Page 1 09/06/2013 Recommended reading 2466

Walter Abish Jorge Amado Daisy Ashford * The Drowned World 1962 * Alphabetical Africa 1974 ** Gabriela, cravo e 1958 * The young visiters 1919 Honoré de Balzac * Eclipse Fever ** Tentcanela of Miracles 1969 Isaac Asimov *** Eugénie Grandet 1834 * How German it is 1981 Eric Ambler *** Foundation 1951 *** Illusions perdues 1843 * I am the dust under your *** Cause for Alarm 1938 *** I, Robot 1950 *** Le Père Goriot 1835 Chinuafeet Achebe ** Dark frontier * Nightfall 1990 Marianne Ba ** A man of the people 1966 Kingsley Amis Miguel Asturias * Une si longue lettre 1979 * Anthills of the Savannah 1987 **** Lucky Jim 1953 ** El senor presidente 1946 Iain Banks *** Arrow of God 1964 * The Green Man 1969 Margaret Atwood * Complicity 1993 **** Things Fall Apart 1958 *** The Old Devils 1986 *** Alias Grace 1996 * Dead Air 2002 Kathy Acker Martin Amis * Cat’s Eye 1990 *** The Crow Road 1992 *** Blood and Guts in High 1984 * Dead Babies 1975 *** Surfacing 1972 *** The Wasp Factory 1984 PeterSchoolAckroyd *** London Fields 1989 ** The Blind Assassin 2000 Iain M. Banks *** Hawksmoor 1985 **** Money 1984 *** The Handmaid’s Tale 1996 * The Player of Games 1988 London, the biography 2000 * The Information 1995 * The Robber Bride 1993 Russell Banks * The House of Doctor 1993 * Time’s Arrow 1991 Bernardo Atxaga ** Cloudsplitter 1998 * TheDee Lambs of London 2004 Niccolo Ammaniti * Obabakoak 1989 John Banville Andy Adams * I'm not scared 2001 Max Aub * Shroud 2002 The log of a cowboy 1880 I'm not scared * El laberinto magico 1943 ** The Book of Evidence 1989 Douglas Adams Mulk Raj Anand John(cicloAubrey de novelas) * The Newton Letter 1982 *** Dirk Gently’s Holistic 1987 * Untouchable 1935 b Brief lives (memoir) *** The Sea 2005 *** TheDetective Hitchhiker’s Agency Guide 1979 Jessica Anderson W.H. Auden ** The Untouchable 1997 * Theto theLong Galaxy Dark Teatime 1988 ** The commandant 1975 ** Another time 1940 Amiri Baraka of the Soul Henry Adams John Lee Anderson ** Look, Stranger 1936 ** Dutchman 1964 * Mont St Michel and 1913 Che Guevarra: a 1997 ** The age of anxiety 1947 Muriel Barbery ***ChartresThe education of Henry 1913 SherwoodrevolutionaryAnderson life ** The ascent of the F6 1936 ** L'élégance du hérisson Adams Chimaman Adichie * Dark laughter 1925 The orators 1932 Jules Barbey d'Aurévilly * Half a yellow sun 2006 * Death in the woods ** The shield of Achilles 1955 * Les diaboliques 1874 Half a Yellow Sun * Manya.o.s. marriages (e) 1923 Jane Austen Henri Barbusse Aravind Adiga * Poor white (e) 1920 *** Emma 1816 *** L'enfer 1909 The white tiger * Windy McPherson's son 1916 ** Mansfield Park 1814 *** Le feu 1917 Aesop * Winesburg(e) Ohio 1919 * Northanger Abbey 1818 Corpus Barga * Persuasion 1818 * The Fables 4BC Ivo Andric * Los pasos contados: 1963 *** Pride and Prejudice 1813 James Agee ** La chronique de Travik 1945 Alessandrouna vida espanolaBaricco a *** A death in the family 1969 *** The Bridge on the Drina 1946 Sanditon 1817 *** Sense and Sensibility 1811 *** Silk 1996 b Permit me Voyage Jerzy Andrzejeweski Pat Barker Shmuel Agnon ** Ashes and diamonds 1948 Paul Auster In the country of last 1987 * Another World 1998 ** Au coeur des mers 1948 Maya Angelou ** Regeneration 1991 Invisiblethings 2009 M. Aguéev *** I know why the caged 1970 *** Moon Palace 1989 *** The Ghost Road 1996 Gabrielebird sings d' Annunzio * Roman avec cocaïne 1934 * Mr. Vertigo 1994 * Union Street 1982 * Il piacere (l'enfant de 1889 Conrad Aiken * The Book of Illusions 2002 Djuna Barnes volupté) Blue voyage 1927 Anonymous The invention of 1982 *** Nightwood 1936 César Aira Everyman (morality 1495 ***solitudeThe Music of Chance 1990 Julian Barnes * La liebre 2002 **play)La vida de Lazarillo de 1554 *** The New York Trilogy 1985 * A history of the world in 1989 Alain-Fournier ** LeTormes conte du coupeur de 900 * Timbuktu 2000 ***10.5Flaubert’s chapters Parrot 1984 *** bambouThe Thousand and One 850 * Le grand Meaulnes 1913 Francisco Ayala * The porcupine 1992 Nights Edward Albee Lucius Apuleius * La cabeza del cordero 1949 Pio Baroja ** The zoo story 1959 *** The Golden Ass 260 Alan Ayckbourn * El arbol de la sciencia 1911 ** Who's afraid of Virginia 1962 Louis Aragon ** Absurd Person Singular 1972 * Memorias de un 1913 LouisaWoolf May Alcott ** Aurélien 1934 Azorin Mauricehombre Barrèsde accion ** Les cloches de Bâle 1934 *** Little Women 1868 * Castilla 1916 * Les déracinés 1897 Ignacio Aldecoa Fernando Aramburu Mariano Azuela James Barrie * Gran sol 1958 * Fuegos con limón 1997 ** Los de abajo 1916 ** What every woman 1908 Richard Aldington John Arden Ingeborg Bachmann JohnknowsBarrie (e) * Death of a hero 1929 ** Armstrong's last 1964 * Malina 1971 ** The admirable Crichton 1902 ** Serjeantgoodnight Musgrave's 1959 Thomas Aldrich Francis Bacon Stan Barstow Reinaldodance Arenas The Stillwater tragedy 1880 Essays ** A kind of loving 1960 ** Antes que anochezca 1996 Thomas Aldrich The adv. of learning Donald Barthelme José Maria Arguedas The story of a bad boy 1870 The new Atlantis * Amateurs 1976 ** Los rios profundos 1958 Ciro Alegria John Bagford * City life (stories) 1970 Philippe Aries ** El mundo es ancho y 1941 The Bagford ballads 1878 * Come Back, Dr. Caligari 1964 The hour of our death 1981 * Forty(stories) stories Mateoajeno Aleman James Baldwin Sawako Ariyoshi * Snow white 1967 * Guzmán de Alfarache 1599 * Another country 1962 ** Les années du 1972 *** The Dead Father 1975 Nelson Algren *** Giovanni’s Room 1956 MichaelcrépusculeArlen John Barth *** The Man With the 1949 *** Go Tell It on the 1952 ** The Green Hat 1924 * TellMountain me how long the 1968 * Chimera 1972 IsabelGoldenAllende Arm Juan José Arreola J.G.train'sBallard been gone *** Giles Goat-Boy 1966 * De amor y de sombra 1984 * Sabbatical: a romance 1982 *** La casa de los espiritus 1982 * Confabulatorio 1952 * Cocaine Nights 1996 ** Crash 1973 * The End of the Road 1958 James Allen Roberto Artl ** Empire of the sun 1984 * The Floating Opera 1956 A Kentucky cardenal 1894 ** Los siete locos 1929 *** The Sot-weed factor 1960 John Ashbery * Empire of the sun 1984 The invisible choir 1893 * High-Rise 1975 Vladimir Bartol Lisa Alther ** Self portrait in a convex 1975 ** Alamut 1938 mirror * Super-Cannes 2000 Kinflicks 1976 * The Atrocity Exhibition 1970 Page 2

Giorgio Bassani E.C. Bentley *** Eva Trout 1968 George Brown ** Le jardin des 1962 * Trent's last case 1913 *** The death of the heart 1938 ** Greenvoe 1972 GeorgesFinzi-ContiniBataille Cyrano de Bergerac *** The Heat of the Day 1949 Robert Browning ** The House in Paris 1935 *** Histoire de l'oeil 1929 * Etats et empires de la 1657 The ring and the book 1868 * The Last September 1929 *** L'abbé C 1951 Johnlune Berger Alfredo Bryce Echenique * To the North 1932 *** Le bleu du ciel 1957 *** G 1972 ** Un mundo para Julius 1979 Paul Bowles Henry Bauchau Thomas Berger James Buchan *** The sheltering sky Oedipe sur la route * Little big man 1964 Frozen desire: an 1997 William Boyd Ann Beattie * Reihnart in love 1961 JohnenquiryBuchan into the * Brazzaville beach 1990 The burning house, 1982 * Vital parts 1970 *** The Thirty-Nine Steps 1915 Kay Boyle Simonestories de Beauvoir Georges Bernanos Charles Bukowski b Three short novels 1940 ** Les mandarins 1954 * Journal d'un curé de 1936 Ham on rye 1982 T. C. Boyle Béatrice Beck * Souscampagne le soleil de Satan 1926 Tales of ordinary 1967 ** Drop City 2004 Léon Morin, prêtre Thomas Bernhard Mikhailmadness Bulgakov *** World’s End 1987 Jurek Becker * Concrete 1982 *** The Master and 1968 Hugh Brackenbridge * Jakob le menteur 1969 * Corrections 1975 Alan MargaritaBullock Modern Chivalry 1792 Samuel Beckett *** Extinction 1986 Hitler and Stalin 1991 * Old Masters 1985 Malcom Bradbury ** Endgame 1957 Bulwer-Lytton ** Oui 1978 * Rates of exchange 1983 ** Happy days 1961 The coming race 1871 * How It Is (Kindle 5.6e) 1960 *** Wittgenstein’s Nephew 1982 * The history man 1975 Louis de Bernieres Ray Bradbury John Bunyan ** Krapp's last tape 1957 * The Pilgrim’s Progress 1678 *** Malone meurt 1952 *** Captain Corelli’s 1994 * Fahrenheit 451 1954 Jacob Burckhardt * Mercier et Camier 1970 * SeñorMandolin Vivo and the 1991 Mary Braddon Civilisation de la 1860 *** Molloy 1951 JohnCocaBerryman Lord Lady Audley's secret 1861 Renaiss. en Italie *** Murphy 1938 ** The dream songs 1964 John Braine Anthony Burgess ** Not I 1973 John Betjeman ** Room at the top 1957 ** A Clockwork orange 1961 Earthly Powers 1981 * The Unnamable 1953 ** Summoned by bells 1960 Fernand Braudel *** Inside Mr. Enderby 1963 ** Waiting for Godot 1952 Ambrose Bierce The Mediterranean in 1972 * Watt 1953 Edmund Burke Can these things be? 1893 Richardthe age ofBrautigan Philippe II * Worstward Ho 1983 b Enquiry into the Sublime In the midst of life 1891 * A confederate general 1964 William On conciliation with 1775 Beckford Adolfo Bioy Casares from Big Sur *** In Watermelon Sugar 1968 bAmericaReflections (speech) on the *** Vathek 1786 * El sueño de los héroes * The Hawkline monster 1974 KennethrevolutionBurke in France Gustavo Bécquer ** La invencion de Morel 1940 * Trout fishing in America 1967 b Counter-statement (lit 1931 * Leyendas 1858 R.D. Blackmore *** Willard and his bowling 1975 Francescrit) Burnett Max Beerbohm Lorna Doone 1869 BertoldtrophiesBrecht Little Lord Fauntleroy 1888 * Zuleika Dobson 1911 Maurice Blanchot * Threepenny Novel 1934 Little princess 1887 Nicolaas Beets André Breton *** L'arrêt de mort 1948 The secret garden ** Hildebrand: camera 1839 *** Arcane 17 1945 Eduardo Blanco-Amor Fanny Burney Anthonyoscura Beevor *** Nadja 1928 * La parranda 1959 *** Camilla 1794 Berlin, the downfall 2002 John Brewer Vicente Blasco Ibanez * Cecilia 1782 Brendan Behan * Canas y barro 1903 The pleasures of 1997 *** Evelina, or a young 1778 *** Borstal Boy 1958 imagination Karen Blixen Harold Brighouse Johnlady"s Horne entranceBurns into the * The hostage 1958 *** Out of Africa 1937 ** Hobson's choice 1916 * The gallery 1947 ** The Quare Fellow 1956 Judy Blume André Brink Aphra Behn Edgar Rice Burroughs Are you there, God, it's ** A dry white season 1979 ** Tarzan of the Apes 1914 ** Oroonoko 1688 * An instant in the wind 1975 Edmundme, MargaretBlunden William Burroughs Edward Bellamy ** Rumors of rain Undertones of war 1928 *** Junkie 1953 Looking backwards 1888 Vera Brittain Roberto Bolano * Nova Express 1964 Saul Bellow ** 2666 2004 ** Testament of Youth 1933 * Queer 1985 ** Dangling Man 1944 ** Los detectives salvajes 1998 Hermann Broch *** The Naked Lunch 1959 * Henderson the Rain 1959 Heinrich ** La mort de Virgile 1945 * The ticket that exploded 1962 King Böll **** Herzog 1964 ** Les irresponsables 1950 * The Wild Boys 1971 ** Humboldt’s Gift 1975 *** Die verlorene ehre der 1974 *** GroupKatharina Portrait Blum With 1971 Harold Brodkey Robert Burton * More die of heartbreak 1987 