on established media, it of demonstrations across France. fires against the city of Ashkelon in southern Israel. Hamashrokit - “The Whistle” fact-checking NGO - found is granted a higher degree of credibility. More than 400 people were injured during the “yellow vest” The group has warned the regime against testing the limits that most statements made by top Israeli politicians in the The research found that Netanyahu’s false remarks on protests which began Saturday with nearly 300,000 participants of its retaliatory capacity, threatening to hit Tel Aviv next. past year were either totally or mostly wrong. Iran were considered as credible by 88 percent of readers country-wide. ------What prompted the crisis? The study showed that representatives of coalition and viewers in Israel. On Wednesday, Israeli Minister for Military Affairs Av- parties have a higher tendency to make false state- “This study indicates that politicians know they won’t igdor Lieberman resigned over a ceasefire deal with Gaza. ments as 74 percent of their statements were found have to pay a price in the established media for their inaccu- Lieberman’s withdrawal along with his Yisrael Beitenu to be false, 12 percent were partially true and only 14 racies,” Tehilla Schwartz-Altschuler, head of the Democracy party depleted the government’s parliamentary majority percent were true. in the Information Age program at the Israel Democracy to a one-seat edge in the 120-seat legislature. The political lie that got the most press coverage (7 mil- Institute, said. Netanyahu now holds Lieberman’s portfolio, but Edu- lion exposures on regular and social media outlets) belongs “If 75 percent of what they say is just not true, and the cation Minister Naftali Bennett’s far-right Jewish Home to Netanyahu who has made numerous unsubstantiated established media continues to serve this institution known party has threatened to withdraw from the coalition if he allegations against Iran’s nuclear program. as ‘press release’ and to be the government’s mouthpiece was not given the post. According to the International Atomic Energy Agency – we’re in real trouble.” On Saturday, Bennett, whose party has eight seats, (IAEA), Iran has continued to implement all its commit- (Source: agencies)

UNRWA says budget deficit slashed after EU input Early Monday, dozens of barricades were still being manned The United Nations agency for Palestinian But after mobilizing to tackle the unprec- Their combined contribution of $200 millions of Palestinians are refugees on motorways and roundabouts, but far fewer than the more refugees said Monday that it has dramat- edented financial crisis caused by the U.S. million “is almost half of the total amount with a right to return to homes in what than 2,000 sites on Saturday and 150 on Sunday. ically reduced its budget shortfall despite cuts, “we have now reduced the shortfall ... that we mobilized this year,” Krahenbuhl is now Israel. Other protesters continued to camp out in supermarket parking lots. U.S. funding cuts, after and to $21 million,” he added. said, adding that aid also poured in from Aside from cutting funds to UNRWA, “The movement is not exceptional... and obviously isn’t as EU contributions. “This is a very encouraging result at the the European Union. the Trump administration has also cut big as on Saturday,” Laurent Nunez, junior interior minister, “You are all aware how difficult this year end of a lot of work,” he told reporters after The United States, which was by far the $200 million in bilateral aid to the Pal- told CNews, adding that police would continue to intervene to has been for UNRWA in particular following meeting with the agency’s advisory commis- biggest contributor to UNRWA, announced estinians for projects in the West Bank ensure major roads are not blocked. the unexpected decision by the U.S. to cut sion in Sweimeh on the Jordanian shore of in August that it would no longer fund the and the Gaza Strip. A handful of skirmishes were reported overnight, including in $300 million this year of UNRWA’s income,” the Dead Sea. agency. Set up after Israel’s creation in 1948, the northern port city of Calais where an Australian truck driver Commissioner Gen. Pierre Krahenbuhl told Krahenbuhl thanked in particular Saudi The administration of President Don- UNRWA has provided aid to millions of was detained after trying to force his way through a barricade. a news conference in Jordan. Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait ald Trump has backed Israel in accusing Palestinian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, A British motorist was also detained trying to break through a At the start of 2018, the UN agency faced and Qatar, saying they had helped plug the UNRWA of perpetuating the Middle East Syria and the Palestinian territories. barricade in Calais. The grassroots movement emerged on social a $446 million budget deficit, he said. deficit by contributing $50 million each. conflict by perpetuating the idea that (Source: AFP) media last month over a surge in fuel prices this year, in particular for diesel, which many blame on taxes implemented in recent years as part of France’s anti-pollution fight. It quickly snowballed into a broader protest over stagnant Infighting between pro-Turkey militants kills 25 in Syria spending power under President Emmanuel Macron. At least 25 militants have been killed in an “unprecedented” Afrin.” Afrin on January 20 to cleanse the northern Syrian border “I earn 500 euros ($570) a month -- how do you expect me to infighting between pro-Turkey groups over influence in “The clashes provoked terror among civilians,” he said, of US-backed Kurdish militants whom it associates with live on that? With what I earn I can only allow myself one meal a Syria’s northern town of Afrin, a pro-opposition monitoring adding that “Turkish tanks are patrolling the streets of the homegrown Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) fighting day,” said Jean-Luc, a 57-year-old protesting in Calais. group says. the town.” for autonomy on Turkish soil. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said Sunday night that the The Turkish army and the so-called Free Syrian Army The fighting comes amid a curfew imposed by Turkish The Turkish operation was launched without per- government had heard the anger, but that it would maintain the units which are backed by Ankara established full control forces stationed in Afrin on civilians since Saturday evening, mission from the Syrian government. It has also pitted fuel taxes, which are set to increase again in January. Last week over Afrin in March after more than two months of battles according to the observatory. Ankara against Washington, which supports the Kurdish the government unveiled a 500 million euro package of measures with U.S.