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·1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE 22837 economic revolution in his.tory, brought Wright climbed into his tiny plane· with a. ·military significance is amply demon about by the expanding knowledge from re- bicycle wheels at Kitty Hawk. N.C. A horse strated by the intercontinental ballistic mis search in every field of endeavor. And the was considered · sult&bl~ transpor~a.tion ~t. f:lile, which must trav.eL through space to urge to explore the unknown is its stimulus. that time. What would he have thought if re.ach its .targe'!;. What we rieed now is the A comedian has suggested a possible I had walked up to him and said: "You are general NASA program to accumulate a body means of securing all-out public support for opening a new era for man today. Fifty of knowledge, and to make the United States Project Apollo. He would put all the women years from now a jet pilot will take off from a spacefaring nation. on the Moon and leave the men on Earth. New York in a giant mechanical bug and . Fourth, the scientific knowledge gained Then, he says, think how busy everybody cross the Atlantic at 600 miles ah hour over from our space program will offer vast re would be building Moon rockets. And it a raging storm with 100 helpless men, turns right here on earth !or years to come. would solve the unemployment problem. women, and children aboard. Yet they wil'r Scientific discoveries advance technology, Project Apollo is a serious, scientific under- ride in air-conditioned comfort, with steak, and improv.ed technology spurs the economy. taking. It is not an adventurous race to the television, and beautiful stewardesses to ease New products are born, and jobs are created. Moon for dramatic propaganda purposes, al- the rigors of the trip." He would .not have As one observer put it. "We don't spend the though it will be crammed with ad.venture believed me. money on the moon, you know; we spend it and drama such as we have never before wit- · The predictions we are making today of right here In the United States." nessed. And there will be undeniable bene- things to come may sound impossible-but There are other indirect and intangible ficial prestige effects when we demonstrate they are just as realistic. benefits of space exploraition. Not the leas.t our ability to accomplish lunar exploration. Why should we explore space? of these is Its stimulus to education. Space lt will reflect the heights which science and First and foremast, man has always ex- is fascinating to young minds. The space technology can reach in a society of free men. plored space. Even before he could read effort's use of practically all the scientific dis But remember-Project Apollo is only a and write he was exploring the world about, ciplines encourages tneir study and demands stepping stone in the effort to expand human him, migrating a.cross. continents_ Later he. improved curricula and better teachers. · knowledge of phenomena in Earth's atmos- . penetrated the depths of the jungles, climbed I hope that you share my oonviction that we must sail on and on over this new ocean phere and in space. Beyond the Moon the the great mountains, and fought his way 91 planets beckon. Will we find life on Venus through Antarctic blizzards to the South and that you are eager to explore the mys.;. or Mars? What kind of life will it be? If we Pole. He built devices to explore the sub teries about us. I hope that there is not should meet with other creatures on another miniature world, then theorized on what a caterpillar among _you. planet, let us hope that they will :find us was too small to examine even with the most DR. VON BRAUN WELCOME CHOICE, socially acceptable, understanding, tolerant powerful of microscopes. He built larger and -anything but delicious. · · larger telescopes to penetrate the universe, The Charleston Chamber of Commerce has There are many unknowns in space, and and again theor-ized on that which. was be scored a small triumph in obtaining the many hazards. We are not even certain at yond his reach. In short, man was born service of Wernher von Brann tonight as this time about the surface of the Moon. with an insatiable curiosity to learn more speaker at its annual banquet. some scientists say it may consist of a coral about himself and the universe about him. In an age that is being profoundly altered reef-like structure, similar to cobwebs piled He has always been an explorer, and he al by science and . technology, Dr. v:on Braun one on another to give it a porous, fairy ways will be. is a towering figure. Through a combina castle appearance. Others fear that the dust Second, Sputnik I demonstrated that in tion of accomplishments and personal ex may be so deep that it will swallow anything ternational preeminence in science and perience, his name br familiar ta those who that lands there .. Others say that·the- dust technology is synchronous in the eyes. of the are otherwise oblivious to the impact the may be electrostatically charged, and will world with preeminence in space flight. technological revolution is having on their sweep out to meet the spacecraft, covering . it This identification, whether well founded or world and their lives. like a cocoon. High-speed meteoroids may not, is a fact that we dare not ignore. The By choosing him as a speaker, the cham: puncture the spacecraft, and heavy atomic prestige value alone of demonstrating Amer ber has stressed the importance it places not only on his work but on the work of the particles from a solar flare could give the lea's technological and financial capability· countless scientists-technicians he has come astronauts an excessive dose of radiation un- for manned lunar exploration is by no means. to symbolize. In doing ·so, it. is to be con less they are protected by appropriate shield- something to b.e taken lightly. gratulated. ing. Third, our national security demands that rn accepting the. chamber's invitation, Dr. Whether these things are true or not re- we insure that no hostile force will be per von Braun is re·cognizing the responsibillty mains to be seen. In spite of the hazards, mitted to use space as an unchallenged ave- of the scientists to share his knowledge and· 1 believe we can make it. nue of aggression against us. It is impos ideas. And, for a man who goes around with Whenever I need a bolstering of faith, I try sible to predict now what the military sig- his: mind in the clouds, he ha.a an abundance to imagine the conditions at the time Wilbur nificance of peace will be. That space has of each. spiritual idealism and leadership among. that the Senate had passed without HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the nations. amendment bills and a concurrent reso Although we are bending all our en lution of the House of the following WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1963 ergies to shelter our Republic from the titles: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. assaults of external enemies, may we· H.R. 3190. An act to amend the act of realize more fully how absolutely·neces March 3, 1901, relating to devises and be The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, sary it is to guard .our country against quests by will; DD., offered the following prayer: the temptation to allow the violent hands H.R. 3191. An act to exempt life insurance Judges 18: 5: Ask counsel of God, that of irreligion and pagani'sm, materialism· companies from the act or Febq1ary 4, 1913, regulating loaning of money on securities in we may know whether our way~ which ~nd immorality, to lay hold upon us and tlle District o! Columbia; we go, shall ae prosperous. undermine our character and c·orrupt H.R. 7497. An act to amend the Life In Eternal and ever-blessed God, today our very soul, as a God-fearing people. · surance Act for the District of Columbia we are praying especially for Thy grace May we all have a glorious part in relating to annual statements and for other and favor upon Lyndon B. Johnson, who helpi:ng the President, our Speaker, and purposes; and now occupies the exalted office of the the Congress to steer the ship of state H. Con. Res. 238. Concurrent resolution Presidency of these United States. into deeper and wider and grander establishing that the two Houses of Congress channels. assemble in the Hall of the House of Repre Burdened with tremendous tasks and sentatives . on November 27', 1963, at 12:3Q responsibilities, may he be blessed with Hear us in the name of the Prince of o'clock postmeridian. those capacities and abilities which will Peace. Amen. enable him to help solve our many na-· The message also announced that the tional and international problems-. Senate had passed, with amendments in Believing that aU greatness and power THE JOURNAL which the concurrence of the House is begin w~th faith and humility, may he The Journal of the proceedings of requested, a bill of the House of-the fol daily cultivate a great faith and walk yesterday was read and approved. lowing title: humbly with the Lord and keep . in step . H.R. 5338. .An act to enact the Uniform with Thine eternal will and purpose. Commercial Code for the District of Colum Grant that his wisdom and sound judg MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE l;>ia, and.