Lady b Stories in an almost 1988 * Seize the Day 1956 *** Les deux sacrements 1959 The anatomy of (=Billiards at Half-Past AnneclassicalBrontë mode melancholy ** The Adventures of 1953 ** The Safety Net 1979 Samuel Butler (protection * TheAugie dean's March December 1982 Robert Bolt * Agnes Grey 1847 *** Erewhon 1872 The tenant of Wildfell 1848 ** The Victim 1947 * A man for all seasons 1960 ** Erewhon revisited 1901 **HallThe tenant of Wildfell 1847 Mario Benedetti Daniel Boorstin Hudibras 1662 CharlotteHall Brontë * Gracias por el fuego 1965 The Americans ** The way of all flesh 1903 * La tregua 1960 Jorge Luis Borges *** Jane Eyre 1847 Michel Butor * Shirley 1849 Juan Benet * El informe de Brodie * La modification 1926 *** Ficciones; el Aleph 1944 The professor 1857 Dino Buzzati * Saul ante Samuel 1980 * Villette 1853 * Volveras(Catedra) a Region 1967 * Labyrinths 1962 *** Le désert des tartares 1940 Emily Brontë Xavier Benguerel George Borrow A.S. Byatt *** Wuthering Heights 1847 * Icaria 1974 Lavengro 1851 ** Possession 1990 Henry Brooke Arnold Bennet The bible in Spain 1835 *** The children's book 1978 The fool of quality (e) 1766 *** Clayhanger 1920 Wild Wales 1862 *** The Virgin in the 1978 Anita Brookner Garden ** Riceyman Steps 1923 James Boswell José Caballero Bonald *** The Old Wives’ Tale 1908 Journal of a tour of the 1773 * Hotel du Lac 1984 * Agata ojo de gato 1974 Arnold Bennett TheHebrides life of Johnson 1791 Thomas Browne James Cabell *** Anna of the Five Towns 1924 Alain de Botton Hydriotaphia (online) ** Jurgen, a comedy of 1919 Religio Medici 1682 E.N. Benson *** On Love 1993 Georgejustice Cable The garden of Cyrus * Mapp and Lucia 1935 Elizabeth Bowen Madame Delphine 1881 * A World of Love 1955 George Brown Old creole days 1879 * The house with the 1901 Page 3

The Grandissimes, a 1880 Carlo Cassola ** La regenta 1884 Robert Coover Guillermostory of CreoleCabrera life Infante * La ragazza 1960 Arthur C. Clarke * Gerald's party 1986 *** Tres tristes tigres 1964 Victor Catala *** 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 *** Pricksongs and 1969 Abraham Cahan ** Solitud 1905 Hugo Claus b SpankingDescants the maid, 1982 * The rise of David 1917 Willa Cather *** The Sorrow of Belgium 1983 * Thenovella origin of the 1965 Brunists * Yekl,Levinsky a tale of the NY 1896 ** A lost lady 1923 John Cleland * The Public Burning 1976 Jamesghetto M. Cain *** Death comes for the 1927 *** Fanny Hill 1750 * The universal baseball 1968 association *** The Postman Always 1934 * MyArchbishop Antonia 1980 Caroline Clive Julio Cortazar Pere RingsCalders Twice * O Pioneers 1913 Paul Ferroll (e) 1855 * Las armas secretas 1959 * Rayuela 1963 * Cronicas de la verdad 1988 Sapphira and the slave 1940 Jean Cocteau ***girl The Professor’s House 1925 Louis Couperus Erskineoculta Caldwell ** Les Enfants Terribles 1929 ** Eline Vere 1889 ** A house in the uplands 1946 Charles Causley Jonathan Coe Noël Coward * God's little acre 1933 ** Secret destinations 1984 ** What a Carve Up! 1993 ** Hay Fever 1925 * Tobacco Road 1932 Camilo Cela Paulo Coelho * Private lifes 1930 Hortense Calisher ** La colmena 1989 ** The Devil and Miss 2000 ** Viaje a Alcarria 1948 ** The vortex 1924 On keeping women 1977 *** PrymVeronika Decides to Die 1998 Jim Crace Italo Calvino Louis-Ferdi Céline J.M. Coetzee * Mort à crédit 1933 *** Arcadia 1992 *** If On a Winter’s Night a 1979 *** Disgrace 1999 Mrs Craik *** IlTraveler sentiero dei nidi di 1947 *** Voyage au bout de la 1933 *** Dusklands 1974 nuit *** Invisibleragno Cities 1972 Javier Cercas * Elizabeth Costello 2003 John Halifax gentleman 1857 * Our Ancestors 1960 ** Soldados de Salamina 2001 * Foe 1986 Stephen Crane *** The Castle of Crossed 1973 Miguel de Cervantes ** In the Heart of the 1978 * Maggie, a girl of the 1893 LuisDestinies Vas Camoens *** Don Quijote de la 1605 *** CountryLife and Times of 1983 Thestreets open boat & other 1898 ** The Lusiads 1572 * NovelasMancha ejemplares * SlowMichael Man K. 2005 *talesThe red badge of 1895 Albert Camus ** Persiles 1617 * The Master of 1994 Hectorcourage de Crèvecoeur *** L'étranger 1951 Michael Chabon ***PetersburgWaiting for the 1980 Letter from an American 1782 ** L'homme révolté 1942 * The amazing 2000 * YouthBarbarians 2002 Jacquesfarmer Crickillon *** La peste 1947 RosaadventuresChacel of Kavalier Albert Cohen Supra-Coronada Elias Canetti * Memorias de Letitia 1941 *** Belle du Seigneur 1968 Fernand Crommelynck *** Auto-da-Fé 1935 RaymondValle Chandler Samuel Coleridge Les amants puérils, le Karel Capek * Farewell My Lovely 1940 Aids to reflection (e) 1825 Tripescocu magnifique d’or ** Newt war 1936 **** The Big Sleep 1939 Colette John Crowley Truman Capote *** The Long Goodbye 1953 ** La maisson de Claudine 1922 b AEgypt tetralogy, vol 1 1987 *** Breakfast at Tiffany’s 1958 Jung Chang Wilkie Collins b Little,& 2 big (fantasy) 1981 *** In Cold Blood 1965 *** Wild Swans 1991 ** Armadale 1866 E.E. Cummings * Other voices, other 1948 Jacques Chardonne ** The Moonstone 1868 *** The Enormous Room 1922 Jeromerooms Carcopino * Les destinées 1936 *** The Woman in White 1860 Michael Cunningham Daily life in ancient 1941 Charitonsentimentales Alfredo Conde * A Home at the End of 1990 OrsonRome Card * Chaireas and Kallirhoe * El griffon 1988 ***theThe World Hours 1998 Ender's game 1985 François-R Chateaubriand William Congreve Alvaro Cunqueiro Peter Carey * Mémoires d'outre-tombe 1841 Love for love * Merlin e familia 1955 * Illywhacker 1985 Bruce Chatwin The way of the world David Dabydeen *** Jack Maggs 1997 *** On the Black Hill 1982 Joseph Conrad *** Disappearance 1993 *** Oscar and Lucinda 1988 * The songlines 1982 ** Chance 1913 Tsitsi Dangarembga William Carleton Geoffrey Chaucer *** Heart of Darkness 1902 *** Nervous Conditions 1988 The miser Fardorougha 1837 The Canterbury tales * Lord Jim 1900 Mark Z Danielewski Thomas Carlyle Troilus and Criseyde *** Nostromo 1904 ** House of Leaves 2000 ** The end of the tether 1902 Past and present 1843 John Cheever Samuel Daniel Sartor Resartus 1833 * The nigger of the 1897 b Bullet Park Narcissus Defence of Ryme (e) The French revolution *** The Secret Agent 1906 ** Falconer 1977 ** The secret sharer 1910 Guy Davenport Humphrey Carpenter * The wapshot chronicle 1957 * The Shadow-Line 1917 b Tatlin 1974 * The inklings 1977 G.K. Chesterton * Typhoon 1902 Robertson Davies Alejo Carpentier * Father Brown stories 1911 ** Under western eyes 1911 * Fifth business 1970 ** El reino de este mundo 1949 * The man who was 1908 ** Victory 1915 Lydia Davis Thursday * El siglo de las luces * The Napoleon of 1904 ** Youth 1902 *** The End of the Story 1995 ** Los pasos perdidos 1953 Notting Hill Erskine Childers Hendrik Conscience DBC Pierre J.L. Carr *** The Riddle of the Sands 1903 ** Le lion des Flandres 1838 * Vernon God Little 2003 * A month in the country 1980 Giorgio de Chirico Benjamin Constant Charles De Coster Lewis Carroll * Hebdomeros 1930 * Adolfe 1816 La légende *** Alice’s Adventures in 1865 Pierre Choderlos de John Esten Cooke Walterd’UllenspiegelDe la Mare *** ThroughWonderland the Looking 1871 *** Les liaisons 1782 My Lady Pokahontas (e) 1885 * Memoirs of a midget 1921 AngelaGlass,Carter and What Alice dangereuses Kate Chopin The Virginian 1854 Tessa De Loo *** Nights at the Circus 1984 Bayou folk 1894 comedians James Cooper ** The twins 2001 ** The bloody chamber 1979 *** The Awakening 1899 Satanstoe 1845 William De Morgan * The Passion of New ? Agatha Christie The chainbearer 1845 * WiseEve Children 1991 * Joseph Vance 1906 *** The Murder of Roger 1926 The deerslayer 1841 Thomas de Quincey Raymond Carver EmilAckroydCioran *** The Last of the 1826 Confessions of an Cathedral (stories) 1983 ** En las cimas de la 1934 TheMohicans pathfinder 1840 What we talk about 1981 EssaysEnglish opium-eater SandradesesperacionCisneros The pioneers 1823 b Where I'm calling from The prairie 1840 Recollections of the 1839 The house on Mango 1984 lakes and the lake poets Joyce Cary The redskins 1846 Daniel Defoe Clarendonstreet * Mister Johnson 1939 The spy 1821 A journal of the plague 1722 Selections from the * The horse's mouth 1944 William Cooper Captainyear Singleton 1720 LeopoldoHistory of theClarin Rebellion Colonel Jack 1722 Bartolomé Casas * Scenes from provincial 1950 Brevisima relacion de la * Dona Berta, 1884 life Memoirs of a cavalier 1720 Supercheria destruicion de las Indias Page 4

*** Moll Flanders 1722 Eilís Dillon Thu Huong Duong Per Olov Enquist *** Robinson Crusoe 1719 ** The Bitter Glass 1958 ** Les paradis aveugles 1988 ** Blanche et Marie 2004 * Roxana 1724 Benjamin Disraeli Marguerite Duras Anne Enright Fernando Del Paso Coningsby 1844 *** L'amant 1984 The gathering * Noticias del imperio 1987 Contarini Fleming 1832 *** Le ravissement de Lol 1964 Olaudah Equiano Shelagh Delaney Endymion 1880 ** LeV. Vice-ConsulStein 1966 *** The Interesting 1794 * A taste of honey 1958 Lothair 1870 Lawrence Durrell LouiseNarrativeErdrich Samuel Delany Sybil 1845 *** Justine 1956 * Love medicine 1984 Venetia 1837 Babel 17; Empire star 1966 * The Alexandria quartet 1957 Venedict Eroféiev (sf) Alfred Döblin Miguel Delibes Friedrich Dürrenmatt ** Moscou sur vodka 1969 *** Berlin Alexanderplatz 1929 * Cinco horas con Mario *** The Judge and His 1952 Miguel(AlbinEspinosa M.) ** El hereje 1998 E.L. Doctorow Hangman Umberto Eco * Escuela de mandarines 1974 * Las ratas * Billy Bathgate 1989 ** Le nom de la Rose 1980 Salvador Espriu Don DeLillo * City of God 2000 *** Le pendule de Foucault 1988 * Laia 1932 **** Falling man **** Ragtime 1975 Maria Edgeworth Laura Esquivel * Libra 1988 ** The Book of Daniel 1971 ** Castle Rackrent 1800 *** Como Agua para 1989 *** Mao II 1991 * World's Fair 1985 * Ormond 1817 PéterChocolateEsterházy * Ratner’s Star 1976 Jim Dodge * The Absentee 1812 *** Celestial Harmonies 2000 b Running Dog *** Stone Junction 1990 Jorge Edwards ** The Body Artist 2001 George Etherege J.P. Donleavy * Los convidados de 1978 * The Names 1982 The Man of Mode * A singular man 1963 Georgespiedra (Catedra)Eekhoud (Chile) *** Underworld 1997 Jeffrey Eugenides * The ginger man 1955 Voyous de velours **** White Noise 1984 ** Middlesex 2002 H.D. Doolittle Edward Eggleston Thomas Deloney *** The Virgin Suicides 1993 ** Asphodel 1992 Roxy 1878 * Thomas of Reading 1600 Michel Faber John Dos Passos The Hoosier Schoolboy 1883 Marco Denevi *** Under the Skin 2000 * Manhattan Transfer 1925 von Eichendorff * Rosaura a las diez 1955 * One man's initiation 1920 Eugenia Fakinou ** Scènes de la vie d'un 1823 Anita Desai * Three soldiers 1921 ** Astradeni (GR) 1992 CarlospropreEire à rien * Clear light of day 1980 *** U.S.A. 1938 Frantz Fanon Waiting for snow in 2003 Kiran Desai Feodor Dostoïevsky The wretched of the 1965 ModrisHavana Eksteins * The inheritance of loss 2006 *** Crime and Punishment 1866 Georgeearth Farquhar Rites of spring 1989 G.V. Desani *** L'idiot 1868 The Beaux' Stratagem 1707 Nawal El Saadawi * All About H. Hatter 1949 * Les frères Karamazov 1880 J.G. Farrell *** Notes from the 1864 * Woman at point zero 1993 Shashi Deshpande ** The Siege of Krishnapur 1973 Underground George Eliot *** Small Remedies 2000 ** The Devils 1872 *** The Singapore Grip 1978 *** Adam Bede 1859 Bernal Diaz Christian Dotremont * Troubles 1970 * Daniel Deronda 1876 * La conquista de Nueva Commencements James T. Farrell lapons, la pierre et Felix Holt Espana Norman Douglas * The yound manhood of 1934 Junot Diaz *** Middlemarch 1871 ** South wind 1917 Studs Lonigan (trilogy) The brief wondrous life *** Silas Marner 1861 * Young Lonigan 1932 Maro Douka Charlesof Oscar WaoDickens *** The Mill on the Floss 1880 William Faulkner ** L'or des fous/ Fool's 1979 * A Christmas Carol 1843 T.S. Eliot *** Absalom, Absalom! 