-backed militants. The United Nations and human rights groups, includ- militants. to help low-income households, including energy subsidies and The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights ing Amnesty International, have documented widespread On Saturday, Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi higher scrappage bonuses for the purchase of cleaner vehicles. said on Sunday that clashes between the majority of the abuses since the capture of the northern city by the Anka- Akar expressed indignation at photos showing U.S. But even some lawmakers in Macron’s Republic on the Move pro-Ankara militants and a group of about 200 fighters in ra-backed militants. troops dining with Kurdish militants near the Turkish (LREM) party are urging the government to do more to help ease several districts had left 25 dead. Turkey-led forces reportedly went on a rampage in Afrin, border in Syria. fuel and energy costs as winter approaches. According to the Britain-based group, the 200 militants pillaging shops and homes after capturing the city. The U.S. has been arming and training Kurdish militants “We need to maintain environmental taxes, (Philippe) is right were accused of “disobeying” Turkish troops and “com- According to a report by the UN Commission of Inquiry, under the banner of helping them fight the Daesh terror to reiterate this, but we also need more measures to assist the mitting abuses.” half of the enclave’s 320,000 residents fled and most are group, but Syria and several other countries see ulterior French, especially the middle classes and the less well off,” LREM Observatory head Rami Abdul Rahman described the unable to return. motives behind the deployment. lawmaker Matthieu Orphelin told RFI radio on Monday. heavy clashes as “unprecedented since the rebels seized Turkey began the so-called Operation Olive Branch against (Source: Press TV) (Source: Daily Star) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS NOVEMBER 20, 2018

Briegel: Guardiola is Zverev stuns Djokovic responsible for the crisis in German football Former Germany international Hans Peter Briegel believes that to claim ATP Finals title Pep Guardiola’s football philosophy is behind the current crisis Twenty four hours after being booed for having the audacity for Joachim Low’s team. to take down a tennis great, Alexander Zverev returned to Germany bowed out early at the World Cup and never looked topple another one as he stunned Novak Djokovic to win convincing while they have also struggled since. the ATP Finals title on Sunday. “It is his (Guardiola’s) fault, he cheated us by saying it was Zverev, billed as the player most likely to lead the sport sufficient to win by having 75% of possession,” said Briegel. into a new golden era once the holy trinity of Roger Federer, “It isn’t the case, in football the result is far more important Djokovic and Rafael Nadal have hung up their rackets, took than controlling the play. To have the ball is not sufficient in full advantage of an off-key Serb to win 6-4 6-3. order to win, France gave a clear indication of that by winning Hamburg-born Zverev had been shamefully booed the World Cup. and heckled on Saturday by a Federer-worshipping crowd “You can even win by returning to a more traditional style having beaten the six-time champion after a controversial of play, what is important is not the quality of the football but second-set tiebreak. having equilibrium.” Against world number one Djokovic, however, the 18,000 Briegel added that he felt that Germany was passing through fans wedged into the cavernous O2 arena were roaring their what was on a “transitional” period. support as he produced a level of tennis his opponent could not (Source: Marca) match. He struck 20 winners to Djokovic’s seven — the last of which was a backhand to end a one hour and 19 minute duel. “I really can’t describe it. It is the biggest title I have ever won,” Zverev said on court after becoming the first German Rider banned for pulling to win the ATP’s most prestigious title — often referred to as ‘the fifth slam’ — since Boris Becker in Frankfurt in 1995. Stefano Manzi brake lever to In becoming the youngest ATP Finals champion since Djok- ovic, also 21, in 2008, Zverev sent out a clear message that he return is ready to spend a considerable amount of time at tennis’ top table and start accumulating the game’s biggest prizes. Italian rider Romano Fenati, who was banned for pulling a ri- Djokovic, whose error-strewn display was a shock after val’s brake lever while travelling at 135mph during a race, is set a dominant week in south east London which included an to return next season. easy round-robin win over Zverev, sportingly walked around Fenati grabbed the brake lever of compatriot Stefano Manzi, the net to congratulate his conqueror after match point — NATURAL FLAIR The opening eight games resembled a boxing match with who briefly lost his balance before regaining control, during the the German still laying on his back in a state of disbelief. That is still the test next year but on Sunday he displayed both players probing for weaknesses — although it was evident San Marino Moto2. Later, Djokovic told reporters: “There’s a lot of similarities an added sense of maturity, to go with the natural flair and that Zverev’s packed the more powerful punches. The 22-year-old will return to his former team, the Marinelli in terms of trajectory of professional tennis, in our careers. easy power that have marked him out as a future number one. Djokovic, winner of 35 of his last 37 matches during a Snipers, who had sacked him after the incident. Hopefully he can surpass me. His forehand, often regarded as a weakness, was ar- dominant second half of the year which propelled him back Fenati will compete in the Moto3 World Championship, a “There’s a lot of time ahead of him. (I) Wish him to stay mour-plated and he showed a refreshing willingness to attack to world number one, had not dropped serve all week and demotion from Moto2. healthy and obviously win a lot of titles.” the net — a skill he perhaps has learned from his brother. had faced only two break points in his four previous matches. The news was confirmed as the sport released its provisional Zverev, younger brother of Tour