Subject Index
( 785 ) SUBJECT INDEX [Tho letter “ A ” following a pago number denotes a reference to the present volume of tho Journal dealing with abstracts, bibliography, book reviews, &e.] Abrasion, Age-hardening of— resistance to, relation to hardness, 50, Steels, effect of magnetic treatmont, 50, 559/1. 660/1. study, 50, 243/1. Zinc-aluminium alloys of compn. Abrasion of— Al2Zn3, 50, 727/1, 728/1. Bearing alloys, 50, 253.-1. Air, susponded matter in, 48, 128, 137. Abrasives, Aircraft, carborundum, 50, 705.-1. all-metal, advantages of light metals, diamond, 50, 705/1. 50, 181.-1. fused alumina, adhesion of gluo, 50, bracing cables with different end- 705.4. connoctions, corrosion-resistance, 50, review, 50, 388/1. 742/1. U.S. labels, 50, 193.-1. deformation, optico-pliotographic mea Accounts, 48, 15. surement, 50, 753/i. Acetylene. See Welding. engines, selection of alloys for, 50, 693/1. Acids (seo also Corrosion and undor names floats. Duralumin, construction, 50, of acids), 254/1. action on metals, 50, 303/1. fuselages, Duralumin, construction, 50, dissolution of metals, 50, 27A ; periodic, 254/1 ; monocoque, bonding tests, 50, 83/1.; rate, 50, 357/1, 358/1. 50, 254A. Admiralty bronze. Seo Bronzes. materials, work of 1st Internat. Congress Admiralty gun-metal. Soo Gun-metal. on Aerial Safety, 50, 279/1. Adsorption of— metal-clad, 50, 764/1. Carbon monoxide by palladium, 50, 3.4. metal construction, book, 50, 405/1. Hydrogen by platinum metals, 50, metal-truss wing spars, 50, 138/1, 256.4. 530/1. parts, finishing, 50, 742/1; prodn. Aeron, dynamic strength properties, 50, from point of view of safety, 50, B00/1.
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