1936 ApostolosGold Doxiadis * As I lay dying 1930 * A Tale of Two Cities 1859 ** Four Quartets 1954 American notes 1842 ** Oncle Petros et la 2000 ** Journey of the Magi 1927 b Collected stories conjoncture de Barnaby Rudge 1841 Roddy Doyle ** Murder in the cathedral 1935 * Go Down, Moses 1942 *** Light in August 1932 *** Bleak House 1854 * Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha 1993 ** Notes towards the 1948 ** Sanctuary 1931 Christmas stories 1843 Sir Arthur Doyle *** definitionPrufrock ofand culture other 1917 *** David Copperfield 1850 *** The Adventures of 1892 ** Theobservations cocktail party 1950 * Sartoris 1929 Dombey and son 1848 *** TheSherlock Hound Holmes of the 1902 * The elder statesman 1969 * Soldier's pay 1926 ** The hamlet (Snopes I) 1940 Edwin Drood 1870 MargaretBaskervillesDrabble ** The family reunion 1939 *** Great Expectations 1861 ** The wasteland & other 1922 ** The mansion (Snopes 1959 *** The Radiant Way 1987 ** TheIII) Sound and the Fury 1930 * Hard Times 1854 * The Red Queen 2004 Stanleypoems Elkin Hard times 1854 ** The town (Snopes II) 1957 Slavenka Drakulic * A bad man 1967 Little Dorrit 1857 ** The wild palms * Boswell 1964 *** As If I Am Not There 1999 Sebastian Faulks Martin Chuzzelwit 1843 b The living end 1979 * Martin Chuzzlewit 1844 Theodore Dreiser *** Birdsong 1993 Bret Ellis *** Oliver Twist 1838 *** An American tragedy 1925 Raymond Federman *** American Psycho 1991 * Our Mutual Friend 1864 * Jennie Gerhardt 1911 * Double or nothing 1972 *** Sister Carrie 1900 * Glamorama 1998 Pickwick papers 1836 Adam Ferguson * The Life and 1839 Pierre Drieu La Rochelle * Less Than Zero 1985 Ralf Ellison Essay on the history of 1767 JamesAdventuresDickey of Nicholas * Gilles 1939 civil society **** Invisible Man 1952 The history of the 1783 ** Deliverance 1970 Maurice Druon progress and James Ellroy Niall Ferguson ** The Central Motion Les rois maudits 1959 Colossus: the rise and 2000 ** The Early Motion *** The Black Dahlia 1987 John Dryden Felipefall of theFernandez American Philip K Dick Willem Elsschot A discourse concerning 1693 Millenium 1995 *** Do Androids Dream of 1968 Poemssatire (e) 1693 ** Kaas (fromage) 1933 Jesús Fernández Santos ** UbikElectric Sheep? (Blade 1969 The conquest of 1671 Buchi Emechata * Los bravos 1954 Denis Diderot GeorgesGranada Duby ** The joys of motherhood 1976 Elena Ferrante *** Jacques le Fataliste 1796 L'age des cathédrales 1981 Ralf Waldo Emerson ** Troubling love 1955 *** La religieuse 1796 Eamon Duffy Nature 1836 Susan Ferrier *** Le neveu de Rameau 1764 The stripping of the 1992 William Empson Destiny 1831 Joan Didion Alexandrealtars Dumas ** Seven types of 1930 The inheritance 1824 Democracy 1984 * La Reine Margot 1845 ShasakuambiguityEndo Suzan Ferrier * Play it as it lays 1971 *** Le comte de 1846 ** Deep river (le fleuve 1993 Marriage 1818 Luis Mateo Diez *** LesMonte-Cristo trois mousquetaires 1844 Shusakusacré) Endo Henry Fielding * La fuente de la edad 1986 Patricia Duncker * Silence 1966 *** Hallucinating Foucault 1996 * Amelia 1751 Page 5

Jonathan Wild 1743 Mary Freeman * Mary Barton 1848 ** The sheltered life 1932 ** Joseph Andrews 1742 A humble romance & 1887 *** North and South 1854 ** Vein of iron 1935 *** Tom Jones 1749 Jerome,other stories a poor man 1897 Ruth 1853 Virginia 1913 Sarah Fielding Marilyn French Sylvia's lovers 1863 William Godwin The adventures of 1744 * The women's room 1977 Wives and daughters 1854 *** The Adventures of 1794 TimothyDavid SimpleFindley Rodrigo Fresan William Gass JohannCaleb von WilliamsGoethe ** The wars 1977 * Vidas de santos 1993 * In the heart of the 1968 *** Les affinités électives 1809 * Omensetter'scountry (stories) luck 1966 Ronald Firbank Esther Freud *** Les souffrances du 1774 * Willy Master's lonesome 1968 jeune Werther * Prancing nigger 1924 *** Hideous Kinky 1992 *** Wilhelm Meister’s 1796 Théophilewife Gauthier Apprenticeship F. Scott Fitzgerald Bruce Jay Friedman Nikolai Gogol * Le capitaine Fracasse 1863 *** Dead Souls 1842 b Babylon revisited a.o.s. * A mother's kisses 1964 John Gay ** Tender is the Night 1934 * Stern 1962 *** The Nose 1836 The Beggar's Opera * The beautiful and the 1922 Brian Friel Arthur Golden damned Peter Gay **** The Great Gatsby 1925 ** Dancing at Lughnasa 1990 * Memoirs of a Geisha 1997 * The last tycoon 1941 The naked heart 1995 ** Translations 1990 William Golding * This side of paradise 1920 Max Frisch Arno Geiger * Darkness visible 1980 Penelope Fitzgerald *** Homo Faber 1957 * We're doing fine (AT) 2005 **** Lord of the Flies 1954 * The beginning of spring 1989 ** Stiller 1954 David Gemmell * Pincher Martin 1956 * Rites of Passage 1980 Gustave Flaubert Christopher Fry *** Legend 1985 * The inheritors 1955 ** Bouvard et Pécuchet 1881 ** The Lady's not for 1948 * Waylander *** L'éducation 1869 * The spire 1964 CarlosburningFuentes Jean Genet * Lasentimentale tentation de St 1874 * Notre-dame-des-fleurs 1944 Michael Gold ** La muerte de Artemio 1962 ***AntoineMadame Bovary 1859 * Querelle de Brest 1947 * Jews without money 1930 AtholCruzFugard * Une coeur simple 1883 William Gerhardie Oliver Goldsmith ** Sizwe Bansi is dead 1972 Ian Fleming * The polyglots 1925 An enquiry into the 1759 Francis Fukuyama *** Casino Royale 1952 Marie Gevers Shepresent stoops state to of conquer polite 1773 The end of history 1992 Peter Fleming La comtesse des The citizen of the world 1762 Henry Fuller The Deserted Village 1770 * News from Tartary 1936 Micheldigues de Ghelderode The chatelaine de la 1892 The Traveller 1764 Jonathan Foer Barabbas Escurial *TrinitéThe cliff dwellers 1893 *** The Vicar of Wakefield 1761 *** Everything is Illuminated 2002 La balade du grand * With the procession 1895 Witold Gombrowicz Ken Follett Zulfikarmacabre,Ghose Escurial, Hop William Gaddis ** Ferdydurke 1937 * The pillars of the earth ** The triple mirror of the 1992 * Carpenter's gothic 1985 Ramon Gomez de la Theodor Fontane Amitavself Ghosh * JR 1958 * El hombre perdido 1946 ** Effi Briest 1895 **** The recognitions 1955 ** The shadow lines 1990 *** Le Stechlin 1900 * El incongruente 1922 Eduardo Galeano Edward Gibbon Ivan Goncharov Ford Ford Autobiography ** Mémoires du feu 1982 *** Oblomov 1859 *** Parade’s End 1925 The decline and fall of Ruben Gallego Belén Gopegui *** The Good Soldier 1915 Lewisthe RomanGibbon empire * Blanc sur noir 2003 * La escala de los mapas John Ford * A Scots Quair (Sunset 1933 Rómulo Gallegos Nadine Gordimer 'Tis a pity she's a whore KayeSong)Gibbons * Doña Bárbara 1929 *** Burger's daughter 1979 Richard Ford Ellen Foster 1987 Paul Gallico *** July’s People 1981 Rock springs (stories) 1987 Stella Gibbons ** The sportswriter 1986 * Flowers for Mrs Haris 1958 * My son's story 1990 (Mrs. ‘Arris Goes to *** Cold Comfort Farm 1932 * The conservationist 1974 E.M. Forster Janice Galloway ** The Trick is to Keep 1989 William Gibson Maxime Gorki *** A Passage to India 1924 Breathing **** Neuromancer 1984 *** Mother (e) 1907 *** A Room With a View 1908 John Galsworthy André Gide *** Howard's End 1910 ** Justice 1910 *** The Artamonov 1925 Business ** Maurice 1960 ** The Forsythe Saga 1922 *** L'immoraliste 1903 James Gould Cozzens *** La porte étroite 1909 ** The longest journey 1907 John Galt * By love possessed 1957 * Where Angels Fear to 1905 Annals of the parish 1821 *** Les faux monnayeurs 1925 * Guard of honour 1948 *** Les nourritures 1897 JohnTreadFowles Annals of the parish Lois Gould MartinterrestresGilbert * A Maggot 1985 The Ayrshire legatees Such good friends 1970 The holocaust: the 1986 * The Collector 1963 The entail 1822 Juan Goytisolo Jewish tragedy * The ebony tower 1974 The provost 1822 Ellen Gilchrist ** Senas de identitad 1966 *** The French Lieutenant’s 1969 Juan Garcia Hortelano In the land of dreamy 1981 Luis Goytisolo dreams ** TheWoman Magus 1977 * El gran momento de 1972 Charlotte Gilman * Antagonia (ciclo de Robin Lane Fox JohnMaryGardner Tribune (Catedra) * The Yellow Wallpaper 1894 Baltasarnovelas)Gracian Pagans and Christians 1986 * Grendel 1971 Allen Ginsberg * El criticon Janet Frame * October light 1976 ** Howl 1956 Julien Gracq * The sunlight dialogues 1972 ** Faces in the Water 1961 Carlo Ginzburg *** Le rivage des Syrtes 1951 Anatole France Géza Gárdonyi The cheese and the 1980 Günter Grass worms ** Thais 1890 * Eclipse of the crescent 1899 Jean Giono *** Cat and mouse 1961 moon Julia Franck Hamlin Garland * Le hussard sur le toit 1951 ** Dog years 1961 *** The blind side of the * Main traveled roads: 1891 * Regain 1930 *** The Tin Drum 1959 MilesheartFranklin RoseMississipi of Dutcher's stories 1895 Jean Giraudoux Robert Graves Coolly * My brillant career 1901 Alan Garner * Suzanne et le Pacifique 1922 ** Goodbye to all that 1929 Jonathan Franzen * Thursbitch 2003 George Gissing *** I, Claudius 1934 *** The Corrections 2001 Romain Gary * Born in Exile 1892 Alasdair Gray James Frazer *** La promesse de l'aube 1960 Demos 1886 *** Lanark: A Life in Four 1981 ** The golden bough 1890 ** Les racines du ciel 1956 *** New Grub Street 1991 ThomasBooks Gray The odd women 1893 Harold Frederic George Gascoigne Poems The posies of G. 1575 The private papers of 1903 * The damnation of 1896 Graham Greene Gascoigne EllenHenry GlasgowRyecroft MarianneTheron WareFredriksson Elizabeth Gaskell *** Brighton Rock 1938 Cousin Phyllis 1863 * Barren Ground 1925 ** Simon et les chênes 1985 * England Made Me 1935 *** Cranford 1853 * The battle ground (e) 1902 ** Our man in Havana 1958 Page 6