pro Mischa and now Most impressive was that he often prevailed in the long, But at 4-4 he wavered as he yanked an edgy forehand half- riders listfor the 2019 season. coached by eight-times major champion Ivan Lendl, is yet attritional baseline rallies in which Djokovic has used as the way up the net to give Zverev the chance to serve for the set. After the incident in September, Fenati apologised for a “dis- to go past the quarter-finals of a Grand Slam. foundation for 14 Grand Slam titles. (Source: Reuters) graceful gesture” and Giovanni Castiglioni, president of rival team Agusta, described it as “the most dangerous act of behaviour” he had seen. The International Motorcycling Federation (FIM) Uninspiring Spain end difficult year with Croatia boss says ‘football’s coming had withdrawn his licence until the end of 2018, meaning any potential return would not be until 2019. win over Bosnia home’ very soon after loss to England Fenati has 10 Moto3 race wins in his career, and has reached the podium 23 times. (Source: BBC)

Australia football picks new chairman after FIFA battle

Australia’s football governing body elected a new chairman and several board members Monday as it drew a line under its long-running reform battle with FIFA. The end of Steven Lowy’s chairmanship comes after football’s world governing body successfully pushed Football Federation Australia into democratic reforms, and marks the end of his family’s more than decade-long grip on the body. Chris Nikou, a lawyer, was elected by the board to replace the outgoing Lowy, who chose not to stand again amid the reform push which had seen FIFA threaten to take over the federation. Spain returned to winning ways after two made his international debut, while Isco Croatia manager Zlatko Dalic said he meeting between the two teams in Moscow Following a period of turbulence over the reforms in recent straight defeats by overcoming Bosnia & wore the captain’s armband in his 35th believes “football’s coming home” very last summer, it was England who enjoyed months, the FFA adopted an expanded new congress in Octo- Herzegovina 1-0 in a stale international appearance for Spain. soon after his side were beaten 2-1 by the majority of possession and created a ber to include A-League clubs, the footballers’ association and friendly on Sunday as midfielder Brais Spain dominated possession throughout England in their UEFA Nations League greater number of scoring opportunities, a women’s council. Mendez came off the bench to score on the game but struggled to create decent group finale. but Modric did not seem as convinced as The move was opposed by Lowy, the son of Westfield shop- his debut for the national team. chances, with Isco and Marco Asensio England’s bright start was undone when his manager that Southgate’s men have ping-mall tycoon and former long-time FFA boss Frank Lowy, Spain had learnt several hours before taking turns in the first period to try their Andrej Kramaric’s deflected effort gave gone up a level in the last four months. who said the move could hand the A-League’s foreign owners too kickoff that they had missed out on reach- luck with long range shots which rarely Croatia the lead with their first shot on “I don’t know,” he replied when asked much power. He finally threw in the towel in August, paving the ing the semi-finals of the UEFA Nations bothered Bosnia goalkeeper Ibrahim Sehic. target early in the second half, but Ga- if England have improved. “That’s maybe way for new leadership. Nikou, a former chairman of Football League due to England beating Croatia Alvaro Morata missed a glorious chance reth Southgate’s men pulled off a stirring more a question for them to assess if Federation of Victoria, was re-elected onto the board alongside 2-1 in London. to break the deadlock early in the second comeback to secure a place in the Nations they are improving or not. I see them as three others including women’s football pioneer Heather Reid, They seemed affected by the news as half when Sehic parried a shot from Asensio League final four next summer. a good team, a young team. They have a who was chosen as vice-chair. they played with little spark or imagination at his feet, but the Chelsea forward failed Jesse Lingard, on as a substitute, poked bright future in front of them. They are The board election signalled the end of an era for the FFA. until Mendez tapped in from close range to properly strike the ball and missed the in an equaliser after Harry Kane had con- in the final four of this UEFA Nations It is the first time in more than a decade that no-one from the to settle the game. target. trolled Kyle Walker’s long throw and Kane League and it’s showing that they are powerful Lowy family is at its helm. Having lost 3-2 away to Croatia on Thurs- Spain’s eventual breakthrough came then sent Wembley into raptures by steering in a good way.” (Source: AFP) day and to England by the same scoreline from another rebound, when 21-year-old Ben Chilwell’s inviting free kick beyond Modric and his Croatia teammates in October to leave their Nations League Mendez pounced first on a loose ball as Lovre Kalinic. stoked their rivalry with England following fate out of their own hands, coach Luis Sehic failed to hold a ground shot from Isco. When asked how this England team their World Cup triumph by claiming they Enrique used the occasion to give a chance The goal gave a much-needed lift to the compared to the one his side knocked out felt disrespected by the words of English to his second string players. crowd in Las Palmas and allowed Spain to of the World Cup semifinals in July, Dalic pundits ahead of the game, as well as the S. Korean judoka suspended Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa Arrizabalaga at least round off what has been an eventful simply smiled: “Football’s coming home... “football’s coming home” slogan used by came in for the much-criticised David de and difficult 2018 with a victory. very soon.” Southgate’s team and their supporters. over military service claim Gea and Espanyol defender Mario Hermoso (Source: Eurosport) Unlike in the World Cup semifinal (Source: ESPN)

An Olympic silver medal-winning judoka was expelled from South Korea’s national training centre Monday and suspended from a Grand Slam event after being accused of fabricating documents Powerful sheikh steps aside from IOC after forgery charge for his military service exemption. World sport powerbroker Sheikh Ahmad al-Fahad al-Sabah but their authenticity was contested. Nearly every able-bodied South Korean man aged 18 to 28 owes said he was “temporarily” stepping aside from his Inter- According to the charges, Sheikh Ahmad is accused 21 months of military service by law, but Olympic medal winners national Olympic Committee duties on Monday after the of orchestrating a complex set-up, in which he ceded the and Asian Games champions are granted special exemptions. Kuwaiti was charged with forgery in Switzerland. broadcast rights of the videos to Delaware firm Trekell, However they are still required to complete basic military The Kuwaiti, one of the most influential figures in inter- which allegedly is a shell company. training of up to 60 days, as well as 544 hours of sports-related national sport, said he “strenuously denies any wrongdoing”, “It was discovered that the company was a company community service. calling the allegations “maliciously motivated by political that does not exist, that has no structure,” Pascal Maurer, An Ba-ul, who won silver at the 2016 Rio Olympics, submitted factions within Kuwait”. a lawyer for former Kuwaiti prime minister Nasser al-Sa- documents purporting to show he had completed 300 hours of Sheikh Ahmad said he would put his work with the IOC bah, told AFP. community service between November 2016 and July this year. on hold until he had been investigated by the body’s ethics That did not stop Trekell from filing a lawsuit claiming But South Korea’s YTN news channel reported discrepancies: commission. the videos were fake, allowing an arbitration to be set up. An said he carried out community service at a school on the “Sheikh Ahmad has today decided to step aside tempo- In the arbitration case, a judge signed a ruling stating same day he attended an open training session at the national rarily from his roles and responsibilities as an IOC member that the videos were authentic, and received a 10,000-Swiss- training centre. The Korea Judo Association (KJA) said it had and chairman of Olympic Solidarity Commission, pending in charge of distributing millions of dollars to help athletes. franc ($10,000, 8,700-euro) payment in return, according expelled An from the centre and barred him from representing the outcome of an IOC Ethics Commission hearing,” said a The aim of the alleged forgery, according to the Swiss to the charge sheet. South Korea at a Grand Slam event in Osaka, Japan this week. statement from his office. charge sheet seen by AFP, was to legitimise suspicious vid- Sheikh Ahmad then attempted to use the Swiss court “We still need to review the case for further measures,” a KJA The decision came after it was revealed at the weekend that eo recordings Sheikh Ahmad had presented in Kuwait as ruling as evidence that the voices heard in the recordings official told AFP. Earlier this month, South Korean footballer Sheikh Ahmad and four other men -- three of them lawyers evidence of corrupt practices by ex-premier Sheikh Nasser were those of the two former officials. Jang Hyun-soo was banned from the national team for life by -- had been charged over an intricate forgery scheme linked Mohammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah and former parliament “The only aim of this arrangement was to be able to cre- the Korea Football Association for submitting false documents to his efforts to prove that Kuwait’s former prime minister chief Jassem al-Khorafi. ate a fictitious lawsuit between Ahmad al-Fahad al-Sabah for his military exemption. and speaker of parliament were guilty of coup-plotting and ’Politically motivated’ and Trekell Group LLC with the goal of launching a fake South Korea has recently hinted at a possible reform of its corruption. Sheikh Ahmad, a senior member of Kuwait’s ruling family arbitration,” the charge sheet said. controversial military service exemption programme, which The Sheikh is a long-time IOC member who is close to and a former energy and economy minister, said he had The case against Sheikh Ahmad, who like Sheikh Nasser critics say unfairly rewards athletes and artists for their one-off the body’s president Thomas Bach, and also head of the material evidence that the senior ex-officials plotted a coup is a nephew of Kuwait’s ruler, Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad achievements. powerful Association of National Olympic Committees and stole tens of billions of dollars of public funds. Al-Sabah, is set to go before the Geneva court next year. (Source: AP) (ANOC), and chair of the Olympic Solidarity Commission He presented video recordings to back up his claims, (Source: AFP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y NOVEMBER 20, 2018 SPORTS 15

Iran football in chaotic situation Iranian wrestlers rank 3rd in By Masoud Hossein Senior U23 World Champs

TEHRAN — With less than two months to IRNA — Iran’s national wrestling team ranked third in Senior go before the AFC Asian Cup 2019 starts, U23 World Championships which was held in Bucharest, Iran football faces so many challenges which Romania. can hurt Team Melli’s preparation for the Iranian squad with one gold, four bronze medals and 105 biggest continent’s competition. points stood on the third place in the world. Last week, the Asian Football Confeder- Kamran Qasempour in the weight category of 86kg re- ation warned Iran they could face sanctions ceived a gold medal. over government interference in their national Navid Zangeneh, Hossein Shahbazi, Ali Shabani and Ramin football association. Taheri in the weight categories of 74,92,97 and 125 kg earned It follows the Iranian parliament passing bronze medals. a law barring the employment of retirees Russia with 181 points and Georgia with 108 points ranked in government, state or public institutions first and second respectively. which use state funds or facilities. Local media reported that the law ap- plied to the current president of the Iranian Football Federation (FFIRI) Mahdi Taj and Tim Cahill eyeing goal-den a number of other board members. The AFC said in a statement issued late goodbye Tuesday that they were “closely monitoring the current issues” and that the FFIRI stressed Tim Cahill may only make a cameo appearance against Leb- that it was a non-governmental organization. anon but the Socceroos legend is determined to make his Moreover, Iran faces economic hard- Australian goodbye one to remember. ship as a result of the re-imposition of Cahill, who arrived in Sydney late on Sunday for Tuesday’s the sanctions in which Team Melli cannot international friendly against Lebanon at the ANZ Stadium arrange the warm-up matches with the in Sydney, told