*** The End of the Affair 1951 * The Hand of Ethelberta 1876 Amy Hempel Indian Summer 1886 ** The Heart of the Matter 1948 The hand of Ethelberta 1875 ** Reasons to Live 1985 * The rise of Silas 1885 *** The Honorary Consul 1939 * The Mayor of 1886 George Herbert BohumilLapham Hrabal ** The human factor 1978 * TheCasterbridge Return of the 1878 The temple ** Trains étroitement 1965 Native **** The Power and the 1940 The trumpet major 1880 José W.H.surveillésHudson Glory Hernandez *** The Quiet American 1955 The well-belloved 1892 Autobiography (far away 1918 * The Third Man 1950 * The Woodlanders 1887 * Martin Fierro, poema 1872 narrativo gauchesco **andThe long green ago) mansions 1904 Ways of escape 1980 The woodlanders 1887 Hérodote/Herodot Robert Huges R.(memoir)Greene Two on a tower 1882 The histories ? The fatal shore 1987 Menaphon 1589 Under the greenwood 1872 Michael Herr Richard Hughes Henry Green Henrytree Harland *** Dispatches 1977 As it was written 1885 John Hersey * A high wind in Jamaica 1976 ** Back 1946 * The fox in the attic 1961 *** Blindness 1926 Bret Harte Hiroshima 1946 Ted Hughes * Caught 1943 The luck of roaring 1870 Alexander Herzen ** Crow 1970 *** Living 1929 L.P.campHartley & other stories (e) Childhood, youth and 1855 ** Lupercal 1960 * Loving 1945 Hermannexile (memoir)Hesse ** Eustace and Hilda 1947 * Wodwo 1967 * Party Going 1939 ** The Go-Between 1953 * Rosshalde 1914 Thomas Hughes Julien Green Martin Hart *** Siddhartha 1922 Tom Brown's 1857 * Moïra 1973 ** A flight of curlews 1978 *** Steppenwolf 1928 Victorschool-daysHugo Walter Greenwood Jaruslav Hasek *** The Glass Bead Game 1943 * Love on the dole 1933 Patricia Highsmith *** Les Misérables 1862 *** The Good Soldier Švejk 1926 *** Notre dame de Paris 1831 Germaine Greer *** The Talented Mr. Ripley 1955 John Hawkes Zora Neale Hurston * The female eunuch 1970 Susan Hill * Adventures in the skin 1985 **** Their Eyes Were 1937 Trevor Griffiths * Death,trade in sleep Alaska and the 1974 * Strange meeting 1971 Siri HustvedtWatching God ** Comedians 1975 ** travelerSecond skin 1964 James Hilton *** What I Loved 2003 Van Grimmelhausen ** The Cannibal 1949 * Goodbye Mr Chips 1934 R.C. Hutchinson ** The adventures of 1668 * The lime twig 1960 Chester Himes * Testament- 1938 GeorgeSimpliciusGrossmith * The passion artist 1980 *** Blind Man With a Pistol 1969 Aldous Huxley *** The Diary of a Nobody 1892 * Virginie: her two lives 1982 Barry Hines * Antic Hay 1923 Luo Guanzhong Nathaniel Hawthorne *** A Kestrel for a Knave 1968 *** Brave New World 1932 ** Three kingdoms 1370 * Mosses from an old 1846 Russell Hoban * Themanse Blithedale 1852 *** Crome Yellow 1921 * Waterromance margin 1370 * Riddley Walker 1980 ***RomanceThe House of the Seven 1851 ** Eyeless in Gaza 1936 José Maria Guelbenzu Thomas Hobbes * TheGables Marble Faun 1860 ** Point counter point 1928 * El río de la luna (Premio 1981 *** The Scarlet Letter 1850 Leviathan Joris-Karl Huysmans de la Crítica) Ricardo Guiraldes Eliza Haywood William Hodgson *** Against nature ( à 1884 * Don Segundo Sombra *** Love in Excess 1719 ** The House on the 1908 ** Là-basrebours) 1891 Borderland (e) Sunetra Gupta William Hazlitt Peter Hoeg M.J. Hyland ** Memories of rain 1970 *** Smilla’s Sense of Snow 1992 Characters of 1817 * Carry me down 2006 Pedro Juan Gutiérrez BessieShakespeare'sHead plays E.T.A. Hoffmann Jorge Icaza ** Trilogia sucia de la 1998 *** A Question of Power 1973 ** Le chat Murr 1820 * Huasipongo 1934 Habana Hella Haasse Seamus Heaney Gert Hofmann Elizabeth Inchbald ** Le lac noir (Forever a 1996 ** Death of a naturalist 1966 *** The Parable of the Blind 1985 A simple story 1791 Stranger ) Mark Haddon * North- 1975 James Hogg John Irving *** The Curious Incident of 2003 Anne Hébert *** The Private Memoirs 1824 *** A Prayer for Owen 1989 the Dog in the and Confessions of a Henry Haggard ** Le premier jardin 1988 Friedrich Hölderlin *** CiderMeany House Rules 1985 ** King Solomon’s Mines 1885 Sadegh Hedayat *** Hyperion 1797 * The World According to 1978 Garp ** She 1887 ** The blind owl 1937 Alan Hollinghurst Washingto Irving Alex Haley Friedrich Heer ** The Folding Star 1994 History of New York 1809 * Roots 1977 God's first love 1970 ** The line of beauty 2004 The conquest of *** The swimming-pool 1988 TheGranada sketch book 1820 Radclyffe Hall Robert Heinlein *** The Well of Loneliness 1928 Oliverlibrary Holmes Jorge Isaacs ** Stranger in a Strange 1961 The breakfast table * María Patrick Hamilton HeliodorusLand Oliverseries Holmes Christopher Isherwood * Hangover Square 1941 * Aithiopika 250 Elsie Venner 1861 *** Goodbye to Berlin 1939 Dashiell Hammett Joseph Heller ** Red Harvest 1929 Winifred Holtby ** Mr. Norris changes train 1935 **** Catch-22 1955 *** The Last of Mr. Norris 1935 * The Glass Key 1930 * Good as gold 1979 * South Riding 1988 *** The Maltese Falcon 1930 Kazuo Ishiguro * Something happened 1974 Oles Honchar *** The Thin Man 1932 *** A Pale View of the Hills 1982 Lillian Hellman ** The cathedral (Ukraine) Amadou Hampate Ba Thomas Hope *** An Artist of the Floating 1986 * Little foxes 1939 *** NeverWorld Let Me Go 2005 * Amkoullel, l'enfant peul 1991 Anastasius 1819 Ernest Hemingway *** The Remains of the Day 1989 Knut Hamsun Michel Houellebecq *** A Farewell to Arms 1929 *** The Unconsoled 1995 *** Growth of the Soil 1917 ** Extension du domaine 1994 * Across the river and into 1950 Jacques Izoard *** La faim 1890 the trees *** deLes la particuleslutte 1999 *** For Whom the Bell Tolls 1940 La patrie empaillée Peter Handke * In our time 1925 *** Plateformeélémentaires 2001 Alice James *** Après midi d'un écrivain 1987 * Men without women 1927 Stanley Houghton The diary of Alice 1934 * Goalie’s Anxiety at the 1970 b The garden of Eden * Hindle Wakes 1912 James ***PenaltyLa femme Kick gauchère(folio) 1976 *** The Old Man and the 1952 A.E. Housman C.L.R. James /The Left-Handed Thomas Hardy *** TheSea Sun Also Rises 1926 ** A Shropshire lad 1896 ** Minty alley 1936 A Laodican 1881 *** To Have and Have Not 1937 E.W. Howe Henry James A pair of blue eyes 1872 Kristien Hemmerechts The story of a country 1883 An international episode Desperate remedies 1871 Daisy Miller 1878 ** Margot en de Engelen Williamtown Howells *** Far from the Madding 1874 Aleksandar Hemon Roderick Hudson 1875 *** JudeCrowd the Obscure 1895 * A hazard of new 1890 *** The Ambassadors 1903 *** Nowhere Man 2002 fortunes *** Tess of the 1891 A hazard of new 1890 The American 1876 fortunes ** TheD’Urbervilles dynasts 1904 * Criticsm and fiction 1891 * The art of the novel 1934 (essays) Page 7

The Aspern papers Ernst Junger Ravenshoe 1861 Par Lagerkvist The awkward age 1899 ** Abeilles de verre 1961 Barbara Kingsolver * Barabbas (Nobel prize) 1951 The Bostonians ** Orages d'acier 1961 *** The Poisonwood Bible 1998 Selma Lagerlöf The Europeans 1884 Ismail Kadaré Stephen King *** La légende de Gösta 1891 * The Golden Bowl 1904 *** Avril brisé 1980 *** The Shining 1977 JhumpaBerlingLahiri The ivory tower 1917 *** Spring Flowers, Spring 2000 Rudyard Kipling ***(unfinished)The Portrait of a Lady 1881 ** The namesake 2003 * TheFrost successor 2003 ** Kim 1901 The Princess 1886 Charles Lamb Franz Kafka Life's handicap **CasamassimaThe sacred fount 1901 Essays of Elia The sense of the past 1917 ** Amerika 1912 Plain tales from the hills 1888 Tales from 1807 The(unfinished) spoils of Poynton 1897 ** The Castle 1926 Puck of Pooks hill 1906 WernerShakespeareLambersy ** The Trial 1925 Rewards and fairies The tragic muse 1889 Maîtres et maisons de Soldiers three and other 1888 * The Turn of the Screw 1898 René Kalisky Giuseppethé Lampedusa Jamesstories Kirkup ** The Wings of the Dove 1902 Dave au bord de la mer *** The Leopard 1958 ** The only child 1957 The wings of the dove 1884 Peter Katz Luis Landero Danilo Kis Washington square 1884 * Moving parts 1977 * Juegos de la edad 1989 Watch and Ward 1878 * The exaggerations of 1968 ** Jardin, cendre 1965 Waltertardia Landor ** What Maisie Knew 1897 PatrickPeter PrinceKavanagh H. von Kleist Imaginary conversations 1824 What Maisie knew 1909 ** The great hunger 1942 ** Michel Kohlhass 1808 Lao She Storm Jameson Yasunari Kawabata Ivan Klima ** Le pousse pousse 1936 ** A Day Off 1933 ** Thousand cranes 1952 ** Waiting for the dark, 1993 Valery Larbaud William James Nikos Kazantzákis Wolfgangwaiting forKoeppen the light * Fermina Marquez 1911 Principles of psychology 1890 *** The Last Temptation of 1955 * Death in Rome 1954 Philip Larkin The varieties of 1901 ** ZorbaChrist the Greek 1946 ** The hothouse 1953 The less deceived 1955 TovereligiousJansson experience John Keegan Arthur Koestler Whitsun wedding 1964 ** Le livre de l'été (The 1972 A history of warfare 1995 * Darkness at noon 1940 Nella Larsen ArthurSummerJapin Book) Daniel Kehlmann Gyorgy Konrad * Un défaut charmant (In 2002 *** Passing 1929 ** Les arpenteurs du 2005 ** The case worker 1969 *** Quicksand 1928 RichardLucia's Jefferieseyes) monde Garrison Keillor Jerzy Kosinski Margaret Laurence Bevis, the story of a boy 1882 * Lake Wobegon days 1985 * Being there 1971 * The diviners 1974 Elfriede Jelinek * Blind date 1977 Gottfried Keller Comte de Lautréamont *** The Piano Teacher 1983 ** Green Henry (CH) * Steps 1968 *** Les chants de Maldoror 1868 Robin Jenkins *** The painted bird 1965 Clarence Kelley D.H. Lawrence ** The cone gatherers 1955 Ciril Kosmac * A different drummer 1962 * Aaron’s Rod 1922 Humphrey Jennings ** Une journée de 1954 * Dem 1969 ** Kangaroo 1923 Pandaemonium 1985 AlfredprintempsKossmann James Kelman *** Lady Chatterley’s Lover 1918 ** Smell of sadness 1980 Sarah Jewett * A Disaffection 1989 *** Sons and Lovers 1913 Deephaven 1877 *** How Late It Was, How 1994 William Kotzwinkle * The Fox 1922 * The country of pointed 1896 ** KieronLate Smith, boy ** The Fan Man 1974 The man who died Ruthfirs Jhabvala ** The BusConductor 1985 ** The Midnight Examiner 1989 * The Plumed Serpent 1926 ** Heat and dust 1975 YasharHines Kemal László Krasznahorkai *** The Rainbow 1915 Zhang Jie ** Memed le faucon 1969 *** The Melancholy of 1989 The white peacock 1911 * Ailes de plomb 1981 Thomas Keneally Karl ResistanceKraus The woman who rode 1928 Juan Jimenez *** Schindler’s list 1982 * The Last Days of 1922 **awayWomen in Love 1916 ** Platero y yo 1914 A.L. Kennedy MiroslavHumanityKrleza T.E. Lawrence B.S. Johnson * Everything You Need 1999 ** On the edge of reason Seven pillars of wisdom 1922 ** The seven pillars of 1920 * Albert Angelo 1964 *** Looking for the Possible 1993 ** The(Croat) return of Philip 1932 wisdom ***(experimental)House Mother Normal 1972 WilliamDanceKennedy JaanLatinowiczKroos Halldór Laxness * Trawl 1967 ** Ironweed (Albany cycle) 1983 ** Le département du Prof. 1984 *** Independent People 1935 Denis Johnson Jack Kerouac * LeMartens fou du (Prof.Tzar Martens' 1978 Camara Laye b Angels 1983 **** On the Road 1956 Milan Kundera * L'enfant noir 1953 b Fiskadoro 1985 * The Dharma bums 1958 ** L'ignorance 2000 John Le Carré b Jesus's son, short 1995 Imre Kertész * La plaisanterie 1968 *** Smiley’s People 1979 Samuelstories Johnson *** Etre sans 1975 *** The Book of Laughter 1979 *** The Spy Who Came in 1963 Journey to the Western 1775 Ken destin/FatelessKesey *** Theand ForgettingUnbearable 1984 * Tinkerfrom theTailor Cold Soldier 1974 Lightness of Being Spy LifesIslands of ofthe Scotland poets (2 vol) **** One Flew Over the 1962 Hanif Kureishi J.M.G. Le Clézio *** Rasselas 1759 *** SometimesCuckoo’s Nest a Great 1964 * Gabriel’s Gift 2001 * Le procès-verbal 1963 Uwe Johnson JosephNotionKessel * Intimacy 1998 Sheridan Le Fanu ** Jahrestage (Gesine 1970 * Belle de jour 1928 * My beautiful laundrette 1986 ** In a Glass Darkly 1872 DavidCresspahl)Jones * Le lion 1958 *** The Buddha of the 1990 *** Uncle Silas 1864 Suburbia ** In Parenthesis 1937 Omar Khayyam Thomas Kyd Ursula Le Guin The Spanish Tragedy James Jones Rubaiyat 1050 b The dispossessed * From here to eternity 1952 John Oliver Killens Park Kyong-ni b The left hand of 1969 darkness (scifi) Erica Jong * And then we heard the 1940 * Land 1994 David Leavitt *** Fear of Flying 1973 JamicathunderKincaid Madeleine L'Englé *** The Lost Language of 1986 Cranes Ben Jonson ** Annie John 1985 A wrinkle in time 1962 Harper Lee Volpone 1605 Charles Kingsley Madame La Fayette *** To Kill a Mockingbird 1960 James Joyce Alton Locke ** La princesse de Clèves 1678 Laurie Lee *** A Portrait of the Artist as 1917 Herward the Wake (e) 1866 Anne-Marie La Fère * As I walked out one 1969 ** Dublinersa Young Man 1914 Hypathia 1853 Le semainier ***summerCider With morning Rosie 1959 * Exiles 1918 *** The Water Babies 1863 Alex La Guma Dennis Lehane * Finnegans Wake 1939 The water babies, 1863 * Les résistants du Cap 1972 Mystic river 2001 *** Ulysses 1922 Westwardfantasy Ho ! 