local media he is looking forward to what will strong teams due to financial terms. be the “best five minutes of my life.” Iran coach Carlos Queiroz and Persepolis In a fitting farewell to one of Australia’s greatest players, (most popular football team in Iran) train- Cahill will play the final minutes of Australia’s tie against er Branko Ivankovic have not solved their Lebanon to earn his 108th international cap. problems after months and it seems there Now playing club football for Indian club Jamshedpur FC, is no obvious solution since there has been Cahill knows how he plans to bow out - by scoring. complete neglect and mismanagement by Stadium. viral on social media. Queiroz also opted Forty-two years have passed since Team Having racked up 50 goals for Australia, Cahill is confident the football federation over the issue. The Iranian fans have never seemed to interview with a reporter from Trinidad Melli last won the AFC Asian Cup – too long he will get a chance to add to his tally irrespective of how many The coaches’ problematic situation has more divided. and Tobago in locker room instead of par- for such a giants of the Asian game – and minutes he has on the pitch. affected the fans as Team Melli friendly match After the match, Queiroz’s assistant ticipating in post-match news conference. Queiroz is determined to end title drought; “I’m pretty sure I’ll get a chance.It’s what everyone ex- against Trinidad and Tobago was attended Oceano da Cruz attacked an Iranian jour- Iranian reporters boycotted Queiroz’s however the chaotic situation has overshad- pects. It felt good the other night in India to score again with by just 2,000 spectators in Tehran’s Azadi nalist and the bust-up immediately went conference on Sunday in response to this. owed what needs to be done. a header and it’ll feel great come Tuesday night if I get that opportunity. The boys know where to put the ball, even if they’ve never played with me, they know that something’s IPL: Persepolis come from behind to Iran’s Esteghlal Khuzestan face points going to happen,” said Cahill. While the closing minutes, or whenever head coach Gra- beat Paykan deduction ham Arnold decides to field Cahill, will be about the legend- ary player, the Lebanon tie is crucial as the Socceroos work towards defending their AFC Asian Cup title. They drew 1-1 with Korea Republic on Saturday and the Lebanon friendly is the last before the squad regroups in December ahead of their AFC Asian Cup kick-off against Jordan on January 6. Also in Group B are Palestine and Syria, who the Socceroos will play on January 11 and 15 respectively. (Source: the-afc)

Injury rules out Korea Republic’s Koo

Veteran midfielder Koo Ja-cheol will miss Korea Republic’s friendly against Uzbekistan on Tuesday after suffering a SPORTS TEHRAN — Perse- the 79th minute with a powerful shot. SPORTS TEHRAN — Iranian Siahjamegan faced point deduction over back injury. deskpolis came from be- “I am very satisfied with this win desktop-flight football team the past year. Koo injured his lower back and right hip during Korea hind to defeat Paykan 2-1 in Iran because we faced shortage of players,” Esteghlal Khuzestan have been fined by In accordance with FIFA Circular no. Republic’s 1-1 draw with Australia in Brisbane on Saturday. Professional League (IPL) here on Persepolis coach Branko Ivankovic said FIFA for not paying salary of their Brazilian 1628 and in order to ensure that all deci- For precautionary reasons, Koo will return to his Bunde- Monday. in the post-match news conference. midfielder Deyvid Sacconi. sions passed by FIFA bodies are respect- sliga club, team officials said. In the match was attended by 15,000 “I enjoyed my team’s performance. The Ahvaz based football team were ed as soon as they are issued, should the spectators at the Azadi Stadium, Shahin We put our opponents under pres- docked six points and are also facing a relevant amounts due not be paid in full Saghebi gave the visiting team the lead sure despite our players’ tiredness,” FIFA transfer ban for debt to the player. by the debtor within the final deadline, with three minutes before the half time. he added. Esteghlal Khuzestan sit at the bottom the debtor’s association will be required Kamal Kamyabinia was on target Persepolis are fourth in the IPL of the Iran Professional League table with to automatically apply the point deduction with a header in the 77th minute. table with 20 points, six points behind four points after 12 weeks. and/or the ban from registering any new Ali Alipour scored the winner in leaders Padideh. Iranian football clubs Padideh and players. AFC Annual Awards Oman 2018 nominees announced After another thrilling Asian football season, Men the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) has Kento Misao (Kashima Antlers and JPN) announced the nominees for this year’s AFC Yuma Suzuki (Kashima Antlers and JPN) Annual Awards Oman 2018 which will be Abdelkarim Hassan (Al Sadd and QAT) held at the Oman Convention & Exhibition Women This was Koo’s first international match since the 2018 FIFA Centre in Muscat on November 28, 2018, at Samantha Kerr (AUS) World Cup Russia - and his first under head coach Paulo Bento. 7:00pm local time. Wang Shuang (CHN) Koo got the starting nod but hurt his back and hip in Kashima Antlers’ Yuma Suzuki and (JPN) the closing moments of the first half. Team officials said Kento Misao, who were at the heart of the AFC Futsal Player of the Year Koo’s injury isn’t serious but they didn’t want to aggravate J.League side’s first-ever AFC Champions Rafael Henmi (JPN) his condition. League title triumph last week, lead the Ali Asghar Hasanzadeh (IRN) For Bento’s first two matches in September, Koo was nominations in the men’s category with Mahdi Javid (IRN) not considered for the team because he was still recovering Al Sadd’s Abdelkarim Hassan completing AFC Youth Player of the Year from a knee injury. Koo was selected for Korea Republic’s this year’s star-studded cast. (Women) next two matches in October but was later dropped due to At just 22-years-old, Suzuki, who came Fuka Nagano (JPN) a kidney infection. Meanwhile, in the women’s category, Olympique Lyonnais’ Saki Kumagai Koo’s departure will leave Bento with 23 players. Before through the Kashima youth system, distin- Australia’s Samantha Kerr will be looking completes the world-class line-up in the Moeka Minami (JPN) guished himself with his all-round play and Saori Takarada (JPN) the team traveled to Australia, defender Kim Moon-hwan to clinch her second consecutive award after women’s category. and forward Hwang Hee-chan were dropped from the squad work rate, scoring twice in the AFC Champi- the Perth Glory forward guided the Matildas The Japanese skipper, who along with Kerr AFC Youth Player of the Year (Men) ons League this season and was named the Jun Nishikawa (JPN) with injuries of their own. to a second-place finish at the AFC Women’s was nominated for the Best FIFA Football Korea Republic will be aiming to get back to winning ways tournament’s Most Valuable Player. Asian Cup Jordan 2018 in April. Awards in July, was instrumental in leading Jeon Se-jin (KOR) Compatriot Kento Misao played an equally Turki Al Ammar (KSA) against Uzbekistan in what is a clash between two teams The Australia international, who has scored the Nadeshiko to their second AFC Women’s preparing for the AFC Asian Cup UAE 2019. integral part in Kashima’s fairy tale season. 27 goals in 72 appearances, is up against Chi- Asian Cup title in Amman. AFC Coach of the Year (Women) The 22-year-old was ever reliant in midfield, Asako Takakura (JPN) The Taeguek Warriors are undefeated in the five friendlies na PR’s Wang Shuang whose four goals in Kumagai, who is fondly remembered for they have played since Bento took charge but have drawn breaking down the opposition’s threat with an Jordan helped the Steel Roses finish third at scoring the winning penalty in Japan’s 2011 Miyo Okamoto (JPN) impressive tackle success rate of 70.8 percent. Nuengrutai Srathongvian (THA) their last two ties - against Panama and Australia. the AFC Women’s Asian Cup 2018. FIFA Women’s World Cup triumph, joined Korea Republic will play in Group C at the AFC Asian Cup The Japanese pair will face stiff competition Wang’s impressive displays for her former the exclusive centenary club for her country AFC Coach of the Year (Men) from experienced Qatari international Hassan, Basim Hamdan (IRQ) UAE 2019 against China PR, Philippines and Kyrgyz Republic. club Dalian Quanjian and country caught earlier this month in a 4-1 victory over Norway. (Sources: Yonhap) who showcased remarkable consistency and the eye of French giants Paris Saint-Ger- ---The stellar cast of nominees (in alpha- Go Oiwa (JPN) was a towering figure in Al Sadd’s march to main who offered the 23-year-old a two-year betical order of Member Association) for the Ravshan Khaydarov (UZB) the 2018 AFC Champions League semi-finals. contract in August. AFC Annual Awards Oman 2018 are: (Source: the-afc) Iran to host int’l women’s Manchester United’s Jose Mourinho facing injury crisis gymnastics champs Manchester United manager Jose Mour- drew from the France squad ahead of the for games against Iceland and Switzerland. place against Palace with Ashley Young IRNA — Women’s gymnastics of the Islamic nations cham- inho is facing selection problems ahead of international break while Romelu Lukaku Sources have told ESPN FC that United switching to left-back. Valencia hasn’t fea- pionships is planned to be held in the Iranian southern the clash with Crystal Palace on Saturday was sent back to Manchester by Belgium medical staff are hopeful Pogba and Fel- tured for United since the goalless draw Island of Kish on February 2019, said the head of Iran’s but the club’s medical staff are hopeful Paul after failing to recover from a hamstring laini will be fit to play when Crystal Palace with Valencia on Oct. 2 but was fit enough gymnastics federation. Pogba will be fit, sources have told ESPN FC. problem. visit Old Trafford. Pogba was allowed to to play and score in Ecuador’s 2-0 win over The event will be held to mark the 40th anniversary of the United will definitely be without Luke Victor Lindelof was substituted at half- travel to Dubai during the international Peru on Thursday. victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Shaw, who is suspended after picking up time of Sweden’s UEFA Nations League break rather than undergo treatment at Sources have told ESPN FC the 33-year- It is the first time after 15 years that the national Iranian his fifth booking of the season during the game against Turkey because of illness and Carrington. old made himself available for games against women’s gymnastics team participates in an official inter- 3-1 defeat to Manchester City, while there Marcus Rashford picked up a knock during Martial, Lukaku and Rashford will Juventus and Manchester City before the national tournament. are injury concerns over another six first- England’s 2-1 win over Croatia. Marouane be assessed once they return to United’s international break but was not selected A delegation from the International Gymnastics Federation team regulars. Fellaini is also continuing his recovery from training HQ. by Mourinho. (French acronym: FIG) will visit Iran on December 5 to help Pogba and Anthony Martial both with- injury after he was left out of Belgium’s squad Antonio Valencia is in line to take Shaw’s (Source: ESPN) the Iranian federation prepare for the tournament. Prayer Times Noon:11:50 Evening: 17:14 Dawn: 5:18 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:46 (tomorrow) NOVEMBER 20, 2018 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi “The Ugly Duckling”, “Les Misérables” Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 coming to Hamedan theater festival Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. ARTTEHRAN – “The Ugly Tel: 88911433 deskDuckling”, one of Danish Webmaster: [email protected] Printed at: Rooztab - ISSN: 1017-94 writer Hans Christian Andersen’s most famous fairy tales, and “Les Misérables”, French writer No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran Victor Hugo’s most famous novel, will be go P.o. Box: 14155-4843 on stage at the 25th International Theater Zip Code: 1599814713 Festival for Children and Young Adults, which will open today in Hamedan, Iran. “Les Misérables” has been produced by Krizo Theater, a French company that is being led by stage comedian and director Christophe Thébault, the organizers announced on Monday. Wearing various masks, Thébault, Aimée Leballeur and Laurent Dupont will give one performance set for Thursday. “The Ugly Duckling” will also be performed by a Turkish troupe of puppeteers on “In Between” wins award Thursday. The puppet show has been produced by the Turkish company Uçaneller Kuklaevi. at Tirana film festival The play will be staged by the Turkey- based Bulgarian director Theodora Popova ARTTEHRAN – Iranian director Aliyar Rasti’s desk Lazarova and the troupe is composed of Mesut short drama “In Between” has won the Ridvan