1855 Carmen(in the fog)Laforet Rosamond Lehmann Jo Jung-rae Henry Kingsley ** Nada 1945 * The echoing grove 1953 *** The Taebek Mountains 1986 Geoffrey Hamlin 1859 * The weather in the 1932 streets Page 8

Michel Leiris John Locke * No 1973 Juan Marsé * L'âge d'homme 1939 Essay concerning 1690 Bernard Malamud * Si te dicen que caí 1973 Camille Lemonnier Twohuman treatises understanding of civil 1690 * Dublin's lives 1979 * Últimas(Catedra) tardes ( premio con 1973 La fin des bourgeois JackgovernmentLondon * The assistant 1957 PauleTeresaMarshall Stanislaw Lem * Martin Eden 1909 * The fixer 1966 * Brown Girl brownstones 1959 *** Solaris 1961 ** The call of the wild 1907 * The natural 1952 John Marston Charlotte Lennox * The Iron Heel 1907 Sir Thomas Malory b The malcontent * The Female Quixote 1752 The people of the abyss 1902 Le morte Darthur 1485 Yann Martel * The sea-wolf 1904 Siegfried Lenz David Malouf ** Life of Pi 2001 White Fang 1903 *** The German Lesson 1968 * Remembering Babylon 1993 Life of Pi Longfellow Elmore Leonard André Malraux Roger Martin du Gard The courtship of Miles 1858 ** La condition humaine 1933 * City Primeval 1980 * Les Thibault 1922 H.WStandishLongfellow *** Get Shorty 1990 Constant Malva Carmen Martin Gaite ** LaBrava 1983 Evangeline, & Miles Ma nuit au jour le jour * El cuarto de atras (P. 1978 Standish Mikhail Lermontov Lope de Vega Mandeville Luisnacional)Martin-Santos * La Dorotea ** A hero of our own time 1839 Travels 1357 * Tiempo de silencio 1962 Anjel Lertxundi Manuel de Lope Henning Mankell Ignacio Martínez de Pisón * Bella en las tinieblas * Las ultimas sombras 1996 ** Faceless killers 1991 * Carreteras secundarias Nicolas Leskov H.P. Lovecraft Heinrich Mann Tomas Martinez * The enchanted 1961 *** At the Mountains of 1936 *** Professeur Unrat 1905 ** Santa Evita 1995 Madness DoriswandererLessing (stories) Samuel Lover Frederic Manning Joanot Martorell ** Shikasta 1979 Handy Andy (e) 1842 ** The middle parts of 1930 ** Tirant le Blanc 1490 * The Diaries of Jane 1983 John Lowes OliviafortuneManning Philip Masssinger * The road to Xanadu 1927 ****SomersThe Golden Notebook 1962 * Fortunes of war (vol. 1) 1977 A new way to pay old *** The Grass is Singing 1950 Malcolm Lowry * The Balkan trilogy 1960 Pavlosdebts Matesis Carlo Levi * Dark as the Grave 1968 ** The Levant trilogy 1977 *** The daughter 1990 ** WhereinDark as Mythe Friendgrave is 1968 *** Le Christ s'est arrêté à 1945 Thomas Mann Harry Mathews Eboli ****whereinUnder themy friendvolcano is laid 1947 Primo Levi *** Death in Venice 1912 *** Cigarettes 1987 John Lyly *** Doctor Faustus 1947 *** If Not Now, When? 1982 Garrett Mattingly * Euphues: The Anatomy 1578 ** Joseph and his brethren 1933 *** If This Is a Man 1947 The defeat of the 1959 *** The Drowned and the 1986 Gilesof WitLytton Strachey *** Les Buddenbrook 1902 CharlesSpanish armadaMaturin AndreaSavedLevy * Eminent victorians 1918 *** The Magic Mountain 1924 *** Melmoth the Wanderer 1820 Lord Lytton Katherine Mansfield * Small island * The Albigenses 1824 Last of the barons 1843 * The Garden Party 1923 Bernard Lewis Ana Maria Matute Islam in history 1973 Rienzi, or the last of the 1835 Peter Manson Thetribunes last days of Pompei 1834 * Adjunct: An Undigest 2005 * Primera memoria 1959 Matthew Lewis (premio Nadal) Amin Maalouf Don Juan Manuel William Maugham *** The Monk 1794 * Cakes and Ale 1930 Les croisades vues par 1984 * El Conde Lucanor 1330 Saunders Lewis * Liza of Lambeth 1897 Roseles arabesMacaulay Alessandro(cuentos moralizantes)Manzoni ** Monica 1930 *** Of Human Bondage 1915 Sinclair Lewis * The towers of 1956 *** I promesi sposi 1827 * The moon and sixpence 1919 Trebinzond *** Babbitt 1922 Lord Macauley Sandor Maral *** The Razor’s Edge 1944 ** Dodsworth 1929 Lays of ancient Rome 1842 *** Embers 1943 Guy de Maupassant * It can't happen here 1922 Ann-Marie MacDonald Leopoldo Marechal *** Bel-Ami 1885 ** Main Street 1920 * Fall on your knees 1996 * Adán Buenosayres *** Pierre and Jean 1888 * Our Mr Wrenn 1922 A.G. Macdonell Javier Marias *** Une vie 1883 Wyndham Lewis England, their England 1933 *** Corazon tan blanco 1992 François Mauriac * Self Condemned 1954 Joaquim Machado de Assis ** Todas las almas 1992 ** Le noeud de vipères 1932 *** Tarr 1918 ** Dom Casmurro 1889 ** Tu rostro manana 2002 * Thérèse Desqueyroux 1927 *** The Apes of God 1930 Joaquin Machado de Assis Pierre Marivaux Daphne du Maurier * The Childermass 1928 ** Epitaph of a small 1881 * Le paysan parvenu 1734 ** Rebecca 1938 * The Revenge for Love 1937 ColinwinnerMacInnes (Bras Cubas) Petros Markaris F.M. Mayor Marina Lewycka ** Absolute Beginners 1959 * Late night news 1995 * The rector's daughter 1924 * A short histroy of Compton Mackenzie David Markson Margaret Mazzantini SimontractorsLeys in Ukraininan * Sinister street 1933 * Vanishing Point 2004 ** Non ti muovere 2001 Chinese shadows 1978 Henry Mackenzie ** Wittgenstein’s Mistress 1988 Patrick McCabe José Lezama Lima *** The Man of Feeling 1771 Christopher Marlowe *** The Butcher Boy 1992 * Paradiso 1966 Ian MacPherson Doctor Faustus (the A 1604 Cormac McCarthy Astrid Lindgren text) * Wild Harbour 1936 Monika Maron *** All the pretty horses ** Fifi Brindacier (biblio 1945 Naguib Mahfouz ** Pavel's letter *** Blood Meridian 1986 Davidrose)Lindsay ** Miramar 1967 John P. Marquand b Child of God 1973 A voyage to Arcturus ** Palace walk 1947 * H.M. Pulhman, Esq 1941 b Suttree 1979 Vaino Linna Norman Mailer Gabriel Márquez Mary McCarthy * Soldats inconnus 1954 * Advertisements for 1959 * Cien años de soledad 1968 * The group 1954 Jacques Linze * Anmyself American (essays) dream 1966 * El amor en el tiempo del 1985 * The groves of academe 1952 La conquête de Prague * Ancient evenings * Elcolera coronel no tiene Horace McCoy Clarice Lispector * Armies of the night 1968 * Elquien otono le escribadel patriarca 1976 *** They Shoot Horses, 1935 *** La hora de la estrella 1977 * Harlot's ghost 1991 Frederick Marryat RobertDon’tMcCrum They? *** The Passion According 1964 * The deer park 1955 Jacob Faithful (e) 1834 The story of English 1986 Jonathanto G.H. Littel * The executioner's song 1979 Japhet in search of a 1836 Carson McCullers * The naked and the 1957 Mastermanfather Ready 1841 * Les bienveillantes 2007 * The ballad of the sad dead Richard Llewellyn Roger Mais Mr Midshipman Easy 1836 ***caféThe heart is a lonely 1943 * How green was my 1939 * Brother man 1954 Peter Simple 1834 * Thehunter member of the 1946 Antoniovalley Clarence Major The children of the New 1847 Ian wedding Lobo Antunes forest McEwan ** Fado alexandrino 1983 * All-night visitors 1969 * A Child in Time 1987 Page 9

* Amsterdam 1998 * The air-conditioned 1940 *** Gli indefferenti 1929 Alvaro Mutis *** Atonement 2001 ****nightmareTropic of Cancer 1961 *** La désobéissance 1948 ** Abdul Bashur 1993 * Black Dogs 1992 * Tropic of Capricorn 1939 Hannah More Vladimir Nabokov ** Enduring Love 1997 J.S. Mill Coelebs in search of a 1809 *** Ada, or Ardor: a family 1969 ** Saturday 2005 A system of logic 1843 Thomaswife More * Bendchronicle sinister 1946 *** The Cement Garden 1978 On liberty 1859 Utopia 1516 **** Lolita 1955 * The Comfort of 1981 John Milton James Morier **** Pale Fire 1962 JohnStrangersMcGahern Areopagitica 1644 The adventures of Hadji *** Pnin 1956 *** Amongst Women 1990 Paradise Lost KarlBaba Philipp Moritz ** The gift 1938 * That They May Face the 2002 Paradise Regained, ** Anton Reiser 1785 Azar Nafisi HeatherRising SunMcGowan Samson Agonistes Gabriel Miro Jan Morris Reading Lolita in 2004 * Schooling 2001 Tehran (memoir) * El obispo leproso 1925 Pax Britannica: the 1968 V.S. Naipaul Jay McInerney * Nuestro padre San 1921 A.climaxMorrison of an empire *** A Bend in the River 1979 Bright lights, big city 1984 YukioDanielMishima (Catedra) A child of the Jago 1896 *** A house for Mr. Biswas 1961 Claude McKay ** Le tumulte des flots 1954 ** Guerillas 1975 Toni Morrison ** Banana Bottom 1933 *** The Sea of Fertility 1970 *** In A Free State 1972 *** Beloved 1987 Zakes Mda Pankaj Mishra *** The enigma of Arrival 1987 * Jazz 1992 R.K. Narayan *** The Heart of Redness 2000 *** The Romantics 1999 ** Song of Solomon 1977 Herman Melville Rohinton Mistry * Sula 1973 * Malgudi days 1981 ** The guide 1958 Bartleby the scrivener *** A Fine Balance 1995 ** The Bluest Eye 1981 * Benito Cereno 1856 * Family Matters 2002 William Morris Thomas Nashe * Billy Budd, Foretopman 1924 David Mitchell *** News from Nowhere 1891 ** The Unfortunate 1594 Israel Potter 1855 Traveller *** Cloud Atlas 2004 Wright Morris Julia Navarro Mardi: and a voyage 1849 Joseph Mitchell * La biblia de barro 2005 thither b Ceremony in Lone Tree 1960 *** Moby Dick 1851 b Up in the Old Hotel 1992 Gloria(basque)Naylor Omoo Penelope Mortimer Margareta.o.s. Mitchell ** The women of Brewster 1983 Redburn 1849 * The pumpkin eater 1962 XoséPlaceNeira Vilas The confidence man 1857 *** Gone With the Wind 1936 Timothy Mo * Memorias de un niño 1961 The piazza tales 1856 Nancy Mitford * An insular possession 1986 labriego (gallego) Typee 1846 *** Love in a Cold Climate 1949 * Sweet sour 1982 Irène Nemirovsky Eduardo Mendoza * The Pursuit of Love 1945 * The redundancy of 1991 ** Suite française * La verdad sobre el caso 1975 Miyabe Miyuki R.H.courageMottram Gérard de Nerval ** SavoltaUna comedia ligera 1996 ** Kurosufala (Crossfire) 1998 * The Spanish farm trilogy 1924 * Les filles du feu 1854 Maria Rosa Menocal Patrick Modiano Phaswane Mpe Henry Newman The ornament of the 2002 * Dora Bruder 1997 * Welcome to our hillbrow 2001 Apologia pro vita sua 1864 Georgeworld (mediaevalMeredith * La place de l'étoile 1968 Es'kia Mphahlele Anaïs(e) Nin Beauchamp's career 1875 Thomas Mofolo ** Down Second Avenue 1959 *** Delta of Venus 1977 Diana of the Crossways 1885 ** Chaka, une épopée 1939 Manuel(Sth Afr)Mujica Láinez Cees Nooteboom bantoue Evan Harrington 1861 Hamid Mohsin * Bomarzo (Gran Premio 1963 *** All Souls Day 1998 Lord Ormond and his 1894 * The Reluctant 2007 BharatiNacionalMukherjee de Literatura) *** Rituals 1980 OneAminta of our conquerors 1891 Fundamentalist Terenci Moix * The holder of the world 1993 Géo Norge Rhoda Fleming 1865 * El dia que murio Marilyn 1970 Harry Mulisch L'expérience continue, Sandra Belloni 1864 Jesus Moncada FrankfragmentsNorris The adventures of Harry 1871 *** The Discovery of 1992 * Camino de Sirga 1988 Heaven * McTeague 1899 TheRichmond amazing marriage 1895 Multatuli Manuel Montalban ** Max Havelaar 1860 * The octopus 1901 The egoist 1879 ** The pit 1903 * Los mares del Sur 1979 Antonio Muñoz Molina The ordeal of Richard 1859 * The responsibilities of 1903 TheFeverel tragic comedians 1880 Augusto Monterroso * Beatus Ille 1986 Améliethe novelistNothomb Vittoria 1867 * Los demas es silencio 1959 * Plenilunio (Femina 1997 *** Stupeur et 1999 José Merino L.M.