Sarioglu, Bircan Sarioglu and Elif Ron Holloway award for best debut film at the Tirana Devrim Varol. International Film Festival Three foreign companies are scheduled in Albania. to give performances during the Hamedan Starring Saber Abar and festival, which will run until November 24. Neda Jebraeili, the film is The Indian company Theatre Shine will about Rana, a woman who stage “Thirsty Crow Returns” by director is under investigation for a Suvojit Bandyopadhyay. crime. Giuseppe Semeraro from the Italian The Golden Owl for company Principo Ativo Teatro will also best film went to “Irina” by compete in the festival with “A Story of a Nadejda Koseva from Bulgaria Man and His Shadow”. during the awards ceremony In addition, Dmitry Nomokonov from held on November 9. the major German troupe Fifth Wheel will Rene Eller from the participate in the event with a puppet show Netherlands was selected as named “Extraordinary Voyage”. A poster for “Les Misérables”, a production from French theater company Krizo Theater. best director for “We”, while “The Greenaway Alphabet” by Dutch filmmaker Saskia A poster for “In Between” by Boddeke won the award for Iranian architects big winners at 2A architectural awards Iranian director Aliyar Rasti. best documentary film. ARTTEHRAN — Iranian House and Saman Sayar for Villa Vanush. deskarchitects have been In Future Projects – Urban Asia, Mehdi the big winners at the 2A Continental Kambuzia took first place for Forgotten “Alphabet” wins best animation Architectural Award for Asia and Europe Spaces/Open Museum under the Mirdamad by scooping 28 of the 43 awards presented Bridge. Amir and Samaneh Qasempur won award at FICEE in Spain in 12 categories. second prize for the Haqani Pedestrian Bridge ARTTEHRAN – “Alphabet”, Iranian director The winners were honored during a and Hooman Balazadeh and Mohammad deskKianush Abedi’s acclaimed movie, won the special ceremony held at the Institute for Khavarian received third award for the award for best animated film at the 8th FICEE - Ciudad Rodrigo Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Chitgar Garden. International Festival of Educational and Spiritual Cinema in in Barcelona, Spain on October 26. First prize in Asia Public went to Ensieh Spain, the organizers announced on Saturday. A jury composed of Carme Pinós, Yoko Khamseh and Arash Nasiri for the Nur-e The story in “Alphabet” is Okuyama, Abbas Gharib, Willy Müller Mobin Primary School. Other prizes in this set in a town located in nowhere and Ali Basbous judged the projects at the category were presented to architects from land. It has been years since architectural awards, which are presented India, Afghanistan and China. the people of this town have by 2A, an architecture and art magazine Zahra Arman and Mostafa Omidbakhsh forgotten the alphabet of life. that is published in Tehran. were the top winners for their joint project They have no sight, hearing or All the prizes in the Old & New Asia section Orange Gallery in the Commercial - Retail, speech left… but the words are were presented to Iranian architects. Maneli Stores, Warehouse – Asia section. impatiently waiting to be sung Afshang and Mahfam Kushesh won first Iranian architects were also top winners again. prize for the Rayzan Culture House. in both sections of Interior Architecture The festival was held in Second prize was presented to Ara Asia and Urban Projects, Rural Projects, Ciudad Rodrigo from November Aliabadi for the Aban Art Gallery while Landscape & Public Spaces – Asia. Reza Mafakher for Rahimzadeh Jewelry The Nur-e Mobin Primary School in Bastam won first prize in the Asia Public category Hamed Moradi Aleshtar won the award 9 to 17. at the 2A Continental Architectural Award for Asia and Europe in Barcelona, Spain. The film has been screened and Sara Khatibi for Braim Restaurant for Aviator Box in the Interior Architecture in numerous events around the Project shared third prize. Projects – Urban Asia categories. their collaboration on the Tiny House Asia category and Mahdieh Sadat Hedayati globe and won honors at some. Iranian architects were also overall In Small Scale Architecture Asia, Omid project. Moein Jalali stood second for the received the award for Déjà vu Pavilion in the Earlier in September, it winners in both Future Projects – Small Mohammadi, Mohammad Ebrahim Tajik Palemos Villa 2. Third place was shared by Urban Projects, Rural Projects, Landscape was selected as best animated Scale Architecture Asia and the Future and Behruz Nakhaei won first prize for Mohammad-Hassan Foruzanfar for Parsin & Public Spaces – Asia section. A poster for “Alphabet” by Ira- movie at the Revolution Me Film nian director Kianush Abedi. Festival in New York. It was also picked as best short animation at the Festival “Fantastic Beasts 2” charms Lights, camera, factions: Stars at Chinese- Sayulita in Mexico in February. with $62 million debut language ‘Oscars’ split over Taiwan LOS ANGELES (Variety) — “Fantastic TAIPEI/SHANGHAI (Reuters) — The “Star Wars” producer Kennedy Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” Chinese-speaking world’s version of the wants new movie voices ‘to enchanted moviegoers with a debut of Oscars, the Golden Horse Awards, has created $62 million. While that’s slightly lower a sharp political divide between film stars bring world to its senses’ than the start of “Fantastic Beasts and and directors as the annual event becomes a Where to Find Them”, the first installment lightning rod for questions about Taiwanese LOS ANGELES (Reuters) — “Star Wars” producer Kathleen in the “Harry Potter” spinoff series, it was independence. Kennedy on Sunday accepted a lifetime achievement award from easily enough to dominate the weekend At Saturday’s ceremony, held in Taipei, the organizers of the Oscars and said she hoped it would open box office. documentary filmmaker Fu Yue called for the door for new voices in the movie industry who “might bring Warner Bros., the studio behind the Taiwan to be recognized as “an independent the world back to its senses.” wizarding series, sees “Fantastic Beasts” entity”, sparking off a live sparring match Actor Ezra Miller attends the British pre- Taiwan’s director Yue Fu (R) poses backstage Honored with her producer husband Frank Marshall, Kennedy as more of an international play, where the between mainland and Taiwanese stars at miere of “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of after winning Best Documentary for her was the first woman to receive the Academy of Motion Picture follow-up has already earned $191 million. the glitzy show. Grindelwald” movie in London, Britain, movie “Our Youth in Taiwan” at the 55th Arts and Sciences’ annual Irving. G. Thalberg award. Stateside, “Crimes of Grindelwald” has Mainland actor Tu Men, while presenting November 13, 2018. (Reuters/Toby Melville) Golden Horse Awards in Taipei, Taiwan In 2012, Kennedy became president of LucasFilm, reviving battled the worst reviews yet for a “Harry an award, referred to Taiwan as “China November 17, 2018. (Reuters/Tyrone Siu) the sci-fi saga and producing multi-billion dollar movies “Star Potter” entry. It currently holds a bleak promising A CinemaScore, as well as Taiwan”, while the chair of the awards Wars: The Force Awakens” and “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” 40 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and a a 79 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. The committee, Oscar award-winning director diversity”. that have made her one of the most powerful executives in B+ Cinemascore. audience was predominately female and Ang Lee, told reporters after the show that “Taiwan is a democratic and open society,” Hollywood. “The Crimes of Grindelwald” is the over the age of 35. The studio is banking everyone was allowed to say what they wanted she said. “No one here will be silenced or “I am very proud to be the first woman to accept this award. second entry in what Warner Bros. intends on a strong Thanksgiving showing to to say on stage. disappeared because they have different But I am also not the first to deserve it and I am 100 percent sure to be a five-film franchise and is part boost momentum and justify its $48 However, he added: “We hope that art views. We have no sensitive words that will I am not the last,” Kennedy said to wild applause at a gala dinner of the studio’s ongoing effort to wring million price tag. can be art, and that no political issues will be censored online.” attended by studio executives and many of Hollywood’s biggest more riches from the wizarding world Fox and New Regency are distributing interfere with it because art is very pure.” Social media users also left close to 20,000 actors and directors. popularized by author J.K. Rowling. “Widows”, directed by Steve McQueen, Taiwan is self-governed and has a comments on Fu’s Facebook account after the Kennedy and Marshall co-founded Amblin Entertainment with It sparked controversy when Johnny which brought in a tepid $12.5 million democratically elected leadership, but show, with some criticizing her support for director Steven Spielberg in 1981 and produced of blockbusters Depp was cast as the infamous dark from 2,805 venues. The movie cost $40 China claims the island as a breakaway Taiwan independence while others praised including “Raiders of the Lost Ark”, “Jurassic Park” and “E.T.: wizard Gellert Grindelwald. However, million to make and follows a group of province and has not ruled out the use of it. Some said she should not have politicized The Extra Terrestrial”. it didn’t seem to taint enthusiasm among women who arrange a caper in order to force to ensure unification. The question of the ceremony. Kennedy said recent efforts to improve diversity in Hollywood Potterheads. pay back a crime boss after their criminal Taiwanese independence is one of Beijing’s In a separate statement on Monday, and give women better roles in front of and behind the camera Theaters were able to entice more husbands are killed on a job gone wrong. most sensitive political concerns. Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party must be embraced. than just witches and wizards this The ensemble cast includes Viola Davis, Tensions between China and Taiwan have said the criticism of Fu was an attempt at “It is my hope that with the inclusion of these powerful new weekend. New offerings, along with Michelle Rodriguez, Elizabeth Debicki, grown since pro-independence President Tsai “election interference from outside forces”. voices, we might just bring the world back to its senses and a number of holdovers, were able to and Cynthia Erivo. Since its debut at Ing-wen took power in 2016. Taiwan is now The Golden Horse Awards was one of the maybe, just maybe, shatter a few glass ceilings along the way,” draw muggles and crack the top five as the Toronto Film Festival, “Widows” preparing for local elections on Saturday, most discussed topics on China’s Twitter-like Kennedy said. comedy “Instant Family” and heist drama has garnered rave reviews, especially seen as a bellwether for the ruling party’s Weibo platform on Sunday, with a number Veteran actress Cicely Tyson, who turns 94 in December, was “Widows” each opened relatively on par for Davis’ performance. performance in the 2020 presidential race. of mainland stars also posting supportive presented with an honorary Oscar for lifetime achievement, along with expectations. Second place went to Universal’s “The Tsai herself weighed into the debate on posts about China’s claims over Taiwan. with Argentinian musician Lalo Schifrin, the composer of scores For Paramount, “Instant Family” Grinch”, which pocketed another $38 Sunday saying that Taiwan had never accepted Among them was A-list Chinese movie star for “Dirty Harry” and “Mission: Impossible”, and publicist Marvin starring Mark Wahlberg and Rose million to bring its domestic tally to $126 being called “China Taiwan”. Fan Bingbing, who earlier this year vanished Levy, who has worked with Spielberg for more than 40 years. Byrne, generated $14.7 million when million. “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Fox’s “We can’t accept this term. Taiwan is for months from public view sparking New York-born Tyson, who has appeared in numerous films, it launched in 3,286 locations. The Freddie Mercury biopic, also saw a strong simply Taiwan,” she said on Facebook, adding widespread rumors about her whereabouts. television shows and stage plays, was praised by record producer feel-good film that’s loosely based on outing in its third weekend and nabbed she was “proud” of the awards ceremony She was fined for tax evasion last month and Quincy Jones for her “grace, dignity and class” and for focusing a true story of a married couple who third place with $15 million. That takes which “highlighted that Taiwan was different in her apology said her achievements were on roles that highlight the struggles of African-Americans. adopt three young children earned a its North American total to $127 million. from China, that being in our freedom and inseparable from the Communist Party.