(Catedra)Montgomery (Guatemala) Aliceétranger)Munro Novalistremblements * Orilla oscura 1995 * Anne of Green Gables ** Lives of girls and 1971 ** Henri d'Offerdingen 1802 Veijo Meri Henry de Montherlant ** Thewomen beggar maid 1978 Edna O’Brien ** The Manilla rope 1957 * Les jeunes filles 1936 Haruki Murakami * August is a Wicked 1965 Robert Quim Monzó * After the Quake 2000 Merle Month * Magnitud de la tragedia 1989 *** Kafka on the Shore 2002 *** Girl With Green Eyes 1962 ** Un animal doué de 1967 * In the Forest 2002 raison Alan Moore * Sputnik Sweetheart 1999 Pierre Mertens *** The Country Girls 1960 **** Watchmen (with D. 1986 *** The Wind-Up Bird 1994 Les éblouissements Flann O’Brien Brian Gibbons),Moore graphic novel Ryu ChronicleMurakami Terre d'Asile *** At Swim, Two Birds 1939 * The lonely passion of 1956 * Almost transparent blue Philipp Meyer * The Poor Mouth 1942 Judith Hearne Shikibu Murasaki ** American rust George Moore *** The Third Policeman 1967 The tale of Genji Anne Michaels Esther Waters 1894 Tim O'Brien Iris Murdoch *** Fugitive Pieces 1996 * Héloïse and Abelard (e) 1128 * Going after Cacciato 1978 *** A Severed Head 1961 Thomas Middleton J. Moore ** The Things They 1990 ** The Bell 1958 The Changeling (with Mordaunt, epistolary 1800 SeanCarriedO'Casey novel * The Black Prince 1973 RosalindW. Rowley)Miles Lorrie Moore ** Juno and the paycock 1924 *** Anagrams 1986 * The Nice and the Good 1968 The women's history of 1988 *** The Sea, The Sea 1978 Juno and the paycock 1925 the world *** Like Life 1990 ** The plough and the 1926 Juan José Millas **** Under the Net 1954 Thomas Moore ** Thestars shadow of a 1923 * Tonto, muerto, bastardo 1995 Gerard Murnane e invisible Lalla Rookh, an oriental 1817 ** Thegunman silver tassie 1920 * Vision del ahogado 1977 ** Inland 1989 PaulromanceMorand (e) Flannery O'Connor Arthur Miller Robert Musil * L'homme pressé 1941 * A good man is hard to 1952 ** A view from the bridge 1955 *** The Man Without 1933 ** All my sons 1947 * Milady 1936 ** findEverything That Rises 1965 *** YoungQualities Törless 1906 ** Death of a salesman 1949 Elsa Morante ** TheMust Violent Converge Bear it 1960 Alfred de Musset ** The crucible 1953 * La storia 1974 *** AwayWise Blood 1952 Henry Alberto * La confession d'un 1836 Ardal O’Hanlon Miller Moravia enfant du siècle * Black spring 1936 *** A Ghost at Noon (Le 1954 *** The Talk of the Town 1998 mépris) Page 10

John O'Hara Arto Paasilinna José María Pereda Abbé Prévost *** Appointment in Samarra 1934 ** Le lièvre de Vatanen 1975 * Sotileza * Manon Lescaut 1753 * Butterfield 8 1935 Marcel Pagnol Ramón Pérez de Ayala Reynolds Price b Collected stories *** Manon des Sources 1963 * Belarmino y Apolonio * A long and happy life 1962 * Ourselves to know 1960 Chuck Palahniuk Benito(Catedra)Pérez Galdos J.B. Priestley Eugene O'Neill ** Choke 2001 * El amigo Manso ** An inspector calls 1945 ** Beyond the horizon 1920 Grace Paley * Episodios(Catedra) nacionales * The good companions 1929 ** Lazarus laughed b The little disturb. of man 1959 ** Fortunata y Jacinta 1887 Annie Proulx ** Long day's journey into 1940 Connie(stories)Palmen ** Misericordia 1897 *** The Shipping News 1993 ** Strangenight interlude 1928 ** The laws 1993 Arturo Pérez-Reverte Marcel Proust ** The Emperor Jones 1920 ** The Dumas club 1992 ** The iceman cometh 1946 Miquel de Palol *** A la recherche du 1928 Joan Perucho temps perdu Jamie O’Neill * El jardín de los siete Boleslaw Prus crepúsculos * Las historias naturales, ** At Swim, Two Boys 2001 Orhan Pamuk ** The pharaoh 1897 Fernando Pessoa Joyce Oates ** Le château blanc 1985 Manuel Puig * Snow 2002 ** Libro del sesasosiego 1982 ** Boquitas pintadas (le 1969 * Black Water 1992 Ricardo(intranquilité)Piglia (disquiet) plus beau tango du ** Blonde 2000 Alexandros Papadiamantis ** El beso de la mujer 1976 arana * Marriages and 1973 * Le petites filles et la 1903 ** Plata quemada 1997 James Purdy * Maryainfidelities (stories) 1986 Giovannimort (ActesPapini sud) The * Respiración artificial * Cabot Wright begins 1964 *** Them 1969 ** Storia di Cristo 1921 Harold Pinter * Malcolm 1957 * Wonderland 1971 Emilia Pardo Bazan ** No man's land 1975 Alexandre Pushkin Clifford Odets ** Los pazos de Ulloa 1886 ** Old times 1971 ** Eugene Onegin 1829 ** The birthday party 1959 ** Waiting for Lefty 1935 Kyong-ni Park Mario Puzo ** The caretaker 1960 Kenzaburo Oe ** La terre 1994 *** The Godfather 1969 ** The homecoming 1965 ** Nip the buds, shoot the 1958 Barbara Pym Francis Parkman Luigi Pirandello Ben kidsOkri ** Excellent women France and England in 1865 *** Un, personne et cent 1926 * The famished road 1991 North America ** Quartet in autumn Thomas Parnell HenrimillePirenne Narcís Oller Thomas Pynchon Batrachomyomachia 1717 Mediaeval cities 1925 * La febre d’or ** Against the day Victor Paskov Sergio Pitol Charles Olson ** Ballade pour G. Henig 1987 **** Gravity’s Rainbow 1973 * El desfile del amor * Mason and Dixon 1998 ** The Maximus poems 1945 Pier Paolo Pasolini Josep Pla **** The Crying of Lot 49 1966 Michael Ondaatje ** Ragazzi di vita 1955 * El cuaderno gris, ** V. 1963 Running in the family Boris Pasternak Sylvia Plath ** Vineland 1990 ***(memoir)The English Patient 1993 *** Doctor Zhivago 1956 ** Ariel 1965 Eca de Queiroz Juan Onetti Ann Patchett *** The Bell Jar 1963 ** Le crime du père Amaro 1876 ** El astillero (le chantier) 1961 Bel canto 2001 Charles Plisnier Raymond Queneau Baroness Orczy Walter Pater Meurtres *** Exercices de Style 1947 * The scarlet pimpernel 1919 *** Marius the Epicurean 1885 James Plunkett Francisco Quevedo Jean d' Ormesson Alan Paton ** The Trusting and the 1955 * El Buscón * Au plaisir de Dieu 1974 *** Cry, the Beloved 1948 PlutarchMaimed (stories) Pascal Quignard Joe Orton Country Cesare Pavese Parallel lives 98 * Tous les matins du 1991 * Loot 1965 ** Avant que le coq chante 1949 Edgar Allan Poe Thomasmonde de Quincey George Orwell *** The Moon and the 1950 *** The Fall of the House of 1839 Murder considered as 1827 ** A clergyman's daugther 1935 Bonfire Milorad Pavic *** TheUsher Pit and the 1843 Horacioone of theQuiroga fine arts **** Animal Farm 1945 *** Dictionary of the 1985 * ThePendulum Purloined Letter 1844 * Cuentos * Burmese Days 1934 Khazars Octavio Paz Álvaro Pombo Françoise Rabelais ** Coming Up for Air 1939 *** El laberinto de la 1951 ** Down and out in Paris 1933 * El héroe de las *** Gargantua et 1564 DavidsoledadPeace * Elmansardas metro de deplatino Mansard, ** Homageand London to Catalonia 1938 Ann PantagruelRadcliffe iridiano ** Keep the Aspidistra 1936 * Nineteen Seventy Four 1999 Elena Poniatowska A Sicilian romance ****FlyingNineteen Eighty Four 1949 Thomas Peacock ** Hasta no verte, Jesús 1969 *** The Mysteries of 1794 ** The road to Wigan pier 1937 Crotchet castle 1831 Alexandermío Pope RaymondUdolpho Radiguet Four ages of poetry 1820 John Osborne The Dunciad (pdf) *** Le diable au corps 1924 Gryll Grange (e) 1860 ** Inadmissible evidence 1964 Katherine Porter Christoph Ransmayr Headlong hall 1815 ** Look back in anger 1957 * Collected stories 1944 ** The last world 1988 ** Luther 1961 Maid Marian 1822 * Pale horse, pale rider 1939 Melincourt, or Sir Oran 1817 Terence Rattigan ** The entertainer 1957 * Ship of fools 1985 MisfortunesHaut-ton (e) of Elphin 1829 * The Browning version 1948 Mykhaylo Ossadchny * The leaning tower 1944 Nightmare Abbey ** The Winslow boy 1946 ** Cataracte 1971 Roy Porter Mervyn Peake Kinnan Rawlings Jean-Pierre Otte Flesh in the age of 2003 *** Gormenghast 1950 The yearling 1938 Celui qui oublie où Ezrareason Pound ** Titus Groan 1946 Jean Ray mène le chemin Thomas Otway * Titus grown 1959 ** The cantos 1925 Malpertuis Venice Preserv'd Victor Pelevin Anthony Powell Charles Reade Ovid *** The Clay Machine-Gun 1996 *** A Dance to the Music of 1951 A terrible temptation 1871 Time * Metamorphoses 2 ** The Life of Insects 1997 Padgett Powell Hard cash 1863 Thomas Owen Percy *** Typical 1991 Peg Woffington 1853 Père et fille Reliques J.F. Powers The cloister and the 1861 Amos Oz Walter Percy * Morte d'Urban 1962 Paulinehearth Réage * A tale of love and 1987 *** The moviegoer * The presence of grace 1956 *** Histoire d'O 1954 ** darknessLa boite noire 1987 Georges Perec John Powys Liviu Rebreanu Emine Özdamar *** La disparition 1969 ** A Glastonbury romance 1933 ** La forêt des pendus 1922 *** La vie est un 1992 *** Les choses 1966 T.F. Powys John(Perrin)Rechy CynthiacaravansérailOzick ** Life: a user's manual 1978 * Mr. Weston's good wine 1927 * The city of night 1963 The cannibal galaxy 1983 * Un homme qui dort 1967 William Prescott Ishmael Reed *** W ou le souvenir 1975 A history of the 1843 ** Mumbo-jumbo 1972 d'enfance conquest of Mexico Page 11

* The freelance 1967 * Sabbath’s Theater 1995 Cora Sandel * Les émigrants 1993 * Yellowpallbearers black radio 1969 * The Breast 1972 * Alberta and Jacob 1926 * The Rings of Saturn 1995 JohnbrokeReed down *** The Human Stain 2000 George Sand *** Vertigo 1990 *** The Plot Against 2004 * Ten days that shook the 1926 ** La mare au diable 1846 Eve Sedgwick * TheAmerica professor of desire 1977 Mayneworld Reid George Santayana * Queer theory 1990 Jean-Jacqu Rousseau The Quadroon 1856 ** The last puritan 1935 John Seeley *** Émile; or, On Education 1762 Erich Maria Remarque José Saramago Ecce Homo 1865 *** All Quiet on the 1929 *** Julie ou la Nlle Héloïse 1760 Victor Segalen *** Les Confessions 1782 ** Baltasar and Blimunda 1982 JeanWesternRhys Front *** (leHistoria dieu manchot) del cerco de 1989 * Les immémoriaux 1907 ** Les rêveries du 1782 *** Good Morning, Midnight 1939 ** TheLisboa Double 2002 Anna Seghers RaymondpromeneurRoussel solitaire * Quartet 1928 *** The Year of the Death 1984 ** Transit 1944 *** Impressions d'Afrique 1963 **** Wide Sargasso Sea 1966 Severoof RicardoSarduy Reis Hubert Selby ** Locus Solus 1914 Julio Ribeyro * Cobra * Last exit to Brooklyn 1987 Arundhati Roy * Silvio en el rosedal Domingo Sarmiento ** Requiem for a dream 1978 *** The God of Small 1997 Anne Rice * Facundo * The room 1987 GabrielleThings Roy *** Interview With the 1976 Nathalie Sarraute Will Self ** Bonheur d'occasion 1945 DorothyVampireRichardson * Le Planétarium 1959 * Great Apes 1997 Juan Ruiz *** Pilgrimage 1968 May Sarton ** How the Dead Live 2000 * Arcipreste de Hita: Libro Henry Richardson Journal of a solitude 1973 Mesa Selimovic Juande BuenRulfo Amor ** The fortunes of Richard 1917 Jean-Paul(autobio) Sartre ** Le derviche et la mort 1966 ** El llano en llamas 1955 (death and the dervish) ** TheMahoney getting of wisdom 1910 *** La nausée 1938 Heruy Sellase * Pedro Páramo Samuel Richardson * Addis Aläm Damon Runyon Siegfried Sassoon *** Clarissa 1749 Sam Selvon * Guys and dolls 1932 ** Memoirs of a 1928 *** Pamela, or virtue 1742 ** Memoirsfox-hunting of anman infantry 1930 ** A brighter sun 1952 Salman Rushdie Therewarded apprentice's vade Georgeofficer Saunders *** The Lonely Londoners 1956 **mecumThe history of Sir 1754 * Fury 2001 Ousmane Sembène * Grimus 1975 * Pastoralia 2000 CarmeCharlesRiera Grandison ** Les bouts de bois de 1960 **** Midnight’s Children 1995 Eugène Savitzkaya * Te dejo el mar RamónDieu J. Sender *** Shame 1983 La traversée de Rainer Rilke * The Ground Beneath 1999 Ariyoshil’Afrique Sawako * Crónica del alba ** Carnets de Malte 1910 * Imán 1982 * TheHer FeetMoor’s Last Sigh 1995 * Les années du 1986 Laurids Brigge * Réquiem por un Juan Rios *** The Satanic Verses 1988 DorothycrépusculeSayers VictorcampesinoSerge español ** Larva, babel de una 1984 Ward Ruyslinck ** Murder Must Advertise 1933 noche de San Juan Manuel Rivas ** The deadbeats *** The Nine Tailors 1934 *** The case of comrade 1949 Tulayev * Un millón de vacas Akutagawa Ryunosuke Simon Schama Vikram Seth *** A Suitable Boy 1993 Augusto Roa Bastos *** Rashomon 1915 CItizens, a chronicle of 1898 ** Yo el supremo 1974 Ernesto Sábato Frankthe FrenchSchatzing revolution Shahan Shahnoor ** Retreat without song 1929 Alain Robbe-Grillet * El túnel ** The swarm (Tu) *** La jalousie 1958 * Sobre héroes y tumbas Bernhard Schlink William Shakespeare Federico Roberto Marquis de Sade *** The Reader 1995 Antony and Cleopatra As you like it 1600 * Les vice rois/ les 1894 ** Justine 1791 Arthur Schnitzler princes de Francalanza Coriolan Marilyn Robinson ** Les 120 journées de 1785 ** Le lieutenant Gustal 1901 Hamlet 1602 * Home 2009 JuanSodome José Saer Daniel Paul Schreber * Housekeeping 1981 Plays and Poems ** El entenado 1983 ** Mémoires d'un 1903 The taming of the shrew 1623 Roxana Robinson Carl Sagan OlivenévropatheSchreiner The tempest Cost 2008 *** Contact 1985 * The story of an African 1883 Steven Shapin Georges Rodenbach Françoise Sagan Brunofarm Schulz Leviathan and the 1985 Bruges-la-morte *** Bonjour Tristesse 1954 ** Les boutiques de 1934 Akhilair-pumpSharma Les vies encloses, le Josep Sagarra Leonardocannelle Sciascia ** An Obedient Father 2000 Mercèvoile Rodoreda * Vida privada ** To each his own 1966 Bernard Shaw * La plaza del Diamante 1965 Henri Saint Pierre Paul Scott ** Back to Mathuselah 1922 Garci Rodriguez de Paul et Virginie ** The Raj quartet 1968 ** Heartbreak house 1919 ** Amadis de Gaula 1508 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Sir Walter Scott ** John Bull's other island 1904 Fernando Rojas *** Le petit prince 1944 Anne of Geierstein * Major Barbara 1905 ** La Celestina 1499 Ramón Saizarbitoria Castle dangerous, the ** Man and Superman 1903 Frederick Rolfe * Los pasos incontables GuySurgeon's Mannering daughter or the 1815 ** Mrs Warren's ? *** Hadrian the Seventh 1904 Joan Sales ***AstrologerIvanhoe 1818 ** Pygmalionprofession 1913 Saint Joan 1923 Dominique Rolin * Incierta gloria Kenilworth 1821 ** The apple cart 1929 L’infini chez soi, le lit Emilio Salgari Quentin Durward 1823 ** The devil's disciple 1901 Jules Romains ** Le tigri di Mompracem 1900 Redgauntlet 1824 *** Rob Roy 1817 Mary Shelley * Les hommes de bonne 1932 Tayeb Salih volonté The abbot *** Frankenstein 1818 Joao Rosa ** Saison de la migration 1969 The antiquary Percy Shelley ** Diadorim (Grande 1955 J.D.versSalinger le nord Sertao) The betrothed Defense of poetry 1821 Gillian Rose *** Franny and Zooey 1961 The bride of 1819 Richard(essay) Sheridan *** Love’s Work 1995 b Nine stories TheLammemoor fortunes of Nigel 1822 Henry Roth * Raise high the roof 1963 She Stoops to Conquer The heart of a 1818 The Rivals **** Call it Sleep 1934 ***beamThe Catcher in the Rye 1951 *Mid-LothianThe Monastery 1820 R.C. Sherriff Joseph Roth José Luis Sampedro The monastery 1820 ** Journey's end 1928 *** The Radetzky March 1932 * Octubre, octubre The talisman 1825 Philip Roth Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio Waverley 1814 Carol Shields ** American Pastoral 1997 * El Jarama Woodstock 1826 *** The Stone Diaries 1993 * Unless 2002 * Goodbye Colombus 1959 Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz Louis Scutenaire Murasaki Shikibu * Letting(stories) go 1962 * Las pirañas Les vacances d’un * Operation Shylock 1993 W.G.enfant Sebald * The tale of Genji 1000 * The tale of Genji **** Portnoy’s Complaint 1969 *** Austerlitz 2001 Page 12

Joseph Shorthouse Philippe Sollers *** Treasure Island 1883 Amy Tan John Inglesant 1880 * Femmes 1983 Weir of Hermiston 1894 * The Joy Luck club 1989 Nevile Shute Somerville & Ross Wallace Stevens Junichiro Tanizaki *** A Town Like Alice 1958 *** Experiences of an Irish 1900 ** Harmonium 1923 ** Le gout des orties 1959 Philip Sidney * TheR.M. Real Charlotte 1894 ** Notes towards a 1942 Booth Tarkington supreme fiction Astrophel and Stella José Somoza ** The man with the blue 1937 ** The magnificient 1918 guitar Defense of poetry 1579 ** La dama n°13 2003 Adalbert Stifter DonnaAmbersonsTartt The(essay) Old Aracadia Susan Sontag ** L'arrière-saison 1857 *** The Secret History 1992 Henryk Sienkiewicz * Death kit 1967 Bram Stoker A.J.P. Taylor *** Quo Vadis 1897 * The benefactor 1963 *** 1897 The origins of the 1961 Alan Sillitoe Osvaldo Soriano Isador Stone Elizabethsecond worldTaylor war The trial of Socrates 1988 *** Saturday Night and 1958 * No habrá más penas ni ** Blaming ** TheSunday loneliness Morning of the 1959 Gilbertolvido Sorrentino Robert Stone Jeremy Taylor long-distance runner Georges Simenon * Imaginative qualities of 1971 * A flag for sunrise Holy Dying (html) * Dog soldiers 1974 * La nuit du carrefour 1931 * Mulliganactual things stew 1979 Latifa Tekin Tom Stoppard * La veuve Couderc 1942 Natsume Soseki * Contes de la montagne 1983 Le chien jaune, la neige ** Arcadia 1993 *** Kokoro (le pauvre coeur 1914 Teresad'ordures de Jesús(stock) Williamétait sale, Simms la mort de des hommes) ** Jumpers 1972 Marcel Souvestre * Libro de la vida 1560 Guy Rivers 1834 * Fantômas 1911 ** Rosencrantz and 1966 ** TravestiesGuilderstein are dead 1974 William Thackeray Martin Faber 1837 Wole Soyinka The partisan 1835 David Storey Barrry Lindon * Death and the King's 1975 Catherine Claude Simon * This sporting life 1960 * Thehorseman road 1965 Henry Esmond 1852 * La route des Flandres 1960 Harriet Stowe Muriel Spark Lovel the widower 1860 Iain Sinclair * Memento Mori 1959 Dred, a tale of the great 1856 Pendennis 1848 dismal swamp * Dining on Stones 2004 * The Driver’s Seat 1970 *** Uncle Tom’s Cabin; 1852 Philip 1861 * Downriver 1991 *** The Girls of Slender 1963 Botho Strauss The adventures of Philip ** London Orbital 2002 ** TheMeans Mandelbaum gate 1965 ** Couples, passants (du 1981 The Newcomes 1853 May Sinclair **** The Prime of Miss Jean 1961 ** Lemonde) jeune homme (du 1984 *** Vanity Fair 1847 *** Life and Death of 1922 OswaldBrodieSpengler Augustmonde)Strindberg Shashi Tharoor UptonHarriettSinclair Frean The decline of the West 1926 ** By the Open Sea (e) 1890 * The great Indian novel 1989 *** The Jungle 1906 Edmund Spenser *** The People of Hemsö 1887 Paul Theroux *** The Red Room 1880 Isaac Singer b The fairie queene The Mosquito Coast * Gimpel the fool 1957 Edward St Aubyn William Styron Ngugi wa Thiong'o * The magician of Lublin 1960 * Mother's milk * Lie down in darkness 1951 * A grain of wheat 1986 * Sophie's choice 1979 * The manor 1967 Mme de Stael *** Matigari 1986 Indra Sinha *** The confessions of Nat 1966 * Petals of blood 1977 * Corinne ou l'Italie 1897 b TheTurner long march * Animal’s People ** The River Between 1965 Jean Stafford Ronald Sukenick Edith Sitwell The children are bored 1953 Marcel Thiry * Long talking bad 1979 * Façade 1922 on Sunday Toi qui pâlis au nom de Christina Stead * Outconditions blues 1973 Josef Skvorecky D.M.VancouverThomas ** The man who loved 1940 * Up 1968 ** The engineer of human 1977 ** The white hotel 1981 RichardchildrenSteele Patrick Süskind J.J.soulsSlauerhoff Dylan Thomas A Christian hero 1701 *** Perfume 1985 ** Le royaume défendu 1932 Stanislas Steeman *** The Pigeon 1987 ** The portrait of the artist 1940 (the forbidden realm ** Underas a young milk wooddog 1954 Dan Sleigh L’assassin habite au 21 Italo Svevo Flora Thompson *** Islands 2003 Wallace Stegner *** Confessions of Zeno 1924 Elizabeth Smart ** Angle of repose 1971 *** Senilita 1924 * Lark rise to Candleford 1945 ** By Grand station I sat 1945 John Steinbeck Graham Swift Hunter S. Thompson down and wept *** Fear and Loathing in 1971 Adam S. Smith * Cannery Row 1945 * The Light of Day 2003 Las Vegas The theory of moral 1759 * East of Eden 1952 *** Waterland 1983 Jim Thompson Wealthsentiments of nations (2 1776 * In dubious battle 1936 Jonathan Swift ** The Killer Inside Me 1952 vol) Ali Smith *** Of Mice and Men 1937 A guide to conversation 1738 James Thomson * The accidental **** The Grapes of Wrath 1939 *** A Modest Proposal 1726 The castle of indolence 1420 Zadie Smith Gertrude Stein * A Tale of a Tub 1704 Henry Thoreau * On Beauty 2005 * Tender buttons 1914 Argument against 1708 A week on the Concord 1839 **** White Teeth 2000 *** The Autobiography of 1933 Baucisabolishing and Christianity Philemon 1709 ***... Walden or life in the 1854 Tobias Smollett * TheAlice geographical B. Toklas hist. *** Gulliver’s Travels 1726 NewtonwoodsThornburg Ferrdinand Count 1753 ** ofThe A. Making of 1925 Journal to Stella *** Cutter and Bone 1976 ***FathomHumphrey (The Clinker 1771 * ThreeAmericans Lives 1909 *** Memoirs of Martinus 1742 James Thurber Scriblerus *** Peregrine Pickle 1751 Henri Beyle Stendhal The battle of the books 1704 *** The 13 Clocks 1950 * Roderick Random 1749 *** La chartreuse de Parme 1839 The Drapier's letters (e) 1724 * The Wonderful “O” 1956 The grand question 1729 Sir Launcelot Greaves 1761 *** Le rouge et le noir 1831 Felix Timmermans Travels through France 1764 J.M. Synge James Stephens ** Pallieter (nl) 1916 and Italy ** Deirdre of the sorrows 1910 C.P. Snow ** The Charwoman’s 1912 Uwe Timm * Strangers and brothers * TheDaughter crock of gold 1912 ** The playboy of the 1907 ** The Invention of Curried 1993 * The new men 1954 AndrzejWesternSzczypiorski world Neal Stephenson AlexisSausage de Tocqueville Mario Soldati ** La jolie Madame 1986 * Cryptonomicon 1999 Democracy in America 1935 ** L'épouse américaine 1977 * Snow crash 1992 AntonioSeidenmanTabucchi Colm Tóibín Antón Soljan Laurence Sterne *** Sostiene Pereira 1994 * The Heather Blazing 1992 ** Luka (The port) *** A Sentimental Journey 1768 Cornelius Tacitus *** The Master 2004 Journal to Eliza 1767 The annals of imperia Alexandre Soljhenitsyne J.R.R. Tolkien *** Tristram Shandy 1762 RabindranaRome Tagore *** Cancer Ward 1968 ** The Hobbit 1937 Robert Stevenson *** Le premier cercle / The 1968 * The house and the 1919 **** The Lord of the Rings 1954 *** OneFirst DayCircle in the Life of 1963 * Kidnapped 1886 world Costas Taktis Leo Tolstoy Ivan Denisovich * The Master of 1889 ** Le 3 anneau 1963 *** Anna Karenina 1878 ***BallantraeThe Strange Case of Dr 1887 Page 13

*** The Death of Ivan Ilyich 1884 Life on the Mississipi 1883 * Lincoln, hist. novel Evelyn Waugh *** The Kreutzer Sonata 1890 * Pudd'nhead Wilson 1894 *** Myra Breckinridge 1968 ** A Handful of Dust 1934 *** War and Peace 1869 *** The Adventures of 1885 * Washington DC 1967 **** Brideshead Revisited 1945 Javier Tomeo TheHuckleberry gilded age (with Finn 1873 Enrique Vila-Matas *** Decline and Fall 1928 * Amado monstruo TheC.D. man Warner) that corrupted 1990 ** Bartleby y compañía 2001 ** Scoop 1938 John Toole TheHadleyburg prince and the 1882 Xosé Neira Vilas ** The sword of honour 1952 Tompauper Sawyer & 1876 *** A Confederacy of 1980 ** Memoirs of a peasant * Viletrilogy Bodies 1930 Huckleberry Finn JeanDuncesToomer Anne Tyler Llorençboy Villalonga Charles Webb * The accidental tourist 1985 * Cane 1923 * Bearn o la sala de las ** The Graduate 1963 Jàchym Topol Dubravka Ugresic * Muertemuñecas de (Catedra) dama Mary Webb *** City Sister Silver 1994 ** The museum of 1999 Juan Villoro * Precious bane 1924 unconditional surrender Suso de Toro Francisco Umbral * El testigo John Webster * Tic-tac * Mortal y rosa Elio Vittorini The Duchess of Malfi Gonzalo Torrente Ballester Miguel de Unamuno * In Sicily 1942 The White Devil * Niebla * Los gozos y las Robet Vivier H.G. Wells * San Manuel Bueno, FerransombrasTorrent Le train sous les étoiles ** Ann Veronica 1909 SigridmártirUndsett y tres historias * Gracias por la propina Jorge Volpi ** Kipps 1905 ** Christine Lavransdattir 1922 ** Mr Brittling sees it 1919 Cyril Tourneur ** En busca de Klingsor 1999 John Updike ** Thethrough first men in the 1901 The Revenger's François-M Voltaire * Couples 1968 ** Themoon history of Mr. Polly 1910 MichelTragedy Tournier *** Candide 1759 *** Rabbit is Rich 1981 * The Invisible Man 1897 *** Le roi des aulnes 1970 Kurt Vonnegut *** Rabbit Redux 1971 *** The Island of Doctor 1896 Thomas Traherne **** Rabbit, Run 1960 * Breakfast of Champions 1973 ** TheMoreau new Machiavelli 1911 Centuries * The coup 1979 *** Cat's cradle 1961 *** The Time Machine 1895 * God Bless You, Mr. 1965 Rose Tremain * The poorhouse fair 1959 *** The War of the Worlds 1898 Rosewater * Restoration 1989 ** The Rabbit tetralogy 1960 * Jailbird 1979 * Tono-Bungay 1909 * The Colour 2003 * The withes of Eastwick **** Slaughterhouse five or 1969 Irvine Welsh * Thethe sirens children's of Titan cruisade 1961 Robert Tressell Arturo Uslar Pietri ** Trainspotting 1993 Derek Walcott * The Ragged Trousered 1914 * Las lanzas coloradas 1949 Eudora Welty ** Omeros 1990 WilliamPhilanthropistsTrevor Juan Valera * A curtain of green 1941 Walda-Selasse ** Felicia’s Journey 1994 * Pepita Jimenez 1874 * Collected stories 1980 ** The new world * Fools of Fortune 1983 Ramón del Valle-Inclán * Delta Wedding 1946 Alice Walker * The Story of Lucy Gault 2002 * El ruedo ibérico 1927 ** The optimist's daughter 1942 Anthony Trollope * Sonatas 1902 *** Possessing the Secret 1992 b The Ponder Heart 1954 *** Theof Joy Color Purple 1982 * The Robber Bridegroom 1942 Ayala's angel * Tirano Banderas 1926 * The Temple of My 1989 Can you forgive her? Fernando Vallejo Nathanael West DavidFamiliarWallace * A cool million 1934 * Castle Richmond 1860 ** La virgen de los sicarios 1994 **** Infinite Jest 1996 ** Miss Lonelyhearts 1933 Doctor Thorne 1858 Jules Vallès Lew Wallace ** The day of the locust 1939 Dr Wortle' school 1880 * L'enfant 1881 Framley parsonage 1861 *** Ben-Hur 1880 The dream life of Balso 1931 Frederik Van Eeden * He Knew He Was Right 1869 Edward Wallant RebeccaSnell West * Le petit Johannes 1920 Linda Tressel 1867 * The pawnbroker 1961 * Harriet Hume 1929 Etienne(épuisé)Van Heerden Mr Scarborough's family 1882 Horace Walpole * The Birds Fall Down 1967 Nina Balatka 1866 * Ancestral Voices 1986 *** The Return of the 1918 *** The Castle of Otranto 1765 Orley farm 1862 Carl Van Vechten *** TheSoldier Thinking Reed 1936 Martin Walser *** Phineas Finn 1869 * Nigger heaven 1926 François Weyergans ** Halbzeit (half-time) 1960 Phineas redux 1873 * Spider boy 1928 Le radeau de la méduse Izaak Walton The American senator 1877 Mario Vargas Llosa Edith Wharton The complete angler The Belton estate ** La ciudad y los perros 1962 * Bunner Sisters 1916 Mrs Ward The Bertrams 1859 *** La fiesta del chivo 2001 *** Ethan Frome 1911 The Claverings 1866 Robert Elsmere 1888 ** La guerra del fin del 1981 * Summer 1917 The duke's children * Losmundo cachorros and 1968 Alan Warner *** The Age of Innocence 1920 The Eustace diamonds 1873 VassilisOther StoriesVassilikos ** Morvern Callar 1995 * The custom of the 1913 ** The Last Chronicle of 1867 ** Z 1967 Marina Warner * Thecountry Glimpses of the 1922 TheBarset Prime minister 1875 Ivan Vazov *** Indigo 1992 ***MoonThe House of Mirth 1905 The small house at 1864 * The lost father 1988 The valley of decision 1902 TheAllington warden 1855 ** Under the Yoke 1976 Rex Warner Antonia White The way we live now 1874 Manuel Vázquez * The Aerodrome 1941 ** Frost in May 1978 Frances Trollope * Los mares del Sur Sylvia Warner Edmund White Domestic manners of 1832 Giovanni Verga * After the Death of Don 1939 *** A Boy’s Own Story 1983 Henrithe AmericansTroyat *** I Malavoglia 1881 Emile Verhaeren * LollyJuan willows 1926 * Forgetting Elena * Les semailles et les 1953 * Mr. Fortune's maggot 1978 * Nocturnes for the king moissons Les flambeaux noirs, les Leonid Tsypkin ** Summer Will Show 1936 * Theof Naples Beautiful Room is 1988 Jean-Pierreheures du soir,Verheggen toute la ** Un été à Baden-Baden 1981 Robert Warren PatrickEmpty White La grande Mitraque Barbara Tuchman * All the king's men 1946 *** The Living and the 1941 Jules Verne A distant mirror: the 1978 * World enough in time 1950 ** TheDead tree of man 1956 *** Le tour du monde en 80 1873 GorancalamitousTunstrom 14th century Herbjorg Wassmo * The vivisector 1970 *** Voyagejours au centre de la 1864 ** L'oratorio de Noël 1992 Dina's book * 1989 *** Voss 1957 TarjeiTerreVesaas Ivan Turgenev * La véranda aveugle 1981 T.H. White * The birds 1957 *** Fathers and Sons 1862 Keith Waterhouse ** The Once and Future 1958 Simon Vestdijk ** King Lear of the 1870 *** Billy Liar 1959 WaltKingWhitman * The Garden Where the 1950 * OnSteppes the Eve 1860 Sarah Waters Leaves of grass 1855 BorisBrassVian Band Played *** Spring Torrents 1872 * Fingersmith 2002 Oscar Wilde * Virgin Soil 1877 ** L'écume des jours 1947 * Tipping the Velvet 1998 *** The portrait of Dorian 1891 Mark Twain Gore Vidal Winifred Watson ThorntonGray Wilder * A Connecticut Yankee 1889 * Creation 1981 *** Miss Pettigrew Lives for 1938 * Heaven's my 1946 at King Arthur's court Innocents abroad * Julian 1964 a Day destination Page 14

** Our town 1938 William Wycherley *** The bridge of San Luis 1927 The Counry Wife * TheRey skin of our teeth ? John Wyndham John A. Williams * Chocky 1968 * The man who cried I am 1967 * The chrysalids 1955 Henry Williamson ** The Day of the Triffids 1951 * A patriots' progress 1930 *** The Midwich Cuckoos 1957 ** Tarka the Otter 1927 Cao Xueqin Tennessee Williams * Dream in the red ** A streetcar named 1947 KatebpavillonYacine ** CatDesire on a hot tin roof 1955 * Nedjma 1956 ** The glass menagerie 1947 Richard Yates * The Roman spring of 1950 Revolutionary road 1961 Mrs Stone William Williams W.B. Yeats ** Paterson 1949 ** A vision 1925 Angus Wilson ** Cathleen Ni Houlihan 1902 ** Anglo-saxon attitudes 1956 ** Last poems and plays 1940 * Hemlock and after 1952 * Responsibilities 1914 * Late call 1964 ** The countess Cathleen 1902 *** No Laughing Matter 1968 ** The tower- 1928 * The middle age of Mrs 1958 William Yeats Eliot August Wilson * Michael Robartes and 1921 * Fences * Thethe dancer wild swans at Coole 1919 * Joe Turner's Come and Charlotte Yonge Gone Edmund Wilson The heir of Redcliffe 1853 ** I thought of Daisy Banana Yoshimoto Jeanette Winterson * Kitchen 1987 * Oranges Are Not the 1985 Marguerite Yourcenar Only Fruit *** Sexing the Cherry 1989 *** Mémoires d'Hadrien 1952 * The Passion 1987 Carlos Ruiz Zafon *** Written on the Body 1992 * La sombra del viento 2002 Owen Wister Eugène Zamiatine ** The Virginian 1902 *** Nous autres 1924 S.I. Witkiewicz Zhang Jia * L'inassouvissement 1930 ** Leaden wings P.G. Wodehouse Xianlang Zhang *** Thank You, Jeeves 1934 ** Half of man is woman/ 1985 Christa Wolf HowardMimosaZinn *** Patterns of Childhood 1976 *** The Quest for Christa T. 1968 A people's history of the 1980 US Thomas Wolfe Émile Zola ** Look Homeward, Angel 1929 *** Germinal 1885 *** L'assomoir 1877 * Of time and the river 1935 * You can't go home 1940 *** La Bête Humaine 1890 *** Nana 1880 TomagainWolfe *** Thérèse Raquin 1867 *** The Bonfire of the 1988 Joost Zwagerman *** TheVanities Electric Kool-Aid 1968 ** Gimmick (nl) 1989 Jan AcidWolkers Test Arnold Zweig ** Back to Oegstgeest 1965 * The case of sergeant 1927 Mrs Henry Wood StephanGrisha Zweig East Lynne 1861 ** Amok 1923 Virginia Woolf * Le joueur d'échecs 1881 ** A room of one's own 1929 * Between the Acts 1941 C.H. Montin, +322792 76 00 * Jacob’s Room 1922 **** Mrs. Dalloway 1925 * Night and Day 1919 *** Orlando 1928 ** The common reader 1932 * The Voyage Out 1915 *** The Waves 1930 * The Years 1937 **** To The Lighthouse 1927 William Wordsworth Lyrical ballads 1898 Liliane Wouters Le gel Richard Wright * Black Boy 1945 ****(autobiography)Native Son 1940 * The outsider 1953 Wu Cheng'en * Monkey (Perigrinations 1592 Rudolfvers l'Ouest)Wurlitzer * Nog 1969